The screen then illuminates with Aran Thompson raising his fist into the air
Throw up your Rawkfist
if you're feelin' it when I drop this!
Boom Boom!
The screen flashes white twice
"Rawkfist" by Thousand Foot Krutch
{Images In Sync w/ Music} - Eiji Kugasari is seen hitting a Shooting Star Press off the top rope, followed by Jayshin hitting a Corkscrew 630 Splash. Gunnar Van Patton hits a massive running lariat turning Mattock inside out. Derecho is seen hitting an Emerald Flowsion on Ninja K.
Jeremy Ryan is shown with a scowl on his face as he snubs all that isn't in the realm of normalcy, followed by Mattock hitting the corkscrew spear. The screen flashes and shows Sylo hitting the Systematic Shutdown, followed by a few traditional poses from your favorite jOlt Superstars in succession including Superstar Vince Jacobs, Omega, Waymoth Turnbull, Tyke
During the chorus we see some basic wrestling moves from people like The Heirs of Wrestling, Red & Ted, Reno Davis, Sven Deadly, Mike Extreme, Grendel, Omega, all in rapid succession
The song cuts off abruptly as we are taken inside the Arena of Champions in Orlando, Florida. Red Pyro starts at the top of the jOltvision and takes off in both directions, left and right. The pyro travels around the perimeter of the jOltvision until it meets in the middle on the bottom side. When it meets, random pyro explosions happen on the main stage for a good ten seconds before a massive wall of pyro goes off on stage and another explosion of pyro from the entire perimeter of the jOltvision simultaneously.
"Rawkfist" starts up again as the camera pans around the sold out crowd, cheering!

The jOltvision screens began flickering briefly at random with a fluid stream of storm clouds were seen, peppered with random flashes of lightning. The cluttered sky quickly drew red before the screens went black. Jets of smoke were belting out a thick overcast across the entrance staging area with a light from behind revealed a lone figure standing in its midst before being turned off....
Belt in his Right Hand, Eiji Kugasari slowly extended his arms outward as his personal signature video continued streaming across each jOltvision screen. Nodding with sheer confidence, the new champion slung the championship strap over his Left Shoulder and began his trek toward the squared circle. Kugasari would stop at the end of the rampway and visually scan the horizon. Fully basking within the moment, The Blood Raven gently patted his chest before making his way up the ring steps and along the ring apron. A rousing response was promoted as Kugasari raised the belt overhead with on hand before passing through the ring ropes. Slung back over his shoulder, the ninja lieutenant patted the belt’s shimmering surface as he stood at the ring epicenter. The musical intro evaporated yet the fanfare lingered for several extra moments.
“With all due respect to everyone in attendance...” Eiji opened after being handed the mic. “I wasn’t quite sure as to what I really wanted to say to fully describe this moment. This entire week. This memorable place in my career.”
The ninja took a moment to sweep the Crimson tinted bangs from his visage before continuing.
“Aside from being unashamedly & notoriously horrible with Political Correctness, let it be know that seeing your name etched on this belt...is outright fucking awesome...”
The masses responded audibly in unison, leading to a repetitive chant for the promotion that has been placed under his charge as its champions.
“It is in my short time here, both in America and this promotion itself, that I have been called a lot of things. Admittedly, I have earned quite a few names, as well as, a reputation. Both good & bad. Many have regarded me as a ’hot head‘...’impetuous‘...’rebellious‘...’too green’...’a loud-mouth‘..’my own worst enemy’...A myriad of similar sentiments would eat up an entire broadcast alone. However, those individuals have every right to convey such things. Yes. They are right; I am a passionate individual. I take this business. My craft. My ability seriously as I have learned that if you are not confident in who you are nor destined to become, you have no place. In that gym. In this ring. On this mic. Nowhere!”
The crowd openly rallied behind the Japanese upstart.
“For all of my detractors. To all forms of opposition, past, future & present. Allies, Foes and those in-between, allow me to reintroduce myself; I’m the ’Prince of Puroresu ‘ by the very standard that I have etched for myself by the depth of my wrestling acumen. The level of precision. The perfect blend of high flying ability & grappling brutality has earned me the moniker ’The Blood Raven’ and last week. Right here, in this ring, I rightfully fought & bled for, earning another that stands above them all. World. Heavyweight. Champion.”
The new standard bearer granted the masses to openly digest the bold proclamation during a resounding rally throughout the stands.
“The Age of The Relentless had run its course.” Eiji implied. “However, my reign will not be one governed by cowardice. Lord Kenshiro forewarned me about this. He told me that if I ever seriously wanted to pursuit this or any championship, it is imperative that I become & remain aware of its history. From the Erik Rave’s...”
A lingering barrage of crowd heat upon mention of the respective names...
“...To the Chris Titan’s to the Kodiak Vic Creed’s...” Eiji paused to allow the jOlt faithful to pay homage to the deceased legend. “To a 3 time champion in Brandon Blade to The Don’s or even theEr0n the Relentless’s of the world, that have laid claim to this prize, it is important to not only I understand their respective paths to this championship yet what it required from and of them to cultivate their respective legacies.”
“I didn’t understand the full importance of where I stand today nor will I ever pretend to. Even now, I have much to learn. Many eyes will be set on not just what I do as this promotion’s champion but how I carry myself and this belt in all facets. I am not here to make friends. Many rightfully have and will envy the very place I stand on proudly. That is why it is paramount that I push myself even further as the competition. My clan. My reign as champion. Especially myself demand it. My time...as jOlt Champion, is at hand...”
The masses continued cheering as the Japanese superstar lowered the mic and casually looked out into the stands...
A stern look of disapproval followed the ninja’s gaze as his head was drawn toward the entrance staging area. ’Champion’ by Grindspoon rang defiantly from the PA system as the patriarch of the Black Faction sauntered out with a hardened scowl. Aran Thompson was seen donning a Pearl White ’Relentless 1 T-shirt w/ matching White & Burnt Orange ring attire. The Relentless Championship as seen draped over his Left Shoulder as the West Texas Terrorists were the first pair to pass through the curtains with ’The Rising Star’, Landon Stevens following suit. Fanning out as a show of force, the music was quickly nullified as they merely surveyed the boiling sea of animosity before addressing their target in question.
“You know I real sick and...” Aran Thompson stared before being rudely interrupted by the masses.
“...I’m real sick and tired of everybody...” Thompson paused briefly as the masses responded negatively before continuing. “...running their mouths about what they believe happened 7 days ago. I’m sick and tired of ongoing parade of ninja bandwagon jumpers. I am sick and tire of an arrogant asterisk putting his filthy fingers on my belt...”
The former champion led the Black Faction forward as they began making their way down the ramp way. Meanwhile, Eiji adjusted the championship across his right shoulder before crossing his arms.
“Eiji; you’re a fluke.” Thompson continued with the ongoing clambering from the audience. “You standing in that ring. With my belt is an oversight I am personally going to fix. Tonight.”
The Blood Raven cocked his head to the side slightly & nodded to himself as the fans were steadily egging matters on from the stands. He readjusted the belt with his shoulder before responding.
“A ’fluke’?” Kugasari inquired. “Well..You & I both know that I could just stand here, in front of all these people and take my time, recounting the important details verbatim as to how I became World Heavyweight Champion...I know I could even request the crew in the back to replay video evidence of me making you tap out like a school yard bitch...”
A hardening scowl returned across the visage of the dethroned Thompson. The Black Faction members respectively looked out into the stands at the masses taunted them amidst celebration.
“...But I believe I will publically go on record and say ‘You’re Right’...” The Prince of Puroresu continued. “For the longest time, you’ve always made it a point that you’re always looking to make a ’believer’ out of someone so tonight, perhaps it’s my turn to return the favor.”
Thompson readily nodded in approval with the Black Faction following suit. Landon Stevens was seen popping his knuckles while popping the bones in his neck while The Twins were rolling their wrists and murmuring amongst one another.
So, in regards to your championship rematch, you’ve got it.
The masses cheered as the challenge was readily accepted.
“Good.” Aran replied. “Great. You know that’s possibly the best thing that you’ve ever said...so now all of that is out of the way...”
The microphone was heard bouncing off the steel grating as the Black Faction casually marched onward toward the squared circle. The Relentless One was the first to climb onto the ring apron as Landon rounded to Right Turnbuckle Post. Both Eli & Ezra rounded the left, cautiously poised along their respective ring aprons. Defiantly, the new champion assessed the approach of the caravan of jackals threatening his space. The audience volume resonated as the ninja peeled off the belt from his shoulder and held in one hand while slightly assuming a defensive posture.
The Black Faction would soon be alerted by an abrupt expulsion of smoke from underneath the ring apron behind Eiji. distinct movement within the overcast prompting them to reconsolidate their forces as Mamoru & The Crimson Order were revealed breifly kneeling before standing themselves erect in unison. The musical intro quickly fell away along with the smoke yet the overwhelming cheering continued.
“Now I’ve given you the opportunity to challenge me for my World Championship tonight, I’m more than ready to defend my crown later on tonight. That measure of business is set...” Eiji continued. “However, if you’re looking for a fight...
The sound of the microphone hitting the canvas was the last thing heard before Kugasari cast aside the championship belt, prompting his fellow clan members to position themselves at the ready for war. Landon merely turned his head slightly to spit over the top ropes as the Conway Twins passed through the ropes, ready to engage the enemy. Aran slowly rolled each wrist, hungrily watching each opposing member for the slightest of advancement...
A mutual stalemate lingered as both Aran & Eiji remained motionless. The elder statesman slowly wrung his hands together as Heido & the massive Takeshi held firm at the opposing flanks. The Black Faction themselves remained undeterred. The Arena of Champions were openly clambering for war as the visual daggers between both challenger & champion continued. Thompson leaned back breifly against the ropes to slip through the ropes and stand along the ring arpon. The legions continued booing the Black Faction out of the building as Aran lingered for a few moments before the entire clique began their unified egress from the squared circle. The Inogami Clan watched as The Twins began pointing back at them while slowly retreating. Stevens swept his hair back and briefly clenched his fists as Aran nodded to himself, ready to take back what was rightfully his....
jOlt then went to its first commercial break

"Ladies and Gentlemen.. I'm here tonight to make a MAJOR announcement!"
The people cheered Damien's welcome
"Last Sunday, we held the critically acclaimed PPV event Unlimited in which we saw a Changing of the Guard. Four title matches.. three new champions. A new chapter in jOlt's history has begun with that event and it will continue onto the biggest stage of them all when jOlt Wrestling will present Wrestlecade, live on Pay-Per-View, on March 30, 2014."
The people cheered that as well.
"This will be no ordinary show, either. This show will be four hours long. It will be packed with some of the biggest matches you will ever see in jOlt.. and it comes with some bonuses... such as the Wrestlecade Xperience which will take place LIVE from the location of Wrestlecade during the week prior to the event. It will be a five experience with three of those days being televised and two of those days being off air and private for the public to enjoy. There will be meet and greets with the superstars of jOlt, activities, and each televised day will have a featured live match for the audience in attendance!"
The people still loved it so far.
"Also, on March 29th.. the night before Wrestlecade, in the same arena as the event itself, we will be holding our first Hall of Fame ceremony! We have five people selected for our first entrants into the Hall of Fame. The first will be announced later this evening.. and a new entrant will be announced every week with the final entrant being announced on the final day of the Wrestlecade Xperience."
"Add in our traditional Countdown to Wrestlecade event and this is shaping up to truly be a history and wonderful occasion for not only the company, but for all of you.. the fans of jOlt Wrestling."
"Thank you very much!"
Damien Lee began to walk out of the ring, when he stopped himself. He shooked his head and even facepalmed. He walked back to the center of the ring as some of the people kind of laughed at him.
"How embarrassing of me. You people would like to know where Wrestlecade is being held, wouldn't you?"
The people cheered
"Well, we wanted to go someplace to show that we are in the same league as the champions they hold there. That we, too, were a spectacle to behold. That is why... Wrestlecade will be.... at CENTURY LINK FIELD IN SEATTLE, WASHINGTON!!"
"That's right! We will be in the home of the NFL World Champions, the Seattle Seahawks. We are bringing Wrestlecade to the 12th Man's home and we are invading their back yard! So West Coast.. Seattle.. get ready because jOlt Wrestling and Wrestlecade is coming!"
The people cheered that announcement, but some were miffed that it wasn't being held in Florida.
"Oh.. and by the way.. tickets for Wrestlecade Xperience, the Hall of Fame, and Wrestlecade as well as ticket packages for all three events, and travel packages are on sale...."
Damien looks at his watch.
"Right NOW!" Head to www.joltwrestling.com to order your tickets! Thank you everyone!"
Buhman: "WOW! Damien Lee with a major announcement! First an epic showdown and now this? What a way to kick off Sunday Night iNtense! Wrestlecade is coming to Seattle and Wrestlecade tickets are on sale NOW! Hurry! Go get them!"

