Darkness fades to gritty sepia when the opening piano of "Warriors" by PelleK (Imagine Dragons Cover) hits. We see image of an empty jOlt Arena filling with people in time lapse
The screen then explodes into full color when the drums and song kick in!
Here we are don't turn away... now!
We are the WARRIORS who built this town!!
(In sync with music) We see scenes of action and images of current superstars Pietro Geist, Eiji Kugasari, Jeremy Ryan, Diamond Jewelz, Tammy Lynn Foster, Raevynn, Keegan, Hank Wright, The House, and The Freak Show
Here we are don't turn away... now!
We are the WARRIORS who built this town... FROM DUST!!
We continue to see images of action as the intrustmental continues to the very end...
Here we are don't turn away... now!
We are the WARRIORS who built this town!!
We see Diamond Jewelz posing with Them MF'n Goons, Sonny Silver standing by Frank Silver, Mack Brody hitting the Gold Rush on Omega, Pietro Geist and Jeremy Ryan brawling, a shot of Kayden Paulton cracking a genuine smile, and a lumbering Spike Saunders standing tall in the ring. Here we are don't turn away... now!
We are the WARRIORS who built this town... FROM DUST!!
With the final pulsing beats of the song, we see Jeremy Ryan striking a grin with the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder!
The scene flashes back into the arena where the song starts again, but in his complete form, starting with Verse 1 of the lyrics. The camera pans around the Arena as a splendid display of fireworks goes off on the main stage and above the ring. The set is a giant jOltvision with the N logo for iNtnese sitting to the left and to the right of the big jOltvision. The N itself is a massive red light that is illuminated. Above the jOltvision is a pseudo semi-circle steel structure that houses a curved screen that will be used to display a wrestler's name above it while their entrance video plays below on the jOltvision. On the stage itself, to the left and right of the entrance ramp are two more small, elongated mini screens which will display the wrestler's brand logo on them when they make their way out... unless they hold a title. Then it will display their championship belt on the left and the name of the title on the right!
The fans were buzzing with electricity as iNtense officially begins!

“Coming For The Throne” by Otherwise.
A single shining blue-hued “M” appeared on the jOltVision followed by a new word…
One by one, the members of this new alliance came out from the back.
“The Fortunate Son” Frank Silver wearing a BRAND SPANKING NEW MONARCHY t-shirt!
“The First” Freddie Rich, wearing same BRAND SPANKING NEW MONARCHY t-shirt and looking out to the crowd with a hate-filled gaze.
The two massive masked security for MONARCHY – Brady and Strauss AKA The Law.
Sonny Silver. The brains of the operation.
And finally, “jOlt’s Last Real Man” Jeremy Ryan, jOlt World Championship high in the air with the same hate-filled scowl on his face.
“And here come MONARCHY,” Michael Buhrman said, “just three weeks form what is being called The Battle for The Belts! The jOlt World Heavyweight Champion Jeremy Ryan versus The Fearless Champion Omega! Omega retained his championship against Strauss last week, but MONARCHY are looking awfully smug tonight.”
“Why shouldn’t they” Nathan Powers asked. “You look at this talent! The jOlt World Heavyweight Champion, Jeremy Ryan. The Thieves Honor winner and #1 Contender Frank Silver, rising star “The First” Freddie Rich. The Law! MONARCHY may have experienced a setback last week, but they still hold all the cards!”
As the introduction concluded by both men, MONARCHY stood in the ring as the crowd started chanting.
Frank put up his ear to the crowd and begged them to get louder, if that were even possible. The masked thugs remained motionless in the corner while Freddie Rich nodded at Sonny Silver with a smirk. Sonny picked up his microphone and patted both the World Champion and the 2015 Thieves Honor winner on their respective shoulders.
“What MONARCHY has here in these two men are the PRESENT and the FUTURE of jOlt Wrestling!” Sonny said. “And Omega, if you look very closely at this picture, you’ll see three things. One – that my client… jOlt’s Last Real CHAMPION Jeremy Ryan has the jOlt World Title where it will be staying! Second, I have the rightful #1 Contender who is waiting for the conclusion to that match at Death Wish, the 2015 Thieves Honor winner, FRANK SILVER!”
Frank stopped and threw in an Uppercut to the air for good measure!
Jeremy Ryan gave an evil glare to his associate. Sonny quickly noticed and quietly calmed him down before he continued.
“And three… in this vision of the future, Omega, there is NO place for you! Your Fearless Title run is the longest of its kind in jOlt and that’s nothing to screw around with… you’ve done everything you’ve said you could do and you’ve done it… oh, except for one thing. Being the jOlt World Heavyweight Champion. You say that he’s trapped in that cage with you, but you couldn’t be more wrong, my friend.”
Jeremy Ryan took the microphone.
“Omega… I’m one of the few men that’s DEFEATED you in this ring. And for a man that has problems with the way that I do things, all you’ve shown yourself to be a is a 350-pound HYPOCRITE! What do I have to help me keep my championship? The biggest fucking meanstreak that ANYBODY has ever had in jOlt Wrestling! The only REAL MAN with a REAL KILLER FUCKING INSTINCT to do what he says he’s going to do! How is what YOU do any different? Your precious weapons… your barbed wire, your tables, your scorpions you used to use in that shithole, ACW. They’re merely allies under a different name.”
Ryan hoisted up the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship.
“The name of MONARCHY’s game has always been the same… RULE everything by any means necessary. In this cage, you like to brag that I’m trapped in there with you without MONARCHY’s help, Omega, but now I’m wise to your game… you keep on underestimating me, but what you don’t realize is that a REAL MAN is willing to do ANYTHING to win. I’m the same type of monster as you in that regard, Omega… but I’m also smarter than you. You bragged about how you defeated me in the Boiler Room Brawl and that chapter is done – you did. But admit it, - you thought it was just going to be another walk in the park. That you were going to skate by me. But I stabbed you with nails, broke glass over your head, and I SHOWED you what kind of man I am. I am no coward. I CAN fight my own battles. I did when I won this title. I did when I beat Spike Saunders, I did beating anybody who’s ever crossed me… and that Thieves Honor, Omega, you WILL know what the TRUE terror of jOlt really is!”
When Jeremy Ryan was about to continue his tirade, Frank took the microphone.
“YEAH, HOMO-MEGA! You think you’re hot shit, but I’m the FIRST guy that pinned your one-eyed ass in several months when you thought nobody could touch you! And if some way, somehow, you get past my boy, Jeremy, just remember that I’m waiting on the other side, to…”
With that, Ryan took the microphone back…
“What the fuck did you just say?” Ryan snapped.
“STOP! NOW!” Sonny shouted, getting in between Frank and Jeremy. “Jeremy, he didn’t mean anything by it! All he meant was that MONARCHY is going to dominate both titles, no matter what! We’re…”
“It’s a Fight” by Three 6 Mafia.
The crowd ASPLODED!!!
Out from the back, making his return to jOlt after a several-week absence was the ex-best friend and tag team partner of The Fortunate Son… it was an angry Mack Brody! The members of MONARCHY stood their ground in the ring and The Law surrounded Sonny Silver while Frank Silver quickly ducked behind both Jeremy Ryan and Freddie Rich! Mack Brody motioned for his microphone to be cut out as the crowd went nuts!
“I’m sorry to interrupt this lover’s spat, but I’m going to speak for everybody here when I say to Jeremy Ryan… SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
Ryan scowled and wanted to leave the ring to march up there and kick Brody’s fucking ass, but Sonny held him back! Brody turned to Frank Silver.
“You’re ALL full of fucking shit! NONE of you can do anything on your own without holding each other’s hands… dicks, too, I’d wager. I’m out here for one reason and one reason only and that’s the little turncoat bitch over there, Frank Silver! Stop hiding behind MONARCHY’s skirt, stop ducking me like the little bitch you are and FIGHT ME! You owe me that for what you did to Ryan Gallway, you spineless sack of shit!”
Frank ran a hand over his stubble before he took the microphone from Sonny Silver.
“No, Mack… I don’t own you JACK-FUCKING SHIT! The Heirs of Wrestling died a long time ago and you’re the only one that’s too stupid to realize it, roid-head. You were never my friend... you were a means to an end. We needed somebody to watch our backs when it was just Ryan and I ruling the tag team world! We made a lot of enemies and we needed muscle. You did that pretty well, but that’s all you were EVER good for, you poser-ass Superman wannabe! I’ve done more in jOlt than YOU’VE ever done in the last two years! I’m a two-time Tag Team Champion with you, sure… but I ended Ryan Gallway’s career! Unlike you in 2014, I WON Thieves Honor in 2015, you useless cunt! I don’t need you anymore, you aren’t worthy of my time, and you can go…”
“Wait, wait, wait…”
Frank turned his head and now “The First” Freddie Rich motioned for the microphone. He whispered something into the ear of Frank and Sonny Silver. Mack Brody waited impatiently.
“What’s he saying? He need one of you to walk his bitch-ass to the bathroom or what?”
They all nodded in agreement before Sonny Silver turned to Brody.
“Mister Brody… it is a REAL shame that you didn’t joint us when we did. You’re a prime piece of talent, you really are… but you’ve been led astray and for your blatant disrespect of MONARCHY, your request for a match with the 2015 Thieves Honor winner has been DENIED!”
SuperMack was about to scowl, but Sonny waved a finger.
“UNLESS… you agree to our terms. You see, “The First” Freddie Rich is a young talent looking for that one opportunity and now he’s looking for the chance to break out… now will be that time! Mack Brody, Frank Silver has agreed to stipulations. If you defeat Freddie Rich later tonight, then you will have your match with Frank Silver at Death Wish… HOWEVER, should you win, you get one match with Frank Silver at that PPV. And win, lose or draw, that will be the ONLY match you ever get with him! This business ends! What do you say?”
“Make up your mind, you fucker!” Frank scowled.
Jeremy Ryan watched with his jOlt World Title over his shoulder as Brody looked at him.
The crowd cheered as Frank Silver laughed.
“You fucking idiot,” Frank laughed. “All you’ve done tonight is sign your death warrant! Rich is gonna finish you off tonight and then you will NEVER face me! You aren’t worth my fucking time, you moron.”
“I’m going to MAKE that time,” Brody snapped right back. “I’m gonna snap your sorry ass in half and then I’m going to make my way to Jeremy Ryan to TAKE that Championship away!”
“It’s a Fight” played as Mack Brody headed towards the back, raising a hand in the air before taking his leave while the members of MONARCHY did the same. Big stipulations for Mack Brody tonight all to get at his ex-best friend. But he showed he was willing to anything to make Frank Silver pay for what he’d done.

