Darkness fades to gritty sepia when the opening piano of "Warriors" by PelleK (Imagine Dragons Cover) hits. We see image of an empty jOlt Arena filling with people in time lapse
The screen then explodes into full color when the drums and song kick in!
Here we are don't turn away... now!
We are the WARRIORS who built this town!!
(In sync with music) We see scenes of action and images of current superstars Pietro Geist, Eiji Kugasari, Jeremy Ryan, Diamond Jewelz, Sarah Winterton, Charlotte, Jon Le Bon, The House, The Heirs of Wrestling, Raevynn, and Sebastian Saje!
Here we are don't turn away... now!
We are the WARRIORS who built this town... FROM DUST!!
We continue to see images of action as the intrustmental continues to the very end...
Here we are don't turn away... now!
We are the WARRIORS who built this town!!
We see Diamond Jewelz posing with Them MF'n Goons, The Rebellion standing tall in the middle of the ring, Mack Brody hitting the Gold Rush on Omega, Pietro Geist and Jeremy Ryan brawling, a shot of Kayden Paulton cracking a genuine smile, Here we are don't turn away... now!
We are the WARRIORS who built this town... FROM DUST!!
With the final pulsing beats of the song, we see Jesse Ramey striking a pose on the top turnbuckle with the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship around his waist!
The scene flashes back into the arena where the song starts again, but in his complete form, starting with Verse 1 of the lyrics. The camera pans around the jOlt Arena in Miami, FL as a splendid display of fireworks goes off on the main stage and above the ring. The set is a giant jOltvision with the N logo for iNtnese sitting to the left and to the right of the big jOltvision. The N itself is a massive red light that is illuminated. Above the jOltvision is a pseudo semi-circle steel structure that houses a curved screen that will be used to display a wrestler's name above it while their entrance video plays below on the jOltvision. On the stage itself, to the left and right of the entrance ramp are two more small, elongated mini screens which will display the wrestler's brand logo on them when they make their way out... unless they hold a title. Then it will display their championship belt on the left and the name of the title on the right!
The fans were buzzing with electricity as iNtense officially begins!

But as the camera focused in on the doors of the entrance, in came a self-proclaimed REAL MAN that many wished would just be left on an island to rot.
He was the NEW jOlt Champion, Jeremy Ryan, and was in the Moda Center.
He walked through the halls with a smug sneer on his face, new championship over his shoulder as he arrived at the building. As he walked through the halls, he took notice of Sweet Sweet Lovin, Jon Katz, Jr. and Candy Girl. None of them could even look him in the eye after the heinous things he’d done to finally fulfill his desire to become the jOlt Champion.
Ryan took notice and the hopefuls for the Sin City Series walked away. He continued down the path and ran into “Mister Magic” Jack Dawn and The Lovely Assistants, Bobbi and Breezy, coming out of a closet and readjusting all their clothes like they had been engaging in adult activities. All three shared giggles until they came across Jeremy Ryan…
“You’re a piece of garbage, dude, you know that?” Dawn told him.
jOlt’s Last Real Man glared at Mister Magic. “Get the fuck out of my way.”
Dawn locked eyes with his old rival from The Hype and shooed the ladies away, should something dicey happen Mister Magic liked to have fun, but as he’d proved with Gabriel Gold, he wasn’t about to take any shit when pushed. He eyed Ryan before the new champion turned on his heel and headed down the hallway. Dawn went the opposite direction, shaking his head in disgust that this man now represented the company as its champion.
Ryan continued his meandering jaunt down the hallway and towards the locker room. Several members of the jOlt staff sidestepped the jOlt Champion or glared at him like he was a leper walking through a village. He happened across The Nicest Guy in Wrestling – Kayden Paulton – and he stopped. Kayden turned around…
“Hey, gu…”
Kayden took in a deep swallow before he headed the other direction. Jeremy Ryan’s first feud in jOlt Wrestling was against Kayden Paulton and though he was a very nice guy, even HE wanted nothing to do with jOlt’s Last Real Man. Paulton walked down the hall and out of sight while Ryan walked with a smug smile on his face.
As Ryan approached the locker room, the members of Trouble, their manager, Duzza and The Conways all glared at him. Ryan locked eyes with them as well and the group scattered – not out of any sort of fear. They all had the numbers. But it seemed even some of jOlt’s less reputable personalities wanted fuck-all to do with the dangerous egomaniac.
He kept on walking down the hall and coming out the other side the door was none other than the massive and badass (BADASSIVE?) jOlt Tag Team Champions, The House!
Ryan was surrounded on either side by the man he pinned seven days ago to win the belt – Derrick Huber- and the even MORE fucking massive “Big Bucks” Adam Roebuck.
“You’re a piece of shit, Ryan,” Huber said bluntly. “You’ve got a set of nuts on you after what you did to Ramey. He was our friend and you didn’t fucking DESERVE to be in that arena let alone competing for that title.”
jOlt’s Last Real Man looked up. “Yeah. I DO have a set on me. That’s why I have this and you do…”
That sound was Adam Roebuck slamming a hand against the locker room door that silenced Ryan right then and there. Ryan was a dangerous man, but here he was going to be dinner for the large Roebuck if he made one wrong move.
“You’ll get yours for what you did to Jesse, you smug little shit,” Roebuck snarled. “And we’re gonna make damn sure you do.”
jOlt’s Last Real Man locked eyes with both Tag Team Champions and grunted.
“Get in line.”
The House watched as Ryan made an about face, not wanting to deal with any of this shit. He took off down the hall and standing right there was none other than the man he piledrove and the man that made the decision to strip Ramey of the title and gave into Jeremy Ryan’s threat to get put into the match to crown a new champion…
“You the head of the fucking welcoming committee, Lee?” Ryan asked with venom in his voice. “You see the way these people already disrespect me? That how you’re gonna let them treat YOUR new jOlt Champion?”
“Nope,” Lee said. “I’m the guy that’s not dealing with your BS tonight. I’ll call a spade a spade right now, Jeremy… You don’t deserve that championship and I would be doing a great service if I were to just strip you of that belt right now…”
“Your bark is WAY worse than your bite, Damien,” Ryan laughed. “You aren’t gonna do SHIT. You try and strip me of this title for ANY reason and maybe I’ll go take it somewhere else… maybe DEFIANCE… maybe LoC… maybe I go reintroduce it to some lighter fluid and a lighter I bought at Target.”
Even though he was still in his neck brace, Lee didn’t back down.
“You didn’t let me finish… you’ve made an enemy out of this WHOLE roster with your blatant disrespect for that championship. You think that you’re untouchable after what you did, but all you’ve done is piss off my roster. No, what I came to tell you is simply business. You’ve got an opponent for Breakdown and you’ll find out who it is tonight.”
Ryan held the title up in Damien Lee’s face.
“Line ‘em up.”
The two stood in front of one another, not saying a word. Ryan eventually took his jOlt Championship and was set to walk off, but not before glancing over his shoulder.
“Just so you know, Lee, I’ll be addressing the roster later tonight. You’ll all be hearing from your NEW champion for the first time. You'll all want to listen.”
Lee watched as the jOlt Champion headed towards God-knows-where as he visibly shuddered. And with that, the camera went elsewhere.

