Last week, jOlt Wrestling held its third event. Three weeks had past
and three major players have been put on the shelf. Jason Warrior was slapped
into argueably the most deadliest hold in jOlt Wrestling; The Queen Angelito
Stretch named 'The Straight-Jacket' by Reno Davis. Erik Rave went for his
pantinted True Hell DDT off the top ropes, but it was reversed into a Piston
DDT to the outside and 'Kodiak' Vic Creed was low bridged over the top rope
where he went through a table and underneath that table was a chair. Kodiak's
head collided with the chair and he was immediately knocked unconcsious.
Tonight, jOlt Wrestling is forced to televise Sunday iNtense 4 with five
wrestlers. Rumours have circulated that jOlt Wrestling has indeed signed
more wrestlers for their roster, but Damien Lee denied these reports an
hour before iNtense was televised on jOltv. One has to imagine how jOlt
will cope with this. Welcome to jOlt's Sunday iNtense 4.
Damien Lee ended all rumours
of new signing's earlier in the evening and he didn't act like a guy with
only five guys to use in an hour show. Damien supported a large grin and
took a drink of his coffee as knocking on the door interupted. He looked
up, shrugged and called for whoever it was to come in. Josh Manning, Vice
President of Desktop Solutions walked in and took a seat infront of Damien.
Damien nodded to say 'hi' but Josh didn't reply back. Damien's facial expressions
turned into a confused look as Josh began to speak.
"Damien. I must admit, last weeks show was great. You did what you said
you were going to do and that is all we asked. The first two shows weren't
our fault. The ubrupt ending to iNtense 1 was because Craig didn't plan
his show properly and iNtense 2, you didn't have your event done in time.
We were about to cut our internet broadcasting deal off right after iNtense
two, but decided to give you one more chance. You prooved you can deliver
a successful product on iNtense 3 and gave us a reason to keep you under
contract. Now, not a week later we find out you have to cover one hour of
time with two matches. How do you expect to do this?"
Damien took a minute to reply, was about to say something, but stopped again.
He had no answer. "Well... I have Donaven Winters, Brandon Blade and Griff
Truxell competing in the first every triple threat match at jOlt. The way
they all have competed lately, it is bound to be a good, long match and
Eron and Reno are going to lock up soon. Reno has shown lots of potential
and Eron, the vetern, can slow down any type of match. Erik has also said
he could be warmed up to have a shorter match later on." Josh wasn't pleased
with the answer. He shook his head, stood up and said his last words.
"Better not screw up, Damien. This is your last chance." Josh exited
the room and jOlt Wrestling cut to a backstage conversation between injured
Erik Rave and Jason Warrior.
"Doesn't look like we will be keeping this job too much longer, hey?" Jason
Warrior stretched his back and rubbed his right arm. "What makes you say
that?" Rave questioned the rookie. "Well, Bagaran's turned into a drunk
and Damien doesn't know what he is doing." Erik shook his head, not pleased
with Warrior's comment. "Jason. Damien is doing the best he can with what
he has." Warrior shook his head and sighed.
"Erik. We have five guys competing tonight. How the hell are we supposed
to survive with five guys?" Rave rubbed his temples. "I'm competing tonight
and someone told me Vic will be here too." Jason Warrior's eyes widened.
Erik suffered a sprained shoulder and a minor concussion and Vic Creed left
iNtense with a major concussion. "You two are stupid enough to wrestle tonight?"
Rave shook his head again. "It isn't a matter of competing tonight, it is
a matter of helping jOlt survive. If you don't want to be a part of this,
then just leave right now." Warrior smiled. "Maybe I should." Rave nodded.
"Maybe you should."
Camera crew's cut back to Damien Lee's office. He didn't look as happy as
he did before. A trace of sweat was easily spotted on his forhead, but a
breif smile broke his desperate look. He was on the phone and jotted down
a few things, before hanging up. "Thanks Vic. You'll be compensated for
this. I swear." Damien clutched his right fist together and let out a "Yes!"
