Morally Correct vs Miscommunication vs The Elements vs Deadly Sins vs Derecho & Blazer
Tag team wrestling is a traditional feature of the sports entertainment world, and it has enjoyed a revival since the re-incarnation on jOlt. The Elements and the Deadly Sins have knocked holes into each other since the interruption in an Elements game of chess. Morally Correct have been hell bent on recruiting Chiang Lee Chan from Morally Correct, and that has led to flared tempers. The unlikely team of Derecho and Blazer has also made an impact, winning all the matches they have been involved in. Heading into the Unwanted Tag Team Titles Gauntlet, no one has a clear advantage. Everyone is equal. It could even come down to the luck of the draw.
‘Freedom Fighterby Creed filled the arena, and the response from the crowd was instantaneous - to jeer, boo and protest. Out from the special Unwanted PPV set came The Elements, ‘LusciousLee Lightning and ‘DauntingDavid Dew. Wearing their normal wrestling trunks, they walked along the aisle, generally ignoring the fans. Lee could normally win a blabber mouth world championship, but tonight he recognised that it’s time to back that mouth up by winning the gauntlet. Similar thoughts ran through David’s mind as he climbed onto the apron and stepped between the ropes. He also knew it would be tough to win from position one.
The music slowly faded out as The Elements talked strategy. A few seconds of silence filled the arena, but cheers from the crowd were met by ‘Cyclops Rockby They Might Be Giants. From behind the curtain came Deadly Sins, the two Jacks, Walker and Breaker, accompanied by their manager Aubrey Breaker. Slapping hands, they shouted words of encouragement at each other, before charging down the ramp. Time to confront their enemies, and time to kick off the tag team gauntlet.
The two cruiserweights of the teams were forced to the corners by the referee, who did a very good job of establishing early control. ‘DauntingDavid Dew and Jack Breaker were left to fight it out. Reminiscent of their battle some weeks ago on iNtense 2, Breaker gained the advantage when he blocked a right fist, and dug a knee into the gut of Dew. After doubling him over, the 6’4253lbs technician rammed Dew’s head into the turnbuckle three times, before turning him around, and whipping him into the other corner. Dew’s back hit hard, and Breaker followed up, jumping to the second rope, grabbed Dew’s body and monkey flipping him into the centre of the ring. Dew climbed straight to his feet, but Breaker grabbed his right arm and hip tossed him into the turnbuckle pads! Dew collapsed in a heap, and Breaker tagged in Walker.
Jack Walker was greeted into the ring with a round of cheers from the crowd. Eager to get involved, he ran over to David Dew and immediately started stomping away at him. However, the kicks from the 224lbs cruiserweight were not enough to keep him at bay. Dew reached up with his giant right hand, dwarfing the throat of Walker. Dew nipped to his feet, hoisted Walker into the air and slammed him down to the mat with a chokeslam. However, the effort required knackered David Dew, and he fell into his own corner, reaching up for the tag with Lee Lightning.
Ever the opportunist, Lightning scampered across the ring and made the cover on Jack Walker.
But Jack Breaker came in and broke the pin with an axe handle to the back of the conceited Lightning. Breaker was pushed back onto the ring apron by the referee, but he brought the crowd to it’s feet by raising his middle fingers, ever the rebel. However, the match wasn’t sorted yet, as Walker struggled to his feet to stop the referee’s double ten count. ‘Lusciousdid likewise, and as they turned around they both went for side kicks, and they both ducked. A stare down ensued for a few seconds, during which no words were verbally spoken, but the facial expressions painted a picture of the pent up emotion inside both men.
Walker took the initiative, throwing a few forearms under the chin of Lightning. Lightning backed up towards the ropes, and slid under the bottom to escape the onslaught. Gasping for air, he leant over the crowd barricade. Satisfied he was prepared once more, he turned around, but was instantly wiped out by a human missile, after Jack Walker had run across the ring and hurtled over the ropes with a crossbody plancha. Walker was straight back onto his feet after the suicidal flight, but Lightning was no so lucky. A few fans patted Walker on the back, and he slapped their hands in a sign of mutual appreciation, but the referee was making a count, and business called. Rolling Lee’s limp body back into the ring, he followed suit.
Sliding under the bottom rope, Walker never made it to his feet. Instead, he was forced back onto his stomach when David Dew illegally entered the ring and dropped an elbow into his back. Jack Breaker reacted angrily, eager to defend his little buddy, and this signalled the start of a free for all. Breaker hammered Dew across the back and whipped him into the ropes. Dew looked determined to do something, but his efforts were to no avail, when he was met with a kick to the gut. He struggled to escape the facelock, but it was no use. Breaker pushed hard off the mat, spun around, and dropped ‘DauntingDavid Dew with the Clockwork DDT! Breaker kicked Dew out of the ring, where Aubrey Breaker promptly slapped him for being so obnoxious to the team she manages!
Jack Breaker in turn wiped out though, when Lee Lightning connected with his roundhouse back kick, The Bang! Breaker sunk to the mat, his lights having been turned out by the devastating kick. Lightning celebrated too soon though, as he crouched down and shouted abuse in his face.
Extending himself back to his full height, Lightning smirked at the crowd. The smirk soon disappeared to one of confusion though. The crowd was cheering, and it didn’t take a genius to work out it probably wasn’t for him. Rotating slowly, all he ever saw was a cheek grin, before Jack Walker dove through his legs, applied a gutwrench and delivered the Purple Haze! With progression to the next round in his eyes, and the emphatic cheers from the crowd ringing in his ears, Jack Walker covered ‘LusciousLee Lightning.

The Elements were eliminated!
Dejected, David Dew rescued his partner from the ring, and with the ‘I told you sopiercing cry of Aubrey Breaker taunting them, The Elements embarked on the slow and lonely journey back to the dressing room. There was no reflection period for Deadly Sins however, and they knew it. Jack Breaker stepped between the ropes and back out onto the ring apron, while Jack Walker organised his body into a fighting stance at the back of the ring, a signal that they were waiting for their next opponents and willing to give them a fair fight.
The roof was raised off the arena walls, and the loudest cheer of the gauntlet was so far was for Miscommunication, the multi-cultural team. “Senselessby Injected strummed while they methodically walked down to the ring, with Liam Ray seemingly talking strategy. Chiang Lee Chan probably couldn’t understand a word of it, but that didn’t matter. They knew that tonight was key one for the team. Liam Ray patted his partner onto the back, and took his position on the ring apron. Chiang slapped his head a few times for motivation purposes, and slid under the bottom rope. He came face to face with Jack Walker, and in a moment which the fans seemingly appreciated, they shook hands, before circling the ring, looking for an opening.
None was forth coming, and they settled for a collar and elbow tie up. With Chiang standing 5’6and Walker having a height advantage of 5 feet, he obtained the advantage, slapping on a side headlock. Chan looked for a way out, and found one with a back suplex, dropping Walker on his head. Walker bounced straight back onto his feet, but cradling his neck with his left arm. No compassion was shown by Chiang Lee Chan though, as he delivered a facebuster across his knee, and then a lariat to capitalise on the precarious neck of Jack Walker, followed up by a lateral press.
But the lighter half of the Deadly Sins easily lifted his right shoulder off the canvas. Chiang hadn’t believed he could get the victory at that moment, but the Sins had already fought one match and they were tired, vulnerable. Chiang tagged in his American partner Liam Ray, but didn’t exit. Instead, they whipped Jack Walker into the ropes, and on return propelled him high into the air with a double flapjack. What goes up must come down, and Walker’s face smacked straight into the mat. Liam Ray, ever the veteran, smelt blood and went in for the kill rather than go for the immediate pinfall.
Jack Walker was brought to his feet, his arms hooked dropped back down with a double underhook spinning backbreaker. Ray bounces off the ropes a few times, each time measuring up Walker with a perfectly placed elbow. He grabbed the right leg a few times and stomped in it, clearly weakening it for his finishing submission hold. His legs were position rightly, but Walker refused to be turned over, and used his leg strength to push Liam Ray into the ropes. Ray could do nothing about what happened next, as Jack Breaker caught his head and dropped it carelessly onto the top rope, sending Ray flying back clutching onto his throat, coughing up blood. The referee was very concerned, and bent down to help him out, meaning he didn’t see what happened next.
The crowd rose to their feet in jeers, and when the Deadly Sins turned to face the aisle they saw why. The Elements were running to ringside. Having already been eliminated, it seemed like your standard case of sour grapes, but for the Deadly Sins it was a point worth arguing over, and they instantly went to meet their foes. The duos exchanged punches, but with no rules to govern the impromptu brawl, The Elements gained the upper hand with double low blows, and the Sins sunk to the ground holding their nether regions. Lee Lightning directed traffic, instructing David Dew to inflict as much damage as possible. Violently, he grabbed Jack Breaker and Walker, and threw them into the crowd barricade with so much force the initial impact was made with the scalps of their heads. The Elements laughed heinously, but their tyrant-like rampage was not over.
Aubrey Breaker couldn’t stand to see the Deadly Sins being man handled like that, and as their manager stood up for them. She tapped David Dew on the shoulder and turned him around, screaming obscenities in his face. When he spat at her, Aubrey drew back her right hand and through a slap. But Dew caught her hand, holding firmly to it. Aubrey through a slap with her left hand. But Dew caught her hand, holding firmly to it.
“Lee, get this bitch a table!yelled David. Aubrey screamed in terror, and flung herself everywhere to try and escape the vice tight grip of David Dew, but as he held onto her long hair nothing could save her. Lee pulled back the curtain on the ring, and pulled out the brown plastic table legs, setting it up parallel to the ring. Chiang Lee Chan, a member of Miscommunication, couldn’t just stand by on the apron and watch this. She may be the manager of the current enemy, but doing this to a woman was just not right, so he dashed quickly around the ring and threw a flying forearm across the back off Lee Lightning. A fury of punches followed, and he had Lee rocking. Enraged by the nastiness of his fellow human being, Chiang sprinted forward in a moment of stupidity, because Lee dove out the way, and Chiang ran straight into the ring steps. The second he landed on the protective mats he knew he was in trouble, and as he held his knee, the pain was scratched all over his face. The referee heard the clutter, and went out to check on the other Miscommunication member. Liam Ray followed suit, concerned about his Chinese buddy.
With the ring now empty, David Dew dragged Aubrey into the ring by the hair, and stuck her head between his legs. Lee Lightning stood outside, gesturing towards the table, and as David Dew lifted Aubrey above his head, a surge of camera flashes lit up the arena. A split second later, Dew delivered a powerbomb to Aubrey Breaker from inside the ring, over the top rope, through a table and onto the cold, unforgiving concrete.
It was a ‘holy shitmoment.
As The Elements backed up down the aisle, ‘LusciousLee Lightning patted his brother on the back, whilst pointing accusingly down the ramp at the motionless body of Aubrey Breaker.
“Don’t bother us again you stupid bitch!
While the play-by-play commentator apologised for the bad language, the Deadly Sins started to come around after the ambush, and were faced with the reality of their manager lying unconscious in the remains of a shattered table. Frantically they waved to the back, and in no time at all EMTs scuttled down with a stretcher, anxious to get some medical treatment for Aubrey. Chiang Lee Chan was still holding onto his knee, insistent that something was wrong. Liam Ray offered words of encouragement, but knew there were still jOlt Tag Team Championships to win. With the Deadly Sins in a vulnerable emotional state, Liam Ray jumped them from behind, first slamming Jack Breaker’s face to the ground with a running bulldog. Knowing full well who the legal men in the match were, Ray threw Jack Walker under the bottom rope, and followed him in.
Walker offered some resistance, with a baseball slide to Ray’s head whilst the brawler was sliding in, and then an attempted suplex. He lifted Liam Ray halfway up, but Ray hooked one of Walker’s legs in mid air, and gravity did the rest, as he caught the distraught grappler with a small package.

Both men were straight to their feet, but Liam Ray showed no victorious euphoria, and Jack Walker showed no signs of disappointment. Sure, their victory over The Elements had been for nothing and the possibility of being Tag Team Champions had vanished, but as he ran back down the aisle the only thing in his mind was to check on Aubrey. On the way down he passed Morally Correct, who were entering the gauntlet at #4. They are greeted with an astonishingly high quota of jeers, even more than the scandalous Elements. During the opening weeks of Season 2, they have attempted to break up Morally Correct by signing Chiang Lee Chan into their group, something which the dedicated supporters do not appreciate.
Morally Correct don’t slide into the ring to face up with the prepared Liam Ray. Instead, they bend down next to Chiang Lee Chan, who still has that injured right knee. Despite him being their official opponent’s, they don’t beat the holy hell out of him, quite the opposite, they help him to his feet. They shake his hand, and as Chiang gingerly enters the ring he is standing side by side with Morally Correct. The fans, realising what is going on, are dumbstruck. This cannot be happening?
Their deepest fears are not realised though, as Chiang turns on Brandon Ramos with a flurry of punches. Taking the advantage, Liam takes the speechless Seth Miller down with a gut bursting spear. Liam shoves him back into the turnbuckle, and in opposite corners, Liam and Chiang ascend to the second ropes, pointing to their fists. Morally Correct beg for mercy, but the situation has gone beyond forgiveness. Along with the fans count, Miscommunication deliver their synchronised right fists.
Looking out over the masses, Chiang Lee Chan smiles inwardly. He made the right decision, and they know it.
Morally Correct stumble out of their corners, surely seeing stars in their eyes. A positive statement is made by Miscommunication, in their second match of the evening, as they ran towards the middle, meet, and smashed the skulls of their opponents together. Seth Miller fell back against the ropes, and Liam Ray clotheslined him over the top, the momentum sending him over as well. This left Brandon Ramos alone against the much smaller Chiang Lee Chan, and what the fans hoped would be some much required revenge.
However, that damaged right knee of Chiang was still bothering him, and as he delivered stiff kicks over the fallen body of Brandon, something in the knee didn’t feel right. He managed to limp a circle of the ring, hoping to extract the injury out of his body by walking it off. The grit of Brandon Ramos shone radiantly though, and he hooked the head of Chiang, dropping down on it quickly with a DDT that inverted Chan’s head on the canvas. A predictable cover with a hooked leg ensued.
But Liam Ray grabbed Brandon’s ankle from the outside and pulled him off, before jumping back onto the apron, hoping for a tag at some point. Chiang insisted his knee was OK though, limping to his feet. He clearly wasn’t though, and Ray cursed out of frustration when Ramos ran through Chiang with a chop block, announcing the intention to isolate that injured knee of Chiang Lee Chan.
Ramos lifted up that leg, stretched it out and dropped an elbow, directing the impact on that right knee. A scream of anguish was the result, and this drove Ramos to further elbow endeavours as he pursued with the tactic of weakening the knee. Convinced the joint could not get any weaker, Ramos twisted the legs of Chiang around, intertwining them with his own, before dropping down to the mat to apply some significant pressure.
The figure four lock.
The effect was instantaneous, as Chiang yelped in pain. He sat up and tried to break the lock with his hands, but the leg strength of Brandon Ramos was too much to compete with in this particular position. The fans sat back down in their seats, not full convinced that Chiang would last much longer. The referee checked for the submission, but it was not forthcoming. This young rookie’s heart was going to stop beating before he tapped.
“You should have joined Morally Correct, but no, you’re too good for us! Well take THIS!
Brandon trash talked, and with the emphasis of the last word came an extra surge in pressure, twisting the right knee of Chiang even more. Still he refused to submit, but he gave up moving for the ropes. They were too far away, and surely it was now just a matter of time before something gave way. Slowly, Chiang began to fade away, the pain rampaging through his body. Expressing words with pain now needed too much energy, and he started to slip out of consciousness. Liam Ray looked on desperately, but Chiang was not responding. He sank from the sitting position, and the referee checked to see if the shoulders were both square on the mat. They were.
But a call from his partner alerted Chiang to the imminent danger, and he sat straight back up, thrusting his left arm into the air. It started to shake as Chiang tried to reverse the hold, and the crowd responded by shouting their own words of encouragement. The noise swallowed in anything it touched, such was the level of the support for Miscommunication, and at the moment the noise was in aid of Chiang’s efforts to reverse the deadly figure four leg lock. He turned Brandon half over, and with one more pelvic thrust, he was onto his stomach, and Brandon Ramos was the one in danger of the dreaded submission. Submitting on a Pay-Per-View in front of all your piers was the ultimate humiliation, and one neither man intended to suffer. Brandon took the momentum and rolled through to the ropes, and so the referee forced both men to break the hold under the laws of the ring.
Both men lie in the ring, sucking in oxygen, attempting to recover as quickly as possible. On the ring apron, Liam Ray stomped on the mat and clapped his hands, bringing the support of the crowd who rallied behind their favourite Chinese superstar. Brandon Ramos made the tag to Seth Miller, and with a last ditch lunge...
Chiang Lee Chan tags in Liam Ray.
Seth Miller hit the mat hard, after being cracked across the forehead with a right fist. He bounced back up, but Liam arched his back over and propelled Miller over his head with a backbody drop. Liam felt the thud of wrestling boots running across the springs, and he turned around just in time to duck a leaping side kick from Brandon Ramos. Ramos swivelled around stunned, and decapitated by a falling clothesline. Chiang yelled his warning from the apron, and so Liam turned his attention back to the recovering Seth Miller. A leg sweep brought him down, before a sharpshooter was locked in, the Daymaker!
But before he could tap out, Chiang Lee Chan ascended to the top rope and connected with his 450 splash. The moment the move was hit Miller’s head drooped to mat, showing no signs of liveliness. The crowd was crazy, and they knew the match was over.
They’d just witnessed the Positive Communication. Graciously, Ray allowed his little buddy to make the count, and while the referee slapped the mat, Liam Ray bounced up and down on the middle rope, raising his fingers in synchronisation with the crowd’s screams.