Cross the Hood vs The Ali Boys

“Oye Como Va” by Carlos Santana
The smooth docile sounds of “Oye Como Va” hit the PA system. The fans in the MIami crowd who have watched these two in this very arena over a decade ago gave the local legends a standing ovation. Clemente and Iago came out from the backstage area looking ready to go. The duo walked side by side down to the ring where Clemente slid in under the bottom rope and Iago flipped over the top. The two of them each took a turnbuckle and posed for the crowd. They hopped down awaited the arrival of their opposition.
“My Time” by Fabolous
The cheers continued as Jackson Cross and Machida Hood came out from the backstage area. Just like Eldridge wasn’t with The Boys, Vogue, the Starlet Champion, wasn’t with Cross the Hood. There would be no excuses here as they looked for a one on one tag under the fairest of scenarios. Cross the Hood refer to the ring as their proving ground and the look of determination on their faces as they made their way to that proving ground was proof enough that they aimed to take this match here tonight for themselves. Cross and Hood each stepped into the ring and stared across at the opposite corner at the Ali Boys. It was determinded the Hood and Iago would start things off here.
Once the referee saw that both teams were set, he called for the bell.
Hood and Iago circled each other and when they went for the lockup, Iago quickly slid through Hood’s legs and popped up on the other side with a waist lock, showing off his quickness. Hood fired a pair of elbows into Iago’s face and took off to the ropes, but Iago countered with a drop kick right to the face as Hood came off the rebound. Hood quickly got back up and Iago hit him with a second drop kick that staggered him back into the corner. Iago charged in and hit a Tiger Wall Flip off of Hood’s chest which angered Hood. Hood darted forward, looking for a lariat, but Iago ducked underneath and leapt onto the middle turnbuckle where he twisted off with a Cross Body Body catching Hood as he turned around.
Iago rolled off of Hood and back up to his feet. Iago charged in, but Hood attempted the lariat for a second time and, again, found nothing as Iago ducked underneath and went to the ropes. Iago ran at full speed and rode up Hood with a Satellite Head Scissors, flipping Hood over onto his back. Hood rolled out of the ring to catch a breather and to try and slow the pace of this match down, but Iago wouldn’t let him as by the time Hood rolled out and landed on his feet, Iago had already taken off to the ropes and was at mid-ring and running at full speed.
Iago went through the middle and top rope and decked Hood right in the face with the flying forearm! Hood staggered back and used the announce table to brace himself as Iago picked himself up off the floor. Iago pounded away on Hood’s back, but when Iago went to roll Hood back into the ring, Hood reversed and sent Iago in a different direction.
Hood through Iago right into the steel ring steps! If anything would slow Iago’s momentum down, tossing him into cold, hard, steel would be the thing to do it! Hood walked over and grabbed Iago by the hair, rolling him back into the ring. Hood got up on the ring apron and grabbed the top rope as Iago slowly staggered to his feet. Iago turned around as Hood used the ropes to sling himself over with a Slingshot Shoulder Tackle, taking Iago down to the canvas. The impact was hard enough to warrant Hood going for the cover, hooking the leg..
Shoulder up by Iago.
Hood tried to slow the pace down by sitting Iago up and placing him into a Rear Chin Lock complete with the knee driven into the upper back between the shoulder blades. Hood wrenched back on Iago’s neck hard, but no matter how hard Hood tugged, Iago refused to give him. After a moment or two, the fans began to rally behind Iago and he fed off of that energy to get back to his feet, but as soon as he stood, Hood quickly placed him into a full nelson and nailed a Full Nelson Slam onto the canvas with authority! Hood walked back over to his corner and tagged in Jackson Cross.
Cross came in and stomped down on Iago rather harshly. He circled him and stomped once again. Cross pulled Iago back up and sent him off to the ropes. Cross telegraphed the back body drop and Iago took advantage of that by rolling off of Cross’ back! Cross turned around and was met with a toe kick.. or so we thought! Cross grabbed Iago by the leg and blocked it! With the leg trapped, he pulled Iago into a front waist lock and then popped the hips, nailing a Capture Suplex! Iago bounced off of the canvas after the hard impact!
Cross stood and turned his attention back to Iago. Iago slowly stood, but Cross helped him back to a vertical base. He shoved Iago back into the corner and then hoisted him up onto the top turnbuckle pad. Cross lit up Iago’s chest with a pair of knife edge chops to stun him. Cross then walked away from the corner and gained some distance. Cross charged in at full speed and leapt up to the top turnbuckle in a single bound, which dropped the collective jaws of the crowd here in attendance! He went to hook Iago, but Iago hit a Palm Thrust to Cross and knocked him off the top turnbuckle pad! Cross hit the canvas and got back up to his feet where Iago stood up on the top rope and measured Cross up. Iago then leapt off, looking for a Leaping Frankensteiner, but when he landed on Cross’ shoulders...
Cross fell into the cover, hooking the leg...
Thr.. NO!!
Iago kicked out at the last possible second!
Cross stood and tagged Machida back into the match. Machida signaled that he was going to end it as he pulled Iago back up to his feet. Hood sent Iago off to the ropes as Hood took off in the opposite direction. Hood and Iago were about to meet in the center of the ring where Hood looked for Project 347… the Running STO into the Backbreaker, but Iago stopped short, wrapped his arm around Hood’s neck and pulled him into a Flatliner after Hood stumbled after realizing that Iago stopped! Hood tries to put the brakes on and that’s when he lost his footing, allowing iago to catch him and drive him face first into the canvas! Iago looked towards his corner where Clemente was just about foaming at the mouth for a chance to get into this match!
Hood started to crawl towards his corner as did Iago. They both got there and we got a tag on both sides!
Clemente came into the ring and nailed a Flying Shoulder Block to Cross! Clemente stood and charged into the enemy corner knocking Hood off the ring apron and down to the floor! Cross got back up as Clemente grabbed him by the arm and sent him to the ropes. Clemente then nailed that Double A Spinebuster in the middle of the ring and popped up into the cover!
Cross got the shoulder up!
Clemente grabbed Cross and pulled him back up. He rocked Cross with right after right after right in succession, backing Cross up a step with each punch. Clemente backed Cross against the ropes and whipped him across the ring, but Cross reversed it and sent Clemente into the ropes instead. Hood hopped up on the ring apron and hit a rope assisted Gamengiri to the back of Clemente’s head as he touched the ropes! Clemente staggered forward into a toe kick by Cross. Cross hooked Clemente for a vertical suplex and lifted him up into the air, but Clemente twisted out of it and landed behind Cross! Clemente leapt up and nailed a Backstabber to Cross! He then quickly made the cover...
Hood came in to break it up, but Clemente anticipated it and moved causing Hood to accidentally drop a double axe handle on his own partner! Clemente grabbed Hood by the back of the head and ran him to the ropes where he tossed him over the top rope and down to the floor. Clemente then tagged in Iago and they signaled for the 21K LOVE. Clemente grabbed Cross and pulled him to his feet and then sent him into the ropes. Iago got into position behind Clemente, but from the outside, Hood reached back in and grabbed Iago by the leg, tripping him up! Cross then ran over Clemente with a lariat!
Hood pulled Iago to the outside and grabbed him a front waist lock. Hood looked back to judge his distance and then popped the hips..
Hood stood back up and slid into the ring. Cross grabbed Clemente and pulled him up to his feet. Cross hoisted Clemente up onto his shoulders with an inverted fireman’s carry. He then popped Clemente up then fell back, letting Clemente free fall onto Cross’ knees!
Clemente bounced off of Cross’ knees and landed on his own. Clemente cringed in pain as he stood up, but Hood charged in and nailed the running STO into the Backbreaker..
Hood rolled out of the ring as Cross made the cover, hooking the leg...

Cross the Hood are back on the winning track with a thrilling victory here over The Ali Boys! There was a mixed reaction from the crowd as some of the die-hard Ali faithful didn’t like the outcome, but the full supporters of Cross the Hood cheered them on nevertheless.
Cross and Hood celebrated in the middle of the ring and then looked down at Clemente. They both offered a hand to Clemente who took it and they helped him up to his feet. Hood and Cross patted Clemente on the back and then exited the ring to let him have the spotlight. The crowd cheered the sportsmanship, but Clemente was looking around for his brother, instead. he saw Iago laid out at ringside and exited to help him out. Clemente helped Iago to his feet and the two of them made their exit as well.

A voice over plays as we see the final minutes of the battle between Alex Reyn and Darren Best at Thieves Honour. Darren coming off of the barricade, the video in slow motion.
“I could barely move. my head was throbbing, my leg was in more pain than I’ve ever felt in my life. I try to turn, try to do SOMETHING to save myself. But I’m too slow, too weak. I realise at that second that I’m about to lose and I feel something I’ve never felt before: fear.
"The sensation courses through me and I feel a rush of energy. A chair is in my hand and I feel it strike against your skull. Feel the fear moving me to victory as you fall to my East Wind cutter.”
The scene cuts to Alex sitting outside at night by a trashcan fire.
“...And then it was gone. That intense feeling left me, and I felt weak, hollow. But I want more. I want to experience that same kind of fear once again. And I know you can give it to me Darren. I know you want this rematch just as much as I do.”
He grinned.
“See you in the ring.”

The Natural Athletes(c) vs ????????

