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![]() ![]() Clan Avispa vs. Heirs of Wrestling vs. RingRats vs. Team VIAGRA ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tonight… four teams battled for the right to be crowned the first set of jOlt Tag Team Champions since the re-opening just a short month or so ago! “Riptide” by Sick Puppies The people began to cheer as the duo of Graham Youngblood and Dallas Griffin stepped out from the backstage area. Collectively known as the RingRats, these two earned a spot here tonight to compete for the jOlt Tag Team Championships. They both hit the ring and ascended the turnbuckle pads as they soaked in the positive response from the crowd. They hopped down and rejoined each other in one of the neutral corners. “Forever (Travis Barker Remix” by Drake The cheers turned to boos as Frank Silver and Ryan Gallaway stepped out from the back. They were accompanied by Mack Brody and together, they were collectively known as the Heirs of Wrestling. The Heirs were cocky, arrogant, and weren’t afraid to bust down Damien Lee’s door on occasion. They certainly attracted attention to themselves as of late and tonight Silver and Gallaway step up for a chance at becoming Tag Team Champions. “Enter the Luchador” The crowd began to cheer once again as two members of the Avispa Clan, Avispa Campeon Jr and Avispa Guerrero II make their way out from the backstage area. They charge the ring and enter it with flash! The Avispas back into a corner and eyeball the Heirs of Wrestling as well as the RingRats. This meant that only one team was left and the people were ready for their entrance! “VI-A-GRA!” “VI-A-GRA!” “VI-A-GRA!” The crowd made it known who were the odds on favorite to win this four way match tonight! The crowd then erupted! “I Hope You Die” by The Bloodhound Gang After their shocking return at Countdown, the team of High Flyer and Tony Davis stepped out from the backstage area with the lovely Mary-Lynn Mayweather in tow. Team VIAGRA made their triumphant return to jOlt and were looking to reclaim the tag team championships all to themselves! Flyer and Davis hit the ring as the other team members kept an eye on them. After all four teams went into their corners, they then had to decide who was going to start the match. Everyone exited except for Avispa Guerrero II and Frank Silver. It looked as if these two would begin this battle. The referee then held up the jOlt Tag Team Championships high into the air and passed them off to ringside. He finally signaled for the bell! DING DING DING Silver and Guerrero circled each other in the ring. Silver powered Guerrero back into the corner where the referee called for a clean break, but Silver didn’t oblige. 1… 2… 3… 4… Silver backed away, but Guerrero grabbed Silver and tossed him right into the corner where he opened up with a couple of right hands to the face and then a big open palm slap across the face to add insult to injury. Guerrero then grabbed Silver and whipped him across the ring to the opposite corner. Silver hit the turnbuckles hard and staggered forward as Guerrero ran past and bounced off the ropes. He tried to grab Silver with a bulldog, but Silver shoved Guerrero off of him. Guerrero stopped short and turned around, only to be met by a toe kick by Frank Silver. Silver then grabbed Guerrero by the head and placed him in a front chancery. Silver lifted Guerrero up and dropped him with a vertical suplex in the middle of the ring. Silver went for the first cover of this match. One… Two… Guerrero popped the shoulder up. Silver brought Guerrero up to his feet and whipped him to the ropes. A blind tag had been made by Avispa Campeon Jr. Campeon immediately leapt to the top rope as Guerrero swung with a clothesline. Silver ducked the clothesline, but didn’t avoid the Missile Dropkick from Campeon as he shot into the ring! Both men got back up and Campeon took Silver over with a deep arm drag. Both men got back up and Campeon hit another deep arm drag and then converted it into a seated arm bar submission hold. Campeon applied the pressure, but Silver refused to give it up. Silver fought back to his feet and then fired elbows into the ribs of Campeon to break the hold. Silver took off toward the ropes, but was met with a stiff kick to the back by Dallas Griffin! Silver turned to face Griffin, but Campeon came up from behind and clotheslined Silver over the top rope and to the floor! The crowd rose to their feet as Avispa Campeon, Jr looked to head to the outside with a dive! Campeon got a full head of steam as Silver staggered to his feet. Campeon flipped over the top with a Tope Con Hilo, but Silver side stepped it and Campeon crashed and burned! Silver immediately pulled Campeon Jr up and rolled him back into the ring. Silver then slid in and made the cover with the leg hooked! One…. Two…. Both Avispa Guerrero and Graham Youngblood dove in and broke up the pinfall. With two teams doing so, it showed how important a pinfall could be in this match. There was no elimination here… whoever scored the pinfall walked out with the championships! Silver pulled Campeon back to his feet and dragged him over to his corner where he tagged in the fresh Ryan Gallaway. Gallaway stepped into the ring and lit up Campeon’s chest with a knife edge chop. He hit another and another which turned his chest a nice hue of red. Gallaway then shot Campeon across the ring, but Campeon showed he still had fight left in him and reversed the whip! Campeon telegraphed a back body drop and Gallaway rolled off the back of Campeon and landed behind him. Gallaway, with lightning speed kicked the back of Campeon’s legs which brought him down to his knees. Gallaway then continued to spin where he caught Campeon in the head with a quick roundhouse kick! Gallaway made the cover as Guerrero II ascended the turnbuckle pads! One…. Two…. As the hand came down for the second slap, Guerrero II flew off the top with an elbow drop, but Gallaway used his speed and moved out of the way. The end result saw Guerrero II drop the elbow on his partner, Campeon Jr! Gallaway then quickly pulled Guerrero II back to his feet and then threw him over the top rope to the outside where he landed hard. Gallaway then turned his attention back to Campeon Jr where he pulled him back to his feet and hit a quick knee to the stomach which doubled him over. He then lifted his foot, grabbed it by the ankle and hit a snap kick to the back of Campeon’s neck! Campeon hit face first into the canvas as Gallaway got a cocky grin across his face. Gallaway could have went for the cover, but there were two other teams that waited in the wings to break up the pinfall. Instead, Gallaway picked the option to wear down Campeon some more. He went to pull Campeon back to his feet, but Campeon had a different idea. He dropped down with a jaw breaker that stunned Gallaway. Campeon dove to the nearest corner. It wasn’t his, but he tagged in Dallas Griffin of the RingRats… anything to get out and freshen up! Griffin hit the ring and drilled Gallaway with a stiff clothesline. Gallaway staggered back up and had been put down a second time by another running clothesline by Dallas Griffin. Griffin then pulled Gallaway to his feet and then shot him across the ring. Gallaway picked up tremendous speed so when Griffin attempted the drop kick, Gallway baseball slid underneath him! His speed caused him to slide out of harm’s way as Griffin missed his mark and crashed onto the canvas! Gallaway quickly hopped over the top rope to the ring apron. He then hopped to the very top rope and nailed it! SPRINGBOARD 450! Cover! One…. Two…. Dallas kicked out! One big move wouldn’t had been enough to keep Dallas Griffin down. Gallaway then pulled Griffin back to his feet, but Griffin broke free from the grip and dropped Gallaway with an inverted atomic drop. Griffin then shot off to the ropes and came back with a heat seeking missile drop kick to the face of Gallaway that knocked him down hard. Gallaway fell just within arms’ reach of High Flyer! High Flyer looked around the crowd and their rose to their feet. Flyer then reached down and tagged Gallaway and came into the match! Flyer came in and charged at Griffin. Griffin tried for a lariat, but High Flyer ducked underneath and leapt to the ropes. High Flyer sprinboarded off of them, turned and hooked Dallas by the head as Dallas turned around in time to notice him. Flyer spun with the head hooked… SPRINGBORAD TORNADO DDT!! The crowd popped as Flyer waited for Dallas to get back up. Once he did, Flyer grabbed Dallas by the arm and shot him across the ring. Blind tag by Graham Youngblood. Dallas rebounded off the ropes as Flyer went for a leap frog. Dallas ducked underneath and dropped short. Dallas then delivered a toe kick to the stomach of High Flyer as the referee admonished him for staying in the ring after a tag. Dallas didn’t care as Youngblood ascended the turnbuckle pads. Dallas lifted Flyer up, possibly for a spinebuster, but Flyer countered mid move with a drop kick that knocked Griffin away. Flyer got back up as Youngblood soared off with a missile drop kick of his own that connected and took down Flyer. Youngblood pulled Flyer back up and shot him to the ropes, but Flyer reversed and sent Youngblood into the ropes instead. Youngblood leapt to the middle rope and twisted off with a springboard cross body block, but Flyer knelt down and caught Youngblood over his knee with the gut buster. Youngblood staggered around as he held his stomach in pain. Flyer charged in and went for the spinning heel kick and it took Youngblood down. Flyer went to the corner and ascended the turnbuckle pads to the very top, but Youngblood got back to his feet and ascended the turnbuckle pads as well. The two battled back and forth with punches to the head. Eventually, it was Flyer that had the advantage and knocked Youngblood off the top. Youngblood crashed down onto the canvas in perfect position as High Flyer measured him up! SHOOTING STAR PRESS MISSED! In an amazing display of agility, High Flyer rotated through the Shooting Star and landed on his feet! He sensed that Youngblood had moved out of the way at the very last moment! Flyer went for a mule kick to Youngblood who was stuck between Flyer and the corner, but Youngblood grabbed the leg of Flyer and countered, but Flyer countered that as he twisted into an enziguri kick with his free leg! Youngblood fell up against the corner as Flyer ran to his corner and tagged in Tony Davis! Flyer charged across the ring and nailed a running body splash in the corner. Davis followed suit with a massive clothesline that dropped Youngblood into a seated position. Davis ran away to the opposite side, but Dallas Griffin rolled back into the ring and charged in after Davis. Davis bounced off the ropes and got caught with a Spear by Griffin that took him down! Youngblood pulled himself up to his feet and felt a slap on his shoulder. He had been in the corner of the Heirs of Wrestling and Frank Silver just made the tag. Silver came back into the ring and headed over to where Tony Davis laid. He pulled Davis back to his feet, but Davis grabbed Silver and threw him into the corner with the Avispas! Davis tagged in Avispa Guerrero II who came in and lit up Silver’s chest with a knife edge chop! Guerrero II then tagged in Avispa Campeon who came in and lit up Silver’s chest with a knife edge chop as well. Campeon then tagged Tony Davis back into the match where he got a full head of steam and drilled Silver in the corner with a running shoulder tackle! Davis then grabbed Frank Silver and tossed him to the outside. High Flyer then ascended the turnbuckle pads and took aim as he leapt off and nailed a corkscrew body press on Frank Silver on the outside! Tony Davis then leaned over the top rope and asked High Flyer to deliver Frank Silver to him. Flyer then tried to warn Davis, but Ryan Gallaway charged in from behind and lifted Davis up and over the top rope which caused him to spill to the outside! Gallaway then got a running start and nailed a No Hands Flip over the top rope to the outside where he took out High Flyer and Tony Davis! As Silver, Flyer, Davis, and Gallaway all staggered to their feet, the Avisaps both entered the ring and gained a full head of steam. Dual Tope Con Hilos over the top rope by both Campeon Jr and Guerrero II wiped out all four men! It looked like a train wreck at ringside, but it wasn’t over yet! Graham Younblood and Dallas Griffin got an idea as the two of them ascended the turnbuckle pads. As all six men on the outside got back to their feet, both Youngblood and Griffin dove off with cross body blocks and ended up taking out the whole lot of them! The crowd cheered the train wreck spot as all eight men were down! Somewhere in that pile of humanity were Tony Davis and Frank Silver… the legal men in the match. Eventually people began to get back to their feet as the referee tried to restore order on the outside. He began to order people back to their corners. Davis and Silver were back up to their feet and Davis wasted no time rolling Silver back into the ring. Flyer got back up on the ring apron and then Davis stepped in, Flyer asked for the tag. Davis granted it to him and Flyer came back into the ring. Silver saw High Flyer step back in and he wanted no part of him. Silver then dove for the nearest corner and it happened to be Avispa Guerrero II! Guerrero was tagged in as he stepped back into the ring and met High Flyer in the center. Guerrero looked at Flyer and shoved him. Flyer returned the favor and shoved Guerrero back. Guerrero went for a knife edge chop, but Flyer used his quickness and ducked and converted it into a school boy roll up! One… Two… Guerrero kicked away. Guerrero got back up as Flyer whipped him across the ring. Flyer gave chase after the whip, but Guerrero leapt up to the middle rope and moonsaulted over Flyer where he landed behind him. Flyer stopped and got caught in a waist lock. Guerrero tried for a German Suplex, but Flyer landed on his feet and went into a waist lock of his own. Guerrero fired a pair of elbows into the head of Flyer and then took off toward the ropes. Guerrero came back, but Flyer picked him up and nailed a Tilt-o-Whirl backbreaker! Graham Younblood had seen enough and illegally entered the ring. He charged at Flyer, but was met with an arm drag! Dallas Griffin entered soon after Youngblood and drilled High Flyer from behind with a clothesline as he tried to stand up after he had delivered the arm drag to Youngblood. Griffin pulled Flyer back up and waited as Youngblood staggered to his feet. The two of them whipped High Flyer across the ring. Youngblood took down High Flyer with a drop toe hold. Griffin bounced off the ropes and flipped over Flyer and hooked him in a bridged rear chin lock. Youngblood then bounced off the ropes and planted both boots into the head of High Flyer in that prone position! Tony Davis stepped into the ring and then ran over both Youngblood and Griffin with a double clothesline! Both Youngblood and Griffin rolled out of the ring. Perched up top was Ryan Gallaway. Gallaway leapt off with a cross body block, but Davis turned and clotheslined Gallaway in mid-air!!! “OOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” yelled the crowd as Gallaway flipped in mid air and slammed down on his stomach! Davis then grabbed Gallaway and tossed him to the outside! Davis then turned to see Avispa Campeon perched high up top. Campeon went for the missile drop kick, but Davis stepped out of the way! Campeon crashed and burned! High Flyer got back to his feet and he and Davis grabbed Campeon and lifted him up into a Splash Mountain Bomb position. He held him up there as High Flyer headed to the outside. Flyer leapt to the top rope and as he did, Frank Silver lightly tapped him on the boot. The referee saw it as a blind tag, but High Flyer didn’t notice it! Flyer flipped over Campeon and Davis and hooked Campeon’s head on the way over. WHAM!!! Splash Mountain Bomb/Blockbuster Neckbreaker Combination! Silver then dropped to the outside and grabbed Davis by the legs. He yanked him out of the ring and then threw him into the barricades! High Flyer went for the pin, but the referee didn’t count! High Flyer stood up and wanted to know that the deal was! The referee tried to explain that there was a blind tag, but by the time Flyer realized it, Silver came into the ring and grabbed Flyer and tossed him to the outside!! Silver then made the cover on Avispa Campeon, Jr! One… Two… Three!!! ![]() Frank Silver and Ryan Gallaway are the NEW jOlt Tag Team Champions! The Heirs of Wrestling stole one here tonight from Team VIAGRA!!! The people erupted in a sea of boos as the Heirs of Wrestling were handed the tag team championships! They celebrated in the middle of the ring, but everyone in the audience knew that the victory tonight belonged to Team VIAGRA. Mack Brody joined Silver and Gallaway in the ring and all three celebrated with the jOlt Tag Team Championships much to the displeasure of the crowd here tonight. ![]() ![]() ![]() Damien Lee. "Good evening, gentlemen." "You son of a bitch, Lee," Titan erupted, "Who the hell do you think you are sticking me with this stupid bastard permanently?!" Damien Lee motioned for Chris Titan to settle down. "Listen, Chris ... Chris, I had nothing to do with this. Had I known what Jim Johnson planned to do I would have told him this was insanity. Sticking you two back together after the roller coaster ride of Fueled by VIAGRA ... it was never going to work." "No shit," Titan replied. "That said, these constant confrontations between the two of you ... they're a ratings draw. People want to see you two go at it. With that in mind ..." "Don't even bother," said Chris Register, cutting Damien Lee off. "I'm not going to get into the ring with this psycho, if that's what you're suggesting." "That's what I'm suggesting." Titan smiled. "I'm all for it. What do you say we make this Underground Rules? Just to thicken the pot." "Do you see?" Chris Register threw his hands up in the air. "He's unstable ... at best, Lee! If you put us in the ring together he's going to try to permanently injure me! I don't want any part of it!" "I'll fucking...!" But just as Chris Titan was about to take yet another shot at what appears now to be his former tag team partner he was stopped by one word from Damien Lee. "Rune!" Titan's fist was halted mid-punch, he turned and looked Damien Lee right in his eyes. "He's not here, Chris," Damien explained, "I just knew that would get you to stop. You two clearly have some issues you need to resolve, so regardless of what either of you thinks I'm going to put you in a match..." "I quit." "I'm sorry?" Chris Register repeated himself to a shocked Damien Lee, "I said I quit. I'm not getting in the ring with him." "You little bitch!" "I have literally never done this ... but I have to agree with Titan," said Damien Lee. "What do you mean you quit?" "I mean I quit ... I'm done ... done with jOlt completely. I'm leaving." Damien Lee shook his head. "You're asking for your release?" "Yes. I want out. I can't take this shit anymore." "If he's really quitting does that mean I can beat the shit out of him?" "That would be assault, Chris, so ... no." Chris Register turned to Chris Titan. "Just so we're clear on this, I don't hate you." Titan was awestruck. "I fucking despise you." And just like that Chris Register began walking right out of jOlt. Titan was in shock, just watching his tag team partner walk away. Without Register to get him in Titan would be here right now, and now that Register had walked what did that mean to Titan's future? It was something he needed an answer for immediately. "What do I do now?" After watching Chris Register step out of view, Damien Lee turned to Chris Titan and said, simply, "Whatever you want." ![]() ![]() One Eye vs. Phoenix ![]() ![]() ![]() "Crawling" by Linkin Park started playing on the arena speakers. We watched the Ryuko Clan’s jade emblem hang in the air on the jOltVision, and then when it faded and the lights came back on, One Eye, the heir apparent, was standing in the ring. His dark attire not offsetting the fiery rage in his bright green eye, that jade emblem set on his chest as always, the fury in One Eye that it had come to this – come to him violating the code that his grandfather had instilled in him. This was a battle of respect and integrity. “The following contest is set for one fall, and is a LUCHAS DE APUESTAS with the winner unmasking his opponent and taking with that mask, his honor. In the ring, from Japan, weighing in at 262 lbs, the Masked Engima, OOOOONE EEEEEEEEYE!” The lights dimmed. Cue The Strokes. “His opponent, he is Jolt’s Rebirth made flesh…” The electronic whir hit a fever pitch, which brought fire shooting from around the jOltVision! “Weighing in at 229 lbs, he is from the ashes, the Man on Fire, jOlt’s Fire Bird, PHEEEEEEEONIX!” Machu Picchu rumbled as Julian Casablanca screamed, and the crowd cheered for Phoenix. A controversial and complicated road had brought the fan favorite to his first PPV appearance against a man who had seemingly wrong not only Phoenix himself, but all of jOlt. This could be his last entrance wearing his phoenix-laden mask of gold and white, Michael Buhrman pointed out as the Spirit of Rebirth slapped hands and soaked in the cheers without breaking stride. Noticeable in the mostly favorable reception was that undercurrent of jeers, a side effect of a select few still siding with One Eye until he proved them wrong. Phoenix pulled up at the end of the ramp, and turned to wave at the crowd before he jumped up on the apron. Phoenix paused, surveying One Eye, who had not taken his eyes off his opponent the whole time. Or moved, really. It seems after Phoenix’s words of war last week, and the accusations that had been laid on One Eye, the formerly jovial Japanese star was nothing but business. Phoenix moved to step through the ropes… Springboard flying tackle! Psych! Phoenix had quickly altered course, launching himself off the top rope and catching One Eye by surprise. And the Masked Avenger’s surprise was… One Eye was not there when he got there. Nobody home!. While Phoenix could be considered by most to be the fastest competitor in all of jOlt, One Eye was, by virtue of being a ninja prince of a familial Japanese clan, pretty quick his own self. Phoenix landed smoothly and rolled to his feet. Being the smaller of the two combatants, he HAD to be quicker, didn’t he? Phoenix took off the jOlt Shop, white and gold jOlt “O” and phoenix wings t-shirt and threw it into the excited crowd, just in time to duck a titanic kick by One Eye. The man who fans seemed to always chant ‘RIKTOR’ for, since his debut and such as NOW… kicked One Eye’s other leg out from underneath him, causing him to fall backwards to the mat. KIP UP! One Eye flipped back to his feet, cat-like, and Phoenix and his former friend circled each other. The referee called for the bell and this Luchas de Apuestas was now officially in progress. Micheal Buhrman and Nathan Powers called the action from ringside as One Eye matched Phoenix, step for step, still circling. Phoenix lunged out first – One Eye to throw a crescent kick to Phoenix’s face and the Masked Avenger just got back out of the way. “Phoenix’s speed is going to be a challenge for One Eye on this night.” Buhrman noted, with a controlled demeanor over the rambunctious crowd. Nathan Powers was quick to add his two cents. “Mike, Mr. Ashes and Dust had better use that speed to avoid One Eye’s strikes and kicks – he has not faced someone with this lethal a striking set. All he needs is one good blow and BOOM the mask’ll come off without One Eye even needing to pin Phoenix!” One Eye lifted up his left hand…offering the test of strength. Phoenix circled again, slowly putting his hand up. Headbutt! and Phoenix drove his skull into One Eye’s before he could lock up the other hand. You could hear Buhrman wincing over his headset. “Not pretty, Nathan, but effective.” “I talked to Kenjiro Ito earlier today about this match,” Powers couldn’t help but mention, “And according to him, there’s not too many brains up there behind Phoenx’s mask for him to hurt! “That’s the last Triple Crown Champion for you…” Headbutt!. After the fourth headbutt, One Eye stepped back and the champion dropped him with a dropkick. Phoenix rolled away as again, One Eye popped back up. Lou Thesz press! And the jOlt faithful popped to life as Phoenix and One Eye fell to the mats, trading fist for angry fist, Phoenix firing away from on top of One Eye. The Mask Enigma pulled back both his knees - Monkey flip! - and sent the Masked Avenger off of the top of him and flying into the air, and not in the way Phoenix was used to flying. Phoenix landed back first against the ropes, bounced off, and flipped in mid-air, landing on her feet. Baseball slide to the back of the knee! A shame after all that show of balance and agility, One Eye had kicked Phoenix’s leg out from under him. Reverse Texas Cloverleaf! The referee dropped into Phoenix’s line of vision to ask for a submission and Phoenix gritted out, “NO!” The pain through the mask, even just seconds into the hold, was obvious as Buhrman and Powers speculated on commentary if that Phoenix had any lingering injuries in his past that he had kept quiet and close to his pocket like so many other things. Phoenix was right by the ropes, bad luck for One Eye, and he grabbed them. The ref asked One Eye for the break. He refused. ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE-break! One Eye had released the hold a nanosecond before he would have been disqualified from, losing his mask in the process on this night. Powers couldn’t help but laugh at how, after being caught red-handed by Phoenix, One Eye was finally showing his true vicious colors. He picked up Phoenix’s right leg – and slammed it, knee-first into the mat. Phoenix cried out in pain as One Eye repeated the action again. One Eye picked up Phoenix’s leg to do it again…but the Masked Avenger still had ahold of the ropes, and pulled himself forward using the ropes. CANNON KICK! – Phoenix released the ropes, propelling his free leg into the sternum of the Clan Ryuko leader. The Masked Enigma thusly stunned, this allowed Phoenix to pull him into a small package! ONE! TWO! THR-kickout! The Man on Fire had almost stolen the contest right there on the first nearfall. The crowd released its shocked breathed and roared, watching as Phoenix grabbed One Eye by the mask… Double leg takedown! And One Eye put Phoenix back on the mat. The Masked Enigma fell backwards, sending Phoenikx forward in a slingshot motion. Again, Phoenix landed on his feet and One Eye rolled to one knee. Tilt-a-whirl knee-breaker! “AAAAAGH!” was the cry from the mouth of the man who embodied jOlt’s rebirth as his knee met One Eye’s. The Jade Warrior was really working over the knee, having discovered it as a weakness on his fleet footed opponent. “Smart strategy by the challenger – grounding the high flyer by taking out his right knee.” Buhrman boomed from the both. “One Eye is a crafty and very vicious opponent!” Powers added, “I would argue Phoenix had not faced an of this caliber since his return to jOlt, but Ito is one hell of a storied opponent… and he gave Phoenix a LOSS in his debut!” Kenta kick to the knee! Phoenix fell to the mat as One Eye’s boot, vicious and stiff, collided with his mask now, at high force. The Masked Enigma then backed up to the ropes and climbed to the second turnbuckle. Second rope double stomp to the face! He was looking to knock out some teeth in his oppoent! One Eye rolled the Masked Avenger over and hooked the injured leg. ONE! TWO! THRE-kickout! At about 2.85, Phoenix had been able to fire his right shoulder off the mat and save his mask, which seemed to have a few stitches loose around the mouth area as it was! He rolled away from One Eye, who was arguing with the official. Yeah, not the best of ideas…. PHOENIX RISING….RHOENIX DOWN! Phoenix had tried to take advantage of One Eye momentary distraction by locking him into the high-impact brainbuster. Bad luck for Phoenix, the Masked Avengers knee had buckled, causing One Eye to fall onto Phoenix before the masked bird-like man could even take one rotation with a move that was familiar to many a LoC fan. One Eye, after a forearm shiver to Phoenix’s mask, immediately ran towards the ropes, running up the top turnbuckle. Corkscrew moonsault! The crowd hushed – is this the end of the masked legacy of Phoenix before it even began?! ONE! TWO! THREE! One Eye bowed his head. For a moment, the fires kindled in his eye was calm. He looked up…and saw the referee pointing to the ropes, where Phoenix’s white and gold boot was laying. The anger returned, double what it was before. SLAP! One Eye had backhanded his downed opponent to jeers from the crowd. The referee jumped in to protest the Masked Enigma’s use of a closed hand to slap Phoenix, and One Eye uttered something in Japanese that we doubt was an invitation to have tea. One Eye picked up his golden opponent, and dragged him over to the ropes. He placed Phoenix’s right knee over the second rope, then grabbed the top rope with his other hand. Springboard guillotine legdrop to the knee! Buhrman roared, “And yet more vicious assault towards that injured knee! I am stunned Phoenix can even stand!” Phoenix fell backwards into the ring. One Eye grabbed the ring apron, rolling back into the ring. The ninja prince was aggressive, and walked right into a drop toe hold by Phoenix! The Masked Avenger fell back to the mat, using those precious seconds to recover. One Eye and Phoenix, former friends now bitter enemies, both made it back to a vertical base at about the same time. One Eye went for a dropkick to the knee…and Phoenix just stopped, causing One Eye to whiff and kick only air. Phoenix charged the ropes as the Ryuko Clan leader rolled back up…. CORKSCREW CROSSBODY…..DUCKED! It had been a step slow, due to the fact Phoenix couldn’t put all his weight on that knee. Phoenix landed behind One Eye, and rose to his feet, as quickly as his knee would allow. One Eye lifted his left leg and feigned a kick – Phoenix moved to block. Overhand strike to the head! Phoenix, who had bit on the kick fake, was caught off guard by the Masked Enigma’s strike. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! One Eye continued to throw strikes at the head of his opponent, and Phoenix staggered backwards as his mask began to tear at the mouth and crimson blood stained through onto the white and gold. This did not slow One Eye down for a second, in fact, it seemed to inspire him further. CRACK! CRACK! Nathan Power’s couldn’t believe it, “One Eye’s going to take off this mask one piece at a time!” Buhrman wasn’t so quick to call it a match though, “Phoenix has proven to be a spirited competitor, but he’s not gonna win a fistfight with a—“ “With a gaddamned NINJA!” The torn mask hung, an inch off Phoenix’s bruised left cheek, showing a bloody blonde five o’ clock shadow, as One Eye reared up for another strike. BLOCKED! and Phoenix brought his arms up, deflecting the strike away from his face! The Masked Enigma readied himself to kick Phoenix’s knee out from under him… Double knee-strike to the temple! - The Masked Avenger had quickly lifted both his knees into the head of One Eye. He howled in pain as the injured knee met the bones of One Eye’s noggin, but luckily, he fell to the mat, too stunned to take advantage. Phoenix stepped outside the ropes. He stood on the apron, waiting as One Eye stayed lying on his back shaking his head to regain his composure, giving Phoenix a moment to recover. Then, it was time to fly…. “Ashes, ashes they all fall down…” ASHES TO ASHES! HOLY SH*T! Where did that come from? Phoenix had decided to spring-board off the center of the ropes as opposed to the top turnbuckle, flying high with his beautiful Shooting Star Press for the first time in jOlt! Phoenix caught One Eye flush. Phoenix tumbled off One Eye with great force however and to the mat, high slightly torn mask flapping in the air, bent over in pain for a second before he straightened out his knee and hooked One Eye’s left leg. ONE! TWO! This was it, he had defeated his vaunted rival in his jOlt PPV debut. THREE-----kickout! “What?” Phoenix exclaimed immediately. The crowd at ringside, turned to the screen to see the replay, which did visually seem to confirm that One Eye had just barely gotten his right shoulder off the canvas before the count of three. Woah. Buhrman tried his best to put it into words, “Proving on this night that the dark side is a strong one indeed, being the first man who has ever kicked out of that move! Does Phoenix have enough left to find a knockout punch?” “Obviously One Eye is from a very proud race of warriors, Mike. Their strength and viciousness is legendary in their home country, and what would knock out an ordinary man will not be enough to defeat a man like the Jade Warrior.” “Wait, where did that bit of information come from, Powers?” “One Eye wrote it down for me. His writes more coherently then he talks. HAH!” The Man on Fire, meanwhile, looked shocked as his hands held his head, and even glanced in the referee’s direction. The crowd cheered for him to keep going though, and the timely advice caused Phoenix to turn away from the referee. Phoenix checked the condition of his torn mask, then leapt to his feet…or tried to. His knee being battered, he shorted it and nearly fell back down. Taking a moment he was able to bring One Eye to his feet, and hooked up his rival in a Fisherman Suplex. If his Shooting Star Press wasn’t finishing his opponent tonight… DUST TO DUST~! Phoenix’s knee buckled, and he fought to hold One Eye down in a way that didn’t also pin down Phoenix’s own shoulders. The crowd went wild, knowing that this had to be the end of the war between One Eye and Phoenix! ONE! TWO! THREE! .... ... ..... KICKOUT! Phoenix was in shock. Several fans at ringside were apoplectic! When you see a new wrestlers finishing moves… they finished the opponent! Didn’t they?! One Eye had just become not only the first to survive Ashes To Ashes, but also the first to survive both of Phoenix’s deadly finishing moves in the same match. “Is there anything left in the arsenal of the Masked Avenger to throw at One Eye?” Buhrman asked, it was the question that EVERYONE was thinking. “He's looking to the official, but our USUALLY questionable refereeing staff is standing behind his nearfall! That was 2.9999999 if it was anything, Mike.” Nathan Powers was beside himself, “The One Eye is sure as HEEEEELL showing his warrior spirit.” And the cheers in the crowd denoted further that the jOlt faithful, which had been solidly behind the man in white and gold at the start, now had some defectors over to the side of the ninja, who had fought tall against Phoenix who had been firestorm since entering through unable to gain sufficient in-ring momentum outside his collective match with One Eye against the embattled FBI. Phoenix rolled out of the ring, and knelt at the apron. She lifted it up and pulled something out. A steel chair. The Divide & Conquer population buzzed, wondering what in the world Phoenix might be up to. He picked up the steel chair and rolled into the ring. One Eye was still laying on the mat near the ropes, recovering from Ashes To Ashes AND Dust To Dust and the match in general. It didn't take him long to spot the weapon Phoenix was holding. But he wasn't advancing. He had also obtained a microphone and was holding that in the other hand. "I know your secret. You hide behind your mask, behind the ailment of only having one eye to gain sympathy. Sympathy you use to snake behind the backs of others who see you as a friend and an ally and ATTACK them without remorse. This chair is the symbol of a friend and a man who lived by weapons instead of his talent." One Eye had started to pull himself up using the ropes, taking advantage of Phoenix’s soliloquy to recover. "All I ever wanted was to be a hero. To be the best, the savior of a federation with battered history, with it’s fair share of lost years, but with great potential and the spotlight it deserved. I see myself in jOlt, I am it’s reflection… and you are the dark mirror." Phoenix took the chair off her shoulder. "You’re one-eyed and two-faced. You remind me of the very worst in this industry. I decided to remove that mask of yours to prove that hiding in jOlt wouldn’t be an option for ANYONE… as long as I stood for ANYTHING in this company." The rage burning in the eyes of Phoenix was visible from neighboring planets. It mirrored the dark flames smoldering in the eye of One Eye. "I stand for the future of jOlt. What it will become? You, King? You’re nothing but an example of what I’m capable of. Nothing but nuclear ashes in the wind…" And Phoenix charged, swinging the chair. One Eye pulled himself up all the way, and threw a mighty Kenta kick blindly, hoping to at least divert some of the blow, if not deflect it entirely. THWACK~! Phoenix’s rival looked up...and saw not Phoenix, but the referee lying on the mat. Phoenix had stopped as the official had tried to take the weapon away, and in his struggle had been pulled right into the path of One Eye’s kick. The crowd booed One Eye’s actions. The Jade Warrior had shown his true colors. Accident or not, it seemed. Phoenix re-situated her grip on the black steel chair. The two circled each other, the Jade Warrior using his footwork to keep him out of the path of a chair shot. Phoenix, angry and impatient, charged first. SWING.....AND A MISS! One Eye had ducked the swing, and Phoenix continued running. One Eye crouched and waited for Phoenix to come back towards him. Flying Forearm.... DUCKED by One Eye and One Eye fired two absolutely wire-stiff rapid-fire kicks right into the back of the knee of the champion. The crowd gasped as the retorts (which sounded like gunshots) echoed through the arena and Phoenix buckled to the mat. The chair bounced and skittered a few feet away. "It is you who fight witout honor, Phoenix-san." One Eye informed his one-time friend as he walked over her, and kicked it out of the ring. At 100%, Phoenix would have been moving already. In this condition, it took him almost a second before he got moving, his torn white, gold and now crimson mask, flapping away in the wind. That was all the opening that One Eye needed. VISUAL ESCAPADE! One Eye’s Yoko Geri, a right leg straight forward hitting the solar plexus of Phoenix, followed with One Eye’s left knee impacting the tattered jaw of the Masked Avenger, finally ending with a swift spinning heel to the back of the neck brought Phoenix down to the mat like a sack of bricks. The retorts rang out, as did an "AWWWWWWW" from the Phoenix fans in the audience. Cover by One Eye… but no count. The official was still down on the mat, having accidentally gotten kicked in the head by One Eye earlier. The frustrated jOlt superstar glared at Phoenix and muttered, "busu" under his breath before he climbed over to the official, and picked him up, trying to revive him. “Nathan, if the referee hadn't been knocked out, Phoenix would be without a mask right now!” “I guess he could, Mike. I don’t see why One Eye doesn’t just rip it off his head right now! I mean, Phoenix is knocked out!” “I think it’s something to do with… honor, curiously.” The play-by-play man Michael Buhrman replied, a bit of wonder in his voice. “I don’t follow.” Powers replied flatly. “Didn’t think you would.” Buhrman retorted, in kind. A string of Japanese (most of it curses, we'd imagine) flowed out of the mouth of the Jade Warrior as the official still wasn’t coming to. He turned his attention back to Phoenix, who had revived enough to start crawling away towards the corner. One Eye quickly took off at a run, reached the ropes, and leaped up with a vicious kick! NOBODY HOME! One Eye growled. "Senmitsuya!" He yelled in the direction of the Man on Fire, who had rolled away so quickly he almost had vanished in the blink of an eye. One Eye, on the other hand, found his right foot caught up in the top rope. Phoenix quickly popped back up. He turned his back to One Eye, and put his hands under One Eye’s arms. Having wrestled in Japan, this wasn’t the first time One Eye was in the waiting seconds of tasting a BURNING HAMMER, and he was able to free his foot before Phoenix pulled him forward. The Ryuko Clan heir pushed off the top rope, flipping himself to avoid the impromptu rope-assisted powerbomb Phoenix was trying to hit him with. One Eye landed behind Phoenix, and spun his battered and bloodied rival to face him, only to get his only available eye raked for his trouble. The referee immediately admonished Phoenix, as the crowd wondered why after so much Phoenix would stoop so low… Well, it was because Phoenix needed the distraction. As the referee checked on One Eye, Phoenix quickly grabbed a hold of the frayed edges of the right side of his mask and tore open the white and gold, revealing his mouth. Bloodstained yellow teeth peeked out from the not-so-subtle shark’s smile, Phoenix’s moment of motionless behavior diametrically and irreparably disarming the trust of anyone who would have seen it… if it hadn’t slipped away to a close-lipped neutral intensity for all to see. The Man on Fire then sharply procured a silver flask from his phoenix-styled tights, a flask with PHL-emblazoned on its side, before swilling the contents from within it. Just as sharply he replaced the silver flask with a zippo lighter. The referee, having been checking on the health of One Eye had missed all this… but as One Eye turned to Phoenix… A single spark off the flint lit the lighter. The lighter lit the whiskey inside Phoenix’s mouth. DRAGONFIRE~!~!~! The flames from Phoenix’s mouth sent the referee tumbling back stunned. One Eye, however, wasn’t as lucky as he took the full brunt of the flames to his face. The flames were so thick they immediately made his black mask burst into bright orange flames. “GAAAAAH!” One Eye cried out in pain as he, without a second thought, tore the mask from his own face and held onto what once was his good eye as he stumbled around the ring blindly. Phoenix was quick to take further advantage of his burnt and unmasked adversary by simply rolling him up in a school boy. The referee, still in shock about what had just transpired, counted the fall. ONE! TWO! THREE! ![]() The crowd was silent, as shocked as the official of the match, trying to piece together what Phoenix had just done. The fact was quiet simple to Phoenix though, he did what he had to… to make an example of One Eye. As the official raised the hand of Phoenix, and quietly applauding, but some even jeering for the supposed embodiment of jOlt’s rebirth, a smile could be seen on the blonde stumbled lower-half of a face that lay bear to jOlt for the first time thanks to Phoenix’s torn mask. Phoenix looked down at his fallen foe, who still moaned in agony. Phoenix growled at One Eye, speaking in a quiet tone so that only the Masked Enigma could hear him over the din of the crowd. “The attack, the obstacles, the mind games, everything that led to this match tonight… it was all me, you One-Eye’d f*ck.” Phoenix said to his opponent, his now polite smile to the crowd revealing yet again a shark’s smile to a foe who could no longer see it. "If you only had been a little bit easier to take down." “Why Phoenix-san?” One Eye coughed. “Because I asked for a spark and you listened long enough to reply in kind… and light the fire that’ll blaze across this entire organization, you poor blind bastard.” Phoenix pulled his arm away from the official and knelt down to get closer to One Eye. It was time to add insult to injury. Three words that only One Eye would hear, before Divide & Conquer appropriately continued forth. “Because you listened.” ![]() ![]() ![]() Adam Lazarus addressed Bane Loneheart as he walked into the locker room and dropped his bags down on a bench. Loneheart, meanwhile, was sitting down with his trusty lead pipe in hand. "Why don'ye shut the hell up, Laz?" "Not so big and bad when someone's back isn't turned, huh?" "I dinnae feel like getting punished again tonight, is all. Speaking of which," Bane smiled as he took a jab at Laz with the following question, "how was your suspension?" Laz just shook his head and smiled. "Funny, isn't it? How Damien Lee was so quick to send ye packing but wanted to keep me around and give me a "punishment match" ... kinda shows ye who's more important around here, no?" "Wow," Laz said sarcastically. "Is that what you really think went down? Lee kept you around because you're more important?" "Obviously." "Dude, your sense of entitlement is ridiculous. You've won, like ... nothing since you got here. Me? I would be facing Derecho right now if it wasn't for you trying to take me out with some lame ass sneak attack." "Yeah right, Laz. Ye lost to Reno Davis in your first match." Laz nodded. "That's right, I did. And it was a wake-up call. Something you could really use. Since then I, technically, haven't lost a match. Meanwhile, you have. Not to mention you've been tossed around like a ragdoll by Sylo and some giant Irish gimp. If you're important around here then it's because they need someone to be the resident punching bag." "You know," Bane said while he twisted his hands around the lead pipe as if he was wringing Laz's neck right then and there, "ye are really starting to piss me off." "Feeling froggy are you? Here," Laz turned around and faced his back to Bane Loneheart. "Is that better for you? You ready to take a shot now?" As it would turn out, Bane Loneheart was ready to take that shot. He darted across the room but he never made it to Laz because .... "I really wouldn't do that if I were you." Rune Winters, and his shovel, stopped Loneheart dead in his tracks. "Are you serious with that thing?" Rune asked. "A lead pipe? Why don't you give that to me and go sit the fuck back down?" Which is exactly what Bane Loneheart did. "Good deal, so let's talk about your little lead pipe rampage you've been on lately." "What about it?" "Oh, okay. Well, it's going to stop ... one way or another. You picking up what I'm putting down?" "Yes." "Right, well I want to make sure I'm clear on this because I'm new at this job and all. What I mean when I say one way or another is that you're either going to stop your lead pipe bullshit or I'm going to take that lead pipe and force feed it to you, and then I'm going to take this shovel here and I'm going to go upside your face with it a few times just to make sure I get my point across. Now, I realize that it's not the most fair approach to this whole thing but it's more of a do what I say not what I do kinda thing." Rune walked right over to Bane Loneheart and draped his shovel on top of the man's shoulder. Leaning in close he quietly said, "Listen closely, if you try some shit again I will fucking end you." "Dude ...," was all Laz could say. "Our friend with the dirty dreadlocks has a point. You fellas have a good night now ... and try to play nice." ![]() ![]() The Nashvillain(c) vs. Jonathan Conspiracy(c) ![]() ![]() ![]() “JCON might as well have found the International Championship in a dumpster. He beat a half-in-the bag lush who could barely stand. He already beat JCON once and, tonight, he’s going to toss him out with the rest of the trash!” replied Nathan Powers “What’s so different about The Nashvillain picking the Relentless Championship off the canvas after Derecho had successfully challenged for the Underground?” Buhrman retorted. “You’re talking about a multiple-time World Champion, Mikey! You’re talking about the Southern Crown of Professional Wrestling! So watch your tone or I’ll tell the West Texas Terrorists you’re getting mouthy! Ha!” The shot cut away from the jOlt Announce Team to the resident Ring Announcer Brad Arnold who is dressed in a black tux with a microphone in-hand. The roaring crowd settled a bit as Arnold began his introductions. “The following match is a one-fall, thirty-minute time limit match for the Unification for the Relentless and International Championships. Introducing first -- ” Arnold’s words were drowned out by the start of ”No Church in the Wild” by Kanye West. “Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, standing six-feet tall and weighing in at two-hundred and one-pound, the current International Champion, the True One and Only, the Attention Getter, He’s ONE LETTER BETTER, he is JONATHAN CONSPIRACY!” Just as Arnold finished, a belt-toting JCON, followed closely by Sweet Aroma, cut through the oft-talked about black curtain to a warm and gigantic response from the D&C attendance. JCON hoisted the International Championship into the air for another pop as he sauntered down to ringside, nodding confidently as he did. After sliding into the ring, Conspiracy did the turnbuckle tour as Sweet Aroma showcased her International Champion. The crowd’s delight was cut short. Stomp.Clap. Stomp.Clap. Stomp. Clap. Cue up “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” by Johnny Cash. BOOOOOO! Yeah, they all knew who was coming out. “His opponent, hailing from Nashville, Tennesse, coming in at six-feet and two-inches tall, weighing in at two-hundred and ninety-one pounds, he’s the current RELENTLESS CHAMPION, the Masked Mangler of the Mason-Dixon, God’s Own Calloused Right Hand, he is THE NASHVILLAIN!” BOO! BOOO! BOOOO! If you didn’t notice, nobody liked him. The West Texas Terrorists were first out, followed by a cane-wielding G.G. Gentry, and then joined by the powerful and conniving Nashvillian, the Relentless Championship secured around his gut. While Nash looked around at the crowd with a sneer, Gentry yelled his usual pro-Nash babble and the WTT had already slid into the ring, immediately cornering JCON and Sweet Aroma, but not making any further advance. Nash and Gentry also joined them in the ring - G.G., hiding behind Ezra and Eli, had a lot to say to JCON and Sweet Aroma. Meanwhile, Nash handed over the Relentless Championship to Referee Ian Nyugen, who then fetched the International Championship from JCON. Nyugen ordered the WTT, Gentry, and Aroma from the ring and then summoned JCON and Nash to center ring. After going through the match instructions, Nyugen hoisted both belts into the air to a huge crowd pop! Nyugen passed the titles off to a ring assistant, and called for the bell! DING! DING! DING! The Relentless and International Championship Unification Match was underway! “Obviously, the power advantage goes to Nash; the speed to JCON. Both are veterans in the ring, but no one has the experience that Nash does, but JCON has a big chip on his shoulder, Nathan. Not to mention, he and his girlfriend were viciously attacked by the West Texas Terrorists and Nash. That’ll push a person’s limits,” Buhrman commented. Powers replied, “JCON isn’t as smart as The Nashvillain, he’s not as experienced, and he doesn’t have two henchman and a weasel manager at his disposal. Nash walks away winner - GUAR-AN-TEED!” The bell was all JCON needed to hear as he immediately going straight at Nash, more emotion-driven than a strategic decision as the powerful Southerner readily agreed to lock horns with JCON. Nash shoved him away, sending the much smaller Conspiracy stumbling into the turnbuckles, but, far from done, JCON headed straight back into a collar-and-elbow tie with The Nashvillain. This time, Nash backed him into the corner, pressing his forearm into JCON’s neck before Ian Nyugen could step in and force the break. Nash slowly raised his arms, backing away, but suddenly lunged in with a bruising forearm that caught the unsuspecting JCON in the chops. “Oh, cheap shot from The Nashvillain!” Buhrman commented. “Brilliant - just brilliant!” added Nathan Powers. Another big forearm followed, then another. Nash crouched down, lowering himself into an athletic stance, and repeatedly drove his shoulder into Conspiracy’s abdomen. The Masked Mangler of the Mason-Dixon scooped JCON up and slammed him down with a scoop slam, all damn near three-hundred pounds of him crashing down on top of his much smaller foe. Nash directed a trio of fists into JCON’s skull and then pulled the Brooklyn native to his feet. The big man staggered Conspiracy with another right, sent him into the cables with an Irish whip, and, when he came back, looked for the Axe Bomber! JCON ducked underneath and kept running! LEAPING FOREARM on the return from JCON hit the Masked Mangler of the Mason-Dixon on the button! Quick cover from Conspiracy! Leg hooked! ONE! TW - NO! After getting a shoulder up, Nash pushed himself to his feet without any resistance from JCON, who had moved away from the Southerner. The Attention Getter charged in and launched himself at the Nashvillain with a Crossbody Block! Caught by the near three-hundred pounder! Nash