The third slap of the mat sent the arena into a state of pandemonium, everyone joyous that Miscommunication had managed to defeat the evil Morally Correct, even with an injured right knee for Chiang. However, Brandon Ramos refused to accept his team had been eliminated though, and re-entered the ring. Rather stupidly, he ran straight into a body slam from Liam Ray. Looking out at the fans, they clearly wanted some more revenge to be exacted on these devilish fiends. Shrugging, Ray locked in his sharpshooter again, and Chiang springboarded to the top rope, and Brandon Ramos was the second victim of the Positive Communication! An ‘EH?chant started up, as Miscommunication rose their arms for the masses.
But in tag team gauntlets, the action is non-stop. Derecho and Blazer hurdled the crowd barricade, proudly wearing their XWF t-shirts. Entering via the back of the ring, they jumped Miscommunication from behind, sending them sprawling. Derecho tossed Chiang over the top rope, snarling whilst doing so, before taking up his position on the ring apron. They didn’t want to win by beating the weak link, they wanted to beat the best.
Blazer bounced off the ropes, dropping an elbow across the back of Liam Ray to flatten him. Earlier in the match Ray would have recovered immediately, but then this was there third match against a top tier tag team. Fatigue was simply one more barrier Miscommunication would have to jump. Blazer ripped off his XWF t-shirt, before wrapping it around Ray’s throat.
“OH THE JOYS OF PAIN AND SUFFERING!shouted Blazer to the crowd, whilst choking Ray with the black cloth material. The referee threatened to disqualify him, and when his count reached four Blazer gave in, tossing the shirt out of the ring. He clearly had no intention of doing anything other than brawling though, and so he propped Ray up against the turnbuckle before lashing his chest with some grindingly hard knife edge chops!
“WHOO!screamed the crowd, but Liam Ray wouldn’t have agreed with that ethic of thought, as he gasped for air, it being driven out of him with each stinging chop. But with each chop came more anger, desperation. At breaking point, he found the courage inside him to fight back, driving Blazer across the ring with three right hands, each getting harder and quicker. Blazer was now backed up in the corner, and Ray rose the back of his hand up for the crowd to see. They knew what was coming, and they liked it.
Blazer’s chest was lit up, but before any further punishment could be dished out he crawled beneath the legs of Ray and tagged in his partner, Derecho. Stepping between the ropes, he oozed confidence, and raised one side of his lip in an evil smile. Liam Ray sighed, knowing his levels of fitness had shrunk continually throughout the match. But with Chiang’s injured right knee, it was virtually a handicap match. The only thing keeping him going was the thought of those gold tag team titles at the end, and a place in history amongst other greats like High Flyer.
Both men locked up, expending a lot of energy trying to out-power the other one. Liam Ray was just starting to back up Derecho when he representative of the nameless tag team raked his eyes. Ray pulled out, raising his hands in an instinctive reaction. Derecho took advantage, positioning himself behind Ray, applying a waistlock, and launching him over his head. Ray flew through the air as the waistlock was released, and landed on the back of his neck to complete the German suplex. Showing no signs of emotion, Derecho went down for the cover.
But Liam Ray kicked out, just! After such an exhausting evening, most thought the tag titles had been assigned, but Ray’s adrenalin seemed to be pushing him through. He climbed to his feet, holding his neck in an awkward position. Derecho slipped slimily to his side, locked their legs together and jumped back with a side russian legsweep that pounded Liam Ray’s back.
But yet another kickout was the order of the moment. This time, Ray needed the ropes and his right ankle to do so though, and it was becoming obvious he wouldn’t hold out much longer. On the apron Chiang was reeling off lines and lines of rapid Chinese, which loosely translated into English probably meant ‘give me the f###ing tag!’. However, Liam refused, probably with the theory that Chiang’s knee would not hold up to the rigours of five minutes in the ring. Still with his palms held out, he turned around, and was immediately booted in the mid-section by Derecho. As his head was hooked, the nearby microphones picked up the sound of vomit being ejected, but this did not deter Derecho. Lifting Liam up, he spun around before drilling him violently with the Vortex Powerbomb, one of his finishers! The ring announcer climbed out of his seat with the tag team titles in his hands, ready to present them to Derecho and Blazer.
KICKOUT! The fans went crazy, bizarre, demented. Somehow. Liam Ray had found the guts to kick out, after taking one of the most devastating moves in jOlt today in his third match of the night. Derecho was furious, and he started kicking the ropes out of frustration. Time for extreme measures he thought, nodding at Blazer. He knew what to do.
Derecho ran out of the ring, and reached underneath to find a weapon. He slid it out, and it was high in the air for all to see.
An XWF steel chair.
Blazer attempted to step between the ropes, but the referee saw him and blocked his path. “Come on Blazer, you know the rules, I’m going to make sure you stick by them.Later on when analysed by the commentators, this was contrived as an ironic comment. Liam Ray staggered to his feet, and swayed back and forth in the middle of the ring, struggling to stay on his feet let alone fight. Derecho took a massive back swing with the steel chair, before following through and wacking Liam Ray over the head. Such a vile chair shot has never been delivered before, and it’s a wonder brains didn’t ooze out of Ray’s left ear after the shot his right side had taken. Needless to say, he fell straight back down. Derecho tossed the chair into the crowd; where it landed on some poor kids head; and made the cover. Blazer stepped conveniently back onto the apron.
Chiang Lee Chan forced his way into the ring, obsessed with stopping the count.
Blazer also entered the ring, and knocked down Chiang with a spear so devastating the foundations of the ring rattled.

No cheers, no jeers, but silence. The crowd couldn’t believe that after their marathon of a task, and having come so close, that Miscommunication weren’t leaving with the tag team titles. The referee handed the golden plated straps to Derecho and Blazer, but his attempts to raise their hands were in vain. They shrugged it off, and walked down the aisle, leaving an exhausted and distraught Miscommunication behind them, with the popular team having won two matches but left with nothing.
On action replays, it was commented how Derecho and Blazer brought the Tag Team Championships backstage. They might be the new champions, but they didn’t put them around their waists of sling them over their shoulders. They were simply dragged behind them on the ground, like an unwanted piece of garbage.

Unwanted 30-Man Battle Royal
It was the night of champions, where young and old superstars entered the ring with one goal on their minds...To Be A Champion. Being a champion was the most proud and elite person to be. When you held a piece of gold around you waist, it was the greatest feeling in the wrestling world. After long and hard years of training, of fighting, of competeing, you wanted to be the absolute best. That gold represented just that, that you were the best. No one would be able to say I was the first champion of them all, only you would. It was the World Championship of jOlt, and in its second Season, it wished to just forget the first season and start all over. Thus, the title would be up for grabs...allowing every member on the roster to gain a chance at the gold...in a 30 man Unwanted Battle Royale.
The announcement of the contest, of the MAIN EVENT, was told around the world, as the ring announcer ended his announcement with the array of cheers from the excited fans. Every single fan were off their seats and standing in excitement. The adrenaline rushed through the bodies, but not one fan's adrenaline would match that of the wrestlers awaiting their entry. Those men were standing with adrenaline pumping through their veins. For some wrestlers it would be the second time they came to the squared circle, but they didn't care...they wanted to be the best. Even those already with championships, they wanted MORE. And thus, it would begin.
"In this Battle Royale...", began the announcer.
"Two men will begin the battle royale contest. Those two men will battle it out, but after the two minute time limit another wrestler will be entered in the battle. Every two minutes another wrestler will come to the ring until ALL THIRTY WRESTLERS have been announced. The only way to eliminate your opponent is via OVER THE TOP ROPE ELIMINATION. When your opponent thrown over the top rope, BOTH of your opponents feet must land on the outside. And in the end only ONE man can be crowned the jOlt World Champion!"
And thus the crowd went wild as the battle royale was about to begin. They stood on edge as the announcer was handed the introduction card. The announcer opened the jOlt stamped envelope and brought up to his view. He held the card straight in front of him and brought the microphone to his face. The fans were ready to see who drew #1 and #2 in the Unwanted Battle Royale.
"The first participant in the Unwanted Battle Royale..."
"ATWA" by System of a Down blasted across the arena's PA System.
The fans booed as the first entrant made his appearance from behind the curtain. This was the second time he would come into the ring, but this time he had a goal...to come out...Champion.
Glasier smiled as he raced down the rampway and slid into the ring. The fans booed as Glasier mounted the second rope and raised his open arms to the fans, who returned with jeers and boos, Glasier scratched his head, almost wondering why the people hate him. Glasier leaped off the second rope and began to stretch is neck and arms, preparing to fight all the rest of the 29 entrants in the battle, but first, he would have to deal with one...
"The second participant in the Unwanted Battle Royale..."
"Senseless" by Injected blasted across the arena, as the second entrant made his way from behind the curtain. The fans cheered wildly as #2 came down to the ring for the second time tonight.
"He is one half of Miscommunication...LIAM RAY!"
And thus the fans blew up in cheers for the man who came very close to becoming one half of the tag team champions earlier tonight. Liam Ray came out with a wide smile across his face as he stared into the ring, directly at Eric Glasier. Glasier's face went straight, staring a hole at his first opponent in the form of Liam Ray. Ray just smiled back at Glasier, and didn't wait for his music to die down to start the action. Liam leaped onto the apron, entered the ring and quickly knocked Glasier down with a hard clothesline. Thus, the battle began with a single toll of the bell, making the fans more excited. Liam quickly pulled Glasier to his feet and whipped him to the ropes, Glasier bounced back looking for a clothesline, but Ray ducked the shot. Glasier bounced off the opposite end of the ring, but was quickly caught with a powerslam. Glasier's back smacked the mat hard as Glasier yelled out in pain.
Liam wasted no time in grabbing Glasier back up and whipping him into the corner. Liam charged with full velocity, but Glasier lifted up his boot, catching Liam directly in the face. Liam staggered backward, holding his jaw in pain, as Glasier leaped up onto the second rope and dropped a bionic elbow right between Liam Ray's eyes, knocking Liam onto his back. Glasier mounted on top of Liam and began sending hard right hands into the skull of Liam Ray. Ray tried to fight back by choking Glasier, but Glasier quickly retaliated with a knee right into Liam's stomach. Liam rolled out of the way, but Glasier was right behind the fallen Liam, and dropped an elbow right into the chest of Ray.
Glasier was now in control and grabbed Liam by the head. Glasier sent a hard elbow into Liam's head and than whipped him to the ropes, Glasier ducked down looking for an over the shoulder elimination on Liam. Liam neared Glasier, as the fans screamed for Liam to stop...and he did just that. Liam haulted right near Glasier and took him down with a Straight DDT, knocking Glasier's face into the mat. Glasier bounced off hard and attempted to roll to the outside, but Liam quickly grabbed Glasier by the feet and pulled him right back in...but little did Liam know...it was a trap...for Glasier to kick Liam right between the legs, knocking Liam to his knees. Glassier bounced off the ropes and quickly slapped the taste out of Liam's mouth with a sitdown dropkick, knocking Liam Ray on his back. As the action continued, a count down clock began on the jOltron, starting at 20. Glasier ignored it and continued on Liam.
But Liam quickly got to his feet and sent an elbow shot into Glasier's stomach. Glasier fell to one knee as Liam quickly pulled Glasier up and right back down with a body slam. Glasier rolled away in pain, but Liam again grabbed Glasier, pulled him back and in no time flat, smacked Glasier hard with a Full Nelson Suplex, bouncing Glasier off his neck. Glasier remained on the mat as Liam pointed to the outside of the ring...the fans approved of Liam's wish...but suddenly...
"It Was There That I Saw You" blasted across the arena to a pretty well deserved approval from the crowd as Gregory Delphiki raced down the entry ramp, his music still blarring across the arena. Delphiki wasted no time in sliding into the ring and tackling Liam Ray right down. Slowly the music died down as Delphiki began to send hard punches into the skull of Liam Ray. Ray was defenseless as Delphiki lifted Ray to his feet and shot him back down with a standing clothesline. Delphiki, now with rage in his eyes, grabbed Liam and looked over the top rope...but suddenly...Glasier got to his feet and dropkicked Delphiki right in the jaw! Delphiki dropped Liam and looked at Glasier in shock...Glasier smiled back at Delphiki, but the smile didn't last.
With no warning Delphiki shot Glasier down with a hard uppercut to the jaw. Glasier went down like a sack of you know what. Delphiki quickly pulled Glasier back up and whipped him hard into the corner, Delphiki charged, and just like that, Glasier lifted Delphiki off his shoulders and over the top rope. But there was no elimination, for Delphiki landed onto the apron. Glasier turned around in shock as Delphiki grabbed Glasier by the head and smashed Glasier's skull into the turnbuckle...not once...not twice...not three times...but TEN times. Glasier's head rocked back and forth after the attack, and finally Glasier collapsed on the mat. Delphiki quickly re-entered the ring, but didn't last long as Liam snuck behind Delphiki and took him right down with a back suplex onto the back of the neck.
Liam grabbed Delphiki and quickly sent him down with a standing clotheslien of his own, to much of the approval of the fans in attendance. Liam grabbed Delphiki back up and whipped him to the ropes, Delphiki looked to go-behind Liam for the Cobra Clutch Submission that Delphiki is famous for, but Liam reversed with his own go-behind, grabbing Delphiki around the waist and slamming him with a Back Side Slam. Liam released Delphiki from his waist lock, but the moment he did, Glasier charged. Liam saw the man coming and quickly slammed Glasier down with a HUGE spinebuster that got a huge amount of cheers from the crowd. Liam than saw the opportunity, pulling Glasier up to his feet and placing him against the ropes. Liam looked for a clothesline to end Glasier, but Glasier quickly ducked and looked for one of his own, but Liam ducked. Suddenly Delphiki re-surfaced and knocked Liam and Glasier both over the top, but luckily both men held onto the ropes. Liam returned to the ring underneath the ropes, but Glasier remained lying on the outside of the apron.
Delphiki grabbed Glasier, forcing Glasier to stand on the outside of the apron. Delphiki measured out Glasier and sent a hard kick to the side of Glasier's head, Glasier staggered back but held onto the ropes for dear life. On the other side of the ring, Liam drapped his chest across the second rope on the opposite side of the ring, allowing himself some rest. Delphiki didn't care about Liam, he had his sights on Glasier. Glasier attempted to return a shot to Delphiki, but Delphiki blocked the coming punch and sent one of his own to Glasier...suddenly, the jOltron re-surfaced with a countdown beginning from 20. Delphiki ignored the countdown and quickly began to headbutt Glasier over and over, causing one of Glasier's hands to lose grip on the rope.
Delphiki looked for another shot, but Glasier escaped the blow and rammed his shoulder through the middle rope and into Delphiki's stomach. Delphiki doubled over as Glasier leaped back into the ring...
Delphiki turned around looking for a twisting clothesline, but Glasier ducked the shot and sent a superkick right into the jaw of Delphiki, causing him to go over the top rope...
But again, another wrestler escaped an elimination as Delphiki held onto the ropes and stood on the apron. Glasier noticed this and quickly kicked Delphiki once more with a superkick, Delphiki nearly fell off the apron, but held on for dear life.
Liam Ray began to get to his feet, getting up to one knee, but breathing deeply. On the other side, Glasier looked for a right hand, but Delphiki quickly blocked the shot...
Delphiki twisted Glasier's entire body around, and using the ropes as leverage, Delphiki wrapped his arm around Glasier's neck and locked his opponent with a choking sleeper hold. Glasier began to kick wildly, as Delphiki began to use the ropes to pull back on Glasier's neck, obviously looking to eliminate Glassier with this method...
Liam Ray again began to get up, now fully on his feet...
Delphiki still chocked Glasier, Glasier now had his shoulder over the top rope, as Delphiki pulled at Glasier harder and harder, causing Glasier go over the top, and on the apron. Now Delphiki had Glasier in a sleeper on the apron, but Glasier made sure to have one hand free to hold onto the rope...
"Born in the USA" by Bruce Bringsteen.
The fans jeered loudly as Seth Miller from Morally Correct came out from behind the curtain. Seth jogged down the entry ramp, and quickly got to the ring, but unlike the others, he didn't slide into the ring, instead he walked over to where Delphiki and Glasier were, and PULLED BOTH MEN OFF THE APRON AND OUT OF THE RING!!

