A clash of thunder is heard as the scene opens up inside what appears to be a field of molten rock and magma with lava occasionally spurting up randomly in different locations.
Voiceover: The very bowels of hell awakens once a year...
The camera pans around and sees a lone man standing on an island of molten rock. Even from the back we can tell it's Underground Champion, Pietro Geist
Voiceover: Tonight.. the Underground takes center stage...
The camera spins around Pietro Geist as he stands there with the Underground Championship around his waist with his eyes closed in deep concentration.
Voiceover: ...and tonight.. the beasts within the hearts of men will awaken!
Pietro Geist snaps his eyes open and a major eruption of lava explodes behind him. Then on the various islands, Jeremy Ryan, Ninja K, Providence, Derecho, Aran Thompson, Chris Titan, and Jon Le Bon all stand.
Voiceover: Tonight... everyone has a Death Wish..
Another eruption of lava goes off in front of Geist. We transition to inside the Arena of Champions in Orlando, Florida.
"Seas of Fire" by WASP
The official theme for Death Wish streams louder as the visual transition occurs. Camera 23 would offer a steady pan eastward to sweep over the rabid jOlt faithful below before allowing Camera 3 to center its focus onto the massive skull that was affixed above the main entrance to and from the gorilla position. The jubilant crowd would roar as a angry salvo of pyrotechnical fury would assault the sky before allowing the arena lighting to return amidst their smoke laden conclusion. On cue, the flanking mid sized jOltvision screens would flicker to life with the animated Death Wish PPV graphic montage. Both supported by their respective sets of War Glaives, shimmering with the occasionally foreboding gleam upon their metal surfaces.
Below each screen, a curved wall would remain set underneath each jOltvision monitor. Each displaying the pay per view name, digitally scripted in a stylish goth-like font with animated fire in the backgrounds of each curved screen. The steel mesh surface would extent throughout the entire entrance staging area and down the entire length of the entrance rampway, leading to the ringside area. The ring aprons were adorned in the hues of Onyx, Crimson & Pearl to match the embroidered canvas, ring ropes and turnbuckle padding. Camera 5 would assume command as it centered its focus onto the promotion’s leading voices of jOlt commentary; Michael Buhrman & Nathan Powers. Powers was sporting a stylish Black tailor made suit with an Egyptian Silk Red Vermillion colored shirt as Buhrman remained dressed casual with the company branded attire...
Powers: “Tonight, it is literally standing room only as we are hosting a capacity crowd of 29, 817 screaming idiots, ready for a record 13 pay per view matches!”
Buhrman: “That’s right, ladies & gentlemen; this entire wrestling card is stacked, from top to bottom and according to many, this venue is deemed the ’fall version of WrestleCade’!
Powers: “Easy, Buhrman. This event is often renown for many a blood feud that has established and spelled the end of many a wrestling rookie and veteran...”
Buhrman: “...I agree yet before we get into all of that, let’s extend a hearty welcome to our Spanish broadcasters, Carlos Pena & J. Martinez II”...
Pena was seen wearing a Black & White tailor made suit with a Red Silk Tie as J. Martinez II is seen removing his Red Casual Dress Shirt with matching Black Dress Pants and Shoes.
Pena: “¡Buenas noches, sacudida que arrebata la familia, ya que presentamos con orgullo el pago Death Wish per view!”
Martinez II: “¡¡Sí! Estamos transmitiendo en vivo desde la Arena de Campeones, a través de más de 116 países y con ganas de una noche llena de acción de la grandeza de lucha libre y mucho más ahora de nuevo a usted, amigos!”
Buhrman: Thank you, gentlemen and as mentioned, tonight, we’ll showcase a epic clash between 2 prominent figureheads as the leader of the defunct faction we all remember as The Backbone and ravenous psychopath, Chris Titan is set to square off in a Grudge Match, pitting himself against The Rebellion’s power hungry patriarch, ’The Rockstar’ Jon LeBon...”
Buhrman: “That’s right, Nate and speaking of bad blood; we are experience the rekindling of a longstanding rivalry between 2 of jOlt prominent hot heads as ’Mr. Infamous’, Jimmy B. Martinez stands ready to collide with the youngest and former jOlt Champion in this promotion’s history. He’s the self professed ‘Prince of Puroresu’, Eiji Kugasari...
Powers: “...Now if you really want to see an epic clash of former jOlt Champions; you needn’t look no further as later on tonight, the man who literally personified the Relentless Championship division himself. We all know him as Mr. Relentless Aran Thompson is ready to wage war against ’The King of Hell himself Derecho in an Underground Rules Match!
Buhrman: “...Also tonight, making its rare appearance; The Pitt will finally make its long awaited return as the enigmatic brawler known as Providence has been launching a 1 man crusade against The Inogami Clan in which, its founder, Kenshiro Inogami will challenge him here tonight! Will Providence’s fighting roots grant him the definitive advantage or will ’The Athletic Freak of Nature’ successfully defend the clan’s honor as well, as his own? Once that mesh enclosure is sealed, there will be no doubt that blood will be shed yet will it be enough for these two?”
Powers: “I don’t know, Buhrman but what I can tell you is that even the Starlet Division are out for blood as there will be a Triple Threat Match with Tammy Lynn Foster, Alyssa Corliss & Amber Ryann...”
Buhrman: “...and EVERY SINGLE CHAMPIONSHIP IS ON THE LINE as the reigning champion Charlotte defends her title against the 1st Lady of The Rebellion, Raevynn! The Australian newcomer and growing fan favorite Rainbow Serpent will challenger jOlt’s Resident Miscreant and proud public relations nightmare Diamond Jewelz for his Relentless Championship! The fate of the jOlt World Tag Team titles lies in the balance when the perennial fan favorites The House squared off against both Cross The Hood and the defending champions, The Crimson Order and the cagy veteran of ACW fame, ’The Anti Star’, Jesse Ramey seeks to unseat the reigning jOlt World Heavyweight Champion, Landon ’The Rising Star’ Stevens and in the main event; the man who professes himself to be ’jOlt’s Last Real Man’, Jeremy Ryan collides with the ’German Juggernaut’ and the virtually unstoppable Pietro Geist! All this and more and now, we take you to the ring where the incomparable Dean Carrington is ready to get things underway..”

Tammy Lynn Foster vs Alyssa Corliss vs Amber Ryann

The bell rang
Dean Carrington: "Ladies and Gentlemen.. the following is your opening contest for Death Wish and is scheduled for one fall!
"Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse
The people booed as Alyssa Corliss came out from the backstage area. She made her way down to the ring rather quickly as she wanted to get her hands on both Amber Ryann and Tammy Lynn Foster. Ther was going to be a triple threat match and after Tammy Lynn turned on her in the handicap match she was looking for redemption. She stepped into the ring as her music died down as was replaced.
“Redneck Woman” By Gretchen Wilson explodes throughout the arena. The jOlt rookie Tammy Lynn Foster makes her way out of the backstage area to the stage. She slowly walked down the ramp as she was serenaded by a loud chorus of boos from the fans. She finally made her way to the ring, sliding under the bottom ropes. Foster stood in the ring and raised her arms in the air to the dismay of the fans.
Alyssa Corliss tried to go near Tammy Lynn but referee Kim Adams stopped her progress.
"Antinotice" by AKIAKANE
Amber came out from the backstage area and smirked to the fans. She walked to the top of the entrance ramp and raised her fist into the air. She then leapt up and pounded her fist into the stage. When she did that, four pyro explosions went off behind her.. one of blue.. one of green... one of red... and one of yellow.. representing the four colors in her hair!
She made her way down to the ring as Alyssa looked on intently and Tammy Lynn smirked from the corner. Amber Ryann slowly made her way into the ring as the other two starlets watched. The music died down as all three of them looked ready to go. Starlet referee Kim Adams called for the bell to being our opening contest!
As soon as the bell sounded Corliss and Amber went right after Tammy Lynn. The two enemies cornered the tough starlet and started to pound on her to the delight of the fans. Foster tried to cover up but Amber and Corliss connected in between each cover up. Corliss grabbed Tammy Lynn by the hair and pulled her to her feet. She nailed Tammy Lynn with a right hand then drove her to the mat with a swinging neck breaker. Amber soon followed up with a leg drop to Tammy Lynn’ throat. Corliss turned to the fans as they gave her a mixed reaction. Amber grabbed Tammy Lynn and whipped her into the corner.
Amber raced in and was met by a boot from Tammy Lynn that sent her staggering from the corner. Foster followed the boot with a clothesline from the corner that sent one of her challengers down to the mat. Corliss saw her and went over to Tammy Lynn who caught her with a boot to the gut. Tammy Lynn hooked Alyssa with a front chancery, which was followed by a quick snap suplex. TL stood to her feet as the crowd started to jeer her. Tammy Lynn bent down and picked up Corliss by her hair and threw her out of the ring to the floor.
TL set her sights on Amber. She knew she had to take care of the women one on one and now she had Amber all by herself. Foster reached down to grab Amber but the video game junkie gabbed TL and hooked her in an inside cradle. Kim Adams was out of position but she finally dropped down for the pinfall.
The crowd gasped as Amber Ryann almost came away with the quick victory. Amber made it to her feet and caught Tammy Lynn with a right hand. Amber grabbed Tammy Lynn and whipped her into the ropes. TL bounced off and was caught with the Hadoken. Amber nailed Tammy Lynn with a big uppercut as she was staggering backwards. Corliss rolled into the ring and jumped on Foster and started to nail her with some right hands to the delight of the fans. Amber tapped Corliss on her shoulder and nailed her with a clothesline. Amber picked up Corliss and drove her to the mat with a big DDT.
Amber smiled as she went over to Tammy. Ryann picked up the bigger starlet and whipped her into the ropes. Amber ran toward Tammy and nailed her with a dropkick that sent Tammy to the mat. Amber dropped down and went for a cover on Foster.
Corliss pushed her off.
Amber looked at Alyssa who dropped down for the pin attempt on Foster.
Corliss pulled Amber off of Tammy Lynn. TL rolled to the corner as the two starlets started to argue. Amber pushed Corliss to the ropes pointing at Tammy Lynn, mouthing the words, “She’s mine.”
Corliss smiled and shoved Amber back, mouthing the words, “She snuck me last week and I’m putting her down.”
Amber looked at Corliss. “Not if I take her down first.” And with that Amber shot a straight right hand to Corliss’s jaw. Alyssa came right back with a right of her own as the two women went into an all-out brawl. Foster sat back in the corner trying to gather herself with a smirk on her face as the other starlets continued to brawl. Amber got the advantage with a clothesline that took Corliss down.
Amber picked up Corliss and whipped her into the corner. She raced into the corner and nailed Corliss with another clothesline that sent her to the mat on her rear end. Amber held her arm up in the air as the fans gave her a mixed reaction. She picked up Corliss and sat her on the top rope. Amber climbed to the middle rope and hooked Corliss in a front chancery, then drove her to the mat with a superplex from the top rope. Ryann rolled over and hooked Corliss’s leg for the cover.
Foster drove a boot into Amber’s head and then started to stomp on Corliss while she was down. The Blonde Bombshell was back on her feet now and was going to work. Foster picked up Amber and whipped her into the ropes. Amber bounced off the ropes and was nailed with a rolling elbow from Tammy Lynn. Tammy Lynn hooked the far leg for the cover.
Amber was still in the match as Foster turned her attention back to Corliss. Foster bent down to pick up Corliss. Foster stood Corliss to her feet but Alyssa was quick to cut Tammy Lynn off with a kick to the gut. Corliss hooked Foster and took her down with a quick swinging neck breaker. Corliss quickly hooked Tammy Lynn’s leg for the cover.
Corliss hooked Tammy Lynn’s leg again for the cover.
Corliss was trying to make Tammy Lynn exert a lot of energy by kicking out of the pinfalls. Corliss picked up TL and whipped her into the corner. Corliss raced toward the corner and was speared from out of nowhere by Ryann. The fans gasped as Amber looked to have broken Corliss in half. Corliss rolled to the floor to recover as Foster stood in the corner. She was waiting for Amber to turn around. Amber turned as Foster raced out of the corner with a clothesline but Amber ducked at the last second. Ryann grabbed Tammy Lynn by the neck from behind and drove her down with a hangman’s neck breaker. Amber quickly rolled on top of Tammy Lynn for the cover.
Amber sat up and quickly stood to her feet. She reached down and picked up Tammy Lynn and gave her a punch for good measures before picking her up and slamming her to the mat showing some power. Amber rolled to the floor and grabbed Corliss and whipped her into the guardrail. Amber was now in charge as she played to the crowd before rolling back into the ring.
Amber grabbed a groggy Tammy Lynn and drove her back to the mat with a DDT. Amber went to the top rope.
Amber Ryann goes for the cover on Tammy Lynn.
Amber went for another cover.
Amber hooked TL’s leg again for the cover.
Corliss finally rolled back into the ring as Amber made it to her feet. Corliss nailed Amber with a clothesline. Amber got back to her feet and Corliss was waiting with a discus clothesline to send her back to the mat. Foster got to her feet now but was met by a standing dropkick from Corliss that sent her back to the mat. Foster rolled to the floor to the delight of the fans.
Corliss went back to work on Amber in the ring. She picked up Amber and whipped her into the corner, which she followed it up with a vicious clothesline. Corliss grabbed Amber by the head and swung around to sit on the top rope.
Corliss goes for the cover on Amber.
Corliss knew she was very close at pulling out the upset. Alyssa pointed to the top rope to the delight of the fans. Alyssa climbed to the top rope as Amber started to struggle to her feet. Corliss finally made it to the top rope and waited for Amber to get to her feet. The Dragonfly did just that and turned around right into a missile dropkick from Alyssa. Amber rolled near the ropes from the impact of the dropkick. Corliss rushed over and pulled Amber back to the center. She went for the cover.
Corliss slammed her hands on the mat in frustration. Alyssa looked at Amber who was staggering to her feet. Corliss measured Ryann before nailing her with a stiff uppercut. No one saw Tammy Lynn Foster slide under the bottom rope into the ring. Corliss turned around and did not know that Tammy Lynn Foster was in the ring waiting with a smirk on her face. The fans erupted as Corliss turned around right into a…
The fans jeered as Tammy Lynn Foster hooked Corliss’s leg for the cover. The ref dropped down for the count.

Tammy Lynn just shocked the world by picking up a win at Deathwish.

The Rebellion!
All nine members were there, standing over Titan in a semi-circle, however, Titan wasn’t afraid at all. He stood up and looked ready to go.
“So what is this? Is this because I jumped out of a couch and held your little leader hostage, making you watch as I walked away? OH! Maybe this is because I locked you all inside of a steel cage back on iNtense and you could only watch as I.. once again.. walked away!” said Titan with a smirk on his face.
The crowd cheered in the background, but Le Bon simply laughed under his breath.
“Cute… real cute, Chris. You think that you’ve outsmarted me, but let’s not forget something”, said Le Bon. “You can’t outsmart me. It’s impossible. I have pulled the wool over so many eyes for so many months, even I began to believe the façade I was portraying… but in the end, I still orchestrated every single bit of this and I have proven that my mind is simply greater than yours. “
The people boo’d
“Yes, you jumped me after popping out of a couch. While clever, it wasn’t smart. Yes, you locked us all inside of a steel cage and again.. while clever.. it wasn’t smart. All you’ve done is found yourself in the middle of the proverbial bee’s nest. Speaking of bees, Chris.. want to know an interesting fact about them?”
Le Bon paused for a moment.
“The Japanese Giant Hornet is the largest hornet on the planet. It likes to eat honey bees as well as their honey. The bees have found a way to adapt to this predator. They lure it deep into their hive to the point of no escape and then they swarm, but they don’t sting the giant hornet.. that would be too easy. Instead, they vibrate their abdomens, raising their collective body temperature to 116 degrees, cooking the hornet while it’s still alive” said Le Bon.
“You are that hornet, Chris. For months, you’ve bitten off members of The Rebellion much like the giant hornet feasts on honey bees one at a time, but now… when you’re out there in that ring tonight.. know that you’re inside of our nest now.. you’re deep inside to the point where there is no escape.”
“I stated that this was it, Chris. That tonight, I would finally remove you as the thorn that you are. Tonight, Chris… you need to not only worry about me in that match, you need to always keep in mind that at any moment’s notice, I can call in The Rebellion and I can end this once and for all because make no mistake Chris… I said that my job tonight is to succeed where others have failed.. tonight.. I aim to end you once and for all.. and I don’t need to win a wrestling match to do that.”
“Out there it’s you.. me.. a referee.. and a ring. The masses will gaze upon it and see nothing but that… a wrestling match… but to you and me.. it’s so much more. That ring will be the final resting place of Chris Titan… and the referee as well as all of those mindless drones out there who paid to watch us… will all be witnesses to your end.”
Le Bon smirked and then ordered The Rebellion to back off. Slowly and collectively they all walked away. Titan simply watched as they turned and left. Chris Titan just realized that Le Bon was serious. His back was now against the wall and now that he knew Le Bon didn’t even care about winning or losing, one had to wonder what was going through Titan’s mind now.

Charlotte(c) vs Raevynn

The fighting two-time Starlets Champion, Charlotte, was now going to battle with the first lady of the Rebellion, Raevynn. This feud started when Charlotte had just vanquished her long time rival, Sarah Winterton, from contention as long as she was the champion. Raevynn stepped up to the plate by attacking Charlotte on two separate occasions – once backstage and once inside the ring. Raevynn was given this title match by the Rebellion’s true figurehead, Jon Le Bon, who had the ability to lay down matches for the Rebellion members.
He tried to mess with Charlotte by putting a no-contact clause between Raevynn and Charlotte before their match stating the Vegas Vixen would be stripped of the belt if she hit Raevynn before match time .. and then was immediately put into a Starlets tag match opposite Raevynn. Seeing her chance to break the edict, Winterton shoved Charlotte into Raevynn and thus, questionably broke the contact. An in-ring confrontation between Jon Le Bon and Damien Lee led to Lee ruling as an accident and would not honor Le Bon’s edict. Charlotte cleverly threw the belt at Raevynn and laid her out, but as she did not herself physically touch Raevynn, she did not break the rules. The merciless and dangerous Raevynn now sought to bring the first title to the Rebellion by trying to defeat the two-time and reigning title holder. Easier said than done.
"Where is the Edge" by Within Temptation.
The people booed as The Rebellion’s Raevynn stepped out from behind the curtain to a brand new theme and kneeled on the entrance ramp as she enjoyed their hated reception. Raevynn had an opportunity here to set the momentum for The Rebellion by winning its first champioship. Raevynn walked down to the ring and climbed up onto the ring apron. She stepped between the ropes and dropped a black feather on the ground – her calling card for her victims and she looked to add Charlotte to that list.
The fans turned their attention to the ramp as the lights quickly cut to black.
Two spotlights, one red and one pink, shined on the stage and started to flash as the opening chords to “Poker Face” by Lady GaGa started to echo throughout the building. The lights swirled and the fans gave a rousing ovation for the gorgeous and tantalizing current Starlets Champion, Charlotte!
She blew kisses to the fans at the top of the ramp and started to walk towards the ring with a serious look on her face. She wore a bright pink bustier and pink leather shorts. She slapped a few hands on the way to the ring and climbed inside the ring. One more time, she blew a kiss and when she did, a series of pink sparks rained from the turnbuckle posts as she got ready to go to war for the belt that many had identified with her as the standard-bearer for the division.
The Starlets official Kim Adams held up the title in the air as both Charlotte and Raevynn looked at the prize they were fighting to either keep or take for the first time. The official called for the bell …
Raevynn launched the first attack. She went low and kicked her in the stomach quickly before she locked her in a headlock. The taller and stronger Charlotte pushed her away quickly and she attempted to end this early by going for her signature finisher, the Queen of Hearts, but she flipped out behind her. She landed into position with a reverse DDT and looked to set her up for her own move, the TEARS Breaker, but Charlotte adjusted herself and pushed her away now.
They started off at a stalemate. It looked like both women had done their homework on their opponent’s killing blows and Charlotte remained focused on an arrogant and dismissive Raevynn.
“Keep smilin’ bitch, you won’t be for long,” Charlotte said.
The two women locked up a second time and this time it was Charlotte pressing the advantage. Charlotte had the height and reach advantage as she pushed the smaller Raevynn into the corner and threw a few blows to the side of her head to disorient her early. Charlotte hadn’t forgotten about all the sneak attacks and plans she coordinated with Jon Le Bon to take her title away and was looking to make her pay for those.
With Raevynn left vulnerable in the corner, the crowd cheered Charlotte as she kept her smaller opponent pinned to the corner before unleashing a hard series of back and forth left and right elbows to the face. Charlotte was a bit of an all-rounder in the ring and she had no trouble with beating people up if she had to.
The official ordered Charlotte to back out of the corner and she complied with the referee, but Raevynn saw her opening and the Rebellion’s first lady popped her in the jaw with two rights of her own. She pulled Charlotte into the corner and unleashed a flurry of kicks to the stomach before trying to irish whip her across the ring. Charlotte turned the tables and Raevynn was sent to the corner where she fell victim to a hard running elbow shot by the champion.
The Vegas Vixen was in full control and she pulled up Raevynn before throwing some extra malicious knees to her face and then whipped her across the ring only to take her over with a well executed back body drop that dropped her right on her back. The challenger was hurt and she tried to stand on her own accord, but Charlotte ran right at her full speed and got taken out of her boots with a heck of a running clothesline!
Raevynn was down on the ground and Charlotte rushed off either side of the ropes before she dropped a flipping leg drop to the fallen challenger! Charlotte made her first attempt to finish her off.
Raevynn kicked out!
The girlfriend of Sebastian Saje took a powder and headed out to the floor looking for the chance to get away from her bigger and dangerous opponent. Charlotte didn’t give her any chance to recover from the early control and ducked out to the outside to go after her. Raevynn saw the fiery redhead hot on her trail and tried to attack her with a cheap shot, but Charlotte blocked the punch and fired back with one of her own that sent her wobbling backwards.
“I told you that you couldn’t run from me,” Charlotte said.
The Vegas Vixen approached her again but this time Raevynn was ready as she grabbed Charlotte by the waistband of her trunks and pulled her right into the ring post! The blow caught Charlotte off guard completely and she was barely able to stand while Raevynn took a few seconds to recollect herself. She knew Charlotte was dangerous and had participated in some incredible matches along with Sarah Winterton so she would need every trick in the book to win.
She climbed onto the ring apron and goaded the champion to stand. When Charlotte started to get to her feet, Raevynn took a mighty big risk …
The crowd gasped for the incredibly dangerous, but overall impressive maneuver by the reckless Raevynn. Her lucha libre background allowed her a great speed advantage and now she used that to great effect to turn the tides in her favor. Raevynn was also feeling the effects of such a move knocking the wind out of her, but Charlotte looked a little bit worse.
The challenger picked up the champion and now both were in the ring, but Raevynn wasn’t done with her yet by a long shot. She was now on the second rope and the crowd was booing her before she jumped off and landed a really nice senton splash across the body of Charlotte. She picked herself up and she was going for her first cover.
A big kickout deterred Raevynn a bit after the two big high risk moves didn’t earn her first Starlets Championship.
Raevynn picked her up by her red hair and pushed the champion backwards so she would hit the corner and waited. The challenger didn’t get too much further before Charlotte snapped back immediately, landing a few big punches to send the smaller Raevynn staggering towards the center of the ring. Charlotte mustered the energy to charge off the ropes when Raevynn caught her in the leg with a knee clip, taking her down. Charlottte held her left leg as Raevynn snuck behind her and grabbed her by the head to drop her with a sitour rear mat slam. She jumped on the chest of Charlotte and hooked her leg.
Close, but no cigar!
Raevynn was bringing some innovative moves to this match tonight, but Charlotte was bringing her unmatched resolve among the Starlets and kicked out again. She went to try and scoop her up for some sort of move next, but Charlotte reached up and she tried to go for a surprise inside cradle …
Despite the surprise, Raevynn kicked out again, but Charlotte was still on top of her game and snuck up on her before trying to come at her with a backslide pin.
Raevynn got back up along with Charlotte, but before the Vegas Vixen could get back up to muster any more offense, the Rebellion’s sole Starlet came out of nowhere with an impressive spinning heel kick to the face!
The challenger breathed a sigh of relief for just a moment, but now she was looking for a chance to succeed so she grabbed onto the head of Charlotte and had her trapped with a sort of half nelson-half chinlock hold.
“That title will belong to me!” Raevynn shouted in Charlotte’s ear.
The Vegas Vixen tried to fight her way out of the hold, but the very crafty Raevynn was a tarantula who would not let her prey go. She continued to keep the submission locked in tight and held her down long enough to keep going for the submission to take down any fight out of her opponent. Raevynn continued to struggle again when Charlotte managed to get back to her knees.
“Stay down!”
Charlotte would not listen to her opponent and got back to her feet. She tossed some elbows to the gut of her challenger and pushed her to the ropes and when she came back, she tried to take her down…
The discus big boot from Charlotte missed, but when she turned around, the wheelbarrow turned into the victory roll pin from the challenger did not.
Charlotte kicked out!
Raevynn tried to stand again, but this time, Charlotte rushed at her…
She had come out of nowhere with the running one-armed swinging neckbreaker and now both women were down for the moment. The Vegas Vixen tried to stand on her feet once again and she pumped her fist up with the crowd rallying claps behind her.
The Starlets Champion started to get back on her feet just as Raevynn trailed up behind her. Charlotte was looking to take her down with a big move, but Raevynn went classic and jumped onto her back with a sleeper hold!
Any chanced that Charlotte had to try and fight back was now snuffed out quickly by her crafty opponent and allowed her to get taken back down to the ground again. Raevynn was playing a great game to offset her opponent’s size advantage by wearing her down gradually as she had controlled a good portion of the match.
Charlotte gnashed her teeth together trying to free herself from the grip of her opponent, but Raevynn wasn’t going anywhere and even slapped on a leg scissors around the body to keep her from going anywhere.
The crowd loved The Vegas Vixen and while the other members of The House were in action tonight, Charlotte’s cause to keep her own title was up first tonight. The champion made a slow crawl upward and tried to get back up again. She looked to take her upwards and tried to go for a back suplex again only for Raevynn to jab her in the side of the head to make her let go.
Charlotte fell to a knee and Raevynn was now up on her feet waiting to attack again. She rushed off the ropes looking to take her out, but Charlotte came back and nearly took her head off with clean elbow to the face that knocked Raevynn on her ass.
Now that she was fired up from the crowd roaring in approval, Charlotte charged and she took down Raevynn with one big clothesline. She picked him up a second time and then charged for a second shot that took her down. Charlotte whipped her to the corner and she hit an elbow to the head followed by another big clothesline in the corner followed by a bulldog that dropped her to the ground.
Raevynn kicked out!
Charlotte was back up already and took Raevynn back up again to throw her towards the ropes. She swung at her again and the challenger ducked underneath the oncoming shot. Raevynn turned around only to get a spear for her troubles followed by jumping on her with a barrage of right hands.
“You gonna jump me? Jump this, bitch!” Charlotte yelled.
The Vegas Vixen was standing again and was being cheered on by the crowd as she pulled Raevynn up and sent her once again to another corner. The Starlets Champion reared back and charged with the intention of taking her down, but Raevynn had different ideas and reached up to kick Charlotte in the face. Raevynn jumped to the second rope and flew off with a head scissors in mind, but Charlotte held onto her and dropped her into a seated powerbomb!
Raevynn was down and Charlotte pointed to the ropes with another big move in mind. She headed to the second ropes and she jumped back onto Raevynn …
The second rope springboard moonsault landed and she finally caught her rival with a big move. She hooked both legs.
Close, but no cigar!
Raevynn shockingly kicked out and the crowd got a little bit deflated. Charlotte held up three fingers up to the official but it was only two that she got after that big sequence of moves. The Vegas Vixen slammed a hand on the mat and she was trying to put an end to things. Charlotte set her up again trying to finish her off with the Queen of Hearts …
Raevynn backflipped out and landed on her feet. Charlotte turned around and the challenger made her pay with a kick to the gut followed up with a harsh implant DDT that nearly caved Charlotte’s head into the canvas. Raevynn turned around and went for the cover.
The Vegas Vixen kicked out yet again!
“I told you that was three!” Raevynn yelled to Kim Adams again.
The official shook her head and Raevynn turned back to the champion while slapping her hand on the mat, daring the Starlets Champion to stand. She waited and egged Charlotte on as she tried to get back up on spaghetti legs. Raevynn kneed her in the back and doubled her backwards looking once again for her TEARS Breaker…
Charlotte slipped out behind her and landed on her feet before she took to the ropes. When she was about to come back, she paid for it…
The second time was a charm and finally the discus big boot nearly kicked Raevynn’s head clear off her shoulders as Charlotte stood and waved to the crowd, feeling that match was about to hit its end! She motioned for Raevynn to stand now and waited as she charged when Raevynn still fought back and kicked at her. She tried another move, but Charlotte caught her…
She hit her finishing move at long last! Charlotte rolled over towards the fallen Raevynn as the crowd counted along . This one was over!
The count stopped!
The official looked over and the crowd was booing. Her boyfriend, Sebastian Saje, had rushed down to ringside and he had been the one to place Raevynn’s foot on the top rope and the referee hadn’t seen it.
“Her foot is on the ropes!” Saje yelled.
Charlotte rolled over and saw Saje out there with a shit-eating grin on his face. The Vegas Vixen put two and two together and cursed at him before she turned back to the prone Raevynn. Saje wasn’t going anywhere, but a voice behind him got his attention right quick.
“Hey, fucker!”
A fist to the face blasted Sebastian and send him stumbling around ringside. It was Charlotte’s husband and one half of The House, Derrick Huber! The three-hundred pound gorilla from Las Vegas charged at ringside and he and Saje now exchanged fists on the floor. The official was trying to get under control.
Charlotte shut all the distractions out and looked to set up Raevynn, but she jabbed a thumb right into her eye! The referee didn’t see it and it left Charlotte wide open…
THE TEARS Breaker!
It took a little effort to get Charlotte up for the move, but she did and the crowd was livid! Huber had fought with Saje halfway up the ramp and hadn’t seen any of what was going on while Raevynn laid across Charlotte and grabbed a leg.