Sweet Sweet Lovin' vs Total Conquest

Things were changing in the tag team division in very big ways. We had NEW Tag Team Champions in The Hands of the Cause and already, they had made an appearance tonight pledging to bring change to the high-octane division and had promised their first title match this week. That’s why every match counted and the following match in the division was one of two matches where former Tag Team Champions duking it out! Later tonight it was the other two men who lost out in their bid to become champions at Unlimited, The House and The Heirs of Wrestling! But right now in the night’s opener, It would be the team of the fun-loving and exciting Sweet Sweet Lovin’ vs. the dangerous and deadly Total Conquest. Which team was going to win out tonight and move one step closer to that brass ring?
You best sit your ass down and find out while Brad Arnold bring the announcements in a pleasing baritone voice.
“The following is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!” Arnold shouted.
“Infected” by Bad Religion.
The fans turned their heads to the entrance ramp where the first team of the night made their way out from the back. The former Starlet Champion had chosen to reunite her team with the dangerous Sepiroth Du Luc and as former Tag Team Champions in jOlt’s younger days, they definitely had the credence to be challenger for those belts with a win here tonight. Du Luc and Peresphone raised their hands for the crowd and absorbed the jeers before the pair entered the ring.
“The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing team number one, they are the team of Persephone and Sepiroth Du Loc... they are TOTAL CONQUEST!”
The fans booed the tandem as big Sepiroth made his way up the steps first. He scowled to the crowd with a look that told the fans this big mofo meant business. He held the ropes open for the fiery and cunning Persephone to make it inside the ring. Once the tandem were inside, they prepared themselves for what was to come. Sepiroth Du Loc was a big monster who was out to hurt somebody. Persephone was ready for action. Ready? Got it? Good.
“Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith.
And those boos turned to CHEERS. And why? Because perennial fan favorites were about to make their way out, that's why! A couple of party animals looking to have themselves a good time were ready to hit the scene. And quite frankly, there were a few hoochies screaming in the audience.
“And introducing their opponents... being accompanied to the ring by Jon Katz, Jr, at a combined weight of 554 pounds, they are the team of Sam Sweet and Lennox Love... SWEET SWEET LOVIN!”
And sure enough, the tall and lanky Lennox Love and the fat lothario, Sam Sweet, were being led to the ring by the charismatic Jon Katz, Jr. Sweet Sweet Lovin had been in little bit of a slump in-ring wise, but tonight they had the opportunity to turn that all around. Sweet and Love made it into the ring while JKJ was out on the ringside floor cheering his boys on. It had been a good long while since Sweet Sweet Lovin also held onto the jOlt Tag Team Championships for a spell, but tonight they had the chance to turn all that luck around. Sweet and Lennox Love dapped fists before they turned their attention to their opponents.
Lennox Love was up to bat first and stood in the middle of the ring as the fans cheered on the charismatic fan favorite.
“Y'ALL GONNA LOVE THIS!” he shouted. He may not have actually loved what he saw when he turned around because it was the 6'8” 280-pound Sepiroth Du Loc staring him down. And it was the big man who tried to swing. Love moved out of the way and when he turned around he socked the big man with a few right hands to try and stun him. He kicked him in the leg several more times to try and keep him from mounting some offense and soon, the Forearm Smashes came a-flying.
...Until a BIG right hand from Sepiroth knocked him right on his ass. With one shot, he changed the complexion of the tag team match in the favor of Total Conquest, who had set out to achieve just that.
“Not smart,” Sepiroth said under his breath as he picked up Lennox Love by his afro only to SMACK him with another big right. And another. And another. And another. You see where he's going with this, don't you? He backed Lennox Love into the neutral corner and unloaded on him with a pair of big Shoulder Tackles in the corner to drive the wind out of the Love Machine. After he was done with that, he backed up a few steps only to charge in, but this time Love was ready and got the knees up, ramming them right into Du Loc's face! He jumped to the second rope and came flying off with a nice Flying Clothesline taking the big man off his feet! The crowd cheered on The Love Machine as he went in for the deep cover.
The bigger Du Loc easily powered out and tossed Lennox Love off of him. The Love Machine made it over to his partner and tagged in big Sam Sweet, who climbed through the ropes. He peppered Sepiroth with a few big Forearm Smashes of his own and followed up with a big wind-up right hand that sent him flying back into the ropes and when he came back he took him over with a HUGE Fallaway Slam on the big man! Sweet Sweet Lovin were rolling now and that’s when Sammy went for the cover now.
Sepiroth kicked out a second time and pushed Sweet off of him. The bigger half of Sweet Sweet Lovin picked him up by his hair but a haymaker to the gut stopped the big fat guy in his tracks. Du Loc was back on his feet and he looked PISSED. He caught Sweet with a big uppercut before taking him up and over with a big Scoop Slam and followed that up with a big Jumping Elbow Drop to the chest. Now that he was reeling, Du Loc tagged in Persephone who climbed quickly to the top rope. Looking out to the jeering crowd, she came flying off with a big Missile Dropkick right to the mouth!
She was the only woman in this match, but she was doing just fine as he continued to catch the big man with a few well-placed kicks to the head and punctuated the attack with a leaping Crescent Kick to the side of the big man's head, knocking him back down to the canvas. She went for the cover now.
Sam Sweet pushed Persephone off of him, but she went on the attack again with more kicks. He got his arms up and blocked a kick before he picked her up and rammed her into the corner. With the tag made to Love, Lennox leaped over the ropes and whipped Persephone into a hard Shoulder Block from Sweet! She went down quickly and now it was Lennox Love's turn to have some fun in trying to pick up the win!
THR... NO!
Persephone kicked out, but she was in a very bad spot right now. Lennox Love ran off the ropes and went for a Corkscrew Senton off the second rope...NOBODY IN THE POOL!
The former Tag Team and Starlet Champion moved out of harm's way and Lennox crashed and burned on the canvas, allowing her to tag in big Sepiroth Du Loc once again. The big man was now in the ring terrorizing Lennox Love and waiting for him to crawl on all fours before he drove a series of boots into his head quickly. The big German Giant stomped a mudhole in that boy some more, walked it dry, then pulled him back to his feet. He pulled him into a Short-arm Knee to the gut to double him over and DROPPED him with one, TWO, THREE nasty Headbutts. Lennox was on spaghetti legs when he was whipped to the ropes and got DRILLED with a big Sit-out Spinebuster! Du Loc held on and went right into the pin.
Du Loc furrowed his brow before he rolled over and dragged Lennox Love back up with him. He drove him down again with a big Clubbing Forearm to the side of the head and scooped him over his shoulder. He ran forward with intent to launch Love into the turnbuckle, but The Love Machine slipped out the back...
The Jump Spinning Roundhouse Kick landed rather hard upside the jaw of the big German and sent Du Luc tumbling to the ground. Love was in much need of a tag and crawled his way over to Sam Sweet. Jon Katz Jr. was on the outside, slapping the ring apron in full support of his homies.
The fans popped big for the big man as he came charging at Sepiroth Du Loc and pummeled the big German with a series of big jabs to the face followed by a big Discus Right that knocked the big man back into the ropes. When he came back Sam Sweet took up and over with a massive Back Body Drop that took the big man down and out.
Sweet had the fans in the palm of his hand now as he waited for Du Loc to recover from his bad landing. He caught him with a punch to the gut that doubled him over and came off the ropes...
A MASSIVE Fameasser planted him into the mat now and Sam Sweet went for the cover again to win the match!
The Evil Witch made it into the ring and Dropkicked Sweet to save her team from defeat, but Lennox Love was back in the ring and came in diving with a Springboard Clothesline that took her out of the picture! Du Loc was starting to stagger now as both Sam and Lennox waited. They may have only had five seconds for both of them to be in the ring, but all was fair...
The modified Jawbreaker took down Du Luc in the middle of the ring! Sweet ran over to his corner to make the tag over to Lennox Love! The tall high flyer was heading up to the top rope and he scanned the crowd before making his jump…
The 450 Splash landed perfectly and he crushed Du Luc from the impact! Love sat on top of his chest and pulled a leg back while Sam Sweet counted along.

That was it! Sweet Sweet Lovin get the win! The two tag team partners jumped into the ring and hugged it out in a bro kind of way while Jon Katz, Jr. came in! He waited in the ring and the crowd continued to cheer for the big win tonight.
“Here are your winners… SWEET SWEET LOVIN!”
Love and Sweet high fived in the ring while Jon Katz Jr. was in the ring looking to the camera.
“We’s comin’ for dem belts, Hands! We’s comin! All over you moms! OOOOOOH!”
For Sweet Sweet Lovin, this was a big win that would do wonders for putting them in contention for a shot on down the line! Could they keep this up? Only time would

"Kugasari...." Aran grumbled as he paced.
Laurie, cradling Aran's Relentless Championship, adjusted his last remaining but none-the-less retired Championship over to her shoulder and offered a loving hand to her husband.
"Hon' if ya' beat yer'self up over this, ain't no way yer gunna be in the proper mind state for plan B." Laurie said softly to her husband who paced back and forth in his own world.
"Eiji....Kugasari....." Aran continued.
Aran paced back and forth and Laurie shook her head.
"Listen Love, if ya keep this u--" Laurie continued to try to talk Aran out of his mood but he turned to her and spat back...
"Keep what up?! Huh?! Keep obsessing over losing the most prized possession in this industry?! TO HIM!?"
Aran was clearly not in the mood for tender loving conversation.
"EIJI! KUGASARI!?" Aran bellowed before stopping dead in his tracks and snarling as the camera panned out and Landon Stevens stood with the West Texas Terrorists but Aran put his hand out and pointed behind the group.
"Now is not the time!" Aran spat.
Landon, Eli and Ezra all looked at one another worried and then Landon tried to offer some sage advise to his mentor but Aran cut him off before he could continue.
"Landon!..." Aran said before breathing in deeply obviously trying to keep in his rage.
"You did great! You finally put Waymoth down, but..." Aran began but was interrupted this time.
"But you lost the belt." Landon quickly remarked.
Aran's eyes opened wide and Laurie looked at Landon dumbfounded.
"How dare you speak to Aran like that. Aran gave you a home! Aran put food on yer plate! Aran...." Laurie Williams tried to scold Landon but Landon interrupted her.
"Got beat."
Aran balled his fists up and Eli and Ezra stepped up and tried to stop Aran.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" The twins retorted in unison.
"We think what Landon is tryin' t'say is, Aran put all of this burden on Landon to beat Waymoth and he did just that, inside of a steel cage no less. You wanted us to make believers out of you and everyone of us stepped up when the time was right." Eli said trying to console his leader, Aran.
Aran looked at all three men and shook his head and again tried to breathe out the negativity.
"Boss, that was one hell of a match. I mean look at you! That was brutal and you are virtually unscathed! Yer pacin' back-n-forth like you weren't in a damned near thirty minute throwdown." Ezra chimed in and Aran seemed to relax a little more.
"Yeah.." Landon agreed.
"Except, Eiji was just the better man." He said coldly.
Aran snarled and tilted his head trying to pretend he didn't just hear that from one of his own Black Faction members.
"What is yer problem?!" Laurie shot out.
Landon looked taken back.
"My problem?! MY problem?! How about for the last two months Aran has been on my back about beating Waymoth every single damned day and when I do he goes out there and sure, he wrestles one hell of a match but he still LOST!"
Aran slapped Landon across the face and Landon rocked back from the cheap shot. Eli and Ezra grabbed a hold of Landon stopping him from reacting in kind.
"I stayed on your back to make you better! You lost TWICE TO WAYMOTH! THEN YOU WON! I MADE YOU BETTER!" Aran announced.
Aran pointed at Laurie, Eli and Ezra respectfully and continued.
"You have been the spoiled little brat around here because I've been hard on you?! You're like the little brother I never got to shove around and beat up to prepare you for the future! I could of went out there and forced you to wrestle me every single day and kicked your head off or broke your arms and made you thank me afterwards, but I didn't! I made you stick to a goal!"
Landon smirked.
"And you forgot about yours" Landon shot back.
"You were so worried about Eli and Ezra after what The Crimson Order did to Mace that you forgot about the title! You were so worried about Waymoth stepping in and attacking you that you sent me to do your dirty work!"
Aran looked smirked back at Landon this time and it took Landon back.
"I never told you to kidnap Cloyd. I never told you to do any of that. I told you to man up and BEAT him! You think that I had a target on my back? Think about what you did and tell me you aren't worried about Waymoth now? I know that man! I FREED THAT MAN! MONTHS AGO! And I still watch my back. But you're right .."
Aran said calming down a little and taking everyone in the room by surprise.
"That's why I went to Damien Lee and demanded my rematch against Eiji, TONIGHT!"
The fans in attendence screamed with excitement and everyone looked around the room in reaction to the enormous pop that they gave. Landon nodded his head and slapped Aran on his chest.
"Good to see the boss has his sights set." Landon said before turning around and walking away.
Eli, Ezra and Laurie all nodded in approval of Aran as Plan B was revealed. Aran would take on Eiji Kugasari for the jOlt Heavyweight Championship tonight.