The bell sounded as the ring announcer announced that both Gregory Delphiki and Eric Glasier are the first eliminated. Both men were down on the floor, as Seth looked down at them, yelling out "Pathetic!".
Miller smiled at his work and re-entered the ring, where he met face to face...with Liam Ray. Ray didn't waist anytime in pounding away on Miller with hard right hands. The fans cheered wildly as Liam grabbed Seth and slammed his face into the corner. Liam quickly turned Miller around, cornering him in the ring and began to stomp a mudhole right into the chest of Seth Miller, his true blue enemy. Liam stomepd away on Miller, and with every single hit that Liam nailed, caused more and more pain to rise in Seth Miller. Finally, Liam stopped the assault and turned to look at the fans, who cheered for Liam to rid the Battle Royale of Seth Miller, but little did he know, the countdown was now down...
"Anti-Pop" blasted across the arena as Mark Pearson came running down the rampway and sliding into the ring. Liam quickly noticed the fans jeering and turned around, just in time to grab Pearson and slam him down with a side slam. Pearson screamed in agony as Liam quickly pulled him back and whipped him to the ropes, upon Pearson's return Liam landed a flying clothesline, knocking Pearson right back down. But the moment Liam turned around...SMACK!
He was hit with a running big boot by Seth Miller, a move called the "Miller Kick". Seth looked down at Liam, who was flat on his back by Seth's thunderous finisher. Seth looked out at the booing crowd and shook his head in disappointment. Seth slowly grabbed Liam by the hair and brought him to the corner, there Seth quickly sent a jolting chop right into the heart of Liam Ray. The clap was very loud, causing the fans to let out a "WOOOOO". Seth sneered at the fans reaction to such mockery of wrestling, and quickly stopped the chops, and replaced them with hard right hands into Liam's face. Pearson got to his feet and joined Seth in pounding at Liam Ray.
The fans immediately disapproved, especially when Pearson and Miller pulled Liam off the corner and landed a Double DDT to Liam. An obvious alliance began to form with Seth Miller and Mark Pearson, as the totally forgot they were enemies and pulled Liam Ray up once again. Seth sent a hard right into Liam's face, causing Liam to stagger into Pearson, who lifted Ray off his feet and slammed him down with a body slam. Seth bounced off the ropes, measured up Liam and dropped a leg across Liam's neck with a huge leg drop. Seth looked down at his opponent and began yelling at Liam that "This could've been avoided Liam!".
Seth sneered at Liam, and sent a fist drop right into Liam's face. Pearson joined into, nailed a double stomp into Liam Ray's stomach. Seth tapped Pearson on the shoulder and indicated that it was time to get Liam out of this battle. The fans jeered wildly as Pearson smiled and nodded in approval. With that agreed, Pearson and Miller slowly pulled Liam to his feet, Miller told Pearson something, as Pearson agreed. Pearson slowly whipped Liam to the ropes, Miller tapped his boot, indicating another Miller Kick. Miller bounced off the ropes and charged towards Liam...Miller lifted his boot with full velocity behind him...and crotched himself on the ropes. Liam ducked the kick and quickly speared Pearson right down. The fans blew up in cheers, as yet another countdown began...
"Hemmorage" played loudly across the arena, as a big approval came from the crowd. The fans blew up as Sam Potright raced down the entry ramp, ready for yet another battle. Although Potright had lost his Championship bout with Gibson, he wouldn't make the same mistake again. Potright was determined as he raced into the ring and quickly grabbed Seth and pulled him back into the ring...he wanted to eliminated HIS opponents on his own.
Liam grabbed Mark Pearson and whipped him hard into the corner. Pearson bounced off, staggering forward, right into a sidewalk slam committed by Liam Ray on Pearson. Pearson bounced off the mat with a huge amount of force, as Liam staggered away and leaned against the ropes. On the other side of the ring Potright had grabbed Miller around the waist and slammed him down with a gutwrench suplex. On the other side of the ring, Liam Ray had grabbed Pearson and threw him into the ropes and shot Pearson right back down with a shoulder block. Potright grabbed Miller and whipped him to the corner of the ring.
Potright measured Miller out and charged towards Miller, but Miller saw the sense of danger coming and quickly charged into Potright, landing a sharp running forearm. Miller than bounced off the ropes and dropped a huge elbow into the forehead of Potright. On the other side of the ring, Pearson finally gained the advantage on Liam Ray with the famous thumb to the eye. Pearson smiled as he grabbed the blinded Liam Ray and slammed him down with a body slam. Back to Potright and Miller, Miller had pulled Potright back up and lifted him up above his head and charged towards the ropes...
The fans screamed as Potright was nearly launched over the top rope, but Potright quickly got out of the Gorilla Press, wrapped Miller in a waist lock and took him down with a quick snapping back suplex. Potright quickly got back to his feet and grabbed Miller and slammed him right back down with a snap DDT!
On the other side of the ring, Pearson pulled Ray to his feet and cornered him. Pearson mounted the ropes and began to punch Ray in the forehead, looking for the famous 10 punch in the corner, but Ray blocked the ninth punch attempt by Pearson, grabbed Pearson in a bearhug and dropped Pearson neck first in the corner! Pearson's neck bounced off, causing Pearson to stagger back, right into a Reverse DDT by Liam Ray.
"Senseless" by Injected.
The fans went wild as Chiang Lee Chan came sprinting down the aisle, putting his thumb up towards his partner Liam Ray. Ray smiled widely as his partner slid into the ring and helped Ray pull Pearson right back up. Ray whipped Pearson to the ropes, and as Pearson bounced back, he felt a sickening slam as Liam and Chiang slammed him down with a double falling hip toss. As Pearson laid down on the mat, Liam pulled Chiang up for a powerbomb and slammed Chiang right onto Pearson, a move Miscommunication calls Chiang Suey!
Potright lifted up Miller in the air and slammed him down with a vertical suplex on the other side of the ring. Potright quickly noticed that a full tag team had entered the battle, and saw his number one target. Although Potright was a fan favorite, he knew that a tag team in a rumble was a bad thing...no matter if the team was fan favorites or rule breakers. Potright quickly charged at Liam Ray and knocked him down with a spinning heel kick. Chiang noticed his partner was in danger and charged at Potright with a clothesline, but Potright ducked the shot and hit Chiang with a neckbreaker.
Suddenly, as Potright got to his feet, Miller slapped him right back down with the Miller Kick! Potright went down hard, as Miller stared over the top rope and pointed to Potright's end. Miller pulled Potright to his feet and placed him on his shoulder, Miller backed up a bit, and pointed once more to the outside. Thus, Miller charged towards the ropes, looking to send Potright over the top, but something had stopped Miller...Chiang Lee Chan. Chan quickly superkicked the taller Miller right in the jaw...Miller staggered backwards, releasing Potright in a second. Potright fell to the mat, as Chiang began to pound away on Seth Miller. Miller attempted to fight back, nailing a hard punch to the forehead, but suddenly Liam Ray got back to his feet and kicked Miller right in the stomach. Miller doubled over, allowing Miscommunication to nail a double DDT to Seth Miller. Suddenly Mark Pearson was seen getting to his feet and stummbling over to the fallen Potright, and begin to choke him.
Chiang and Liam nodded towards one another as they both pulled Seth Miller to his feet and placed Miller against the ropes. Miller was out on his feet, as Liam whipped Chiang into Miller, as Chiang knocked Miller over the top rope with a sharp clothesline!

Miller was eliminated just like that, to much of the delight of the fans in attendance. Chiang celebrated greatly, but during his celebration, the countdown began...
"X...W...F", the symbols popped up on the jOltron, and the fans didn't even need to hear the theme music...because they already knew who was going to come out...Derecho. The fans jeered wildly as Derecho's theme song blasted across the arena. In the ring, Pearson began to stomp away on Potright, after cornering him, as Miscommunication stood at the end of the ring, awaiting Derecho to make his appearance. The fans jeered even more, as Derecho came from the crowd, with one of the jOlt tag team championships in his grasp. Miscommunication didn't see anything, as Derecho smacked the gold across Pearson's head!
Derecho wasted no time in pulling Pearson back up and hurling him over the top rope, eliminating one threat.

Derecho than grabbed his title off the ground once more and grinned at Miscommunication, who still had their backs turned to Derecho. Derecho charged with full force and SMACKED his title across the back of Liam Ray's head...causing Liam to go flying over the top rope and to the outside!

Chiang was in complete shock, but more importantly...was angry. Derecho looked to smack Chiang with the jOlt tag team championship, but Chiang quickly ducked the shot. Derecho spinned around, looking for another smack, but Chiang quickly nailed a sitdown dropkick right into Derecho's crotch, and just like that Derecho fell to his knees, dropping his jOlt Tag Team Championship.
Chiang grabbed the golden strap and proceeded to whip Derecho with the gold! The fans cheered wildly, as Chiang continued cracking the leather and gold across the back of Derecho! Every slap made Derecho yell out in immense pain. Chiang finally threw the title over the top rope and grabbed Derecho. Chiang grabbed Derecho's arm and whipped him to the ropes, upon Derecho's return, Chiang looked for a hurricanrana, but Derecho quickly slid underneath Chiang. Chiang quickly turned around, but it was too late to defend himself, as Derecho kicked Chiang right in the stomach and dropepd him on his head with a strong DDT.
Derecho smiled widely at the fallen Chiang, and began to stomp away viciously into his opponent. But suddenly he was stopped...by Sam Potright. Potright twirled Derecho around and began to punch away at Derecho's face, Derecho staggered back into the ropes, but quickly got away from them by blocking one of Potright's punches and kicking Potright below the belt. Potright fell to his knees and onto the mat, as Derecho began to stomp away on Potright.
Derecho looked towards the entrance ramp, as his eyes grew wide, he had to get rid of Potright and Chiang...so he could keep it one on one...keep it easy for himself.
Derecho quickly pulled Potright to his feet and placed him against the corner, Derecho than pulled Potright's feet up and began to push Potright's body over the top rope...
Potright wrapped his arm around the ropes and began to protest Derecho's attempt to eliminate him.
Derecho frantically put all his force into pushing Potright, but Potright refused to allow it to happen, by punching Derecho over and over on the top of the head...
"The Other Man" by Sloan.
Not much fan reaction came forth as Miles Blunder came from behind the curtain, running down the rampway and into the ring. Miles didn't receive much of a pop from the fans, but didn't care, he quickly began to help Derecho, and attemtped to try and eliminate Potright. Miles grabbed the waist of Potright, as Derecho continued pushing Potright's legs up...both Derecho and Miles put there power into Potright, and finally pushed Potright over the top rope...but Potright quickly landed onto his feet on the apron! Derecho looked at Miles, as if to blame him, and quickly floored him with a direct punch to the head.
Potright returned the favor for Miles, as he floored Derecho with a sharp elbow shot to the side of the head. Potright re-entered the ring and pulled Derecho to his feet and nailed a standing dropkick. Blunder got to his feet and quickly charged towards Potright, but was cut off by a full force standing sidekick committed by Chiang Lee Chan. On the other side of the ring, Potright pulled Derecho to his feet and sent a hard chop right through Derecho's chest. Directly after the chop, Potright grabbed Derecho around the head with a headlock and slammed him down with a spinning bulldog. Potright got to his feet, only to receive the Rock'eh't Dropkick by Chiang Lee Chan, who landed right on his feet after the high flipping dropkick.
Chan pulled Potright back up to his feet and whipped him to the ropes, Chan looked for a swinging heel kick but Potright ducked the kick. Potright bounced back and looked for a clothesline, but Chan ducked the attempted hit. Finally Chan had a move set in his mind, as he was positioned for Potright's return, but Potright had other plans, as he leaped up in the air, caught Chan by the head and drove Chiang Lee Chan onto the ground with an amazing 360 degree turn DDT! The fans went wild after the impact, but immediately jeered as Derecho leaped off the top rope, before Potright could get up, and dropped an elbow into the heart of Potright.
Derecho hurt himself upon impact, as Potright began to combulse. All three men, Chiang/Potright/Derecho, were down...but one man remained standing...Miles Blunder. Blunder saw his opportunity and pulled up the weakest of the men, Chiang Lee Chan. Miles bounced Chan off the ropes and dropped him hard with a spinning atomic drop. Chan bounced off Miles' knee and staggered backward. Miles measured Chiang up and charged for with a clothesline, but Chiang ducked the hit and flipped Miles over his shoulder, and over the top rope...but amazingly, Miles landed on the apron. Chiang turned around, only to have his face slammed into the turnbuckle by Miles Blunder. Blunder looked down at the mayhem, all three men still out cold, and re-entered the ring. But suddenly...
"Cyclops Rock" blasted across the arena, and the fans blew up in cheers as one half of the Deadly Sins, Jack Breaker, came running down the entrance ramp, charging for Miles Blunder. Blunder prepared himself in the ring, as Breaker slid into the battle. Blunder charged with a forearm, but Breaker quickly got behind Blunder, lifted him off his feet and back down onto the mat with a sickening back suplex. Breaker quickly bounced off the ropes and hit a flipping senton splash directly onto Blunder.
Back on the other side of the ring, Derecho began to get to his feet, but not for long, as Chiang charged towards Derecho and slapped him down with a falling Reverse DDT. Chiang looked at the cheering crowd, and pointed to the top rope...a very dangerous place to be in a battle royale. Chiang smiled evily as he leaped up to the top rope and measured out Derecho. With huge elevation, Chiang leaped off the top rope and dropped a leg across Derecho's neck with a perfectly executed Guillotine Leg Drop!
In the center of the ring Sam Potright began to get to his feet, and immediately he noticed the mayhem ensuing all around him...he found his point of attack and went for it. Potright quickly got behind Chiang Lee Chan and nailed Chan with a hard snap german suplex. Potright pulled Chan to his feet and whipped him to the ropes, Chan ducked a clothesline, but as he turned around he received a hard superkick, the superkick sent Chan over the top rope, and to the outside.

