A voice boomed over darkness.
"In a world where Thieves run amok..." The scene fades into black and white still images of Jeremy Ryan, Alex Reyn, and Raevynn
"There exists a code between them despite their nefarious ways.."
We are treated to slow motion scenes of Brian Williams, Hank Wright, Spike Saunders, Adam Roebuck, Frank Silver, and Sebastian Saje all winning their respective qualifying matches
"To live or to let live... or to defeat and become the strongest. That is the code and tonight.. six men will battle for the right to call themselves a contender."
Scenes from the last could of Thieves Honor matches were shown with Aran Thompson defeating Derecho to become the world champion and Sebastian Saje winning the briefcase, but failing to make an impact against Landon Stevens.
"For one man... destiny awaits"
Quick shots of all six participants are shown then the screen goes to black.
"Who will it be?"
A large anchor swings into the screen and shatters it... we are taken inside the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, MO as a near-sold out crowd is on their feet.
"Robotic Age" by Fenix Down
The stage had a big jOltvision in the center. To the left and to the right were three massive hanging anchors.. six in total. Above the anchors, affixed to the chains holding them up were two logos. THIEVES on the left, HONOR on the right
The bottom of the stage was lavishly decorated with three treasure chests on each side, six in total as well. The treasure chests slowly opened their tops and six jets of pyro exploded upwards from out of them. Pyro sparked up all six chains and then a smaller pyro jet at the top of each letter in THIEVES HONOR exploded upwards. Pyro then exploded randomly on all sides of the jOltvision screen and it finally finished off with a big wall of pyro on the stage!
The camera panned around the arena at the cheering fans before being taken to ringside.
Burhman: Ladies and Gentlemen.. welcome to Thieves Honor! We have some unfortunate news... perhaps when the camera panned around you only noticed one ring. Damien Lee sent out a news story to the local press yesterday which stated that due to circumstances beyond his control, tonight's War Games match between The Sinners and The Dead Cell has been cancelled. We understand many fans are upset by this change and Damien Lee will look into doing something to please those fans. In order to replace that match, a new match is set up for tonight's show where "Mr. Magic" Jack Dawn will take on "The First" Freddie Rich from MONARCHY.
Powers: It is unfortunate that we had to cancel that match, but we still have all the other matches scheduled tonight.. including tonight's main event where Jeremy Ryan puts the World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Omega. Omega defeated Ryan to retain his Fearless Title last month at Rise of the Legends... can lightning strike twice? If so, we will see Omega walking out with both titles here tonight.
Burhman: Also the Tag Team Titles are on the line as these two teams.. arguably the best from The Hype, battle it out for the third and final time. Cross the Hood won the first match in the series and almost beat The Natural Athletes in the second match, but the Athletes pulled it out. Tonight we'll see the third and final match and whoever wins, walks out your Tag Team Champions.
Powers: Also it's been bitter between these two, but tonight, Tammy Lynn Foster will put the Starlet Championship on the line against Vogue Gonsalvez. Vogue and The Hood have been coming up into the spotlight as of late and Tammy Lynn Foster looks to end that here tonight!
Burhman: Speaking of things being bitter.. the whole situation between The House comes to a head here tonight. Zane Roebuck takes on his uncle, Derrick Huber.. and his father, Adam Roebuck will be the special enforcer for that match. Adam and Derrick have had a split of sorts and many people feel it's due to Zane Roebuck's manipulation and getting inside the head of his father. This is a dangerous match here tonight for Derrick Huber.. he needs to watch out because Zane Roebuck seems to have his father in his back pocket.
Powers: You know.. I think bitterness is a trend here tonight because Alyssa Corliss and Raevynn have been bitter with each other for nearly two years and tonight, they settle it once and for all in a match where Fearless Rules are in play. Sebastian Saje is banned from ringside for this match, too, so Raevynn's androphobia will be kept in check. At 100%, will Raevynn decimate like she did last month?
Buhrman: Fearless and Bitter... two words that also describe Alex Reyn versus Darren Best. Ever since Alex Reyn attacked and put Alfie Button out of comission, Darren Best has wanted revenge. He's had to deal with Alex Reyn all the way up until tonight and here, they will settle it with Fearless Rules as well!
Powers: Lots of great action including a Relentless Title defense here by Diamond Jewelz as he takes on the man... the myth.. and apparently.. the kidnapped of Them MF'n Goons... Draconian.. That's going to be an interesting one!
Burhmman: Indeed it is... Freddie Rich and Jack Dawn is up first though, so let's send it down to the ring for our opening contest!

Jack Dawn vs Freddie Rich

Let’s find out!
“The following contest is a singles match and this is set for one fall!” Dean Carrington announced for the cheering crowd!
“Magic” by B.o.B. feat. Rivers Cuomo.
The lights started to flash and swirl in several shades of various colors filling the area... smoke began to fill the stage… and the crowd began to cheer! Out from the back came two lovely twin ladies, each with blonde hair, blue eyes, and sparkling red sequined skirts that left little to the imagination. The lights continued to shine brightly and flashed again and as a box appeared on stage. Both ladies walked towards either side of the box and grabbed a door…
“Introducing first, being accompanied by The Lovely Assistants, Bobbi and Breezy... from Los Angeles, California, being accompanied by Bobbi and Breezy… weighing in at 236 pounds… this is “MISTER MAGIC” JACK DAWN!”
The doors both opened and a handsome and chiseled man called Jack Dawn stepped out of the box, rocking a cape and top hat as he took a bow for the audience. Dawn got a peck on the cheek from both of the girls and smirked proudly before he and The Lovely Assistants hit the ring, arm in arm for his match tonight. Dawn didn’t take too kindly to the tactics of MONARCHY and was set on handing a member of the group their first loss. Bobbi and Breezy both took off his cape, top hat and cane before he entered the ring…
“Only” by NIN.
The unfamiliar tune started to thump over the speakers and out from the back came the man in the signature hoodie that he had been sporting ever since he made his debut last month at Rise of the Legends. At his side was Sonny Silver, looking very proud of the fact that his new charged was making his official PPV debut for jOlt tonight. MONARCHY were also involved in the two biggest matches of the night when Frank Silver competed in the titular Thieves Honor match for the #1 Contendership to the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship. Said championship would be defended by Jeremy Ryan ehwn eh took on Omega, so it was very important for MONARCHY to set the tone.
“And his opponent… from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 237 pounds…being accompanied to the ring by Sonny Silver, he is MONARCHY member ”THE FIRST” FREDDIE RICH!”
The First was ready for his big moment as he climbed into the ring. He snapped the hood off of his hoodie and unzipped it before tossing it aside causally. Choosing a pair of black trunks with green trim and “1ST” written on either side in green sequins, Freddie truly believed he was meant for great things. That chance would come for him tonight against a very game Jack Dawn!
Jack Dawn didn’t look that impressed by Freddie Rich and he was going to try and make him pay for his sneak attack.
He tried the same move that he used on Strauss back at Countdown to start the match, but Freddie Rich sidestepped him and he hit nothing but the mat! Rich confidently strutted his way across the ring before he ran off the ropes and went right to a Single Leg and followed that up with a Full Nelson!
He caught Dawn and had the Magician right where he wanted him as he locked him down in the middle of the ring. The Lovely Assistants were both showing some worry for their boytoy as they watched him get taken to task in the early going by the technically proficient Rich. The First had him in the tight Headlock, but Jack Dawn was starting to climb all the way back to his feet. He tried to get back up, but Rich suddenly slipped behind him and rolled him up with a Schoolboy!
Dawn kicked out, but Freddie Rich clipped him in the chest with a stiff kick! Rich had Jack Dawn right where he wanted him and SNAPPED him up and over with a vicious Snap Suplex! Sonny watched on like a proud father as he rolled right over and into a floatover pin now.
Dawn’s shoulder came up right after the two-count, but Rich was taking his time picking him apart. The crowd was booing as they watched The First pick him up by the head and try for some sort of Pendulum Backbreaker, but Dawn elbowed his way free and shoved him off the ropes. When he came back off the rebound, he caught him in a Hip Toss and turned that into an innovative Neckbreaker! The David Blaine of Wrestling tried to play the spoiler here quickly and went for a cover.
Not even a two-count!
Freddie Rich didn’t look that shaken up and Dawn was surprised at that, but he stayed on the attack as he picked up The First by the neck. He kicked him in the chest and sent him packing to the corner before he followed him in with a hard Running Back Elbow to the chest. The wind was driven right out of him before he was lit up with some HARD Knife-Edge Chops!
Freddie was doubled over from such a series of brutal shots and Jack Dawn had him right where he wanted him. Right away, he tried to lift him up and went for The Spellbinder… NO!
Seeing that it was coming, Freddie Rich kicked his legs frantically to make his grand escape and The First retreated towards the corner while Jack Dawn was in the lead. He advanced towards him and looked to give Rich some more punishment, but Freddie quickly grabbed him by the head and SLAMMED him face-first into the top turnbuckle! Dawn was disoriented from such a shot when he lifted him right up…
The crowd cringed from such a brutal Suplex variation, but Freddie Rich had showed some technical prowess and now a meanstreak to boot – something Sonny Silver no doubt taught him. While Dawn was arching his back in pain, Freddie Rich took the moment to soak in the jeers from the crowd after an innovative move of his own! The First then walked over and picked up Jack before throwing him back into the corner.
Like an asshole, he ran his taped fist over his face just to add insult to injury. It was getting too close for comfort, but before referee Ian Nguyen could step in, Freddie Rich yelled at him to back off. Freddie Rich headed off the ropes and came back…
He caught Dawn in the side of the head, but he clearly wasn’t done with trying to punish his opposition. The First ran all the way to the opposite corner and bounced off for extra momentum before he flew right at him a second time…
The blows dropped him to the seated position. He grinded his boot into his face several times and looked out to Sonny, who responded with a thumbs up. Rich took off with the quickness and came right back…
The brutal sequence of shots in the corner led to his signature Facewash kick! Spit flew out of Jack Dawn’s mouth after the impact when Rich dragged him out of the corner. He went right for a cover and a leg hook!
Dawn kicked out, but Freddie Rich stayed on top of him. For a second time, he elevated Jack Dawn up again and threw him over with a Snap Suplex again, but instead of rolling over into a cover, he went apeshit on The David Blaine of Wrestling with a volley of right hands! He was cold and calculating, all right, but that made him a high commodity with MONARCHY. Ian Nguyen tried to reprimand him again.
Rich stopped punching Dawn and shook his fist before he pulled him up by the hair again. He grabbed him by the legs now and he tried to drape Jack Dawn underneath the ropes, but quickly he turned him around by the arms and Dawn tried to catch him with a Backslide!
He nearly surprised Rich with the roll-up! Before he could muster any more offense, The First was right there up in his grill with a stiff Uppercut! The blow knocked Dawn back in between the ropes and now gave him an opening to dole out some more damage. He grabbed the legs of Dawn and fell backwards, Catapulting him neck-first on the bottom rope! Dawn clutched at his throat in pain with both hands now and kicked frantically on the mat, but Rich wasn’t done punishing him.
He pulled him out by the apron and dropped a HUGE Leg Drop right across the throat of Dawn! Two big attacks to the neck, possibly to soften him up for his Gotch-style Cradle Piledriver called Rags to Riches that he’d dropped several victims with already. He went for a cover once more on Mister Magic.
Dawn still kicked out, but Freddie Rich looked like he was through with his opponent’s tenacity. Bobbi and Breezy watched as he slowly pulled Dawn upwards by the hair once again before setting him between his legs. Rich set him up for his finishing move…
Jack Dawn snapped him up and over at the last second, saving himself from certain doom! The crowd explode as Dawn struggled to his feet while The First did the same. He charged right at Dawn, only to get a boot to his face for his troubles. He was stunned, but he ran at him again…
Sonny shook his head as he watched his pupil get bested for the moment by Jack Dawn as he fell out of the corner and took a powder.
Jack Dawn continued to get back to his feet just as Freddie Rich was about to do the same, still favoring his left shoulder as he did so. He ran at Dawn, but the David Blaine of Wrestling ran off the ropes after ducking it only to come back with a big shot of his own! Rich went down, but as he scrambled to his feet, Dawn took off the ropes and caught him with a second Clothesline!
Dawn was back up to his feet and fed off the crowd while favoring his neck with his left hand. He tried rolling the kinks out of his neck before running right at Freddie and catching him with a Jumping Back Elbow in the corner. He then grabbed him and took him out of the corner with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex! Dawn then worked up some magic before he hovered over him…
The Haymaker to the face caught Freddie Rich and now he went for a cover.
Rich kicked out, but Jack Dawn was feeling that he could duplicate what he did at Countdown and defeat a member of MONARCHY! The crowd was behind Jack Dawn 100% against the arrogant young Rich. The First tried to get back to his feet when Dawn tried going for a DDT, only for Freddie to break free with a series of punches to the gut. He set up Dawn and lifted him up on the ropes only to DROP him hard with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker! Rich went for a cover now again!
Rich glared at the referee, but Ian Nguyen’s two fingers showed him the match was still going to continue. Sonny Silver was getting fed up with this Jack Dawn kid and yelled at Rich to finish the match quickly to which he nodded. He tried scooping Dawn up again…
Standing version only, but he surprised him with the STO! Dawn rolled over and went for the cover on him now!
The First kicked out at two and a half, but Freddie Rich was about close to being done. Sonny Silver started to freak out, but Dawn started to finish him off. He headed out to the ring apron with intent to go flying, but Rich was already up. He ran at Dawn, who saw him coming and tried to go in between the ropes for a shoulder, but Rich jumped…
Freddie Rich SPIKED the head of Jack Dawn into the canvas with a SICK looking modified Piledriver while he was in the ropes! Dawn was laid the fuck out and Rich grinned like a bastard now as he held him up by the head…
If the first one didn’t do the job, the second one was going to do it for sure. Dawn went limp on the mat and Rich casually rolled him over, opting to only drape his weight across his shoulders.

Jack Dawn gave up a great fight, only for Freddie Rich to beat him clean as a sheet here tonight. Sonny Silver stepped into the ring right next to his client and raised his arm for all to see.
Freddie Rich and Sonny Silver left the ring and The First was victorious in his wrestling debut here tonight! He had set a great pace for the three members of MONARCHY that were going to be in action here later tonight with his PPV debut. Could Frank Silver and possibly Jeremy Ryan follow suit here tonight?
Well, there was a whole lot of show left, so stay tuned!