The crowd was livid, but thanks to the save by Sebastian Saje and a bit of cheating on her part, Raevynn had done the unthinkable! She pulled out the massive upset over the two-time champion and had brought the first piece of gold to the hands of The Rebellion.
Huber turned around and saw what happened to his wife as she charged towards the ring. Raevynn was handed the Starlets title and she escaped the ring just as Derrick headed inside to check on his wife. The Sin City Strongman went to check on his wife as Saje and now Raevynn held hands and kissed on the ramp. Thanks to help from her beau, she won the championship!
Charlotte held her eye in pain and watched as the thief made off with her title – the very title that she came back from injury and worked her ass off to come back and win. Now it was in the hands of the Rebellion. Charlotte and Huber watched the happy couple leave with their new prize in tow while Charlotte punched the canvas in frustration.
Raevynn had stolen the title, but this issue between these two Starlets wasn't over if Charlotte had her way.

Diamond Jewelz(c) vs Rainbow Serpent

The ring crew heads out with various articles of gold and purple items in their hand, and a raucous mixture of boos and cheers breaks out in the arena; the jOlt arena is completely aware of who’s next by the change in the cosmetics of the ring; it’s time for the gOlden bOy Invitational featuring the dual Relentless and gOlden bOy champion, Diamond Jewelz! Tonight, once again, it’s challenger’s choice as far as which title he wants to compete for, Relentless or gOlden bOy, but unlike most past challenges, the opponent has been predetermined and the Rainbow Serpent has earned the right to don whichever title he wishes; Three weeks ago he defeated Cross the Hood, and on the go home iNtense show, he beat the entirety of gOlden bOy promotions to not only prove that he belonged in jOlt, but to prove that he is worthy of donning any of its’ prestigous titles .
“gOlden bOy”, “gOlden bOy” chants break out in one area of the arena, and then, before they can be saturated into the entire crowd, “Walmart Jeweler”, “Walmart Jeweler” chants break out, silencing the former chants.
The chanting is a steady current, back and forth between the supporters, who Jewelz now calls his “Customers”, and dissidents of the jeweler from Sin City, NV. As the back and forth between the crowd members perdure, the jOlt ring crew transforms the traditional iNtense ring aprons and turnbuckles into almost a completely different creation; this week the ring apron is purple with the gOlden bOy Invitational logo on it; the turnbuckles match the aprons this week with gold, gOlden bOy promotions paddings.
“I’m Getting Money” by O.J. The Juiceman pumps into the arena as a sharp burst of excitement rips through the mixed-reaction crowd. O.G. Simpson sports a gold suit; his gold grill and greasy locks shine into the camera as he heads down to the ring. He finally makes his way in, and pulls a gOlden mic out of his pocket.
“Letttttt’s Get Reaaaaadddddyyy To Shinnnnnnneee On These NIggggggggasss...”, O.G. Simpson declares brazenly as a raucous mixed reaction from the crowd ensues.
“It’s now time to see not only the finest champion currently in this organization, but the greatest Relentless Champion in all of jOlt History…. It’s Time for the gOlden bOy Invitational” O.G. declares..
“Rainbow Serpent!!” Clap 5x, “Rainbow Serpent” Clap 5x, “Rainbow Serpent!!” Clap 5x The Crowd chants in support of the rookie challenger. O.G. gives an obnoxious, shining gold smile at the crowds chants
“So then… Haters stand down… Customers riiiissseeeee annnnnd shine with your Jeweler and mine... ” Ha ha ha… O.G laughs arrogantly
“He is “Mr. Twinkle and Glisten”... He is your gOlden bOy champion. He is your RELENTLESS CHAMPION… He is the CEO of gOlden bOy promotions… He is the gOlden bOy himself… Mr. Relentless….. Diamond… Jewelz..
The bass from “Gotta Take It” by Nipsey Hussle pulses into the arena as the crowd’s mixture of boos and cheers reaches a fever pitch. From behind the curtain, the “solid gOld” body of Diamond Jewelz emerges; He wears unique new pair of tights for the PPV; gOlden boots, t-shirt and tights, all with white lettering, in addition to all of his various shining and glistening articles of jewelry, chiefly, his gaudy gOlden bOy title on his left shoulder and his newly customized Relentless Title on his right shoulder! Ruby Rocks follows behind him, but then jumps in front him as he strikes a pose, grabbing his chain, posing to compliment her man’s display machismo and bravado. After he is finished, he heads to the ring. Ruby leads her man down to the ring as the pompous, but expensive grin of Diamond Jewelz shines throughout the arena. Ruby holds the ring ropes open for her man as he heads into the ring. Diamond grabs the mic from O.G. Diamond holds up the mic to his face, grinning devilishly as the crowd is split John Cena style between boos and cheers.
“There’ll be no open challenge today… I’m a man of my word, and I’mma keep it.. The rookie met my demands, so he earned his keep… Rainbboooww Coalition.. Bring your ass down here…” Diamond states emphatically.
“Down River” by Wilcannia Mob.
Rainbow Serpent emerges from the backstage area and drops down to one knee. He is dressed to fight. He dances a hand through the air, like it were a snake, before striking it with two fingers shaped into fangs. He bounces to his feet and dances a few beats in a traditional manner, completely enjoying his opportunity to just let this hang over Diamond Jewelz. Jewelz is annoyed to say the least and grits his teeth, eliciting the bling and shine of the diamonds and gold that line the grill of the jeweler. He nods condescendingly and then gives a grin of the same nature.
“Rainbow Circle… You hit every curveball I threw at you…You have earned my respect, You earned your title shot… but whether you earn one of my titles or not, is another story..” Diamond says putting his face close to Serpent’s. Serpent Stands tall and doesn’t budge.
“Which one will it be Serpent… Your choice.. My rules..” An equal amount of gOlden bOy and Relentless chants break out. Half the crowd wants to see the gOlden bOy Title defended, and half of them want to see the Relentless Title defended. Rainbow breaks his staredown with Jewelz to snatch the mic.
“Mate… Call Me Mr. Relentless. Cause that title is mine…” Jewelz nods his head obliging the Rainbow Serpent’s request.
“Mr. Relentless?!?!?!???” Jewelz says in outrage at the rookie attempting steal his monkier. “The only thing I’mma be calling you tonight is.. “
Rainbow Serpent tackles Jewelz sending both titles flying into the air. The crowd roars. Serpent begins to land punch after, punch after punch. The same fire that led the Serpent to overcoming handicapped matches two weeks in a row is making him seem like he is indeed deserving of the monkier Aran Thompson once wore so proudly, but that Jewelz now has adopted. Jewelz attempts to escape Serpen’ts barrage, but the Serpent is all over him… Both men spill out to the outside, where Serpent’s punishment of Jewelz continues.
“Come on Big Homie..” O.G., his hands on his head in a panic, cheers on his employer.
“Big Homie, don’t let him do you like that.” Jewelz manages to get up and tries to scurry away, simultaneously attempting to remove his shirt and his jewelry; Serpent refuses to relent. All of the sudden, in his rage, Serpent snatches Jewelz’s signature “DJ” chain off, leading the crowd to explode, but O.G. to absolutely lose his mind..
“Fuck nah… Fuck nah..” O.G. screams in horror as Serpent grabs at a bracelet and snatches it off as well and throws it into the crowd. The crowd roars even louder.
“What the fuck… My nigga.. Nah!” Are you fucking kidding me… As the crowd’s pleasure with Serpent’s dismantling of the jeweler increases with ever punch and every assault on Jewelz’s jewelry ensemble, O.G. falls more and more into a panic. Finally he rushes in behind Serpent..
Serpent, like he has eyes in the back of his head, snap mares O.G over his shoulder, and pounces O.G. while Jewelz, trapped in his t-shirt, one arm in and one arm out, is as out of it as he is exasperated and out of breath. As relentless as Serpent’s assault on Jewelz was, his assault on O.G. is nonetheless ferocious.
Discus Lariat
Serpent destroys O.G, and then turns his attention back to Jewelz who has managed to at least slip out of his shirt. Jewelz goes for a low blow, but Serpent dodges it and hits.
Five Flurry Throat Strikes Followed By A Jumping Roundhouse Kick
Jewels is down. O.G. is down. Serpent begins to do his traditional dance and the crowd loves it. Serpent scoops up O.G., then scoops up Jewelz, and DOUBLE HEADBUTT
Shades of Hulk Hogan there! The crowd is euphoric. Jewelz is out of it, O.G. is out of it. As Serpent begins to go over to Jewelz to work over him some more… SWOOSH
Jesus. Powder to the face. Serpent holds his head. Although his expressions cannot be read because of his mask, he obviously cannot see. He is blinded. Jewelz slowly gets to his feet and.. AKUZA KICK
Serpent is down, the kick from the exhausted Jewelz wasn’t that devastating but on top of the powder that Jewelz threw, it downs the Serpent. Jewelz, due to the beating the Serpent put on him, straddles the barricade in exhaustion, a small cut above his eye from the beating the young jOlt superstar had layed on him thus far. Jewelz manages an obnoxious, blinging smile in his exhaustion and then, like the devious snake he is, begins to slither around his prey and the area measuring the situation. Jewelz picks up a chair and wields it high in the air before crashing it down on the Serpent. THWACK to the shoulder
THWACK to the body
THUD to the head
Serpent writthes on the ground as Jewelz continues to asses his prey.He emits another devious, blinging smile. “Bitch ass nigga… I told u, you was out of your league.. This big league ball pussy!!” THWACK
Jewelz drops the chair emphatically.
“I stay shining,” Jewelz screams as he poses for the camera and features his blinging grin.
Jewelz, his breathing still labored from the beating Serpent put on him earlier, begins to collect himself as he grabs Serpent by the head and tosses him in the ring. Jewelz begins to slide in the ring himself, but then a devilish, gold and diamond grin shines through his countenance, letting us know that he has yet more dastardly plans for the rookie. He’s not called Mr. Relentless for no reason. Jewelz begins to approach O.G. who has slightly come to.
“O.G., O.G… Take your belt off.”
“What Big Homie,” O.G. asks half out of it,..
“Take..” Diamond begins, but then realizing that O.G is out of it, he begins to take O.G.’s belt off himself. Diamond begins whipping the belt on the ring table, and then laughs deviously as he slides in the ring. But Serpent has collected himself and out of nowhere.
Colt Strike Fangbuster
But Jewelz counters with a crushing lariat. Immediately, the jeweler begins to go to work on the Rainbow Serpent with the diamond studded belt. SLAP
“Didn’t I tell you!?!?”
“You ain’t in my league kid?!!”
“And you fucked up my jewelry bruh?!?””
The belt hits Serpent again and again. He continues beating Serpent. Welts begin to form on the back of the young superstar as the crowd, even Jewelz’s customers, are aghast at the mercilessness of Jewelz. Jewelz hits the ropes as Serpent is on all fours:
Serpent is down and out. Jewelz goes for the pin… That should be all.. 1
Jewelz pulls Serpent’s head up from the match wanting to inflict more damage on him. Jewelz gives an evil, blinging grin to the referee.
“I ain’t done with this bitch yet…”
“Talking about you Mr. Relentless!! Bitch I’m Mr. Relentless!!”
Screams, spit emitting from his grill with every emotion filled worl.Jewelz the belt still in his hand and wraps it around Serpent’s neck and begins to choke him.
Ian Nyguen, the referee for the night, begins to count.
“1…..2….” Nyguen begins to count.
“It’s no holds barred dumbass” Jewelz screams… Jewelz begins another spat of choking.. Serpent’s body flails.. Jewelz chokes again.. Serpent body flails again. Jewelz removes the belt from Serpent’s neck and then begins another lashing session.
“Learn your lesson..” Jewelz screams..
“Learn your lesson bitch” LASH
“This ain’t what you wanted.. I told you that..”
Again and and again, Jewelz strikes Serpent with the Diamond studded belt. There are now innumerable welts on the back of the Serpent. The only evidence of his consciousness is his flailings and spasms from the lashes.
Jewelz goes to the ropes and demands a mic from O.G.
“I ain’t done with this bitch yet…” Jewelz screams over the mic. Serpent continues to lay lifelessly on the ground.
Before I finish this punk ass motherfucker off.. I’m just giving him fair warning..” Jewelz gets in Serpent’s masked, lifeless face.
:You owe me for my chain, and for my bracelet bitch.. You’ll be receiving a check in the mail promptly…”
Jewelz drops the mic, kicks Serpent in the ribs and then climbs to the top rope…
3,106.75 Carats
The crowd ooohhh’s and ahhh’s at the, Phoenix Splash, an incredible aerial assault. Jewelz then pops up to his feet, but when he looks down at Serpent, he decides against going for the pin… He has more devious plans in mind.. He illicits another devious smile.
Jewels grabs a hold of the belt and again wraps it around Serpent’s neck falling to the ground, gritting his million dollar grill and pulling with all of his might.. Serpent is lifeless… His body begins to change colors. Ian Nyguen steps in and pulls Jewelz off of Serpent before he commits a fatality.

Serpent showed heart and poise early, and he’s obviously a talented young superstar being able to overcome some of jOlts toughest tag teams, Cross the Hood, and Them M’fn Goons all by himself on back to back weeks, but Jewelz was too much for him in the end. Maybe it was the inexperience… Maybe it was the exhaustion of handicap matches 2 weeks in a row, before facing off with a fresh and battle tested veteran like Jewelz. But whatever it was, in the end, Serpent was overmatched, and outclassed. Throughout this series of gOlden bOy challenges, Serpent proved that he is a future title challenger. Who else in jOlt has overcome greater odds to reach a shot at jOt gOld; but Jewelz proved once again that without a doubt, that he is ruthless, and his ferocity is without limits or boundaries. What he did tonight to Serpent was unnecessary and overboard; Jewelz proved he was Relentless when he crippled Jameson Lennox; he proved it when he shot at JCon over his chain; he proved it when he spited Jesse Ramey; and he proved it when he burned down the Ignomi Clan Dojo. Why did we put it past him to do it again. Jewelz is a ruthless villain, with debonair appeal. He is Mr. Relentless until some jOlt superstar can go lower than him, and prove to be more dastardlty to reach higher heights. Diamond Jewelz is the most Relentless man in jOlt, and it’s why he continues to hold and defend the title by the same name successfully week after week.

“Mr. LeBon.” The elder statesman replied while extinguishing his cigar. “And to what do we owe the esteemed displeasure of your presence?”
“Mamoru.” Lee replied while warmly approaching him and extending his hand expecting a firm handshake. The elder statesman merely blew smoke into his direction, prompting LeBon to retract his gesture of feigned peace.
“I was merely in dire need of stretching my legs...” LeBon replied. “You know how demanding the life of a man of my position is, right?”
“We weren’t aware of the daily burdens roaches bear.” Heido replied as Mamoru offered a subtle chuckle amidst a gust of cigar smoke. A faux chuckle by Jon further dampened the mood as it quickly dissipated.
“Ah...I figured you ninjas weren’t always the working stiffs with a cult pajama fetish.” LeBon quipped. “A sense of humor..I like that and seeing that I am in such a good mood, I figured I would share some good news with both you & The House personally.”
“Is that so?” Mamoru replied.
“Yes it is.” The Rebellion patriarch continued. “Well, maybe for you guys as that tag team title match is no longer going to be a 3 Way Dance. My guys are not ready. They haven’t earned that championship opportunity so since you guys have a literal hard on for ‘honor’ and all that rubbish, you two can focus on ‘tearing down The House’...No pun intended...”
A stoic glare was mutual with the Japanese quartet.
“If you’ll excuse us...” Shoji replied as he led the reigning Tag Champions onward to their appointed destination, leaving the diminutive mastermind to his own twisted devices...

Sarah Winterton vs Callie Scott

After getting herself kicked out of title contention for the Starlet Championship, Sarah Winterton had not been a happy camper to say the least. She took out her aggression on fellow Starlets such as Faith Hines and Callie “Scrapper” Scott while still proclaiming that nobody else would challenge for the title --- until Callie Scott herself had been on the hunt to knock Winterton’s teeth down her throat. In two consecutive weeks, she had taken out Sarah Winterton with Superwoman Punches to the jaw to prove that she wasn’t going to just roll over. Winterton got her revenge by attacking her backstage and made Winterton miss the last week’s show while Sarah was suspended for her assault. This led to tonight’s match.
The former boxer and fighter had been looking for the chance to strike back and now was her time. The
Scrapper came highly regarded on the Hype as one of the toughest Starlets going today and now she would have the chance to prove it against the woman who ruled the Starlet division for a large part of 2014. Could she beat the self-professed Queen of the Starlets or would Winterton stop the tough Starlet in her tracks?
“The following match is a Starlets match and this is scheduled for one fall!” Dean Carrington announced.
The crowd was now jeering for the arrival of the personal assistant of the former Starlet Champion, Desta. The portly business-like woman stood on the ramp and cleared her throat in exaggerated fashion, which only garnered more booing from the crowd.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and provide a mandatory standing ovation to a woman with the kindness of Mother Teresa... the elegance, grace, and dignity of Queen Elizabeth… the fighting spirit of Joan of Arc without all the crazy… the power and influence of Oprah Winfrey… better hair than Michelle Obama… and tougher on her worst day than Callie Scott is on her best day…”
“She is YOUR Queen of the Starlets! SARAH… WHITNEY… WINTERTON!”
"Pageant (Instrumental)" by Moi Dix Mois.
The Queen of the Starlets stepped out from the backstage area with a smile on her face. Winterton was quickly tired of the nuisance called Callie Scott and looked to prove that she was not in her league. She was about to approach the ring when Desta walked first and pulled the ropes down to allow her Queen to enter the ring. The crowd was all over Winterton as she stood on second rope and played up for a jeering crowd. Winterton looked ready, but was Callie Scott?
“Octane” by Burnos.
The adrenaline-fueled anthem played and the crowd started to cheer for Winterton’s opposition making her Pay Per View debut. She put up one hell of a fight a few weeks ago in a Starlets Title defense against the current Champion Charlotte only to come up short, but had earned the respect of her peer. Two pillars of smoke billowed out from either side of the entry ramp and out came the woman nicknamed The Scrapper! A black towel was draped over her head as she approached the ring with a tense glare at Winterton.
“And her opponent, from Battle Ground, Washington, weighing in at 138 pounds… please welcome CALLIE “SCRAPPER” SCOTT!”
The Scrapper made her way down to the ring at a very frenetic pace as Winterton waited inside the ring. Callie tossed the towel away and threw it on the ground at Desta’s feet before rushing inside and tackling Winterton to the ground…
The blows were coming fast and the crowd was all over Callie Scott attacking Winterton in such a manner! The Queen of the Starlets had been talking a hell of a lot of trash for a long time and now it seemed that Callie would be the one to make her eat her words.
She picked up Winterton off the ground and blasted her with a volley of right hands to the side of her head and pushed her back into the corner. She wailed on Winterton with a flurry of hard right hands and continued to drill her until she got down into the seated position. The Scrapper ran the side of her boot across the face of Winterton not once… not twice, not even thrice… but FIVE times before she rushed off the other side of the ring and came back with a HARD Facewash kick to the side of the head! Callie pulled her out of the corner and went for a cover already!
Winterton just BARELY kicked out of the opening salvo, but Callie was just getting started. She waited for The Queen of the Starlets to sit up and cocked an elbow back. The fans had seen this move turn out lights and now she was looking for…
The Queen saw it coming and ROLLED the hell out of her path before heading out to the floor quickly before the Sliding D Elbow could connect across the jaw. Callie looked angered while she went to the corner and watched as Winterton and Desta started to freak out on the outside. This wasn’t supposed to happen; she was supposed to school The Scrapper, not the other way around. Winterton wasn’t ready to deal with this, but Callie wasn’t to going to stand by and watch her go…
Coming at her with a HELL of a lot of speed, The Queen of the Starlets nearly had her lights dimmed from the path of the seemingly reckless Scrapper and the crowd was loving it! Winterton was struck against the barricade and Callie looked a little rattled by the impact, but she stood up and took in a huge cheer from the crowd!
Referee Kim Adams started a count for both women to get back into the ring, but Callie was just getting started. Winterton was forced back to her feet by Callie Scott and dragged her halfway up the ramp. She was looking to turn her lights out even further with what looked like a Suplex on the floor when Desta tried to get involved. Callie saw her coming and GLARED icy daggers at her…
“Don’t you even fucking think about it,” She said coldly.
Desta backed off and left her alone, but The Queen of the Starlets used the time to get back into the game…
This battle was getting real physical real quick and now The Queen had the lead. Winterton and Scott were both hurt now, but The Scrapper took the brunt of the move and now The Queen of the Starlets finally had the opening that she needed. The former Starlet Champion sat up and held her back in pain before she finally made her way up and grabbed Callie with her. She landed two European Uppercuts underneath the jaw before RAMMING her back against the ring apron.
The longest-reigning Starlet Champion in jOlt history had pulled her back to her feet and pushed Callie Scott underneath the ropes before sliding in and dropping a Knee Drop onto the top of her head. Winterton moved over and hooked the far leg of The Scrapper.
Callie kicked out early, but Winterton had picked the back to work on and was going to do just that. The Queen of the Starlets picked her up off the ground and pushed her to the ropes before catching her and DROPPING her across the knee with a vicious Pedulum Backbreaker!
Another cover and Callie Scott kicked out again! Winterton wasn’t going to take too kindly to that so she picked her up again and slammed her head into the top turnbuckle. The Queen put a knee into her back and held her there in place waiting for the chance to damage the back further. She held her in place as Kim Adams finally got involved.
“Come on, Sarah, break it up.”
“Go back to your community college, you stupid referee!” Winterton snapped back.
The Queen dragged Callie Scott from the corner and snapped her over with a Snapmare before firing a hard kick into the back. Winterton then jumped off the ropes and came back with a Seated Dropkick right to the back…
The Queen of the Starlets laughed as he continued working the back of Callie before hooking both legs.
“Will you stay down, you stupid knuckle-dragger!” Winterton shouted.
Callie Scott was going to do no such thing and continued to try and stand only for Winterton to kick her in the side of the head. The Scrapper continued to climb to her knees when Winterton cocked her arm back and knocked her down with a second shot. Now that she was on the ground, The Queen of the Starlets was looking to head up to the top rope. Not her first love, but she did have some aerial prowess and was looking to demonstrate against her roughneck opponent.
With relative ease, Winterton took to the ring apron while Desta clapped and cheered for her employer.
“You can do this, My Queen! Finish her off!” Desta yelled.
Winterton was looking not to disappoint, but she took too much time hot-dogging for the crowd as Callie hit the ropes and tripped her up! Winterton was in a very bad place now as Callie started to get to the top rope and hooked her by the body…
Callie Scott was primarily a striker, but she showed shew as good at throwing a HELL of a Suplex as Sarah crashed HARD on the floor after such a powerful move! Winterton and Callie both were down in the middle of the ring and while this match had only gone pretty quickly, these women were in a fight tonight. Callie’s back was hurt from Winterton’s earlier work and now neither were moving.
The crowd was firmly behind the pugilistic Starlet and now Callie looked for the biggest win of her career as she crawled over and draped an arm over Winterton.
To Callie and the crowd’s surprise, Winterton had kicked out of the brutal maneuver! Callie was surprised by this, but she fought through the pain and started to kneel upwards. She looked for another suplex on Winterton, but Sarah turned the tides and the former Starlets Champion got back behind her…
The Queen pulled out another innovative move, this time turning a simple pin into a weapon by knocking her into the middle turnbuckle. She turned her out of the corner into a modified Schoolbo pin that she called the Captivating Pin!
Scott was still in this!
“No, no, no, no, No! Three!” Winterton yelled at Adams.
She was still in the match, but now she was hurt from the Schoolboy pin slamming her head into the middle buckle so it looked like she was going to be easy pickings for The Queen. She picked her back up again and shoved her into the ropes…
The Scrapper held onto the ropes before she could fully complete The Chaos Theory Suplex, sending her rolling backwards. Callie turned around and tried to take her head off with a Clothesline, but the former Starlet Champion ducked and grabbed her by the waist into a German Suplex. She even bridged it for the pin!
The Scrapper kicked out yet again and the Queen was furious! Desta yelled from the outside that that was a three-count while Sarah remained focused on her target. She grabbed her by the back and went for a Back Suplex, but Callie showed impressive agility and landed on her feet. Her back was still hurt when she stumbled into the corner and Winterton turned around, but Callie fought through the pain…
The Superwoman Punch KNOCKED her fucking lights out and sent her tumbling to the ground after one brutal shot! Winterton was nearly out cold and the crowd loved this action! Desta freaked out while Callie pulled Sarah up by the hair and slashed a thumb across her throat before heading off the ropes…
The Sliding D Elbow caught her square in the jaw! The Scrapper rolled over and laid across Winterton’s body with a hook of the legs!

Callie rolled off of Sarah Winterton’s unconscious body and she had a big smile on her face. She had just done the unthinkable and defeated Sarah Winterton tonight!
She was slow to get to her feet and this was as tough a fight as she thought it would be, but The Scrapped had scored by far the biggest win of her jOlt career tonight by pinning the longest-reigning Starlet Champion in history! Desta was on the outside, shocked to all hell and in complete disbelief as Winterton fell to the ground and freaked out. This wasn’t supposed to go down like this, but alas it just did.
The Queen of the Starlets had no idea what hit her as Callie left the ring, holding her back in one hand, but still looking mighty proud of living up to her promise of knocking that bitch flat out. With a slew of Starlets making their name known and their presence felt, The Scrapper had now just put herself at the top of the division as one to watch!

Mack Brody vs ????????