The fans didn't approve as Chiang Lee Chan was eliminated. It was now down to 4 men in the ring, but all of them knew, more would come.
Breaker pulled Blunder to his feet and whipped him to the corner, Breaker charged, as Blunder lifted both his feet up, in order to kick Breaker in the face. Breaker haulted right before the impact, and caught both of Blunder's legs, he wrapped each leg underneath a respected arm and brought Blunder down with a modified sitdown powerbomb! Back to the otherside of the ring, Potright pulled Derecho back to his feet and sent him to the ropes, Derecho quickly saw his attack point, and springboarded off the second rope and hit Potright with a hard elbow to the face.
In the corner of the ring, Breaker pulled Blunder to his feet, and began attempting to throw Blunder over the top rope. Breaker placed both his arms underneath Blunder and began to push upward in order to get Blunder eliminated, but Blunder refused, as he held onto the rope for dear life. Derecho saw the Blunder/Breaker situation, but didn't care much at all, and went back to attacking Potright. Derecho pulled Potright to his feet and slammed his face into the corner, and finally began to pull Potright's legs up from under him, and attempted to push Potright over the top rope.
Suddenly the countdown began once more...
Derecho was still fighting to get Potright eliminated...
Blunder was still attempting to fight Breaker...
Two eliminations were very near...
"Sad but True" by Metallica blasted across the arena, to the disapproval of many of the fans in attendance. The man came from behind the curtain, with a strut in his walk, and smile on his face. This man held two championships around his shoulder, one was the IOW Television Championship, the other was the jOlt Revolutionary Championship. The fans booed this man to the high heavens, because this man was Dave Gibson.
Gibson loved the spotlight, and smiled all the walk down the rampway. And unlike the other previous wrestlers who had entered the ring, Gibson did not sprint to the ring...instead he just walked with his strut. Gibson was in no hurry to enter the battle just yet, he felt to special to just enter in any old fashion like to sprint...he wanted to strut his way to the ring as the new Revolutionary Champion.
Back in the ring, Blunder finally got away from Breaker's hold by thumbing Breaker in the eye. Breaker released his attempt at throwing Blunder out and staggered away from the corner. Blunder quickly got behind Breaker and slammed Breaker down with a quick side slam. Back on the other side of the right, Potright was still attempting to break free from Derecho's grasp...but suddenly Potright noticed Gibson on the outside of the ring. Potright suddenly snapped and began pounding at Derecho's skull...Derecho was shocked at the show of adrenaline, as he felt his head getting pounded into over and over again. Potright finally broke free of Derecho's grasp and grabbed Derecho by the waist and flipped him over his head and over the top rope with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex!
The fans were shocked at the show of power by Potright. Suddenly Blunder noticed Potright's out burst and charged for the kill, only to be given a snap hurricanrana throught the lower rope! Blunder crashed to the outside, but was not eliminated. Suddenly Potright pulled Breaker to his feet and hurled him over the top rope, and thus Breaker was eliminated...along with Derecho.

Potright had snapped right in front of the world, and suddenly demanded that Gibson enter the ring. Gibson just sneered as he threw down both his title belts and slid into the ring.
There it was, the standoff. Gibson and Potright. They had just fought earlier in the night...but they weren't done. The fans cheered in excitement as Gibson and Potright began to circle one another slowly. Gibson sneered at Potright, as Potright spat in his direction. It was the standoff of pure enemies, and thus they waited no longer. Gibson and Potright locked up in a neck and arm tie up, Gibson quickly applied a go-behind, but Potright reversed into his own go-behind. Potright quickly tripped Gibson onto his stomach and wrapped Gibson in a front face lock. Gibson fought out of the submission frantically and twisted Potright's arm with an arm wrench. Gibson tightened the arm bar, but Potright reversed into his own arm bar, which had so much impact that it caused Gibson to front flip onto the mat.
On the outside of the ring, Miles Blunder began to get to his feet with the aid of the guard rail, when suddenly...
Gibson quickly got to his feet and reversed the arm bar into an arm drag that took Potright down...
Potright got right back to his feet and looked directly at Gibson. Both men charged, as Gibson got the upper hand, locking in a headlock...
Potright reversed by whipped Gibson to the ropes, upon Gibson's return Potright was taken down by Gibson's shoulder block...
Gibson bounced off the ropes and looked for a ground type attack, but Potright flipped up to his feet and took Gibson down with a hip toss...
"Freedom Fighter" by Creed hit the PA System, which caused the fans to jeer once more. One half of The Elements came walking down the ramp, but with determination in his face. That man was Lee Lightning. Lee Lightning didn't run down the ramp as did many of the wrestlers, but instead walked...but with determination in his face.
Back in the ring, Gibson got back to his feet and charged towards Potright, but Potright quickly nailed a drop toe hold onto Gibson. Gibson's face smashed against the mat. Potright moved away, allowing Gibson to get back up, and Gibson did just that. Gibson starred at his number one enemy, and asked for a test of strength, which Potright glady accepted. The two men locked up in a test of strength, it was even, both men couldn't beat the other...suddenly Lee Lightning slid back into the ring and nailed Potright in the back of the head. Gibson smiled as he pulled the hurt Potright in and hit him with a hard DDT.
Gibson felt he had the upper hand as he began to stomp down on the fallen Sam Potright. Lee Lightning quickly joined in, also stomping away on Potright. It was a double mugging on Potright, who was completely helpless in the center of the ring. Suddenly, the fans saw Miles Blunder entering the ring, and surprisingly, Blunder had turned Gibson around and slammed him down with a body slam! The fans were shocked that Blunder was actually helping Potright! Lightning saw the attack by Blunder, and decided to charge at Blunder...but Blunder caught Lightning as well, slamming him with a scoop slam.
Gibson got to his feet and charged towards Blunder, but Blunder quickly caught Gibson and hit him with a hip toss. Lee Lightning got to his feet, but before he got gain any offensive, Blunder took him down with a hip toss as well. The fans jumped up in cheers for Blunder, who had surprised everyone in the arena by gaining the advantage over two people at once. Finally, both Gibson and Lightning got to their feet and decided to both attack Blunder, but before both could attack together, Potright got to his feet and tackled Gibson down and began sending punches into the head of Gibson. Lightning quickly turned his attention to Gibson, but quickly noticed that was a mistake as Blunder charged and nailed a perfect dropkick into the face of Lightning, knocking him down hard.
Suddenly, on the other side of the ring, Gibson got to his feet and looked for a flying cross body, but Potright fell to his stomach, dodging the shot. Gibson quickly got to his feet but only to receive a quick maneuvered sitdown facebuster by Potright! Gibson was laid out on the floor, as Potright leaped to the top rope. The people in attendance knew this was very dangerous to do in a battle royale, but they also noticed that Potright was willing to take that risk. Potright stood on the top rope and held his arms out in a crucifixion manner. Suddenly Potright flipped backward and hit Gibson with a HUGE Crucified Shooting Star Press, a move Potright calls Christ Air! Potright hit the move perfectly, but hurt himself in the process, as he fell next to Gibson holding his stomach.
Miles Blunder pulled Lightning to his feet and whipped him to the ropes. Lightning returned and was almost throw over Blunder's shoulder, but Lightning held onto Blunder and pulled him up and dropped down with a quick piledriver...a move not usually used by Lightning. Blunder was out cold, as Lightning quickly went to the apron and slingshotted off with a leg drop to Blunder in one quick moment.
Suddenly, the countdown began...
The fans jeered wildly, as the logo of Xtreme Wrestling Federation popped up on the jOltron once more. They knew the man that was coming out, and really didn't wish to see him come out. It was Blazer, the other half of the brand new jOlt tag team champions. Blazer came out with a wide smile on his face, as he dragged the jOlt Tag Team Championship down the ramp, to much of the dislike of every single fan. Blazer finally hurled the Title into the pole, and slowly entered the ring, into the battle.
Back in the ring, Lightning had pulled Blunder to his feet and cornered him. Lightning lifted up Blunder's legs and attempted to eliminate one of his adversaries. On the other side, both Gibson and Potright slowly began to get to their feet, but not before meeting with the fully healthy Blazer. Blazer looked down at Gibson and quickly shot him down with a sitdown dropkick. Blazer got to his feet and looked down at Potright, pulled him up to his feet and hit a standing enziguri kick, knocking Potright flat on his face.
Blunder began to fight off Lightning, refusing to get eliminated any time soon, but Lightning used all his power to keep Blunder on the edge of the ropes, nearly falling over them.
Blazer pulled Potright to his feet and whipped him to the ropes, Blazer ducked down, looking to throw Potright over his shoulder...but Potright haulted just in time and quickly nailed Blazer with a spinning DDT, using the ropes to spin at a 360 degree turn! The fans jumped up, as Potright got back to his feet and tore the XWF T-Shirt off of Blazer and hurled it into the crowd. Potright pulled Blazer to his feet when suddenly...
Potright was floored by a running title shot to the head, but Dave Gibson. Gibson looked down at the fallen Potright, and than looked down at the IOW Television Title he must've gotten while hurt. The fans jeered wildly as Gibson smiled, pointing over the top rope...indicating the elimination of Sam Potright. Gibson slowly dropped his IOW Television Title and pulled up Sam Potright to a vertical base. Gibson grabbed Potright back the hair and pointed over the top rope once more and thus hurled Potright over the top rope....the fans jeered as Gibson celebrated in the ring...
But suddenly, the fans changed their reaction to massive cheers, Gibson scratched his head and slowly turned around to notice Potright was holding onto the ropes! Potright was nearly eliminated and dangled on the ropes, attempting to pull himself up. Gibson had enough of this and walked over to the dangling Potright, but suddenly, Potright pulled his body up, and wrapped his legs around Gibson's head! And before the fans knew it, Gibson was thrown over the top rope with a headscissors!!

The fans blasted in cheers, as Gibson fell to the mats below...and Potright fell on the apron to safety.
Gibson was livid, and attempted to attack Potright, but was quickly escorted away from the ring by officials. Gibson began to yell about his IOW Television Title, which was still in the ring...but not only that...but because it was being held by Blazer. Blazer held the title in his grasp, and the moment Sam Potright turned around on the apron, Blazer blasted him across the head, and knocked Potright out of the ring...eliminating Sam Potright from the Battle Royale.

Directly after the attack, Blazer threw the IOW television title at Gibson, and looked back to the action.
Finally, Blunder got out of the predicament he was in after thumbing Lightning directly in the eye. Lightning staggered back, right into a backdrop by Blunder. Blunder got back to his feet and noticed Blazer charging in, Blunder quickly leaped up and dropkicked Blazer right in the chin. Blunder pulled Blazer to a vertical base and began sending elbow shots to Blazer's cranium. Blunder than looked to whip Blazer, but Blazer reversed by pulling at Blunder's arm, bringing him in and knocking him down with a sharp standing clothesline.
The countdown was back up on the jOltron once more, this time, as Blazer and Blunder fought, Lee Lightning stood awaiting the next participant...
Suddenly a new theme song blasted across the arena, the fans looked up at the entrance ramp in excitement as "Connection" by Elastica blasted across the arena. It seemed it was someone new to the jOlt ranks of sorts. The ring announcer grabbed a card handed to him and slowly read the contents.
"This man is a former fWo Hardcore Champion, and is a former jOlt wrestler from Season 1...Ladies and Gentlemen I give to you...THA MUTHA FUCKIN' ABUSAH OF YO MOMMA!"
And just like that the fans blew up in cheers as The Abusah came from behind the curtain with a wide grin across his face. He waved to some of the crowd in attendance, and even slapped a few hands on the way to the ring. Lee Lightning just stood in the ring, very focused on attacking the famous TMFAOYM.
Blazer turned his attention off Blunder as well after hitting him with a spinebuster, and cocked one eyebrow up as he looked at The Abusah.
Both Blazer and Lee Lightning stood, both looking at The Abusah as he circled the ring to slap every front row fans hand. Blazer slapped his forehead in disbelief, as Lightning stayed focused on Abusah. Abusah finally slid into the ring, and thus he was prey. Lightning charged and immediately attacked Abusah before he could even get to his feet. Blazer joined, charging and beginning to stomp on Abusah. The fans jeered wildly as a BIG fan favorite such as Abusah was being taken out by two men hated by jOlt fans everywhere.
Lightning tapped Blazer on the shoulder and before the fans knew, they had formed an alliance to take out Abusah. Blazer pulled Abusah to a vertical base and whipped to Lightning, who quickly floored Abusah with quick cresent kick. Abusah was out on the mat, as Lightning bounced off the ropes and dropped a scissors kick-esque leg drop across the chest of Abusah. Suddenly, in the corner of Blazer's eye, he noticed Blunder getting back to his feet. Blazer quickly charged in and began to pound away on Miles Blunder, who had stayed in the ring the longest out of anyone in the ring currently.
Lightning pulled Abusah back to his feet and began to bitch slap Abusah over and over, yelling cusses at the former fWo superstar. Lightning let out a great laugh as he whipped Abusah to the ropes for yet another move. But as Lightning turned around to face Abusah, whom bounced off the ropes, he was met with one of the most famous finishers in the wrestling business EVER...
The fans popped to their feet and cheered wildly as Abusah nailed Lightning with the ABUSAH SPEEAAR~! Abusah jumped up and let out a loud war cry, to much of the approval of the fans. Blazer turned around, hearing the war cry, and charged at Abusah...only to receive...
The second one of the night, as the fans jumped to their feet for TMFAOYM!! But the action wasn't over yet, as the countdown began once more...
"Long Road Out of Hell" blasted across the arena, and really got to pop whatsoever as The Magi came from behind the curtain. Magi looked out at the crowd, who really gave him no big response, and quickly charged into the ring. Magi looked up quickly as he entered the ring, and was face to face with The Abusah! The fans cheered for Abusah, as Magi just stood and stared at Abusah. It was a standoff, which quickly got Abusah bored. Abusah began to dose off, and once he began to fall into the symptoms of A.D.D., Magi attacked. Magi quickly hit Abusah with a straight punch to the jaw, than hitting Abusah with a kick to the stomach...doubling over TMFAOYM. Magi than hooked Abusah in a front face DDT, and slammed him down onto his face.
Miles Blunder began to get to his feet, and as he did, he noticed how Lee Lightning and Blazer were both knocked out on the mat. Blunder quickly walked over to Lee Lightning and pulled him up to his feet. Blunder than lifted Lightning onto his shoulders, charged towards the ring ropes, and in no struggle at all, Lightning collapsed over the top rope and to the outside.