Alex Reyn vs Darren Best

At Rise of the Legends, we may have seen just that - the rise of a legend. Alex Reyn had made an unbelievable impact by taking Alfie Button out in order to remove him from the equation. The real target? Darren Best.
Alex had reigned supreme in his two duels and comfortably dealt with the threat of Darren. In fact, Reyn didn’t think Darren was deserving of a third shot at redemption.
However, on Countdown, The Entertainer persuaded Alex by ruining his battle with Hank Wright, which could have led to a spot in the Thieves’ Honor match later tonight.
As a result of their pull-apart brawl, our CEO stated this would be contested under Fearless rules.
Miracle of Sound’s ‘Messing with The Best’ graced the airwaves, a debut hearing. Would the theme prove apt?
Darren, normally booed as one half of the Entertainers, attained a healthy reception from this capacity crowd. Not that he knew it. There was no posing or gesturing, he headed down the aisle with the definitive game face on. He’d had two shots at Alex already and had come up desperately short. He’d need to be at his best, pun intended, tonight.
He ran up the stairs in a hurry, almost leapt through the ropes and started shadow boxing. Would he attempt to fight fire with fire and match Alex in the striking department? Had he been working on other facets of his game?
We would soon find out.
‘Sacrifice by Jeff Williams
The lights dimmed as the opening notes of 'Sacrifice' begin to play. The arena was almost pitch black, only showing a few trailing spotlights. Viewers watching at home would see Images begin to flicker across their tv screen as the camera panned over the crowd. The images were of violence, natural disasters, and a solitary figure, watching it all.
“And the opponent: Weighing in at 200 pounds. The East Wind of Adversity, ALEX!! REYN!!!”
Smoke begins to fill the arena, and within the smoke, lit up by the searchlights, ghostly images appeared. Famous heroes and villains from throughout history. At the top of the ramp, a silhouette slowly comes into view. A young man, waiting on the stage in a three point stance. Looking almost like some hungry predator. The rock part of the song kicked in and he took off, charging to the ring and sliding in. He span around, back into that same three point stance to stare down his opponent.
Alex Reyn and Darren Best, two men who’d battled since ROTL, both bouts having gone in Alex’s favour, stared at each other. Reyn suddenly broke eye contact, rolling his eyes dismissively at Darren before calmly walking away. Darren took that to heart, charging towards the man who’d had his number for the last few weeks in a blind rage.
Exactly as planned
Not for the first time in their encounters, Alex had outsmarted Darren to establish an early initiative by grabbing the ropes, pulling them down and causing the emotional Entertainer to go tumbling out the ring, crashing to the outside in a heap.
Buhrman: Smart strategy by Alex Reyn, using his opponent’s own frustrations against him.
With his opponent on the outside, Alex dashed to the opposite side of the ring and used the momentum from the ropes to propel himself forward, up and over the top rope to the outside
Buhrman: ASCENDANT’S WRA- Wait a minute!!
Just like in their first match, Darren dodged out of the way and Alex Reyn came down onto the barricade.
But this time he landed on his feet.
Buhrman: OH MY GOD!!!
Powers: How the Hell did he DO THAT!?!
Darren turned around to see his nemesis standing on the barricade. He charged forward, only to be rocked with a sharp roundhouse to the temple. Alex Reyn followed through, leaping off of the barricade and catching Best in midflight with a Tornado DDT to the mat.
Buhrman: Quick offense by Alex Reyn here, taking control of this match-up.
With his opponent lying on his stomach, Alex Reyn picked him up before ramming him headfirst into the barricade wall with a sick crack.
Commentators: OOH!!
Not letting up for a second, Alex Reyn grabbed Darren Best by the hair, dragging him to the ring before slamming him face first onto the apron, right next to the ring post.
With Darren slumped on the apron, Alex Reyn climbed up onto the apron himself. Calmly walking to the opposite corner before dashing along the apron and Dropkicking Darren’s head right into the ringpost!
Powers: JESUS CHRIST!! That could have killed the man!
Alex used the momentum of the move to slide back out to ringside. He grabbed Darren by the hair again before throwing him down on the back of his head.
Buhrman: And now Alex Reyn is looking under the ring, searching for a weapon. We’ve seen this from him before. That methodical, ruthless style!
Powers: He doesn’t just beat you, he picks you apart. And Darren’s been on the receiving end of that for weeks.
Alex had now found a steel chair and brought it down onto Darren Best’s face. striking him again and again and again. Brutalising his opponent without mercy.
With Darren now lying on the outside floor in a daze, Alex opened up the steel chair and placed it so that Darren’s face was lying on the seat.
Then he climbed the barricade.
Buhrman: What’s Alex going for here?
At the LAST second, Darren moved his head out the way and Alex’s leg came crashing down onto the steel chair, causing the metal object to snap shut around his knee. Alex was immediately taken down by this as Darren stood to his feet.
With Reyn in a weakened position and Best having been schooled for the vast majority of this contest thus far. Best, like he had from the outset, let out his anger, though the difference here was it seemed to be controlled, much to the detriment of Reyn.
I don’t need to tell you what move Darren deployed, but bear in mind, Alex’s leg was still wrapped up in the aforementioned steel chair and then recall Brian Pillman getting the same treatment almost two decades ago as a reference point if you can’t envision it.
Darren then removed the chair from Alex’s leg, hardly in a gesture of goodwill, and what remained of the chair, as it was a tad battered and bashed, proceeded to be driven down onto the point of Reyn’s knee not once, not twice, but THRICE. Ordinarily, a heel would be booed for such brutal and barbaric behavior, but Best had suffered weeks of humiliation at the hands of his opponent, so he got a pass for his poor sportsmanship.
Tossing the chair away, he went from reading the book of dirty tricks, written by El Gringo Loco, to using a textbook submission hold, patented by a legend who refers to himself as the dirtiest player in the game…
Figure four, albeit on the arena floor.
Like I needed to tell you.
Alex grabbed hold of the apron behind him and adjusted his body, squirming and wiggling his hips, not necessarily out of fear but to give him room to create a counter. It worked when he managed to negotiate the traditional reversal of the figure four, using the apron for additional leverage. It only lasted a few seconds as Best managed to break free, and Alex retreated towards the right hand side of the ring, just shy of the barricade.
In a bid to up the tempo and get some serious momentum going, Best put everything he had into a single shot and it paid off this time as he scored with an unsuspecting clothesline, which lifted Alex over the barricade and into the front row of this sell-out crowd.
With both of them now inside the crowd, Darren came charging in at Alex Reyn attacking him with a vicious sequence of blows, however, Alex effortlessly dodged and parried the shots, showing impressive speed for the common man, Reyn then snatched the lead back with a dazzling recipe of a jab, a straight punch, a hook, another jab and rounding it off with a second straight punch, alternating between both hands with alarming pace and accuracy.
Powers: You do NOT want to get into a slugfest with that man!
With Darren stunned, Alex grabbed him in a Half-Nelson lock before dropping to one knee and smashing his face HARD on to the barricade. Darren screamed out in pain as the metal edge cut a deep gash into his forehead, but Alex would take no pity on the man
Backing up a bit, Alex continued the assault with a pin-point dropkick to Darren Best’s back, knocking the man tumbling over the barricade and back to ringside.
Everything was a blur for Darren as he used the apron corner to pull himself back to his feet, blood now pouring down his face.
That was a mistake.
Once again, Alex leapt of the barricade and dropkicked Darren face first into the steel ringpost. The Entertainer’s already bloody wound impacting the steel and he let out another cry of pain.
Powers: Come on! Enough already!!
Buhrman: Darren may be out, he’s not even moving and Alex doesn’t appear to be done with him yet.
Powers: Come on, just end it. Haven’t you done enough to that poor kid?
Taking advantage of his opponent’s wounded state, Alex rolled him back into the ring, and covered Darren for the win.
Powers: Thank God. At least his suffering was short.
Buhrman: We need to get some medics out here to check on Darren’s injuries.
Powers: WHAT!??!!?
Buhrman: HE KICKED OUT!?!?
Power: The kid just had his skull cracked open, how the Hell did he do that?!
However, if Alex was at all surprised by this, he didn’t show it. Instead, he dragged the still prone Darren to the corner and proceeded to grind his heel into the helpless man’s head wound over and over again.
Immediately the referee moved to drag Alex off of Darren Best. Ordering Alex to let Darren out of the corner.
Alex froze.
Slowly, icily, he turned to stare at the referee with a look of absolute FURY.
The referee paled and took a step back, but Alex matched him step for step.
“Tell me..” he said. His voice softer and colder than it had ever been before. “Is this, or is this not a No Disqualification match?”
“Uh… uh…”
“Answer the question.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, it’s a No DQ match.”
Alex smiled pitilessly.
“Then I have no need for you.”
Buhrman: IS HE INSANE?!?! How’s he going to get the victory now?!
Powers: ...I ...I don’t think he cares about that Michael, I think if Alex can hurt Darren until the poor boy stops moving, then that’s a win in his eyes.
Powers seemed to be right as Alex turned his attention back to Darren who was still lying in the corner bleeding deeply from his head wound. However, Alex’s attack on the referee had given Darren time to recover and he blindsided Alex with a strategically-sound chop block.
Powers: Darren Best is coming back!
Thereafter, showing some composure and smarts, he brought Reyn down to a horizontal position, swooping his legs out from underneath him with a takedown, ramming the damaged legs into the ringpost immediately afterwards. No wasted motion by Best.
While Alex was nursing his legs, Darren climbed through the ropes and stepped onto the apron, exploiting Alex’s weakness with a well aimed kick to the left knee. Best, even in the heat of battle, showed he could still refer to Wrestling 101 and rely on his terrific technique, though you didn’t see this move every day.
Wait a second, don’t jump the gun pal.
Take 2…
Sharpshooter around the ring post.
Buhrman: Great innovation by Darren Best!
Powers: That’s what you need to do in this kind of match, you have to use EVERYTHING in this arena to give yourself the advantage, and that is exactly what Darren is doing right here.
There we go. Before Best could cinch it in, Reyn simply kicked his opponent off the apron and, perhaps you’ve guessed it, Darren went flying into the barricade AGAIN.
Powers: The barricade is NOT Darren’s friend today.
And it would continue to be an enemy of Darren Best as he found his chest CRUSHED against the barricade by Alex’s patented suicide crossbody.
Darren immediately began coughing and wheezing as the impact knocked the air from the lungs, but Alex was on him like a shark in bloody water. throwing Darren to the ground on the back of his head, Alex assaulted his injured ribs with a barrage of pin-point kicks and stomps.
Buhrman: Alex Reyn seems to have switched up his game plan a little bit, now targeting the ribs of Darren Best.
Power: He saw a new opening and now he’s taking advantage of it. You can’t just rely on one single tactic Michael, you have to be able to improvise. And that’s something that both men- WOAH!!
Alex had suddenly Irish Whipped Darren back first into the table, only to crush him against the table with a spear. He stepped back a bit, only to strike Darren’s jaw with a violent Superkick.
Buhrman: Darren is lying helplessly on the table now as Alex seems to be going up top. The monitors are still underneath Darren, he could get seriously injured here!
Alex was now standing on the top rope….
At the last second, Darren rolled out of the way and Alex came crashing down onto the table
Time seemed to freeze for a minute as the crowd watched the scene in shock before Alex dried out in legitimate pain for the first time in his career, clutching his bad leg which the announcers realised had landed knee first onto one of the monitors.
Looking to seize on Alex’s misfortune, Best targeted the lower half of his opposition’s body like a dog with a bone, hauling him into the air and dropping Alex on the barricade with an unforgiving kneebreaker. It demonstrated Darren had a merciless streak too.
Unsurprisingly, it hurt Reyn and Darren took control of Alex’s head, rolling him back into the ring, sans compassion. He couldn’t afford to show any. Alex had made it clear the lengths he was willing to go to. This was no longer about pride for Darren Best, it was about SURVIVAL.
Following him inside, Darren dropped Reyn with a couple of kicks to the left leg as the impressive newcomer attempted to regain his vertical base.
Darren denied him in the shape of a single leg Boston crab, properly and centrally, showing he’d learned his lesson from a previous meeting. There was no easy or obvious exit for Alex here. He’d have to earn it. A new referee had arrived, immediately in Alex Reyn’s face, asking him if he was ready to quit.
In fact, it appeared Alex had no answer this time. Darren had the bit between his teeth and pulled back, pouring pressure on Reyn to the point of unconsciousness. Yes, Alex had gone limp and wasn’t showing any life when the official checked on him.
Looking over the crowd, a fair share of the ticket buyers urged Best, to get the better of Reyn by simply rolling him over, displaying no remorse as we’d mentioned earlier.
That’s what he did…
Alex had been playing possum, luring Best in, but Darren was too smart and strong, this time at least, to fall for it, hence the quick kickout.
Reyn rolled out of the ring to get some much-needed feeling back into the leg, but the pause didn’t play out as Best gained a measure of revenge with a stunning springboard somersault senton to the outside!
While the audience applauded that, Best wasn’t interested. No sir. Instead, he adopted a mount stance and wailed away at Reyn, raining down, pun intended, with a barrage of blows until Reyn somehow blocked one punch and converted it into a guillotine choke.
But, Best stood up, defiantly, with the volume rising, despite being locked in one of combat’s most famous, tried, trusted and deadliest submissions, He had Alex in the perfect position now…
It was time for Best of Both.
Not for Alex, mind.
The exploder, theoretically, was going to either deposit Reyn into the ringpost or onto the apron.
I say theoretically because Alex landed on the latter like a leopard, well it beats saying cat all of the time, upon completing a flippy-do. Fans tried to warn Best, but it was too late as Alex bounced back with a beautiful backflip DDT.
With Darren prone on the ground, Alex began pulling at the mat. Lifting it up to expose the concrete underneath. Darren had made it to his feet now, only to feel the heel of Alex Reyn’s boot pressing against the back of his neck.
Darren’s bloody forehead hit the concrete with a hard smack and Alex pressed down with his boot, grinding the helpless man’s face further into the concrete. Leaving a bloody smear.
He climbed up onto the apron, giving Darren a few seconds of peace before a violent Diving Double Foot Stomp drove his face back down to the concrete.
With Darren lying on his stomach in a slowly expanding pool of blood, Alex calmly grabbed the side of his head and slammed his knee into Darren’s temple. Darren’s neck rocked from the impact, only for Alex to do it again. The crowd had gone dead quiet now as they realised the extent of Darren’s injuries. Fear and concern was keeping their words trapped within their throat as they could only watch Darren suffer the same savage beating that had crippled his partner.
Another knee to the temple, then a fourth.
Darren struggled to crawl away from Alex, fighting to stay conscious despite the pain and blood loss. Like any wrestler, he was far more resilient than a normal man, but even HE had his limits. A scream of pain tore from his throat as Alex grabbed him by the hair, pulling him to a standing position before ramming his shoulder into Darren’s gut and spearing him against the apron. All the air left Darren’s lungs in an agonised gasp as he bent double, gasping wordlessly as he tried to breathe in new air.
He wouldn’t have to try for long.
A Snap DDT, once again onto the concrete.
Darren could barely move by this point, but Alex wouldn’t give him any rest. Picking him up by the hair again, only to throw him back into the ring.
With Darren in the ring, Alex grabbed a table from under the apron. Walking with it to the right corner near the ramp and setting it up outside below the ring post before rolling back into the ring.
Darren was stumbling, struggling to get back to his feet, trying to stay fighting, not wanting Alex Reyn to beat him. Not again.
Alex Reyn smirked before Irish Whipping Darren into the corner, right near the table.
If Alex heard or cared for Nathan Power’s pleas, he showed no sign. Calmly setting Darren up on the top rope.
One springboard triangle dropkick later, and Darren had been sent crashing through the table outside.
With Darren lying in a heap of broken table pieces, Alex slid out the ring and calmly grabbed a chair from under the apron before walking over to Darren who was shivering in agony, clutching his knees to his chest as humiliated sobs broke free from his mouth. He HATED that. HATED the weakness he was showing. But the pain and the frustration burnt through him. He could barely move from it.
The steel chair struck him across the face, splitting his lip.
The edge was driven down onto his ribs, and a soft crack was heard.
Another strike, this time to his shoulder.
Alex hit him again, and again with the weapon, the sickening sound of flesh against steel and Darren’s cries of pain the only sound in the arena.
Powers: We.. we have to stop this.
Buhrman: ...We can’t. We’re not allowed to
Buhrman: OF COURSE I DON’T!!! Don’t you think I KNOW what’s happening, the only reason I haven’t said anything is because I’m trying to stop myself from grabbing that chair out of that monster’s hands! But you’ve seen what he’s like, we can’t do anything! If you ran up there right now, you’d just become another victim!
Powers: But, w-we can’t just…
Nathan Powers let out a scream of helplessness,
Meanwhile, Alex seemed to have briefly stopped the cold-blooded torture. Opening up the blood stained chair to sit in it and look down at the bloody, beaten Darren Best who was STILL trying to crawl to his feet
“Are you alright Darren?” he asked, looking down at Darren and smiling gently. “Would you like me to stop? To give you a rest?”
Darren was crawling towards Alex Reyn. Slowly, he grabbed a handful of Alex’s jeans. Using it to pull himself up. Crawling up Alex Reyn’s body. Absolute refusal to be beaten was the only thing keeping Darren conscious at this point.
Alex’s face briefly twitched into a smile before the expression faded away.
“Still acting defiant aren’t you? Still trying to play the part of the brave hero. The man who never gives up, but the truth is that you can barely even stand. Like everyone else you’re using another worthless being as your support because you’re incapable of doing ANYTHING YOURSELF!!!”
Alex’s uncharacteristic scream was punctuated by a backhanded slap. Spilling blood from Darren’s mouth and knocking him back down to the floor.
“So why don’t we stop playing these games Darren? You and I both know you’re going to disappoint me like EVERYONE ELSE!!!”
A sharp kick to Darren’s ribs. Three more punctuated his next three words
“EVERY! FUCKING! TIME! I see someone who I think MIGHT have some potential, MIGHT actually be someone I could give a damn about, I always find out that ‘no’, apparently they’re just as worthless and interchangeable as every other FUCKING PERSON ON THIS PLANET!!!!”
The last word devolved into a growl as Alex ran his hands through his hair. Pulling at it in fury and frustration.
He slowly lowered his hands to his sides. Breathing deeply to keep himself calm, collected. He spoke once again in that eerily calm voice he always used. But now it seemed tighter, more forced.
“Thank you for this Darren. Thank you for helping me, TEACHING me. I’ve been wondering for YEARS what makes you all so special and you just helped me realise it: Nothing. There is absolutely NOTHING worthwhile about you, or anyone else. Time and time and TIME AGAIN, I’ve made excuse for you all, told myself that maybe one of you would amount to something, maybe ONE of you would surprise me!”
He laughed, hollow, bitter and filled with disappointment.
“But that’s never going to happen is it? I wasted my entire existence on yours and I finally see that now.”
He chuckled once again.
“Heh! Wonder how many I’ll be able to kill before they kill me? fifty? A hundred? I wonder how many they’ll need to kill me? Heh heh heh. I’ll give them this: they’ve always had the numbers advantage, useless, interchangeable COPIES! I hope my brother won’t mind me stealing his territory TOO much. Or is this more Rachel’s domain? It doesn’t matter. I’ll be dead before they complain.”
He grabbed Darren’s hair kneeling down and pulling Darren’s head back to face him.
“So please end this Darren. Give up, let me kill you, and let’s have everything return to the same boring status-quo after we’ve all been buried and everyone moves on with their ordinary, boring, monotonous-”
A gob of spit hit Alex in the eye.
He had only a few seconds to step back in shock, as a sudden backhand knocked him to the floor.
The crowd exploded.
The tension they’d been keeping in burst to the surface, as they thunderously applauded this second wind of Darren best, a second wind that would only get stronger.
With Best now lying on his back, took advantage of Alex’s distraction to kick Alex square in the knee. This, in turn, caused Alex to stumble forward and smash his face off the barricade. Commence bleeding.
Turnaround is fair play.
Who said turn around?
That’s what Darren did, spinning Reyn around and I don’t mean for a whirl, locking in a standard sharpshooter. He was running through his repertoire of leg-and-back submissions anytime he could.
Like previous occasions, the resourceful Reyn used the nearby barricade for assistance, kicking Best away. It sent Darren hurtling towards the post face-first. Fortunately, Darren didn’t make acquaintances with the steel pole and slammed on the brakes, putting his hands up so that he wouldn’t smack into the post. Alex had already set off, but Darren got the better of Reyn for the second time in a matter of seconds by blocking an attempted kick, hardly the best of ideas, pun intended. Darren punished him with a proficient dragon screw leg whip AND tossed Alex spine-first onto the apron corner at the same time!
All about business when ordinarily he would’ve been engaging in one-upmanship with Alfie Button, Best rolled Reyn back into the ring. With his antagonist right where he wanted him, Best proceeded to pound Alex’s spinal cord with a handful of consecutive axe-handles.
Back to the well…
Texas cloverleaf.
However, adrenaline could only do so much. The damage had taken it’s toll and a sudden bout of lightheadedness caused Darren to stumble, allowing Alex to escape the hold before it could be fully applied.
Quickly, he rolled back to the ropes. Growling slightly as he forced down the budding excitement. He would NOT be lured in by these false promises. He WAS going to be disappointed and hope would only make that feeling worse. The best thing to do would be to end the match now before he could get his hopes up.
Ignoring the agony in his leg, he sprang of the ropes, charging in with a spear that stuck Darren hard in the ribs
But as the move hit, Alex felt Darren’s arm wrap around his neck in a front facelock
The crowd erupted once again at the double knock-out spot. Cheering Darren’s ingenuity as he used the momentum of Alex’s own spear to DDT him into the mat.
With both men down, the referee began the count.
No sign of motion.
Still nothing.
Dead still.
No one moved.
A few muscles on Alex Reyn’s arm twitched.
A roll of the head, a small stirring.
He had rolled onto his stomach now.
He was on his knees.
JUST made it to his feet!
Buhrman: Both men are on their feet now.
Powers: Where in the Hell are they finding this kind of stamina?!
Shaking his head vigorously as he attempted to ignore the pain in his legs, Alex grabbed Darren by the neck, going for the East Wind Cutter but Darren pushed Reyn of, turning him around and locking in
Best of Both-
It was Reyn’s turn to block the move as he kneed Darren in the ribs. Stepping back, he tried to strike Darren with a Superkick, but his injuries had dulled his reflexes, allowing Darren to dodge. Fortunately for Alex, his reflexes where not so bad that he could not roll out of the way of a running clothesline.
Back on his feet again, Alex tried to strike Darren with a second spear, but this time the Entertainer wowed the audience by LEAP-FROGGING over the charging Alex Reyn.
Rolling back to a three point-stance with an animalistic growl, Alex saw Darren running towards the ropes.
Alex immediately dashed after the ascending Darren, attempting to cut him of, when…
Buhrman: He got it!! DARREN BEST!! With a Season’s Finale out of frigging NOWHERE!!!!
Powers: Alfie Button lives on!!
With the crowd firmly behind him and roaring it’s approval, Darren grabbed Alex’s leg and pinned him for the win
Alex JUST got his shoulder up and the crowd exploded once again. Shocked at how close that had been.
Alex for his part, had managed to sit up before Darren could, the other man’s head wound keeping him prone on the ground, it had taken nearly everything Darren had to be able to execute that counter.
Instead of capitalising on his opponents state however, Alex was staring wide-eyed at the prone form of Darren Best, who was even now struggling to his feet despite everything Reyn had put him through.
“H-how? ...How are you doing this?” Alex muttered. “I keep hurting you, keep breaking you, and yet NOTHING seems to beat you! I’m not even holding back now! You- I’ve never… I’ve never… been… challenged… like this… before…”
Suddenly, Alex Reyn started to giggle, then chuckle…
His head whipped back as he let out a genuine laugh of absolute delight
He lowered his head to stare at the defiant Darren Best. Mouth curled into a feral snarl as his eyes lit up with a manic glee.
“THIS is what I wanted!”
He charged at Darren again, but while his previous assault had been calculated and restrained, this attack was more like that of a rabid animal, clawing and striking and biting. Overwhelming Darren with such savage aggresion that the young man was soon being pushed back against the ropes.
Out of sheer desperation, Darren grabbed the rope to stop himself from spilling outside, unlike Alex, who didn’t have anything to stop the fall onto the exposed concrete below.
Using this opportunity to keep his second wind blowing, the ambitious Best wanted to score with a springboard moonsault, just as he did earlier with the crossbody. One problem: Alex saw it coming. Nevertheless, Darren also anticipated Alex’s move and landed on his feet on the outside.
Remember the chair that Reyn set up earlier?
As Alex turned around, he saw Darren, who’d used the object for added height and bounce, come towards him in mid-air. There was nothing Alex could do as Darren landed with a spectacular springboard hurricanrana gaining widespread acclaim from the audience for the audacious effort. Wherever he was, Alfie would’ve been massively proud of his partner there.
If that was sensational, the next move was brutal. Darren rammed Reyn’s head into the barricade with phenomenal force. Another lariat from Best, he’d been successful with one earlier, found its mark again here and lifted Alex over the rails and back into the sea of humanity.
Best followed suit and unleashed three punches that received no arrows coming back in the opposite direction. Gaining confidence, Darren also furthered his cause with a sweet swinging neckbreaker, on the floor no less, as close-up observers cheered for the New York native.
Afterwards, a lightning-like legdrop, borrowed straight from his best buddy’s playbook, served as precursor for the ultimate tribute to the injured Englishman. Conspicuous by his absence and as annoying as he could unquestionably be, Alfie Button lived on. When Best climbed onto the barricade, his other half in wrestling terms and nothing else was most definitely in the house…
That wasn’t quite the chant, but you get my drift. OFF the barricade, Best had metamorphosed into Button, showcasing his own athletic gifts with a fitting tribute by executing a five-star frogpump elbow that didn’t give a fuck whether it was Gabriel Gold’s finisher or not.
Could it finish this particular contest?
That was a hell of a near-fall. Best was back, but you have to give credit to Alex as well, who can dish it out and most definitely take it. He hadn’t lost to Darren yet and wasn’t about to start now. Best would have to be just that - at his best - to overcome the innovative and exceptional Alex Reyn.
In light of what I’ve just said, he worked towards that goal by whipping Reyn back into the barricade. Not only that, the whip contained so much velocity and venom that Alex tumbled over it upon impact and now appeared to be in a hurry to crawl away from Darren, who had his tail up.
Darren climbed back onto the barricade, facing in the opposite direction from the previous spot that led to the glorious elbow drop. Could he top that? If so, he may be in a strong position to record an elusive victory over Alex…
A springboard clothesline was hellaciously intercepted by Reyn, who picked up the steel chair, yes remember that, and LEVELLED Best in mid-flight with it! Levelled may actually be an understatement. Best’s insides were scrambled and ready to be put on someone’s toast following that chairshot.
Alex didn’t waste another second, grabbing Darren by the head and…
It was over.

“Here is your winner!!! ALEX!! REYN!!!”
The second the bell rang, the medical staff immediately rushed to the unconcious Darren Best. A few brave EMT’s cautiosly approached Alex Reyn who was lying on his back, unable to stand after what Darren Best had to his leg. Despite that, he was laughing, laughing out of adrenaline and sheer joy.
He had done it! He had finally done!!
After years of searching, YEARS of disappointment, he had finally found someone he could respect.
“Thank you Darren! Thank you so much!”