“My name is Henry Dylan, and this is a public service announcement brought to you by the Hands of the Cause of wrestling.”
The black screen turned into a pre-recorded video and focused on a close up shot of a pair of weathered dark brown eyes full of many tales and stories galore. The camera panned back to reveal the eyes belonged to none other than the leader of the Hands of the Cause, Frank Hendrix.
“By now you should all know who I am. You should all know exactly who WE are.” His English voice was rough but clear as the camera panned out further to reveal his stable mates sitting either side of him. On his right was the monstrous Brone Haggard, who almost stared a hole through the camera and to his left was the despicable Henry Dylan, who sat with a wide grin across his face looking like a Cheshire cat on acid. Haggard and Dylan each held a tag title belt over their shoulder.
“If anyone is unsure, allow me to point to these freshly acquired jOlt title belts of ours.” Hendrix continued. “We are the Hands of the Cause of professional wrestling and we are YOUR new Tag Team champions.”
Hendrix glanced over at Henry Dylan and the two laughed simultaneously before Frank continued his address.
“We entered the ring at Unlimited and accomplished everything I said we would accomplish. We achieved EXACTLY what I said we would achieve and we proved EXACTLY what we set out to prove. At Unlimited we showed what REAL wrestlers can do and took out the two supposed best tag teams that this company has to offer, earning ourselves a shiny new set of title belts in the process. Tonight on iNtense you will be forced to sit through YET ANOTHER rendition of the House against the Heirs of Wrestling, as they battle it out for the distinct honour of losing to us again in a future title defence. But as boring and repetitive as I know that match sounds, please do not fret. We will be back next week and we will defend our titles against another pair of former tag team champions. And once more we will win, because that is what superior wrestlers do.”
Dylan brushed the title belt on his shoulder clean with his hand before staring at his own reflection in it. Frank cracked his neck to each side before speaking up again.
“Consider this a statement of intent because you’d better believe that the Hands of the Cause are just warming up. We sit here on top of the tag team world but the scariest part for everyone else is that we have barely even scratched the surface. Men from all over the globe dream from a young age about realising their goals and becoming a champion, but for us…these straps are just the beginning.”
Hendrix smiled as the video faded back to black.

Jonathan Conspiracy vs Trouble

It was now time to return ringside for a matchup that was to take place at Unlimited but a delayed flight caused Jonathan Conspiracy to miss the event. Jolt hire ups felt he should have booked his flights better, but at the urging of Duzza the match was rebooked for tonight.
"Looking for Trouble" blared throughout the Arena of Champions and brought Trouble out from the backstage area. "Now you alls listens and yous listens good yer her me. John-Nathan said he had a little famly emergency so my boyz got deprived of beatin' dat azz at Unlimitit!" started Duzza as Trouble made their way down the aisle to the ring.
"But Jonathan, I knew it wasn't goin' to take too long befo' my boyz finely put a en' to ya."
The Jury, Khadafi and Statuz Quo climbed up onto the ring apron and entered the ring before they parted the ropes for Duzza to enter. Dallas Griffin followed suit and entered right behind Duzza. Once the collective was in the ring they turned back to the entryway as Duzza continued.
"Jonny boy, ya lookin' fer trouble, well ya found it muthafucka!"
Duzza handed the microphone over to Dallas Griffin, as "Holy Grail" started to play. No one appeared, as the crowd started to chant.
The track came to an abrupt end, as Griffin tapped Duzza on his shoulder.
"Duzz, Duzz; something tells me this chump isn't going to show up... AGAIN! We beat his ass down so bad since he's been back he's scared to show his face. Maybe he's taking it a little too personal. Jonathan, like I told you when you first popped back up in Jolt, it's nothing personal, just biz..."
"Holy Grail" started up again and this time Jonathan Conspiracy did appear. He sprinted down to ringside and slide into the ring, sprung to his feet and started swinging. Dallas Griffin and Duzza managed to bail from the ring as Conspiracy started in on The Jury. He alternated shots to Khadafi and Quo before he got blindsided by Griffin as the ref ushered The Jury from the ring.
The current leader took to the offensive against the former leader of Trouble, as the announcers made mention that unlike the stipulations at Unlimited this match would be one fall to a finish. Dallas Griffin brought Conspiracy back to a vertical base and whipped him into the ropes before taking him up and over with a back body drop. Griffin then brought Conspiracy over to the corner and tagged in Statuz Quo.
Quo peppered "One Letter Better" with blows to the body, as the ref started his five count. Quo backed away at four as the referee admonished him. Unbeknowst to the ref though Griffin started to choke JCON with the tag rope. Conspiracy dropped to the canvas when Griffin removed the rope and received a slap from Duzza for his troubles. Quo tagged in Khadafi who brought Conspiracy back to his feet and kneed him repeatedly in the midsection. He then set Conspiracy up for a powerbomb and lifted him up and put him back down with a huge thud. He stomped at JCON, who had yet to get out of the gate.
One had to wonder how Jonathan Conspiracy would get out of this, and almost as if on queue a comotion was happening in the crowd as Griffin was tagged back into the match. As Griffin choked a downed Conspiracy, Cross the Hood hopped the barrier and an all out brawl was on between them and The Jury. Griffin brought Conspiracy back to a vertical base and whipped him into his now abandoned corner and ran in for a splash only to meet the turnbuckle sternum first at which point he realized he had no one to tag to as Hood and Quo where disappearing into the crowd while Cross and Khadafi ventured further and further up the aisle and out of view. Conspiracy having now gotten a second wind made a beeline for Griffin and nailed him squarely in the back with both knees. He then grabbed Griffin by his tracksuit and dropped him with a Co-Conspirator. Duzza attempted to stop Conspiracy as he ascended to the top rope and received a right hand for his troubles knocking him to the arena floor. Conspiracy then leaped and hit the canvas with his Conspiracy Theory.
But he did not connect with "Mr. Big Time" who had managed to roll out of the way.
Griffin then brought Conspiracy to his feet and attempted to drop him with Just Business, but Conspiracy managed to roll him up.
The two both made it to a knee, and exchanged lefts and rights before both got back to a vertical base.
Conspiracy swung and missed Griffin who then whipped JCON into the ropes. Griffin went for a backdrop but Conspiracy leap frogged him and when he turned around he was met by the bottom of Conspiracy's feet. Conspiracy kipped up following the dropkick and went to the top rope and nailed the Conspiracy Theory.

Jonathan's "troubles" were behind him, or so it seemed as the ref raised his hand in victory. What would be next for Mr. Conspiracy and where does he fit in Jolt's new hierachy?

"You knew the stipulation for the match at Unlimited, did you not?" asked Mattock rather sternly.
"I did" muttered Cano under his breath, slightly.
"I apologize, but my ears.. they couldn't quite receive what you were trying to say. Perhaps you need to speak up a bit so I can ascertain your answer CLEARLY."
"I DID" said Cano with conviction that time.
"Ah, so I see. So you were fully aware that if you stepped into the ringside area, that both of our contracts would have been terminated on the spot by Damien Lee.. and keep in mind, when you answer this question, you need to boldly declare your answer to me."
"I did" said Cano as he looked straight into Mattock's eyes.
"I see. So even though you were fully aware on the consquences that would have resulted from your actions, you still took it upon yourself to come down to the ring, claiming that it was for my benefit, that you wished to aid me... Cano.. we have an issue here."
Mattock sighed
"You see.. reVolt has become something that was at the precipice of everyone's mind. Somehow, it slowly meandered to the back and became a mere afterthought. When we entered this company, we aimed to make an impact. We aimed to break the glass ceiling and offer salvation to anyone who would rise against the machine and claim their rightful spots in the limelight. However, somehow that message has gotten lost and may not have a chance to be reissued with the same purpose.. the same impact that it once had."
"Perhaps you felt this way? Perhaps you thought our end had come and you wanted to indirectly find an escape?" questioned Mattock.
"No! Not at all.. all I was trying to..." said Cano before he was interrupted.
"I DON'T... want to hear excuses from you. This mission.. OUR mission.. is far from over, but it seems that your mistake has shown that you have become soft. That you need to be reminded effectively of your part in this mission. Until then.. you will be not stand beside me as my equal.. you will kneel beside me as my lapdog until you re-learn your role and play your part in our mission accordingly. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes... very clear." said Cano.
"Good. Next week, I will test your loyalty. I have arranged for a match, but I will keep your opponent hidden until the time comes. This week, I want you to self reflect on your errors. Next week.. come prepared because you will not be wrestling freely. You will wrestle the way I tell you two. Understood?"
"Yes. I understand" said Cano.
"Good. You are excused."
Cano stood up and walked out of the room. Mattock simply stood there and watched Cano exit with disappointment on his face.

Jesse Ramey vs Jason Rau

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Brad Arnold announced from the center of the ring, “the following contest is a singles match and if Jesse Ramey loses he must retire from Jolt Wrestling.”
The fans stood in outrage at the idea of the Anti-Star having to leave Jolt after only having been with the company for a short time. This outrage was quickly turned toward the man who could potentially be the one to put him out of the company as “Passive” by A Perfect Circle began to blast throughout the arena. Jason Rau casually made his way out from the backstage area and stood at the top of the entrance ramp. Rau smiled as he soaked in the reaction from the crowd, and then began his walk toward the ring.
“Making his way toward the ring, weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty-five pounds and hailing from Sydney, Australia; he is JASON RAU!”
Rau had made his way onto the ring apron, stepped through the middle rope, and slowly made his way to his corner as he shot a smile in the direction of referee Simon Boulder. The tempo of the crowd quickly changed though as “I’m Not Alright” by Shinedown began to blast throughout the arena. The Anti-Star burst through the entrance curtains and bounced at the top of the ramp briefly before bolting toward the ring.
“And his opponent making his way to the ring, weighing in tonight at two hundred and five pounds and hailing from Harts, West Virginia; he is JESSE RAMEY!”
As Arnold finished with his introduction Ramey came sliding into the ring on his right hip and bounced back up to the center of the ring. Ramey swung the hair back from his face and smiled, similar to Rau, but not enjoying the hatred from the crowd, embracing the cheering. Ramey made his way toward his corner and the smile disappeared as his game face turned on. Rau and Ramey locked eyes as Boulder quickly signaled for the bell and the start of the match.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Rau didn’t take a ready stance; instead he made his way toward the center of the ring and raised both hands in the air. He wanted Ramey to come in as well and join hands with him for a display of power, to see just which of them were the stronger. Ramey thought for a moment as he stroked his beard and smiled, and then cautiously stepped toward the center of the ring. Ramey shot one arm up and locked hands with Rau, but before the other hand could come up Rau quickly brought a boot up right between Ramey’s legs.
The Anti-Star dropped to his knees in pain as Boulder began signaling for the bell just as quickly to end the match as it had started.

