jOlt Wrestling's Sunday iNtense edition 3 opened to Damien Lee sitting on a leather chair. A pure black curtain was behind him. A table was on his right and a VCR and Monitor on his left. Damien sat, upright; looking directly into the camera.
"jOlt Wrestling fans. We have been experiencing technical difficulties with our web broadcasts over the past two weeks. I take full responsibility for last weeks ending to iNtense and promise you on my part that this will never happen again. jOlt Wrestling wants you, the fans, to send your comments to comments@jolt-wrestling.com. We'd like to know if the latest events have turned you off jOlt Wrestling. If so, we'd like to know how we could improve our product to suit your viewing pleasures. What happened on last weeks iNtense was not scripted and shouldn't have occured."
Damien Lee reached for a video cassette that was resting on a table beside him. He slid the cassette out of the sleeve and placed it in the VCR and turned on the monitor.
"jOlt Wrestling and myself appoligize sincerely and we hope you continue tuning into jOltv for iNtense. Please accept our appology and watch the end of the Brandon Blade vs Donaven Winters contest."
Donaven Winters vs Brandon Blade (iNtense 2)
Winters kept his arm up and the referee ordered the hold broken. Blade was enfuriated, standing up and whipping Donaven into the ropes hard. When Winters returned, Blade bent down to tackle him, but Donaven sensed this. He stopped just short of Blade, put his knee on Blade's head, then dropped to the mat, driving the face of Brandon Blade into the canvas. Both lied there, unable to move. Soon, the referee started his count for knockout.
Five. They lay there, neither moving.
Ten. The picture was like a still-life, with only their backs rising from breaths.
Fifteen. Winters was up. He was up and moving to the ropes, climbing to the top in a frenzied madness. Winters was perched there, waiting for Blade to stand. Brandon did, and saw Winters flying towards him. But Blade was too quick. He reacted, catching his assailant mid-flight with a bone-jarring swinging neckbreaker. They were both on the mat. Blade slowly draped an arm over his opponent. The official counted, slapping the mat hard.
Brandon Blade rose to his feet, but he stumbled down to one knee. The referee raised his arm in victory and revenge was sweet for Brandon. He rose to both feet now, still a little off balance, but managed to get his middle finger into the air to show how much he appreciated the fans that night and iNtense 2 faded to black.
Winner: Brandon Blade via pinfall
Originally a fill in, Damien Lee looked as if he was taking over jOlt Wrestling forever. The recent behaviour of Craig Bagaran couldn't be explained, but in reality, it didn't look too good. Bagaran has always taken pride in what he starts. A thirty year old vetern of the sport, with highs in Tornado Wrestling as leader of personell, was always considered one of the harder working guys in the buisness. He joined names such as Terry Nodar, Jeremy Frankton and Chris Finn, but now, Bagaran's name left an unwelcomed taste in the mouths of all jOlt followers.
"Three thousand, huh?" Damien Lee and show coordinator Jeff Parker sat across from eachother. "Yeah, Damien. Not too many people were impressed with last weeks show. Half of the people we spoke to weren't pleased with the entrance or seating either." "I can't do anything about that, though. It's a small complex." Parker nodded. "Yes, but it also is suppose to seat just over six thousand people, Damien." Damien Lee massaged his temples with his left hand, then scratched his chin. "We have to make the best out of this, I suppose. Aren't we." Parker nodded again. "This is it. Last chance, Damien." Damien replied with a nod and Jeff Parker rose from his seat, shook Damien's hand and exited his office. Damien paused, then reached for the phone and camera's switched to ringside.
