"Do you think he'll show?" Brandon Blade spoke out. Him, Reno Davis and Griff Truxell were sitting down in a busy area of the backstage. Stages were being created and jOlt logos were being placed around the building. Reno and Griff shook their heads and Brandon used his arm to strike the table.
Reno nodded in response. "The only thing I have going for me is... Well... People only like me, because I have a monkey. Zac is the reason why I'm here today. Sure, they could say it is because I risk my life every time I climb the top turnbuckle, but it's Zac who the crowd watches."
Griff laughed at both Reno and Brandon. Griff had always been a cocky individual. Even when not in character. "Shut up for a minute. Complaining isn't going to get you anywhere and it is only giving me a goddamn headache. The man will be here. This is his pride and joy. Eight guys begging for a place to wrestle and get a paycheck again. Sad, but true.
"It had been the only reasonable thing Griff had said in a very long time. The three of them stood up in unison and gave each other luck leading into their respected matches later on in the evening as jOlt Wrestling's Sunday iNtense edition 2 went online.
Five thousand, three hundred and twenty five people together helped jOlt Wrestling sell out for the first time. The Croatian Cultural Center in Vancouver British Columbia was the home of iNtense 2. The scene cut to the second camera crew backstage where Kodiak Vic Creed and Jason Warrior were speaking with each other. They didn't know the camera was on them and it was a mistake. Vic, noticing the mistake dumped the cup of hot coffee he had in his right hand on the lap of Warrior.
Warrior squealed in pain and Vic tossed Warrior into a room, closing the door behind him. Kodiak Vic Creed and Jason Warrior had a hard fought match on iNtense 1, where a feud almost looked as if it could easily shape up, and already iNtense 2 was confronted by mistake number 1. One of many.
Camera Crew number one quickly cut to ringside.
Griff Truxell vs Jason Warrior
Last week's Sunday Intense had different outcomes for the two competitors, Warrior had dominated the Alaskan Juggernaut, Kodiak Vic Creed, but lost, but Griff Truxell had won his first match as a competitor of jOlt. Warrior made his way out to the ring receiving a good reaction from the crowd. And then Wake Up! By Rage Against The Machine summoned Truxell from the backstage area and seconds after the RATM song had begun, Truxell appeared and began to make his way down to ringside. The fans boo'ed the cocky Griff, but Griff directed his attention to Warrior who was jumping in the ring getting warmed up.
Truxell entered the ring and the bell sounded. Warrior met Truxell, they faced up for a few seconds and then unleashed right and left hands on each other, ending with Warrior gaining an advantage. Truxell landed a thumb to the eye and things were even once again.
Griff Truxell and Jason Warrior circled each other, and after a few moments of taunting a faking, Jason Warrior charged, and he and Griff Truxell locked up in a grapple. They went back and forth, shoving each other into the ropes. Then, Jason Warrior twisted Griff's arm backwards in an arm wringer. Jason Warrior twisted hard, and Griff tried to break it with a few elbows to the face, but Jason Warrior ducked. Then, Griff spinned around on a counter, and then Griff booted Jason Warrior in the stomach, and then punched Jason Warrior in the face.
Griff then pushed Jason Warrior into the ropes, and Jason Warrior hit the opposite ropes, comes running back, and Griff hit an inverted running bulldog slam. Griff planted the back of Jason Warrior's head in the mat with the move, and then Griff stood up as the fans cheered for him. Griff got the crowd into it, and then Jason Warrior stood up and both men got face to face looking at each other. Jason Warrior pushed Griff, and then Griff backed off, and then charged at Jason Warrior. He speared Jason Warrior to the mat, and then pounded away on Jason Warrior's face. Jason Warrior tried to block, but Griff continued to pound, and then Griff stood up, and then dropped a leg across Jason Warrior's face. Griff then lifted Jason Warrior up, threw him against the ropes, and then as Jason Warrior came running back, Griff hit a dropkick to the left jaw of Jason Warrior. Jason Warrior and Griff crashed to the mat, and then Griff rolled Jason Warrior up in a pin. Two count. Jason Warrior kicked out, and Griff argued with the ref over the count. The ref continued to argue with Griff as Griff lifted Jason Warrior up on his feet, and then Griff picked up Jason Warrior, and dropped him down with a backbreaker. Griff then put his arms on Jason Warrior's shoulder, stood up in a headstand with his legs straight in the air, and then Griff dropped his right knee from up in the air to Jason Warrior's shoulder. Griff repeated the process, and Jason Warrior held his arm in pain.