“The following match is scheduled for one fall! This is a tag team bout and it will be contested for the jOlt World Tag Team Championships!”
Four pillars were near the entrance, two on each end with “THE NATURAL ATHLETES” in a white and blue logo. The camera took notice of an inflatable tunnel with the same logo…
“Unleashed” by Chris Classic feat. Nazareth.
The music played and the crowd went crazy for the jOlt World Tag Team Champions! Cori “Striker” Albright and “The Big Hitter” Terry Massimo raised their respective titles to a huge pop from the crowd! Behind them was Nate Quartermaine who soaked in the positive cheers. Massimo surveyed the crowd and pointed to a section of fans with Natural Athletes signs while Cori Albright scanned for the hottest ladies the eye could see.
Albright jumped to the top rope and did a cartwheel over the ropes before landing in the ring while Massimo climbed into the squared circle. Both men posed for the crowd and their cornerman, Nate Quartermaine, got the crowd going as Cori Albright took a microphone.
Cori, Nate, and Terry were almost taken aback by the reaction from the rowdy crowd that were in attendance tonight. Ticket sales and rumors of shit be damned – the fans that showed up were still rowdy as all hell tonight.
“So tonight, we were looking forward to a match with two the toughest SONS OF BEES in the back to have not worn these titles… the non-Irish ones, The New Breed… however, we were informed just moments ago that they would not be here in time for this regularly scheduled match…”
“See, dat’s what we been sayin!” Terry added. “But what me and Cor care about is that y’all get a fuckin’ World Tag Team Title match and dat’s EXACTLY what y’all be gettin’ tonight! We been tellin’ errrrrrybody in earshot dat if you wanna shot at dese titles, step da hell up or shut da hell up! So to whichever lucky muhfuckas want a shot right here tonight… bring it!”
Terry Massimo dropped the microphone to the ground and made the universal gesture for wanting a fight….
Just bring it.
Hopefully we don’t get sued heHEY, LOOK, THEIR OPPONENTS!
The music played…
“Police Truck” by the Dead Kennedys.
And… well…
The theme belonged to that of the personal enforcers for MONARCHY…
“Introducing the opponentns… being accompanied to the ring by MONARCHY manager Sonny Silver… at a combined weight of 599 pounds… THE LAW!”
The Natural Athletes were shocked by this development, but they kept their game faces on. They talked strategy and even though Strauss could not win the Fearless Championship from Omega last week, tonight he and the massive Brady could be the next jOlt World Tag Team Championships and control the top singles and tag belts for MONARCHY! The music cut out as Sonny Silver walked to the ring with a smirk on his face.
“Boys, boys, boys… I like the Natural Athletes. I’m a big fan of you guys with the sports analogies and the rahrahrah go team… and Nate Quartermaine? You’ve got the easiest job of any wrestler I’ve seen on the roster… standing there and shit! Good on you, my friend!”
Nate glared angrily at the MONARCHY manager as he approached the ring.
“I’m SOOOOOO SOOOOOO sorry about what happened to the New Breed. I know how we were looking forward to them coming out here and The Hype’s best coming out here to fight with one another for Hype supremacy… but we don’t care about Hype… and it’s a shame… that somebody called the airport and told them that Brian Williams that a family member was in an accident… OH, NO, I hope they’re gonna be okay, hahahahahaha!”
Sonny held out a hand and lifelessly, Brady reached out and high-fived his boss.
“Now as for YOU guys tonight, Brady… Strauss… win us some fucking belts!”
Sonny pointed towards the ring and The Law rushed right at the ring! The Natural Athletes stood their ground as the two monsters sped towards them…
The massive Brady and Terry Massimo went to battle while Strauss gunned for Cori Albright and kicked him in the gut before throwing him all the way to the opposite corner of the ring! Brady and Massimo went for their fight and it spilled with both men going right through the ropes, going sailing all the way to the outside!
Referee Ian Nguyen tried to get a handle on the action as both Brady and Terry Massimo continued going to blows on the outside, throwing each other all around! While Sonny smiled, Nate Quartermaine looked at Cori Albright and cheered him on as Cori was being taken to task by a rather angry Strauss! He elbowed him in the face in the corner several times to try and wear down the high-flyer. The ultra-talented Albright got Irish Whipped cross-corner and hit the corner with a thud. Strauss ran right at the corner, but Cori flipped through the ropes and connected with a Catapult Kick!
Strauss got stunned from the shot and that allowed for FIFA’s Favorite Wrestler to slip to the ring apron. He jumped in the air and connected with a HUGE Springboard Missile Dropkick right to the face, knocking Strauss off his feet! Sonny Silver was irate on the outside as Cori went for the cover.
Strauss powered out and shoved Cori Albright right off of him! The jOlt World Tag Team Champion waited for Cori to get back on the offensive. Cori Albright waited as Strauss tried to get back to his feet and kicked him in the knee several times, trying to wear down the 285-pound monster. He shoved him backwards and Strauss charged only to get a pair of knees to the face. Cori flipped over the ropes and went up top…
The Signature Flying Headbutt collided right with his face and dropped Strauss a second time! Cori went for a second cover on him.
For the second consecutive time, Cori was thrown off of his opponent. Sonny Silver paced around the outside and pointed towards Albright.
“Catch his ass! Catch his ass and throw him down!”
Sonny had to move out of the way from the path of an oncoming Terry Massimo CRASHING right into the steel steps, courtesy of Brady! The 315-pound member of MONARCHY had just tossed him into it and now The Big Hitter was writhing around in pain. Sonny stood over him and laughed.
Sonny pointed back inside the ring and Brady headed back to his corner while Albright continued to face off against Strauss. He elbowed him in the face several times before he whipped him into the corner again. When Cori tried to leapfrog over him, Strauss caught him by the legs…
The David Beckham of Wrestling took a nasty spill when Strauss simply ragdolled him over the ropes and sending him landing all the way to the outside with a huge splat! The fans booed as Sonny Silver looked over to Nate Quartermaine, arms stretched out and laughing like an asshole.
“THAT is how you manage, Nate!” Sonny shouted.
The Law were in control after Cori Albright’s opening salvo and Terry Massimo was still laid out at ringside, trying to get back into the game, so to speak. Strauss reached over and made the tag out to the bigger Brady who stepped down to the floor where Cori had fallen. He picked him up over his shoulder and RAMMED him right into the barricade! Cori yelled out in pain before Brady simply hoisted him up and slammed him hard on the ground with a vicious Body Slam! Nothing fancy about that, but the floor was much harder than the ring!
Cori writhed about, but he wasn’t long for the outside before Brady casually lifted him up and threw him back inside the ring. Brady stepped onto the ring apron and climbed right over the top rope before he dropped him down with a big Leg Drop! Nothing fancy, but it was effective enough. He climbed over and went for a lateral press! Could The Law win the Tag Team Titles?!
Cori’s arm popped off the canvas in the nick of time! Brady picked him up off the canvas again and threw him back to the corner where he laid him underneath the bottom rope. Brady made the tag to Strauss just as Brady whipped him back up across the top rope with a huge Catapult! Strauss then headed to the floor and WHACKED Cori in the side of the head with a hard knee! The pair of blows completely disoriented Cori and now Strauss went back inside the ring. He pulled Cori away from the ropes and went for another cover on him.
Albright’s shoulder came up again and now Sonny Silver was looking angrier at the tenacity of the hard-fighting World Tag Team Champions. Brady got the tag from Strauss just as Terry Massimo finally got his bearings back and returned to his corner, watching The Law pick apart his best friend. Strauss grabbed Cori by his hair and pulled him back to his feet before he tried using a Back Suplex. He got Cori all the way up, but he flipped out behind him! He tried to hook him by both arms…
Brady was far too strong for him to attempt the Unprettier variation and Cori ended up getting shoved into the ropes. Brady got his foot up and tried to catch him with a Big Boot, but Albright slipped out underneath him. He tried to use the ropes and catch him with a Springboard Back Elbow, but Brady caught him…
Cori got dumped on the mat in the worst way possible after trying to find his second wind, but Brady ducked over and went for another cover on Cori Albright, this time hooking a leg in the process.
Brady could be seen going wide-eyed behind his customized mask and he now towered over Ian Nguyen, threatening to do something bad to him. Sonny gestured back at Cori Albright and lucky for the official that he couldn’t be touched otherwise The Law would’ve laid him out sooner. Brady grabbed Cori and slammed him down with a basic but painful Body Slam! Cori hit the mat and Brady was going to very dangerous territory via the second rope. The 315-pounder waited as Terry Massimo watched what was about to unfold…
Cori moved out of harm’s way at the last second and Brady hit nothing but the canvas! He moved out of the way and at the very last second, Cori found his second wind! He limped over to his corner where Terry was waiting…
Massimo headed into the ring and immediately, he headed to the second rope in the corner near where Brady landed! The 354-pound Terry Massimo was going to show him how it was down and showed him, he did with a FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Terry with the cover!
Brady’s shoulder went up before the three! Strauss entered the ring and attacked Terry with a barrage of right hands before trying to whip him to the corner. The big Seattle native reversed that and it was Strauss who went packing. He sped forward and CRUSHED him in the corner with a Running Back Elbow! When he looked out of the corner of his eye, he saw Brady trying to stand back up to his feet, so he wasn’t left out. He rushed out of the corner and ran right at him again!
All 354 connected with the chest of Brady! The big former LAPD officer got rocked! Terry Massimo turned around and went to charge a second time at Strauss, but he moved out of the way sending Terry hitting nothing but the corner. Strauss ran off the ropes looking for a Lariat, but he didn’t anticipate that The Big Hitter was already back up…
The EXPLOSIVE Shoulder Tackle took Strauss right off of his feet and sent him rolling to the floor right next to an irate Sonny Silver! Back in the ring, Brady was stumbling around right into a HARD Thrust Spinebuster from The Big Hitter! The legal man, Brady, was down and that allowed for Terry to go for his finisher…
Sonny grabbed him by the leg to keep the massive… well, Massimo from hitting his finisher. Terry turned around and kicked at Sonny, but the MONARCHY member moved. When Terry turned…
He was right on target with the massive Spear on Terry Massimo! And now, the Law could be the Tag Team Champions after sabotaging The New Breed’s chances tonight!
It was 2.9, but Terry defiantly raised his shoulder up! Brady rubbed a hand on his neck before he reached over. Strauss limped back to his corner and Brady reached over to tag his partner into the ring. Brady and Strauss tried to both go for a Double Chokeslam, but Cori Albright leaped up…
He beaned Strauss right in the head! Brady tried to swat at Cori, but Terry was right there and drilled him right into the mat with a Belly to Belly Suplex! He was cleared from the ring and sent packing as Nate Quartermaine yelled more words of encouragement.
“Finish them! Go! Show them the new move!”
Strauss was still groggy from the Pele Kick, so Terry grabbed onto him…
The Jackhammer SPIKED Strauss into the canvas with a vengeance! And with him down near the corner, Terry made the tag to Cori Albright! Cori started to climb the top rope, but not before Terry of all people did it first! He made his way to the top rope and perched onto Terry’s shoulders… this was the move Nate talked about…
The Aided Frog Splash with extra height allowed him to drive all his weight across the chest of Strauss! Sonny Silver furrowed his brow as he watched Cori go for the cover.