carried a squirming JCON around the ring, almost a lap, and then swung him out to the side for a crushing Sidewalk Slam! Nash draped an arm over Conspiracy and Nyugen slid in for the count! ONE! TWO! NO! Shoulder up! Nash stood, put a few boots into his downed opponent, and ragdoll’d him into the turnbuckles. The right hands and short body splash that followed were enough to drop JCON into a seated position. This is where G.G. Gentry offered his services, hopping up on the apron to distract Ian Nyugen, who immediately headed toward the wiry weasel. With the referee sidetracked, the Conways twins each grabbed one of JCON’s arms; meanwhile, Nash stuck his boot against JCON’s neck and preceded to choke the **** out of him. A concerned Sweet Aroma jumped on the apron, pleaded with Nyugen to check what was happening, but managed to serve Nashvillain better than her man. Finally, with the riff-raff cleared, Ian Nyugen turned back to Nashvillain, realized what was going on, and ran off the West Texas Terrorists. Nash, hands held up innocently, got scolded by Nyugen, who turned away from a downed JCON, and this allowed the West Texas Terrorists to pummel Jonathan Conspiracy like a damned heavy bag. Sweet Aroma b-lined toward the twins, but Gentry managed to trip her with his cane! Nyugen finally stopped reprimanding Nash, who discreetly waved the Terrorists away from JCON as he headed toward the beaten Conspiracy. Nash literally draged JCON to his feet and stuck him in a standing headscissors. Stars and Bars (Wild) Bomb! It couldn’t be over, could it? ONE! TWOOO! THREEEE! NO! Shoulder up at the last millisecond! The Nashvillain pulled ICON up with a growl and scooped him up. After backing into the corner, Nash stampeded forward and hit a ring-shaking Running Powerslam. He angrily covered the Attention Getter again! ONE! TWOO! THR - NO! Nash looked at Nyugen in anger (gawddamn Asians) and then out at G.G. Gentry in dismay, who yelled something inaudible. After said words, Nash brought JCON up to his feet and tossed him through the ropes to the outside. Of course, the Tennessee native did not follow. Oh no, he got right into Ian Nyugen’s face about slow counts and even started to get a bit physical with the much smaller referee, backing him into the turnbuckles! On the outside, the West Texas Terrorists, under the guidance of Gentry, were teaming up on the beaten and battered JCON. Eli whipped Conspiracy at his twin brother Ezra, who unloaded with a wind-up Lariat that nearly removed JCON’s head! Both brothers then decided to go stomp-happy on the helpless JCON. At G.G. Gentry’s behest, the Conway twins brought Conspiracy to his feet as Gentry lined him up for a cane shot! Night, night. WOOOOO! The crowd exploded as Sweet Aroma ran up the ring steps, down the apron, and front-flipped onto the West Texas Terrorists with a Senton! In the process, Gentry caught a foot to the dome and was sent into the barricade! The West Texas Terrorists were down and hurt! Sweet Aroma, still feeling the effects of the aerial display, helped her boy up to his feet. “Sweet Aroma saved JCON from a serious beatdown! Wow, what a move from the Startlet. Not to mention, she got to exact revenge for the malicious beating that she took at their hands just weeks ago!” shouted a revved-up Buhrman. “It’s just more unfair play from those two classless, ghetto bums! JCON should be disqualified and a large fine should be levied against that tramp Sweet Aroma!” Powers fired back. JCON used what little energy he had left and managed to pull himself onto the apron. The huge crowd reaction had tipped off Nash, who headed straight toward Mr. One Letter Better! Nash lunged in an attempt to lock horns with JCON, but the speedster ducked down and delivered a sharp shoulder right into Nash’s abdomen! Slingshot Sunset Flip! ONE! TWOOO! THREE! Got him! NO! The Nashvillain had managed to bell clap JCON with his legs and roll free! So close! JCON kicked his speed down into Fast and Furious mode! As Nash was nearly to his feet, JCON sprinted toward the ropes, leaped onto them, and flew backwards with a Springboard Moonsault! He landed perfectly for the fall! ONE! TWOO! THREE - NO! Shoulder up, again. Conspiracy assisted the groggy God’s Own Calloused Right Hand to his feet, ripped into him with a trio of stinging knife-edge chops, and then clocked him with a step-up enziguiri that sent the big man reeling into the buckles! JCON backed to the opposite corner and charged in at the Nashvillain. Corner Splash! Nash staggered out! Conspiracy slingshots himself onto the third turnbuckle and drives the ‘villain down with a Top Rope Bulldog! JCON headed back for the top turnbuckle, again! The West Texas Terrorists beat on the canvas, trying to get the Nashvillain to stir, but to no avail. JCON steadied himself and raised his arms! “He’s looking for the Conspiracy Theory!” screamed Buhrman. Oooh! As he was about ready for launch, the ring cables mysteriously shook and JCON ended up crotching himself on the turnbuckle! The shot cut to G.G. Gentry, who sneakily hid from Ian Nyugen’s sight. A replay would later show, yes, later, that Gentry had struck the ropes with his cable - thus creating the ball-crunching shake. Nash managed to get to his feet and approached the hurting JCON, who was yet on the top turnbuckle. The Mason-Dixon Mangler climbed up to the second turnbuckle, double-underhooked Conspiracy’s arms, and lifted/twisted Conspiracy toward center ring! Second Turnbuckle Banned in 48 States! “He’s dead!” screamed Nathan Powers with too much glee. “Not like this!” is all Michael Buhrman could muster. The Nashvillain made the cover as Ian Nyugen slid into position! ONE! TWOOO! THREEE! NO! YES! He had done it! ![]() “JCON had the match in-hand, but the Nashvillain’s goons managed to steal it away from him! This is terrible! That repulsive cheater is the Relentless Champion!” “Goodbye International Championship! You sucked and so did your champion! Ahaha!” The camera stayed with the Nashvillain as he tossed the Relentless Championship onto his shoulder. G.G. Gentry hopped around as if they’d just won the Lottery; the West Texas Terrorists picked up an unmoving JCON and ragdolled him out of the ring. At least tonight, at least for now, bad had trumped good. ![]() ![]() ![]() Finally, the former International Champion spoke. "I'm sure it's easy for some to forget my history within jOlt. Along with Brandon Blade, Kodiak Vic Creed, Donaven Winters, erØn, Griff Truxell, Jason Warrior and Erik Rave... I'm one of the original eight men to compete within their walls." Davis rubbed his thumb across his bottom lip, "And after Brandon Blade found his way out of the door on the first iNtense back? I'm the last of the originals left standing." The crowd cheered this fact, they had always been fans of the Unwanted Angel, though his wars with Mike Extreme and SDL, and even when he teamed with Grendel. "See, I haven't been quiet either, like some of the other jOlt originals. Oh no, I've been as brash and loud as ever! Fighting in the Underground tournament and winning too, finding myself in the finals of the winners bracket against Citizen. Though maybe I lost... and maybe my match against Keller didn't come out the way I wanted it either. Turn about is fairplay, and as far as I'm concerned I did my best in the X-Treme-- erm, the Underground division. Hell, I did a whole lot better then ol' Mike Extreme!" The crowd roared, as Reno smiled, his full aqua eyes sparkling. "I love jOlt, and that's why I came back. I dig wrestling, man. There's nothing else I've ever wanted to do... except maybe become a rock star full-time, but that's beside the point too. The point is? The Divide & Conquer match later tonight is my chance to show all of you what the ONLY ORIGINAL in jOlt is capable of!" Reno Davis was pumped up. "JCON, I'm sorry buddy but that International Championship that I once held and that YOU let slip away into the either... it's in my rearview. Derecho, I may have fought for the chance to face you for the Underground Championship tonight... but at the end of the day I never really WANTED it, you know? Honestly, at the end of the day, the only Championship I've ever wanted more then anything?" The camera zoomed in closer on Reno Davis, almost filling the jOltVision with those bright aqua eyes of his. "The jOlt Championship. And it will be mine, oh yes... it will be mine. With the first step towards it coming tonight, when I win Divide & Conquer." ![]() ![]() “We’ve also been treated with a spectacular Flyweight Championship match.” Buhrman added. “In which we saw Avispa Ultima retain his championship.” “We have seen the combination of two championships,” Powers continued, “as Jonathan Conspiracy battled the Nashvillain to see what championship would reign supreme in jOlt, the International or the Relentless.” “Only for the advantage Nash brought to the table by being Relentless champion be the downfall for the jOlt International championship.” Buhrman finished. “And we witnessed the crowning of new Tag Team Champions,” Buhrman finished off the recap of the evening so far, “and we ushered in a new era for the division as the Heirs of Wrestling staked claim to the championships. Taking out three other prominent tag teams in the process; most notably being able to go over the tandem of Team VIAGRA.” “Now we move on to what we have left.” Powers chimed back in, “The culmination of the Underground Tournament as the winner, Citizen, finds himself going head to head with quite possibly the most dominate champion in the history of the championship in Derecho.” “And in our main event for the evening,” Buhrman added, “two of the biggest names in our industry meet to crown a new jOlt Heavyweight champion. After the loss of the returning champion, in the form of Brandon Blade, on our return show back; we have since then seen Sylo going head to head with “Superstar” Vince Jacobs and that will all culminate tonight for the jOlt Heavyweight championship.” “Right now though,” Powers continued, “we ready ourselves as forty men prepare to do battle in our Divide and Conquer match; two ring, forty men. Four men will begin our match, two in each ring, and at intervals of two minutes one new combatant will enter the match. It’s all the luck of the draw which ring they will enter, and could spell the advantage for someone if they end up in a ring alone long enough to be in better shape than the rest.” “When we narrow our field of forty down to eight,” Buhrman finishes the premise, “the match will come to a halt long enough for the eight final men to all join in one ring and finish the match. Now, let’s send things over to the ring, where Brad Arnold looks ready to get this Divide and Conquer match started.” “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Divide and Conquer match of the evening. Four men will begin this match, two in each ring, with a total of forty competitors. Once we have reached our final eight, these men will be brought into one designated ring to finish our match. This is an over the top rope elimination style match and it begins NOW!” The fans were all buzzed with Arnold’s announcement, and surrounding the two rings was every jOlt referee, three at each ring. “Praise” by Sevendust blasted throughout the arena and the fans actually make to their feet cheering as Adam Lazarus made it way out from the backstage area and toward the first ring. “Making his way to the ring, weighing in tonight at two hundred and thirty pounds and hailing from Wading River, New York; HE IS ADAM LAZARUS!” Laz jumped into the first ring, and Sevendust came to a close. Cuing up next was “Italian Stallion” and out from the backstage area rushed entrance number one for ring two, in the form of BIG Little Italy. BLI rushed toward the second ring. “Making his way to the ring, weighing in tonight at one hundred and fifteen pounds and hailing from New York City, New York: HE IS BIG LITTLE ITALY!” BLI quickly climbed into the second ring as his music faded. “Enter the Luchadore” began to blast throughout the arena and from the back ran Avispa Campeon, Jr. And it seemed the initial introductions were done as Campeon rolled into the first ring and waited with Adam Lazarus for the match to begin. The music died down and another sparked right up in the form of “Death of the Gods” by Primordial cued up, and one of jOlt’s newest monsters made his way toward the second ring. BLI had stood up to challenges in the past, but being pitted against this mammoth was going to be a tough one. The Demon of Dublin made his way into the second ring, and quickly senior referee Mike Hunt signaled for the start of the Divide and Conquer match. Laz and Campeon wasted no time, as the two men charged each other and locked up in a collar and elbow tie up. Campeon trying to get the upper hand by using his strength to back Laz into a corner, releasing the tie-up, and beginning to drive several stiff shots into Laz’s skull. Campeon would then try to finish Laz off by grabbing hold of his leg and trying to flip him out of the ring over the top rope. In the opposite ring BLI was doing his best to keep away from the Demon of Dublin, but eventually made one wrong move. DoD grabbed hold of BLI and tossed him into a corner; he then took a few steps back and rushed the corner drilling BLI in the face with a running knee. The Demon of Dublin followed up as he grabbed hold of the pint sized brawler and shoved him to the mat. After several unsuccessful attempts to toss Laz out of the ring Campeon brought him back into the ring and planted him with a vicious snap suplex. jOlt Vision sparked to life and the countdown clock began to tick down from five, when it finished “You’re Going Down” by Sick Puppies blasted throughout the arena, and from the back rushed Greg Vincent. As Vincent sprinted toward the rings, Campeon made his way over toward the ropes to see which ring he would enter. That split second of taking his eyes off of the prize cost him dearly, Laz had popped back up from the mat and quickly rushed Campeon flipping him over the top rope and sending him flying to the mats below. Campeon looked back up from the mats surprised as he was quickly instructed to leave the arena. ![]() Eliminated: Avispa Campeon, Jr.! As Vincent slid into the first ring and began battling with Laz, the camera panned back to the second ring. The Demon of Dublin was really putting a beating on BIG Little Italy. The Demon had BLI on the ground pounding away at him before coming back to his feet, and lifting BLI along with him. Ivan whipped BLI off into the ropes, and as he returned Ivan jumped with a clothesline attempt. BLI dropped to the mat and slid between the legs of the Demon of Dublin and bounced back to his feet to continue his sprint. BLI bounced off of the ropes once again, and as Ivan turned to try and catch BLI he was greeted with a running low dropkick to the knee. The move caused the Demon of Dublin to drop to one knee, and BLI quickly jumped back to his feet and wrapped his arms around the head of Ivan dropping him with a DDT. In the first ring, Laz had just whipped Vincent into the ropes, but whatever he had planned didn’t pan out so well as Vincent quickly caught Laz with a Lou Thesz press and began driving several quick punches into Laz’s face. The countdown clock sparked back to life, and as it ended no music played, but from the back ran Manzo Tanaka. Tanaka dove into the second ring under the bottom rope, and he went to town right off the bat on BLI. Greg Vincent had brought Adam Lazarus back to his feet, and locked him in a side standing headlock. The two men struggled with each other, until they ended up in the ropes. Laz leaned back against the ropes, locked one arm around the top rope, and then pushed Vincent off. As Greg quickly turned to try and get his hands back on Laz, he was greeted with a stiff kick to the midsection. Laz then grabbed hold of his head and tried to throw him over the top rope. Vincent was sent tumbling over the top rope, but he managed to hang onto the bottom rope before falling out of the ring. Laz grabbed hold of the middle rope, and then placed both feet into Vincent’s midsection trying to push him the rest of the way out of the ring. Tanaka had BIG Little Italy backed into a corner and was shooting knife edge chops across the little brawler’s chest. Each pop sounded like BLI was going to explode on impact, but from behind the Demon of Dublin brought two fists down into the back of Manzo. As Tanaka turned the Demon grabbed hold of his arm and shot him across the ring into the far turnbuckle, then darted across the ring himself. The Demon caught Manzo with a huge corner clothesline that sent Tanaka flipping out of the ring and onto the apron. Tanaka walked across the apron delirious, and the Demon of Dublin was already in motion shooting across the ring and bouncing off the ropes. The Demon charged head on toward Manzo and as he approached the boot was lifted and Tanka was dropped to the ground below via a huge big boot. The referee nearest quickly checked on Tanaka and then helped him to his feet and explained that he had to leave the ring. ![]() Eliminated: Manzo Tanaka The Demon held onto the top rope shouting over at Tanaka after eliminating him, only to be caught by surprise with another running low dropkick. This time though BIG Little Italy caught the Demon of Dublin right in the rear end sending him through the ropes and spilling out onto the apron. “This is the difficult part of this match for a man like BIG Little Italy.” Powers chimed in, “It doesn’t matter how tough you are, or how long you’ve been in this sport. When it comes to an over the top rope elimination style match, that height issue is going to be a challenge.” “There is no doubt about that.” Buhrman spoke up as well, “This is definitely not to take anything away from the resiliency of BIG Little Italy, but a guy like the Demon of Dublin could easily pick him up if he wanted to and just toss him over that top rope. Whereas, if anyone else had hit a running dropkick like that on the Demon, it could have very easily put him over the top rope; but with the size of a man like Italy, he only got high enough to send him through the middle ropes.” Greg Vincent had managed to fight his way back into the ring, and keep from being eliminated. Standing toe to toe now with Laz in the center of the ring, the two exchanged punches and the countdown clock sprang back to life. As the final number disappeared “Machu Picchu” by The Strokes blasted throughout the arena and Phoenix darted out of the backstage area and shot directly for the first ring. Phoenix dove into the ring under the bottom rope, and both Vincent and Laz stopped brawling. The two men turned their attention to the man entering the ring, and as Phoenix continued his momentum toward both Vincent and Laz, the two men shot forward with clothesline attempts. Phoenix ducked under both of their arms, bounced off of the opposite ropes, and as he came back through brought the two men down with a double clothesline. Phoenix popped back up off of the mat, and the fans were going crazy at the sight of one man taking two down. “It’s almost hard to take Phoenix serious here.” Buhrman commented. “What do you mean?” Powers questioned. “Look at that mask,” Buhrman chuckled, “how many other masked characters have you ever known to only bring one mask to an arena with him. That thing looks like chopped liver after being nearly ripped off of his face earlier in the evening.” BIG Little Italy looked like he had the Demon of Dublin on the ropes, but with the Demon back on his feet on the apron a kick knee through the ropes and into the face of BLI sent the pint sized grappler flopping back down to the mat. The Demon quickly made his way back into the ring and lifted BLI back to his feet and sent him flying across the ring, and when he came back the Demon snapped him up and twisted him around with a spinebuster. Phoenix had brought Greg Vincent back to his feet and had him pushed back into a corner. Phoenix climbed to the second rope straddling Vincent and began driving fists down into his skull. After five shots Phoenix was taken off guard as Laz quickly grabbed hold of him, and began falling back. Laz planted Phoenix with a back body drop, jumped back to his feet and rushed toward the ropes. Laz came charging back through and dropped a running leg drop across Phoenix’s neck. The Demon of Dublin had BLI pulled back to his feet and backed into a corner. The Demon lifted BLI up to the top rope, and looked as though he was going to push him off, but BLI began fighting back driving several stiff fists into the Demon’s face. The Demon staged backward, leaving the opening for BLI, as he jumped from the top rope and latched his arm around the Demon’s head bringing him down to the mat hard with a tornado DDT. The countdown clock sprang back to life and at the conclusion “13 Steps to Nowhere” by Pantera blasted over the sound systems and from the back stepped Chris Titan; Titan began slowly making his way toward the ring. Laz brought Phoenix back to his feet and sent him off of the ropes. Laz ducked too early and Phoenix jumped rolling off of Laz’s back. As Laz turned around Phoenix used the middle rope as a springboard into a face plant. Titan slowly stepped into the second ring, before him lay both the Demon of Dublin and BIG Little Italy. It looked like easy pickings for Titan, as he grabbed hold of BLI by the mask and lifted him back to his feet. Titan held BLI by the mask with one hand and drew the other back looking to catch him with a stiff punch, instead though BLI stomped the foot of Titan causing him to release his hold. BLI dropped to the mat and crawled through the legs of Titan, popping back up on the other side and rushing toward the ropes. BLI bounced off the ropes, and came back through with a running big boot to the back of Titan’s leg. The move caused Titan to fall to a knee, and BLI shot in front of him and off the ropes again. This time, when BLI approached Titan quickly wrapped his hand around BLI’s throat, lifted him into the air, and dropped him with a chokeslam. The fans weren’t laughing any more, but the fact that they had been to begin with looked to have pissed off Titan. Phoenix had made his way back to his feet, but as he had reached down to lift Laz back to his feet he was caught from behind by Vincent with a running bulldog. Vincent quickly climbed on top of Phoenix and began driving stiff fists into his mask. Titan lifted BLI back to his feet, and drew back a fist, only for his arm to be grabbed hold of and the Demon of Dublin twisted him around. Now the two big men stood nearly nose to nose in the center of the ring, while BLI just dropped back to the mat and quickly found the safety of a turnbuckle. The Demon was the first to strike as he shot a stiff blow into the face of Titan and Titan returned the favor. The two men stood throwing punches back and forth as the countdown clock slowly came to a close yet again. This time the fans were treated with the sounds of “Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith as Sam Sweet made his way from the backstage area as quickly as he could. After a battle of fists, Titan quickly latched onto the Demon’s arm and shot him flying across the ring. Both men looked to hit clotheslines, but only connected in the center of the ring with each other. Neither man fell; they just looked at each other pissed off and then began throwing fists again. Sweet finally made his way into the first ring, and quickly made his way over to a still downed Adam Lazarus and lifted him back to his feet. Sweet drug Laz to the ropes, and tried to flip him over the top rope, but Laz did his best to fight out of the move. Vincent had Phoenix backed into a corner and was continuing to throw stiff blows into his face, until Phoenix quickly ducked under a right and quickly shifted Vincent into the same position he was once in. Phoenix shot across the ring, and quickly turned running back toward Vincent, Phoenix jumped into the air, planted both of his feet in the midsection of Vincent and fell backward sending Vincent flying across the ring with a huge monkey flip. The Demon of Dublin and Chris Titan continued to brawl, until the Demon quickly brought a boot up into the stomach of Titan and then planted him down to the mat with a DDT. Sweet either giving up on the effort of tossing Laz out of the ring, or just being out of wind stepped back into the center of the ring releasing Laz. As Sweet turned though he saw Phoenix had popped back to his feet; Sweet thinking that Phoenix was possibly winded as well grabbed hold of Phoenix by the mask and rushed toward the ropes. At the last second Phoenix turned the tables, twisted his body, and grabbed hold of the top rope dropping and pulling it down. Sam Sweet went flying over the top rope, much to his own momentum, and the rotund man bounced off of the mats below only to be instructed that he had to leave the ringside area. ![]() Eliminated: Sam Sweet As Sweet was making his way up the ramp the countdown clock came to a close and the sounds of “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” by Johnny Cash. The fans were already booing heavily when from the back stepped the reigning Relentless champion, The Nashvillain. Nash slowly made his way toward the ring, the ring where Chris Titan and the Demon of Dublin were back on their feet and going to town on each other once again. Laz staggered out of the ropes, and as he turned came face to face with Phoenix, the two looked ready to fight when out of the corner of their eyes they saw Greg Vincent charging toward them. Laz side stepped Vincent, but Phoenix was caught with a charging forearm shot that dropped the masked wrestler. Vincent quickly turned toward Laz, but caught with a kick to the midsection and was then shot across the ring. When Vincent approached Laz lifted him up and dropped him with an inverted atomic drop. As Vincent grabbed his crotch in pain, Laz darted toward the ropes and upon coming back toward Vincent dropped him with a huge running dropkick to the chin. The Nashvillain had made his way into the second ring, and jumped right into the middle of the standing slugfest that was going down between Titan and the Demon of Dublin. Nash grabbed hold of both men by the head and brought them smashing together. Titan and the Demon both staggered backward a bit, but Nash continued as he