Griff then lifted Jason Warrior up, and hit a European uppercut. Jason Warrior staggered back into the turnbuckle, and then Griff grabbed him, and then body slammed him to the mat. Then, with Griff still in the corner, Griff boosted himself up to the second turnbuckle. He sat on the top turnbuckle, and then he stoods up on the second, jumped off, and hits an elbow to the chest of Jason Warrior. Griff pinned Jason Warrior once again. Two count. Jason Warrior kicked out yet again. Griff stood up and motioned that the ref slapped the mat a third time, but the ref argued that he didn't. Griff looked back down at Jason Warrior, and then motions the crowd that the match was about to end. Griff had Jason Warrior up on his feet, and Griff sent Jason Warrior into the turnbuckles hard. Jason Warrior bounced into them, and just before he can fall forward, Griff hit a powerbomb on Jason Warrior. The powerbomb sent smoke running through Jason Warrior's jaw, and then Jason Warrior fell down to the mat. Griff pinned Jason Warrior as the fans' decibels got louder. A Three count and Griff won the match. Griff Truxell pinned Jason Warrior thanks to a Powerbomb. The fans boo'ed madly, but Griff let out a cheer of victory. The ref raised his hand, and he let a huge smile on his face to which the fans continued their onslaught of boo's.
Winner: Griff Truxell via pinfall
Camera's cut backstage to Damien Lee who was shuffling through papers. Damien was jOlt's official interviewer, but he also held strong ties in management. Damien reached for the phone, dialing a number.
"Yeah, Mark Moser, please." Damien lifted a pen from his desk, twisting it between his fingers.
"Mark. How are you? I was told you had the footage from iNtense. If I pull a few strings, can you show the ending later on during this show? Great. We have no control from here, so play it in exactly 52 minutes. I'll have everything but the main event done. Space will be open for the footage. Thanks"
Damien hung up the phone, but as soon as it was on the hook, it rang.
"Damien Lee. Yes... I can't understand a work you are saying. Do you have a translator there, buddy? Huh?" Damien slammed the phone down onto the hook mumbling "kids" as camera's cut back to ringside.
Erik Rave vs "Kodiak" Vic Creed
"F'Dying" by Korn takes to the speakers, as a calm Erik Rave walks to the ring and rolls in. He tests the ropes out and stretches, before bringing his head up to look at the entrance ramp. Pantera replaces Korn with the sounds of "Walk" and Kodiak Vic Creed walks out on cue, stopping at the middle of the ramp to flex and pose for female fans at ringside. He climbs up the steps and enters the ring, before challenging Rave to come attack him.
Rave charges forward as the bell rings, but he expects KVC's response and ducks under his massive arm. Rave hits a dropkick to KVC's hamstring, causing the Alaskan Juggernaut to fall to one knee. Rave comes off the ropes and charges at Creed, but KVC throttles him by the neck and whips him into a corner. For four and a half seconds, KVC chokes Erik Rave in the corner, before reluctantly releasing on the referee's order. KVC grabs Rave by the arm and proceeds to Irish whip him into the opposing corner. KVC charges forward but eats two boots to the face. Rave brings himself to the top rope and Creed shakes off the effects of the counterstrike. Rave flies off the top rope and hits a hard lariat that brings KVC to the mat, surprisingly. A pinning attempt is made by Rave, but KVC explodes out at two, causing his smaller opponent to fly out of the ring. Creed surprises his opponent with an uncharacteristic baseball slide, before picking up Rave and slamming him sternum-first on the steel guardrail. At the count of four, he rolls Rave back into the ring for more punishment.
KVC t-bone suplexes Rave halfway across the ring, and then waits on him to get up. When he does, KVC levels him with a hard Creed clothesline and follows up with a devastating elbow drop. The fans groan in pity for Rave, as the basic wrestling moves employed by Creed seem more painful and authoritative. KVC makes a cover, but Rave shows his resilience by getting a shoulder up at two. KVC lifts Rave up and slams him to the mat like a rag doll. Rave gets up near the ropes, but KVC keeps the offense going with a knee-lift to the rib. He lifts Rave up onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry, and slams him backward with a Samoan drop.