The hunt for the person responsible for injuring Frank Silver and Ryan Gallway would end here tonight. The Heirs of Wrestling were brought down to one member left when a backstage attack backstage led to Silver and Gallway being put out of action indefinitely. Mack Brody, the sole member left, had spent weeks looking for the culprit. Mack went after The Rebellion which turned out to be a dead end when a video tape revealed one of The Faction, Ezra Conway, as the perpetrator.
After beating a confession out of Eli Conway, Ezra revealed himself as the attacker and informed him that somebody had paid him to do it. To that end, Brody called out the attacker and instead got his former rival, Jeremy Ryan, looking to make an example out of him on the way to his main event match later tonight against Underground Champion Pietro Geist. Brody was distracted by a message that flashed on the jOltVision quickly telling him that the challenge was accepted.
It was here now tonight.
Mack Brody against the person or persons who attacked his best friends – his family. Now the 300-pound SuperMack was looking to do battle here tonight to not only get some payback and avenge the other Heirs. The opening bell sounded for what was the next match to come.
“The following contest is a grudge match scheduled for one fall!” Dean Carrington announced.
“What You Know” by T.I.
What you know about that?
What you know about that?
What you know about that?...
The Arena of Champions began rocking along with the bass heavy Southern anthem as a streaming collage, laden with the acquisitions of success & the array of destruction created by a hulking wrestling phenomenon. Brilliant flashes of Gold, Emerald & Pearl would dance along the entire entrance staging area and throughout the vast arena before the Bronze Bomber walked out from the back at a frenetic pace.
“Introduction first, making his way to the ring… from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 312 pounds… this is the man called SuperMack… MACK BRODY!”
Brody – himself a fun-loving and beloved party-goer outside – was anything but that in the past few weeks. With a scowl on his face and dressing more like a fight than a wrestling match. He chose a black sleeveless ADIDAS muscle shirt and black jeans for the occasion as he approached the ring. The crowd went wild for SuperMack as he approached the ring. He JUMPED on the ring apron and climbed into the ring, brushing right past Carrington and pacing now. The crowd was firmly behind Brody as he his music faded out.
He would finally come face to face with his attacker.
Mack paced around and the crowd went silent as they waited for something…
Dean Carrington shrugged and made with the introduction as a way of cutting through the tension in the arena.
“And his opponent…”
Mack paced like a lion waiting to stalk his prey, but again…
Brody was growing impatient by the second and he SNATCHED the microphone from Dean Carrington.
“I’m NOT fucking playing around anymore.” Brody barked as the crowd listened. “Whoever the fuck you think you are, coming out here and fucking with my FAMILY… you’re a dead man. Come out here, get your beating like a man. You accepted this challenge, whoever you are… don’t puss out now…”
SuperMack paced around the ring again and threw the microphone back to Dean Carrington, who fumbled around a bit before picking it up again.
“Well… and his opponent…”
Nothing more.
Until a ruckus started to take place in the crowd. To Mack’s right, a lone hooded figure outside of the ring leaped over the barricade and stood there with the hood down, glaring at his target. It was a smallish figure, maybe standing five-eight or five-nine and the only visible facial feature was a sinister, and yet a familiar smirk. And for those who had watched what happened to the talented upstart, Rainbow Serpent, at Theives Honor, the barbed-wired steel chair.
“Who is that,” Nathan Powers asked.
“Wait, wait…” Michael Buhrman spoke up.
The announcers watched and Mack Brody ripped off his shirt and threw it at the feet of the man on the outside of the ring, daring him to get into the ring. SuperMack DARED whoever this was to enter. The figure obliged with a microphone in hand.
“oh, mack… you simpleton …”
The figure kicked back the hoodie…
The man that had come to jOlt from the corpse of the once and powerful All-Star Champioship Wrestling was the attacker?!?!
“I don’t believe it!” Michael Buhrman said, “we haven’t seen Seymour Almasy… er, Orphan after what he did to Rainbow Serpent back at Thieves Honor! Rumor has it that after that sickening attack and attempt to end Serpent’s career, Damien Lee cut his ass off our roster!”
“That’s what I’ve heard, too!” Nathan Powers yelled. “But HE was the one behind the attack? Why? What does he have to gain from this? And why is he here now? Could his unceremonious exit from jOlt have something to do with this?”
Brody cocked his jaw back. He and the former(?) Seymour Almasy had never even met before this moment.
“You did this?” Brody yelled. “WHY?”
Almasy had wrestled for a few weeks under his former moniker until this former… whatever this Orphan is… returned to the fold at Thieves Honor and assaulted Rainbow Serpent. No one had heard hide or hair of the troublesome menace, but here he was in the flesh. He simply DROPPED his chair on the ground and let out a gross – or as some circles would know it – a MILESwide grin.
Brody had heard and seen enough. He was about to climb outside of the ring…
A swarm of jOlt security staff had arrived on the scene and gunned right for the man known as Seymour Almasy once up on a time. There seemed to be a sliver of truth about Orphan’s disappearance from the roster when security got in the way before anything could escalate physically. Brody tried to intervene when several men got in his way in the ring.
The five members of security that were in the ring were doing their absolute best to try and calm down SuperMack while on the outside, Orphan was being chased around the ringside area. He managed to grab a live mic from the timekeeper’s area and jumped on the announce table in front of Buhrman and Powers.
“it was me, brody. it was all me… and the best part is that you’re never going to know why.”
He jumped off the table and kneeled down at ringside as actual police started to show up along with more security.
“you can have me, boys.”
Mack was now red in the face as he watched the officers slap handcuffs on the man that helped to ultimately seal the fate of All-Star Championship Wrestling back in 2013. He looked up at an angered Brody in the ring and laughed.
Two of the security guards inside the ring were MOWED the fuck down by SuperMack and the crowd roared to life! Brody grabbed another one by the throat while behind him, one of the other members jumped on his back to try and restrain him.
“Stop this, Mack, now!” the security guard yelled.
Brody threw the man in his grip away from him and then turned his attention to the one on top of him. With both hands he reached out and THREW him over his shoulder and dropped him to the fucking ground…
One man left…
All five men were down now, but by the time that he got back up, the man called Orphan was already in cuffs and being dragged halfway up the ramp as he watched him leave and get pushed behind the curtains. Orphan turned his neck around to shoot one more shit-eating grin as he and his security detail disappeared from sight…
SuperMack yelled in frustration. Not only did he find out who was behind the attack, but his chance to get at him had been taken away from him. Brody turned to one of the security guards sprawled out on the mat and grabbed him by the neck.
A SICKENING Revolution Powerbomb nearly shook the ring from the impact as the security guard’s body rattled from sheer force! Brody rolled through and climbed back to his feet and looked the scene around him.
Bodies everywhere.
And not one of them was the man responsible. He was gone and safe in police custody.
A furious Brody climbed out from the ring and charged towards the curtains.
But the burning questions to all of this…
Why The Heirs of Wrestling?
And why did Orphan of all people do this?

“Good Evening, jOlt Wrestling fans..” Dawn opened. “I am your host, Dawn Cassidy and we are here live backstage for Death Wish. It’s been one exciting night and...Excuse me?...Excuse me?”
The audience would roar as ’The Athletic Freak of Nature’, Kenshiro Inogami walked into view. Swathed in predominant Pearl with Crimson & Onyx trim, the Inogami Clan general would be heard clearing his throat while casting a stoic glare towards the female wrestling journalist.
“You mind if I have a few moments of your time...?” Cassidy inquired yet was silenced by the ninja faintly raising his hand before lowering it.
“Although pressed for time, I will spare you a few moments, Miss Cassidy.” The Midnight Assassin mentioned as he casually folded his arms behind his back.
“Thank you.” She replied. “Tonight, you and Providence are set to face each other inside The Pitt, a match that very few are willing to enter and those who do, never leave it that same ever again. What are your feelings in stepping back inside this intentionally hostile environment?”
“I will admit that there are a legion of thoughts and reservations entering this event.” The ninja opened. “I stand well aware of what this match not only presents by design yet what it is destined to exposed within all whom dare to enter that unforgiving enclosure. However, those same sentiments will be set aside for I have a mission that demands to be fulfilled; the personal annihilation of my opposition.”
The Arena of Champions were radiating with bloodthirsty cheers with the personal proclamation.
“My opponent is not one to take lightly by any means.” Kenshiro voiced. “However, the same sentiment must be enforced into my opposition by my very own hands. You see, I am not one to rely heavily of faux bravado nor empty rhetoric for while my accolades may be great in number, there are those whom feel obligated to test the validity and merits of my reputation. That, in which, I am all too willing to oblige them...”
Dawn Cassidy gently bit her lip as Kenshiro again cast a frigid glare her way.
“Granted, my dealings with Providence have been limited, I look forward to personally exorcizing at few personal lingering demons within that enclosure this evening.” The ninja continued. “I am no stranger to bloodshed, in fact, I personally believe that he and I are long over due. Once inside that structure, there will be no more room for aimless posturing nor frivolous wordplay...Nothing but brutally honest truth and on the behalf of my clan, as it’s founding father, I am ready to ready to wage war and die for what we stand for....”
The ninja casually gave her a once over.
“That dress is an elegant choice, if I must say...” Kenshiro mentioned, urging a coy smile in response from Cassidy. “If you’ll excuse me...”
The former jOlt Underground Champion would saunter away from the camera’s view, leaving Dawn to watch him march onward to the mesh battlefield...

The Crimson Order(c) vs The House

Camera 17 was responsible for offering a glorious panoramic view of the entire western section of the arena. The stands were inundated with a faithful legion of cheering fans whom were anxiously awaiting the rematch that has arguably assumed precedence of the entire jOlt tag team landscape. An ongoing volley of dueling chants would rock the arena as the infamous Sin City Heavies commanded the attention of the cameras as they were busy with their usual antics; flexing before the camera before inaudibly displaying their budding new members of their fold before Camera 29 breifly assumed command with a wide angled view from the southeast portion of the arena before Camera 1 centered its focus on the incomparable Dean Carrington...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen...jOlt Wrestling fans, both here and watching at home; IT’S TIME!”
The in ring announcer gave pause to grant the cheering masses their due as Referee Simon Boulder promptly passed through the ropes to assume his place beside his longstanding comrade. Boulder nodded confidently with both hands folded behind his back to eventually promote a heartfelt smile within the moment.
Carrington: “The following contest is a REMATCH with a time limit of 45 minutes and is for the jOlt Wrestling WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!
The amassed explosion of crowd heat was overwhelming as the actual band gradually ascended into view via a obscured platform several meters away from the entrance staging area. Camera 10 panned across the band to monitor them in mid song, intentionally adding acoustic fire into the mix. A series of casino colored laser beams would sweep throughout the arena’s interior as each jOltvision screen would stream the video entrance package on cue. Several cards displaying a Royal Flush would overpower the screen with the tag team’s name in question being literally burned across the series of cards. A hero’s welcome resonated within the Arena of Champions as the ardent challengers lumbered casually out from the back and solemnly embraced the moment by fanning out and holding court before the entire jOlt universe. The Las Vegas Leviathan proudly stroked his beard as The Sin City Strongman nodded to himself before rhythmically hopping in place...
Carrington: “Introducing First; the Challengers...Hailing from Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada and weighting in a total combined weight of 777 pounds...They are the current Number 1 Contenders for the jOlt Tag Team Championships; the team of...’The Oddsmaker’, DERRICK HUBER & ADAM ’The Big Bucks’ ROEBUCK!! THIS!! IS!! THE HOUSE!!!”
Both men would point and acknowledge the entire band before physically interacting with the crowd behind the barricades. The House would give pause as they stood before the Sin City Heavies whom were bowing and paying homage to their heroes before Derrick & Adam huddled together with The Heavies briefly. Huber casually looked from side to side while rubbing his hands before throwing them upward toward the heavens, prompting the entire eastern section to litter the air with playing cards that would descend in a blizzard-esque fashion. Adam proudly beat his chest before inaudibly yelling back at the fans when both members of The House punched each other to rile themselves up for tag team competition. Storming up the ring steps, Roebuck would stand along the middle of the ring apron as his tag team partner in crime would perch himself atop the turnbuckles with a Right Fist raised. On cue, the lead singer would lead the masses onward with the final chorus...
Never do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the house of the rising sun
In the house of the rising sun
Well, there is a house in Sin City
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God, knows I, I'M ONE!!!
The highly motivated assembly would rally on proudly as The House would anxiously await their opposition with Huber standing atop the middle turnbuckles with his arms folded. The Las Vegas Leviathan remained hunched forward slightly with both hands on his knees. Their eyes trained toward the entrance staging area as the challengers conveyed a mutual look of all business, ignoring the resonating adulation notably reserved for them. Derrick would slowly lean his neck from side to side before the arena lighting quickly diminished. Several moments would elapse before a deafening yet brief drum solo initiated a brilliant barrage of strobe lighting before returning back to the darkness...
Random flashes of light would dance about while the signature vignettes continued streaming across every jOltvision monitor. The billowing strobe lit overcast was soon breached by a quartet of familiar shadows. Camera 4 would center itself with a slightly angled view revealed the Hokota Holocaust & the clan’s elder statesman usher forward the promotion’s reigning tag champions...
Carrington: “...And the their opponents...accompanied to the ring by ’The Hokota Holocaust’, Shoji and their manager, Mamoru; weighting in at a combined weight of 605 pounds...They are the team of HEIDO & TAKESHI...They are THE CRIMSON ORDER!!
Heido would be seen flaring out his male kimono gi to reveal his championship belt as the mute monstrosity slowly rolled his shoulders before peeling his belt off his shoulder and holding it near his Left Thigh. Shoji was seen popping his knuckles next to the elder statesman before they led the march en route to the squared circle. The reigning champions momentarily set themselves before the ring apron to cast visual daggers toward their challengers before casually making their way up the ring steps. The Kansai Crippler continued walking along the ring apron as Takeshi carefully removed his ominous Kendo Mask before dropping it into Shoji’s hands and slowly stepping over the top ropes. Mamoru was overheard giving his ring generals final instructions in Japanese before The Kansai Crippler finally entered the ring with The House holding firm to their respective corner. The musical intro would ebb away yet the raucous crowd continued onward with their unified rally for the inevitable rematch. The ninjas casually passed their belts onto the referee who would proudly showcase them to each side of the crowd before carefully passing them onto the ring side personnel. Referee Boulder would hold his arms out while inaudibly checking each team before calling for the opening bell...
Huber swivled off the top turnbuckle onto the ring apron as Adam Roebuck elected to go first. Heido would saunter forward to engage his ominous opposition head on as he used his quickness to slam his forearm violently against his exposed rib cage repeatedly before utilizing a Spinning Back Elbow to keep the Las Vegas Leviathan off balance followed by a Spinning Open Palm Punch to the face. Derrick Huber was overheard yelling as Roebuck was staggering backwards from the martial arts barrage laid upon him with Heido angrily drilling the Nevadan Juggernaut with Machine Gun Forearm Strikes against the turnbuckles. The crowd was overheard roaring with Adam angrily shoving the ninja into a Reverse Somersault yet the Kansai Crippler broke into a relentless sprint after him and drilled him with a Running Yakuza Kick to the Chest before assaulting him once more. Referee Boulder would physically pry the ninja way from his target yet the nimble assassin would swivel out of his grasp yet Roebuck’s Right Hook rattled the ninja’s momentum with Adam lumbering after the staggering Heido. A Running Clothesline from behind drove the ninja face first into the canvas. The sinewy ninja was seen shaking his head while pushing himself up yet the Las Vegas Leviathan grabbed the ninja by the scruff of his kimono and flung him into The House’s corner soundly. The Kansai Crippler delivered a stern Back Elbow to Huber’s jaw before hitting Roebuck with 2 quick Open Palm Strikes to the Jaw. Heido’s Spinning Back Fist sailed over an aware Huber who immediately stunned the ninja with a Hangman Attack across the top rope, allowing Roebuck to jettison the Inogami Clan Strategist airborne with a punishing Saito Suplex!
The Japanese export would reel form the impact as Roebuck rolled over into all fours before initiating the 1st cover of the match...1! 1 ½ was the count as Heido jerked his shoulder off the mat yet Adam grabbed Heido by the hair and flung him sternly against turnbuckles. Using his girth to wedge the ninja against the corner, Adam allowed his partner to tag himself in before The House battered Heido with a Powerbomb/Running Neck Breaker Combination. Huber with the cover....1! ...2! Heido shot the shoulder up yet Huber remained undeterred as he secured the ailing ninja with a Reverse Chinlock. Mamoru was seen slapping the ring apron and barking instructions as Heido gradually reclaimed his senses. The rising ninja’s momentum was shattered with a hard Hair Whip against the canvas, allowing the muscular phenomenon to swivel to his feet and connect with a High Leaping Elbow Drop. A kneeling Huber would garner a resounding pop from the crowd before inaudibly yelling something toward the pacing Takeshi before drilling Heido with a Delayed Fireman’s Suplex! ...1! ...2! A weighted Boot by Takeshi would forcibly break the count while leaving Huber to clutch his ribs. The Mute Mountain Splitter would lumber back to his corner while dragging his partner several paces closer to the corner before stepping back onto the ring apron. The slightly disoriented Heido would stumble over toward the corner where an awaiting Takeshi would tag himself in. The audience rallied behind the scowling duo of Huber & Takeshi as the hulking giant stepped over the top ropes to roll his neck & shoulders before uniting with a mutual collision. Both men staggered backwards from the impact before they rushed after each other once more yet Huber strode underneath the Running Lariat. A carom off the ropes led to Derrick connecting with a Running Clothesline that merely staggered the giant back. Again, Huber would shoot toward the ropes yet his 2nd attack would only force the titan to concede little ground. A battery of Clenched Forearm Shivers would promote him to shoot toward the ropes once more...
The bald titan shook his head briefly to pursuit his ailing target and battering him with a Running Kick to the exposed ribs. The Sin City Strongman would gnash his teeth while staggering back to his vertical base yet Takeshi angrily grabbed him by the back of his head and slammed his face against the neutral turnbuckles. 3 more times Huber’s face would hit the padded surface before the Mute Mountain Splitter grabbed him by the back of his trunks and drilled Huber with a stiff Forearm Strike to the back of his neck. The doubled over Huber would stumbled forward only to be snatched back and drilled once more before sending the fan favorite airborne with a Belly to Back Flipping Throw Suplex! The audience groaned loudly from the unsightly impact as Takeshi shot the half...1! ...2! Derrick got the shoulder up, leading Takeshi to suppress his prey with a several measured Knee Strikes across the lower back before applying Shuko Ken - A Double Trapezius Nerve Hold w/ Measured Knees to Rib Cage. Huber’s yelp of anguish went unchecked as the massive ninja slammed Huber back against the canvas hard for another Lateral Press...1! ...2! Again, the defiant Vegas native would shoot the shoulder off the mat. The Puroresu expert would lead his target upward to his feet before using an Irish Whip to slam him back first deep into enemy territory. Heido would blast Huber with a Forearm Strike across his target’s chest before the incoming Takeshi would crush him with a High Turnbuckle Splash before Heido tagged himself in, passed through the ropes to gain some distance. The sprinting ninja was sent airborne by Takeshi’s Standing Hip Toss before crushing the challenger with an impromptu Cannonball Turnbuckle Senton!
Heido would land on all fours before leaning Huber back with a stiff Open Palm Uppercut. He would soon follow suit with his partner to batter his spine with a Double Team Hip Toss. The Kansai Crippler was prompt with the Lateral Press...1! ...2! NO! An animated Roebuck would urge the masses to rally behind his ailing partner as he was enduring the rigors of Heido’s The Tengu Tourniquet - An Inverted Clover Leaf. Gnashing his teeth, The Oddsmaker would gradually claw his way from enemy territory en route to the middle of the ring before Heido immediately broke the hold and crushed him with a Running Elbow Drop across the middle of his ailing back. A notable amount of pro House enthusiasts would boo the defiant Heido whom would lay a weighted foot atop Huber’s exposed sternum before applying Bridging Cobra Clutch! Referee Boulder would kneel close by in order to check Derrick’s vitals who showed no sign of yielding. Having endured enough, the massive Roebuck would lumber onward to forcibly break the hold with a weighty Running Elbow Drop! The sinewy ninja angrily recoiled form the blow as a dazed Huber was aided back to his feet yet Boulder would order Adam to head back to his corner. Derrick benefitted from the granted opening as he staggered his way forward to tag in the Las Vegas Leviathan. A brief conference was held between the two before Adam grabbed Heido by the hair and pulled him to his knees. The ninja began punching each rib before Roebuck humbled him with a Clubbing Forearm across the back. Dragging him forward, the portly powerhouse again battered him with the same attack before sending Heido sailing away with a Biel Throw. The ninja grimaced before the crowd as Roebuck yelled toward Takeshi before blasting the ninja with a Stinger Kick between the shoulder blades. Snatching the kimono jacket apart, Adam would be seen holding his prey by the hair before ordering the crowd’s silence with a single hush...
Heido’s jaw remained agape from the impact yet the words failed to escape...
The ailing ninja would desperately clasp onto his assailant’s hands yet Adam snatched his hand free before blasting him with another Stinger Kick before finishing with the coup de grace...
The ninja crossed his arms across his chest, ailing from the assault as Roebuck pointed longingly toward Takeshi before peeling Heido up from the seated posture and blasted Heido with a stiff Scoop Slam. Adam extended a middle finger towards Takeshi before lumbering toward the opposing ropes. However, the massive ninja quickly hurdled over the top ropes and surprised the human locomotive with a violent Cactus Clothesline. Both men would tumble to the outside with the Mute Mountain Splitter scowling at the ailing Roebuck. An ominous roar from the crowd rallied behind the warring behemoths as the hard count was initiated by Boulder. The angry mute would slowly back pedal away from the ailing Roebuck as Derrick Huber rushed to his side with great haste. The Las Vegas Leviathan was slowly rose to his feet and back pedaled away while an ailing Roebuck was being helped back to his feet as the count of 5 was reached. The Vegas Big Man was seen clutching the back of his head, displaying the effects of faint concussion symptoms yet he waved his partner off before lumbering his way up the ring steps and back inside the ring. The Crimson Order would reunite under the stern direction of Mamoru whom would allot a standing 5 count before a renewed Takeshi would reenter the ring with a sense of purpose. Both Shoji & Mamoru would tend to a grimacing Heido as the opposing giants would physically jockey for control. The Silent Nightmare sternly applied the Side Head Lock, gradually pulling a reluctant Roebuck down to a knee before rattling the ring with a swift Side Headlock Takedown. Simon Boulder would elevate his Left Hand to signal to the referee he was still in the fight before his hand slowly began its descent. Huber was seen and heard yelling at his tag team partner as Simon Boulder promptly raised the arm and watched it fall. The Mute Mountain Splitter nodded confidently as the appendage was raised and fell against the canvas a 2nd time before opting to cover him with a Lateral Press....1! ...2! The obese fan favorite exerted more energy by shifting his shoulder off the mat, allowing the muscular titan to swivel about and secure a Textbook Arm Bar while sandwiching Adam’s head against the mat with his knee. Shoji was seen leaning forward along the ring apron as Heido was heard barking marching orders to his partner whom would rear back and deliver a hard Stomp onto his prey’s skull.
The audience groaned loudly toward the pacing Takeshi would stare menacingly toward a pissed off Huber as his partner was notably out of sorts from the punishment before being lured back to his feet. The Arena of Champions clambered loudly as the grunting Silent Nightmare gradually hoisted his super heavyweight rival upward....Heaven Meets Earth - An Overhead Press Power Slam! A lingering fecal chant echoed throughout the arena as the hulking Takeshi coldly scowled at Derrick Huber before finally covered his fallen rival...
Somehow, Adam found the reserves to kick out as an undeterred Takeshi would hold his target’s arm while extending his outward to tag a refreshed Heido back in. The Kansai Crippler would scale his way toward the top before connecting with a high Double Foot Stomp from the top rope! The raven haired ninja would forward somersault to his feet and cast a calloused stare toward the Sin City Strongman before returning his focus onto the ailing super giant. Takeshi’s parting gift would be to pull Adam up to a seated posture before a quartet of Crossface Punches dazed Roebuck further before balling him up with a Tombstone Pin....1! ...2! The crowd responded in seeing an embittered Derrick Huber make the save with a Running Mafia Kick! Heido was seen grimacing from all fours as Huber made his slightly arrogant return to his corner, inaudibly talking shit. The ninja merely nodded before leaning the kneeling Roebuck with a pair of measured Open Palm Strikes before methodically assaulting him with The Hateful Haiku. Adam yelled loudly with each precisioned strike before Adam collapsed onto all 4's. The raven haired ring general strategically cut his target’s path to freedom off by looming close toward the enemy corner. Unexpectedly, Heido would connect with an intentional Running Forearm to knock Huber off the ring apron before driving a Running Savate Kick on Roebuck. An enraged Huber would pass through the ropes and attempt a Belly to Back Suplex on the ninja yet Referee Boulder would physically wrestle Derrick off him. The crowd would respond to Huber tussling with the referee as The Crimson Order would seize the advantage...
The bald behemoth wisely slithered out of the ring as Heido whipped his head back while standing before standing over the prostrate yet panting Roebuck. The reigning champions refused to relent as Heido promptly began to smother his massive foe with the The Vermillion Compress - A Three-Quarter Nelson Choke. By Huber’s command, the crowd would utilize the rhythmic stomps atop the ring apron to openly motivate the suppressed Las Vegas Leviathan back into the game. Clinging onto his captor’s arm, the obese veteran soon willed himself upward to a knee yet was drilled in the face with a Short Armed Knee Strike. Adam’s massive arms flailed back from the impact as a European Uppercut stumbled the Big Deal against the ring ropes. He stumbled forward to be force fed a Spinning Sole Kick, sending the corpulent grappler back against the ropes as Heido strode to the opposing ropes. The audience cheered as Adam connected with a desperation Stun Gun. The sinewy champion would stagger backwards, clutching his throat as Roebuck was slow back to his feet before plodding after his rival. However, Heido would lean Adam back with a Cross Throat Chop followed by a battery of Clenched Forearm Strikes to drop the giant soundly onto a knee. Adam shoved the ninja away to reclaim his vertical base...
A vicious Open Hand Palm Strike would echo out like a gunshot, seriously wobbling the giant. The pissed off ninja would grab Adam by the hair and unleashed a barrage of Knee Strikes to the Face before leaning Roebuck back once more with a blistering Knife Edge Chop. Several Snap Kicks weakened the super heavyweight’s base before the Kansai Crippler strode to the opposing ropes and launched himself airborne with a Leg Lariat...
A demonic Lariat turned the flying ninja inside out with Heido hitting the mat shoulders first! Both men were down yet an animated Huber would lead the masses back to their feet. Both Mamoru & Shoji would yell out for Heido to reclaim his bearings while the 400+ pounder was steadily crawling closer toward his corner. Seizing the moment, Takeshi would make his way inside the ring and intentionally knock Huber off the ring apron as Adam reached for the tag and collapsed soundly. A notable chorus of heel heat was overhead as the Silent Nightmare drove his rival away with a stiff Soccer Kick to the Head before he was ushered back to his respective corner. Left marooned near the middle of the ring, Roebuck was still reeling from the assault as Heido slowly regained his footing and motioned for Takeshi to aid him. On cue, the Mute Mountain Splitter joined him in pulling Roebuck back to his feet and sending him into the corner with a Double Team Irish Whip. Heido would initiate an Irish Whip on his partner yet Takeshi would hit the Reversal, propelling the ninja onward...only to be drilled with a massive STO Slam! Roebuck dropped to a knee as the angry mute was soon blind sided by Derrick’s Moneyline - A Spinning Clothesline. Takeshi would stumble wildly forward into the ropes before The Sin City Strongman crushed him with an Backdrop Driver! Now a hyped up Huber would begin trash talk while being escorted toward his corner as the ailing champions were left dazed & confused. Mamoru continued barking instructions to his peers as a crawling Roebuck was nearing the middle of the ring. Again, Huber was seen extending his hand to make the official tag. An audible spike was hit as Huber was tagged in, hurdling the top rope and sandwiching the recovering Takeshi against the turnbuckles with a High Knee before running Heido over with a Running Clothesline. Caroming off the ropes, the muscular monorail would hit Takeshi with a soaring Turnbuckle Splash before hoisting the massive ninja across his broad shoulders. A yelling Huber would sternly use a Standing Front Kick to send the incoming Heido back first into the neutral corner before carrying the 300+ pounder toward the middle of the ring. Huber sprinted forward...
The agile big man rolled into a dead sprint toward the ailing Heido...
The Sin City Strongman further hyped up the crowd as he nimbly reverse somersaulted himself to his feet, strode to the adjacent ropes and finished off the sequence with a High Elbow Drop on the fallen Takeshi! Huber swivled to his feet and played to the crowd before spying his tag team partner extending his hand out readily. Extending both arms outward, Derrick gauged the of the crowd before rendering his partner legal and The House would work in tandem to peel their giant rival off the mat with Roebuck drilling Takeshi with a seismic Sidewalk Slam before a streaking Huber connected with a stiff Running Elbow Drop - Dead Money! The Arena of Champions were heard clambering louder as both Huber & Roebuck stood to their feet and centered their focus on the recovering Heido. Resting against the corner, the kneeling ninja traded glances at both encroaching rivals before he countered the incoming Huber’s advancement with a the Rokkotsu Oru Waza - Rib Break Technique. A stiff Side Kick backed the behemoth several paces before the ninja blasted Derrick with a stiff Back Elbow yet the massive Roebuck grabbed and flung him soundly back into the corner. Holding onto the ropes, Heido used both padded boot heels to acrobatically set him into a crouched position atop the turnbuckles before taking flight with a Flying Double Knee Attack. The legions cheered as Roebuck caught him, staggered about to regain his footing before drilling Heido with a Running Turnbuckle Power Bomb! Cheers were overheard as a groggy Takeshi was sent spilling over the top rope via Huber’s stiff Running Clothesline before The House mutually played to the masses. Mamoru & Shoji were on hand to aid the Mute Mountain Splitter as The House threw 4 thumbs down, signaling for the end. They quickly hoisted the dazed Heido overhead for Bust~! -A Double Team Powerbomb...
A literal 6 car type pile up was left in the wake as Heido bounced soundly atop his massive partner’s back before reverse somersaulting away into a crumpled heap. A 2nd fecal chant peppered numerous sections of the arena as Mamoru continued belting out instructions to Heido whom would slip off the ring apron to a grimacing knee. Referee Boulder would begin his mandatory count as the ninja sought to reclaim his bearings before returning back inside. Meanwhile, The battered members of The House would be seen scraping themselves from the crash site as the opportunistic Heido would return and unload his methodical battery of hardened Stomps onto Huber’s midsection and lower back. Heido would stop briefly to aid the woozy Takeshi back to his corner before continuing his assault. The raven haired champion again stopped to favor his back before burying his padded heel deep between his enemy’s shoulder blades before securing an Arm Trapped Boston Crab. The grimacing ninja whipped his hair back and continued panting as the referee trained his focus on Huber’s suffering. Several times, Derrick would refute the official’s suggestions to submit before inching his way closer toward the ropes. Adam Roebuck was breifly seen lurched over the top ropes as the crowd willed Derrick to push onward. Takeshi would cling to the opposing turnbuckle padding as Derrick was mere inches away from earned reprieve. Heido would rear back on the hold, halting his target’s progress. The ninja nodded at the approach of looming victory when a adrenaline surge would lead Huber to drape his leg atop the bottom ropes. The crowd cheered as a reluctant Heido finally released him at the count of 4.
A slightly incensed clan strategist would hold onto the ring ropes and lay the boots onto his target several times before subjecting Huber to endure The Hateful Haiku. The vengeful assault would further erode The Sin City Strongman’s base before humbling him with a Crossed Arm Double Knee Backbreaker. The impact jerked Huber’s legs out wildly yet his mass kept him from succumbing to the full effect of Heido’s patented The Broken Seal submission. He would remain on one knee offering maximum resistance as his strategic rival wrenched back harder. Having the presence of mind, Derrick would push off his feet and wedge the ninja’s shoulder into the mat with an awkward looking Bridge Pin...
2 ½ was the count where Heido quickly turned onto his side and promptly slapped on a Body Scissors onto his resourceful rival. Both team’s opposing muscle were respectively ‘chomping at the bit’ along opposing aprons as Huber was forced to will himself out of this suppressive predicament. Wisely, he would reach for the nearby ropes yet Takeshi was there to kick the ropes free from his clutches. Several attempts would urge Derrick to roll himself onto all fours before gradually standing himself upward. Stumbling about, The Oddsmaker would breifly lurch forward before eventually dropping back down to a knee. His tag team partner’s yelling motivated him to dig deep, prompting him to push his way upward before using a hasty push to sandwich Heido against the turnbuckles. The ninja failed to release him, causing Huber to desperately stagger forward and smash him again. Referee Boulder hovered nearby as he seen Huber was beginning to become gassed when Derrick released a deep guttural yell before executing a Piggyback Senton at the ring’s epicenter. Having freed himself, the gasping 300+ pounder would redeem his time to recover as the ailing Kansai Crippler slowly keeled over onto his side. The crowd was urged to will Huber back to a knee where he began searching for friendly territory. Roebuck hungrily flagged his partner down toward him as Heido finished using the ropes to stand himself upward. Derrick wobbled himself upward...
The moment killing blow resonated as Huber remained motionless along the canvas. Meanwhile, a battered Heido remained on his back for several moments before slowly rolling himself over and crawling to peel his prey over and make the Lateral Press...
A look of slight bewilderment radiated from the ninja’s visage as the massive heat surge was overheard. An inaudible argument between Heido and Bolder was brief as he sought to amend the looming mistake by forcibly leading Huber by the head back into enemy territory. A hardened Turnbuckle Face Slam was followed an embittered tag, summoning the Mute Mountain Splitter to prep Huber for the Broken Seal by hoisting him painfully up for a Running TB Canadian Back Breaker Rack Turnbuckle Smash. However, Huber managed to slip free and allow Takeshi to slam chest first against the padded corner before delivering an innovatively devastating Inverted Scoop Power Slam! Seemingly gassed, The Sin City Strongman would conserve his focus on reclaiming his strength as an ailing Takeshi slowly made his vertical ascent. Heido’s thirst for order would lure him back inside the ring. Derrick spied his advancing target and hauled off with a Super Kick yet Heido wisely countered with Nikeru Nage- 2nd Kick Throw followed by a swift Elbow Drop to the exposed groin! Derrick’s howling brought forth the worst from within Adam as he adamantly pursued his crafty adversary. A violent Running Shoulder Block would jettison Heido violently to the outside as he allow Simon Boulder to usher him back to his corner. Meanwhile, a recovering Huber would roll the bald mute over and rest his back atop of his prey while clutching his groin. The crowd’s count exceeded 3, leading the distracted referee to sprint over and fulfill his obligations...
Kickout by Takeshi and the frustration flashed across Derrick’s face as he struggled to reclaim his wind. Derrick continued coughing while dragging himself along the canvas toward his partner. Again, Roebuck was openly longing for the hot tag as Derrick was half way across the ring when Heido slithered around the ringpost to run up the ring steps and blast him with a Flying Forearm Smash. As Heido & Roebuck continued warring along the ring apron, Derrick staggered his way back to his feet to attack Heido only to be blind sided with a brutal Clubbing Forearm across the back of the head. Huber was doubled over as Adam eventually managed to shove the ninja off the ring apron...
The Arena of Champions opened up with a bloodthirsty roar as Takeshi used a Running Release Power Bomb to send the Las Vegas Leviathan bouncing odd the padded earth below. Huber was seen seriously battered by the maneuver by staggering forward...A stiff Short Armed Clothesline leveled Derrick before he was snatched off the mat and blasted with an even harder Clothesline. Mamoru was heard yelling in Japanese as The Mute Mountain Splitter wound his arm up several rotations before hauling off. Huber would surprise the bald titan with a counteroffensive Rear Waistlock into a Release German Suplex! The roaring of the crowd distracted a rising Huber who ignored a rising Takeshi who sternly slammed his forearm across his chest before winding his arm once more, in wait for the turning Derrick...
The Sin City Strongman was turned inside out, leaving the hulking giant to breifly rest himself on his right forearm before reclaiming his vertical base. Along the outside, Roebuck was seen clutching the back of his head before being surrounded by ringside personnel. Seeing an mobile Heido leaping onto the ring apron near their corner, Takeshi nodded to his brother while dragging Huber to the middle of the ring before motioning Heido to enter. Takeshi with the leading Irish Whip...
Derrick careened against the mat soundly and remained motionless as The Crimson Order received the order from Mamoru before pulling their prey upward. Along the outside, Adam Roebuck was seen dragging himself up to a knee near the ring apron as The Silent Nightmare hoisted Derrick upward with a Double Chickenwing Submission as Heido arrogantly pointed at his target before shooting to the opposing ropes to complete the Oni Destroyer. However, Heido’s eyes widened as in mid leap, a super heavyweight locomotive sailed toward him and violently knocked him down with a Flying Shoulder Tackle, sending him rolling off the ring apron! The Oddsmaker would broaden his base to cushion his landing before blasting The Silent Nightmare with a Standing Back Kick. Derrick sprinted toward the opposing ropes yet ran into a stiff Knee Lift...
However, the slippery veteran would escape the Mute Mountain Splitter’s finisher by landing behind him. Takeshi would spin about only to be leveled with The Moneyline - A Spinning Clothesline! A recovered Roebuck would cradle the back of his head while standing as Huber ignited the crowd with a ’throat slash’ gesture...
Huber would inaudibly yell at Roebuck before The House strode to opposing ropes...
The legions roared as Adam hooked the fallen titan’s leg deeply while Derrick Huber quickly swivled to his feet and dove atop the returning Heido...

