The screen then illuminates with Aran Thompson raising his fist into the air
Throw up your Rawkfist
if you're feelin' it when I drop this!
Boom Boom!
The screen flashes white twice
"Rawkfist" by Thousand Foot Krutch
{Images In Sync w/ Music} - Eiji Kugasari is seen hitting a Shooting Star Press off the top rope, followed by Jayshin hitting a Corkscrew 630 Splash. Gunnar Van Patton hits a massive running lariat turning Mattock inside out. Derecho is seen hitting an Emerald Flowsion on Ninja K.
Jeremy Ryan is shown with a scowl on his face as he snubs all that isn't in the realm of normalcy, followed by Mattock hitting the corkscrew spear. The screen flashes and shows Sylo hitting the Systematic Shutdown, followed by a few traditional poses from your favorite jOlt Superstars in succession including Superstar Vince Jacobs, Omega, Waymoth Turnbull, Tyke
During the chorus we see some basic wrestling moves from people like The Heirs of Wrestling, Red & Ted, Reno Davis, Sven Deadly, Mike Extreme, Grendel, Omega, all in rapid succession
The song cuts off abruptly as we are taken inside the Arena of Champions in Orlando, Florida. Red Pyro starts at the top of the jOltvision and takes off in both directions, left and right. The pyro travels around the perimeter of the jOltvision until it meets in the middle on the bottom side. When it meets, random pyro explosions happen on the main stage for a good ten seconds before a massive wall of pyro goes off on stage and another explosion of pyro from the entire perimeter of the jOltvision simultaneously.
"Rawkfist" starts up again as the camera pans around the sold out crowd, cheering!

"Roll the footage."
Cameras directed themselves towards the JoltVision before the footage emcompassed television and computer monitors across the world. It was footage captured from a cellphone that revealed an Orlando street just outside of IceBar and Fire Lounge. Jonathan Conspiracy could be seen signing autographs and taking pictures with various people who he was allowing to 'rock' Diamond Jewelz chain and he seemed to be a little tipsy but functioning nonetheless as he waited at the valet to return to his condo before heading home to New York to his wife and kids.
Within seconds, a car could would appear at the taxistand, and Conspiracy noticed it wasn't his car and knew this wasn't a good sign. He bolted in a mad dash through the crowd as the car gave chase and shots were fired in his direction from the vehicle. The crowd from the two clubs dispersed in complete chaos and disarray. A man emerged from the car, gun in hand, and the crowd in the Arena of Champions boo'd when that man was identified as Diamond Jewelz himself, as many would say "on his OJ shit".
Jewelz let out an audible "FUCK!" and hurried back to his car as sirens could be heard in the background. The filmer of the footage, also took this as his (or her) queue to flee the scene as well, seeing as once the cops get your phone you won't be getting it back.
Cameras returned to the arena, as the crowd boo'd in anticipation of what Damien Lee was about to announce.
"This is NOT the type of publicity that Jolt needs heading into it's biggest event of the year. We have weeks of special events called Wrestlecade Xperience taking place in Seattle, Washington as well as other local events here in Orlando taking place in preparation for Wrestlecade and a HUGE Hall of Fame ceremony to honor Jolt's best over the years, yet these two want to taint all we have worked hard for to eliminate the stigma that comes along with events such as these. This isn't the NFL or the NBA! Our athletes are supposed to be role models, class acts; but these two gentlemen... and I use that term very loosely, want to jeopardize that! So I had security quarantine both Jonathan Conspiracy and Diamond Jewelz when they arrived at the arena today, and it is at this time that I would like for security to bring out Mr. Conspiracy."
"Holy Grail" started to play throughout the arena...
"NO MUSIC! These two don't deserve the fanfare of coming out here at this present time to 'theme' music!"
Security appeared at the entryway surrounding Jonathan Conspiracy, who was still sporting Jewelz chain. "One Letter Better" looked a little worse for wear as Damien Lee continued.
"Now as Jonathan enters the ring, I ask that Diamond Jewelz be escorted to ringside."
Diamond Jewelz was a little harder to control, but security nonetheless managed to keep Jolt's resident jeweler restrained as they escorted him down to the ring.
"If it was solely up to me, these two would no longer have employment with Jolt Wrestling, but, after sitting on this footage, I decided that would not be the right to handle the differences between these two. So first things first, Jonathan the chain please.
Jcon drops his head in ingenuine guilt, and gives an evil smile as he hands the chain over to Lee. On the outside.. Diamond Jewelz’s fury is transformed into a gleaming smile.
“Jewelz… This is your chain…”
Jewelz starts to push towards the ring through security to retrieve his chain
“If you can retrieve it in a ladder match at Wrestlecade…”
“What,” Jewelz mouths in outrage. Jewelz begins to throw a fit of rage outside…Security and Orlando police restrain him from entering the ring. “That’s bullshit.. That’s my chain!!! Give me my fucking chain… What the fuck!!”
“Jewelz, the only reason Orlando police aren’t taking you away in cuffs right now for attempted murder is because I promised them that I could bring a peaceful resolution to this. This bling is going on a string and you too are going to fight for it.”
The jOlt fans erupt into a raucous cheer.
“That’s fair.. You two have almost ruined the reputation of my great organization over this damn chain and at Wrestlecade, you two are going to battle for it, and Jewelz, if you don’t like it, these Orlando area cops around the ring can very well cart you off to jail. It’s your choice. You work WrestleCade for this here chain, or you go to prison.”
“Whatever my nigga… I’ll do it myself.. I already made that clear. Shit… I’mma get my shit back,,” Jewelz exclaims with tears of rage in his eyes.
“For now, though, this chain is going into the custody of Orlando area police until WrestleCade,” Damien Lee reaches outside the ring and hands the chain to the Orlando area police, who accompanied jOlt security to the ring.
“But that’s not all.. You two are not to touch each other until WrestleCade or else you will be terminated, and Jewelz, like I said, you’re going to jail for attempted murder if you foul up and you’ll lose your chain by default because I’ll pawn it for the $50,000 you say its’ worth.”
Unnoticable to Jewelz, Conspiracy coughed and during that cough it sounded like he said "$5".
“Fuck You Damien Lee.. Fuck you… You better not pawn my shit!!!” Jewelz screams out.
“But since you two men want a piece of each other so bad, tonight, I’m going to give you two a chance to get a piece of each other…” Jewelz and JCon each look confused. Didn’t Lee just say that if any direct contact occurred, the other would be terminated?
"I’m going to allow the both of you to pick the opponent for the other. Jewelz… Who do you want to see JCON fight tonight?” Lee questions to the pleasure of the Jolt crowd.
Jewelz looks somewhat confused, at first but begins to pace a little bit. He decides to play along. An evil grin creeps onto his face. “Ninja K,” Jewelz shouts to Lee as the fans around ringside echo his decision. “Ninja K it is. JCON. Who’s your choice?”
JCON rubbed his chin to contemplate. He whispers into Damien Lee’s ear. Lee’s eyes get big.
“Jewelz,” Damien Lee begins as he is interrupted by Jewelz, “Who the fuck is it Lee… Man up bro.”
“Jewelz, you’re going to be facing OOOOOOmeeega…” The crow erupts. Jewelz looks a bit uncomfortable with facing the ruler of the Underground but hides his fear in bravado.. “Ok… Ok.. I’m Down…”
"No security will you please take these two back to their respective locker rooms, because I can't stand to look at these two right now, oh and just for good measure, both matches will be fought under Underground Rules!"
Somewhere backstage the current and former Underground Champions must have been chomping at the bit while Jewelz and Jonathan stared at each other through the mass of humanity which consisted of security and Orlando PD.

The fans within the arena were overheard in the background as the Blood Raven sauntered in from the right. Flanked by 4 members of the Crimson Elite, Eiji slightly adjusted the championship belt atop his Left Shoulder in turning his attention toward Donny Layne.
“Congratulations, first and foremost, to you for becoming the youngest Heavyweight Champion in jOlt history.” Layne conveyed as The Blood Raven swept the hair from his visage.
“Thank you, Mr. Layne.” Eiji replied. “It is a great opportunity to represent my clan and this promotion as its champion.”
“Indeed, Mr. Kugasari.” Layne mentioned. “However, tonight you have 3 credible contenders in Adam Lazarus...Mattock & The Softcore Saint’ himself...Kayden Paulton.” The Blood Raven quietly nodded to himself as the masses roared upon mention of the 3 contenders at large.
“Tonight’s winner will no doubt challenge you for the jOlt Heavyweight Championship in tonight’s main event but the opportunity to headline the main event at Wrestlecade. Your thoughts?”
“You know, with all due respect, it matters little to me as to who will challenge me tonight nor at Wrestlecade.” Eiji replied. “The names you have mentioned are talented in their own respective ways. Their respective styles will provide them a fighting chance to challenge me for this belt. However, it is I who shall hold a very distinct advantage tonight for I will defend this belt well rested. Not to mention, well educated on my opposition this evening.”
I must be mindful of the scores of opportunists, lurking in hindsight.” Kugasari continued. “Anxiously seeking any opportunity to heighten their chances to unseat me either for themselves or the acquisition of power for their respective factions. I expect a great wrestling expedition amongst those 3 this evening yet let the winner remain forewarned; I will do everything within my power to retain this Heavyweight Championship for contrary to popular belief, I am the best in this promotion. Be it Mattock...Adam Lazarus...Kayden Paulton...anyone. I am required to stand among the elite in my clan. In this promotion. In this business. Without question. All will soon understand as to why I am the Prince of Puroresu. Why I am renown as the Blood Raven. Be it by bearing witness or by blunt force, I eagerly await the opportunity to impose my will in that ring. Both tonight. At Wrestlecade and beyond. Good luck, geneltmen. You’ll need it...”
Eiji adjusted the belt onto his shoulder before making his stoic egress from the scene. Donny Layne was heard clearing his throat as his visage reflected off the reflective Biker Helmets of one of the Crimson Elite. The silent sentry slowly peeled away to escort the clan lieutenant elsewhere...

Omega had seemingly not been himself lately as well. He has been more out of sorts lately as it seems he has been fighting with himself. No one knows what the Underground title can do to a person unless you are the bearer. The championship has done something to every one of its holders and it would look like Omega would break that cycle. But it looks like he is also succumbing to the curse.
Black Widow knelt on the floor in front of her men. The Widow’s Nest sat down as Black Widow poured herself a cup of green tea. She took a sip before placing the cup down.
“Tonight we make another considerable mark on this show. I have arranged a tag team match for us against Trouble. You will show Trouble what kind of force we can be in the tag team division. I expect no less than domination from all of you.”
The three men nodded as they looked to their mistress.
“Last week we continued to put fear into the people of this company. We also put uncertainty into the Underground Champion, Omega. He continues to be the perfect vessel for our message. He still believes that he will be able to defeat us. He does not realize that as a unit we are unstoppable and will not be broken by him or this company. Fear is still the undeniable motivator in our mission. We cannot allow fear to consume us. REMEMBER THAT.
The three men nodded in unison. The continued to sit as Black Widow slowly stood to her feet. She walked over and put on her wooden Geisha sandals.
“I have a meeting with Mr. Lee regarding Wrestlecade, involving the Nest. I will not be out there for your match but you three know what needs to be done. I expect for you to show Trouble and this company fear. Do not let me down.”
Black Widow looked at the three men as they stood to their feet. The three men bowed before the geisha. She slowly made her way to the door, opening it and walking out of the room. She walked down the hall when someone grabbed her, knocking the camera down on the floor. The camera suddenly went out as a huge foot was seen smashing the camera. The Widow’s Nest had no idea what had happened to Black Widow as they started to get themselves ready for their match.

Mattock vs Kayden Paulton vs Adam Lazarus

Eiji Kugasari was heading into Wrestlecade with what could be considered anyone's biggest challenge... a fate not yet known. Aran Thompson, Waymoth Turnbull, and Landon Stevens have tried to crown themselves as the number one contender, but failed to do so. Later tonight, they will attempt it again inside of a steel cage. Meanwhile, Eiji Kugasari isn't going to stand back and wait for an unknown opponent to be named... he had to train.. he had to prepare... so in order to do so, he had jOlt officials pick three random superstars to put them in a number on contender's match.. the winner will go on to the main event later tonight in order to face Eiji for the jOlt World Championship!
It was a risky move, but Eiji was willing to risk not going to the main event at Wrestlecade, just for the sake of training for the situation he's in!
"The Northern" by Alexisonfire
The people booed as Mattock stepped out from the backstage area. Mattock has had his problems with Sanchez Cano as of late and many were wondering why Mattock was chosen for this match instead of Cano. Nevertheless, Mattock walked down to the ring and stepped in. He made his way to a corner and propped himself against it as he waited for the other two.
"Less Talk More Rokk" by Freezepop
The fans cheered as Kayden Paulton stepped out from the backstage area. At Calaclysm, during the Open Season match, Paulton took great advantage of Derecho and Aran Thompson's interference, grabbing the briefcase dropped by Tyke and walking across the line to become the World's Nicest #1 Contender to the Underground title.. can lightning strike twice for the Softcore Messiah? Paulton entered the ring and the answer to that question will be found as soon as we saw our final entrant.
"Praise" by Sevendust
The fans cheered as Adam Lazarus stepped out from the back. Laz was pumped up as we haven't seen him since Thieves' Honor! We last saw Laz help Ninja K in stopping Jonathan Conspiracy from entering the Thieves Honor match. In fact, JCON was the man who screwed Laz out of that opportunity. Laz then took some time off to heal some nagging injuries and now that he's returned, the office decided to give him this fair shot at regaining a contendership to the title he was originally screwed out of!
Laz stepped into the ring as the three men stepped up to each other and faced off in the middle of the ring. The referee then called for the bell.
Mattock stared down Paulton and Laz as the two of them looked to want to double team Mattock. Mattock noticed this and slowly backed away, but Laz and Paulton charged in and began to pummel Mattock with clubbing blows. Mattock could only hunch over and cover up as the two of them pounded away on him. Paulton and Laz then grabbed Mattock and threw him over the top rope and out to the floor where he landed hard. Once Mattock was out of the picture, Laz and Paulton walked back to the center of the ring.
Paulton stuck out his hand and looked for the handshake.. Laz smiled and obliged and shook Paulton's hand before they circled each other and locked up. Paulton got the side headlock on Laz before backing him into the ropes and sending him across the ring. Laz countered by coming back with a shoulder block, knocking Paulton down. Laz took off to the ropes and stepped over Paulton as Paulton flipped to his stomach. Laz bounced off the opposite end and underneath Paulton as Kayden jumped up with a leapfrog
Mattock recovered and hopped up onto the ring apron as Laz's back hit the ropes. Mattock grabbed Laz from behind and yanked him down to the canvas by this spiky hair. Mattock then quickly hopped up to the top rope and leapt off with a missile drop kick that caught Paulton as soon as he turned around. Mattock then stood tall as Laz and Paulton were down, but it was only momentary.
Laz got back to his feet and Mattock met him with a big right hand. He then backed Laz into the ropes, sending him across the ring, but Laz front flipped against the ropes and came back with a back elbow, but Mattock caught him in a waist lock. A German Suplex attempt by Mattock failed as Laz flipped over and landed on his feet. Laz charged in with a lariat, but Mattock ducked it and the two of them charged opposite sides of the ring.
As they both rebounded, Mattock spun for his corkscrew spear.. the Direct Damage, but Laz front flipped over Mattock and avoided it! The spot looked like something out of The Matrix which got the crowd pumped, but in the end, Mattock was the one that crashed and burned while Laz safely rolled up to his feet!
Paulton was back up and even he was amazed at what he just saw. Paulton told Laz to hang back as Mattock stumbled to his feet. Paulton charged in and hit a running knee strike to Mattock's chest that knocked him back into the corner. Laz then charged in and nailed a Missile Drop Kick right to Mattock's face and that caused Mattock to slump down into a seated position.
Paulton then charged the ropes and came back with a running knee strike to the side of Mattock's head. Laz was already on his way to the ropes and he came back with momentum and nailed a running dropkick to Mattock's face... Paulton had already gone to the opposite corner and charged in once again. Paulton front flipped into a running hilo, slamming the back of his body right into Mattock's! Laz charged into the corner once again and nailed a diving european uppercut to Mattock who was now, for all intents and purposes... dead.
The crowd stood and cheered both men, but now the question was.. who was going to get the cover? Paulton suggested a game of rock-paper-scissors and, believe it or not.. it happened. Paulton used rock.. Laz had scissors.. so Paulton pulled the lifeless Mattock out from the corner and made the cover.
Paulton felt a tug on his leg.. it was Adam Lazarus, pulling Paulton off the cover! The crowd boo'd, but Laz explained that he wanted this contendership just as much as he did and friend or no friend, he wasn't going to let this opportunity slip by. Paulton nodded and said they should wrestle for it. Laz nodded and they locked up while Mattock rolled out of the ring to try and regain some composure.
Laz went for a side headlock, but Paulton immediately shoved Laz away, but Paulton quickly grasped Laz by the waist and pulled him back. He lifted Laz up and then planted him front side first into the canvas with a take down. Paulton floated over and applied a front chancery to Laz to try and keep him grounded, but Laz battled up to his feet and lifted Paulton up and over with a Northern Lights Suplex complete with a bridge pin!
Paulton got the shoulder up
Both of them stood and Laz fired off a knife edge chop across the chest. Laz hit a second and then whipped Paulton to the ropes. Paulton came back and ducked a clothesline. He leapt to the middle rope and twisted into a cross body block, but Laz knelt down and Paulton crashed across Laz' knee! Paulton staggered back as he held his stomach in pain, but Laz picked up Paulton and Scoop Slammed him down by the ropes.
Laz then took off and rolled across the canvas, before rolling to his feet leaping, and flipping into the senton...
Laz could have it here as he made the cover...
Foot on the ropes by Kayden Paulton!
Laz pulled Paulton to his feet, but from out of nowhere, Mattock ran back into the ring and pulled Laz over into a schoolboy rollup!
Laz kicked away!
Mattock then delivered a toe kick to Paulton, doubling him over. Laz was back up and he charged at Mattock, but Mattock side stepped and Laz accidentally clotheslined Paulton over the top rope and out to the floor. Mattock then grabbed Laz from behind and nailed the German Suplex. He rolled through and brought Laz back to his feet. He got underneath Laz and spun him out with the Blue Thunder Driver!
Mattock held Laz down in the cover..
Laz kicked out!
Paulton was already back up onto the apron. Mattock saw it and charged Paulton, but Paulton ducked, pulling the ropes down with him and Mattock spilled to the outside. Paulton immediately entered the ring and chraged the opposite end. He came back and dove through the ropes with a suicide dive that connected!
Paulton got back up and apologized to Mattock.. the scary thing is.. being the world's nicest man.. he meant it. Paulton then hopped back up onto the apron, but caught a kick to the side of the head from Laz! Laz then brought Paulton into the ring with an outside to inside suplex. Laz then headed toward the corner and climbed to the very top. He took aim and flipped off with a beautiful Shooting Star Press which connected!! Laz went for the cover..
Mattock pulled Laz out of the ring and hit a clothesline! Mattock then went up onto the apron and then up to the top rope... he flipped off with the Shooting Star Elbow Drop which connected!
Mattock had the cover and he was going to steal one here...
Thre.... NO!!!!
Paulton kicked out and the place erupted!
Mattock didn't waste time trying the think about. He quickly pulled Paulton up to his feet and got behined him. He locked him in for the Switchblade Romance, but when he swung with the twisting lariat, Paulton ducked, grabbed Mattock in a waist lock.. switched it up to a half nelson and then dumped Mattock right on top of his head! Laz, by this time, had recovered and made his way up to the top rope. He then flipped off with another Shooting Star Press, landing hard on Mattock. Laz had the cover right in front of Kayden Paulton who looked conflicted as to what to do.
Paulton pulled Laz off of Mattock and then began to profusely apologize! Laz stood up and shoved Paulton back. Paulton begged Laz not to be mad, but Laz grabbed Paulton by the arm and whipped him into the ropes. Paulton came back as Laz lifted him high into the air, looking for a Sky High Powerbomb, but Paulton countered in mid-air with a Drop Kick to the chest! Laz staggered up as Paulton charged in, wrapped his arm around Laz' neck and pulled him down with the sling blade...
He dared Laz to get back to his feet, but he forgot all about Mattock! Mattock grabbed Paulton from behind with a Half Nelson. Mattock then front flipped Paulton out of the position into a neckbreaker across his knee..
Mattock had the cover...
Laz dove in right in time to make the save!
Mattock was pulled up by Laz, but he then grabbed Laz and threw him back to the outside, but Paulton shocked Mattock as he came from behind with quickness, pulling him over with a schoolboy roll up...

Paulton held him down long enough! Mattock kicked out, but it was a split second too late!!
Mattock was in shock, but the end result was set! Kayden Paulton has once again become the World's Nicest Number One Contender!!! This time, he gets a shot at becoming WORLD CHAMPION!!