Mack Brody(c) vs Michael Donavan

The show was now back from commercial break and with all gold ERRYTHANG in the ring, that meant it was that time once again… The ring ropes were not their usual colors and the ring was not, either. The ring was decorated with all gold ropes and the canvas was covered up with an equally shiny gold color. The fans were waiting with anticipation as to what was to happen.
“Ladies and gentlemen…” Dean Carrington announced. “Introducing at this time, he is the personal ring announcer for the gOlden bOy Champion… HE IS O.G. SIMPSON!”
“I’m Getting Money” by OG Da Juiceman!
The camera panned to the top of the entrance ramp where none other than the personal ring announcer for the current gOlden bOy Champion made his way out… once again, he was wearing a downright swank golden-colored suit, an ungodly amount of gold chains, rings, and even a crown for some reason. He still hated this gig since it wasn’t his original employer, Diamond Jewelz with the belt, but the crowd gave the entertaining ring announcer some love as he walked towards the ring. He climbed up the steps and pulled out the signature golden-colored microphone as his music faded out.
“Ugh…” he said looking a little disgusted at the attire he was made to wear. “It’s that time of the evening, ladies and gentlemen of Portland, Oregon…”
Pause for the obligatory cheap pop from the fans in the Moda Center.
“Eastside, Westside, I want all of you to stand up, say it loud and say it proud! Please welcome the Man Called Midas… SuperMack! The Bronze Bomber! The Philly Powerhouse! The Golden God! The Man With Twelve Inches of… oh God… delectable dick…”
Some VERY loud cheers from a vocal female fanbase. Simpson sighed before raising a hand and holding it out for the entrance. “yourgOldenbOychampionmackbrody…”
But the song wasn’t “What You Know” by T.I. Not tonight. Tonight was a little more fitting for the occasion…
“All Gold Everything” by Trinidad James.
When the music started to kick in, four LOVELY looking ladies stepped out from the back and started to dance in tune to the music, getting a series of loud cheers and catcalls from the males in attendance. They made their way out from the back and waved to the entrance where the gOlden bOy Champion himself, Mack Brody, was on his way out! He stopped and got a kiss from two of the lovely ladies before they went back to their alluring dancing.
The Arena of Champions began rocking along with the bass heavy anthem of all things gold while the entrance video showed a streaming collage, laden with the acquisitions of success & the array of destruction created by a hulking wrestling phenomenon. Brilliant flashes of Gold, Emerald & Pearl would dance along the entire entrance staging area and throughout the vast arena before the Bronze Bomber walked out from the back and slapped hands with the fans. He walked into the ring and actually shook hands with O.G. Simpson who just looked disgusted at having to do this. The winner of the gOlden bOy Championship meant that the services of The Juice came with it!
He raised the title before he patted the faceplate.
“Last week, there was another champion around these parts offering up and open challenge for his gold… but this was no ordinary man… this was a man that has taken a violent, crazy division and made it his bitch! That man is none other than the Underground Champion himself, Omega. This is a man who can’t be taken lightly. The last two people that took his title… Derecho and my good friend, Pietro Geist… after Omega got through with them, neither of these men have been seen not long after.”
More booing, mainly for the former Underground Champion Pietro Geist being MIA.
“So being the GRAND MASTER of the open challenge around these parts, I stepped up to Omega. One Eyed Willy wanted a fight and if you saw me PRESS SLAM that big bastard out of this ring, then you know One Eyed Willy got his answer!”
Brody was taken aback slightly by the chants from the crowd before he continued.
“But before I showed him what SuperMack is all about, he had the audacity to call out my belt… MY BELT. If he hasn’t been paying attention for the better part of a year, a who’s who of people tried to take this belt from Diamond Jewelz and more recently, they’ve been trying to take it from me! This belt is as legit as any other in this company, Omega, and I will SHOW you that right now. I know who my opponent is tonight… a former Rebellion member by the name of Michael Donavan. So, Phantom, I heard you’ve been wanting your chance to break out... but if you’re done talking, float your ghostly ass on out here and try and TAKE IT from me.”
He handed the belt over to referee Simon Boulder and waited for his opponent…
“Demon Cleaner” by Kyuss.
The crowd booed the former foot soldier for The Rebellion, who was looking for a big chance to break out. The man was an incredibly gifted athlete in between the ropes and it was only a couple of months ago that he challenged the Underground Champion, Omega, back at Unlimited. He didn’t win, but he had taken the monster to the brink and came within a hair of winning the belt.
“Introducing the challenger, weighing in at 265 pounds… from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania… this is MICHAEL “PHANTOM” DONAVAN!”
Donavan showed some great agility quickly by LEAPING onto the ring apron from the floor and then leaping over the ropes to land in the ring! Donavan looked like he meant business tonight and he was ready to score a huge victory tonight as Mack Brody remained poised, waiting for the bell to ring. Simon Boulder raised the gOlden bOy Championship and called for the bell…
SuperMack and The Phantom locked up in the middle of the ring and they seemed to be at an even keel for the moment with neither man giving an inch. However, Donavan threw in a few knees to the abdomen of Brody to stun him before he bullied the smaller man into the corner.
“That belt is coming home with me, you asshole!” Michael screamed.
The former Rebellion member drilled Brody in the side of the head with a series of back elbows. Donavan was grabbed by the arm and tried to whip Brody across the ring, but the gOlden bOy Champion reversed that and he sent Donavan towards the buckles. Amazingly, the big man got to the top rope and FUCKING LEAPED right over Brody, landing on his feet!
The freaky athleticism of the 6’10” Michael Donavan was on full display tonight as he arrogantly stood in the ring to celebrate having pulled a fast one over Brody. The Champion waited it out and when Michael turned around, he ate a boot to the gut…
And when I say that shit was delayed, that was on DELAY.
Brody showed what made him stick out from a lot of the other superstars of jOlt – his freaky strength! And that was on display as he held up Michael Donavan in the air for almost thirty whole seconds… then came down with a crash! Brody rolled over and went for a cover.
The Phantom’s shoulder went up quickly, but Brody went back on the attack. He launched Donavan back on his feet and tossed the agile big man to the corner before he had his turn beating him down in the corner with a series of hard shoulders to the gut. More shots caught him in the chest, but Michael got a boot up and caught Brody in the face. When he tried to escape the corner, Brody was back up and the gOlden bOy Champion tossed him right back before he SLUGGED him with a big Running Knee Lift to the stomach!
Brody went rushing out of the corner to follow up with his Big Boot from this position, but Donavan was already back on the attack and the 6’10” big man caught him in the jaw with a Running Dropkick! Now it was The Phantom’s turn to go for a cover and try to make his first post-Rebellion appearance a memorable one!
Brody’s shoulder popped off the canvas! Donavan surprised Brody as he tried to stand up and stunned him with a European Uppercut. The blow staggered him and he fired a second European Uppercut that sent him flying into the corner. When Brody hit it, Donavan rushed at him and smacked him in the jaw with a straight Big Boot! He hit the mat when Donavan leaped over him…
Love him or hate him, the Moda Center crowd let out some ooh-ing and ahh-ing as the slide right into the low Moonsault before he hooked the far leg.
Brody’s shoulder was up again, but Michael Donavan hovered over Brody and delivered a volley of vicious right hands to the head of the Philly Powerhouse. Now that he was done with the showboating, he was bringing the aggression out in full force. Brody was laid out on the canvas when Donavan sent him upwards again. He grabbed Brody and caught him in the neck with a Throat Thrust that sent him into the ropes. Donavan waited for the chance to strike as he ran off the ropes with something big in mind…
SuperMack lifted the former Rebellion member with a PRESS! Showing shades of his confrontation last week where he did the same to Omega, the crowd was amazed as he held him in the Press Slam position for several moments before letting him go right into a Slam!
Brody let out a roar and bashed a fist into the mat for all to see as he waited for Michael Donavan to try and stand. His opponent needed to be put down as soon as he possibly could and that’s why Brody waited for him to stand. When Donavan got back to a vertical base, Brody headed off the ropes…
Michael sidestepped the oncoming Running Body Block and Brody crashed hard into the mat! When he tried to recover from his bad landing, Michael Donavan made him pay with a SICK Superkick that sent Brody stumbling backwards to the corner! Donavan pointed towards the corner…
Brody’s running charge missed, but the big Sideways Cannonball Splash in the corner did not! His tall frame knocked the wind out of Brody and he pulled him out of the corner with intent on trying to win his first title.
“NO! THREE!” Donavan shouted.
Simon Boulder only held up two fingers, which only seemed to incense the challenger for the gOlden bOy Championship! O.G. Simpson was on the outside and looked a little bit pissed off that Brody hadn’t lost the title yet and he wanted to be anywhere but with this big blonde oaf. Said big blonde oaf was forced back to his feet by Donavan and pushed him back to the ropes. He charged, but Brody kicked him in the face and threw him all the way out to the floor.
Donavan tried to get back to his feet on the outside while on the inside of the ring, Mack Brody was waiting for the challenger to stand. When he did so, Brody grabbed the ropes with both hands…
The crowd was going nuts now! Brody was looking to show off some new tricks he’d learned recently and it seemed he was trying to grow in the ring as he picked Michael back up and threw him back inside the ring. When Michael Donavan was groggy and trying to stand, he was heading to the top rope and came down with a HUGE Flying Reverse Elbow off the second rope! Brody was showing Donavan that he could play the aerial game also and went for a cover right then and there!
“AAAAAHHHHHH!” Brody shouted.
The gOlden bOy Champion was very close to being able to pin his challenger, but Michael Donavan was opening many eyes tonight. Brody got some cheers from the crowd as he looked ready to end things right then and there. He kicked him in the gut and was setting him up for the Midas Touch…
Donavan stopped that and elevated Brody up into a Fireman’s Carry over his shoulder…
The Fireman’s Carry into the Sitout Powerbomb came out of almost nowhere! This was going to be an upset if he could put away the fighting gOlden bOy Champion and claim his first title here!
Back and forth both men were going, but Mack Brody and Michael Donavan were fighting for a huge opportunity here tonight. SuperMack just barely escaped, but now Donavan was ready to secure his first championship. He picked him up and kicked him in the chest before slashing a thumb across his throat. His dead Double Underhook Piledriver was up on deck…
Brody broke free and shoved him away as he hit back to the corner. When Michael Donavan charged, he hit nothing but the corner! He stumbled outward when Brody picked him up by the shoulder and elevated him on his back…
The Argentine Backbreaker nearly snapped Michael Donavan in half as he dropped him to the canvas! He kicked him in the head now and pointed at O.G. Simpson, who looked at the champion in disgust. He locked the legs of Michael Donavan…
SuperMack had Michael Donavan locked mid-ring in a very painful Kondo Clutch with nowhere for him to go! The massive Donavan was trying to get to the ropes with the strong Brody holding him, but Brody pulled him back mid-ring and clinched that sucker in with a Bodyscissors…

Michael Donavan had no choice but to tap out! Brody released the excruciating submission hold and rolled back to his feet, being handed his gOlden bOy Championship! Brody raised the championship overhead as O.G. Simpson sighed…
The former Rebellion member put up a great fight, but tonight Brody wanted this victory that much more to prove his point that he was dead serious both about defending his championship as well as gunning for the coveted Fearless Championship.
He turned to leave the ring just as Michael Donavan cleared out…
Brody turned around and was nearly taken out of his boots with a vicious Spear from the Fearless Champion! It seemed that Omega hadn’t forgotten about being thrown out of the ring with the quickness by the powerful Brody last week and was looking for some payback. He kicked Brody out to the floor and snarled at him as he pulled forced him up by his hair. The camera picked up what he had to say…
“We appreciate your challenge… but allow us to return the favor…
The gOlden bOy Champion was already winded from his sprint with Michael Donavan and couldn’t defend himself against the larger Omega, who DRILLED him on the outside with his vicious Torture Rack Neckbreaker! Brody was laid out and clutching his neck in pain while Omega sat up with a grin on his face and the Fearless Championship now clutched close to him.
He had warned SuperMack that this was a path he did not want to tread… and now, as Omega took his leave, Brody may have paid the price for his bravery.

“Nate, yeah?”
Nate was stopped in his tracks by a pair of voices coming around the corner. He turned and came face to face with a pair of young stars on the rise…
Cori “Striker” Albright.
Terry “Mass” Massimo.
The Natural Athletes up in this hizzy.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Nate said, “Cori and Terry? I’ve been following you guys for a while now and wanted to say congrats on your success since you guys hit the main stage.”
“Thanks, brotha,” Terry replied.
“Yeah, man, I hear that we’ve been turning heads around these parts,” Cori said. “But you’ve been working hard, too.”
“Yeah… I’ve been working hard getting my ass handed to me by The Draconian. It’s been a… not great couple of weeks and tonight, I’ve got that bastard, Gabriel Gold tonight. He’s hungry, he’s talented and he’s got a chip on his shoulder after his whole business with Jack Dawn.”
Terry laughed. “Look, my dude, we wanted to talk to you because you’s a good dude. You like me and Cori, you cut your teeth doin’ other stuff before you got into jOlt. Y’all were doing that amateur wrestlin’. You a good athlete, man… I’ll even say… you’s a natural. Don’t let goldilocks get in yo’ head. Go out there, bust that ass and show jOlt what you made of!”
“Yeah, man, “ Cori added, “you take care of Gold. I'm sure he will be no problem for you tonight!”
Nate looked surprised.
“Thanks for the pep talk, guys, really… ”
“But good luck with your match tonight, man." Cori said " We’re gonna talk to you about another opportunity we’ve got coming our way. Something very soon.”
“You got it,” Nate replied. “Thanks, again, you guys. That’s what I needed. No way am I sitting behind the eight ball again. I’m kicking Gold’s ass tonight and I will SHOW jOlt Wrestling that I belong here as much as anybody else!”
He shook hands with Cori and Terry before taking off in the opposite direction, leaving The Natural Athletes by themselves.
Both men turned and standing there in the room was one of their opponents last week in the Sin City Series, Ryan Gallway. The Prince of Precision was in street clothes tonight as he greeted both of The Natural Athletes with a respectful handshake.
“Ryan…” Cori said. “What, you here to try and cheat us or something?”
Ryan winced a little at that comment, referring to when Frank Silver tried outright cheating to win in a contest that should’ve been civil. Instead, Ryan shook his head.
“I deserved that. I just wanted to apologize to you guys for what Frank tried to do last week. You know us, man, we’ve never professed to be saints in that ring, but… that wasn’t right, what he tried to do.”
“Look,” Terry said. “Your boy obviously got some problems and shit. But that’s his shit to deal with. Y’all wanna apologize, so we’ll accept it. That was still a hell of a match.”
“Yeah. Good luck on the finals next week.”
Ryan also left without incident and the Natural Athletes took their leave of things, heading back to the locker room to get ready for their match. As they left, the camera caught a glimpse of something moving from around another corner who seemed to have been there longer than it appeared…
Frank and Sonny Silver.
Had they heard the conversation just now?

The light above flickered. The disruption was little at first, but nothing that took Damien’s attention off the work in front of him.
The lights flickered again. Morenoticeably this time… Damien looked up, but the light returned to normal and he went back to signing his name and flipping pages.
The lights flickered and died leaving him in the dark. He knew where the light switch and was out of his seat fumbling blindly for it. Before he found it the lights suddenly came back up and in front of him stood Draconian.
Blue hair, black eyes and white skin shrouded in a dark purple robe. Draconian’s nostrils flared and his jaw tightened.
“Hello Draconian.” Damien’s face was cool and unafraid while Draconian didn’t appear to be posturing aggressively or showing disrespect.
“Lee.” Draconian’s voice was deep, real deep.
“Excellent work at Wrestlecade. You are getting noticed by the rest of the roster and our fanbase. Plus you made quite the statemen-” Lee was cutoff.
“I will not be here indefinitely, so do not waste what time with the caliber of Quatermaine.” Draconian’s voice was calm and calculated.
The two stood in silence for a moment before Draconian spoke.
“Test me.”
“There is no room for any more matches tonight, so you will have to wait until next week.”
“Very well…” Draconian turned, opened the door and walked away leaving Lee pondering in deep thought.

