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![]() ![]() ![]() “Ladies and Gentleman welcome to iNtense! We’re coming live from the Arena of Champions in the heart of Orlando, Florida and what a week it’s been!” Buhrman shouted over the fans as they stayed amped. “With me as always is my colleague, Nathan Powers, whose unusually quiet. What’s wrong Nathan?” Buhrman turned to his announce partner. “You know what’s wrong! Divide and Conquer was a disaster! I call a mulligan!” Powers crossed his arms, almost pouting. “Well ladies and gentleman, while Powers finishes sulking, we now have a definitive “last” Legacy Champion as well as a new jOlt champion! At Divide and Conquer we all watched as “Superstar” Vince Jacobs and “The SuperBeast” Sylo battled it out in a brutal ladder match. Things looked bleak at first but Sylo did make it back to the Arena of Champions, and he did it in style. In what will now go down as jOlt history, Sylo entered at the last moment, and he did it with his old LoC entrance as well as the same entrance he used when he defeated Ninja K in this very arena to become the first and only Undisputed Legacy Champion.” Buhrman informed the audience as Powers just scoffed. “And the winner of that match was none other than-” Lights///out. Johnny Cash would follow. “And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts sang come and see and I saw. And behold! A white horse. And his name that sat on him... Was death. And hell...followed with him.” “Miracle (Pale horse remix)” - Nonpoint. A blinding white explosion, a symbol of mass destruction that had become synonymous with The Perfect Predator, The SuperBeast, Sylo, rocked the entire Arena of Champions to its base. Through the blast and smoke stepped the 7’1”, 335 lb, and FIRST jOlt Champion since its resurrection as well as the LAST Legacy Champion. The man that had been dubbed jOlt’s reckoning wore the Legacy Championship around his waist and held the jOlt title over his shoulder with just as much respect as he scanned the arena. Aria Murphy, with as much attitude in her walk as Sylo had menace, joined him as his side. Sylo moved to the right of the stage, shouting something almost inaudible, that only increased the volume. He repeated this motion to the other side and the Arena of Champions was beginning to burst at the seams. Finally, The Harbinger of Destruction, moved to the dead center of the stage, removed the Legacy title, and held them both high which sent the fans into an even bigger frenzy. Sylo smirked, even though he had deep bruises, and God only knew what else as he made his way to the ring and leapt up on the apron before entering. Sylo hit every turnbuckle holding both titles high in the air and at each turnbuckle he was met with the same loud roar of approval. Aria Murphy slinked in beside him, looking DAMN fine. Finally he grabbed a microphone and looked out into the sea of humanity that surrounded him. He went to speak but had to lower the mic as the fans were deafening. ALL HAIL THE KING~! ALL HAIL THE KING~! ALL HAIL THE KING~! ALL HAIL THE KING~! Sylo smirked again as the crowd slowly died down. “In a land of fools and false heirs to a long forgotten throne a king has risen. Declared by your voice, I have returned.” The fans roared again and yet another chant broke out. At this rate, Sylo wouldn’t ever get to finish but after six years, fuck the production crew and whatever time limits they set. “At Divide and Conquer, Vince and I went to war. At the end of that match we were both bloodied and beaten. As much as I despise the guy I have to say he’s one tough son of a bitch.” The fans followed with boos. “It’s okay though because it just so happens I’m a tougher son of a bitch,” Sylo grinned as he got another pop. “I laid everything on the line and I swore to all of you that I would make sure Vince didn’t walk out champion, that he wouldn’t walk out under his own power, and that neither of us would ever be the same again. Consider my vows fulfilled because all three things transpired. Now, I will forever be the Omega of The Legacy,” Sylo held up the Legacy title as the fans chanted again. L-O-C! L-O-C! L-O-C! L-O-C! “And I became the Alpha of jOlt,” Sylo held the jOlt title up with just as much pride and respect. THANK YOU SYLO! (CLAP X5 - REPEAT) “Now the question everyone has asked me since Divide and Conquer has been the same. What do you do now? Your war is over. Divide and Conquer wasn’t the end of a war, just one battle, and I still have the jOlt title to defend because as long as I hold this title, everything Jim Johnson, Alexander Jerusalem, and Vince Jacobs wanted to do is ruined. So I won’t hide and I won’t run. This title will be defended as much as they’ll let me. The storm is here. So who wants to throw dow-” Sylo was cut off...of course he was.
“You think we’re done? You won one match. Actually you got lucky one time and now you’re some unstoppable champion? You’re the king again? I hate to tell you but you’re still an overrated chump.” SVJ growled into the microphone. The fans booed even louder as SVJ just sneered in their direction. “You know, I expected this, really. You were beat at your own game. You were exposed as a fraud and you proved not only to me but to these fans that you really are the man that fears me,” Sylo snarled into the microphone himself. Vince raised the microphone to give a rebuttal but was quickly silenced. SVJ FEARS SYLO! SVJ FEARS SYLO! SVJ FEARS SYLO! “I FEAR NO MAN! DO YOU HEAR ME?! ESPECIALLY NOT THIS OVERGROWN FREAK THAT CALLS HIMSELF A CHAMPION! YOU MAY HAVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT LEGACY TITLE BUT YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT BELONGS TO ME! MY JOLT TITLE!” SVJ screamed into the mic. “Then I’ll tell you what champ. Sorry former champ. Wait, you never were the champ in jOlt. Either way, come on down, we’ll do this right now. Me and you. Let’s end this!” Sylo roared in response. SVJ made his way down the ramp as the fans started to erupt at the thought of seeing these two men go at it again on free television. However, Jacob stopped at the middle of the ramp and smirked before turning his back to Sylo. “As much as I’d love to come down there and kick your teeth out, and trust me, there’s nothing I’d love more, but unfortunately I’m not cleared to compete.” Boos showered Vince Jacobs as he just smirked again. I AM THE WAY INTO THE DOLEFUL CITY, I AM THE WAY INTO ETERNAL GRIEF, I AM THE WAY TO A FORSAKEN RACE JUSTICE IT WAS THAT MOVED MY GREAT CREATOR; DIVINE OMNIPOTENCE CREATED ME, AND HIGHEST WISDOM JOINED WITH PRIMAL LOVE. BEFORE ME NOTHING BUT ETERNAL THINGS WERE MADE, AND I SHALL LAST ETERNALLY. I AM KENJIRO ITO. And from the epic poet of his day, Dante, the scene shifted quickly to modern-day epic poets Jay-Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West, with their popular hit “Run This Town.” Though Vince Jacobs smirk shifted there certainly weren’t cheers. No, more boos. I mean hell, it was Kenjiro Ito. “I don’t know about the Superstar, but I’m sure as feck able to compete tonight. I only became the number one contender last night to not one, not two, but THREE titles that I never lost in Jolt, Big Blue. So why don’t YOU stop simply listening to me and start talking to me, because it’s ME who needs a challenger. You know what, on second thought I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT SYLO... Jacobs doesn’t want to compete against you for the paper Jolt Championship that you’ve got and that useless piece of tin you call a Legacy? I do, it’s mine!” "Wait hold on, Vince don’t open your cock trap, this is important...I know you...you cut your hair but you're the one wing angel! You're Sephiroth, you son of a bitch! Well you're not getting our Mako! I have a new mission, to stop you and Shinra!" The fans replied with laughter "What? Just because I'm the SuperBeast doesn't mean I can't play video games and that son of a bitch is Sephiroth. Seriously though Sephiroth, the only useless pieces of tin that I see, are those three old belts you think still have any meaning... but you knew that, right? I mean why else would you want a shot at my title? Oh and if you look to your side there you’ll see Vince. Yeah, if you haven’t noticed I tend to fuck people up that piss me off.” “Then I’ll make sure to have back-up,” Ito sneered. But before Ito could reply any further towards the SuperBeast, like how only ladyboys like Seymour Almasy, or whatever his name is now a days, play Final Fantasy... he was interrupted by an ever more familiar piece of music. “Meaning of Life” by Disturbed! Wippit Guud entered from the backstage area, making sure to put as much distance between himself and Ito on the top of the rampway. Finally, the fans had reason to cheer. “Useless titles?! I resemble that remark!” Even Sylo had reason to grin now as the fans laughed along with him. “As much as I look forward to the fisticuffs we’ll have,” Wippit said, putting up the dukes in Sylo’s direction to which Sylo waved him off in mock horror, “I’m here because YOU *pointing towards Ito* think that you’re number one contender after last night.” “Well I don’t know about you Guuds and Services ,” the last Triple Crown Champion interjected, “but MY feet never touched the ground until I saw that the three of you had already LOST to me.” “Oh Ito, please come back to reality... it’s brought you this far.” The diminutive Canadian gymnast chuckled in return, much to the amusement of the masses. “Look, you fools, I was in the middle of something involving my rematch with Sylo.” Superstar Vince Jacobs fumed. Before anyone else could say anything, however. A deafening pop carried forward as the opening notes of “Vicarious” by Tool were overheard. Camera Ten captured the Resident Anti Hero power walking his way through the crowd en route towards the ring. Naturally Sylo’s interest heightened. This man wasn’t a friend like Guud, or a constant annoyance like Ito who constantly called him out... no, this was the man he had battled in a dark and bloody war to become the ONLY Undisputed Legacy Champion. Having cleared the barricade, Ninja K traded visual barbs with the jOlt champion before commandeering a microphone and setting himself in front of the main announce position. Ignoring the earsplitting LoC chants from the crowd, Kenshiro raised the mic to say his peace. ”To the self professed ‘Superstar’ Vincent Jacobs; Rematches go to those who win it all before they lose it all, Jacobs. Just as history is written by the victors... you lost your spot in line to the throne the moment Sylo retrieved that Championship... and you did not. If there is anyone who is rightfully deserving of a rematch...” Sylo would torque the bones in his neck as Kenshiro slowly stepped inside of the ring. Standing fearlessly within the champion’s kill zone, the ninja silently seethed before continuing. ”...That right, without question, belongs to ME! Five. Long. Years have elapsed since I was unceremoniously robbed of this very moment - my opportunity for redemption and at long last, it is mine for the taking. Just as history is written and redeemed by the victors, you’ve had