The Arena of Champions were overheard opening up as the Softcore Saint himself, Kayden Paulton, greeted the interviewer with a warm handshake and a man hug in celebration. “YEAH!” Kayden exclaimed openly before hopping up and down a few times. Donny Layne’s glasses bounced off his face before Paulton released him. The PIW stalwart clapped his hands while Layne knelt down to retrieve his eyeglasses. A slight smile led to a brief chuckle escaped from Layne as Paulton rested his hands on each hip.
“Why yes!” Donny continued. “Congratulations on winning the Three Way Dance and earning your opportunity to challenge Eiji Kugasari for the World Heavyweight Championship...”
“YES! YES! YES! YES!” Paulton exclaimed, leading the masses into an ongoing yet muffled Yes chant. “I’m so excited, Donny. You have no idea. This is better than when Momma surprised me for my 17th birthday or in being the keynote speaker for my hometown elementary school or even signing my first wrestling contract. YES!”
“That’s amazing, Kayden.” Donny replied. “Yet tonight, you have a challenge ahead of you as a fresh Eiji Kugasari is awaiting to defend his belt against you in tonight’s main event.”
Chants of ‘Kayden’ reverberated to the point where Paulton looked toward the ceiling and beamed proudly. Nodding his head, his infectious smile was felt by all.
“I first want to say it was amazing to stand in the ring with Mr. Mattock.” Paulton replied. “I promise you that man has over a hundred thousand plus moves that he can use to hurt cha’ but I know he gave it his best in that ring tonight. I was blown away by the awesomeness of Adam Lazarus. Man, that guy is so great to be around with all of that cool unconventional style of wrestling, he’s one of my favs on the jOlt Wrestling Unlimited video game..”
“Excuse me, Kayden.” Layne interjected. “Not to interrupt yet we need to get your thoughts on tonight’s win and your World Championship title match later on this evening.
“Ohhh!” Kayden replied in knowing he had to get back on point. “Well, I know Eiji has been trained by the best. Ninja K is a great guy and I know that any student of Kenshiro is going to be one heck of a challenge. I just look forward to getting in that ring tonight and giving it my all. For these fans. For the Softcore Movement. My Mom. Hi Mom!”
Kayden took a brief moment to wave at the camera. “And the chance to do what I love to do and that’s wrestling. Wrestlecade is going to be an awesome event and with a lot of luck, I am going to represent the Softcore Movement as its New! Heavyweight! Champion! WHOOO!!”
The exuberant Paulton led the masses on an ongoing YES chant before making his excited exit from the impromptu interview site. Donny Layne smiled onto himself as he watched the Nicest Guy in Wrestling side hop his way toward history....
Kayden Paulton responds to the challenge of walking into Wrestlecade as champion with the support of his cult following. Short but sweet promo.

“We were already been forewarned about the imminent marshaling of opposing forces.” Mamoru continued. “The Hand of the Cause have laid siege of the Tag Team division as its champions. The band of jackals whom proudly renown themselves as ’Trouble’ are immersed with their petty differences yet committed towards group reconstruction. The Heirs of Wrestling consortium still pose a notable threat. Devout obstructionists toward assuring complete control of the tag team division. The self-professed ‘counter-culturists’, ReVolt, remain at odds with one another...at least for now... ”
“The Black Faction are seemingly more dangerous than their last incarnation.” Heido mentioned, drawing the focus onto him. “Their current agendas shall be made known yet it is imperative that we discover them at our earliest convenience.”
“The Tag Team division is inundated with both challenges & formidable contenders. Takeshi and I welcome the challenge. However, we all must remain vigilant for our enemies are growing in both number and ambition. We should never expect any of these rival class to implode in the volatile fashion in such like The Backbone.”
“Agreed.” Eiji Kugasari replied. “However, what of Lord Kenshiro?”
All eyes were centered upon the sinewy form of the Inogami Clan figurehead that has long returned to his fold since his sustained injuries and his disposal as the Underground division’s Chief Retainer. Every clan officer knelt in unison as Kenshiro slowly approached the cadre of clan officers.
“My Lord.” Mamoru replied on the behaves of the elite clan officers.
“Arise, Eiji.” Kenshiro ordered as he breifly balled up his fists before relenting. Eiji cast a look toward Heido & Takeshi before standing to his feet & training his eyes forward onto the eyes of his master.
“You are correct, Heido” Kenshiro continued. “However, there is a new sect that warrants our attention. They call themselves The Widow’s Nest. My championship successor has been foiled by them most recently. These relative unknowns will no doubt seek to cement their place as a credible force. Find out everything possible. From their whereabouts. Patterns. Hierarchy. for we cannot afford to be careless. Not even in the slightest.”
The clan leader casually placed himself before the current Heavyweight Champion. A prolonged moment of silence dwelled within the Chamber Hall before speaking.
“My clan lieutenant.” Kenshiro opened. “Congratulations are well in order for you have made this clan proud in my absence. However, herein lies yet another test. A rite of passage in its divine context. I will need for you to resume your place as the clan figurehead until such time your placement is no longer required..”
Kenshiro gently placed his right hand onto the Blood Raven’s Left Shoulder.
“All of you.” Kenshiro bellowed. “Adhere to the leadership from our young brother. Just I entrust your amassed skilled & abilities to help sculpt him into a proud representative of this clan, as well, for himself.” Kugasari nodded solemnly to himself as Kenshiro pivoted and began his trek toward the exit.
“And what of you, My Lord?” Eiji inquired, leading the ninja in question to halt his advancement forward.”
“I have much to prepare for. However, I will be watching...”

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here with former jOlt World Heavyweight Champion and the holder of the retired Relentless Championship; Aran Thompson." As Dawn introduced Aran to the camera the Arena of Champions heaved a voice of discord as well as excitement as the camera panned out and saw Aran standing without Laurie Williams. The Relentless Championship strapped around his waist and a sly grin on his face.
Dawn looked over at Aran, whom she has had a storied crush on for years, and bashfully continued her interview.
"Aran, last week in a triple threat match between Landon Stevens..."
The fans could be heard booing.
"...Waymoth Turnbull..."
The fans errupted as the noise echoed throughout the backstage.
"...and yourself."
The cheering became grainy and mixed in a revererated bass of booing. Aran smiled as he heard the reaction the fans throughout the Arena of Champions were giving him.
"After Cloyd, and Eli and Ezra Conway got involved you managed to get free and watch as everyone else continued to brawl inside of the ring. So my question to you is: Why didn't you get involved in the brawl as well?"
Aran's grin faded away with a dumbfounded look on his face.
"Dawn, I'm pretty sure that is the most ridiculous question you have asked me. And that's counting the time you propositioned Laurie and myself after I had originally won the jOlt Championship."
Dawn's face flushed with embarassment as she looked down at her feet and Aran smiled.
"I'm joking!" Aran said prominently.
"It's a good question, I assure you, and the answer is simple. It was all apart of the plan. I know that the monsterous Waymoth Turnbull wanted to rip my head off and I trained Landon. Hell I know what he is going to do before he even knows what he is going to do. I taught Eli and Ezra more back handed tactics than Nashvillian ever could have. Cloyd is a scumbag that thinks that if he put his old body on the line for Waymoth that Turnbull would just forget all the half handed antics and fully accept him back into the fray. You put the three of us, who absolutely hate one another in the same ring and the only logical tactic is to throw the rules out and go at it until someone isn't walking."
Aran smiled as he paused for a moment.
"I mean, it's not like anything was on the line or anything. At the end of the day, Damien Lee still has to sign my enormous paycheck. He has to pay Waymoth and Landon their two copper and I wasn't about to get hurt for nothing!"
"When I faced Derecho, I knew he wanted to make me bleed. I was prepared for the battle...not so much the urinal to the face...but the battle none the less I was ready for. Two opponents going to war for their own reasons. Hell, I respect Derecho more this day that I respect either Landon or Waymoth. I mean, I respect EIJI more than I respect those two."
"At least Eiji did it the right way."
Aran shook his head at Dawn Cassidy and rest his hand on her shoulder as she almost instantly melted.
"Dawn, if Damien was willing to ....lets say....make that triple threat match a number one contenders match, I would have been in the middle of the ring kicking everybody in the skull and pinning EVERYONE. I'm not just a former jOlt Champion. I'm not just the last Relentless Champion. I'm Mr. Relentless!. I'm the future of the industry! And the future isn't going to be built with meaningless matches, the future is built on matches that mean something."
Dawn nodded her head in agreement as she slowly tried to rest her cheek on his hand but Aran pulled it away before her face could touch his hand and he turned around as if it never were about to happen before turning his attention back to the blond bombshell.
"Plain and simple. If Damien makes the match worth a wild. He'll get one hundred precent."
Is that so?
Aran turned his head and the camera panned over to reveal Damien Lee who had a smile on his face as well. The fans began cheering as the two, Aran and Damien, obviously disliked one another.
"I want this thing between the three of you to end. Once and for all. So if you think that it was meaningless then maybe I'll just force you three at it again, but this time inside a steel cage."
Aran looked worried as he stumbled trying to back track.
"What's the matter? Not good enough for you? I'm sure Landon and Waymoth would like to be locked in a cage with you and make you bleed like Derecho made you do."
Aran snarled at the abrassive attitude of Damien Lee.
"Fine. But when I climb that cage and get out, what then? You just gunna let the traitor and the failure brawl it out again? I mean. We already seen that. I've never lost a cage match in my entire career!" Aran said as he leaned closer to Damien.
"Sweeten the pot."
Damien snarled this time.
"Fine. The winner will be the number one contender!"
Aran smiled devilishly and Damien looked beaten.
"That was too easy."
Aran walked off but in true Damien Lee fashion he stopped Aran in his tracks.
"But you can only win via pin or submission."
Aran quickly turned around and got in Damien's face as the Arena of Champions exploded at the added special stipulation.
"Are you kidding me?!" Aran shot out startling Dawn Cassidy in return.
Damien, straight faced, smiled and shook his head.
"Do I look like I'm joking?"
The scene faded away as Aran snarled after hearing that he will have to face Waymoth Turnbull and Landon Stevens in a Steel Cage match and the only way to win would be pinfall or submission.

Jonathan Conspiracy vs Ninja K

And I let you
You'd steal the food right out my mouth
And I'd watch you eat it
I still don't know why
Why I love you so much
(Thanks for warning me [2x])
You curse my name
In spite to put me to shame
Have my laundry in the streets
Dirty or clean
Give it up for fame
But I still don't know why
Why I love it so much
(Thanks for warning me [2x])
And baby
It's amazing I'm in this maze with you
I just can't crack your code
One day you screaming you love me loud
The next day you're so cold
One day you're here, one day you're there, one day you care
You're so unfair sipping from your cup
Till it runneth over, Holy Grail!
The camera gently panned back & toward the west, allotting a broad view of the entire entrance staging area awashed with a barrage of Royal Blue, Pearl & Teal lighting. The heavy bass laden anthem of ’Holy Grail’ by Justin Timberlake feat. Jay Z beheld the coming of the infamous Brooklynite who was seen scanning the horizon. The former Pinnacle of Insane Wrestling rolled both shoulders and his neck before beginning his walk toward the ringside area. Chris Buhrman & Nathan Powers continued promoting final iNtense along the Road to Wrestlecade as JCON stormed up the ring steps and walked along the ring apron to proudly bask in the notably volatile crowd reaction. Cocky and outright confident, the jOlt alum inaudibly barked at the crowd before entering the ring. Conspiracy strolled past both Referee Mike Hunt & Dean Carrington to scale the adjacent turnbuckles to extend his arms outward for several moments before making his descent. The musical theme elapsed, leaving him to nod confidently from his corner while tugging at the ropes...
The Arena of Champions gradually became enveloped in darkness yet the looming cheers continued to swell throughout the entire amphitheater. Random sources of luminescence pierced the sackcloth veil as the jOltvision monitors began streaming vivid footage of the Inogami Clan architect’s exploits before the music shifted into full gear. Exit 145F became the smoke laden strobe lit entry point where the former jOlt Underground Champion sauntered forward. Seen popping the bones in his neck, the heavily decorated ninja visually assessed his surroundings before beginning his advancement toward the ringside area. Brandishing the hues of predominant Pearl with hints of Onyx. Crimson & Gold, the ninja was seen hurdling the barricades before locking eyes with his opposition.
The Osakan native would continue power walking around the entire ring before walking up the ring steps, along the ring apron & standing along the middle ropes. Eyes trained on Mr. 1 Letter Better before descending inside the ring. Rolling both wrists, the ninja casually paced himself near his corner as Conspiracy wrong both wrists and shifted slowly from side to side. Both Dean Carrington & Mike Hunt were positioned in the middle of the ring to conduct their assigned duties...
Dean Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; this match is scheduled for 1 Fall and it is a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH!!!”
JCON warmly sneered while wringing his hands as Ninja casually shifted from side to side. An underlying rivalry was beginning to radiate from within.
Carrington: “Introducing First; From Brooklyn, New York....Weighting in at 210 pounds...He’s ’Mr. One Letter Better’! Ladies & Gentlemen! JONATHAN!!! CONSPIRACY!!!”
Pounding his fist 3 times into his palm, Jonathan raised both fists overhead while nodding to himself. Inaudible rants spewed from his lips while scanning the crowd before the focus was set on the Resident Antihero...
Carrington: “...And his opponent; He hails from the Kansai Prefecture of Osaka, Japan...Weighting in at 245 pounds...He is the ’Athletic Freak of Nature!’...KENSHIRO!! INOGAMI!!!
A cadre of ninja clan friendly streamers sailed over the top ropes and littered the ring. Kenshiro curled both forearms before balling up each fist before extending his arms out to each side before popping his knuckles. Rolling both shoulder, the former Underground Champion popped the bones in his neck as both Carrington & Hunt busied themselves in clearing the colored debris from the ring. Conspiracy smoothed out his jaw, flashing a distinct scowl across his face. Referee Hunt inaudibly inquired about each man’s level of readiness before unleashing the proverbial hounds...
Both men sauntered forward toward the ring’s epicenter. A prolonged yet mutual stare down was exchanged between the pair with both men gnarling their respective knuckles. The audience were both seen & heard rallying behind them before both men engaged each other with a Single Hand Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. The mutual Test of Strength drew to a brief stalemate before it turned into a mutual Double Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Both jockeying for position, neither man was willing to give ground before Conspiracy managed to power the ninja down to a single knee. The agile clan leader gradually imposed his will back to his feet and forcing JCON onto his back with a Monkey Flip before floating over. Conspiracy dropped the ninja with a Grounded Double Leg Scissor Takedown. Conspiracy remained on one knee as the former Underground Champion quickly scrambled to a crouched posture. Neither opted to budge before JCON stood himself erect, rolled both shoulders before colliding into Ninja with a Mutual Head & Collar Tie Up. Both men were seen tussling before careening against the ring ropes. Ninja turned and wedged JCON against the ropes yet Conspiracy reversed the momentum before both men continued trading control before Kenshiro was wedged against the corner.
The referee physically interjected himself to pry both men apart. Conspiracy forcibly shoved the ninja back into the corner. The crowd further applied more angst to the moment as Mr. One Letter Better slowly backed away, extended his arms outward briefly while talking shit. Kenshiro swept his hair back stoically before stepping away from the corner. Senior Referee Mike Hunt verbally reprimanded the former PIW Heavyweight Champion before keeping the ninja at bay. At the referee’s behest, Conspiracy continued inaudibly barking at the Inogami Clan patriarch who nodded solemnly before Mike Hunt stepped out of harm’s way. Conspiracy barreled in after the ninja who ducked underneath the clothesline. JCON returned and ate a Standing Back Elbow before being punished with a Rolling Russian Leg Sweep leading to an Overhead Double Underhook Release Suplex! Grimacing from the impact, Jonathan was at the mercy of the ninja who grabbed him by the head, leading him forward to drive his skull into the opposing turnbuckle.
Tiger Wall Flip by JCON who strode quickly to the opposing ropes. Jonathan evaded having his midsection obliterated with Kenshiro’s Buzzsaw Kick with a Diving Somersault. Caroming off the ropes, Conspiracy’s Running Yakuza Kick was abruptly countered by the ninja’s torrid Grounded Roundhouse Leg Sweep! Standing Asai Moonsault by Ninja! Cover ! ...1! The former Relentless Champion jerked away from the canvas, leading the ninja to set him up for a Short Arm Clothesline. JCON countered with a authoritative Straightjacket Suplex w/ a Bridged Pin! ...1! ...2! The XWF legend rolled off his shoulders onto his side, leading the grappling style expert to hoist the ninja over and bury him with a Textbook Dragon Suplex! ...1! ...2! Again, Kenshiro rolled off his shoulders from the mat. Shaking his head in defiance, the Ronin was being prepped to endure a Half Nelson Suplex. Ninja blocked with 2 consecutive Heel Hooks before taking Conspiracy over with an expedient Snap Mare! The ninja staggered back a few paces, allowing JCON to swivel to his feet and hurl the ninja into the opposing corner with a Hammer Throw into the corner. Mr. One Letter Better mounted the 2nd ropes and began battering the ninja with Mounted Punches. 5 Punches in led Kenshiro to grab both of Conspiracy’s legs and humble him with an Running Inverted Atomic Drop followed by an immediate European Uppercut!
Having been floored by the Innovator of Unorthodox Violence, a battery of Back Mounted Crossface Punches hailed onto the Brooklynite’s head before JCON willed himself to hoist his assailant’s weight, ready to deliver an Electric Chair Drop yet Kenshiro began driving a tandem of Measured Downward Elbow Strikes to the Skull before landing in front of Conspiracy...
The crowd responded audibly was Jonathan breifly Reverse Somersaulted to a single knee before staggering drunkenly backward toward the ropes. A Cactus Clothesline over the top ropes sent both men barreling over to the outside. The cameraman assumed command of the visuals as Kenshiro casually scanned the dissidents in the front row before leaning Conspiracy against the ring apron and blasting him across the Jaw with an Open Palm Punch, sending him staggering away and landing on all fours. JCON was shaking his head before being led away with an Irish Whip. JCON with the Reversal, slamming the ninja against the barricades! A pair of Hard Right Hands would lean the former Underground Champion back...
“You know you fucked up, Kenshiro!” Jonathan exclaimed before connecting with another Knife Edge Chop that spun the ninja about before Conspiracy dumped him over the barricades. Following suit, the pair began brawling amongst the masses for several moments. Disappearing within the crowd at random before witnessing Kenshiro slamming against the barricades, flipping up & over onto the other side violently. The borderline arrogant Conspiracy hurdled after him in short order, playing to the crowd for several moments before grabbing the ninja by the head and attempting to slam Kenshiro’s head into the Spanish Announce Table. The ninja planted both hands to advert the attack & stagger Conspiracy with a stiff Back Elbow! Cradling his face, Jonathan leaned against the ring apron as Kenshiro ignited the masses while snatching the TV monitors and the black table top off. The Ronin turned to retrieve his opposition when Jonathan retaliated with a Hard Right Hook with a Jaw! Both Carlos Pena & J. Martinez II stepped out of harm’s way as the ninja stumbled back a few paces before punishing Kenshiro with a Suplex Slam atop the exposed table. Shaking his head, JCON climbed after the ailing ninja before both rivals began exchanging punches before JCON blasted the ninja with a pair of Knee Thrusts to the Stomach...A Head & Arm Suplex sent the ninja sailing into the crowd! Several people fell onto the floor as Jonathan slid off the desk and hit the padded earth!
Repetitive promotional chants scrapped the rafters as Jonathan eventually staggered to his feet and lurched over the barricades before spilling over the barricades after his opposition. Shoving several people out of his way, Conspiracy peeled the ailing ninja off the floor before leading him deeper into the swelling sea of humanity. JOlt Security segregated the brawling duo from the civilian mob as JCON doubled the ninja over with a Front Kick, snatched the nearest chair and smacked him across the spine! Kenshiro staggered to rest on all fours as his oppressor tossed the chair in front of him. Dragging the ninja up to his feet, Jonathan flashed his trademark sneer before the masses while acknowledging the crowd. “I’M ALWAYS 1 LETTER BETTER!” The Brooklynite exclaimed...
NO! The former Underground Champion utilized a swift Arm Wringer before flooring Conspiracy with a Short Arm Clothesline, landing soundly atop the prone chair! The audience groaned as an ailing Jonathan cradled his head with both hands before the vengeful ninja dragged him toward the opened stairwell near Ground Exit 31. An unforgiving Stomp to the Midsection balled up the grappling wizard before snatching up to his feet and beat him across the back with a Pair of Clubbing Forearms. Kenshiro quickly looked behind him before soundly careening JCON against the cold wall with an Atomic Whip! Conspiracy staggered backward before being spun about...
The audience groaned loudly as Conspiracy was slammed shoulder first against the wall before collapsing. Kenshiro ignored the bloodthirsty masses before raising the Steel Chair overhead as the battered ring technician braced his Left Forearm across his Stomach while using the wall and the nearby stairs to pull himself erect. The ninja began his intentional spring forward...
A look of frozen anguish radiated from Conspiracy’s face as he slowly slid to a seated posture from the chair-assisted attack. The ninja angrily slammed the chair against the floor, draped his opposition across his shoulders before making their way back toward the ringside area. A Forward Fireman’s Carry Slam sent JCON unceremoniously between the announce tables with his attacker following suit. JCON stumbled forward towards the ring apron before being blind sided by the Inogami Clan general. The ninja flung the black ring technician onto the ring apron & blasted him with a measured Standing Elbow Drop across his throat! Reeling from the attack, he was intentionally pulled back out to endure a stiff Buzzsaw Kick across the Ear! Kenshiro rolled back inside the ring, pulled Conspiracy away from the ropes before hooking the leg deeply...1! ...2! Shoulder! Kenshiro ascended to his feet while grabbing JCON’s leg and let the Pinnacle of Insane Wrestling legend danging with a Stretch Muffler Submission Hold!
Referee Hunt was steadily monitoring the Brooklynite’s status. Kenshiro was seen planting Conspiracy’s head against the canvas with the heel of his foot, applying more agony into his rival. Arms frantically flailing, JCON angrily yelled at both the ninja and the referee before Kenshiro began spinning about several rotations before allowing him to crashing & burning several paces away. Clutching his leg, JCON was dragged back to his feet, leaned against the ropes and hobbled heavily with a stiff Shoot Kick across the ailing thigh. Conspiracy hobbled into the corner with Ninja wrapping Jonathan’s leg around the middle ropes and applying pressure to the knee as JCON began clubbing the ninja’s back in retaliation before catching a Corner Shoulder Ram to the Stomach. A searing Buzzsaw Kick across the Knee left JCON dangling. The audience rallied as Jonathan was still howling with Ninja patiently stalking after him. Planting his foot atop the technician’s knee promoted the former Trouble patriarch to struggle before holding his leg out. Conspiracy held both arms out in protest as Ninja scanned the horizon before delivering an Elbow Drop. A textbook Knee Bar Submission Hold left JCON ailing, seeking a way out.
Scooting his way closer toward the ring ropes, he placed a firm Bear Hug along the bottom ropes. Referee Hunt initiated his mandatory count which Kenshiro broke the count at 4. Still clinging to the ropes, Jonathan allotted himself some breathing room to recover before testing the readiness of his knee to compete. JCON waved Mike Hunt off with Kenshiro closing in. A stiff Forearm Shiver stunned the Osakan native before connecting with 2 more similar strikes. Jonathan caught up to the staggering ninja and blasted him with a Snap Suplex! Conspiracy gnashed his teeth angrily as he sat up and hobbled back to a weakened base before delivering a precisioned Headbutt on Ninja. Pulling Kenshiro up into a Front Face Lock, Jonathan gradually hoisted the ninja upward with a long Delayed Vertical Suplex! 10 seconds grew to 20 before JCON send the ninja careening off the mat soundly! Both men remained stirring along the mat before Jonathan was the first to peel himself off the mat and drag the Ronin to all fours by his hair. A trinity of measured Punches to the Head rocked the ninja to both knees before cinching in a Guillotine Choke!
Referee Hunt was nearby, assessing the ninja’s condition yet the patient assassin gradually fed his Right Arm through the hold to be grabbed by his Left Hand. Prying the pressure away, Kenshiro punished his rival with a tandem of Headbutts to his exposed sternum before Conspiracy broke the hold and sought to roll away. A Rear Side Waist Lock contained the ailing JCON who was barely grazing his fingertips against the ropes. Ninja promptly scissored his opposition’s Right Leg to further inflict damage & force Conspiracy to expend more energy yet eventually Jonathan managed to reach the bottom ropes. Kenshiro pulled JCON up with the back of his tights to deliver a stern Forearm across the lower back, staggering the grappler forward into the corner. Referee Hunt watched as another Forearm Shiver sent Jonathan chest first into the corner, Kenshiro careened off the adjacent ropes with a Running Clothesline...Conspiracy with a European Uppercut followed by a Low Blow Kick to the ninja’s nether regions...
The masses responded as Kenshiro sought to escape yet found himself trapped by the submission maneuver! Riddled with pain himself, a vengeful Conspiracy sought to rear back to apply maximum damage. The ninja clung to JCON’s Right Arm tightly before using his elbow to drag him closer toward the adjacent ropes. Hunt’s rantings further annoyed the ninja as Jonathan continued his verbal barrage amidst pants of anguish. Little by little, Kenshiro closed in toward the ropes. Out of frustration, Jonathan broke the hold, scrambled to his feet and began laying the boots to his opposition. Holding onto the ring ropes, JCON continued his barrage before using a snatching the ninja up to his feet...
Briefly remaining on all fours, JCON nodded to himself before standing himself erect to begin his ascent up the turnbuckles. Mr. One Letter Better steadied himself before signaling to the crowd that he was ready to lower the boom on the fallen...
jOltvision - [’I’m The Man’ by Aloe Blacc was cued up with the scene unfolding to a a casual pan across the glass cabinets, stocked with expensive jewelry from numerous locals across the globe. Dressed to the nines, Diamond Jewelz entered the scene with a confident stride before assuming his place behind one of the counters. Placing his hands in a Steeple position, he centered his focus toward the camera.
“Hi.” The Vegas native opened in a cordial manner. “You’ve might have seen me gracing the numerous jewelry expositions across the world or maybe you’ve seen me shining inside the squared circle, plying my trade as a professional wrestler...”
The camera quickly cut to the embittered scowl hardening across Jonathan’s face before returning back to the screen.
jOltvision - [“My name is Mr. Jewelz. Diamond Jewelz to be exact. Now, as vast as my selection of the world’s finest jewelry may be, I wish to present to the world my finest works live before the world at Wrestlecade. Jolt Wrestling’s epic event where yours truly will be seen scaling the ladder to the top to reclaim my stolen property from a punk motherfucka who called himself Jonathan Cotex..”]
The Arena of Champions howled in laughter, further pissing off the Brooklyn export.
jOltvision - [“You may have seen this limp-wristed salad tosser on the LOGO channel or happily skipping around your local transgender sections of town...”]
A distracted Conspiracy fell prey to a resurrected ninja who struck his leg, forcibly crotching him atop the turnbuckles. Kenshiro bundled the technical proficient superstar up before blasting him withe a Running Muscle Buster! The XWF legend quickly signaled the end of groggy Conspiracy...
The jOltvision infomercial continued as the suffering Jonathan screamed for several moments before conceding to the referee.