hit Titan with a short arm clothesline. Nash turned around and quickly leveled the Demon with a short arm clothesline as well. As Nash looked ready to celebrate, he turned and from the top turnbuckle came flying BIG Little Italy. BLI looked to hit a cross body splash, but instead Nash caught him in the air and quickly dropped him with a falling slam. Nash slowly made his way back to his feet and this is when the celebrating began. “Melancholy (Holy Martyr)” by Iced Earth blasted throughout the arena and from the back charged Mike Extreme. Extreme quickly made his way down to the first ring and crawled in under the bottom rope. Laz tried to take advantage of Extreme just entering the ring and quickly rushed toward him. Extreme grabbed hold of Laz though and brought him dropping to the mat with a huge swinging side slam. Extreme made his way back to his feet and was met with a stiff punch to the face by Phoenix, only to smile and drive a boot into Phoenix’s midsection. Extreme then wrapped Phoenix up with a massive gutwrench powerbomb and dropped him to the mat. Nashvillain grabbed hold of the Demon of Dublin and slowly raised him back to his feet, only for the Demon to shoot his hands up between Nash’s catching him off guard. The Demon drove a stiff shot into the side of Nash’s head, brought the side of his knee up into Nash’s midsection, and then whipped him across the ring. As Nash approached though he was caught from the side with a huge shoulder block tackle from Titan. The Demon looked a bit pissed off as if it felt like Titan was trying to one up him, and as soon as Titan came back to his feet the two men began brawling with each other again. Extreme got back to his feet and stood smiling over the body of Phoenix when a pair of fists drove into his back. Mike turned to find Greg Vincent; Extreme brought a huge uppercut under the chin of Vincent that caused him to stagger. Extreme quickly pushed Extreme into the nearest corner, where he continued his assault by driving elbows into his skull. BIG Little Italy slowly made his way back to his feet, and noticed the downed Nashvillain in the ring and quickly made his way to the turnbuckle closest to Nash. BLI quickly climbed to the middle rope and dove off driving an elbow drop into the chest of Nash. BLI got back to his feet and began backing toward the center of the ring, and quickly had to drop to his stomach. The Demon had whipped Titan across the ring, right into the direction of BLI, lucky for BLI though he saw the train coming. Titan jumped over BLI’s body as he continued into the ropes, and BLI quickly rolled out of the way for the rebound. The Demon then rushed toward Titan who was just bouncing off of the ropes, and brought a huge running knee up into his midsection causing Titan to front flip into the center of the ring. The sounds of “Bloodline (Instrumental)” by Slayer began to blast throughout the arena, and from the back rushed Eli Conway toward the second ring. Conway quickly rolled into the ring and began checking on the Nashvillain, as soon as Conway saw that the boss was fine he quickly stood and got into a ready stance for anyone who tried to approach Nash. Extreme continued his assault on Vincent whom he still had backed into a corner, until from behind he felt not one, but a few pairs of fists driving into his body. Phoenix and Laz were both back to their feet and the two men quickly grabbed hold of Extreme’s arms as he turned around and they shot him across the ring. Laz rushed across the ring catching Extreme with a huge corner clothesline, then quickly came out of the corner and dropped to his hands and knees. Phoenix sprinted across the ring and jumped off of the back of Laz and brought a flying tomahawk chop down across the skull of Extreme. Phoenix quickly pulled Extreme out of the corner where Laz caught him with a leg sweep that brought him down. Phoenix jumped onto the middle turnbuckle, and then bounced out onto the middle rope and back into the ring with a springboard moonsault on the downed Extreme. The sounds of “Uh!” blasted throughout the arena as Lennox Love burst through the entrance curtain and rushed toward the first ring. In the second ring both Chris Titan and the Demon of Dublin stopped their attack of each other for a brief moment, and out of the corner of their eyes noticed Eli Conway standing in the corner protecting the Nashvillain. Both men nodded as they made their way toward Conway. Eli wasn’t one to shy away from a fight, but with the likes of Titan and the Demon approaching him, he held both hands up and tried to sway their opinion. Conway pointed across the ring where BIG Little Italy rested leaning up against the bottom turnbuckle, hoping that the two men in front of him would turn their attention. Both men turned to look, but quickly turned right back around and drove double fists into the skull of Conway. Titan whipped Eli off and into the ropes, while the Demon stepped in for the approach and caught Conway with a big sidewalk slam. Lennox Love, Laz, and Phoenix were all entangled in a three way battle all three men taking shots and then letting the next man deliver one. Vincent stepped up behind Love, grabbed hold of his arm as he was going to take a shot at Laz, and twisted him around. Vincent quickly kicked Love in the gut and then dropped him to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker. Vincent quickly climbed back to his feet and noticed Mike Extreme pulling himself up in the corner where he quickly rushed driving a corner clothesline into the big man. Vincent followed up the assault by grabbing hold of Extreme’s head as he came from the corner and dropping him with a running bulldog. Titan and the Demon of Dublin looked to continue their alliance as the two men turned their focus from the downed Conway and headed back toward the corner where the Nashvillain lay. That is until “Eye” by Smashing Pumpkins began to blast throughout the arena and from the backstage came rushing the monster known as Grendel. Grendel slid into the ring under the bottom rope, popped back up into the ring as quickly as he could and was soon met by Titan and the Demon. The two men began blasting Grendel with the best blows that they could, but Grendel pushed the Demon off, and as Titan throw a final blow Grendel latched onto his fist. Grendel still with a death grip on Titan’s hand kicked him in the stomach then drove him forward with an STO. As Grendel tried to get back to his feet the Demon drove a double axe handle smash down across his back and dropped him down. Greg Vincent was getting back to his feet from taking Mike Extreme down when he was drilled in the face with a stiff forearm shot from Laz, quickly followed by Laz whipping him across the ring. As Vincent returned Laz dropped to his stomach, forcing Vincent to leap over his now downed body. On the other side awaiting Vincent was a now standing Lennox Love who grabbed hold of the top rope and pulled down. Vincent was sent flying out of the ring, and was barely able to grab hold of the middle rope on his way down to safely land on the apron. Love turned and began driving boots down into the side of Vincent hoping that he would release the hold and fall to the floor. The Demon of Dublin looked to bring Grendel back to his feet, but was cut off by another short arm clothesline from the now standing Nashvillain that dropped him to the mat. Nash quickly yelled for Conway. Eli had just made his way back to his feet and was ready to come to the aide of his partner when he suddenly dropped to his knees. From behind him BIG Little Italy had connected with a double foot dropkick to the back of his knees. BLI quickly followed up by running forward and grabbing hold of Eli’s neck as he flipped forward catching him with a throwback. Nash couldn’t believe his eyes, but he continued to drag the Demon back to his feet, and toss him off toward the nearest rope. Nash quickly followed behind and hit the Demon with a shoulder block causing him to lean against the ropes. Nash grabbed hold of the Demon’s leg and began fighting to get him out of the ring. Extreme was slowly getting back to his feet with the help of the turnbuckle, when he was ambushed by both Phoenix and Laz who both took respective legs and began trying to battle the big man out of the ring as well. The countdown clock once again came to a close, but no music, instead Sanchez Cano rushed from the back and quickly made his entrance into the first ring. The only target he saw fit going after was Lennox Love, still trying to eliminate Greg Vincent from the match. Cano quickly jumped up behind Love, and tossed him over the ropes. Vincent quickly rolled back under the rope while Love ended up on the apron in the same position that Vincent was. Cano quickly grabbed hold of Vincent and yanked him back to his feet. Cano shot Vincent off toward the nearest turnbuckle and followed behind. As soon as Vincent hit the turnbuckle Cano attempted to connect with a rolling wheel kick, but Vincent was able to dodge, leaving Cano to crash and burn in the corner. BLI had Eli Conway wrapped up in the world’s smallest camel clutch, while Grendel and Chris Titan were slowly make their way back to their feet. Grendel being the first man back to his feet helped Titan back to his own feet and quickly shoved him into a corner. Grendel took a few steps back and then rushed into the corner hitting Titan with a big splash that sent him crashing back down to the mat. Grendel turned and rushed toward BLI and Eli Conway, Grendel brought a boot up into the face of BLI that sent him flying off of Conway. Grendel then continued his reign of terror as he lifted Conway back to his feet only to drop him right back to the mat with a scoop slam. Vincent took just enough time to try and recover before grabbing hold of Cano out of the corner and lifting him back to his feet; Vincent locked Cano up and dropped him down to the mat with a solid T-Bone Suplex. Vincent was coming back to his feet though he was met with a low dropkick to the chin by Lennox Love. Grendel turned his attention now to Nashvillain who was trying to eliminate the Demon of Dublin. Grendel grabbed hold of Nash’s arm twisting him round about, and then shot him across the ring. As Nash came back through the ring rumbled as Grendel brought him over and to the mat with a huge snap slam. “Enter the Luchadore” began blasting throughout the arena once again, and from the back rushed Avispa Guerrero II. Guerrero slid into the second ring and his first target was Grendel. Guerrero rushed Grendel and jumped wrapping his legs around his neck; it was an attempt at a hurricanrana. A failed attempt was the better word for it as Grendel stopped him and dropped him with a huge powerbomb. Guerrero quickly popped back up off of the mat, and waiting on the opposite side of him was the Demon of Dublin who quickly grabbed him by the mask and sent him flying over the top rope and out of the match just as quickly as he had entered. ![]() Eliminated: Avispa Guerrero II The Demon of Dublin smiled at the sight of his first elimination from the match, and across from him Chris Titan was finally coming back to his feet. The two men looked at each other and then across the ring at the deranged Grendel, they nodded and quickly looked to approach and attack Grendel as a team. Titan instead quickly drove a boot in the midsection of the Demon, shoved him against the ropes, and followed through with a clothesline that sent the Demon of Dublin flying out of the ring and to the mats below. The Demon quickly got back to his feet and looked pissed as he grabbed hold of the ring apron and began shaking them, until a referee cautiously approached and instructed him to the backstage area. ![]() Eliminated: The Demon of Dublin “Bloodline (Instrumental)” by Slayer once again rang throughout the arena, and Ezra Conway quickly made his way from the backstage area. Much to the dismay of Eli and the Nashvillain though Ezra had been drawn for the first ring and not the second. Ezra took his time making his way to the ring, while inside of it Extreme looked to finally be fighting off the attempt to be eliminated by both Phoenix and Laz as he shoved Laz off and drove a fist down into the skull of Phoenix. Ezra made his way into the ring, and the first person he saw was Laz. Conway took off grabbing hold of Laz’s neck from behind and dropping him with a running reverse cutter. Phoenix tried to rush Extreme in the corner again, but Extreme quickly grabbed hold of him and tossed him into the corner instead. With the numbers no longer against him Extreme stood more of a chance. Extreme began driving stiff elbows into the face of Phoenix. Love had Vincent backed into a corner, when Cano grabbed hold of him from behind and brought him down to the mat with a back drop. Cano then quickly jumped back to his feet and rushed into the corner where Vincent rested, planted both of his feet into the midsection of Vincent and sent him flying back on top of Love with a monkey flip. Chris Titan was looking very pleased with the fact that he had eliminated the Demon of Dublin, but what he forgot about was the fact that Grendel was still standing behind him. Titan turned and the quick reminder set in as Grendel was standing face to face with him. Grendel drove a stiff fist into Titan’s ribs and quickly dropped him to the mat with a DDT. “Riptide” by Sick Puppies began to blast throughout the arena and from the back rushed Graham Youngblood. Youngblood quickly entered the ring, and he looked to be the only fool inside of the second ring who was ready to do battle with the monster. Youngblood caught Grendel as he was trying to make his way back to his feet and dropped a running leg drop across the back of Grendel’s neck. Extreme had pulled Phoenix out of the corner and dropped him back down to the mat with a sidewalk slam. Before Extreme could even come out of his now seated position though Cano shot across the ring and leveled him with a dropkick to the face. Cano jumped back to his feet, looked across the ring and saw Ezra Conway coming back to his feet. Cano took off toward Conway, but Ezra saw him coming and dropped his head at just the right moment and sent Cano flying across the ring with a big back body drop. “Being in this match as long as some of the men have,” Buhrman commented, “it’s beginning to show a little worse for wear on some of them.” “I’ve got to say it’s going to be like this duration of the match, Michael.” Powers rang in as well, “The amazing thing to me that the first two men to enter each ring, Adam Lazarus and BIG Little Italy are still fighting strong in this thing. You’ve got to think that the time spent in that ring is beginning to take a toll on both of them a bit more than anyone else in this match.” “Enter the Luchadore” rang throughout the arena for the third time during the Divide and Conquer match and from the back sprinted the reigning Flyweight Champion in Avispa Ultima. Ultima quickly entered the first ring and ran toward Lennox Love; Ultima leapt wrapping his legs around the neck of Love and sent him flying across the ring with a picture perfect hurricanrana. Eli Conway quickly pulled Youngblood off of Grendel and brought him back to his feet. Conway whipped Youngblood off and into ropes, off of the rebound Conway looked to hit Youngblood with a hip toss. Instead Youngblood countered and floated Conway over into his own hip toss and quickly continued into an arm wrench submission hold. The Nashvillain had pulled Grendel back to his feet, in the hopes that Conway would have been done with Youngblood. Back to his feet now though, Nash quickly patted Grendel on the back and pointed toward a downed Titan and went to approach and pull Titan back to his feet. Grendel twisted Nash around through and drove an uppercut into the throat of the Villain and then scooped him and brought him down to the mat with a slam. Extreme was going to town on Phoenix is the corner, when from behind he was caught with a huge dropkick to the back of the head from Avispa Ultima. The move caused Extreme to plow into Phoenix and the two butted heads, Extreme backed out of the corner holding his face while Ultima shot toward the ropes and used the middle rope as a springboard and hit Extreme with a leg lariat. “Sacrifice (EQ Mix)” by Atom Smash blasted throughout the arena and Ray Chavez slowly made his way from the backstage area and toward the second ring. Ultima was coming back to his feet, and as he turned around Phoenix was making his way out of the corner. The two men stood looking at each other for a brief moment in the ready stance, until Greg Vincent lifted Ultima up into the air and brought him down with a reverse vertical suplex. Love had made his way back to his feet, and Phoenix quickly grabbed hold of him and tried to put him over the top rope. Grendel had BLI up in a military press, ready to toss him over the top rope, until Ray Chavez entered the ring and drove a boot into the midsection of Grendel causing him to drop BLI back down to the math. “BIG Little Italy better be glad that Chavez made it into that ring when he did,” Powers commented, “because if he hadn’t Grendel was going to launch him like a lawn dart!” Grendel looked pissed and attempted a short arm clothesline to Chavez, but he quickly ducked under the move and as Grendel turned around Chavez drove a boot into his midsection. Chavez darted toward the ropes, and came running back through catching Grendel by the head and dropping him with a swinging neckbreaker. BLI hoped back to his feet, and while you would have expected him to be thankful for the help lent to him by Chavez instead BLI stomped his toe. BLI continued with a head butt to the midsection that brought Chavez to his knees, and BLI was off toward the ropes where he came back through and got enough air to catch Chavez in the chin with a dropkick. Ultima pulled Phoenix away from trying to throw Lennox Love out of the ring and whipped him across the ring. Coming back through Ultima jump with a leap frog over Phoenix sending him into the ropes again. Ultima dropped to the mat and as Phoenix approached again he shoved both of his feet into this midsection and tried to flip him, but Phoenix followed through with the flip and landed on his feet. “Forever (Travis Barker Remix)” Drake blasted throughout the arena and one half of the reigning Tag Team champions, in the form of Frank Silver hurried toward the first ring. Silver slid into the ring under the bottom rope and just as Ultima was jumping back to his feet Silver leveled him with a short arm clothesline. Phoenix rushed toward Silver, but was caught with a snap side slam. Silver rolled back to his feet and Lennox Love came at him, Love tossed a right toward Silver’s face, but he blocked the move. Silver kicked Love in the gut and then planted him down to the mat with a brainbuster. Back to his feet again Silver was greeted with Laz coming toward him, only to scoop him and slam him down to the mat. Greg Vincent rushed toward him, and was smacked down to the mat with a vicious spinebuster. Quickly popping back up to his feet Silver saw Ezra Conway making his way toward him and he was greeted with a quick Samoan drop. With nearly the entirety of ring one demolished, Silver came back to his feet again and now stood nose to nose with Mike Extreme. The two men smiled at each other and then proceeded to trade blows. BLI was trying to fight off an assault from both Eli Conway and the Nashvillain. Titan was doing battle with Youngblood in a corner and Chavez and Grendel were just getting back to their feet. Despite the fact that BLI had turned on him after his previous help Chavez quickly grabbed hold of Eli Conway and yanked him away from his attack. Chavez and Conway began trading blows with each other, and when Grendel made his way back to his feet he went after the Nashvillain leaving BLI laying in the ring once again with time to recover. “Enter the Luchadore” blasted throughout the arena again and from the back rushed the biggest member of the team in La Avispa Grande. Grande ducked under the bottom rope and into the ring, and he ran head long toward the battle going on between Grendel and Nash. Grande drove a forearm smash into the side of Nash’s face that sent him reeling back, and then turned his attention to Grendel as they began trading blows. Silver finally had Extreme backed into a corner, and then whipped him out and across the ring. Silver rushed behind Extreme and as Extreme hit the turnbuckle he was greeted by a massive avalanche and flopped out of the corner. As Silver turned though he was greeted by the sight of Eli, Laz, Phoenix, Vincent, and Ultima all now back to their feet and staring in his direction. Silver smirked and got ready for a brawl. Laz was the first to make a move, and was countered into a hip toss. Eli came rushing next and was sidestepped having his head bashed into the top turnbuckle. Vincent was next only to have his face bounce off of the middle rope via a drop toe hold. As Silver was coming back to his feet he was met by both Phoenix and Ultima chomping at his heels. They both grabbed his arms and sent him across the ring, when Silver came back through Ultima dropped catching him with a leg sweep. The sweep sent Silver flying forward right into the arms of Phoenix who dropped him with a cutter, and then the two men jumped back to their feet and began battling with each other. Grande had Grendel lifted up ready for a scoop slam, but his back looked to give way. Grande dropped Grendel back to his feet, and was met with a stiff kick to the midsection and then Grendel lifted him up and dropped him with a scoop slam of his own. Grendel panted heavily and let out a battle cry that caused everyone in the second ring to turn and take notice. All of the men standing; Nash, Titan, BLI, Eli, Youngblood, and Chavez, they all rushed Grendel pushing him back into a corner and began beating him down. The opening theme from “2001: A Space Odyssey” blasted throughout the arena and from the back sprinted the American Panda toward the first ring. Panda quickly made his way into the ring and Sanchez Cano rushed toward him, Panda dropped his head and when he lifted back up he sent Cano flying out of the ring with a huge back body drop. Cano caught so much air that he didn’t even have the chance to grab hold of any ropes as he just flopped to the mats below. ![]() Eliminated: Sanchez Cano Ultima and Phoenix stopped fighting each other and looked in the direction of Panda and they both rushed. Phoenix was swapped away like a fly, and Ultima came flying in with what looked like a cross body, only to be snatched up and dropped to the mat with a swinging side slam. Silver and Extreme slowly made their way back to their feet, and now noticed they weren’t the only big men in the first ring anymore. Silver and Extreme put their differences aside for the time being to go after Panda. Grendel looked to be getting a serious beat down, but was slowly getting the numbers on him down. Grendel shoved Eli Conway backward into the waiting arms of Grande who caught him with a belly-to-back suplex. BLI and Youngblood were both shoved off at the same time, and in his frustration BLI drove a fist into Youngblood’s midsection. The move pissed Youngblood off who then picked BLI up and tossed him into the nearest corner and began throwing fists at him. Seeing that the numbers were dwindling fast Chavez quickly grabbed hold of Nash and tried to whip him across the ring, only for Nash to reverse and send Chavez flying into the ropes. As Chavez approached Nash barreled his chest into Chavez sweeping him off of his feet, and then proceeded to run toward the ropes himself. Nash approached and launched a belly flop toward the canvas, only for Chavez to roll out of the way. Just as it looked like Titan was left to battle Grendel alone, “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne blasted throughout the arena. The fans went crazy as High Flyer burst through the entrance curtains and rushed toward the second ring. Flyer quickly slid into the ring and darted toward Titan, he leapt into the air, grabbed hold of his head and brought him down to the mat with a tornado DDT. Flyer popped back up to his feet and Grendel was waiting for him, Flyer ran away from Grendel and to the nearest turnbuckle. Grendel quickly followed, but Flyer jumped to the second rope and black flipped over the big man. By the time Grendel knew what was going on Flyer had shot a boot into the back of his knee and caused Grendel to buckle to one knee. Flyer jumped to the nearest middle rope and sprang back catching Grendel in the face with a knee to the side of the skull. Grendel fell to the mat, and when Flyer came back to his feet he was greeted by the face of the Nashvillain. Mike Extreme and American Panda were trading blows in a corner, while Phoenix and Laz were doing the same in an opposite corner. Frank Silver quickly interrupted the battle between Phoenix and Laz, dragging Phoenix back into the center of the ring. Silver brought Phoenix to the mat with a huge double leg takedown and began driving fists into his face. Ezra Conway sought to take advantage of the beating Laz had endured thus far in the match. Conway backed Laz into the ropes, drove several stiff shots into his face, and then took several steps back. Ezra charged, but Laz grabbed hold of the top rope and pulled it down, as Ezra approached he took himself flying out of the ring and to the mats below. ![]() Eliminated: Ezra Conway As Conway flopped to the floor “No Church in the Wild” by The Throne blasted over the sound system and from the back rushed Jonathan Conspiracy. A man who looked on a mission for redemption from earlier in the night, and he slid under the bottom rope and into the first ring. That redemption, however, would have to come at another time though as Frank Silver caught him around the neck with a running clothesline. The Nashvillain looked ready to square off with High Flyer, but then there was the sudden sharp pain Flyer in his groin. Nash smiled as he saw Eli Conway sneaking up behind, dropping to his knees, and bringing a low blow up between the legs of Flyer. Nash quickly grabbed hold of Flyer and tossed him into a turnbuckle and then ushered for Conway to help as the two men fought to try and push Flyer out of the ring. American Panda left the fans in awe as he lifted Mike Extreme up and tossed him across the ring with