Despite a rocky start, The Natural Athletes had done it again! This was their third title defense in the last four weeks, but tonight…
Sonny was beside himself! This was NOT what MONARCHY wanted here tonight, but alas, thems the brakes. Cori and Terry raised their jOlt World Tag Team Titles high in the air and celebrated this hard-fought win over MONARCHY’S foot soldiers! They headed outside the ring and walked towards the back along with Nate, who laughed at Sonny.
“THAT’S what managing is!” Nate laughed!
The trio laughed before they headed back up the ramp, celebrating with the crowd before they took their leave. Strauss was laid the fuck out and Brady rolled into the ring, hurt from the big suplex from Terry Massimo, but well enough to check on his partner.
However… things weren’t going to end there for the Law…

The jOltArena went completely dark as the eerie lyrics of “Redeemer” by Marilyn Manson echoed throughout the arena. The fans erupted in cheers as they looked toward the stage and the jOltvision to see the Fearless Champion standing on the stage.
The champion made his way down the ramp as Sonny quickly rolled out of the ring. Brady stood to his feet as he waited for the boogeyman to make his way to the ring. Omega climbed onto the apron and looked at Brady before climbing over the top rope. Brady met Omega in the ring with a big right hand as the two bulls stood toe to toe in the middle of the ring. Brady started to get the better of the big man as he moved Omega to the ropes.
He grabbed Omega by the arm and whipped him into the ropes. Omega bounced off the ropes and was met with a huge clothesline that did not send the boogeyman to the mat. Brady drilled Omega with another big right hand before trying to grab the Fearless champion again. Omega broke away from Brady with a thrust to the throat. The champion hooked Brady and took him down with a German suplex throw.
Sonny slammed his hands on the mat trying to get Brady to get up. Omega smirked at Sonny before pulling the mammoth Brady to his feet. The champion picked up Brady, showing his massive power…
The crowd went apeshit as Omega slammed Brady to the mat with his finisher. Sonny was livid and so were the troops as Jeremy Ryan, Freddie Rich and Frank Silver raced toward the ring as Omega slowly moved himself out of the ring and over the guardrail through the crowd. Rich, Frank and Sonny checked on Brady as Jeremy Ryan stared at Omega who continued to look at Ryan from the fans. These two men were on a collision course one more time where winner will take all.
Strauss finally made his way to his feet as Monarchy looked on at Omega who smirked as Ryan gritted his teeth. The cage match between these two men will be one for the ages.

Alyssa Corliss, Vogue Gonsalvez, & Sarkhaya vs Raevynn, Tammy Lynn Foster, & GLORY

"Last Theater" by NoisyCell hit the arena as Sarkhaya made her way to the stage. She slowly walked down the ramp with a sly grin. The young starlet slid under the bottom ropes into the ring and stood in the middle to some cheers from the fans. Sarkhaya stood in the ring waiting for her partners. “Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse Alyssa Corliss came out from the back to a pretty good pop as usual. She was ready for this big six woman tag team match. Alyssa raised her arms in the air as she raced down the ramp and made her way into the ring. “My Time” by Fabolous
The people cheered as Vogue Gonsalvez came out from the backstage area holding the Starlets Championship high in the air. She stopped at the top of the ramp and threw her fist into the air. All of a sudden, violet pyro popped behind her from wires dangling in front of the jOltvision. It spelled out her name “VOGUE” in cursive lettering. The crowd applauded as she walked her way down to the ring, giving the crowd a wink as well.
Vogue hopped up onto the ring apron and flipped over the top rope, rolling up to her feet. She then ascended the turnbuckle pads to the very top, striking a pose to the crowd in the far neutral corner, continuing to show the fans the Starlet title. She was ready to be the number one women in jOlt. The champion jumped off the ropes as she handed her title to Kim Adams.
All the women got themselves straight as Glory and Alyssa will be starting the match out. Both women circled each other in the ring as Kim was going to have a tough time trying to keep order in this match. The two women hooked up in the middle of the ring in a collar and elbow tie up. Glory tried to use her leverage and quickly hooked Alyssa with a side headlock. Alyssa tried to get out of the hold but Glory continued to keep the pressure on.
Alyssa was able to move Glory back to the ropes. She grabbed Alyssa by the waist and was able to shoot her into the ropes. Glory bounced off the ropes and was met by a big clothesline from Alyssa. Corliss was quickly on her opponent with a kick to the side, followed up with a kick to the midsection. Alyssa grabbed Glory by the hair and whipped her into the corner. Alyssa pulled Glory from the corner and made a tag to the Starlets champion, Vogue. The two women grabbed Glory by the arms and whipped her into the ropes. Glory bounced off the ropes…
The fans erupted in cheers as Alyssa and Vogue shared a quick smile before Vogue went for the cover on Glory.
Glory was able to get her shoulder up as Vogue knew more work needed to be done. Vogue went to grab Glory but the rookie showed some veteran like skills as she nailed the champ with a right hand. Glory reached over and Raevynn was the closer to get the tag. Raevynn jumped into the ring but Vogue caught her with a deep arm drag. Raevynn quickly made it to her feet as did the Starlets champion. Vogue went for a kick but Raevynn moved and nailed the champion with a big clothesline. Raevynn started to put the boots to Vogue in the middle of the ring as the fans erupted in jeers.
Raevynn picked up Vogue and drove her to the mat with a big snap suplex. The former Starlet champion picked up Vogue and whipped her into the ropes. Vogue bounced off the ropes as Raevynn put her head down for a back body drop. Vogue clipped off her back and went for the tag on Sarkhaya. The rookie hopped into the ring and nailed Raevynn with a forearm shot.
Sarkhaya grabbed Raevynn and whipped her into the far corner. The rookie raced into the corner as was met with a big boot by Raevynn. The dark one grabbed Sarkhaya and drove her to the mat with a big powerslam. She reached up for a tag to another former Starlets champion, Tammy Lynn Foster. Tammy Lynn came into the ring and dropped an elbow onto Sarkhaya’s chest. TL picked up Sarkhaya and drove her into the mat with a big DDT. The former champion quickly hooked the leg for the cover.
Tammy was not happy as she grabbed Sarkhaya by the hair and pulled her up to her feet and slapped in her in the face. The former champion was not happy as she drove a huge right into Sarkhaya’s temple. The rookie dropped to her knee as Tammy bounced off the ropes with a big boot to the face. Tammy tagged in Glory who went to the middle rope. Tammy Lynn held Sarkhaya’s legs as Glory dove off the middle rope with a big leg drop. Kim Adams made sure that Tammy was out of the ring as Glory went for the cover on Sarkhaya.
Sarkhaya kicks out again as Glory sat up. She tagged in Raevynn as the dark one drove a knee into Sarkhaya’s back. Raevynn picked up Sarkhaya and nails her with a right hand as she takes a peek at Alyssa in the corner. The rookie needs to get a tag and get one very soon. Raevynn grabs Sarkhaya and whips her into the ropes. Sarkhaya bounced off the ropes as Raevynn went for a clothesline attempt but Sarkhaya ducked and bounced off the opposite ropes.
Both women went down as Alyssa and Vogue tried to get the fans involved in the match. The started to chant and clap as the fans helped them out.
Sarkhaya started to get to her feet as well as Raevynn. Raevynn quickly tagged in Glory as Sarkhaya dove over and tagged in Alyssa Corliss. Alyssa came in like a house of fire as she knocked Glory down to the mat. Glory jumped up and Alyssa clotheslined her down again. Tammy Lynn came in with a clothesline attempt herself but was met…
The former Starlets champion rolled to the floor as Vogue made her way back to her corner. Alyssa grabbed Glory and drove her to the mat with a vicious swinging neck breaker. Corliss quickly went for the cover on Glory.
Glory was able to get her shoulder up before the three count. Alyssa was not done as she grabbed Glory by the arm and whipped her into the ropes. Alyssa did not see the blind tag from Raevynn as she drove Glory to the mat with side suplex. Alyssa went for the cover but Kim did not count. Alyssa stood to her feet but it was too late.
Raevynn went for the cover on Alyssa.
Tammy Lynn raced into the ring and speared Vogue down to the mat. Kim Adams made Tammy leave the ring as Raevynn stomped Alyssa before tagging in Glory. Glory made her way into the ring. She picked up Alyssa from the mat.
Glory went for the pin on Alyssa.
Glory slammed her hands on the mat. She stood to her feet and nailed Alyssa with several shots to the back as the fans groaned. Vogue had enough as all the women made their way into the ring battling as Adams lost control of the match. Vogue went right for Tammy Lynn as the two spilt to the floor. The Starlets champion and the former champion continued to throw rights and lefts at each other on the floor as Sarkhaya and Raevynn battled in the ring. The rookie nailed Raevynn with a big kick to the head before being drilled by Glory.
Glory tried to hook Sarkhaya but the rookie nailed Glory in the midsection. Sarkhaya hooked Glory in the middle of the ring.
Sarkhaya looked down at Glory. That was a mistake.
The fans continued to cheer as Alyssa was now on her feet as she looked at Raevynn.
Alyssa nailed her nemesis with the Corliss Effect but she had no idea what awaited her. Glory and Alyssa was still the legal women in the match. The fans ringside jeered as Tammy Lynn picked up Vogue and dropped her throat first across the guardrail. Tammy Lynn made her way up to the apron and tagged herself in as Glory was near the corner. Tammy Lynn turned Alyssa around and kicked her in the midsection.
Tammy quickly went for the cover on Alyssa.

The crowd jeered as Tammy Lynn picked up the victory for her team. Vogue finally made it into the ring as Tammy Lynn scurried out of the ring with Raevynn and Glory smiling as they made their way up the ramp.