Erik Rave vs Griff Truxell
"F'Dying" by KoRn bangs the speakers as a determined Erik Rave strolls to the ring, then rolls in. He bounces from rope to rope, working up a sweat before even acknowledging the match about to take place. After the arena cooled down a bit, "Wake Up!" is heard echoing through the arena, soon followed by the unbeaten, Griff Truxwell. Griff confidently marches to the ring, then carefully walks in, trying not to disturb Rave. With the sound of the bell, neither man show any immediate movement towards
each other. Instead, both stay towards their respected corners and await the other one to make a mistake. Finally, Griff makes his first move by advancing to the center of the ring, then pointing to Rave. Rave smirks a bit, then leads a massive charge towards Griff which ends in a powerful spear take down. Erik holds his position and starts pounding away on Griff's face. After a few punches, Griff throws his hands up in defense and catches a wild punch. Griff takes Erik's captured hands and forces him backwards and off of him. Erik rolls backwards and his momentum is stopped by the ring ropes, both men jump to their feet and throw up their hands, almost identically.
This time, Griff rushes to Erik and locks him in a headlock. After grinding it in a couple of times, Erik throws his hand up to show he is still in it. Then, to the surprise of Griff, Erik lifts him up and connects with a powerful suplex. Rave pops to his feet, then bounces off the rope and connects with a stern leg drop, then floats over to make a lackluster cover. Griff takes advantage of the weak pin attempt and powers out at two. Erik gives the ref an evil look and pounds on the mat three times. Rave doesn't stop there, though, he jumps in the refs face and backs him into a corner. Griff notices the advantage and crawls to Rave and gives connects with a low blow. Erik drops to his knees, then to the ground as Truxwell makes a cover, but is disappointed when Erik throws and arm up at two.
Griff jumps up, then pulls Erik up by the hair. Truxwell then gives a motion to say, "The end is near" then connects with a hard punch and locks Erik in a front face position. The crowd jumps to their feet in anticipation for the Piston DDT, but is shocked and disappointed when Erik forces Truxwell to the opposite corner. With Griff semi knocked out in the corner, Erik raises him to the top turnbuckle, then gives his sign for the finish AKA "True Hell." Erik slowly climbs the turnbuckle, then locks Griff in the DDT position. Once again, the crowd jumps to their feet and await the impact of the top rope DDT, and once again, the crowd is disappointed when Griff lays some hard punches to Rave's chest. Griff then rises to his feet on the top turnbuckle, then locks Griff again in a front face position, this time he is on the top rope. Then, with an amazing show of power, Griff throws Erik Rave backwards and to the outside with a Piston DDT! Not even the ref can believe what just happened! After a few seconds of rolling around, Griff picks up the basically unconscious body of Erik Rave and slowly pushes him in the ring. After regaining his composer, Griff rolls in the ring himself and makes the cover, the three count is academic from here.
"Wake Up!" blasts on again as a fallen Griff Truxwell has his hand raised in victory, but doesn't make any sudden moves. Once again, the cameras focus on Rave, who is almost lifeless, then fades away.
Winner: Griff Truxell via pinfall
Damien Lee rubbed his closed his eyes and rubbed his temples softly. Erik Rave had fallen vitim to the injury bug as Griff Truxell improved his impressive record to 3-0. Before Damien could open his eyes, his office door suddenly swung open. Samantha Bevins ran up to Damien Lee. Samantha's mascara was running slightly. Her eyes full of tears and he coat drenched in water. He long blonde hair was saturated and hung over her face. "Damien, Damien! Craig fell outside. He's hurt. I think he's passed out." "What? How?" Damien replied in shock. "I don't know. Just come help. I'll go find a medic."
Damien raced out of his office, but Samantha stayed in the room. The sad look on her face diminished and morphed into a grin. She quickly began digging through papers on Damien's desk before coming across a beige folder. She looked shuffled through the papers and found what she was looking for. She put the folder back where she found it and folded the piece of paper that she had taken and put it in her left pocket. She looked around the room one more time and scurried out of the room.