your moment to shine...only to collapse as every diminishing star is destined to.” Natalia was barely able to keep SVJ at bay, having been driven to a frenzy at the ninja’s cutting remarks. Turning his full attention towards the reigning King of the jOlt Wrestling universe. "As for YOU..." “It’s like Ninja Gaiden says Ito, you aren’t the number one contender yet. Just like Vince isn’t, but at least you, me and the Ninja have something in common--” Wippit Guud was however cut off from his line of thought as the first truly EXPECTED piece of music hit. “Machu Picchu” revved up before exploding to a melodic rumble bringing out the FOURTH and final man to the equation walked out to join the rest of the D&C Four. “If anyone has a valid argument for a shot at Sylo and the jOlt Championship... it’s me the man he honored in his match against Jacobs, this vintage star, by throwing Ashes to the wind.” Phoenix gained a mixed reaction from the crowd, though he fought valiantly in the Divide & Conquer match... the aftermath of his match with One Eye was still fresh in their minds. Ninja K was about to reply to Phoenix’s pronouncement but the Masked Avenger raised his hand to the Ronin. “With all due respect, sir. Let me finish. Not only did I last the longest in the Divide & Conquer match, making the last elimination until we all fell from the ring... when I eliminated a noted legend in High Flyer... but I had already fought in a match earlier in the night. A match unequaled by what the REST of you had been through, Sylo and the Superstar not included.” Once again the crowd rumbled. “Sylo, let me have war, say I.” The Embodiment of jOlt’s Rebirth growled to its Reckoning. “It exceeds peace as far as day does night,” The Superbeast continued, finishing the quote from Coriolanus, “it's spritely, waking, audible, and full of vent. Peace is a very apoplexy, lethargy: mulled, deaf, sleepy, insensible; a getter of more bastard children than war's a destroyer of men.” “He was a villainous man, One Eye.” Phoenix pronounced to the crowd, “I think he proved that enough to all of you in the Arena, over the last month... if not especially through his actions last night! He had to be eliminated with extreme prejudice. If I could have kept my hands cleaner... kept my mouth free of fire...” Phoenix touched the bottom of his mask, he had finally been able to procure a new one, and was no longer wearing the same stitched up white and gold. Still as he continued with his fervor blocking out any word edge-wise of the six other men that stood around him, the fans grew more and more in his favor. “But it was not to be. And as I wore my tattered mask with a WARRIORS pride, I made it to the top of the mountain with these men, in the Divide & Conquer match! I knew I would have been victorious if not for--” “SHUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!” Kenjiro Ito bellowed into his mic. The crowd booed. “You’re talking privileges are revoked if you keep this Shakespearean sh*t up! Now let the real number one speak--” Then once again, discussions devolved into chaos with each man yelling at one another, all except for Ninja K who seemed to know better in his years in the same way that Ito didn’t know better... and Sylo, who stood in the ring and growled as Aria Murphy pointed to the contenders to his crown and could only shake her head. Suddenly the jOltVision snapped to life, which proved to bring all the chaos to a standstill. The man on the screen? None other then jOlt’s man in charge, one Mr. Damien Lee. “Woah, okay everyone! I’ve heard about enough of this! It’s time we get a little order back in here, okay? I tend to like to stay out of the way of things... but since none of you were able to work this out yourselves, it pretty much left me no choice but to be the voice of reason... didn’t it?” Lee asked no one in particular, as he continued, “Luckily I’ve had something planned for the four men who ended the Divide & Conquer match together, and then refused to stick around to allow me to implement things... I’m sorry to say Mr. Jacobs, but it pertains to the number one contendership to Sylo’s jOlt Championship.” “Then I’m not sorry to say, Lee my boy, but... I decided to go over your head and talk to the board. Since I’m not cleared to compete tonight, they’ve agreed to let me pick a substitute and a stipulation. If the man I choose to take my place wins or rather when he wins, I have a guaranteed ironclad rematch with Sylo at Glory. Being the Superstar gives me all the reason not to give a DAMN about the rest of you. So, I’ll let you know, Sylo, you’ll be in an Underground match tonight against none other than THE KING OF THE UNDERGROUND himself! DERECHO!” SVJ smirked at Sylo one more time. Damien Lee shook his head, as Kenjiro Ito, Wippit Guud, Ninja K and Phoenix had varying degrees of unhappy response to this announcement. Sylo just smirked right back at SVJ, showing his canines, because if he couldn’t finish Vince Jacobs off he still had a score to settle with Derecho. Handing his mic to Aria Murphy, pointed at Vince, and slid that ominous thumb across his throat before laughing. It seemed even injured, the SuperBeast welcomed the fight. “You went to the board, Vince?” Damien Lee breathed in for a moment, to control himself after the slap in the face to his power within this company, “Fine, I guess all I can do is wish yourself and Derecho the best of luck tonight...” SVJ nodded at Damien on the jOltVision, with a wink. Though the man in charge of the day to day operations of jOlt wasn’t finished. “I’m wishing you luck, because whether Derecho wins tonight or not, there’s already going to be another #1 contender in place in just a few minutes. In tonight’s opening match it will be Kenjiro Ito versus Ninja K versus Phoenix versus Wippit Guud... with the first fall to the finish deciding who truly walked away from Divide & Conquer as the #1 contender to the jOlt Championship!” The arena ignited with a passionate roar as Kenjiro Ito began jaw-jacking at Phoenix, as the Masked Avenger stood there, stoically. The Athletic Freak of Nature stared bullets through the smirking visage of the fan favorite, Wippit Guud who motioned for Ninja K to bring the fight to him. Tonight, we would see the Divide & Conquer Four finally decide who won jOlt’s big battle royale... on the road to facing Sylo for the jOlt Championship at Glory. And tonight it would be Derecho vs. Sylo... and they were going Underground. It was chaos at the top of the mountain, for Sylo, with more than a handful of men gunning for him... but I don’t think the Superbeast would want it any other way. ![]() ![]() Kenjiro Ito vs. Ninja K vs. Phoenix vs. Wippit Guud ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The raucous crowd happily encouraged the unchecked chaos as Guud began pummeling Ninja with a bevy of Double Axe Handles and Stomps before being shoved forcibly aside. The tenacious gymnast stunned the Ronin with a Snap Basement Dropkick to his midsection. Left ailing on all fours, Ninja became a makeshift launching pad to floor both Ito & Phoenix with an Over the Top Rope Cannonball Senton! Scrambling to his feet, Wippit reared his head back while extending both arms to warmly embrace the adoring masses. ”Where in the hell is the referee?” Powers exclaimed. On cue, referee Darius Underwood was seen sprinting his way down the ramp towards ringside. The energetic acrobat set his sights on Vince Jacobs hobbling toward him. Natalia served as the wedge between Jacobs and Wippit before Underwood’s presence ensured what little measure of order would be sustained. Abruptly, a reenergized Ito slugged the Canadian from behind before bouncing him soundly off the ring steps with a Release Half Nelson Suplex! Leaving Wippit clutching his midsection, a clashing of massive egos began between Kenjiro and Jacobs. Camera One would focus on Underwood diving underneath the ropes and signaling for the opening bell. Meantime, Ninja and Phoenix aggressively began vying for control with a mutual Head & Collar Tie Up. The Bird of Prey quickly grounded the Ronin with a Side Headlock Takedown and Kenshiro swiveled about to clamp down with a Single Arm Hammerlock. Phoenix with an immediate Standing Hip Toss yet the nimble ninja landed and initiated one of his own. The Golden Man floated over and countered with a Monkey Flip. Kenshiro deftly cartwheeled himself forward into a dead sprint toward the ropes. The Osaka native strode over the prone enigma, who jumped to his feet. Ninja hit the brakes and unleashed a Leaping Single Roundhouse Kick. The Golden Guardian seized the moment with a swift Diving Sunset Flip Pin. Kenshiro rolled to his feet and the crowd groaned at the sound of Ninja’s Buzzsaw Kick connecting with Phoenix’s skull. Leaving his opposition sprawled out across the canvas, the Kansai prefecture native covered the masked firebird with a Lateral Press. 1.....2...Kenjiro Ito interjected with a Flashing Elbow Drop. Grabbing the ninja by the hair, The Bringer of the Ice Age rained down with a hail of stiff Hammerfists unto Kenshiro’s head and neck regions. The masses seethed in unison as Ito dragged the ninja to his feet and hurled him over the top rope. Intent upon taking advantage of the opening, Kenjiro drilled the downed Phoenix with a Running Knee Drop to the Face! Cover...1...2...Phoenix with the Kickout! Kenjiro leapt to his feet and began stomping the daylights of his prey. Referee Underwood broke his count at 4 before verbally and physically reprimanding the admitted Asshole of Lore. As the Phoenix staggered about to regain his bearings, Wippit Guud was seen pulling himself unto the ring apron. An embittered Kenjiro shoved the ring official aside - en route to intercept the diminutive threat. Reaching over the top rope, Ito seized a recovering Wippit by the hair with both hands - taunting him. Methodically clubbing Guud with Overhand Forearms, the heralded gymnast was in dire straits along the apron... Phoenix with a precision Enziguri jettisoned the Bad Will Ambassador Champion forward, unintentionally knocking Wippit off the ring apron. The Firebird shook the cobweb free before connecting with a Rolling Side Russian Leg Sweep - a prelude to a textbook Tiger Suplex Pin! 1...2...Ito flops over to his side, much to the chagrin of the audience. Along the outside, Superstar Vince Jacobs was stalking after a seemingly dazed Wippit Guud when Kenshiro rounded the corner, keeping a barking SVJ at firmly bay. Camera Two would return inside the ring where Phoenix was pointing out to the crowd before cinching in a Mexican Surfboard. Left gnashing his teeth, Ito would power his way out of it collapsing onto all fours. Phoenix would gradually lean Kenjiro back first against the turnbuckle and haul off with an Overhand Open Palm Slap to the Chest! center>WHOOOOOO!!! A Ric Flair tribute echoed against the rafters yet Kenjiro would strike back with one of his own. The brutal exchange of dueling Chops cranked the crowd play higher than the last until Phoenix backed him into the corner with a sound Spinning Back Kick. The Firebird with the Irish Whip. Ito hit the brakes and connects with a sickening Release German Suplex! The ailing Bird of Prey rolled quickly unto the nearest ring apron yet Ninja was back to begin pummeling the recovering Cocky Asian with several stiff Crossface Punches. A defiant Wippit shoved the ninja in the chest, screaming something inaudible to him before nailing Ito with a Snap Kick across his Torso. Shoving the gymnast aside, Kenshiro audibly drilled Ito with a stiff Kick of his own. A bevy of curse words were cast by the battered Asian as both Ninja & Wippit pulled him back to his feet and whipped toward the opposing corner. Along the outside, SVJ continued protesting against the tentative alliance as Ninja power whipped Guud toward the corner. Wippit executed a Running Cartwheel before crushing Ito with a Vaulting Turnbuckle Splash! Thrusting both arms towards the heavens, the nimble Canadian beamed with great delight... Wippit’s celebration was cut short as Ninja’s patented Running Double Foot Kick between Guud’s shoulder blades, sending him crashing violently into the Cocky Asian. The masses clamored noisily as Ito fell atop of Wippit for the cover! 