Zane Roebuck vs Derrick Huber
Special Enforcer: Adam Roebuck

It was a match that nobody in jOlt saw coming that was up next. The House – perhaps jOlt’s most dominant tag team of all time – had been fractured ever since Adam Roebuck’s son, Zane, had been palling around with them. After graduating from the Hype, he made nothing but trouble for them. He’d interjected himself in their Tag Team title matches with the Natural Athletes and eventually cost them the titles.
To make matters all worse, Zane Roebuck tried to interfere in his father’s business with his best friend and Zane’s own surrogate uncle, Derrick Huber. Zane made it clear he wanted both Derrick and Charlotte Huber away from his father so he could be at his side. Adam Roebuck had been dragged into the middle of this war and so he came up with a solution. Tonight, Zane Roebuck was going to fight Derrick Huber – one of the men that trained him – and his own surrogate uncle. Adam Roebuck had his chance to compete in Thieves Honor, but he was going to be at ringside as the special ring enforcer to ensure no shenanigans took place.
"House of the Rising Sun” by Five Finger Death Punch.
The entire entrance staging area and ceiling overhead were set alight with a barrage of casino theme lighting, igniting a positive reaction from the crowd. The jOltvision screens danced with the running footage of a set of hands, performing card tricks before casting a handful of cards toward the screen. The cards led to the unified wrestling exploits of the promotion’s respectable agile and mobile super heavyweight tandem before one of the Nevada bred former four-time jOlt Tag Team Champions appeared from the backstage area, Derrick Huber!
At his side, the former three-time Starlets champion and Huber’s wife, Charlotte, followed him to ringside as Huber looked ready for action tonight. Derrick Huber flexed his muscles on the ramp for the whole crowd to see before he marched towards the ring, holding hands with his wife. The Huber marched towards the ring and then the Sin City Strongman stepped in between the ropes. He raised his hands to a positive reception as the theme music changed.
Halestorm’s “Get Lucky” played next, signifying the arrival of his opponent for the evening. Zane Roebuck walked through the curtains and the look on his face said it all. He was in deep, deep shit tonight.
Zane walked down to the ring and looked completely uneasy with what was about to happen. After two months of throwing himself into the House’s business, costing them the World Tag Team championships and then trying to deliberately break up the House for his own personal gain. He tried to talk his way out of this match with both his father and Derrick Huber, but now his own sins were going to come back and haunt him.
As Zane entered the ring, “House of the Rising Son” kicked in one more time and his own father, Adam Roebuck, walked out from the back and glanced out to the crowd to take in a positive reception of his own. He had been on the fence about his recent dealings between his best friend and his son, but he made amends with Derrick Huber. Zane watched his father stomp to the ring and when Zane tried to walk away, Roebuck stood in his way.
“Get your ass to that ring and fight like a man.”
Zane looked absolutely mortified with what was about to happen before he climbed into the ring and stepped inside to face off with a man that watched him grown up. The kid calling himself the Ace of jOlt was there as the bell rang.
Zane walked up right up to Derrick Huber and he stuck out his hand.
“Come on, Uncle Derrick! Shake my hand!”
Derrick Huber polled the crowd.
“Should I do it?”
”NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!”
Zane stuck the hand out even further and practically put the hand in his face.
“Shake my hand!”
“Okay, boy, I will … you try anything and you will be sorry.”
Huber reached out and shook Zane’s hand - Zane actually shook it and broke it off without incident. It looked like he wanted to actually handle his business here tonight like his father wanted him to. Zane and Derrick locked up and thanks to his massive power advantage, Derrick Huber sent him flying across the ring. The younger Roebuck expected that and he rolled back up and dusted himself off. He let out a nervous chuckle.
“Uh … good one.”
He extended his hand a second time offering up an olive branch. Huber reached out and shook it a second time, but the sly Zane took over with a head lock. Huber wasn’t fazed by this and shoved him back into the ropes. Zane used his speed and slid between Huber’s legs and then climbed back up to his feet. When he turned around, Zane used an elbow and caught Huber in the face!
“I got him! I got him! I got him!”
The blow only looked like it made Derrick Huber angry. Adam Roebuck sat in his chair and watched every piece of the action as Zane launched another offensive. Huber tried to lunge at him when Zane reeled back and landed another elbow into his face.
“Ouch! I got you!”
Zane looked awfully proud of himself and the fans were all over his case. The Lucky Little SOB was juking an jiving around the ring now leaving Huber very, very angry. When Zane turned around to greet his opponent, Huber had charged at him like a damned mad bull, carrying him over his shoulder and ramming him right into the corner! The crowd cheered for Derrick Huber punishing young Zane Roebuck for all the awful things he put the House through. Charlotte could hardly remain impartial.
“Kick his ass, sweetie!”
Huber pulled Zane out of the corner and a nasty upper cut knocked him down. Zane was slumped over in the corner and Huber waited to attack him.
Zane was not walking away from this match without this beating that he very well deserved. Huber grabbed him by the head and let him it with a vicious volley of head butts to the face. Roebuck was in pain and Adam Roebuck was watching this match between his best friend and his son, obviously torn. Zane was snatched up and out of the corner and Zane was double underhooked. Derrick Huber pulled him up into the elevated position.
“No! Uncle Derrick! Uncle Derrick! No!”
Kicking his legs hysterically Zane was trying to kick away and kick out of what was going on, but Derrick Huber had him right in his sights. Huber held him up impressively in the delayed position before falling backwards and crashed him into the canvas. Huber rolled over to cover Zane.
Zane kicked out at the count of two, but Huber was almost enjoying the chance to punish the younger Roebuck for his actions in the last two months. Huber set him up and pushed him into the ropes, waiting for him to come back with something big. Zane tried to leap right over him and use a sunset flip but the Sin City Strongman was too big for him to do that to. Huber reached down and grabbed him by the neck to lift him up. He was going to try a tree slam but Zane raked the eyes to catch him off guard!
Adam Roebuck made it no secret he did not approve of his son’s rule-breaking ways in the squared circle, but Zane was desperate to get away from Derrick Huber and whatever he had planned for him. He doubled him over with a kick to the leg and then followed that up with a sit down jawbreaker to rattle the big monster of a man. After seeing a golden opportunity to strike, he threw a duo of kicks and then took off the ropes. When he came back to attack, he caught Huber with a spinning facebuster! Huber was flattened on the mat and much to Zane’s surprise, he was already trying to get back up. He had something to take care of him.
The sliding bakatare kick was right on the money and Zane looked awful proud of himself for the actions he took to garner the advantage again. Zane rolled on top of Huber as quickly as he could and the official counted.
Zane looked annoyed, but he hid it behind another phony smile. Now that he had control over the former four-time World Tag Team champion, the younger Roebuck stood up and stomped him in the chest several times. The goal was to weaken Huber and soften him up for whatever else the young start had in mind. When Huber tried to get back up, Zane used a strong knee smash to the side of Huber’s head to try and get the fight out of the Sin City Strongman.
Huber was laid out on the mat while Zane Roebuck stood over his opponent proudly while putting a boot to his neck. He continued to press his foot down to choke the life out of Huber and the official ordered him to stop. Zane put his up his hands and waved scout’s honor, but while he did so, his foot was still pressed down on the neck.
“I broke it up, I broke it up!” Zane told the official. “I have a five count! See, Dad, I followed the rules!”
Adam Roebuck rolled his eyes as did Charlotte. The Lucky Little SOB continued bringing more pain to Huber as he pressed down and choked him against the ropes until the official spotted him doing it again.
“I warned you!” He said. “I’ll disqualify you Zane!”
Zane crossed his heart a second time as Huber leaned against the rope. Zane turned around and kicked that rope upwards, catching him in the eye! Huber fell to the canvas and was being worn down by Roebuck. He was very young but he’d been around the business almost all his life thanks to his father, so he knew a lot of tricks of the trade for skirting the rules.
Huber tried to sit up, but Zane didn’t let him get up. He dropkicked him in the back of the head! Huber fell back and cradled his head, but Zane Roebuck wasn’t done launching an attack. Zane took to the ropes and came back using a jumping knee drop. Zane rolled out of the move and sped to the ropes a second time and dropped a second knee. He was up a third time and he went back to the came back.
Zane landed his triple knee drop series and pointed at Huber, calling for another cover that he was going to be getting the win.
1 …
2 …
Close, no cigar!
“Shi … I mean, shoot!”
Charlotte heard him try to stop himself from cursing and she had something to say.
“Oh, shut the fuck up!”
“No, I don’t!” Zane yelled. “You all do!”
Zane then sat right on the back of his surrogate uncle and locked in a full nelson. He gave up some size to him, but he was locked up with nowhere to go in a full nelson-camel clutch hybrid-like move. Zane cranked back on the hold and tried to wear down the Sin City Strongman.
“Give up, Derrick! I’m better for my father than you ever were, you dumb ape!”
Those words only made Derrick Huber angrier and now he was trying to fight his way out of the dreaded submission attempt. Zane tried to clamp on the hold tighter but the Sin City Strongman was being willed back to his feet by his wife.
“Hon, get out! You’re almost there!”
Huber got back up and now had Zane Roebuck right on his back. He backed right up into the corner like the massive truck of a man that he was and smashed him repeatedly until Zane had to finally resort to letting go of the hold. Zane was huffing and puffing after being smacked around a little, but Huber was worn down from what Zane had been doing to him. Zane leaped at him with a jumping super kick but Huber caught him in mid move and threw him down.
After getting dropped across his knee with a swinging side slam backbreaker Huber draped his arm right over Zane.
No way!
Right at what might have been a three-count, Zane popped a shoulder out to save his chances of winning this match. Huber started to climb back up to his feet and used the ropes to punish him with a strong back elbow to the face. Zane was taken to task with two more punches by the man that had known him since he was a kid. He took Zane and sent him flying all the way into the corner and when he came back out Huber launched him the air with a one man flapjack slam!
Zane was sucking in wind when Huber sent him careening right into the ropes. Roebuck flipped back out and kicked him with a big boot. Up next he rolled right of the ropes and connected with a jumping splash. Derrick Huber went for a cover.
Zane kicked out and Adam Roebuck was clearly conflicted. He was shaking when he ran right to the corner and crushed him with a big corner splash. Zane then was hooked right in his grip with a big move before throwing him over with a rolling belly to belly suplex! The beating continued when he kicked him and threw him to the corner. Huber walked backwards and kept him in his focus. Huber looked out to Adam Roebuck and mouthed “I’m sorry” before he made his next move.
There was a direct hit for Derrick Huber after the corner cannonball! Zane was crushed under the weight of three-hundred pounds coming at him and Huber rolled him out to cover him.
No go!
Derrick Huber was left flabbergasted that the young Roebuck had kicked out. This was a far more competitive match despite this being a personal match between the two. Derrick Huber reeled back and sucker punched Zane in the mouth, sending him back to the corner. Huber clutched his hands together and called for his muscle buster finisher, the Odds are Against You! When he tried to hoist Zane up, Roebuck shook himself free and then landed out on the ring apron. Huber charged at him in anger only to get a jumping kick off the apron for his troubles.
“That’s it! No more mister nice guy!”
Zane climbed to the floor and pulled the ring skirt up so he could grab a weapon. He found one under the ring in the form of a chair that he raised up with clear intent to use it! Charlotte protested with the official but Adam Roebuck stood up out of his seat for the first time and grabbed it.
The crowd popped when he grabbed the chair and put his boot down on it.
“Get out of here with that shit!”
Zane Roebuck had enough and stomped his feet. Huber then grabbed him by his neck and threw him back inside the ring. That was enough bullshit for him to see!
… No way …
The official was blind to what just happened because he was checking on Zane, but what he did not see was Adam Roebuck swing and hit his own partner in the back with a chair as he hit the ropes! Charlotte’s jaw dropped to the floor and Zane saw what his dad did out of the corner of his eye! Zane picked up the pace and kicked Huber down to climb the ropes as the fans jeered. He climbed up to the top rope …
Zane hit the triple jump moonsault! The crowd was still in complete shock over Adam Roebuck just did, but Zane was covering Huber and hurried the referee along to count.

Adam Roebuck gave his own son a thumbs up! He just screwed over his tag team partner of almost fifteen years in order to start this match! The crowd voiced their displeasure with the decision, but it was final. Adam Roebuck looked like he had just thrown away a fifteen-year team with his tag team partner in favor of helping out his son.
Zane jumped up while Charlotte rolled inside the ring to check on her husband. Meanwhile the Roebucks had departed the ring while Zane hugged his dad.
"Thanks, dad!" Zane yelled.
"Anything for you, son," Adam Roebuck said. "Anything for you!"
The two shared an actual embrace that made the crowd sick to their stomach as they were leaving up the ramp. AS Charlotte held her husband, Derrick was barely able to look back at his partner - now ex-partner. The Roebucks had just pulled off a huge heist of this match and now, the fans were left with more questions than answers.

Alyssa Corliss vs Raevynn

At Rise of the Legends, Raevynn completely owned Alyssa Corliss and it prompted Sebastian Saje to interject himself, giving Alyssa the victory, however, due to Saje abusing the powers of the referee, Damien Lee overturned the match outcome and awarded Raevynn the win. Now, in a rematch, Fearless Rules are in effect and Sebastian Saje, who will compete in the Thieves Honor match later tonight, is banned from interfering in this match. Alyssa vowed that she will be a different person coming into this match. What kind of game plan will she have against Raevynn? We were about to find out!
“Where is the Edge” by Within Temptation
The people booed as Raevynn made her way out from the backstage area first. Raevynn, who has had a relapse of her androphobia, felt a little more at ease knowing that Saje won’t be anywhere near the ring tonight. The fact that Raevynn dominated with that fear in her at Rise of the Legends is a scary thought as to what she can do with a clear mind here tonight.
Raevynn entered the ring and sunk back into the corner as she turned and gazed at the entrance way. She was 100% focused on the arrival of her opponent.
“Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse
The people cheered as they stood and turned towards the entrance way in anticipation for Alyssa Corliss’ arrival. Raevynn stepped out of the corner and towards the center of the ring in order to show Alyssa that she was ready to go the moment she entered, however, Alyssa wasn’t coming out from the backstage area at all.
Raevynn looked puzzled by this. Had Alyssa taken her advice not to show up? Alyssa’s music died and the crowd began to boo. Raevynn, meanwhile, grinned as she knew that this was going to be an easy victory for her tonight.
“COUNT HER OUT!” she yelled at Senior Starlet Referee, Kim Adams.
The crowd began to cheer loudly
Alyssa slid into the ring after coming through the crown and NAILED Raevynn in the back of the head with a steel chair! Alyssa dropped the chair and immediately covered Raevynn, but the referee pulled Alyssa off of her and told her she had not officially started the match. Alyssa started to look frantic and told the referee to call for the bell. The referee said she had to check on Raevynn. Alyssa buried her face into her hands as she walked away towards the corner. She couldn’t believe!
“Start the Match!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“Start the Match!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“Start the Match!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“Start the Match!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“Start the Match!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
Even the crowd couldn’t believe this! Sure, Alyssa did attack Raevynn before the bell, but after everything that happened last month, that could have been Alyssa’s one and only shot here and the referee, following the rules that states both competitors must be able to compete before the start of the match, is coming back to bite Alyssa in the ass right now.
Raevynn got back up to her knees as the referee asked her if she could fight. Raevynn simply glanced over at Alyssa in the corner and cracked an evil grin as if she enjoyed what had just happened. Raevynn stood up fully, holding the back of her head and now the referee called for the bell.
Alyssa tried another unsuspecting attack and charged out of the corner, but Raevynn side stepped and wrapped Alyssa up in a waist lock. Alyssa fought out of it with a pair of elbows to the head before turning and whipping Raevynn into the opposite corner. Alyssa charged in, but Raevynn made her eat a back elbow. Raevynn hopped up onto the middle turnbuckle and flew off with a Missile Drop Kick and took Alyssa down. Raevynn quickly mounted Alyssa and opened up with heavy right hands to the face! The referee couldn’t do anything to stop this due to the Fearless Rules so Raevynn continued to pound away until she could barely move her arm anymore. Raevynn got off of Alyssa who revealed a busted lip from those punches!
Alyssa turned over to her side and checked her mouth a couple of times. Raevynn walked over and stomped down on Alyssa’s side while it was prone and opened to attack. Raevynn stomped on her repeatedly until she felt she did enough damage. This resembled the end of the Rise of the Legends match with Raevynn in complete and total control! Raevynn exited the ring and lifted up the apron, looking for a weapon of some sorts. Raevynn pulled out a small step ladder from underneath the ring. Raevynn slid the ladder in and then rolled underneath the bottom rope. She stood and grabbed the ladder, turning it upside down. She then jammed the top of the ladder into Alyssa’s side, adding more damage!
Five times, total, she drove the ladder into her left side. Raevynn then dropped the step ladder on the canvas and grabbed Alyssa by the hair, pulling her up to her feet. Raevynn picked up Alyssa for a Scoop Slam, but Alyssa floated over and landed behind Raevynn, but she held her side in pain and stumbled back up against the ropes. Raevynn turned around and charged in, but Alyssa gritted her teeth and lifted Raevynn up and over to the outside and all the way down to the floor! Raevynn landed with a thud as Alyssa walked away, rubbing her side. She took a couple of deep breaths and then picked up the step ladder off the canvas. She walked out of the ring to the apron with the ladder in hand.
Alyssa turned her back to Raevynn, who was starting to get back to her feet. Alyssa cradled the ladder in her arms, looked back and then...
Raevynn saw it at the last second and darted out of the way! Alyssa flipped over and landed chest and stomach first down on the ladder as she crashed into the floor at ringside!
Alyssa attempted to get back up, but Raevynn charged in and kicked her as hard as she could in the abdomen. Alyssa collapsed back down, but Raevynn wouldn’t allow her to rest. She knelt down and pulled Alyssa up off the floor by the hair and then slam slammed her face first back down into the step ladder at ringside! Raevynn then stood and stomped her foot down onto Alyssa’s back and raised her fist into the air, displaying her dominance as the crowd booed her heavily.
Raevynn then pulled Alyssa up to her feet and threw her back into the ring. Raevynn rolled back in and stood, but when she did, something caught her eye and Raevynn grinned. She leisurely walked over and picked up the steel chair that Alyssa had brought into the ring before the match. Raevynn picked up and stared at the small dent in the seat that the back of her head made on contact. Raevynn then slowly gazed back at Alyssa who was still on the canvas, writhing in pain. Raevynn gritted her teeth as she walked over and grabbed Alyssa by the hair and forced her up to her feet. Raevynn then flipped Alyssa off before raising the chair high, but Alyssa kicked Raevynn in the stomach!
The crowd cheered loudly as Alyssa snatched the chair out of Raevynn’s hands! Raevynn stood up and...
Alyssa blasted Raevynn over the head with the chair, possibly knocking her out! Alyssa dropped the chair and crumbled into the first official cover of this match, which could also be the last!
Raevynn shot the shoulder up at the last possible second!
Alyssa stood and grabbed the chair once again. Alyssa was done playing around. With the chair in hand, she gave Raevynn a receipt by jamming the chair right into her stomach!
Just like Raevynn did to her, she jammed the top part of the chair into Raevynn’s stomach five times, but Alyssa felt that she needed to one up Raevynn.. so she raised the chair high and ...
One very harsh strike with the chair! Alyssa saw that Raevynn was incapacitated and decided to exit the ring. She lifted up the apron and pulled out a full-sized ladder out from underneath it! Alyssa, didn’t opt to slide it into the ring, however… she had something else in mind. Alyssa brought the ladder over to the announce position and set it up as a bridge between the ring apron and the announce table. When she was satisfied with the positioning, Alyssa got back up onto the ring apron as Raevynn was using the ring ropes to get back to her feet. Alyssa took aim and hit a Springboard MIssile Drop Kick and took Raevynn back off of her feet. Alyssa then stood and pointed towards the ladder on the outside the crowd stood up on their feet!
Alyssa pulled Raevynn up and placed her between her legs! She lifted Raevynn up onto her shoulder for a fire thunder-like powerbomb and began to run forward, but as she got near the ropes, Raevynn wriggled free and slipped off, landing behind Alyssa as the crowd booed. Raevynn quickly turned after landing and nailed a heavy forearm shot to the back of Alyssa’s neck, staggering her forward. Raevynn got underneath Alyssa and lifted her up. Raevynn pivoted and placed Alyssa on the top turnbuckle pad with her back to the ring. Raevynn then stepped out onto the apron and climbed up the ropes. She wanted to flip Alyssa onto the bridged ladder with a Top Rope Frankensteiner, but when Raevynn climbed up, Alyssa decked her in the face with a forearm shot!
Raevynn stepped down and ate a kick to the face from Alyssa. Raevynn fell off the ring apron, but missed the ladder, landing on the floor. Alyssa pivoted her body to face Raevynn and then leapt off with a Flying Cross Body Block that connected! Alyssa missed the ladder, but connected with Raevynn, taking her down to the floor! The jOlt faithful in attendance started a ‘jOlt” chant in the crowd after that maneuver!
After the previous damage suffered in the match, both starlets were unable to move. They laid their on the floor and the only thing the referee could do was exit the ring to check on their conditions. Both told the referee that they can continue.. it was only a matter of when the two of them would recover. With Alyssa taking the brunt of the punishment in this match, it was no surprise that Raevynn was the first to recover and get back to her feet. She grabbed Alyssa by the head and pulled her up, but Alyssa broke free and hit a drop toe hold sending Raevynn face first into that bridged ladder!!!
Crowd: “OOOOOOH!!!!!!!”
Raevynn wriggled around on the floor as she held her face in pain. Alyssa turned and got up on the apron as she waited for Raevynn to pull herself up. Raevynn turned to her stomach and got up on all fours and that’s when Alyssa dropped the jaws of everyone by walking on the ladder itself to its center. Then from that spot. Alyssa jumped off and crashed down on top of Raevynn’s back with a Senton Back Splash!!! Raevynn collapsed down to the floor once again!
Alyssa sat there for a moment as she winced in pain. She stood up holding her lower back and then made a slashing motion across her throat. She pulled Raevynn up and kicked her in the stomach. She, once again, set Raevynn up between her legs, looking for the powerbomb. She lifted Raevynn up to shoulder height, but Raevynn slipped off behind Alyssa once again! She just refused to get powerbombed onto that ladder! Alyssa then turned around and…
Raevynn connected with the Super Kick!
Alyssa was laid out on the floor as Raevynn took a moment to recollect herself before heading back over and pulling Alyssa back up to her feet. She then rolled Alyssa back into the ring under the bottom rope and then climbed up onto the apron. Raevynn waited for Alyssa to stand and when she did, she grabbed the top rope for a springboard maneuver, but Alyssa quickly turned towards Raevynn and charged in, decking her in the face with a forearm shot!! Alyssa stepped back out onto the apron and placed herself between Raevynn and the turnbuckle pads. She kicked Raevynn in the stomach and wanted to see if the third time would be the charm. She lifted Raevynn up, but the third time would NOT be the charm as Raevynn slipped off and landed on the apron in front of Alyssa. She then grabbed Alyssa by the head and pivoted her, slamming her face first into the top turnbuckle pad!
Alyssa grabbed the top rope and prevented herself from falling back down to the floor. Raevynn backed away and stepped over the ladder to the opposite corner. Alyssa pulled herself back up and turned towards Raevynn. Raevynn ran forward, hopped over the ladder and then leapt onto the Alyssa’s shoulders, looking to flip her with a rana, but Alyssa held on!! She pulled Raevynn back up to her feet as the crowd went nuts!!! Alyssa jumped to the side, falling down to her knees on the floor, but...
Alyssa actually smiled after doing that much damage to Raevynn! The ladder was still intact and Alyssa wasn’t done using it… not by a long shot. She stood and grabbed the ladder, yanking it off of the announce table/ring apron. She then walked it over to the barricades and leaned it up against the corner. She then turned and walked over, grabbing Raevynn. Raevynn was pulled over and stood in front of the ladder. Alyssa spun and hit a back thrust kick, doubling Raevynn over. Alyssa then gained some distance and turned when she felt she was far enough. Raevynn collapsed to a single knee as he back was still throbbing after taking that hit on the ladder. Raevynn slowly began to stand as Alyssa charged forward. Then...
Alyssa PLOWED into Raevynn, which sent her into the ladder. The barricade section collapsed and the two spilled through the barricades into the vacant area by the front row, next to the time keeper’s table!!
“THIS IS AWESOME!!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“THIS IS AWESOME!!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“THIS IS AWESOME!!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“THIS IS AWESOME!!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“THIS IS AWESOME!!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
The referee immediately ran over and checked on both of them. Despite the grueling punishment, the two of them notified Kim Adams that they could continue the match! Alyssa slowly pulled herself out of the rubble and grabbed Raevynn, pulling her back to her feet. She walked Raevynn away from the mess and then placed her in a front waist lock. She then rammed Raevynn’s back right into the edge of the ring apron! She pulled Raevynn back and rammed her back first right into the ring apron a second time. She then did this a third time and by that time, Raevynn couldn’t even stand anymore. The powerbomb onto the ladder.. going through the barricades with her back to the ladder, and now having it driven into the ring apron. This was a much different scenario from what we saw at Rise of the Legends just a month and a half ago!
Alyssa didn’t look sweet and innocent like she always does. She looked quite focused and filled with determination. This mean streak in her was the culmination of everything that has happened between the two of them dating all the way back to the beginnings of The Hype. All of that history,.. that frustration.. that animosity… and that hatred for one another was manifesting itself in this match here tonight.
Alyssa paintbrushed the back of Raevynn’s head and taunted her.
“I thought you were going to beat me!?” asked Alyssa before she slapped her in the back of the head once again.
“I told you I didn’t need Sebastian, but I also told you that when I punch you.. Sebastian would be punching you, too, in spirit!”
With that, Alyssa balled up her fist and slugged Raevynn right in the face as Raevynn was on her hands and knees.
“Can you feel his presence!?” yelled Alyssa
She then punched Raevynn in the face again!
“Every time I hit you.. Sebastian is hitting you!”
Alyssa hit another heavy haymaker which rocked Raevynn back.
“..o...m...r….” muttered Raevynn.
“No… m...re…”
Raevynn put her hands up, but Alyssa shoved them away and rocked her head with another heavy right hand!
“Go ahead! Beg me for mercy, Raevynn… I will deny you!” said Alyssa
“stop…” muttered Raevynn as you could see a look of fear coming over her face. Sebastian Saje told Raevynn he would be there in spirit. Could Raevynn have believed that? Was that actually getting into her head?
“NEVER!” yelled Alyssa.
Alyssa took a step back and ran in...
Raevynn was out cold. The referee had to check on her and it showed that Raevynn was not responsive at all. The referee had to call for the bell!!