The scene opened with a broadening panning shot of the sacred Kugasari Clan Hall. Fresh off the public dismantling of their once esteemed rivals in The Rebellion, the new ninja clan patriarch would be seen offering a returning nod to a pair of his now departing subordinates. The young ninja clan leader would set his focus back toward a selected quartet of Crimson Elite. From behind, the clan’s elder statesman would be seen making his way through the semi-cluttered chamber hall…
“Lord Eiji...” Mamoru exclaimed under his breath while drawing himself close to convey his words privately to the clan general. “May I have a word with you?”
The Prince of Puroresu drew a faintly curious eyebrow while signalling for his 4 subordinates to stand by while being led away from the wayward ears of others.
“With all due respect, Lord Eiji…” Mamoru opened. “Do you have any idea as to what is being orchestrated under your watch?”
“What do you mean…?” Kugasari opened.
“You’ve virtually played into the hands of the enemy…” Mamoru hissed. “You need me to mediate such interactions as these...Hubris comes with a distinctly heavy price.”
The Blood Raven sternly began rubbing his chin before briefly cupping his hand over his mouth and looking off toward the the distant wall.
“Mamoru…” Eiji replied. “You are hard-pressed on this matter; he and his minions will fall just as that cockroach LeBon and his scattered legions…”
“You, as our leader, must learn to anticipate the advances of the enemy.” Mamoru rebutted. “Despise The Free Lunch....remember?” The elder statesman seethed to the point where Eiji’s eyes shifted towards him and remained there for the duration.
“If you’ll excuse me, Lord Eiji…” Mamoru hissed before Eiji silently granted his request in order to seriously contemplate the gambit he has possibly immersed himself and his clan into…
"The Blood Raven" Eiji Kugasari

Nate Quartermaine vs Gabriel Gold

Things hadn’t gone quite as smoothly as Gabriel Gold wanted them to since he made his main roster debut back at Countdown: Wrestlecade edition with a loss to “Mister Magic” Jack Dawn. The bad blood that had brewed between the two hadn’t been left down on The Hype when Dawn defeated him to make a triumphant debut. Fast forward a little to last week on iNtense 121 when Dawn defeated Khadafi to extend the winning streak. After that match, Gold had rushed the ring and attacked Dawn, locking him in his Silence is Golden Sleeper Hold!
Now, Gold was set to take on a man who was a little behind the 8-ball in recent weeks, coming off a big loss to the enigmatic Draconian. Gabriel Gold was about to make his debut as a full-fledged member of the roster while Nate Quartermaine was looking to score his first big win since defeating Jon Le Bon to earn his freedom from the oppressive Rebellion.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall!” Dean Carrington announced.
“Golden Dawn” by Gospel.
The music played and the majority of the crowd that followed The Hype outright booed the wrestling purist known as Gabriel Gold. He stepped out from the back and took a kneeling stance on the stage to survey both the crowd and the ring.
“First, making his way to the ring from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 213 pounds… this is GABRIEL GOLD!”
A golden hue washed over the crowd in waves, swirling about as he walked towards the ring. He headed towards the ring and leaped to the second turnbuckle and sneered at the crowd before simply stepping over the ropes to climb inside. The jOltvision showed a replay of Jack Dawn’s post-match celebration getting cut thanks to Gabriel Gold’s pearl harbor-like assault. The Master of Dropkicks smiled as he watched the footage back again, leaning back against the ropes. He motioned for a microphone and was handed one as he laughed to himself.
“I hope that you all saw that… because that’s EXACTLY what I think of the circus that is Jack Dawn. I left that braindead idiot concussed in the ring after dropkicking his head clean off his shoulders last week. When a talented athlete like myself takes this ring, I COMMAND respect! This ring is a sacred institution and people like Jack Dawn coming out here and acting like some fifth-rate David Blaine – complete with stupid clueless expressions on his face – is an affront to the work that *I* put into this ring!”
The crowd continued to boo while The Elitist continued.
“When a man like me comes out to this ring to do what I do best – WRESTLE – you sit up and you pay attention! My opponent tonight – Nate Quartermaine – is some sort of former football player and amateur wrestler to me. Normally, the latter would earn you a little respect from me, Nate, but tonight, you won’t get any. I’m not that idiot, Draconian, but you might as well turn around right now because you’re gonna choke just like you did on the football field and just like you did at Wrestlecade! You can watch me ground this idiot and successfully rip his arm off and hand it back to him as a consolation prize! Let’s get this over with, Quartermaine!”
The Elitist dropped the microphone and as one of the ringside attendants went to pick it up, he kicked it away from him just to be an asshole. As that happened, the music played…
“I Don’t Wanna Stop” by Ozzy Osbourne.
His opponent for the evening arrived from the back and had a pointed conversation with The Natural Athletes about their rise to the top. A focused and intense-looking Washington native made his way towards the ring, not happy with the comments made by the disrespectful Gold.
“And his opponent… from North Bend, Washington, weighing in at 223 pounds… this is NATE QUARTERMAINE!”
The man with the nickname of The Fire headed towards the ring and rushed right at Gold!
Gold went on the attack first and tried to take down Nate Quartermaine with a few good shots to the head. With The Fire stunned, he tried for a kick, only for Nate to catch the boot! He spun him around and he rolled him up quickly!
Just like that, Nate Quartermaine had almost shut Gabriel up quickly as the match barely began! Gold rolled back to his feet and tried to swing at Quartermaine when he ducked and returned fire with a hard series of fists to the gut! He then hooked him by the leg and went for a massive Fisherman’s Suplex with a gorgeous bridge!
Nate Quartermaine was already on fire and the crowd was fully impressed with the newfound aggression by the North Bend native. As Gold tried to rise after Quartermaine’s opening salvo, he caught him in the gut with a low kick before heading off the ropes. When Quartermaine came back, Gold stunned him with a NICE Dropkick!
There were few better that the self-professed Master of Dropkicks, and that was the proof right there! An enraged Gold then went right back on the offensive and pushed Quartermaine into the corner. Shockingly enough, he kept it all clean and waited patiently for Quartermaine to make a move…
Nah, scratch that, he landed a couple of hard Knife-Edge Chops to the chest of The Fire and finished off the combination with a Spinning Back Chop! He then grabbed Quartermaine by the arm with a Hammerlock and RAMMED it into the corner! Gold wasn’t done there as he wrapped the arm up and locked it in a Hammerlock around the turnbuckle, using the ropes for added force. The referee Darius Underwood tried to protest it, but Gold shut him up.
“Hey hey hey!” Gabriel protested. “I AM playing by the rules!”
He grabbed Nate by the arm and tried to take him over with a big Hip Toss early, but Quartermaine flipped his way out of that and landed on his feet! This caught Gabriel by surprise and when Master of Dropkicks tried to rush him, Quartermaine landed a Hip Toss of his own, sending him in the corner!
Nate Quartermaine set him up as a scrambling Gold tried to get to his feet again. Nate was on the top rope when he dove off, connecting with a BEAUTIFUL High Cross Body! He stayed on top for the cover!
Gold kicked out at two, but the crowd was getting behind the man called The Fire. Gabriel was scrambling about, completely enraged with being embarrassed by the high flyer. Taking his time Nate Quartermaine ran towards Gold, but the wily Elitist grabbed him by the tights and sent him crashing into the second turnbuckle!
It wasn’t necessarily a nice move, but there was nothing illegal about it. Gold stood back up to his feet and dusted himself off then waved to the jeering crowd before his attention was turned back to his opponent.
He picked up Nate Quartermaine off the mat with a good rear waistlock before he snapped him up and over with a nasty German Suplex with some STANK on it! He bridged the pin and held Quartermaine in the middle of the ring.
Quartermaine kicked a shoulder off the canvas and shook his groggy head after the impact of the suplex. Gold put a few simple stomps into the gut of Quartermaine before pulling him up and whipping him to the corner. He followed up…
While Quartermaine was now wheezing and gasping for breath, Gabriel took the time to wave to the crowd before he went for another strong attack to the arm! He grabbed him by the arm and SNAPPED it right into the mat with an Arm Dragon Screw. Quartermaine was hurt now, but Gold wasn’t done. He pulled him back up again by the bad arm only to DRIVE him down a second time with a Divorce Court! Nate was hurt on the mat and clutched his arm as Gabriel rolled him over and went for a pin!
Young Quartermaine was being punished now by Master of Dropkicks. He went to work on the head with a tight-looking Seated Armbar. He was cranking back on that sucker and looked like he would make good on his promise to rip of his arm.
“You’re out of your depth, Quartermaine!” Gold yelled into his ear as the submission continued.
The Fire was trying to get the offensive back on his side and continued to struggle against Gabriel Gold. Slowly but surely, the fans cheered on Nate as the young North Bend native got back to a knee. The Elitist tried to cinch back tighter when Quartermaine got back to a knee, using his free hand try and punch away at Gabriel’s side to free himself.
When Quartermaine tried to fight back with a knee, Gabriel blocked a shot and pushed Nate back into the corner where he would continue to be easy pickings. Gold went for the running kick in the corner, but Quartermaine got his feet up first and caught Gold square in the face.
Gold was staggered from the shot when Nate came running and ran right through Gabriel with a big Running Clothesline. When The Elitist tried to stand again, Quartermaine headed off the ropes and came back with a Flying Forearm Smash! Quartermaine was back up and when Gold tried to stand, he landed a Northern Lights Suplex… but he held on! The Fire rolled through and carried Gold up with him, dropping him with a second Northern Lights! Nate rolled backwards once more and Gold came right up with him, giving Quartermaine the chance to drop him with Northern Lights Suplex number three! The crowd was very impressed with the chain of moves as Nate held the bridge!
Oooh, Gold almost lost with that one, but he still managed to kick out just so. Nate waited as Gold scrambled near the ropes. He pushed him to the ropes and rolled backwards, but Gold used the momentum to roll through with one of his own and hooked the tights!
Still, it wasn’t enough to keep a good Quartermaine down. He charged at Quartermaine again only for him to duck underneath the running Clothesline and moved it…
Gabriel Gold dropped him to the canvas with a big Reverse Backbreaker into the Neckbreaker! And now it was Gold’s turn to capitalize!
SO close, but the tenacious Nate Quartermaine kicked out again! Gold was furious, but he managed to calm himself down. He snapped the arm of Nate Quartermaine and looked to be setting up his Flying Armbar called GABRIEL GOLD WINS!
The crowd popped and on the top of the ramp stood “Mister Magic” Jack Dawn, complete with top hat, cape, and of course, the Lovely Assistants! Bobbi and Breezy were on each side of him in beautiful skimpy dresses. Gold turned his attention briefly to the distraction, but tried to ignore him and continued to apply his finishing Flying Armbar… NO! Quartermaine rolled him up!
“Who wants to see a disappearing act right now?” Dawn polled the crowd. “Okay, let’s watch! Ladies!”
As Gabriel tried to tune out Dawn, the girls spun around as Dawn stood up and moved his hands… he ripped off their dresses and got a HUGE cheer from the crowd! They were wearing nothing more than VERY skimpy underwear and strategically-placed tassles! The girls were garnering attention as a furious Gold turned around…
Enzuigiri by Quartermaine! That shut Gold the hell up and set him up as Quartermaine caught him from behind...
The Blue Thunder Bomb put Gold down hard! He was laid out on the canvas and the crowd cheered as the former Rebellion member headed up top...
The crowd cheered even louder after Nate landed the Swanton Bomb off the top! Now Quartermaine went for the cover!

Quartermaine had his first successful victory and he celebrated with the crowd, but the red-blooded males in attendance may have been paying more attention to Jack Dawn and The Lovely Assistants standing on top of the ramp! A celebrating Quartermaine left the ring and headed up the ramp as Dawn gave him a high-five for his first big victory! Meanwhile, the embarrassed Gold took his eyes off the ball for just a second and it ended up costing him as Dawn grinned with Bobbi and Breezy soaking in the cat calls! Dawn had a microphone as he glared at his rival, currently laying prone in the ring.
“And for my NEXT TRICK… how about next week, Gold, you and me in that ring! If you STILL think that I’m all show and no go, perhaps we give these fine people an ENCORE of me handing you your ass at Countdown!”
The challenge was laid down by Jack Dawn, getting a measure of revenge here tonight after Gold’s vicious sneak attack last week tonight. Gold was still holding his chest in pain, still sore and now seething as he rested against the ropes, glaring at Dawn. This issue between the technical wizard and the showboat was becoming much more personal.