It was now down to four men in the ring; Blazer, Blunder, Abusah and Magi.
Blunder quickly walked over to Blazer, hoping for the same sort of luck, but it seemed the luck quickly faded as Blazer low blowed Blunder hard, forcing Blunder to fall to his knees.
Magi quickly pulled Abusah back up and lifted him off his feet with a quick scoop slam. Magi than measured up Abusah and dropped an elbow right into the skull of Abusah.
Blazer slowly pulled Blunder up and positioned him in the center of the ring. Blazer locked Blunder up, and lifted him off the mat and back down, head first, with a perfectly executed piledriver. Directly after the move, Blazer decided to wear down on Blunder with a sleeper hold, and quickly wrapped his legs around Blunder's waist...and his arms around Blunder's neck. Blazer locked in a perfect Rear Naked Choke Hold, and pulled tight on the submission.
Magi had pulled Abusah back and kicked him in the gut once more, as Abusah doubled over, Magi bounced off the ropes looking for some sort of surprise attack. But as Magi returned, Abusah looked up and hit Magi with a flapjack. The flapjack caused Magi's neck to bounce off the top rope, and also caused Magi to walk right into a spinebuster by Abusah.
After locking in the hold for the past minute, Blazer noticed Blunder was finally out cold...but just before he could capitalize...
"Let the dollies hit the...FLOOR! ARRRRRRMMMMMMDRAAAAAAAG"
A very butchered version of "Let the Bodies hit the Floor" blasted across the arena. Many of the fans wondered what was going on, but fans of the fWo and Asylum immediately knew who was making his way to the ring. And the arena erupted when they saw the figure of none other than Beef?n! That's right, Beef?n. Beef was sporting a fake, red marker scar across his left eye, and wore a er?n t-shirt, with the r having another r on top to make the "f", and the "Be" added before it all. The fans laughed out loud as Beef?n entered the ring, and into the battle.
Blazer, the native from XWF, just was completely dumbfounded by the idiot that just stepped into the ring. Blazer's eyebrows cocked up, and his jaw nearly dropped. Especially when two men began to faceoff, to men who have never went toe to toe, finally did. As Abusah and Beef went face to face, unmoving whatsoever.
"DIZ IZ GETING BOORNG!" exclaimed Abusah.
Beef quickly agreed, "So, should we fight now or something?"
And just like that, Beef sent a hard right hand into Abusah's face, Abusah quickly retaliated with one of his own. Beef looked up in shock, and dared Abusah to charge at him...Abusah did just that and hit...THE ABUSAH SPEEEEARRRR!! For about the third time going into the battle!! But this time Beef used his Asylum skills to pull off the most devastating move of them all....
The No Sell.
Abusah just stared up in shock and horror, and finally charged towards Beef. Beef was prepared and hit the ultimate move...The Armdrag of Death followed by a loud roar by Beef "ARRRRRMMMMMMDRAAAAAGGGGGG!!!", and thus took over Abusah. But Abusah pulled the same move Beef had just earlier on in the night...
The No Sell.
Abusah charged once more at Beef....."ABUSAH SPPPPPPEAAAR AAAGANNEEEE!!!!"
No Sell.
No Sell.
No Sell.
No Sell.
This went on for quite a bit, as Blazer (the only man conscience) looked on with face that said 'What the Fuck?'. But finally the on going battle stopped, as Beef and Abusah both charge weakly and just bumped into one another and collapsed to the mat. Blazer was just shocked at the display of idiotic comedy in the squared circle. Blazer walked over to the fallen Abusah, and shook his head in disappointment, before pulling Abusah to his feet and throwing him over the top rope...the fans jeered wildly at the elimination of Abusah.

Blazer than looked down on the KOed Beef, and decided to get this over with quick...and in a matter of seconds, Blazer had lifted Beef up by the waist and hurled Beef over the top rope with a release German Suplex. Beef's head smacked the guard rail on the way down, and once Blazer noticed....he laughed.

The fans hated Blazer most of all in this rumble, taking out two fan favorites in the wrestling world. But before Blazer could fully celebrate, he was taken down by a huge clothesline by Miles Blunder! Blazer went down hard, and once he noticed who floored him, he got right back up in a fury. Blazer looked to hit Blunder hard, but Blunder blocked it and took Blazer down with a fireman's carry. Blazer got back up in a fury once more, but Blunder again got on the offensive with a quick hip toss to Blazer.
Suddenly, Magi got to his feet and charged into Blunder with a forearm to the back of the head. It was three people in the ring; Blazer, Miles Blunder and Magi, and all of them wanted to win.
Magi began to pound his forearm hard into Blunder's back, over and over and over, wearing down Miles Blunder. Finally Magi stopped the assault and pulled Blunder to his feet. Magi than lifted Blunder onto his shoulder and looked to flip Blunder over the top rope...but Blunder quickly landed onto the apron. Magi turned around, but before he could get on the offensive, Blunder springboarded over the top rope and hit Magi with a flying clothesline!
Blunder got up, nothing but the prize in his mind. Suddenly, Blazer got to his feet and charged at Blunder, but Blunder ducked an attempted clothesline and nailed Blazer with a neckbreaker. Every fan in attendance was shocked that Blunder was actually...dare they say it....winning! Blunder seemed to have the upper hand as he pulled Blazer back to his feet and whipped him to the corner.
Magi got to his feet and immediately was whipped into the same corner as Blazer, sandwiching Blazer hard. Blunder backed up a bit and charged in, nailing a flying body splash into both Magi and Blazer. Magi collapsed to the mat, but Blazer remained on his feet, which allowed Miles Blunder to capture Blazer with a front face lock and slam him down with DDT! Blunder was actually in control!
But that could all change in a matter of 5 seconds...
"Guilty Until Proven Innocent", and once that theme hit...it reminded the fans to become...silent! As the new International Champion, Jonathan Conspiracy, came from behind the curtain. He looked out at the silent crowd and just sneered in hatred as he dropped his International Title with one of the ring attendants, and slid into the ring. J-Con immediately went after Miles Blunder with a forearm shot to the back, which caused Miles to stagger into the corner. J-Con positioned Miles up and charged, jumping onto Miles' lap and flipping him over J-Con's head with a perfect monkey toss.
Blazer got to his feet and quickly hit an elbow drop into Magi, in order to keep Magi down on the mat.
J-Con got to his feet and pulled up Miles. J-Con sent numerous amounts of blows to the head, and ended the succession of hits with a standing dropkick to the chest. J-Con immediately mounted Miles Blunder and began pounding Blunder's skull in over and over and over, not giving in until he KNEW Blunder was KOed.
Blazer pulled Magi to his feet and quickly slammed him down with a snap suplex. It was obvious that both Blazer and Magi began to get tired from the battle. After the impact Magi remained on his back, as Blazer staggered over to the corner and leaned against the ropes to catch his breathe. This leaving the only action in the ring being J-Con's vicious assault on Miles Blunder, who was now busted wide open because of the new International Champion.
The fans finally gave in and began to jeer J-Con. J-Con stopped his assault on Miles Blunder and smiled widely...he had finally got the fans against him, and he got his heat back. J-Con looked down at Miles Blunder and stood up, looking at his handy work...when suddenly...a chant began within the crowd...a chant that J-Con didn't like to hear at all...a chant that Wippit Guud started on iNtense #4....
The chant got so loud, that nothing else could be heard within the arena. J-Con began stamping down furiously on the ground, and yelling for the people to "Shut the Fuck Up!", but no one listened, and instead continued the chant. Maybe J-Con really didn't want too much heat...after all, who wished to be called a "dildo user"? Certainly not J-Con, who continued getting angry in the ring.
But little did J-Con know, Miles Blunder was back on his feet and quickly drop kicked J-Con OVER THE TOP ROPE....but unfortunately, J-Con held onto the ropes and pulled himself onto the apron. J-Con looked at Miles in shock and yelled out "You son of a bitch!" and charged back into the ring...taking Blunder out with a running roundhouse kick. J-Con quickly pulled Miles back to his feet and whipped him to the ropes...upon Blunder's return, J-Con applied a go-behind and hit one of his finishers in a matter of seconds....The Co-Conspirator, the Falling Reverse DDT! J-Con stood up proud of his work...but just than...
"All Hail the New Flesh" by Strapping Young Lad.
The fans jeered, but some actually cheered as Trey Vincent came running down the rampway, staring directly at J-Con. Trey Vincent lost earlier tonight, he wouldn't lose again...he refused to. J-Con was shocked that TV would be next, but he stood firm and dared TV to get in the battle, and TV did just that.
TV slid into the ring, and J-Con charged in with rage in his eyes. TV ducked J-Con attempted punch, and turned J-Con quickly around. TV sent one punch, two punch, three punch, spat in his open palm and floored J-Con with a fourth punch. J-Con got back up in a rage, but againt TV punched J-Con hard, knocking J-Con on the mat. TV pulled the hurt J-Con back up and whipped him to the ropes, upon J-Con's return, TV doubled J-Con over with a hard kick to the stomach. As J-Con remained doubled over, TV bounced off the rope and hit J-Con right in the back of the head with a hard elbow, knocking J-Con on his face.
Suddenly, on the other side of the ring, Blazer got back up and pulled Miles off the ground and into the corner. Blazer began to stomp down on Miles' chest, over and over and over, refusing to let Miles Blunder have a half a breath. But just than, Magi got to his feet and grabbed Blazer around the waist, Blazer was surprised of the attack, but had no time to reverse. In no time flat, Magi pulled Blazer off is feet and slammed him down with a snap backdrop. Magi got back to his feet and grabbed Miles Blunder, lifted him up on his shoulder and threw Blunder onto the apron. Magi knew Blunder would reverse, therefore he watched Blunder land on his feet and began to punch wildly at Blunder. Blunder held onto the rope with one hand, holding on for dear life.
Magi looked at Blazer and pulled him up and whipped him into Miles Blunder!! Blunder nearly fell to the outside, but as Blunder fell, his legs wrapped around the second rope, as he hung upside down, still in the battle. Magi quickly grabbed Blazer and dropped him down with an atomic drop, throwing Blazer aside to attack Miles.
TV pulled J-Con back to his feet and cornered him in the ring, and began sending punch after punch after punch, as TV ended it with a wind-up super punch that almost sent J-Con over the top rope, but J-Con quickly pushed off the ropes and slammed himself on the mat, just to stay in the rumble. It was an all out brawl, TV against J-Con, Magi fighting Blazer and trying to eliminate Blunder...and with all this going on...more was to happen in 5 seconds...
"Freedom Fighter" by Creed blasted across the arena, as "Daunting" David Dew, the other half of The Elements, came from behind the curtain. The fans jeered, as David Dew strolled down the rampway, in no such rush to get involved. Unlike his partner, he wouldn't be eliminated, he just wouldn't allow it. Dew neared the ring, and looked on at the action from the outside.
He watched as TV demolished J-Con in the center of the ring, and he watched Magi and Blazer fight it out as Blunder was having trouble re-entering the ring. Dew took a deep breath, looked up at the ceiling and slid into the ring, ready for battle. Immediately following his entrance into the ring, he charged at Blazer and Magi and took them both down with a double clothesline. Dew than pulled Magi to his feet and powerbombed him with AUTHORITY, almost breaking Magi in two. Blazer got to his feet and staggered into Dew, who lifted Blazer up and right back down with a Full Nelson Slam.
On the outside, Blunder finally grabbed the rope and pulled himself onto the apron and into the ring, back into the action.
On the opposite end of the ring, TV pulled J-Con back up after an all out assault, backed up and looked for an old school entertainment-esque move...the bionic elbow. But as TV looked for it, J-Con lifted his foot up and lifted it right in between TV's legs..forcing TV to fall to his knees. J-Con measured out TV while he was on his knees and quickly shot TV down with a toe kick...but in this case...a low superkick that forced TV onto his back.
Dew pulled Miles Blunder up and quickly slammed him down with a huge swinging powerslam. It seemed that Dew was all business in the ring, ready for it all. Blazer got back to his feet and looked to tackle Dew down, but Dew sidestepped Blazer, as Blazer than crashed into J-Con! But Blazer didn't seem to mind as he just began to pummel J-Con into the ground now.
Magi got to his feet and charged towards David Dew, but Dew caught Magi as Magi looked for a cross body. Dew held Magi up and pushed him up in the Gorilla Press!! A move Dew calls "I'm Stronger Than You". Dew held Magi up for quite some time and finally hurled him over the top rope, eliminating Magi from the battle.

Dew looked down at Magi, as Magi was being helped to the backstage area, taking his attention away from Miles Blunder...who turned Dew around and quickly hit him with a double underhook face smash!
J-Con pushed Blazer off of him and quickly rolled out of the ring, still not eliminated, but as Blazer went to go after J-Con, he was floored by Trey Vincent who grabbed Blazer and smacked him down with a snap DDT. TV looked down at Blazer and quickly went down to choke Blazer...an illegal move in a singles contest...but perfectly legal in a Battle Royale. But on the outside, J-Con walked over to the ring announcer's table, and pushed the ring announcer off his chair. J-Con grabbed the chair and held it up high...to much of the dislike of the fans in attendance.
Back in the ring, it was Blazer vs. Trey Vincent and David Dew vs. Miles Blunder. J-Con looked into the ring and began counting the men in his ring. J-Con grinned as he thought to himself and re-entered the ring with the steel chair held tightly in his grasp...suddenly the countdown began...J-Con knew he had to hurry...
WHACK! J-Con smacked the chair into Miles Blunder's skull...
WHACK! J-Con smashed the steel over the back of Trey Vincent's head...
WHACK! J-Con cracked the chair across the back of David Dew...
WHACK! J-Con finished it off after smashing the steel across the face of Blazer...
"Raise A Little Hell" by Trooper blasted across the arena, as the fans jumped up in unison...cheering like crazy. J-Con stood in the ring with the chair in his hand, and his eyes wide with shock as he saw WIPPIT GUUD coming down the entrance ramp! The fans blasted in cheers as Wippit Guud quickly slid into the ring and charged towards J-Con. J-Con shook off his shock and swung the chair at Wippit...but Wippit ducked the chair shot and bounced off the ropes.
J-Con turned around with the chair held in his grasp...only to have Wippit hit the chair with a front dropkick, forcing the chair to crash into J-Con's skull! The fans jumped up in unison, cheering for Wippit Guud. Guud got to his feet and looked at the steel chair with a wide smile across his face. J-Con slowly got to his feet, as Wippit hurled the chair at J-Con...but J-Con reversed by catching the chair. J-Con grinned at the reversal until he realized that Wippit WANTED J-Con to catch it...as Wippit committed a HUGE back handspring, connecting the chair with both his feet while committing the back-handspring...which caused the chair to crash into J-Con's face! J-Con staggered back into the ropes, now bleeding from his face...
Wippit backed up, committed a cartwheel, followed by a back flip than a flying elbow shot to the face...causing J-Con to fly OVER THE TOP AND TO THE OUTSIDE!!

The fans went crazy as J-Con was eliminated from the battle royale!! But Wippit wasn't done...as he saw J-Con get back to his feet...Wippit bounced off the ropes, springboarded off the ropes and NAILED J-Con with a twister splash to the outside!!

But unforunately for Wippit, due to flying OVER the top rope, Wippit had eliminated himself...to much of the disapproval of the fans. But it seemed Wippit Guud didn't care whatsoever as he began to fight J-Con all the way up the ramp!
The officials poured in, but no one could break it up, as Wippit Guud and J-Con began to fight all the way behind the curtain.
Back in the ring, all the men that were victims of J-Con's chair attacks, began to get to their feet...but than suddenly came the countdown...
"Coming down to the ring, he is one of the new comers to jOlt wrestling...HE IS CALAMITY!"
And thus came forth a very large and muscular man from behind the curtain. This man known as Calamity seemed all business, as he stomped down the entrance ramp and scaled over the top rope and into the ring. Calamity stared down all four men on the ground, keeping an eye on all the men in the ring. The first to get fully up was Blazer, who stared at this large newcomer. Blazer shruged and yelled out as he charged towards Calamity. But suddenly Calamity charged back, caught Blazer and slammed him down with a Belly to Belly Suplex! The next to get up was David Dew, who charged in at Calamity, but Calamity quickly grabbed Dew and hurled him over the top rope and to the outside, eliminating David Dew.