He rose from his chair, put on his long trench coat and was about to leave
the room when his office door swung open. In his path stood a 6'9" African
American. Damien Lee knew exactly who it was. He was known main for his
goofy antics at the fans Wrestling organization and was loved around the
world. He went under the alias 'The Motha Fukin Abusah of Yo Momma' which
he said was short for TMFAOYM.
chuckled to himself, but looking into Tha Abusah's eyes, he realised he
wasn't joking. The Abusah began swatting at something above his head with
a half retarded look on his face. "You know what Abusah. I think I'm going
to give you a tryout tonight. Does that sound good?" Tha Abusah nodded.
AND TOO! KAN MEYE FRENDS JOYN TWO?!" Damien smiled again. "And who would
your friends be?" Tha Abusah pointed to the right of himself. Damien had
to step outside of his door and he saw a midget clown trying his damndest
to slap former Tornado Wrestling's Teen Wonder: Jimmy Williams on the ass.
TEE DUBYOU." Damien couldn't stop chuckling to himself. The first time in
weeks he could actually laugh at something in the buisness. "What will they
work for?" TMFAOYM pointed towards Quizbo. "QWIZBO WAHNTS SUM AKTION. HE'S
AN OUR!" Damien tried to keep a straight face, but Quizbo had finally grasped
a handfull of Jimmy's rear end. Jimmy screamed and layed the boot to Quizbo's
chest. Quizbo flew back a good five feet crashing into the wall. "Is he
going to be alright?" Tha Abusah nodded. "YAH. HEES A BAHD AS5." Damien
held the laughter in and offered his hand to TMFAOYM. Abusah look at his
hand, looked at Damien, looked at his hand, looked at Damien. "IHF U WAHNT
rubbed his hands through his hair.
"Oh, sorry about that. Abusah, tell your friends that you can compete here
in jOlt and you will get your bread. Jimmy can have 6 bucks an event and
Quizbo can hide behind stalls and take sneak peaks. Sound good?" Abusah
smiled. "TWO PEECES?!" "Two pieces. Now go get your gear. You have your
initiation match in two minutes." Camera's faded out from the backstage
and to ringside where Tha Abusah would compete in his first ever jOlt Wrestling
"The Mother Fucking Abusah Of Yo Momma...hmm" Reno Davis stood in a sort
of stupor as he looked away from the television set. He scratched his head
and looked over at ZaC who was occupying himself with a bouncy rubber ball.
Reno went back to figuring out who'd abused his mother before, comming to
a blank. "HAY U R MY OPONANT!!!"
Reno squinted at the Monitor and then slowly
turned and looked at the source of the voice. In front of him stood a strage
looking man flexing what looked to be his muscles underneath of a big blue
sweatshirt. The man changed position and flexed a la Hulk Hogan before a
large bag of water fell out of the shirt and blew up on the floor. Reno
cocked his head and raised an eyebrow at the sight, ZaC joined him on his
"UH TAHT WAES'T SUPOZED TO HAPAN!!!" Reno coughed and turned to
look at the T.V. once more wondering if this was a joke or not.
TMFAOYM vs Reno Davis
The loud guitar sounds of "I Am a Real American" plays through the arena
as the new jOlt superstar, The Mother Fucking Abusah of Yo' Mama pops from
the backstage, then bounces to the ring. After sliding in, TMFAOYM paces
back and forth, awaiting his opponent. Soon, "Dinosaurs Will Die" by NOFX
finally breaks through the annoying sounds of "I Am a Real American," and
out walks a condfident Reno Davis followed closely by ZaC. After recieving
a bit of a pep talk from ZaC outside the ring, Reno climbs in and stares
down The Abusah. Reno looks over Abusah's sholder then points to the other
side of the ring. Of course, Abusah turns around and looks, only to see
ZaC scurring around. By the time he turns around to face Davis, he is met
in the face with a stiff forearm. Abusah falls to the ground, holding his
face and yells out something, incoherntly. Reno wastes no time and applies
an arm bar to Abusah. The ref drops down and asks Abusah if he wants to
give in. After yelling something, the ref shrugs his sholders and jumps
to his feet. Reno soon breaks the hold and shoves Abusah into the corner.