KVC makes his second cover of the match, but Rave manages to kick out. Rave breathes heavily as he tries to get to his feet, and KVC merely toys with him by tapping him with his foot. KVC brings Rave back up and whips him into the ropes, but Creed makes the fatal error of telegraphing the back body drop. Rave capitalizes with a face-jam, and then heads to the top rope, coming off and landing a picture-perfect moonsault. Rave covers, but only produces a two-count. As KVC gets up, Rave comes off the ropes and hits a flying forearm smash that sends Creed staggering. He comes off the ropes once again and sinks a knee to KVC's gut, before bringing him down to the mat with a swinging neck-breaker. Rave makes another cover, but KVC powers out at two.
Finally, he decides to head to the top rope to somehow finish off the mammoth known as Kodiak Vic Creed. Just as he gains his balance, however, KVC cuts him off and trips him. The Juggernaut heads up top as well and sets Rave between his legs, before coming off with a ring-shaking power-bomb. Rave's facial expression is devoid of life as KVC holds on for the cover, and scores the three-count.
Kodiak jumps to his feet looking down at Rave who basically was plastured to the ring. Kodiak chuckled as he made work of his second opponent. Camera's cut backstage once again.
Winner: KVC via pinfall
Damien Lee turned his attention from Creed walking up the ramp to his papers once again. One could only imagine the night Damien had been put through already. Craig Bagaran was yet to be contacted or heard from. His where-abouts have been unknown since exactly 7 days ago. Damien raised his eyebrows as the door opened slowly. Damien peeked past the door to find Craig Bagaran. Damien jumped to his feet, but realized Craig wasn't the Craig he has saw before.
Craig stumbled in, obviously drunk. He was muddy from feet to knees. His tie was loose and his leather jacket ripped. Craig tripped, but Damien was there to catch him.
Bagaran tried to speak, but the smell of his breath almost knocked out Damien. "Craig, come sit down." Damien guided his boss into his leather chair, behind his desk. Damien quickly pulled up a chair to ask what could possibly have driven him to disappear for a week and show up drunk, but before he could ask. Samantha Bevins skipped into the room.
"Craigy honey. You forgot your wallet in the car."
Damien knew already. Craig smiled and took the wallet from her hands and put it in his back pocket.
"Damien my boy. Get a man a cup of coffee would you?" Craig murmured to Damien. Damien raised to his feet to prepare the drunken owner his coffee.
Eron vs Reno Davis
The crowd was shocked at the proceeding events, but Reno Davis and Eron had to take place. The fans were sure to get behind this big publicised match up. As Tool's "Jerk-off" blasted over the PA system the crowd jumped to their feet and berated possibly the most hated man in jOlt wrestling's short lived history. The boos, throwing of objects and verbal assaults did nothing to Eron as he slowly paced down the ring loving every moment of the heat he was receiving. He rolled in under the bottom rope and walked over to the top with his arms in the air. He looked at the crowd staring up at him and pointed and flipped off many of the berating fans.
Eron's heel heat with the crowd was stopped when "Dinosaurs Will Die" by Nofx sounded around the packed arena. The crowds boos turned to cheers and their heads facing the ring turned to face the entrance ramp as Reno Davis calmly walked out to fans adoration. The crowd were popping for the young Canadian and he wasn't going to waste any time as he charged down the ramp and slid under the bottom rope.
Eron seized the easy opportunity and began stamping on Reno with hard left footed stomps. After hitting in around five stomps Eron challenged Reno to get to his feet. Reno did with no problem only to be met with a hard right hand from Eron upon his erection to Eron's level. Eron hit 3 hard rights sending Reno back peddling into the corner. Eron wound up for a big right only to have it blocked and have it met with one of Reno's big backfiring right hands. Eron was startled and Reno wasn't going to stop at that as he whipped ETR across the ring sending the man's back straight into the turnbuckles. Davis charged in only to be back body dropped over the top rope. Reno being the high flyer that he is, landed with both feet on the ring apron and yanked Eron by the hair sending him crushing to the mat. Eron was holding his head in pain as Reno jumped to the top rope and awaited the baffled Relentless to progress to standing on two feet. Eron was wobbling and was what many would call "dream street" as Reno awaited the perfect opportunity. Eron turned to face Reno as Davis pounced and landed a beautiful top rope body press. Eron was pinned for a two before kicking out with authority. Eron was slowly getting to his feet as Reno ran to the ropes. Davis returned with speed and attempted a tornado DDT. Reno span around for the tornado but Eron being the devilish heel he is crotched Reno on to the top rope. Reno's groin was in pain and whose wouldn't after a move like that?