Miles Blunder was next up, and before even charging, Calamity grabbed Blunder and dropped him down with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. The last to get up was Trey Vincent, who quickly rolled out of the ring, avoiding elimination, and avoiding this new comer Calamity. Calamity stared down at Trey Vincent and dared him to re-enter the ring. TV looked on and seemed to be re-entering, until Blazer got up and began to pound away on Calamity from behind. Blazer wouldn't give in, just threw random punches, attempting to get Calamity hurt.
Calamity did feel the pain, but fought it as he grabbed Blazer by the waist and hurled him over the top rope!

The fans were shocked at the adrenaline rush of Calamity, as he had just eliminated two men from the rumble. But he knew he wasn't done, he had two more in that ring to take care of. He looked down at Miles Blunder, the bloody and beaten Blunder...and began to stalk towards him.
But suddenly a sharp pain overcame Calamity's back, and caused Calamity to hit the mat...
Another sharp pain, this time throughout Calamity's head...thanks to two steel chair shots by Trey Vincent. TV looked down at Calamity and set the chair down in the center of the ring. TV than pulled Calamity to his feet, kicked him in the stomach and DDTed him onto the steel chair. Calamity remained out in the center of the ring, as TV looked down at Calamity and called for the BIG TIME FIST DROP. TV bounced off the left side of the ring, hopped over Calamity, bounced off the right side...hopped over Calamity once more and bounced off the south side....than hopped over Calamity once more, bouncing off the north side of the ring, jumping up and hitting Calamity with the Big Time Fist Drop, the fist drop with pizazz!!
Suddenly, the countdown resurfaced, as Trey Vincent began to stomp down upon the fallen Miles Blunder.
"Voices" by Disturbed blasted across the arena, as a mixed reaction blurred around the arena as Steven Denton came forth from behind the curtain. Denton wasted no time, excited to get into the battle, and slid directly into the squared circle. Denton immediately pulled Calamity to his feet and whipped him to the corner, Denton immediately pulled Calamity off the corner and hit a perfect reverse STO, slamming the newcomers face into the mat!
Trey Vincent pulled Miles Blunder to his feet and began to pound away onto the bloody skull of Miles Blunder. Blunder staggered into the corner, as TV nailed a hard punch to Blunder's face...than a second punch to the face of Blunder...followed by a third....TV than held his hand out to the other side, spat on his palm, curled up his fist, wound up and than nailed a super punch right into the jaw of Blunder, causing Blunder to fly up and crash on his back.
Denton pulled Calamity right back up and whipped him to the ropes, but upon return, Calamity leaped up and hit a flying shoulder block onto Denton, knocking Denton right off his feet. Calamity shot back to his feet and grabbed Denton to a vertical base. Calamity proceeded to lift Denton off his feet and hit him back down with a hard scoop slam, followed by an elbow drop to the heart of Denton.
TV looked down at the bloody Blunder and pulled him right back up, for TV wasn't done just yet. TV grabbed Miles by his head and looked to slam Miles' skull into the turnbuckle, but Blunder placed his foot on the second rope and blocked the attempt. TV tried again, but Blunder blocked once again. Blunder finally gained the upper hand, elbowing TV in the stomach and smashing TV's face into the turnbuckle...for a full TEN times! TV staggered back and went down punching the air. Blunder grabbed TV by the legs and slingshot TV right into the corner. TV staggered about a bit before falling flat on his face from the pain in his head.
Calamity pulled Denton right back up and pulled him off his feet and dropped him down hard with a huge atomic drop, that bounced Denton's crotch right off Calamity's knee! The pain could be felt throughout the arena, as Denton yelled out in utter pain. But Denton didn't have much time to relax the pain in his crotch, for Calamity pulled him right back up and corner Denton and began ramming his shoulder into Denton's stomach.
Suddenly, the countdown began once more...
"Born in the USA" by Bruce Bringsteen blasted across the arena, as none other than Brandon Ramos from behind the curtain and began walking down to the ring, ready for battle. He had lost once tonight, he wouldn't let it happen again. Ramos wasted little time in getting to ring, and quickly slid inside and immediately began to attack Miles Blunder, who WAS attacking TV.
Ramos grabbed Blunder and quickly slammed him down with a backdrop, as TV got back up and began to choke at Miles Blunder. Ramos, eventhough he was all for MORALLY CORRECT moves, didn't mind TV's attack and began to stomp down upon Blunder's stomach and chest. Blunder was obviously getting beaten down terribly.
Back in the corner, Calamity had finally stopped his assault on Denton, and quickly turned his head to look at both Trey Vincent and Brandon Ramos. Ramos quickly noticed Calamity staring and charged with full force, only to be lifted up and over with an over the shoulder press, slamming Ramos down hard. Trey Vincent turned around, but it was too late to defend himself, as Calamity lifted TV up and down with an over the head belly-to-belly suplex! Calamity was right back in control!
Calamity lifted Ramos back to his feet and quickly placed him on his shoulders. Calamity than lifted Ramos up and slammed Ramos' stomach across his knee with a huge gut buster! Calamity than looked towards Trey Vincent and quickly pulled him up as well, TV frantically tried to escape, but Calamity quickly waist locked Trey Vincent and slammed him down with a hard german release suplex!
Calamity quickly got up and stared down at both Trey Vincent and Brandon Ramos, who were clearly KOed from the abuse that Calamity had inflicted on them both. But suddenly, Steven Denton staggered towards Calamity, determination in his eyes. Denton spun Calamity around, kicked him hard in the stomach, grabbed Calamity and drove him down with a Cradle Piledriver out of nowhere. The move took the last of Denton's energy, as he laid motionless after the move was committed.
All current members in the rumble were laid out; Steven Denton, Brandon Ramos, Miles Blunder, Trey Vincent AND Calamity. No one seemed to have enough energy to really continue at full pace...when suddenly...
Everyone in attendance had no idea what was happening, as both Derecho & Blazer were eliminated. No one knew who was coming out, as the XWF theme song blasted across jOlt's PA system. Suddenly the jOlt tag team champions Derecho and Blazer, came from behind the curtain. Both men were hurting and winced in pain, but they seemed a bit excited, as Blazer grabbed a microphone and began to speak.
"Seeing as how both of us gave up in this Rumble, after all we do already have gold here...", smiled Blazer, "We have decided to bring back a jOlt wrestler for YOU people...welcome everybody...the Roid Monkey himself...VIC CREED!"
And suddenly, the fans jeered even louder, expecting KODIAK Vic Creed, but gaining...Paul~! Vic Creed. The fans booed loudly, as the jobber from XWF named Paul~! came from behind the curtain, complete with Vic Creed body suit that seemed two sizes too much for the young Paul~!
Paul~! Vic Creed slowly came down the ramp, barely able to move his neck side to side, obviously mocking former jOlt star Kodiak Vic Creed. Paul~! rolled into the ring, and looked down at all the five fallen superstars in the ring, and smiled widely, yelling out "HI MOM!! I'M ON TV, AND I BEAT FIVE GUYZ UP!! YAH!!". Paul~! began to jump up and down in frenzy, as the fans sighed in disbelief.
On the entrance ramp, Derecho and Blazer laughed out loud. Both laughing histerically at their little prank for the Unwanted Battle Royale.
Back in the ring, Paul~! Vic Creed had pulled up Steven Denton and called for the move that would end it all....The Plain's Man finisher...POWER TRIP~! Paul~! looked to Gorilla Press Denton up high, but he couldn't even get Denton off the ground. The Plain Man breathed deeply before popping a few pills, and again trying to lift Denton when suddenly...
One of Paul~!'s inflatable biceps POPPED from the usage of the pills! Paul~! looked at his bicep and screamed in horror, but as he screamed, he forgot all about Steven Denton...who looked pretty angry at the whole 'Make fun of jOlt' skit by the XWF idiots. Denton proceeded to grab Paul~! and plant him with the Denton Driver! The fans cheered wildly, as Denton wasn't done and planted Paul~! AGAIN with the Denton Driver.
Somehow Paul~! got to his feet, but only to walk right into Calamity...who lifted Paul~! up and drove him down with a Death Valley Driver. Paul~! again stood up, staggering around in the ring, but soon enough, he was clotheslined over the rope by Steven Denton, and eliminated from the Unwanted Battle.

Denton spat at the fallen jobber from XWF, in complete disgust, but the moment he turned back around, Calamity almost took his head off with a thunderous clothesline.
Back on the other side of the ring, Brandon Ramos was getting to his feet and looked down at Trey Vincent. Ramos walked to TV and snatches TV's legs, and before TV knew it, he was locked in the Elevated Single Crab that Ramos calls his "Ramos Submission". TV screamed in pain, attempting to break free from the hold, but still remained helpless.
Calamity grabbed Denton back to his feet, but Denton quickly reversed any sort of offense Calamity looked for by dropping Calamity with a quick Downward Spiral. Denton was quickly in control once again, as he began to stomp down upon Calamity's head.
Suddenly, Miles Blunder began to get to his feet again, and noticed Ramos locking in his Ramos Submission upon TV. Blunder saw his chance, charged in and CLOTHESLINED RAMOS OVER THE TOP ROPE!!

The fans were shocked that Blunder was back into the match, as was Ramos. Ramos began throwing a fit outside the ring, saying that Blunder eliminated him in an illegal fashion...but Ramos was still elimination and escorted backstage...still bickering about his 'illegal elimination'.
It was down to four men; Steven Denton, Miles Blunder, Calamity and Trey Vincent.
When suddenly...
No music played across the arena, and instead...the lights went out. The fans cheered in excitement, as the wrestlers in the ring looked around frantically wondering what was going on. Suddenly, a very familiar theme blasted across the arena...the men in the ring looked out at the entrance ramp...for they knew who's theme song it was. The fans knew as well, and cheered like crazy as "It Gets Me Through" hit across the PA System...a theme song that belonged to one single man. And that man was making his way to the ring.
That man was Erik Rave.
The fans blew up as Erik Rave came back earlier than expected! Rave had bandages all around his body...one across his skull, another across his left arm, and one around his left shoulder...but he walked towards the ring like a true warrior...fighting the pain and not showing a hint of it. Erik Rave was last seen on iNtense #3 against KroW, where the firey end of their match took place...but Rave was back ALREADY.
The lights came back on, as all the wrestlers were shocked to see Erik Rave back in jOlt so soon. Rave stood at the base of the ring, and stared back at them all...and without a notice of warning, Rave slid back into the battlefield and was ready for a fight. He charged at Trey Vincent and quickly took him down with a dropkick. Calamity charged at Erik Rave, but Rave ducked a clothesline and superkicked Calamity down. Miles Blunder now took a shot at Rave, but Rave blocked it and floored Blunder with a clothesline. Denton shruged and looked to attack Calamity, but Rave wouldn't let anyone go, as he whipped Denton to the ropes and slammed him down with a spinebuster. In a matter of seconds, Erik Rave had just floored every man in the ring.
Trey Vincent got back up and began punching the air, dizzy from the impact of the clothesline, and dizzy from immense pain. He backed up right into Erik Rave, who turned him around and sent him flying over the top rope!

Trey Vincent was now eliminated from the rumble.
Steven Denton than got up and locked a waistlock around Rave, but Rave quickly reversed it with a waistlock of his own. Rave looked for a German Suplex, but Denton held onto the rope to stop the move from happening. This allowed Rave to blasted Denton in the back of the head with a headbutt and send Denton over the top rope with a clothesline. Now Steven Denton was eliminated.

Erik Rave quickly turned around, but was soon slammed down on the mat with a hard spear by Calamity. Calamity starred down at Erik Rave and saw nothing but another opponent. Calamity pulled Rave to his feet and began blasting Rave in the head with vicious forearms. Suddenly, Miles Blunder got back to his feet, but instead of attack Rave, Blunder turned Calamity around and hit Calamity with the "Jaycloth DDT"!
Blunder than grabbed Rave and sent him to the corner. Blunder than charged, only to receive a boot directly in his face. Blunder staggered backward, allowing Rave to scale the second rope and nail Blunder with a jumping bulldog. But before they knew it, the time limit had passed, and the countdown was going down...
"Cyclops Rock" by They Might Be Giants blasted across the arena. The fans gave a decent pop as the other half of Deadly Sins came forth from the behind the curtain in the form of Jake Walker. Walker knew there were no tag team partners in this kind of match...and thats what made all the more exciting. Jake Walker ran into the ring and immediately pulled Calamity to his feet and began elbowing him in the forehead.
Erik Rave pulled Blunder to his feet and whipped him to the corner. As Blunder hit the corner, Rave charged and sandwiched Blunder with a body splash. The impact caused Blunder to stagger forward and fall flat on his face. While this was happening, Jake Walker whipped Calamity to the ropes, upon return Walker looked for a cross body, but was caught and slammed down hard with a authority with a thunderous powerslam.
Rave pulled Blunder up to his feet and quickly began smacking Blunder upside the head with hard elbow shots to the face. Rave whipped Blunder to the ropes, Rave looked for a clothesline, but Blunder ducked and quickly escaped the mayhem by sliding underneath the ropes. Blunder was a bloody mess, bleeding from the forehead. Blunder collapsed on the outside, breathing hard, as officials crowded around Blunder, asking if he wished to leave...but Blunder refused, and continued to rest. Rave looked over the top rope at Blunder and just snickered at him, and went to face the other two men in the ring.
The moment Rave turned around, he was face to face with the newcomer named Calamity. The fans were excited, seeing the true potential in Calamity, but also seeing the fire in Rave's eyes. The two men stood, unmoving, in an old fashion showdown. Rave nodded at Calamity, and Calamity nodded back, and before anyone knew...the two were in a huge fight. Rave slammed his fist into the face of Calamity, Calamity staggered back but returned the favor and hit his own right hand. Rave staggered back against the ropes from the pain. Calamity charged at Rave, but Rave saw the attack and speared Calamity down hard. Rave got to his feet and pulled Calamity up with him. Rave whipped Calamity to the ropes, and looked for a hip toss...Calamity blocked the attempt and slammed Rave down with a swinging neckbreaker.
Jake Walker slowly got to his feet and looked on as Calamity pulled Rave to his feet and whipped him to the corner. Calamity looked to charge at Rave, but was suddenly floored by a hard dropkick by Jake Walker. The hit smacked Calamity in the back of the head, and caused Calamity to fall flat on his face. Walker pulled Calamity to his feet and whipped him right into Rave. Calamity staggered forward and right into a double arm DDT by Jake Walker! Walker was in control, but that could all change as the countdown began once again...
"Higher" by Creed came blasting across the arena as Lawrence Clamentia charged towards the ring. Clamentia didn't receive any big ovation, but he did surprise everyone with a vicious spear taking down Jake Walker immediately. Clamentia looked over at Erik Rave, who was still in the corner, and began to stomp towards Erik Rave. Rave was prone to any attack, as Clamentia charged and hit a clothesline. The clothesline sandwiched Rave and forced Rave to collapse.
Calamity began to get to his feet, as did Jake Walker. Walker quickly charged at Calamity. Calamity prepared himself, ready to pull Walker right off his feet, until Walker changed his plan and slid in between Calamity's legs and to the outside. Before Calamity could turn around to face Walker, Walker tripped Calamity and pulled him underneath the rope and to the outside. Walker quickly grabbed Calamity and whipped him into the steel steps nearby. Calamity's mass caused the stairs to fly into the guard rail, but impact was so immense that he knocked Calamity out momentarilly.
Walker quickly lifted the apron and looked under the ring. The fans became excited once Walker pulled out a trash can and held it up high for all the fans to see. Walker held onto the trash can tightly and slammed it against the fallen Calamity. Walker lifted the trash can up once more and quickly slammed it down upon Calamity once more. For once, Calamity seemed pretty knocked out from the attack, and remained unmoving in the ring.
Back in the ring, Rave was pulled up by Clamentia and quickly taken down with a quick DDT. Clamentia looked over to the corner and quickly mounted the second rope. Clamentia measured out the fallen Rave and proceeded to drop a leg across the chest of Erik Rave. Rave was exhausted from the contest, as Clamentia looked down at Rave, with a smile across his face. When suddenly, Jake Walker re-entered the ring and immediately attacked Lawrence Clamentia.
But little did they know...the countdown would begin again...
"Walking Through Barb Wire" by Papa Roach blasted across the arena. The fans looked up on the rampway, very unfamiliar of the theme song that played loudly across the arena. They all waited and waited, but no one came out to the waiting millions. The ring announcer was handed an envelope by one of the nearby attendants. The announcer opened it up, and as Walker and Clamentia battled in the ring, the announcer had an announcement to be made.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, another of the new blood to the jOlt Empire...he is formerly of the IOW..he weighes in at 368 pounds and stands at seven feet, one inche...ladies and gentlemen I bring to you...MIKE MCCLURE!!!"
The IOW fans in attendance jumeped up, as the fans of purely jOlt (or those not familiar with IOW), stood and were shocked by the size of the man who came from behind the curtain. The big 7'1" named Mike McClure came stomping down the entrance ramp, staring directly in the ring. McClure was a big man, and well built. It would be hard to get this man out, and every man in the battle...knew it.
McClure looked up in the ring, watching as Clamentia and Jake Walker began to get into a very large fist fight in the center of the ring. McClure than peered over at Erik Rave, who was currently beginning to get to his feet, inside the ring. McClure than surveyed Miles Blunder, who was bleeding badly, but still getting to his feet on the outside. And finally, he noticed Calamity, who began pulling himself up. McClure slowly walked over to Calamity and pulled him to his feet. And in an instant he forced Calamity to the ground with a very large throat toss across the ringside area. Calamity, for his size, was hurled across the ringside area, and was obviously in pain.
McClure gave one last glance at Calamity, and at the shocked audience, and quickly rolled into the ring...ready for battle.
In the ring, Lawrence Clamentia had finally gotten the upper hand on Jake Walker after reversing an attempted Northern Lights Suplex, by DDTing Jake Walker to the ground. The moment Clamentia got to his feet, was the moment he was eliminated.

