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Live from United Center, Chicago, Il. ![]() ![]() ![]() The jeers would fall into hindsight with the visual eye candy, dancing across the ominous trinity of super screens. A select bevy of monikers would appear at random exploding on the Arena of Champions one after the other. After the last moniker appeared on the screen new music reverberated throughout the arena speakers. Vince Jacobs in his ring gear made it to the stage as “Villain” by Theory of a Deadman erupted throughout the United Center. The last Legacy champion stood on the stage peering out into the crowd as the lovely Natalia stood by his side clapping for her champion. The fans continued to jeer loudly as Jacobs held both arms out soaking it all in. He held the Legacy Championship high in the air before walking down the ramp in one of his custom made Armani suits. Natalia was right beside her man in a long Vera Wang evening gown with a huge diamond necklace adorning the blue dress. Vince slowly made his way around the ringside area as a few fans were yelling at the champion. Natalia made her way on to the apron waiting for Vince who slowly walked up the steps. Natalia sat on the second rope while pushing the top rope open for her champion. Jacobs made his way through the ropes into the ring where he stood center stage as the fans gave him an earful. Vince smirked as Natalia received a microphone from the timekeeper and handed it to SVJ. Vince took the microphone with a smile and gave the lovely Russian a kiss on the hand. Dawn Cassidy stood in the ring as Vince and Natalia walked around the ring in front of her. The Russian beauty looked at Dawn and then smirked as she stood next to her champion. “Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight I am joined for this special interview by the lovely Natalia and the last Legacy Champion of the now defunct Legacy of Champions, ‘Superstar’ Vince Jacobs.” Dawn said as Vince nodded in approval. “The first question I have is what is your take on the hostile takeover of LoC?” Dawn asked. Jacobs smirked before placing the microphone to his lips. “Good riddance.” Dawn a former employee of LoC looked at Vince with a seemingly unapproved look. “I know some people and probably some of the boys in the back are wondering what I mean by that. Well let’s look at the history of the place. It was bound to die sooner or later with Brandon Thomas at the helm. The company had too many rinse and repeat cycles that I felt like I was in a huge washing machine. The kind that holds Sylo’s **** stained tighty whiteys. Now I understand why that bastard roars so much.” Jacobs smiled as he got a few laughs from some of the fans in attendance.” “The only thing good about that place was that I was the best damn champion it has ever seen. Enough about Legacy of Champions, because it’s dead. This is jOlt now and I intend to make history in this place as I do every place I go.” “Speaking of our new home, why did you do what you did at intense 35 on Sunday?” Dawn spoke as the fans erupted in jeers. “Why don’t you cut to the chase Dawn? You want to know why I kicked Blade’s head off his shoulders.” Vince replied as Dawn shook her head. “I showed the world and Brandon Blade that there can only be ONE champion in this company and that man is yours truly. The only man in wrestle that can put on a show and still look good doing it. Blade was sitting on his couch a few weeks back and he is supposed to come back to wrestling and automatically become World Champion. Brandon Blade was formally introduced to greatness when the Superstar Kick made its debut in jOlt. And now where is the former jOlt champion now. He got fired from his own company and now the biggest prize in this company is the title that I have around my gorgeous waist. See it does not work that way when the Icon is in the building. Blade you can thank me later for putting you back on your couch.” Vince smirked. “At the end of intense you had a stare down with Sylo and on Sunday you will be defending your Legacy Championship against him in the main event. What are you going to do against a man that has been on a rampage?” Dawn asked. “Dawn, Dawn, Dawn. The problem is that most people fear that big blue bastard but I am on a different level than others. I do not fear any man, let alone Jay Sylo. Do you know why Sylo was a Legacy Champion? Because he had Black Tom at his disposal. Now this is the same man that claims I always have someone watching my back. Wasn’t he the same man that turned his back on the fans to join the Faction?” “But you peons are so fickle because now he is back in your good graces because he found God or the high chief smurf or something. Sylo your seven