Heido’s extended hand fell to the canvas before he covered his head with both hands as The Sin City Strongman released him, rolled over onto all fours before happily slapping the canvas with his Left Hand. Complete bedlam surged throughout the stands as a victorious Adam Roebuck rested on both knees smoothed his hair back with his jaw agape. Shoji inaudibly displayed his disgust as reality cemented itself as Mamoru stared vacantly at the events transpiring...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; your winners of this match by way of Pinfall and....NEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!! JOLT WRESTLING WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!! THE HOUSE!!!”
"House of the Rising Sun” by Five Finger Death Punch would readily flood the arena as an overjoyed Derrick Huber was seen tackling his obese comrade in celebration as Adam raised his massive fist toward the heavens. Complete bedlam would ensue as Mamoru stood along the ring apron, crumbling up his expensive cigar in muted frustration. The tandem of Shoji & Heido would aid their fallen clan brother off the ring apron and beginning their unified egress from the ringside area. The Mute Mountain Splitter was still grimacing from the pain as both Heido & Mamoru stared back towards the ring where Huber draped a belt over his prostrate partner before staring at his belt’s pewter surface, kissing it and proudly raising it overhead on both knees. Simon Boulder would raise the Oddsmaker’s arm to center the sea of cheers in their direction before Huber stormed over to the neutral corner post and raise the belts up high. The Inogami Clan representatives cast a unified stoic glare at their rivals as Huber inaudibly taunted them while pointing at the belt from a distance. Mamoru quietly reassured his brethren before reluctantly leading them away to the back where Derrick would drop down and embrace his comrade as victorious brothers in the middle of the ring...
Crowd: ”YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! ...
The Sin City Heavies were the most vocal in their celebration as Camera 2 granted them the attention they desired before Camera 1 returned to see the newly crowned champions embrace each other like jubilant brothers. History was theirs for the taking as pyrotechnical fury would dance throughout the upper echelon of the arena before a confetti shower befell the cheering legions below. Camera 1 would watch the new champions raise their own hands toward the heavens to showcase their reclaimed hardware before a jubilant nation....

Crowd: ”THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ... THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! (clap x5) ...
The House would stand in the middle of the ring. Belts in their respective hands, Huber & Roebuck would hold firm in their slightly defensive stances as Lee attempted to bring the crowd noise down in a respectable fashion...
Le Bon: “Now I want to go on record and publically agree with the sentiments of the people...”
The leader of The Rebellion gave pause to select pockets of the gullible would cheer in being acknowledged.
Le Bon: “...People...People...People...Settle down. Allow me to explain. You do understand there is that often ignored disclaimer on ever venue that reads ”Card Subject To Change”...Right?”
The Arena of Champions spewed their unified venom towards Le Bon who feigned understanding of their resentment.
“Well, with that being said, it is not right that these gentlemen behind me have been denied their right for a jOlt Wrestling Tag Team Championship opportunity.” Le Bon explained amidst the ongoing downpour of crowd heat. “Now I say this with all due respect, gentlemen; as the leader of The Rebellion, I am here to personally congratulate you on your victory over The Crimson Order, however, I'm here to tell you that I'm going to be using my power of booking right here... right now.”
Camera 3 would sweep across the crowd who were initiating another “Bullshit” chant that was quickly gaining steam. Both Hood & Jackson would nod in compliance before turning their focus on the disgruntled members of The House.
Le Bon: I don't think I need to explain what's going to happen next... other than the fact that this match will be No Disqualification with those shiny titles on the line so referee.. hold those titles up for the world to see and...
Le Bon cracked a smirk.

The House(c) vs Cross the Hood

The audience rallied heavily behind the defiant duo who both championship belts aside for Simon Boulder to quickly retrieve as Cross The Hood broke into a dead sprint into the ring where both teams were intermittently engaged in an all out brawl. Roebuck and Huber had a lot of their strength virtually sapped from their battle with The Crimson Order just moments ago, but the now three-time tag team champions took on their surprise challengers with a barrage of fists in one side of the ring.
Even if they hadn’t taken this challenge, Jon Le Bon had sway over their matches which left Damien Lee in a powerless position. Huber was just barely able to fight off Machida Hood in one corner of the ring with a few well placed strikes just as Roebuck was on the other side, getting ready to bring the hammer down on Jackson Cross. Cross came at him with multiple strikes to his abdomen and had him backed in the corner when Roebuck snatched his arm and turned him around so that now he was facing the corner …
The blistering series of chops rained down hard on Jackson Cross and that left the Rebellion member doubled over. The Rebellion had screwed over Charlotte earlier tonight and stole her title, but and Huber and Roebuck were not about to let it happen a second time … at least not without a fight.
“Let’s go, you little asshole!” Roebuck yelled in his face.
Machida Hood was having more success than his tag team partner in the opposite corner wailing away on Derrick Huber in the corner with forearm elbow strikes to soften him up for something bigger. He threw him out of the corner and dropped Huber to his knees and then signaled for something off the second rope. He jumped for what looked like a dropkick when Huber dropped him in mid move by his legs. As fatigued as Huber was, the crowd’s ovation lent him some more energy and motivated him enough to go for …
THE ROULETTE WHEEL~! The rotations started to happen and the crowd kept count of each spin while giving the now record setting three time tag team champions a tremendous ovation.
But all that fun and games was over. Roebuck turned his head and found himself the recipient of a big boot, courtesy of The Rebellion’s largest member, Seraph! Jackson Cross grinned at Seraph’s involvement and per the rules of the match there was nothing the referee could do about it. Huber stopped having his fun and dropped Hood long enough to run over and attack Seraph, but another large form blocked his progress in the form of a running knee strike to the head. That one belonged to Michael “Phantom” Donovon!
The four-on-two assault continued and now it was both members of Cross the Hood stomping the nearly lifeless body of Adam Roebuck. His partner fared no better as the two towers of the Rebellion, Seraph and Michael Donovon, laid the boots to Derrick Huber.
Any fire that the athletic super heavyweights had was completely washed out by the four-on-two beatdown. The crowd chanted with fervor in their feelings regarding The Rebellion, but the chants were all for nothing. Machida Hood and Jackson Cross silently nodded to Donovan and Seraph before the two giants disappeared back up the ramp. This match may have been a foregone conclusion from this point onwards.
Machida Hood was angrily battering the Oddsmaker with numerous Clenched Knee Strikes before Jackson Cross humbled Adam Roebuck with a stiff Enzuigiri. Cross The Hood would soon swarm over the Sin City Strongman before drilling him with a stiff Double Team STO! A hail of boots were lain atop the battered Huber, urging a defiant Roebuck to quickly lumber forward and clobber Machida Hood with a Overhand Clubbing Forearm before taking the fight to Jackson Cross. The Las Vegas Leviathan hit Hood with a hardened Shove to the mat before drilling Jackson Cross with a heavy Back Elbow. A recovering was soon flung over the top rope before trading blows with the opportunistic Cross. Along the outside, Machida was seen fishing underneath the ring apron before slipping back inside the ring...
The crowd groaned angrily as unforgiving steel careened across the back of Adam Roebuck who grimaced angrily from the blow...
The heelish assault would leave Adam lain out along the canvas. Bloodied and virtually motionless before a recovering Huber would low crawl his way over along the mat...
Derrick’s jaw remained agape from the blow before continuing to claw his way forward toward his fallen partner. Machida was seen returning from the outside, armed with a Steel Chair of his own. The audience angrily chucked trash into the ring as Cross The Hood chuckled among themselves as they trailed the crawling Huber...
Adding more insult to injury, Jackson Cross would wedge the chair against the fallen Roebuck’s throat to urge Derrick to drag himself onward...
Huber was finally able to claw his way atop the his fallen brother, sacrificing his body to protect him. The angry mob continued to voice their animosity toward the unvetted challengers, urging them to arrogantly bask in their works before openly mocking the fallen champions...
Both sporting twisted remnants of Steel Chairs, Cross The Hood would cast aside their weapons in order to peel an unconscious Huber off his partner before seizing their belts and plating their respective feet atop their prey...

“Ready To Go” by David Whitaker would vent seamlessly from overhead before an highly upset crowd as both Machida Hood & Jackson Cross would arrogantly hoist the jOlt Tag Team Championships overhead from atop the adjacent turnbuckles. Simon Boulder stood at a distance with both hands on his hip in sheer disgust as the unworthy duo would bask in the acquisition of the stolen birthright...
Carrington: “Your winners of this match and....NEEEEWWW!!! jOlt Tag Team Champions of the World!!! CROSS!! THE!! HOOD!!!”
The new Kings of the Tag Team Division would make their descent and inaudibly converse with a reluctant Simon Boulder who was ordered to hold their hands up in victory. The audience roared as Boulder shook his head and began his egress through the ring ropes. The disrespected champions continued mocking the honorable referee who would briefly turn toward the ring before heading up the rampway. The ringside personnel would be seen tending to The House as Jon LeBon & Simon Boulder locked eyes before the referee turned away and disappeared into the back. The twisted leader of The Rebellion was seen clapping his hands gently at the celebrating duo before leading the remainder of his army backstage. The final scene would display the new Tag Champions taunting the masses in celebration, much to the public’s dismay...

Chris Titan vs Jon Le Bon

It all started at Wrestlecade last year. The Rebellion debuted at the expense of Eiji Kugasari right after he lost the world championship to Landon Stevens. The first group to stand up to The Rebellion was a group put together by Reno Davis. reVolt then joined in, but when Reno Davis went down to an injury at the hands of The Rebellion, Chris Titan returned to form The Backbone. The Rebellion ended up defeating reVolt and The Backbone at Breakdown, but it was all downhill from there.
Damien Lee was revealed as the proxy leader for The Rebellion and he saw that Chris Titan was a thorn in their side. He tried everything to get rid of Titan, but Titan continued to perservere. Jon Le Bon, under the guise of a cloaked figure told Lee that if Sebastian Saje didn't win the world title at Thieves Honor, he would reveal his secret and assume control of The Rebellion. Saje lost due to Chris Titan interfering, but in exchange for silence, Damien Lee gave Le Bon full power to book matches for Rebellion members. This lead to Le Bon deciding that he will get rid of Chris Titan all by himself and tonight, that match has been signed, sealed and ready for delivery.
"God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash
The arena lights went low and started glow a sepia-like color. Out from the back came the mastermind and leader of The Rebellion. He instructed Raevynn not to fail and she was indeed successful in capturing the Starlet Championship. Then he used his powers to book Cross the Hood immediately following the conclusion of The House and Crimson Order which lead them to becoming the new Tag Team Champions. If Le Bon is successful here tonight, it would be a clean sweep for The Rebellion and the first time they have been dominant since Breakdown back in May of this year.
Le Bon stepped into the ring and the arena returned to normal. He looked focused and ready to go when the arena stood and turned their attention to the entrance way.
"13 Steps to Nowhere" by Pantera
The crowd erupted as Chris Titan made his way out from the back. For almost all of 2014... Chris Titan has fought, he clawed, he scratched, and he danced to the tune of Damien Lee and Jon Le Bon all for this chance.. this one moment. He had to go through The Rebellion, had to endure handicap matches, he had to endure rules and stipulations that stacked the deck against him and each and every time, Chris Titan found a way to come out on top. All for the sake of ending it here tonight. All for this one chance to meet Le Bon one on one in the middle of the ring.
Titan walked down to the ring and rolled in under the bottom rope. No fanfare.. no nothing. He simply stood and locked eyes with Le Bon. The referee called for the bell and the two of them approached each other in the center of the ring.
Both of them stood face to face in the center of the ring. Finally... five months after beginning this journey, Chris Titan finally had what he wanted right in front of him... the leader of The Rebellion all to himself. He was overjoyed.. then Le Bon did the unthinkable.
"Come on! This is what you wanted, wasn't it? To beat me? Do it big man! COME ON! I'M GIVING YOU A FREE SHOT!" yelled Le Bon.
This made no sense. Chris Titan looked around the arena. He sensed a trap. Even though Le Bon told The Rebellion to stay away, he felt that if he were going to go for the pin, they could come pouring out of the woodwork to lay waste to him. Titan backed off, shaking his head, not falling pray to Le Bon's tricks. Le Bon sat up and got back to his feet.
"You couldn't take the shot when it counted, Titan. THIS IS WHY YOU WILL FAIL TONIGHT" yelled Le Bon.
It was a bluff.. plain and simple. Le Bon was testing Titan to see what he would do in that situation. A mind game, if you will, and Chris Titan may have thought he outsmarted Le Bon, but after what Le Bon just said, it really exposed Titan for not being able to pull the trigger right when he had what he wanted in front of him! Could Le Bon be right? Could that hesitation cost Titan the match?
Titan shook his head as Le Bon simply grinned. Titan knew Le Bon was just trying to get in his head and he began to circle Le Bon. Le Bon circled Titan and he pointed to his own chin.
"Come on Chris... right here! A second chance offer at a free shot! Make it a good one! COME ON!"
Titan stood there confused. Why did Le Bon want to give Titan all these free shots? Was it a lure? Was it an honest free shot? Again, would The Rebellion come in if they saw Le Bon in trouble? What kind of mind games were these? Titan played it safe and refused to take the shot.
Titan is a man who could take a punch. He decided to try reverse psychology. He tauned Le Bon this time.
"Let's see what kind of a man you are. You have the first free shot" as Titan pointed to his chin.
Le Bon shrugged..
Le Bon took the shot and he didn't let up! He pummeled Titan with rapid fire rights to the face, rocking him back against the ropes. Le Bon then grabbed Titan by the neck and pressed him against the top rope, choking the life out of him. The referee started the five count and Le Bon broke it at four, backing off and continuing to taunt Titan.
"That's why you're WEAK!" yelled Le Bon at him as Titan checked his mouth for blood.
Titan then charged in and locked up with Le Bon. Titan then applied the side head lock and then continuously looked around the arena, expecting The Rebellion. This allowed Le Bon to pick Titan up and drop him with a back drop suplex. Le Bon made the cover...
Titan frantically kicked out
"What's the matter, Chris? A bit jittery are we!? Why!? It's just me" said Le Bon
This can all be attributed to The Rebellion paying Chris Titan a visit ealier on the broadcast.. almost if they were giving him a warning and it had Titan on edge. This was clearly nothing but mind games from Le Bon. Titan had to get that out of his head if he were to get back to being himself during the course of this match.
Titan and Le Bon locked up once again. Titan applied another headlock and took Le Bon down to the canvas. Grounding him. Titan wrenched back on the neck and looked like he was back into his comfort zone. Le Bon tried to get out of the hold, but Titan tightened the grip of the head lock and kept Le Bon grounded. All of a sudden, Le Bon yelled out
"Yes! Yes! Get in here!"
Titan immediately released the hold and stood up, expecting an attack, but again, there was no one there. Le Bon got up and was laughing to himself. It was at that point, Titan knew that Le Bon was just in his head and bluffing. Titan's back was to the entrance ramp and that's when Le Bon pointed behind Titan and motioned for someone to come into the ring. Titan refused to fall for it as he stared ahead at Le Bon. Le Bon shook his head no and muttered "Get in here NOW". Titan still refused to turn around, not falling for it. Le Bon then walked past Titan as if he were talking to someone, then stopped short, turning and firing a left hand at Titan, but Titan blocked it and began firing rapid rights to Le Bon's head, backing him into the corner.
Le Bon knew his mind games were going to fail as he was being whipped across the ring to the opposite side. Titan charged in and drove a knee right into Le Bon's stomach, doubling him over. Titan gained some distance then charged in again, but Le Bon, fell to the canvas and rolled to the outside to try and re-think a new strategy, but Titan wouldn't give him the opportunity to do that! Titan exited the ring and gave chase to Le Bon. Le Bon quickly rolled back in and took off to the ropes. Titan rolled in after him, but by the time Titan got back to his feet, Le Bon had rebounded and went low with a basement drop kick to Titan's leg, taking him off of his feet! Le Bon stood and dropped a pair of elbows into Titan's chest before finally standing over him and taunting him to get up.
Le Bon prodded Titan with his foot as he taunted him to stand. Titan got up to all fours when Le Bon hit the ropes and came back, hitting a stiff kick to the ribs, knocking Titan onto his back. Le Bon went back to prodding Titan with his boot once again. Titan gritted his teeth and caught Le Bon's leg when he tried to stomp him! Le Bon maintained his balance as Titan stood, holding Le Bon's leg. Titan simply smiled at Le Bon before he picked him up and slammed him down with a harsh takedown! Titan mounted Le Bon and began to lay in some heavy haymaker-like punches to his face! Each time Titan lifted his arm, Le Bon tried to squirm away. Eventually, with Titan pounding away on him, Le Bon grabbed the bottom rope and used it to pull himself to the outside! Titan would not let Le Bon escape however.. the crowd rose to their feet as Titan got a running start and...
Titan plowed into Le Bon, sending him against the barricades! Titan stood and let out a bestial roar as Le Bon cringed in pain on the floor. Titan grabbed Le Bon and whipped him into the steel ring steps! This wasn't an underground rules match so the referee began the mandatory ten count all while telling Titan to bring it back into the ring. Titan would ignore the referee for now as he got a running start, ramming his knee into Le Bon's chest! Le Bon smacked back up against the ring steps with nowhere to go after that sickening imapct!
The referee was up to the count of four when Titan pulled Le Bon up to his feet. Titan picked Le Bon up on his shoulder and charged the corner, but Le Bon slipped off Titan's shoulders and shoved him shoulder first into the steel ring post! The referee hit the count of six when Le Bon darted back into the ring as quickly as he could to try and recover...
Titan groggily got back to his feet.
Titan spun around, looking for the ring and made a mad dash under the bottom rope just before the ten count, saving this back for himself!
Le Bon went right back to work, putting the boots to Titan to make sure he stayed grounded. Le Bon then headed towards the corner and climbed up to the top turnbuckle pad, looking to fly. He took aim on Titan and leapt off with a top rope elbow drop, but Titan moved out of the way and Le Bon ate nothing but canvas! Le Bon staggered back up to his feet as Titan looked ready to strike. The people in the audience had their cameras ready as Titan leapt up to deliver Titanium, but Le Bon shoved Titan off of him! Le Bon then went for a clothesline, but Titan ducked underneath and took off to the opposite end. Titan bounced off, but Le Bon turned and followed Titan to the ropes, driving a knee into his stomach off the rebound and flipping him over.
"Don't you get it!? I'm smarter than you!" said Le Bon as he bet over to get in Titan's face.
That would prove to be unwise...
Titan lifted his leg and kicked Le Bon in the top of the head for those words! Le Bon held the top of his head as he staggered to the ropes. Titan got up and got some momentum. He then clotheslined Le Bon up and over the top rope to the outside where Titan yelled back..
"Yeah.. but I'm taller"
Holy reference, batman! Some people in the crowd got it and cheered the taunt from Titan. Le Bon staggered to his feet and Titan decided to take another shot. Titan went for a second suicide dive, but Le Bon side stepped this one and Titan ate nothing but floor. Le Bon smirked because he knew that he was, indeed, smarter.. or at least he was on that exchange. Le Bon waited for Titan to get up to all fours before he charged in and planted both boots in the side of Titan's head with a seated drop kick. Le Bon stood back up as the referee was back up to a count of four once again Knowing that Titan would probably just find a way to get back into the ring, Le Bon pulled him up and tossed him back in under the bottom rope. Le Bon then got up onto the ring apron and grabbed the top rope. He slung himself over with a Slingshot Leg Drop, that landed right across Titan's chest! Le Bon then went into the cover.
Titan got the shoulder up!
Le Bon stood up and put more boots to Titan. He then walked over to the corner and climbed up the turnbuckles for the second time this match. However, Titan would counter once again by springing back to his feet and catching Le Bon up top by knocking him off his perch. Titan then climbed to the top rope and looked to deliver a Superplex, but Le Bon fired fists into Titan's ribs. Titan stepped down onto the middle ropes from those shots. Le Bon then went for punches to the head to try and knock Titan off, but Titan ducked a punch and pulled Le Bon onto his shoulders!!
Titan DRILLED Le Bon into the canvas and he crawled over to make the cover, hooking the leg!
Th.. NO!!
Le Bon kicked out and the people booed.
Titan stood and taunted Le Bon to get up, who was squirming on the canvas in pain. Titan had just swung the momentum back in his favor and he wanted to continue to dole out the punishment to Le Bon. Le Bon slowly got back up when Titan delivered a toe kick, doubling Le Bon over. Titan went to lift Le Bon for a suplex, but Le Bon floated over and landed behind Titan. Le Bon then quickly grabbed Titan in a waist lock, but he was too close to the corner.. or was this by design?
Titan's upper back slammed into the top turnbuckle pad and he fell into a seated position. Le Bon then quickly turned and presses his boot against Titan's face and scraped across it with the Face Wash. He did this several times before taking off to the ropes and hitting a Running Face Wash to Titan! Le Bon looked out to the crowd and he asked them if they wanted one more. The crowd booed, but Le Bon said "okay!" as if that response constituted something they wanted to see. Le Bon took off to the ropes again and hit a second Running Face Wash across Titan's face! Le Bon then asked the crowd if they wanted, yet, another one, which, of course, was met by more booing, but Le Bon decided to go back to the well once again, but like always, it proved to be once too often because as soon as Le Bon took off, Titan pulled himself up and charged in. Le Bon turned around and ran right into aa vicious lariat by Titan!!!
Titan checked his mouth for blood, but found none He turned and walked back to the fallen Le Bon, pulling him up by his hair. Titan then placed Le Bon in a head lock.. he was looking to hit the Titanic, but Le Bon placed his hand on Titan's back and shoved him off. Titan turned around and Le Bon kicked Titan in the stomach. He went for The Rockstar Stunner, but Titan shoved Le Bon off to the ropes. Le Bon bounced off into the arms of Titan where he scooped him up and planted him with a Spinebuster in the middle of the ring! Titan had another cover, but was it enough to put Le Bon away!?
Shoulder up by Le Bon!
Titan stood and pulled Le Bon up, only to scoop slam him back down to the canvas. Titan was going to go back to the corner for his chance to fly. Titan ascended the turnbuckle pads up top as he measured Le Bon up. Titan took aim and leapt off with a Flying Elbow and it connected! Titan drove the elbow deep into Le Bon's heart and he made another cover, hooking the leg deep!
Another kick out by Le Bon!
Titan grinned as he had Le Bon right where he wanted him. Filled with confidence he stalked Le Bon, looking to hit him with the Titanium. Le Bon slowly staggered to his feet, but he could feel himself being set up for it Le Bon stood with his back towards Titan. When Le Bon turned around, he yelled "OH SHIT" and ran to his right with a startled look on his face. The actions by Le Bon was enough for Titan to brace himself for some kind of impact from behind, but Titan soon remembered that Le Bon was back to playing mind games, but by the time he realized that...
Kick to the stomach..
Le Bon was all smiles as he can't believe Titan fell for it after gaining so much confidence. The message The Rebellion sent to him earlier in the night did have Titan putting his guard up. He didn't know if Le Bon would bluff or if there would actually be someone from The Rebellion waiting. for him. Le Bon took full advantage of that and hit his finisher on Titan. All that was left was the cover.
Thre.. NO!!!
Titan popped the shoulder up and the place went nuts!
Le Bon couldn't believe it. He stood and waited for Titan to stand. He wanted to hit another one on Titan and put him away for good. Titan grabbed onto the ropes and pulled himself up to his feet in the corner. Le Bon looked disappointed that he got out of kicking distance. Titan looked at Le Bon and yelled out..
"I'm tired of your games! You won't fool me again!"
Le Bon sneered.
"What games? You think I'm bluffing?"
Le Bon then held out his arms... Titan looked around and saw no one.
"There's no one there, Le Bon" yelled Titan.
"Look harder!" said Le Bon
Titan looked around and then he saw it...
Sebastian Saje... Michael Donavan... Seraph... Nate Quartermaine... Raevynn... Jackson Cross... Machida Hood... and Sayber.... they were all sitting at ringside, but not in the front row.. they were scattered throughout the second and third rows, completely blending in with the crowd!! Were they there the entire time just watching!?
At any time Le Bon acted like Titan was about to be attacked from behind, could it have really happened? Seeing The Rebellion placed in various spots around the ring in the audience got back into Titan's head. The warning from earlier in the night. The fact that Le Bon said he would stop at nothing to get rid of him. Titan just realized this entire time he's been in the middle of a hornet's nest. How would that affect him for the rest of this match?
"They've been there all along, Chris! Only now you're just realizing that at any moment when you decide to call my bluff.. it'll be your downfall. Remember, Chris.. it's not about winning or losing for me.. it's about removing you as the thorn in our side... by any.. means.. necessary!"
The complexion of this match just changed on a dime. The mind games were in full effect now. Titan's eyes wandered around the arena thinking that The Rebellion could strike now that they know he's aware of them. Le Bon took this opportunity for confusion to charge the corner, but Titan was ready and hit a back elbow, staggering Le Bon away. Titan charged in with a lariat, drilling Le Bon from behind!! Titan quickly grabbed Le Bon and pulled him up and placed him between his legs. Titan did a quickl glance around the arena to make sure The Rebellion members were staying put. Titan lifted up Le Bon for a powerbomb, but Le Bon continued the momentum and flipped over Titan, rolling him up with a Sunset Flip..
Kick out by Titan!
Both men stood and Titan swung with another clothesline, but Le Bon ducked and continued to the ropes. Le Bon leapt to the middle rope and twisted off, catching Titan by the head, looking for a Tornado DDT, but Titan used his power advantage and halted Le Bon's momentum. He then countered by tossing Le Bon with an Overhead Throw.. kind of a variation of a Suplex! Again, Titan looked around to make sure The Rebellion members were staying put as he quickly went over into the cover.
Kick out by Le Bon
Titan wondered if The Rebellion would even attack? Would it be at a pivotal point in the match? Would it be random? Would they sit there and do nothing? All of those questions flowed through Titan's head and he decided that there's no use worrying about it now. Titan just went back on the attack on Le Bon, pulling him up and placing him in a waist lock. Le Bon fired a pair of elbows, but was unable to break Titan's grip over him. Le Bon went for a stronger third elbow and Titan ducked. He re-hooked Le Bon and nailed a belly to bell overhead release suplex on him! Titan stood and shot a gaze to Sebastian Saje in the second row as he just manhandled their leader, but Saje continued to sit there, unphased by it.
Titan grabbed Le Bon and pulled him back to his feet. Titan hit a headbutt that staggered the leader of The Rebellion back into the corner. Titan charged in and delivered a knee lift, doubling him over. Titan then grabbed Le Bon and hoisted him up onto the top turnbuckle pad. Titan looked out to the crowd at Michael Donavan in the third row behind the announced position and shot a glare at him as well. Titan grabbed Le Bon in a waist lock and pulled him off the top...
Le Bon was DRILLED into the canvas and Titan looked around, thinking a big move like that would get The Rebellion to move. but they continued to stay put. Titan made the cover, continued to keep as many eyes on The Rebellion as possible.
Kick out by Le Bon
Titan pulled Le Bon back up. Something was also a bit off here. Le Bon wasn't even fighting back and even though he took a few good hits, he doesn't seem like he's completely out of energy yet, but Titan's not picking up on it as he continued his attack, rocking Le Bon back into the corner again with more right hands. Titan then whipped Le Bon to the opposite corner and charged in, hitting a corner clothesline and dropping Le Bon down to a seated position. Titan got another head start and hit a running knee to Le Bon's face!! That could have been a knock out shot!! Titan dragged Le Bon out of the corner and looked around once again as he went for another cover.
Thr.. NO!!!
Le Bon kicked out again and now Titan was becoming less concerned with The Rebellion and more frustrated that Le Bon keeps taking these big hits and still coming back for more. Titan starts to focus a little more on Le Bon, mounting him and pulling his head up, then hitting a haymaker right hand Titan repeated this several times until the referee had to force Titan off of him which got some boos from the crowd. Titan then made a slashing motion across his throat and stalked Le Bon as Le Bon used the ropes to pull hismelf back up. Titan looked 100% focused on Le Bon, figuring if The Rebellion didn't move before, they weren't going to move now. This was EXACTLY where Le Bon wanted Titan's head to be.
Le Bon got back up and Titan charged in. Le Bon yelled "NOW!" and raised his finger into the air. Sebastian Saje, Michael Donavan and Cross the Hood stood up. Titan stopped dead in his tracks as Donavan was in plain sight of Titan's attack. Titan looked around him and saw other members of The Rebellion standing. Titan took a step back and then..
The members of The Rebellion sat back down!!
Le Bon quickly stood and grabbed Titan, pulling him up to his feet. Ttian was dazed and Le Bon simply said into his face.
"Got ya!"
Le Bon butterflied the arms.
He hit an Angel's Wings maneuver.. a new finisher!
Was this Le Bon's plan all along!? Would it work!?