The scene was a lot less festive in comparison to last week. Conspicuous by her absence was the Starlets Champion Charlotte and standing by the wheel looking a little bit sullen from recent events were the jOlt Tag Team Champions, Derrick Huber and Adam Roebuck.
The jOlt Tag Team Champions, the muscular Derrick Huber and the man-mountain Adam Roebuck stepped into view getting a huge pop from the crowd. Both had on their brand new black-and-gold “DON’T BET ON IT!” House-brand jOlt shirts and Huber looked a little upset.
“So last week was not good for The House. My wife, Charlotte, isn’t here tonight because Tammy Lynn Foster tried to make a statement. She isn’t here due to an injury … “
He paused when the crowd booed.
“I won’t fight my wife’s battles for here, but I will say that Tammy Lynn made a grave mistake attacking her and taking a title she doesn’t deserve … and speaking of people who don’t deserve championships. Ryan, we told you that payback is coming earlier and payback will be here soon enough, but I’ll get to that in a second. Roebuck, we have a wheel that needs some spinning action. First up, we have fellow powerhouses, The Freak Show, taking on those guys that mouthed off to us and got whipped like red-headed stepchildren. The Entertainers …”
“I got the wheel,” Roebuck said.
The Big Bucks spun the wheel and it was making more sounds like those on the wheel from The Price Is Right. The wheel keeps on spinning and because of Roebuck’s strength, it goes on for a while.
“Did we ever find out if they were going to get a cease and desist letter from the Price is Right?”
And finally the wheel stops on:
“Sin City Street Fight! Falls count anywhere and you can brutalize your opponent however you want! The Hood and The Conways tore it down last week, but even if we don’t like the Entertainers personally, we’re loving all the tag teams wanting this opportunity! Good look to both of you teams!”
“What match is left?” Roebuck said.
“And we’ve got a match that will be coming up soon. The former Tag Team Champions, Sweet Sweet Lovin go up against our least-favorite assholes in this whole tournament … The MF’N Goons.”
Huber gestured to the wheel.
“Go ahead and spin again.”
Roebuck spun one more time and more sound effects and we had a long wait again as the wheel kept on going for a bit …
And it came up on:
“Somebody’s getting wood and I’m just saying that because Sweet Sweet Lovin is in that match. Also a big best of luck to those teams and next week, we’ll be bringing in the Sin City Series to a close next week! The Hood, The Natural Athletes, and the winners of tonight’s matches meet next week in a fatal four way match. Now, we want to address the elephant in the room … jOlt’s Biggest Bitch, Jeremy Ryan. If you think what you did to Jesse Ramey last week was cute … we don’t. So a little earlier tonight, we asked Damien Lee for a favor and because it was you, he granted it to us almost immediately. Next week, Jeremy Ryan, you’re going to be taking on …”
Huber pointed to himself …
Then right to Roebuck.
“The Big Bucks. Jesse Ramey was a good friend of ours and by doing what you did to him you pissed us off. You better be able to back up all your talk about being jOlt’s last Real Man because next week, you won’t like what happens. You tried to rip out the heart and soul of jOlt with your actions and next week, Roebuck’s going to tell you what happens …”
Roebuck took the end.
“I’m going to rip out your heart.”

“So.. who you think’ll face us in the Sin City Finals, my brotha?” asked Cross.
Machida Hood munched on some popcorn before responding.
“Nigga.. I’m just here to read the comments” said Hood which garnered some laughs from the crowd.
Cross doubled over as he chuckled at that while Hood simply grinned. Vogue facepalmed.
“Nah.. for real, man. Last week was like a breath of new life for us man. Thinkin’ back.. we didn’t need no damn Rebellion from the start. We were The Hype’s best tag team at the time.. no dissin’ to The Natural Athletes.. them boys mean some business, son.. but… we can’t just sit back an’ let ‘em take all the credit.. we put The Hype on our shoulders when we was there and after last week’s win… man.. it’s like we gotta piece of that back, ya feel me?” said Hood.
Cross nodded.
“Oh yeah my brotha, but ya know.. we can’t just sit here and be up on cloud nine like that. We got four more teams to watch tonight and then we got three more teams to beat next week in the finals… but when all is said an’ done. Tha Hood gonna rise up and take back them tag team titles.. LEGIT STYLE this time. No backstabbin’.. no nothing’… we gonna grab them belts like MEN.”
That statement by Jackson Cross got a pretty good pop from the crowd. Cross and Hood fist bumped each other as Vogue looked at the TV.
“It’s about to start” said Vogue.
“Ah hell, man.. here we go. Time ta look at our future!” said Cross.
The three of them glued their eyes to the television as the first match in the Sin City Series was NEXT!

The Entertainers vs The Freak Show

These two outfits debuted at roughly the same time, but boy, have they had contrasting fortunes. The Freak Show have ploughed through The Conways, former tag team champions in their own right, and Sweet Sweet Lovin' while the mouthy Best and Button bit off more than they could chew when they were squashed by The House on an inauspicious debut.
'The Best' by Tina Turner.
You couldn't say these boys were befitting of such a song yet, and they emerged to a smattering of boos. Alfie, keen to get on television, actually cut a concentrated figure, albeit on his cell phone. Not long after, we found out why as The Entertainers' entrance video was interrupted by a screenshot of a tweet:
Button and Best are going to put on a show for The Freak Show. Too much speed, too much smarts and too much sexy. Ashley and Chelsea, join us for the victory party in room 404.
Darren elected to step through the ropes, but the flashy Londoner mirrored another beneficiary of this theme, Chris Eubank, and jumped over the top rope, showcasing his athleticism. He'd need every bit of it here against an unstoppable-looking Freak Show.
'The Dark Ride' by Prelude to Nightmare.
Bally, who was demonstrating the smile went on for miles, appeared to be incredibly confident her men would book a place at the table in the Sin City Series final, a four-way to determine who would meet The House, as they were en route to enter this specially-designed tacky and extravagant ring set, which was going to be the backdrop for a battle with no rules or regulations. Who would that suit more?
Before they got into the squared circle, Bally cheerfully announced: "I present to you the tandem spectacular of Missing Link and Pinhead. And I am your charismatic mistress. We are THE FREAK SHOW!"
She nodded as the crowd clapped. They had already shown signs of being a legitimate threat to Roebuck and Huber.
"The so-called Entertainers...tut. I personally promise that The Freak Show will bring you much more excitement and entertainment. Missing Link may even hit a moonsault from the top rope tonight!"
He shook his head vehemently. The powerhouse wasn't going to play ball with Bally.
"The second rope?"
The same answer. That infectious smile didn't subside though. Bally conceded defeat and laughed: "Worth a try."
Our set here, lads and lasses, really was one for sore eyes. Depending on your point of view, it was glamorous or cheap. Personally, I like the different feel to it.
We'd had some pre-match shenanigans, not that the fun would cease to be if either team had their way, but it was down to business as the bell sounded and both sides talked about who'd start it out.
For once, Alfie Button outgunned Darren Best as his scissors cut through the latter's hapless sheet of paper. He was happy with himself on that one.
Pinhead persuaded Missing Link and came to the middle of the ring to meet the loud-mouthed Briton whose hiding from The House hadn't deflated or dented his oversized ego in the slightest. Pinhead had the credentials, though. No doubt about it.
However, his initial attempt to do so was thwarted as they hooked up in an old-fashioned collar-and-elbow and the import's superior speed enabled the Englishman to slap on a side headlock. Pinhead's power counteracted that with a primitive push that sent Alfie into the ropes. Frustrated, and getting a laugh and a rise out of the crowd, Button kicked the bottom one and seemingly hurt himself in the process.
Shaking that off, figuratively and literally, Button sprinted towards the powerhouse put in front of him, avoiding a clothesline and then a reverse elbow...
Third time UNLUCKY!
A tingling and agonizing spinebuster that shook the ring! Button had eaten a trademark move early doors, and succumbed to exactly the same fate as Sam Sweet at Wrestlecade Xperience. It didn't bode well for Button either, who didn't get a shot in during The Entertainers' encounter with The House. This could be a mismatch.
A cover and a count...
Denied by Darren Best, who sensed danger, on the stroke of one.
Normally seen as the straight man to Alfie's more outlandish antics, the native New Yorker illustrated an aggressive, attitudinal side by flipping off Pinhead, and when the crowd dared to reprimand him for it, they got an extra finger for their troubles.
As the carnival worker watched the podcast host go, the opportunistic Alfie served up an eye rake, fully capitalising on the momentary distraction. Button got to his feet, though he had to be wary of a wild right that came his way, and once he'd narrowly avoided contact...
"I pity tha fool!"
"I pity tha fool!"
Two smashing European uppercuts in fairness to Button were no-sold by his impressive opponent, who then came forward and forced to Briton to backtrack in a hurry to get out of Ryan Harms way and hastily tagged out to Best, who was not overly impressed with his colleague's cowardice.
Back to the well, Best fared a wee bit better than Button as he took control with an arm wringer. Unsurprisingly, the 265-pound fairground act had an answer, raw power, to deposit Darren into the ropes. He hadn't fared any better than Alfie after all, until Pinhead overestimated himself, an unlikely occurrence, and put his head down, presuming Darren was easy pickings for a backbody drop...
In fact, Pinhead was prone to a superb single arm DDT.
If there's one limb you don't want to expose to the stronger anchorman of The Entertainers, it's an arm.
Darren, full of contempt tonight, glared at Missing Link as he assisted Pinhead towards a neutral corner and rammed the strongman's arm into the top turnbuckle not once, not twice, but thrice.
While it hurt the Freak Show member, it was Darren's turn to take his eye off the ball, as he eyeballed Bally and Missing Link, and let's just say that took balls to say the word ball one more time, and Pinhead made him pay, much to the paying customers' pleasure, as he took that big head of Darren Best and rammed it into the aforementioned turnbuckle ten times to which large portions of the building counted along.
Best fell flat on his face, and Pinhead 'fell' on him, gaining a 2 and a half count as a result.
Pinhead then dragged Darren into the corner to make a tag to Missing Link, who deposited Best into The Entertainers' corner with an Irish Whip. Unbeknownst to him, Alfie had tagged in. So, after Best had been squashed in the corner, Alfie climbed up to the top rope and negotiated a Victory Roll...
On the move, Alfie Button effortlessly avoided a big lariat, but a boot to the abdomen caught him coming back...
Powerbomb attempt...
Blocked by Ratings Slump! Alfie, who was getting some physical offence in for once as opposed to out-and-out insults, had countered with a fabulous falling DDT to counter the potentially dangerous move.
What a rebuttal! Scrambling around like a scolded cat, Button was back on his feet before his opponent...
The Weakest Link to Missing Link!
Another DDT, this time to the kneeling ML, and another quick cover.
That got a 2 - barely.
Alfie led The Missing Link towards the apron, stopping just short of it, and then started to show off, skinning the cat. There was just one problem:
Bally grabbed his legs.
Alfie struggled, but Bally wasn't budging. He kicked back and she fell, hitting her head off the edge of the ramp! Alfie turned to see an irate Missing Link, who had seen what had happened and was now back to a vast vertical base.. Pinhead wasn't too pleased either. Button backed off and jumped to the arena to avoid Missing Link steaming in. He attempted a futile apology.
Thinking quickly, Best came in, just as Button had earlier, and nailed Missing Link with a Hammerlock Back Suplex.
Which he attained out of shock as much as anything.
Pinhead came to meet Alfie, who was edging back up the ramp in retreat. Pinhead came to tend to the fallen Bally, who was still hurting, as Alfie maintained a safe distance between himself and everyone else involved.
Pinhead picked his manager and friend up, escorted her towards the backstage area. Alfie, as soon as he saw the opposition heading in his direction, ran round the corner, though not through the entranceway. He was lingering and loitering, as well as running scared. In spite of the fear, he was also thinking.
Meanwhile, Missing Link, advertised as the strongest man on the planet while touring on the carnival circuit, was giving us a glimpse of said strength lifting the 223-pound podcast host inside the ring with utter ease...
Until Alfie underlined his major asset, his searing and scintillating speed, now the coast was clear, to aid Best in a moment of need by stopping short and shouting at Missing Link, who was well within earshot, and foaming at the European much more than he was at Darren.
He dropped Dazza, as he's called by Alfie, rather than planting him with a chokeslam or chokebomb, we'll never know which variant.
As ML turned around, the self-proclaimed A to B of professional wrestling unleashed an outstanding overhead kick named after the BBC's much-famed soccer highlights show for the past fifty years...
Cori Albright would've been proud of that one, let me tell you. So would Cristiano Ronaldo for that matter.
As the solitary FS soldier was about to get back to his feet...
Best scored with a rolling neck snap!
HEEEEERE'S ALFFFFFFFFFIIIIIE! Standing shooting star press, gorgeously done by the ludicrously loud yet daftly talented cockney.
OUTstanding Moonsault by Best!
They were banging on the door, but Missing Link showed he could take it as well as dishing it out. Mind you, the kickouts were getting less and less authoritative with each passing move.
Button and Best fired Missing Link into the ropes and then missed with a Double Clothesline...
He hit them with one of his own and fell to the mat!
Claps started to encourage The Missing Link. He was stirring, though the punishment he'd taken, meant he was finding it harder than Best and Button. Best got to him first and had a suplex planned, which Missing Link blocked easily and reversed with one of his own.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Button dashing towards him...
Backbody drop over the top!
Missing Link followed Alfie out. He had hurt Bally after all.
He lifted Alfie up into a Gorilla press slam position...
Best fired in three shots to the spine, desperately trying to save his sidekick from effectively being rendered incapacitated for this contest and possibly beyond. It worked as Button, like a cat, landed on his feet.
Double Irish whip into the steel steps...
Watch out!
Best with a running knee strike to the head that got the crowd's juices flowing...
Commercial Break (Hesitation dropkick) by Button!
And that got everybody going, regardless of their view of this opinionated outfit.
Beautiful teamwork, it had to be said.
Alfie tried the cover on the outside for the first time...
Button, a notorious talker in his matches, was solely focused on putting away Missing Link, though he still had time to tell his partner: "We need to put this prick away before Dickhead gets back!" Wow, he'd actually pronounced an 'h' for once!
Speaking of which...
Pinhead, sans Bally unfortunately, was returning to action, and the audience encouraged The Freak Show to press on now it was fair again and a proper two-on-two tussle.
Button cursed, but he was also blessed as Pinhead was halted by a rainbow-clad, face-painted and tangerine-tanned cruiserweight, who cut an uncanny resemblance to a famous cult-like hero to kids approximately a quarter of a century ago, and another equally-unimpressive guy in a grey hoodie. They probably couldn't hold Pinhead off for long, who's probably put away more at the buffet than this pairing put together, but thus far it was working as they peppered him with an array of lefts and rights, making the most of their one-man advantage as Button and Best had done - and maybe could continue to do if these two strangers were able to keep Pinhead at bay.
What a way to alleviate Alfie's concerns...
Missing Link obviously is aptly-named because the tough bastard, hardly but surely, got a shoulder up off the cold, concrete floor! What could the Entertainers do to advance to the final four and upset the odds in The House's Sin City Series? They were distinct underdogs coming into this clash, but rightly or wrongly, they were now in charge.
Looking on anxiously, Alfie saw the two puny guys containing Pinhead, but when he the big guy nailed one with a massive left and did likewise to the other, he barked at Best: "Dazza, 'urry up. 'e's comin' back. We need to do it, nah!"
That's now, not no, and it truly was now or never as they created a larger distance by escorting Missing Link back into the ring. Alfie kept lookout as Darren summoned everything he had in order to maim Missing Link with a picture-perfect BEST OF BOTH into the turnbuckles!
Button danced up and down on the spot, eager and excited but shit-scared at the same time, as Pinhead, roared on by the crowd, started running towards the ring to end this unjustly double-teaming...
Just when Pinhead was about to enter underneath the bottom rope, Alfie caught him with a kick to the head and then shamefully turned on his heels and made for dry land...
Pinhead brushed it off, but would it be enough?