a fall away slam. As Panda was coming back to his feet though he was met in the side of the head with a falling dropkick from Ultima. The move did not bring Panda from his knees though, it only kept him immobilized long enough for Phoenix to come running in as well and wrap his legs around Panda’s neck and bring him down to the mat with a hurricanrana. As Panda lay on the mat Greg Vincent so this as the opportune moment to strike as he mounted Panda and began driving stiff shots into his face. “Forever (Travis Barker remix)” by Drake blasted throughout the arena once again, and Frank Silver stood at attention watching the entrance ramp. Out from the backstage area burst Ryan Gallway, and Silver looked happy as could be, until Gallway ducked into the second ring. Then the look of dismay rested on the face of Silver as Extreme had found his way to his feet and turned Silver around as the two began to brawl. Meanwhile, in the other ring the look on Gallway’s face was that of almost horror when he finally got to his feet. Staring right at him was a grizzly in the form of Chris Titan; Titan quickly approached Gallway, but he managed to duck under and slip between his legs. Popping up on the back side of Titan, Gallway jumped in the air, grabbed hold of Titan’s shoulder blades and stuck both of his knees into his back and bell backwards. Titan rolled onto his back in the center of the ring, and Gallway jumped back to his feet. Ryan darted toward the ropes, but before he made it to them Eli Conway ambushed him with a running STO that brought Gallway down to the mat hard. High Flyer had found his way to the top turnbuckle, and standing across from on the opposite turnbuckle was BIG Little Italy. How no one had seen either man perched on the top rope was a mystery, but BLI dove off of the top rope landing a flying head butt on Titan. Then as soon as BLI was out of the way Flyer leapt as well, delivering a guillotine leg drop. As soon as Flyer popped back up to his feet though he was greeted by the sight of another monster, Grendel. A monster who hadn’t forgotten what Flyer had done to him earlier. Grendel throw out a massive paw like hand catching Flyer across the face and dropping him to his knees. Grendel then quickly wrapped his arm around Flyer’s neck and brought him to the mat with a huge DDT. “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves blasted throughout the arena, and a man that the fans hadn’t seen since the debut show burst through the curtains. Kayden Paulton rushed toward the first ring and slid in under the bottom rope, he caught Extreme off guard due to the brawl that was going on between him and Frank Silver and dropped him to the mat with a Lou Thesz press. Paulton began driving stiff shots into Extreme’s face as quickly as he could, and it looked like he really wanted to put a hurting on Extreme for putting him on the shelf for so long. Grendel began to make his way back to his feet after dropping Flyer to the mat, and suddenly he had a little more weight on his shoulders. Ryan Gallway had jumped onto the back of Grendel and locked him in a headlock the best that he could. Grendel swatted trying to get Gallway off of his back, but it seemed too much for the big man to handle until he made his way to the rope. Grendel managed to grab hold of Gallway’s neck from behind his own head and yanked him free, then sent him flying over the top rope and outside of the ring. ![]() Eliminated: Ryan Gallway Grendel continued to look at his prey lying on the mats below, when from behind he was taken off guard as the Nashvillain had taken hold of one of his legs and beside of him Eli Conway had hold of the other. The two men stood fighting trying to throw Grendel over the top rope. Grendel wasn’t the only man looking in trouble though as Titan had been backed into a corner by Youngblood, Chavez, and BIG Little Italy. Youngblood and Chavez both had hold of legs trying to push Titan up and over the turnbuckle out of the ring while BLI struggled to even get his hands on him. With Extreme down on the mat Paulton quickly jumped back to his feet and rushed toward the ropes. J-Con looked to stop his momentum, but quickly was taken down to the mat with a dragon screw leg whip, and then Paulton popped back up to his feet and continued toward the ropes. Paulton tucked and began to roll toward the downed Extreme when Greg Vincent stepped into the way, and then got caught by Paulton as he latched onto him and flipped him across the ring with a monkey flip. Paulton then continued his way toward Extreme, went back into the roll, and hit the downed Extreme with a rolling senton. “Primetime Ratings” began to blast throughout the arena and a look of relief shot across the face of Graham Youngblood when Dallas Griffin ran from the backstage area and entered the second ring. Youngblood quickly left the group trying to throw Titan over the top rope, and shook hands with Griffin as he entered the ring and then the two men turned their attention to the group trying to throw Grendel out of the ring. Griffin rushed toward the corner and drove double closed fists into the back of Eli Conway, and then yanked him from the corner. Dallas tossed Eli in the direction of Youngblood, who quickly hit Conway with a superkick that forced Eli back toward his awaiting partner. Dallas then wrapped up Eli and brought him down to the mat with a full nelson slam. “The Ring Rats are not dumb by any stretch of the imagination.” Powers commented, “They know that the Nashvillain is not going to let loose of Grendel and potentially have to deal with that force if he gets free of the corner. So, instead they target the weaker of the two men in Eli Conway and decimate him first.” “This match may be called Divide and Conquer,” Buhrman commented as well, “but if you’ve got a strong bond already going into this match with someone like the Ring Rats do. Then it’s probably in your best interest to exactly the opposite of divide. Team up, do some damage, and then you can worry about your partner at the end of the match.” “It’s definitely a sound strategy,” Powers continued, “and it looks like a game plan that the Ring Rats are intending to us and with the luck of the draw here tonight, they’ll have that opportunity.” The Ring Rats continued their assault in the second ring as they brought High Flyer to his feet and Dallas lifted him up into the air for a bear hug. Youngblood charged toward the ropes and as he came back through leapt into the air catching Flyer with a jumping clothesline that connected and brought Flyer falling back down to the mat. Then suddenly “Hero” by Childish Gambino began to blast throughout the arena and from the back rushed the second member of Team VIAGRA, Tony Davis. The Ring Rats turned their attention toward the entrance ramp, and waited to see if Davis was entering the second ring to defend his partner. Instead though, it looked as if Davis had drawn a ticket for the first ring. Tony slid into the ring under the bottom rope, and a pissed look graced his face as he knew that Flyer was being double teamed in the ring across from him. Davis quickly came face to face with the man known as Phoenix, and Tony rushed toward him grabbing hold of his neck and taking him down to the ring with a running reverse face plant. The back of Phoenix’s head bounced off of the mat, and when Davis bounced back to his feet was met by another foe in the form of Lennox Love. Love threw a swing at the head of Davis, but he ducked under the attempt, popped up on the other side of Love and as soon as Lennox turned around he was greeted with an ensiguri kick to the skull. Davis was ready to come back to his feet when a move came at him that he wasn’t able to avoid. Greg Vincent drove a punt kick into the side of his head and leveled the Team VIAGRA member. Vincent then quickly walked over to where Paulton had mounted Extreme once again and was driving fists into his face. Vincent grabbed hold of Paulton by the hair and pulled him up off of Extreme and dropped him with a reverse DDT. “Infected” by Bad Religion blasted throughout the arena and Persephone sprinted toward the ring. She slid into the second ring and went right after Chavez and BLI who were still trying to force Chris Titan out of the ring. Persephone grabbed hold of BLI and threw him across the ring into the waiting arms of Griffin and Youngblood, who did not have a problem using BLI as their personal punching bag. Persephone then turned her attention to Chavez, as she twisted him around and then brought him into a seated position in the ring with a snapmare. Persephone patted Titan on the back, and the two jOlt originals looked ready to tangle with anyone who got in their way. No point in taking on the single competition, the two went straight for the RingRats. Persephone squared off with Youngblood and Titan locked horns with Griffin, and the two apparent teams began trading blows. “Wouldn’t be more of a sound plan to stick together as opposed to dividing up again?” Buhrman commented, “This just doesn’t make any sense at all.” “It may not to us,” Powers interjected, “but to them it makes perfect sense. This isn’t about teaming up anymore, now it’s about seeing who the better team is. I’m sure in most normal matches like this, it’s easier to end up pairing up with a partner because they normally happen inside of one ring. When you’ve got two rings involved, the odds are lower for this to happen, and now it’s time to see who drew the best advantage.” “So, basically, both of these "teams" are looking at this like a giant pissing contest instead of seeing it as the benefit it really is.” Buhrman chuckled, and hint of sarcasm could be sensed in his voice, “Well, that just makes perfect sense.” “Raise a Little Hell” by Under Fire began to blast throughout the arena and the fans all came to their feet. From the backstage area rushed Wippit Guud toward the ring. Guud slid into the first ring under the bottom rope and charged toward the man who seemed to be the most dominant at the moment, Greg Vincent. Vincent swung a wild clothesline in the direction of an approaching Guud. Wippit dodged the attack with a single handed cartwheel to the side. Vincent turned and was caught in the face with a standing dropkick that brought him down to the mat. As Wippit pushed his way back up off of the mat though Mike Extreme grabbed him by the back of the head and the two headed toward the ropes. Extreme tossed Wippit over the top rope, and just as Extreme was ready to celebrate Wippit landed on his hands outside of the ring. “Oh my god,” Powers exclaimed, “are you seeing this right now? Wippit Guud was just thrown over the ropes and outside of the ring by Mike Extreme, but he’s landed in a full hand stand! Is that even legal?” “According to the rules,” Buhrman explained, “both feet have to touch the ground in order for someone to be eliminated. At this moment, none of Guud’s feet have touched the ground and as long as he can make it back into that ring, then he’s still in this match!” Wippit casually walked his way over to the nearest set of steps, turned his back toward the fans, and then leaned over planting his feet on the steps. Guud then proceeded to get back into the ring as quickly as he could, but as he made his way onto the apron he was met by Extreme again. Extreme jumped toward Wippit trying to grab him, but he shot his shoulder between the ropes and into Extreme’s rib cage. Extreme staggered backward, and Wippit slung himself into the ring using the top rope, and rolling off of the back of Extreme. Wippit continued to charge toward the ropes, in his way though was Avispa Ultima, Guud leapt into the air and proceeded to spin around the body of Ultima until he dropped behind him and brought him over with a variation of a powerbomb. “Passive” by A Perfect Circle began to blast throughout the arena and from the backstage area Jason Rau rushed toward the ring. Rau climbed onto the ring apron and stepped through the ropes and into the ring, as soon as his head popped up though, a waiting Grendel caught him with a clothesline that sent Rau back over the ropes and onto the apron. Grendel was soon taken off guard by the tandem of the Ring Rats, as they pushed him into the ropes and the two once again fought to try and be the team to eliminate Grendel. Rau looked to get back into the ring, but before anything other than his head could pop back between the ropes Ray Chavez charged and deliver a running punt kick to the side of his head. Rau’s body went limp as he bounced off of the apron and to the floor outside. ![]() Eliminated: Jason Rau The RingRats looked perched and ready to deliver Grendel from the ring, when all of a sudden unbeknownst to Graham Youngblood his legs were being lifted into the air. Dallas Griffin had released his hold on Grendel and quickly took advantage of the fact that his partner hadn’t, and tossed him out of the ring. ![]() Eliminated: Graham Youngblood “I guess that just goes to show you that it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a team with someone,” Powers stated, “when a chance to go after singles gold is on the line, you’ll do whatever it takes to win.” “Even if that means turning on the one person who could have essentially helped you all the way to the finals.” Buhrman scoffed, “I swear, these tactics, they confuse me the more and more this match continued.” “Latin Thug” by Cypress Hill blasted throughout the arena and Cordova quickly rushed toward the first ring. Cordova dove into the ring under the bottom rope, and he ran toward a waiting Avispa Ultima. Cordova flew through the air and brought Ultima flying across the ring with a huge arm drag. Ultima popped right back up to his feet, but when he did he was greeted by a running bulldog from behind by Guud. Guud looked in the direction of Cordova and the two men just nodded their heads toward each other. Wippit then turned his attention toward Extreme and Greg Vincent, and Cordova turned his attention toward Phoenix, Kayden Paulton, and Lennox Love. The Nashvillain and Eli Conway were still scheming to try and get rid of someone, and that direction was pointed right back in the form of Grendel. The two big men quickly over powered Grendel and had him backed into the ropes, trying their very best to get him over the top rope. Titan and Persephone had ganged up on Grande, and were in the process of trying to get him out of the ring as well. Chavez was looking pretty happy with himself having eliminated Jason Rau, when he was caught in the knees by a low dropkick from BLI. Yet again, BLI had thrown all of the help that Chavez had given him out the window and he brought Ray to his knees. BLI wrapped his arms around Ray’s head and then used the middle rope as a springboard as he brought him down with a bulldog. “Surfacing” by Slipknot blasted throughout the arena, and from the backstage area Bane Loneheart slowly made his way toward the second ring. With all of the chaos ensuing, it didn’t look like Loneheart was in much of a hurry to join in on the action. Extreme planted Guud in the center of the ring with a body slam, and then turned his attention back toward Greg Vincent who was now trying to drill him with several stiff shots to the face. Cordova had ended up squaring off with Love, and the two had battled each other into a corner. Back and forth, they traded off the dominant position. Phoenix and Paulton were duking close to the center of the ring, but avoiding Guud’s body as not to trip and fall over him. Loneheart finally stepped through the ropes and into the chaos within the confines of the second ring. The easiest target at first glance was the half pint mounted on top of Ray Chavez. Bane grabbed hold of BLI and shoved him off of the body of Chavez, and unlike anyone else in the match to this point, Loneheart did not focus on the man BLI had been beating on. No, instead he took off after BLI. Loneheart lifted BLI back to his feet and lifted him into the air planting him in the ring with a vertical suplex. Ray, on the other hand, did exactly the same thing he had been doing since he entered the match. He came to his feet and he yanked Loneheart to his feet and pulled him away from the downed BLI. “What is Ray’s obsession with not letting BIG Little Italy get his rear end handed to him?” Buhrman questioned. “Since he’s entered this match, every time that Italy begins getting tossed around the ring Chavez steps in and intervenes; and every time that Italy recovers what does he do? He attacks Chavez for the fact that he’s helped him, that’s just ungrateful.” “Vicarious” by Tool thundered throughout the arena with an ominous feel, and as soon as that distinct red and black outfit came from behind the curtains the fans in attendance went crazy. Ninja K was in the arena, and every man in both rings stood for a moment watching as Kenshiro Inogami made his way to the ring. To be able to eliminate Ninja K in this match would certainly be worth more than actually winning the match some men’s eyes and the men in the ring knew that. Ninja K made his way into the first ring, and it was that this point that Lennox Love was the first man to try his hand at him. Love rushed toward Ninja K, and just before he had the chance to do anything K brought a palm thrust of death into the chest of Love, side stepped him, and as his body looked paralyzed he hit the ropes and just fell from within the ring. ![]() Eliminated: Lennox Love The sight caused the men within the ring to turn their attentions back to the other men within the ring, and leave Ninja K to his own doings. “I don’t know exactly what you would call that move that Ninja K just hit Lennox Love with,” Buhrman commented, “but the guy still isn’t moving on the outside of the ring.” “It’s an amazing sight just to see this man back inside of a wrestling ring.” Powers spouted, “We had heard rumbles over the past week that he may be making an appearance here tonight and if he makes it far in this match we could be seeing him more often. So, let’s keep our fingers crossed that we’ll land this deal, jOlt could do nothing but benefit from having a grappler like Ninja K on the roster.” With Mike Extreme locked up in a war for the ages with Greg Vincent, Paulton surveyed the ring to find someone who looked vulnerable. The man that got caught in his crosshair, Tony Davis. Paulton quickly rushed Davis and backed him into a corner. Paulton drove several stiff shots into the face of Davis, and then grabbed hold of his leg and fought to get him over the top rope. “I Don’t Care” by Antidote hit the airwaves and from the back darted Reno Davis. Davis looked ready as he slid into the second ring and singled out the Nashvillain first thing. Davis drove a flying forearm into the side of Nash’s head, and quickly Eli Conway rushed to his boss’ aide. Davis could see Conway out of the side of his eye and he turned, dropped his head, and flipped Conway over in the ring with a huge back body drop. With Eli out of the way Reno turned his attention back to the Nashvillain; Davis locked his hands around Nash’s neck in a cravat fashion then rushed toward the ropes. Davis scaled the turnbuckle padding all the way to the top, did a full out back flip while still holding Nash’s neck, and brought him down into the center of the ring flush with the move. FBI tried to continue their assault on Grendel, but the monster was looking to have a second wind. Grendel grabbed hold of Titan and tossed him across the ring like he weighed nothing. Grendel then brought a huge paw across the face of Register, then sent him flying with a huge T-Bone suplex. Tony Davis was able to fight his way out of the corner, but Paulton quickly hit him with a standing high kick to the side of the skull. The move caused Davis to stagger backward into the ropes, and Paulton took a few steps back, then rushed toward Davis hitting him with a rolling wheel kick. The kick caught Davis dead between the eyes, and he went flying over the top rope, bounced off of the apron, and to the mat below. ![]() Eliminated: Tony Davis Paulton turned to find his next target, but as soon as he did Mike Extreme caught him with a huge running clothesline. The move not only pushed Paulton back into the ropes, but it sent him flying over the top rope and out onto the apron. Extreme looked to grab hold of Paulton’s head, but Kayden shot his shoulder through the ropes catching Extreme in the midsection. Paulton then grabbed hold of Extreme’s neck and brought it down across the top rope. It was at this point that Kayden had realized exactly what he had done. ![]() Eliminated: Kayden Paulton “Kayden Paulton has just eliminated himself from the match.” Buhrman commented, “I can’t believe what I’ve just seen and from the look on Kayden’s face I don’t think he can believe he just did it either.” “In what would have been a typical move during any other kind of match.” Powers added, “Kayden obviously lost track of what was going on, and he let his feet touch the ground. No other way of looking at it, he’s been eliminated, and I think Mike Extreme is going to be able to take the credit for it, even though he didn’t really knock Paulton to the mats.” “Blood, Milk, and Sky (Miss September Mix)” by White Zombie began to blast throughout the arena, and once again the fans all jumped to their feet. Rune Winters emerged from the backstage area, no shovel in hand, and he made his way down toward the first ring. As Rune entered the ring, and he surveyed the landscape, there were two choices in his mind to attack; Mike Extreme or American Panda. Rune Winters was going to make the American Panda extinct. The two men stood nose to nose for a moment, and then the battle began. Winters and Panda began throwing fists, and everyone else within the ring just made sure they were out of the way while their battle went on. Extreme wasn’t exactly off of the hook either, as two men had set their sights on him. Vincent was the first to continue his battle with Extreme, and he backed him into a corner. Wippit Guud followed behind Vincent and the two men began fighting to get Extreme tossed over the corner. The struggle ensued for a little bit, and then finally the two men finally got Extreme over the top rope. There was a problem however for one of the two men, Extreme had a death grip on Vincent and when he went the effort that was put into putting Extreme out of the ring helped Extreme drag Vincent along with him. ![]() Eliminated: Mike Extreme & Greg Vincent Outside of the ring Extreme was the first man back to his feet, and before the referee could make sure the two men were separated Extreme shot forward catching Vincent on his way up with a bicycle kick. Vincent fell back down to the mat, and looked like he had just been knocked out. “South Texas Deathride” by Union Underground blasted throughout the arena and from behind the entrance curtains Sepiroth Du Luc rushed toward the second ring. SDL quickly climbed into the ring, and as soon as he entered made a quick target of Bane Loneheart. SDL quickly backed Loneheart into the ropes, and as he took a few steps back to get a running start he bolted toward Loneheart. As SDL approached though, Loneheart dropped his shoulder, catching SDL in just the right placement to send him flying out of the ring with a big back body drop. ![]() Eliminated: Sepiroth Du Luc “I think we’re seeing a small trend here.” Powers stated, “We’ve seen a few men be eliminated almost as soon as they step foot in the ring. The majority of those men, have been jOlt originals.” “I think,” Buhrman interrupted, “and this is just an assumption; but maybe these guys have been out of the ring just a tad bit too long and can’t quite keep up with some of the other guys who have been wrestling a little more. I mean, this is the first time I’ve seen Du Luc in the ring here since our return.” Dallas Griffin looked to take advantage of an unaware Loneheart, who was still looking over the ropes. When out of nowhere it was Griffin who was being taken advantage of. High Flyer soared in catching Griffin in the side of the head with a flying forearm shot. The move caused Griffin to stagger toward the ropes, a superkick caused Griffin to fall over the top rope and out on the ring apron. Griffin slowly began to make his way back up to a standing base on the apron, but Flyer used the middle rope as a spring board and caught Griffin in the face with a springboard kick. Griffin fell from the apron and to the floor below. ![]() Eliminated: Dallas Griffin “Shots” by LMFAO began to blast throughout the arena and the fans knew that one of the two last men who would be entering the Divide and Conquer match was none other than the Triple Crown champion himself. Kenjiro Ito stepped through the curtains and made a slow walk toward the ring. Eli Conway had found himself inside of the ring, an island alone. The Nashvillain had been knocked out in a corner by a huge running powerbomb from Grendel into the turnbuckle post. Conway was left with no other option, but to suck it up and go head first toward the monster. American Panda and Rune Winters were still trading blows, neither man showing any kind of give. Everyone else left within the first ring not only paying close attention to the person they were fighting, but doing their best to not get sucked into that vortex. Reno Davis had battled Bane Loneheart out onto the ring apron, and it was almost like the two men wanted to be eliminated. Davis and managed to knock Bane over the top rope and out onto the apron, Davis on the other hand had jumped over the top rope and out onto the apron. High Flyer and BIG Little Italy had finally come to blows, and Flyer slowly battled BLI into a corner and the two were making their way up the turnbuckle padding. Davis brought a roundhouse kick up into Bane’s skull that left him dizzy for a moment, and then Davis dropped catching Loneheart with a leg sweep that sent him flipping backward off of the apron. ![]() Eliminated: Bane Loneheart Davis quickly rolled back into the ring, and tried to catch his breath. Persephone and SDL, the now united Total Conquest, looked to join in helping out Conway, who was now backed up against the ropes, but then turned their attention to the downed Nashvillain instead. The two lifted Nash up off of the canvas and sent him flying across the ring. SDL leveled Nash back to the mat with a big running boot, while Persephone had shot across the ring, bounced off of the ropes, and came back through catching Nash across the throat with a running leg drop. Grendel now with Eli backed against the ropes, turned and looked like he was going to just walk away from the situation. Then Grendel turned and charged toward Conway, and while this move many times in the match did not work out before, it did for Grendel. Eli was leveled with a massive running clothesline that sent him flying out of the ring. ![]() Eliminated: Eli Conway “Serial Killa” by Snoop Dogg began to blast throughout the arena as the man known as Statuz Quo emerged from the backstage area and darted toward the second ring as the final competitor to enter the Divide and Conquer match. Kenjiro Ito had just stepped into the first ring as well, a very smart tactic this far into the match, there was no stipulation on how long it took to get into the ring; and Ito took full advantage of that. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Powers began, “this is the field we have left. No more men are set to enter the Divide and Conquer match. One of these men will be the winner of this match, and they will get the choice of a jOlt Heavyweight championship or Underground championship match after it is all said and done.” In the first ring, Ito slowly found his way into a corner where he watched the battle that was going on between Rune Winters and American Panda. A battle that now saw both men extremely close to the ropes. Winters finally managed to get the upper hand in the battle as he drove a boot into the midsection of Panda. Rune quickly locked Panda up and looked to bring him up and over with a northern lights suplex, but as soon as he felt the ropes touch his back he released the hold. American Panda was sent flying over the top rope, and there was no chance of escaping his fate as he came crashing down to the mats below. ![]() Eliminated: American Panda A sick smile shot across Rune’s face, but that was cut short as he felt an arm come up between his legs. This particular arm belonged to none other than Jonathan Conspiracy, a man who had been apparently playing lame for nearly the entirety of his time in the match. Rune dropped to his knees and J-Con quickly jumped driving a roundhouse kick into Winter’s head that brought him the rest of the way to the mat. Frank Silver squared off with Wippit Guud, both men tied up in a collar and elbow tie-up and bouncing off of the ropes with every passing move violently. Phoenix had Avispa Ultima backed into a corner, where Phoenix had ascended to the middle rope and was dropping fists into the Flyweight champion’s face. Adam Lazarus and Cordova were the first to see Kenjiro Ito relaxing in his corner and they both charged in to wear down the freshest opponent they had in the ring. At the top rope, High Flyer and BIG Little Italy continued to battle until it looked like Flyer lost his balance only the slightest and slipped. Flyer looked to topple to the floor below, but managed to catch his feet on the middle turnbuckle, drove a stiff fist into the side of Italy’s head, and then caught him with a roundhouse style kick that sent Italy soaring off of the top rope and out of the ring. Flyer quickly made his way back into the ring, to save himself from being eliminated by anyone else. Eliminated: BIG Little Italy Reno Davis was just getting back to his feet, and when he turned he was snatched up into the arms of Grendel. The monster walked Davis around the ring for a brief moment and then tossed him over the top rope and to the mats below body slam style. ![]() Eliminated: Reno Davis Seeing the anarchy that Grendel was causing, Persephone left SDL's side and patted Titan on the shoulder, pointing in the direction of the monster. Both nodded, and Titan was the first to begin making his way over toward Grendel. It was at this point that Titan felt someone snag him by the belt with both hands and quickly he was twisted around and sent flying over the top rope and out onto the floor. When Titan looked up, it was Persephone smiling down at him, and with a shrug she turned back into the ring. ![]() Eliminated: Chris Titan When Persephone turned though, it was similar to the situation with Reno Davis. She turned right into the chest of Grendel, but unlike Davis Grendel had seen the plot between her and Titan that was originally going to be them teaming up on him. Grendel grabbed hold of Persephone’s arm and whipped her across the ring into the furthest turnbuckle. The power behind the irish whip nearly sent Persephone flying up and over the rope. Grendel rubbed his feet against the mat, like a bull ready to make the charge, and then he did. Grendel barreled through a protesting Sepiroth Du Luc and right into Persephone with such force that after Grendel moved Persephone just slowly stepped out of the corner and looked as though she was going to fall face first to the canvas, but Grendel grabbed a handful of hair and sent her soaring over the top rope and out of the match. ![]() Eliminated: Persephone For as much as Jonathan Conspiracy had avoided a fight throughout this match, he was actually giving Rune Winters a run for his money. Maybe it was due to the low blow, but either way J-Con was mounted on top of Winters and driving stiff shots into his skull. Cordova and Laz looked like they were doing a great job of wearing Ito down, with him backed into a corner and taking shots from Laz and kicks from Cordova. Phoenix still had Avispa Ultima backed into the corner and from the middle rope driving shots down onto his cranium. Frank Silver looked to be in the best positioning at the moment though, Silver standing inside of the ring with Wippit Guud outside of the ring on the apron. Silver didn’t rush though, he was slow and methodical. Closed fist after closed fist to the face, and then Silver twisted Guud around on the apron, pulled back on his hair and then drove a forearm across his chest. Guud looked as though he was just going to melt off of the apron, and Silver turned with his arms outstretched. When Silver turned around though he noticed that before Guud’s feet were able to hit the ground Wippit had grabbed hold of the top rope. Silver now looked a big frustrated as he tried to reach over and pound Wippit in the chest. Guud however, skinned the cat, and lifted his legs back up into the air, wrapped them around the neck of Silver and pulled Silver out of the ring and sent him flying down to the mats below. Guud quickly rolled back into the ring under the bottom rope and smiled as the fans were going crazy. ![]() Eliminated: Frank Silver La Avispa Grande and Ray Chavez found themselves fighting together to try and throw the Nashvillain, whom they had tied up in the ropes, out of the ring. Grande felt a strong grip grab hold of his hand though, and as he was turned around and thrown off into the ropes he saw it was Grendel targeting him. Grendel waited for Grande to bounce off of the ropes, then he rushed in and brought a running knee lift up into the stomach of Grande that caused him to flip over onto his seat. Chavez continued to try and push the Villain out of the ring, but it was at this point that Nash finally began to fight back. The running powerbomb to the corner from Grendel earlier on had definitely taken a toll on the Relentless champion, but his second wind looked like it was coming on. Nash pushed Chavez out of the corner and quickly followed up with a short arm clothesline that rocked Chavez. Statuz Quo and High Flyer found themselves battling around the ring. Quo having Flyer locked up in a headlock and Flyer dragging Quo around the ring from corner to corner trying to break free of the hold. Grendel lifted Grande back to his feet and threw him on his shoulder, and then rushed toward the ropes. Grendel released Grande just as he approached the ropes and sent him flying toward the entrance ramp like a rocket. ![]() Eliminated: La Avispa Grande Avispa Ultima was finally able to shove Phoenix away from the corner, and when he did Cordova had seen out of the side of his eye a chance for an attack. Cordova left Laz to fight Kenjiro Ito alone and charged across the ring. Cordova looked as though he was going to hit a splash on Ultima, but instead he was caught by Ultima and tossed up and over the top rope outside to the apron. Cordova looked set to springboard back into the ring, but as soon as his feet hit the top rope he was met with the springboard off of the middle rope by Avispa Ultima. Ultima had used the middle rope to bring back and catch Cordova on the top rope with a dropkick, and the move sent Cordova stumbling down to the mats below. ![]() Eliminated: Cordova Grendel had caught a glimpse of Quo and Flyer doing battle and the monster charged the corner the two men were fighting in. Quo saw Grendel coming at them with a full head of steam, and quickly released his headlock and then shoved High Flyer out of the way of Grendel. Both men moving caused Grendel to charge into the turnbuckle padding chest first. Grendel staggered back out of the corner, only to be brought down to the mat by Statuz Quo with a leg sweep. That followed up by a running elbow drop to the chest by High Flyer. Despite the fact that the two men had been doing battle against each other, they nodded at each other and now found the common enemy in Grendel. The Nashvillain lifted Chavez back to his feet and shot him off into the ropes, when Chavez returned Nash sent him flying over the top rope with a back body drop. Villain thought for sure that he had managed to eliminate Chavez, but Ray had the wherewithal to grab hold of the top rope and swing one foot onto the apron. Villain turned around and caught a stiff forearm shot to the face for his assumption. Nash looked a bit pissed off as he staggered backward, but then he rushed toward Chavez, and just the weight put on top of the ropes from the Villain caused Chavez to fall from the apron and onto the mats below. ![]() Eliminated: Ray Chavez Nash continued to lean over the ropes shouting down at Chavez, but what he didn’t know was that his leaning was leaving an opening. An opening that Flyer and Quo both saw and rushed to take advantage of, each man taking hold of one of Nash’s mammoth legs and flipping him over the top rope and to the floor below with a look of bewilderment on his face. ![]() Eliminated: The Nashvillain Wippit Guud was battling off all of the attacks from Ninja K that he could, but Ninja had him backed into a corner. Avispa Ultima was back to battling with Phoenix in the center of the ring. Jonathan Conspiracy was a complete fool as he lifted Rune Winters back to his feet, only to have Winters shoot him across the ring and into the ropes. Winters quickly charged toward J-Con and caught him across the chest with a double axe handle slam that sent J-Con into the ropes. Adam Lazarus was losing ground without the help of Cordova against Kenjiro Ito, who was now beginning to fully take advantage of the fact that he was going up against the man who had been in this match the longest. Ito backed Laz into a corner, drove several stiff shots into his ribs, and then began lifting him to the top rope. With J-Con’s back against the ropes, Winters turned and walked back to the center of the ring. Winters then turned and rushed toward J-Con as quickly as he could, bringing a big boot right up into the mouth of J-Con. The move caused J-Con to instantly flip backward over the ropes and down to the mat below. ![]() Eliminated: Jonathan Conspiracy With Laz seated now on the top rope, Kenjiro Ito looked to climb up along with him, only for Laz to come back to life and toss a punch into Ito’s face that caused him to jump back off of the middle rope. Ito looked pissed, but Laz was now ready to try and make his way to the top rope. Only Ito was a slight bit more quick, and quickly turned ran up the ropes and hit Laz with an ensiguri kick. The kick caused Ito to fall back into the ring, but caused Laz to go flipping off of the top rope, bouncing off of the apron, and then hitting the mats below. ![]() Eliminated: Adam Lazarus In the second ring, Statuz Quo and High Flyer had just turned around after having tossed the Nashvillain from the ring and were greeted with the sadistic smile of Grendel. Grendel charged toward both men hitting them with a double clothesline that pinned them against the ropes, and he just kept on running, eventually toppling both men over the top rope. High Flyer managed to hang onto to the top rope, while Statuz Quo toppled to the mats below. ![]() Eliminated: Statuz Quo Grendel looked ready to continue to try and get Flyer out of the ring, when suddenly a bell sounded. This caused the two men in the second ring and the six men in the first ring to all stop what they were doing and see what in the world was going on. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Brad Arnold announced, “we are down to our final eight and at this time we will have a two minute break from the action as the final two wrestlers in ring two, High Flyer and Grendel, make their way over to the first ring to finish this battle.” Grendel smiled at Flyer, knowing that if it hadn’t been for the bell that he would have been eliminated. Flyer looked relieved as he quickly dropped to the mats below and rushed toward the first ring to keep away from Grendel as much as he could. Mike Hunt had made his way into the first ring and instructed four of the men, Kenjiro Ito, Rune Winters, Ninja K, and Wippit Guud into each of the four corners. He then instructed Avispa Ultima and Phoenix to the middle of opposing ropes. As High Flyer quickly entered the first ring, he was shown to one of the final two free middle slots of the ropes. Then Grendel slowly made his way up the steel steps and into the ring. Hunt ordered Grendel to the final free spot, but he refused and stood in the center of the ring. Hunt was not going to argue with Grendel and quickly signaled for the bell one more time and exited the ring as quickly as possible. Grendel stood continuing to smile in the center of the ring as he quickly pivoted with his right foot, looking in all directions at his competition. It was at this point that all seven men charged the center of the ring, Rune Winters leading the charge and they bombarded Grendel with a flurry of attacks. Finally getting him pushed back against the rope, Winters had hold of both of Grendel’s legs as he lifted them into the air, and the other six men pitched in pushing against Winters as Grendel finally went toppling over the ropes and to the floor. ![]() Eliminated: Grendel Then the six that were giving that extra leverage to Winters, turned on him as well, as they all grabbed hold of him and shoved him over the top rope as well. Winters fell to the mats below landing right in front of Grendel. ![]() Eliminated: Rune Winters Then it was again every man for himself. Kenjiro Ito quickly squared off against Avispa Ultima, High Flyer and Phoenix butted heads, and Ninja K and Wippit Guud went to battle one more time. Ito quickly backed Ultima into a corner, and began driving kicks into his chest as he held onto the top rope. With each passing blow Ultima slumped further and further down into the turnbuckle. It was evident that ring rust was not a problem when it came to Kenjiro Ito, as he was beating the reigning Flyweight champion down. Wippit Guud was doing his best to stay away from the martial arts style kicks and blows from Ninja K. Both men were definitely showing their better qualities, but nothing was landing. High Flyer had Phoenix backed into a corner, and climbed to the middle rope and began driving fists down into his tattered mask. Kenjiro Ito feeling he had Ultima beaten down enough in the corner walked back toward the center of the ring, turned and rushed toward the corner. Ito looked to connect a flying knee strike into the face of Ultima, but Ultima quickly rolled out of the way of the move. Ito’s knee bounced off of the middle turnbuckle padding and Ultima rolled back to his feet. Ultima shot across the ring as quickly as he could and bounced off of the ropes. Ito turned back toward the center of the ring as fast as he could, and as Ultima returned he jumped into the air wrapping his legs around Ito’s neck. Ultima attempted a hurricanrana, but was cut off as Ito stopped to momentum, pulled Ultima up. With Ito’s ring presence he knew how close to the ropes he was, and he turned the hurricanrana into a powerbomb that sent Ultima flying out of the ring and onto the mats below. ![]() Eliminated: Avispa Ultima High Flyer dropped from his placement on the middle rope, and walked toward the center of the ring. He turned and rushed toward Phoenix in the corner. Flyer connected with a flying cross body, but his momentum caused him to continue over the ropes and onto the ring apron. Phoenix, somehow, even after all of the damage he had taken knew exactly where Flyer was on the apron. Phoenix slowly turned as not to cause Flyer to worry, and then jumped hitting Flyer in the back with a backflip kick to the skull. Flyer staggered on the apron for a moment, leaned back holding the top rope with only one hand. He swayed back and forth barely able to keep a foot on the apron, and transitioning from one foot to the other, until finally his grip just released and Flyer fell to the floor. ![]() Eliminated: High Flyer Ninja K finally had Wippit Guud backed into a corner driving stiff punches and kicks into his midsection. After wearing Guud down Ninja quickly climbed to the second rope and began driving fists down into Guud’s skull. Phoenix had slowly made his way back up to his feet with the help of the turnbuckle padding, but before he had a chance to do anything Ito had rushed him and climbed to the middle rope as well and began driving fists down into Phoenix’s skull. Both Ito and Ninja K were looking in great form, until almost exactly at the same time Phoenix and Guud wrapped their arms around the back of their respective challenger’s knees locking them against their chest. Phoenix and Guud both almost at the same exact stepped out from their respective corners, and each man began walking toward the ropes. Both Phoenix and Guud with the same exact idea in their minds tried to dump their opponents out of the ring, but both Ito and Ninja K had a death grip on Guud and Phoenix. It was almost like slow motion watching all four men topple over the ropes and landing on the mats below at almost the exactly same time. All of the referees looked at each other, all five of them had surrounded the ring, but none of them looked like they could come to a decisive decision. “What in the world is going on?” Buhrman questioned frantically. “Whose feet hit the ground last?” “I don’t think any of the referees want to be the man to make that call.” Powers stated, “It honestly looked to me like they all hit the ground at the exact same time. I’m not expert though, but we’re going to need some kind of decision on this matter soon.” “Damien Lee better be looking over those instant replay tapes in the back,” Buhrman continued, “this is ridiculous!” “I’ve certainly never seen a finish like this before in all of my years working at this table.” Powers commented, “I’ve got to say I’m sorry for the lack of information that we have at this time on this situation ladies and gentlemen, but for the time being we’re going to cut to the backstage area while we prepare for the next bout on our card. A match where we will see Derecho defend the Underground championship against Citizen!” ![]() ![]() Citizen vs. Derecho ![]() ![]() ![]() In the beginning, the Underground Champion, Derecho, defended his championship by using nothing but pure wrestling. The fans and even his co-workers turned on him, stating he wasn’t fit to represent the Underground. Some even questioned his motives, saying he was the epitome of a mockery. It didn’t bother Derecho at first, but it eventually ate away at him to the point where he snapped. Since then, Derecho claims that he has given in and has given the fans what they had been asking for all this time… a path of destruction and bloodshed second to none. Tonight, that path looks to continue, but there was one roadblock in the way. Citizen Citizen laid waste to opponent after opponent when jOlt returned after so many years from being MIA from our television screens. He ended up besting Khristian Keller in the finals of a grand and bloody tournament and secured himself a win to lay claim to being the #1 Contender to the Underground Championship. Citizen has proven to everyone that he holds the greatest threat to Derecho’s title at the current time. Now the time has come to determine whether Derecho’s path of destruction continues or if a new path will begin with a new king of the Underground. A brutal match for the ages awaits those in the arena. The fans were there every step of the way. They had witnessed it all and now, it was time to see it all come to a head. The lights in the arena faded out completely as the rumbling beginnings of a tune that could very well become the anthem of the Underground champion faded in over the PA Speakers. “The End is Coming” by Sevendust The fans got to their feet as Citizen stepped out from the back into the darkness in the arena. A lone spotlight illuminated his path as smoke filled the entrance way. Citizen made his way down to the ring where the knelt up onto the ring apron. Citizen then pulled himself up and then stepped into the ring where he made his way to the center of the ring. The lights turned to a dark glow as he pulled back his hood and revealed the mask that laid beneath it. The fans continued to cheer as the music died down and the lights returned to normal. As Citizen stood in the ring, he turned and faced the entrance ramp as he knew the champion’s entrance was inevitable. That’s when the lights in the arena turned to a pink hue. On the jOlt Vision screen, light clouds strolled by as the opening, a light-hearted piano, of a different theme began. “Nageki no Mori” by Ayane When the main part of the theme kicked in, the entrance blew with pyro and the arena went from pink to a crimson hue. The clouds on the screen were replaced with a night sky as red as blood with black clouds. Derecho’s name lit up in the foreground and he stood there at the top of the stage with the Underground Championship around his waist. Derecho then walked down to the ring to the dark, driving beat of the theme he selected to use for jOlt’s first PPV event. With a temporary replacement for his normal theme, Derecho walked down to ringside where he stepped up onto the ring apron and then into the ring. Derecho came face to face with Citizen where he unfastened his Underground Championship and held it high into the air. The lights in the arena returned to normal as the two of them were face to face. Champion and challenger. King of the Underground and the #1 Contender to the Throne. The referee wanted the title, but Derecho shoved it right into Citizen’s face even more and screamed out. “Take a good look. You can’t give them what they want like I can. This will NEVER be yours!” The referee was finally able to grab the title away as through the mask you could tell Citizen was chuckling a bit. The referee held the Underground title up high and then passed it off to ringside. He then called for the bell and the much anticipated showdown had officially begun. Derecho and Citizen both took a step back and then began to circle each other in the ring. Then it happened… that fateful collar and elbow tie up. Derecho applied a side headlock, but Citizen reversed it into a hammer lock. Derecho reached back and turned that into a snapmare. Derecho went for a kick to the chest, but Citizen leaned back and turned it into a school boy rollup, but Derecho kicked away before even a one count could be administered. Back to their feet, they locked up again. Citizen with the head lock this time, but Derecho reverses it into a waist lock where he takes Citizen up and over with a takedown. Derecho floats over into a front chancery, but Citizen rolls through with a front chancery of his own. Citizen then lifts his leg up and drives his knee right into the top of Derecho’s skull! Citizen hits another one, but Derecho fights through it and powers his way back up to his feet. Citizen with a knee to the stomach of Derecho and then an irish whip to the ropes, but it was reversed by Derecho! Citizen comes back and hits the shoulder block and takes off to the ropes again. Derecho floats onto his stomach as Citizen steps up and over and bounces off the opposite end. Derecho with the leap frog and Citizen back underneath. Derecho turns around and gets caught with a flying forearm from Citizen! Derecho back up and down again from a clothesline from Citizen! Derecho up again, but ducks another clothesline. Derecho reaches back for a hangman’s neckbreaker, but Citizen leans forward to avoid it. Both turn around and Derecho gets caught in the stomach with a toe kick. He hooks Derecho for a vertical suplex, but when he lifts him. Derecho floats up and over and lands behind Citizen. Derecho with the waist lock, but Citizen fires a pair of elbows to the side of Derecho’s head to break free from the grasp. Citizen takes off to the ropes where he springboards off of them into a twisting cross body block, but Derecho measures the distance and kneels down so Citizen falls right into a gut buster across the knee of Derecho! Doubled over on his feet and gasping for air, Citizen staggers away and turns his back to Derecho. Derecho takes this opportunity to pick up Citizen in a side slam position and nail a Pendulum Backbreaker across the knee. Derecho holds on and stands Citizen back up where he hooks him and nails a Side Russian Leg Sweep! Derecho stands and then drops an elbow across the chest of Citizen. He stands and once again drops another elbow across the chest. Derecho stands and then looks around the arena and almost as if a feeling of dread washes over him. It’s as if he remembers that this is how the fans turned on him. Derecho knew he had to give them what they wanted… bloodshed. Derecho rolled out of the ring and picked up his best friend in the entire world. The Steel Chair Derecho rolled back into the ring and looked at Citizen who was getting back up to his feet. Derecho tapped the chair against the canvas and readied it for a vicious shot. Citizen turned to Derecho and Derecho brought the chair up to about chest height. That was the last thing that Derecho remembered doing as Citizen, with a lightning