The bell was sounded as Kenshiro continued wrenching back on the hold briefly before releasing the hold. ’Vicarious’ by Tool rang angrily from the PA system as the victorious ninja allowed Mike Hunt to hold his arm up briefly before snatching his arm free. The ninja stared at the ailing Jonathan for several seconds before standing aling the ring apron and beginning his trek toward the backstage area. Jonathan’s eyes were trained upon the streaming commercial that ended with his rival’s arrogant smile before abruptly shutting off. The scene began to fade with JCON angrily laying on his side with Mike Hunt, knelt beside him to aid him...

iNtense 2003
The screen begins to play a segment from the past. “Live Again" by Sevendust played over the PA, which would of course made the crowd would begin to boo. The two men known as the jOlt haters Derecho and Blazer comes out casually, treating the boos as if they were cheers, make there way out to the ring. Blazer T-shirt on this fine evening has an X Wrestling logo. While Derecho wore a black T-shirt with a giant O on it, that has an X going over it. They enter two entered the ring with mics in hand.
“Tonight we have a gift for you all, tonight we show you the legacy of jOlt, tonight for one night only, we bring back 3 former jOlt stars.“ stated Derecho. That shocked the crowd in silence, some even cheered at the mere thought of seeing some former jOlt stars. He continued on. “Tonight we play NAME THAT JOLTIE!”
“The rules are simple, we will give you up to 3 hints before revealing the that particular jOltie. So are you ready?The crowd gave a very small pop. “Then say it with me, as it’s time to play NAME THAT JOLTIE. For the first time since their first appearance in jOlt the crowd had gotten behind them, as the whole arena had yelled the name of the game in unison. Derecho started out with the first clue.
“This former jOltie was a former jOlt World Champion, he is the steroids users poster boy...give it up……. Still stumped, well here is a picture.” Stated Derecho. The pictured went up on the jOlt big screen or as Blazer calls it O-TV. It is a picture of a big man bent over so his ass is to the crowd.
Blazer then made the announcement of the first jOltie “Give it up FOR KODIAK VIC CREED! The crowd erupts for about three-second until they saw this small, skinny, 5’10, and 190lbs man. The man makes his way, but this is no normal man, this is a 19 year old drunk known as Paul~! [The Resentless] in the X Wrestling. He is wearing a large gray sweatshirt and KVC like tights that are way too big on him. The crowd had been fooled and hated everything they saw. Paul~! made his way down the aisle walking like he is a huge guy. He walked up the steps and into the ring as Blazer began to interview him.
“Glad you could be here with us tonight KVC.“ Paul~! Pulls a container out of his tights, and pops a huge pill in his mouth. The pill is about the size of a jolly rancher. All of a sudden his chest and shorts seem to inflate after the use of the pill, making him bigger.
“Well anything The Plain Man can do to please the fans The Plain Man will! Because I’m The Plain Man.“ Paul~! Pops a second pill.
“So KVC how big have to gotten? It seem like you are just getting larger every time I see you.”
“Well right now I think I’m about 350 lbs. With that his chest and shorts inflate more. “Make that 375! Because I’m the Canadian Juggernaut.“ Paul pops a third pill, and like the last two times began to grow more. A fan throws a drink cup that nails Paul~! in the head. He goes down like a brick. Blazer yells out “My God I think KVC is dead!“ With that Paul~! hopped up and popped another pill. Blazer in relief said, “That was a close one!”
“No it’s nothing to worry about.“ stated Paul~! “That happens a few times a day.“ Paul pops another pill and passed out. Again he landed on the mat hard. Derecho yells out “OH MY GOD, THEY KILLED CREED...AGAIN!“ followed by Blazer yelling “YOU BASTARDS!”
Derecho continues “Well moving along, this jOltie is said to have the sexiest uni-brow in the business……..He had a less that memorable feud with erOn …..”
Then out of nowhere Paul~!, or should I say KVC stood up. “Sorry about that, had too many pills”. “Thanks KVC, but were kinda busy.“ Paul~! went and stood in the corner, as Derecho went back to the game.
“This jOltie, is so highly educated, he maybe one of the smartest men in the industry, give up well here is a photo.“ Again O-TV had come to life, and a I again a man was bent over showing his ass, while Oscar the Grouch was mean mugging him from with in his trash can.
“That’s right everyone, if you could please give a hand to LLB!“ Out comes a man in a giant Bert costume like he walked straight out of the Sesame Street set. He walked down the aisle quickly and kinda rolled into the ring. LLB stood up and Blazer went over to of course interview him. “I’m so glad that between Asylum, Action, and that educational TV show you do almost every mourning, that you had time to meet with us.” Blazer started.
“Not a problem at all, as a matter of factual information, it is with the grandest pleasure that I come here to participate in this wonderful gift you are giving to jOlt and all of it’s fans.”
Blazer continued “Now LLB you made the Moral Title famous, what do you think had gotten that title so “over” if you will with the fans?”
“Well I would have to say because everyone should want to be a moral person, see people see me, a lawyer, someone they can trust, and they can’t help but want to be moral, like me, a lawyer, someone they can trust. But more importantly it starts with the letter M. See people see me a lawyer, someone they can trust”
“LLB, one last thing before we move on.”
“What would that be?”
“This it true you sleep with Ernie?”
LLB yells out "Objection Your Honor!"
Derecho then continued you on to the final person in the game! “This former jOltie was also a former jOlt World Champion. Not only was he a wrestler, but he also once owed a part of jOlt…. The final hint…He is Italian!… Give up well let’s see if you remember this ass!” Once again O-TV showed and picture of someone bending over, this time in front of a Pizza Hutt. Once again the crowd was not happy with what they saw. As an overweight guy wearing a Pizza Hut apron and wearing a Pizza Hut visor came waddling to the ring carrying pizzas to be delivered. “That’s right everyone it is that Wise Guy The DON! The Pizza man walked up the steps before he entered. Blazer was there to get an interview.
“So The Don, how does it feel to be back on jOlt TV?”
“It feels like the time I didin Johnny NoNose, it feels goods, but I got to get out of heres, if ya know what I means.”
“But Don, many questions have come up as to exactly how you lost jOlt, do you wish to address those?”
“Looks yous twos guys, I have to be getting these twos pies to a some paying comtomers in like 15 minutes, so can wes hurries this up.”
Derecho speaks up. “Not a problem Don, as since NAME THAT JOLTIE, has concluded we have one last thing. We want to give the jOlt fans a dream match. The Don VS KVC VS LLB.Ring the bell!”
Blazer and Derecho hopped out of the ring with the pizzas, as KVC popped a pill and got even bigger. So big infact that his chest exploded like a bunch of balloons had popped. So obviously KVC fall out yet again… dead. The Don tackles LLB, and the two of them roll around on the ground until KVC is able to again come back to life. KVC ran up to LLB, hit him in the head, and stole his big orange nose. KVC then pokes The Don in the eye with the nose, and is able to get the quick pin on LLB. At this point jOlt security had enough of what was going on and pulled the three characters out of the ring. Blazer and Derecho hopped the guardrail, as the last place they would be safe is backstage with jOlt stars. They left but not before Derecho saying “Tune in next week, same Big O time, same Big O channel.”

Chris Titan was officially back and the fans were actually behind him. Titan emerged from the back looking to be in phenomenal shape and having recovered quite well from the injuries he sustained when Grendel turned on him so many months ago. The fan reaction took the former jOlt Champion by surprise. This was not something he was used to and, quite frankly, it’s not something he knew he could get used to. This was surreal. It was fantasy. It wouldn’t last.
But upon entering the ring and calling for a mic he heard something that warmed over even the coldest of hearts that the former Backbone leader possessed. The fans, in unison, were chanting his name.
The jOlt Original was astounded. “Bizarro World,” he said, “this is Bizarro World.”
The fans continued to chant but Titan came out to the ring with a purpose, and this was his moment to address it.
“You know … I just don’t get it. I come back after months of being on the shelf because the guy I used to trust more than anyone else here decided to light me on goddamn fire, costing me the jOlt Championship. I lost to Sylo, of all people, making me just another statistic.”
Titan paused for a moment to take what he just said in, as if he had never said it outloud before.
“I’m here on a mission. I am here to do two things; the first is to burn Grendel’s ass to ashes and the second … I’m going to be the jOlt Champion again. And if the “Powers that be” don’t want to give me a match against Grendel at Wrestlecade then I think we all know what I’m going to do … I’m going to take it! So, Grendel, I know you’re in the back. I know that you’re looking for Angelique. I know that you won’t find her … because I know where she is. Why don’t we talk about it?”
“Voodoo” by Godsmack.
The music cued up instantly and a visually distraught Grendel nearly sprinted down to the ring. He grabbed Titan’s shoulders and began shaking him, grunting, begging for answers. Titan motioned toward the jOltVision where Angelique appeared bound to a chair. Tears rolled down her face, streaming across the duct tape that covered her mouth. The monster went mad, yanking on the ring ropes and screaming. He turned his rage toward Chris Titan.
“She’s not here, big guy, so you may as well just settle down.”
Titan allowed Grendel a moment to compose himself. A bold move considering the monster was just as likely to tear Chris Titan’s arms off and attempt to beat him to death with them.
“I know that behind the mask there’s a brain. I know that you’re not the mindless hulk they believe you to be. So here’s the deal, you give me what I want and I give you what you want. Can you guess what I want? I’m sure you can, even if you can’t say it. I want to fight you at Wrestlecade. Titan versus Grendel at the biggest stage of them all! And we're going to take it Underground!”
The crowd popped huge, they loved the idea. Grendel, on the other hand, did not. His reaction was more panic and hatred, as his white eyes pierced through Titan. But Chris wasn’t finished.
“Wait, wait -- before you make your choice there’s more. You took from me, Grendel. You took the thing I loved the most, you took my jOlt Championship from me. Well, now I’m going to take from you what you love the most. You see, I have one final stipulation for the match …
“... winner gets Angelique.”
KABOOM! The bomb really went off now, the monster could no longer contain himself. He charged Titan and took a microphone to the forehead for his troubles. The two former stablemates went at it, fists flying mid-ring until Grendel got the upper hand and shot Titan into the ropes. Rebounding back, Titan ducked a hard clothesline from Grendel and slid under the ropes on the opposing side of the ring. He shooed the time keeper out of his chair and took it back with him. By this point Grendel was already at the ropes and attempting to grab hold of Titan’s hair to pull him back in the ring.
Chairshot to the face on Grendel but that would only daze the monster momentarily. Titan slid back into the ring, chair in hand, and readied himself for the attack. He swung. Grendel caught the chair with his bare hands and ripped it from Titan’s grasp. Tossing the chair aside, Grendel opted instead to use a big boot and take Titan right down to the mat. He knelt atop his former leader and began tossing hammerfists into his face. Only when Titan’s mouth was good and bloody did security finally hit the ring and swarm the monster.
The medical team checked on Titan, who spit out a glob of blood and saliva then rose to his feet. He wiped his mouth, staring his enemy in the face. Grendel was being held back by a half-dozen guards and backstage staff. Titan, however, was not. He ran, jumped clear over the three guards in front of Grendel, and slammed a fist right into the monster’s masked face. The guards shoved Titan back but in turning their attention to him they allowed Grendel some slack and the monster broke free. He shoved the guards away and lunged at Titan, and both men were once again going at it.
More security hit the ring to separate the two and now Chris Titan was screaming across the ring at his opponent. “I’ll see you at Wrestlecade, you son of a bitch! I’ll burn you to the goddamn ground! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”
iNtense was putting it lightly and that feeling would only carry over to the next location in the Arena of Champions.

The Widow's Nest vs Trouble

CUE UP: “Serial Killa” by Snoop Dogg.
The lights in the arena began to flash rapidly in shades of red and blue while imitation sirens hit and one by one, the group known as Trouble made their way out. Duzza was out first followed shortly by his charges, the cocky Statuz Quo and the vicious Khadafi. Each man stood on top of the entrance and raised their hands for the crowd before Duzza pointed to the ring. Behind them to complete the group was “Mr. Big Time” Dallas Griffin now doing his best LeBron impression as he tossed a cloud of chalk in the air to the jeers of the crowd. One by one, the members of Trouble strutted their stuff to the ring while the fans continued.
"Caught in a Web" by Dream Theater hit the PA system as the newest members to the jOlt roster, The Widow’s Nest made their way to the stage. The powerhouse Wolf-Spider, Arkanis, and the unpredictable Meurte all stood side by side. The three men took in the jeers from the fans as they slowly made their way to the ring without their leader Black Widow who earlier said she had business to attend to pertaining to Wrestlecade. The newest members of the jOlt roster who made their unsettling impact by attacking the Underground Champion, Omega two weeks ago were looking for a win in their first match on iNtense.
The Widow’s Nest made their way into the ring as Trouble sneered at the team across from them. Statuz Quo and Khadafi moved to their corner as Dallas Griffin and Duzza made their way to the floor. The Widow’s Nest moved to their corner and started to talk amongst themselves before Meurte rolled to the floor. The bell sounded as Arkanis and Quo stood in the ring. Quo was the bigger of the two men as Underwood signaled for the start of the match. Quo went right after the smaller man but Arkanis was too quick as he moved out of the way. Quo looked at his tag partner before rushing in after Arkanis again who caught him with a drop toe hold. Quo hit his face on the mat as Arkanis quickly got to his feet.
Arkanis grabbed Quo by the head and placed him in a headlock. Quo tried to break free by pushing Arkanis to the ropes but the Widow’s Nest member held on. Arkanis moved to his corner and Wolf-Spider tagged him on the back. The big man climbed into the ring and nailed Quo on his back. Quo fell to one knee and WS picked him up and slammed him to the mat with force. WS picked up Quo again and pushed him into his corner. Wolf-Spider nailed Quo with some vicious shots in the midsection before Underwood stepped in. WS held his arms in the air as Darius started to talk to him. While this was going on Arkanis started to choke Quo in the corner with the ring ropes.
Darius turned around as Arkanis let Quo go as he slumped into the corner. Wolf-Spider walked over to the corner and tagged in Arkanis. The highflyer came in and took Quo to the floor with a hip toss out of the corner. Arkanis hooked Quo with a front headlock. Duzza and Griffin slammed their hands on the mat to get Quo into the match. Arkanis tried to keep Quo on the mat but the bigger man was able to get to his feet. Quo pushed Arkanis backwards into the corner which broke the hold. Quo fell to one knee as Arkanis hung in the corner. Quo crawled over to his corner and tagged in Khadafi.
Khadafi raced into the ring and nailed Arkanis with a clothesline in the corner. Khadafi started to nail Arkanis in the corner with some big right hands that sent the Widow’s Nest member to the mat. Duzza was now enjoying the match as Khadafi picked Arkanis up from the mat and hooked him with a front chancery in the middle of the ring. Khadafi hooked Arkanis and drove him to the mat with a huge suplex. Khadafi was not done as he picked up Arkanis from the mat and quickly took him back down with a DDT. Khadafi hooked Arkanis leg for the cover.
Khadafi pulled Arkanis to his corner and tagged in Quo. Quo came into the ring and drove several shoulder blocks into Arkanis’s mid-section. Quo pointed to Wolf Spider who held onto the top rope with a sneer. Quo grabbed Arkanis by his arm and whipped him into the ropes. Arkanis bounced off the ropes and was nailed with a big back body drop. The Widow’s Nest member rolled on the mat in pain. He continued to hold his back as Quo slowly stalked him. Trouble was looking to get back into the tag team title hunt while the Widow’s Nest was trying to make their mark in the division. Quo grabbed Arkanis who pulled Quo through the ropes to the floor.
Arkanis slowly stood to his feet as Quo started to get to his feet as well. Arkanis grabbed the top rope and shot himself over the top rope to the floor.
Both men lay on the floor as Griffin and Duzza moved closer to the two men. Meurte and WS came over as well to even the odds. Underwood looked down at the two men and started the ten count as both men tried to move.
Both men started to get to their feet as Underwood continued his count.
Both men slid into the ring before the ten count. Arkanis made it to his feet and nailed Quo with a standing dropkick. Arkanis tried to make a tag but Khadafi raced into the ring and nailed him from behind that sent him to the floor. Wolf-Spider saw enough as he raced into the ring and clotheslined Khadafi to the mat. He picked up Khadafi and drove him to the mat with a big side walk slam. WS was back to his feet and caught Quo running in and took him down with an overhead belly to belly suplex. The fans started to get into the match as Wolf-Spider raced to the ropes but was nailed in the back by Dallas Griffin. Wolf-Spider staggered forward as Khadafi was getting to his feet. Khadafi drilled WS with an uppercut then a quick swinging neckbreaker. Meurte raced around the ring and tackled Griffin to the floor as the two men started throwing shots at each other. The match had broken down as a fight was on the floor and in the ring. Khadafi stood tall in the ring and didn’t notice Arkanis climbing the top rope in the corner. Khadafi turned around as Arkanis nailed him with a Missile Dropkick. The fans erupted in cheers for that incredible move from Arkanis.
The two legal men were now in the ring together as Quo grabbed Arkanis from behind and tried to nail him with a back suplex but Arkanis landed on his feet. He rushed at Quo with a running high knee that caught Quo on the chin. The bigger man staggered backwards as Arkanis tried to nail him with a spinning heel kick but Quo caught the smaller man and threw him to the mat. Arkanis got to his feet and Quo was ready with a huge boot to the face. Quo tagged in Khadafi and both men picked up Arkanis and drove him down with a double suplex. Khadafi went in for the cover.
Arkanis kicked out again. On the floor Meurte and Dallas Griffin spilled into the ring as Underwood tried to get both men out of the ring. Quo came into the ring as so do Wolf-Spider who caught Quo with a huge clothesline. WS picked up Quo and tossed him over the top rope to the floor. Underwood still was trying to get Meurte and Griffin out of the ring as Khadafi stood to his feet. Wolf-Spider was ready as he raced toward Khadafi.
The spear just turned Khadafi inside out as WS grabbed Arkanis and threw him on top of the Trouble member. Wolf-Spider told Underwood a pin attempt was happening as the ref turned to go make the count.