Reno Davis sat on the cold concrete ground out in the parking lot of the arena. His black and red kitbag rested beside him, He wore faded and worn out blue denim jeans and a wrinkled white Tensor t-shirt. ZaC flipped and jumped around in front of him as Reno kicked a few rocks towards him. ZaC fetched them and threw the rocks around a little bit. ZaC lost interest and took a spot beside Reno as he rested his head back against the wall.
"ZaC...Do you think our career is done?" ZaC looked around and started to scurry off. Reno unzipped his kitbag and pulled out his attire; a pair of grappling gloves and a headband. He slipped them on and lifted himself slowly to his feet. Reno cracked his neck and then snatched the kitbag from the ground. He took a deep breath and then watched as his breath slowly went from a slight fog, to an invisible substance. "Come on ZaC..." Reno kicked a stone and shrugged, "Not like we have a winning streak to defend eh?"
Jason Warrior vs Reno Davis
Sunday iNtense cut to Jason Warrior who was already standing in the ring awaiting his opponent. He rubbed his eyes and leaned his back against the ropes as a long carried out siren was heard. Reno's voice was heard saying: "The passion of the human soul is only constrained by the limits of inner vision..." Then 'Dinosaurs Will Die' by NOFX blares over the speakers and the crowd gives off a decent pop for the red headed Reno Davis. Reno jogged out and stopped at the end of the ramp, then he turned and pointed at the entrance way and his best friend, ZaC, entered. The crowd went balistic with signs of "Marry me ZaC" everywhere. ZaC scurried towards Reno and leapt onto his shoulder as he entered the ring by hopping over the top rope. Jason Warrior started to circle Reno and the bell rung for the match to start. Warrior charged Reno, who dodged to the right and shoved Warrior into the corner, taking the wind out of him. Reno then began to slam Warrior's head into the turnbuckle. Warrior fell backwards into Reno who helped Jason the rest of the way down with a Side Suplex. Reno then locked on a Crucifix Knee Lock for a brief moment before allowing himself to fall into the ropes and bounce back the in the other direction, which twisted the knee in an odd manner. Warrior stayed on the ground holding his knee while Reno climbed up onto the turnbuckle.
The crowd began to chant: "Do it! Do it!" and Reno delivered as usual with a Corkscrew Moonsault. Warrior lost all the air in his lungs and layed prone on the ground as Reno climbed back up top and delivered his signature Double Backflip Moonsault w/knee strike, known as 'The Upbeat Tempo'. Warrior again layed prone on the ground. Reno raised his arms in the air and tried to get the fans on his side even more, it worked a bit but Warrior soon got back up on his feet and decked Reno with a Clothesline. Reno smacked the ground hard and Warrior bounced against the ropes, then smashed the ref by accident. Reno rolled onto his chest and arched himself up a little bit as Warrior exited the ring and grabbed a chair. Jason slid back in and raised the chair up high above his head, then he smashed his down onto Reno's back. He raised his back up above his head but suddenly shrieked in pain as ZaC the monkey clamped onto Warrior's little warrior with his little sharp monkey teeth. Warrior tried to shake ZaC off and even went as far as to start hitting ZaC, causing massive heat for the man with nuts as red as Reno's hair. Reno raised to his feet and kicked Warrior in the mid-section, allowing ZaC to release his submission hold known as 'The Clap'.
Reno then proceeded to hit a menacing Mexican Stretch Bomb on Warrior. Reno let the count go to two, before letting the pin go. He looked at Warrior who was on the ground, in severe pain, and then Reno smiled. He placed his right hand on his left shoulder and vice versa and the crowd knew that something big was comming. Reno jumped up and then when his feet made impact with the ground, he sent his arms out into a 'T' shape. Reno then lifted both of Warrior's legs and applied what looked to be a Sharpshooter, but then Reno twisted around and locked on a Full Nelson. This was The Queen Angelito Stretch, better known as 'The Straight-Jacket'. Warrior immediately tapped out but Reno didn't let go. The referee tried to break the hold but recieved a monkey in the face. The crowd went nuts and started screaming:"RENO! RENO!". Reno noticed this and released the hold. ZaC jumped off of
the referee's face, climbed up onto Reno's shoulder and the two of them observed the crowd that was at their mercy. Reno smiled in a sort of awe and ZaC just looked around at the attention he was getting. 'Dinosaurs Will Die' by NOFX hit once more and a tear fell down Reno's face. He looked at his companion resting on his shoulder and spoke: "ZaC...I think we made it..." Referees tended to Warrior, who was beaten up pretty badly. Warrior was placed on a stretcher and removed from the arena, Reno stayed in the ring and absorvbed the cheers until Sunday iNtense faded to a commercial.