fast reaction, nailed a super kick that slammed the chair right into Derecho’s face! A counter knock out shot just minutes into the match!!! The arena hit their feet as it could be over this soon! Derecho hit the canvas and was immediately busted open from the nose after taking that shot to the face! The chair had been dropped to the canvas and Citizen picked it up. The thought of a pin crossed Citizen’s mind, but he had something to prove here tonight! Derecho got on all fours as Citizen begged Derecho to get up to his feet. Derecho did and turned to face Citizen. Citizen then drove the chair right into the stomach of Derecho and doubled him over. Citizen then swung the chair! THWACK! The chair was slammed right across the back of Derecho. Derecho was brought to a single knee, but stood back up. Citizen then swung with the chair once again! THWACK! Another vicious strike to the upper back of Derecho! Derecho was brought down to both knees this time. Citizen swung it again, this time low! THWACK! A third shot to the back of Derecho, but Citizen must not have watched the match against Jason Rau back on Warriors because Derecho absorbed the blows to the back and stood back to his feet. He then turned to face Citizen and this familiar scene began to play out. The audience who cheered began to boo as they knew the inevitable destruction of Citizen was at hand. Everyone who woke Derecho up ended up as another hash mark in Derecho’s win column and Citizen was about to be the next hash mark! Derecho took a step toward Citizen and then gripped him by the neck! The same way he turned the tide against Jason Rau, but Derecho didn’t expect what happened next! Citizen held his breath in order to preserve his breathing. He used that strength to jam the chair right into the underarm of Derecho!!! This caused Derecho to drop his grip! Citizen had watched the tapes after all! Citizen then dropped the chair in front of him, kicked Derecho in the stomach then… WHAM! DDT right on top of the chair!!!! All this time, opponents were intimidated by Derecho, but Citizen knew it was coming. He prepared and countered! He also went for the cover as the crowd rose to their feet! One…. Two…. Derecho kicked out! Citizen grabs Derecho by the hair and begins to hit some quick kicks to the face of the Underground Champion! Derecho dropped to his knees and flung his hair back to reveal not only blood coming from nose, but now from a cut on his forehead! Citizen then planted his foot into the chest of Derecho and nailed a Step-Up Enziguri kick that caused Derecho to flop face first into the canvas! For the first time in a one on one match in the Underground, Derecho was face first on the canvas and bloodied. Tonight could be the night where a new king of the Underground might be crowned! Citizen then rolled out of the ring and picked apart the steel ring steps. Citizen then brought the bottom half of the steps into the ring with him and then put them down by the head of Derecho. Citizen bent over and pulled Derecho to his feet and then stepped backwards up onto the steps. Citizen made a slashing motion across his throat and then hooked Derecho’s bloodied head under his arm and then butterflied the arms of Derecho! The crowd hit their feet. Could that momentary break in Derecho’s concentration be all that was needed to beat him!? Citizen then lifted Derecho for that butterfly brainbuster… Merciful Judgment, but at the apex of the lift, Derecho countered with a knee strike to the top of Citizen’s head! Citizen staggers and then hits a couple of punches to the kidneys of Derecho and then re-hooks the arms. Citizen lifts for a second attempt, but again, at the apex of the lift, Derecho hits a knee strike.. one even harder than the first one. Citizen drops Derecho where he lands on his feet in front of him. Derecho then goes low with a clothesline to the back of Citizen’s legs, causing him to trip and land back first on the same ring steps he was standing on! Derecho takes this time to shake off the cobwebs and then pull Citizen off the steps and back onto his feet. Derecho then hits a big right hand to the side of Citizen’s head. He fires a left hand after that. Then another right. Back and forth.. alternating punches for combination blows. Once Citizen is staggered, Derecho hooks Citizen for a suplex and lifts, but Citizen returns the favor and knees Derecho right in his bloody face! Unlike Citizen, it only took one strike for Derecho to let go of the grip. Citizen then took a step back and charged in with a short distance clothesline, but Derecho ducked underneath, turned, and placed his hand on the back of Citizen where he shoved him toward the ropes. Citizen bounces off the opposite end and gets caught by Derecho! Derecho clinches, lifts, pivots.. then… WHAM!!!! Double A Spine Buster right on top of the steel ring steps! The impact echoed through the entire arena and the people let out a massive “OH” followed by “HOLY ****! HOLY ****! HOLY ****!” Derecho could have this match in the palm of his hand at this point, but when he looked around the arena, a sadistic grin came over his face and his eyes widened. It was the look of a madman. Derecho opted to skip the pinfall and roll out of the ring. He lifted up the ring apron and pulled out a wooden table. Derecho then slid that into the ring and then peered beneath the ring once more. He pulled out a second table which he also slid into the ring. Derecho wasn’t done yet as he reached under the ring and pulled out a ladder! The ladder found its way into the ring, but if you could believe it, Derecho wasn’t done, still! He reached underneath and pulled out, yet, another ladder! Derecho slid this second ladder into the ring and then went back under the ring for more weaponry! What in the hell was going through Derecho’s mind to warrant all of this!? Derecho was too busy searching to notice that Citizen had regained his wind and had staggered back to his feet. Citizen looked around the ring and then spotted Derecho on the outside. Derecho had found another steel chair. What Derecho also found was a pair of boots in his face! Citizen had gotten a running start and used the ring steps as a launch pad and nailed a precision drop kick through the middle and bottom rope that kicked the chair right into Derecho’s face! Derecho dropped the chair and staggered backwards against the guard rails! Citizen pulled himself out of the ropes and back into the ring. Derecho staggered forward as Citizen grabbed the top rope and launched himself over to the outside with a Corkscrew Plancha that took out the Underground Champion!!! When Citizen stood, he held his lower back in pain. Obviously, the spine buster on the steel ring steps did its damage and the impact from the landing on that plancha only further aggravated the injury. Citizen started to stretch his back on the outside as Derecho staggered back up to a single knee. Citizen walked over to measure Derecho up for a punch, but Derecho fired a punch into the stomach of Citizen which doubled him over. From a kneeling position, Derecho hit a quick uppercut to the jaw which staggered Citizen back. Derecho then stood and grabbed Citizen by the arm. He whipped him toward the steel ring post, but Citizen put on the brakes and reversed it as he whipped Derecho right into the ring post instead!!! Derecho’s head pinged off the post and he fell and hit the mats at ringside as Citizen continued to hold his back in pain. Citizen hobbled over to Derecho and pulled him back to his feet. He walked Derecho over to the announce table position where he slammed him face first into the table! Derecho just laid there slumped over the edge. Citizen then grabbed Derecho by the head and slammed him into the table once again! Again Derecho just laid there in a slumped over position. Citizen slammed Derecho’s face into the table for a third time and then motioned for the camera man to walk over to them. Citizen pulled Derecho’s head up by his hair and revealed his bloodied face to the camera and then slammed Derecho face first into the announce table for a fourth time! Citizen was sending a message to everyone watching around the world. He showed them that this was their champion and that his reign could be coming to an end! Citizen then helped Derecho up onto the table and laid him across it. Citizen then made his way to the ring apron where he rolled back in and then ascended the turnbuckle pads. “Citizen wasn’t thinking about it… the distance was too great and his back was already in pain!” That’s what the people in the audience were thinking, but Citizen answered their thoughts with a thunderous crash!!! FROG SPLASH THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Both Derecho and Citizen were down! There they laid… side by side in the rubble as the crowd hit their feet! Citizen was in tremendous pain, but Derecho looked to be out cold! If Citizen could somehow get Derecho back into the ring, this match would be over!!! The referee hopped out of the ring to check on both men. Citizen muttered “I’ll continue” to the referee and Derecho also muttered “Don’t stop the match”. The referee decided to continue the match and give Derecho and Citizen their space to recover. Citizen was the first to show signs of movement after several moments of laying there in what seemed like an eternity to those watching this match unfold. Derecho was still down and out as Citizen placed his hand on Derecho’s stomach and used him to get back to his feet. Citizen then lost his balance a bit and staggered back up against the barricades. The people began a CIT-I-ZEN! Chant throughout the entire arena. Even people at ringside, patted him on the back as he slumped against it to regain some energy. Citizen then eventually hobbled over to Derecho and bent over to pull him up out of the rubble of the announce table. Derecho was brought back to the ring by Citizen, but Derecho couldn’t stand on his own two feet. There’s no way with his back in the shape it was in that Citizen could lift Derecho into the ring right now. Citizen decides to leave Derecho at ringside and roll back in. Citizen moves the ring steps out of the ring and then moves one table and the two ladders off to the corner. As for the second table, Citizen grabs it and then places it up against the corner. Citizen, satisfied with this set up, drops down carefully and rolls out of the ring to retrieve Derecho. Citizen pulls Derecho up to his feet, but Derecho immediately rammed Citizen back first into the ring apron!! Citizen collapses into the arms of the bloodied Derecho whose eyes widen and that sinister grin returns!!! Derecho then rolls Citizen back into the ring. Derecho then makes his way onto the ring apron and then to the corner where he ascends to the top of the turnbuckle pads. Derecho is looking to deliver a receipt in a big way! Derecho takes aim and leaps off with a Frog Splash! As soon as Citizen saw Derecho leap off, Citizen quickly, with his left arm, reached over, grabbed the steel chair that’s been in this match since the very beginning and pulled it on top of him as he braced for impact! WHAM! Frog Splash delivered, but Derecho landed right on top of the steel chair that Citizen had pulled on top of him!! Derecho hit the canvas and held his stomach and mid-section in pain! While the landing hurt Citizen as well, he fought through the pain. He had to use the ring ropes for leverage, but Citizen willed himself back to his feet. Derecho staggered toward the opposite corner as he coughed and gagged trying to catch his breath. Citizen knew it was now or never. Derecho turned around and Citizen charged in with all the speed he could muster. Citizen then lead shoulder first and connected! WHAM! SPEAR THROUGH THE TABLE IN THE CORNER!!!!! THIS WAS IT! THIS WAS IT! NEW CHAMPION! NEW CHAMPION! CITIZEN WAS THREE SECONDS AWAY! The crowd ERUPTED as Citizen pulled Derecho out of the rubble and made the cover!!!! The crowd counted along!! ONE!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......... !? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow.. some way… Derecho popped the shoulder up at 2 99/100! In fact, they had to do an instant replay on the jOlt vision in slow motion and indeed, a mere inch before the hand slapped the mat, Derecho’s shoulder was barely up off the canvas! The closest pinfall in history and everyone in the arena couldn’t believe it wasn’t over. Chants of “BULL****! “ rang out loud and clear throughout the entire arena. Citizen couldn’t believe it and made the cover on Derecho again just to make sure. One… Two… Derecho kicked out a bit earlier, but it was still about 2 ½ before Derecho got the shoulder up. There was no mistake this time. There was fight left in the Underground Champion. Citizen pulled Derecho to his feet slowly, but Derecho took the one shot that no one expected him to take. The self proclaimed monster of the Underground resulted to the cheapest short cut in the book. LOW BLOW! Citizen fell to the canvas as Derecho rolled out of the ring. The crowd let the champion know their thoughts on that move in the most vocal way possible. Of course, it was legal because anything is legal in the Underground so whether the fans liked it or not, if Derecho chose to use a low blow, he could without consequence. Derecho lifted up the ring apron and pulled out a third table from underneath the ring. Obviously since one was shattered by his own body he had to replenish it. When Derecho slid it back in, he hopped up onto the ring apron gingerly. Derecho slowly stepped back into the ring and noticed that Citizen was still down and in pain. Derecho then took this opportunity to set up in the opposite corner both tables, spaced a fair distance apart. He then grabbed the two ladders and placed them on top of the tables forming a bridge between the two. They were set up at about the ¾ point way from the corner Citizen was near. Derecho had something evil in mind and if he could carry out this plan, it could spell the end of Citizen. Derecho walked back over to Citizen and pulled him back to his feet, but then the crowd erupts! LOW BLOW! Citizen returned the favor to Derecho! The champion was down! Citizen saw this as his chance! Citizen swallowed the pain. His will to be champion took over and he dragged Derecho over to the corner where the bridge was set up! Citizen used all of his strength to hoist Derecho up against the turnbuckles and then up to the top rope. Citizen then grabs the ropes and hangs his head low. He is in tremendous pain but he knows he is one move away from becoming champion! Citizen then puts his foot on the bottom turnbuckle and goes to step up, but Derecho stands and hops over him and lands on his feet behind him. Derecho holds his stomach as he turns to grab Citizen from behind, but Citizen balances himself on the turnbuckles and hits a mule kick to shove Derecho away! Derecho staggers, but doesn’t have any room thanks to the ladders. Citizen then turns and sits on the top turnbuckle pad and then backsteps up to the very top. Derecho turns and sees Citizen standing up so Derecho does the only thing that could save him right now. Derecho falls against the ropes and the vibrations cause Citizen to lose his balance, but Citizen squats and grabs the ropes to prevent him from slipping! Derecho, as fast as his beaten body would allow, ascends the turnbuckle pads, but Citizen fires a punch to the kidney of Derecho and stuns him. Citizen then places Derecho’s head under his arm and butterflies the arms! The crowd rises to their feet! Citizen is looking for a Super Merciful Judgment… to the outside!? Citizen tries to lift Derecho, but the pain is too much and Citizen’s back gives out and he can’t even get Derecho off his feet. Derecho then breaks free and while standing on the middle rope, headbutts Citizen with his crimson mask. Derecho then gets underneath Citizen and flips him! SUPER BACK BODY DROP THROUGH THE BRIDGED LADDERS!!!! The impact is severe! The ladders snap in half and Citizen now lays on top of them on the canvas!! Derecho hops off and then slashes his throat! He’s not done!? Derecho pulls Citizen out of the rubble… a man who can’t even stand on his own at this point. Derecho then drags Citizen more toward the center of the ring away from the rubble. Derecho then holds Citizen by the head and yells at him. “I… AM… KING” Derecho then hoists Citizen up onto his shoulder and drops him. A Forever Reminder The Emerald Flowsion and what has to be the final exclamation point. Tired… beaten… exhausted… and bloodied… Derecho flops over and drapes an arm over Citizen. One………. Two………… Three………… It’s over. ![]() The winner of this WAR and STILL jOlt Underground Champion… Derecho! The crowd didn’t know whether to cheer or boo the match. They were obviously upset that Citizen didn’t walk away with the championship, but as “One Reason” by Fade hit the PA speakers, it finally sunk in. Derecho was still their Underground Champion and despite what Derecho claims, this is not what the fans want. Derecho gets up to one knee, but then holds his stomach in pain. Derecho begins to cough and all of a sudden, vomits a small amount of blood. Derecho obviously has internal injuries from this match. The referee checks on Derecho, but Derecho refuses the help. He rips the Underground Championship out of the referee’s hands and then rolls out of the ring. Derecho then staggers around ringside with the championship clutched very close to his body. Derecho makes it to the entrance ramp, when he collapses down to a knee again and vomits another small pool of blood. Derecho can barely stand and then finally collapses to the ground. The referee signals for trainers to come down. Half attend to Derecho and the other half go to check on Citizen. As the trainers check on Derecho, Citizen is helped to his feet and is assisted by the trainers out of the ring. As they approach Derecho and the trainers surrounding him, there is a big commotion as they keep yelling “HEY STAY DOWN” Derecho keeps clawing and fighting as he stands back up. A bloodied and twisted mess, Derecho refuses the medical attention and staggers in a drunken pattern up the entrance ramp. The trainers follow him to the back as Citizen and the other trainers just look on. After Derecho leaves, the crowd gives a standing ovation to Citizen as he’s continued to be helped to the back by the trainers. The final shot shows an overhead shot of the ring and ringside area. Broken tables, broken ladders, steel ring steps.. a shattered announce table, and blood stains everywhere. A match didn’t happen here, but rather, a war. ![]() ![]() ![]() Damien Lee's cell phone was once again glued to his ear. His face was flush red, brow furrowed, and sweat was dripping off his nose. It looked as if he had just run a marathon, and that may not be too inaccurate since it appeared he had sprinted clear across the Arena of Champions from the Skybox to the parking lot. Just in time to see Kenjiro Ito speed off. "I'll handle this ... just not tonight. I'll come up with something, I can promise you that much." "Excuse me, Mr. Lee?" "Give me a second!" Damien Lee spun around and for the first time since jOlt returned he looked ... angry. Upon realizing it was Dawn Cassidy, however, Lee's demeanor changed. "I'll call you back," he said to whoever was on the other end of his cellphone. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Lee, but can I have a few words about your plans for the outcome of the Divide & Conquer match?" "Well," Damien Lee began, "this really isn't the best time, Dawn, but I will tell you this much. Come iNtense 39 I will have made a decision on what to do following the controversial outcome of the match. Something that will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, name a new number one contender to the jOlt Championship." Damien paused for a moment, looking incredibly flustered with the entire situation. "But that's not what is important right now, Dawn. What's important right now is who will be the jOlt Champion that faces the number one contender in a match at Glory. Will it be Superstar Vince Jacobs, probably the most decorated wrestler in jOlt's history, or will it be a returned to form Superbeast?" "That is an excellent question, Mr. Lee, and --" "It doesn't matter which one of those idiots wins that title, Lee." The voice was Chris Titan's, and he wasn't alone. With him stood Bane Loneheart, Persephone, and Sepiroth Du Luc. Damien Lee looked over the small group of jOlt originals, none of whom looked particularly happy to see him. "What are you doing here?" "We've sat back and allowed you and your board of investors and your new roster to come in here and push us down, ignore us, and embarass us." With each point, Chris Titan's index finger jabbed Damien Lee's chest just a little bit harder until the last jab nearly knocked him over. "WE BUILT THIS COMPANY! NOT SVJ! NOT SYLO! NOT EVEN YOU! AND NOW YOU WANT TO TAKE IT ALL AWAY FROM US?!" Lee knew he couldn't back down to this group, but he also knew something else ... ... they were right. Still, he brushed Titan's finger away and stood his ground. "Whatever has happened to you since jOlt returned has been your own doing. Look at you! Bane, you're attacking people with a god damn lead pipe because you think they're stealing your spotlight?! You two! You've been on this roster since we returned but what have you done?! Nothing! Not a damn thing! And YOU, Chris Titan ... you! You've been given multiple opportunities to go out there and put Fueled by Ignorance back on the map and what have you done instead? You've blown every shot, you've self destructed, and you pushed your own teammate out of jOlt completely! So, what do you want to do now? HUH?!" "You said I could do whatever I wanted to, Lee. So I decided that I wanted to take jOlt back. That's why we're here and I can promise you this isn't going to be all of us. You can try to shuffle us off. You can try to put your Superstars and Superbeast and Superwhatevers in the spotlight. But we're taking it back." "I swear, if any of you interfere in tonight's jOlt Championship match ... I will have you fired." "Relax, Lee, we're going to give you tonight. Let you find your new and improved jOlt Champion. This is only a courtesy to you, Lee, for setting me free from Register. "We're coming. And you better be ready for us." ![]() ![]() ![]() Superstar Vince Jacobs vs. Sylo ![]() ![]() ![]() "I didn't have to come to the jOlt to become a superstar...I brought my spotlight with me" The jeers would fall into hindsight with the visual eye candy, dancing across the ominous trinity of super screens. A select bevy of monikers would appear at random exploding on the Arena of Champions one after the other. Pro Wrestling's Phenomenon - The Icon - The Living Legend – The Ratings Grabber- The Reason there is a show "Villain" by Theory of a Deadman. Superstar Vince Jacobs had the undivided attention of thousands. Standing on the stage he held his Legacy Championship high in the air. Not out of respect for the title but out of disrespect for his opponent. Standing beside SVJ was his manager and business partner, the lovely Natalia. In recent weeks her past with Sylo has become both a benefit and liability for Jacobs. Where did she stand tonight? Would she hold up her end of the bargain with SVJ or would her past relationship with Sylo force her hand in another direction? The dup made their way to the ring, passing by a line of heavy duty ladders. SVJ measured them upand then looked to the jOlt Championship that was dangling high above the ring. His goal was the same here as it was everywhere else he had been in his illustrious career, he wanted to be the man. The only difference this time was that in order to be the man, he had to beat the beast. Lights/Out There was a rise like thunder from everyone inside the Arena of Champions as they awaited the entrance of a man whose crusade had brought him all the way to the grand stage in the top billed match with everything on the line. The implications went further than the blood feud with Vince Jacobs, the conquest to keep The Legacy alive, and the fact that hanging above the ring would be a claim and two titles to support the claims that one man was the best to ever grace the four corners of a Legacy ring and had earned the right to be called “The man to Beat” in jOlt. The biggest two prizes would hang peacefully in a state of undisturbed bliss until one man would pluck them from the Heavens. In the meantime, war and destruction, the very essence of hell, would transpire. As endless seconds passed the unwavering truth could be brought to light: The SuperBeast hadn’t won a single major title since April 2nd, 2006. Could it truly be coincidence that over six years later Sylo would fight for a new title as well as the same title he won years prior in the same exact arena? The words of an undying legend quoting script written, passed through the ages, and accepted as divine truth would echo throughout the entire Arena of Champions. “And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts sang come and see and I saw. And behold! A white horse. And his name that sat on him... Was death. And hell...followed with him.” “Miracle (Pale horse remix)” by Nonpoint would be the soundtrack for Sylo as he headed to his ring, to grab his salvation, and to finally reclaim his throne that thieves and peasants had swindled people into believing was rightfully theirs. Tonight, the rightful king would rise above a sea of fools who spout off falsities that the title had always been theirs. A blinding white explosion went off signaling Sylo. Slowly, as the jOltvision played a video of Sylo, his years of carnage, and the agony of the vanquished, the smoke cleared but to everyone’s shock and dismay there was no trace of Sylo. Vince Jacobs checked, making sure there would be no surprises in the form of a sneak attack, soon found that there had been no sign of Sylo at all. Had he really left after coming so far? SVJ watched as the lights came back up and the music died away. He smirked to himself before demanding a microphone. “And just like that the mighty has proven he’s nothing more than a coward.” Vince laughed as he turned, looking out into the sea of humanity that circled him. “Your hero, your-” SVJ stopped to scoff. “KING has finally come to his senses and realized that he was never on my level. That he never belonged, much less, deserved to share the same ring as me!” SVJ laughed. He laughed at every single fan which was the equivalent of a giant middle finger. “So Hunt, have them lower my titles. Natalia and I have some of the hottest clubs in Miami to hit. I feel like a little Salsa, tonight! Actually, I’d like one Mr. Lee to personally come out here. I want him to come out here, proclaim me the king of jOlt, the champion of champions, and then I want him to put the title around my waist! So make it fa-” SVJ’s microphone died mid-sentence as the lights went out again. A thousand midnights wouldn’t do justice to the darkness that filled the Arena of Champions. BOOM!!! As colours of Sapphire, Pearl and Tar Heel Blue would flicker throughout the massive state-of-the-art amphitheatre the jOltvision would take on a life of its own. Instead of its typical blues and greys it was replaced by various hues of black and gold. The blue strobes played perfectly off the gold, creating an eerie sheen. Hard guitar riffs picked up combined with base and drum. It was unfamiliar to jOlt but not to the fans in attendance. The music fell into a lull as the voice of Maynard James Keenan didn’t just sing but spoke to SVJ, the fans, and everyone else who’s eyes were on the spectacle. “Don’t fret precious I’m here. Step away from the window and go back to sleep.” “Pet” - A Perfect Circle would serve as the fuse for a powder keg of nothing but sheer euphoria. The jOltvision, now revised into something resembling the Legacytron came to life - - { A turbulent storm cell swept menacingly over an unfamiliar metropolis. Its inhabitants were legion, all running for safety but would find none. Buildings would be ravaged and reduced to rubble by streaks of lightning - at random. The view would be pulled upward toward the swirling maw of the storm. } { Various video captions of his killing spree would be displayed along the narrow corridor before eventually becoming entranced by a burning set of radiant Blue Pupils. The acoustic ‘eye of the storm’ had passed with the massive set of bluish-white spires of flame, setting the entire staging area ablaze. Unbeknownst to the crowd, a sealed circular hatch in the floor, had opened on cue.