It was over and the Widow’s Nest had won their first match on the jOlt’s main roster. The Widow’s Nest continue to make a mark in jOlt. Wolf-Spider picked up Arkanis as the two celebrated their victory in the middle of the ring. Meurte rolled into the ring to join the duo as Trouble picked up Dallas Griffin and tried to figure out what happened. The Widow’s Nest stood in the ring to jeers from the fans as these three men knew a date with Omega was going to be on the horizon.

“We all have a price to pay for our indiscretions. This woman has a heavy price to pay because she lied to everyone in that arena tonight. She believes that The Widow’s Nest is to be feared because of some random attacks on us. The problem is that they fear the unknown. Just like you people they fear what they can’t control. So they decided to do the unthinkable and try to release their fear. They believed by causing pain to us that it will strike fear in everyone in jOlt. However, giving us pain only makes us transcend. We feel the euphoria of the agony. We feel the exhilaration of chaos. What you all have done is nothing short of an appetizer to us. Now we dish out the main course and desert.”
The Widow’s Nest could do nothing but listen as Omega had their mistress at his mercy.
“This woman is the one spinning the web of destruction for you three men. She is your muse. This Underground Championship is our muse and we intend to do anything humanly or inhumanly possible to keep her with us. Now we know you feel the same way about this child, Black Widow. But she is the reason you are here. She is the reason that you three want to make your mark in jOlt. So we thought what do you do to a serpent in order to kill them.”
Omega slowly lifted his head up and moved his hoodie back to display his face to the camera. He slowly stood to his feet and placed a hand on the lovely geisha, Black Widow.
“You sever the head from the body. If we sever the head of the serpent from the body then the Widow’s Nest would be no more. We could end your little escapade in jOlt by ripping this little geisha into several different pieces and mailing her back to you.”
Wolf-Spider gritted his teeth as he looked on. All three men felt powerless as Omega had their mistress in a very vicarious position. Black Widow’s face showed feared behind the geisha paint. The Widow’s Nest started to leave the ring when Omega spoke once more.
“Uh Ah, we wouldn’t do that if we were you. See by the time you find us we could make sushi out of Black Widow. So our suggestion would be to sit there and watch because this will be fun for all involved. We are not upset in the least that you want to strike fear into jOlt but your method leaves something to be desired. We feel that you all need a lesson in pain and fear. Omega is going to peel this geisha like a grape and when you finally find us, you will be scraping her carcass from this cross. You all have entered a domain that very few can honestly say they left the same person.”
Omega inched closer to Black Widow and started to lick the side of her face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small shard of glass. He smirked as he looked at the camera.
“We think she needs the mark of fear. Pain is inevitable.”
The camera started to fade as loud laughter could be heard. The jOltvision cut off as a loud woman’s scream could be heard throughout the arena. Omega’s laughter could be heard once more as the lights came on in the arena.
“Are you afraid of the boogeyman?”
The Widow’s Nest bolted from the ring and ran up the ramp, disappearing through the curtain as the camera faded out.

"What’s going on, old timer?" Ramey answered in turn as the colossal form of Spike Saunders stole away his light and walked past him to the vending machine. Slipping in a bill and hitting the buttons he withdrew a cherry coke and popped the tab before taking a large gulp.
"So it seems we're finally tagging together again after all these years. The fans are going to love this." Saunders grinned as Ramey nodded his head but remained stoic.
"Have we even teamed before? It has been so long Spike." Ramey questioned.
"Indeed." He took another chug and emptied out the can before tossing it in the waste bin next to them. "But you may not remember it all that well. It was before you... err... died."
"Oh." He chuckled. "Death can do that you know. Forget things. It happens. Then again I never really died, I was only partially dead."
"Dude, we're old. No lies there. You have all these young guns looking to make a name for themselves but still have yet to learn to respect those that paved the way for them, let alone respect the fans."
"It’s the nature of the business though Spike. It’s the nature of the world around us in general though. We worked for what we’ve got, which obviously isn’t much to show these days, but we worked for it. These days the kids just want stuff handed to them on a silver platter. However, I am not that old, Spike." Ramey quipped.
"Ignoring that; Jess, we should have retired years ago. I know for damn sure I have a lot left in the tank but this body man, I dunno. And today the boys are just retiring and quitting at younger and younger ages. Just look at Sylo. He still looks like he could compete but this is the end of the trail for him. And what is he, half our age; two thirds? I mean come on man."
"Your body?” Ramey chuckled, “You’re a giant Spike. At least you don’t get manhandled and thrown around the ring as much as I do. There aren’t many men that could take you to the limit inside of that ring, and for crying out loud I do flippy shit off of the turnbuckles and do you remember Fight Night? I jumped off of the fucking tron onto a steel entrance stage!” Ramey paused for a moment, “Why are you complaining Spike? I go out there and give one hundred twenty percent every night. Everywhere I go. Always over looked but still put on a technical masterpiece or home schooling for the younger generations. You? You just have to be all intimidating and knock someone’s head off."
Saunders eyes shot open as if he was about to deck Ramey then chuckled.
"Yeah, but can you blame me? You can do the high-risk stuff, and be all technical and savvy. That's great man. If I go up top, no matter the outcome I am coming down. Be it into the ring, to the outside, through the ring, or the belly flops of all belly flops."
At that Ramey couldn't help but laugh in agreement. "Tell you what, you control the ground level, and I'll control the air. Derecho and Rau won't know how to compete against us."
"I doubt we need to help them fail, Jess. They won't be able to hold together. Mark my words. As for you and me, we're square right?" Saunders questioned.
"Square?" Jesse seemed puzzled.
"Square, you know, Even Steven’s? You don't have a reason to blindside me for some unknown secretive mysterious reason based on our past history, right?" Saunders questioned once more.
"Oh. No of course not. Although there was that one time back during ACW's tour in Athens believe, with Charlot-" Ramey tried to finish, but was cut off.
"DUDE! She told me you went back to the hotel to get an early sleep in before the show." Saunders exclaimed.
"I was in the restroom! For like 2 minutes." Ramey retorted.
"She wanted to check out the view from the balcony over a night cap." Saunders countered.
"Two minutes, Spike." Ramey emphasized.
"It was a nice balcony man. I mean the hotel they put us up in was at least decent compared to some of the other places we were forced to stack up in." Saunders argued.
"Two… Minutes… That is the time from I left the table at the diner, walked to the bathroom, did my business, washed up, and walked back to the table. You were both gone. Two minutes. All that was left at the table was the receipt and tip." Ramey put his quorum on the table.
"Hey at least I paid your bill!" Saunders rebutted.
"That isn't the point!" Ramey said getting more excited.
"What is then really? I mean it isn't like she was your type, or you're that type of man anyhow dude." Saunders said nonchalantly.
"You were my ride. As in we went to that restaurant together with the guys. I had to call a cab. And have one of what was possibly the worst cab rides in history. Pretty sure the guy wasn't even a local." Ramey rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"Oh. Sorry man! If it makes you feel better, she was an utter complete psycho." Saunders shrugged it off.
Ramey stared at Saunders for a brief moment, and then shook his head, “I thought you knew me better than that Spike. Crazy is my fucking type!”
The scene began to fade out as the two continued to ramble on about times gone by. Showing just how well the two knew each other and would be able to work together in the ring tonight. This being another thing the younger generation would never understand.

Diamond Jewelz vs Omega

The bass rifts from "Gotta Take It" by Nipsey Hussle pulse through the PA system of the Arena of Champions as Diamond Jewelz’s cursive signature logo flashes across the jOltVision followed quickly by his trademark "#sOdAmnsErious" and a serious face emoticon logo. The small busty, blond haired figure of Ruby Rocks Jewelz bursts out the curtains of the entrance, leading to a heightened amount of cheers. Shortly after her entrance, the much taller Jewelz, covered in the gleam of diamonds and gold, follows behind her. His shoes are high-top tennis shoes, a combination of purple and gold; his kneepads are white, and covered in a yellow "#sOdAmNsErious" insignia, as are his elbow pads; he sports his personal purple “Diamond Jewelz” cursive insignia tights tonight. The gleam of his various articles of jewelry twinkle and glisten as usual but one piece is oddly missing. His custom DJ chain. Jewelz does not pose or flaunt as usual but he is filled with fury and quickly makes his way down to the ring. Jewelz's mind is pre-occupied with his missing jewelry, and he looks like a man determined to do business in the ring, and get back to thinking about getting his chain back, even if his date with JCON is weeks away. Cash rules everything around Jewelz, and right now, a whole lot of his riches are in the hands of Orlando PD.
The arena went completely dark as the eerie lyrics of Marilyn Manson echoed throughout the arena. Diamond Jewelz stood in the ring as the lights from cellphones illuminated the arena. The cameras panned around to the stage as Omega was nowhere to be seen. The fans jeered as a lone spotlight hit the middle of the ring. A young girl’s voice was suddenly heard over the PA system.
A loud woman’s scream was heard throughout the arena as the lone spotlight disappeared. The lights slowly came back on as Omega stood in the middle of the ring with a sick grin on his face holding the Underground Championship in his left hand dragging on the mat. He handed the Underground Championship to Simon Boulder as the fans jeered the champion. Jewelz turned to look at the monstrous Underground Champion with a look of concern on his face as well. He stood near the ropes as Omega slowly moved back to the corner.
Boulder called for the bell for the start of the match. Jewelz didn’t want to show fear against a man like Omega. DJ moved to the center of the ring and looked up at the monster. Jewelz nailed Omega with a right hand that did nothing but turn the champ’s head. Omega turned slowly to look at DJ who nailed Omega with another right hand. Jewelz nailed Omega in the knee trying to get the big man off his base. That however didn’t work as Omega did not fall. Jewelz quickly raced off the ropes but Omega tried to clothesline him. DJ ducked the clothesline and bounced off the ropes again. Omega turned around only to be met with a dropkick. Omega staggered backwards a little but was quickly down to the mat after Jewelz nailed him with a dropkick to the knees.
Jewelz nailed Omega with a big forearm shot to the head to keep the big man down. DJ rolled to the floor, grabbed a steel chair and folded it. He slid into the ring with the chair in hand. He held the chair up in the air before bring it down across Omega’s back. The fans didn’t know who to cheer for in this match but some were cheering Jewelz with every hit from the chair.
Jewelz took the broken chair and threw it to the floor. DJ rolled Omega over and went for an early pin. Boulder quickly dropped down for the count.
Jewelz was nearly thrown halfway across the ring. However the Jeweler got back to his feet quickly and went right back on the attack. Jewelz hooked Omega while he was on one knee and drove him to the mat with a snap DDT. Diamond started to climb to the top rope quickly while the Underground Champion was still on the mat. Jewelz dove off with a flying guillotine leg drop across Omega’s throat. Diamond went for the cover once again.
Omega with another powerful kick out. J knew he had to do a little more to keep this monster down. Diamond rolled to the floor once again and looked under the ring. He found a kendo stick and held it up in the air. The fans started to cheer for more violence in this match. Diamond rolled into the ring and slowly walked over to Omega with a smile on his face.
“I’m bout to get gangsta on that ass.”
However, Omega did not feel like getting gangster as he stood to his feet and grabbed Jewelz by the throat with his massive hand. DJ took the Kendo stick and nailed Omega in the side to try and break his grasp. Omega did not break the hold as DJ nailed him once more. The boogeyman’s grip was loosen. Diamond went to nail Omega with the Kendo stick once more but Omega grabbed the jeweler by his throat and drove him to the mat with a massive chock slam. The ring shook from the impact of the move. A loud chorus of jeers started to fill the arena from the fans. Omega started to smirk as he reached down and picked DJ up off the mat. He hooked Jewelz in a front chancery and hoisted him up in the air. Omega held Jewelz in the air for a few seconds with one arm. He continued to show his massive strength. Omega drove DJ into the mat with a huge vertical suplex.
The Underground Champion looked around the ring before rolling to the floor. The champion looked at the Underground title before nodding to the belt. Omega quickly rolled back into the ring and grabbed Diamond from the mat. He tossed DJ to the floor and followed him out. This does not look good for DJ because Omega has an entire playground to work with on the floor. Omega grabbed DJ and drove him into the steel steps as the fans ringside started to jeer the champion. The boogeyman was smiling as he pulled Diamond from the steel steps. He picked up Diamond and placed him on the ring apron. The Underground Champion raced moved to the announce table and then looked at the crowd before running toward DJ and nailing him with a big boot to the side of the head.
Omega picked up DJ from the floor and rolled him into the ring. The champ slowly climbed into the ring as Diamond crawled to the corner. The big man made it into the ring as DJ pulled himself up in the corner with the help of the ropes. Omega raced into the corner but Diamond moved out of the way and the champ speared the ring post. Diamond was on one knee as Boulder looked on at both men. Omega pushed himself from the corner as the fans in the arena started a jOlt chant.
Diamond was the first to his feet as he jumped back on Omega and started nailing the big man with rights and lefts. Omega shoved DJ across the ring with one arm. Diamond hit the ropes and came rushing back at Omega who exploded from his kneeling position with a vicious clothesline. Omega picked up DJ and drove him to the mat with a big side suplex. The champ continued to massage his shoulder. It wasn’t damaged but if it were Omega wouldn’t probably care. The champ smiled as the pain was radiating through his arm. Omega hooked Jewelz’s legs for the pin. Boulder dropped down for the count.
The jeweler was still in this match and showing some fight against the most dangerous man in jOlt. Omega picked up DJ and whipped him into the ropes. The champ went for another clothesline but Diamond ducked and quickly nailing Omega with a dropkick to the knee that staggered the big man. Diamond went to climb to the top rope as Omega was still on one knee. Jewelz was perched on the top rope as Omega turned to see DJ dive off the top rope with a missile dropkick that nailed the champ sending him to the mat. DJ slowly got to his feet as he looked at Omega. The champ smirked as he started to get to his feet as well. However the champ didn’t notice DJ was already on his feet waiting for him.
DJ just nailed Omega with a Busaiku Kick to the face. Diamond quickly went for the cover on Omega.
DJ looked down at the craziest bastard in wrestling as he smiled at his challenger. The arena gasped as DJ held his head not knowing what else he could do to keep this crazed man to the mat. Jewelz stood to his feet looking out into the arena as to ask what next. But he knew what he wanted to do next as he grabbed Omega by the head and whipped him into the ropes. However, Omega held on and reversed the move himself. DJ came off the ropes and was nailed by a big kick to the jaw by Omega. The champion was not done as he pulled Diamond off the mat by one hand. He wrapped his massive hand around Jewelz’s neck and hoisted him high the air.
The crowd jeered the champion as he smirked before hooking DJ’s leg for the cover. Boulder dropped down for the count.
Omega was beside himself as he thought he had won the match. Boulder was trying to explain to Omega that DJ got his left shoulder off the mat. DJ was trying to get to his feet as Omega was yelling to himself. Omega saw Jewelz getting to his feet from the corner of his eye. Omega turned around and went for a boot to the temple of DJ but Diamond moved out of the way and nailed Omega with a few forearm blows to the back of Omega’s head.
DJ hooked Omega by the head and drove him to the mat with a swinging neck breaker. Diamond grabbed the back of his head before he climbed to the second rope. Omega finally got to his feet and turned to the corner where DJ was perched and took a big flying clothesline from the Jewelz. DJ made it to his feet as he reached down and grabbed Omega by the dreadlocks. He drove Omega to the mat with a Russian Leg sweep.
Jewelz looked ready to pounce after building up his comeback whe, all of a sudden..
"Holy Grail" by Jay-Z feat. Justin Timberlake
The crowd erupted in cheers as they turned their attention to the entrance ramp. Instead of seeing Jonathan Conspiracy coming out, they saw the jOltvision illuminate and there was a picture of the outside of a pawn shop. The scene then switched to inside where we see J-Con standing there, talking to the clerk, holding Diamond Jewelz' chain in his hands.
"How much do you think this is worth? About $100,000?", asked JCON as he held up Diamond Jewelz' chain that went missing earlier in the evening.
Upon close examination, the shop owner scratched his scruffy beard.
"I don't know about $100,000.. but it certainly is valuable. I'll give you $50,000 for it."
JCON turned his head to the camera.
"$50,000 you say? Well.. you know.. I went through a lot of trouble to get this chain... I don't think $50,000 is going to cut it."
"Okay... $60,000.", Said the store clerk.
JCON grinned.
"Hmm.. still a bit on the low side. I'm bettin' $80 G will be just fine."
"That's almost my entire profit margin... $75,000.. final offer.. take it or leave it."
JCON looked back at the camera again.
"Hmmm.. I don't know.. let me think..."
After a brief pause..
"I think I'll.."
Before JCON gave his full answer, the video feed cut out.
The cockiness of Mr. One Letter Better oozed throughout the arena as it was obvious that he was antagonizing Jewelz. DJ took his attention off of Omega in the ring as he pointed to jOltvision where he shouted out some obscenities at the screen.
“You betta not be sellin' that shit. Bring me my chain mutherfucka!”
Jewelz did not realize that Omega had gotten to his feet, rolled to the floor and picked up a steel chair. Jewelz turned around only to be blasted in the head with the steel chair by Omega. The champ dropped the chair on the mat and grabbed Jewelz before he fell. He hooked him in the middle of the ring.
Omega hooks DJ for the cover.

JCON's distraction just cost DJ the match against Omega. When DJ wakes up he is going to be pissed. Omega rolls out of the ring and grabs his championship before starting to walk up the ramp leaving Diamond in the middle of the ring.

Burhman: Ladies and gentlemen.. it is now time to witness who will be joining the likes of Kodiak Vic Creed, Superstar Vince Jacobs, and Sylo into this year's 2014 Hall of Fame!
The jOltvision came to life.. we see a blurry picture from jOlt's Alpha to Omega event some time ago. It showed two people in a pinning situation and the crowd chanting along...
The picture then switched to a clear picture of...

..Brandon Blade holding the jOlt World Championship. From there, the scenes quickly flashed by of Blade's career of him competing in match after match after match as a voiceover began to speak.
"Nobody in jOlt's history had the success like Brandon Blade experienced. The only three-time jOlt world champion in the company's history, Brandon Blade has been to the top of the mountain and stayed there. With classic feuds against the likes of HaVoK and Kodiak Vic Creed, Blade as cemented his legacy in jOlt Wrestling like no other."
The scene switched to Blade winning his second championship from HaVoK with the announcers dubbing over the clip.
"And Brandon Blade has just become jOlt World Champion for the second time in his career here tonight at iNtense 18!"
"After Erik Rave burned the championship in PIW, Brandon Blade returned to jOlt Wrestling, claiming the belt as his own. The title would later become vacated only to be recaptured by "The Superbeast" Sylo." said the narrator.
The final picture showed Brandon Blade standing in the middle of the jOlt ring in an empty arena. A lone spotlight then shined down upon him as he grinned.. the camera panning around slowly.
"It is with great pride that we here at jOlt Wrestling induct Brandon Blade... one of the most decorated superstars in the company's history into the 2014 Hall of Fame!"
As "Hall of Fame" by The Script plays in the background, a picture of Brandon Blade standing up against the jOlt Hall of Fame logo is seen. The people in the crowd applaud the announcement.
Burhman: "And Brandon Blade joins the class of 2014... our fifth and final inductee will be revealed on the final day of Wrestlecade Xperience next Friday! Don't miss it!"