1...2...Kenshiro ripped Kenjiro off the gymnast's carcass to break up the pin yet Jacob’s presence near the ring apron distracted the irritated ninja, allowing Phoenix to retaliate with an Flying Forearm to the Face! The Bad Will Ambassador was seen sliding out the ring to recoup himself as Phoenix connected with a series of Knife Edge Chops on Ninja, leaning him against the ropes. The Golden One promptly vaulted into the air for a Springboard Tornado DDT yet the Ninja held on and spun the Phoenix about to perch him along the ring apron. A trading of stiff Forearms Shots and Chops were exchanged by the masked duo before Jacobs seized the Phoenix by the leg. Kenshiro’s retaliatory Forearm Strike was upended by Wippit’s immediate School Boy Pin! 1...2....No! As Kenshiro kicked out and began tussling with Wippit, Phoenix used his foot to push the toilsome SVJ stumbling backward onto the ramp way before making him crash and burn via a Vaulting Headscissors Takedown! The Arena of Champions became a haven for a ravenous mob as Phoenix began arguing with Natalia, who provided cover for her fallen client. Back inside the squared circle, Wippit was successful with a Victory Roll Pin! 1...2...Kenjiro broke the count by dragging referee Underwood by the leg to the outside, drawing negative heat from the masses. Ignoring the heelish antics of Ito, Wippit evaded the ninja’s Knife Edge Chop with a somersault to his feet and dazzling the crowd with a picturesque Dropsault, leaning the Resident Anti Hero against the ropes. Gaining a head of steam, the lithe Canadian strode towards the opposing ropes yet his Flying Cross Body was upended as the Ninja reclaimed his vertical base. Unwittingly allotting Kenjiro to connect with a violent Bakemono Lariat, sending all three combatants spilling to the outside! A recovering Underwood struggled to regain his bearings before heading outside in hopes of restoring order. Seemingly pissed off, the self-professed Future of Wrestling fight his way back to his feet and armed himself with a Steel Chair yet the referee began arguing with him to relinquish the weapon... Camera Four zeroed in on the ever smirking Natalia, armed with a retractable baton, arrogantly stood over a fallen Phoenix. Vince Jacobs mockingly pointing at the Golden Man's dismay. A surge of massive heel heat ensued as both the megalomaniac superstar and his cohort continued screaming at Phoenix and the unsettled masses in sheer defiance. Meanwhile, Referee Underwood managed to snatch the chair from Ito’s hands, urging him to respond with a retaliatory shove. Underwood gained favor from the audience as he shoved Kenjiro back and began yelling back at him. Kenjiro mockingly yielded before leveling the ring official with an Open Palm Punch to the Chest! Jeers were abound as Kenjiro basked in the moment before being blindsided by an angry Wippit who floored him with a Flying Lou Thesz Press! Punches were exchanged between the two while a recovering ninja stormed after SVJ. In hindsight, a pair of jOlt security, were seen storming out from the backstage area. Jacobs slowly began back-peddling while conveying he was in no condition to fight. Natalia stood in the way to dissuade Kenshiro - only to be face palmed and shoved soundly onto the floor before making a B-line with an awaiting SVJ. Complete pandemonium ensued as the two security guards tackled the ninja, wildly tumbling over the guardrails and into the front row. A disheveled SVJ hobbled quickly out of harm's way as more security piled on to help restrain the volatile Kenshiro. Drunkenly staggering to his feet, Underwood summoned jOlt security from the back and a sea of Royal Blue clad muscle swarmed en route to the ringside area. The masses cheered with reckless abandon as the would be contenders of the jOlt Championship took the fight to the hired muscle and amongst themselves. Underwood repeated signaling for the bell to end the match fell on deaf ears as warpath was being carved towards the southwestern end of the arena. An angry Phoenix staggered after the brawling pair and intervened before being tackled by jOlt protective reinforcements. Having taken the fight over in front of the Spanish Announce position, both Wippit and Ito were forcibly pried apart before being escorted away from ringside. Ring Announcer Brad Arnold commandeered the mic with a following announcement. ![]() ”Ladies and Gentlemen; this match has been ruled as a No Contest...*feedback* A tsunami of boos were overcast as remnants of jOlt personnel attended to the prone Natalia, who was left laying sprawled out along the jOlt ramp way. SVJ motioning for the incoming paramedics to arrive post haste before hobbling back, giving them room to aid Natalia. A look of both concern and resentment was drawn along the face of Vince Jacobs before muttering something inaudible to himself. “Folks; we have yet to receive any word on the condition of Natalia or have any explanation of what has just transpired...” Buhrman mentioned. “However, it is in my honest opinion, that this war to decide who will be the Number One Contender for the Jolt Heavyweight Title, is literally far from over.”
![]() ![]() ![]() “Is that right? I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but the fans absolutely love ya. I made that possible! What kinda bite the hand that feeds ya bullshit is this? Tell me chief, cause I’m starting not to get ya.” Keith waited for a response. Ray was seated about twenty feet away from Keith. As much as he wanted to tell Keith exactly what he thought of him, this was neither the time nor the place. He figured he would just bite his tongue on this one and respond. “Let’s get something straight Keith. I have been in this business a hell of a lot longer than you have, so I know exactly what I am doing when it comes to my career. I am not an idiot, even though you try and treat me like one, at times. It is your job to manage my career, per Jim Johnson. Come to think of it, I have not even seen that son of a bitch at any of the shows. Is he too damn scared to face me?” Keith trotted over to Ray with his hands in the air, “First of all, calm your horses. Secondly, if ya haven’t realized it by now, Jim doesn’t give two shits about ya. That’s why he stuck ya at the bottom of the barrel with a paycheck that’s insulting to paychecks! I was the one that still saw life in ya. I’m the same bastard that put his neck on the line for ya! In return, what do I get? I’m given the task of reinventing the mothafuckin ’Equalizer’. I don’t know what do to with ya, slick. No clue.” Ray had the solution. “You can leave anytime you want,” Ray pointed in front of him, “the door is right there.” Keith nervously stroked his thick mustache, “No no no!! That’s not an option chief. I’m in this, with you, until the end. Till death do us part, ay brotha?” Ray wasn’t amused. Keith continued, “Look, we haven’t really talked about what’s happened the past couple weeks. I don’t want ya to rip my head off, but it’s my job to speak up. With that said, what in hell were you thinkin’ teaming up with a bunch of ingrates on last Intense?” “Ingrates? Did you buy a dictionary over the weekend? Look, those guys were short on numbers and a friend of mine called in a favor. I obliged.” Ray explained. “FRIEND!? When the fuck did you ever have any friends?” Keith asked, his face now red. “Wippit Guud has always…” Keith cut his client off real quick out of utter shock. “You sacrificed yourself, for that nothing?” Ray raised his head up, eyes like daggers. “Watch it. You know damn well Wippit and I were a tag team long before I ever stepped foot in the Legacy of Champions. As far as I am concerned, Wippit has always done right by me.” Keith shook his head disappointingly. “Fine, whatever you say slick, but JCON? Really? The same loud mouth, son of a ***** I’ve been listening to for the past fifteen years? The same punk that doesn’t even deserve the gold strapped around his waist?” Ray said nothing. “Figured. Don’t even get me started on the Jason Statham rip-off. Hasn’t this guy lost every single one of his matches? Oh yes,” Keith said sarcastically, “let’s stick up for that dingo-chaser. Ya tried to play nice guy with that mentally unstable fuck, Greg Vincent. For your troubles he hit ya with a chair… for the second time. Yet, I’m supposed to believe ya know what you’re doing?” No response, for the second time. Just eyes that burned deep with frustration. A rage that was thought to have faded away into obscurity, only to return at this exact moment. Keith still wasn’t done as he momentarily paused to catch his breath. “Ah yes. Sylo. Just for future notice, ya can’t domesticate a Superbeast! I know ya remember how he was back at the other place. And ya go and talk to this ticking timebomb. Ya realize he could’ve snapped your neck in two at any given moment! Get this through your head slick, YA CAN’T TRUST SYLO.” Ray could not take Keith’s incessant bickering any longer. “It’s not about trust Keith! It would have been foolish to go into that match alone and he knew it. He is only one man and there is always strength in numbers.” “One man,” Keith said with repulsion, “Sylo isn’t one man. Sylo probably isn’t even human. Hell, I bet a couple a green-dicked aliens came down from planet, whogivesafuck and stuck that freak with a dose of secret serum. It probably contained roids, piss, and LSD. I mean, just look at that guy. He looks like a raver fucked the Incredible Hulk!” Ray did not find anything funny about this situation. “Are you done?” Keith placed his hands on his hips and shook his head in disappointment. His tone was reminiscent of a man that was pushed too far and almost ready to give up. “Guess so, champ. Just don’t go and forget why ya came back in the first place. Cause the chump-change you’re sending back home to your daughter isn’t enough to cover tuition, let alone a couple of them college books. Get ready for your match tonight. Ya got Greg Vincent again. From what I saw at Divide and Conquer, ya still ain’t back to your old self. What do I know though, right?” Ray stood