Winner: Reno via submission
The camera shot to erØn, who didn't look like the most happiest person. "And people wonder why I say half the population should have been aborted, where the hell is an interviewer?" erØn looked around the hallway and grabbed the skinniest guy carrying a lightbulb box. "Hey, who is the guy who does interviews? Ken Zyber?" the guy looked at erØn a little white in the face.
"Ummm, I don't know, I just bring in lightbulbs." erØn wasn't too happy. "I made the damn fucking decision, to work for this hell hole of a company, a company which can't even make up their bloody mind who I'm facing, and I want an interview! Ugh, fine, hey, give me that box for a second." ErØn then snatched the box of lightbulbs from the guy as he began looking through the box. "Ohhh, white ones, and white ones! How tacky." erØn suddenly hit him with the box, light bulbs shattering everywhere, all over the light bulb carrying guy as he fell to the floor, holding his head. erØn just laughed and walked away. "Jerk Off."
Eron vs Donaven Winters
'A Flat!' by Staind hits the speakers and the crowd gave off a decent cheer for Donaven Winters who appeared at the top of the entrance ramp. He slipped his shades down to his nose and glared at the crowd before making his way down the aisle. Fans reached to touch his physique as he bolted forward into a sprint and slid into the ring, rising to his knees. Winters rested on one knee staring at the entrance, waiting for his opponent. Before the crowd even got settled, 'Jerk-Off' by Tool blared over the speakers and erØn The Relentless slowly came into view from the dark backstage. His hands rested in his pockets as he looked around at the robots who booed him with a vengeance. Slowly, he removed his hands from his pockets and continued his venture towards the ring. He made it to the end of the aisle when Winters picked the match right up with a Vaulting Body Press over the top rope and onto erØn.
Both men smacked against the floor, with Winters rolling away towards the entrance. erØn then raised himself up a little bit just as Winters leaped off the guard rail and performed a flipping leg drop. The crowd was becoming pumped very quickly, which allowed Winters to flaunt a little before grabbing erØn by the hair and sending an array of stunning right hands into his jaw, knocking erØn against the ring. Winters leapt towards erØn with a dropkick, but erØn dodged at the last possible second. Winters managed to boost himself up onto the apron, but erØn hit him with a jumping clothesline that sent Winters tumbling into the stairs. erØn walked to Winters, tossing him into the ring, and then followed allowing the ref to call for the match to start. erØn immediately went for the cover, getting a meaningless count. erØn got up on one knee and applied a sleeper
hold on Winters. The hold lasted for a long moment before Winters' arms fell limp. The ref raised Winters' left arm and let it go, it dropped. He repeated, it fell. The crowd was on their feet as Winters' arm was raised once more and dropped into his other hand, which then slammed into erØn stomach. Donaven Winters did it once more, the move loosened. He did it again, the move loosened.