Rau took a few steps back and then rushed in driving his boot into the side of Ramey’s face leveling him to the mat. The arena once again sparked back to life with the sounds of outrage and hatred for what they were seeing inside of the ring.
Rau smiled as he dropped to the mat and rolled out of the ring; making his way toward the time keeper’s station he forced the time keeper out of his chair, took hold of it, and made his way back toward the ring. Rau slid the chair into the ring, and then slowly slithered his way in as well. Ramey was slowly getting back to his feet, and as he turned toward the direction of Rau the edge of the chair caught him in the midsection. The blow caused Ramey to bend over as it drove the air out of his chest, and the smile on Rau’s face continued to grow.
Rau then brought the chair up high and then back down across the back of Ramey; this caused Ramey to once again fall to his knees. Just as Ramey had landed Rau brought the chair back, primed it, and then swung driving it across the face of the Anti-Star. Rau continued to smile, and laugh, at the sight of his own carnage as he placed the chair in the center of the ring. He grabbed hold of Ramey’s hair and lifted him back to his feet; there was a pause throughout the arena.
Rau shoved Ramey’s head between his legs, snatched up his arms, and then lifted him up only to drive him back down. Ramey’s head had just been spiked dead in the center of the ring, on a steel chair, with a double underhook piledriver.
Blood could be seen beginning to well up from under Ramey’s hair covered face, and as it began to stain the canvas Rau slowly exited the ring. With his deed now done, Boulder made his way back into the ring to check on the Anti-Star’s status. The fans continued to boo as Rau made his way back up the entrance ramp, and Ramey slowly lifted his head off of the mats, his face now stained with a crimson mask. He looked on at the top of the ramp where Rau now stood, a huge smile etched across face as he made a gun with his hand, shot toward the ring, brought it to his lips as if to blow the smoke away, and then made his way out of the arena.
Boulder tried his best to help the disoriented Ramey back to his feet, but was only shoved away for his efforts. Ramey shuffled about for a moment before pushing his way back to his feet and staggering into the ropes nearest the entrance ramp. He fell through the ropes not even being able to catch himself on them, and to the mats below. Boulder exited the ring to once again try and help Ramey, but this wasn’t something the Anti-Star wanted as he once again shoved the official off.
A look of blood soaked anger finally began to set in on the face of the Anti-Star as he once again pushed his way back up to his feet. He staggered back a few steps now with his back against the ring apron, shook his head, and looked to have exhaled deeply before quickly making a dash up the entrance ramp and toward the backstage area. Surely Jason Rau had felt he had won the war tonight, but it only seemed he had awoken an anger demon instead.

Buhrman: Ladies and Gentlemen.. earlier tonight, Damien Lee announced that we would inducting five people into the jOlt Wrestling Hall of Fame and that the first inductee would be announced here tonight. We now ask for you to turn your attention to the jOltvision as we learn the identity of our first inductee.
The jOltvision fades into a silhouette of a rather built individual as a voice narrates.
"Known for his power and size, he captivated audiences all across the globe."
We see the silhouette of the man warming up.
"He dominated everywhere he went, including jOlt wrestling."
Some quick flashes of opponents beaten and laying on teh canvas were seen.
"Sadly, however, before he could realize the full vision of his dream, his life, tragically came to an end, however, even in his stead, his name was still chanted by crowds throughout the arenas of the world."
A black and white scene of an audience chanting was shown. It was apparent who was the inductee when the audio faded in..
The next scene showed him. The man known as "Kodiak" Vic Creed. His massive physique which captivated all was shaded menacingly in the light.

As scenes from his career were shown, the narrator continued..
"Vic Creed was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Because his mother, Cynthia, was Canadian and his father, Victor Sr., was American, Vic enjoyed dual citizenship. This would definitely help him in his future career as a professional wrestler."
"In high school, Vic tried out for the varsity wrestling team. At 16, he was already a huge 240 lbs, and that was before ever touching a weight! By his graduating year, he had really come into his own: a muscular 260 lbs, and power like no one had ever seen before. He went undefeated his senior year, and many colleges and universities came out to see the young man from Kodiak, Alaska."
"That summer, Vic became a local legend. It took place at a bench press contest, and he wasn't even a contestant! It was an open meet (anyone could enter it.) At the end, there were only three men left. The first two failed at a lift of four hundred seven pounds. The third men got underneath the bar. His face turned reddish purple, his eyes bloodshot, but with a mighty stuggle he benched the weight. His family and friends flooded the stage, congratulating him. No one noticed the young man with the red bush jacket, jeans, and work boots walk out of the crowd and lie down on the bench. With the weight still on, the young man lifted the bar and began doing repetitions with it: one, two, three..."
"People turned around, and watched awestruck as the young man, without any warmup or weightlifting support, continued doing repetitions as if the bar was empty! The winner of the contest, who was just moments ago the center of attention, was completely ignored as the young Creed finished nineteen repetions with the same weight the winner had barely been able to press just once! He put the bar back in the rack, sat up, and walked out of the building without saying a word."
"The rest was history. Competing in companies across the globe, Creed made his way to jOlt Wrestling where he defeated Brandon Blade to become jOlt World Heavyweight Champion on iNtense number 42. He will always be cemented in our minds as one of the greatest of our time." "We here at jOlt Wrestling are proud to induct "Kodiak" Vic Creed into the 2014 Hall of Fame!"
A graphic which showed KVC and Damien Lee, who will be the man to induct him, was shown on the screen as "Hall of Fame" by The Script played in the background.
Back live in side the arena, the crowd was cheering the graphic and even started a chant.
The scene faded to black.

Mack Brody vs Bane Loneheart

The win streak of Mack Brody since stepping his game up in singles competition was now… well, one and oh. So not a bad start, but after the events of Unlimited, he had already made himself a dangerous enemy in “jOlt’s Last Real Man” Jeremy Ryan. He’d thwarted Ryan’s attempts at seriously injuring Jon Le Bon after his victory over the Rockstar. In retaliation, he had jumped the Bronze Bomber while he was watching the back of his friends in the jOlt Tag Title contest that saw The Hands of the Cause win the belts.
Tonight, he had to put that all behind him. He was going up against a game Bane Loneheart and if Mack looked past him for even a second, he could be on the receiving end of a big loss.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring at this time, from Ayr, Scotland, weighing in at 265 pounds… BANE LONEHEART!”
Bane Loneheart threw up the horns and looked like a man ready to snap a long losing streak that he’d been on for some time now. If he had any opportunity to take advantage of a situation, this was it. Bane raised his hands and looked ready for a fight.
“What You Know” by TI.
The crowd’s reaction became much more positive for the arrival of this man! The arena was bathed in a pure golden hue and the arrival of a man in a big golden cape made the crowd roar. He walked up and threw the hood back…
The pyro exploded on the entrance ramp! The man called Mack Brody was on his way to the ring now and took in the positive reception from the crowd. The big ladies man headed to the ring with a confident smile on his face.
“And his opponent… from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 311 pounds… this is the man called SUPERMACK… MACK BRODY!”
Mack Brody slapped hands with the crowd in the front row and headed into the ring. He was wearing a new shirt he had made up just for him with “Mack Brody… GOOD AS GOLD” on the back. He took out a silver pen and autographed the shirt before tossing it out into the audience for a lucky fan to catch. SuperMack jumped into the ring and looked to his opponent. He was ready for a fight.
Bane approached SuperMack and showed no hesitation in going on the attack early, trying to kick him in the legs with several good shots. He snuck up behind Mack Brody and clocked him in the back of the head with some nasty shots.
“Come on, you bitch!” Bane yelled.
Mack Brody swung at him, but Loneheart missed and fired back with some more kicks to the leg again. He bounced off the ropes and nailed SuperMack in the face with another running Elbow Smash that sent Midas backwards. So far, he was staying one step ahead of the bigger man and doing a good job of it.
He stayed aggressive and fired off some good right hands into the face of The Bronze Bomber again. The aggressive approach was working out pretty well for him as he ran off the ropes…
Well that was until Mack Brody doubled him over with a Kneeling Punch to the gut of his physical adversary. With the Scot doubled over he headed to the ropes and came back with a BIG Running Knee Lift that popped him in the jaw!
Loneheart was sent skittering across the ring after the impact. Mack Brody gave chase and laid a beatdown on Bane in the corner like he owed him some money. Loneheart tried to shield himself from SuperMack’s wrath but as he proved before, once the bell rang he was all business. He grabbed Bane and whipped him over the ropes. Bane tried to get back up only for Mack Brody to stop him by restraining him in the ropes…
“COUNT ALONG, BITCHES!” Mack yelled.
The crowd didn’t mind being called bitches so they went along with it.
Brody stopped to flex his bicep and even do a pec dance that had the crowd cheering…
A nasty barrage of Crossface Punches in the ropes had the fans counting along with each shot as he continued to lay a hurt on the Scotsman. Loneheart was worn out on the ring apron when Mack Brody slapped on a Front Facelock and lifted him from ring apron back inside…
Five seconds…
No wait, make that ten…
TWENTY, bitches!
The fans were amazed with the strength of The Bronze Bomber as he rolled over and hooked the far leg of Bane Loneheart in the cover.
Bane kicked out at two and a half. He needed to reverse his luck on the match right away otherwise Mack Brody was going to mop the floor with him. SuperMack forced Bane back to his feet and pushed him across the ring right into the corner.
“A Man” by Cypress Hill.
The music continued to play along and out came none other than a watchful and spiteful Jeremy Ryan. jOlt’s Last Real Man came out from the back and looked to the ring with a microphone in his hand. He glanced out to Mack Brody and laughed at the big man.
“Look out, SuperMack! There’s a Scot right behind you!”
The Bronze Bomber charged at him only to eat a pair of feet to the face from Bane! Taking his eyes off the ball for that split second was all that he needed to throw Mack Brody off of his game! Bane sent him into the corner and delivered a couple of Turnbuckle Thrust to the chest.
“Gonna whoop yer ass boyo!”
Brody stumbled out of the corner and Bane screamed when he jumped to the second rope. He came flying off the second rope with a NICE Diving Shoulder Block that put Mack Brody on the canvas! After the well-executed move Bane rolled over quickly and tried to get into the cover.
Mack Brody pushed out with authority quickly, but Bane finally had the advantage. Jeremy Ryan watched on the outside for SuperMack while Bane stood up to his feet. He dropped an Elbow Drop to the head of SUPERMACK, then a Leg Drop, then a Knee Drop. The trifecta of moves gave him an advantage while Jeremy Ryan laughed on the outside.
“Come on! Fight back, you fucking golden haired poster boy!”
Bane ignored Jeremy Ryan while he slapped on a modified Standing Crossface submission attempt. He tried his best to get the tapout and wear the bigger man down, but Mack Brody fought his way out and stood back to his feet.
He lifted up Bane and LAUNCHED him across the ring with an Atomic Throw! Loneheart went SPLAT on the canvas and rolled around, flailing about in obvious agony. He stood up to his feet and when he got there, SuperMack mowed right through him with a Discus Punch that turned him sideways and sent him flying through the ropes! Brody was on his feet now and laughed while the crowd cheered him on.
“You better get him, Mack! Come on, Bane’s got your number! He’s got your number, you interfering fuck!”
The words only seemed to get under his craw even more, but Mack was going to take out his aggressions on Bane Loneheart. Brody grabbed Loneheart and TOSSED him back first into the barricade as the fans cheered! Loneheart was getting what he deserved and Mack Brody was more than happy to dole out punishment. SuperMack hurled Loneheart back into the ring and stood up to his feet. He positioned him over his shoulders as the fans started to cheer….
The Double Arm Chokeslam planted Loneheart into the canvas with ring-shaking impact! Mack Brody turned back up to his feet and started shaking the ropes to psych himself up. The crowd roared even more when Mack turned his attention to Bane Loneheart. He kicked him in the gut and stared right at Jeremy Ryan on top of the ramp.
The THUNDEROUS Fire Thunder Powerbomb nearly put Bane Loneheart halfway through the mat. Brody pinned him while Jeremy Ryan looked on with a disgusted look.