Music that could only signal the arrival of one group (despite what Sylo might have you believe). The Hands of the Cause were in the building.
Frank Hendrix was the first to emerge from behind the curtain with one of the Tag Team title belts over his shoulder. Following immediately behind him was the gigantic Brone Haggard wearing the other belt, and finally Henry Dylan crept to the ring a few paces behind, eyeing up the crowd and smiling despite the negative reaction thrown their way.
Hendrix rolled under the bottom rope and to the centre of the ring where he sat up on his knees and exchanged words with a fan at ringside giving the group abuse. Haggard scowled menacingly and Dylan leant back against the ropes, making himself quite at home inside the ring as the music cut and Hendrix stood up, drawing a microphone to his mouth.
“Weeks have passed since we proved to the world that we are the real deal. Weeks have passed since we dismantled the two top teams in jOlt and made these belts our own. Yet still nothing has changed and you imbeciles are yet to recognise the fact that you are blessed to be witnessing the single greatest unit this business has ever seen.”
Hendrix paused as the jeers from the crowd grew louder.
“You people do not understand just how good we are and do you what? That’s okay. That is fine because it only means we need to show you more and demonstrate what really talented wrestlers can actually do. Don’t believe the hype that the powers that be try and spoon feed you. For the whole time you’ve been following this company you’ve been fed a big old pack of lies by the corporate machine who wants you to purchase t-shirts and posters of average wrestlers with above average marketing. In this ring right now you are staring at the truth.”
Frank’s voice rose as he spoke with passion.
“As we stand here in this position I suppose the big question is just what is next for the Hands of the Cause? And of course, you already know the answer. Our next title defence is going to be against the same overrated, overexposed, overhyped wannabes that we defeated to earn these titles in the first place. The Heirs of Wrestling.”
Hendrix paused and nodded to acknowledge the cheers from the crowd at his mention of the two-time jOlt tag team champions.
“It makes me wonder how many times we will have to dominate that useless group before people see them for the phonies that they truly are. Not only are they unworthy of facing us for the titles but they are unworthy of being in the same ring as us PERIOD. It is high time that the right people started getting the respect around here…”
Hendrix was cut off mid-sentence by the sound of “A Man” by Cypress Hill.
Jeremy Ryan. The self-professed jOlt’s Last Real Man himself stepped out from behind the curtain with a microphone of his own in hand and made his way down the aisle as the Hands of the Cause looked on with interest.
Ryan stepped into the ring, showing no fear as he locked eyes with Frank Hendrix. His music faded out and Ryan and Hendrix stood almost nose to nose, the crowd unsure what to make of this development. Frank was the first to speak.
“Well look who we have here, if it isn’t PETA’s most wanted.” The Wrestling Deity chuckled, and turned to look at Henry Dylan who laughed along with him.
“To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, Mister Ryan? I trust this is not a social visit?”
jOlt’s Last Real Man exchanged glances with big Brone Haggard who remained silent in the background, but looked ready to attack him at a moment’s notice if the loose cannon even so much as looked at him funny. Ryan snorted derivatively at he and the sinister Dylan before he turned his attention to the ringleader of the Hands of the Cause. He eyed Frank Hendrix with a slightly cold sneer.
“Mr. Hendrix… last week, you and your men came out during MY match with Mack Brody and attacked that big muscle-bound poster boy fuck. You got in MY business, you came out to attack MY opponent to send a message to his little friends in this ongoing war over those jOlt Tag Team Titles…”
“And?” Hendrix asked. “You got involved in OUR Tag Team Title match at Unlimited by attacking Mack Brody while our match was going on.”
“Yeah… I did.” Ryan said icily.
Dylan wasn’t finished.
“So… this begs the question: what do you plan on doing about it?”
He eyed Dylan once before turning his attention back to Hendrix…
And extended a hand.
“I’m going to shake your hand. THAT’S what a REAL man does!”
Orlando nearly had a shit-fit. They wanted to see a fight, but instead it seemed it was going to be a big gladhandling circle-jerk between several of jOlt’s more prominent assholes! Hendrix and Ryan shook hands with one another as jOlt’s Last Real Man brought the microphone back up to his lips.
“I’m glad to know that I am NOT the only man here each and every week fighting the good fight for those of us who AREN’T favored by the ridiculous fucking machine that is jOlt management. They don’t like people like us who succeed in spite of not being featured prominently on their posters, their t-shirts, their programs, and their fucking low-budget straight-to-DVD movies. REAL men are here week in and week out fighting in this ring and backing up everything that we say, despite what other people may think. People like that big fucking idiot, Mack Brody, who I left bleeding last week!”
More boos erupted from the crowd as they remembered the four-on-three beatdown last week of the Heirs of Wrestling orchestrated by Jeremy Ryan and The Hands of the Cause.
“You are correct, Mr. Ryan,” Hendrix replied, “I appreciate that. These people have been programmed for years to accept mediocrity as greatness and it ends with people like you and people like us…”
“Pageant (instrumental)” by Moi Dix Mois.
The four men in the ring suddenly turned their attention to the top of the ramp! The crowd couldn’t believe it because coming out here during the All-Assholes of jOlt summit was none other than the most cutthroat of the Starlets on the roster today – a woman so arrogant that upon winning the title, she christened herself Queen of the Starlets and held onto the title….
“My darlings in the truck working for minimum wage, please cut my music!”
The Hands of the Cause and Jeremy Ryan were all in the ring now exactly wondering what the hell the Queen of the Starlets had to do with any of their business, but she approached them none the less. She walked toward the ring with a smile on her face and a faux princess wave. Ryan looked a little bit disgusted with her while on the other side, The Hands remained somewhat partisan, reserving their judgment for what she had to say.
“My fellow title-holders and Jeremy Ryan, I would like to first and foremost agree with everything that you have said about unworthy contenders! As the bastion of all things good in the Starlet division, it is my job to be its representative – a position that hold very seriously! And for weeks now, people have come out of the woodwork to try and usurp the work that I have put into being the longest-reigning champion in this company today!”
This was a true fact as she had won her title at the iPPV Wired back at the end of 2013. Since then all titles had changed hands which meant that she was the longest reign of any current title holder in the company.
“Miss Winterton, you came from that ilk, those wretched little Heirs of Wrestling,” Hendrix said. “What makes you think that any of us fit into anything that you’re selling here?”
“I assure you, whatever connection that I had with the Heirs of Wrestling… is gone and dead… much like the career of Charlotte the Harlot and her stupid Neanderthal husband and friend in The House!”
Even more boos! Charlotte had been the previous champion who Sarah injured two weeks ago by slamming her arm repeatedly in her own car door just moments before a scheduled title defense for her.
“I hold you gentlemen in high regard! You are not boorish, ignorant, immature jackanapes who give these people a thrill with juvenile antics! When you hold those Tag Team Titles, they immediately MEAN something! That is no place for a lady and when I won this title, I vowed that I would do everything on my own and that I would set an example for all womankind!”
“I didn’t know they gave you titles for getting in the kitchen and making me a fucking sandwich,” Ryan chuckled.
Winterton shook her head at jOlt’s Last Real Man and was about to offer a retort…
“With Me Now” by Blacklite District.
Heads turned and eyes gawked at the entrance where none other than the previous Tag Team Title holders and former two-time Tag Team Champions all appeared on the ramp in unison as the three-man tandem they were meant to be.
Frank Silver. Ryan Gallway. Mack Brody.
They were even wearing their matching “HOW” light-up hoodies that the crowd were popping heavily for! The group was reunited in full effect tonight as they all approached the ring. Frank Silver had a microphone in hand while The Hands, Jeremy Ryan, and Sarah Winterton all looked up at the ramp at the title-winning trio. Mack Brody, of note, had a scar on the top of his head – nine stitches to be exact from when Jeremy Ryan had repeatedly dented a chair over his head until he bled, ruining the good looks of SuperMack in the process. Silver was the first to speak up for his trio.
“First off, I need to apologize for… well, Sarah Winterton. When we brought you in, Sarah, the intent was to have a good time, rule the school and all that shizz, but instead what happened was well… the people finally woke up and smelled the awesome and started getting on the Heirs bandwagon! Instead, well… far be it from us to EVER agree with anything the House had ever said, considering we’ve been at war for months, but Charlotte was right… you’re being kind of a bitch!”
The crowd cheered as Winterton started to shout at them from off microphone while Ryan Gallway took the microphone.
“And Sarah… I can openly admit this, but I had a crush on you… but not anymore! I only KINDA-SORTA want to have my way with you now! Like, if you called me at 2am and I wasn’t balls-deep in some other…”
“RYAN!” Silver shouted.
The crowd had a laugh while The Hipster Heartthrob shrugged.
“She wanted my junk, man, that’s all I’m sayin!”
“I most assuredly did not!” Winterton shouted.
Frank Hendrix was pissed off now that he had been interrupted.
“You three idiots have been proven wrong by us the longer we keep these belts. You three overhyped, talentless hacks just can’t cut it when it comes to us in this ring. We’ve already beaten you and we don’t care what kind of #1 Contender match you won last week… all you won was the chance to lose to us AGAIN at that insipidly-named Wrestlecade. You can call us all the insults you want, drop nets on us in the ring and try to humiliate us but at the end of the day…”
He and Brone Haggard raised the jOlt Tag Team Titles over head.
“As long as we hold these, we will always have the last word.”
Jeremy Ryan had his say also.
“How’s your head there, Mack?” he jabbed. “I proved to you last week that all the bodybuilding that you do doesn’t hold a candle to my talent in this ring! You can look at me cross all you want, but I will ALWAYS be better than you and at Wrestlecade, I’m going to show the world just that! You can’t hack it in the ring with me, pretty boy…”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Brody shouted.
Jeremy turned angry while Brody had his turn.
“No, you’re done talking, asshole. For a guy that says he’s all about coming out to the ring and handling his business, you talk WAY too fucking much, dude. All I hear from you is talk, but unlike the company you’re in the ring with now, how many titles have YOU won in your career, asshole?”
Orlando was cheering even louder for SuperMack as he handed the microphone back to Frank Silver. The leader of the Heirs of Wrestling turned his attention back to the ring.
“We can sit here and sling shit with the best of them, but there’s a time and place for fighting! Winterton, since we’re not a bunch of he-man woman-haters like Jeremy Ryan there, we have a special guest to come out with us tonight… a girl that doesn’t like you much! For one night only, we’re proud to make her an honorary Heir of Wrestling just because she hates you more than we do… I’d like to introduce to you ”DRAGONFLY” AMBER RYANN!”
The crowd cheered when The Hype graduate and the Starlet Otaku appeared at the top of the ramp to a big pop. She was a personal friend of Charlotte and she had been campaigning for a Starlet Title match against Sarah Winterton but had been denied time and time again. But tonight she was ready to get her hands on her. Frank Silver asked her a very important question.
“Miss Ryann, would you like to kick some prissy ass?”
The Dragonfly took the microphone as a disgusted Winterton glared at her newfound rival. Gallway patted The Dragonfly on the back while Mack Brody smirked at the gentlemen in the ring, itching for a fight.
“Frank, Ryan, Mack… I would be DELIGHTED!”
Frank nodded.
“You heard the lady, let’s kick that ass!”
They dropped the microphones and they were ready to march to the ring as the Hands of the Cause, Jeremy Ryan and Sarah Winterton were all ready to fight…
The voice belonged to Damien Lee who was out from the back, hurriedly trying to get into the middle of things between the nine wrestlers in the ring about to come to blows! The crowd was about to boo Damien as he approached the ring with an angry look on his face.
“NO, NO, NO!” The CEO barked. “I’m not going to be dealing with some massacre just days before all of you are scheduled for matches at Wrestlecade! It’s not going down like that!”
The crowd continued to boo at Lee, but it was clear that he wasn’t finished.
“If you guys are going to come out here and do this, then I’m going to make this official! It’s going to be an eight-person tag team match! The Heirs of Wrestling and “Dragonfly” Amber Ryann vs. the Tag Team Champios Frank Hendrix and Brone Haggard, Jeremy Ryan and the Starlet Champion Sarah Winterton! Get me a referee and ring that damn bell!”
Silver, Gallway, Brody, and Ryann stared across the ring from Haggard, Hendrix, Ryan, and Winterton. It was going to be an all-out war and that was coming up…

Amber Ryann & The Heirs of Wrestling vs Sarah Winterton & The Hands of the Cause & Jeremy Ryan

And now, shit was about to get real serious for eight people with a whole lot of motherfucking problems between them! Damien Lee had come out to make the match official just before the commercial break and out now were eight people set to do battle at Wrestlecade, do battle for the fans in eight-person tag team action!
The Heirs of Wrestling would be fighting for the belts they felt belonged to them when they would face off against The Hands of the Cause for the Tag Team Titles. Mack Brody was set to finally face off one-on-one against his antagonist in “jOlt’s Last Real Man” Jeremy Ryan. And also Sarah Winterton, the self-professed Queen of the Starlets would be facing off against a woman who had given Sarah her fair share of trouble – the uber-talented Otaku, the “Dragonfly” Amber Ryann.
As Mills Lane would say… LET’S GET IT ON!
The big referee Simon Boulder was in the middle of all the action and it looked like Jeremy Ryan was going to start things off for his team. On the outside, The Hands of the Cause had their third member Henry Dylan skulking around ringside which made their group all the more dangerous. Mack Brody extended a hand and wanted in and Frank Silver obliged.
“He’s mine.” Brody scolded.
Silver tagged him in the monster called SuperMack was in. He came face to face with Jeremy Ryan in the center of the ring and finally, he would get his hands on jOlt’s Last Real Man…
Ryan laughed as he ran over and tagged into the current Starlet Champion Sarah Winterton! The Starlet Champion looked surprised by his actions, but per the rules of the match, Brody would have to tag out and allow for Amber Ryann to come in – an opportunity that she had been wanting since narrowly missing out on her chance to win the Starlet Title at Unlimited.
“Darling, you can’t hope to defeat me!” Winterton said.
“Keep talking, bitch!”
The two met up it the center of the ring and Winterton took the fight to her with a single leg! She went to work early grounding the high flying Starlet before she floated right over into a tight Headlock on The Dragonfly. The Queen of the Starlets kept her grounded and she laughed at her misery as she continued to press the advantage before Ryann elbowed her in the stomach to try and free herself. Winterton cut that off early before she could do anything more and brought a knee into the chest of her #1 Contender. She tossed Ryann across the ring and tried to charge at her…
She caught the former Heiress with a pair of knees to the face before she jumped to the second rope in one clear leap. When Sarah turned around, Amber jumped off the ropes and took her over with a quick headscissors that sent the champion flying across the ring! The Hands of the Cause and Jeremy Ryan each chastised their teammate as she was being taken to task by the young former Hype star.
Ryann tried to charge at Winterton, but this time she was ready for her and caught her under the chin with a nice-looking European Uppercut! Ryan collapsed to her knee when Sarah looked over to Frank Silver – the man that taught her that Uppercut.
“Thanks, darling, but I don’t need any of your ilk anymore!”
Silver and the other Heirs glowered at her as she turned her attention to the fallen Dragonfly. She picked her up by the hair. Once she got there she picked up Ryann by the body and held her up in a Powerbomb… no! She switched that up and now she had the smaller Ryann tied up with a modified Gory Special!
She was holding her around the ring and tried to break the Dragonfly in half with this deadly submission hold. The Queen of the Starlets was laughing now and continuing to hold her with the move until she shifted her weight and put her down right into a modified Backslide pin out of the Gory position…
The Dragonfly hung onto the move, but Winterton kept her down and continued to keep the pinfall intact a second time!
Winterton tried to pull her up and this time she got her back up one more time as she continued to hold on, but with some careful maneuvering The Dragonfly had managed to pull herself up! Amazingly the agile high flyer had rolled up and over on Winterton with a Sunset Flip!
She had almost pinned the Starlet Champion! Amber Ryann had done so once before in a tag team match that included Charlotte and Daryn Thompson which was the reason many felt that she had the number of the former Heiress. The crowd was loving the wrestling clinic that the two girls had been putting on by showing they were more than just somebody’s arm candy. The Dragonfly rolled up again and ran right at Sarah Winterton, catching the Queen of the Starlets right into a big Wheelbarrow rollup now!
The Queen of the Starlets shoved her way and rolled backwards back to her feet. Angrily, Winterton stood up and growled under her breath before she charged at her again only for Ryann to catch her with a Japanese variant on the Arm Drag! The Dragonfly kipped up right after the throw and managed to catch her underneath the chin with a nice Spinning Heel Kick! Winterton rolled over after that and quickly tagged into Frank Hendrix before rolling out of the ring, wanting no more part of The Dragonfly.
The crowd in Orlando was booing her actions, but now things were about to get much more heated for the Heirs of Wrestling when Frank Silver came into the ring to face off with Frank Hendrix for the first time since Unlimited when the House had stolen the tag team titles that many felt rightfully belonged to the Heirs.
Hendrix caught Silver with a knee to the chest and stumbled him over before he fired off a series of hard Clubbing Forearms to the back of the head. There was nothing technically sound about Frank Hendrix – he was a straight brawler through and through. He caught Silver in the head several times with brutal elbows to the face before he launched him off the ropes. When he swung, Silver ducked and came back with a STIFF Back Elbow to the face!
“How do you spell ass-whooping, asshole?!” Frank shouted, mocking Hendrix’s signature catch phrase.
Mack Brody, Ryan Gallway, and Amber Ryann all clapped in approval on the outside as Frank kept up the punishment. He tried a quick elbow drop when Hendrix moved, sending Frank to hit nothing but mat! The Bishop of Bringin’ The Pain fell to his side and rubbed his elbow while Hendrix ran to the ropes this time around. He took down Frank with a Kitchen Sink Knee to the chest and now took the time to lord his success over his rival.
“Main event is spelled M-E!”
Evil Frank picked up Good-ish Frank, forced him upward and buried a quick jab into his face. He stunned him with one so he fired back two or three more just to keep Frank on the ropes. He mouthed some more trash talk to Frank Silver before he ran off the ropes when he was caught out of nowhere…
He BLASTED Jason Rau with the Rebound Lariat and nearly flipped him inside out from the impact! The crowd groaned from the shot while Frank flipped the crook of his right elbow with his left hand at The Hands of the Cause in their corner before he turned over to go for the win on Hendrix!
The move nearly spelt curtains already for The Hands of the Cause’s ringleader! Silver jumped on top fo him and rained down fists on the head of Hendrix as the brawl between them continued. He jumped over and when Brone Haggard tried to get involved, Silver caught him in the temple with a big right hand!
That proved to be a mistake though because when he turned around…
Hendrix caught Silver with the amazing Spinebuster in the center of the ring! The jOlt Tag Team Champion laughed at the fallen Silver after dropping him in the center of the ring like a bad habit. He turned over to his comrades on the other side of the ring before he hooked the leg for a cover.
Frank Hendrix had only gotten a two-count off of the big Spinebuster, but now he was in control. He pushed him off to the neutral corner away from him and launched him into the corner before firing off a big series of Shoulder Thrusts into the corner in order to soften up the leader of the Heirs. Hendrix whipped Silver across the ring now and when he got there he caught him on the chin with a nasty elbow smash. As The Baron of Ballistics slumped over into the corner, Frank took the time to jawjack with the other Heirs and Amber Ryann.
One of the reigning jOlt Tag Team Champions turned back to the corner, but that’s when the Royal Knight of Sunday Nights sprang to life and turned Hendrix around before unleashing a vicious volley of right hands to his jaw! The blows kept on coming until Silver switched it up and connected with a big Running European Uppercut nailing him right in the corner!
Silver grabbed Hendrix by the head and whipped Hendrix off to the corner before the tag was made to big Mack Brody! The two men were about to dust off some of their old double-team tricks from when SuperMack was wrestling with them as a steady freebird-style team. They whipped Hendrix to the ropes as Frank Silver ducked and Mack caught him…
The crowd was cheering SuperMack as he lobed big Frank Hendrix down with a violent Belly to Belly Suplex! He went for the cover on the leader of the Hands.
Hendrix with the shoulder up! Brody hung onto Hendrix and tagged into Ryan Gallway now as the crowd came to life for The Prince of Precision as he jumped to the top rope… ARABIAN MOONSAULT PRESS!
jOlt’s Last Real Man made the save for the jOlt Tag Team Champions before he returned to the corner. He shot a glance at Brone Haggard and laughed.
“You’re welcome!” Ryan shouted.
Brone didn’t look pleased with his comment but that wasn’t here nor there as they had a match to get to. Gallway kicked away at the legs of Hendrix and tried keeping the Tag Team Champion down. When he was stunned, Gallway was about to head to the ropes. He started to climb up top and The Prince of Precision waited for the Tag Team Champion to stand. Henry Dylan was about to run around on the outside and waited for Gallway kicked him in the head to knock The Friendly Stranger off the apron, but he was caught…
Gallway crashed and burned in a bad way and now Hendrix was taking his sweet time. He grabbed The Prince of Precision and grabbed him by the arm before he made the tag over to Brone Haggard! THe bigger half of the Tag Team Champions was now getting into the ring and the 6’9”, 285-pound tank was about ready to punish somebody. Haggard whipped Hendrix off one side of the ring before he came back with a BRUTAL Knee Strike to the gut. The punishment didn’t stop there for Ryan Gallway as Brone Haggard came right in and crushed him with a big Corner Splash! Gallway fell over and now the lead was going to the bad guys!
Winterton watched with glee as Brone put his big boot into the throat of Gallway, remembering all the times that Ryan had flirted with her and tried to get into her pants for all those months. The bigger half of the current Tag Team Champions had a boot pressed down into Ryan’s throat in the corner! He was choking the life right out of him until Simon Boulder started to count.
“Come on! Get off him, Haggard, or I’m gonna count!”
The jOlt Tag Team Champion did no such thing as he continued.
He backed off and Haggard simply glared at the big mountain of a referee before he picked up Gallway and Irish whipped him across the ring to try and finish him off with some sort of big move, but Ryan somehow had the wherewithal to hang onto the ropes! Haggard came charging at him when The Prince of Precision caught him underneath the chin, sending him flipping over the ropes and to the ring apron!
Brone charged at Gallway who ducked between the ropes and caught the big monster in the gut with a shoulder before sliding underneath him and heading to the ropes. The Pinball Wizard of jOlt tried to get some momentum going for some big move off the ropes…
Haggard stood his ground and nearly DESTROYED Ryan with Shoulder Tackle that spun him around before he crashed into the mat! The crowd grimaced and cringed at the move as Haggard stood tall and let out a beastly roar just because he could! Now that the Tag Team Champions had taken over once again he rolled over and tagged to jOlt’s Last Real Man.
The big man forcefully dragged him by one arm to the corner and Ryan sauntered inside. He flipped off Mack Brody in the corner and laughed.
“This is what’s going to happen to you at Wrestlecade, you preening little faggot!”
Brody angrily tried to jump into the ring while Simon Boulder and Frank Silver tried to stop him. While that went on, Haggard and Ryan took a few extra seconds behind Boulder’s back to kick and stomp away at the fallen Gallway! He tried to defend himself against the flurry of stomps and kicks, but it wasn’t doing him any good.
More booing erupted from the crowd as Brone Haggard left the ring, leaving the very dangerous Ryan to stand over Gallway. He unleashed some STIFF kicks into the exposed chest of Gallway and when Ryan tried to defend himself, they were just making things worse! He then picked up Gallway and sent the Prince of Precision into the ropes before CRACKING him right in the mouth with a big Jumping Knee Strike! The crowd winced at the strike as Ryan crumbled to the ground in a heap. Ryan smiled before he hooked the leg and went for the win!
The Prince of Precision was going down that easily! He picked up Gallway by his arm and led the two-time former Tag Team Champion to his feet before pulling him into a short-arm elbow! Ryan was nearly out on his feet but Ryan did it a second time! He then pulled him in again, but this time grabbed him and nearly lobbed Ryan across the ring with a deadly T-Bone Suplex!
jOlt’s Last Real Man mockingly cupped an ear and turned to the crowd, taking in the hatred before flipping them off as well. Jeremy grabbed Gallway by the head and drove a series of more knees to the head before holding him in front of Sarah Winterton.
“Here’s your chance, Queenie!” Jeremy shouted.
Winterton blew into her hands and rubbed them together…
The Prince of Precision fell to his knees while Jeremy Ryan and company laughed at the misery of the former two-time Tag Team Champion. Gallway landed to the ground facedown and that allowed for jOlt’s Last Real Man to tag back into Frank Hendrix. He stood over Gallway and knelt down before dropping a stiff trifecta of elbows to the back of Ryan’s head!
In fact, the blows didn’t stop there and he continued bringing the pain to Gallway until the referee told him to cut that shit out otherwise they’d get disqualified. Hendrix didn’t look like he cared about a disqualification at this point, but before they would have to wrestle The Heirs at Wrestlecade, they wanted the win here tonight to back up their claims that they were not in their league.
Frank grabbed onto Ryan and held him up in a Back Suplex position just as he made the tag to Brone Haggard. The two men each grabbed him and Brone knelt over so that way he could simply DRIVE him hard across Brone’s knee! The big double-team Backbreaker left its mark and nearly broke him in half! He was down now as Haggard went for a cover…
No, wait, that was another boot to the throat!
He was content with choking Gallway some more, but the bottom line was that The Pinball Wizard of jOlt needed to get the tag in a very bad way real quick if he had any hope of his side winning the match. On the other side of the ring, Silver, Brody and Ryann were all cheering on their buddy as Brone went for a lateral press on Gallway.
The Sovereign Superman had his partner’s back and dropped a big elbow to the back of Brone Haggard’s head before he rolled back to the corner in order to save his team the defeat. The Heirs of Wrestling needed this win in a very bad way if they wanted to keep their impressive momentum they’d been building in the last couple weeks with wins over The House and the triple threat over Trouble and Sweet Sweet Lovin last week.
Haggard turned back to Gallway and applied a vicious Neck Crank submission. There was nothing real fancy about any member of the Hands of the Cause, but they had proven adept at using their numbers and destructive brawling tactics if it meant getting the victory for their team. When Brone went to the corner, Gallway turned his head and caught Brone flush with a kick to the head!
The glancing blow caught him upside the head and when Gallway tried to get back to the corner, he grabbed him by the leg and stopped that shit quickly before dropping a big time elbow into the back of Gallway! He was hurt now and that’s when Brone tried another cover.
The Dragonfly of all people caught him in the chin with a Dropkick! The crowd was cheering the Dragonfly as she rescued Ryan Gallway from certain defeat. A very pissed off Brone turned around and would’ve probably done something awful had it not been for Mack Brody getting into the corner and protecting her from certain harm at the hands of the monstrous Tag Team Champion.
The tag was made and it was once again back to Jeremy Ryan into action as he cackled at the fallen Ryan Gallway. He stunned him in the corner with his series of Minoru Suzuki-style slaps to the face to disorient Gallway! He was hurt and snatched him up from the corner before DRILLING him in the jaw with a big Rising Palm Strike to the chin.
And it was now back to work with as he went into action with a Gator Roll! He ragdolled the much smaller former Tag Team Champion across the canvas to try and disorient him. When he sufficiently did so, he slapped on a big Grinding Chinlock that was much more reminiscent of a choke than anything.
“TAP OUT YOU FUCKER! JUST GIVE IT UP!” Jeremy shouted in Gallway’s ear.
He was hurt much more than anything and couldn’t withstand too much more punishment at the hands of some of jOlt’s most dangerous men going today. jOlt’s Last Real Man had the hold locked in even tighter now as Ryan tried his best to stand with the weight of Jeremy Ryan pressing down on him. Jeremy shot a look at Mack who had seen enough…
SuperMack chomped at the bit to get into action and had floored Ryan, still not forgetting jOlt’s Last Real Man put the stitches in his head from his heinous assault last week. Ryan Gallway now had a chance to finally get some offense going as he tried to stand. Jeremy Ryan was grabbed by Ryan when he caught him with a Shoulder Jawbreaker! Gallway then ran off the ropes and executed a big Handstand…
The move was a modified take of his signature Springboard Gamengiri, but this time it was a Handspring Gamengiri that finally did Jeremy Ryan in! Both men were down now and both men needed to desperately make a tag.
Jeremy Ryan was holding his head in pain now and he tried his best to use the ropes to get to his feet while Ryan Gallway headed over to the corner. It was exactly what Jeremy Ryan didn’t want to happen in that moment…
And SuperMack was finally in action! He FINALLY came face to face with his antagonist of the last several weeks – a man that questioned his manhood, his will to succeed and a man that Mack Brody plain wished would shut the fuck up.
He charged right at Jolt’s Last Real Man and he FLOORED him with a big Running Double Sledge that had dropped him right on his ass! When Frank Hendrix tried to get into the ring, he was kicked and THROWN clear over the ropes by the beastly Brody!
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw jOlt’s Last Real Man started to go at him again so he charged and he nearly leveled Ryan with a second Running Double Sledge to the head! He charged at him in the corner when Ryan tried to stand again only to eat another elbow to the face! Brody was stunned from the shot and that’s when he charged with a big Running Spear… a move that he blocked with a straight kick to Ryan’s face! He was hurt now and sent him over…
The Release Exploder Suplex sent him FLYING nearly all the way across the ring now and that’s when Brody went in for the cover now!
Haggard was taking the fight to the big man, but SuperMack fought right back! The crowd was eating up the fact that two of the biggest men in the match were going at it now in the center of the ring!
Right by Haggard!
Right by Brody!
Right by Haggard!
Right by Brody!
Right by Haggard!
Right by Brody!
They continued and the crowd cheered and booed with each hit until Brody finally blocked one. He caught Brone Haggard and sent him back into the ropes with a few more big right hands only for Haggard to reverse and sent him back into the corner! Haggard stunned Brody with a series of big headbutts to the chest and looked to finish Brody off as he pulled him away. He charged off the ropes and went to the corner and looked for it…
AMAZINGLY, Brody leapfrogged right over the big man and when he came back…
The deadly Spear of Brone Haggard had missed, but the Running Body Block of Mack Brody did not and now he was down and out! Jeremy Ryan was starting to get back to his feet and got kicked in the chest. Brody set him up now and hoisted him up when Sarah Winterton came into the ring and jumped on his back!
The Starlet Champion had been quiet long enough and she had tagged herself into the match, trying to keep Brody from doing whatever Brody had planned. Henry Dylan once again tried getting involved when Ryan Gallway had seen enough….
The Heirs had just taken out The Hands of the Cause on the outside now, but Sarah was still proving to be a nuisance for Mack Brody! The big SuperMack quickly threw her off of him and Brody made the tag to “Dragonfly” Amber Ryann! Brody ran over to keep Brone Haggard to keep him at bay as Amber Ryann tried to finish things off. Winterton got up and kicked her in the chest before turning her around…
She flipped out of the move and sent Sarah Winterton back a couple of steps but by the time that she was able to see her coming, she was CLOCKED with a Running Single Leg Dropkick to the mouth! She was caught now and had her dead to rights…
For the second time in several weeks, Sarah Winterton had felt the wrath of the DEADLY Kudoh Driver called the Fate/Stay Dead! Winterton was dropped hard with the move! The Starlet Champion was down and out, but that’s when Frank Hendrix reached in and tagged himself in! He charged right at The Dragonfly, but…
Frank Silver came to her aid and caught Frank Hendrix with the big Throwing European Uppercut, nearly snapping Hendrix’s head back! With the girls out, Silver was the legal man as he quickly pulled Hendrix up…
The Cradled Styles Clash SPIKED Frank Hendrix down hard and Silver quickly rolled him over. Could one Frank pin another?