The Roebucks vs Broken Sanity

"House of the Rising Sun” by Five Finger Death Punch played first and out came the former four-time Tag Team Champions! The entire entrance staging area and ceiling overhead were set alight with a barrage of casino theme lighting, igniting a massive negative reaction from the crowd. The jOltvision screens danced with the running footage of a set of hands, performing card tricks before casting a handful of cards toward the screen. The cards led to the unified wrestling exploits of the promotion’s respectable agile and mobile super heavyweight tandem before the Nevada bred four-time jOlt Tag Team Champions appeared from the backstage area.
No, wait. It was the father and son team of Judases that stabbed Derrick Huber and Charlotte Huber in their backs.
“The Las Vegas Leviathan” Adam Roebuck!
“Good Luck” Zane Roebuck!
They were coming out to the House’s theme song and stage entrance and the crowd was livid! The Roebucks looked like they were having the time of their lives at the expense of Adam’s former best friend and Zane’s surrogate uncle. The two stepped into the ring and soaked in the negative response of the crowd.
Zane was going to start things off for his team against the enigmatic Mad Morgan. Zane pushed about two-twenty five in weight, but Mad Morgan had a couple of inches and over twenty pounds on Zane, so he would need to his quickness to avoid the two brawlers. Zane reached out a hand to Mad Morgan.
“Good luck, pally!”
Mad Morgan looked at the crowd who were telling him clearly not to do it, but Mad Morgan went and took the hand anyway.
“Idiot!” Zane yelled.
He went for a very low kick, but Mad Morgan caught his foot before he could land the cheap shot! Zane shook his hands and tried to get Morgan to calm down, but Morgan grabbed him by the leg and threw him down to the ground. He ran right at him and delivered the beating of a lifetime to Zane Roebuck by throwing a series of right hands to the side of the head. The crowd was delighted to see Zane get what was coming to him.
Shovel cheered on Mad Morgan from the apron as he forced Zane Roebuck up to his feet. He kicked him in the head and threw him towards the corner and then hit a body avalanche. The blow stunned Zane Roebuck in the corner, but things were only going to get worse as he was thrown out of the corner with an ugly throwing belly to belly suplex.
Broken Sanity were off their rockers, but they both were smart enough to realize this was a golden opportunity being handed to them! Mad Morgan went for the pinfall on the Ace of jOlt.
Zane with the kick out!
Mad Morgan was pulling on his hair, but Zane got away from him and made the tag over to his father before ducking from the ring himself. The Las Vegas Leviathan had a gigantic grin on his face as he now climbed into the ring. Mad Morgan was no small man, but Roebuck was an angry and mobile four-hundred sixty-pound mass of humanity coming his way.
Morgan did the only thing that he could do and charged full steam ahead at the Big Bucks with fist after fist after fist. He continued to throw rights at the big man, but he shrugged off each blow and tried to fire one of his own. Mad Morgan ducked it and found himself getting cheers from the crowd as he continued to pummel the big mastodon. He gave one shot to Zane knocking him off the apron and delivered a running knee that made the elder Roebuck head back to the corner. Mad Morgan and Shovel seemed to be thriving off the crowd reaction!
Mad Morgan charged across the ring and he came back with a mind to go for something big but Adam Roebuck trapped his arms around his body and whacked him with a huge running body attack! Morgan’s attempt to go hogwild tonight was just snuffed out by Roebuck and the flashing elbow he delivered off the ropes did not help matters either.
Adam Roebuck picked Morgan up off the ground and he picked him off before throwing him into the corner. Zane pointed to Morgan and wanted his dad to do something in particular. Roebuck nodded at his suggestion …
The crowd was now booing the signature chops he liked to use to torture an opponent. They had some extra fire to them and now Mad Morgan was reduced to a knee just as Adam tagged his son inside the ring. Zane cleared the ropes with a jump and raised his arms for the crowd prior to turning around and delivering a hard knee to Mad Morgan. He stomped him in the chest and then ran the ropes….
The patented series of three running knee drops all landed right on Mad Morgan’s head! He had yet to make a tag to Shovel, but Roebuck was a tag team veteran of fifteen years and Zane learned from the best! Zane rolled over into a cover.
Morgan with a kick out now!
“Dad, this one is for you!” Zane pointed.
Adam Roebuck gave a golf clap for his son as he pulled Mad Morgan up to his feet. He was thinking of using his signature Pocket Aces finisher already but Mad Morgan used a sudden rush of strength to throw Zane over … but Zane flipped and actually landed on his feet! Morgan turned around and got socked in the mouth for his trouble before Zane went low and kicked him in the knee. Zane Roebuck flipped to the ropes.
He used a running grounded version of his overhead neckbreaker, but Mad Morgan went down again and Zane covered again.
Close, but no cigar!
Zane Roebuck was angry now as he tagged his dad. Shovel had no chance to get into the match yet and he was chomping at the big to make a tag, but Zane didn’t let Mad Morgan anywhere near the ropes. He tried again to pull him up and set him up for a suplex, but Mad Morgan surprised him with a nasty head butt right to the face! There was nothing pretty about it, but Zane went down and now Morgan had a chance to get to his partner. Zane was groggy, but Adam climbed into the ring and dragged hi son over to his corner. He then made the legal tag. As all that was going on, Shovel was finally in!
The crowd shoved some love to the two-hundred eighty-pound Shovel as he went right for the Las Vegas Leviathan with some hard fists to the head. Roebuck fought back with some blows of his own and the two big men of the respective teams exchanged fisticuffs to the delight of the crowd. Roebuck blocked a head butt and threw one of his own to Shovel that sent him back into the corner. With him stumbling around, Adam Roebuck ran off the ropes and tried to crush him with a splash.
The ring almost moved after Shovel moved and Adam Roebuck hit nothing but an empty corner. He tried to charge Roebuck and hit a big splash on him! Roebuck was teetering and Shovel giggled like a school girl, clapping his hands together before he threw himself into all his weight with another splash in the corner! Zane tried to save his dad, but Mad Morgan climbed into the ring.
Mad Morgan was back and used his partner as a weapon, ramming Shovel right into Zane Roebuck and knocking the wind right out of him! The official tried to get Mad Morgan out of the ring, but the two nutjobs were ignoring his pleas and both went after Adam Roebuck. The two brawlers focused on the large Roebuck and they both tried a double suplex, but Adam fought them both off. He right crossed Morgan and then threw a head butt to Shovel to save himself. Shovel continued to fight back against Roebuck!
The official tried to get Mad Morgan away from the melee and ordered him back to his corner, but Adam took advantage and Roebuck landed a hard elbow to the back of his head, sending Morgan away from the ring! Shovel tried to sock Adam with a right, but Zane was back and snapped his neck over the ring apron as the official’s back was turned! Roebuck had a free shot to grab Shovel and hit him with a running powerslam to take him down before he tagged his son. Adam Roebuck set Shovel up near the ropes before running right over …
He put all his body weight into a rib-crushing splash to the chest of Shovel, but the father-son duo were not done. After Adam Roebuck moved, Zane hit the top rope and waved to the crowd in a mocking manner.
Either move would’ve been enough for the win, most likely, but a tandem running splash and the top rope moonsault from the Roebuck family was more than enough.

The crowd booed with the announcement that the Roebucks were the winners in their first match as a father-son duo. Mad Morgan tried to come back and save his tag team partner by attacking Adam Roebuck, but the monster kicked him in the chest and threw him over to his son.
Mad Morgan ended up getting a package piledriver from Zane for his trouble. Zane and Adam both kicked Mad Morgan out of the ring where he collapsed next to his partner. He waved at somebody for a mic and got one from the crowd.
“Now … “ Zane said. “As we were saying last week … it’s about time that we got some gold and by Lady Luck’s good graces, he and I are going to have it! Natural Athletes, the New Breed can wait in line for all we care! We want a shot at the Tag Team titles and we want it next week!”
Zane gave the mic to Adam Roebuck.
“Derrick … Charlotte … I know that you’re watching this right now. The winners of this match … the best family in the business today. We are the Roebuck family, but I have a better name for us. We are … The House!”
Calling themselves by the tag team name that he and Derrick came up with was just rubbing salt in a wound, but the Roebucks were victorious tonight no matter what you wanted to call them. No doubt the Natural Athletes had something to say and no doubt the Hubers were somewhere watching this debacle.

"Sebastian... we've seen you go through some peaks and valleys here in your career and right now, it seems that you're in a valley. You didn't walk out of Thieves Honor as the #1 Contender, and you were even defeated by Frank Silver so any chance of being reconsidered for a contendership was also lost. Not to mention that before Thieves Honor, you lost in a world title match against Jeremy Ryan.. a man who you have defeated in the past for the Hype Championship. I know these facts kind of sting, but the world wants to know what is next for you, Sebastian?"
Saje lets out a sigh as he shakes his head.
"That's always the question on everyone's mind after a string of losses... but some people will actually look at that as a code for "the writers have nothing for you so just go ahead and feed the crowd some BS to keep yourself relevant".... I mean, am I right or am I right here?" asked Saje.
"I... I don't know how to answer that. I simply just asked you a question." said Layne.
"Well.. I'm not going to answer your question because honestly.. I don't know what's next for me. I'm sure this is where I'm supposed to get all fired up and say things like "This isn't the last for Sebastian Saje" or "I will become world champion because I'm not going to let this get in my way" or some really positive proactive shit, am I right? Well... I'm not going to say that because let me run down some facts for you.."
Saje then snagged the microphone out of Donny Layne's hands.
"Frank Silver is the number one contender.. which makes for an interesting situation within MONARCHY.. but that aside... why would I get a shot at the world title ahead of Frank when I've failed against the champion and once again against the contender?"
"I.. uh..." stumbled Donny.
"Don't answer that.. it's rhetorical. Fact number two is... now that my little program is exhausted, who is left on the roster for me to have any kind of compelling story with? Mack Brody? He's too busy chasing Frank Silver now.... Omega? He has his sights on Jeremy Ryan so no Fearless Championship shot for me... Diamond Jewelz? Does anyone even know where the hell he is? He got his Goons back and he split with the Relentless title in tow. The Natural Athletes? Do I look like I'm a tag team, Donny? I certainly don't have a pair of tits so I can't exactly vie for the Starlet Title... so what does that leave me? Go back to the Hype? Oops.. forgot.. that doesn't exist anymore. So you tell me, Donny.... what is next for Sebastian Saje?"
Donny simply just stood there.
"That one wasn't rhetorical... but I'll answer it for you anyway. What's next for me is supporting my girlfriend Alyssa Corliss as she intends to beat the ever living hell out of Raevynn.. Last week Raevynn got the better of her... and this week, Tammy Lynn Foster did as well. She's not in a very good mood. In fact, I happen to know that Alyssa has an announcement to make next week here on iNtense... an announcement that is going to settle this once and for all. Being somebody who knows what that announcement is... it's my job now to support her fully in this endeavor. To say that she's going to drop a bomb on the wrestling world is an understatement"
Saje stepped up to Donny Layne..
"So to hell with the Jeremy Ryans... the Frank Silvers... the Omegas... and everyone else who doesn't have the time of day for Sebastian Saje. There's more than one way to take care of business as a man here in jOlt.. and I will take care of business by standing by Alyssa's side as she's prepared to go through absolute hell and back to end this once and for all. THAT is my answer to your question.
With that, Saje walked away.
Saje giving up on competing in the ring temporarily to support Alyssa? Just what kind of announcement did Alyssa have for us next week that prompted Saje to devote his time to her fully?
The world was now intrigued more than ever.