Mack Brody was the victor once again! He stood up and had his arm raised by the referee as he stared out to jOlt’s Last Real Man with a wink.
“Gonna have to do better than that, queermo!”
Jeremy Ryan wasn’t pleased, though, and looked like he had something else to say…

“Mack, Mack, Mack…” Ryan laughed. “Congrats, you’ve managed to extend your precious little win streak to two. Congrats, you beat Bane Fucking Loneheart. My left nut could be that overrated sack of shit!”
Bane was being helped out of the ring by one of the trainers, still feeling the full effects of the Midas Touch powerbomb. Brody was all ears while the loose cannon continued what would probably be another one of his long tirades.
“And all this is for what, Mack? To prove that you’re the future of this business? To prove that you’re worth a shit without the other Heirs of Wrestling? Face it, Mack. You can dress yourself up with whatever make up, bronzer, peroxide, hell… do them STEROIDS for all I care to make yourself look good.”
The crowd groaned at his comment, but Ryan quickly snapped his attention at the fans.
“Oh, don’t tell me he doesn’t have something in common with Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong. Yeah, you’re all quote-unquote ‘talented athletes’ but at the end of the day, you’re still a fucking fraud and Lance Armstrong still HAS one more testicle than you do!”
Mack took the comment in stride with a half smirk while Jeremy Ryan continued to walk towards the ring.
“You stuck your fucking nose in some deep shit that had zero to do with you. Jon Le Bon is a nuisance that needed to be wiped off MY organization, but you had to come out and play the hero instead! Since when do HEIRS come out here and play the hero for anybody? You’re nothing more than a trio of punk-assed little degenerates who’ve coasted off the names of people FAR more talented than you. Sonny Silver, “Impulse” Brian James, James Brody Sr… THOSE are wrestling legends. Not you, Mack. You’re nothing more than a big preening homosexual who gets off flaunting his big muscles for the crowd because he doesn’t have much else going for him. Sure, you won the genetic jackpot and you look like a million bucks, but the most important muscle in your body is the one thing that you can’t inject a needle in… your brain.”
Brody looked like he was about ready to punch jOlt’s Last Real Man in the face while Ryan continued to taunt him from outside the ring.
“You’ve got the strength, I can’t take that away from you, Brody. But you’re too pretty to be dangerous to anybody around here. You can look at me with contempt all you want, but I would rather these people hate me for something I am than love me for something I’m not. I don’t come out here, make childish jokes, flex my muscles and act like a corporate puppet; I come out here and I get shit done. Ask Kayden Paulton. Ask your buddy, Jon Le Bon. Ask anybody else who’s stepped into the ring with me and they’ll tell you that I come exactly as advertised. A no-nonsense, 100% ASS-KICKER.”
Jeremy Ryan got into the ring as the crowd started buzzing for what was about to happen next. To Ryan’s credit, he had done everything he said he would do so far and he had destroyed anybody put in front of him, but now he was dealing with one of, if not THE strongest man in jOlt before him.
“Come on, Mack, are the signals not reaching your brain? DO SOME…”
The microphone that he’d been slinging all of his shit talk with was slapped out of his hand by an irate Brody. Ryan seethed silently while Mack stared down the man proclaiming himself as jOlt’s Last Real Man. Brody brought his own microphone up.
“No. You’re DONE talking. For the love of all that is golden and holy, you are DONE.”
The crowd was firmly in the corner of the big man as he continued to stare at an irate Ryan.
“I came out and helped Le Bon because I for one, am getting real sick and tired of listening to your shit, Jeremy. You can stand there and call me and my friends degenerates and maybe we like to have fun and act the way we do, but unlike you, we LOVE this sport! We love this sport and everything in it and by hook or by crook, we did what we did to be the best! I never came out here pretending to be a saint, but I know that as good as we are as a team, I want to make something of myself and forge my own path and that’s why I’m here now. That means coming out here and mowing down the competition one by one until you’ve proven that you’re the very best; that DOESN’T mean coming out here and calling yourself jOlt’s Last Belching Vagina just to get attention!”
The crowd laughed some more while Mack Brody continued. Ryan wasn’t pleased with this turn, but Mack didn’t care.
“How about instead of running out and jumping me with a lead pipe like you did at Unlimited, I put down this microphone and you can find out for yourself if I’m too pretty to be dangerous?!”
Ryan was ready to strike as Brody held his arms out.
“Come on… stop TELLING everybody that you’re a man and SHOW people that you’re a man!”
With no hesitation, Jeremy Ryan lunged at him…
One shot that would make Zinedine Zidane jealous put Ryan down on the ground HARD! Mack had NEVER used a headbutt his entire wrestling career because he… well, he was the type of guy to care about his appearance. The shot even cut Brody open a little bit, but for a guy throwing his first headbutt, it was a pretty damn good one. Mack wasted no time jumping right on Ryan and raining down the right hands!
See? Told you he was all about good looks. But he was all about a fight, too, and the fists kept on coming! Ryan rolled out of the ring and headed towards higher ground while Brody continued to stare down jOlt’s Last Real Man.
“Come on and fight, Ryan! Let’s go!”
Ryan’s face was red now as he kicked at the steel steps in humiliation! He had just been embarrassed by the big man after running his mouth. Brody was about ready to jump and hadn’t forgotten about that cheap shot, but Jeremy Ryan decided discretion was the better part of valor at least on this night. Ryan backed up the ramp and yelled at the Bronze Bomber as he waved for him to come back and fight.
What started out as Mack Brody being caught in a moment of altruism was turning into something personal real quick between two of jOlt’s young up-and-comers.

The Heirs of Wrestling vs The House

Two teams that have what equates to a metric fuck-ton of history between them. Two of the most decorated tag teams not only in jOlt (as both are former two-time Tag Champions) but also they’ve held belts all over the world. These two teams were also on the losing end of the tag team renaissance that was now being held together by the NEW Tag Team Champions, the Hands of the Cause. One of these teams were in some need of momentum and also needed to get back on the winning track, but only one could do it. Which team would that be? Let’s find out!
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall!” Brad Arnold announced.
“With Me Now” by Blacklite District.
Got no time for my game, I put it on the shelf
And this money and fame ain't gonna earn itself
I'm not wasting my time, you better recognize
The flame, the hustle, the pain, the redness in my eyes
When the pressure comes down you throw the towel in
But for me and my crew, that's where the work begins
At the end of the day we like to cut it loose
By the end of the night we're making bodies move
We're waiting, we're waiting, we're waiting
Lights began to flash while rapid pulses of blue and white flashed over the aisleway. Three figures were hidden in the shadows and stood with their backs to the fans. One large man in the middle. One short man on the left. One well-built man to the right. Their jackets started to light up one by one and when it came time to see what was happening, the fans jumped out of their seats. The short man jumped.
A big, bright purple H was on his back. The tall man jumped next.
The O was bright and silver. Finally, the last person stepped up.
The W was gold. The lights flipped back on and the douchebags in their matching light-up jackets walked to the ring, ready for action. One by one, Frank Silver, Mack Brody and Ryan Gallway headed to the ring. The Heirs of Wrestling were in full effect!
“First, making their way to the ring… weighing in at a combined weight of 447 pounds, they are the team of Frank Silver and Ryan Gallway… THE HEIRS OF WRESTLING!”
The Heirs of Wrestling were ready for action and Silver and Gallway looked ready for business tonight as Mack dapped fists with them. It looked like the Heirs were about to go it alone tonight against their superheavyweight opposition!
“Aces High” by Iron Maiden.
The entire entrance staging area and ceiling overhead were set alight with a barrage of casino theme lighting, igniting a massive pop from the crowd. The jOltvision screens danced with the running footage of a set of hands, performing card tricks before casting a handful of card stoward the screen. The cards led to the unified wrestling exploits of the promotion’s respectable agile and mobile super heavyweight tandem before the Nevada bred former jOlt Tag Team Champions appeared from the backstage area. The obese fan favorite extended his arms outward and nodded while his muscular counterpart anxiously greeted the masses in an enthusiastic fashion. With them as always was the former Starlet Champion Charlotte, fresh off her own loss in a HECTIC Fatal Four way for the Starlet Championship that saw the current champion and former Heir, Sarah Winterton, keep her crown for at least one night longer.
“Introducing team number two, they are also former two-time jOlt Tag Team Champions, weighing in at 777 pounds… they are the team of “BIG BUCKS” ADAM ROEBUCK AND “ODDSMAKER” DERRICK HUBER... THE HOUSE!
Adam Roebuck was still very noticeably upset after the events of the show and they looked like they were not even on the same page tonight. Huber was trailing behind him while an angry Roebuck was in the ring getting ready to take somebody’s head off. Charlotte bit her lip as the fight was about to start between the two teams. Frank Silver dapped his fists with Ryan Gallway as Gallway looked to start while Derrick Huber glanced at Adam Roebuck.
“I’m gonna start this. You can stew for all I fucking care.”
Just moments aftert he bell rang, Roebuck suddenly reached out and patted him on the back to make the official tag! He was holding he tag rope so referee Simon Boulder was going to allow it!
“No… I’M going to this time,” Roebuck said coldly.
Huber was visibly pissed off but he allowed Roebuck to have his moment for now. Anything to try and make the peace between them. Charlotte was watching carefully from the outside as the match looked to continue.
Gallway showed a little bit of apprehension as he was giving up a LOT of weight to the big 460-pound Roebuck but he came at him anyway with a Shotgun Dropkick! The big move to start things off actually knocked the giant back a couple of steps but he was still on his feet! The cruiserweight contingent of the Heirs continued to come right at Roebuck with an incredibly stiff series of leg kicks intent on rocking the big man and backing him up to the ropes.
Roebuck simply shoved Ryan away from him and to the ropes but he quickly bounced back from the second rope and flew back with a hard Leg Lariat that had the big man stumbling back once again! Gallway kipped to his feet and the hot crowd was on his side as he ran right at him… NO.
Roebuck drilled him hard into the canvas and connected with a nasty slam that dropped Gallway to the mat! The crowd were actually booing the big man as he picked him up Gallway off the ground a second time and dropped him with a basic but even more impactful Body Slam to the mat! The Intergalatic Space Cowboy was hurt now as Roebuck rolled over and went to the corner.
“There you go. Hurt them!”
The tag was made to Huber and he simply headed into the ring and connected with a BIG Leg Drop to the throat of Gallway! He rolled over and the cover went at him.
Gallway kicked out! Huber picked him up and tried to press Gallway into a Military Press Slam. He held him up high overhead and even did a couple of reps to show off for the crowd, but Ryan was able to quickly squirm his way out! He slipped out and rolled over to his corner in dramatic fashion before making the tag over to Frank Silver. It was now the Baron of Ballistic’s time to shine!
When he got into the ring, Huber charged at Frank and tried a wild swing that Frank ducked. He came back and landed a pair of chops across the chest of the big man. The blows only slightly stunned Huber who already fought back with a knee to the stomach before whipping Frank across the ring. Silver came bouncing back out of the corner and he was taken over with a stiff clothesline.
The Knight of Sunday Nights was sent tumbling across the ring while the angry Huber came charging at him like a bull in the corner. When Frank sat up he was caught with a big running knee to the chest. Frank barely had time to react when Huber snapped him out of the corner and rolled him center of the ring with a snap mare. He came charging off the ropes like a man possessed and came back with a big kick landed right to the face of Frank that elicited some cheers from the crowd still not convinced The Heirs were completely trying to change their ways. While Frank hit the canvas it was The Oddsmaker who went in for the pin.
And an early kick out from Frank! The crowd was in full support of The Heirs and continued to cheer for Silver. Huber snatched up Frank by his hair. He wasn’t playing around tonight and the Las Vegas superheavyweights weren’t going to allow The Heirs any rest. They wrestled them enough times to know that any openings were trouble.
When he sat up he grabbed Frank by the legs and he was trying to go early for the Odds Are Against You Muscle Buster, but Silver wasn’t going to have any of that and kicked him twice in the leg to free himself before Silver rolled out to the floor.
Derrick Huber wasn’t going to let him go and was about to chase him out of the ring when Frank ran around the ringside area before heading back inside. The blind tag was made to Ryan Gallway and when Huber got inside the ring, Gallway ran right at him and connected with a Springboard Missile Dropkick!
Huber was down and now the high flyer was now in the fold. He waited for Gallway to get back to his feet and BLASTED him in the chest with a couple of big kicks to the chest. The Prince of Precision continued to go for the kicks while Huber shoved him back to the corner! When Huber was back up, the big man muscled him backwards and drove Gallway over with a series of big shots to the gut. He immediately ran to the other side of the ring to build some steam before he charged at Gallway…
The Hipster Heartthrob quickly moved out of the way and headed off to the ropes but when he came back…
The big Shoulder Tackle nearly flipped Gallway like he had been sent flying from a car crash! Silver shook his head in disbelief of the shot while Huber rolled over and went for the cover on Gallway.
Somehow, someway the tough Prince of Precision got the shoulder up off the canvas. The Oddsmaker was getting some cheers from the fans while he picked up Gallway and muscled the high flyer over his shoulder. He charged at the corner only for Ryan to slip out the back and sending him crashing into the corner! The wind was knocked out of Derrick Huber momentarily when Gallway came off the ropes…
Gallway nearly KICKED the head right off the shoulders of Derrick Huber and the impact was actually enough to bring the big man down to the canvas! Gallway celebrated like they’d actually won the Tag Titles for the third time before he rolled over and made the tag to Frank Silver. The crowd cheered when Gallway waited to go to his corner… TAG TO FRANK SILVER!
The crowd cheered for the bigger half of the Heirs as he headed into the ring and stood over the dazed and confused Huber. Charlotte watched on in worry of her husband while Adam Roebuck remained still on the ring apron. Whatever had festered over at Unlimited didn’t seem to be coming out too much. Frank aimed several sets of boots at the fallen Huber…
Stomp to the arms, the legs, the knees, the body and finally…
The jumping stomp to the face caught him good and now Frank ducked down for a cover on the strongman of the House.
Huber kicked out in the nick of time! The Royal Knight of Sunday Nights slapped a hand on the mat and tried to keep the big guy grounded with a rear chinlock hold. He was playing things smartly against the powerhouse and if anybody could match power with the House, Frank was going to be their best shot. He kept the hold locked on but Huber still managed to get back to his knees. When he tried to fight his way out, Frank clipped the knee and tagged into Gallway. Huber was held in a side position while Ryan Gallway came off the top rope with a dropkick to the face of The Oddsmaker!
He was down when Frank and Ryan hit a tandem fist drop from Frank and a running flip senton from Gallway. Silver left the ring while the young Prince of Precision went for a cover on the big man!
And another kick out by Huber! Ryan was pushed off the much bigger man, but Gallway continued to kick away at him as he tried to sit up. The kicks kept coming furiously until Huber pushed him off the ropes. Ryan came back off the ropes with another running dropkick only to get swatted out of the sky by the bigger man.
The Oddsmaker was back on his feet as Gallway tried to stand on his. When he came back he was caught by Huber and dropped with a hard double-arm tree slam! He muscled him in the air and simply threw him down to the canvas with extreme force!
The strongman of The House pried Gallway off the canvas and whipped him into the corner of The House so he and Roebuck could try and finish things off now. He rolled over to tag in Adam Roebuck….
The big monster climbed into the ring just as Ryan Gallway made the tag over to Frank Silver. The Bishop of Bringin’ The Pain came right at Roeubck and ducked under a wild swing from one side of the ring and when he came back, he took a big Shoulder Tackle to the knee that brought the big man down! The Big Bucks was on one knee now when he came charging off the ropes again to come back and land a big Running European Uppercut to the jaw that rocked the big man!
Roebuck was still on his knees so The Sovereign Superman quickly elbowed him in the face with a series of good shots to wear down the big monster of The House. Adam blocked a shot and fired back with a big Headbutt that send him flying backwards and into the corner where he remained stunned. Roebuck shook the pain out from his leg and charged at Silver only for him to get both feet up and clock the big man in the face to keep him from crushing him in the corner. He headed to the top rope and raised the pinky…
The blow caught him right in the top of the head and the move was more of a Bionic Elbow coming off the top rope, but this time it was more than able to get the big man down! The crowd cheered while Silver ran down and went to the cover on the monster.
Roebuck shoved him right off and powered out! Silver fell over to his corner and tried to get back to his feet again. He charged off the ropes and tried for another shot only for Roebuck to block it…
The big move dropped him over his knee with a Rib Breaker before he tossed him backwards with a standing Fallaway Slam variation! Silver was down now and the crowd looked to be actively booing Adam Roebuck as he rolled over to go for a cover of his own now.
Roebuck was pissed now as he got back to his feet and picked up Frank Silver with him. He powered him up on his shoulders and went looking for the Bad Hand... but he elbowed him in the head and sent him stumbling backwards as he landed on his feet now.
Tag by Huber!
Roebuck was INCENSED at his partner for tagging in and while he couldn’t do anything…
“DAMN IT, ROE, IT DOESN’T MATTER! I GOT IT!” Huber screamed back.
Charlotte ran over and tried to break up the fight by shouting at the group. Huber and Roebuck were continuing to argue while Silver and Gallway crept up behind the two men. They connected with a big Double Dropkick to the head of Huber and sent him flying into Roebuck, knocking the big man right off the apron! Gallway rolled out of the ring as Silver kicked him in the gut now. With some effort, he POWERED the 300-pounder Huber up…
The Cradled Styles Clash did him in! He dropped the big man and the crowd were cheering on Silver as he rolled the Las Vegas native onto his back!