The crowd fell silent! Jon Le Bon... using mind games and seeds planted into Titan's mind earlier in the night. defeated Chris Titan!! But it wasn't over.
Le Bon laughed... after six long months. Chris Titan finally went down.. but Le Bon stood with his arms outstretched... he motioned for his men to assemble and assemble they did! One by one, they came out of the crowd and hopped the barricades, rolling into the ring All of a sudden, it was nine against one. Titan was still down from Le Bon's newest finisher. Le Bon simply backed against the ropes and held out his hand... like throwing a piece of meat to hungry wolves!
Jackson Cross and Machida Hood pulled Titan up to his feet. Each one of them grabbed Titan by the neck. They lifted him straight up and slammed him down with a double team choke slam...
Seraph then grabbed Titan and pulled him up. He, too, grabbed Titan by the neck, lifting him up and nailing the Sit-Out Chokeslam...
Nate Quartermaine had made his way up to the top turnbuckle. He took aim as The Rebellion members cleared a path for him. He leapt off and landed the top rope senton...
Sebastian Saje told Seraph and Sayber to pull Titan up. They did so and Saje walked over to Titan. Saje told both Seraph and Sayber not to let him fall. Saje then leapt up and delivered his version of Titanium...
Titan was out on his feet, but Sayber and Seraph did what they were told and held Titan up. Donavan switched places with Saje and demanded Titan. Seraph and Sayber threw Titan at Michael Donavan where he placed him between his legs. He butterflied the arms and lifted him up almost to powerbomb height before snapping him down with a Sit Out Double Underhook Piledriver...
The nine members of The Rebellion walked over to Chris Titan. They each reached into a part of their apparel and pulled out a single black feather. They stood in a circle over the body of Chris Titan and dropped all nine feathers simultaneously onto Titan's body. They then exited the ring one by one with Le Bon being the last to exit. Right before he stepped between the ropes, Le Bon turned his attention back to Titan. He then simulated the motion of pulling a thorn out of his side and tossing it in Titan's direction. Le Bon hopped out of the ring and headed to the back with the rest of The Rebellion.
Raevynn because the Starlet Champion..
With help from Le Bon's ability to book for The Rebellion, Cross the Hood became the tag team champions.
And now.. Chris Titan fell at the hands of Jon Le Bon...
Le Bon said The Rebellion would be back on top...
He didn't lie one bit.

Layne noticed this and walked up slowly.
"Hey Amber.. I was wondering if I could get a word with you about your match earlier tonight."
Amber simply laughed to herself.
"I had a feeling you'd come around asking that question, Donny. After all, what is a Pay-Per-View event without you seeking me out. Are you sure you're just here to be a reporter?" asked Amber with a certain.. well.. suspicious tone in her voice.
Layne cleared his throat and adjusted his collar.
"I assure you I'm only here for an interview. If you want me to prove it, I'll go get Dawn Cassidy and have her interview you instead."
Amber chuckled.
"Cute, Donny. Cute. I'll give you my thoughts on my match. It sucked. Totes."
Layne, as usual, had to dig just a little bit deeper to find out more information.
"How did it suck.. and uhm.. totes and such..." said Donny having no clue how to handle her lingo.
"Well, Alyssa Corliss decked me with an uppercut... and as I lost my balance, all I could see was Tammy Foster steal my chance at victory. That's like... wiping on a raid boss at one percent.. that's like realizing you had an E-Tank with one pancake left and you didn't use it to get the kill on Dr. Wily. It's an embarrassing thing to experience."
Donny sort of understood those metaphors and asked another question.
"So.. what are you planning to do now? What about Alyssa Corliss? You haven't really settled anything with her yet." said Donny.
"You know Dons... you're right about that. I haven't settled anything with Alyssa.. but that's fine because she will get hers in due time and I will settle the score once and for all. Tammy Lynn Foster, on the other hand... well... let's just say that I'm about to use my E-Tank."
"Your.... E-Tank?" asked Donny.
"Yeps! On iNtense.. I'm going to go down to that ring... and I'm going to unleash some BFGs on Tammy.. and then.. I'll unleash some more on Alyssa Corliss."
"BFGs?" asked Donny.
"You don't even know what a BFG is? I knew you were a filthy casual, but I didn't think you were a total nubbins." said Amber.
"Uhm.. thanks?" said Donny thinking those might have been compliments. "But yeah.. I don't know what a BFG is."
"Welp..." said Amber Amber then cracked a smile at Donny Layne and simply walked away.. as she walked away you could hear her say her final words..
"Just gonna have to watch and find out"
The scene faded to black.

Providence vs Ninja K

Camera 19 would open with a casual pan over the southwestern section of the arena, allotting the gathered legions to readily cheer for the attention given. Numerous homemade signs and jOlt memorabilia was on full display. A Crimson Dragon Clan shirt would pay homage to the Defiance wrestling promotion as another NoBody STILL AI N’T Watching! Billboard would garner both promotional rivalry and amusement at the behest of NBW before the arena lighting began to diminish. The audience would celebrate within the blackened landscape for several moments before the rhythmic lull of a deep bass line cued the vivid strobe lighting that would veer attention toward the unforgiving MMA-styled enclosure renown as The Pitt Camera 2 would slowly pan along the meshed walls before Camera 18 completed the transition with a bird’s eye view of the jOlt Wresting Death Wish logo before allowing Camera 12 to assume command with an angled view of the structure as the arena lighting would gradually return. Inside the Pitt, Referee Simon Boulder & Dean Carrington would take center stage with Boulder’s arms folded behind his back while the dapper ring announcer would smile and initiate an inaudible conversation with Simon before setting himself ready to begin ghr announcements. A looming ”Simon Boulder!” chant would promote a warm chuckle and smile, much to the fans delight as he raised his Right Hand in acknowledgment.
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen...jOlt Wrestling Fans, both here and across the globe....IIIIT’S.....TIME!!!!”
Several moments would elapse as a trolling ”YES!” chant echoed throughout the arena.
Carrington: “With a time limit of 30 minutes, the rules of this contest goes as follows; there will be No Pinfalls in this match. The winner of this contest will be determined by Knockout, Submission or Referee Stoppage. If time elapses in this event, a 5 minute Overtime will be instated per round. If neither man are able to secure a victory, this contest will be hear by ruled as a Draw.”
The entire assembly would rally behind the returning darkness amidst the ongoing entrance theme when a broad spotlight to immediately train itself in front of the gaping maw of a the ominous ceramic skull entrance. Underneath it, the cloaked figure would stand brazenly. Head downcast, the hooded individual would slowly gnarl his fists before relenting. Seconds later, he would begin his gradual trek toward his appointed destination...
Carrington: “Introducing First; fighting out of Cincinnati, Ohio...he was one of the longest running Asylum Fighting Television Champions in history...Weighting in at 255 pounds...THIS! IS! PROVIDENCE!!!”
Camera flashes would dance randomly along with the cheering crowd as the Cincinnati native would stand & stare at the meshed wall. The enigmatic brawler would slowly raise his hands and gradually cling onto the mesh before nodding to himself. His grip would fade and urge him to casually make his way toward the octagon’s entrance where he would stand at the Pitt’s epicenter. Slowly, the Asylum alum would extend his arms outward before peeling the hood & cape away to boldly present himself before the bloodthirsty legions. Arms still extended, a faint yet proud smirk would form across his lips as he prodigal son breathed in deep....Home...
The musical theme would soon erode from earshot, leaving the cheering masses to rally with the encroachment of war. The hulking fight enthusiast would lower his arms and casually nod onto himself as Simon Boulder would begin his preliminary inspection of the brawler. Clad in Pearl, Green & Gold Tights, the challenger would brandish ’tua mundi cadet’ across his waistband while running his hands across his tapped fists and wrists. From the back, some medical personnel would be seen entering the scene and staging their collective gear near the right side of the octagon’s entrance. Quietly, Providence would scan the horizon before drawing his eyes shut....
A seismic roar would nearly drawn out the infamous battle anthem during his acoustic ascent. Streaming vignettes would highlight the ninja’s edited exploits as incandescent sources of light would pepper the arena. On cue, the strobe lit overcast would bubble forth from Exit Bravo 30. Clad in predominantly Pearl, Crimson & Onyx, the Inogami Clan patriarch would saunter forward through the turbulent sea of humanity...
Carrington: “...And his opponent, fighting out of the Kansai Prefecture of Osaka, Japan...he is the former jOlt Underground Champion...Weighting in at 245 pounds...KENSHIRO! INOGAMI!!!”
Camera 15 would trail the ninja at an overhead angle en route toward the Pitt where Kenshiro would break the civilian plane to meticulously pop the bones in his neck while staring back at his opposition. Both men’s jaws would shift as Kenshiro would be seen making his way around and inside the opened cell to set himself several feet before Providence. The ninja would casually shift his weight while rolling both shoulders and popping his knuckles. Meanwhile, Providence would form a steeple with both hands and rub them together with an accommodating smirk. The musical entrance music would fade out yet the ongoing chatter would resonate throughout the entire assembly as both Carrington & Boulder marshaled the opposing parties toward the middle of The Pitt.
Boulder: “Gentlemen; you both know the rules? You are to follow my instructions and to protect yourselves at all times. If necessary, my ruling is final. Understood?”
Neither party would respond outside a mutual stoic glare cast onto one another.
Boulder: “Ok, gentlemen. Touch fists and good luck to the both of you...”
The audience openly cheered as neither Kenshiro nor Providence would comply with the referee’s suggestion and casually retreat to their respective corners. The Arena of Champions’ atmosphere remained electric as Providence was seen popping his respective knuckles where as Kenshiro was seen breifly extending his calves before sweeping his hair back and assuming an open martial arts posture...
Providence took a step forward, followed a second later by Ninja K. Now, they were mere inches away from one another. A moment later, Providence nodded. Kenshiro responded by doing the same. And then, it was truly on.
Providence threw the first right, but Ninja K returned fire with one of his own. The two men traded vicious blows until Kenshiro blocked one of Providence's rights and dropped to a knee so that he could drive the point of his elbow into his opponent's ribs. As Providence was stunned for a second, Ninja K landed a knee to the same area of his ribs, sending the Man of Destiny backward against the cage. Seeing Providence vulnerable, Ninja K charged forward, leaping into the air with a flying knee.
But the knee met steel, not face.
At the last second, Providence slid out of the way, leaving Kenshiro to crash knee first into the cage. He grasped the knee in pain, and that gave Providence his target, as he immediately began stomping his foot down on the side of Kenshiro's knee. In a match that can only end by knockout or submission, an early knee injury could be critical, and Providence knew it.
Grabbing Kenshiro's leg, Providence pulled it to the side and dropped an elbow down onto the injured knee, then kept his weight on it and wrenched back the ankle to put even more pressure on it. Ninja K grunted in pain, then tried to work himself free with punches to the back of Providence's head. The blows forced Providence to let go of the leg and when he stood back over Kenshiro, the Clan leader used his other leg to hit a blow to Providence's jaw that sent him reeling.
Sensing his opening, Kenshiro managed to get back to his feet and block out the pain enough to charge forward and spear Providence with a vicious force back into the cage. Providence clutched his back as Kenshiro flexed his injured leg, trying to shake out the pain. Before Providence could make another move, Kenshiro grabbed him by the hair and slammed his opponent face first into the cage...once...twice...a third time!
Providence crumpled to the mat with his back against the cage, but Kenshiro wasn't about to let up. He lifted Providence back up and leaned him against the cage, softening him up with a back elbow to the jaw. Then, he took a couple steps away from Providence...just far enough to give him room to execute a perfect spinning back kick to his jaw!
The crowd cheered as Ninja K stood over his opponent, and he looked out briefly to acknowledge them. Boulder moved in to check on Providence, but the fighter brushed him off and reached up to his mouth. He felt the blood trickling out and he saw it on his fingertips. Seeing that, he looked up into Kenshiro's eyes with an expression that Ninja K had not expected.
A smile.
The look may have been unexpected, but Kenshiro was undeterred by it. He grabbed Providence again and lifted him to his feet, his right hand grasping Providence's throat as he pressed him back against the cage. This time Providence did manage to put a halt to the assault, kicking at Kenshiro's tender knee. Free from the ninja's grasp, Providence charged forward and nearly took his opponent's head off with a lariat. Providence took a second to catch his breath while Ninja K was down but he knew he couldn't wait long.
Backing up against the cage, Providence ran forward again, this time hitting Kenshiro's head with a kick that would make any NFL field goal kicker proud as the ninja was trying to get to a knee. As he stood over Kenshiro, now it was a segment of the crowd cheering wildly for him, but Providence didn't even notice. His eyes were on his fallen opponent and his mind was focused on what type of pain would be next.
He moved back in, stomping down again on the injured knee, as Ninja K tried to drag himself away from the attack. Kenshiro rolled over onto his stomach and Providence had a thought...
Dropping to the mat, he started to lock on the full nelson but Ninja K knew what was coming. Kenshiro turned his body just at the right time so that he rolled Providence onto his back with the ninja on top of him. The move surprised Providence, leaving Kenshiro time to hit a back elbow to his opponent's forehead that bounced the back of his head off the mat as well. Providence rolled back to his stomach clutching his head, while Kenshiro got to his feet. Once up, Ninja K reached down and pulled Providence up in a full nelson hold of his own. The crowd exploded in anticipation of what was coming...
But not so fast! Just as Kenshiro knew the Cleansing was coming, Providence felt his opponent's manuever coming as well. He struggled and crouched down, making it impossible for Kenshiro to pull off the move. Then, by angling his body in just the right way he was able to slide free of the full nelson. In an instant, he stepped to Kenshiro's left and attempted one of his favorite moves...
The move sent Kenshiro's head and upper body slamming into the cage with a snap. Providence took a few deep breaths and stood over his opponent, who was clearly in a lot of pain on the mat.
"What do you say, Mr. Inogami?" Providence said as he gazed down. "Have you had enough of 'my kind' yet?"
Despite grimacing in pain, Kenshiro looked up at Providence with plenty of fire remaining in his eyes. "Your bravado...is amusing. Clearly...you overestimate...just what kind of challenge you are."
Providence smirked once again. "I can't tell you how much I was hoping you'd say that."
Providence waited until Kenshiro was up to one knee and then yanked him up to his feet, smashing him across the face with a pair of forearms. Providence let out a roar as he grabbed Kenshiro around the throat with both hands and ran forward, pushing him back against the cage again. For a moment, he stood and looked at Ninja K, feeling anger rise as he looked in his eyes. Then, he reared back and swung his fist with all his might...
Unfortunately for Providence, that fist met steel. The trash talking had given Ninja K a chance to catch his breath and now he had a chance to strike back. As Providence shook his fist in pain, Ninja K snapped his head back with a European uppercut. With Providence dazed, Ninja K gave himself some space between him and his opponent, then went for high impact...
The double mule kicks landed with tremendous force and Providence was instantly down. If Kenshiro would have been able to inflict more pain before the move, it may have been enough to win. Instead, Providence was able to pull himself up just before Boulder counted him out. He was using the cage to get to a knee, but that strategy ended up backfiring, as Ninja K's running knee to the temple was doubly effective with the impact of the move followed by Providence's head bouncing off the cage.
Providence fell then to a seated position, his back leaning against the cage. Again, the positioning would come back to curse the Cincinnati native. With his mind still in a fog from the knee, Providence felt even more pain as Ninja K moved to the opposite side of The Pitt and ran forward, crushing his chest with a seated double leg drop kick. The victim clutched his chest and fell over to his left, but more pain was ahead. Kenshiro stepped forward and landed several more stiff kicks to his chest as the crowd's cheers rose once again.
Pushing Providence forward on his stomach, Kenshiro kneeled down to press a knee into his opponent's back while grabbing his wrists and pulling back his arms. The submission hold put tremendous pressure on Providence's back and chest, but every time Boulder asked him if he wanted to give up he just shook his head before finally shouting "NO!"
Eventually, Ninja K released the hold. The fans were surprised, but it became clear that he only released the hold because he had something even more painful in mind...
The fans erupted again as soon as the hold was locked onto Providence, who immediately yelled in pain and grasped at his lower half. Kenshiro cinched the hold in and Providence could feel it burning more and more. Again Boulder asked him and again Providence refused to give in. He grasped at his own head, trying desperately to block out the pain.
Then, he suddenly reached out for the cage, managing to grab on. Kenshiro could see what he was doing and tried to tighten the hold, causing even more pain for his opponent. But Providence was determined now, using all of his might to pull himself up ever so slightly using the cage. Finally, he was able to get enough leverage to loosen the hold just enough to power out despite Ninja K's attempts to keep it locked in.
Once the hold was off, Kenshiro rolled backward and up to his feet. Despite his legs aching, Providence managed a last gasp. As Kenshiro turned, Providence stunned him with a boot to the midsection. Then he placed the ninja's head between his legs in a powerbomb position, which meant...
The "alley oop" move drove Kenshiro's face and upper body into the cage violently, as Providence has used every ounce of strength to get his opponent up and drive him backward. Providence collapsed to the mat to catch his breath, his chest heaving up and down, blood running down from his mouth and nose from the earlier attacks. Meanwhile, Kenshiro rolled over on his back as well, and the crowd could now see blood running down from a fresh cut on his forehead.
The two men lay there in pain and exhaustion, leaving Boulder to count them both. As each of them stirred to a knee, they gazed across to one another, seeing the damage they had done. Blood dripped to the mat from both men as they stood and moved toward one another. The crowd roared, both in appreciation of the action so far and in anticipation of what was to come next.
This time Kenshiro landed the first punch, followed by retaliation from Providence. A second punch by Kenshiro, another return by Providence. Each punch from the two men sent blood and sweat flying. Still, neither man fell. Finally, Kenshiro staggered Providence back a couple steps with a right and followed with a kick to his ribcage before Providence could respond. Another thrust kick by Ninja K and Providence was retreating toward the cage wall.
As Providence leaned back against the cage, Kenshiro tried to take advantage but his opponent had a different idea. As Kenshiro charged, Providence landed a stiff kick to his midsection in desperation. With Ninja K stopped in his tracks, Providence ran forward prepared to take his opponent's head off with a lariat.
Instead, Kenshiro once again showed the fans of jOlt Wrestling and Providence why he's called the "Athletic Freak of Nature."
As Providence charged, Kenshiro ran forward as well. Only instead of attacking Providence, he ducked the lariat attempt and sprinted straight for the cage wall. Providence and watched along with the crowd as Ninja K used his momentum to leap and RUN ALONG THE CAGE WALL!
Providence was shocked at the Matrix-like move and that's why he didn't react when Ninja K came flying back toward him with a spinning heel kick that busted his jaw and sent another batch of blood splattering to the mat. Somehow Providence managed to keep his feet but he was stumbling backward. Ninja K ran forward and leaped into the area to wrap his legs around Providence's neck for a hurricanrana.
But Providence countered again, using his strength to grab onto Ninja K and hold him onto his shoulders before turning toward the nearby cage. A second later, he ran ahead and drove Kenshiro's back and head against the steel. As Kenshiro yelled in pain, Providence pulled back away from the cage and repeated the move, ramming him into the cage again with all his might.
When he tried it a third time, Kenshiro reached back and held onto the cage, fighting to stay in place. The two struggled for a moment, until Ninja K had another idea. He was already so close to the top of the wall, he reached up instead of back and pulled himself up to the top rail of the cage wall, using Providence's shoulders to help him up.
Providence was confused at first but then saw Ninja K above him. Knowing Kenshiro would attempt another high risk move, Providence grabbed onto his right foot and tried to yank him back down. Kenshiro indeed lost his balance, but instead of falling to the mat, he landed crotch first on the railing, drawing an "Oooooooooh" from the male members of the audience.
Then, Providence did something surprising - he climbed. With Boulder yelling at him to get down, Providence climbed up and crouched to balance himself. As he did so, he actually seemed to help Ninja K back up on the edge of the rail. As this happened, everyone in the arena stood to their feet, unsure of what could be coming next.
With both men crouching, they jostled for position. They were simultaneously fighting each other and using each other to help stay on the edge of the cage. Neither man could gain an advantage as they fought back and forth.
Then...it happened.
Providence leaned in and stunned Ninja K with a head butt. That was just enough for Providence to gain control, wrap his arm around Kenshiro's shoulder and neck, and...
One of the stage hands had obviously set the table close to the cage innocently enough when The Pitt was set up earlier in the day. A few stray crew items were on the table but it was mostly empty when the bodies of Providence and Ninja K came crashing through it from high above. Their weight obliterated the table, leaving them to crash hard onto the concrete floor below. The crowd gasped as the two men flew off the top of the cage and went crazy as they destroyed the table upon landing.
But now some of the excitement for the fans was gone as neither man appeared to be moving from the pile. Simon Boulder rushed out of the cage just after it happened, while a medical staffer who was standing by cageside checked on them as well. The fall was bad enough but all the punishment the two men had endured prior to that made it even worse. As other officials came out from the back, Boulder moved away from the group and walked over to Simon Carrington, who had come over near the carnage as well. Carrington looked confused at what Boulder had said, but the referee was adament about it, whatever it was. A second later, Carrington walked back over to grab his microphone.
Carrington: "Ladies and gentlemen...referee Simon Boulder has called an end to this match due to the condition of Providence and Ninja K. Since both men fell out of the cage and are unable to continue, this match has been ruled a draw."
A smattering of boos came from the audience, but many were more concerned with the conditions of the Pitt's combatants. Meanwhile, the coverage moved to the announcers at ringside, who began to set up the next match while more jOlt officials came out to help tend to Ninja K and Providence.