Eron had taken the advantage and used his brain to get him there. Reno was straddled across the top rope and Eron was ready to take control. Eron began to walk to the nearest top rope, which Reno happened to be facing. Eron climbed the buckles with a smile on his face and as he arose to both feet on the top turnbuckle he pointed directly at the face of Reno. He came off of the top rope with a top rope spinning heel kick to the head whilst Reno was straddled on the top turnbuckle and hit it cleanly. Reno's face was smashed by Eron's heel and Davis's body was sent tumbling to the outside onto the mat covered concrete floor. The crowd was in awe as their man was a mess on the outside of the ring and the heel was standing proud in the ring. Eron rolled under the bottom rope to attend to his fallen victim and had to pull Reno's body up by the hair as his lifeless body wasn't getting up easily after such a decisive manoeuvre. Eron hoisted Reno high above his head and then dropped the man's chest across the steel guardrail. The fans near the barricade were yelling verbal abuse at the top of their lungs at Eron now and Eron was simply eating it all up. He picked up Reno and rolled him back into the ring following him shortly afterwards. Eron went for a pin thinking that would be enough only to have Reno kick out at two. Eron jumped to his feet and began berating the official in the corner and was clearly unhappy. Eron was a path of rage as he was kicking the bottom rope in anger. His clear cut anger had taken over and he began hitting stiff kicks to the body of Reno. Eron then rolled up Reno with a wonderfully executed La Magistral cradle. Reno once again kicked out at two and Eron wasn't accepting this. Eron once again picked up Reno by the hair and hit a hard hitting spiked STO. Eron was sure this was it and pinned Reno once again. One, two and Reno kicked out from the pinning predicament again. Eron sat by the side of Reno's fallen body and his head turned to ringside table. Eron rolled under the bottom rope and charged over to the ringside table. He pulled a chair from underneath the time keeper and threw the chair over the top rope into the ring. He walked steadily into the ring and once again slid in under the bottom rope. He stood to his feet and retrieved the steel chair. He grasped it tight by either leg and began tapping it slowly on the mat a Reno Davis began to daze back to both feet. Eron was ready to crush the chair over Reno's cranium as he arched his arms back. The official then yanked the chair from the tight firm grasp of Eron's hands and tossed it back to the outside of the ring. Eron was furious and began to stare down the official. Reno walked slowly behind Eron as the man argued with the power struck referee. Reno pulled Eron around by the shoulder and hit a fast flowing DDT. Reno made a pinfall attempt and hooked the left leg of Eron. A two count was all he could muster.
Reno had somewhat gained the upper hand again and headed straight to the top rope. Reno was aware Eron was still down on the ground and flew through the air with a corkscrew Moonsault. The crowd gasped but Reno hit it with seeming ease. Reno made a lackadaisical cover and only managed to gain another two count. The crowd were hot and were roaring behind their favourite Reno Davis. Reno slowly rose to his feet with a handful of Eron's hair. He pulled Eron to his feet and hit a sweet looking side suplex sending Eron's back crashing the to mat. Reno flicked from the floor to two feet and began to rally the fans behind him. Loud chants of "Reno" urged Davis to hit the top turnbuckle again. He took one look and noticed Eron was still lying on his back. Reno took a deep breath and hit a double back flip Moonsault. That was a big move in Reno's arsenal. Reno calls it "The Upbeat Tempo" and it had the crowd going crazy on their feet. Reno was certainly pulling out all the stops. He hooked a leg and made the pinfall attempt. The ref counted one. He counted two. Eron somehow kicked out and Reno couldn't make the three count. The crowd were in shock and were certain it was over. Reno was in shock himself and headed to the top rope once again. He was going to high fly like never before and was ready to pull out a win no matter what it took. Eron was slowly gaining some knowledge of where he was as he was now on one knee. Eron finally got his body steady on two feet and span around to notice Reno flying through the air in a shooting star press method. Eron stepped aside and Reno actually landed on his feet. How he can see what's going on is anyone's guess as he was obviously attempting his signature Shooting Star Press DDT. Eron was now aware Reno was on his feet and hit a stiff looking thrust kick to the head of Reno. Reno was dazed as Eron approached him and hooked the leg of Reno. This was it. Eron fell back and hit it. The Rogue DDT. The Russian Legsweep DDT. That was it. Eron rolled his body over Reno's and the referee counted. One. Two. Three. This one was over. Eron had mustered a win over Reno in this amazing battle. Reno just tried too much highflying offence and Eron took advantage. Eron rolled out of the ring and began to retreat up the ramp in his stunned state as Tool's "Jerk-Off" hit the airwaves one more time. Reno was left lying on his back on the mat and camera's went backstage one final time with Reno hitting his fists hard on the canvas.