Not only had Frank Silver saved “Dragonfly” Amber Ryann from certain harm, he had just handed The Hands of the Cause their first-ever defeat in jOlt Wrestling! Frank Silver punched the mat in excitement as he jumped around with glee! The Heirs of Wrestling made a fantastic team with Amber Ryann and now they were all in the ring, celebrating a very hard-fought victory!
Jeremy Ryan skulked away and headed back up the ramp, staring a hole right through Mack Brody before he headed up the ramp. Sarah Winterton was down on the outside, probably halfway to unconsciousness after being dropped on her head. And The Hands of the Cause were regrouping on the ramp, but Brone still made sure to hold onto the jOlt Tag Team Championships to show that they were still the champions.
In the ring, Silver, Gallway, Brody, and Ryann all held one another’s hands in victory after this massive win tonight. The Heirs had possibly proven the claims of the HoC wrong that they were very much a threat to the belts at Wrestlecade. And at Wrestlecade, Ryann had the chance to win her first Starlet Title while Mack Brody would finally get his hands on Jeremy Ryan.
The biggest wrestling show in jOlt’s history was around the corner and a lot of first could very well happen.

Various highlighted moves from the night that Derecho and Blazer won the jOlt Tag Titles. Followed by their blatant disrespect of the titles. “They might be the new champions, but they didn’t put them around their waists or sling them over their shoulders! They were simply dragged behind them on the ground, like an unwanted piece of garbage!” the announcer can be heard saying.
Blazer‘s voice echoes through the arena with things said in 2003.
“We may use terms from time to time that you may or may not understand, so here on O-TV... let's take a look at some of the terms. The Big O-another name for jOlt, jOltie-one who works for jOlt, jOlted-The process of being screwed over in jOlt, jOlters-Those in jOlt that bend people over and well you get the idea, and if you don’t the guys in the back sure do.”
Next the highlights switch that that of the Battle Royale for the jOlt Title. Gibson began to yell about his IOW Television Title, which was still in the ring being held by Blazer. Blazer held the title in his grasp, grinned and the moment Sam Potright turned around on the apron, Blazer blasted him across the head, and knocked Potright out of the ring...eliminating Sam Potright. Blazer turns to Gibson tosses him the belt and says “Thanks Pal.”
The next highlight of Blazer fighting with THA MUTHA FUCKIN' ABUSAH OF YO MOMMA! Then cuts to Blazer walking over to the fallen TMFAOYM!, and shakes his head in disappointment, before pulling Abusah to his feet and throwing him over the top rope.
“See up until now, you fans of jOlt have only be treated to mediocre talent and have been told it was great. Then we came and showed you great talent, and just as we predicted you fans don’t know how to act. Not that I can blame you. I mean in truth Derecho and I are the greatest tag champions jOlt has ever had. Before Unwanted the last time you even saw these titles was when Monkey Extreme and Chris, past my prime, Titan held them. You fans have been spoon fed pathetic shows for so long you grew to like it.”
Blazer then looks down on the knocked out BeefØn, and decided to get this over with quick...and in a matter of seconds, Blazer had lifted Beef up by the waist and hurled Beef over the top rope with a release German Suplex. Beef's head smacked the guard rail on the way down, and once Blazer noticed....he chuckled.
The music cuts.
“Its not so much that I hate jOlt, and I never had a problem with the fans. I just hated that idea of them claiming to be great, when all they did was spent a load of money. I hate pretend greatness.”
The screen goes to black.

Derecho & Jason Rau vs Spike Saunders & Jesse Ramey

Derecho and Spike Saunders have had a verbal war of words that ended up with Derecho accepting Spike Saunders' challenge at Wrestlecade for a 30 Minute Iron Man Match. On the flipside, Jesse Ramey and Jason Rau have had issues ever since Jesse and Rau had an altercation at last month's Unlimited. Tonight, feud partners face off against each other in a big time tag match right here on iNtense!
"Passive" by A Perfect Circle
The people booed as Jason Rau came out from the backstage area. He made his way down to the ring with a smug look on his face. The man from Australia knew that he had gotten under Jesse Ramey's skin and a win here tonight could give him major momentum heading into Wrestlecade. Rau slid into the ring and posed for the crowd, who didn't care much to see it. Rau didn't care as he headed off to his corner.
"King of Hell" by Helstar
The arena became bathed in a crimson hue as Derecho came out when the lyrics kicked in. The people continued to boo, but like his partner, Derecho didn't care what the fans thought. He cracked his knuckles as he made his way down to the ring. Derecho was out of his element here tonight since this was being contested with classic rules. This should be considered a test to see if Derecho can abandon the Underground Style and still compete on a level that he used to for many years prior.
When Derecho entered the ring, Rau kept a watchful eye on him, not forgetting that Derecho nearly put him out on the shelf permanently almost a year and a half ago when jOlt acquired Legacy of Champions and Derecho damn near killed him when he was Underground Champion. Derecho simply waited in the corner as his music faded.
"I'm Not Alright" by Shinedown
Jesse Ramey came out to the back to a pretty good pop. Ramey looked focused as he wanted to get his hands on Jason Rau as early as possible. Derecho and Rau exited the ring as Ramey slid in and looked on at them. Ramey stayed knelt down in the ring as his music faded and was replaced.
"No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant
The people hit thier feet at Spike Saunders made his way out. Saunders was all business as he walked straight for the ring in a bee line. When he got there, Ramey was still in a knelt position with a smirk on his face as he knew who had entered behind him. Saunders stepped into the ring and placed his hand on Ramey's shoulder as the two of them looked at Derecho and Rau on the outside... both of which weren't all that impressed.
Ramey stood and headed to a corner and posed for the crowd who cheered while Saunders continued to stare out at the competition. Ramey hopped down and talked things over with Saunders and Spike said he would start the match. When Derecho saw that, he basically ordered Rau to stay back and he said that he would start it off!
Derecho hopped into the ring while Rau got up onto the ring apron. Derecho and Saunders stepped to the center of the ring and stared down face to face. The tension was as thick as it could be when the referee called for the bell!
Right at the sound of the bell, Derecho said some words to Saunders' face, but Saunders didn't seem like anything Derecho said phased him. As Derecho talked on, he got louder and eventually became audible...
"You think you'd like to get your hands on me, dont'cha? HUH? WELL GUESS WHAT!? FUCK YOU!"
Derecho then turned and walked away and made the tag to Jason Rau. The people booed as Rau stepped into the ring and Derecho climbed out. Saunders shook his head and looked back toward Jesse Ramey who simply grinned. Saunders backed into his corner and made the tag to Ramey. As soon as the tag was made, Rau bolted back to his corner and tagged Derecho back in.
Ramey shook his head and turned to tag Saunders back in, but Derecho charged in and hit a double axe handle to the back of Ramey's head! Derecho quickly pulled Ramey to his feet and whipped him into the neutral corner. Derecho charged in, but he ate a back elbow from Ramey and staggered away. Ramey charged in and hit a clothesline that knocked Derecho down, but Derecho got right back up. Ramey backed Derecho into the ropes and went for the irish whip, but Derecho reversed it and sent Ramey to the ropes instead. Derecho with the leap frog and Ramey went underneath, bouncing off the opposite end.
Hip toss attempt by Derecho, but Ramey blocked it and hit Derecho with a knee lift, doubling him over. Ramey hooked the leg over the back of Derecho's head and flipped out landing on his feet. Derecho with a clothesline attempt, but Ramey ducked and turned around where he began to let loose with flurry of short jabs to the face with his right hand. Ramey then followed that up with a discus punch that dropped Derecho onto his back. Derecho sat up and held his face, but Ramey forced him back down and made the first cover of the match.
Just a fleeting one count as Derecho kicked out almost immediately.
Ramey pulled Derecho up to his feet, but Derecho fired away with lefts and rights, combination blows, to the mid-section of Jesse Ramey. Derecho then switched to shots to the face that staggered Ramey back. Derecho whipped Ramey back into the corner and charged in with a corner clothesline.
Derecho then lifted Ramey up to the top turnbuckle and seated him. Derecho climbed up and hooked Ramey in a front face lock, but was unable to lift Ramey for the Superplex. Ramey held onto the ropes and countered with a couple of headbutts that knocked Derecho off the top turnbuckle, but Derecho got right back up and crotched Ramey up top as Ramey was getting set to fly. Derecho quickly reclimbed to the top and rehooked Ramey for that Superplex once again, but when Derecho lifted him, Ramey twisted and landed on his feet while Derecho was still standing the middle ropes.
Ramey then quickly lept to the middle ropes, grabbing Derecho in a waist lock at the same time. Ramey then threw Derecho off the middle ropes with a German Suplex, causing Derecho to flip over and land on his stomach!!!
"OOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled the crowd!
Ramey quickly scurried over into the cover, hooking the leg in deep.
Derecho popped the shoulder up!
Ramey stood and pulled Derecho up to his feet. He picked Derecho up and scoop slammed him near the corner. Ramey then grabbed the ropes in the corner and hopped up where he went for the Touching the Sky.. the Split-Legged Moonsault, but Derecho moved out of the way and Ramey hit chest first on the canvas! Derecho rolled toward his corner and made the tag to Jason Rau.
Ramey staggered to his feet as Rau charged in and nailed the Rau Deal... the running knee lift that knocked Ramey back down! Rau then quickly sat Ramey up and then sat behind him. He wrapped his legs around Ramey's neck and turned him on his side with a headscissor submission hold. He was trying to drive the oxygen out of Ramey's lungs by squeezing on his neck. Ramey, however, was a bit too close to the ropes and as he got his bearings straightened out, he reached out and grabbed the bottom rope, but Rau refused to break the hold...
1.... 2.... 3....4 ...
Rau finally broke the hold to avoid getting disqualified. He stood and then stomped down on Ramey each time he tried to get up, taunting him each and every time. Rau went to the well once too often as when Ramey tried to get up, Rau went for the stomp and Ramey knew it was coming. Ramey grabbed Rau's foot and caused him to hop up and down to keep his balance. Ramey got back to his feet and spun Rau down with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip! Rau sat up as Ramey went to the ropes and nailed a running front kick right to the face! He then followed it up with a standing moonsault and a cover!
Rau kicked out!
Ramey stood and pulled Rau to his feet. Ramey fired a knife edge chop across the chest, but Rau answered with a knee lift which doubled Ramey over. Rau then set up Ramey between his legs and lifted him for a powerbomb, but Ramey continued the momentum and tried to sunset flip Rau over, but Rau held on and knelt down on top of Ramey's shoulders with a pin!!
Ramey kicked away!
Both stood and Ramey ducked a clothesline from Rau. When Rau turned around he was met with an Arm Drag from Ramey and then a standing drop kick that staggered Rau back toward the ropes. Ramey then charged in, but Rau lilfted him up and over to the ring apron. Ramey turned and faced Rau who socked Ramey in the face with a big right hand. Ramey staggered away as Rau grabbed the top rope and leapt off with a springboard move, but Ramey leapt into the air and caught Rau...
Ramey scurried into the cover!
Rau kicked out and the people booed.
Ramey looked to his corner where Saunders has been patiently waited to come into this match. Ramey took one step toward his corner, but Rau wrapped his arms around Ramey's leg and prevented him from getting to the corner. Ramey turned around, but Rau hit Ramey with a double leg takedown and then stood, holding Ramey's legs. Rau crossed the legs and turned Ramey over into a Texas Cloverleaf. Ramey was in pain and reached out for the ropes, but Rau stood up and dragged Ramey toward the center of the ring and then sat back down with the Cloverleaf. Rau applied as much pressure as he could in order to get Ramey to tap, but Ramey continued to fight, claw and scratch his way toward the ropes.
Ramey was about to reach the ropes when Rau stood up to walk Ramey back to the center of the ring. Anticipating this, Ramey saved a burst of energy for that moment and lunged at the ropes, making it to them, much to the applause from the crowd.
Rau broke the hold and immediately turned around and grabbed both of Ramey's legs, pulling him straight out while Ramey still held onto the middle ropes. Rau used some force and pulled Ramey off the ropes and sat down with an inverted sit out powerbomb that caused Ramey to land face first into the canvas!
Rau stood and grabbed Ramey by the leg, dragging him all the way back over to his corner where he made the tag to Derecho.
Derecho came into the ring and stomped on Ramey's upper back. Derecho then pulled Ramey up to his feet and propped him in the corner. Derecho fired off a huge knife edge chop across Ramey's chest. He then hit a second and third chop before stepped away to get some distance. He then charged in and hit a running back elbow to the face which caused Ramey to fall into a seated position in the corner. Derecho walked over to where Spike Saunders was standing and flipped him off. He turned and then charged his corner and nailed a running shotgun drop kick into Ramey's face!
Derecho grabbed Ramey by the leg and pulled him out from the corner and made the cover, hooking the leg...
Thre... NO!!!
There was still life left in Jesse Ramey as he got the shoulder up in time!
Derecho pulled Ramey up to his feet and backed up toward the center of the ring. He placed Ramey into a front face lock and lifted him up, hitting a vertical suplex. Derecho held on, turned over, stood and then hit a Snap Suplex! He held on once again, stood once again, and pulled Ramey up about half way into a suplex lift and then dropped him face first into the canvas with a Sit-Out Gordbuster, completing the F3 Combination. Derecho then rolled Ramey onto his back and made the cover once again as Saunders yelled out for Ramey to kick out.
Ramey kicked out just at the 2 9/10 mark! It was very very close, but Ramey needed to make a tag in a bad way!
Derecho stood and grinned as Ramey began to crawl toward his corner. Derecho taunted him and even tapped him lightly in the ribs with his foot while yelling at Ramey to crawl. When Ramey got close to his corner, Derecho knelt down and placed his knee in Ramey's back. He then grabbed Ramey by the hair and forced him to look up at Saunders.
"You want to make the tag? GO ON.. TAG HIM!"
Derecho them slammed Ramey's face right into the canvas. Ramey laid there motionless for a bit as Derecho took a step back knowing that Ramey wouldn't be able to make the tag right away. It took a moment, but Ramey did begin to start moving again. Ramey looked up and reached out for the tag, but Derecho charged in and hit a forearm to the face of Saunders, knocking him off the ring apron.
Saunders landed on his feet on the outside and then got back up on the ring apron where he tried to step into the ring, but the referee got in between him and Derecho and stopped that from happening. Derecho used the distraction to his advantage and grabbed Ramey by the leg, dragging him all the way back to his corner where he made the tag to Jason Rau!
Rau came in, but the referee never saw the tag!!!
The referee stopped Rau from coming into the ring and ordered him back to his corner. At this time, Ramey got to his feet and made a dash for his corner. The referee just happened to look toward that corner to see Ramey dive in and make the tag to Spike Saunders. The referee acknowledged that tag and ordered Derecho back into the ring.
Derecho argued with the referee as the crowd was going nuts. Spike Saunders was about to get his hands on Derecho!
Derecho continued to argue with the referee, but Saunders simply walked over and punched Derecho right in the face! Saunders punched Derecho a few more times and then clotheslined him up and over the top rope and down to the floor!!
Derecho was livid! He stood and grabbed a chair from ringside. The referee yelled at Derecho to drop the chair saying he will get disqualified if he used it. Derecho then slammed the chair into the ground as hard as he could and kicked the ringsteps out of anger. Derecho then flipped off the referee and then flipped off Spike Saunders.
Derecho stormed around ringside and made his way up the entrance ramp!
Derecho was walking out on the match!!
Derecho wasn't turnnig back,,,
Derecho walked behind the curtain...