Eiji Kugasari vs Jimmy B. Martinez

Camera 30 would be seen making its way through one of the narrowed corridors leading to the Arena of Champion’s pulsating core. Visually, the shot would pan out broadly out from the narrow maw to fully embrace the vastness of the ongoing venue. The jOlt faithful were seen in their unedited glory; openly cheering for both the granted window of attention afforded to them and the promotional production, showcasing its most prominent stars. The transition to Camera 1 would center its focus onto the entire squared circle where the incomparable Dean Carrington was standing by with his Left Arm folded against the small of his back while holding the microphone firmly into his hand...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; the following contest is scheduled for 1 Fall and it is a No Count Out Match...”
The legions openly rallied behind the announcement as the images of both rivals were etched onto opposing screens. Given the bloodthirsty atmosphere, many dissidents behind the barricades were seen rattling them in primal celebration. Carrington would shrug his shoulders and forego with any further announcements as he nodded along with no sign of protest...
The subtle introduction summoned a volatile yet mixed reaction from the gathered masses. The jOltvision screens continued streaming the technical and high flying exploits of the New York native....
Time Runnin’ Out, Ain't No More You Can Borrow?
So Many Paths, which one you gonna follow?
What Would You Do, What Would You Do?”
“Uh this is how it go down,
I have the black-pound-silence so it don't make sound I pile a 150 outta town,
ain’t nobody around,
Im in the back seat breakin’ it down,
My love has been a past week dawg lately I found,
Our press made us turn the radio down,
But God bless now they talkin’ bout layin’ me down,
Now they on about shovels in the weight of the ground,
What now?...
An angry crescendo of pyrotechnics rattled the entire entrance staging area before the man in question made his way out from the back. Straddling the line of both pariah and prodigal son, the protegee’ of the heavily decorated ’Super Beast’ would be seen shifting his jaw while scanning the horizon before lowering his head and hopping in place...
Carrington: “Introducing 1st; he hails from The Bronx...Weighting in at a lean 220 pounds...He is the former and last jOlt Wrestling Flyweight Champion...Renown as ’Mr. Infamous’...Ladies & Gentlemen...
Prepping himself in the style of a focused pugilist, Jimmy would execute a preliminary boxing display while prepping himself for war with his esteemed rival. He would break from the routine by swinging his arms outward before touching hands & fists with his devoted supporters. Refusing to relent his glare towards the ring, Martinez would set himself several paces before the ring apron to scan the length of the ring ropes before leaping onto the ring apron into a kneeling posture and swivel over the middle ropes to extend his fists overhead. A brief parade around the ring’s interior before tugging the ring ropes intently to wring out the tension from his arms even further. Referee Darius Underwood was on hand to host an inaudible conversation with Martinez who was anxiously pacing back and forth in his assigned corner as his musical intro ebbed out of earshot. Several timely nods would relay his compliance to the instructions before the encroaching darkness summoned a notable volley of adulation from the stands...
The prolonged darkness leads to the streaming edited signature across the jOltvision screens; a vivid collage of aerial offense and strong style innovation before the familiar shadow passed through the strobe lit veil of smoke to initiate his trademark martial arts katas. The Leaping Double Roundhouse Kick led to a stern Punch to the floor, summoning a brilliant volley of fireworks behind him to quickly eat away at the darkness. Swathed in Onyx & Crimson, the former jOlt Heavyweight Champion slowly ascended to his feet to harden his stare at his enemy...
Carrington: “...and his opponent; from The Okayama Prefecture of Ibara, Japan...Weighting in at 195 pounds...He is the ’The Blood Raven’...EIJI!! KUGASARI!!!
Whipping his head back, the clan lieutenant would make his advance toward the ringside area. JBM was seen popping his neck with a hardened scowl as Eiji strode up the ring steps and breifly held his ground near the turnbuckle post before walking the entire length of the ring apron and ascending the distant turnbuckles. Perched up top, the ninja stoically scanned the crowds before returning his frozen glare at his enemy before nimbly making his descent. The referee was assured to keep JBM at bay as Eiji continued the intentional psychological warfare before the conclusion of his theme music prompted him to ready himself for battle. The raucous crowd continued rallying behind the pending clash as Cameras 4 and 8 traded visuals of the warring parties. A volley of dueling chants were overheard as referee would eventually motion for both men forward for the final instructions. Neither party shook hands as instructed, leading the crowd to instigate matters further as they mutually backed away...
JBM began wringing the tension free from his extremities as the Blood Raven tugged at the ring ropes a few times before the heated rivals viciously encircled the ring’s epicenter. A few cautionary passes were exchanged before they viciously engaged into a mutual Elbow & Collar Tie Up. Neither willing to concede control, the mutual hot heads would continue tussling about before rolling along the ring ropes and breifly coming to rest in one of the neutral corners. The referee hovered in close as the grappling rivals rolled along the canvas before standing each other up where Martinez would secure a taunt Side Headlock. Eiji would immediately press his palms against his captor’s neck to force him some room yet Jimmy snatched him to the mat with a torrid Side Headlock Takedown. The nimble ninja would seize the momentum by quickly seizing his enemy with an Kneeling Hammerlock. The Blood Raven would clasp onto the back of JBM’s neck with his Right Hand, forcing the agile New Yorker’s forehead against the mat before promptly transitioning into a Chickenwing Submission. The last jOlt Flyweight Champion remained undeterred while checking the hold before struggling to reclaim his vertical base, leading to him quickly back pedaling into the nearest corner. The Prince of Puroresu refused to let him go, leading Jimmy to run about, walk up the turnbuckles and utilize an impromptu Arm Drag to free himself. Eiji rolled to a brief kneeling posture before sprinting after Mr. Infamous who would shove him forward toward the ropes. Jimmy blasted Kugasari with a stiff Back Elbow Strike followed by an immediate Lateral Press yet was quickly pushed away. Both men scrambled to their feet with Eiji countering Martinez’s Left Hook with a swift Double Leg Takedown into a Bridged Pin...1! Jimmy would lock both arms around the ninja’s body, roll himself into position for a Powerbomb. Eiji would counter with a Sunset Flip Pin. However, Martinez managed to retain his vertical base, hoist the ninja upward before drilling him with a picturesque Dropkick!
The audience cheered as Eiji careened against the mat while the nodding New Yorker followed through with a Snapmare into a Strangle Hold Gamma submission hold. Darius Underwood knelt down to assess Eiji’s condition as he was waved off several times before Jimmy quickly transitioned to a Cross Armbreaker. The Puroresu expert was ready as he locked his own fingers, broadened his base before arching over into a bridging pinning predicament...1! ...2! Martinez jerked his body upward to break free, allowing the former jOlt Champion to blast him with a quartet of precision martial arts kicks before leading him away with an Irish Whip. Jimmy with the Reversal into an expedient Northern Lights Suplex...1! ...2! Again, the Prince of Puroresu arched himself upward, rotated and jettisoned Mr. Infamous overhead with a Monkey Flip. The New York wunderkind landed on his feet before braking into a dead sprint to the opposing ropes. Eiji ripped him down with a Snap Side Headlock Takedown. Jimmy freed himself with the immediate Head Scissors Counter, leading both men scrambled upward where Kugasari’s 2nd Side Headlock Takedown was blocked and countered by a Release Overhead German Suplex. The nimble ninja landed in a brief crouched posture before knocking Jimmy down with a Leg Lariat. A rattled Martinez was working himself back to his feet when Kugasari grounded him with a Snap Scoop Slam followed by a Single Leg Modified Gedo Clutch Pin...1! ...2! Amidst the ongoing crowd chatter, Jimmy promptly countered with a MMA-styled Crucifix Submission! Arching his back upward, he would push himself over to rest on both knees before slowly hoisting Martinez upward where Jimmy spun himself out of the Airplane Spin to land and ground the ninja with a stiff Over The Shoulder Arm Drag. Again, a Cross ArmBreaker was slapped on deeply to urge a desperate Kugasari to scissor the nearby ropes with both legs.
Underwood’s hard count to 3 forced Jimmy to break the hold as Eiji slithered to the outside to recollect himself by wringing his arm before carefully returning through the ropes. Both men would collide again yet Jimmy would use a grinding Arm Wringer to apply more damage while forcing the ninja down to a knee. A 2nd application of torque was applied with Eiji soon reversing the momentum with an Arm Wringer of his own before flooring Martinez with Tenzo Ken - A Rolling Iron Claw STO. Eiji would immediately apply the The Burning Sands Submission - A Figure Four Neck Lock leaving Martinez gashing his teeth while seeking an opening. The ninja would slap his thigh to apply both discomfort and pressure before pulling Jimmy back to his feet and leaning him with a stiff Knife Edge Chop. The audience responded as Eiji connected with a 2nd Chop before battering Jimmy with a Textbook Snap Suplex before covering him with a Lateral Press...1! ...2! Mr. Snake Eyes shot the shoulder up yet the agile assassin bundled him up into a La Magistral Cradle...1! ..2! Both men swivled to their feet yet Martinez nearly decapitated the ninja with a stiff Lariat! Jimmy was seen wringing his arm before hooking the leg deep...1! ...2! The Blood Raven kicked out yet the mindful Martinez seized him within a Kneeling Bow & Arrow Submission Hold. Underwood became an annoyance to the ailing Kugasari as Jimmy maintained the pressure on his target before transitioning to a Dead Lift German Suplex...1! ...2! 2 ½! However, the brazen New Yorker would roll about and start his rival with another German Suplex. Eiji blocked with a pair of Heel Hooks before dazing Jimmy with a stiff Back Elbow to the Jaw. Another and another before using a Pele’ Kick to drop him groggily to a single Knee. Kugasari with the Kip Up into a dead sprint toward the ropes...
A muffled yell proceeded Martinez being ground into the mat and reeling from the impact. The Inogami Clan lieutenant would play to the crowd by extending his arms outward briefly before slowly peeling his adversary upward and bounced him off the canvas with a Overhead Release Butterfly Suplex! Eiji hooked the leg deep...1! ...2! Martinez kicked out and the kneeling ninja held a brief inaudible conversation with the referee before landing an broad Open Handed Slap across his enemy’s jaw. The legions groaned as another one found its mark followed by a stiff Buzzsaw Kick across the Chest before unloading on Martinez with The Crimson Sword Dance; Snap Kick to Thigh. Spinning Back Elbow to Skull. Spinning Back Fist. Open Palm Strike to Jaw and the ninja spiked Martinez with a Dragon Suplex....1! ...2! ....NO! A hint of frustration radiated from the ninja as he pulled his rival into a seated posture before blasting him with a battery of Crossface Punches before using an Irish Whip to the neutral corner...Red Solstice - A High Tiger Wall Flip to Hurricanrana Take Down. However, Mr. Infamous hooked his arms over the adjacent top ropes before blasting Eiji with a Snap Inverted Wheelbarrow Suplex against the top turnbuckle! The audience roared as the Inogami Clan representative bounced against the mat, crossing both arms across his chest. A hardening scowl formed across Jimmy’s visage as he pulled himself upward and angrily stomped on the ninja’s Right Thigh. Another Stomp would target the Right Hand of the Blood Raven before a final Stomp landed atop the ninja’s Jaw. Martinez would pull Eiji to his feet only to floor him with a a Short Armed Shoulder Block. A 2nd and 3rd Short Armed Shoulder Block would be followed up by a Right Hook to the body before connecting with a Spike DDT! JBM rolled his opposition over and draped his forearm across the fallen ninja’s jaw...1! ..2!
Kickout! Martinez merely shifted his jaw with resentment before grabbing Eiji’s hair to stand him up before pelting him with measured Punches to the face and head before utilizing an Atomic Whip into distance corner. On impact, the agile ninja flipped over onto the adjacent ring apron yet managed to cling to the ring apron wearily. The Bronx Bomber would pull the ninja over the middle ropes before he would initiate a battery of Clenched Knee Strikes, leaving the ninja kneeling along the ring apron. He would take a moment to wave off the referee before grabbing Eiji’s hair again for another round of abuse yet the ninja blocked the Knee Strike and countered with a stiff Shoulder Block. A 2nd Shoulder Block drove the New Yorker back yet JBM stunned Eiji with a stiff Knee Strike to the head . Desperate to hold onto the top rope, Eiji reclaimed his vertical base and hauled off with a High Kick toward his enemy’s head. However, the East Coast pugilist would trap the appendage before standing himself atop the middle ropes. Jimmy ignored the curious audience as he cinched Eiji up and spiked him into the mat violently with a Deadlift Capture Suplex! The crowd openly clambered at the writhing ninja as JBM floated over and draped himself over the ailing ninja...
The Arena of Champions rallied behind the sight of JBM running his hand over his hair in disbelief. His vacant stare would last a few moments before he quickly hoisted the Blood Raven upward and drove him into the mat with a Deadlift Fisherman Bomb...
Eiji jerked his body upward yet the resourceful Martinez would grab the ninja’s legs and ensnared him within a Sharpshooter. Referee Underwood slid near the ninja who was fighting the urge to submit before clawing his way toward the ring ropes. Martinez yelled while reeling back, creating a break in the momentum before Eiji dragged himself onward and finally clung to the bottom ropes. JBM was pissed as he sought to pull the ninja back in yet Eiji slid off the ring apron to recover. Not to be outdone, Martinez would remain perched atop the distant turnbuckles as Eiji stumbled his way back to his vertical base before being flattened by a Flying Head Scissors Takedown! The former jOlt Champion careened off the padded floor as a confident JBM extended his fists outward, playing to the capacity crowd before grabbing his rival by the hair and rolling him back inside the ring. Sliding in after him, JBM began reeling the ninja in as he signaled for the coup de grace. A wobbling ninja would slowly stand himself erect before Martinez fired the killing shot...
The attack sailed over the ninja’s head whom would quickly drape his enemy across his shoulders...
The impact left Jimmy balled up in utter anguish as Eiji remained back first along the canvas for several moments before he pulled himself upward to greet the kneeling JBM with a stiff Snap Kick to the Chest! A 2nd lead to several more before the ninja grabbed the back of Jimmy’s head and unloaded several Rapid Body Kicks. Jimmy desperately sought respite away from the assault yet found none as the Blood Raven leaned him against the ropes with a stiff Knife Edge Chop before knocking him to the mat with a hail of Clenched Forearm Strikes into the nearby turnbuckles before polishing him off with a Twisting Enzuigiri. The Prince of Puroresu remained kneeling for a few moments before watching his enemy low crawl away from the ropes. A few disrespectful licks to the back and head would follow before Eiji methodically buried his heel into the small of JBM’s back...
Martinez was heard screaming in his time of duress as the referee watched the last Flyweight Champion gradually low crawled his way over toward the ropes. Using his elbows to dig in, The Super Nova would will himself forward and finally make the rope break. A reluctant Blood Raven would wait until the count of 4 before releasing Martinez whom would pull himself onto the ring apron to reclaim his bearings. Eiji make his way through the ropes where he started hitting Jimmy with a trinity of measured Punches before Martinez returned fire with some shots of his own. The mutual exchange of salvos would end with a stiff Kugasari Front Kick followed by 2 Knife Edge Chops before knocking the Rising Superstar back inside the ring with a violent Spinning Clothesline. Ignoring the cheering populous, the ninja would soon perch himself atop the turnbuckles in wait for the recovering Martinez...
The legions cheered as JBM rolled through and draped the ninja across his broad shoulders, screaming to the masses....
Mid motion, Eiji quickly swung himself about...
A fecal chat flowed throughout the stands as JBM’s body landed awkwardly before collapsing soundly against the mat. The Blood Raven would remain on all fours for several seconds before flipping his rival over and hooking the leg deep...

’Dawn Awaits - Extended Version would flood the arena from overhead as a victorious Eiji would arrogantly stand over his rival before allowing the referee to hold his arm up toward the heavens. Underwood would kneel down to aid the defeated JBM as Eiji breifly walked across his rival’s stomach before making his egress from the squared circle. Camera 1 would monitor an ailing Martinez clutch his head and mid section before watching Kugasari brace his right arm over his abs as he soon turned away and disappeared behind the curtain. A look of resentment fueled Jimmy’s rage as this feud was literally far from over...

"Ladies and Gentlemen... please welcome at this time... "The King of Hell" himself, Derecho."
The audience could be heard booing in the background as Derecho stepped in from the right side of your television screens. He stood there with his arms folded as if he didn't want to be there.
"Trying to get some air time because you were left off of Countdown, eh, Dawn? How is that competition with Donny Layne going, anyway?" asked Derecho.
Dawn gave Derecho a disgusted look but then cleared her throat and ignored that comment.
"Later tonight, you're going to go one on one against Aran Thompson for the second straight Pay-Per-View in a row. It's going to be, yet another, Underground Rules match. What are your thoughts going into tonight's match?"
Derecho shook his head before answering the question.
"Honestly... what is there that needs to be said that hasn't been said already? Week after week we've done our talking on the microphone as well as with our fists. At Thieves Honor last year.. yeah.. Aran capitalized on the efforts of six other men and defeated me, taking my title.. and embarassingly enough, at Cataclysm, he beat me again. At this year's Thieves Honor, I gave him a massive receipt for those two losses... I still owe him one more and I think that's all that needs to be said about this match."
"What about Aran Thompson as a whole and not just the match? What are your thoughts on the man himself?" asked Dawn
"Again.. I think I've made myself clear over the past three months. I've enjoyed watching Aran Thompson mold himself from a pathetic little Korean to finding that demon inside of him. I take great pride that it was all due to my influence. Aran Thompson tried to metaphorically kill me and I came back the same man... I tried to physically kill Aran Thompson and he came back a deranged man... I think that comparison speaks for itself as to who the better man is in this situation."
"One last question before we go... The Rebellion has taken two championships and defeated Chris Titan tonight, re-establishing them as a threat. Sayber said his goal wasn't anything The Rebellion was doing.. but merely revenge on you for putting him in the hospital twice. What are your thoughts on the fact that Sayber could possibly be waiting on the other side of Aran Thompson?" asked Dawn
Derecho laughed at that one.
"You just said it yourself. Twice he's faced me.. twice I sent him to the hospital. Sure, he didn't have The Rebellion with him, but... I'm not Chris Titan... and I will never lower myself to the level of Chris Titan..."
The crowd really boo'd Derecho on that line.
"...so you can bet that if Sayber wants to take a shot at me again... he'll need more than The Rebellion to stop me from sending him back to the hospital for a third time."
With that... Derecho walked away as Dawn Cassidy brought the microphone back up to her lips.
"There you have it folks. Derecho vs Aran Thompson is next!"
Fade away to a shot inside the arena.

Aran Thompson vs Derecho

Dean Carrington: Ladiest and Gentlemen... the following contest is scheduled for one fall and will be contest with Underground Rules...
After finally getting his revenge that was a year in the making, Derecho was taking credit for Aran Thompson becoming a changed man. He believed that the power of his influence drove Aran Thompson mad and caused him to embrace the Underground. Derecho felt that he created this Aran Thompson and that their rematch here would serve as the creator destroying the creation.
"Onion" by ONE OK ROCK
The arena went dark and became tainted in a crimson hue. Up on the stage, the two screens which read Death on the left and Wish on the right, began to shoot flames up into the air. A circle of flames formed on the entrance stage and up from the circle rose a man clad in a black trench coat and a black skull crown. The man took off the skull crown and underneath it was Aran Thompson!
The crowd erupted as Aran just stole his opponent's Pay-Per-View entrance! Aran took off the trench coat and tossed them onto the stage as he walked down to the ring, grinning. Aran not only embraced the underground, but he used symbolism to show that he embraced the lifestyle of the king of hell himself! Aran rolled in under the bottom rope and perched himself atop a turnbuckle pad, staring back at the entrance as the arena returned to normal.
"King of Hell" by Helstar
The arena again when dark, but instead of a crimson hue, the arena simply became lit up by fire. Fire rose up from the eye sockets of the giant skull above the ring. When Derecho stepped out from the backstage area, sans his coat and crown, He looked down at the ring at Aran Thompson. He slowly walked down the ramp.. with each step, small flames lit up on the left and right of him, creating a path of fire for him to walk on. Derecho stopped at ringside and walked towards the steps. He slowly walked up and came face to face with Aran Thompson on the ring apron.
Aran was even cocky enough to hold the ropes open for Derecho and Derecho was egotistical enough to accept the invitation and step in. The arena returned to normal as Derecho and Aran came face to face as soon as Derecho stepped into the ring. The referee needed both men to back off and it was Derecho that backed down after muttering the words "Tonight.. I will unmake you"
Derecho was in no rush to start things off. Aran, however, picked up the pace, causing Derecho to quicken his to avoid getting caught. Eventually, they finally locked up. Derecho placed Aran into an arm wringer, but Aran twisted out of it into an arm wringer of his own and then he converted that into a hammer lock. Derecho reached back and snapmared Aran over his shoulder before kicking him right between the shoulder blades! Derecho took a step back and kicked Aran between the shoulder blades once again!
Derecho grabbed Aran, pulling him up to his feet and lighting up his chest with a pair of knife edge chops followed by a knee to the stomach which doubled Aran over. Derecho dropped to a knee and hit a quick jab under Aran's chin that staggered him away. Derecho stood, following Aran to the ropes where he pressed Aran against them and sent him off to the opposite side. Derecho leapt up with a leg lariat and took Aran down to the canvas. He stood over Aran and muttered the word "Pathetic" just loud enough for the cameras to pick it up and that caused the audience to boo Derecho.
Derecho reached down to pull Aran up off the canvas, but Aran fired a kick from his back and it caught Derecho in the left side of the head. Derecho staggered back, holding the side of his head in pain as Aran kipped up to his feet and gave chase where he pinned Derecho's back against the turnbuckle pads. Aran hit knee lift after knee lift, doubling Derecho over before switching to right hands to the top of the skull which brought Derecho down into a seated position. Derecho tried to shake it off, but Aran had already gained some distance and some momentum. He came back with a running knee strike to Derecho's face, dazing him even further!
With Derecho slouched in the corner, it was time for Aran to go to the outside and find something that he could use to pummel Derecho with. He lifted up the ring apron and underneath the ring, he pulled a ladder out! Aran slid the ladder into the ring and then went back to work on Derecho while still on the floor, grabbing from through the ropes and choking the life out of him! That was definitely something we weren't used to seeing Aran do and it was a testament to his new vicious nature! Aran rolled back into the ring and grabbed the ladder. He put the ladder on its side and opened it up, creating a V on the canvas. Derecho tried to pull himself back up, but Aran ran back into the corner a knee'd him right in the face once again, putting Derecho back down into a seated position, but with the ladder set up, Aran elected to stay on Derecho by grabbing a fist full of his hair and pulling him to his feet.
Aran hoisted Derecho up onto the turnbuckles and climbed up, hooking him for a Super Plex that was aimed right at the ladder on it's side!! This could literally shatter Derecho's spine if her were to hit this! Aran tried to lift Derecho, but Derecho held onto the top rope and blocked the Super Plex attempt. Derecho then fired a headbutt into Aran's face which dazed him. Derecho grabbed Aran in a front face lock and attempted to lift Aran for a Super Gordbuster, but this time, it was Aran that grabbed the top rope and blocked it! Aran fired right hands to the mid-section, which caused Derecho to loosen his grip. Aran then leapt up onto Derecho's shoulders, looking for a Top Rope Huracanrana, but Derecho held the ropes again and Aran landed on his knees on the canvas.
Aran staggered to his feet as Derecho leapt off the top and hit a short distanced missile drop kick, knocking Aran down into the open area of the unfolded ladder. Derecho stood and grabbed Aran, pulling him back up. Derecho grabbed Aran by the arm and whipped him to the ropes, away from the ladder. Derecho scooped up Aran off the rebound, looking for an Arn Arnderson Spinebuster onto the ladder's edge, but when Derecho picked up Aran, Aran hooked Derecho by the head and hung from him! Aran then managed to butterfly the arms as well and he had Derecho locked into a butterfly headlock submission hold! Derecho fought to get his arms freed from Aran's grasp, and eventually he was able to free one. It was enough as he wrapped that arm around Aran's waist and pivoted, driving spine-first into the edge of the unfolded ladder!!!
Crowd: OOOOHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aran wriggled around on the ground, writhing in pain. Derecho stood up with a grin over his face as he exited the ring. He made his way to the time keeper's position to collect a couple of his best friends.. two steel chairs. He tossed both chairs into the ring and then rolled back in underneath the bottom rope. Derecho bent over and picked up one of the steel chairs and laid it across the thin metal strips that held the ladder open. He ignored the other steel chair as it was probably going to be used for future nefarious deeds. Derecho grabbed Aran and pulled him off the canvas. He delivered a toe kick to the stomach, doubling Aran over. He placed Aran between his legs, looking to hit a powerbomb into the chair and metal strip of the ladder! Derecho went to lift Aran, but Aran countered with a back body drop and it sent Derecho back first into the chair, snapping the strip and breaking the ladder!!
Crowd: OOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was now Derecho that was on the canvas writhing in pain. The ladder was broken so Aran took one of the halves and broke the other metal strip, freeing up the half of the ladder. Aran took it over to the cornere where he placed it on the middle ropes, causing it to just rest in the corner. He walked back and grabbed Derecho, pulling him up to his feet. He then hoisted Derecho up onto his shoulders and charged toward the corner, but Derecho slipped off of Aran's shoulders and shoved him towards the corner with the ladder in it, but Aran grabbed the ropes and leapt onto the ladder, moonsaulting off of it! He grabbed Derecho's head and nailed the Moonsault Reverse DDT...
Aran made the first official cover of this match so far!
Derecho got the shoulder up in time.
Aran stood up and wiped some of the sweat off of his forehead. He grabbed the second half of the ladder and walked over to another corner where he leaned it up against the turnbuckles. Aran turned around to see Derecho attempting to get back up. Aran walked over and punched Derecho in the head to stun him. He then hoisted Derecho back up to his feet and whipped him toward that ramped ladder, but Derecho put the brakes on and reversed the whip, but he pulled Aran right into him where he hit a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the ramped ladder!!
Surprisingly, the ladder half didn't bend or break, but Aran did slide down just a little, but for the most part, he was still on the ladder. Derecho grabbed the second steel chair and unfolded it, placing it in front of the ramped ladder where Aran laid. Derecho went to the opposite corner and got some momentum. Derecho leapt up onto the steel chair and then jumped off, twisting his body in mid-air...
That impact caused the ladder half to snap and break as both men crashed down into the canvas! That was the first time we'd ever seen Derecho hit the Frog Splash in that kind of scenario! Derecho held his stomach as he got a bit of that impact as well, but he had enough in him to grab Aran by the arm and drag him to the center of the ring where he made a cover, hooking the leg.
This time it was Aran that popped the shoulder up!
Derecho stood and grabbed Aran by the head. He pulled him up and yelled into his face,
Derecho then hoisted Aran up onto his shoulder, looking for the A Forever Reminder, but Aran still had the strength to slip off and land behind Derecho! Aran then leapt up onto Derecho's shoulders, looking for the Icarus Switch, but Derecho wrapped his arm around Aran's head and tilted to the side, hitting a modified Death Valley Driver!! Derecho then made another cover..
Aran kicked out again!
This time, Derecho was getting a little bit annoying that Aran had that much energy left. He grabbed Aran and tossed him over the top rope and down to the floor. Derecho then hopped out of the ring as Aran tried to pull himself up. He opened up with a stiff right hand that knocked Aran backwards against the barricades. Derecho bent Aran's back over the barricades before hammering away with rapid fire rights! Derecho walked away and taunted Aran, telling him to bring it as Derecho hung on to the top of the barricade to keep himself vertical Derecho grabbed Aran by the arm and tried to whip him toward the ring post, but Aran reversed it and sent Derecho's skull of the ring post instead!!!
Derecho hit the floor, grasping at the top of his head in pain as Aran leapt up onto the ring apron. Derecho slowly pulled hismelf up to his feet. Aran then ran along the ring apron and flipped over the corner and into Derecho with a Tope Con Hilo.. crashing down into Derecho and wiping him out!
Aran got up, but staggered backwards, using the announce table to prop himself up. He grinned as Derecho was laid out, motionless on the floor.
"Unmake me!?" yelled Aran "I'm still in one piece!"
Aran walked over and grabbed Derecho, pulling him up. He walked him over to the announce table where he bounced his head off of it. Derecho staggered away towards the barricades when Aran caught him and spun him around, decking him with a right hand to the jaw. Derecho stumbled away and Aran gave chase, looking for a running bulldog from behind, but Derecho grabbed Aran and tossed him away, causing Aran to slam back first into the steel ringsteps!! The edges of the ring steps even lacerated Aran's back as he made contact with them!!!
That move brought out the second fecal chant of the evening. Although Derecho countered, he fell to a single knee as it took some of his energy to do that. Aran flopped over onto the floor as he tried to recollect himself. Derecho stood back up and walked over to the steel ring steps where he took the top half off and tossed them aside. He pulled the bottom half away from the ring post and grabbed Aran, pulling him up onto the steps with him. Derecho then hoisted Aran up onto his shoulder, but Aran was able to free himself and land on the floor behind Derecho. Aran then used a simple double leg trip from behind and swept Derecho's legs out from under him, causing him to go face first into the bottom half of the steps!! Derecho's nose was busted open as a result!
Aran got up on the ring apron as Derecho lifted his head and looking at the blood that was dripping off of his nose. Aran saw his opportunity and ran along the ring apron. He leapt off and...
Derecho was driven back into the ring steps face first!!! Aran fell to the floor and then got on his hands and knees as he crawled over to Derecho who wasn't moving. Aran grabbed Derecho by the hair and lifted him off the steps to reveal that his forehead had been busted open as well!
"The creation will destroy the creator!", said Aran right in Derecho's face!
Aran stood up and pulled Derecho up off the steps. He walked Derecho around ringside to the bottom of the entrance ramp. Aran then kicked Derecho in the stomach and placed him between his legs. Aran lifted Derecho up to shoulder height, pivoted, and powerbombed him into the edge of the ring apron!!! Derecho dropped to his knees, then to all fours!! Aran then followed that up with a stiff kick right to Derecho's face followed by a front chancery and then a snap suplex onto the bottom of the entrance ramp!! Aran smirked as he stood up and looked down at the beaten and bloodied Derecho. The man which dominated him last time at Thieves Honor was now reduced to this!
Aran grabbed Derecho, pulling him up. He threw Derecho back underneath the bottom rope and then climbed up onto the ring apron. He made a slashing motion across this throat as he grabbed the top rope. Aran then flipped over into the God Killer leg drop, but Derecho rolled out of the way and Aran crashed on the canvas! Derecho was slow to get up, but from all fours, he turned his head toward Aran and glared a hole right through him. Derecho gritted his teeth as he pounded his fists into the canvas, pulling himself up. Aran got up as well and Derecho hobbled over, going for a right hand, but Aran blocked it and swung with a right of his own, but Derecho ducked that and they switched positions. Derecho delivered a toe kick to Aran and placed him in a gutwrench position. Derecho spied the steel chair that he unfolded for his leaping Frog Splash earlier and turned Aran in that direction.
Derecho lifted Aran up onto his shoulder and then walked over to the chair. Aran kicked and tried to get free, but Derecho's grip was just too tight. Derecho then front flipped Aran over and spiked his head!
Aran face bounced off the seat of the chair and the whiplash effect put him onto his back. Derecho stood and wiped the blood out of his eyes as he grabbed that chair and folded it back up. He then placed the chair on top of Aran's chest and headed for the corner. He climbed up to the top turnbuckle pad and took aim on the former three-time Relentless Champion. Derecho leapt off and connected...
Derecho took the brunt of that impact as well, holding his mid-section in absolute pain. Derecho managed to crawl over and drape an arm across Aran's chest, looking to put this match away!
Thr.. NO!!
Aran kicked out and Derecho became wide-eyed as he gritted his teeth in anger!
Derecho used the ropes to pull himself up. He grabbed Aran and dragged him towards the center of the ring with the chair still on him. Derecho picked up the chair and slammed it down across Aran's chest! Derecho then picked up the chair and placed it on Aran's face before heading to the corner. Derecho climbed up to the top turnbuckle and took aim.. he leapt off...
The 3/4 Distance Leg Drop connected and it drove the chair into Aran's face! Aran turned to his side, holding his face in pain, kicking his feet into the canvas! Derecho placed Aran onto his back and made the cover...
Aran kicked out only after a one count! The pain kind of woke Aran up and he was still flinching from being hit with that move. With someone fidgeting that much, it would be near impossible to pin them unless they were knocked out from that impact.
Derecho stood and made a slashing motion across his throat. He walked over to the corner where the ladder half was setup as a platform earlier and retrieved it. He laid the ladder half down in the ring and walked back over to Aran Thompson, picking him up off the canvas. Derecho had tried to go for the A Forever Reminder several times in this match so he switched it up by going behind Aran and placing him in the half nelson. He hooked the leg, looking for the Legends Get Forgotten, but Derecho wasn't able to hit that either since Aran used his free arm and fired back elbows into the side of Derecho's head. Aran was quick on his feet and hit a Pele Kick, but he wasn't able to get up after landing that blow. Aran tied to get up, but he flopped over onto his back. He scooted over to the corner where he propped himself up in a seated position as Derecho struggled to get back up to a vertical base.
Aran used the ropes to pull himself up. Derecho got up at the same time and charged the corner, but Aran put the boot up and kicked Derecho in the face, sending him away. Aran turned toward the corner and leapt onto the middle turnbuckle, twisting off with a flying cross body, but Derecho knelt down and drove Aran stomach first into his knee! Aran got up and hobbled back to the corner. Derecho charged in and hit a corner clothesline on Aran, dropping him back down to a seated position. Derecho then grabbed a chair and walked back over, wedging it in front of Aran's face. Derecho gained some distance, but Aran grabbed the chair and threw it at Derecho! It bounced right off Derecho's skull and Derecho fought to stay on his feet.
Aran pulled himself up and and charged in. With the last ounce of his strength, he got up on Derecho's shoulders.. he was in prime position, too..
Derecho's neck bounced off the ladder on the canvas!!! Aran rolled Derecho onto his back and made the cover, hooking the leg deep! The entire crowd stood up and counted along with the referee...
Three..... !?
Aran got back to his feet. He went to scoop up Derecho, but Derecho shocked Aran by hoisting him onto his shoulder, but Aran slipped off and behind!! Aran leapt onto Derecho's shoulders and for the second time...
Aran covered again.