up and went to exit the room, before Keith spoke up again, briefly stopping him. “Let’s watch out for the chair shot this time. Ya know, third time’s a charm and all that.” Ray left, with Keith glaring menacingly behind him. ![]() ![]() ![]() Last Sunday at Divide and Conquer, Gregg was degraded in front of thousands by The Extreme One, mocking him with some DX Crotch Chops, which Vincent himself had illustrated a time or two since his debut in jOlt. But tonight, Gregg was on a mission to reclaim his pride and redeem himself by taking on the man who knocked him out at D&C. ? Gregg Scott Vincent was Out for Blood. He walked through the halls of the Arena of Champions with the strap of his red and black gym bag draped over his shoulder. He was heading straight to Damien Lee’s Skybox because he had a problem with the way things have gone lately. Gregg puffed on the cigarette and enjoyed the taste as it sat in his lungs. He exhaled and smashed the remnants of the cigarette on the wall in front of him, leaving a black splotch of ash on the wall. He dropped the cancer stick and stomped on it. There was no knock at the door that could have warned Damien Lee of the unexpected visitor. Gregg barged in and caught Damien by surprise as he reviewed the schedule for Intense. The CEO was a bit startled, but soon grasped his composure as he stood up to greet Vincent. “Well if it isn’t Gregg Scott Vincent.” Lee said, waiting for GSV to shake his hand. GSV shook Damien’s hand with a firm grip, almost pulling his arm out of his socket with the final motion. Gregg sat down and slouched back in the chair with his fingers interlocked and his knuckles under his chin. “It’s good to finally meet you. Of course you know I’ve been keeping an eye on you because of the backstage incidents. However I have to say I am surprised I haven’t heard of more incidents involving you. I can see a change in you and that is a good thing because the violence outside the ring has died down. I appreciate that Gregg.” Damien wrapped his hands around the cup of coffee on the desk and sipped on it. He put it back down on his desk and continued. “So what can I do for you tonight?” he asked. Gregg rubbed his chin as he thought of a way to put what he was thinking into words. “Well first off, I’m not satisfied with the way things are going right now. This MegaSTAR crap isn’t doing me and justice. I’m a warrior and I should be in the ring with the biggest, baddest motherfuckers in jOlt!” “Okay...” Lee said as he anxiously waited for Gregg to continue. “I want to be a part of the Underground Division.” Damien began to speak, but Gregg would not allow it. There was a lot on his mind, but he only had a small amount of time to get his words out into the open. It took four weeks to meet with the CEO of jOlt and he was going to put everything out on the table for Damien to analyze. “Hold on...let me finish.” GSV demanded. “When I first came to jOlt, you guys demanded that I play the MegaSTAR. Ya’ll demanded me to use the Iconic Chair on Chavez in my debut, ya’ll demanded I job to Cordova, and ya’ll demanded I act like a little Arrogant *****. And ALL of THAT is unacceptable. I’m Gregg Scott Vincent...I put the grown men to sleep with my fist and choke outs. That’s who I am and from here on out, that’s what I’m going to do...” “And it all starts with Extreme.” he bellowed as his face swelled with anger, “At Divide and Conquer, he fucked up. No one does that **** to me and gets away with it. NO ONE!” Greg leaned forward and pounded his fist on the desk, “I’m usually the type of guy to mind my own business and focus on my fights in the ring, but when it comes to these types of situation, I hunt down motherfuckers and get even.” “So Damien, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way? You give me Extreme in a match tonight, or I go looking for him.” Damien sighed as he could only imagine the outcome if Gregg Scott Vincent were to find The Extreme One backstage. But if he was to change the schedule for GSV tonight, who would he have to change it for next week? So he went with the first option after a brief moment of thinking. “Well Gregg, I’m not changing the schedule for tonight... If I was to do that for you, then I’d be doing it for everyone, and that will never happen. Just focus on Ray Chavez tonight and next week on Warriors, I will put you and Mike down for a match.” Damien picked up his pen and marked it in his calendar on his desk, but Gregg still was not satisfied. He wasn’t patient enough to wait until Warriors, it had to be done tonight, even if it meant breaking the rules again. “Then I will go find him.” “YOU ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT GO LOOKING FOR HIM!” Lee shouted, “I’ve warned you twice already and if it happens a third time Gregg, you will face the consequences!” GSV stood up and retrieved his gym bag and looked at Damien one last time. “It won’t be the first time.” Gregg Scott Vincent turned and exited the room. Damien quickly pulled out his cell phone from the inside of his coat pocket and dialed some numbers. As he waited for someone to answer, he darted to the door, and peeked outside to make sure GSV was out of sight. “Keep an eye on Vincent tonight, he’s going after Extreme.” The door slammed shut and the scene faded to another location. ![]() ![]() Eli Conway vs. Jonathan Conspiracy ![]() ![]() ![]() What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a nonbeliever......who don't believe in anything Make it out alive Alright alright No church in the wild Tears on the mausoleum floor... "No Church in the Wild" by Jay-Z and Kanye West flooded the Arena of Champions, and it brought out a man that didn't have much success at Divide & Conquer. A man who many felt did not deserve to be on the match, considering the way he won that title that put him in the Unification match. Add to the fact that he was unsuccessful in the actual Divide & Conquer match, and Jonathan Conspiracy was not a happy camper. As he made his way down the aisle accompanied by his wife Sweet Aroma, JCON felt that tonight would be different, because tonight he would get his hands on one of the West Texas Terrorists or as he so affectionately called them, Nashvillain's bitches. "Bloodline" (Instrumental) by Slayer was next to be played throughout the arena which brought out one half of said "bitches", Eli Conway who just so happened to be bringing with him the other "bitch", his twin brother Ezra. The Conways enjoyed joining Nashvillain in beating down the competition here in jOlt and got a special thrill of whipping on Jonathan and Veronica. The Conways got up on the apron as the referee, Radius Underworld, stood in front of Jonathan Conspiracy and Sweet Aroma to keep them from getting the match started prematurely. Eli and Ezra jumped down to the arena floor and demanded that Underwood keep the couple at bay or they would not enter the ring. Finally Conspiracy and Aroma conceded to allow the Conways entrance. Underwood would then order both seconds, Aroma and Ezra, out of the ring. After checking over both Conspiracy and Eli Conway, he ordered the bell to ring to start the match. Ding! Ding! Ding! Conspiracy and Eli Conway received final instructions from their significant others and met each other in the middle of the ring. The match started how most matches start and that's with a collar and elbow tie-up. Eli used how strength advantage and shoved JCON off which sent the flyweight back into the corner. It was at that very moment Jonathan knew what he had to do. Conspiracy returned from the corner and as the two went to lock up again Conspiracy punched Conway dead in the mouth. The shock of the punch sent Eli reeling back to his corner as JCON advanced on him... only to be stopped by Underwood. Ezra shouted at his brother to not let that happen again, or he may be on for another fight this evening. The ref broke up the family reunion and ordered Eli from the corner to resume this one on one contest. An Exchange of rights and lefts ensued before Eli bowled Conspiracy over with a knee to the gut. He whipped Conspiracy onto the ropes and took him down with an arm drag. Conspiracy immediately sprung to his feet, only to be taken down with another, and another. Upon getting back to his feet he was taken down with a fourth armdrag. A few stomped for good measure and the crowd was less than pleased. Eli took a moment to address them while Aroma shouted encouragement for One Letter Better to get up off the mat. Slowly but surely Mr. Conspiracy made it back to one knee, before getting assisted further by Eli. He placed Jonathan between his legs for what looked to be either a powerbomb or piledriver... ...however he became a victim of a back bodydrop as Conspiracy dropped back down to his knees holding the anal of hoa back. Ezra shouted "GET HIM!" to the downed Eli. The West Texas Thriller was far from thrilled at these turn of events and actually got to his feet first, but as he approached the former 2x International Champion, he was met with a forearm to the gut. Conspiracy backed into the ropes and came off ramming his knee into the side of Eli's head which sent him back down to the canvas. Jonathan circled the ring as Eli rolled out to seek council with his brother. The ref started the 10 count, as part of the crowd chanted "J-C-O-N!" and once they finished with the "N!" the other part of the crowd chanted "ONE LETTER BETTER!" Ezra got Eli settled, and at the count of 7, Eli was back up on the apron and ordered Darius Underwood to keep Jonathan Conspiracy at bay. Conspiracy was ready to pounce on his opponent but finally backed off to allow for Eli's re-entrance. But once Eli started to duck under the top rope to enter Conspiracy charged at him which caused Eli to jump back down to the arena floor. The boos from the crowd rained on the WTT, as Eli met back up with his brother, who very much looked like he wanted to take matters into his own hands. Darius Underwood reprimanded JCON and ordered him to allow Eli Conway access to the ring. Eli climbed back onto the ring apron as Conspiracy charged again, only this time he was met by Conway's shoulder. JCON doubled over and fell to the mat as Eli took control of the match. The Demon Seed took One Letter Better down with a Release German Suplex and put the boots to him. He taunted his opponent before bringing him back to a vertical base and Irish whipped him into the ropes. He lunged at JCON in and clotheslined him out of the ring, with Conspiracy landing at the feet of The Executioner. Eli then taunted Sweet Aroma, which diverted Underwood's attention. This allowed for Ezra to toss Conspiracy into the ring steps. Aroma was now on the apron with only Underwood and the ropes keeping her from Elias she tried in vain to point out the interference. Eli then backed away from the confrontation as Ezra rolled Men Conspiracy into Tue ring and soon followed. Mrs. Conspiracy continued to argue with Darius Underwood while Ezra brought JCON to his feet while Eli climbed to the top rope. GUILLOTINE CLOTHESLINE! Eli Conway connected with the move, but was surprised by Conspiracy's evasion and apologized to a downed Ezra. As he went to offer assistance to his brother, Eli was pushed forward by a dropkick to the back and the momentum carried him to the ropes and caused him to flip over and to the floor. The ref finally got Sweet Aroma under control as Conspiracy took his turn atop the turnbuckles and launched himself into the air. CONSPIRACY THEORY! Jonathan connected with his patented top rope guillotine legdrop and went for the pin on Ezra hooking the far leg for good measure. 