The referee called for the bell.. even Jason Rau had a confused look on his face. Saunders simply smiled as the referee raised his hand in victory. Rau entered the ring and had a heated conversation with the referee, but the referee couldn't do anything about it.. even though Rau was, technically, the legal man, the referee ruled the legal man to be Derecho due to not seeing the tag.
Rau grabbed the referee's shirt and physically threatened him. Ramey came into the ring and spun Rau around to face him. Ramey kicked Rau in the stomach and scooped him up.. nailing the Darkness Buster...
Ramey got up and stood side by side with Spike Saunders. The two of them raised their arms into the air as the people cheered. Will this be Jason Rau's fate at Wrestlecade!? Also, what was going through Derecho's mind when he walked out of the match? Did the pressure of not being able to do what he want get to him? Was he pissed by being bound by the rules of a match? It certainly seemed that way and if this were a mental war.. it was safe to say that Spike Saunders won.

“Landon, earlier tonight…” Cassidy couldn’t even get a full sentence out before The Rising Star grabbed the microphone from her. The fans inside the Arena of Champions boo’d.
“I’ll take it from here as you’re not much more than a pretty face.” Stevens’ remark was not liked by the fans as they grew louder with their boos and started chanting.
While the chants of the fans echoed throughout the Arena of Champions The Rising Star couldn’t help but smile.
“The fans can boo me all they want. They can chant that I suck at the top of their lungs. Tonight, how they feel means nothing to me. I am on cloud nine and I can’t stop smiling. This is the night I shut Aran up for good and I push Waymoth out of the picture once and for all. Tonight I step foot inside a steel cage with my former mentor and my former foe to become number one contender to the jOlt championship.”
Stevens smiled to the camera.
“Could you imagine me headlining WrestleCade? Could you imagine me becoming jOlt champion? If not, then you better start because after tonight, it all becomes a reality.” Stevens continued as the fans began chanting in the background once again.
“You can hate me for being confident all you want, but tonight I will make you all BELIEVERS as I walk out of the cage crowned as the new number one contender to the jOlt championship.” Stevens dropped the microphone as he and the twins walked out of the frame.

Aran Thompson vs Waymoth Turnbull vs Landon Stevens

As The Ring Announcer made the announcement the Arena of Champions errupted once again after what would easily be called a raucous event. Michael Buhrman and Nathan Powers hyped the match accordingly as white lights flashed around the Arena of Champions and a Steel Cage slowly lowered to the ground surrounding the ring. As stage hands checked the corners and made sure they were reinforced and in tack the camera panned over to the broadcast team.
"Nathan, this is going to be one hell of a match. Earlier tonight, Damien Lee interrupted Aran Thompson and after total disagreement between the two Damien had made this match not only a triple threat inside of a steel cage but the winner will become the number one contender!." Michael Buhrman began as Nathan turned his attention to Buhrman.
"Michael, once again you are the king of the obvious. Tonight we get to see three men who absolutely loathe one another be locked into a steel cage, and the only way to win? Pinfall or Submission." Powers said to Michael Buhrman matter of factly.
The fans began cheering and chanting "jOlt! jOlt! jOlt!" as referee Boulder stepped into the ring and referee Nyugen waited patiently at the door of the steel cage with lock and chain in hand.
"The first competitor! From GLENDALE, ARIZONA! And Leader of the BLACK FACTION!"
As the ring announcer began the fans excitement turned into a plethora of booing as he continued.
The lights within the Arena of Champions flickered as they dimmed down and strobe lights of Landon Steven’s logo flashed down the ramp way. “Lift Me Up” by Five Finger Death Punch blared throughout the building. The fans continued to boo The Rising Star. The fans grew louder as Stevens emerged from behind the entrance way with Eli and Ezra not far behind. The Rising Star stopped dead in his tracks as he reached the top of the ramp. Stevens smiled as he looked around the arena, the fans booing him didn’t faze him. He was about to make another statement here in jOlt and what they all thought, didn’t matter. The spotlight is now on him and he is ready to take full advantage. Stevens continued towards the ring as the fans began to chant.
Landon walked to the steel steps and looked at the structure surrounding the ring and he pointed to Eli and Ezra Conway dictating where he wanted them and they spread out. Landon stepped into the ring and raised his hands in the air, show boating, but the fans still were not happy to see him. Landon walked over to a turnbuckle and sat at the top of it resting his arms out and his hands clinched to the sides of the cage.
"Michael, Aran Thompson said they had never lost a steel cage match in his career and tonight we see Landon Stevens end that streak as he has already defeated Waymoth Turnbull inside this structure." Nathan Powers informed his broadcast colleague.
"Nate, this can't even compare to that moment as Waymoth Turnbull and Landon Stevens know each others moves inside the structure, but neither of them have been in inside a cage with Aran Thompson." Buhrman shouted back.
"Next two the ring! Weighing in at TWO HUNDRED FORTY-TWO POUNDS!"
Lights out!
The fans began buzzing as the Arena of Champions was cascaded into darkness. Cameras flashing, Cell Phone illuminating the fans in attendence just enough to make out their shillouettes when a large spot light broke free from the top of the Arena and shined down on Landon Stevens who looked around snarling.
"Champion" by Grinspoon began playing and the fans exploded vehemotly both their disdain and appreciation for the former jOlt Champion as white, red, and yellow strobe lights beemed throughout the arena and slow clips faded in and out of Aran Thompson and his rise to success in jOlt Wrestling. Aran walked out without Laurie Williams and his retired Relentless Championship drapped over both shoulders with the main plate behind his head and the staps falling down over his chest. Aran, with his undivided attention aimed at Landon Stevens, ignored all the fans both cheering for him.
Aran walked over to the steel cage and turned his attention to referee Nyugen that held the door steady before looking back at the ring and slowly stepping into it. Landon braced himself as he awaited the third and finally competitor for this match.
The fans errupted in a pop that was maddening as they heard, "Emergency" by Mavado f/ Ace Hood began playing. The Sirens chimming out as red and white hues flashed throughout the ring and the camera zoomed in on the monsterous behemoth Waymoth Turnbull walked out from behind the entrance curtain.
Waymoth snarled toward both Aran and Landon in the ring as Referee Boulder stood inbetween the two competitors who were already in the ring. Waymoth slowly marched down the entrance ramp gripping the tape on his wrist and hands tightening them. Waymoth made his way to the ring steps and thrust his hand in the air with his thumb clasped over his ring finger and his index, middle fingers and pinky remained outright as a shoutout to his home the Virgin Islands (V.I).
Waymoth slowly stood in the center of the ring as Aran moved from side to the right of Waymoth who had a trained eye on both competitors. Landon still on the top turnbuckle grinned as he began to plan his first method of attack.
The bell rang.
Aran immediately charged after Waymoth Turnbull who quickly lifted Aran and tossed him over to the turnbuckle Landon was in. Landon jumped forward trying to avoid collision as Aran slammed into the turnbuckles but Waymoth caught him and slammed Landon down to the mat with a huge modified Uranga Slam.
The fans exploded out of their seats as Waymoth stood up and turned his focus on Aran Thompson.
"This man has been waiting months for this moment! Waymoth has Aran inside the cage and there is no where to run!" Michael Buhrman announced.
Waymoth walked over to Aran who promptly hit Waymoth with a low blow and grinned as Waymoth held his groin in pain and toppled to the mat.
"Remember, you can only win by pinfall or submission! Everything else is legal!"
The fans booed as Aran stood tall over both men early into the match and Aran jumped over Waymoth and slammed an elbow into the heart of Landon before covering him for a pin.
Aran grinned as he knew it wouldn't work, but it was clearly worth a shot. Aran grabbed hold of Landons arm and turned Landon on his stomach standing over Landon with his arm bent behind him as he pulled back on the arm. Referee Boulder checked Landon who screamed out in pain. Aran raised Landon up forcing his back to arch a bit before he slammed Landons face into the match still holding his arm and the fans cheered for the punishment that Aran was causing Landon.
Waymoth Turnbull came out of nowhere with a clothesline that took Aran off of his feet and folding over landong on top of Landon. The fans were going insane as Waymoth looked around at the steel structure, but simply pinning someone was not on his agenda at that moment. Waymoth grabbed ahold of Aran's head and brought him to his feet before he power lifted Aran up and placed him on his shoulders.
Aran landed on his feet countering the attempted death valley driver and Waymoth crashed to the mat after Landon hit him with a well placed leg sweep. Aran turned around but Landon was quickly on his feet and caught Aran off guard with a vicious slap to the face. The fans wowed as the slap echoed throughout the Arena of Champions but that wasn't going to take Aran down. Aran snarled as he turned his head back toward Landon.
Again another slap to the face and Landon leaned over to Aran shouting. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU ARE NOTHING!"
Aran quickly came back with a huge right hand of his own and the two began brawling Aran took the advantage and whipped Landon into the ropes.
Landon expertly ducked the Relentless Kick attempt and hit the ropes on the other side and when Aran turned around.
Aran crumbled to the mat as Landon quickly covered him.
Aran rolled away as Waymoth was on one knee next to Landon and began a hailstorm of hard fists to the head and ribs of Landon who screamed out in pain. Waymoth, again, used his pure strength and power and power lifted Landon to his feet and slammed a right hook into the ribs of Landon. Landon bent over in pain before Waymoth clubbed Landon in the back and Landon dropped to the mat with a sickening thud.
Waymoth, again, turned his attention to Aran who was inbetween the ropes and the steel cage. The monsterous Waymoth Turnbull lurked over to Aran and grabbed Aran by the head from over the ropes putting him directly in between the ropes and the cage before he stepped back and bellowed.
Waymoths body collided with Aran and between the ropes and the lack of give from the steel cage his body whipped back and forth before hanging over the rope winching in pure agony.
Landon turned his attention to Referee Boulder insisting that it was a three count but Boulder would have none of it and he turned his attention back to Waymoth. Waymoth was getting back to his feet and Landon charged at him slamming his knee in to the face of Waymoth who only staggered backwards into turnbuckle but Landon would not be done. Landon, again, charged at the West Indian Obsidian and slammed his shoulder into the gut of the behemoth who let out a loud growl of pain as Landon jumped back and followed it up with an Enziguri kick to the side of the head and Waymoth dropped to the mat.
The fans booed as Landon looked around the Arena of Champions and she smiled at them.
Landon turned his attention to Aran who was beginning to come to and Landon slowly lurked Aran's direction.
The fans blew up as Aran throw Landons foot back spinning Landon around and he tied Landons arms up in the ropes.
Waymoth hit Landon with a spear just as Aran moved out of the way and the forced of the impact set Landon free from the ropes but the cage was just as unforgiving as when Waymoth hit Aran with a similar tactic and Landon was bent over between the top and middle rope and his head hung low.
Landon slammed down to the mat as Aran and Waymoth stood nose to nose and the entire Arena of Champions screamed as this looming war was about to begin.
Aran slapped Waymoth across the face as the fans booed in response.
Waymoth swung deep with a hook to Aran's head as the fans cheered.
Aran came back with a right hand of his own and the two began trading blows as the fans cheered for Waymoth and booed for Aran.
The exchange was taking its toll on both competitors as they slowed their attacks both trying to regroup in the heat of battle. Aran managed to get the upper hand on Waymoth after kicking him in the midsection and jumped for the top rope and came back ACTION BEFORE CHAOS!
Waymoth caught Aran and slammed Aran down with a modified german suplex and all three competitors were all on the mat, only Waymoth stirring with life and the fans screamed for him trying to will him to his feet.
Waymoth stood to his feet and looked around at the carnage inside of the steel structure and the fans continued to cheer for him. Waymoth took a second to reflect as the fans begged him to cheer for him to make a pin.
"Can you see the turmoil in his eyes, Nate? This man has been the focus of both of these men for months and he has utterly destroyed them!" Michael Buhrman chimmed in.
"Destroyed them?! What have you been watching?! THIS HAS BEEN A WAR! Big move after big move! Waymoth just has more stam....wait...what is he doing?!" Nathan Powers responded but interrupted himself as the camera panned back to the ring and the fans went berserk.
"HE'S CLIMBING THE CAGE!" Buhrman bellowed.
"HE CAN'T WIN THAT WAY! WHAT A FOOL!" Powers shot back.
Waymoth slowly climbed to the top of the cage and his huge massive near THREE HUNDRED POUND frames stood at the very top and Waymoth looked down at Landon and Aran who began to stir.
"I think...I think he's gunna jump!" Buhrman announced.
Waymoth looked down at the ring floor and back at Landon and Aran and he positioned himself to climb down as the fans didn't know how to react as Waymoth was moments away from possibly winning the match and becoming number one contender.
Waymoth was half way down the ring when he noticed Eli and Ezra Conway below him wishing and praying that he would come all the way down and Waymoth looked back into the ring as the fans were booing him. They wanted to see Waymoth go the limit and Waymoth had other motives. Unknown motives for leaving the ring but something in Waymoth changed. His eyes lit with the fire of a hundred suns and with his pure strength he muscled his way back to the rope of the cage with the fans screaming.
Aran Thompson was on his feet and he was obvilious to what was going on as he slowly pulled Landon up to his feet he slammed Landons head into the middle of the cage that reinforced the wall. Landon tried to return the favor but he looked up and his face immediately turned to a look of horror as Aran glanced up at Waymoth whose hulking frame seemed to cast a shadow over the entirety of the ring.
The fans began chanting:
As Waymoth took both Aran Thompson and Landon Stevens out but Waymoth hit the ropes as well and the momentum slammed all three men down to the ground not a single person moving.
Eli and Ezra Conway looked on in horror as the crowd grew silent watching the ring for a stir of life.
Referee Boulder looked around not knowing what do with all the carnage, the silence stirred and was almost as deafening as when the crowd had been cheering for Waymoth to end the match.
Nobody was moving.
Boulder had no choice but to begin a ten count.
Still not a muscle twitched from any of the competitors and the fans chanted "THAT WAS AWESOME!"
Waymoth began to move and the fans errupted in an explosion of cheers.
Aran and Landon both turned their bodies trying to make sense of everything.

Referee Boulder called for the match and yelled out to the ring announcer.
The fans booed and cheered as everyone else was more focused on the well being of the three men in the ring. There was no clear winner of the night, but the match was for the number one contendership. What will Damien Lee have to say about this epic finish! WHO WILL BE THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER TO THE JOLT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!?

"Damien! Damien!" Donny Layne began.
"We just witnessed a triple knockout ending to what was supposed to be a number one contenders match to face Eiji Kugasari at Wrestlecade, and the world wants to know right now what the plan is?" Donny finished.
Damien slowly turned his attention to Donny who looked eager to find an answer and then he looked around trying to map out a decision in his head.
"Donny..." Damien began.
"I....I honestly did not see this coming. I was at the edge of my seat anticipating Waymoth Turnbull possibly taking both Landon and Aran out and going on to face Eiji for the championship and but..."
Damien paused and looked confused.
"I mean...what was he thinking trying to climb out of the ring? I know via private conversation that he said he was more interested in watching Aran and Landon laid out in the center of the ring...but this?!"
Donny shook his head and replied, "I believe it's safe to say that nobody knows what's going on right now, or what will happen at Wrestlecade. Our biggest show of the year!"
Damien quickly shot his head up and focused on Donny Layne.
"You're right. I under estimated the brutality that this match would be. Aran and Landon both pulled out some of their biggest moves and Waymoths strength went virtually unmatched! The steel cage is unforgiving, but so are the jOlt fans."
Damien's eyes lit up.
"I know." He continued.
"These three men have their own agendas, Waymoth wants to punish them. Aran wants to be the champ again. Landon wants to take everything away from Aran. So we're going to do this ONE MORE TIME!"
The fans in the Arena of Champions shook the building with cheers after Damien had began his announcement.
"Waymoth Turnbull versus Landon Stevens versus Aran Thompson THREE! This time THERE WILL BE A WINNER! NO RULES! NO COUNT OUTS! NO CLOYD! NO LAURIE WILLIAMS! NO BLACK FACTION! If anybody comes out and helps anyone in this match I will personally FIRE THEM! The person who helped and the person who got help. Everyone but the referee, the camera crew and the commentators are barred from ringside!"
Damien just announced a huge blockbust match for these three and the Donny Layne liked what he heard.
"Damien, I don't think I've ever even heard of a triple threat match going to third match! That is history making on it's own. But what about Eiji? What about the title?!" Donny asked with excitement frothing from his mouth.
Damien Lee smiled.
"Oh he will have a match, the winner of the triple threat match will go on to face Eiji Kugasari for the jOlt Championship!"
Donny looked amazed at the announcement and Damien Lee seemed very pleased with himself and his quick thinking. The match was made for Wrestlecade. All three men would face off in a THIRD Triple Threat match where there WILL be a winner and that winner will go on to face Eiji Kugasari in the Wrestlecade Main Event.
As Eiji Kugasari prepared for his match in just a moment, one would have to wonder what is going through his head after Damien Lee made this announcement.

"Aw crap..." said Lee under his breath.
"Hi, Jon.. waiting for someone?"
Le Bon stopped pacing and looked up at Lee. A look that said "finally" came across his face as he folded his arms.
"Yes.. I've been waiting for you." said Le Bon
"Greeeeat..." said Lee, once again under his breath.
"I heard that.. and yes.. it is wonderful to be in my presence.. like frollicking through the meadows under a warm spring sun and coming across a babbling brook.. its water gently lapping at the banks as tiny carp swim feverishly against the current to avoid being sucked into a maelstrom in the ocean that the brook empties out into."
"Uh.. what!?' asked Lee.
"Nothing.. I just have to go to the bathroom all of a sudden... which is odd.. because I already went in the plant while I was waiting for you to come out of your office."
Lee looked over at the plant.
"Remind me to have that burned later.." said Lee
"Anyway... what do you want?" asked Lee, getting a bit annoyed.
Le Bon, still with his arms folded, stuck his face into Lee's and squinted his eyes.
"There has been a terrible wrong that has been committed here. A heinous crime against all of humanity and only YOU can make things right!" said Le Bon.
Lee took a step back from Le Bon to try and get some space between them.
"Oh, your reaction only strengthens the situation. You know full well what the issue is, yet, you do nothing but cower.. you do nothing but run.. IS THIS THE MAN YOU'VE BECOME, DAMIEN LEE!?" yelled Le Bon.
The commotion was starting to attract onlookers.. one of them being the official host of Wrestlecade... The Blazer, who simply just stood back in the distance and listened in on the conversation.
"I'm afraid that I don't kn..." said Lee before he was cut off.
"SILENCE!", yelled Le Bon
"Don't play the part of the fool, Mr. Lee.. you know very well what tragedy has befallen jOlt Wrestling and I say unto you this question..... Why am I not in a match at Wrestlecade?" asked Le Bon with puppy eyes.
Lee shook his head...
"What!? This is what your little speech was all about? That you don't have a match?" asked Lee.
"Of course! It is a travesty that the biggest star on the jOlt roster... a star with 30 Twipo followers... a star that has reached ROCKSTAR levels of popularity.. is left off the biggest stage of them all. A Rockstar BELONGS on big stages! So, Mr. Lee.. I'm telling you this once... give me a match at Wrestlecade or else you will be subjected to the most devastating thing I've ever done in my entire life."
Le Bon looked serious, but Lee wasn't going to let anyone strong arm him like that. Lee stood firm and put his foot down.
"I don't care what it is you're going to do... the fact is the card is full.. there's no room for another match. So sorry.. not happening." said Lee in a firm and serious tone.
Le Bon sighed..
"Then I'm afraid you leave me no choice. I'm going to have to use my ultimate weapon on you.."
Le Bon then dropped to his knees and clapped his hands together in prayer.
As Le Bon knelt there reciting all of those Pleases... amazingly with one breath... Lee pressed himself against the wall and slowly slid against it to his right and disappeared from sight. Le Bon continued to repeatedly say "Please" until he started to turn red in the face. Blazer walked over and stood in front of him.
"Maybe I can help" said Blazer.
Le Bon stopped and took a deep breath, as if oxygen were the most precious thing he's had in his life. He looked up and saw Blazer standing before him. Le Bon hopped back to his feet and took a step back.
"HOLY ZAC THE MONKEY.. How did you transform into a completely different person!?" asked Le Bon with complete and total shock as he quickly examined Blazer from all angles.
"Well, for starters... I'm not Damien Lee.. I'm Blazer.. the official host of Wrestlecade... and I think you and I can work together!
The people in the background cheer as Le Bon's face lit up!
"You mean you can give me a match at Wrestlecade!?" asked Le Bon with enthusiasm in his voice.
"Sadly, I can't... BUT.. I do have a job for you that's even more important!" said Blazer as if he were talking to a disappointed young child.
"You see.. I saw your energy.. your enthusiasm.. and I want to harness all of it! I want to empower everyone on the roster with your positivity.. that's why, I want you to be THE Wrestlecade Avatar!" said Blazer.
"I don't know where I'm going to get that much blue body paint in such short notice" remarked Le Bon.
"No no no! Not that avatar.. although....", Blazer shook his head. "Nevermind... I mean I want you to be the spirit of Wrestlecade."
"Is that anything like being the Spirit of ACW? Because they're dead and now their talent are homeless.. well.. except for the ones that came here.. they just smell like they're homeless." said Le Bon.
"Uhm.. no.. not exactly. What I want you to do.. is go to Wrestlecade Xperience and I want you to get people interested in the event. Then at Wrestlecade itself, I want you to go around to all of the locker rooms and motivate and excite the roster so that they go out there and give the best performances they have ever given in their entire lives. It will all be a crucial part in making Wrestlecade a HUGE success.. and with your energy.. you are the ONLY man for this job!"
Le Bon stood there and thought about it for a minute. He then slammed his fist into the palm of his hand.
"I'LL DO IT!... BUT... if I'm going to do this.. I need to turn the lights out..." said Le Bon.
"Why?" asked Blazer.
"It makes me feel like a spy!" said Le Bon
Le Bon then crouched down and walked away while crouching all while muttering..
"Sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak"
Blazer stood there and placed his hands on his hips.
"Yep.. Wrestlecade is in good hands!"
The scene faded to black.