Reno lays in a couple of heavy elbows to Abusahs face and chest, then throws
his body to the mat. Abusah rolls around while Reno climbs the turnbuckle
and gives a signal to the crowd as he jumps of with a Corkscrew Moonsault.
Reno lands square on Abusah, then hold on for a pin fall. The ref counts
to two before Abusah, out of nowhere, drapes his leg on the bottom rope.
Reno slams his fists on the mat as ZaC lets out a screech to him, almost
signaling him to continue punishing him. Reno picks Abusah up and positions
him between his legs for a possible high impact move. After stalling for
a second, Reno hooks Abusah in a double underhook position, then lifts him
into a running sitdown powerbomb! Reno smiles, then makes a pitiful one
arm cover, to which Abusah barely kicks out. Reno once again brings Abusah
to his feet and doubles him over with a stern kick to the stomach. Reno
then backs up, then takes Abusah down with a scissors kick. Abusah drops
to his knees and Reno continues with a Maistral Cradle, but cannot convert
as Abusah kicks out a two. Zac shreechs once again, to what can be described
as "Finish him."
Reno moves in for The Straight-Jacket, but is stopped by the raising of
the crowd. After looking towards the entrance way, he sees two characters
running to the ring, who can be immediately identified as Jimmy Williams
and Quizbo the Gay Clown. The two surround both sides of the ring as Reno
and ZaC look on. Reno gets halfway out the ring, then starts yelling at
the two who are taunting him. He continues to yell as Abusah stirs in the
ring. Abusah finally gets up and ZaC begins jumping up and down. Finally,
Reno turns around to be taken down by the ABUSAH SPEEER! Abusah falls on
him and picks up the pin fall. "I Am a Real American" plays again as the
two jump in and help Abusah up and out the ring.
Winner: TMFAOYM via pinfall
Cameras cut backstage, where Griff Truxell positioned the camera in front
of his face. The main event was next and the undefeated star was ready for
a huge match.
"Ladies, gentlemen, children, I want you all to take a good look at my face.
Right now, this is the closest you will ever get to being me. This is the
closest you will ever get to Greatness. However, you will have one more
chance to see me as in person as I will allow you peons to be. Tonight,
I take on Brandon Blade and Donaven Winters in a Triple Threat Match. Now,
I know you are all thinking, 'Griff, how can you come out with yet another
win when you face two people.' Well, it's simple. Although I am facing two
people, my talent alone exceeds their ability. Alone I am better than both
of them put together. And alone I will beat them one at a time. Two more
of jOlt's quote, unquote 'superstars' will go down and another check mark
in my perfect record will go up. Tonight, I continue the perfection and
the Truth? You, will revel in it."
Griff smirked and reached his hand to the back of the camera, flipping the
switch, and returning the action back to ringside.
erØn vs 'Kodiak' Vic Creed
It was time for what some would say to be "The Big Name Main Event" for jOlt's early history, but tonight, it wouldn't be. When jOlt first opened its doors, fans would scan the roster, and read the names, and only two were recognizable: erØn and Kodiak Vic Creed. Interestingly enough, these two were also not loved by the fans, more so hated. Even so, no-one ever said you had to be partners when you both are on the wrong side of the fans. The crowd was in more hope to see these two kill each other right in the ring then anything else. Even so, the crowd anticipated this main event. The guitar riffs began to play, as they were familiar to Pantera's "Walk". KVC came from outside of the curtains, a more focused Kodiak came out, knowing that this match could set him in front of the company with a simple pin. He's one numerous matches before, erØn shouldn't be much different. As he got near the ring, he spotted a tight bodied blond near the guardrail, as he pointed at her, saying "After the red head, it's me and you." Before walking away, grinning. Just as he began to enter, the lights dimmed, as the "I should play God, and shoot you myself!" blared from the speakers, as erØn walked out, displaying his own brand of t-shirt line, as he strolled down the ring, the boo's of the fans beginning to gain volume. erØn made a slight bounce before giving the entire crowd two high middle fingers. He then began to head for the ring, before looking a the same blonde KVC did. He smiled at her, as he began to near her. She looked confused of why he's pointing to her two, erØn suddenly gave her a hard right hand to the face as she fell in a lump. erØn chuckled, before pointing at Kodiak. "Let' see ya do her now Main Man!" as he came into the ring.