Agonizingly, painfully, no it wouldn't be.
Best nodded to the official, who confirmed it, and bailed out on the far side too. Yellow, the pair of them.
They ran to greet each other and hugged, jumping up and down on the spot. They looked at the two powerhouses in the ring, hands raised, pacing back to the entranceway! When they got there, they shook hands with the two guys who had helped them...
Who were they?
We didn't know that, nor was there any news on Bally, as Pinhead looked down at his unconscious mate, shocked that the strongest man had been reduced to such a state, though it hadn't been done in an honorable or courageous fashion.
The Entertainers didn't care, as they, along with their two accomplices, joined in a huddle and celebrated like a group of adolescents on the final day of primary school.
With their first victory, an unbelievable upset, The Entertainers had broken their winless record to shatter The Freak Show's unbeaten streak.
Fittingly, it was a sin but write it in...
The Entertainers were in the Sin City Series final.

“Wait… you’re here? As in… right now?” said Saje as he paused and waited for the other party to finish speaking. “Where am I? I’m back in the loading dock but I don’t think….”
With that Raevynn walked into view and Saje caught a glimpse of her.
“…hey.. I have to go. Wait.. you’ll what? Hello?”
It seems whoever on the other end had their own way of thinking and hung up on Saje. Raevynn looked at him with a puzzled look on her face as from the sound of it, it looked like Saje was hiding something.
“Who was that?” asked Raevynn.
It was the obvious question that Saje hoped wasn’t asked, but nevertheless, it was and now he had to try and dig up and answer that wouldn’t cause a rift here, but before he could answer, a certain someone stepped into view and answered that question for Raevynn..
She was back!
“I believe the answer to your question is me, Raevynn. Long time no see!” said Alyssa with a smile.
“You could have told me, Sebastian!” said Raevynn with a sharp tongue.
“I tried to but…” said Sebastian before he was cut off by Alyssa.
“Now now.. there’s no need to get jealous. I just heard the news about The Rebellion and I wanted to come over here and congratulate the two of you for finally breaking free from those chains Jon Le Bon had you shackled to. Besides, I also wanted to thank Saje for being considerate enough to call me last night and apologize for everything. I have to admit that was the last thing I actually expected.” Said Alyssa.
“Wait.. you CALLED her!?” snapped Raevynn. “And you didn’t bother to TELL ME!? What the hell!!?”
“What’s gotten into you all of a sudden? I told you that I was going to try and right the wrongs that we did by joining The Rebellion. This was one of them. I said some pretty hurtful things to Alyssa and it ruined our relationship. I just wanted to make things right because I found out she was healed up from her injury and was returning soon. I just didn’t want a situation where we ran into each other and have it be.. you know… awkward.” Said Saje.
“AND THIS ISN’T AWKWARD!?” yelled Raevynn.
“I think you’re blowing this out of proportion” said Saje.
“Am I? What kind of boyfriend goes behind his girlfriend’s back and tries to reconcile with his ex!?” said Raevynn.
Saje let out a heavy sigh and went to talk, but Alyssa stepped in and stopped Saje from saying anything as she had something of her own that she wanted to say.
“Raevynn… I know we’re not the best of friends… I know we also have a deep history dating back to the beginning of The Hype. You were interested in Sebastian and I stuck my nose where it didn’t belong and ruined your chances by falling for him. I know that. I also know that’s what caused Sebastian a lot of pain thanks to my ex, Jeremy Ryan, taking it too far like he usually does… speaking of which.. I see that nothing’s changed in that regard…”
Alyssa folded her arms and rolled her eyes, but continued.
“But look… I’m not here to steal Sebastian away from you. He only called me to do the right thing and patch things up between two FRIENDS, Raevynn… the key word here being FRIENDS… in fact… I also came here because I wanted a chance to bury the hatchet with you, too. I would love it if you and I could be friends as well.”
Raevynn curled her lip at Alyssa.
“You really think it’s that easy!? Oh wow… you had an injury.. you came back.. and now I’m supposed to forget EVERYTHING and just accept it as if nothing happened between the three of us!?”
Raevynn looked over at Saje and then over at Alyssa before she began to walk off.
“Sorry, but this just disgusts me.”
Raevynn walked off as Saje let out another heavy sigh.
“Well.. that just went all peachy” said Saje.
Alyssa shook her head.
“I’m sorry.. maybe I shouldn’t have come here afterall. I thought everything would have been forgiven, but I guess there’s still some bad blood here. I’ll let you be so you can try and patch things up with her.”
Alyssa went to turn and leave when Saje grabbed Alyssa by the wrist.
“Wait…” said Saje. “Maybe we should talk first.”
The crowd knew exactly what that meant.
“Come.. I know a spot where we can be alone. There’s still a few things I want to say, but we should do it in a place where Raevynn won’t hear them. Lord knows what would happen at this point if she did”
With that Saje lead the way and Alyssa followed him.. the scene faded to black.

Tammy Lynn Foster vs Monica

“Redneck Woman” By Gretchen Wilson explodes throughout the arena. Tammy Lynn Foster made her way out to the stage holding the Starlet Championship high in the air to a loud chorus of jeers from the Portland fans. Last week she continued her mission of becoming the Starlets champion by destroying the actual champion Charlotte after she defended her title in a three way match last week. Foster actually smirked as she made her way down to the ring. She climbed into the ring and held the championship high in the air as if she had won the title. She pointed to the ring announcer and asked for a microphone. He gave her a microphone and she stood in the ring with the title over her shoulder as the Portland fans jeered her to no end.
“Ya know I tried ta tell ya’ll dat dis title would be mine one day. It just so happens dat tha day was last week on Intense. I don’t know how many times I had ta let ya’ll know dat the Miss Prissy champeen, Charlotte was not da one ta hold dis here belt. She decided to stay home dis week with a boo-boo. She does not deserve dis champeenship, I do. I have dominated dis division since I stepped foot into jOlt. I have broken ex champeens and up and comers in tha middle of dis ring.”
The Portland crowd continued with low jeers for the starlet.
“Since I am a fightin’ champeen then I am going ta give ya’ll a treat by defending dis title tonight. Your so called champeen, Charlotte is no more. It’s time for a new change in tha guard and dat change is Tammy Lynn Foster. So if any of you so called starlets want a shot at my title then come on down.”
Tammy Lynn dropped the microphone and handed the title to Kim Adams getting herself ready for any challenger for the title.
"I Got an Attitude" by Antoinette hit the PA system as Monica was the starlet to answer the call. She ran down the ramp and slid into the ring. Monica sneered at the woman from Oklahoma City as she moved around in the ring. Tammy Lynn smirked as Monica wanted her shot at the Starlets title.
The bell sounded as the two women locked up in the middle of the ring. TL pushed Monica to the ropes before letting her go. Everyone in the arena looked surprised as Tammy actually showed sportsmanship by giving a clean break from a hold. The two women went to lock up again but this time Tammy drove a knee into Monica’s gut. The Blonde Bomber grabbed Monica and drilled her with a short arm clothesline that almost sent her out of her boots. Tammy reached down and grabbed Monica by the hair, picking her up and slamming her to the mat very hard. Tammy grabbed Monica by the hair once more pulling her to her feet. She shoved her into the corner. Tammy nailed Monica with several big right hands that had the starlet trying to cover up in the corner trying to soften the blows. Tammy grabbed Monica and hooked her in the corner before sending her to the mat with a T-bone suplex.
Tammy hooked Monica’s leg for the cover.
Kim Adams started to admonish Tammy Lynn in the ring as the so-called champ gave her the finger. Foster pulled Monica up off the mat by the arm and whipped her into the ropes. Tammy went for a clothesline but Monica ducked and nailed Tammy with a dropkick to the knee. Tammy went down to one knee before Monica quickly grabbed her and drove her to the mat with a swinging neck breaker. Monica hoped on Tammy’s chest and started to pound on the OKC native in the middle of the ring. Monica drove an elbow into TL’s throat before she hooked Tammy leg’s for the cover.
Tammy with a powerful kickout at two. Monica grabbed Tammy’s leg and locked in a Boston Crab leg lock in the middle of the ring. Monica was a pure submission specialist and she was looking to cause some damage on Tammy’s massive legs. Monica broke the hold as Tammy was able to stretch for the ropes. Monica made it to her feet and kicked Tammy in her thigh for good measures. Monica kicked Tammy in her thigh once more trying to weaken her legs. Tammy tried to break away from Monica but the Jersey girl was determined as she dropped an elbow on Tammy’s leg.
Monica went for another cover.
Monica made it to her feet as she pulled Tammy Lynn to her feet as well. TL pushed Monica back to the ropes. The Jersey girl bounced off the ropes and tried to nail TL with a dropkick but Foster sidestepped the move sending Monica crashing to the mat. Tammy picked up Monica and sent her to the mat with a Reverse DDT. The so called champion dropped her huge leg across Monica’s throat before hooking her leg for the pinfall attempt.
Monica got her shoulder up before the three count to Tammy’s dismay. TL grabbed Monica by the hair and whipped her into the corner. Tammy raced into the corner and drilled her with a running clothesline. TL picked up the groggy Monica and sat her on the top turnbuckle. Foster made her way up the ropes and grabbed Monica who was sitting on the turnbuckle. Foster hooked Monica…
Monica was thrown halfway across the ring from the force of Tammy’s suplex. TL made her way over to Monica and hooked her leg for the cover.
Tammy looked on in shock as Monica just got her shoulder up. Tammy was hot as she quickly got to her feet. She slowly stalked Monica who still laid on the mat. TL looked out into the see of Oregon fans as she kicked Monica in the side of her head. Foster picked up Monica and sent her to the mat again with a reverse Russian leg sweep. This time TL did not go for the cover as Kim Adams looked at Foster. Tammy watched as Monica was crawling over to her, grabbing at her boots trying to pull herself up. TL smirked as she reached down to help Monica up but she caught Tammy Lynn by surprise with an Inside Cradle. Adams quickly dropped down for the count.
Monica surprised TL with the move but did not help her cause because that just made Foster even hotter. Tammy made it to her feet and nailed Monica with a devastating boot to the face that sent Monica back to the mat again. This time TL did not play around as she picked up Monica and hooked her in the middle of the ring….
Tammy smiled before hooking her leg for the cover.