Dean Carrington: Ladies and Gentlemen.. Raevynn cannot continue the match under her own power. Therefore, your winner via knockout… Alyssa Corliss!
It was a rivalry that a pinfall or a submission wouldn’t have settled it. Alyssa Corliss had had enough of Raevynn and the only way for her to feel satisfied was to do what she did. Completely destroy her.. and that she did, but at what cost?
The fans… some of them actually felt pity for Raevynn.. others felt she deserved it. The war these two went through could have gone on all night and what started out as hot and heavy turned into something dangerous. Alyssa woke up during this match and unleashed hell incarnate on Raevynn in such a short amount of time that it had even gotten Raevynn to beg Alyssa to stop. Alyssa ignored the cries for mercy and this was the end result.
The referee continued to try and get Raevynn to wake up, but she was motionless. The referee signaled to the back for a stretcher and they brought one out. The replay of the final strike saw Alyssa’s knee slam with full force into Raevynn’s forehead. The impact clearly knocked Raevynn out the hard way. The crowd cringed as they saw the replay in slow motion. When we came back live, they were carefully loading Raevynn onto the stretcher. They quickly rushed her up the entrance ramp to the backstage area.
The entire time Alyssa simply stood back with her arms cross, showing no emotion… as if she were enjoying the results of her actions. Was the hatred between them THAT deep?
Once the area was cleared, Alyssa walked to the back. The scene faded out as this was finally over.

Tammy Lynn Foster(c) vs Vogue Gonsalvez

The people cheered as Vogue Gonsalvez came out from the backstage area to the biggest match of her wrestling career. She stopped at the top of the ramp and threw her fist into the air. All of a sudden, violet pyro popped behind her from wires dangling in front of the jOltvision. It spelled out her name “VOGUE” in cursive lettering. The crowd applauded as she walked her way down to the ring, giving the crowd a wink as well.
Vogue hopped up onto the ring apron and flipped over the top rope, rolling up to her feet. She then ascended the turnbuckle pads to the very top, striking a pose to the crowd in the far neutral corner. Vogue and Tammy have been at each other’s throat for the past few weeks. The two women have brawled throughout the arena without either one of them backing down. She moonsaulted off the top rope and landed on her feet. She turned her attention to the entrance way as she waited for the Starlets champion to make her way to the ring.
“Redneck Woman” By Gretchen Wilson explodes throughout the arena. Tammy Lynn Foster made her way out to the stage holding the Starlet Championship high in the air to a loud reaction of jeers from the Kansas City fans. Foster was not happy with the situation between her and Vogue. She climbed into the ring and held the championship high in the air parading around the ring showing the title to Vogue with every stroll.
The bell sound as these two brawlers went at it in the middle of the ring. Gonsalvez the native New Yorker was street at heart and Foster was the toughest woman in jOlt. These two women hated each other as they went tooth and nail at each other in the middle of the ring. Tammy was the bigger of the two women but that didn’t deter Vogue as she had no quit in her. Vogue started to get the advantage with several quick shots that took the bigger Tammy by surprise.
Vogue Gonsalvez pushed Tammy back into the corner and nailed her with a big back elbow. Gonsalvez grabbed Tammy from the corner, hooked Tammy and drove her to the mat with a big DDT. Gonsalvez quickly climbed to the second rope and sat there waiting for TL to get to her feet. Tammy got to her feet and turned around only to be nailed with a second rope dropkick that send Tammy through the ropes to the floor. The crowd exploded in cheers as Tammy grabbed the guardrail in frustration. Vogue stood in the ring motioning for the champion to make her way back into the ring.
Tammy peered into the ring in frustration as the champion started to pace around the ring. Kim pointed for the champion to get in the ring but Tammy was in no rush. Kim had no choice but to administer the ten count on Tammy but Vogue stopped her. Gonsalvez rolled to the floor but Foster quickly rolled into the ring with a smirk. Vogue slowly walked up the steps to make her way into the ring. Kim kept Tammy back as Vogue climbed into the ring.
Tammy raced over to Vogue with a clothesline attempt but Vogue ducked the attempt and nailed Foster with a standing dropkick. Tammy was down on the mat as she looked up at her challenger who was egging her to bring it. Tammy slowly got to her feet as Vogue waited for her. Kim tried to hold Vogue back but she moved Kim to the side to try and get to Tammy. The champion quickly nailed Gonsalvez with a big forearm to the face. Tammy was not done as she moved Vogue into the corner. The champion smirked before drilling Vogue with vicious right hands in the corner.
Vogue tried to cover up but the bigger Tammy continued to hammer the challenger in the corner. Foster pulled Vogue from the corner and hooked her in a front chancery.
Tammy did not go for the cover as she picked Vogue up from the mat. The champion whipped Vogue into the ropes. The challenger bounced off the ropes.
Vogue fell back as Tammy stood over the fallen challenger. The crowd erupted in jeers as Tammy looked on with a sly grin. Vogue grabbed her jaw and turned around and was drilled with a big clothesline. The redneck woman from OKC reached down and grabbed Vogue by the hair. TL hooked the feisty Brooklyn native and drove her to the mat with a big DDT. Gonsalvez lay on the mat writhing in pain. The champion dropped a big elbow into the chest of Vogue. The champion quickly back to her feet before reaching down and picking up Gonsalvez.
TL whipped her into the corner but Vogue reversed it sending Tammy into the corner. Vogue caught Tammy off guard with a big clothesline in the corner. The challenger drove several shoulder blocks into Tammy’s gut in the corner. Tammy doubled over as Vogue nailed her with a big European Uppercut in the corner. Vogue was not done as she nailed the champion with another European Uppercut. The fans started to get into the match cheering for the challenger. Vogue responded as she picked up Foster and sat up on the top rope. Gonsalvez quickly climbed to the middle rope before nailing Tammy with a stiff knee. Foster held on as Vogue stood on the top rope.
The highflyer quickly hooked Tammy’s leg for the cover.
Foster kicked out at two. The Brooklyn native picked up Tammy and whipped her into the corner. She raced into the corner and nailed TL with a dropkick in the corner that sent Tammy to the mat. The fans erupted again letting Vogue hear it.
Gonsalvez was not done as she drove a knee into TL’s head several times to the delight of the fans. Tammy was trying to block the knee shots to no avail. Vogue was definitely not afraid of the brutal champion. Gonsalvez nailed Tammy with a big kick to the face before grabbing Tammy Lynn by her long flowing blonde hair and pulling her to her feet.
Vogue tried to pick up Tammy but she kept blocking the move. Foster drove a big forearm shot to the back of Vogue’s head and neck area. Tammy quickly scooped up the challenger and drove her to the mat with a big body slam. The Blonde Bomber was not through as she pulled the Brooklyn native to her feet and drilled her with a short arm clothesline.
Tammy Lynn grabbed the challenger and hooked her in the middle of the ring. She looked out into the crowd with a smirk before driving Vogue to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Foster did not go for the cover as she quickly hooked Gonsalvez in a standing figure four in the ring. The champion was trying to keep the daredevil on the mat. The fans started to jeer as Tammy savored the pain she was administering. Tammy Lynn continued to apply pressure as Vogue tried to make it to the ropes to break the hold.
Tammy continued to apply pressure as Vogue moved closer and closer to the ropes. The challenger tried to grab Foster but the Blonde Bomber kept herself from grabbing distance as she continued to apply more and more pressure with the figure four. The daredevil started to scream in pain as she continued to fight toward the bottom ropes. Vogue finally made it to the ropes as Kim Adams voiced to Foster to break the hold. Tammy would not release the hold as Vogue slammed the mat in pain. Adams started the five count on Tammy to release the hold.
TL finally broke the hold as she looked at Kim. Vogue tried to pull herself up off the mat as she grabbed her legs. Tammy felt like she did her part with injuring the legs of the daredevil. Tammy Lynn raced over to Vogue, grabbing her arm, she whipped her into the ropes. Vogue bounced off the ropes but not with her normal velocity as TL waited for her. Foster caught Vogue in a belly to belly position. The champion threw the challenger overhead with a belly to belly release suplex.
TL went over for the cover on Vogue.
She rolled off Vogue and stood to her feet as Gonsalvez did the same just a little slower. TL grabbed Vogue and drove her to the mat with a swinging neck breaker. Tammy knew that wasn’t going to be enough to keep Vogue down, so she picked Gonsalvez up and whipped her into the ropes again. Vogue bounced off the ropes and was caught by a deep power slam from Foster. Foster hooked the leg for the cover.
The crowd gasped and so did Tammy at another Vogue kick out. Tammy Lynn picked up Vogue and whipped her into the ropes. Gonsalvez bounced off the ropes and was caught with a spinning back breaker. Tammy continued to focus on Vogue’s back. She dropped a couple of knees to the small of Vogue’s lower back. TL picked Vogue up again and clasped a bear hug on her.
TL continued to apply the pressure to Vogue’s back in the ring as the fans continued to cheer for Vogue. Gonsalvez tried to break the hold but she could not as Tammy kept wrenching into the hold. The champion continued with the hold as it looked like the challenger was almost out on her feet as the ref checked on Vogue. Kim went over to raise Vogue’s arm but she grabbed Tammy by the head and nailed her with a head butt to try and break the hold. Tammy staggered but did not break the hold.
Vogue drove her head into Tammy’s head once more as the grip started to loosen but not completely break. The Brooklyn native nailed Tammy with a shot to the temple that broke the grip but Tammy was still back on Vogue. Tammy grabbed Vogue by the head as the bear hug was no broken. Tammy tried to hook Vogue but she turned into the hold and nailed the champion with an Inverted DDT.
Vogue went for the cover.
Vogue was still a little wobbled from the earlier onslaught from Tammy but she tried to stay in the match. The challenger race toward TL with a clothesline attempt but Foster ducked the attempt…
That rolling German suplex nailed Vogue as Tammy went for the pin.
THRE--- NO!! NO!! NO!!
Tammy couldn’t believe it and neither could the crowd as Gonsalvez kicked out once again.
Foster grabbed Vogue by the hair and pulled her to her feet. She whipped Vogue into the corner again. This time Foster raced into the corner with a splash attempt but found nothing but turnbuckle as Vogue staggered from the corner. Vogue turned around and pulled Tammy from the corner and drove her to the mat.
Vogue went for another pinfall on Tammy.
Vogue couldn’t believe that Tammy Lynn kicked out. She went back down for another cover.
Vogue was now frustrated as she sat up. Gonsalvez picked up Tammy and hooked her in a powerbomb position. The challenger tried to pick TL up but the champion kept using her strong lower body to contain her position. Vogue tried once more to no avail but the champion was able to use her powerful legs to hoist Vogue off the mat. The challenger flipped over Tammy’s back but landed on her feet. She quickly nailed Tammy with a kick to the back of her head. Tammy staggered to the ropes.
Vogue grabbed Tammy and drove her to the mat with hangman neck breaker. The challenger climbed to the top rope as Tammy lay on the mat.
The Sky Twister Moonsault landed flush in the middle of the ring. Gonsalvez went for the cover on Foster.

The fans erupted in cheers as Vogue Gonsalvez just shocked the world by becoming the new Starlets champion. Vogue couldn’t believe it as Kim Adams handed her the title belt. The new champion sat in the middle of the ring looking at the Starlets title as the fans cheered for her. The former champion was shocked as she rolled out of the ring to the floor. Tammy Lynn was not happy as she sulked up the ramp while Vogue celebrated in the ring.

Diamond Jewelz(c) vs Draconian

Draconian, once thought to be a possible source of salvation for the gOlden bOy security squadron of Khalil Straightgully and Lattrell Samuel who were kidnapped by a once anonymous source, shocked the world when it was revealed that he in fact was the culprit behind the kidnappings. Although a disturbing revelation indeed, Jewelz actually benefited from the reveal because he actually got confirmation that his friends and employees were indeed alive, where they were once believed and confirmed to be dead at the hands of a Mexican drug cartel!!! What a relief for Jewelz who now not only knows who has his friends in captivity, but also has a guarantee that he would recover his goons in time if he would agree to a match with Draconian for all the gold in his possession, including his Relentless Title belt. Most in the jOlt universe felt that this would not be a sacrifice that the covetous and conceitrd jeweler would under any circumstances agree to, but immediately after the events of iNtense 132, it was confirmed that Jewelz would accept Draconian’s challenge for his coveted pieces of jewelry to try and recover his “homies”, once and for all..
Immediately the television screen begins a review vignette of all the drama between Draconion and Jewelz over the weeks.
First, a clip of Samuel being kidnapped in an alley behind Segalowich's Jewelers and Straightgully being kidnapped from Tootsie’s Gentleman’s Club on Fried Chicken and Shrimp night. The screen flashes to moments of all the encounters between the jeweler from Las Vegas and Draconian and then transitions finally to Draconian slamming Jewelz into the mat with “Death From Above”, and issuing Jewelz an ultimatum concerning the recovery of his Goons. The vignette ends with Jewelz layed out in the middle of the ring lifeless as the crowd sat in awe. The scene transitions back to the action in the arena.
“Please Let Me Floss My Jewelrrrryyyyyy”
The hook to “Jewelry” by Gucci Mane bangs through the PA system of the Kemper Arena as Diamond Jewelz’s cursive signature logo flashes across the jOltVision followed quickly by his trademark "#gOldenbOy" logo and a grilled out, blinging serious face emoticon logo. A raucous cheer erupts from the crowd. The fans in the Kemper Arena begin to sing along with the Gucci Mane anthem. This is the first in months Jewelz is in the ring for a match...
So much ice make ya eye sight blury
Jewelry, have on too much jewelry
Neva too much neva too much so much
Jewelry, this ant even half my jewelry
It's gettin kinda cold n here i'm serious
Jewelry, please let me rock my jewelry
Everybody starring cuz we rockin' big jewelry
“Here….. Lie the keys to my kingdom.. All my gOld, all of my jewelry…. Except for these pieces I’m wearing, and as of right now!” DJ begins to take off each of his many articles of jewelry piece by piece and lay them on the ground.
“I’m putting them all on the line… I want my Goons back… Now bitch nigga.. Give me proof that my goons is here… And I’ll be receiving them after I go in on your ass.”
"We stay Shinin'"
Clap 5x
We stay Shinin'"
Clap 5x
We stay Shinin'"
Clap 5x
We stay Shinin'"
Clap 5x
The crowd explodes in support of their resident jeweler. But suddenly, the lights go out. The sound effect of power cutting on pipes in the arena and a large spotlight begins to shine on the roof. The light reveals a macabre scene indeed!! The crowd goes from jubilation to shock! They are all aghast. Samuel and Gully are in a cage in their underwear high above the ring. Their faces are etched with despair. DJ’s mouth droops open in shock at the sight of his friends and employees being subjected to this type of inhumane treatment… Immediately DJ holds his head in disbelief and distress… DJ begins to look around the ring as if to wonder of there is an immediate manner by which he might rescue his friends… DJ paces back and forth until settling his focus on the entrance ramp where the massive Draconian should be appearing at any moment.
From behind, the massive Draconian had somehow snuck his way out of the crowd into the ring and crashed DJ in the back of the head with a Billy club looking object. Blood begins to drip in the ring immediately as obviously the cut that Draconian opened up on DJ was not fully healed, and the blunt force trauma reopened the gash that was opened on i32. DJ holds his head in agony as the crowd begins to heave down boos on the ring. The crowd is in a frenzy.
“This match, by the requests of the Relentless Title holder Diamond Jewelz, is a no holds barred, falls count anywhere match and subsequently there is no disqualification! If Diamond Jewelz wins, he will immediately receive the service of his Goons, but if Draconian wins, he will retain possession of Them M’fn Goons as slaves and he will win every piece of jewelry that Jewelz has, including his Relentless Title belt.” Dean Carrington informs the crowd. The bell rings… Draconian gives a devious smile at the reality of the completion of the decimation of gOlden bOy promotions is at hand.
Draconian begins to wack away at the legs and at the body of Diamond Jewelz. Jewelz squirms and cries in agony as the crowd continues to throw insults and jeers at the crowd. Jewelz is able to roll out of the ring, and this provides him with a little of the relief from the assault of Draconian, but Draconian quickly heads to the outside of the ring to inflict more pain on the jeweler. jOlt referee Simon Boulder follows them to the outside of the ring. Draconian drops the Billy club and begins to work on Jewelz with a viscous assault of punches and kicks. Jewelz does not defend himself but simply covers himself from the shower of blows and violence from the gargantuan giant. Simon Boulder, seeing the brutality of the onslaught, steps into the middle of the fray quickly begging Draconian for mercy, but Draconian throws him away, barking inaudible words at him, obviously reminding Boulder that due to the requests of the Relentless Champion himself, this match doesn’t have any rules or boundaries.
Draconian drags Jewelz over towards the announce table and every few steps, punishes him with a shot to the back of the head or the back that sends DJ to his knees in pain. Finally they reach the announce table and Draconian lands another crushing blow to the back of the head of DJ. DJ goes to the ground in a heap. Draconian, the significantly larger man, picks up DJ and proceeds to powerbomb him through the table. The crowd is again aghast. The screen cuts to the faces of Them M’fn Goons for the first time in the night and shows the distraught and worried faces of the employees of the jeweler. They are far away from the action, but due to the jOltVision, can easily see all the happenings of the night no problem. Them M’fn Goons are obviously not happy with what they see, and both men, who’s faces and bodies are gaunt and drawn out from the weeks of obvious abuse at the hands of Draconian in captivity, hold their heads in frustration and disbelief in the cramped cell high above the ring. The camera cuts to fans in the audience who have the same expressions. It’s safe to say that everybody in the crowd is hoping that Jewelz will be able to wrestle his Goons from the maniacal hands of their captive, but at this point, this result looks to be doubtful.
Draconian goes for the cover…..
Jewelz somehows manages to kickout. Them M’fn Goons are giving a small capsule in the corner of the screen so that their every reaction might be registered with the fans. Them M’fn Goons do their best in the cramped confines of the cell that holds them to celebrate. Draconian is in disbelief and is distraught after getting back to his feet. Draconian picks up one of the small monitors from the announce table and throws it at Jewelz…
The monitor smacks Jewelz but only in the arm after he manages to move out of the way. Draconian plods towards Jewelz and attempts to ram into him but instead is sent careening into the barricade. Jewelz, a bloody mess, attempts to get back to his feet, but is unable to muster the strength. Them M’fn Goons cheer Jewelz from their positions above the ring and now that they’ve figured out that they’re on the jOltvIsion, begin to insight the crowd. Jewelz is making his way to his feet, but Draconian is making his way to his feet much quicker.
"We stay Shinin'"
Clap 5x
We stay Shinin'"
Clap 5x
We stay Shinin'"
Clap 5x
We stay Shinin'"
Clap 5x
The crowd chants to encourage Jewelz, but it is all for not. Draconian beats Jewelz to his feet and stalks his way toward the jeweler to put more punishment on him.
The sound of flesh resounds throughout the arena. Them M’fn Goons go crazy…. The crowd loses it. Jewelz just hit Draconian with a viscous low blow. Draconian is in a load of pain. Jewelz immediately collapses onto the barricade, and he reaches into his tights.. He pulls out his signature custom made, diamond encrusted brass knuckles… Jewelz, his hands stained with his own blood, slides the brass knucles easily on his soaking wet, bloody hands… Jewelz inhales and exhales deeply from the exhaustion of the beating that was put on him.. Them M’fn Goons grip the bars of the cage high upon the ring with a death grip in anticipation of Jewelz’s win and their subsequent emancipation. Draconian makes his way back to his feet..
Jewelz cracks Draconian with the knuckles.. The crowd erupts…
Jewelz has done it… He’s beaten Draconian… The crowd erupts.. The cage which holds Samuel and Straightgully begins to lower Them M’fn Goons… Jewelz is aloof as he’s barely retaining consciousness at this point… Samuel and Straightgully are freed by jOlt officials and immediatelty run over to congratulate Jewelz, but Jewelz is still on the ground in a heap… Samuel and Gully, in their underwear and all, pick up Jewelz and raise his hands in victory. Jewelz, coming halfway to, begins to embrace his homies. It’s a family reunion. gOlden bOy promotions is back in business..