1 2 3 ![]() Underwood called for the bell and "No Church in the Wild" tied the arena, along with a decent pop from the crowd. Ezra Conway rolled from the ring and was met by Eli who could audibly be heard saying "You didn't beat me!", as he assisted Ezra to the back. Underwood raised Conspiracy's ARM and victory as Aroma did the same on the other side. Tonight Jonathan Conspiracy got a small measure of revenge but things looked to be far from over between him, Aroma and those Terrorists. ![]() ![]() ![]() “The last time GSV and The Equalizer met in the ring, Chavez was the victim of a chair shot.” Michael told the listeners at home. Nathan quickly made a remark of his own, “That was Gregg Scott Vincent’s debut match too, Michael.” “Yes it was." Michael said, "It was exactly four weeks ago, so you can guarantee The Equalizer hasn’t forgotten about that chair shot.” Michael said. “Or the second one that happened the following week on Warriors! GSV has made several enemies in just a short amount of time. I wonder who he’s gonna piss off next?” Nathan replied as his attention turned to the jOltvision above the ramp, “Look! It’s RUNE WINTERS!” “Who is that guy in front of him? Is that...GSV!?” Gregg quickly turned around and sure enough, Rune Winters stood in front of him with his shovel in hand and the camera crew was not too far behind him. “Now that’s one man I don’t want to piss off!” Nathan added as it pertained to his previous comment. Gregg Scott Vincent took a puff off of his cigarette and held it in his lungs for a few seconds. He looked up at Rune and blew a thick cloud of gray smoke in Rune’s face. However, Rune just smiled, and tapped his hand on the shovel. Vincent took a cautious step backwards because he knew the probability of that shovel being slammed into his face was high. “Keep walking Rune, you’ll get your chance soon enough. After I’m done with Extreme.” Gregg told Rune. “Oh, so now we got our big boy pants on we decide we can start making the rules? I don't like waiting, Gregg with two Gs, if I really wanted to knock your teeth out I would,” Rune said as he continued slapping the shovel with his hand. “I’d like to see you try.” Gregg puffed on the cigarette and flicked the ashes at Rune’s feet. Rune lunged at Gregg Scott Vincent with the shovel, but stopped as GSV flinched. Rune laughed. “I think someone just shit those brand new big boy pants,” he said to Gregg and laughed. “Are you done?” Rune stood to the side as it allowed Gregg to pass by him. GSV slowly passed by with his eyes glued at Rune and his shovel. As Gregg stepped further away, Rune made another comment, “Hey, tough guy. No crotch-chops on your way out this time? HAHAHAHA!” Rune’s laugh was never ending as Gregg walked further away from Rune and the cameras. GSV approached the corridor connecting to the entrance of the ring, but before he turned the corner, he glanced at the other end of the hall and made sure Rune was not following him. There was no sign of Rune Winters and the only logical reason was because Gregg Scott Vincent had a match in five minutes. Gregg turned back around to turn the corner and... WHACK! The sound of steel against flesh echoed the halls. Gregg stumbled forwards and caught the edge of the wall, withstanding the blow. He turned around and saw Mike Extreme wielding a steel chair. Gregg scowled as he held his head and noticed the Extreme One closing the distance. “Be careful what you ask for Vincent.” Extreme laughed as he stepped closer, “Because sometimes it doesn't always turn out the way you expect it too.” GSV grunted, as he quickly darted at Extreme in attempt for the GSV Kick, but before Gregg could extend his leg in midair, he was struck by another chair shot. Gregg fell backwards and hit the concrete back first. He looked down at his fallen foe only to see the resilient warrior slowly get up off the floor. Gregg lifted his head and looked up at Extreme with a cold stare. Mike was shocked, but the amazement quickly evolved to frustration as Gregg smirked back at him. “What?” Gregg said as he stood up and wiped the dirt off his shorts, “You thought it would be that easy?” Mike’s jaw tightened as he lunged at GSV with a right hook, but Gregg dodged it with some quick head movement and countered with a kick to the side of Extreme’s knee, followed by an uppercut. Mike barely budged however, and retaliated with a lunging clothesline sending GSV to the ground another time. Extreme reached down with his right hand and wrapped his enormous paws around Gregg’s throat. He picked GSV off the floor and lifted him aloft, with one hand. Mike reeled in Vincent; the two were face to face. “It is that easy.” Screams of Pain. Extreme quickly left the scene before anyone could spot him. Gregg wasn’t moving and Ray Chavez was about to make his entrance. ![]() ![]() Ray Chavez vs. Gregg Scott Vincent ![]() ![]() ![]() The whisper of ’Equalizer’ signaled the entrance of a fan favorite that was slowly climbing up the ranks in the company. He had put everything he had into the match at Divide and Conquer, ultimately getting eliminated by the current Relentless champion, The Nashvillain. “Sacrifice” (EQ Mix) by Atom Smash blared over the PA as the fans went crazy. An assortment of Equalizer signs could be seen in certain areas. Ray made his way out onto the entrance ramp where he paused, closely followed by Keith, who placed his hands on his hips and smiled as wide as he could. Ray gazed out into the massive crowd that was cheering him on, his mask reflecting the blue strobe light. Ray briefly nodded in approval for his reaction, then headed down to the ring as several fans reached out in his direction. He made his way into the ring as Keith took his place at ringside. Ray tugged at the ropes and slapped himself on his shoulder, as he waited to get some retribution for Gregg’s previous wrongdoings. Silence. The drums of “Warrior” by Volbeat roared through the arena, followed by the rifts of a guitar. The tempo of the song began to escalate and then the drums shook the arena once again, followed by... The beat of the song had the fans standing at attention as they stared at the entrance. The fans looked on as the music continued playing. Chavez stood center-ring as he awaited the arrival of Gregg Scott Vincent, but after a couple of minutes the music began to fade and there was no sign of GSV. Ray looked at referee Jack Mehough who shrugged his shoulders. Jack wanted to start the ten count, but Chavez demanded he hold off because he owed Vincent a little payback. Suddenly, the fans all gasped for a breath of air as they spotted GSV walk through the curtains holding his back. He stopped and looked at Chavez in the ring as he forced the pain into hiding. He straightened his back and created a smirk on his face as he walked to the ring. “Are you kidding me? This man just took a beating from Mike Extreme and now he is gonna go up against one of jOlt’s premiere athletes, Ray Chavez.” Michael told Nathan. “GSV is showing his toughness tonight Michael, there isn’t too many men that could withstand an attack from Extreme and then come out here a face a man like The Equalizer.” Nathan added. Gregg Scott Vincent entered the ring via the steel steps. He stepped through the ropes and walked over to Chavez who stood next to the referee. Gregg looked up at Chavez with determination. The referee took a step back and signaled for the bell with his right hand. The bell rang which signaled the match was underway. “Vincent looks like he just got mauled by a tiger!” Nathan Powers exclaimed. “I couldn’t agree with you more Nate. For those of you just joining us, Gregg Vincent was the victim of an unprovoked attack, by Mike Extreme, as he was on his way to the ring.” Michael Buhrman explained. Ray looked down at Vincent with hesitation as he saw the pain throbbing in his eyes. Chavez looked at Kane and then it was on. Gregg speared Chavez and lifted him into the air and forced him into the mat with a hard slam. GSV mounted Chavez and proceeded to drive his fist into the face of Chavez. One...Two...Three...Four...Five... The referee took notice of the closed fists and warned Gregg, who continued pounding away on The Equalizer. Ray wrenched his body around and managed to toss Gregg off him. As Ray tried to get up, he was met with several clubbing forearm shots to his upper back. Gregg continued to pound Ray down to the mat. Gregg continued to attack Chavez like a rabid dog, opting to use his MMA arsenal, rather than the wrestling he failed with last time the two of these men met. Gregg stood up and stomped on the mat, quite pleased with his performance, even in his weakened condition. As Ray once again tried to get up, he was met with two hard kicks to his ribcage, sending him rolling over onto his back. “Come on ref, get him off!” Keith shouted to the ref. Gregg picked up Ray’s head and bit, placing him in a rear naked choke. The referee bent over to check things out. The fans began to cheer Ray on, hoping he could get things under control. Ray outmuscled Gregg by flinging him forward. Both men stood up quickly, with Ray driving a massive forearm into Gregg’s temple. Ray unloaded on Gregg with several knife-edge chops, the sound echoing throughout the arena. Ray Irish whipped Gregg to the ropes and went for a clothesline, missing as Gregg ducked, bounced off the opposite ropes and was met with a thunderous spine breaker that shook the ring! Ray picked Gregg up by his throat and quickly drove his knee into Gregg’s gut, knocking his wind out. He then picked up Gregg with ease and bodyslammed him with full force. Gregg was slow to get up as the ref paced around both men. Gregg managed to slip in a low blow without the ref seeing. Ray dropped down to the mat, holding his groin. Gregg chuckled in the corner, doing his best to catch his breath. He did not pursue Ray. Instead, he waited for him to get up. Once up, Gregg charged at Ray with haste. Ray telegraphed it and launched him high in the air, draping Gregg neck first over the top rope, the momentum catapulted him backwards onto the mat. Gregg laid there choking. The fans were alive! They loved the action, by the sound of their roaring approval. Gregg rolled around the mat until he slid under the ropes to the outside. No matter how hard he tried, Gregg had a tough time catching his second wind. He walked in the direction of the timekeeper, the same direction where the steel chairs were. Ray sprang into action, now upset, as he remembered this was the same man who had hit him twice with a chair in one week! Ray ran up behind Gregg and tossed him onto the announce table, directly into Michael Burhman and Nathan Powers. The referee had already started the count, now at two. Keith walked over to where Ray could hear him, “Finish this guy, champ! Ya got him!” Gregg realized Ray was still close, and kicked him square in the face. Ray rubbed at his masked jaw as Gregg tackled him into the apron from behind, Ray’s chest connecting hard with the side of the ring. Gregg spun him around and connected with an elbow uppercut on the Ray’s jaw. Ray’s head flung to the left, but he quickly brought it back around, and sent his right fist into Gregg’s broken nose. Blood spewed from it as Chavez forced him back into the ring and followed behind him. Vincent somehow managed to stand up as Chavez entered the ring. Gregg lunged at Ray with a clothesline, Ray ducked, turned around, and wrapped his massive arms around GSV and enclosed him in a bearhug, adding insult to injury. Gregg roared in agony as Ray tightened the hold. He started driving his fist into The Equalizer’s face. Right. Left. Right. Left. Chavez lost his grip with the fourth blow and GSV landed on his feet. Gregg quickly bounced off the ropes and dove at Chavez, but Ray surprised GSV and lifted him into the air, catching him with a swinging neckbreaker! The fans cheered loudly. Ray went for the cover. 