Tammy Lynn Foster raised her arms high in the air as she grabbed the Starlet championship from Kim Adams. She shot the title high in the air as the Portland fans gave her a loud ovation of jeers. TL smiled as she put her arms down and climbed out of the ring. She just successfully defended the Starlet championship. Tammy Lynn continued to make her mark on this division.

“It is true that things haven’t been going smoothly for us as of late, but all of that has changed.” Said Shiloh.
Shiloh ran her fingers through Seraph’s hair and smiled.
“God’s War Machine has only just begun to get warmed up. At Wrestlecade II, everyone saw what he was capable of and Omega was lucky to escape with the Fearless Championship and his life. Needless to say that mistake will not be repeated.”
Shiloh looked a bit more serious as she glared into the camera.
“Every path has a beginning and an end. The journey along that path, no matter how short or how long begins with a single step. Seraph has been merely tiptoeing along that path, but all of that stops. It is no secret that once Wrestlecade is over, jOlt Wrestling goes through a transitional phase and doors begin to open for new stars to be made. Vance… nay… Seraph is done tiptoeing up to that door. He will be running at full speed from this point forward.
Seraph stood up and cracked his knuckles. Shiloh saw him getting riled up and calmed him down.
“Patience… tonight is not the night, however, next week, we will unleash a new.. re-focused… War Machine upon the roster. Divine Destruction is all that awaits to anyone that stands in the path of the one chosen by God to lay waste to all who have been judged as lacking.”
Seraph cracked his neck.
“You’ve all been warned. The end begins next week.
Shiloh began to walk off camera.
“Come… we have much to do.
Seraph glared at the camera through his mask and slowly stepped off screen as the scene faded to black.

Them M'fn Goons vs Sweet Sweet Lovin'

"Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith
Sam Sweet and Lennox Love came out from the backstage area with Jon Katz Jr. by their side. Katz lowered his shades and checked out the lovely ladies at ringside as Sweet and Love entered the ring. It's been a while since we've seen this duo, but they have experience being former tag team champions themselves and they've fought and beaten numerous championship tandems. Sam Sweet and Lennox Love being the veterans that they are, have seen it all and a tables match tonight will be nothing new to them!!
Schoolboy Q’s “Gangsta” banged through the speakers as Diamond Jewelz’s personal security team appeared on the ramp and took in the jeering from the fans in the Moda Arena in Portland, Oregon. The rowdy Latrell Samuel, decked in in numerous articles of blinging jewelry courtesy of his employer Diamond Jewelz, was through the curtains first and he agitated the crowd by screaming out loud strings of cursings at the hostile fans, and following right behind him was the monstrous Khalil Straightgully, also decked out in all kinds of jewelry, raising his hands to more boos. Them M’fn Goons were unsuccessful in their tag team bid at jOlt’s second edition of WrestleCade, but to have been featured in barnone the most important tag team match of the year on the most important show of the year after less than a year in the company says that this tag team has extraordinarily bright future.
Carrington: The second team making their way to the ring, weighing in combined at five-hundred and two pounds, they are Khalil Straightfully and Latrell Samuel … they are Them Mf’N Goons!
Latrell posed on the top turnbuckle while the muscle of the group, Khalil, stood next to him, arms folded with a menacing scowl on his face. Tonight, the Sin City Series provides a quick rebound opportunity for the enforcers of the man known as “Mr. Relentless”.
Quickly the Sweet and Love jump Samuel and Gully to arousing jeers of approval from the crowd at the Moda Arena. As Samuel and Gully were in the process of removing their many numerous articles of jewelry, notorious tree huggers Love and Sweet pound on the former number one contender’s with a plethora of clubbing blows, and when they have reached the ground, also a plethora of boots.
Sam Sweet and Lennox Love switch their assault from being an unorganized, random attack of kicks and blows, to being a premeditated, methodical assault. Sweet, the bigger of the two Sweet Sweet Lovin’ team members, focuses his attack on Gully and Love focuses his attack on Samuel. Sweet catapults Gully into the ropes with a monstrous clothesline as Love jumps on the top rope and hits a huge hurricanrana on Samuel. Both Sweet and Love meet their respective foes with more boots and stomps to the raucous ovation from the fans from Portland, Oregon. Simon Boulder is attempting to get order of things in the ring but to no avail.
Sweet calls Love over and in tandem, the two send Gully out onto the floor with a huge tandem lariat. The two turn around and hit Samuel with the same, and immediately Love takes off into the ropes and lands a huge rolling thunder on Samuel. Sweet heads outside the ring and continues his brute strength assault on Gully as Love focuses his assault on Samuel. As Love approaches Samuel, Samuel responds with some viscous body blows to Love who has no response to them. Love hits an arm drag take down on Samuel, and then catapults into the ropes with a Leg Lariat.
On the outside, Sweet is putting a hurting on Gully. Head-butt, Jab, Head-butt, Jab, Kick, Discus Punch. If this were a boxing match, Joe Cortez would have no choice but to step in and stop the proceedings. But it’s not and the pounding from an “out on his feet” Gully, continues. Sweet whips Gully into the barricade and charges in behind him.
Gully moves out of the way and Sweet goes crashing through the barricade with thunderous force. Gully cannot capitalize though because of the beating that Sweet has put on him from the first bell. Gully, realizing he is still wearing one of his extraordinarily expensive chains, takes his chain off and throws it to the ground, and then, in a punch drunk haze, joins his chain and goes thudding to the ground. Both men are out
In the ring, Samuel lays prone on the ground, while Love stands mounted on the top rope.
Diving Reverse Elbow!!!!!
But Samuel has moved out of the way; Samuel immediately finds a second wind, goes bouncing off the rope and hits a standing moonsault on the downed Love….
Kickout by Love. That was the first offense that either of Them M’fn Goons, Gully or Samuel had been able to land all night. Samuel sees the downed Love and true to self, the high flyer heads immediately to the top rope. Samuel stands on the top rope and waits for the downed Love to get back to his feet. Double Axe Handle Smash. An obvious slap in the face to Love who uses the move himself on his opponents all of the time. Samuel throws up a “hippy peace sign” and then begins to land viscous boots and stomps on the downed Love. Samuel is the only one standing in this melee as Love is down in the ring and Gully and Sweet are down on the outside of the ring.
Samuel heads to the top rope again and this time he wastes no time in hitting a viscous “Randy Savage” style elbow. One won’t be enough here and in true Randy Savage fashion, Samuel heads to the top rope again and hits another viscous elbow. He goes for the pin.
Samuel is frustrated and begins to rocket punch after punch to Love’s head… On the outside Gully has out of nowhere slide a table into the ring. Apparently, he has recovered from the viscous onslaught Sweet put on him earlier, but Sweet is still out cold on the outside… It’s 2 on 1. Samuel turns his attention away from Love and begins to set the table up. He turns his attention back to Love and….
Love hits Samuel with a big spinning elbow to the raucous approval of the now dead crowd which nearly sends Samuel crashing through the table. Love lands a boot to Gully on the outside sending him crashing to the ground and then picks up Samuel and lands an Insiguri to the head which sends Samuel onto the table… Love, by nature heads to the top rope for the coup de grace. Gully, who is on the outside, sees the situation and quickly in a panic, jumps on the apron and begins to shake the ropes. Love scales down the ropes and lands a crushing elbow on Gully. The crowd explodes seeing the inevitable end. Love heads back to the top rope and then catapults himself off with a
“Love Potion No. 450”

This match is over…. Samuel moved out of the way at the last second and Love went through the table himself. Them M’fn Goons have outlasted the crafty veteran tandem of Sweet Sweet Lovin’ tonight and will move on in the Sin City Series.