Winner: Eron via pinfall
Craig now had coffee in his hand and also a luscious Samantha Bevins on his knee. Damien sat back looking into Craig's eyes in disgrace. Craig fondled Samantha as she giggled tapping him on the nose with her finger.
"Where have you been this week, Craig? The guys are worrying. We couldn't fly in half the staff and we could only muster up a few lousy updates on the website. You know that the only way you can follow jOlt right now is via Internet. We don't have enough money to be broadcasting on television yet and to get a contract we better have this Webster all tiptop. You preached this to the designers not a week ago."
Craig smiled at Samantha, not acknowledging Damien.
"Craig! Are you listening?" Craig turned his head, Damien's way.
"What was that, Damien?"
Damien shook his head in response.
"Craig. You need to straighten up. We're two weeks in and you're showing up drunk to events? We're going to go under fast if your act doesn't get better."
"Damien my boy. It was only a few celebration drinks. Nothing to worry about. Sit back, my friend. Look at the monitor. The main event is starting."
Damien quickly looked back. The results of last week's main event still hadn't been shown and if they were, Damien was too busy with Craig to see them. Damien looked up and the crowd was fifteen minutes ahead of schedule.
"I have to fix something, Craig. Stay here." Damien ran out of the room and the camera's cut to ringside for the main event.
Donaven Winters vs Brandon Blade
The fans were on their feet when jOlt's Sunday iNtense returned from commercials. Staind's heavy "Flat" was blaring through the arena P.A. and Donaven Winters was on his way to the ring, glaring at Brandon Blade, who had already arrived. They had met once before. They were meeting again, but this time the stakes were higher. Much higher. This time they had more to prove, more to show.
Winters began jogging and finally rolled into the ring. Blade wasted no time before giving his opponent a kick to the head, then picking him up for two fast jabs and a snap suplex. Winters barely had time to catch a breath before he was lifted to his feet and thrown into the ropes. He came back towards Blade, ducking a clothesline and running to the opposite ropes. When Winters returned to Blade again, he jumped up for a hurricanrana but was denied when Brandon Blade powerbombed him over the ropes and to the outside. The crowd was stunned and began to see that this match was a little more than they bargained for.
Blade looked over the ropes, seeing the body of Donaven Winters sprawled out upon the mats. He then ran backwards, bounced off the opposite ropes, and launched himself onto the apron closest to Winters. Then, in one swift motion, Blade turned his back to Winters and moonsaulted off of the apron with the aid of the ropes as a springboard. Blade, however, only met the mats at ringside because Winters rolled out of the way just in the nick of time. Donaven then did a bit of his own high-risk manuevering when he jumped onto a guardrail, grabbed a chair from behind it and jumped into the air, putting the chair under his knees before making hard contact with Blade's chest. The move seemed to hurt Winters as well, and he lay there, stretched out upon the ringside mats.
Inside the ring, the referee continued his count for ringout. He was at thirteen and the fans saw the bodies of the two wrestlers, fearing that a double disqualification would occur. At fifteen, Winters stood and crawled into the ring. Blade started to move at seventeen, and barely crawled into the ring at nineteen. He stood quickly, but it was regretted soon, once Winters hit him in the chest with a flying lariat. Blade fell right to the mat and Winters made an early pin, which yielded some results. The referee checked both shoulders of Blade and dropped to count.
A kickout promptly after two dashed Donaven Winters' hopes of an easy win. He fought on, stomping on Blade's face and then putting on a camel clutch. Blade's vision went to black as his neck was pulled back. He could barely breathe, the pain was so intolerable. When he felt that he could no longer go on, the referee called for the referee to be broken, and that put a grin on Blade's face. Winters again went to the top rope, this time hitting a guillotine leg drop to the neck of Brandon Blade. Blade had no time to fight back as he was lifted into a head scissors. Donaven Winters attempted to lift Blade for a piledriver, but Blade somehow fought back, executing a back body drop, again sending Donaven to the outside.