The Natural Athletes(c) vs Cross the Hood

The score was all tied at one match a piece between who many considered to be the very best teams to come from The Hype. Cross The Hood were its most talented tag team well before the Hype Tag Team Titles came into existence. The Natural Athletes were the first-ever Hype Tag Team Champions and put together a very impressive collection of impressive title defenses. Now, both were on the main roster as perhaps two of the best in a very deep and talented tag team division. Both teams had been the top of the division now with looking for the chance to end this. Cross The Hood pulled off the win in match one and looked to have it wrapped up in match two had it not been for Cori Albright’s foot on the ropes. The Natural Athletes went on win, which brings us to match three
Who is the best team from The Hype? More importantly who will walk away with the Tag Team Titles? Let’s find out!
“The following contest is MATCH NUMBER THREE in the Best of Three Series for the jOlt Tag Team Championships!” Dean Carrington announced to an excited crowd. They were gonna see some amazing fucking shit from these two teams here tonight.
“My Time” by Fabolous.
Jackson Cross and Machida Hood came out from the backstage area with Vogue Gonsalvez… THE NEW STARLET CHAMPION! The fans gave a great ovation for the hard-working former jOlt Tag Team Champions as they headed toward the ring.
Cross and Hood got on the apron and stepped into the ring. They each picked a side of the ring and got up on the middle rope, leaning over and playing to the crowd. They switched sides and did it again, getting the crowd fired up for this match! Cross and Hood smashed their arms together in a show of support as they waited for their opponents. Vogue had won the Starlet Championship from the very tough and dangerous Tammy Lynn Foster earlier tonight. Was that a sign of things to come for the Natural Athletes?
Four pillars were near the entrance, two on each end with “THE NATURAL ATHLETES” in a white and blue logo. The camera took notice of an inflatable tunnel with the same logo…
“Unleashed” by Chris Classic feat. Nazareth.
The music played and the crowd went crazy for the NEW World Tag Team Champions! Cori “Striker” Albright and “The Big Hitter” Terry Massimo raised their respective titles to a huge pop from the crowd! Behind them was Nate Quartermaine who soaked in the positive cheers. Massimo surveyed the crowd and pointed to a section of fans with Natural Athletes signs while Cori Albright scanned for the hottest ladies the eye could see.
Albright jumped to the top rope and did a cartwheel over the ropes before landing in the ring while Massimo climbed into the squared circle. Both men posed for the crowd and their cornerman, Nate Quartermaine, got the crowd going as Dean Carrington made with the SUPER-CEREAL in-ring introductions.
“Introducing first in the corner to my left, team number one… being accompanied to the ring by the NEW Starlet Champion Vogue Gonsalves, from Brooklyn, New York… they are MACHIDA HOOD AND JACKSON CROSS… CROSS THE HOOD!!”
And now to the champions.
“And introducing Team Number Two… they are the jOlt World Tag Team Champions! Accompanied by Nate Quartermaine, at a combined weight of 565 pounds… CORI ALBRIGHT AND TERRY MASSIMO… THE NATURAL ATHLETES!”
Cori and Terry both looked at the jOlt World Tag Team Title belts and patted their respective faceplates before handing the belts over to Ian Nguyen. Nguyen raised the titles over his head before calling for the bell. It was time to see who was the undisputed best in the Tag Team Division.
Jackson Cross and Cori Albright were about to start for each team and the two shook hands before getting into the action. The two locked up mid-ring and Jackson Cross used the strength advantage he possessed to get Cori near the ropes quickly. He held him there until Ian ordered him to get him away from the corner, but the former jOlt Tag Team Champion backed out of the corner without incident.
The two locked up a second time and Cross used his power again to take over again and tried to ground the high flyer with a Hammerlock. Cori grabbed him by the head with his free arm and leaped in the air, using the momentum to send Cross flying over his shoulder. Jackson Cross rolled back to his feet and stopped Cori with a quick kick to the gut followed by an Irish Whip that sent him into the corner. Cross was about to run when Cori used the ropes and did a GREAT fucking handstand on the top turnbuckle!
The ultra-talented high flyer stood there while Cross shook his head with a smirk… and then tried to bring him down. Instead, Cori used his legs and wrapped around his neck before sending him FLYING out of the corner with a Headscissors! Cross went for a tumble as The Striker got back to his feet. He ran to the nearby adjacent rope, flipped to the OTHER side of the corner and came out swinging with a Springboard Dropkick! Cross went down and Cori went for the first cover.
That was barely a two-count when the fresh Cross kicked out. Cori held him in a Headlock and tagged out to Terry Massimo and the 354-pound tank of a man was all business here. Cori threw him into Terry, who hit a hard Body Slam! Cori took to the ropes and then flew at his partner, who caught him in a Powerbomb position. He flipped Cori over into an Aided Moonsault! Cori left the ring as Terry finished off the combination with a Running Elbow Drop! Cross was sucking in wind was Terry went for a lateral press.
Cross’ shoulder came up, but Terry stood over him now and the former Seattle Seahawk went to work, doubling over Cross with a hard series of jabs to the stomach. He pushed him back to the corner and wore him out with a series of hard Clotheslines to the chest! Machida Hood and Vogue Gonsalvez didn’t look happy with what was happening and it was about to get worse as Terry threw him out of the corner with a HUGE Gutwrench toss out of the corner!
The crowd cheered the brute strength on the display by Terry Massimo as he waited for the limping Cross to get back to his feet. When he did so, Jackson was grabbed and launched into the ropes. Terry had something big in mind, but Cross slipped out behind him and when he turned, he SOCKED him with a good Discus Punch that hurt his own hand, but caught Terry unaware! The big man was reeling so Cross went low with a Dropkick to bring him down. He then followed up off the ropes with a Running Knee! Terry was stunned for the moment and that gave
The former Tag Team Champions went to work by muscling Terry to the ground with a Double Shoulder Block! After that, Cross allowed his own partner to use a Suplex position and slam him down with a big splash! Cross rolled out of the ring and now Machida went for a cover.
The Big Hitter took a couple of double-teams from Cross The Hood and he STILL kicked the fuck out! Hood was no small man, but he looked shocked that Terry made the kick out look easy.
“Oh, FUCK no!” Hood said disgusted while a few fans laughed.
Vogue shook her head just as Terry was about to get back to his feet. Hood went at Terry and tried to slug it out with the big man, but Terry shoved him by the ropes and swung with a Clothesline. The blow missed, but the Flying Shoulder Tackle did not! Terry went bouncing back into the ropes, but used the momentum to come right back and just BULLDOZE Hood, knocking him to the mat! So far, Cross The Hood didn’t have an answer for The Natural Athletes and that was compounded by Terry going for a cover.
Hood kicked out, but this match had been all Athletes so far and Terry was not about to let go. Terry grabbed Machida Hood by the waist and pushed him into the corner before he tagged to Cori Albright. The Striker hopped over the ropes in clear athletic fashion as Terry ran off the ropes…
Machida Hood just had three-fifty across his back and Cori finished off the combination by heading to the top rope…
He hurt his head a little, but then he sucked it up and went for a cover now.
Machida kicked out, but now Cori stayed on the attack. Cori headed to the ropes and tried to launch another aerial offensive, but when he got back up and tried a Dropkick, Machida saw it coming and he managed to CLOCK Cori with a right hand, knocking him out to the floor! Cori crashed and burned in a hard way, but Cross The Hood were only doing to save themselves! No rules were broken, but things were about to go from bad to worse for Cori…
Machida Hood had some great athletic prowess of his own and even though he was hurt after a bad landing himself, the Running Dropkick off the ring apron was right on the button!
The move took a lot out of both men and Hood was seething in pain, but he was better off than Cori as he limped up to his feet. He threw him back inside the ring and he crawled in to roll over to his tag team partner, Jackson Cross! The fresh Cross was ready to rock and roll as Cross helped him to his feet. Boht members of Cross The Hood took Cori over across the ring and when he came back, they took him down with a HUGE Double Flapjack Slam! Perhaps in a bit of a showy mood, both men kipped up to their feet simultaneously before they slammed their fists together. Machida left the ring and Cross went for a cover.
Cori kicked out even after a pair of bad landings, but after a rocky start, it was now The Natural Athletes who were forced to fight from behind. Jackson took the boots to Cori and tried to ground the high flyer by picking him up and dropping him with a hard slam. He headed off the ropes and came back with a picture-perfect Knee Drop right to the chest!
The jOlt World Tag Team Champion was hurt, but Cross went to set him up. He pushed him back to the corner and had him pinned there..
The intense flurry of Chops, Punches and Kicks were taking a toll on The Striker as he tried to protect himself, but the blows were going too fast for him to block them all. Jackson nodded and looked proud of himself before he tried to pull Cori Albright out of the corner. A big Suplex attempt was up next, but when he tried to pick up Cori, he surprised him with an Inside Cradle!
Cross kicked out and when Cori Albright tried to get to his corner, Cross stopped him by grabbing the leg and pulling him back to the corner. Cori tried to fight back and he delivered a series of Forearm Smashes to try and free himself. The Striker took to the ropes, but when he came back…
Cross came out of nowhere with a BEAUTIFUL Sling Blade takedown and sent Cori crashing hard to the canvas! Cross rolled over and hooked the far leg trying to keep the high flyer down now!
Cross the Hood were just inches away from winning the match and taking the first match in the series, but Cori Albright’s shoulder crept off the canvas. Jackson Cross held up three fingers to Ian Nguyen, but he only counted to two. Cross rolled over and headed back to the corner and also took Cori’s leg. The tag was made again when Cross had him up in the over-the-shoulder position. Cori tried to elbow his way free, but Machida tagged himself in…
The crowd cringed from that move as Cross held him up in a Hart Attack-style position, allowing Machida to come off the top rope with his huge Flying Uppercut! There was no way that Cori Albright was kickout out this time as he stacked him up for the cover…
The Big Hitter got there in the nick of time and put a boot into Machida’s back to break up the cover! The jOlt World Tag Team Champions needed to make the fresh tag quickly if they wanted to take the first match of the series and get the early lead. Terry returned to his corner as Machida Hood waited for the groggy Albright to try and get back to his feet. He grabbed him and set him up for something out of the Electric Chair position, but Cori rolled forward out of desperation! Machida tried to roll with him for fear of him trying a pin, but Cori jumped out of it…
Out of nowhere, no less! Cori stomped down hard on his chest and knocked the wind out of him with his signature Standing Moonsualt Foot Stomp! The Striker and Machida Hood were both down now with both men trying to get to their respective corners. Machida got the tag out to Cross first and the Brooklyn native made a mad dash to the corner…
The big man was in the ring! Terry headed inside and Cross charged at him, but like so many did on the gridiron before him, Terry knocked him down with relative ease courtesy of a big Shoulder Tackle! When he tried to stand up one more time, Terry blasted him with a hard Back Elbow on the second go-round knocking him down to the ground.
When Jackson Cross tried to stand a third time, Terry grabbed him by the arm and CRUSHED him with a big Body Avalanche! He then whipped him off to the other side and hit a second Body Avalanche! When he pulled him out of the corner, Terry Massimo picked him up and DRILLED him with a Standing Spinebuster!
Machida had seen enough and tried to catch the Seattle powerhouse…
He tried coming off the top rope, but Terry GRABBED the two-hundred fifty pounder out of the air and DROPPED him across his knee! He then held on and casually tossed Machida Hood away! Vogue Gonsalvez was freaking out while Nate Quartermaine was rallying the crowd behind the powerhouse. He turned his attention back to Jackson Cross.
Cross tried to get back up, but Terry fell to his knees and let out a loud dog bark before batting Cross wti a flurry of JYD-style Headbutts to the head! He was disoriented, but things were about to hit the fan as he whipped him across the ring and bounced off the adjacent rope…
The Pounce-like tackle had to be enough right there was Terry Massimo went for a cover.
Despite being in pain from being batted around earlier, Hood slid in and elbowed the back of his head. Hood tried to pull Massimo back up and hooked him for Project 347, but Terry Massimo elbowed his way free and sent Machida Hood out of the ring! Hood was still down when Terry reached out and made the tag to a ready and able Cori Albright! He was going up top now and the crowd was going nuts…
Hood moved!
Cori landed his feet and rolled through the landing before something bad happened to his knees. He turned around, but Jackson caught him out of nowhere with a HUGE Superkick! Cori went down and Terry tried coming to his partner’s aid. He rushed at Jackson, but Cross ducked as he hit the ropes. They both rushed at Terry and sent him flying over the ropes with a Double Clothesline!
Vogue was cheering on her boys and Nate was yelling at Cori to get back up, but Cross The Hood had him dead to rights…
Hood dropped Cori across his knee with an STO Backbreaker, but didn’t let him fall. He picked him up and threw his limp body to Jackson Cross…
Cross hooked the leg and this had to be all! This was how Cross The Hood defeated The Natural Athletes three weeks ago!
It was THAT FUCKING CLOSE and as close as the letters in this sentence you’re reading are, but Massimo made the save in the nick of time to keep the jOlt World Tag Team Titles in their camp! Nate Quartermaine was in disbelief, as was Vogue Gonsalvez. The Starlet Champion shouted words of encouragement for them as he continued to cheer.
Jackson Cross nodded and went back to working over Cori Albright while Machida Hood disposed of Terry Massimo with a huge Dropkick, sending him flying all the way to the outside. Jackson Cross threw him out to the floor and roughed up Cori Albright some more. He picked him up and SPIKED him right into the ring apron. He turned around and then slammed him HARD into the barricade!
Ring apron!
Ring apron!
Cori Albright was slumped over and would’ve fallen, had Jackson not still held him in place. Cross the Hood were clearly getting desperate here, but they were close to winning and had to follow up. Cross forced him back into the ring and brought him down with a HUGE DDT! He crawled over and went for a cover.
An enraged Jackson pinned a knee down on the throat of a frantically kicking Albright to wear him out. Ian Nguyen told him to back off or risk disqualification, so that’s what he was getting. Jackson reached over and he made the tag to Machida Hood who leaped over the ropes to enter the ring. He charged over as Jackson hit a Drop Toe Hold and Hood connected with a Dropkick. Jackson quickly then held him in place with a Camel Clutch-style hold, allowing Machida to connect with a Front Dropkick to the face! Some rapid-fire teamwork when the Heirs were on their game and tonight, they were on it. Hood hooked both legs of Albright now.
“LET’S GO, ATHLETES!” clap x5
“LET’S GO, ATHLETES!” clap x5
“LET’S GO, ATHLETES!” clap x5
“LET’S GO, ATHLETES!” clap x5
“LET’S GO, ATHLETES!” clap x5
Cori Albright needed to get to his corner and made the tag to the eagerly-waiting “Big Hitter”Terry Massimo again. Despite all The Natural Athletes had done, Cross The Hood were wrestling fantastic tag team match. The inaugural Hype Tag Team Champions waited for the chance to get back into things as Hood looked over to Jackson.
“Let’s win ‘dem belts.” Jackson yelled.
Machida Hood started to pick him up again and was looking for something big to finish him with. He scooped him up for a Back Suplex when Cori flipped out behind him and landed on his feet. Hood turned and tried to swing…
This was the EXACT opposite of what both Crosss wanted as both Sonny and Jackson were both looking incredibly pissed-off of what what just happened! Machida Hood was hurt and holding his head as a bewildered Jackson started to grow incredibly impatient. He charged towards him…
Hood was just trying to stop him when he got mowed down with a big shot from Massimo and then to get himself some payback, he charged right at Jackson Cross and rammed him off the apron!
"Payback's a bitch, ain't it!" Massimo screamed.
He turned to Machida Hood and tossed him into the corner again before attempting a charge. Hood moved and kept on running to the ropes and when he came back...
The Big Hitter got taken down by Hood’s Flying European Uppercut off the ropes! Hood had to exert some effort to get the big man over, but when he did, he tried going for a cover.
TWO... NO!
Massimo POWERED out of Hood's cover like nobody's business! The Big Hitter sat up while Machida was about ready to try something different. He leaped off the ropes a second time and tried for something else, but Terry Massimo grabbed him and caught him over the shoulder before DROPPING him across the shoulder with a stiff Overhead Backbreaker! Terry rolled him over now!
The elbow came down across the top of his head to break up the cover again! Jackson stayed on top of him and drilled him with a series of vicious rights before trying to halt the massive powerhouse. He managed to power Massimo backwards into a corner and tried to help Machida Hood to his feet before he ran right at Terry to deliver a sick Running Big Boot! Hood shook out the cobwebs and followed suit, landing a huge Diving Clothesline! That was it and now Hood went to pin him!
The Striker caught him with a big move and may have saved his partner from the beatdown by Cross The Hood! Jackson tried to shove Cori Albright aside and threw him over the ropes, but Albright skinned the cat. Jackson took notice and tried to stop him when Cori snapped him by the head and Headscissored him through the ropes and out to the floor! Cori Albright was back in the ring and waited for Cross…
The Striker dropped him with a Tornado DDT pulled out of a Tope through the floor and now he was laid the fuck out! The crowd was going nuts and Vogue looked in shock while Nate Quartermaine reached out to high-five his buddies.
Back inside the ring, Hood was standing over Terry and connected with some more kicks before as Vogue Gonsalvez looked at grew tense on the outside, watching the fight continue. He tried to wrap his arms around the body of Terry Massimo looking for his Bridging German Suplex…
Massimo elbowed his way out from the hold and ducked when he saw his partner coming…
Cori Albright BLASTED Machida right with a STIFF Superkick! Terry turned around pushed Hood him towards the ropes, catching him on the return…
The crowd GROANED after the Pop-up into a STIFF Short-Range Lariat that took Hood down hard. The Big Hitter bounced off the ropes…
Massimo crushed him with the Running Senton and hooked the leg of Hood as the fans cheered! This was it!

That was it.
Series over.
All four men laid it out on the line tonight and either team could’ve won this match, but tonight, the match – and the jOlt World Tag Team Titles – belonged to…
Massimo and Albright CHEERED with the crowd as they raised the World Tag Team Titles over their head! They had cut through some of wrestling’s best tag teams in the last several months – the Heirs of Wrestling. The seemingly unstoppable House. But now, here tonight they’d proven that even though either team could make a case for it, The Natural Athletes proved that they were the better team.
Jackson Cross limped his way back into the ring and as the ref was about to hand them the belts, he ripped the belts away from them…
Cross helped Machida to his feet and they clutched the jOlt World Tag Team Champions they fought so hard to try and get back only to come up short… Terry and Cori looked to the belts…
“Y’all earned this… good match, you guys.”
And the booing turned to cheers as Cross The Hood handed the belts back to the rightful champions. All four men shared a big embrace between them before Jackson and Machida left the ring to allow the champions the chance to celebrate their momentous win here at Thieves Honor tonight. The Natural Athletes had proven themselves among the best and with this huge win, who could stop them?