The Heirs of Wrestling had the win over their long-time rivals in The House! Frank Silver slapped the mat and raised his fists in the air while Ryan Gallway jumped into the ring and patted him on the back as he rose to his feet. Simon Boulder raised the hands of the winners as the announcement was made.
As The Heirs celebrated in the ring, Huber was hurt and rolled out of the ring holding his side as he went to rejoin her husband. She went to the corner where Roebuck was now standing…
It couldn’t be true, but it looked like Adam Roebuck had just up and left him at ringside as he stormed off! His partner of twelve years in the business and Roebuck had just walked out on him! Roebuck was about ready to head to the back when Charlotte started after him.
“Come on, Adam, don’t do this!” Charlotte screamed.
Derrick Huber didn’t even have time to get pissed off about the fact that they’d just lost the match, he limped right up the ramp after his partner and past his wife Charlotte before heading into the ring.
“Roebuck, answer me!” Huber screamed.
Roebuck turned around…
A single middle finger was all he got before he turned on his heel and disappeared behind the curtains. The crowd BOOED Adam Roebuck while he and Charlotte exchanged glances between them. Something had changed their friend and it most certainly wasn’t for the better. Huber angrily charged right off and headed to the back to go after Gallway while Charlotte tried to figure out what exactly was going on.
Inside the ring, Gallway and Silver jumped on each of the turnbuckles and they celebrated on the ramp, taking a big victory here tonight despite the happenings and this would move them into title contention once again. They knew that the current Tag Champions were on borrowed time and if they had their way, they would exact their revenge on the Hands of the Cause for stealing the Tag Team Titles at Unlimited.
They would have their day.

Then suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks, right next to a backstage crew member with a clipboard in hand, and a headset on his head. Ramey slowly turned to the man, then quickly grabbed him by his collar and shoved him against a wall. A dripping sound began, but it wasn’t the sound of the blood coming off of Ramey’s body, instead the man Ramey had snatched up had been so frightened by the events unfolding that he had urinated himself.
“Where is Jason Rau?” Ramey questioned the man softly, as he could see how unnerved he was at this point.
“Wha… Wha…What?” The stagehand was so caught in the moment of sheer terror at this moment that he didn’t even realize what he was being asked.
It was at this point that Ramey began to unravel once again, “I said,” Ramey began softly and then the base in his voice rose drastically as he began to shout, “WHERE IS JASON RAU?!”
“I… I… I…” The stand hand continued to stutter, the fear obviously continuing to grow as a crazy eyed and soaked in blood Ramey had him ready to pass out. “I don’t know.”
Seeing that he had properly got his point across that he was going to get his answers Ramey slowly lowered the stagehand back to his feet, “Then I would suggest you put that thing you’ve got on your head to good use and talk to someone who does know exactly where he is.”
The stagehand continued to breath heavily, still not understanding exactly what was going on, but for fear of the repercussions of not doing as he was told held down the talk button on his headset. “Has anyone seen Jason Rau?”
There was a long silence and then the sound of a muffled voice on the other end of the headset rang through. The stagehand didn’t look like he enjoyed the words being told to him as he swallowed deeply and then began, “I’ve just been told that Mr. Rau has already exited the building.”
Ramey nodded, “That’s what I figured.” Then he thought for a moment, the stagehand hoping that he would leave at this point, but then he continued, “You got next week’s show line-up on that clipboard?”
The stagehand nodded and then quickly had the clipboard pulled from his hands. Ramey flipped through the pages until he found what he wanted to see. He quickly scanned the page and a smile crossed his face as he then pressed the clipboard back against the chest of the stagehand.
Just as it looked like Ramey was ready to finally turn and walk away, leaving the stagehand in peace he turned back around. He looked at the stagehand, then down at the floor, “Thanks for the help and you may want to go get yourself changed.”
Ramey then turned and began to make his way down the corridor as the scene faded.

“Not too shabby, Mack, not too shabby!”
Brody was grinning at his appearance in a mirror backstage, making sure the six stitches to close his wound weren’t that bad. He and the other Heirs of Wrestling may have had a change of heart but that didn’t mean that he wanted to look like a slob. He had a victory under his belt, he fought off Jeremy Ryan and proved that he was more than a big, muscular pretty face. All in all a good night. He was about to turn on his heel and walk away...
“Hey! Little man! Up here!”
SuperMack looked around the backstage area for the source of the voice, but was vexed.
“Hello? Hot chick?”
“Look up here, buddy!”
Brody continued to look up but there was still no sign over whoever was trying to get his attention. After another moment of looking around, he peeked down…
“The Rockstar” Jon Le Bon.
The crowd cheered as The Rockstar was chugging down a Mountain Dew. For a guy that got roughed up by Jeremy Ryan at Unlimited he was looking pretty well all things considered. Le Bon raised a hand up and bumped fists as a sign of respect for the big man.
“Hey, man, what’s going on,” Brody said, looking at Le Bon. “Looking good. You all right after that shitbox Ryan tried to choke you out after your match?”
“I’ve survived worse,” Le Bon said. “I get all kinds of crazy threats sent my way from some of my own Twipo followers! I get people telling me that they’re gonna shove this here and put that there… most of it sounds physically impossible, though, so I shouldn't have to worry. One was a love letter actually. I got it as a private message on Valentine's Day”
"Oh? Good for you. What did it say?", asked Brody.
Le Bon cleared his throat.
"It said. Roses are Red, your blood is, too. I'll choke your chicken neck, until your face turns blue. Someone wants to choke my chicken. It's beautiful!"
Brody just stood there, perplexed.
“Well... uh... glad to see that you’re okay,” Brody said before quickly changing the subject. “Nobody likes that Ryan shitbox and nobody wants to deal with him. If he even comes your way looking cross, let me know and I’ll handle that I like I did earlier.”
“Or like I did at Unlimited! I had that sucker on the ropes!”
Brody looked on with a slightly amused look on his face.
“Oh? Is that so?”
Le Bon puffed out his chest a little bit just to make himself look tougher as he recounted the tale.
“Yeah, I had that sucker! Then he had to low blow me, push me into the exposed turnbuckle and roll me up to beat me. That’s pretty much how anybody else has done it around here! That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about, my golden haired friend!”
“Oh? Do tell.” Brody said.
“Yeah, man, I wanted to come by and say that if Jeremy Ryan tries to come at you like he did earlier tonight, I got your back!”
“You don’t say.”
“I don't? I thought I just did. Well, just to make sure... Yeah, man, I wanted to come by and say that if Jeremy Ryan tries to come at you like he did earlier tonight, I got your back!”
Brody rolled his eyes with a hint of a laugh under his breath before Le Bon continued.
“I’m sorry that a long time ago when I tried to join the Heirs of Wresting and make us HOWL, that you guys weren’t getting my DMs, my messages, my pokes, likes, texts, pages, instagrams, twats, diasporas, dropbox files, phone calls from my cell, phone calls from my house phone, phone calls from my hospital room, telegrams, notes via carrier pigeon, my attempts to communicate using ESP and a spaghetti strainer on my head, or even that carefully crafted letter I sent you guys out of magazine clippings never made your way. There was even that one time I hid outside your house in the bushes.. by the way.. sorry for the little gift I left there.. your door was locked and I had nowhere to go.. but still... that’s crazy that NONE of that made it to you guys.”
SuperMack grinned sheepishly while some of the fans watching this in the audience laughed.
“But you know what? Guys like us have to stick together, man! We can’t get caught up on haters! People are always going to be jealous of guys like you who are awesome and guys like me who are ROCKSTAR levels of pure awesomesauce. So I just want you to know if Ryan starts poking around here again, that I got your back, Mackey. In school, people were so afraid of me because they knew if they even looked at me cross, that I would get on their bad side. I was the big kingpin on the playground. I even had my own nickname back then before I became The Rockstar.”
“What nickname was that?”
Le Bon smiled proudly.
“I was the Big L! People would see me walking down the street and tell their friends the Big L was coming. Places cleared and people walked away because they didn’t want any of the heat I was bringing!”
Mack rubbed a hand through his hair, trying really hard not to laugh. Le Bon continued to recount his tale.
“I even had my own symbol that people would flash when they approached me.”
“Let me guess…”
Mack put up his hands in the shape of an L on his forehead and Jon looked freaked out.
Le Bon hopped off his perch and looked at Brody. He looked at him from all directions and then stood in front of him.
"No.. I don't see that weird birthmark that looked like Ted Nugent.. you're definitely not Bobby "Twigger" Jones. We called him Twigger because he was skinny as hell and as blac...."
Brody cut him off.
"Whoa Whoa Whoa... we're TV-14.. not TV-R"
Brody breathed a sigh of relief.
“Let's just say the whole symbol thing was a lucky guess. Hey, I gotta go, but I’ll take your words under… uh... "advisement"… if Ryan tries to get some shit started with you, let me know. Take it easy, man.”
“You too! Watch your back and remember…”
Le Bon flashed the L on his forehead again and he took off down the hallway as Brody smiled.
“Well, that was… something…”