} The fans rose in unison, their voices heard for miles, they were witnessing the end of an era, and they would be the explosion that all but ripped The Arena of Champions a part. Vince Jacobs just laughed as a smirk spread like a virus across his face. Natalia, however, had a completely different look. Her look was of utter shock and terror. Frantically she tugged at the middle rope screaming at Vince, trying to be heard over the fans. “Not now, Natalia!” Vince brushed off the Russian Bombshell. The ascension of a massive silhouette solidified the premise of Sylo’s rise from the proverbial abyss. The TRUE SuperBeast stood encircled by the flames - both arms extended outward to accommodate his mighty roar to milk the moment for all it was worth. The flames were extinguished and the man they referred to as jOlt’s reckoning was on the move. A hearty swig of water down his gullet and the seven-foot juggernaut would douse his head before casting the bottle aside. His gaze burning with the malice of Death, himself. “VINCE! LISTEN TO ME! THAT’S NOT JAY!” Natalia screamed again. Sylo was taking his time so Vince turned, annoyed that Natalia would disrupt his concentration. “He’s playing out some long dead head game that he used in some long dead company, please, what’s wrong with you?” Vince snarled, his disdain only rising. “You don’t get it, Vince! Any shred of humanity is gone! Whether it’s mental or spiritual or supernatural I do not know but I do know that when Jay has went to that place there is only the Beast! Vince! You must retreat! You will have another shot! This is dangerous! Please!” Natalia almost had tears in her eyes as fear gripped her to the core. “Oh? Then this has just become even better. Let’s play pretend and he does have some sort of Supernatural monster he has to keep in check or else he goes all looney toons. It’ll make winning this match even sweeter because,” Vince was almost in a full fit of laughter. “I just beat the man everyones sooooo scared of! I beat the big bad boogie man!” SVJ capped off his laughter with another broad smirk. Natalia backed away as tears welled up in her eyes. Vince couldn’t help but roll his and turn back, only to find Sylo crouched in the corner, just waiting to hear the the bell toll on the light of SVJ as it was snuffed out by the SuperBeast. The bell sounded as the Superbeast stood to his feet looking at Vince who walked to the center of the ring and took a look up once more at the two titles. That was probably a mistake as Sylo nailed Vince with a big right hand. Jacobs staggered backwards as he launched forward with a right hand of his own. Sylo came back with a thunderous right hand that sent the Legacy Champion into the ropes. Sylo pushed the Icon back to the ropes as he nailed him again with a big right hand. Jacobs dropped to one knee from the shot as Natalia screamed at Vince to get to his feet. Vince tried to get to his feet but Sylo nailed him again with another right hand to the head. Sylo’s cold blue eyes looked at Natalia before going back to work on Vince Jacobs. Jacobs was now on the mat trying to cover up from the bombs he was receiving from the Superbeast. Vince pushed at Sylo but the blue eyed monster was relentless as he continued to nail the Icon. This was the man that Natalia did not want to see in this match but Vince was now understanding what she was talking about. Sylo grabbed Vince by the hair. He took Vince and tossed him over the top rope to the floor as the fans went wild for Sylo. Sylo did not even hear the cheers and adulation he was receiving as he looked at his prey on the floor. Jacobs was now on all fours as he tried to crawl toward Natalia as Sylo slowly made his way out to the floor. Sylo grabbed Vince and whipped him into the guardrail as the fans ringside was able to get an up close and personal view of the action. Sylo ran toward Jacobs but the Icon quickly sent Sylo over the guardrail into the crowd with a big back body drop. Vince fell to his knees and started to crawl again toward the ring as Sylo got to his feet. The big man climbed over the guardrail as a few fans slapped him on his back. Sylo stalked Vince as Jacobs tried to get to his feet with the help of the steel steps. Jacobs started to pull himself up with the help of the steel steps. Sylo saw this and raced toward Vince but the Legacy Champion quickly reacted by catching Sylo with a drop toe hold into the steel steps. The fans erupted in boos as Jacobs turned to his back trying to gather himself. Natalia raced over and tried to get Vince to his feet as Sylo was by the steel steps a little groggy. Vince got to his feet and quickly raced to the steps and drove his knee right into Sylo’s face which connected to the steps as well. Jacobs stood to his feet and raised his arms to a chorus of boos from the fans. Vince smirked as he pointed to the ladder in the middle of the rampway. Vince slowly made his way to the ladder in the middle of the rampway. He folded up the ladder and picked it up off the ground. Jacobs made his way to the ring apron. He slid the ladder under the bottom rope but he did not see Sylo up on his feet. The Superbeast ran toward Vince and dropped him to the floor again with a big running clothesline. Sylo let out a big roar before picking Vince up off the mat. He placed Vince on his shoulder before running toward the ramp and driving Vince down with a running powerslam. Vince rolled on the ramp writhing in pain from that huge powerslam. Sylo looked down at Vince with no expression because he knew this was far from over. Jacobs rolled off the ramp toward the ring as Sylo gave chase. Sylo grabbed Vince by the hair as Vince yelled in pain. Sylo took Vince and drove his head into the guardrail. He looked at Vince and then drove him into the guardrail again. Natalia looked on and yelled at Sylo. “STOP THIS JAY.” Sylo looked at the Russian beauty and smiled before driving Vince’s head into the guardrail once more. Jacobs fell to the floor holding on to the guardrail as his tormentor stood over top of him. Sylo grabbed Vince by the head and helped him to his feet before clotheslining him back to the floor. The Superbeast had Vince down and all he had to do was go for the gold while the ladder was in the ring. However the Superbeast was not interested in the titles just yet. He was more interested in hurting Vince Jacobs. Sylo looked out into the crowd who was motioning for him to go for the titles but Sylo turned his attention back to Vince. he reached down to grab Vince once more but maybe one time was too many. LOW BLOW BY VINCE!!! Sylo did not expect that and he fell to his knees as Vince stood to his feet and grabbed Sylo by his head and drove him into the floor with a DDT. Both Jacobs and Sylo lay on the floor as Hunt watched ideally by. Natalia also watched with a concerned look on her face. Both men started to move as the fans continued their fevered pace for the match. The two started to get to knees trading vicious shots back and forth at each other. Sylo started to win this battle but the veteran SVJ used a quick thumb to the eye to neutralize the situation. Jacobs reached over the guardrail and moved a fan out of his seat. He folded up the steel chair and blasted Sylo in the back with the chair. Jacobs was not done as he continued to blast Sylo in the back with repeated chair shots. WHACKKK!!! WHACKKK!!! WHACKKK!!! WHACKKK!!! WHACKKK!!! Jacobs was relentless with the chair shots. The last chair shot dropped Sylo down on the floor as Vince dropped the chair and gasped for a breath. He had a smirk on his face as Natalia’s face had what seemed to be a look of shock. Jacobs standing over Sylo as the Superbeast was not moving. SVJ raised his arms in the air as the fans clearly booed the Legacy champion. Jacobs pointed to the two titles as he made his way to the ring. Vince stopped before going into the ring. He pulled up the apron and started to look under the ring. Vince pulled out one table from the ring but he was not done as he reached back under the ring. The Legacy Champion pulled out another table. Natalia started to yell at Vince to climb the ladder for the titles but Vince just ignored her. Instead Vince set up one of the tables on the outside and slid another in the ring. Vince pulled himself into the ring with the bottom rope and set the other table up in the corner before heading back to the outside. Slowly, he pulled Sylo up by his long black hair and shoved him in the ring with nothing but diabolical intentions etched upon his face. The fans booed as Vince slid back in the ring again and pulled Sylo up to his feet, laying him against the table, but Vince wasn’t done. Vince grabbed the ladder, folded it up, and rested it against Sylo and headed to the opposite turnbuckle. “Vince! Don’t do this! Get the titles and lets get out of here!” Natalia shouted but Vince paid her no mind as he charged toward the ladder. His intentions were clear, he was going to put Sylo through the table using the ladder as a ramp. SVJ charged forward, planted himself in the ladder and dove forward only to be caught by a hard right hand of Sylo. The punch would have been KO quality if Sylo had been able to get more torque in it but it was enough to send Jacobs sprawling back off the ladder. Sylo shoved the ladder off and picked Vince up, propping him in the corner, before unleashing a hail storm of lefts and rights that Sylo referred to as The Onslaught. The last punch connected square with Vince’s jaw and The Legacy Champion was out for the count. “Sylo please!” Natalia begged. He stopped and looked at her, then back at Vince, and just smiled. He picked Vince up and grabbed him by the arm, almost throwing him half way across the ring in a sprint. Vince stopped short, catching himself on the ropes just in the nick of time but as he turned around he was met full force by The Human Natural Disaster with a devastating spear. “Sylo just hit Vince with The Slaughter!” Buhrman screamed as the table was nothing but twisted metal and splinters. “Vince! Get up!” Powers screamed. Natalia watched in stunned horror as both men were down, blood starting to run out of freshly open wounds on both mens heads. The fans broke out in one of the most infamous chants in all of wrestling. HOLY SHIT~! HOLY SHIT~! HOLY SHIT~! Moments passed as both men began to stir. Sylo was the first to his feet, sucking in a deep breath before turning to the ladder. He laid it flat and went back over to Vince, picking him up, and measuring his distance to the ladder itself. Up on Sylo’s shoulders Vince went and the fans were rabid. “No! Vince! Fight back!” Powers shouted as Sylo had Vince set up for The Systematic Shutdown. Sylo swung Vince around but somehow, Vince Jacobs found the strength, and caught Sylo by the neck bringing him down with a cutter, much like Brandon Blade’s finisher. Sylo landed hard on the ladder as the wind was knocked out of him. He clutched his ribs as Vince pulled on the ropes to pick himself back to a vertical base. Vince stumbled, gathered himself, and noticed Sylo trying to get back up. With as much ferocity as he could muster Vince drove a boot directly into Sylo’s skull, stumbling a bit, but the damage was done. Vince took a deep breath of his own and slid out of the ring getting yet another ladder from under the ring, sliding it in, and throwing a few chairs in for good measure. Vince Jacobs meant to put Sylo down and he wouldn’t be satisfied until he did. Vince spat to the side and slid back in the ring, taking time to taunt the fans. “Where’s your hero now?! All I see is a dog begging for me to put him down for good!” Vince yelled only to be met with earth shaking boos. Vince smirked and picked up one of the chairs, lining up his shot as Sylo tried to push himself up. Vince kept yelling for him to get up and slowly Sylo made it to one knee before Vince sent him crashing down with a vicious chair shot that reverberated throughout the arena. WHACK!!!!!! The chair bent as Vince just smiled. He yelled at Sylo to get up again and again he drove the chair into Sylo’s spine sending him to the mat. Vince backed up with the chair and was ready to knock a grand slam as he once more yelled for Sylo to get to his feet. If Sylo was nothing, he was one tough, resilient, son of a bitch. Sylo made it to his feet this time as Vince charged forward. BOOM!!!!!!! “OHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The fans roared. This time the chair didn’t connect with Sylo. Instead, Sylo drove a fist into the chair sending the chair into Vince’s face using his momentum against him. Sylo snarled and shook his hand a little before stumbling over to Vince, stomping on the back of his neck. There was nothing Senior Official Mike Hunt could do but watch as Sylo violently drove his boot into the back of Vince’s neck before using the ropes, jumping into the air, and driving a knee into Vince’s neck. “Dear God, if this doesn’t end soon we won’t even have a champion, they’re going to kill one another,” Buhrman commented as Sylo pushed himself up again. Sylo picked up the almost lifeless corpse of Vince Jacobs and leaned him against the ropes before charging forward and nailing him with a hellacious close line that sent both men plummeting to the floor below. Both men were out, blood was starting to cover both men's faces, as neither were moving. Natalia slowly walked over, shaking, starring at two men she really cared for and knew this had to end, that it had moved past the point of no return. Natalia, high-heels and all, slid into the ring and picked up a ladder. The fans began to boo as she set the ladder up finally and kicked her shoes to the side and started to climb. “Dear God! Natalia is going to get the titles for Jacobs and end this! What the hell is she thinking?!” Buhrman screamed. “Yes! Go Natalia! Go!” Powers cheered her on. The fans broke from boos to cheers though as “The Stone Angel” Aria Murphy came rushing down the ramp and lept into the ring. She grabbed Natalia and threw her off the ladder and on the mat. “Not so fast, bitch!” Aria yelled at Natalia as she took the fight out of the ring. Natalia knew she couldn’t take Aria, not with an arsenal around her, and began to rush up the ramp and backstage as Aria gave chace. Vince was the first to his feet this time and slid an extra ladder out of the ring followed by a steel chair. He wobbled a bit but made it over to Sylo, putting Sylo’s leg in the ladder as he raised the steel chair high above his head. BANG!!!!!!!!! BANG!!!!!!!!!! BANG!!!!!!!!!! Sylo roared in pain as his leg was driven between the ladder with the steel chair. Vince threw the chair down, still seething with anger, as Sylo reached for his ankle roaring out in pain. Vince’s anger shifted into a cocky grin as he slid in the ring and climbed the ladder, stopping mid-way to wave at the fans and blow them a kiss. It was like a walk in the park now as Vince was only a fingertip from both titles. He was about to finish this damn thing and prove once and for all, he feared no man. Vince wasn’t facing a man though, he was facing THE BEAST and he realized that when two massive hands grabbed him by the waist and sent him crashing from the ladder to the mat with a powerbomb. Vince arched his back in pain as he rolled out of the ring. Sylo gave chace. Vince turned in enough time to catch yet another right hand to the jaw. Sylo caught him by the hair and threw him up on the table that was still set up and began dropping hammer fists to Jacob’s skull until Sylo’s entire hand was covered in Vince’s blood. Sylo snarled a bit and rolled back in the ring as the fans excitement grew. Sylo looked up at the ladder and back at Vince. That’s when that malicious twinkle in Sylo’s eye began to gleam. They wanted a highlight reel? They’d get a highlight reel. Sylo moved from the ladder and climbed to the very top rung of the turnbuckle. “Ashes...to....ASHES!” Sylo roared and time slowed down. Cameras flashed throughout the arena as one of the most spectacular sights in any federation happened. Sylo flew through the air, all 7 feet 1 inch and three hundred and thirty five pounds, and flipped coming down with a picture perfect shooting star press through the table onto Jacobs. “MY GOD WHAT DID WE JUST SEE?!” Buhrman shouted. The fans broke out into a feeding frenzy. THIS IS AWESOME! (x3) Meanwhile neither man was moving in the carnage beside the ring. Mike Hunt rushed out of the ring and checked both men. After close observation he threw up the universal X, calling for the medical staff, as everyone in the arena went silent. “This is serious,” Powers commented. “At this point you just have to hope both these competitors are okay. Dear God, in all my years of broadcasting I’ve not seen pure hatred manifested into a match like this. This is the definition of a war,” Buhrman followed. Medical staff came flooding from the back. They made it to both men but both men weren’t done as they came to and fought the medical staff off. They tried to pull Sylo and SVJ apart but neither man would stop. Sylo turned, shoving the medical staff back only to turn into a career ending Super Kick. SUPERSTAR KICK! Vince was too hurt and threw too much energy into the kick though and collapsed to one knee as Sylo was laid out. Both men now dawned the proverbial crimson mask. Vince stood after a moment and set up the other table at ringside. He climbed up on the apron and waited. Finally, Sylo stood, groggy and unaware of his surroundings. Before he could react Vince Jacobs reached down deep and sprung off the ropes with an Asai Moonsault into an inverted DDT through the table! The fans were cheering at the sheer destruction they were witnessing but both Sylo and Vince were down again. The next few minutes would be spent with both men trying to get to their feet and both men reached a vertical base at about the same time as they began to brawl toe to toe. One shot from Vince sent Sylo wobbling and one shot from Sylo sent Vince wobbling. Back and forth they went until Sylo got the upper hand. He knocked Vince back, rushed forward, lifted Vince in the air, and drove him spine first into the ring post before dropping him. Both men had obvious signs of internal bleeding as Sylo spit to the side, a large wad of dark red blood landed ringside, before he grabbed Vince by the hair and drug him around the ring. He picked Vince up and went to slam his head into the other ring post but Vince put a foot up and stopped the momentum while simultaneously nailing Sylo with a hard elbow. Sylo released his grip as Vince went for another Superkick. This time though Sylo caught it in time and actually caught Vince’s foot before flinging him hard into the barricade. Vince writhed in pain as Sylo snarled again and moved over to the announce table. “What the hell is Sylo doing?!” Powers shouted. “Whatever it is, it can’t be good for Vince Jacob’s health,” Buhrman replied as Sylo ripped off the cover but left everything else. Sylo walked back over to Vince and drug him by the hair near the table but Vince drove stiff elbows into the already damaged ribs of Sylo. Sylo let go and doubled over and Vince grabbed the first thing he could; a microphone. He wasn’t talking though as he used the blunt end and drove it into Sylo’s skull like a man possessed. He wouldn’t stop until Sylo was on the ground not moving again. Satisfied, Vince slid into the ring and climbed the ladder again. He was at the top. He was going to win it all. Unfortunately the ladder had been moved just enough to where Vince couldn’t reach the titles. He yelled in frustration and noticed Sylo moving below. Why the fuck would he not stay down? Vince had enough, he was going to end this as he reached the very top of the ladder and stood with perfect balance. Jacobs went to the air again, this time with a corkscrew plancha as Sylo stood up. SUPERSTARDOM! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Vince Jacobs had put on a clinic and Sylo was down for the count. Vince stood up, covered in both his and Sylo’s blood and grinned. He knew it was over. Slowly he made his way into the ring, moved the ladder back, and began to climb. Vince was almost to the top once more, about to claim what was, in his mind, rightfully his. But again he wasn’t fighting a man, he was fighting The Beast, and with a surge of Adrenaline Sylo shot into the ring and up the ladder just as Vince had his hands on both titles. Sylo quickly grabbed Vince, slamming his head on the ladder and before he knew what was happening he was on Sylo’s shoulders. “INCOMING!” Powers shouted as the announce team scrambled. From inside the ring, on top of the ladder, to the outside through the announce table, Sylo had taken them both out. SYSTEMATIC SHUTDOWN! Sparks flew up from the monitors as debris covered both men. Moments passed and Sylo literally crawled from the wreckage. He crawled to the ring apron, pulling himself in, he crawled to the ladder, and with what strength he had left he began to pull himself up rung by excruciating rung. Sylo was near the top, he could feel his strength fading, he just wanted to pass out right then and there but something told him to keep going, something kept pushing him up, and with two large but very weak hands he reached for the titles before falling to the ring mat. ![]() DING DING DING Just like that it was over. Over a month of war with both words and actions, it had all reached a conclusion. SVJ was out, possibly suffering a mild concussion, meanwhile Sylo was only able to work himself up to his knees. Blood, both his and SVJ’s, covered almost every inch of his upper body. He felt numb, his ears were ringing, and he knew that when the adrenaline wore off he’d hurt. He’d hurt like he hadn’t in quite some time. But in his hands were two titles. “Ladies and gentleman, the winner of this match AND LAST LEGACY CHAMPION AS WELL AS YOUR UNDISPUTED JOLT CHAMPION -- THE SUPERBEAST! -- SYLO!!! The ringing in his ears was the roar of the fans. Sylo looked at the jOlt title in one hand. It was like he was waking up for the first time. He didn’t know if he should move or not for fear he’d wake up. He looked to his right hand, which now clutched the Legacy title. He stared into the plate which reflected an image of carnage; his own face. He was transfixed on the title, it had to be a dream, he couldn’t hardly remember what had happened. He felt something, a hand, on his shoulder. It was Aria, she was smiling, as she tried to scream something over the fans. “YOU DID IT!” Aria screamed. Sylo just looked at her, his eyes glassy, like she was speaking some foreign language. Aria quickly hugged Sylo and got close to his ear. “It’s over, J, you did it. You beat Vince. You ARE the jOlt champion. You ARE the last Legacy champion. I’m so proud of you!” Aria hugged Sylo tighter before taking a step back, a grin plastered from ear to ear. Sylo slowly tried to stand, stumbled, tried again, and caught himself. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Small explosions went off as banners replaced the Divide and Conquer ones. They were black and gold with the Legacy logo embroidered on them. Black and Gold confetti fell from the heavens as Sylo stared up. He had done it. He had taken the jOlt title as well as the Legacy title from Vince Jacobs. For once he was overcome with another emotion; pride. He’d done it. He never had expected to come so far and after six long years not only did he hold the jOlt title, not only could he call himself “champion” again, but he could call himself the last Legacy champion. Sylo’s own adrenaline kicked back in as he climbed to the second turnbuckle and held both titles high in the air as he stared out into the sea of humanity. The fans responded with a chant that shook through the entire arena. L-O-C! L-O-C! L-O-C! L-O-C! Sylo dropped the Legacy title over his shoulder as a new chant took its place. ALL HAIL THE KING~! ALL HAIL THE KING~! ALL HAIL THE KING~! Sylo jumped off the turnbuckle and hugged Aria. Meanwhile Natalia was helping Vince to the back. Sylo had made good on his promise that Vince wouldn’t leave under his own power. He’d made good on his promise to bring the Legacy title home. And both men were right. Neither would ever be the same again. ![]() |
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