Comparatively, this year's Thieves Honor offering may not have the obvious star power it normally packs.
Then again, the jOlt heavyweight championship is usually on the line and the bout contains our titleholder by default. None of those factors are in play this time around.
What we do have, however, is six pretenders looking to take the next step and their reward is automatically being installed as the number one contender to the crown of either Jeremy Ryan or Omega.
Take it away, Dean Carrington.
"The rules for this match are as follows: Two of the six superstars who qualified will start this match for the first five minutes. Thereafter, a new superstar will enter every few minutes until all six superstars have made their entrances. A participant can be eliminated at any time via pinfall or submission. The last person standing will win the match and secure a shot at the jOlt heavyweight championship."
All clear?
"However, there's one exception and it lies above the ring - the Thieves Honor briefcase. It can be retrieved by anyone at any point in the contest and whoever retrieves it can cash the briefcase in before the end of the match should they be eliminated, giving them a second chance!"
Carrington let that resonate for a moment as a collective high-pitched 'OOH' greeted the stipulation.
"Here is our first superstar."
'Going out West' by Queens of the Stone Age blared through the PA. Cheers also rang out.
"From Forth Worth, Texas, weighing in at two hundred and seventy-eight pounds...HANK 'THE TANK' WRIGHT!"
The cowboy got a great ovation upon appearing at the top of the ramp. He tipped his hat to everyone in the joint and then waved. With the pleasantries out of the way, Hank strode to the squared circle with plenty of purpose and poise. We were going to find out how much Hank had left in the tank. By virtue of drawing number one, you had to think it was going to be a long night.
Not that the next participant had it any easier.
As Hank stepped through the ropes and removed his hat and accompanying jacket, running the ropes in preparation for who drew number two.
He'd need every ounce of energy and the wee grin on his face told the whole story. Who else could it be?
'Yours is an Empty Hope' by Nightwish.
Five others may feel that way once Brian Williams was done with them. When the electric guitar portion of the song kicked in, the lights scattered and Bri was out there. The drums struck and more scattering of the lights ensued, bathing Brian amongst them. As one of the drums hit, Williams walked towards the ringside area.
Our cameras captured Hank nodding and smiling. It was a coincidence that they'd be meeting again. Had fate thrown them together again? Williams stepped up onto the apron, grabbed the ropes and as he entered the battleground, amber spotlights converged on the middle of the ring, showering Brian once again.
They stared at each other, even in darkness here, and a cheer went up from the capacity crowd as numbers one and two stared at each other.
Like last year, two faces were starting off proceedings. Wright and Williams may not have had the storied history of Mack Brody and Ninja K, but they had clashed on our last pay-per-view in a terrific tag team encounter and booked their tickets to the event over each other's halves; Williams gaining semblance of revenge by edging out the Englishman Keegan and Wright made it a double whammy for Mike Patterson, seeing him off after Mike had relinquished the Hype title to Crucifix.
There was a lot of respect here and it started with a cautious handshake. Once the bell sounded, there'd be none of that and a case of it being down to who was better. Speaking of which...
Ding, ding, ding!
We were officially underway and the fans erupted, settled down in their seats and were eagerly awaiting another entertaining encounter on an evening packed with mouth-watering matches. Say that when you've had several sambucas in the south of Spain.
These proud warriors elected to commence with a collar-and-elbow. Due to speed or youth, Williams managed to go behind Hank and had his hands wrapped around the Forth Worth native's waist. However, Hank reversed the move by following suit. Wright lifted Williams up, but couldn't get enough height on his attempted slam as Brian lashed out with an elbow to the head. With his feet firmly on the ground, Williams cinched in a front chancery on his bigger rival.
The Tank had too much in the engine to be stuck in traffic for too long and tickled Brian's ribs with a couple of sly punches to the ribs/kidney area before ushering Williams back to the ropes. Hank not only pushed Williams back, he pushed him forwards too, causing separation.
Brian rebounded off the other ropes with a clothesline, beating the bigger and older man to the punch. The Tank didn't go down though. He still had that stubborn side, the ageing process hadn't softened him, and he refused to fall like the proverbial redwood in the forest. Perhaps a second one would persuade him.
Hank caught the former Hype titleholder coming in. The opening had been quite John Tentative (not the last time he gets mentioned in this match) and now, it was about to explode into life as Hank sought to put Williams on his back...
Where The West Begins...
If the west begins in...
Since Karl Gotch gave his gift to the world, scores and swarms of wrestlers had stored this little number in their offensive wardrobe. Out of the many proficient practitioners, Brian Williams still stood out.
Watch out...
Wright was going for another ride...
Or was he?
Second German?
Elbow by Wright!
Headbutt by Williams!
Still, Williams had control. A trilogy?
What do you think?
Third German!!!
More importantly, would the referee's hand strike the match thrice?
Rather than get flustered, Williams kept his focus. It was early after all. With that in mind, Brian set about slowing the pace down and keeping the pressure on Hank at the same time. How do you do that?
A rear naked choke, complete with free installation of a body scissors, is an economical and sensible solution.
If the veteran couldn't escape the hungry lion's clutches soon, he might find that the New Breed have in fact displaced him on his rung on the jOlt ladder. With that in mind and his extensive knowhow, Wright went back to the well to unleash some elbows. Yes, once again, the bruiser's funny bone had gone down a treat and not in the comedic sense.
Have you ever seen the Chinese interpretation of the word crisis? I hadn't either, but JFK referred me to it and it's covered by two symbols; one is danger and the other is opportunity. Profound, isn't it?
Hank Wright, so close to his lights going out, probably didn't have the same train of thought as me for obvious reasons. Nonetheless, upon kicking Williams in the face, getting the better of Brian in terms of pace for the first time in this fight...
Wright went to the ropes...
As he did, everyone stood up. They knew it was coming...
Brian slid out of the ring!
There was a smile between the pair of them for very different reasons. Whether Williams would've kicked out is doubtful or debatable. What is for certain is that he didn't want to take such a considerable strike early doors. He had opted for the emergency exit.
What he didn't do was keep his eye on the onrushing Tank. The next thing he knew...
Hank's suicide dive and mission had been accomplished. Williams saw it coming at the last split-second, though he was powerless to prevent it at that point, unlike the sliding D.
Cue chants of 'Holy shit' by rabid ringside nuts. It won't be the last time those words come spitting out of their dirty, whore mouths. Hi, Jesse ;)
Wright must have been buzzing inside. He didn't let it show. Instead, he unleashed a handful of powerful punches that I'm sure just made Brian Williams's day even brighter!
Hank had the Wright idea - pun intended. You couldn't let Williams relax and he had no intentions of giving the strapping stallion any time to breathe.
Irish whip to the apron had the desired effect, targeting Brian's back...
Wrong Foot!
The leggy Texas got his left leg up - and he was bang up for this too - to connect with Williams's jaw beautifully.
He rolled Brian back into the squared circle, the only place you could gain a decision despite there being no disqualifications.
Not before he stopped off somewhere first. Wright wiped his feet on the apron, steadied himself...
Slingshot splash lands!
The Tank had momentum and he only had one mode - forward. He'd studied Brian, competed against him and knew all of the strengths and weaknesses Williams had. Even still, Wright wrestled the same way, no matter who you were. That's one thing he hadn't learned in spite of his vast experience.
Hank set Williams up for a suplex. He probably thought he had Brian where he wanted.
He didn't.
Williams got out of the back door, showcasing superb agility for someone of his size, and brought Hank down to earth with a Backstabber!
That negated both competitors. They were down on the ground, breathing a little heavily. After an atypical start, the two powerhouses had gained traction and unearthed high-impact manoeuvres.
I thought that was last week?
Dumb joke.
You know the drill. What favoured the third competitor, besides entering five minutes after the opening bell had sounded, was he would find two weakened predators. In fact, they were getting to their feet and poised to trade bombs just as the buzzer let us know who was joining us for the following two minutes...
'House of the Rising Sun' by Five Finger Death Punch.
He was one of the LAST men in jOlt (sorry, Jeremy Ryan - Donny Layne told me to say it) you'd want to see when you weren't feeling at your finest.
Amazingly, Adam Roebuck had the audacity to use The House's patented theme on an evening when the legendary team had folded.
The man who had screwed his long-term partner and friend was treated to a lousy reception by his standards and lousy appeared to be the operative word; Adam was in a foul mood as he emerged and I'm guessing the frosty welcome would only add to that.
Not far behind, the young upstart himself - Adam's son, Zane. Hype staple and a recent addition to the main roster, Zane had established himself as a heat magnet, belying his experience or years in this game and gaining a step on many others who had been plying their trade for much longer than he had.
What was he doing out here anyway? He had perfected the role of adolescent cheerleader, though as you all know, he had a sinister side and an uncanny eagerness to get involved. Beneath that annoying exterior, Roebuck Jr had ruthless ambition. Would that spill over on this night?
In the here and now...
Roebuck stepped over the top rope, only to get his clock cleaned by a defiant Brian, who assaulted him from the outset and scored with three massive right hands that forced the 468-pound newcomer into the bottom right hand corner immediately.
Buoyed by his success and perhaps the noise of our full house, oops, Brian buried his head in Roebuck's breadbasket twice. The problem was when he got ahead of himself and tried to whip Adam into the opposing turnbuckles.
The titanic tag team specialist slammed on the brakes...
Belly-to-belly suplex!
Apparently, it measured 3.2 on the Richter Scale.
Reminiscent of a monster that patrolled the professional ranks in the early 90s, Adam measured Brian with an almighty elbow drop and attempted a lax cover.
Not enough.
Hey Adam, did you not see Brian's classic confrontation with Mike Patterson at Wrestlecade? If you haven't, you should check it out. Anyway, it's going to take more than that to slay young Williams, who also bears an uncanny resemblance to a hard-hitting foreigner who left his imprint on Asia. Somehow said guy contrived to throw his career away to a guy called Bart. Eat my shorts.
Wright tugged on Adam's arm, which is not as bad as doing it to Batman's cape, though it's hardly advisable either. As he swung Big Bucks around, Hank hit Adam with a cracking right. Being the man mountain he is, Adam took it, albeit not in good jest. Indicative of his newfound stance, the Las Vegas Leviathan took a shortcut with an extended thumb to the left eye of the leggy Texan.
In his mid-forties and weighing a breakfast short of 280lbs, Hank hasn't been mistaken for a baby in quite some time.
He was here, however, as Adam not only hauled his sorry ass up, but walked around cradling him. Adam's strength was scary.
When you're that big and that strong, you can do whatever you want, whenever you want and Roebuck most definitely had control of Hank, who was a tough bastard in his own right.
Scoop powerslam, dead centre of the ring.
That also resulted in a 2 and a half count.
As he surveyed the landscape, a wry smile enveloped Adam's gruff features. He knew he was a natural disaster himself who had done all the damage and you can be assured it was far from over.
Well, I wondered how long this would take.
On top of applauding his old man's brutal brand of bone-crunching craftsmanship, Zane, a guy not even involved in this match, became the first person to allude to the ladder in the 2015 Thieves' Honor match.
Zane pointed to it in an exaggerated manner after getting his gigantic father's attention. He doesn't do things by the book, this boy. Following some silent dilly-dallying, Adam gave a nod and an excited Zane grabbed the useful tool. He folded it and left it on the apron, gleefully, for the monstrous patriarch of the Roebuck family to do with it whatever he chose. That had been the pattern of his participation in this bout up to this point.
First port of call for the grizzled veteran was to take out the competition. Williams and Wright weren't competitors who stayed down too long, and this was true to form. What they weren't banking on was a face full of ladder, one after the other, being brushed aside and going down like glorified bowling pins.
With child-like enthusiasm, Zane punched the air and shouted 'YES,' which leads us to an intriguing and unusual image.
The heaviest man in the match, not to mention the second tallest, was about to test the stability and reliability of the Wal-mart ladder. 468 pounds was quite a load to bear.
Trust Zane to stick his beak in.
You'd think he'd still ask his dad if he could do certain things, especially someone with the stature of Adam, but Zane was a pig-headed prick, who felt he always knew best. You know the type, don't you? It's exactly why we love him.
This crowd didn't. Roebuck Jr. slid underneath the bottom rope as his dad set the ladder directly underneath the coveted briefcase. Ordinarily, big men don't get worried about eliminated; they let others concern themselves with getting the behemoths of this world out of the way. Nevertheless, if you think about it, it is sound strategy. Who are prime suspects to get ganged up on?
While you ponder that brainteaser, our fans had mixed feelings regarding Adam's ascent; they didn't want to see him grab the symbolic safety net, but they couldn't take their eyes off the mammoth's climb to the top of the mountain.
Kid, give it a rest!
Granted, Adam's not the most agile athlete, though he's no slouch given his disadvantages in that department. But on the basis of his height, he could reach the plain grey suitcase without any assistance. Its distinctly average appearance was hardly representative of its worth to one lucky guy - he would have two bites at the proverbial cherry.
Regarding Adam's chances of bagging the briefcase, Roebuck Jr begged to differ.
Seeing his father reach out for the briefcase, just beyond his massive paw, the restless Zane was now in the limelight again and scaled the ladder on the opposite side.
Adam almost fell of the ladder when he looked down and saw his son had joined him for the journey!
"What are you doing?"
Good question.
"Making sure we get this briefcase, dad. Let me help you."
Zane could see the uncertainty in his father's eyes and pleaded with him: "Dad, please. Let me do this. Let's do this together."
What a place to have this discussion: On pay-per-view, on a ladder, eight to ten feet in the air and with a capacity crowd.
Daddy Roebuck reluctantly caved, nodding his head ever so slowly. It didn't matter to Zane: it was a green light.
He went for a high-five. A low-pitched 'ZANE!' was enough for the kid to ditch the idea and get to work.
Adam was within touching distance of the briefcase - literally. His middle fingertips were on the item.
Williams was trying to shake the cobwebs loose. Zane saw this and was scared shitless, though he didn't inform his father.
Instead, Zane told Adam: "Dad, I'm here in case it falls or someone else gets up."
That puzzled Adam, but Zane followed it up with what he felt was a reassuring remark: "We're in it together."
FOUR seconds until entrant number four.
Here he is. That's a tad early.
Whoah, that's no participant.
That's Derrick Huber!!!
Meanwhile, Adam was so close. He was just about to unhook the briefcase. Zane advised him to pass it down to protect it from falling.
Derrick dashed towards the ring and then hit it like Usain Bolt on something. By the way, he isn't. It's been proven.
I want whatever Huber's on, though. It was too late.
He shoved the ladder and it was teetering.
Huber had had the briefcase in his grasp. So much so, that when at the second time of the asking, the teetering ladder tumbled...
The briefcase, along with both Roebucks, went FLYING!!!
It wasn't Adam's though. He couldn't say he'd had two hands on it. Well. he could, but he'd be clearly lying. Meanwhile, the ladder fell against the ropes as well and it was astonishing it didn't hit anyone on the way down.
Whoever the next participant was...
He'd have to wait.
This was Derrick's time and who could begrudge the bald-headed strongman an immediate opportunity to stick it to the Roebucks?
He dealt with Zane first.
Yes, the youngster had hit the top rope. Even still, he knew where he was and what he was after - the loose briefcase. And, Hank and Williams didn't know it wasn't up there any longer either.
Zane had put his head between the middle ropes and stretched to reach the briefcase, but he was given an enormous wedgie instead! The fans lapped it up as Huber stuck him with a punch to the kidney and then hauled his sorry sphincter out of there, clear over the top rope, and near the announcers' table. He was so close yet so far from the briefcase, a matter of yards away. Unfortunately for him, he was unable to move.
With him done and dusted, Derrick concentrated on Adam, who was just emerging from the dumps. His face almost turned purple when he saw Huber. I couldn't tell you which emotion was running through his mind.
He charged Huber...
What power!
Derrick had the aforementioned 468-pound load. He now knew what the ladder had to go through...
And they were.
"This is just the start! You've got it coming, you fat fuck!"
Huber vacated the premises to a thunderous ovation while Brian Williams stuck an arm over the wide, beating chest of Roebuck. This should be academic...

"Adam Roebuck has been eliminated," declared Dean Carrington.
As Huber exited left, the smug entrant at number four came sauntering down, safe in the knowledge nobody else conscious knew what he did.
A belated airing of 'Rescue Me' by Coldrain.
Rebellion's ex-resident mouthpiece and villain of Thieves' Honor 2014, discounting the then World champion Landon Stevens...
Sebastian Saje was here to have another crack.
On iNtense 132, Sebastian had taken a lot of hat Jeremy Ryan could dish out, but came up just a little short as he had bid to become jOlt champion, and add that outstanding accolade to the Hype title he'd won in the past.
That night, the crowd was firmly behind him. Tonight, he got a mixed reaction. Last year, he'd been a villain of the piece, though plenty had changed in an annum.
Inside the ring, Wright and Williams had rekindled their rivalry and at this minute in time, Brian was winning. He had fired off five shots to Hank's four and then scooped the Governor of Texas up and slammed him down to canvas with no remorse. From his vantage point on the second rope, he saw Saje pass him on the right hand side of the ring and bend down to pick something up.
Suddenly, Zane staked a claim for it just as Sebastian thought he had it. They were pulling back and forth on it like a tug of war, a couple of kids squabbling over a lunchbox...
Zane wasn't even legal!
Now, his lights were out.
Which left Saje with silver, well a grey briefcase, in his hands.
Apologies to Frank and Sonny for that reference.
Incredibly, lightning had struck twice.
Carrington confirmed it: "Ladies and gentlemen, Sebastian Saje has full possession of the briefcase and has earned a second chance should he be eliminated."
What a difference a year makes. Apparently not.
For the second year running, Sebastian had been the one to be given the second chance. I can't say grab because on both occasions, outlandishly and miraculously, it had been the briefcase that had found him rather than the other way round.
At least last year, he had jumped through hoops before getting the briefcase, albeit it fortuitous fashion. In 2015, all he had to do was simply stroll down the ramp and be the right man in the right place at the right time.
Sorry, Hank.
Roebuck Sr, drowsy, had just come round and seen his pup pole-axed. He was glaring at Sebastian and not with admiration.
Saje decided he'd take his newly-procured possession into the ring as opposed to handing it to Carrington or sticking around to get his windpipe removed by the infuriated Roebuck, who was checking on his child!
Briefcase to the face!
Cheer or jeer?
No, it wasn't because the Roebucks were off on their bikes, even if that were the case.
That's because Brian Williams had punched it back into Saje's nose! Like Zane, he was now clean out.
Williams couldn't capitalise and take his second scalp...
DDT by Hank!
Brian kicked out in the nick of time.
Wright's index finger was pointing at Sebastian Saje!
Only he didn't know it. Sebastian, for those of you who don't recall or didn't read Thieves Honor last year, was a snake throughout the tie. He'd hardly impressed these observers either.
Brian had punched him in the face with the briefcase.
Hank was just going to punch him in the face, once he'd sat poor Seb up in the WRIGHT position...
Once again, Hank saw someone roll out of the ring - this time it was after contact!
Therefore, he wasn't able to rid Thieves' Honor of the former Rebellion member. Logic would dictate he should just go out and get Seb. Wright tried, but Williams turned him around.
Yes, Williams and Wright were at it AGAIN.
Like randy pilled-up teenagers, they couldn't keep their hands off each other - hardly the same circumstances.
Two lariats by Hank didn't have much of an effect on Big Bri so he rebounded off the ropes, ducked underneath....
Backdrop driver!
Not quite!
Hank held on.
Second backdrop driver!
Lots of seconds here today...
Shoulder up!
And Hank was seconds, milliseconds away, from ridding us of Brian Williams. But, if you've read Wrestlecade, you know Bri's a tough son of a gun. By the way, have you read his match with Mike Patterson? If you haven't, you should. It's rather good.
Wright has. This moment in time, he wasn't thinking about that as he set Williams up for a heck of a ride...
Turnbuckle bomb!
Remarkably, Brian holding the back of his head, didn't go down...
Now he did.
Wright flopped on top of his prey. It wasn't a proper lateral press. He was resting his arm across Williams like you do when you're slouched over the bar and you've had far too much to drink.
I digress...
The countdown for our fifth qualifier had started. However, had Hank got the...
No, sir!
It had been the hottest near-fall of this contest so far. Hank raised three fingers out of hope, but the official told him what we all knew: Williams was still in this because he was tougher than the meat in a cheap Chinese buffet.
While all of that unfolded, the buzzer sounded.
'Any Means Necessary' by Hammerfall.
The music thundered over the PA system to the point of deafening the paying public, though their response was amazing as well.
Wright, hands on hips, was poised to try and put Brian away for good when...
Hank smiled. The biggest man in the match. In fact, the largest man in our business was a frightening proposition at this stage in the game.
Spike Saunders had been capable of competing for the sport's richest prizes from day one. You can do that when stand at two metres and twenty centimetres.
Double SS stomped out from behind the curtain and scanned across all four corners of the arena. He had a phenomenal panoramic view. He had started off with an awful attitude here in jOlt, but Jeremy Ryan can turn anyone face and for the majority of his career, the Colossus has endeared himself to audiences all over the globe for his first-class attitude.
Saunders wouldn't skulk tonight. He went straight for the jugular.
As stated earlier, Wright would fight fire with fire, no matter who you were or how big you were...
He got his first punch off. Once Spike struck him though, he had no resistance. Saunders is a nightmare to contend with when you're fresh. In this situation, he was irresistible.
Three shots landed, the last proving to be the charm.
Legdrop by Spike. He couldn't complete the cover as Williams, not thinking straight, interrupted with an axe-handle to the back of the head. Despite that, Double S got to his awesome vertical base first...
His hands were clasped around Brian's throat. This wasn't going to be Thunder Mountain at Disneyland Paris...
Spike couldn't rest. Sebastian Saje, remember him, was waiting for Saunders. Where was he? Perched on the top rope.
Saunders listens to the crowd and heeded their desperate cries to warn him. He turned around and caught Saje in a bearhug...
Sebastian had the solution...
Bell clap!
Elementary yet effective, dear Watson.
Saje sprinted towards Saunders...
BIG boot!
So is that.
Instinctively or luckily for him, Saje went careering out through the middle rope and out of Ryan Harms way for the time being. Sebstian had been up and down more in this match than John Holmes had been in the 70s. It was beyond the joke.
Finally, Double S could rest and actually say hi to our fans! A right hand went up as they cheered him and his superb handiwork.
Spike wasn't about to stop. Surely, this would powerhouse would prosper.
He saw Hank stand up.
Wright wandered right into Spike's path.
Snap suplex.
Saunders held on...
And for the fun of it...
Vertical suplex.
5 seconds, Hank was up there.
Another 5 seconds, it was still the case.
11: Going
12: Going
13: Gone.
Unfortunately for Hank.
Kickout by Hank. Barely. The Dragon smelled blood.
Sebastian Saje took a shortcut, though it was legal and a smart spot, given Spike's superhuman size. His recovery times were getting better!
Incredibly, Spike was still on his feet - though limping. Sebastian then performed a picturesque dropsault!!!
It was beautiful, even attaining applause.
But it didn't take the titan off his feet.
Sebastian's showboating cost him...
Saunders hooked the leg.
What did I say about recovery?