Winters stood quickly, but only to meet a successful vaulting body press from Brandon Blade. Again, both were on the outside, but this time Blade had an advantage. He took the chair and began bashing Winters on the head with it until the man bled severly from the nose. Next, Brandon Blade set up a table and lifted Winters to his feets. Blade got Winters into suplex position, but Donaven gave a knee to Brandon's stomach and switched positions, putting Blade in the air above the table. Brandon, thought, instead of falling through the table, flipped out of the suplex and stood on it. He then grabbed the head of Donaven Winters and issued a reverse DDT right through the table, making the fans shout. Blade next rolled Winters into the ring to make a pinfall attempt. Again the referee checked the shoulders of both men and started to count.
NO! Kickout! This amazed the fans, but Blade did not seem to be worried. He got right back down to the mat and dragged Winters away from the ropes before putting him in an ankle lock. Winters couldn't take the pain. It was simply too much. The very thought of the ropes being four feet away pained him. But he crawled, pulling himself with all of his strength, trying to get to the ropes before he passed out. Winters did not possess the strength to hold his arm up anymore and let it fall. To his luck, it made contact with the bottom rope. Winters tasted success.
Blade was relentless in his attacks, however, and simply dragged Winters away from the ropes before applying the lock again. This was simply too much for Donaven. He battled valiantly for two seconds, and then conciousness left him.
The referee dropped down to the mat and raised the arm of Winters once. It fell limply.
A second attempt also yielded the same result.
On the third try, however, Winters kept his arm up and the referee ordered the hold broken.
Blade was enfuriated, standing up and whipping Donaven into the ropes hard. When Winters returned, Blade bent down to tackle him, but Donaven sensed this. He stopped just short of Blade, put his knee on Blade's head, then dropped to the mat, driving the face of Brandon Blade into the canvas. Both lied there, unable to move. Soon, the referee started his count for knockout.
Five. They lay there, neither moving.
Ten. The picture was like a still-life, with only their backs rising from breaths.
Fifteen. Winters was up. He was up and moving to the ropes, climbing to the top in a frenzied madness. Winters was perched there, waiting for Blade to stand. Brandon did, and saw Winters flying towards him. But Blade was too quick. He reacted, catching his assailant mid-flight with a bone-jarring swinging neckbreaker. They were both on the mat. Blade slowly draped an arm over his opponent. The official counted, slapping the mat hard.
Suddenly jOltv cut to a snowy screen. It lasted atleast 2 minutes until footage from last weeks iNtense appeared. It was obvious that 42 minutes had past.
NO! NO! Brandon Blade somehow powered his way out of the pin, and the frustrated Donaven Winters jumped to his feet, shoving the referee and pointing his finger, arguing the horrible counting on the official's part. Silently, Brandon Blade crept up and went to the corner, jumping onto the third turnbuckle quickly.
From the corner of his eye, Donaven Winters saw Brandon Blade coming, flying through the air, backed by the shouts of the crowd. He was about to execute the Cutting Edge, one of the more dangerous moves in proffesional wrestling. Unfortunately for Brandon Blade, this was obviously NOT his lucky day. As the referee chuckled about Winters' impending doom, Donaven spun around, catching Brandon Blade's legs on his shoulders. The arena was stunned. Donaven Winters was in full control.
Winters ran forward and got to the turnbuckle. He then executed a brutal powerbomb that caused Brandon Blade to hit the back of his head on each turnbuckle before he finally hit the mat. Winters then quickly jumped onto the third turnbuckle and executed an easy but picture-esque moonsault, landing squarely on Blade, who was out cold from the three horrible blows. The ref, who could not believe his eyes, went to the mat and methodically- slowly- checked for infringements before he began a lathargic count.
THREE! Donaven Winters had come out victorious over Brandon Blade. Donaven Winters rises to his feet as does the crowd. Sunday iNtense edition 1 had completed, but had cut out the ending of edition 2. jOlt and jOltv was in trouble.
Winner: Unknown: jOltv Broadcast Error.
Winner of iNtense 1: Donaven Winters via pinfall