Winters broke free as the crowd cheered. He spun around with a devastating right hook followed up by a kick to the mid section and a spinning neck breaker that got the fans on their feet. Winters snapped out a hard chop to erØn's chest and the small crowd let out a "whoo!". Winters then delivered a picture perfect hurricanrana and quickly hopped up onto the top buckle, but before he could do anything erØn hit the ropes, causing Winters to fall unusually on the turnbuckle.
erØn took the advantage by delivering a thrust kick to the head, followed by a brutal Turnbuckle Powerbomb. Winters layed motionless in the corner as erØn simply smiled and continued to beat him down with thundering kicks to the neck and chest, draining power and air from Winters' body. erØn lifted Winters to his feet and Snapmared him, then shot out a Spinal Tap Kick that sent Winters rolling forward. Donaven arched his back and erØn dropped an elbow onto his chest, knocking the wind out of him. erØn covered... but a kickout.
erØn stared in disbelief that his opponent had kicked out. Winters continued to gasp for air as erØn carefully plotted his next move, but took an instant too long as Donaven sent an arm up into erØn's Relententful member. He toppled over and Winters took advantage, climbing up top. erØn slowly got up to his feet and was sent back down again with a Twisting Moonsault. Winters immediately landed the move into a cover for a near 3 count but erØn slid out. Winters picked up erØn slowly, showing signs of fatigue but the crowd kept on cheering, allowing Winters to keep up his pace. Winters locked erØn in for a reverse Suplex, but erØn kicked himself
up and over with help from the ropes and then snapped on a Dragon Sleeper. Winters gasped for air but erØn then lifted him up into a Stomach Breaker over his shoulder. Winters grabbed his back as he flinched on the ground with pain, but erØn didn't let up, erØn grabbed the now rising Donaven Winters and slammed him back down to the mat with erØn's pattented Rogue DDT. He covered and the ref counted to three.
The crowd booed loudly as 'Jerk-Off' by Tool hit the speakers once more and erØn sat in the corner for a moment before returning to the backstage.
Winner: Eron via pinfall.
Becky Barnesworth, the actress portraying the villianess known as Phantasy on the set of the movie 'Strong Guy 2', walked down the hallway, stopping a passing security guard. "Excuse me. Can you tell me where I could find Damien Lee?" The security guard pointed down the hall. "Check the media center. That way." Becky continued down the hall. She was anxious to catch up on old times with Damien, and in her preoccupied state didn't notice the big man standing in the doorway to her right.
"Coming back for more?" Kodiak Vic Creed asked. "You!" Becky stopped and took a step away from him. "What do you want?" "More like what you want." A sick smile crossed Vic's face. "You can't help yourself, can you? You're hot for my bod. You've lusted for me ever since we starting filming 'Strong Guy 2'. That's why you're here. Well here I am. Come and get it." "You're delusional," Becky said, disgusted. "I'm here to see a friend. I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole!" "Oh, but I think you will," said Vic, stepping closer to Becky. "I know why you haven't been acting for the past few years. I know all about your..." Vic tapped his nose and sniffed deeply. "... problem." Becky's jaw dropped. "How do you... how did..." she stammered. "I could go to the press with this. You wouldn't get a job doing voice-overs for Spam commercials." Vic turned and walked back into the empty room. "Or you could come in here and keep me quiet."
She was trapped. Her role as Phantasy in SG2 wouldn't win her an Academy Award, but it was the best part she'd had in a long time. It was a role that could lead to bigger and better things. She couldn't afford to lose everything now, not when she was so close to becoming a star. "Please," Becky said, her voice filled with sadness. "Don't make me do this." "Hey, I'm not making you do anything." Vic nodded toward the end of the hallway. "You can walk away right now if you want. Monday morning, you should probably start practicing your new lines: 'Would you like fries with that?'" Becky choked back a sob. There was no other choice.
She walked into the room. Vic pointed to the floor. "On your knees. We're going to continue the scene where you try to seduce me and draw my power from me." He licked his lips in anticipation. "Baby, you're gonna get all the power you can handle." With tears of humiliation running down her cheeks, Becky knelt down on the floor. Vic reached past her and slammed the door closed. "It's great to be me," gloated the Main Man.