The bell sounded.
The two begin to circle each other before Kodiak immediately gives himself the upper hand with a rushing lariat. As erØn gets up, he instantly grabs him from the waist and slams him down with a belly to belly suplex. KVC then picks erØn up from the hair, as he puts erØn in a set up between his legs. KVC picks erØn into a powerbomb, but as he holds him high, erØn starts to fight back with furious punches to the face as he finally knocks Creedzilla off balance, quickly following up with an elbow drop. erØn sits KVC up, before backing up, then slamming a soccer kick to Kodiak's back. Kodiak seems in pain but holds it back as he hurrily stands up and gives erØn a strong right jab to the face, before giving erØn an irish whip to the ropes. As erØn springs back, Kodiak swings his arm out for a huge clothesline which knocks his own body down to one knee, but erØn choreographed it, swiftly nearing KVC and locking him from the head, DDT'ing him to the ground. The crowd boo's at the sound of the thump, as erØn wastes no time in giving KVC a kick to the gut. He begins to pick up Creedzilla, only to be unready for a northern lights release suplex, throwing erØn almost across the ring as he falls hard on his back, erØn holding it in pain before flopping to the mat. A fatigued Kodiak picks erØn up, stretching him across his back before spiking him to the ground. Alaskan Avalanche. KVC hooks the leg, 1, 2, kickout. KVC stands and grabs erØn by the legs, falling behind launching erØn into the corner as he hits his jaw to the turnbuckle. Stunned, erØn turns around as Kodiak sets erØn up again for a Creedbomb, this time hitting it with huge impact. A pop hits from the crowd, followed by boo's, as Creed covers. 1, 2, thr?kickout. Creed is shocked after 2 trademark moves and 2 kick outs, as he lifts erØn up, and pulls him up in a military press, yelling "Powerdriver!" to the crowd. He lets go, then locking erØn from the shoulder and between the legs ready to finish, but erØn whips his legs across to the other side of Kodiak's body, and wraps an arm around his head, drilling KVC down for a DDT. KVC rolls onto his stomach grabbing his head in pain as erØn is flat on his back, running purely on adrenaline. The ref begins to register his 10 count, as the two slowly begin to stand at eight, as KVC starts to rush like a whole buffalo herd. But erØn just has the quicker thinking as he straightens out his leg, drilling a thurst kick into KVC's face, as KVC falls to the mat. But KVC is quick to stand, and rushes erØn once again, this time with a stretched arm out for a lariat. erØn puts his arm under KVC's and cocks his leg fast back for a spiked STO. erØn goes for the cover.
The crowd loudly boo's as the bell sounds and the referee's arm hit's the mat, but then looks and begins to wave his arms wildly as he catches the sight of Kodiak's leg on the rope. The crowd cheers quietly, as the bell is resounded. Both stare from both sides of the ring, sweating and tired. They slowly begin to move to each other, as The Main Man kicks erØn to the midsection and begins to lift his arms around erØn, but erØn quickly reacts hooking an arm around his head, and leg, rolling KVC into a small package. The referee slides into position, but freezes for a moment, looking at the small package, before slamming his arm onto the mat.
The bell once again sounds, as erØn breaks the hold and they both flop onto the mat. The referee begins to swing his arms telling both to stand, as they finally do. The referee asks for the microphone as erØn slowly begins to walk away from the ring. "The result of this match? is a no contest!" erØn stops in his tracks between the ropes, as he glares at the referee, yelling "You mother fucker!" to him. "Both men's shoulder's were pinned to the mat, so both were counted, and the match result will stay as no contest!" Creed lightly grinned as he left the ring, as erØn gained an extra bolt of energy suddenly, as he darted for the referee, grabbed him by the head, hooked him with his leg, and dropped him with a Rogue DDT. The crowd booed, as erØn repeatedly stomped the referee, before stopping and giving the crowd a finger and iNtense cut backstage for the last time in the evening.