Omega (c) vs Mike Extreme

"Melancholy (Holy Martyr)" by Iced Earth started to blast over the arena as the camera panned to the stage to see the monster Mike Extreme come to the stage with Violet and Misty Gold right by his side. The fans were jeering loudly at the two. The monster had a huge smile on his face as he looked around the Arena of Champions. Mike, Violet, and Misty were still riding high continued to make their way down the ramp to the ring. Extreme climbed over the top rope as Violet and Misty stood ringside.
Extreme stood in the ring waiting for his opportunity to become the new Underground Champion. The large man stood in the ring awaiting his opponent in this Underground Match.
The arena went completely dark as the eerie lyrics of Marilyn Manson echoed throughout the arena. Mike Extreme stood in the ring as the lights from cellphones illuminated the arena. The cameras panned around to the stage as Omega was nowhere to be seen. The fans jeered as a lone spotlight hit the middle of the ring. A young girl’s voice was suddenly heard over the PA system.
A loud woman’s scream was heard throughout the arena as the lone spotlight disappeared. The lights slowly came back on as Omega, the new Underground Champion stood in the middle of the ring with a sick grin on his face. Mike Extreme backed up toward the ropes looking at his opponent. He stood near the ropes as Omega slowly moved back to the corner handing the Underground title to Simon Boulder.
Extreme backed up looking at the monster standing in front of him. It was rare that Extreme looked anyone eye to eye in the middle of the ring but tonight he was facing a man that was his same size. The bell sounded as Omega stood stoically in the middle of the ring. Extreme walked over to the monster and started to talk but Omega just stared at him with no emotion on his face.
“You’re title is mine tonight, motherfucker.”
Extreme charged at Omega trying to push him back toward the ropes but the monster held his ground as Extreme was astonished at how powerful Omega was. It was rare to find someone who could out muscle Extreme. Extreme nailed Omega with a big right hand as Omega stood in the middle of the ring taking the now barrage of blows coming from Extreme. The champion was a little punished from his match with Ninja K. But the madman was not going to pass up an opportunity to inflict pain on someone. The big man pushed Omega back toward the corner. He drove a few more shots at Omega trying to get the demon off his feet.
Extreme drove several shoulder blocks into Omega’s midsection which doubled the monster over. Extreme grabbed Omega and whipped him into the opposite corner. The giant raced into the corner and nailed Omega with a huge splash. Extreme was now in control as he grabbed Omega by his dreadlocks and slammed him to the mat to huge shaking of the ring. Omega rolled over trying to get himself into the match. Extreme rolled to the floor and pulled up the ring apron. He grabbed a chair and pulled it out from under the ring.
Extreme picked up the chair and pushed it into the ring. Extreme rolled into the ring as Omega was up and bolted across the ring with a big clothesline that took Extreme off his feet. Extreme was down on one knee but Omega was not done. He grabbed Extreme and sent him to the mat with a huge belly to belly suplex which got a reaction from the crowd as the strength of Omega was on display.
Omega picked up the chair and propped it up in the corner. The demonic monster reached down and grabbed Extreme by the hair and slowly picked him up. He pulled Extreme by the arm and whipped him into the corner with a huge amount of force. Extreme hit the chair hard falling to the mat holding his back. Omega had a slight grin on his face as he grabbed the mangled chair from the corner and dropped it in the center of the ring.
The monster slowly pulled Extreme up hooking him in a front chancery. The fans looked on in awe and shock as Omega picked Extreme up and suplexed him onto the chair. The fans were dead silent as they continued to witness the ungodly strength of Omega. Omega sat up as Extreme rolled around on the mat in pain. The boogeyman did not make a move toward Extreme as he just sat in the ring enjoying his handy work. Omega slowly moved toward Extreme and put his face to the ear of Extreme.
“We gain strength through your pain. She requires it.”
Omega who savored in inflicting pain stood to his feet as he methodically stalked Extreme. Mike made it to the ropes but Omega was there as he started to choke Extreme with the middle ropes. Boulder couldn’t do anything as he looked on. Omega finally let Extreme go as he rolled to the floor. Omega got himself a head of steam as he raced toward Extreme and nailed him with a big boot to his temple that sent Extreme back into the ring.
Omega was now the one looking under the ring for a weapon. He took a baseball bat and threw it into the ring. Omega grabbed a table and dragged it from under the ring. He slid a chair into the ring as well. However Omega was not done as he grabbed another chair from under the ring. The fans started to jeer as Omega smirked before he rolled into the ring. Extreme was still trying to get his bearings again. Omega picked up the table and set it up in the middle of the ring.
Extreme was able to get to his feet as he grabbed the steel chair and drove it into Omega’s back. Extreme nailed Omega again. The shot sent Omega to one knee. Extreme was up now standing in front of Omega. He took the chair and was looking to swing for the fence but Omega hit the chair with his fist which caused Extreme to drop the chair. Omega grabbed Extreme by the throat and lifted him in the air and with impressive strength drove him into the mat with a big choke slam.
Omega went down for the pin.
Omega had a sick smile on his face as he stood to his feet. He picked up the chair and placed it on the table. He slowly reached down and grabbed Extreme again by the hair. He picked up Extreme and drove him through the table with a huge power bomb. Omega sat still for a few seconds as he watched Extreme lay in the debris of the table writhing in pain.
Omega stood to his feet as he moved slowly still feeling the effects of his title match with Ninja K. The champion looked at the crushed table and Mike Extreme and smirked. He slowly crawled over to the ropes and slid under the bottom ropes. He walked over to the Underground Championship with a sick smile. He stared at the title for a few seconds.
“If this is what you want. We will oblige.”
Omega dropped the title on the table before sliding back into the ring. The Underground Champion pulled Extreme from the rubble. He picked Extreme up. THE END
Omega looked at the Underground Championship and shook his head. He picked up Extreme once more.
Boulder and the fans looked on in shock as Mike Extreme did not move. Violet and Gold looked on in horror as Omega laid on Extreme for the cover.

It was over. The new Champion successfully defended his Underground Championship against Mike Extreme. The monster continues his impressive run in the Underground division. Boulder, Violet, and Misty Gold were all in the ring tending to Mike Extreme as the champion rolled to the floor to retrieve his title. He slowly made his way up the ramp tightly gripping his title as he disappeared behind the curtain.

All of a sudden...
Lights Out
Crimson Hue
"King of Hell" by Helstar
Derecho stepped out from the backstage area as the lyrics to the song kicked in. He stopped at the top of the entrance ramp and stared down at the ring at Omega. Omega looked ready to go right then and there as Derecho took that first step toward the ring.
As Derecho approached, Omega dropped his championship on the canvas as if it were proverbial line, daring Derecho to come step across it. Derecho climbed up onto the ring apron and then stepped into the ring. The music cut off and the lights returned to normal. Derecho was there in front of Omega, but he hadn't stepped across the championship title just yet.
Omega looked ready for anything and even had a grin on face as if he welcomed the opportunity to destroy him. Derecho put up his hand and pulled a microphone out from his back pocket.
"I'm not out here to fight... that is.. unless you want to force my hand.." said Derecho as he looked right into the eyes of the Underground Champion.
"Since realizing my true self... I needed a test. I sought after many people in the locker room to test myself against.. one of which was a man you destroyed here tonight in Mike Extreme, but something felt off.. there was that one true test that I had to pass, and truth be told.. you were going to be that test."
Derecho paused for a moment.
"My intention was to come out here and challenge you to a match in order to put myself through a worthy test, however, Sylo intervened and sidetracked me, but perhaps, it was for the better as one week ago, I took everything Sylo had and I'm still walking this planet. Even though the match was a double KO, I still won because Sylo failed in his mission."
Derecho grinned
"However.. it did serve as a worthy test. I did confirm with myself that I am more than capable of sitting atop the Underground once again as its King."
Derecho looked down at the championship on the canvas and then back up at Omega.
"jOlt's biggest event is coming up. Wrestlecade. One of my own creations back when I ran X Wrestling some twelve years ago. What a fitting way for me to reclaim the championship than defeating you on the grandest stage of them all."
Derecho grinned.
"In other words... I want my throne back.. and you WILL give it to me."
Derecho dropped the microphone and stared right into Omega's eyes. The two were about to come to blows when...
"Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant.
The people saw the jOltvision video. They immediately exploded into a standing ovation!!!

A loud "WELCOME BACK" chant hit the arena as Saunders walked down to the very ring that Derecho and Omega stood in! Saunders grabbed the ropes and pulled himself up onto the ring apron and then stepped into the ring over the top rope!!
Saunders walked up and stood by Derecho's side, staring down Omega!!!??
The crowd's cheers turned to boos as Saunders stood side by side with someone he called a friend as well. Omega looked at Derecho and then looked at Saunders. Omega knew what these two were capable of, but even knew felt that it would be a mistake to challenge the both of them right here and now.
Omega cautiously bent down and picked up his Underground Championship. He then slowly side stepped and exited the ring, keeping his eye on both of them as he walked around ringside and started heading up the entrance ramp.
Saunders kept an eye on Omega and then in one split second, turned and...
The boos turned to cheers once again as Saunders and pulled Derecho to his feet. He placed him into the Gory Guerrero Special and nailed it...
Saunders stood and exited the ring without saying a word!! If there was even an impactful return, Spike Saunders just made by interrupting Derecho's quest to become a two-time Underground Champion!
"SAUNDERS... SAUNDERS... SAUNDERS..." chanted the crowd as he stormed up the entrance ramp. Saunders stopped at the top and raised his fist into the air for the crowd. Derecho rolled onto his side and stared a hole through Spike Saunders.
Derecho was PISSED!