Darren Best vs Alex Reyn

The lights dimmed as the opening notes of 'Sacrifice' begin to play. The arena was almost pitch black, only showing a few trailing spotlights. Viewers watching at home would see Images begin to flicker across their tv screen as the camera panned over the crowd. The images were of violence, natural disasters, and a solitary figure, watching it all.
“And the opponent: Weighing in at 200 pounds. The East Wind of Adversity, ALEX!! REYN!!!”
Smoke begins to fill the arena, and within the smoke, lit up by the searchlights, ghostly images appeared. Famous heroes and villains from throughout history. At the top of the ramp, a silhouette slowly comes into view. A young man, waiting on the stage in a three point stance. Looking almost like some hungry predator. The rock part of the song kicked in and he took off, charging to the ring and sliding in. He span around, back into that same three point stance to await his opponent.
‘Messing with the Best’ by Miracle of Sound.
As the music hit, Darren wasted no time walking down the aisle. Rather, he CHARGED down it, dashing towards Alex Reyn
As soon as Darren slid under the ropes, he charged at Alex and took him off his feet with a smooth double leg takedown. There was no doubt that Darren had been waiting all week for this.
Thereafter, Best promptly swapped the takedown for a side headlock and was enjoying an early spell of control, something that had eluded him in their trilogy of battles preceding this point. Even the side headlock wasn't enough for Darren; he was looking to turn that into an ankle lock.
After a brief bit of struggling, akin to having a bar of soap in your hands, Alex's wriggling didn't work and now he was squirming somewhat as the Entertainer applied the aforementioned ankle lock.
Best wrenched at Alex's ankle wickedly, though Reyn somehow rolled through and was now back on his feet.
Ordinarily, Alex would've scored with the subsequent kick. However, Best was gradually getting to grips with his tormentor and caught the stay left leg. What would he do next? The diabolical dragon screw leg whip was as sound a solution as any. It had taken a fair share of defeats to get to this point.
Darren then dropped an elbow to the inside of the left leg. Again, tried and trusted. He tried to follow up with a second, but Alex caught him with a sharp kick to the head as he was coming down..
Reyn rolled through once again and took Best out briefly with another beautiful yet brutal boot to the temple.
Alex wanted to negotiate a modified camel clutch, and did have some joy to begin with, but Darren's advantage in the strength department enabled him to overcome Reyn and splatter him over the canvas with a superb Tilt-a-Whirl sidewalk slam.
One of the most dangerous submissions in any form of combat across the board was about to test Alex's resolve. Unfortunately for Best, he couldn't cinch it in properly and was denied by being kneed in the back repeatedly by a relentless Reyn.
For the third time, Reyn rolled away to create some separation and distance. These two have been like roommates with how much they've seen each other recently. An eager Darren, possibly too much, ran right into a roundhouse kick to the stomach at the same as ducking Darren's offensive attempt. Two for the price of one.
Darren tried to score with a right hook, but Alex interupted him with a kick to the knee, then an elbow to the back of the neck. Darren tried to turn around, but Alex had already moved to his side and punched him in the temple, before shifting infront of Darren and hitting an uppercut to the chin. Ending the sequence of strikes with a high-speed spinning neckbreaker.
It was high time for Alex to go airborne. A dazed Darren was an easy target for an exquisite springboard crossbody, flawlessly executed. Rather than completing the pinning predicament, Reyn elected not to via another roll. Best sat up and soon regretted it when he had to digest an unforgiving running knee to the face.
Reyn steered his opponent towards the ring post and was about to take a page from his rival's playbook, wrapping his arm around the cold steel with even chillier intentions and consequences in mind. Firstly, he started by merely smacking Darren's best against the rope. I say merely; try telling that to Best, who wasn't feeling exactly 100%.
Alex tightened Darren's arm around the post to the point that the bend in Best's elbow was aligned with the steel while Reyn was pulling back for dear life, applying immense pressure and all beyond the official's allocated count of five.
Out of sheer desperation, and knowing fine well that if this continued he may have his arm broken, Best resorted to such measures with a well-timed and well-aimed groin shot with his 'good' arm.
For some reason, and Fearless rules didn't apply here like they did at Thieves Honor, the referee turned a blind eye to that. Perhaps it was because Reyn had bent the rules to suit himself when he was trying to break Best's arm.
Anyway, what we had was two guys clutching contrasting body parts at the same time. Their own, folks - not each other's.
Reyn departed the ring and was still suffering, as anybody with a stick between their legs would. However, Best wasn't bothered by that and took the opportunity to turn the tables yet again with a spectacular suicide somersault plancha headscissors! The audience appreciated and applauded the outstanding athleticism.
A return to form for Best saw him stand up and let off steam with a trusty fist pump. The fans fed him even more energy and the official didn't start the count either.
Confidence was high until Best, stupidly, resorted to exchanging strikes with a man who'd proven he was far superior in that area every time they'd got into the ring together, and that was when Best had BOTH arms to work with. It was tied at 2-2 when Reyn started letting his hands go in boxing parlance. From out of nowhere though, Darren shut me and any other critics up with a strike back of his own and a momentum-shifting drop toehold.
Best backed off, holding his arm. That was still bothering him and stopped DB from capitalising. The official vacated the ring and his painfully slow count to politely approach Darren. The referee asked him if he was okay to continue, which received an affirmative nod...
Nathan Powers rolled his eyes at that: "Does this guy just hate referees or something?!."
Yes, Alex had crushed the authority figure's ribs with a big-time move and knowing him like we already do, you wouldn't be shocked if it were on purpose, would you?
Nobody was going to get counted out, but Alex should've been disqualified for that. Who could call it though?
Regardless, the competitors continued.
Superkick by Best...
Reyn was right near the fans, and receiving a lot of stick that he wasn't paying attention to. This encouraged Darren to, yet again, dart towards his antagonist with a clothesline that Alex avoided as well. Fortunately, Best didn't put everything he had into that proverbial basket and stopped himself from careering into the crowd.
A stare-off ensued with the two participants located at opposite barricades...
What the fuck?!
The returning Englishman, injured by Alex at Rise of the Legends, had returned with a BANG.
Figuratively and literally.
Seemingly, he was the only person pleased about his reappearance at this particular moment: "I'm back," he shouted while bowing to the masses.
Firstly, silence.
Button ignored the jeers as he sent a barely conscious Reyn back into the ring to be pinned. After all, boos where something he was used to Meanwhile, Burhman and Powers speculated whether this had been a pre-meditated plan by The Entertainers and they'd deemed them guilty of the offence when…
"Darren just punched Alfie!" Powers couldn't believe it and no one else could either.
Button was bleeding: "What the fuck was that for?"
Best brushed past his opponent and shouted: "Stay out of my way!"
Irate, the New York native left his loud-mouthed London-born partner - and the rest of this capacity crowd - speechless.
This rivalry had started when Alex removed Alfie from the equation in order to test Best's mettle.
Now, the attention-seeking showman was the spare part. It wasn't about him any more.
It was about Alex and Darren.
As Darren moved to get back in the ring however, Alfie grabbed his former partner by his tights and threw him into the barricade. Furiously lighting up Darren’s chest with a sequence of vicious stomps until Darren grabbed Alfie’s legs in a double-leg takedown. Knocking his partner down and mounting him to deliver a sequence of blows to Alfie’s face. But Alfie guarded the attack and rolled on top of Best. Striking him with a sequence of Forearm shots.
Ding! Ding! Ding!

The referee, having recovered now only to see Darren brawling with someone unafiliated with the match, had called for the bell and declared Darren the winner by disqualification. Figuring that since the other guy was attacking DARREN, he must have been sent by Reyn (referee logic at it’s finest)
Enraged by this turn of events, Darren lunged at Alfie once again. Another loss would have been bad enough, but a victory THIS hollow felt somehow even MORE shameful and insulting
Two continued to brawl when Alfie was sudenly knocked of his former partner with a sudden kick from Alex Reyn.
“Enough!” the East Wind declared “This conflict will serve us no purpose. Darren, it seems we will have to conclude our battle at a later date. As for you…”
He turned to fix Alfie with a cold glare.
“I will deal with you next week.”