He walked right into Mike McClure, who lifted Clamentia up with a Military Press, and hurled him over the top rope. Lawrence Clamentia was eliminated.
Jake Walker got to his feet, grasping the trash can in his hands...the one he had used on Calamity just earlier on. Jake Walker stalked behind McClure, and lifted the trash can up above his head. And in an instant, Walker brought the trash can down...except...there was no trash can...for McClure had punched it right out of Walker's hands. Walker looked up in shock, as McClure grabbed Walker and whipped him to the rope. Walker ducked a big boot, and looked for a superkick...but Mike McClure grabbed Walker's leg, and pulled him in with a BIG clothesline, knocking Walker down hard.
McClure pulled Walker right back up and called for a some sort of move, a move that the IOW fans went nuts for...a move called...The Avalanche. McClure lifted Walker up with the powerbomb-esque setup...lifted Walker up high (Last Ride-esque), and ran with Walker...and slammed him down hard with the modified running powerbomb he calls the Avalanche. The fans were amazed by the power of McClure, as Walker began to combulse in the ring. McClure pulled the KOed Walker up and just lifted him up with a body slam, and dropped him on the outside.

And just like that, another newcomer had eliminated two men...this time it was within the first minute of his entry. McClure looked down at Walker and just snorted, going back into the ring...but as he did, he met something...
The Jaycloth DDT.
In no time flat, Blunder had used his last bit of energy to slam the big McClure down with his signature move called the Jaycloth DDT. McClure was down, as was Blunder...when Calamity re-entered the battle. Calamity was enraged and quickly began to attack McClure with a fury of stomps. Blunder remained out and slowly crawled over to the corner...when Erik Rave got back to his feet. Rave charged in and began to attack Calamity. Rave whipped Calamity to the ropes, and upon Calamity's return, Rave slammed him down with a huge powerslam!
McClure finally re-surfaced and quickly grabbed Erik Rave...but Rave was ready. Rave began to punch wildly at McClure, over and over, punching and kicking, just to get the big man into the corner. Rave than proceeded to climb the second rope and began to punch McClure with a series of punches...the old school Ten Count. Rave finally stopped and flipped the big McClure over with a HUGE Monkey Toss from the corner. The fans were amazed by the sudden adrenaline burst of Erik Rave, who seemed still injured.
Blunder got back to his feet and began to lift Calamity to his feet. Blunder grabbed Calamity, lifted him up and slammed him down with a perfectly executed vertical suplex. The move itself took so much out of the hurt Blunder, that he KOed himself upon the impact, as well as Calamity.
It was down to Rave and McClure. Rave pulled McClure up, but McClure broke free, grabbed Rave by the throat and CHOKESLAMMED Rave down, stopping the sudden adrenaline burst of Erik Rave. McClure looked down at Erik Rave, but before he could attack him further, he felt a sudden pain in his crotch...the fans let out an "OOOOOH!", as Calamity low blowed McClure from behind. McClure felt the outburst of pain and fell to his knees in pain, as Calamity rolled to the corner in an attempt to pull himself back up.
All four men were down, Erik Rave, Miles Blunder, Mike McClure and Calamity....when the countdown began once more...
"Payback" by Flaw blasted across the arena, and the fans simply exploded once more. The fans were pumped up as they saw one of the top picks make his way from the entrance ramp...that man being Brandon Blade. Blade being the first jOlt Champion, had the most drive to become Champion once again. Blade had no love loss with any man in the ring, and looked to eliminate ANYONE in his path. Blade looked into the ring, and noticed all the hurt and battered bodies...Blade definetly had the advantage in this one.
Blade quickly slid into the ring, and looked around at the fallen bodies. Blade walked over to Calamity and pulled him to his feet, Calamity broke free of Blade and looked for a right hand...but Blade blocked the attempt and slammed Calamity down with a surprise DDT! The fans blew up as Blade, with a full rush of energy, bounced off the ropes and dropped a corkscrew elbow drop into the heart of Calamity. Blade was full of energy and proceeded to take it out, as he pulled up McClure. McClure was suddenly LIFTED UP and SLAMMED DOWN by Brandon Blade. The fans went absolutely nuts as Blade bodyslammed the newcomer, who was 368 lbs. and 7'1"! McClure was shocked, as well as hurt, from the move that had just been committed on his debut!
Blade than walked over to Miles Blunder and pulled HIM to his feet. Blade quickly whipped the beaten Blunder to the corner and charged in with a running dropkick to the cornered Blunder. Blunder fell to the mat like a sack of waste, and collapsed with his final breathe of energy. Blade than noticed the last man, unattacked....Erik Rave. And in a flash Blade pulled Rave up and sent him to the ropes.
Blade looked for a tilt-a-whirl on Rave, but Rave stopped Blade's momentum and took Blade down with a flying headscissors! The fans jumped up in unison as Blade was slammed down hard. Blade and Rave both got to their feet, ready for a battle. Blade charged in at Rave, but Rave side stepped. Blade bounced off the ropes, as Rave looked for a clothesline...but Blade ducked it. Rave than bounced off the ropes, as Blade looked for a backhanded chop...but Rave ducked the move. Both men now bounced off the ropes and met in the middle of the ring with a double clothesline.
The other wrestlers slowly began to get to their feet....all but Miles Blunder that is, who remained out cold....exhausted after being the rumble for more than forty five minutes. Thus, that left Calamity and Mike McClure to get to their feet. The two newcomers immediately were face to face. They stared a hole through one another, like a hot knife through butter. Both men were new to jOlt, and both men wished to make an example out of the other...and thus...the battle between the newcomers...began.
Calamity started with a knee to the gut, but McClure returned the favor with a hard forearm shot to the side of Calamity's head. Calamity staggered back as McClure hit yet another forearm to the head. Calamity finally had enough and clotheslined McClure...but McClure didn't fall...he stood, staggering backward. Calamity bounced off the ropes and hit yet another clothesline...but McClure still didn't budge. Calamity finally bounced off the rope once more and charged in...this time McClure had enough and grabbed Calamity by the neck and slammed him down with a swinging chokeslam!
Rave and Blade began to get to their feet, as Rave locked a headlock onto Blade. Blade reversed the hold by whipping Rave off the ropes, but Rave returned hitting Blade with a shoulder block. Blade hit the mat, but wouldn't stay down. Blade pulled himself up as Rave looked for a cross body. Blade fell to the floor, and avoided the hit, as Rave flew through the middle rope and onto the outside. But Rave wasn't eliminated.
Calamity and McClure began to get into a grappling fight, both their bodies now edging across the top rope...both looking to overpower the other and hurl the other out of the ring. But neither were going anywhere. Than, out of nowhere...MILES BLUNDER came charging in towards the two newcomers. Blunder quickly grabbed one leg of each man and lifted them both up and OVER THE TOP ROPE!!!

And just like that, both newcomers of jOlt wrestling were eliminated by one singular man...and that man was....MILES BLUNDER!
The fans began to cheer wildly for Miles Blunder, as Blunder had finally realized that...he had eliminated alot of people. Blunder looked down at Calamity and Mike McClure, who stomped up the ramp angryly, disappointed in their debut. Blunder waved them goodbye, and quickly turned to the ring announcer and asked what number was next to come out...the ring announcer replied that it was #30 to come out next. And it was than that Miles Blunder realized...he was in the ending of the battle royale!
Miles Blunder jumped for joy, and began stamping his feet on the ground in a frenzy. He was celebrating a victory...although he hadn't won anything yet. He still began to kick the ropes happily, and punch the air as if he were Lennox Lewis. Blunder jumped up and down over and over until he began to get dizzy. Blunder began to get dizzy from the constant rush of excitement and accidentally bumped into Brandon Blade. Blunder turned around...only to be eliminated by Brandon Blade.

Blunder got up on the outside and began slapping himself in the head, yelling at himself for not staying cool...and pretty much eliminating himself. Until officials finally got to the bloody Blunder and assisted him backstage, for he was done for the night...
Which left three men...Brandon Blade, Erik Rave...and one mystery #30. Blade looked to the outside, and saw Rave beginning to re-enter the ring. Blade was ready for Rave, and anything that he could dish out, but suddenly...
Blade looked up at the entrance ramp, staring and waiting for the 30th entrant into the battle. Rave got to one knee and did the same...both wondered who would make their way down to the ring and end the entrances into the battle for the World Championship. Erik Rave got fully to his feet and looked at the entrance ramp...
The buzzer went off, indicating that someone was to come out...but no music played. No lights went off...no fireworks blarred...and no 30th entrant. The fans wondered, and figured it was a technical difficulty...but both wrestlers knew it couldn't have been...where was the 30th entrant?
Blade finally turned his attention away from the entrance ramp, and slowly sneaked behind Rave, who was leaning his chest against the ropes...calling out the 30th entrant. Blade measured up Rave, and smiled...ready to pounce. Blade charged at Rave and DROPKICKED Rave in the back of the head...Rave's body went over the top rope...the fans gasped...as Blade raised his arms in victory...turning his attention away from Rave and celebrating his next jOlt World Championship run...
But Rave wasn't eliminated!
The fans jumped up in cheers as Rave held onto the top rope for dear life. His body was dangling, and his feet were nearly hitting the floor, but he was still in the rumble. Rave tried to pull himself back in the ring, but his power was almost completely drained.Blade awaited the official to hand him the World Championship...and became angry when he didn't hear his music blarring across the arena. He yelled out at the ring announcer...
"What gives? Give me the belt!"
"Sorry Mr. Blade, but the match isn't over"
Blade's eyes went wide as he turned around to see Rave frantically attempting to get back into the ring. Blade saw his chance and stomped towards Rave. Blade got to the ropes, where Rave dangled and looked to gain on the offensive...enough to land Rave on the floor, but Rave had other plans. Rave quickly flipped backwards while dangling and wrapped his legs around Blade's head! Rave pulled Blade up and over the top rope with a head scissors!
Rave re-entered ring by rolling in, and believed the match was done...but amazingly Blade remained in the battle...hooking his arm and his leg onto the bottom rope, preventing him from being eliminated. The fans cheered wildly, for the battle wasn't over, and more action was to come. Rave turned around in time to see Blade stand on the apron. Rave bounced off the ropes and charged at Blade...the fans cheered wildly as Rave was about 2 or 3 feet away from knocking Blade off the apron, but Blade saw the move coming...and hit Rave in the stomach with a shoulder. Rave doubled over, as Blade springboarded off over the rope and caught Rave with a springboard bulldog.
It was right back into the ring, neither man was giving in. Blade pulled Rave to his feet and cornered him quickly. Once Rave was set in the corner, Blade began to stomp down upon Rave, not allowing Rave enough time to get the least bit of energy back. Blade pulled Rave back up after a minute of an all out brawl assault, and whipped Rave to the ropes. Rave bounced off and ran right into Blade's belly to belly suplex. Rave was out on the mat, as Blade looked up at the cheering crowd and called for one move that could end it all...something he hadn't done since jOlt's Season One....The Cutting Edge.
Blade pulled Rave to his feet and lifted him up in a backbody hold...Blade walked Rave's body to the corner and placed Rave on the top...facing Rave to the crowd. Blade than proceeded to climb to the second rope and face the ring...and finally fully called for "THE CUTTING EDGE". Blade looked to leap off the second rope, but suddenly he was knocked right down after a hard, vicious elbow shot to the back of Blade's skull, knocking Blade off the rope and onto the mat.
Blade got up in a fury, determined to hit his move. Blade turned back around to confront Rave, but as he turned around...Rave leaped off the top rope...spun around in mid air....AND CAUGHT BLADE WITH THE TRUE HELL DDT! The fans cheered wildly as Blade's head was smacked into the mat with MUCH authority. The fans cheered for both men, not knowing who to really get behind. The move took alot out of Erik Rave, but he got up nonetheless. Rave staggered over to the fallen Blade, and pulled him up to his feet. Rave looked into the half shut eyes of Blade, both men were worn out and tired...but both wanted to win...the thrive to win drove Blade to break free from Rave and hit Rave with a right hand. Rave staggered back against the ropes, as Blade reared back and hit yet another right hand...the fans cheered wildly as Blade began to fight back out of nowhere.
Finally Blade backed up a few feet and charged at Rave...Blade extended his arm looking for a clothesline. The fans cheered like crazy as Blade got within 2 feet towards Rave...but in a split second Blade's momentum went down...as Rave flipped Blade over the top rope with a hip toss! Rave got up to a thousand cheers...
As Blade landed on the apron!
"HEY RAVE! THIS ISN'T OVER YET!", yelled out Brandon Blade. Rave turned around in shock as Blade sent an elbow right into Rave's face. Blade looked at the crowd, and implied for a high flying move. As Blade looked to springboard off the ropes, Rave saw what was coming and SUPERKICKED Blade before he could get off the apron. The impact caused Blade to lose his grip on the ropes and apron, and fall to the outside! The fans went crazy!