Winner: No Contest
Damien Lee stood halfway out of his office door. He was talking to someone and the camera's moved in closer, but couldn't get a visual. Only sound.
"Yes. I told Griff what to do, but make sure you don't fuck this up."
"When he gains the advantage?"
"Yes, if he gains the advantage and you think he's got it won, get in there right away. We don't need anymore of his bullshit."
"You got it, boss. Good as done."
"Thank you... Injure him."
"Not a problem." Damien closed the door, smiled and pulled up a chair near his monitor for the main event.
Brandon Blade vs Griff Truxell vs Donaven Winters
"Bring It!" by Soulfly blast through the ears of the fans, and they come
to their feet as Brandon Blade walks out from the curtain. With his head
up high, Blade walks quickly to the ring, where he slides under the ropes
and climbs the turnbuckle. Letting the energy of the crowd flow though him,
he feels the rush needed for the match ahead. As he climbs down, fully pumped,
"Wake Up!" by Rage Against the Machine takes over. Griff Truxell pops out
into view, and the fans let themselves be heard by booing him into the ground.
Truxell has become a master as letting this kind of thing not get to him,
though, and he semi-laughs at the people's efforts to bring his pride down.
He climbs into the ring, but makes sure to stay away from Blade till the
third man has arrived. He doesn't have to wait long as "A Flat" by Staind
begins to play. The fans cheer once more as a very angry Donaven Winters
makes his way to the ring. His and Blade's eyes meet, an event which is
the spark that starts the match. Blade bails from the ring and goes after
Winters while Truxwell stands in the ring laugh to himself as the bell rings,
starting the match.
Winters's music is cut off as he and Blade meet each other in the aisle.
They begin trading blows as Griff, chuckling to himself, slowly exits the
ring and walks towards them. He sneaks up behind Blade and quickly grabs
him by the neck and head, swinging him around and into the ring. Truxell
follows him in, and is followed in himself by Winters. Truxell chucks Blade
into the ropes, but before he can execute a move he is taken out by a Winters'
clothesline. Winters, taking Griff's place, back body drops Blade and begins
to pound his face in on the ground. Griff decides to join in this time instead
of break the two up, and starts stomping on Blade's chest. Both men take
Blade up by the head, and lift him up for a double suplex. Blade is able
to slip out though, and turns the move into a double neck breaker! The crowd
cheers as Blade stands up and takes Winters to his feet. This time it is
Winters who is tossed to the ropes, and Blade takes him back down with a
head scissors. Blade goes for the cover, but before the ref can even begin
Truxell breaks the pin up.
Blade ignores Griff, and goes back to work on Winters. He starts to lock
on an arm-bar, but Truxwell breaks that up as well. Blade once again ignores
Griff and rolls Donaven outside. As Winters gets to his feet, Blade begins
to take off with some high flying move of insanity, but Griff is able to
catch his ankles as he leaps, causing him to nearly decapitate himself on
the ropes. The fans scream as Blades neck snaps backwards, hoping that another
wrestler won't be added to the injured list. Blade lies on the mat holding
his neck as Griff laughs to himself once more and Winters makes his way
back into the ring. Blade is helpless as he is chucked into a corner, and
splashed by both men, one after the other. Blade walks out into the middle
of the ring, dazed from the attacks, leaving him open to more punishment.
Griff yells something to Donaven, and the two men take Blade out with Total
Elimination, or, more simply, two sweeping kicks in opposite directions,
one at his legs and one at his head, at the same time. Blade gets taken
down once more, and both of the other two men scramble for the cover. Winters
gets to Blade first, but his pin attempt is broken up by Truxwell.