"Ladies and Gentlemen.. thank you for coming out tonight. I have to ask, did you enjoy tonight's show?"
The crowd cheered and even started up a chant.
"I'm happy you were able to enjoy tonight's show as we build towards our final Pay-Per-View event Death Wish"
The crowd cheered, but all of a sudden, a sudden realization set in. The cheers quieted down and then the murmuring of the whispers and talk amongst each other filled the arena.
Michael Burhman: "Wait... did Damien Lee accidentally misspeak? I thought I heard him say final Pay-Per-View"
Nate Powers: "You're not the only one who heard it. I heard it, too Mike and from the crowd's reaction, I think they heard it, too."
Damien Lee let out a heavy sigh.
"From the sound of things, it sounds like you all were caught off guard... as if I said something by accident. I'm afraid to tell you that I did not mix up my words. Death Wish will be jOlt's final Pay-Per-View.... and... in fact... it will be jOlt's final event."
The crowd was in shock. They didn't know how to react. There were no cheers... no booing.. just stunned silence.
"If you want someone to blame for this... look no further than the man standing in the ring holding the microphone. I am accepting full responsibility for this as it was my idea to take the company public. It was me who panicked when the stocks didn't sell well. It was me who cancelled The Hype to save money.. it was me who cancelled the War Games match and cost us revenue, which caused investors to pull out of jOlt. It was me who had to cancel our travel plans and bring us back here to Miami.. it was me who was just a little too ambitious, thinking that I could take jOlt to new heights, but sadly, I was wrong. I was mistaken and now as a result... jOlt is bleeding money and there was only one way to save the company..."
Damien Lee took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. He then began to laugh.
"It's actually pretty funny when you think about it. jOlt did the same thing when we re-emerged a few years ago... we saved another company and then we set that company free so we could stand on our own two feet... and now... so soon after we stood... I caused us to lose our footing and we fell flat on our collective asses and it's now their turn to return the favor, so-to-speak...."
Lee paused.
"Legacy of Champions has purchased jOlt Wrestling."
The crowd was still stunned still.
Michael Buhrman: I... I don't believe it... it's... over?
Nate Powers LoC now owns us? It was the other way around just a couple of years ago!
"So now the question remains... what happens next? Well... LoC is allowing us to finish things here. We have two more Sunday Night iNtense broadcasts and then Death Wish. LoC is funding all of that to make sure that we can conclude. After that... everyone in jOlt will become a free agent. I know LoC is interested in some talent. DEFIANCE is interested in some as well. So to the guys in the back... at least they won't be unemployed. It makes me happy to know that they will continue to get paid to do what they love the most.. coming out in front of a crowd and busting their ass night in and night out for each and every one of you and NOBODY on the planet has the right to take that away from them!"
That statement received a plethora of cheers and applause from the crowd.
"Ever since I took over jOlt from Jim Johnson... and became CEO by buying it from Black Tom Williams.. I've done everything in my power for the sake of that locker room. Too many promotions have corrupt and villainous figureheads who use power as their plaything... not me... I tried to be fair.. I tried to be just. Sometimes I had my hand forced to make unpopular and tough decisions, but every single thing I did for this company.. I did it with the best intentions for every single wrestler behind that curtain. I cared for this locker room more than any owner ever could. This locker room isn't just some collection of independent contractors... No.. IT'S A GODDAMN FAMILY TO ME!"
Lee was starting to get a bit emotional as the crowd cheered him on.
"And now... I screwed it all up. I did what I thought was right for jOlt. To give these guys a better future.. to give them more money.. more exposure... to bring our FAMILY around the world and perform for everyone as a single entity known simply as jOlt... but in the end... I made a mistake. Saying it like that seems too lenient. Humans are imperfect... they make errors. Those errors can be simple and small.. or they can shatter a company and break apart a family. My error was the latter and I would say I'm sorry, but I'm afraid there isn't a phrase in any language in this world powerful enough to reflect the sorrow in my heart for making this error.
Lee took a moment and took a few deep breaths.
"So now we move forward. While our journey together is coming to an end... it's most definitely not over yet. We are heading towards Death Wish... and if you think we're going to lay down and go quietly into the night... then you're mistaken. Even if it is for just one last time.. we're going to show the world that we are jOlt... and we will NEVER.... TRULY... DIE!"
Damien Lee then laid the microphone down in the middle of the ring as the crowd stood up and gave Damien Lee a standing ovation. The camera zoomed out and panned around the arena as 16,000 jOlt faithful were cheering at the top of their lungs. Damien Lee continued to stand in the middle of the ring as the scene faded out to the iNtense logo.
With that, the 134th edition of Sunday Night iNtense went off the air with the shockwave still spreading throughout the wrestling world.

Mack Brody vs Freddie Rich

“The following contest is a singles match and this will be set for one fall!” Dean Carrington shouted for the masses filling up the jOlt Arena.
The fans started to wait in anticipation as a ring bell started to sound over the PA in tune with some slow music. It was apropos music for the mood that Mack Brody had been in and it seemed a new theme was in order…
“It’s a Fight” by Three 6 Mafia.
Loud explosions of golden pyro erupted from the stage! And walking through the sparks was none other than the man himself…
“Making his way to the ring, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 299 pounds… THIS IS THE MAN CALLED SUPERMACK… MACK BRODY!”
With a roar, he erupted from the sparks and stood proudly! His long locks were cut and replaced with a stylishly messy short blonde haircut. Golden taped wrist bands, thigh-length dark blue trunks and dark red wrestling boots. Brody stood his ground at the top of the ramp and walked to the ring as the lights began to pulsate and flash in colors of red, gold, and blue for several seconds at a time. Brody really was feeling his new SuperMack motif, so to speak, as he high-fived the fans.
Mack headed up the steps and then climbed into the ring before he ascended a turnbuckle, slapping his chest with his hand and letting out and energetic roar. After feeding of the energy from the tremendous fans in the jOlt Arena, Brody hopped off the turnbuckle and scanned the crowd. Brody waited for his opponent.
“Only” by NIN.
The tune started to thump over the speakers and out from the back came the man in the signature hoodie that he had been sporting ever since he made his debut at Rise of the Legends. At his side was Sonny Silver, looking very proud of the fact that his new charge was looking to make a big impact by taking on one of jOlt’s most tenured stars.
“And his opponent… from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 237 pounds…being accompanied to the ring by Sonny Silver, he is MONARCHY member… ”THE FIRST” FREDDIE RICH!”
The First was ready for his big moment as he climbed into the ring. He snapped the hood off of his hoodie and unzipped it before tossing it aside causally. Choosing a pair of black trunks with green trim and “1ST” written on either side in green sequins, Freddie truly believed he was meant for great things. He’d been on a winning streak in some tag matches and a singles victory over “Mister Magic” Jack Dawn – now, was the biggest opportunity of his short career. Given that Rich had injured Ryan Gallway right before the match with Frank Silver that cost him his career also, one had to think that Rich was on the shitlist of Brody as well.
Right at the bell, “The First” Freddie Rich walked right up to Mack Brody and slapped him across the face! MONARCHY members had no respect for anybody but themselves and their goal was to keep the jOlt World Championship in their camp at all costs! Rich confidently looked up at the taller Brody and begged for him to fight!
Brody gave chase to the smaller Rich and he dove out of the ring with SuperMack in hot pursuit! Brody chased him across the ring and Sonny got the hell out of dodge in case Brody tried to go after him. Rich slid back into the ring and Brody tried to climb inside, only to eat a quick kick to the side of his head and an Elbow Drop to the back of the head for his troubles!
Mack flinched from the attack and the aggressive Rich went right after him, stomping him in the back several times before trying to subdue him with some sort of Rear Chinlock. Rich had the early advantage, but then Brody managed to get to his feet quickly and shove Rich right off of him. Brody waited for him off the return, but Rich had other ideas. He clinged onto the ropes with both arms and then ducked out of the ring a second time. Brody was about to get back at him a second time when he stepped through the ropes…
Rich had leaped to the ring apron and CAUGHT Brody in the side of the head with a lethal kick as he came through the ropes, sending him tumbling to the floor! Sonny Silver laughed and started walking back to the ringside area where Rich now stood over Mack Brody.
“You won’t take this opportunity away from me,” he hissed.
He tried to reach over and pull up Mack Brody by the head and used a few rights to stun the big man, but Rich didn’t count on SuperMack coming back to life and HITTING him right with a hard Headbutt to his chest! The wind was knocked out of Rich momentarily and Brody followed up by RAMMING him right into the ring apron back first! The First tried to wrestle a smart game playing keep away from the big man, but he didn’t anticipate Brody getting up that quickly or that suddenly.
SuperMack chucked The First’s body right back into the ring and followed him inside where he was going to be at Brody’s mercy. Given that the MONARCHY were responsible for the ending of Ryan Gallway’s career, he wasn’t feeling all that merciful. Brody climbed back inside and tried to pull Rich back up to his feet first, but he got back up and drove a thumb right into his eye! Referee Darius Underwood reprimanded The First for his actions, but he couldn’t spare a fuck let alone give one about what the ref thought about his actions.
He tried to run off the ropes for a bigger attack, but Brody caught him by the throat with both hands and THREW him over the top rope… BUT NOT QUITE! Rich went out to the ring apron, but Brody had him in his sights and locked him up by both arms in the ropes where he would be at his mercy. Unlike most times where he’d use the Ten-Gun Salute and let the fans count along with him, Brody was NOT in a playful mood and just beat the fuck out of him!
He got in about thirteen shots before the referee’s five-count became official and Brody got disqualified, but he let go of the hold in the ropes by that point. He turned Freddie Rich around and SMACKED him in the head with a Running Knee Lift, sending him flying back inside the ring! Brody followed and went for a cover on Rich.
The First kicked out, but Mack Brody wasn’t concerned with him kicking out. He was going to punish him and make him pay for all that he did. Brody held out his hands and called early for his signature finisher, the deadly Wrist-lock into the Lariat he called the Speeding Bullet. He went to pull him in, but Rich had the move well-scouted and moved away from Brody with the quickness. Brody tried to run off the ropes for something big, but he didn’t count on Rich catching up to him…
As Brody came back off the ropes, The First caught him FLUSH in the face with his signature First Class Dropkick counter for those pesky opponents that take to the ropes. Brody was winded by the brutal shot and now Freddie Rich could go on the offensive against the big man once again. He followed up his attack with a series of punches and then some nasty elbows across the face. With all the strength that he could muster, he backed Brody into the corner and pressed down with both feet, trying to choke him.
“Break it up, Rich, now!” Underwood screamed.
When he didn’t do so, he started his five-count.
Rich backed off at the count of four, but by now, Mack was disoriented and left lying in the ropes. Rich stood over Brody now and rubbed the side of his boot against his face repeatedly, almost try and show him disrespect. He then ran across the ropes…
A rather NASTY Facewash kick caught Brody in the side of the head, but The First wasn’t done. He took off to the ropes a second time and came right back again…
A second Facewash Kick landed right in the side of Brody’s head! SuperMack was left all sorts of discombobulated and that gave Freddie Rich the chance to go for the win. He pulled him out of the corner by his legs and then reached over for a cover while hooking the leg of SuperMack!
Brody’s shoulder came up off the mat, but Freddie Rich wasn’t going to give him any breathing room after that. When Brody tried to sit back up, The First clamped on a tight and effective Sleeper Hold! He was trying to put the big man to sleep for good or set him up for either of his finishers, a Slingshot Cutter called The Sonny Day in tribute to his manager or the Rags to Riches – a Gotch-style Piledriver he’d used to great effect so far in jOlt.
Brody had gotten some offense in on the technically-savvy Rich, but for the most part he had shockingly controlled most of this match by keeping away from his power and grounding him! Brody was feeding off the crowd and started to get back to his knees while Rich had the hold latched in tightly. Brody still managed to fight his back up to his feet, but The First was STILL holding onto the submission!
“Stay on him, Rich, you got him!” Sonny screamed at ringside!
Brody struggled against him and continued to stomp about the canvas with Rich still on his back, trying to get him to go to sleep! SuperMack backed up towards the corner with all his might and CRUSHED Rich in the corner! He had to do it a second time, but he finally let go! Sonny shook his head in disgust as Brody finally freed himself from the hold. Rich was slumped over in the corner while Brody took a second to compose himself. He turned and charged at The First, but both of his feet came up and caught him right in the jaw!
It was that moment Rich decided to try and go up top for some sort of big move he was sure was going to keep SuperMack down to follow up for his next trick. He was perched all the way up top, but Brody stopped him with an uppercut! The First was stunned on the top rope when Brody used a Military Press and THREW him off the top!
Rich crash-landed in a very bad way and arched his back in pain while Brody slashed a thumb across his throat. He waited for The First to get back to his feet before he picked him up and whipped him off to the corner. Brody charged and SMACKED him with a huge Corner Splash! SuperMack pointed to the opposite corner and repeated his attack, CRUSHING The First in the opposite corner with a second Corner Splash! Freddie was hurt, but not as much as he was going to be when Brody picked him up…
His Release Exploder Suplex sent The First sailing across the ring and flying off to the other side! Brody had him dead to rights now as he waited for the chance to catch him. SuperMack screamed in a fit of rage before he charged off the opposite ropes…
He ran right over Freddie Rich, took to the second rope and came back down HARD with a Running Corner Slingshot Splash, dropping all of his weight across the chest of Freddie Rich! He went for a cover now!
Sonny had put the foot there away from the vantage point of the head official, but he saved his cohort from certain defeat!
“Feet on the ropes, dipshit, feet on the ropes!”
Darius saw the foot and called it while the crowd booed, but Mack wasn’t going to take this kindly from Sonny. When Silver tried to get away, Brody reeled back and fucking SOCKED Sonny Silver! It was the first time that anybody had ever laid hands on Silver since he joined up with jOlt, but it was done!
Brody climbed back into the ring and started to try and catch The First, but Rich caught him right in the knee with a kick as he came back into the ring! Rich tried to steal one from Brody right then and there!
It was an awkward cradle given that Brody was so huge, but he still powered out! The First scrambled back up first and tried to stop Mack Brody from sitting up by kicking him in the gut. He went over the ropes and was going to finish him right then and there…
Brody actually used his strength and HELD Freddie Rich up in the air, catching him in mid-move before swinging him around to his sides. He set him up and DRILLED him right on his head, Tombstone Piledriver-style! The First was laid the fuck out, but Brody wasn’t done with him. He pulled him up to his feet again by his arm and spun him around…
The same lariat that Brody had left Frank Silver laid out with last week and how he beat Gunner Van Patton of the Dead Cell weeks ago claimed another victim as Brody went for the cover!