Eiji Kugasari (c) vs Kayden Paulton

The twin set of jOltvision screen displayed both champion & challenger, promoting all eyes to be set upon the ring while garnering a billowing cheer from the entire assembly. The incomparable ring announcer, Dean Carrington, stood before the people. Dressed in his Black tailor made suite with a Teal neck tie, he stood at the ready to promptly make the opening announcements.
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen, IT’S TIME...for your jOLT WRESTLING iNTENSE MAIN! EVENT!...”
A set of casual camera pans displayed the energetic response from the gathered masses.
Carrington: “Th following contest is scheduled for 1 Fall...and it is for the jOLT WRESTLING WORLD! HEAVYWEIGHT!! CHAMPIONSHIP!!!”
’Less Pop, More Rokk’ (Kayden P. Remix) by Freezepop ignited the Arena of Champions as the gradual escalation of the hyper techno beat before the electric guitar solo rang freely from the PA system. Hues of Pink, Purple & Pearl assaulted the cheering legions as the leader of the Softcore Saints Movement proudly strolled out from the gorilla position and adamantly hyped out the crowd...
Dean Carrington: “Introducing First; He hails from Dalton, Alabama...Weighting in at 230 pounds...He is the ’Softcore Saint’...LADIES & GENTLEMEN! KAYDEN!!! PAULTON!!!!
Scores of self professed patrons of the Softcore Movement openly paid homage to their leader as he warmly interacted with the fans. Sporting the Purple & Black matching Tee & Wrestling Trunks, Paulton was steadily tossing out free shirts to the republic before casting the bag aside and sliding underneath the bottom ropes inside the ring...
The kids are so young
All over the world
They wanna have fun
The music is so loud
It drowns out the talk
All over the world
Just give us more rokk
The music is loud
The night is so young
All over the world
We wanna have fun
The music gets louder
Please don’t call the cops
All over the world
We just wanna rokk!
One was not able to tell that the Nicest Guy in Professional Wrestling was pulling double duty in seeing him perched atop the northwestern corner, amping up the crowd by holding each index finger upward. Clapping his hands, the high-flying Southerner returned the praises from his supporters before climbing down, running to the adjacent turnbuckle and egging the masses on further. The crowd noise readily devoured the fleeting remains of the musical interlude as Paulton formally greeted Referee Darius Underwood with a hearty handshake before tugging at the ring ropes and hopping in place...
The championship challenger beamed with a broad smile, inaudibly thanking them crowd while nodding his head. Kayden soon climbed back atop the turnbuckles to siphon one more round of fanfare from the people with a volley of inaudible screams...
The Arena of Champions opened up audibly as broad hues of Crimson & Pearl pulsated slowly with each reentry to brief darkness. The jOltvision screens flickered to life, dancing vividly with a fluid stream of storm clouds, peppering the turbulent sky with random flashes of lightning. The cluttered sky quickly drew red before the screens went black. The smoldering jets of smoke were belting out a thick overcast across the entrance staging area with a light from behind, revealing the ninja, standing in its midst before being turned off....
The Prince of Puroresu carefully unfastened the jOlt Heavyweight Championship from his waist & gently draped it along the apex of the entrance staging area before stepping back. Head nodding, the clan hothead soon initiated his trademark display of fluid martial arts katas. Ending them with a Leaping Double Roundhouse Kick, the entire staging area became awash with activity. The entire entrance staging area danced angrily with Crimson & Pearl hues as Eiji pulled the belt off the grating, flinging across his Left Shoulder en route to the squared circle...
Carrington: “...And his opponent; weighting in at 195 pounds...Hailing from the Okayama Prefecture of Ibara, Japan...He is the jOLT WRESTLING HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION of the WORLD!!! He’s the ’Blood Raven’!! EIJI!!! KUGASARI!!!
Kugasari briefly stared at a sign that brandished the message ’SOFTCORE PRIDE’ before rounding the corner and casually walking his way up the ring steps. Kayden was respectfully clapping his hands as Eiji stood along the ring apron, slowly pulled the belt off his shoulder and held it by his side before entering the ring with a Reverse Flip over the top rope. The ninja would hold a long emotionless stare at his opposition while handing of the jOlt championship to the ring official before sweeping the bangs from his face and rolling both wrists. Stretching his extremities, the fighting champion slowly backed his way into his corner as his musical intro dissipated. The air was thick with positive energy as opposing fan bases rallies behind their representatives. Referee Underwood checked the level of readiness in both men before stepping back...
Eiji was all business walking to meet his opposition at the ring’s epicenter when Paulton displayed a gesture of competitive spirit by extending his hand to be shaken. The Blood Raven paused to place his hand on each him, casually looking out into the crowd before honoring the gesture. The masses welcomed the mutual act of sportsman-like conduct as both wrestlers stepped back a few paces before encircling the heart of the ring. The mutual Tie Up quickly led Eiji to cinch in the Side Headlock. The ninja cinched the hold in tighter, urging the challenger to wedge the Blood Raven against the ropes. Kayden sought to send Eiji toward the ropes yet the clan lieutenant slid to a kneeling halt. Referee Underwood watched the PIW veteran recollect himself before working his way to lean the ninja against the adjacent ropes. Paulton led the jOlt champion away for a 2nd attempted Shove to the opposing ropes yet Eiji quickly hit the breaks again. However, the challenger quickly shifted the momentum to pin the hotheaded assassin with a Roll Up Pin! ...1! The Prince of Puroresu rolls off his shoulders to a Grounded variant of the Side Headlock. The Softcore Saint works to regain his vertical base as Kugasari inaudibly uttered words to Underwood before using a deep Heel Hook to avert the German Suplex attempt. A quartet of Forearms to the lower back set Eiji...An Olympic Slam by Paulton!
Kugasari’s instincts led him to grab the top ropes to allow him to land along the ring apron. Paulton stood to his feet only to receive a Shoulder Ram to the Stomach by the ninja. Rearing back again via the ring ropes, Eiji sailed over to bundle up Paulton with a Sunset Flip Pin yet The Softcore Saint desperately clung to the ropes. The ninja kipped himself up & marveled the crowd by locking in a Turantula Submission within the Ropes! Paulton was seen balling his face up as the referee began counting, urging Eiji to release him at the 4 count. Kayden stumbled away and dropped to a knee from the ropes as the Japanese export rose to his feet along the ring apron. The abundance of fanfare made it difficult for the rising challenger to regain his bearing before being taken down via a Slingshot Spinning Head Scissors Takedown! The ninja scrambled over to hook the leg deeply...1! ..2! The fans cheered as Paulton shot the shoulder up, leading the jOlt Champion to snatch the challenger to his feet and send him away with an Irish Whip. Paulton caromed off the opposing ropes, executed a Diving Somersault to his feet over the prone ninja. Eiji’s Spinning Heel Kick sailed over the streaking Softcore Saint who slammed the champion soundly onto his back with a Standing Hip Toss followed by a Cartwheel! Standing Moonsault Press! Lateral Press yet the ninja pushed Kayden off at the 2 count. Paulton used the momentum to execute a Forward Somersault to shoot to the opposing ropes. Another Leap Frog by Eiji. Paulton abruptly stopped short as the Blood Raven strode to the opposing ropes with a Forward Handspring. The champion’s Back Handspring Elbow was obliterated by a picturesque Dropkick between Kugasari’s shoulder blades!
The cheering legions roared as The Prince of Puroresu rotated in air & landed soundly chest first. Grimacing from the impact, Eiji pulled himself to his knees before using the ropes to stand himself erect. An Over the Top Rope Clothesline by The Nicest Guy in Pro Wrestling sent Kugasari tumbling over to the outside. The crowd rallied behind the Open Season Invitational winner adamantly pumped his fist before shooting off to the opposing ropes...
An energized Kayden stood to his feet and basked in the moment as the cheering legions continued chanting his name. Kayden pulled the groggy ninja to his feet & leaned him against the barricades. A Knife Edge Chop led the crowd to howl in unison before 2 more landed. Paulton with a Hammer Throw. Eiji with the Reversal would soundly bounced the energetic high flyer up & over the Steel Steps! Eiji was shaking the cobwebs from his head while stalking after the ailing Paulton before burying his opposition with a hail of measured Stomps & Kicks. A Scoop Slam against the padded earth left a stern grimace on Kayden’s face. The jOlt Champion motioned for his friendly rival to stand, taking a moment to yell at an embittered fan before hoisting Paulton across his shoulders. The same detractor earned the ninja’s attention before hitting the challenger with a Running Forward Rolling Fall Away Slam. Kugasari rolled to his feet, pushed off the ring apron and nailed Kayden with a Tiger Wall Flip Moonsault! Eiji slapped his chest in defiance before the unruly pro-Paulton fan before peeling Kayden off the floor, rolling him under the ropes and covering him...
The crowd volume rose in response, urging Eiji to promptly cinch in a Grounded Front Face Lock. Kayden flared out his fingers rhythmically to gain favor from the crowd with Kugasari looking out from side to side. Paulton scraping his fingers against the bottom ropes led Eiji to use a Gator Roll away from the ropes. Darius Underwood laid prostrate near them, assessing Paulton’s level of resistance when the champion hit him with the Gator Roll twice for maximum suppression. The crowd were heard rallying behind the cult fan favorite, urging the ninja to rear up & blast Paulton’s skull with a set of Measured Knee Shots to the skull before rolling into a Lateral Press...
The Action! Wrestling alum displayed his measure of resilience in seeking to regain his bearings. Meanwhile, the ninja pulled Paulton to a seated posture before applying a Double Trapezius Nerve Hold. Face wrought with anguish, the Softcore Saint sought to weather the storm as Underwood continued conversing with him. Eiji was beginning to become slightly annoyed by Paulton, leading him to cinch in an Inverted Face Lock before executing a Front Flip into a Bridge! Paulton’s muffled screams fell into baited pants before broaching the plane of listlessness. Eiji yelled at the ref to see if he’s been choked out. Underwood raised Kayden’s arm up which fell back lifelessly against the canvas. The 2nd attempt met with a similar result. The 3rd time appeared to spell the end when his hand trembled with a resurgent bolt of energy. Eiji rolled himself & Kayden onto the canvas with a Grounded Inverted Front Face Lock. Shoulders on the mat led Underwood to count...
Paulton shot his shoulder up & wrapped both arms around Eiji, who was steadily forcing him to burn himself out. The strategy proven effective as Paulton’s shoulders were back on the mat...
A muffled yet unrelenting yell was followed with him bridging himself upward. The rise in crowd volume led Eiji to rise, pulling his rival’s head off the mat. Kayden instinctively dropped to both knees and utilize a desperation Snap Mare to free himself. Kugasari rolled to his feet, caromed off the ropes...A Snap Scoop Body Slam by Paulton! Paulton was left on all fours amidst recovery as Kugasari winced from the impact. The champion was pulling himself back to his feet when Paulton spun the ninja about and hauled off with a stern Knife Edge Chop!
Eiji reared back from the impact 2 paces as Paulton staggered slightly before rearing back again...
Kugasari staggered backward until landing deep into the corner...
The crowd continued yelling as The Nicest Guy in Pro Wrestling led Eiji toward the opposing corner with an Irish Whip. Flying Corner Forearm Smash! A back pedaling Paulton reeled the ninja in..An Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex! A Delayed Kip Up send the crowd into cheering overdrive as the staggering challenger gnarled his fists trying to steady his base before connecting with a Jumping Leg Drop! Paulton was still panting before covering Eiji with a Lateral Press...
Paulton flashed a slightly discouraged look yet dragged both Eiji & himself upward before blasting the ninja with another set of Knife Edge Chops. A NICE Northern Lights Suplex w/ a Pin! ...1! ...2! Kickout! The challenger nodded to reassure himself before rising to his feet, shooting toward the ropes and ended up being turned inside out with a stiff Crooked Arm Lariat! Kugasari rose to all fours briefly to recollect himself before holding Kayden’s Left Leg up. Taking a few brief moments to scan the horizon...A Rolling Step Over Toe Hold Throw! The impact led Paulton to cradle the back of his head as The Blood Raven hit the Softcore Saint with another Rolling Step Over Toe Hold Throw. A 3rd successful attempt was the prelude for the inevitable...
Referee Underwood knelt down by Kayden’s side as he briefly raised his Left Hand out before him. The crowd rallied behind the proverbial underdog sought to shoulder the weight of mounting pressure & amassed fatigue. Eiji inaudibly yelled for his challenger to submit yet inch by inch, Paulton clawed his way closer toward the ropes. The excessive panting & prolonged pause in front of the ropes was brought to a celebrated end as Paulton finally clung to the bottom ropes. The reluctant ninja refused to let go until threatened with the 4 count. The Softcore Saint collapsed face first as Eiji stood a few paces away with both hands on each hip, conversing with Underwood...
The Blood Raven looked out into the crowd and nod before snatching Paulton to his feet via his Right Arm...An Open Palm Strike sent Kayden stumbling backwards into the corner followed by several measured Corner Buzzsaw Kicks before using the adjacent ropes to apply pressure to the Corner Boot Choke. At the count of 4, Eiji briefly broke away before choking him again with the same procedure. The 4 count resurfaced leading Kugasari to blast him with an Kesagiri Chop. Corner Dropsault by Eiji led the spry ninja land and quickly grant himself sone running room...
The PIW veteran cashed & burned several feet away as Eij quickly sprinted toward the adjacent ropes...A high Rolling 450 Splash on Paulton! Eiji hooked the leg deeply! ...1! ...2! NO! Kugasari sat up and scowled with mounting frustration as the crowd volume steadily increased. Eiji soon grabbed both of his rival’s hands into a Double Greco Roman Knuckle Lock & wedging both shoulders into the canvas...1! ...2! Paulton fought to raise his shoulder up before it was forced back down...1! ...2! Kugasari pulled Paulton to his feet, tucked his head under Kayden’s armpit before burying him with a variation of an Overhead Belly to Belly Bridging Suplex! ...1! ...2! The Softcore Saint was heard grunting as he used his head as his base to arch his back high off the canvas. However, Eiji pushed off his feet to sandwich his victim with both knees and the canvas. The annoyed ninja sought to implement the Goku-Raku Gatame (Straightjacket Submission Hold) to choke out the aspiring championship contender.
Paulton was seen pursing both lips as Eiji sat on his opponent’s lower back. Underwood’s words were refuted by Paulton who broadened his base from both knees and gradually willed himself upward. The ninja responded by rolling himself onto his back & planting his feet into the small of Paulton’s back while sustaining the hold. The sickening back bend of Kayden was visually disturbing yet the Alabama native’s will urged him to push off his feet to regain a standing posture to free himself before dropping onto Eiji with an Undertaker Style Pin! ....1! ...2! An Upward Kick to the Face leaned Paulton back before collapsing near the ropes. The Arena of Champions rallied behind both champion & challenger as Eiji rolled onto his stomach, grabbed Paulton by the hair and blasted him with another Buzzsaw Kick across the Chest. The impact stood him up...
The final blow sent the Nicest Guy in Pro Wrestling tumbling through the ropes and destitute along the ring apron. The jOlt Champion remained kneeling, regaining confidence in his returning sense of control before knocking him off the ring apron with a Short Running Forearm Smash to the Jaw. The fan in the front row were busy rallying their champion back from his dazed state as Eiji was hunched down, reeling the challenger back to his feet before shooting toward the opposing ropes...
The Japanese native rolled to his feet and stood nose to nose with a pro-Paulton fan as a display of intimidation and wrestling bravado before slinging Paulton back inside the ring, following suit and bracing his forearm across his rival’s face during a Lateral Press...
Kugasari was seen resting in the position of seiza to recenter himself as the crowd roared in support of the defiant challenger. Shaking his head briefly, The Blood Raven soon dragged the Softcore Saint up to both knees. Grinding both knuckles, a crescendo of knuckle pops were heard as he hauled off with a Measured Shoot Kick aimed at the Skull. The attack was trapped by both of Paulton’s arm. The energized crowd roared as the ninja was seen hopping in place before unleashing an Enzuigiri which was evaded, leaving the champion to land chest first against the mat. Paulton frantically looked from side to side briefly before punishing Kugasari with a hard Wheelbarrow Suplex! Kayden rolled through, flipped the ninja back onto his stomach before blasting him with a 2nd Wheelbarrow Suplex! A 3rd Wheelbarrow Suplex ignited the masses as Eiji weakly sought to reclaim his bearings. “YEAH!” Paulton screamed with amassed approval before he looked from side to side into the stands before initiating an Old School Big Swing...
The Blood Raven’s body careened off the mat & rolled him over onto his side as a dazed Paulton staggered drunkenly away to collapse against the opposing ring ropes. Repetitive chants of jOlt resonated for several moments as Paulton remained nestled on both knees for several moments before eventually reclaiming his equilibrium & footing. Still slightly dazed, stumbled his way toward the turnbuckles before scrambling his way up to the top. Paulton gave the people a ‘thumbs up’ sign before taking flight...
The masses were on their feet as Paulton managed to connect with authority! The challenger rolled onto all fours, too excited in the moment before realizing his chance to walk into Wrestlecade as champion had arrived...Cover!
The crowd audibly sympathized with the Softcore Saint as he rested himself back on both knees while burying both his head between both forearms. Darius Underwood inaudibly conversed with him, reminding him how close he was before Paulton got his head back into the game. Looking at his immediate surroundings, Kayden sought to step out along the ring apron and await the ascension of the jOlt Heavyweight Champion. Riding the wave of momentum of the fans, Paulton was seen churning his legs along the outside ready to pounce before the opportunity presented itself. Eiji was seen dropping back down to a knee while cradling his head, leading Paulton to scale the nearby turnbuckles, ready to pounce...A Diving Flying Cross Body on Eiji yet the ninja rolled back to a knee before standing. Shaking his head in rebuke, draped all 230 pounds of Paulton across his shoulders...
The Softcore Saint grimaced fiercely from the violent impact before collapsing against the mat. An agitated ninja lieutenant displayed a ‘throat slash’ gesture while staring at the fallen challenger who was still clutching his battered mid section..
The ensnared Paulton’s hand frantically moved about, seeking desperately to survive. Eiji cinched in the hold tighter as the masses openly willed the People’s Champion to overcome the odds yet the balling of his fist gradually decreased. The jOlt Champion was inaudibly yelling at both the referee and Paulton respectively as the fist loosened and fell onto the mat. Underwood was forced to do his job...
Paulton’s arm hit the mat hard.
Again, his arm bounced against the canvas. Eiji nodded with confirmation...
No! Kayden’s hand was reanimated, desperately seeking to pump him up for an epic comeback yet the ninja steadily applied even more pressure until the appendage hit the floor once more..
Again, Paulton’s arm hit the mat hard.
The arm fell for a 2nd time...
The limb feel hard against the canvas, ensuring Referee Underwood signaled for the bell to end the match. While some of the most ardent of Paulton supporters voiced their feelings of dejection, the masses continued cheering as ’Dawn Awaits’ (Extended Version) by Cliff Lin serenaded the masses from overhead.

The victorious ninja released Paulton from the hold before rolling onto all fours breifly. Referee Underwood stood before him with the jOlt Championship in which, Eiji rose to his feet and reclaimed his championship prize. Allowing the referee to raise his hand in victory, the ninja held the belt by its strap near his side before pulling his arm from Underwood’s grasp. The referee briefly stared at the ninja before attending to the fallen Paulton as Eiji snatched the microphone away from Carrington. The Blood Raven leaned deep into the corner as Underwood and some ringside personnel were busy reviving Paulton before speaking.
“Kayden.” The jOlt Champion opened. “Kayden. If you haven’t realized it yet, you’ve been choked out.” Much of the populous were not in favor of the verbal recap. “However, I will say this. Now I am not known for doing this often, if ever in recorded memory yet I shall go on record and say this...”
The ninja draped the belt over his shoulder before continuing. “I understand now as to why these people respect you. I overstand that in spite of your very peculiar ways, you are a worthy opponent.” The Arena of Champion responded with a very favorable response as Paulton was resting on all fours.
“It takes a great deal of endurance to not only be the man you have and are becoming..To the way you conduct yourself consistently, both in and outside of this ring but to not only compete twice this evening and still endure what I have given to you, to the very end, in the pursuit of this belt...you’ve managed to earn my utmost respect.”
The Softcore Saint unashamedly allowed a tear to run along his cheek in response as Eiji nodded in kind. The referee patted him across the back while standing him to his feet. The Arena of Champions displayed a number of people standing to their feet to pay their respects as Eiji stood himself before his challenger.
“I look forward to defending this belt at Wrestlecade. Against who that might be? That is anyone’s guess. However, should I remain this company’s champion and we happen to meet again, I will look forward toward our next encounter.”
The pro-Paulton chants arose once more as both men inaudibly exchanged words before mutually clasping Forearms. The ninja nodded warmly before raising Paulton’s arm toward the heavens. The Arena of Champions welcomed the display of solidarity before Eiji physically excused himself from the ringside area. The camera was trained back inside the ring where Paulton closed the show by humbling saluting the masses...
Eiji Kugasari had passed the test of defeating the unknown.. and with a Triple Knockout earlier in the night, Eiji heads into Wrestlecade, jOlt's biggest event, once again facing the unknown. Will his training here on iNtense pay off? Can Eiji Kugasari walk out of Wrestlecade as the jOlt World Champion? Those questions will be answered on jOlt's biggest stage. A closeup of Paulton saluting continued as iNtense faded to black