1... 2… Kickout!! Ray got to his feet and shared a few low-volume words with the referee. Ray picked him up and gave him a hard Irish whip into the corner. He followed right after with a huge body splash!! Ray gave him another Irish whip into the opposite corner and followed with another big splash!! Ray with a quick snapmare sent Gregg to a seated position. Without hesitation, Ray bounced off the ropes and drove his knee directly into Gregg’s face causing more blood to seep from the injured nose. A cover! 1… 2… KICKOUT, by Gregg in the nick of time. Keith clapped at ringside, doing his best to motivate his masked client. Ray waited as Gregg got to his feet. He then delivered a booming right hand, sending Gregg hard to the mat. Gregg sprang up, and received another solid right hand, sending him back to the mat. Gregg, beyond exhausted, rose up again with all the fight he had left. Ray went for a short arm clothesline, but Gregg reversed it as he jumped in the air, grabbed Ray’s head, and dropped him chest first against both his knees!! Before Ray could realize what had happened, Gregg interlocked his arms and legs into his patented triangle choke, aptly named The GFV Hold. Ray struggled to break free. No luck. Gregg managed to lock it in tight. The referee asked Ray if he wanted to quit. No response from Ray, instead he tried to break free. At this point, Keith was pounding on the mat. Ray could not breathe and it was taking a toll on him. He could feel himself slip away, but he started to crawl towards the ropes. Inch by inch… Gregg was screaming at the top of his lungs now. He tightened up for added pressure. Ray’s entire body trembled, his muscles flexed, as he made his way closer and closer. Finally, he grabbed the ropes!! The referee told Gregg to break the hold, which he regrettably did. “That was a close one!” shouted Nathan Powers. “The Equalizer isn’t one to lie down, but you’ve got to admit. That was pretty close!” said Michael Burhman. Ray was slow to get to his feet. Gregg walked over and grabbed his him in a front facing headlock. Ray immediately reversed it into a front headlock of his own. He picked up Gregg into a vertical suplex base and let his body drop hard to the mat! “What a beautifully executed Shouten!” exclaimed Powers. “I believe he calls that The Saturday Night Special,” said Burhman. Even after that, Gregg clawed at the mat as he tried desperately to get up. It was obvious that he had nothing left in his tank. The fans were ecstatic. Ray noticed his wobbly knees and lifted him up. Ray hoisted him onto his shoulders as the fans roared with approval. D\/D!! (Death Valley Driver) Ray hooked the leg. 1… 2… 3!! ![]() The referee called for the bell and this was a win for The Equalizer. Keith celebrated outside, quite happy with the first victory on the road to making him a rich man. Before Keith was able to enter the ring to congratulate his client, a figure jumped over the barricade and tossed him face-first into the steel post. Keith dropped. The figure, wearing a navy blue hoodie that covered his face, slid under the ropes and attacked Ray from behind. He delivered some hard shots to Ray’s back before he whipped him around. He continued the assault by delivering well-placed rights to his midsection. Ray tried to fight back as he managed to catch the perpetrator with a few rights of his own. The hooded figure regained control by hitting Ray with a solid double-handed head-butt, which stunned The Equalizer. He kicked Ray in the stomach then hit an Underhook E-Coli Bomb out of nowhere!! “Did you see that Mike!?” “I don’t know what I just saw. That modified piledriver could have ended Chavez’s career.” The figure whipped up to a standing position and tossed the hood back. He revealed himself to be non-other than Jason Rau!? “Oh my god, that’s Jason Rau!” Nathan shouted shockingly. Jason stood in the center of the ring, smirk on his face, as the fans booed. A few loose items were tossed into the ring, one cup of soda even splashing Rau’s shoulder. Jason turned around to eye his work. Ray was still down from the devastating Aussie-Driver. He spit on Ray before existing the ring as the ref tended to the fallen Equalizer. ![]() ![]() ![]() “Ivan, you helped me prove that all of these idle attacks will not go unpunished. I helped give you a spotlight and you didn’t disappoint, and that kick to the chest?! Somebody your size doing something like could be liability. Have you thought about using something else?” Ivan, after a brief moment of silence, shook his head. “No.” Ivan responded sharply. Damien Lee looked a bit shocked at his response when the conversation was quickly broken up by the appearance of Ivan’s previous opponent, Bane Loneheart. “Damien, Damien. I’m glad I found you and your newest puppet of disrespect together, because last time, I wasn’t ready for damn near three hundred pounds of muscle to try and kick in my chest. But this time I will be!” Bane confidently announced. Damien looked a little taken back and Ivan Borodin stood ready before Damien motioned for The Demon of Dublin to back down. “This time? What are you talking about Loneheart?” Damien questioned the pipe wielding pragmatist. “I’m challenging Ivan to a rematch on Warriors in another underground rules match. And this time, he won’t be so lucky!” Bane confidently spat out while tapping Damien on the shoulder with his pipe. Bane turned around and walked off causing Damien to look at the monster standing beside him stewing in rage. “Did you notice he didn’t look at you once?” Damien asked Ivan. Ivan, stricken by rage, looked down at Damien and growled out two words. “Ivan accepts.” ![]() ![]() ![]() There was only one thing on his mind and it involved Mike Extreme. “Damn bastard got me again.” he growled and slammed his fist through the wall in front of him. “I’m gonna find that big bitch and put my fist through his face." Gregg opened the door to his closet and in it were a variety of items which included a carton of cigarettes, two lighters, whiskey, and a pair of brass knuckles. He reached into the closet and pulled out a Green Bay Packers shirt with ‘Kick Ass’ sown between the shoulders and double zeros below it. GSV grabbed a pack of cigarettes and slammed it several times into the palm of his hand packing the tobacco tight. He opened it and retrieved a cancer stick, lighting it with one of the two lighters, as he slid the brass knuckles over his fingers. He grabbed a full bottle of whiskey and turned around as he sat down at the table; which consisted of empty beer cans and whiskey bottles, along with an ashtray full of burnt up cigarettes. This was obviously his idea of relaxation as he smoked on the cigarette and sipped on the whiskey in his hand. He sat in silence and his mind began to recollect the night’s events, causing more anger to pile up inside of him with each drink he swallowed. He took a deep breath and poured another shot down his throat. About that time Dawn Cassidy darted through the door with her camera crew behind her. She of course, had a microphone in hand. She quickly ran up to GSV as he put the lit cigarette back into his mouth and stood up, realizing there was something he had to do. He stood up and started to make his exit. But Dawn slammed the microphone into his chest, stopping him before he walked through the door. “Not now Dawn...” Gregg told the reporter as the smell of whiskey smashed into her face. “But you agreed Gregg!” she moaned at him, “Just one question, please?” Gregg Scott Vincent ignored her and powered walked through the halls with his eyes half squinted and his mind high on alcohol. He was Out for Blood. ![]() ![]() Total Conquest vs. Sweet, Sweet Lovin' ![]() ![]() ![]() “Infected” by Bad Religion. The fans turned their heads to the entrance ramp where the first team of the night made their way out from the back. The first was a mischievous little vixen who hadn't been seen since the early days of that heinous (read: AWESOME) organization called The Asylum where she once held a reign as their Women's Champ as well as a stint as their Tag Team Champions. And right behind her was a GIANT of a man that was standing tall, ready to get back down to business after spending some time in ACW last anybody had seen him. “The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing team number one, they are the team of Persephone and Sepiroth Du Loc... they are TOTAL CONQUEST!” The fans booed the tandem as big Sepiroth made his way up the steps first. He scowled to the crowd with a look that told the fans this big mofo meant business. He held the ropes open for the fiery and cunning Persephone to make it inside the ring. Once the tandem were inside, they prepared themselves for what was to come. Sepiroth Du Loc was a big monster who was out to hurt somebody. Persephone was ready for action. Ready? Got it? Good. “Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith. And those boos turned to CHEERS. And why? Because perennial fan favorites were about to make their way out, that's why! A couple of party animals looking to have themselves a good time were ready to hit the scene. And quite frankly, there were a few hoochies screaming in the audience. “And introducing their opponents... being accompanied to the ring by Jon Katz, Jr, at a combined weight of 554 pounds, they are the team of Sam Sweet and Lennox Love... SWEET SWEET LOVIN!” And sure enough, the tall and lanky Lennox Love and the fat lothario, Sam Sweet, were being led to the ring by the charismatic Jon Katz, Jr. Sweet Sweet Lovin had been in little bit of a slump in-ring wise, but tonight they had the opportunity to turn that all around. Sweet and Love made it into the ring while JKJ was out on the ringside floor cheering his boys on. Hopefully some guidance could turn their luck around. DING DING DING! Lennox Love was up to bat first and stood in the middle of the ring as the fans cheered on the charismatic fan favorite. “Y'ALL GONNA LOVE