The crowd erupted! Aran Thompson had pinned Derecho! The creation was not destroyed! The people were going nuts in the arena as Aran had to be helped up to his feet by the referee. Even though Aran had just won the match and had gone through hell, he wanted a microphone. The referee walked over and granted Aran one.
"Don't think that you're getting off the hook that easy." said Aran between taking deep breaths. "For far too long, I've watched you decimate opponents after matches. When it should have ended, it continued for you. I know this because you did it to me at Thieves Honor.. well now it's my turn you son of a bitch!"
Aran dropped the microphone and grabbed Derecho. He walked Derecho over to the ropes and threw him over the top to the outside on the entrance ramp side of the ring. Aran gingerly hopped out of the ring and grabbed Derecho, bringing him up the entrance ramp. Derecho was hit with back to back Icarus Switches on top of a ladder and wasn't going anywhere as a result. Aran was a bit slow, but he dragged Derecho to on top of the entrance way. Aran stood Derecho up straight and got behind him...
Derecho was out and wasn't moving at all! Aran told the crowd to wait a minute as he got up and walked behind the curtain. A few moments later, Aran walked back out from behind the curtain with a table in hand. He set up the table on the stage and then bent over and picked Derecho up off of the cold steel. Aran then laid Derecho out on the table and then looked up at the skull.
He wasn't going to...
Aran was...
Aran walked behind the curtain and a few moments had passed. The crowd was beginning to wonder where he went, but then it became apparent when Aran appeared on one of the platforms on the Death Wish set! Aran climbed over onto a higher platform that put him at the top of the skull above the entrance way!! It was at least twenty feet, if not more, in the air!! Aran looked down at Derecho, laying on the table below.
Referees and officials came out and tried to talk Aran out of it, but Aran was far too gone to listen to any of them. Then it happened..
Aran lunged himself over..
When Aran hit, he immediately clutched his leg and screamed out in pain like never before. He even slammed his arm into the stage and even began muttering some profanities. The referee checked on Aran and it didn't even take a second for him to throw up the X sign!
This wasn't looking good.
The officials asked if Aran could stand, but he violently shook his head "no". Meanwhile, he was still moaning in intense pain as they quickly brought a stretcher out from the back. The cameras, out of respect, quickly cut away to Burhman and Powers.
Burhman: Folks, we don't know what happened, but apparently when Aran Thompson came off the top of the set with the leg drop, he may have landed wrong. All we know is the referees asked him if he could stand and Aran said no, he couldn't. It could be a broken leg, a torn quadricep muscle, torn ligaments, anything. We don't have an official word as of yet, but the aftermath of that stunt is definitely not part of this evening's entertainment.
Powers: Yeah, from our vantage points, we couldn't see much because it happened on the other side of the arena. We had an overhead camera shot on our monitors, but if you looked at it straight on, it appeared that when Aran landed, instead of landing flush like one would with a normal leg drop, he landed on the side of his leg. It could even be a fractured or broken hip judging by the landing, too. As Michael said, it's all speculation..we have no official word. We will give you an update as soon as we know the extent of it.
Burhman: Right now, they have loaded Aran Thompson onto the stretcher. Even from back here, when they moved him, we could hear him scream out in pain. Something is definitely terribly wrong here. He's obviously going to be rushed to a nearby medical facility, but all I can say is just from watching that.. it doesn't look like we're going to be seeing Aran Thompson in jOlt Wrestling anytime soon and for that we only wish him the best and pray for something that isn't serious and for him to make a speedy recovery.
Crowd: ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapClap...... ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapCla.......ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapClap...... ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapClap...... ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapClap...... Powers: Indeed. These fans are fully behind Aran Thompson in this situation. All I can say is thank you Aran Thompson. Heal up and rest well, buddy.
After they took Aran away on the stretcher, Derecho got up out of the rubble of what once was the table. Despite being hated, for that stunt alone, Derecho received a standing ovation from the crowd. Derecho simply hobbled back to the backstage area.

Landon Stevens(c) vs Jesse Ramey

Dean Carrington: Ladies and Gentlemen... the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit and it is for the jOlt WORLD Heavyweight Championship!
The people cheered as music cued up
“I'm Not Alright” by Shinedown
The arena lights when completely black and then the lights began to flash with the beginning beats of the song. A spotlight shone down on top of the stage as Jesse Ramey stood there amongst rising smoke. When the song kicked into a higher gear, Ramey looked up with a look of determinataion on his face as the fans roared around him. Ramey made his way down to the ring pumped up. He slid in under the bottom rope and warmed up in in the middle of the ring.
The music faded and...
“Your God” by Stone Sour
The music kicked in for the jOlt World Heavyweight Champion and the crowd didn't even bother booing.. they just went right into their usual chant.
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
Landon stood there soaking in all of the chants with the jOlt Championship secured around his waist.. the same place is has been for the past six months. Landon locked eyes with Ramey who was standing in the ring and cracked a grin as he walked to the ring.
"You will NEVER wear this!", Landon said as he pointed to his championship, shouting those words to Ramey. Landon walked up the ring steps and stepped into the ring between the middle and the top rope. Landon stood there and handed the title over to referee Simon Boulder who held it high into the air. The referee passed it off to ringside and called for the bell
Ramey stomped his foot on the canvas to get the crowd into it. As the crowd clapped along with the foot stomps, Ramey and Landon circled each other in the ring. They locked up and struggled to get the upper hand on each other. They powered each other around the ring until Landon had Ramey backed up into the corner. The referee called for the clean break..
As Landon went to back off, he slapped Ramey across the face! The crowd heavily booed as Ramey rubbed his cheek and then looked on at Landon as the crowd started up again with the chants.
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
FUCK YOU LANDON!! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
Landon looked out to the crowd and motioned to them as if to say "What!?" Ramey, however, grinned as he slowly stepped out from the corner. They circled each other again and then locked up with a collar and elbow tie up. Once again, they struggled around the ring and this time it was Ramey that had backed Landon up into the corner. The refere wanted a clean break again.
Ramey backed off, but instead of hitting Landon, he flipped him off instead to a large pop from the crowd. This angered Landon and he charged in with another lock up, but Ramey went into the side head lock. Ramey wrenched away on the neck of Landon as he tried to escape, but he was unable to do so. Landon then backed into the ropes and tried to send Ramey off by using the momentum, but Ramey slid down to a knee and continued to apply pressure with the side headlock.
Landon and Ramey got back to their feet and Landon tried it once again by backing into the ropes, but again, Ramey slid down to a knee and continued to apply the pressure. Both men got back to a vertical base as Landon then punched away at the ribs of Ramey. Landon then lifted Ramey up for a back drop suplex, but Ramey landed on his feet. Landon turned around where Ramey grabbed him by the and whipped him into the ropes. Ramey then nails a shoulder block that puts Landon down. Ramey then takes off to the ropes as Landon gets back to his feet and immediately hits a standing drop kick that took Ramey by surprise! Ramey goes down! Landon quickly into the cover!
Ramey kicked out!
Landon then brings Ramey up to a seated position and then applies a sleeper hold. Ramey got the fans to rally behind him as he got the strength to fight back to his feet. Ramey then grabbed Landon by the head and dropped back down with a jaw breaker, but Ramey then held on and brought his leg up where he kicked Landon dead in the face!
Landon staggered back as Ramey got back up. Ramey went for a clothesline, but Landon went low and used a leg scissors to trip Ramey up. Landon then grabbed Ramey’s leg and Ramey immediately rolled to his back and kicked Landon away.
Landon and Ramey both got back to their feet and Ramey pointed to his head as if to say he knew that Landon was going to work over his legs to try and immobilize Ramey and prevent him from going to the air, but Ramey wasn’t going to have any of that.
The two of them circled each other in the ring once again, and again they went for the tie up, but Landon feigned it and hit a knee to the stomach of Ramey that doubled him over. Landon then hit a hook punch under the chin of Ramey that staggered him back a few steps. Landon then grabbed Ramey by the arm and whipped him into the ropes. Landon went for a clothesline, but Ramey ducked underneath and reached back for the Hangman’s Neckbreaker, but Landon leaned forward to avoid it. Both men turned around and Landon caught Ramey with a discus clothesline that knocked him down.
Ramey got right back up, though, only to be knocked down once again by another clothesline. Ramey got back up again and Landon, again whipped him into the ropes. Off the rebound, Landon caught Ramey and spun him into a powerslam and a cover!
Ramey popped the shoulder up.
Landon then brought Ramey back to a seated position and placed him back into the sleeper hold. Ramey once again rallied the fans behind him as he got back to his feet. Landon through the jaw breaker was coming again so he moved his head off to the side. This is what Ramey wanted as he hooked the head of Landon and took him over with a snapmare! Upon landing Ramey then placed his boot right into the spine of Landon with a thunderous kick! Ramey took a step back and then placed another kick right between the shoulder blades of Landon!
Landon absorbed that kick and used it to get back to his feet, but was met with a big right hand from Ramey. Ramey then switched to a knife edge chop, then another right hand, then another chop, then a right hand, and then finally a forearm smash that had Landon staggered. Ramey then hooked Landon in a front face lock and lifted him up high with a stalling vertical suplex. He dropped Landon and nailed it, but Ramey continued to hold on! He spun over and lifted Landon back up.. this time he took up and down quickly with a Brainbuster for a one-two combination!! Ramey felt like he had a good shot as he went for the cover!
Landon kicked out!
Ramey grabbed Landon by the hair, drawing some admonishment by the referee, but he didn't care. Ramey placed Landon into a front face lock where Ramey tried to lift Landon a third time, but Landon countered by placing his leg in between Ramey’s. Landon then fired a couple of shots into the ribs of Ramey before he lifted Ramey up for a suplex of his own, but Ramey then struck Landon in the head with a knee strike!
Landon then dropped Ramey and held his head in pain. Ramey then placed Landon in a waist lock, but Landon fired a pair of elbows into the side of Ramey’s head to break free, but Ramey refused to let go of the hold. Landon then charged into the ropes and hung on, but so did Ramey! Ramey is refusing to leave the waist lock. Landon went for a big back elbow, but Ramey ducked and loosened his grip which caused Landon to pivot 180 degrees. Ramey then quickly hooked Landon and took him over with an Exploder Suplex! Ramey quickly went for the cover!
The world champion kicked out!
Ramey headed to the corner and ascended the turnbuckle pads. He waited for Landon to get back up to his feet. Ramey then measured Landon and leapt off with a Missile Dropkick, but Landon side stepped it and caused Ramey to crash and burn.. Landon then quickly grabbed Ramey’s legs!
Inverted Texas Cloverleaf!
We haven't seen Landon use a move like this before... it just shows how much he wants to retain the world championship! This caught Ramey completely off guard and of course, the motto is to win, use fresh tactics! Ramey fights and fights as he kicks hit legs, trying to free them, but Landon still has Ramey’s legs tightly in his grasp. The fans began to rally behind Ramey and he crawls and drags Landon with him to the ropes where grabs a hold of them! The crowd cheers as the referee forces Landon to back off of Ramey and release the hold.
Landon smirks as he watches Ramey holding his legs in pain. Ramey got back up to his feet in the corner. The split second that Ramey was on his feet, Landon shoved the referee out of the way and lunged in with a flying forearm shot to the face! Landon then fired, in rapid succession, forearm after forearm into the face of Ramey. Landon then hoisted Ramey up onto the top turnbuckle pad in a seated position and then ascended up to the very top. Landon tries to hook Ramey for a Superplex, but Ramey fights out of it with punches to the ribs. Ramey then hits a headbutt, but shockingly, Landon hits one in return after maintaining his balance! Landon hits another and another which dazes Ramey! Landon stands on the middle turnbuckle and stands Ramey up. Both of them ascend to the very top where Landon hooks Ramey in a belly to belly position. Landon then lifts, pivots and jumps off with Ramey…
Crowd: OOOOOHHHH!!!!
Landon immediately falls on top.. the crowd rises to their feet as this has got to be over after a huge impact like that!
Ramey popped the shoulder up at the very last possible second. How in the blue hell did he do that!? Regardless the crowd roared and began a chant!
There is no doubt that Ramey was hurt after that and Landon sensed it! Landon stands up and immediately and grabs Ramey’s legs! Landon decided to go back to the Inverted Texas Cloverleaf! The crowd is on their feet booing as loudly as they can. Ramey is feeling the pain as his head is facing the center of the ring. Will Ramey tap away this match and tap away his shot at the World Heavyweight Championship!?
The crowd begins to start a “Please Don’t Tap” chant as Ramey fights through the pain. Ramey starts to shift his body to the left. Little by little, Ramey moves his body closer and closer to the ropes. The crowd cheers him on as he uses one final burst of energy and reaches out. Ramey’s fingers find the ropes and he grips them with all his might. The crowd erupts into cheers as the referee tells Landon to leave the hold, but he refuses to!
Right before the referee finishes saying “five” Landon lets the hold go. As the referee admonishes him, Ramey shakes his legs, trying to get blood flowing back into them to ease the pain. Ramey then uses the ropes to pull himself back to his feet. Landon then comes from behind with a chop block and takes Ramey down. With Ramey near the ropes, Landon grabs Ramey’s right leg and drapes it across the bottom rope. Landon presses his boot against it and uses it to leap up and come crashing down on top of it. Ramey winces in pain as Landon again presses off of Ramey’s leg and comes crashing down on it.
Landon then grabs Ramey’s leg and drags him to the center of the ring where he drops an elbow across the right knee. Landon again stands and drops another elbow across the knee. Landon stands and thinks about a third elbow drop, but instead, slams Ramey’s leg right into the canvas as hard as he can. Ramey yells out in pain and then holds his leg tightly. Landon wants to switch it up, possibly looking for a Boston Crab, but when he grabs Ramey’s legs, Ramey kicks him away!
Landon quickly gets back up and grabs Ramey’s legs again, but again, Ramey kicks him away! Ramey hobbles back up to his feet as Landon charged in toward Ramey again, but out of instinct, Ramey grabbed Landon and planted him with a pivoting Spine Buster.. perhaps a receipt from earlier! Ramey doesn’t have it in him to make the cover, though. Instead he takes this time to rub his leg and get some feeling back into it as he laid there on the canvas. With both men down, the referee starts the mandatory ten count..
Both men begin to stir and get back to their feet.
Both men are back up.
Ramey lunges in with a big right hand that connects with Landon. Landon fires back with a right of his own. Ramey fires again and Landon again returns the favor. Ramey then fires another right, then quickly a left, then a right, then a left and continues the combination blows until Landon is backed into the ropes. Ramey goes to whip Landon across the ring, but Landon reverses it and sends Ramey across instead.
Landon telegraphs a back body drop, but Ramey dives up and over with a sunset flip..
Landon shifts his body weight and ends up on top of Ramey…
Ramey shifts the momentum back into a pin
Landon kicks away as both men stand. Ramey swings with a clothesline, but Landon ducks and hooks Ramey into a backslide pin!
Ramey kicks away from it, rolls to his feet and then kicks Landon in the head before he can fully stand. Ramey then rolls Landon into a Small Package!
Landon kicks away. Ramey gets back up, but Landon sweeps the legs out from underneath Ramey and then covers him!
Ramey kicks out and as Landon stands, Ramey does the same thing and covers Landon!
Landon kicks out.. both men quickly stand and Ramey lunges in with a Super Kick and connects right underneath the jaw, but he used his injured leg! As Landon hit the canvas, Ramey held his leg as a twinge of pain surged through it. He hobbled over and made the cover regardless!
Landon kicked out again!
The crowd applauded all of the near fall attempts, but Ramey’s leg was starting to give him problems, but he worked through it. Ramey pulled Landon back up to his feet and hooked him by the head. Ramey twirls his finger in the air and runs toward the corner. Ramey hops up the turnbuckle pads and pushes off for a Tornado DDT..
Landon countered it with a Blue Thunder Powerbomb!
Landon then grabbed Ramey by the legs, but more or less around his waist. He then used his strength to lift him up and plant Ramey again with another powerbomb! Landon continued to hold on as he pulled Ramey up a third time and planted him again with a third powerbomb! Landon cracked a grin and then pulled Ramey up. He then got some momentum and tossed Ramey over the top rope to the outside!
The crowd was absolutely livid! Landon did that to prove a point. Instead of going for a possible win, he prolonged the match by tossing Ramey to the outside. Landon was just that kind of asshole. Ramey was outside on the ground, clutching his knee as when he landed on the floor, that's the body part that made contact first and it just so happened to be on the leg that Landon was working on throughout this match.
Landon decided to add insult to injury as he stood in the ring and waited for Ramey to stand. By this time the referee was up to a count of seven. Landon thought about taking the count out victory, but he wanted to hurt Ramey even more. Landon got a full head of steam and flew through the ropes with a suicide dive, but Ramey grabbed Landon mid air and used his momentum to throw him into the side of the announce table!!!!
Landon hit with a thunderous crash and the crowd erupted in cheers! The referee restarted his count as Ramey hobbled back to his feet. Ramey then grabbed Landon by the head and slammed his face into the announcer’s table. He then grabbed Landon in a waist lock and rammed him back first into the side of the ring apron! From there, Ramey then grabbed Landon and threw him back into the announce table! Ramey rolled into the ring and back out again as he wasn’t finished with Landon just yet!
Ramey grabbed Landon and then whipped him right into the steel ring steps which caused them to displace. The referee stopped his count and warned Ramey that any more of that will get him disqualified. Ramey then picked up Landon and rolled him back into the ring. Ramey got on the ring apron and ascended the turnbuckle pads. Ramey tapped the side of his knee in hopes to keep the blood flowing through it.. at least for this move. Ramey measured up Landon and pivoted, landing on the top ropes and bouncing off with a Split-Legged Moonsault!!
Ramey crashed and immediately held his knee in pain! Ramey thought that maybe it was a bad idea for the move, but the damage had been done.. he felt that he just sacrificed his knee for the victory and made the cover!
Was it over!?
Landon was too close to the ropes and placed his foot on it. Ramey made another cover, this time with the legs hooked!
Landon kicked out that time!
Ramey slammed his fists into the canvas and then stood. He signaled for the Attitude Adjustment and the entire arena rose up to their feet. Landon staggered up and Ramey hoisted him up into position, driving him down with the Northern Lights Buster!
THRE!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Landon just kicked out of an Attitude Adjustment!
Ramey is beside himself.. a look of shock and disbelief came over his face. Ramey knew that he had plenty of other finishers in his arsenal aside from the Attitude Adjustment. He started to think which one would put Landon away and earn himself a championship. Perhaps he would just try for a second Attitude Adjustment and see if that would put Landon away!
Ramey pulled Landon to his feet and then hooked him again for another Northern Lights Bomb, but when he went to lift Landon, Ramey’s leg gave out.. there was just too much damage!
He let go of Landon and this gave Landon enough time to recover. Landon then pulled Ramey’s head down and thrust his knee right into Ramey’s face! Ramey staggered back and hit the ropes Ramey bounced off the ropes and staggered forward as Landon picked him up and nailed another spinebuster on Ramey. Landon then dragged Ramey to the center of the ring, but as soon as got to the center, Ramey pulled him in with a Small Package roll up!
Landon kicked away and then hit a massive kick right to the face of Ramey! Landon then quickly grabbed Ramey’s legs and spun around, applying a Figure Four Leg Lock... trying to get Ramey to tap and trying to take away a lot of his high-flying arsenal at the same time!Ramey screamed out in pain, but didn’t want to give it up.. Ramey clawed and inched his way toward backwards the ropes, dragging Landon with him. Ramey reached back and was within a fingertip’s distance away, but Landon broke the move and pulled Ramey back to the center of the ring.. he went for another Figure Four, but Ramey pulled him over into an Inside Cradle!!
Thr.. NO!!
Landon kicked out after being surprised by that flash pin!
Landon stood a looked angry as Ramey tried to get up as fast as he could. Landon, however, beat him to the punch and laid in a right hand to the top of Ramey's head. He fired another and another, but each shot fired The Anti-Star up! Ramey got to his feet and blocked one of Landon's punches and fired one back. Ramey quickened the pace of his punches and backed Landon into the ropes where he shot him across the ring with an Irish Whip. Ramey stepped in and went for a back elbow, but Landon blocked it with his arms, spun Ramey around, kicked him in the stomach, hooked him and...
He just hit the Small Package Driver on Ramey! After all the damage he suffered, this had to be it!
THRE.. NO!!!!!!
The crowd erupted as Ramey kicked out of the Rising Star Driver!
Landon gritted his teeth as he grabbed Landon and pulled him back up. He then hit alternating knee strikes to Landon followed by a swift kick to the side of his knee! He then grabbed Ramey as he winced in pain and hit him a second time!
Landon held him in the cover.
The crowd was on their feet for Ramey! They could feel it! Tonight had to be his night!
Landon was beside himself as he grabbed Ramey and pulled him back up to a vertical base, but Landon was shocked when Ramey kicked him in the stomach and quickly hopped over him, hitting the Sunset Flip Powerbomb...
Ramey elected not to pin Landon. He staggered up and grabbed Landon by the legs. He then turned him over into the Elevated Boston Crab...
Landon had nowhere to go!! He was in the center of the ring! Ramey with pain, exhaustion, and anguish on his face held on for dear life, counting down the seconds just praying for Landon to tap, but Landon twisted his body to the point where he had free shots at Ramey's bad knee. He began to elbow that bad knee and eventually Ramey let go of the hold and staggered forward, holding his knee in pain.
Landon hobbled back up to his feet and when Ramey turned around...
Kick to the stomach..
Front face lock...
Landon held Ramey in the cover...

The energy in the crowd seemed to have instantly disappeared as Landon stood with a smirk on his face.
Dean Carrington: The winner of this match and STILL jOlt World Heavyweight Champion... Landon Stevens!!
"Your God" by Stone Sour began to play throughout the arena as Landon was handed his World Championship. Landon came in with a game plan of keeping Ramey grounded and it worked to perfection as in the end, he was able to put Ramey away, but not before Ramey gave everything he had to Landon.
Landon exited the ring and headed to the back. After he was gone, Ramey rolled out of the ring and got a standing ovataion from the crowd. Ramey then made his way to the back as we got ready for tonight's main event.

The camera went backstage yet again and a storm was brewing in the halls. Not just any storm, mind you – a big, 300-pound, pissed-off and giving-no-fucks-about-anybody-else’s-well-being storm by the name of Mack Brody.
Said storm approached two rather nondescript stagehands going about their business.
“Where the fuck is Damien Lee?” Mack asked.
Both men shrugged their shoulders.
“No idea,” the shorter man spoke up.
“Fuck you,” Brody shook his head before he headed down the hall again.
He approached one of the Starlets, Faith Hines, backstage now as she was minding her own business in a book.
“Faith… have you seen Damien Lee? He and I need to… talk…” Brody said, voice trailing off when talk was a not-so-obvious codeword for “beat some fucking answers out of him.”
“I saw him a second ago, he just left his office down the hall,” Faith spoke up.
“Thanks,” He said.
Faith smiled before she took off as Mack Brody continued to storm the hall. Walking the opposite direction that SuperMack was heading in, he ran into Damien Lee and looked down towards the HNIC of all things jOlt. He put his arms up defensively when he saw Brody coming…
“Mack, Mack, Mack, you need to keep calm, okay, I can expla…”
But Mack wasn’t hearing any of his shit and put his fist THROUGH the wall next to Damien Lee’s head, silencing him immediately. Mack pulled his fist out of the hole and wiped the dust off.
Damien Lee shook his head.
“Had him arrested. Trespassing. I may not be able to control what Jon Le Bon does with the Rebellion… as evidenced by all things tonight… but I DO control the rest of the show and after what he tried to pull at Thieves Honor with Rainbow Serpent, I wasn’t going to have any chance of him ruining my show. He’s off the roster and away from here.”
Damien Lee wasn’t finished as he wiped his glasses.
“And YOU… what you did out there, attacking my security? That’s a ten thousand dollar fine for you, Brody. I sympathize with you, but you are NOT going to ruin what’s left of my show!”
This explanation was perfectly sound, but Brody wasn’t hearing any of it.
“I don’t give a shit about the fine. I’ll cut you a check tomorrow. But Orphan? He loses his fucking job… and he gets away, scot-free, with what he did to Frank and Ryan? Get his ass back here. I just want to have a little heart-to-heart where he can tell me why he did what he did… and then I’ll break his fucking legs in half. Make it happen.”
“I can’t!” Damien shouted back. “He’s already been taken into custody. He’s out of this arena and out of our hair. The same place you’re going to go.” He gestured to the doors behind them. “Get your stuff and take the rest of the night off, Brody… cool your damn head.”
Brody cocked a fist back and wanted to swing… but this wasn’t Lee’s fault, he really was doing what he could. However, that did nothing to sate his need to hurt someone. The man called SuperMack glanced down at Lee and left him with one final thought.
“This isn’t over.”
Mack turned back to get the rest of this things. But whatever this was…
Brody was not done looking for answers.