The bell rung.
Erik Rave fell to his knees and raised his closed fists up in victory. It was over. Rave had returned to the jOlt earlier than expected...and won the battle. On the outside, Brandon Blade looked up at Rave and began cussing beneath his breath. It was a great contest of strength and power. Both men tried their best, but only one would be victorious.
Blade wouldn't except that HE wasn't the one victorious.
Something snapped within Blade, something sinister. Blade suddenly circled the ring and pulled one of the jOlt staff right off his chair. Blade looked once more at the celebrating Rave, and spat in his direction. The fans wondered what was happening to Blade, and seemed worried as Blade clapped a steel chair together and slid into the ring.
Rave got to his feet and ascended the second rope in victory, holding his fists up high, when suddenly...
The fans couldn't believe it. Brandon Blade had just smacked Rave across the back with a steel chair! Rave fell to the mat, but luckily landed on his feet....or maybe not so lucky...
Blade than slammed the chair right over Rave's skull. The fans were completely shocked and didn't approve at all, as Blade raised the chair one last time and...
Dented the chair over the fallen Erik Rave's face! Blade looked down at Rave, who was now bleeding from the nose, and began to cussing and insulting Rave. Blade began to than stomp away on Rave in a fury. The officials attempted to get into the ring, but Blade quickly chased them away. Something had snapped within Blade, he wasn't the whole-hearted caring, former jOlt Champion they all knew and loved....he was a maniac hell bent on getting his gold.
The fans jeered like crazy as Blade began to choke Rave right in the center of the ring. Rave was helpless, he was weak and helpless. The officials finally poured into the ring and grabbed Blade and proceeded to pull him out of the ring, away from the bloody and beaten Erik Rave. Suddenly, a figure was seen running down the entrance ramp...it was Rave's girlfriend Anna. It seemed she had arrived along with Rave, and quickly slid into the ring to check on her lover. Anna went to check on Rave, as an angry Blade was pushed to the backstage area. Than suddenly...
"Just Got Wicked" by Cold.
The fans looked up at the entrance ramp.
Anna looked up at the entrance ramp.
The ring announcer looked up at the entrance ramp.
"Ladies and Gentlemen...the final participant in the Unwanted Battle Royale...."
Immediately the fans jeered, knowing Rave hadn't won yet. Anna frantically tried to wake Erik up once she heard there was one more person...but little did she know it was...
The fans were shocked, as was Anna, as was the announcer himself who had just read a piece of paper handed to him. And all were even more shocked when they actually saw the figure of KroW appear on the top of the entrance ramp. The fans jeered like wild, as the sadistic KroW came from behind the curtain, smiling in pleasure. KroW looked up at the ring, and quickly stared into the eyes of the frightened Anna...who finally got Rave to sit up-right.
Rave heard the music, and finally saw the man coming to the ring. Rave yelled out a exhausted, "Fuck", as he noticed KroW making his way to the ring. KroW had the bandages on, just like Rave. KroW had one around his neck, one on his shoulder and another on his left knee...but he was there...and ready to battle. KroW licked his dry lips as he neared the apron and looked at both Rave and Anna. And although the fans couldn't hear what KroW was saying, Erik could.
"Two for the price of one, eh Rave?"
That one sentence that KroW had said, made Rave have one more second wind. Rave told Anna to leave the ring, and she did just that and just in time. KroW had scaled the apron, and looked down at the sitting Rave. Rave got to one knee, and immediately winced in pain, and noticed the warm blood dripping from his nose. KroW saw the blood and licked his lips as a predator would towards his prey...because in KroW's mind, thats all it was.
He was the predator.
Rave was the prey.
And thus, KroW entered the ring.
The bell sounded once more, indicating the match wasn't over, and ready to end.
KroW looked down at Rave, who finally got to his feet. Rave winced in pain, as KroW just stood in perfect health, staring into Rave's weakened eyes. KroW laughed a bit, and whispered something to Rave...something Rave could only hear...
"Are you ready to die?"
Rave showed nothing but rage as he answered...
And surprisingly, Rave punched KroW square in the jaw to the liking of many of the fans. KroW was shocked and had no time to return the favor, as Rave punched KroW once again! The fans jumped up as Rave sent a third punch into KroW's jaw, this time KroW staggered backward a bit in complete shock. Rave reared back on last punch and threw it with all his might...unfortunately it hit nothing but air. KroW ducked the shot and got behind Rave within a few seconds. Rave tried to fight KroW off, but before he knew it KroW had lifted him off his feet and slammed him back first with a stalling back drop.
KroW got to his feet and slowly pulled Rave's body off the mat. Rave looked up at the insane eyes of KroW, as KroW looked back with a stone hard face, "You still have fight in you Rave...too bad it will get you nowhere", whispered KroW as he sent a strong closed fist into the forehead of Rave. Rave slowly staggered backward into the corner, a positon he DID NOT wish to be in at this point in time...because KroW had noticed something very exciting and interesting...
The steel chair Blade had left behind, inside the ring.
KroW lifted it up, and as he did, a sense of excitement arose in his body. He looked at the steel weapon and smiled widely, and looked at Rave with wide predator-esque eyes as if to say 'time to die'. Rave looked up in shock as KroW charged with the steel chair, leaped up, and nailed Rave with a front dropkick with the assistance of the steel chair. Rave's face was smacked hard with a huge impact...and caused Rave to fall to the ground in a heap. Anna began to get nervous, as she cheered on for her lover Erik Rave. KroW looked at Anna, smiling in pleasure, and slowly stuck his tongue out at Anna in a sexual, yet sick manner.
Anna looked at KroW, a bit scared for her life. KroW just smiled at Anna and quickly turned his attention back at Erik Rave. Rave slowly began to get to his feet, using the ropes to pull himself to a vertical base. KroW was right there to meet Rave and pulled Rave to quickly drive Rave down with a DDT. The fans booed wildly, as the perfectly healthly KroW took complete advantage of the weak and battered Erik Rave.
KroW pried Rave off the mat and pulled him up once more, KroW wasn't done with Rave's punishment. KroW wanted to punish Rave even more. KroW pulled at Rave's hair and pulled back, forcing Rave to look up at KroW's face. KroW smiled widely and whispered into Rave's ear, "Having fun yet Rave? Because I sure am". And suddenly, something snapped in Rave. Rave stamped upon KroW's foot, causing KroW to grunt in pain and release Rave. Rave than sent a hard right fist into KroW's stomach, causing KroW to double over. This allowed Rave to grab KroW by his long black hair and throw him face first into the mat. The impact was so great that it nearly broke KroW's nose, as a puddle of blood spilled from KroW's nostrils.
Rave's second wind wasn't over yet. Rave pulled KroW right back up and smashed KroW's face into the turnbuckle. KroW's face bounced off and caused KroW to stagger backward in pain, away from Rave. Rave, bloody nose and all, continued to use this sudden burst of adrenaline to power him and whip KroW to the ropes. Rave looked for a clothesline, but KroW ducked the attempt and quickly slammed Rave down with a Falling Reverse DDT.
Anna screamed for Erik to get up, as did the fans, but the only one getting up was KroW. KroW got up in a fury of anger and pulled the steel chair ground the ground once again. KroW looked down at Erik and smiled widely. KroW lifted the chair up above his head and yelled out a war cry before cracking the chair across Rave's skull! Rave rolled out of the ring, as blood began to pour from his skull. Rave yelled out in agony from the shot as he laid out cold on the outside. KroW was glad to follow, dropping the chair off in the process.
Anna quickly scurried away from the battlefield in fear as KroW neared Anna. KroW just glanced at Anna for a moment, but quickly turned back to Erik Rave and pulled him back to his feet. As he did, the fans looked at Rave's face and gasped. Warm blood dripped freely down Rave's face, giving Rave an all natural crimson mask. KroW smiled and slowly whipped Rave right into the steel steps. The steps dent from impact of Rave's shoulder raming into it. Rave was clearly knocked out from the impact, and just laid beside the steps, as KroW neared the scene.
The officials frantically begged KroW to bring it to the ring, but KroW refused to do so just yet and slowly pulled Rave to his feet and rolled him back to the ring...half way. KroW allowed Rave's head to dangle from the apron, prone to any attack KroW had prepared. And in KroW's sick mind, he had many ideas. KroW looked around the ring and lifted the apron up and pulled out a pure metal shovel. The fans gasped as KroW reared back and slammed the shovel forward...but it hit nothing. Rave had rolled into the center of the ring to avoid the move.
KroW grunted in frustration as he slid back into the ring with the shovel, ready to attack. KroW pulled Rave to his feet, but Rave quickly got into the lead as he lifted KroW up out of nowhere and slammed KroW down with a surprise snap backdrop! The fans cheered wildly, as both men remained down, but not out. Rave slowly rose up, grabbing the ropes to reach a vertical base. KroW slowly pulled himself back up as well, ready to continue on...but as he turned around he felt the cold sharp pain of the metal shovel across his chest...at the hands of Erik Rave.
KroW staggered back and coughed up a puddle of blood in the process, Rave threw the weapon aside and decided to end this. Suddenly Rave reared back and looked for a direct punch, but KroW quickly ducked, and due to the impact of the punch...RAVE DROPPED OVER THE TOP ROPE! KroW grinned and raised his hands up in the air...
But it wasn't over...with one arm...Rave held onto the top rope, and shifted his body onto the apron! KroW quickly noticed the cheers and turned around and charged at Rave, who re-entered the ring. KroW looked for a clothesline, but Rave ducked and pushed KroW off his shoulders and OVER THE TOP ROPE!!
The fans blasted with cheers....but unfortunately...it wasn't over.
KroW landed onto the apron and quickly re-entered the ring and floored Erik Rave down with a hard clothesline. KroW had enough and quickly pulled Rave up and called for his finisher. He locked Rave with a front face lock and called for 'The End'! But something stopped KroW....A QUICK LOW BLOW by Erik Rave! KroW yelled out in agony, as he fell to his knees. Erik Rave quickly ascended the top rope, and measured out KroW. The fans screamed in cheers as KroW turned around to see Rave leap off the top...
True Hell DDT.
Was Reversed.
KroW reversed Rave's finisher with a surprise Atomic Drop! Rave bounced off KroW's knee and yelled out in pain. When suddenly, KroW grabbed Rave by the head....
The End.
KroW hit the Running Elevated DDT directly onto Rave! The fans booed wildly as Rave was completely floored by KroW's finisher. KroW smiled widely as he looked down upon Rave's fallen body and began yelling at the fallen Rave, "YOU SEE HOW WEAK YOU ARE?!?!"
KroW pulled Rave to his feet, as Rave just dangled under KroW's grip. Rave was out on his feet, his eyes were glazed over and his heart for the victory was running thin. Rave was done with, he was out of it. KroW seemed to have won...and KroW knew it. He felt Rave's determination grow thin, and he felt Rave's conscienceness slowly fade. And the fans did as well...they hoped for Rave...but they felt The End was near.
KroW dragged Rave's limp body to the ropes and balanced Rave against them. Rave just leaned against the ropes, completely out of it, his eyes glazed over, looking over at KroW's sadistic smile as KroW whispered one thing....a sign of things to come...
"Goodbye Rave"
KroW backed up a bit and looked to bounce off the opposite side of the ring to get a good running charge against Erik Rave. But suddenly, KroW FLIPPED OVER THE TOP ROPE! Anna had lowered the rope, causing KroW to fall over! Anna felt she had done something and smiled, until she noticed....KroW was still in the battle, and wasn't happy at all. He stared directly into Anna's face with rage, and re-entered the ring. KroW looked directly at Anna, and rolled right out of the ring, and began stomping towards Anna. Anna quickly ran from KroW, almost crying as she frantically tripped and dodged all the scattered weapons around the ring. KroW looked directly at Anna, kicking objects out of his path and keeping his eye on Anna.
Anna quickly saw only one way to escape KroW...to enter the ring. Anna quickly rolled into the ring, where Erik stood, KOed on his own feet. Anna had no one to run to, as KroW slowly slid into the ring and stood up, staring at Anna across the ring. Anna attempted to exit the ring, but something had stopped her from doing so...a large hand around her throat. KroW's eyes went wide, and his face went red with rage, as he gripped tightly around the sensitive neck of Anna. The fans booed as KroW looked at Anna, and almost looked to kiss her....until....
KroW was slapped right across the face by Anna. The fans blasted with cheers, as KroW's face jerked to the side. But the fans began to fear for Anna, as Anna feared her own life as KroW turned his face right at her and spat in her face. He than whispered into her ear, "Goodbye...Anna". Anna attempted to scream, but the grip around her neck became so tight, that it cut off her air. He was going to choke her. KroW was going to kill her, end her life. He was going to destroy her right before everyone's eyes.
Than, the fans cheered.
KroW wondered why, until he looked up above...to see Rave leap off the top rope, anger filled in his eyes as he caught KroW and drove him down with the...
True Hell DDT.
There was no reversal, there was no fighting back, KroW was laid out. Rave was near him, but sat up to check on Anna. Anna looked at Rave and reassured him she was fine. Once she was safely out of the ring, Rave looked directly at the fallen KroW and pointed to the outside of the ring. Rave walked over to KroW, as the fans cheered wildly. Rave grabbed KroW by the hair and looked to hurl him over the top rope...
KroW was near The End....
But he reversed, by slamming Rave down with a huge surprise downward spiral! The fans were shocked that KroW had actually fought back, but he had.
KroW began to lift to his feet, but Rave was right there to meet him. Rave charged at KroW with a clothesline, but KroW ducked. The force behind move almost made Rave fly over the top himself, but Rave grabbed the ropes making sure he remained in the ring, but as he turned around....a charging KroW. KroW charged with a clothesline of his own, but Rave ducked...as KroW almost went over the top. KroW than turned around, fury in his eyes....but than came...
The Superkick.
Rave smacked KroW right across the jaw. The fans cheered like crazy as KroW went flying over the top rope...
Anna smiled widely and cheered on as she saw KroW's body fall over the top rope...
But all was lost, all the joy and happiness...because KroW still was in....on the apron.
KroW pulled Rave by the hair and shot him a punch to the head. Rave returned the favor quickly hitting his own shot to the head. KroW reared back and suddenly shot a knee right into Rave's groin. Rave doubled over in pain. KroW than grabbed Rave and pulled him over the top and to the apron. Rave looked up once more to look at KroW, as both men remained on the apron...nearing the end. KroW looked at Rave and smiled as he kicked Rave once again in the groin....and as he did KroW found something very enjoying....the steel chair left over from before. KroW leaned over the apron to pick the chair up, and quickly broke it up with him.
KroW looked over at Anna and yelled out, "Watch! Watch as your beloved Rave falls victim to his weakness!!!"
KroW grinned as he brought the chair up, ready to strike....
The fans went silent...
Time had almost haulted...
Rave was defenseless...
KroW was bringing the chair up high...

The fans blew up as Erik Rave surprised everyone with yet another Superkick, causing the chair to smack KroW directly in the face, and causing KroW to fall off the apron and to the outside.
"It Gets Me Through" blarred across the arena as Erik Rave re-entered the ring. Rave, wearing a crimson mask, collapsed to the mat...right in the center of the ring. The fans blarred with cheers, causing all other sounds to not be heard. Rave laid still, in pain...but laid down as a VICTOR. Anna quickly slid into the ring to check on Erik, who seemed fine, just exhausted. The ring announcer for jOlt slowly entered the ring with a NEW jOlt World Championship and gave to Erik Rave. The fans cheered wildly as Rave got to his feet, holding his ribs in pain, and holding the Title up to the fans around the world. Anna gave Rave a loving hug in the center of the ring, as jOlt had crowned its new Champion.
On the outside, officials poured at the ringside area, and blocked the ring...for KroW was back up. The officials feared KroW would enter the ring once more and clear house...but instead...KroW just looked in the ring in complete shock. His eyes were wide and his jaw had dropped. He looked up as Rave scaled the second rope and held the Championship up high. KroW looked across from him, into nothing but space....his mind was a blur. He had lost his own war. He had lost to the so-called 'weakling'. He had lost his gold. And what surprised everyone, was when KroW actually whispered to himself...
I lost...
His voice wasn't of a dangerous tone...but one more soft and harmless. He was in complete shock. And as he stared into space, he turned around and slowly walked back up the ramp. He was in shock, he wasn't dangerous...the killer had been killed. His heart of the battle was shot through. Rave had won, he had lost. It was something he just couldn't believe. It couldn't be a reality. But it was. And with that in his mind, KroW took one last look at the ring...
I won't believe it...