Brandon Blade vs 'Kodiak' Vic Creed
The fans' usual main event tense chattering was stopped abruptly with the opening rythms of Pantera's "Walk." The fans awaited his entrance and finally after a good ten seconds, the main man appeared from behind the curtain, pulling up his trunks. The Main Man, walked calmly down the ramp, grin on his face. Suddenly, "Bring it" by Soulfly hit the airways and Brandon Blade came out of the curtains and clobbered KVC from behind, clubbing him in the neck. KVC crumbled and fell onto the ramp, giving Blade and opportunity to gain control on the giant. Brandon Blade pounded KVC with a brutal right hand that shook KVC up. Blade grabbed a handfull of KVC's hair and took him into the ring. After rolling him in, Brandon Blade immediatly began to stomp ferociously, then gave a big standing knee drop to KVC. Brandon Blade lifted the Alaskan Juggernaught from the mat and whipped him into the ropes, anticipating his return. KVC came right back into Blade's arm's and fell victim to a big pulling walk-slam. Brandon Blade kneeled down and pounded KVC's face into the mat with his hands, then gave several lifting-leg stomps. KVC clutched his knee in pain, but this hurt him more than he imagined. Capitalizing on the weakness, Brandon Blade applied a merciless graprevine leg lock. KVC writhed in pain, squirming all around the ring, but Brandon Blade kept the hold on for the full ten seconds before he war urged to let go by the referee. Shaking a stern finger, the ref backed away soon after, seeing the menacing grimace on Brandon Blade's face.
After a few hard elbow drops to KVC's knees, Brandon Blade picked KVC up yet again, dragging him to his feet by the hair now. Brandon Blade gave a wicked kick to the guy, then applied a rough side headlock. KVC pushed Brandon Blade off, sending him into the ropes. After Brandon Blade's rebound, KVC attempted a big boot, but Brandon Blade slid under it, giving KVC a stern blow to the nether regions meanwhile. Blade came up behind the man and gave a full nelson slam that shook the whole ring. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Brandon Blade climbed the nearest set of turnbuckles, hopping to the second pad and climbing to the third, and after he was assured KVC was indeed down, the skilled aerial-powerhouse showed off his aerial prowess with a humongous 450-splash, nailing KVC dead-on. Brandon Blade hooked KVC's leg, pressing it tightly against his own chest, and demanded the referee to count. The official, who was arguing with a fan at ringside for pleting the ref himself with various prejectiles, was distracted for at least a full ten seconds before Brandon Blade's loud grunting cursing got his attention. Slightly embarassed, the ref dropped to the mat for a pin and counted, but KVC showed the first bit of "wrestling" force in the evening throwing Blade off of him and onto the second rope.
An amazing last-moment kickout by KVC shocked the fans in a profound way. At this point, a roaring fire blazed in Brandon Blade's eyes. Calmly, cracking his knuckles, he stood up from KVC and advanced on the lowly referee, who backed into the corner. The ref began poking Brandon Blade in the chest. Slowly but steadily, KVC stood from his spot on the ground. He wobbled towards Brandon Blade, and the referee saw this quite clearly, but with vengance on his mind, he said nothing. In an instant, Brandon Blade was pulled up into the air, hoisted onto KVC's shoulder's from behind. Kodiak fell backwards, but was well aware that Brandon Blade would hit the ropes, causing both of them to catapault forward. This occured as predicted, and Brandon Blade soon found his face buried in the mat. KVC grabbed the ropes and used the leverage to stomp Blade halfway into the ground, and then some. KVC then picked the limp Brandon Blade up to a standing position, then gave a few slaps, sending Brandon Blade reeling back. Next, KVC ran to the opposite ropes, came back, and nailed Brandon Blade in the chest with a forward dropkick. Thinking this was enough to take Brandon Blade out of the ring, KVC was surprised when Blade held on to the top rope after flipping over it, leaving him standing dazed on the apron. KVC ran forward, then grabbed Brandon Blade and sent him flying through the air and causing