foot frame does not scare me. Your close to four hundred pounds does not scare me. I’ve been in this business far too long and seen far too much for anything to scare me. These other wrestlers may be frightened by the big bad Sylo but I plan to do something that no one has ever done. I plan to make Sylo my big blue *****.” “Vince Jacobs is in jOlt and now the party can begin. Everyone will bear witness to the best wrestler in the world when I do what I always do and that is come out to this ring.” Vince paused. “…and entertain you people with my god given ability. While in the process shutting Sylo’s big fat trap. People think I need to be ready for Sylo because he’s so unpredictable. Well on the contrary, Sylo better be ready for me.” “Thank you for your time tonight Vince.” Dawn spoke. “The pleasure was all yours Dawn.” Jacobs said with a smirk as he and Natalia climbed out of the ring. ![]() ![]() ![]() Where he was going, he didn't know. . .he just felt like taking a stroll around the Arena. Nash wasn't booked tonight. . .he was still injured after all (wink, wink) and that meant that George Garvin (or GOOD GAWD) Gentry, also known as G.G. Gentry had the freedom to do whatever he damn well pleased. He might go shoot the shit with jOlt commentator Nate Powers (his favorite commentator. . .screw that cardboard stiff Michael Buhrman). He might hang out with Donny Layne, jOlt's web guru / interviewer / getter of Jim Johnson's coffee and such (who was actually pretty laid back when he wasn't tending to every beck and call of the pompous Johnson). He might even go and try to find Jon Katz, Jr. to see if he had a "cigarette" or two he'd be willing to share. So between belting out a Lynryd Skynyrd classic and being lost in thought about which jOlt employee he could hassle and how long they would tolerate him, he didn't at all notice the figure coming out of a dressing room door to his left at the exact moment he passed it. Of course, G.G. slammed into the figure and went down with all the grace of a newborn foal taking its first steps, hitting the opposite wall and sliding to the floor as his umbrella went skittering away and his straw boater's hat slid down over his eyes. He immediately felt a strong grip clasp him on one skeletal arm and pull him roughly to his feet. G.G. slid his boater's hat back into place and prepared to give some six foot six, two hundred and eighty plus pound, knuckle dragging, juiced up chimp the verbal beating of his life. . .but for one of the only times in his long life he was struck speechless. . . The long, flowing blonde jOltks. The piercing, cold, blue eyes. The toned, athletic body that shined with a light sheen of baby oil. The two-piece wrestling tights? The. . .Starlet Championship belt strapped around the waist? That's right. G.G. Gentry had just walked smack dab and been thrown against the wall by the one and only newly adopted jOlt Starlet champion herself. . .Aria Murphy. "Sorry, kid. But you should really look where you're walking around here. . .some of these guys aren't as nice as I am. How'd you get back here anyway? Are you from the Make-A-Wish Foundation?" Ms. Murphy said sincerely with a blinding white smile. "First of all m'am," G.G. said, roughly swiping Aria's hand off his arm. "Ya might wanna watch where yer goin'. Who in the hell just barrels out of a room wit'out lookin' where they're goin'? Yer lucky ya didn't knock me unconscious wit those wide hips'a yers. Secondly, I ain't from no damn Make-A-Wish Foundation. . .I'mma gawddamn jOlt employee jus' like you, you rude, brainless, bimbo! I am G.G. Gentry, manager & representative of the greatest Southern wrassler to ever grace Gawd's green Earth. . .The Nashvillain! An' I demand to be treated wit the respect I deserve. Now apologize fer knockin' me against that wall like some gawddamn stampeding wildebeest." "Oh so you're the infamous G.G. Gentry, huh?" Aria said, flipping her blonde hair away from her face and leaning in close to the white-clad G.G. "The manager of that thieving, fat, disgusting, Southern bumpkin punk The Nashvillain? Let me tell you something little man. . .if I gave you the respect you deserved I'd spit in your face and knock you down again you hillbilly eunuch." G.G. straightened to his full height and puffed his chest out like a mating bird. "I'd watch yer mouth Miz Murphy. If ya knew what was good fer ya, you'd keep yer trap shut. If Nash wasn't laid up right now he'd have no problem puttin' ya in yer place. . .hell, I got half a mind to put you in yer place right here and right gawddamn now just fer talkin' like that about a true legend of this business such as The Nashvillain. He's done an' will do just in jOlt more than you'll ever accomplish