“Ladies and gentlemen…” Dean Carrington said with a hint of annoyance in his own voice. “...please welcome at this time… the NEW jOlt Heavyweight Champion… he is the self-professed jOlt’s Last Real Man… JEREMY RYAN!”
And it was time for the Moda Center to boo their fucking hearts out.
“A Man” by Cypress Hill.
The music thundered over the PA and standing at the top of the ramp in black baggy jeans, a sleeveless ‘REAL MAN’ Bloody Knuckles shirt and his newest accessory, the jOlt Heavyweight Championship, Jeremy Ryan scanned the crowd and mean-mugged the shit out of them before making a slow and deliberate walk to the ring.
His actions were unconscionable and whether or not anyone liked Jesse Ramey, the way that Jeremy Ryan schemed himself into his place, injured Ramey and took his title was disgusting. At the top of the show, Jeremy Ryan was eyeballed by several different wrestlers who wanted nothing to do with him as the top champion in the company. His skills were never in question, but his controversial and disgusting attitude earned him zero allies either in the locker room or management.
Jeremy Ryan stood front and center in the ring now and he gritted his teeth as he snatched the microphone from Dean Carrington. Just a week ago at the start of the show, he had been suspended indefinitely for dropping Damien Lee at Wrestlecade with his Piledriver and he was supposed to have been nowhere to be found…
Now… he was the jOlt Heavyweight Champion.
“Boy, I will fucking PUNCH your lights out if you EVER introduce me with that bass in your voice again. Get the fuck out of my ring, Dean…”
Carrington continued to eyeball the champion before he slowly backed out of the ring. He was a ring announcer, not a fighter. That wouldn’t end well for him at all. Jeremy stood and there wasn’t a man, woman, or child who WASN’T booing the ever-loving shit out of him.
“Trust me when I say my title isn’t ‘self-professed’ you little bitch… my name is JEREMY RYAN. I AM not just the Last Real Man in jOlt… I am the LAST REAL MAN IN WRESTLING and I am YOUR jOlt HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!”
For the second time, the crowd unanimously voted Jeremy Ryan the biggest cunt in the whole arena as he paced around with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“I proved last week that I am the GREATEST man to have ever come out of The Hype by being its first graduate to win this gold! I proved that I’m not only the baddest man in this place… I’m its tough\est… and I’m its SMARTEST, too. The original plan was just to rough up Ramey a little and goad that prideful fucking backwater hick into a match that he wouldn’t walk away from, but a beatdown from me isn’t a garden-variety beating; it’s a STATEMENT. More to that point, I proved that Jesse Ramey was nothing more than a frail little pussy that would collapse under the pressure that comes with holding this title!”
Ryan held up the jOlt Championship right for the camera to see.
“Get a good look at this. Go ahead, move in closer…”
The cameraman did just that and showed the faceplate with Jeremy Ryan’s name on it.
“I not only defeated Derrick Huber and Diamond Jewelz last week to win this belt; I fucking FREED it from mediocrity. I FREED this Championship from the clutches of a weak little queer that doesn’t deserve to hold it. All previous champions before me have been nothing more than quivering little pussies. Duh-RAY-cho or Dair-Uh-Koh… I ran the so-called King of Hell out of here. Eiji Cock-a-sorry? I beat that stupid little asshole within an inch of his life on two different occasions. Aran Thompson? Pfft, an overrated sack of shit. Landon Stevens? A carbon copy of THAT overrated sack of shit. Chris Titan had this belt for a cup of coffee and he’s too busy picking bits of the Backbone out of his ass to be a threat any more… and Sylo…”
He stopped with a grin.
“Sylo… what can I say about that over-hyped and talentless fuckwad that I haven’t already called him out on? Well, he won’t talk any shit to me because A) he doesn’t have the balls to set foot back in jOlt and B) He won’t talk shit back to me unless it’s less than 140 characters. That’s why you don’t see ME with a fucking Twitter account. If I have something to say, I say it to your face in this ring. I’m not some poster boy and I’m not a company shill so keep that shit to yourself.”
Ryan continued to pace around the ring holding the jOlt Title at his side.
“Damien Lee thinks he hates me now, but secretly, that little shit should respect what I now bring to this championship. I am no longer jOlt’s Last Real Man… what you see standing in this ring right now is jOlt’s LAST REAL CHAMPION!”
With that, he raised the championship high among the sea of jeering in the Moda Center.
“Here’s what you need to learn about me… unlike every other champion in this company, I’m not some stupid little shill trying to push merchandise while plastering a pretentious smile on my face. I’m not some chickenshit that’s going to hide behind numbers. I’m not here to sell a t-shirt, kiss your ass, give your sick little kids hugs and kisses, and I’m DAMN sure not here to placate you… I am here to be the ABSOLUTE unequivocal best. Allow me to tell you about the other champions of this company and prove my point.”
He gestured to the jOltVision which now displayed a screenshot of jOlt’s only four-time and current Tag Team Champions, The House! They got a tremendous pop from the crowd, but Jeremy rolled his eyes.
“Derrick Huber and Adam Roebuck? Pfft, fuck those decaying fossils. You’re both big, but you’re both too fucking stupid to know that time has passed you by. You and your multiple Tag Team Title reigns don’t impress me and being part of a tag team doesn’t earn me the biggest paycheck. Your little Starlet Champion wife, Charlotte, probably makes more than the both of you anyway… in singles, that little slut.”
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn more jeering from the crowd over his classless comments.
“The fact that WOMEN holding a belt in this ring is a joke in of itself, so I’ll skip over that.”
Now to the gOlden bOy Champion Mack Brody! Another huge pop from the fans, but Jeremy wasn’t impressed.
“A man whose ass I’ve kicked before and a man playing PRETEND champion! Face it, son, the best you and the Heirs will ever do outside of the Tag Team Division is mess around with your lame-ass vanity belt. You can kid yourself and call the Golden Boy Championship a legit title, but at best, SuperMack, it’s just like you; FOOLS gold.”
The Moda Center jeered as the picture cut over to the Fearless Champion, Omega. A mixed reaction for those that enjoyed his unique brand of violence, but jeered his very sadistic nature.
“Voices in your head, huh? It’s too bad that none of those voices have any fucking CREDIBILITY, Omega. Your title is the only other championship that matters to me and I have plans for it that I will touch on SOON.” The crowd picked up on that intrigue a little, but Ryan continued. “But face it… you’re a fucking sideshow attraction AT BEST. Sure, you can make people bleed out of orifices that people didn’t know they have, but can you even cut it in a REAL wrestling match? You’re one dive off a rooftop from being obsolete. I proved that I could own the Underground or No Fear or whatever we're calling it this week when I beat Derecho in my first-ever Underground match. If you put that title on the line against me, I would DESTROY you.”
The crowd voiced their opinion of that comment towards one of the baddest men going in jOlt today as the camera cut to The Hype Champion Mike Patterson.
“Mike… I will give the devil it’s due. You and Brian Williams put on a HELL of a match and with that performance, the both of you managed to put on a wrestling clinic that earned you both a roster spot… I almost respect you more than anyone else here. But I will tell you this for your own health: you’re the champion of the MINOR LEAGUE and if you even THINK of trying to cash that in for a shot at my belt, I will make you regret it.”
And finally… a HUGE mixed reaction (but mainly cheers) for the ORIGINAL gOlden bOy himself, the Relentless Champion Diamond Jewelz…
“And certainly last but not least, The Relentless Choke Artist, Diamond Jewelz! You had Ramey right where you wanted him with the Golden Opportunity. Sure, you won that triple threat, but you DIDN’T pin me and in the main event, you didn’t get it done, whereas…” Ryan held up the belt. “You know how that story went. Diamond Jewelz, you’re the sorriest piece of this whole championship bunch and if you were to ever approach me, then I’d…”
“Please Let Me Floss My Jewelrrrryyyyyy”
The hook to “Jewelry” by Gucci Mane bangs through the PA system of the kEy Arena as Diamond Jewelz’s cursive signature logo flashes across the jOltVision followed quickly by his trademark "#gOldenbOy" logo and a grilled out, blinging serious face emoticon logo. A raucous cheer erupts from the crowd. The fans in the Moda Center begin to sing along with the Gucci Mane anthem.
So much ice make ya eye sight blury
Jewelry, have on too much jewelry
Neva too much neva too much so much
Jewelry, this ant even half my jewelry
It's gettin kinda cold n here i'm serious
Jewelry, please let me rock my jewelry
Everybody starring cuz we rockin' big jewelry
"DJJJJJJJ....... Cut that banging ass joint!!!"
Abruptly.... Jewelz theme stops. Jewelz's electric charisma, and blinging is halted by a menacing stare focused on Ryan. Ryan looked annoyed as shit that this flashy star - the total antithesis of his own personality - approached him.
"Keep my name out your mouth niggaaaa..."
The Moda center pops outrageously.
"My nigga, what you out here doing all this snitching and tellin fo'. Man it was all good, your little crybaby, Last Real Man jib, till I heard you out here, lying and rewriting gOlden bOy history."
Jewelz walks to the halfway point of the ramp..
"You say I ain't no real threat cause I ain't pin you??? For real my nigga??? If I remember the events of 'Cade correctly, ya boy knocked out the Last Real Stan right there dead cold, then got the pin over Mack Brody clean 1......2........3...."
The crowd roars..Jewelz heads further down the ramp till he's in the ring, now face to face with the champ.
"Nawww, I ain't pin you... But shit... Nigga how could I... When I put that crown Jewel on you, you was done.son... I put the boots to you so good you was done for the night...... And if I did it once, I'll do it again.. You been in the ring with me twice and ain't never left a scratch on me, never got a pinfall and never ko'd me like I disposed of your ass at 'Cade... But you right... I ain't never pin you...
He throws his Relentless Title Down in between him and Ryan, and Ryan, not to be outdone, throws down his World Title strap. Both men stand toe to toe: The Moda Center is about to rock off its' hinges...
"And I'm right, you ain't never pin me... What I'm saying is that we been in the ring twice, and ain't shit got settled.. You ain't pinned me, and I ain't pinned you...So my point is my nigga... We both champions, at Breakdown, let's settle it like champions and fight for that there strap you got in your hands."
By now, Ryan has about lost his shit at the interruption of Diamond Jewelz before Ryan sized him up.
“YOU? You want to fight ME? For THAT?” Ryan gestures to the jOlt Championship laid out in front of him. “Well, I have your answer right now…”
jOlt’s Last Real Man sized him up again before approaching Mister Relentless…
Diamond Jewelz looks annoyed with this turn of events.
“You think that I’d step into the ring with YOU? You had as much of a chance to win this belt last week, Jewelz, and face it. you fucking LOST. I don’t have SHIT to prove to you and I don’t have shit to…”
Suddenly, he stopped when he was interrupted by Damien Lee walking out from the back to a cheer from the crowd! Diamond Jewelz turned to the CEO at the top of the ramp and then looked back to Ryan with a knowing… BLINGING grin on his face.
“What the fuck is so funny?” Ryan shouted.
“What’s funny is that you seemed to forget all about what we discussed when you first got here, Jeremy,” Damien Lee said. “I told you that now that you’re the champion, that you’re going to be defending that title when *I* see fit. And what Diamond Jewelz is smiling about is pretty simple… he came out here to ask you for that title match to see if you were the REAL MAN you claim to be and judging from how you backed off… then we all got our answer.”
The crowd “OOOOOOOOH!” -ed that comment while Ryan gritted his teeth together.
“But he’s also smiling because of what I told him just before he came out here. At Breakdown in three weeks...you WILL be defending that jOlt Heavyweight Championship and you WILL be defending that title against the man that you haven’t beaten and a man that did win at Wrestlecade… THE RELENTLESS CHAMPION DIAMOND JEWELZ!”
Diamond Jewelz grinned from ear to ear while Jeremy Ryan was about ready to have a fit. His response to what just happened? He picked up the title and SWUNG with full force…
The Relentless Champion saw it coming and ducked underneath the shot. When Ryan snapped backwards...
The belt shot missed, but Jewelz's signature Busaiku Knee Kick did not and Jeremy went flying through the ropes! He stumbled through the ropes and hit the floor while Diamond Jewelz remained poised in the ring, ready for a fight! He wasn't the nicest guy and his ledger had been filled with some bad things, but at least peole liked the flashy and bombastic jOlt star!
Ryan rushed back towards the ring when security flooded the ringside area quickly, filling the arena with more jeering. Damien Lee left the scene with a smile on his face as Jeremy Ryan had to be restrained! Inside the ring, the Relentless Champion was going to have a little fun with what was going on...
"I guess that mean that this shit is a go... At Breakdown, I go from number 1 contender to #1 overalll.... I'mma get that gOld at #BREAKDOWN..." Jewelz throws down the mic, pics up his Relentless Title and begins to #FREEZEFRAME in different poses, to exhibit his different articles of Jewelry in front of the fans... The fans in The Moda Center are eating it up and they can't get enough.... At least for one night, "Mr. Relentless" is a hero....
And in three weeks, if he could defeat Jeremy Ryan for the jOlt Championship at Breakdown, he'd be THE hero.

“Mr. Lee?”
“I’m Agent Sullivan.” The man flipped an ID out showing his face and three big letters.
“Hello Agent Sullivan. What can I do for you?” Damien scraped his mind for a possible reason for the FBI’s presence.
“I have a couple of questions for you if you have time.”
“I’m supposed to be somewhere in a couple of minutes, but what can I do for you?”
“Just curious about one of your wrestlers… Draconian, I believe his name is?”The FBI agent didn’t give much up in his cool, intelligent demeanor.
… Draconian. Lee felt uncomfortable but he did his best not to show it and put his best attempt at being casual.
“Ah, Draconian. Big wrestler, new to the show, a bit standoffish but all around he’s been a welcome addition.”
“The part that I’m interested is his arrival to the show.”
“May I ask why?” Damien replied. He wanted to be guarded, but not come off as defensive.
“A friend of mine over at the INS is a wrestling fan and was talking about one of your newest additions. He mentioned that this guy Draconian didn’t really have much a backstory, only that he seemed vaguely foreign.”
“Well, the origin of our wrestlers isn’t always a primary focus of the show.”
“I understand, Mr. Lee. But here’s the thing: My friend has a friend, who has a friend, and a long story short he was able to verify all the wrestlers you have under contract working with a visa. Can you guess which of your… foreign…wrestlers isnot listed anywhere?”
Damien’s eyes furrowed. He knew he could deflect this.
“Ah, shoot. Did we not get his paperwork sorted? I’m going to have my legal team’s ass for this!” Damien looked convincingly perturbed. “Well I’m really sorry to waste any of your time with this, but it’s just a matter some documentation not getting filed. I can assure you that we’ll have this taken care of first thing tomorrow.”
“I’m sure you will. I know you’re a busy man so I’ll let you go…”
“Thank you, Mr. Sullivan. Have a good night.” Damien nodded and began to walk away to his original destination before hearing the agent’s voice again.
“Just one more thing, Mr. Lee.” The agent’s eyes were narrowed with Damien turned around. “Exactly where is Draconian from?”
“A town called Horki, I believe. It’s near the eastern edge of the country if I remember Draconian’s description of it.” Damien was smooth.
“Ah, thank you. I’ll let my friend know so that, but I’ll be sad to burst his bubble.”
“What do you mean burst his bubble?” Damien asked.
“Well, my friend had another theory about Draconian’s origin, but it looks like he’ll just have to shelve it.” The agent let a sly smile show and winked at Lee. With that, both men turned from each other and parted company.