him to land hard on the ringside mats with a release Orange Bomb. KVC himself waited inside the ring, leaning against the rops. Brandon Blade stood at the referee's count of seven, then motioned to get back inside, but KVC had other ideas. KVC ran forward, seemingly for a baseball slide, but then went completely under the bottom rope and caught Brandon Blade with a massive DDT. Giving a decisive kick to Brandon Blade's skull, KVC went to work again. The referee announced three. Seventeen seconds left to finish. KVC rolled a safety mat out of the way completely, exposing bare concrete. Next, he pulled a chair out from behind the guardrail, left it unfolded, and placed it onto the stone. Still unsatisfied, KVC produced a table from under the ring, then set it up over the chair. While KVC was unfolding the third leg, Brandon Blade stirred, then looked up. Seeing his opponent's intentions, he decided it would be best to play 'possum for the time being. Finished, KVC went back over to Brandon Blade and picked him up, then took him over to the apron. With a great deal of discomfort, KVC put Brandon Blade in a head-scissors, then on his shoulders. After a few seconds, KVC jumped heading towards the table. Out of nowhere, Brandon Blade flipped out of his position and drove KVC's face into the nearest guardrail. After a few seconds on his back, Brandon Blade stood and took KVC into the ring with him. The referee was at eighteen by then, about ready to call a double-count out.
Nearly escaping the disqualification, Brandon Blade stayed on the mat to plan for a few seconds, positive that KVC would not be getting up anytime soon. Finally, Brandon Blade stood and looked around. KVC's was opened up after the guardrail. Brandon Blade's determined expression was still fixed in stone, but his eyes showed content. However, he was not done yet. Slowly, he lifted KVC up from the mat, then gave him a whip into the corner. Brandon Blade placed KVC up on the top rope, then stood on the second himself. After getting KVC in position, Brandon Blade sent them both down, crashing on the mat, though KVC got the worse end of the bargain by suffering a Death Valley Driver. Caught up in his momentum, he didn't realise the man he was lifting was over a hundred pounds heavier. Brandon Blade grasped his back in pain. KVC began to gain some power and he covered the injured Blade, but only got the two count.
KVC stumbled to his feet. The Main Man had been matched up almost evenly, suprisingly, with Brandon Blade. He lifted Blade yet again, this time giving a couple haymakers to ensure no further resistance. KVC signalled the ending of the match by lifting Brandon Blade into the Powerdriver. Brandon struggled free and landed behind KVC. He pushed KVC into the ropes and telegraphed his reaction by laying on the ground. KVC jumped over Blade and came at him with force, but Blade lowered the top rope and KVC went over and through the previously set up table. Usually the fall would just be a bump, but KVC had placed the folding steelchair under the table earlier. KVC's head struck the top of the chair and was immediately knocked under. The referee quickly called for the bell, and Brandon Blade was disqualified. He had been the third victim on injury in iNtense 3. Brandon Blade exited the ring, sidestepping KVC and walked up the ramp, backwards, chuckling to himself. Suddenly Donaven Winters came storming from the back. Three thousand fans jumped to their feet as Winters attacked Blade. He threw him into the ring and they traded punches. Winters gained advantage tossing Blade into the ropes. Blade ducked the clothesline, then the stiff arm and came back with a huge kitchen sink. Winters kneeled in pain and rolled onto his back. Blade hoped onto the top turnbuckle and hit a twisting backflip moonsault on Winters. Blade stood up as "Bring it" pounded on the loudspeakers and Sunday iNtense 3 ended as Damien Lee guaranteed... no technical problems.
The night was successful visually, but backstage; Erik Rave, Jason Warrior and now KVC were all injured. With only eight superstars on the roster, jOlt couldn't afford to lose one man, let alone 3. The fans may have left with their first sigh of releif for jOlt, but Damien Lee was in the back pulling out his hair... .
jOltv: End Broadcast