in yer entire worthless career. You should be off caterin' to yer man. Stayin' in yer place cookin', cleanin', an' havin' the babies. . .or are you one'a them lezbeans?" Aria cackled loudly in G.G.'s face. "So, you're going to put me in my place, huh?" "Yep." "You're going to show me what's good, huh?" "If I gotta. . .that's right." "Well, I'd like to see you try it." She said suddenly getting serious. "Me and you. Tonight. In the middle of the ring." "Excuse me?" G.G. said with a quiver in his voice. His bluff had been called. "You heard me," Aria said, glancing back briefly at the now near trembling G.G. "You and me. In that ring tonight. We're going to have ourselves a little match and we'll see who puts who in their place. Oh. . .and don't make me come looking for you, little man." G.G. watched the reigning Starlet champion sashay down the hallway before slumping against the wall, gulping audibly and wiping a hand across his sweat-laden brow. "Holy hell. What have I got myself into?" ![]() ![]() Reno Davis vs. Adam Lazarus ![]() ![]() ![]() The arena lights began flashing wildly. The fans jumped to their feet. This would be the first time that they had seen this man in nearly a decade. One of jOlt's most influential and interesting stars had returned for it's revival. Reno Davis was home. The former International Champion stepped out onto the entrance ramp, his vibrant red hair wrapped in his trademark bandana. A welcome sight for the fans after rumors had been circulating amongst the IWC websites that Reno had fallen on hard times. That the injuries had caught up with him and he had developed a problem with prescription pain medication. However, the Reno Davis that stood before them on the stage looked to be in great shape and good spirits. Either that or he was one of the best actors on the jOlt roster. He made his way to the ring and slid under the ropes. Giving a few points to some fans that were holding signs with his likeness, Reno headed to his corner of the ring and began stretching. He rolled his neck, as well as his wrists and waited for his opponent. "Praise" by Sevendust. The wait would not be a long one. The arena was washed over in a deep red while white spotlights swirled around the stands before all of them came together at one spot in the second tier seats. There, amongst his people, stood Adam Lazarus. The fans were all singing along to his entrance music, as was customary since his days in the independent circuit. SEE! I'm not what you... THINK! I'm the one who'll... BE! What you never thought would be nothing but now! Laz made his way down through the crowd giving high fives and stopping every-so-often to sing along with the fans. This match was always going to be a battle of fan favorites but the reaction that Laz was getting with this entrance was the loudest of the night, so far. He hopped over the guard wall and leapt up onto the ring apron before, finally, flipping into the ring itself. He turned and walked towards the nearest turnbuckle, hopping up onto the second rope. AFRAID TO OPEN UP YOUR EYES! And now you realize... ALWAYS YOU LIVED IN A DREAM! How would it feel if you could See past the lies Oblivious to all of my cries No hope when I knew that you could... Laz hopped down from the turunbuckle and faced his opponent. *DING-DING!* "The two Underground #1 Contender hopefuls are circling each other in the ring now, and this match is underway," Michael Buhrman informed the fans at home. Reno, known for not giving too much thought to his own wellbeing in the ring, moved in first with a dropkick that was blocked by Laz. Reno quickly rolled out of the way of a double stomp and popped back up to his feet on the ring apron. He hopped to the top rope, catapulting himself back into the ring and hit a beautiful high cross body block that Laz rolled through and turned into a pinning attempt. ONE! TWO! "Kickout by Reno Davis after a great reversal by Laz! This is looking to be one heck of a match!" Laz hit the ropes with a full head of steam and tried for a rolling senton, but Reno Davis got his knees up and caught Laz right in the small of his back. Davis, back to his feet, dropped an elbow across Laz's back and then immediately went into a surfboard stretch variation with Laz laying on his stomach. Nearly bending the indy sensation in half, Reno was clearly targeting Laz's back in preparation for the Straightjacket. Laz's felxibility, however, would make wearing him down a lot more difficult than with any other jOlt wrestler. Reno eventually released the hold and began stomping on Laz's back wildly. In a matter of mere moments, Laz flipped onto his back and caught Reno's foot then took him over with a Dragon Whip. Laz rolled onto Reno's