Omega(c) vs Statuz Quo

Last week Omega issued another open challenge and the gOlden bOy champion answered the call, emphatically by manhandling the Fearless Champion. Mack Brody did not fear the Fearless Champion and the whole world knew it. Omega was not one to dismiss a challenger. Tonight Statuz Quo had the unenviable task of trying to pry the Fearless Title from Omega’s grasp. And after last week Omega was not going to be in a great mood.
"Serial Killa" by Snoop Dogg hit the PA system.
Statuz Quo made his way down to the ring to face the task of dethroning the enigma, Omega. Quo rolled under the ropes into the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans. Quo bounced around the ring waiting for the Fearless Champion.
The arena went completely dark as the eerie lyrics of “Redeemer” by Marilyn Manson echoed throughout the arena. Statuz Quo stood in the ring as the lights from cellphones illuminated the arena. The cameras panned around to the stage as Omega was nowhere to be seen. The fans jeered as a lone spotlight hit the middle of the ring. A young girl’s voice was suddenly heard over the PA system.
A loud woman’s scream was heard throughout the arena as the lone spotlight disappeared. The lights slowly came back on as Omega stood in the middle of the ring with a sick grin on his face holding the Fearless Championship in his left hand dragging on the mat. He handed the championship to Boulder as the fans jeered the champion.
The bell sounded as Omega slowly made his way to the middle of the ring. Quo moved from his corner trying to stay far from Omega’s arms reach. The monster reached for Quo as the challenger moved away from the monster. Omega looked at Statuz Quo who tried not to stand still in one place for too long as he didn’t want Omega to get ahold of him. The champion rushed at Quo again but the Trouble member quickly moved again and drove a few quick kicks to Omega’s leg before moving back again.
The champion tried not to get frustrated as he looked at the smaller Quo and smiled. The boogeyman started to circle the ring as the challenger bounced around the ring trying to stay on his feet against the big monster. The monster reached for Quo again as he quickly moved. The challenger nailed Omega with a big dropkick that did not take the big man down but staggered him into the corner. The champion tried to gather himself but Statuz Quo was quick on the attack as he nailed Omega with running flying forearm to the jaw. The big man hit the corner of the ring as Quo drove a few rights and lefts into the champion’s midsection. Quo was a brawler and he was trying to throw the champion off his game.
The big man shoved the challenger away but the challenger raced back into the corner and nailed the champion with a shoulder block that once again pushed the champion back to the corner. Omega was not happy and the small grin on his face disappeared. He wanted to make an example out of Quo after what he did earlier to Brody. The champion pulled himself from the corner as Statuz Quo quickly climbed to the top rope of the corner that Omega just came from. The challenger was quick to the top as he waited for Omega to turn around. Quo flew off the top with a big missile dropkick that sent Omega through the ropes to the floor. The fans erupted in a mixed reaction to see Omega knelt on the floor near the ring apron. Quo watched Omega slowly get to his feet. He rolled to the floor and grabbed Omega by the head and drove him into the ground with a snap DDT. The crowd erupted.
Statuz Quo was the first to get to his feet. He reached down and pulled Omega up from the floor. The challenger grabbed a steel chair, he took a swing at Omega but the champion punched the chair sending it back into the challenger’s face. The challenger dropped the chair as Omega exploded with a vicious clothesline on the floor. The big man picked up Quo and whipped him into the guardrail with impact. The champion had an almost one hundred pound weight advantage on one half of Trouble. The big man grabbed a steel chair and folded it up before launching it into the ring. The boogeyman slowly walked over to Quo and pulled him from the guardrail by his head. Omega picked up the challenger and threw him into the ring as some of the fans tried to rally behind the underdog.
The big man climbed up onto the apron and slowly made his way through the ropes. Quo made it to his feet. He watched Omega get into the ring but before you know it, the champion was blindsided by a boot to the jaw. There was still some fight left in the Atlanta native. Quo looked at the boogeyman who did not fall to the mat but was once again on one knee. Statuz Quo quickly raced toward the champion and nailed him with another boot to the jaw, this time sending Omega to the mat as Quo went for the cover.
Omega powered out of the pinfall attempt at one as the fans looked on knowing full well it was going to take a tank to keep the Fearless champion on the mat. Quo sized up his opponent and to the astonishment of the crowd he drilled Omega with the A-TOWN STOMP. Quo landed the double foot stomp flush to Omega’s face. The champion was holding his face in pain as Quo hooked his massive leg for the cover.
Another massive kickout by Omega that sent Quo flying half way across the ring. Quo quickly got to his feet and went for the cover on Omega once again.
Another massive kickout by Omega that Quo could not believe. Quo slammed his hands on the mat as Omega turned to his stomach then to one knee as the challenger made it to his feet. Statuz Quo nailed Omega with a right hand but the champion shoved the former tag team champion away. Quo went back at the boogeyman with hard rights to his jaw. Quo was a brawler but trading punches with the madman was not the right thing to do. Quo went at the champion again but this time Omega reached up and grabbed the challenger by the throat. The champion stood to his feet clutching Statuz Quo by the throat. Omega viciously drove him into the mat with a huge choke slam that shook the ring. The champion looked to be getting his bearings again in the match. The champion picked up Quo and hooked him in a front chancery. He waited for a second before hoisting the challenger high in the air, holding him for a few seconds with one arm before driving him into the mat with a stalling vertical suplex.
The madman reached down and grabbed Quo again by the head. He picked up the challenger and lifted him high in the air. He started to press the challenger over his head and hit three reps before slamming him into the mat. The crowd gasped as Quo rolled around on the mat holding his back in pain. The champion dropped several elbows into his back before he went for the cover on the challenger.
Omega smirked as he looked at the challenger. The monster grabbed Quo and whipped him into the corner. He raced into the corner and nailed the challenger with a huge clothesline that sent Quo to the mat on his ass. The monster smirked again as the fans started to jeer the champion.
The champion smirked again as he grabbed the challenger and whipped him into the ropes. Quo bounced off the ropes as Omega went for a clothesline but Quo showed his quickness and ducked under the attempt. The Atlanta native raced to the ropes bouncing off once more but this time he ate a big boot to the face from the champion. The fans ringside cringed at the sight of the huge boot to the face. Omega picked up Quo and held him in the air for a few seconds before driving him into the mat with a massive power bomb. However, the boogeyman was not done as he picked up the limp body of the challenger once more and nailed him with another power bomb. Omega was out to send a message to Mack Brody.
The boogeyman picked up Quo again as the challenger could hardly stand on his own. The champion looked into the camera before smirking and mouthing the words.
“Brody, accepting the challenge may have been the worst mistake of your life.”
The champion viciously sent Quo into the mat with THE END. Omega smirked before slowly draping his arm across the challenger’s prone body.

The Fearless champion made his presence felt earlier in the night by annihilating Mack Brody in his match. The he took his frustrations out on Statuz Quo. jOlt better brace for the impact that Mack Brody and Omega will unleash on this promotion. The man with no fear continued his onslaught on the Fearless division as he rolled off of Quo and slid out of the ring. The cameraman followed Omega from ringside as the champion was handed his title by Boulder. He turned with a sick smile.
“Are you afraid of the boogeyman?”

Somewhere in the backstage area, two men in the region of 6'5 were shown walking side by side, the blonde-haired veteran edging it in the height takes slightly.
Spectators in the arena and at home couldn't see their faces, though it appeared the cameraman was following them in a bid to pick up what they were discussing.
The taller of the two spoke in a southern accent: "Where have all the good guys gone? Plenty of people out for themselves, running riot and running their mouths."
A peculiar English voice gave its approval: "Spot on, son. I used to be in the Asylum, the fed, not the nuthouse. The inmates ran that joint too. I cannot see a difference here."
"What are we gonna do about it?"
Whoever he was, the European pondered that question: "What SHOULD we do about it?"
The senior statesman of the two, not by much mind, reasoned: "I asked you first."
Then, he had his manhood called into question: "Are you up for it?"
Scoffing at the question, turning towards his sidekick, he posed a rhetorical question that would send shivers down a lot of spines: "Am I up for it?"
His friend didn't fear him, though: "Yeah. Still got plenty left in the tank? Can you hang? Can you go?"
Incredulous, the Texan, at least it appeared, play-threatened his brother from another mother: "If you weren't my best buddy in this business, I'd slap that stupid bum fluff clean off your chin."
That received a laugh: "Bum fluff? How old do you take me for? Twelve?"
A dead-pan reply came back in return: "Maybe. There's no real men left, you know."
Smacking his knee, the other retiree sarcastically played along with the in joke: "Oh, aye. Forgot about that."
It was up to the elder individual to go on the front foot for once: "I'm not the one who's retired."
They'd arrived at their destination, a slash away from the curtain, when the immigrant squared up, though we still couldn't see who they were, to his friend: "WAS retired," he reaffirmed to his face. Our cameras were filming from the side.
The Englishman made his intentions clear: "I'm up for it if you are."
After they exchanged those insults, the American beckoned for the Brit to go through the curtain: "Shall we?"
"After you."
Side-by-side, it'd be difficult to bypass these two guys in a Burger King queue, the foreigner muttered: "I wonder who it'll be first?"
Shaking his knees in an attempt to psyche himself up, the other half of this outfit retorted: "Ladies first."
"On you go then, you cheeky twat."
Inside the arena, tension and expectation was rising. Some spectators had probably guessed who these two were by their strong, regional accents, albeit from totally different parts of the world.
On live television, the camera showed the entranceway and screen. The opening beats of a British song, no prizes for guessing who that was for, kicked in and the buzz in the place was growing by the second.
The Texan smacked his buddy on the back: "See you in a minute."
They then embraced: "Let's have it."
He only had a few seconds to get out there to time his first impression to perfection.
"One...take control of me."
... appeared on the jOltvision and take control of them, he did.
NBW hall-of-fame inductee, three-time Fighting Zone champion among competing for The Asylum and All-Star Championship Wrestling, the self-professed Yardstick emerged to an excellent reception, surveying the packed-out building and nodding his head, indicating he appreciated their accolades and he wasn't just here for a picnic and a romantic stroll in the park.
The Newcastle native was clearly looking to compensate for a lost portion of his career following a devastating loss to the legendary 'Superstar' Vince Jacobs in an all-or-nothing affair in Australia at No Brand's showpiece, Legacy, three years ago.
Chants of his name echoed. earning a two-handed clap in reply to that, hands up and then contorting his clean-shaven face into a variety of positions, soaking up the limelight and for what was about to follow.
Rotating his neck, until he stood aside when "All over the...." could be heard in the background.
It was getting louder.
"I'm goin' out west where the wind blows tall."
... wandered out in a casual manner, like opening his front door, only thousands of fans were waiting to welcome him instead of carol singers or Jehovah's witnesses.
The 2012 King of Ages, who went through hell on earth in the Toyko Dome to save ACW, embraced his great mate again as they buried their fists into each other's spines with respect and affection. In a manly way, just in case you accuse them of shenanigans.
I wouldn't.
Hank tipped his cowboy hat to Special K and then took it off for the fans, flinging it into the crowd for some lucky prick to sell it on eBay when his loan ran out.
A brief exchange of nods was met by two purposeful, menacing struts to the squared circle, muscles popping and pumping, not stirring as ringside marks touched these two straight-talking stars en route to the ring.
What were they going to say?
What were they doing here?
From the timekeeper's position, they were handed one microphone and bartered until they were given an additional mike.
Thereafter, they entered the ring from the commentators' side, through the middle ropes, and the duo stood, dead-centre, until the Queens of The Stone Age ceased singing. Hank respectfully bowed to Keegan, well it was sarcastically if I'm being blunt, and allowed the Englishman to address the audience first.
"It's good to be out of retirement."
That was cheaper than a toy in your happy meal.
"Sure, it's great to heal, watch a bit of telly, hoy a few beers down your neck, but being drunk is still nowt compared to being out here and performing in front OF YOU."
Keegan knew how to pay lip service to a crowd without coming across as a queen.
A thumb pointed inwards at himself, and then towards The Tank stood to his left: "I - WE - have got unfinished business in this business, haven't we?"
Wright stepped forward, as if he had just been picked by the captain in a game of basketball: "Last week, the LAST real man won the World title."
Cue boos for the Jeremy Ryan reference. It stuck in Hank's throat, his middle-aged face, scrunched up, pouting and he put his tongue in the roof of his mouth, smarting, seething at hearing someone call themselves that while he was still walking around, breathing and possibly competing.
He distanced himself from Keegan for a moment, pacing around: "It takes a King of Ages to know a King of Ages; I was the heir to Jesse Ramey's throne.
"I consider him a friend. He's one of the reasons I risked it all, and my southern drawl, to save ACW."
Those who remember Hank's ascension applauded. Despite some people questioning what he'd ever done in this business, there were people who remembered that and he nodded to himself, refusing to smile, but safe in the knowledge that he'd been a force in that glorious summer and had more than live up to his billing of 'The Tank.' Jack Harris, Orphan, Keith Scott Zimmerman and jOlt's very own, Omega, were his victims; a quartet of guys that would make the Fantastic Four look like the Bash Street Kids.
Afterwards, Hank started shaking his head incessantly: "We're not here to take over. We're not here for the money, glory, pu..."
Surprise, Special K cut him off: "Hang on. Don't I get a say in this. What are we here for then?"
Dead-pan, Hank responded: "The party."
Keegan clenched his fist and punched the immediate air in his personal space: "Get in! Now you're talking!"
Laughs greeted their rally. Wright wasn't in the mood to make anyone giggle: "We're here to help people out. We're not enforcers, hired guns or or vigilantes. We won't be..."
"Sticking our oars in," the Englishman interjected, doing just that.
"Exactly. But, now and again, if we see someone in trouble or who needs a hand, we'll be around."
Hank threw his microphone down to the ground and then whispered to Keegan, who tossed his onto the mat too. They posed momentarily, Keegan raising both his arms to the fans to the right-hand side of the ring and Wright mirroring that on the opposite side.
There'd be no scaling the turnbuckles or sticking around. Not tonight at least.
Thin Lizzy's 'Boys Are Back In Town' proved to be a fitting theme for the returning campaigners to exit left.
The landscape of jOlt Wrestling just changed. With that.. iNtense went off the air.