Despite a valiant and hard-fought victory that Freddie Rich wanted, Mack Brody had bested him here tonight. SuperMack sat back up and had his arm raised…
No, that wasn’t an awful typo… FRANK SILVER ATTACKED HIM WITH AN UPPERCUT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! But the worst part was that he wasn’t alone out here. Trailing right behind him were Brady and Strauss, The Law! And the final part of the puzzle here tonight…
The jOlt World Heavyweight Champion, Jeremy Ryan.
Sonny started to get back up to his feet and climbed on the ring apron while attending to the fallen Freddie Rich just as Jeremy, Frank, and The Law all took turns putting the boots to SuperMack.
Frank nodded and gestured to both members of The Law, who nodded. They both sat Mack Brody up and grabbed him by the arms. Frank Silver stood in front of Brody who was struggling to fight back, but Frank was out of his reach.
“You want me so bad, you stupid gold cunt? Here I am!”
Three STIFF shots from Frank’s signature uppercuts caught Brody right in the jaw! Brody was groggy, but still coherent…
He CAUGHT Frank right in the face with a gob of his spit… something that made Frank go even fucking crazier! He stomped him right in the head with a BRUTAL Superkick! Brody went back down to the ground, but The Law sat him back up a second time… Jeremy Ryan picked him up and slashed a thumb!
Brody was in no shape or condition by that point to fight back as the jOlt World Heavyweight Champion left him lying! Sonny gestured to the slumped over Freddie Rich and pointed at Mack’s body.
Just to be an asshole, The Law pulled Mack up yet again and right into the grip of Frank. With some effort, he managed to lift the dead weight of Brody…
He DRILLED his rival and ex-best friend into the mat with his take on the Omori Driver and Brody’s head bounced off the canvas! Tonight, MONARCHY had managed to make a big statement. It didn’t matter whether or not they won or lost… as long as they were the last men standing. And tonight, they were.

"Ladies and Gentlemen.. thank you for coming out tonight. I have to ask, did you enjoy tonight's show?"
The crowd cheered and even started up a chant.
"I'm happy you were able to enjoy tonight's show as we build towards our final Pay-Per-View event Death Wish"
The crowd cheered, but all of a sudden, a sudden realization set in. The cheers quieted down and then the murmuring of the whispers and talk amongst each other filled the arena.
Michael Burhman: "Wait... did Damien Lee accidentally misspeak? I thought I heard him say final Pay-Per-View"
Nate Powers: "You're not the only one who heard it. I heard it, too Mike and from the crowd's reaction, I think they heard it, too."
Damien Lee let out a heavy sigh.
"From the sound of things, it sounds like you all were caught off guard... as if I said something by accident. I'm afraid to tell you that I did not mix up my words. Death Wish will be jOlt's final Pay-Per-View.... and... in fact... it will be jOlt's final event."
The crowd was in shock. They didn't know how to react. There were no cheers... no booing.. just stunned silence.
"If you want someone to blame for this... look no further than the man standing in the ring holding the microphone. I am accepting full responsibility for this as it was my idea to take the company public. It was me who panicked when the stocks didn't sell well. It was me who cancelled The Hype to save money.. it was me who cancelled the War Games match and cost us revenue, which caused investors to pull out of jOlt. It was me who had to cancel our travel plans and bring us back here to Miami.. it was me who was just a little too ambitious, thinking that I could take jOlt to new heights, but sadly, I was wrong. I was mistaken and now as a result... jOlt is bleeding money and there was only one way to save the company..."
Damien Lee took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. He then began to laugh.
"It's actually pretty funny when you think about it. jOlt did the same thing when we re-emerged a few years ago... we saved another company and then we set that company free so we could stand on our own two feet... and now... so soon after we stood... I caused us to lose our footing and we fell flat on our collective asses and it's now their turn to return the favor, so-to-speak...."
Lee paused.
"Legacy of Champions has purchased jOlt Wrestling."
The crowd was still stunned still.
Michael Buhrman: I... I don't believe it... it's... over?
Nate Powers LoC now owns us? It was the other way around just a couple of years ago!
"So now the question remains... what happens next? Well... LoC is allowing us to finish things here. We have two more Sunday Night iNtense broadcasts and then Death Wish. LoC is funding all of that to make sure that we can conclude. After that... everyone in jOlt will become a free agent. I know LoC is interested in some talent. DEFIANCE is interested in some as well. So to the guys in the back... at least they won't be unemployed. It makes me happy to know that they will continue to get paid to do what they love the most.. coming out in front of a crowd and busting their ass night in and night out for each and every one of you and NOBODY on the planet has the right to take that away from them!"
That statement received a plethora of cheers and applause from the crowd.
"Ever since I took over jOlt from Jim Johnson... and became CEO by buying it from Black Tom Williams.. I've done everything in my power for the sake of that locker room. Too many promotions have corrupt and villainous figureheads who use power as their plaything... not me... I tried to be fair.. I tried to be just. Sometimes I had my hand forced to make unpopular and tough decisions, but every single thing I did for this company.. I did it with the best intentions for every single wrestler behind that curtain. I cared for this locker room more than any owner ever could. This locker room isn't just some collection of independent contractors... No.. IT'S A GODDAMN FAMILY TO ME!"
Lee was starting to get a bit emotional as the crowd cheered him on.
"And now... I screwed it all up. I did what I thought was right for jOlt. To give these guys a better future.. to give them more money.. more exposure... to bring our FAMILY around the world and perform for everyone as a single entity known simply as jOlt... but in the end... I made a mistake. Saying it like that seems too lenient. Humans are imperfect... they make errors. Those errors can be simple and small.. or they can shatter a company and break apart a family. My error was the latter and I would say I'm sorry, but I'm afraid there isn't a phrase in any language in this world powerful enough to reflect the sorrow in my heart for making this error.
Lee took a moment and took a few deep breaths.
"So now we move forward. While our journey together is coming to an end... it's most definitely not over yet. We are heading towards Death Wish... and if you think we're going to lay down and go quietly into the night... then you're mistaken. Even if it is for just one last time.. we're going to show the world that we are jOlt... and we will NEVER.... TRULY... DIE!"
Damien Lee then laid the microphone down in the middle of the ring as the crowd stood up and gave Damien Lee a standing ovation. The camera zoomed out and panned around the arena as 16,000 jOlt faithful were cheering at the top of their lungs. Damien Lee continued to stand in the middle of the ring as the scene faded out to the iNtense logo.
With that, the 134th edition of Sunday Night iNtense went off the air with the shockwave still spreading throughout the wrestling world.