Pietro Geist(c) vs Jeremy Ryan

Death Wish had seen quite the spectacle here tonight. Titles had changed hands, wars had been fought, but now tonight was the main event of tonight’s show with one title match to go in the jOlt Underground Championship. Pietro Geist had been dominant as the champion and had snuffed out just about everybody in his path so far, but his challenger here tonight may be his most difficult one yet.
Since Jeremy Ryan had honed in on Pietro Geist and his championship, he had been nothing but vocal about how much he wanted his first title opportunity and tonight in the main event of Death Wish, he would get it. He did the unthinkable several weeks ago by defeating Underground kingpin and jOlt’s most decorated wrestler in Derecho in his first-ever Underground match. Since then, he had verbally lambasted the Underground Champion and called his own resolve into question as Ryan liked to do to everybody else in jOlt Wrestling. The two came to blows in a massive fight that had been be broken up by the entirety of jOlt’s security force that proved nothing, but the last stop before Death Wish, Jeremy Ryan had done the unthinkable just moments after beating Mack Brody in an Underground Rules match.…
Geist’s manager, Lorelei Albrecht, had been dropped with Jeremy Ryan’s Piledriver in the middle of the ring.
And Ryan did it all with a smile on his face. Now, Jeremy Ryan had the mental edge leading into this match, but one had to wonder if Ryan opened up the flood gates for something worse or had he ultimately thrown Geist off his game. We would find out now as Dean Carrington took to the center of the ring with the opening bell being called.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall! This match is the main event of jOlt’s Death Wish Pay Per View and this will be for the Underground Championship!”
The belt had always been thought of as the equal to the jOlt Championship itself and with the Death Wish tradition, the belt that represented all things physical, dangerous, and borderline illegal would be center stage.
“A Man” by Cypress Hill.
The challenger made his arrival first with no theatrics or fanfare as he was wont to do. The curtains parted and out came the man in a black hoodie with his “Real Man” bloody knuckles emblem on the back. He stood with his back turned to the BOOING crowd before he turned on his heel and didn’t bother playing up for the crowd. He knew what he was doing and headed to the ring with a confident smile on his face.
“First, making his way to the ring, he is the challenger… from Bangor, Maine, weighing in at 254 pounds… he is the #1 Contender to the jOlt Underground Championship… this… is… ”JOLT’S LAST REAL MAN” JEREMY RYAN!”
"That's right, fuckers," Ryan grinned. "Let me hear it."
However, his basking in their hatred would come to an abrupt halt. Flowing out from the curtain and rappelling down from the ceiling, soldiers flooded the entrance way. The militia was garbed in all black and their faces were covered by gas masks, while the rifles in their hands brought a serious mood to the entire arena. One soldier stepped to the front and pulled a walkie talkie from his uniform.
"The area is secure," the soldier's voice boomed throughout the arena, as if his radio was connected to the PA system. "Affirmative. Activating Project: GEGNER."
Suddenly, the lights went out throughout the arena. The silhouettes of the soldiers could be seen parting, as the red dot sights of their rifles gave just enough light for them to be seen. Rising up from under the entrance ramp, a massive figure appeared. A gigantic explosion made the entire arena quake and the lights came back on. The sound of "Links 234" by Rammstein brought the crowd to their feet and through the all-black platoon marched the Undergorund Champion, Pietro Geist with title belt in-hand.
“And his opponent… hailing from Munich, Germany, weighing in at 317 pounds… he is the reigning and defending jOlt Underground Champion… this… is… PIETRO GEIST!”
This wasn't the no frills, plain black boots and pads Geist. This man was in all white military attire with red accents. His long blond hair hung down over his face with the lower half of his face covered in a white respirator with red biohazard logos on the filters. A long white trench coat whipped behind him, as he took off down the ramp. One quick ascension of the steel steps and the uberkreiger climbed into the ring. Ryan looked on closely, not impressed, but still a little cautious.
Once his trench coat was removed, the Todesengel stepped out to the middle of the ring. As he always did, he drew his line in the sand. Geist removed the respirator and cast it aside. His hated rival was not going to back down or cower. He couldn't care less what Geist was wearing or the theatrics. Ryan met the champion in the middle of the ring.
"Play dress up all you want," the challenger said cocky grin. "It won't change the fact I'm going to drop you on your head just like I did your bitch."
That got the German's attention.
Geist whipped his head back, removing his hair from his face, showing everyone the demonic face paint underneath. A pair of crimson eyes stared a hole through the challenger. Geist growled at him, baring his teeth like a wolf, as a dark red liquid began to drip from his mouth. Crimson sprayed Ryan's face, as Geist roared loudly. Jeremy wasn't exactly shaking with fear, but he did take a step back, as he had no idea just how far his opponent had gone off the deep end. Not wanting to show concern, Ryan kept the snarky comments coming.
"Got your red wings from Lorelei huh?"
That would be the sound of the Underground Champion's knuckles being driven into the challenger's jaw. Geist's punches always were stiff, but that one had some extra oomph behind it. Ryan stumbled backwards from the impact and in a flash, the uberkreiger was back on him.
To say Geist was on a mission would be a gross understatement. He held nothing back, as he threw all he had into a trio of punches that sent his hated rival tumbling to the floor. Ryan stumbled back up to his feet only to be met just as he got vertical. The right hands just kept coming and the challenger found himself pinned against the security barrier, having his face wrecked by the German. Jeremy fired back with a kick to the gut and a couple of punches of his own, but it had zero effect. Geist kept the onslaught coming, ignoring the few strikes.
Ryan tried his best to get a little breathing room. Yet, his opponent was not going to give him any. The challenger's head was bounced off the announce table before he was sent tumbling backwards over it courtesy of a huge haymaker.
Not done there, Geist pie-faced the timekeeper, so he could grab a steel chair.
And that chair soon found itself crashing into his adversary's back. That rattled the challenger's spine and his knees buckled. He barely stopped himself from falling to his knees from the impact and he took off around the ring, while his enemy sent the steel chair flying into the crowd, sending fans racing in all directions to avoid being hit by the chair.
Geist stopped his foe from going any further via a firm grip on Ryan's hair. Merciless, the uberkreiger delivered a trio of rapid fire headbutts, showing no pain while his foe reacted like he was struck by a sledgehammer. Jeremy was thrown back into the ring, where he immediately slithered to the far corner, as the champion pushed a fan to the ground, so he could commandeer their chair.
There's surely a fine in the German's future.
With chair in hand, the Todesengel slipped back into the ring. He was looking to do more damage, yet he was cut off by a kick to the gut. The challenger fired back with a flurry of punches and chops, backing Geist out to the middle of the ring. However, his offensive was met with return fire and he was clocked by a quartet of punches that put him up against the ropes. An Irish whip by the champion was reversed and Ryan missed a clothesline. However, he didn't miss a brutal charging back elbow that leveled his enemy.
Or so he thought.
Taking a page out of the Jason Voorhees playbook, Geist sat up instantaneously and rose up to his feet, showing no injury what-so-ever.
"That's how you fucking hit somebody," Ryan informed a pair of fans in the front row, never knowing that his foe was standing behind him, looking sinister with his hair hanging down over his face.
The challenger turned around and jumped back in shock, as the German gripped him by the throat with one hand. Geist launched Ryan into the corner. Vicious lefts and rights collided with Jeremy's head and torso, only the referee diverting the champion's attention was able to halt them to which the referee got tossed across the ring like a rag doll for his intrusion.
Looking for any place safer than where he was, Ryan staggered out of the corner. He didn't get far before Geist sent him to the opposite ropes with an Irish whip.
A dangerous combination of rage and adrenaline had engulfed the champion and he erupted with a roar in the middle of the ring. He slammed his fist down into the mat before taking off to meet his weak yet standing foe in the corner.
Ryan nearly had his face torn from his skull with that kick and he fell to his rear. Geist was determined to decapitate his foe, so he instantly took off to the ropes, looking to deliver more punishment.
If Jeremy wanted to talk shit now, he was going to have to do with a possible broken jaw. The German was focused solely on bringing as much pain and sorrow to his adversary as possible. He dragged the fallen Ryan out to the middle of the ring by the roof of his mouth before pulling him up to a vertical base.
Geist wasted no time in hitting the ropes and jumping up for a possible elbow drop. A miss by the German, as Ryan rolled to safety. The champion sat up and just as he got to his feet, the challenger clubbed away at him. An Irish whip by Ryan was reversed and the Todesengel darted to the adjacent ropes.
It wasn't every day that the beastly strong Ryan was run over, but Geist plowed through him like a semi truck with the pounce like football tackle. The German was on a different level tonight and it became even more obvious, as he slipped out to the apron so he could start climbing the turnbuckle. He had just perched himself on the top rope when Ryan grabbed the referee and fired him into the ropes, causing Geist to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle.
"What the hell are you doing?" the official snarled at Ryan only to get a cocky smirk in return.
"Whatever the fuck works. Now, fuck off."
Jeremy stepped up onto the second rope and locked in a front face lock. It was time for him to show off some of his own uncanny strength. He took his enemy vertical, displaying great power and balance, as he held the champion up for just over forty five seconds...
The pair crashed to the mat with a thunderous boom, as Ryan delivered a high impact superplex. Ryan hoped that the move would buy him some time to recover, but his rival refused to stay down. The challenger grumbled while pulling himself up with some help from the top rope. He easily ducked under a big right hand from the champion and captured his head and leg.
A pin attempt by Ryan...
Forgetting to hook the leg, Jeremy was launched off his foe. Once again, his foe sat up, so the challenger went with it and positioned himself behind Geist. Holding him in place with a firm grip on his jaw, Ryan began to drive his fists repeatedly into the side of the champion's face.
"Look at your fucking hero now," Jeremy barked at the crowd, making sure they didn't forget the sound of his voice.
Geist was trying to shake off the effects of the challenger's onslaught and draped himself over the middle rope. He was an easy target for his opponent, who had slipped out onto the apron.
That one was right on the button. Yet, Ryan was far from done. He pulled his enemy under the bottom rope, draping him over the edge of the apron.
Once was not enough.
If the first kick didn't do it, the second did. It officially knocked the taste clean out of the champion's mouth. Geist tried to stand, only to crumble back to the mat, as his equalibrium was shot. He found it difficult to to keep himself on one knee let alone stand. He had no idea that Ryan was approaching in a hurry and he wasn't alone.
He was accompanied by his friend the steel chair, which he introduced to Geist's spine. The German fell to all fours, leaving his back exposed.
The follow-up chair shot warped the chair and there was no blocking out the pain for the uberkreiger this time.
Ryan quickly rolled his foe over and went for another cover...
Geist kicked out, but Ryan was not going to give up there. He hooked the champion's leg, looking for another cover...
Still not enough to keep Geist down. Growing angry, Ryan tried for a third time.
The challenger snarled in frustration and slapped the mat, as the referee signaled for a third time that it was only a two-count. It was now Ryan's turn to take out his frustration on the official, who he grabbed by the collar and fired him into the corner.
"Count fucking faster, you stupid piece of shit, or I'm going to snap that pencil you call a neck."
With his feelings now known to the referee, Jeremy turned back to his enemy. Just as he grabbed a handful of hair, a flurry of lefts and rights battered his midsection. After a quick hop back up to his feet, the German let loose with a wicked European uppercut. With Ryan dazed, Geist headed to the ropes, only to have Ryan meet him just as he came off of them.
Not many can snap off a powerslam as fast or stiff as Ryan. He left the champion laying and he wasted no time in scurrying out of the ring. Up went the skirt around the ring and Ryan was searching for something. His hunt for a weapon came to an end with the discovery of a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. From the way Ryan went right to it made it very clear that he had placed it their sometime before the show.
Under the bottom rope slithered Jeremy and the referee met him almost immediately.
"Whoa there, Ryan. There's no need for that. Just put it down."
"Shut your fucking gob and stay out of my way, fucktard."
With that, the challenger pushed the official aside. Luckily for Geist he was able to use the distraction to climb back up to his feet. His enemy held the bat high overhead, giving him a clear shot to drive his boot into Ryan's gut. That caused the bat to plunge to the mat and the German looked to follow up with a haymaker. Air was all that Geist got with Ryan slipping under the punch.
...or not.
The German narrowly avoided being dumped unceremoniously to the mat by dropping down behind his adversary. Geist sent Ryan crashing chest-first into the corner. The wind was knocked out of the challenger and he stumbled back out of the corner, where the Todesengel was waiting for him.
Once launched into the air, the dazed Ryan was driven down harshly with a spinebuster, electrifying the crowd.
Geist looked for his first cover of the match-up...
Once of the worst things about Jeremy Ryan is he is just as tough as he thinks he is. He was able to kick out with time to spare. His normally focused rival showed how rage had overcome him, as Geist turned his hatred towards the referee.
That was the sound of Geist's hands positioning themselves around the referee's throat before launching him into the air.
Any humanity in the German was gone and his power bombing of the referee had made it clear that truly no one was safe from his wrath. One pest exterminated, back to the main target of the champion. The Todesengel gripped the handle of the barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat, tearing it free from the mat. Geist's demonic glare could be seen behind his shaggy blond hair that masked his face, as stood over his stumbling foe like a killer from a slasher movie.
The sickening sound of of the bat cracking Ryan's cranium mixed with the slicing of flesh made the entire arena cringe in horror. Blood poured from the challenger's forehead like the Mississippi River. He could do nothing but lay there and bleed, as the weapon had knocked him into next week. The Todesengel looked at his weapon, noticing the pieces of hair and flesh still connected to it.
A bloodlust had overcome the Todesengel. Seeing his opponent gushing blood only made him fiend for more like a starving vampire. He laid the bat arcoss the challenger's forehead and used his boot to grind the barbed wire deep into his flesh, making Ryan thrash in horror.
Blinded by blood and agony, Jeremy's autopilot kicked in and his body immediately went into damage control. He rolled out to the floor, leaving a trail of crimson for his enemy to follow.
With a thud, the baseball bat was flung to the mat, where it stuck into the mat, stopping it from laying flat. Ryan tried to once again distance himself from the champion, but he would be shown no mercy. In Geist's mind, he had committed the greatest sin. Now, he must pay for it.
Geist slammed his opponent's face into the Spanish announce table and then, rolled him up onto it. He had something painful in mind for his hated rival. The champion positioned Ryan for what looked to be a power bomb from one table to another. Jeremy might have been seeing double, but he knew just how dangerous the situation was. He dropped to one knee and went to number two in the official heel playbook.
As monstrous as Geist was, no man could ignore a shot right to the testicles. Ryan went right on the attack. He captured the German by the head and arm.
The uberkreiger was going for a ride and an unhappy one at that.
The tables had turned in an instant and the challenger made Geist pay. The champion was flat on his back with the rubble of the announce table all around him. Ryan took a second to regain his focus before rolling off the Spanish announce table. He was standing, though not incredibly stable. He grabbed electrical cable and used it in hopes of choking the very life out of his adversary. Jeremy drove his knee into Geist's back applying as much pressure as he could.
Luckily for the champion, he was able to slip a trio of fingers under the chord, giving him just enough room so he wouldn't be strangled by Jeremy. He was still gasping for breath though, as it took a lot of oxygen to keep his massive body running. Ryan shoved down a member of the tech squad, so he could obtain a chair. Jeremy sat Geist up in a corner of the security barrier.
Ryan tried to crush his enemy's head between the barrier and a metal folding chair. He was far from done with the chair. He opened it so he could wedge it over the champion's face with the seat smushed against Geist's nose.
Holding up just a middle finger on each hand for all the crowd to see, telling them exactly what he thought of them without a word, while he put some space between himself and the German.
The Yakuza kick variation of the shining wizard was on the money and Geist's head was nearly crushed between the shair and the barrier. Jeremy's successful attack only made the crowd hate him more.
Ryan gripped his foe by the throat to keep him in place, as he leaned in to go nose to nose with him.
"You can come out here like a fucking reject from Resident Evil, but it doesn't change the fact that you're nothing but a pathetic piece of fucking shit fraud."
With that said, Jeremy put a cherry on top by slapping the champion across the face.
That, friends, was a really bad move.
The strike brought Geist back to life and his had immediately whipped back into position after the slap. A raging inferno engulfed the Todesengel's eyes and his hand instantly gripped Ryan around the throat. He rose to his feet with his foe still in his vice-like grip. Jeremy started kicking away at his stomach, breaking his grip. The challenger looked for a roaring elbow only to have Geist duck it. A boot to the gut doubled Ryan over and he was going to hate the destination his foe was sending him to.
Into the steel steps went Jeremy. To make matters worse it was head-first, widening the wound on his forehead. The two half of the steps flew off from the impact, leaving the larger bottom half open for use and Geist was going to make good use of it.
Ouchville, population you, Jeremy Ryan.
The challenger contorted in pain, bending backwards while snarling in agony. Far from done, the Todesengel set up a chair in a corner of the barrier near the entrance ramp. The crowd knew what was coming, as this was a staple of the German's arsenal. He sat his rival in the chair and gave himself some room to move. Geist came in like a cannon ball, only to just narrowly miss his foe.
Ryan dove out of the chair to safety, causing Geist to slam violently into the barricade. Jeremy looked to his foe, while huffing and puffing in hopes of regaining his breath. He knew that was a close one, but thankfully he was a able to avoid it. Ryan started to Geist thinking he was down for the count. He stretched his hand out to grab him, only to have the Todesengel sit up once again, sending Ryan stumbling backwards in shock.
Jeremy scrambled up the entrance ramp, the entire time being stalked by his opponent. He tried to fight off Geist with punches to the champion's mid-section. Yet, they had no effect at all and Geist decked him with a right hand right to his open wound. He was pulled up by his hair and had his legs turn into jell-o courtesy of a trio of headbutts. This allowed the Todesengel to once again take him into the air with a gorilla press.
The crowd parted like the red sea, as Ryan was sent flying over the security barrier. His massive frame wiped out several rows of chairs, sending them in all directions, before winding up face-down on the floor. The champion looked down at him and the carnage, his teeth grinding and his lip curling in rage. Ryan knew he had to get vertical, which unfortunately was a bad thing to do at this time. He wobbled, barely able to keep himself vertical, when his foe re-entered the picture.
Not known as much of a flyer, Geist threw caution to the wind and dove over the barricade to deliver more punishment to his adversary. The German exploded back to his feet and roared as loud as he possibly could with the crowd cheering him on.
The Todesengel looked around the arena, allowing their chanting to fuel his adrenaline. He dragged his adversary back to a vertical base and rocked him with an European uppercut. Jeremy stumbled backwards with Geist still slowly marching after him. Chairs were wildly thown at Jeremy while he made his way deeper into the crowd. Once struck him right in the back of the head causing him to tumble into a large speaker at the base of the audio-visual area.
The sound of a television monitor slamming into the champion's skull echoed through the arena. Geist's aggression led him right into a trap. He never saw it coming, as Ryan had his back to him before turning and waffling him with the monitor. Besides the facepaint, the monitor has scraped away some of the German's skin, causing blood to pour down across his face. Ryan took the opening to climb up into the upper loft where the pyro guys sit. Thus, sending them scurrying in all directions to avoid the danger he posed.
Up in his perch, the challenger snatched one of the tech's chair and threw it down at his off-balance foe, catching him in the side of the head. Another one followed. A monitor was thrown next and the champion barely got his hands up in time to block the incoming object.
Geist slowly staggered over to the loft and climbed up on the outside of it. Jeremy was there to welcome him with a barrage of right hands, which were cut off in a flash by the uberkreiger by spewing a cloud of blood into his eyes.
The champion's right hand apprehended his adversary by the throat and he looked to pull him over the railing, so he would plummet to the concrete floor below. He pulled Ryan nearly three quarters of the way over the railing when the challenger went to the eyes.
Jeremy went right back to what he knew worked. He tried to bash Geist's brains in with a monitor and in doing so, sent the German crashing through an audio visual table on the floor. Ryan looked down at his foe, woozy but still cocky as all hell, going as far to flip his opponent the bird before raising his arm into the air.
"Headshots kill zombies, motherfucker."
Yeah, the crowd wasn't exactly overjoyed that jOlt's biggest asshole was momentarily in charge of the situation, as they booed him out of the building. Still, he continued to pose, raising his other arm into to the air to match the first.
"I hate you fuckers more."
Just as he turned his back to Geist to infuriate the crowd further, the champion once again sat up like a slasher villain. The Todesengel's facepaint was now replaced by the infamous crimson mask and only his demonic eyes shown through. He was not even close to one hundred percent, but his will was as strong as ever. Geist scaled the outside of the loft. His enemy had no idea, as he revelled in in the crowd's hatred for him, which they added to their jeers by throwing trash at him.
No fool, Ryan felt the loft move, as the German's massive frame pulled on it. He knew that his rival had to be behind him, so he turned and fired with an elbow strike. Geist batted it away with his left hand while simultaneously launching a right hand that walloped Ryan in the jaw. That opened the flood gates for the Todesengel. His boxing background instantly kicked in. Punches from both sides and to the head and the body connected again and again.
The lights were on but no one was home for Jeremy Ryan. Doubled over by a kick square to the gut, Ryan couldn't stop his enemy from locking his head between the champion's legs. The Todesengel looked around the arena, as the crowd erupted in anticipation for what could be coming next. Their cheers only grew louder once Geist hoisted the challenger into the air. Jeremy was almost twelve feet in the air when he experienced terminal velocity first-hand.
The table exploded upon impact, sending pieces of it flying in all directions. Geist couldn't stop himself from dropping to one knee. It took a lot of energy to lift and throw his foe and the loss of blood certainly didn't help matters. Not even the capacity crowd's chanting could empower him enough to stay vertical. Blood continued to gush out of his foehead, starting a puddle each time he stopped for more than a moment.
Even with all that, the champion was still in better condition than his rival. There were no signs of life coming from Jeremy. His eyes were shut and if it weren't for his shallow breathing, many would think he was in need of a body bag. Broken back or not, Geist wasn't going to let him just lay there. He had far more punishment in mind for the challenger.
The Todesengel was not going to be satisfied until he drove his fist through Ryan's face. He rained down more punches, aimed right at Jeremy's mouth. Geist pulled his enemy's face close to his and let out a frightening roar.
Geist wiped blood from his enemy's face and smeared it across the front of his military-like vest as if he was decorating himself with war paint. The German was always a monster between the ropes, but Ryan had caused something truly horrible to be unleashed upon the world and now, he was paying dearly for it.
Ryan's legs were like cooked spaghetti and he immediately fell down, as Geist stood him up. He wasn't going anywhere under his own power. That wasn't going to stop the uberkreiger. He lifted Ryan up into a fireman's carry and headed towards the ring. The crowd cleared a path for them, as the champion lugged his unconscious enemy back to ringside. They were nearly there when Jeremy started to squirm. He slipped down behind Geist and drove an elbow into the back of the champion's head.
Into the barricade went the uberkreiger. It became clear that the challenger was playing possum. He charged at Geist with crippling him the only thing on his mind.
This match was becoming a competition to see who could cripple the other the fastest. Ryan's entry was a brutal yet effective one. Not even the rage-fueled champion could block out the pain of being driven spine-first into the arena floor, which was obvious due to his snarling in agony. Jeremy stumbled back and sat down against the barrier. Gone was the arrogant smirk and in its place was a look of utter contempt for his foe. Ryan was not going to be shown up by anyone, especially someone he sees as beneath him like Geist.
"That's how you motherfucking deliver a motherfucking spinebuster."
A fan got a little to close to the action, so Jeremy rewarded them by wiping the blood from his face with their shirt before shoving them back into their seat.
"You're welcome. Now, go sell it on Ebay so you can by more crack, fucker."
Ignoring the fact that the fan gave him the finger, Ryan slowly but surely made his way over to Geist and pulled him up only to send him tumbling over the barricade. He followed him over the barricade, making sure to bring a steel chair along with him. The chair was slid into the ring, but Ryan stayed outside. He took his hurting foe and mercilessly bounced his head off the ring apron, leaving smudges of blood along its edge.
The champion was rolled back into the ring, with Jeremy following right behind. The chair was once again in the challenger's grip.
"You think you're hot shit, but you can't keep up with a real fucking man."
Ryan's arrogance knew no bounds. His words were not enough and he mockingly scraped his boot across his enemy's face, while the German struggled to stay on all fours. Jeremy was determined to destroy his foe and send a message to everyone in jOlt that he truly is the baddest motherfucker walking the halls. Geist struggled to keep his body from the mat. He was an easy target that Ryan wasn't going to pass up.
The once flat chair was now perfectly curved in the shape of the uberkreiger's back. Ryan threw down the mangled chair, almost hitting the pair of referees that had come out to check on their commrade, and positioned himself over his opponent. Geist could've been crippled by Jeremy's onslaught. The German's eyes were glazed over. Ryan was just a hazy figure, as he leaned down and slapped the taste out of the champion's mouth.
"I'll make sure you get a good view of me wearing the Underground Title while you and that fucking slut sit in your matching wheelchairs."
There was only one thing the challenger had in mind...
Geist was pulled from the mat and his head was positioned between his foe's legs. The crowd exploded with hatred for the challenger, as he turned the uberkreiger upside down. One jump later and it was possible that the German had become a few inches shorter.
Absolutely spiked was the only description one could give to describe how Geist's head was brutally driven into the mat. Ryan announced his feelings on one knee, not giving a damn what the crowd thought.
"Boo all you want, shit heads. This is the end."
He draped his big frame across his rival and hooked the leg, as one of the referees dropped down to make the count...
The roof of the arena was blown into the stratusphere. No one had kicked out of the deadly piledriver. It was considered the wrestling equivalent of the term automatic. Ryan drops you on your head and the referee counts three. That is what happens... That is what always happened...
Until now.
"The fuck...?"
Ryan just sat there in disbelief. His mind could not comprehend the fact that his top weapon couldn't do the job. That was to be his exclaimation point... his cherry on top... Jeremy turned to the referee, not believing it to be only a two-count even with the referee repeating it. Unable to control his rage, he grabbed the official by the collar and pinned him up against the ropes.
"What kind of fucking bullshit count was that?"
"It was only two!"
"Lying little prick!"
It was a bad night to be a jOlt referee.
With the number of demolished referees now reaching two, the last remaining referee slipped out to the floor to safety, pulling the newest unconscious official out with him. To their left, Ryan bolted out of the ring and started digging under the ring. A steel chair was thrown over the top and into the ring. Not done there, Jeremy got his mitts on a table. That too found its way into the ring and the challenger immediately propped it up in the corner. The table was his backup plan should his next wonderfully horrible idea not do the deed.
Though, he didn't just think it would... he knew it would.
The chair was placed in the middle of the ring. Ryan turned his attention back to his adversary, who was laying face-down in a puddle of his own blood. It instantly became clear what the challenger had in mind. He once again positioned his legs along each side of Geist's head.
"Time to die, you stubborn fuck."
Jeremy tried to lift his foe, but the German refused to budge. It didn't matter how hard Ryan tried, he couldn't get his rival into position for the piledriver. A surge of energy shot through the champion and he took Jeremy up into the air.
Just like that, Geist had leveled the playing field. Both men were motionless in the middle of the ring. The lone conscious referee was not going to enter the ring to administer the standing ten-count, as there was no chance he was going to be obliterated by either of the two warriors.
It took several moments before signs of life could be seen. Geist slowly crawled to the corner, using the ropes for all they were worth to pull himself up from the mat. Ryan too went to the ropes and they assisted him in getting vertical, but it was clear that he was not all there. He could barely stay upright and he stumbled out towards the middle of the ring.
Bad idea...
Today's safety lesson is don't stand on the tracks when the out of control German freight train is coming down the rails.
The Todesengel drove his foe through the table, sending shards of wood in every conceivable direction. While his enemy sat in a heap in the rubble that was the table, Geist stumbled backwards out of the corner, only to fall to his rear near the center of the ring. The wound on his forehead had widened due to sending himself head-first into the table. It was damage he had no problem taking, if it meant he shattered his foe's back.
A certain barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat stuck out of the ring, as if it were Excalibur wedged deep in a stone. Geist was feeling the effects of the match, but even the blood in his eyes couldn't stop him from noticing the horrific weapon. He gritted his teeth and put all the energy he could muster into apprehending the weapon. It was as if the weapon mesmerized him. He examined it closely. His mind raced with downright terrible ideas involving it and his hated rival's flesh.
Ryan clung to his midsection, possibly suffering from a couple broken ribs, while blood from his mouth mixed with the blood dripping down from his forehead. Jeremy truly was as tough and bad as he thought he was and there was no doubting that, as he battled his way back up to his feet. Both he and his enemy had seen better days with both looking as if they had just survived armageddon.
However, one was armed...
Luckily for the challenger, he got his arms up to block a second blow with the bat to the skull. Unfortunately, it was now sunken deep into his arm. Possibly more rare than seeing a UFO engaging in a battle with a unicorn, a cry of unbelievable agony escaped the lips of Ryan. Just like it had done with the mat earlier, the barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat was stuck to Jeremy's arm. On instinct he pulled his arm away while Geist still had a solid grip on the weapon. Thus, tearing and slicing the flesh on his arm.
Blood from Ryan's forearm fell like rain down onto the mat adding to the already blood-soaked mess. He pulled the damaged arm close to his body. He may have blocked the weapon, but the cost would stop him from being able to stop what was next...
The German word for decaptitation.
There was no better word to describe the most homicidal lariat in wrestling. It lived up to its name, as the champion obliterated Ryan with it. With his fuel gauge on empty, Geist draped his arm over the challenger to which the one remaining referee dove into the ring.
A match full of surprises just got one more. Ryan's right shoulder shot up off the mat with not even the width of an eyelash to spare, putting the ubrkreiger's batting average just one below a thousand. Snarling like a rabid wolf, Geist slowly pushed himself up off the mat. He bared his teeth with blood dripping down to the mat, which the cameras made sure to get a close-up on. The Todesengel willed his nearly dead body up to a vertical base. He whipped his blood-soaked hair to the back of his head with a flick of his head. He unwrapped two lengths of the barbed wire from the bat and wrapped each length around his fists with the length on his right arm stretching up to the middle of his bicep.
Ryan was forced to stand. Well, a reasonable facsimilie of standing, as Jeremy was on spaghetti legs. He would have fallen back to the mat, if it weren't for the Todesengel holding him up by his hair. Geist made sure he knew where he stood.
"Shou vere dead zhe moment shou touched her."
Ryan looked up through a bloody face...
And spat in his face.
"I'd... I'd drop her again."
"And because of zhat, shou must die. Give zhe devil mein regards."
The champion's fists were already dangerous weapons, but the barbed wire brought them to a-whole-nother level. A pair of lefts and a right to the head, a left-right combination to the body, and a matching one to the head were followed by a spinning backfist. The Todesengel raced to the ropes and came stampeding back.
This time, Geist positioned his large frame across his foe and hooked the far leg and the referee started the count...

Crank up the Rammstein. The Underground Champion had just put his enemy down for good. The carcas of Jeremy Ryan was lifeless, while Pietro Geist rolled off of him. The Todesengel slowly sat up, the gruelling battle had taken its toll on his body. He didn't pop right up like earlier. This sit up was unsteady. Inspite of it all, he somehow stood up.
He looked down at his fallen rival, still with nothing but pure unadulterated hatred. Geist uncoiled the barbed wire from his left hand, which now had his own blood mixed in with Ryan's due to the self-inflicted puncture wounds caused by using it as a weapon. He sent the length of wire flying into the crowd, still not giving a damn about any collateral damage he may cause. The barbed wire around his right arm went untouched. His title belt was handed to him by the official, who rapidly got to a safe distance. Geist straddled his adversary and leaned down, making sure he could get a good view of himself and the title.
"Remember zhis day, demon. Remember zhe day shou lost to zhe Todesengel."
The Underground Title still belonged to the Todesengel and more importantly, so did the ice cold vengeance he hungered for. He had destroyed his hated rival, leaving him in a pool of his own blood. However, when you're the champion, you do not get very long to bask in the glory. The fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter how many rivals you defeat there is always another to quickly replace them...
Suddenly the arena went pitch black as the fans started to look around the arena but really could not see anything. Geist looked around the ring as the champion had no clue what was going on. Fans started to pull their cell phones out trying to illuminate the dark arena. A lone spotlight hit the middle of the ring as Geist turn to see something on the mat.
The champion slowly walked over to the spotlight and reached down to grab what looked like a white coat. But it was no ordinary coat, it was a strait jacket with the word “Hospital” on the back. The jOltvision started to flicker as Geist quickly turn to the screen. The fans started to murmur as the jOltvision lit up with three words.
The words exploded on the screen and lights came back on in the arena.
Geist stood in the ring and peered at the stage as the fans erupted to see a large man standing on stage with a sick smile on his face.
We had seen Omega for weeks in the hospital with his nurse trying to be released. The former Underground Champion watched the current champion standing tall in the ring. Omega was out of the hospital and he looked like he was coming back to get what he claimed was his.
Omega stood on the stage not moving as Geist stood in the ring starring back at the madman.
Death Wish went off the air.