"Sebastian Saje has been eliminated. However, he is able to cash the briefcase in whenever he wants to re-enter the match."
Make a mental note of that.
Spike mercifully helped Saje out of the ring. Did it cost him? Well, Williams whacked him with a knife-edge chop.
Wright complemented that with a machine gun to the chest.
They were teaming up on the titan. They took an arm each and fired him into the ropes, though on the return home, Saunders moved them down with contemptuous ease in the form of a double lariat.
Okay, Spike. Someone else has to go. Who's it going to be?
Saunders picked Brian up this time. He was giving Wright some respite after choosing him earlier. Not that it mattered as neither of these men would back down. And they'd been in it since the start.
Jumping DDT!
Spike wasn't done there...
HIGH kneedrop!
Close, but not clinical.
As Spike got up to a knee...
Imagine me saying Motherfucker in Hank Moody's voice.
Sebastian Saje had exploded back into the ring and nailed the biggest man in the Land of the Giants, and I mean nailed, with his trademark codebreaker.
Saje couldn't believe it. He couldn't rest on his laurels. Sebastian had to strike while the iron was and in fairness, he did that.
Then, he went back outside, collected his briefcase and took a seat next to Dean Carrington. He hadn't officially re-entered the match! He was going to sit it out and rest while others sweated. It might not be brave; it certainly wasn't stupid.
Mind you, it didn't impress anyone in this fabulous facility. Saje couldn't care. Like last year, he'd taken some heavy shots and had the privilege to do whatever the fuck he wanted.
Meanwhile, Hank Wright inched towards Spike. Would the delay benefit the England-born beast?
Thr...yes, it would!
Saje's mouth was agape. Then, he settled down. Leave it to others to resolve the problems. Clearly, he'd come in and walloped Spike with 'Lights Out' out of rage.
Hank Wright had already hit 'Wright Off' tonight. Could he do it again on the monstrous Saunders?
As he set off, supporters stood up. So did Spike Saunders.
Kick to the knee by Hank.
Double powerbomb!
Lariat by Williams on Wright!
Bri then scooped up 317-pound Saunders and reached outside to demand the referee from the officials on the outside. They were reluctant to comply with his request, but when he shouted and them and the senior official on the inside that everything was legal, the main man overruled them. Brian had a point. He set the ladder up in the corner.
Williams reverted his focus back to Spike. This was risky...
Irish whip...
It paid off.
Spike's face cannoned off the ladder. As he drove down Dream Street...
The ladder had been used as leverage.
No cover.
He saved a swinging neckbreaker for Hank, who had got to a knee. Everyone else was down, except the New Breed member.
Williams went to the outside and climbed to the top turnbuckle, just behind the ladder. In fact, he crossed the gap, akin to making the transition from platform to train, and was now heading towards even greater heights. Perched on the narrow ledge at the top of the ladder, Brian could probably see everyone in the arena on their feet. This was a HUGE risk. The consolation? He had a colossus to aim for...
Saje and thousands of spectators made exactly the same sound at the same time. Williams tended to his ribs. He didn't have much time to check to see if any of them were broken. Saunders rolled him over...
Williams refused to die!
Remarkable resilience from the former Hype champion. Regrettably, Spike Saunders, a big, friendly giant, was in killer mode tonight...
He lifted Williams up...
Lined him up....
Right hand was cocked...
Williams rallied back! His left arm was clutching his ribs, but his right hand was doing damage. A whip this time provided futile as Saunders reversed it effortlessly.
Brian booted Double S for his naivety...
A clothesline from Williams missed...
Spike's patented downward punch to the temple might was on the money. Williams had endured so much. Did he have any fight left in him?

The human body can only take so much. Williams was no ordinary individual and his efforts were applauded. He couldn't hear any of the accolades heading his way. They were definitely deserved. What a wonderful future he has.
Saunders found himself on the floor. From the side, Hank had taken him down...
Texan legsweep!
Which was one of the Russian variety and a clothesline rolled into one.
Only 2.
Everything's big in Texas and the Forth Worth native had an idea.
He folded the ladder, taking it down, and left it in the middle of the ring. He picked Saunders up in a suplex position, before gently placing Da Dragon on the second rope. Hank was fixed to join him in just a second.
To set Saunders up further, Hank brayed the back of the neck with four sledge-like blows.
Cabin crew...10 seconds to landing.
Brace, brace...
Suplex from the second rope onto the ladder!!
This lot hasn't made a liar out of me...
What would you know?
Blah, blah, blah.
You know who it is and he'll love his chances. Meanwhile, Sebastian Saje still sat on the sidelines. What an opportunity these young bucks had of outlasting the established order of Wright and Saunders, who didn't look like they'd learned their lessons over the year. They were spent.
Tonight, Frank was on his own. While he was one of the most important people in Sonny's life, the crown jewel in Monarchy was the World title and they had to keep it in the stable by any means necessary against their strongest challenger. The winner of this match would face one of them; a daunting prospect.
None of the above fazed Frank. He absorbed the heat being bestowed on him, his father had made a career out of that, so young Silver was used to it. The Fortunate Son was also taking his time to get there. He wasn't in a hurry.
Earlier on, Freddie Rich had got Monarchy off to a superb start by seeing off the Magic Man, Jack Dawn. The new look Frank Silver had drawn number six, no spoilers there, and in ten seconds, Sonny Silver's talented yet egotistical adopted son would be looking to make it two out of two for the dominant stable. Mind you, Sonny may have a headache if he does and Jeremy Ryan manages to fend off Omega in their rematch. All hypothetical and premature at this point.
Hank was poised to meet the intruder...
Wright landed on the ladder to boot!
Early cover...
Silver didn't get angry; he got more aggressive.
Frank scooped Hank up...
And dumped him with an...
The crowd didn't chant. Their jaws had hit the floor. Talk about an immediate impact...

That marked the end of Hank Wright's night and the ladder's. It was now totally and truly fucked. Silver was no Cori Albright, but he side-footed the object out underneath the bottom rope. Not only that, he did the same to Wright. It generated him plenty of heat.
Young Silver wasn't hanging around. In fact, he pointed to Saje and told him to come in. A look between the pair suggested they may work together. Sebastian took the bait and handed the briefcase to Carrington, who then got to his feet.
"Sebastian Saje has cashed in and exercised his right to rejoin the match."
Silver picked Saunders up and stung the seven-footer with wicked European uppercuts, forcing him into the top left-hand corner of the ring.
Saje stepped in. Silver stepped aside and Sebastian stormed into the corner, head-first, driving his bonce into Spike's ribs.
He then pulled him a yard or two as Silver played the part of observer pretty well. Brian's Killer B Bomb hadn't paid off on Saunders. Would Saje's?
Tre...mendous move, though not sufficient!
Back to the ropes...
Hardly high-risk though.
Legdrop from the bottom rope by Seb.
Is that it?
Front flip legdrop off the middle rope!
No cover.
He had the time, space and talent...
Shooting star legdrop from the top floor!
All in all...
Not special enough to see Spike Saunders off.
Frank came back in from the cold. The makeshift twosome were going to work together. Could they coincide and pull of a double suplex on Double S?
The Fortunate Son went for the cover and got to one and a half when Saje dragged him off. He WANTED to be the one who had the bragging rights pertaining to the giant's downfall.
Predictably, The Mega Bastard stopped Saje from recording the victory at around the same time.
Saje stood up and shoved Silver.
Who repaid him with identical treatment.
Smarting, Saje swung with a right and Silver chucked one of his own. That didn't take long to subside, did it?
Silver's eye rake was the breakthrough Sonny's adopted son needed to prevent a slugfest ensuing.
Deadlift gutwrench suplex showed Frank's strength advantage.
That's it, I'm afraid.
Sebastian was back up. Silver backed him up against the ropes towards the commentary desk and deposited him towards the ones facing the entranceway. Sebastian ducked underneath a high knee attempt. A right hand by Saje was speedily succeeded by a DDT...
Hang on...
Another DDT...
Still not done.
Let's get a bit more comfy and aggressive simultaneously...
Rope assisted Tornado DDT.
Lads and lasses, that trio of DDTs is known as Sebastian Special MKII. Sebastian Special hadn't been enough.
Would its sequel be more successful?
Frank was still fresh.
Dropkick by Spike Saunders!
Yes, someone of seven feet three inches just executed a dropkick. Tuck your erection somewhere up against your midriff. It works for me in the morning.
Frank popped back up, but he went back where he came from when he wandered right into a superb spinebuster by Spike!
Stupidly, so did Frank! It was like watching a certain movie star when he earned his living this way.
No over-the-top elbow drop.
How did Spike build upon his bone-crunching couple of spinebusters?
Sharpshooter on Silver!
That certain guy used to do that move too.
Backstage, Sonny was almost tearing his hair out and I'm not imagining it. He appeared on the monitor with his hands on his head, screaming at the screen.
No one to help you here, Frank. Gut check time, pretty boy.
Only there was...
DDT by Saje to break up the submission, just as Frank had his hand hovering over the mat. It appeared he was about to practise his door-knocking technique. He was spared by Sebastian. I supposed it suited them both to have an advantage over Spike. They'd have to go back to the drawing board and work together again.
Ignore me. Frank lifted Saje up into an E-Fed Guerrilla press slam position (You're welcome, Ernie) and then dropped him directly onto Spike! Oh, smart move, young sports!
Frank put his hands on the back of Sebastian for more leverage. They were piling on the pressure, pun absolutely intended...
This is a giant we're dealing with!
And he was up!
Saje's punches were having no effect...
Step aside...
Superkick by Frank!
That sent Spike into the corner. Corner splash by Saje!
Saunders was a wee bit worse for wear...
Spear by Frank!
Saje scurried over. They weren't squabbling over who was getting the fall any more...
Nobody was.
Sebastian slowed the tempo right down with a sleeper. He jumped on the giant's back.
He couldn't cinch it in and Spike just dumped Saje over his shoulder like a takeaway leaflet you get in the post.
That alarmed Silver, who thought everything was under control...
A left jab stopped The Mega Bastard.
A right jab floored him.
Frank should've let his head clear. He got up too soon...
He didn't that time.
Saje interrupted with a kick. As soon as Spike glared up at it, he begged off in an apologetic manner.
It wouldn't do him any good. Spike stalked him down and put his hands around Saje's throat.
Biel throw.
Sebastian's spine bounced off the canvas. He sought shelter in the corner diagonally opposite to the one he'd originated from five seconds ago.
Saunders wouldn't allow it.
He steamed in with a big boot...
All he found was the top rope. He'd almost crotched himself...
Exquisite Enziguiri by Saje. It normally takes something spectacular or ultra-strong to put Spike on his sphincter. This ticked both boxes.
That top rope Spike had hurt himself on?
It was the temporary address of one Sebastian Saje.
He waited, waited and waited.
When Spike started to stir, Sebastian smiled...
As Saunders did a 360...
Saje launched himself in Da Dragon's direction. Quite a redundant remark.
What he had in mind, only he knew...
Sidewalk slam!
Prematurely, the referee counted. He got a shock when it was the first part of Spike's master plan.
Cobra clutch. Even the Colossus did submission moves.
It was still a disguise...
Spinning torture rack!
It lived up to its billing.
Spike's trademark 'Breaking Point' was aptly-named tonight. After six or seven seconds, Saje signalled to the referee.

The official waved towards the corner and the audience increased the volume significantly, especially after Dean declared Sebastian, once again, was out on his ear and out of here.
We were down to two.
The last entrants were the final participants. Either Spike Saunders or Frank Silver would bag a shot at this company's crown.
Who's your hard-earned on?
Let's find out if you're right.
Frank was coming round. Laughter and cheers met him. What was greater than that...
He turned around and was elevated ten feet into the air. No, the ladder wasn't back in play.
Frank was in a gorilla press slam position. Supporters new what was coming...
Silver landed on his feet and then took Saunders off his with a well-aimed kick to the knee and a rock-hard European uppercut.
Leaning back...
You'll need to do more than that, Frank.
How about this then?
Snap mare...
Kick to the back.
Frank then rebounded off the opposing set of ropes and repeated the trick with a soccerball kick to the bridge of Spike's nose.
No, that wouldn't do either.
"Right, that's it," he shouted at the top of his voice.
Side headlock.
Yes, you read that correctly. How underwhelming.
Silver wrenched at Spike's head, thought it was all in vain. He couldn't mix power with someone a full foot taller than him and Saunders put him on his back with a belly-to-back suplex.
Time for an interval.
Skip to seven.
Spike got to a knee.
Two seconds after, Frank followed in the monster's footsteps.
Stiff overhand slap by Frank!
No effect!
"Fucking hell," The Mega Bastard exclaimed himself and to everyone else.
No matter how big or small, short or tall you were...that was proven! Tried and tested, doctor.
Completely legal in this contest.
So to add insult to future fatherhood injury, Frank put his foot on the Colossus's chest and the arrogant swine only got a two for his troubles and cheek.
Oh, he hasn't.
He has, you know.
Back to a side headlock.
The crowd booed and others yawned. In his private room, Sonny smiled and nodded in approval of his adopted child.
Spike pressed Frank against the ropes and shoved Silver off. Frank went sliding along the ring and had no control over his direction...
Backbody drop!
Crash landing. Frank was up again though...
Crescent kick by the Colossus!
That was the type of thing you'd expect from Frank.
Hot close-fall.
This was a test of The Fortunate Son's mettle. He was all alone, one-on-one with the biggest man this business has to offer...
And now he had a double underhook suplex to deal with...
Silver, again, dug deep and refuted Spike's claim of victory. Was it only a matter of time though?
Leave the speculation there. Saunders wasn't bothered when that count didn't get it done. He was thinking one step ahead and he actually stepped through...
Sharpshooter on Silver again!
No Sonny.
No Sebastian.
And nowhere to go.
Spike leaned back and seemed to be enjoying himself while Silver...
Let's just say he wasn't up for a picnic.
Spine contorted, face too, Frank was in hot water and in danger of sinking live on pay-per-view.
Would he give up?
Does that mean he wasn't sure or wouldn't give up?
Silver inched and inched, incredible in itself. He had to. He was summoning reserves just to cope with the pain and pressure, desperate to survive.
Gradually, eventually, he got there.
Only problem...
No rules.
No rope break.
But, Spike played fair. It had had the desired effect in terms of damage. Frank was there to be taken out and Saunders had the credentials to do it.
He picked Silver up by the throat...
Thumb to the eye.
Another ball shot! Luckily, The Mega Bastard administered it with the stronger of his two legs. Even then, he fell to the ground at precisely the same second Saunders did.
Silver was up.
The Successor scooped Saunders up and in an impressive display of his own power, slammed him to the ground. The former Heir of Wrestling went to the second rope.
Flying elbow drop...
The Undisputed Uppercut Master would have to up the ante. The expression on his face implied he was aware of it.
Kicks to the back.
Stomps to the knee.
A boot to the face.
Rear chinlock...
Still, would this get it done against Da Dragon?
It just made him angrier.
In spite of the additional stress, Double S rose to his feet. He was in a spot of bother, but he was upright...
Elbow to Silver's stomach.
Silver skipped under a shot by Saunders...
Hooking the tights...
Frank still couldn't put the powerhouse away.
Silver scored with a European uppercut.
Small package...
Nearly 3!
Enthusiastically, Frank's father cheered him on. I'm not sure if the other Monarchy members would share his partisanship.
Again, a roll-up received a 2.
Before Silver could get the better of Saunders, essentially embarrassing him repeatedly, the Colossus countered with a BALL SHOT of his own!
Reverse powerbomb!
How things had changed...
Frank's shoulder shot off the canvas.
Spike set The Successor up again...
He was going for a traditional powerbomb this time, except Silver wasn't exactly chuffed by the idea.
One right punch...
Two and then three...
His 247-pound frame fell squarely on Spike's head with an awkward landing for the titan to cope with. It was the type that could cause a broken neck.
Barely, just barely, the behemoth got enough up to hang in there a little longer.
Silver took this moment to go outside and disturb Dean Carrington. He wasn't out there to be reminded of the rules; he wanted our ring announcer's seat and he duly got it.
He took his newly-acquired piece of furniture into the ring with me and approached Spike from the blindside...
That was to the back of the leg. Such was the force behind the shot, Saunders went down. Incredible in itself.
One to the knee.
The chair bounced off Spike's head.
Silver put the chair down and hooked the leg.
Not yet, young sport!
Figure four...
Small package by the biggest man in wrestling...
Couldn't hold Frank!
Just as Spike was getting to his feet...
Kick to the knee.
Fisherman's suplex!
Impressive by Silver.
Impressive enough?
Just in the nick of time!
La Magistral...
Saunders kicked out!
Side headlock segue...NO!
Belly-to-back suplex by Saunders.
Some respite.
Fast-forward the referee's count to six.
Silver reached for the chair...
Spike, despite limping, climbed to his massive vertical base...
Frank threw the chair at Silver, but Saunders caught it.
Spike responded in kind. The Fortunate Son was a tad confused and ended up not only catching the chair, but eating...
No sooner had he hit it, The Law and 'The First' Freddie Rich were on their way out, much to the relief of Sonny, who was sweating bucketloads backstage.
Spike was nursing a possible broken hand. It wouldn't stop him from draping a large arm over The Successor's chest...
Freddie Rich to the rescue!
There's no doubt that Frank would have been out of it otherwise. Rich had saved Silver by rushing to the ring in almost record time and dropping an elbow to the back of Spike's bonce. However, he might be regretting that right now...
Here came Strauss and Brady, aka The Law.
Strauss missed with a right and was about to go up...
Brady intervened with a big foot to the face!
Powerb...Backbody drop on Brady by Saunders!
Strauss waded in hastily...
Gory Special.
It didn't bode well for Strauss...
Sensational sitout powerbomb from the Gory position.
Brady was back up.
If Brady had been a participant, well, he wouldn't have been because you could tell he was surrendering to Spike's submission speciality! After holding it for nigh on fifteen seconds, Saunders tossed Brady over the top rope and onto the arena floor, only inches away from the announcers' desk.
Brady was soon joined by his sidekick, Strauss, as the other enforcer got his ass hauled out the same way. Freddie Rich wasn't a factor. He had been laid out good and proper, and was now laying on the ground outside. All three intruders were.
As Spike picked up the hapless Frank, a shot of Sonny with the palm of his hand pressed against his eyes and unable to watch appeared on our screens. It told the story.
Saunders was going for his modified F5...
Inside cradle!
Silver had almost caught the Colossus out with that!
That might have been his only opportunity. He had nothing left. Spike was up again and Frank was finding it tough going.
SS took a brief rest and put his boot across Frank's throat. This would aid the Fortunate Son's cause.
Right, how about putting this to bed so we can crack on with other action, Spike?
I think he heard me.
He whipped Silver into the ropes towards the commentary desk and where both members of The Law were sprawled out.
However, when he attempted a big boot, Silver slid through the seven-footer's legs and came back off the ropes facing the aisle...
And repeated the feat.
When a befuddled Spike turned around...
Freddie had just stood up and seen it happen. Sonny punched the air as well. A silent hush washed over everyone else.
The Colossus, incredibly, had kicked out!
For a moment, Frank questioned the count and almost threw his toys out of the pram, remonstrating with the referee and stamping his feet on the canvas.
Freddie encouraged Frank.
Sonny, sweating backstage, was white with worry.
Silver had brought the chair into the equation a few minutes ago and was going to unfolded it, so it was ready to be sat on in the middle of the ring.
Calmly, Frank picked the powerhouse up.
He had a plan.
Take two and action...

Nobody in professional wrestling, not even the incomparable Saunders, could withstand two phenomenal F-Bombs, the second of which had been brutally backed up a steel chair.
'The First' Freddie Rich had a smile wider than the Grand Canyon and Sydney Harbour Bridge combined as he entered and hugged his new friend as Carrington gave us the official word.
"The winner of the two thousand and fifteen Thieves Honor match is...FRANK SILVER!"
The Law were coming round and would have been pleased when they the Undisputed Uppercut Master's music, Heavy is the Head, hit. I think Spike's noggin must be bouncing right about now.
Sonny, delighted, smiled and laughed wildly, immensely proud as any father would be. Who could blame him?
What may cause them problems is the next step in the chain, whether that be a showdown with fellow Monarchy member, Jeremy Ryan, or cope with the imperious Omega? I'm sure Jeremy would have something to say about that as well.
That can all wait. Like him or dislike him, Frank's ascension since splitting with long-term friend and partner, the immensely likeable Ryan Gallway, was unquestionable.
Brady and Strauss saluted Rich and Silver as they stood up. Upon joining their cohorts, The Law and 'The First' hoisted The Fortunate Son up on their shoulders. Rubbish and jeers marked this celebration, though it didn't mar it. The Monarchy were two-up in their head-to-head ties here this evening.
Some had questioned the star power and prestige of the 2015 Thieves' Honor match. To them, I say it's not always about celebrating the reputable names you already have on the roster, but it's also about elevating talent and giving them the opportunity to prove what they can do a notch above.
Frank Silver firmly belongs in that echelon, and has been a tag team stalwart for several years. An ex-partner of his? Mack Brody. He hasn't fared too shabbily, has he?
For the main event to flourish tomorrow, you need to have a strong undercard today. Historically, some of the greatest performers in wrestling history honed their craft in two-on-two competition. Nobody should have to tell anyone reading this that point.
Frank Silver was a crucial cog in one of the greatest tag team acts in recent years, according to this humble writer. Like the aforementioned Brody, SILVER now had an opportunity to finally claim singles GOLD.