Winters shoves Truxwell away as he picks Blade up by the head. He whips
him into the ropes, and tosses Blade up for a back body drop. Griff has
other ideas though, and catches Blade in the air for a powerbomb. Unfortunately
for Griff, Blade has some ideas too. Truxell tries to bring Blade down for
the power bomb, but Blade is able to break free and turn the move into a
spinning DDT! The crowd explodes as Blade goes for the pin. He doesn't even
get to one, though, because the third man, this time Winters, is right there
to stop the pin as always. Blade and Winters begin to go at it once more,
leaving Truxwell alone. The two slug it out until Blade gains control by
sneaking in a swift kick to the gut. He swings with a clothesline, but Winters
ducks and tries for a neck breaker. Blade twists out of the neckbreaker
and tries for a DDT. Winters reverses the DDT into a northern lights suplex,
but Blade is able to land on his feet and quickly drops Winters with a reverse
DDT. The ref starts the count. 1...2...kick out. Griff, taken out by the
massive spinning DDT, isn't able to break the count, but Winters is able
to kick out on his own. Blade pulls Winters to his feet and throws him into
the ropes, before locking on a sleeper. Winters, sensing that he needs to
break out of the sleeper quickly, tosses Blade backwards for a back drop
suplex. Blade is able to roll out of the move, and tries for a clothesline
as Winters whips around to face him. Winters ducks the clothesline, and
moves around to the back of Blade, where he locks in a dragon suplex and
plants Blade on his head! With all the head trauma Blade has suffered in
this match, one would expect the pin, which Winters bridges up for, to be
a sure thing after a move like that. 1...2...the pin is broken up by Truxell.
Winters gets to his feet with a very pissed off look on his face. Griff
goes on stomping Blade near the ropes, while Winters bounces off the ropes
on the other side. He launches himself at Truxell with a cross body block,
sending both men over the top rope and to the outside. The fans roar as
Winters lands on his feet, only to jump back into the ring to continue attacking
Blade. Griff on the other hand decides enough is enough. He is tired of
being left out of the match, and walks over to the timekeeper's table. Back
in the ring, Winters has lost control after Blade trips him up with a drop
toe hold, landing him head first on the second turnbuckle. He takes Winters
up by the head and throws him into the ropes as Griff throws the timekeeper
by his head off his chair. Blade tries for a dropkick as Winters bounces
back towards him, but his attempt is blocked and his feet are caught by
Winters. As Griff climbs the apron with the timekeeper's chair, Winters
slingshots Blade into the corner, squashing the ref in the corner, and sending
Blade headfirst into Griff's now outstretched chair. Blade falls straight
down, knocked out cold from all the shots to the head and neck he's taken
in the match, as does the ref, who rolls out of the ring.
With the ref out of the picture, Griff slips into the ring. He takes a swing
at Winters with the chair, but Winters sees him coming and ducks. Griff,
letting go of the chair, kicks as Winters, but his kick is caught and turned
into the Untimely End! The crowd bursts with sound as Winters makes the
cover. But alas, there is no ref. Winters sees this, and slides outside
the ring to get the ref. He rolls the ref back into the ring, and picks
Griff up for another Untimely End. Donaven had the match in the bag, but suddenly, from behind, a young blonde wrestling jumped over the railing on the outside, snuck into the ring and nailed Winters on the back of the head with a chair. Winters fell to the mat along with Griff who was positioned ontop of him. The ref struggled to his feet and made the three count and the fans began to throw garbage into the ring. The man who interfered in Donaven's match grabbed a mic and stepped into the ring. He hovered above Winters and Griff gained some energy and stood up aswell. He grabbed the one chair that was use earlier and tossed one to the blonde.
"Donaven. The names Shawn Steele. I'll be taking your place here at jOlt Wrestling. Mr. Lee wanted me to tell you that YOU'RE FIRED!
Shawn Steel dropped the mic and joined Griff in hammering away at Donaven Winters with steel chairs. The fans continued to throw garbage into the ring as jOlt Wrestling iNtense 4 came to an unexpexted conclusion.
Winner: No Contest