“Damn it… what’s going on in there?” Charlotte asked.
“I don’t know, darling! Sounds like a real mess in there!”
Charlotte knew the voice ALL too well. The voice belonged to her own long-standing rival in the Starlet Division and the current woman to hold onto the proverbial crown of Queen of the Starlets as its champion…
And yes, if you cared about such detail, you would see that she gave herself a bigger, ACTUAL crown on her head. She was wearing the Starlet Title over her shoulder proudly as she look at a seething Charlotte with a smug look.
“Darling, sorry to hear about your husband and his big ape of a friend. Trouble in parad…”
An elbow from Charlotte pinned the Queen against the throat!
“NOT. IN. THE. FUCKING. MOOD.” Charlotte hissed.
Charlotte was red-faced and seething. She had failed in her bid to get back the title that she had stolen from her back last year at Wired and now she was sitting her gloating about it. The Queen of Hearts didn’t want to hear any of that shit and kept her pinned to the wall.
“You need to walk the fuck away from me… I mean FAR away from me. If I even CATCH you sniffing around me in the mood I’m in, that title be damned, I will HURT YOU.”
She let her go and Winterton doubled over, trying to regain her breath. She was taking a second to collect herself while Charlotte was about to turn and walk away.
“WHAT?!” Charlotte shouted.
“Darling… I came here…” Winterton picked herself up and took a second to make sure her peach-colored blouse was still looking good. “Darling, I came here because I want to offer you a match. Next week, for this title.”
Charlotte glanced at the belt and then back to its wearer with a nonplussed look on her face.
“You’re kidding, right, hon? You want to offer ME a title shot? We’ve been busting each other for months! You’ve stolen my clothes, called me a harlot on countless occasions, thrown parties for your own overblown ego and everything in between and now you want to OFFER me a title shot? What the hell is in it for you?”
Winterton patted this title.
“Darling, I know that we have never seen eye-to-eye. I was raised to be the proper lady and athlete that this palace needs and you’re… well, you.”
Charlotte was about to swing again when Winterton held up her hands.
“WAIT, WAIT WAIT! But what you need to know is at the end of the day, we both respect this. You, Thompson, Ryann and I had the match of our CAREERS at Unlimited, but all I’ve heard people say in hushed whispers behind my back is how I took advantage of the chaos to walk out with this title. I want to prove myself as the greatest Starlet Champion of all time and I cannot do that if people are thinking that I am some kind of coward who won’t take a challenge head on. So I want to offer you a title shot next week! I will put to rest any rumors of doubt that I am not a capable champion and I will wrestle you one-on-one, no interference, no tricks, no anything.”
Charlotte took every word that she had to say and looked like she was carefully processing it.
“Deal. I’m sick of you with that title and I’m sick of you taking this division and using it just to inflate your outrageous ego. You best kiss that title goodbye because that’s exactly where it’s going next week!”
“It’s a deal, darling!” Winterton smiled.
Suddenly the door opened and out came a charging Roebuck after whatever was going on. Charlotte turned over.
“What’s going on? Roebuck? Come on!”
Winterton watched as Roebuck glanced at her.
“I’m going home. I’m fed up with this place dicking us all over and I’m sick of your husband!” Roebuck said.
Derrick followed right after and stormed out as Charlotte tried to chase him.
“Derrick, what’s going on, what’s he talking about?” she screamed.
“I’m done, too. If he wants to be a fucking dickhead and not listen to reason, then he can go fuck himself. I need a break, too. We’re done. Let’s go.”
“Wait… what the hell… you guys are just throwing in the towel after all these years?” Charlotte asked, distraught. “What’s wrong?”
Huber said nothing more while Charlotte was completely distraught. Their House – for lack of a better term – had just fallen apart before her very eyes. She looked crushed while Winterton was still there, smiling.
“Oh… see you next week, darling!”
Winterton did a quick curtsy and laughed before she left while Charlotte was on the verge of tears. The Queen of the Starlets had to be messing with her by offering her this title shot while all this was going on? The House were taking a break from jOlt?
And all this while Winterton walked away with a smile on her face.

Eiji Kugasari (c) vs Aran Thompson

"Ladies and Gentlemen! It's time for your MAIN EVENT!
The fans in attendence went beserk as the ring announcer made his introduction to the match.
The cheering was so overwhelming but it immediately turned it's ugly head of a crecendo of booing as..
Lights Out...
A single spotlight illuminated the ring as "Champion" by Grinspoon began playing and the fans, shrouded in darkness, spat out incesitivities to the now former jOlt Champion. Aran Thompson walked from behind the entrance curtain with Laurie Williams who cradled his retired Relentless Championship in her arms. Aran looked over to the fans booing him as he made his way to the ring apron but returned his focus to the ring before stopping and looking at Laurie and the Relentless Championship.
Aran reached behind him for the middle rope and he jumped up and turned around landing on the ring apron as a barrage of red, white and yellow pyrotechnics burst from the stage and Aran stepped into the ring screaming at the fans and motioning that he will regain his championship tonight.
"Dawn Awaits" by Cliff Lin as Crimson and White Strobe Lighting is activated from the heavens in sequence to the music. Eiji storms out through the torrid jets of smoke covering the entrance staging curtain with the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship strapped around his waist before stopping at the entrance staging area apex to execute a brief martial arts kata. The kata is concluded with a Leaping Double Roundhouse Kick. Eiji swung his fist toward the grating, summoning a Red Pyrotechnical explosion. Slowly raising his head level, Eiji ascended to his feet and begin power walking toward the ringside area.
Striding up the ring steps, Eiji walked ring apron staring at Aran Thompson before he nimbly rolled backward over the top rope, landing in an erect posture, pivoting and continuing his gaze on the former champion. Sweeping his Red bangs from his face, Eiji wrung his hands and wrists and stood prepared for his first ever jOlt Championship Title defense.
Referee Boulder walked over to Aran Thompson and checked his boots and wrist tape for weapons explaining to him the rules of the match before motioning over toward Eiji Kugasari and repeating his previously lecture.
Both men stared at one another and slowly circled the ring as Referee Boulder held the jOlt Championship high into the air and they both took notice.
Michael Buhrman: Nate, after last nights match this one is bound to leave us shocked! No matter the outcome, Eiji Kugasari and Aran Thompson put each other through the wringer already and they both seem ready to do it again.
Nathan Powers: But this time Aran becomes a MULTIPLE TIME CHAMPION! *HA!* Where have I heard that before?!
Aran and Eiji circled the ring and Aran stopped in the apex with his hand out.
Buhrman: I...is Aran Thompson offering his hand?
Powers: Last time we saw this he won the Relentless Championship back!
Eiji looked at Aran and then at his hand and he turned his attention to the fans as they warned him of Aran trying to plead with Eiji not to shake his hand. Eiji returned his gaze back to Aran as he shook his head slowly and pointed to the fans reaction. Aran snarled and offered his hand once again saying something inaudible to Eiji that nobody else could hear before offering his hand a third time.
Eiji, with his eyebrow raised with absolute reservations of the matter, slowly put his hand out there before grasping on and the two men shook and the entire Arena of Champions immediately became silent.
Aran nodded his head at Eiji who did the same before Aran slammed his elbow into the side of the head of The Blood Raven and the booing recommenced as Aran snarled and followed it up with another elbow rocking Eiji back into a corner.
"THAT BELONGS TO ME!" Aran bellowed for all to hear.
Aran stepped closer to Eiji and slammed his knee into the midsection of Eiji Kugasari followed with a whip to the other side, only to bring Eiji back in and elbow him in the head again. Eiji rocked back not ready for the Aran's relentless rage as Aran went to elbow Eiji in the head once again but Eiji blocked it and spun behind Aran lifting him up and slamming him into the mat followed up with a hard kick to the gut.
Aran buckled as his seemingly unscathed demeanor was just another lie and ribs were hurting from their previous match. Eiji pulled Aran up to his feet and spun around with another kick to Aran's gut, bending Aran over and into the ropes causing Aran to sit on the middle rope holding his stomach.
Eiji shoved his neck to the side as he recollected himself from the onslaught of elbows that Aran delivered as he approached Aran, but Aran was ready and raked the eyes of The jOlt Champion causing referee Boulder to immediately reprimand Aran telling him he will disqualify him if he does anything like that again.
Powers: C'mon! This is for the title! LET THEM FIGHT!
Eiji tried to look around but Aran had already grabbed ahold of him whipping him in the ropes and slamming a knee into Eiji as he followed through. Eiji flipped over holding his stomach this time and Aran quickly pinned the Champion.
Buhrman: Aran should know better than that!
Powers: They destroyed each other a week ago! Let me beat your ass for thirty minutes straight and see how you feel next week.
Aran rubbed his elbow across the face of Eiji before standing up and taunting Eiji to stand up as well. Eiji slowly rose to his feet.
Aran slammed into the mat as The Blood Raven countered Aran with the same exact move that he attempted to hit Eiji with and this time Eiji covered Aran.
The fans groaned as Eiji looked over to the referee and closed his eyes. Both of these men knew that they were beaten up pretty badly, but the question was who would get the winning blow.
Eiji meticulously stomped on the wrists and chest of Aran as he laid on the mat before bringing Aran up to his feet and slamming his knee into Aran's midsection and following it through with another hard knee to the side of Aran's head and again covering the former jOlt Champion.
Aran rolled out of the ring as Eiji looked at Boulder with frustration.
Powers: Eiji clearly wants this match to be over quickly so he can go back to licking his wounds!
Buhrman: I think the same could be said for Aran too!
The fans booed as Aran staggered over to Laurie Williams who tried reviving her husband, helping him recollect himself. When Aran turned around to look for Eiji, Laurie quickly got ouf the way...
The fans errupted as Eiji hit the very same move that gave him tons of advantage over Aran at Unlimited and Eiji slowly dragged Aran to the ring apron before stopping and looking at Laurie Williams who screamed at Eiji. Referee Boulder got out of the ring and told Laurie to back away from Eiji.
Aran hit Eiji with a Low Blow when the referee wasn't looking and caught Eiji before he completely fell to the ground, rolling Eiji back into the ring and following after him.
The referee turned around and slid into the ring looking at Aran trying to make sense of what had transpired as Aran taunted Eiji again.
"GET UP!" Aran shouted.
The fans screamed in disbelief as Eiji's title reign seemed to be coming to a halting end. Eiji slowly stood up, holding himself in the process but Aran was already airborne.
Aran slammed the back of Eiji's head into the mat with his Springboard Fluid Reverse DDT and the fans absolutely hated this man.
Buhrman: WHAT?!
Landon Stevens, Eli and Ezra Conway all came running down to the ring and Aran turned over looking at his Black Faction.
"What are you doing?!" Laurie shouted.
Landon, Eli and Ezra all told Aran to pin Eiji now. Aran looked confused but hooked the leg of Eiji Kugasari.
The fans screamed with disgusted.
The boing grew louder.
Powers & Buhrman: WHAT IS GOING ON?!
Landon picked up Aran as Referee Boulder called for the bell. Aran Thompson winning by Disqualification. Landon held Aran up as Ezra hit Aran...
Aran slammed into the mat as Eli Conway hit him with his Lariat From Hell, but they weren't done. Landon picked Aran up once again and shoved an nearly knocked out Aran Thompson at Ezra Conway who quickly slammed Aran into the mat...
"THIS IS MY SHOW NOW!" Landon screamed at Aran.
"YOU AIN'T CHAMP! AND YOU AIN'T THE BOSS ANYMORE! I AM!" He continued to yell as Laurie Williams looked on with shock, screaming for them to stop.
Aran was motionless as Eiji Kugasari was already up the ramp watching as The Black Faction had turned on Aran and the fans had no idea how to react. Landon demanded the West Texas Terrorists to pick Aran up and the as they did the fans went insane.
Waymoth Turnbull slid into the ring and the twins threw Aran to the mat as Landon turned around.
Landon buckled and fell to the mat as Aran was beginning to come to and Waymoth turned his attention to Aran as the fans just blew the roof off the Arena of Champions. Waymoth lifted Aran up who looked confused as to why Waymoth would come out and help him.
Aran simply fell to the mat with a hard thud, motionless, and Waymoth looked around as "Emergency" by Mavado f/ Ace Hood began playing and everyone was left in disbelief as Black Faction had turned on Aran Thompson and Waymoth Turnbull FINALLY got his hands on Aran.