Jeremy Ryan(c) vs Omega

After a downright chaotic night full of shock and awe, it was now time for tonight’s main event of the evening! At jOlt’s last Pay Per View, Rise of the Legends, the jOlt World Heavyweight Champion wanted to make history by being the first man to hold both the jOlt World and Fearless Championships – the top two belts in the game today – and challenged Omega to a Boiler Room Brawl. Despite Ryan’s best shot, Omega prevailed. That was a fact Jeremy Ryan couldn’t stand. To that end, he and his manager, Sonny Silver, formed the group MONARCHY and on a number of occasions, left the Fearless Champion laying. A position that Omega was not familiar with at all.
By virtue of his victory over Jeremy Ryan at ROTL, that entitled Omega to this match tonight. The roles were reversed – now Jeremy Ryan was the hunted and Omega was staring down the barrel of having the chance to make history. Could Omega do what Jeremy Ryan could not or did the MONARCHY co-leader have a plan for tonight?
“The following contest is set for one fall!” Dean Carrington announced. “This match will be for one fall with no time limit and will be contested for the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship!”
The crowd POPPED at that shit as they waited for the first man to come out. The Kemper Arena went completely dark as the eerie lyrics of “Redeemer” by Marilyn Manson echoed throughout the arena. A mixed reaction from the fans in the arena as they looked toward the stage and the jOltvision to see the stage light up with fire and an ominous figure stood in the flames. A young girl’s voice was suddenly heard over the PA system.
we are one with pain
A loud woman’s scream was heard throughout the arena as the fire subsided and the Fearless Champion stood in the smoke making his way down the ramp to the ring. The lights slowly illuminated as the boogeyman made it to the ring. The large champion climbed up the steps dragging the Fearless championship behind him as he climbed between the ropes and made his way into the ring. The Fearless Champion stood in the middle of the ring and pulled his hood back from his face as he looked out to the crowd. He chucked his hoodie right off and tossed the Fearless Championship in the pile at ringside as he paced around, ready to hurt somebody and claim the top championship here in jOlt, making himself a double champion in the process!
“A Man” by Cypress Hill.
The anthem of all things manly blasted throughout the arena, and the buzz that had been generated from the opening announcement of the match quickly turned sour. Even more so when jOlt’s self-proclaimed Last Real Man stepped through the curtains and onto the entrance stage, defending his jOlt Championship for what would be the sixth time since injuring the previous champ, Jesse Ramey in Seattle and then winning it in a decision match to crowd the vacant title. Ryan stood at the top of the ramp long enough to survey the capacity before beginning his slow paced walk toward the ring, absorbing all of the booing and jeering he was receiving along the way – the whole time, he raised the title over his head with a smile on his face.
Not far behind was “jOlt’s Last Real ManAGER” Sonny Silver as he kept pace with a very focused champion. Jeremy Ryan entered the ring and the man having the audacity to call himself jOlt’s Last Real Champion stepped into the squared circle. He raised the jOlt World Championship over his head and looked stoically at Omega waited for the in-ring introductions. His music faded out and Dean Carrington made with the in-ring goodness.
“Introducing first, in the corner to my left… from parts unknown, weighing in at 345 pounds… he is the current Fearless Champion and the #1 Contender to the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship… THIS… IS…. OOOOOOMMMMMMMEEEEEGGGGGGGGAAAAAAA!!”
Omega remained stoic while the fans gave him a mostly positive response! The camera then cut to Jeremy Ryan.
“And his opponent… being accompanied to the ring by MONARCHY’s manager, SONNY SILVER… he is the co-leader of MONARCHY… weighing in at 254 pounds, he is the reigning and defending jOlt World Heavyweight Champion… ”JOLT’S LAST REAL MAN” JEREMY RYAN!”
Ryan raised the title. He couldn’t stand the fact that Omega bested him at Rise of the Legends and now he was looking to avenge that loss. There was only one referee tough enough to deal with the two men in the ring and that was Simon Boulder. He raised the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship over his head before calling for the bell.
Ryan made the first move and tried to swing at him only for the bigger Omega to block it and fired back a big right hand to the delight of the crowd in Kansas City! Midas continued to fire back with a fearsome series of right hands that backed him up into the corner. The man called The Fearless Champion continued to bring the pain to his tormentor early and fired with a series of right elbows followed by a shocking HEADBUTT for good measure!
jOlt’s Last Real Man grabbed him and clawed him in the good eye before turning the tables now and sending him back into the corner. The former Hype star unleashed a series of hard kicks into the chest of big Omega followed up with a NASTY stiff left hand of his own. The ambidextrous Ryan continued throwing right hands and left jabs into the body of Omega before unleashing a big series of STIFF chops to the chest! The Chop/Punch combination that Ryan liked to use were actually rattling him in the corner. After several stiff shots, Ryan backed off and laughed.
He swung back with another big shot only for Omega to straight-up GOOZLE him with both hands by the throat! Ryan was shocked that Omega had bounced back that quickly and LAUNCHED him into the corner with a big throw. Omega threw even MORE big right hands to the side of his head and followed up with more elbows until he picked him up. He whipped him halfway across the ring and shot him hard into the corner and when Ryan came back…
Omega shouted and the crowd cheered him in loudly as he PRESSED 254 pounds of Ryan over his head like he was a cruiserweight! He hoisted him up before simply THROWING him into the turnbuckle, Snake Eyes style! Jeremy was hurt now as Omega ran off the ropes and came back to deliver a hard-hitting Running Knee Lift to the face! He caught him and went to the lateral press early!
jOlt’s Last Real Man kicked out, but Omega stayed on the attack as the fans continued to cheer the Craziest Bastard in Wrestling. He dropped him with a big Headbutt that sent him stumbling backwards into the ropes! Omega took in the reception from the crowd before he advanced on jOlt’s Last Real Man with a big knee to the gut. He fell to the second rope and that’s when the vengeful Fearless Champion continued to choke him against the ropes with a big knee! Ryan had yet to get much in the way of offense against the big monster and things were about to get even worse as he ran off the ropes and connected with a HARD Bossman-like attack against the ropes!
Ryan flinched from the pain and fell back to the mat as Omega rolled out to the ring apron, ignoring the crowd despite fact they were firmly behind him. A big series of “OMEGA!” chants only continued from the fans in attendance as he pulled Jeremy neck-first over the apron and dropped the hammer down with some stuff clubbing blows. He then headed to the ring apron and waved for the crowd before running and bringing down a HARD Guillotine Leg Drop across the throat! The blow was hard enough to take Ryan off the ring and out to the floor!
The Fearless Champion was in complete control now as he once again led up Jeremy Ryan to his feet and turned him around before picking him up and RAMMING him back into the barricade! The Craziest Bastard in Wrestling continued to turn him around and RAMMED him a second time into the ring apron! Things weren’t looking good at all for jOlt’s Last Real Man and they weren’t going to get any better as Omega tossed him away from the ring.
Omega climbed inside and outside the bottom rope to reset referee Simon Boulder’s count to perhaps dole out some more punishment to the man that insulted him for weeks and busted him open on one occasion. He approached the Maine native and swung again only for Omega to pop him with a straight elbow, once again going for the eye. He palmed the back of his head and stomped him down on the ring apron head first to take advantage again.
Once he had stunned Omega long enough, he climbed back into the ring and ran quickly across the ropes. It was almost never that they would see Jeremy Ryan try anything even remotely high risk as he was known for being a calculated competitor, but Omega was dominating right now and needed a big change…
The blow nearly blasted right THROUGH Omega and knocked him down on the floor as Ryan stood up and laughed maniacally. Jeremy stood over him and soaked in the negative response from the crowd as he laughed.
“Come on, cheer him now! Come on, let’s hear it! OMEGA! OMEGA! OMEGA! OMEGA!”
He mocked the chants and picked him up off the mat with some great effort before taking him back inside the ring. Omega’s bell had got rung right off the flying elbow smash to the face and he was victim to a series of HARD Kawada-style kicks to the head as he tried to get back up. Ryan was a vicious man full of tricks and he would need every one to compensate for Omega’s power advantage.
The Fearless Champion was hurt in the corner now and seated as Ryan changed up the striking game and swung with a series of left jabs to the head in an effort to stun the Fearless Champion. When Simon ordered him to back off, jOlt’s Last Real Man swung at him and yelled for him to mind his own fucking business.
Ryan got himself a running start off the opposite corner and came back with a stiff Running Back Elbow the face! He was hurt now and Jeremy knew it as a smile crept across his face. He ran off the opposite corner a second time and charged again looking for a second one, but this time Omega was ready and he ate nothing but a knee to the back! He crumbled to his knees as Omega then headed out to the apron… uh-oh.
Omega was one of jOlt’s biggest and strongest men – perhaps it’s strongest for sure, but Omega was not known for much in the way of aerial skill, but perhaps he was wanting to deliver a receipt for Ryan’s earlier Elbow Suicida. He got to the very top rope…
Good GOD, he had flown right at Jeremy like a crazy missile! He dropped him in the middle of the ring with the big move now as he hooked the far leg of jOlt’s Last Real Man!
Ryan still kicked out despite the big moves being thrown somewhat early by The Fearless Champion! Omega picked him up and wasted zero time kicking him in the gut! He was going to finish thing now and tried to hurry up with a big move…
Ryan saw it coming and slipped out the back before he rolled outside of the ring and created some distance! The crowd was booing LOUDLY now as Ryan gave him the double bird on the outside, successfully breaking up any momentum that Omega could create with his offense. Omega ran over and grabbed Ryan by the head only for Ryan to quickly deliver a hard kick followed by SNAPPING his neck over the top rope! Omega was stunned and stumbled backwards which allowed for Ryan to head back into the ring, CLOBBERING him with a big Flying Knee Strike to the face!
“FUCK YOU!” Ryan shouted.
He hurried into the cover off the big shot.
Omega powered out, but a seething Ryan only climbed on top of the big man and unleashed a HARD flurry of Elbow Smashes to the face of the large pretty boy from Philly. The very smug Ryan now climbed to his feet only to drop a big Driving Elbow to the face. He then got right back up and ran off the opposite side before jumping and slamming a HARD Knee Drop back to the head again! HE was targeting the head of Omega now and went for a second cover.
Omega still had the strength to unleash a powerful kick out, but Ryan knew he was in control now and lapped up the moment as the crowd continued to cheer. jOlt’s Last Real Man looked down at the fallen Omega and then out to the crowd.
He picked up Omega by his neck only for The Fearless Champion to fight back with a big right to the gut. The shot only stunned Ryan for a second only for him to fire back with three STIFF knee strikes to the temple, making sure that Omega stayed the fuck down. He continued to fire back and Omega even made it back to his feet to try and run off the ropes for a big move only for Ryan to clip him with a gruesome back elbow. He was out on his feet when Ryann clipped him with a knee…
A second running knee to the face from Jeremy Ryan in this match was more in the vein of a Shining Wizard and nearly cleaned out Omega’s lights for good. Ryan nudged the referee to crawl over and get the cover.
Again, Omega had still found a way to kick out of Ryan’s offense, but jOlt’s Last Real Man wasn’t going to let him get away that easily. He pulled Omega off his feet and muscled him back into the corner again and charged with a big Running Forearm Smash to the head. Omega was stunned when Ryan picked him up and over… he grunted with some effort…
Sonny Silver clapped and strutted on the floor.
It took some doing to get the 300+ over but he did it! Jolt’s Last Real Man had now SPIKED the flashy Omega into the canvas with a massive suplex! Again, Omega was down and that’s when Ryan tried for a second cover in as many minutes.
Ryan quietly scowled at Boulder for thinking that was a three-count but tonight that wasn’t the case. The Fearless Champion was in a very bad position now with the dangerous and deadly Ryan on the offensive as he drilled a series of hard Hammering Elbows to the top of the skull. He seemed hell bent on giving him a concussion. Three big elbow shots found their way across the face of Omega as he continued to only punish him some more.
With the big man about ready to fight back, Ryan slapped him several times just for fun. More booing came out from the crowd before he grabbed Omega by the arm and pulling him into a hard Short-Arm Elbow Strike to the face! Omega was on his feet, but looked like the lights were out as a second Short-Arm Elbow Strike caught him in the side of the chin. One more time, he fought back and kicked him in the leg to bring him over followed by a run off the ropes to deliver a STIFF Low Enzui Lariat to the back of the head!
Omega only continued to feel the pain now and there was no chance for him to fight back because the crafty and dangerous Ryan hadn’t left him any openings to take advantage of. But instead of going for a pinfall, he decided to wear him down with a Grinding Chinlock that looked more like a suspect choke attempt than anything.
Sonny Silver nodded in agreement and watched Ryan cranked back on the hold now on The Fearless Champion. The hold was on tightly and Omega looked somewhat out of it now as the crowd continued to chant and yell along with The Fearless Champion.
“Do you give up, Omega?” Boulder asked.
That might have been one of the dumbest fucking things that anybody could’ve asked of Omega.
He said nothing, but let out a very deep and guttural roar. The crowd cheered in Kansas City as Omega was starting to struggle in the hold while Ryan had a very tight grip on him. Ryan even switched up positions so he had a tight leg scissors around the broad body of Omega, but he STILL was going.
Almost to the ropes.
The Fearless Champion had made it to the ropes! Ryan continued holding onto the ropes fort the count until he let go at the count of four. jOlt’s Last Real Man rolled away from Omega, but the damage may have been already done. Jeremy Ryan only continued to attack him with a flurry of kicks to the head as he backed him up in the ropes. He set him up carefully and tried for another choke in the ropes, this time locking in a very vicious BITE OF THE DRAGON Choke Sleeper in the ropes! Omega was hurt now, but only had until the count of five to let go of the hold.
Ryan let go of the hold and jOlt’s Last Real Man had been weakened and worn out. Omega was powerful, but Ryan had found a way to successfully negate the power advantage of the former two-time Tag Team Champion as he waited for him to get back up again. Ryan swung again and elbowed him to the back of the head, but Omega returned fire with an even BIGGER right! Jeremy viciously swung again and elbowed him three or four times, even firing off a big elbow that sent him bouncing off the ropes…
The crowd EXPLODED and Omega unleashed a devastating Chokeslam counter that nearly MURDERED Jeremy Ryan! Both men were down and out now on the canvas as hard hitting match continued. Boulder waited for both men to get up but when neither man did, he counted.
Omega was up first and started to limp his way upwards. Ryan gave up some size, but he’d been targeting the head and neck of the challenger, and thus, Omega had been rendered groggy. The Fearless Champion was starting to feel it now as Jeremy Ryan waited.
Ryan was up!
Omega was somewhat hurt now, but he kept on going as he ran right into Jeremy Ryan with a big shoulder block that rocked the Bangor, Maine native. He got up a second time as he ran off the ropes and charged right at Omega again, landing an even HARDER shot and knocked him back down to the canvas! Omega shouted to the crowd and they roared back with approval as the arena’s fans looked on in approval!
When he started to stand up a third time, Omega kneed him in the gut for about five brutal shots before launching him across the ring with tremendous force into the turnbuckle. He targeted Jeremy Ryan in the corner bounced off the ropes to deliver a GRUESOME Body Avalanche! And shit was only going to get worse for jOlt’s Last Real Man as he hooked Omega around the body.
Ryan was DUMPED right on his head and shoulders from the challenger and Omega hooked him right into a cover! That had to be all!
The crowd was shocked that Ryan kicked out of the big flurry of power moves as Omega’s head sank into a palm. The Craziest Bastard in Wrestling shook away the feeling of disappointment and started to stand again. He was up first and stalked Ryan as he continued to go for the big move. Jeremy turned around into the sight of both hand wrapping around his throat, looking for something huge, but Ryan went low and kicked him in the knee with a nasty shot to break it all up. He charged off of the ropes and came back.
Another explosive slam variation from the big man, this time in the form of an ugly and effective Powerslam from the near-350 pound challenger! Ryan was drilled into the mat and went for the cover again on Ryan, hoping he could put away his rival for good.
The crowd bought that this was over, but sadly for Omega it was not. The major problem people had with Jeremy Ryan in the ring was he was every bit as tough as he made himself to be and had only suffered defeat in the last few months to Omega himself back at Rise of the Legends for his Fearless Title. Omega was shocked that he hadn’t put jOlt’s Last Real Man away, but he was about to finish things off. He stood up and shook the ropes frantically as tens of thousands cheered along with the big man.
The Craziest Bastard in Wrestling didn’t wait for Ryan to recover this time as he pulled him up by the body. He was looking for his Argentine Rack Neckbreaker called The End for the second time and he was ready to finish him off…
NO! Ryan slipped out the back a second time and headed to the ropes. Omega swung with a big right hand that missed, but when Ryan bounced off the opposite ropes, he chopped the leg out from under Omega with a stiff Running Chop Block! The blow brought Omega down, but Ryan jumped right on the opportunity.
It took a bit of effort on his part, but he got the big man off his feet and DRILLED him into the canvas with a kneeling Double Arm DDT variation! The crowd was nuts as Ryan hooked both legs.
“NO! NO, DAMN IT, NO!” Ryan shouted.
They had thrown their best moves back and forth at one another and neither Ryan or Omega wanted to give the other man the satisfaction of being the loser – most importantly when this was the toughest test to date for the jOlt World Tile reign. Ryan slashed a thumb across this throat and told the crowd what was coming up next…
He kicked the big man over onto his back and hooked the neck…
The Tazmission/Camel Clutch submission was locked in and the crowd was in a frenzy now! For a period of time before using A Real Man’s Finisher, Ryan had won EVERY match that he was in with this very submission hold and nobody had yet to break the hold once it was fully locked in! The hold was as good as it was going to be and now he was ready to finish things off for good here now.
Indeed that looked to be the case as he fought back in the submission hold! There was no way for him to get out of this hold as he was in the center of the ring and far away from the ropes. Ryan’s game plan was perfect!
The crowd continued to shout and yell for Omega as The Fearless Champion was now looking very vulnerable in the position he was in –a position he was very much not accustomed to! Omega raised a hand and looked like he was about to tap out to Jeremy Ryan’s key submission move in his arsenal and continued to struggle.
The referee held the hand up as Omega was fading fast with what looked to be no hope of fighting back. He raised the hand of Omega and watched it fall once…
Ryan was practically frothing at the mouth as he continued to have the hold locked in. Boulder raised the hand a second time and continued to wait as the hand went limp a second time.
The man called The Craziest Bastard in Wrestling wasn’t moving now as Ryan laughed at his opponent’s misery. The Fearless Champion had nowhere to go as he let the hand go a third time…
“THR… NO!”
Omega was STILL going to fight! Ryan was in shock as nobody had survived the submission this long, let alone get to this point of the hold! Omega fought back and started to even get to one knee as he let out LOUD roar… HE WAS UP WITH JEREMY RYAN ON HIS BACK! He frantically backed him off the corner and crushed him again and again and again and again!
As tight as he held it in, the Dead Man submission did a lot of damage to Omega and he just barely in the opposite corner, now trying to create distance himself from his adversary. A heated Ryan was INCENSED that his submission finisher had been broken out of for the very first time in jOlt and he angrily charged at Omega… MISSED!
Omega ran off ropes right behind him…
Sonny’s jaw nearly dropped after the sickening impact of Omega’s Spear nearly turning his client in half! The fans in the arena roared with delight to see Ryan broken on the mat. They started to try to get the Fearless Champion back into the match.
Omega slowly pulled himself up with the help of the ropes as Sonny slammed his hands on the mat to get his client up as well. The big man made it to his feet to the dismay of Silver who continued to prod Ryan up off the mat. Omega slowly moved toward Ryan, reaching for his hair. The Fearless Champion pulled Ryan up hooking him by his waist in the process.
Omega drove Ryan to the mat with a vicious gutwrench powerbomb that shook the entire ring. Sonny grabbed his head as Omega slowly made his way over to Ryan and placed a hand on his chest as Boulder dropped down for the cover.
Sonny sighed as his client barely got his shoulder up off the mat. The Fearless champion smirked as he looked at Ryan’s manager.
“We will make your client suffer, exponentially.”
Sonny pointed at Omega who stood to his feet pulling the World champion up as well. The boogeyman whipped Ryan into the corner. He raced into the corner and drilled Ryan with a huge clothesline as the fans reveled in the onslaught. Omega stood back and started to drill Ryan with a vicious rights in the corner as the fans joined in on the fun.
A huge eruption from the fans as Sonny started to wave to the backstage area. The fans erupted in jeers as The Law made their way down the ramp. Sonny smiled as Omega watched the World champion slump in the corner. The Fearless champion watched as the huge men that comprised The Law stood next to Sonny Silver. Omega reached down and pulled Ryan to his feet. He picked up Ryan and sat him on the top rope. The boogeyman climbed to the second rope. He picked up Ryan from the top rope.
Omega rolled over and hooked Ryan’s leg for the cover.
The fans in the arena gasped once more as the champion got his shoulder up once again. Omega was not done as he sat up and slowly stood to his feet. He pulled Ryan up once more.
Omega went for another cover on Ryan.
Boulder did not see Brady placing Ryan’s foot on the ropes but the fans in the arena saw it. That’s why the arena was deafening with jeers for Monarchy as they stood outside of the ring, once again saving Jeremy Ryan from losing his title.
Omega looked at the foot on the ropes as he stood to his feet. The Fearless Champion reached down to grab Ryan who nailed the boogeyman with a head butt to the midsection. Ryan drove another head butt into Omega’s midsection that staggered the Fearless Champion backwards. Ryan moved to the corner as Boulder went to check on him.
Ryan held Boulder by the shirt complaining about his head as The Law made their way into the ring. The two monsters grabbed Omega by the throat.
Sonny smiled as the fans erupted in jeers. The Law scurried out of the ring as Ryan let Boulder’s shirt go.
Ryan pulled himself up with the help of the ropes. He made his way over to Omega and pulled the dead weight from the Fearless champion to his feet.
Ryan smiled as he dropped down for the cover knowing full well that this match was over.
ONE… TWO… THREE---- NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! OMEGA KICKED OUT AGAIN!!! Ryan almost threw a tantrum in the ring as the double chokeslam and the swinging neckbreaker did not keep the boogeyman down. Sonny was out of ideas as was Ryan. The two men did not know what to do in order to keep the World title on the champion.
Jeremy Ryan stood to his feet. He pulled Omega up as well.
Ryan was not down as he looked at Sonny before grabbing Omega once more. The World champion exhausted and frustrated hooked the Fearless champion in the ring.
Ryan dropped down and hooked Omega’s leg.
Jeremy Ryan finally won the match. The jOlt World Heavyweight champion retained his World title in one of his toughest matches in his short career. The Law pulled the champion from the ring as Boulder handed Silver the world title. Omega lay in the ring as the fans erupted in jeers. Monarchy once again was able to pull a fast one on their opponent. Monarchy made their way back up the ramp to the dismay of the fans as Omega finally was able to turn to get to his knees to see Ryan standing at the top of the stage holding the World title high.
Omega came close tonight but it was not to be as Monarchy rulz once again.