THIS!” he shouted. He may not have actually loved what he saw when he turned around because it was the 6'8” 280-pound Sepiroth Du Loc staring him down. And it was the big man who tried to grab at him first. Love moved out of the way and when he turned around he socked the big man with a few right hands to try and stun him. He kicked him in the leg several more times to try and keep him from mounting some offense and soon, the Forearm Smashes came a-flying. SMACK! ...Until a BIG right hand from Sepiroth knocked him right on his ass. With one shot, he changed the complexion of the tag team match in the favor of Total Conquest, who had set out to achieve just that. “Not smart,” Sepiroth said under his breath as he picked up Lennox Love by his afro only to SMACK him with another big right. And another. And another. And another. You see where he's going with this, don't you? He backed Lennox Love into the neutral corner and unloaded on him with a pair of big Shoulder Tackles in the corner to drive the wind out of the Love Machine. After he was done with that, he backed up a few steps only to charge in, but this time Love was ready and got the knees up, ramming them right into Du Loc's face! He jumped to the second rope and came flying off with a nice Flying Clothesline taking the big man off his feet! He hurriedly went for the cover. ONE! TWO! KICK OUT! The bigger Du Loc easily powered out and tossed Lennox Love off of him. The Love Machine made it over to his partner and tagged in big Sam Sweet, who climbed through the ropes. He peppered Sepiroth with a few big Forearm Smashes of his own and followed up with a big wind-up right hand that sent him flying back into the ropes and when he came back he took him over with a HUGE Fallaway Slam on the big man! Sweet Sweet Lovin were rolling now and Sweet went for the cover. ONE! TWO! NO! Sepiroth kicked out a second time and pushed Sweet off of him. The bigger half of Sweet Sweet Lovin picked him up by his hair but a haymaker to the gut stopped the big fat guy in his tracks. Du Loc was back on his feet and he looked PISSED. He caught Sweet with a big uppercut before taking him up and over with a big Scoop Slam and followed that up with a big Jumping Elbow Drop to the chest. Now that he was reeling, Du Loc tagged in Persephone who climbed quickly to the top rope. Looking out to the jeering crowd, she came flying off with a big Missile Dropkick right to the mouth! She was the only woman in this match, but she was doing just fine as he continued to catch the big man with a few well-placed kicks to the head and puncutated the attack with a leaping Crescent Kick to the side of the big man's head, knocking him back down to the canvas. She went for the cover now. ONE! TWO... POWERED OUT! Sam Sweet pushed Persephone off of him, but she went on the attack again with more kicks. He got his arms up and blocked a kick before he picked her up and rammed her into the corner. With the tag made to Love, Lennox leaped over the ropes and whipped Persephone into a hard Shoulder Block from Sweet! She went down quickly and now it was Lennox Love's turn to have some fun in trying to pick up the win! ONE! TWO! THR... NO! Persephone kicked out, but she was in a very bad spot right now. Lennox Love ran off the ropes and went for a Corkscrew Senton off the second rope...NOBODY IN THE POOL! The former tA fighter moved out of harm's way and Lennox crashed and burned on the canvas, allowing her to tag in big Sepiroth Du Loc once again. The big man was now in the ring terrorizing Lennox Love and waiting for hinm to crawl on all fours before he drove a series of boots into his head quickly. The Berlin, Germany native stomped a mudhole in that boy some more, walked it dry, then pulled him back to his feet. He pulled him into a Short-arm Knee to the gut to double him over and DROPPED him with one, TWO, THREE nasty Headbutts. Lennox was on spaghetti legs when he was whipped to the ropes and got DRILLED with a big Sit-out Spinebuster! Du Loc held on and went right into the pin. ONE! TWO! THR... KICK OUT! Du Loc furrowed his brow before he rolled over and dragged Lennox Love back up with him. He drove him down again with a big Clubbing Forearm to the side of the head and scooped him over his shoulder. He ranf orward with intent to launch Love into the turnbuckle, but The Love Machine slipped out the back... KICK! WHAM! STUNNER! The move stunned the living SHEE-OT out of Sepiroth and brought the big man to his knees. Love was in much need of a tag and crawled his way over to Sam Sweet. Jon Katz Jr. was on the outside, slapping the ring apron in full support of his newfound homies. TAG MADE TO SAM SWEET! The fans popped big for the big man as he came charging at Sepiroth Du Loc and pummeled the big German with a series of big jabs to the face followed by a big Discus Right that knocked the big man back into the ropes. When he came back Sam Sweet took up and over with a massive Back Body Drop that took the big man down and out. Sweet had the fans in the palm of his hand now as he waited for Du Loc to recover from his bad landing. He caught him with a punch to the gut that doubled him over and came off the ropes... CANDY RAIN! A MASSIVE Fameasser planted him into the mat now and Sam Sweet went for the cover again to win the match. ONE! TWO! SAVED BY PERSEPHONE! The dark-haired raven made it into the ring and Dropkicked Sweet to save her team from defeat, but Lennox Love was back in the ring and came in diving with a Springboard Clothesline that took her out of the picture! Du Loc was starting to stagger now as both Sam and Lennox waited. They may have only had five seconds for both of them to be in the ring, but all was fair... LOVE AND WAR! The Flapjack/DDT combination finisher PLANTED Du Loc in the middle of the ring and now was the time to finish this as Sam Sweet pushed him over. ONE! TWO! THREE! ![]() “Here are your winners of the match! Sam Sweet and Lennox Love... SWEET SWEET LOVIN!” That was it! They had done it! With some persistence, Lennox Love and Sam Sweet had won their first match as a team in jOlt and moved one step closer to tag team title contention. Love and Sweet had their hands raised by the referee and JKJ came into the ring to celebrate their hard-earned victory. “TAG TEAM CHAMPZ, BABY!” JKJ shouted into the camera at ringside while Sam sweet and Lennox Love climbed out of the ring to celebrate with the fans, handing out high fives and letting the women plant kisses on them. “HEIRS OF WRASSLIN... WE COMIN' FOR YOU!” Gold would most definitely be in their sights soon enough and with more victories like tonight, they would definitely be on their way. ![]() ![]() ![]() The three-man tag team of Frank Silver, Ryan Gallway, and Mack Brody were now the champions and as dictated by jOlt officials, any two men can defend the championship on behalf of the team. But tonight, it didn't appear to be any kind of title defense. It appeared to be a party. It appeared to be a grand unveiling of the occasion. And more importantly, it appeared to be... well, a gladhandling, celebratory ego-stroking clusterf*ck. Enjoy. “Forever (Travis Barker remix)” by Drake. The fans turned their attention to the top of the entrance where a SHOWER of red, blue, and golden pyro exploded from the ceiling. The sparks showered and out from the smoke came three bodies. The cruiserweight contingent of the group, the wild and cowboy hat-wearing Ryan Gallway. The big bodyguard and bronze badass of the group, Mack Brody. And the de facto leader and head asshole himself, Frank Silver. Frank and Mack were dressed in BOSS-looking business suits (Frank chose a dark brown, Mack had on black with white pinstripe) while Ryan... well, he was in a yellow zoot suit for some reason. Maybe someday, the little guy would get his fashion right. The Heirs of Wrestling approached the ropes where the nondescript agent on the left opened the rope while the other one was on a headset talking to... well, who really knows? Frank tipped the agent bucks, Mack tipped him a five, then Ryan took one of the fives back because he tried to close the ropes on him. The Heirs each climbed into the ring one at a time and looked out to the hate-filled crowd booing the pretentious little a-holes. Frank waited for a second and had a special microphone given to him by one of the stagehands. It had the HoW royal seal logo as opposed the standard jOlt logo on it. Yup. Be jealous. Frank waited for the music to cut as the fans continued to boo the three of them. “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Frank had a smile on his face while Ryan continued to mean mug the crowd from underneath his hat. “MORONS, IDIOTS, DUMBASSES AND... UGH... SYLO FANS... LEND US YOUR EARS!” And that got the crowd to hate on the Heirs even more. Ryan and Mack smiled while Frank stared out into the sea of thousands of fans. “Ever since this promotion started back up again, we've been on the scene, utterly dominating every team that's been put in our way. And in that short time, we have come to revolutionize yet ANOTHER organization's tag team division. Some wrestling promotions treat tag teams as a joke, others treat them like an afterthought, some try – some really TRY – to make things work, but they just don't have the talent to back it up. And then a team like us comes along and makes it all the better to watch!” Frank, Ryan, and Mack all looked at the glass case where the jOlt Tag Team Championships were placed safely and securely, protected from the outside world. Frank tapped the glass and smiled at the belts inside. “We've been telling this place from the beginning that when you want to make tag team wrestling at its best, you get us! Jolt reached out to us and just like always, we delivered! And it doesn't matter who you set against us, you've seen the results. Fueled by Ignorance – former jOlt Tag Team Champions, might I add – thought they could beat us and we sent them into a spiral of biting, and fighting not seen since Itchy and Scratchy. The RingRats were good and have a little bit of talent, but at the end of the day, you don't send Little Leaguers to try and outshine Babe Ruth. Sweet Sweet Lovin... please. And Team VIAGRA... funny that you still call yourselves that because your careers have been limp for YEARS. Not even you guys and everything you did in tag team wrestling... what, twenty years ago? None of that compares to what we've done and who we are now!” “Wow, talk about selective memory,” Michael Buhrman said from ringside. “These kids have some talent, but it's gone to their heads! They're leaving out the fact that VIAGRA beat them fair and square on the Countdown show and STOLE the win from them at Divide and Conquer!” “Hey, shut up, Bhurman!” Nathan powers shot back. “They Divided and Conquered! One fall to a finish! They finished! They're the champions! Nuff said!” While that skirmish was going on at ringside, Frank nodded to Ryan and gave the microphone to the man in the cowboy hat while Frank and Mack both went to work in opening the case. “WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! YOU ALL SAW! YOU ALL SAW IT! DON'T PRETEND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN CAUSE WE'RE BOUT TO **** YOU ALL UP WITH SOME TRUTH!!” Ryan cackled into the microphone while Frank and Mack continued to boo. “And after we got done Twitterbombing everybody into the stone age this last week, we came here to collect our prize, you monkeyasses! We've been saying it, we've been displaying it, and youtube and TV are constantly replaying it! These belts tell you all that you need to know. We're champions now. CHAMPIONS! And that's not all!” Frank and Ryan each carefully took the titles out of the case. Frank held his up high and Ryan did the same before they tapped the belts together like a pair of jock douches. Mack Brody was noticeably jealous, though. There were three of them... and only two belts... “Um...” Mack tapped both of them on the shoulders. “Where's mine at?” “Oh...” Frank looked at him. “Um... it's not your turn to hold these titles yet. We've got first dibs, dude. Sorry.” The Bronze Bomber kicked the stand that held the titles and frowned. He noticed Ryan snickering a little bit under his breath. “What?” Ryan and Frank nodded to one another before tapping the case. A secret compartment... yup, SECRET COMPARTMENT... opened up and out came... A THIRD JOLT TAG TEAM TITLE! This was just getting beyond ridiculous now, but the Heirs of Wrestling were now a matching set. “Ah, I knew you guys were just busting my balls!” Mack shouted as he took his title. “This is awesome!” Three titles. Three douchebags. No waiting. And Frank had the microphone again while now all three of the jOlt Tag Team Champions held their titles. “You see these titles in our grasp and know that they aren't going anywhere for a LONG, LONG TIME. And there isn't a team, a group, a stable, an army, or ANYBODY that can step to us. I'm not going to sit here and spoonfeed you some bull**** lines about how we're the future of this business or how our times has come. As far as the lot of us are concerned, the time is right NOW...” “YOU MUST DIE! I ALONE AM BEST!” Cue cheering fans. Cue “VI-A-GRA” chants. Cue people holding up and wearing decade old jOlt t-shirts with High Flyer and Tony Davis trapped inside a see through Viagra bottle. Inside the ring, the Heirs of Wrestling were particularly annoyed by this interruption. Mack Brody turned his attention to the entrance and rubbed his hands together. Frank Silver frowned, turning his nose up to the ramp area with a smug sense of superiority. Ryan Gallway. Ryan Gallway found himself kicking the bottom rope and pacing around the ring, awaiting the inevitable confrontation. “THESE GUYS!” Nathan groaned. “I hoped the Heirs had killed their spirit enough to just give up.” “Team VIAGRA about to spoil the celebration.” Buhrman paused, as the Heirs continued to await Viagra’s entrance. As the song hit the second chorus, the Heirs guard lowered. “But they sure are taking their sweet time!” A large wide shot of the arena. The Heirs in the ring, the large video tron in the background. Team VIAGRA’s video cuts, displaying a black video matte. Ryan grabbed the attention of his Heirs brethren, before the video displayed the words “Look up.” Ryan slowly craned his head skyward, jaw slowly dropping as he does. The other Heirs follow suit, but did not have time to get out of the way. A trap door sprang open, raining down a large assortment of tiny blue pills. “VIAGRA” displayed on the large video screen as the Heirs of Wrestling were drowned in what appeared to be over 100,000 tiny Viagra pills. Stunned and drowning in a sea of erectile dysfunction medication, Team VIAGRA swarmed the ring. Mayweather smiled and waved at Gallway. Taken for a moment, Gallway tilted his head to the side. Mayweather charged and caught Gallway with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Gallway toppled out of the ring. Davis caught Brody with a German Suplex from behind, as Flyer charged and nailed Frank Silver with his locomotive, sending him over the top and into the stunned arms of the smaller Gallway. Brody cleared the ring and recovered along with his teammates. The Heirs were stunned and confused. Each of them clutched their tag championships close to their chest as they backed up the entrance ramp. Gallway shouted at the bouncers in front of the velvet rope. “Give me back Frank’s dollar! YOU DON’T DESERVE IT!” Tony Davis, in the ring, pushed over the glass case, shattering it over the confetti and viagra strewn about ringside. Mary-Lynn fished through the Viagra pills before finding the microphone. She handed it to Flyer, who ripped off the special trademark “HoW” logo. Flyer chucked it into the crowd, and then tapped the mic once to make sure it was functional. “Figured we’d crash your party.” Flyer shrugged. Team VIAGRA were wearing the old 2002 style Viagra Jolt t-shirt. Tony Davis rushed to Flyer’s side and shouted over his shoulder. “Yeah! You limp di—“ Flyer pulled the microphone away from Tony and stepped toward the ring ropes. The Heirs had stopped just on the other side of the velvet line. “Got your attention, didn’t we?” Flyer began. “I just want to make sure you enjoy your belts while you have them. Cause when the tag division goes LIMP over you three fighting birthday party magicians and acrobats over the next few weeks instead of DEFENDING those titles against the BEST division Jolt has ever SEEN, Neilson will have NO choice but to take EVERY blue pill in this ring. Team VIAGRA is here to prevent a limp Neilson, and that only happens, when those tag titles are on our shoulders.” Flyer groaned and turned to Mary-Lynn. He whispered “Do I have to?” to which Mary-Lynn nodded. Flyer turned back to the Heirs. “We are Viagra. Abracada-NO! Frank! Brody! GALLSTONE! You’re gonna get your fraking HEAD KICKED OFF!” The crowd, followed up with a “You’re gonna get your ****ing head kicked off!” chant. The echo chased the Heirs of Wrestling up the ramp way. It appeared that business was about to really pick up in the tag team division indeed! ![]() ![]() ![]() “You think Vincent will come after you again Mike?” she asked. Extreme flashed a smirk as he walked with his hands in his pocket, digging for his keys as he approached his vehicle. “He seems like a persistent little bitch, so probably, yeah.” Violet stepped into the conversation as she looked at both of her friends. “I wouldn’t worry about that guy. He hasn’t shown us much since he’s been here. If anything, it will just be another W you for Mike. You’re a multi time champion and what has he ever done in his career?” Violet asked as they approached the vehicle. “Not shit. That’s what!” exclaimed Mike, unlocking his truck. Mike unlocked the door and opened it, but as he started to get into the vehicle, the smell of whiskey and tobacco brushed across their noses. Violet looked to the right, as Misty looked to the left. Extreme looked over the door to his truck. The darkness hindered their vision as the smell became stronger. Mike reached into his truck and turned on his lights. Gregg Scott Vincent. He stood in front of the truck with his head tilted slightly to the right and a sadistic grin stretched on his face. The whiskey bottle was still in the clutches of his right hand, covering the brass knuckles over his fingers. Gregg puffed on the cigarette as he stared at Mike, who stood on the inside of his truck looking over the door, with his arm folded over the top of the door. “Where the hell are you going!?!” Gregg roared as he paced along the side of the truck, quickly closing the distance between him and Extreme. Misty and Violet turned their heads as soon as they heard Gregg’s voice. Their mouths dropped and their legs began to tremble underneath them as GSV walked by them. Gregg paid no attention to the two girls because his eyes were locked on The Extreme One. “Come get some bitch!” Mike hopped down from his truck and darted at GSV. Extreme lunged at him with a right hook, but Gregg ducked and dodged it. Mike turned around and... SMASH! The bottle shattered into tiny fragments as it slammed into Extreme’s face. Mike stumbled backwards, dazed by the shot. GSV stood in his fighting stance and waited for Extreme to get a good look at what was to come. Once Mike’s vision was back to normal, he felt the iron fist of Gregg Scott Vincent slamming in his face. BAM! BAM! BAM! Three quick jabs sent Extreme back into his truck with blood shooting in all directions as Extreme blacked out. The Extreme One lay sprawled out inside of his truck with his feet hanging out of the door. Gregg approached him and grabbed him by his shirt collar. He lifted him up and reared back with his right fist ready to strike him with the brass knuckles. “You fucked with the wrong man this time.” As he was about to slam the brass knuckles across his forehead another time, an unexpected voice grasped his attention. “Gregg Scott Vincent...” Gregg looked behind him. WHOCK! Rune Winters blasted him with the shovel knocking him into the truck. Violet and Misty quickly ran back into the arena, in search for some medical attention for Extreme and by the look of things, GSV too. WHOCK! The BMFH struck Gregg Scott Vincent with another shot and the shovel shattered into two pieces as Gregg’s nose began to drop blood onto the ground. Rune palmed his goatee and stroked it as he looked down at Gregg. “SUCK IT, BITCHES!” Adding insult to injury, Rune Winters, a smile from ear to ear, hit a mocking crotch chop over Gregg Scott Vincent's head. ![]() ![]() Derecho vs. Sylo ![]() ![]() ![]() Lights...out. Johnny Cash would follow. “And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts sang come and see and I saw. And behold! A white horse. And his name that sat on him... Was death. And hell...followed with him. ” “Miracle (Pale horse remix)” - Nonpoint.
A blinding white explosion, a symbol of mass destruction that had become synonymous with The Perfect Predator, The SuperBeast, Sylo, rocked the entire Arena of Champions to its base. Through the blast and smoke stepped the 7’1”, 335 lb, and FIRST jOlt Champion since its resurrection as well as the LAST Legacy Champion. The man that had been dubbed jOlt’s reckoning wore the Legacy Championship around his waist and held the jOlt title over his shoulder with just as much respect as he scanned the arena. Sylo moved to the right of the stage, shouting something almost inaudible, that only increased the volume. He repeated this motion to the other side and the Arena of Champions was beginning to burst at the seams. Finally, The Harbinger of Destruction, moved to the dead center of the stage, crouching down, studying, strategizing, before jumping to his feet. Sylo made his way to the ring and leapt up on the apron before entering. ![]() Derecho pinned Sylo! The Underground Champion just pinned the jOlt Champion, but it was with the aid of “Superstar” Vince Jacobs! Because of this, SVJ will get his rematch against Sylo for the jOlt Championship! SVJ rolled out of the ring with a smirk on his face as he back peddled up the entrance ramp. The final scene of the night showed a knocked out Derecho on top of a knocked out Sylo and a single man grinning from ear to ear! ![]() ![]() |
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