chest and delivered a few quick punches to his jaw. He popped back up to his feet and ran to the turnbuckle, hopping up in one smooth motion. Corkscrew Body Splash! Laz went for the cover... ONE! TWO! "Another kickout by Reno Davis! I think Laz almost had him there, Nate, that was about two and three quarters!" Laz shook his head, got back to his feet, and ran towards the ring ropes. He leapt into them and rebounded through the air, coming off with a perfect spinning wheel kick. But Reno dove into Laz and both men collided and collapsed onto the canvas in a heap. Referee Simon Boulder checked the two grapplers but in an Underground Rules match there would be no ten count. Laz was the first to get to his feet, followed by Reno Davis using the ropes to get back to his. Laz sprinted across the ring and dropkicked Reno -- NO! "Reno Davis just caught Laz's leg in mid air! He's going for it! He's going for it! "STRAIGHTJACKET!" (Queen Angelito Stretch) Laz's body was twisted and contorted and there was no escape, Reno had the Straightjacket locked in tight. It was only a matter of time ... ![]() *DING-DING-DING!* "Adam Lazarus had no choice, he had to tap out!" "Did you see the way Laz's body was bent, Mike, that looked incredibly painful. And it just goes to show you that no matter how much you pander to the fans, if you can't get it done in the ring then you aren't moving forward." "While I don't exactly agree with that, Nate, it's true that Laz is not moving forward ... at least not in this Underground Tournament. That means Reno Davis advances to the second round where he will take on One Eye!" A winded Reno Davis celebrated his victory in the ring while Warriors moved backstage. ![]() ![]() ![]() G.G. Gentry scrambled out of breath into the dressing room he shared with The Nashvillain and collapsed against the door almost fainting in the process. Nash, who had spent the last half an hour playing a heated game of Solitaire jumped up from the wooden bench that ran the length of the room scattering his cards all over the locker room floor. "What is it, G!? Somebody givin' you shit!? Somebody rough ya up!? Who was it? JCON? Sylo? That friggin' stoner punk Adam Lazarus!?" "No. . .no. . .it was Aria Murphy." "Aria, who?" Nash said, his concerned demeanor turning sour very quickly. "Aria. . .Murphy, Nash!" G.G. cried incredulously. "Aria Murphy the current Starlet champion!" "The broad?" "Yes! Yes, the broad!" The Nashvillain cackled loudly. "What happened? Did ya squeeze her tit? Brush up against her ass? Huh?" "No! I was just walkin' down the hall, mindin' my own business when she comes outta nowhere an' knocks me to the ground! She starts beratin' me an' callin' me a snake an' a cheat. She even called you a fat, hillbilly slob! An' then she spit on me, Nash!" "She spat on ya?" Nash said with a puzzled look on his face. "Yeah, she told me she didn't appreciate the way we were handlin' things 'round here, an' that you was a coward an' sucker who can't get the job done on their own! An' on top'a all that. . .she challenged me to a match. . .tonight! What am I gonna do Nash!? You know I can't wrassle! Been there, done that. . .that's why I'm a manager." "Gawddamnit, G.G." Nash said slamming a fist into the wooden bench. "I know ya were probably out there runnin' yer gawddamn mouth again, son! This ain' in the plan, G! We got heat with Conspiracy, we got heat with some pencil neck named Rush, we got heat with that dirty dreadlocked hippie Lazarus. . .hell, we got heat with anyone that ain' you, me, or the Conway twins an' you wanna go an' add Aria friggin' Murphy to the list!? I got enough on my mind, Georgie!" "I know it, Nash. I know it." G.G. cried out almost blubbering in front of his oldest friend. "I know I messed up. I know I was outta line. But I can't take it back now, man. What am I gonna do, Red!? She's gonna tear me limb from limb! She ain' just some meek, weak willed woman Nash, she's the friggin' Starlet champion! She wrassles men twice her size Nash! She's tough as nails! She's gonna kill me!" "Settle down, G.G." Nash said pensively. "Settle down. I'm thinkin'. Yer gonna have'ta get in that ring tonight G.G. You done stepped in a load'a dog shit an' you might have'ta take a few lumps 'fore this thangs over an' done with. Do ya trust me?" "With my life." "Good. Then listen up. . .yer gonna have'ta get in the ring with that woman tonight. Ain' no two ways about it. But the last thang I need is some ragin', hormone filled, blonde bimbo gummin' up the works on my way to the top'a this shit heap. I need ya around, G.G., yer the only one I really trust 'round here to get shit done when I need it done. So we're gonna make sure we put that bitch out to pasture an' try an' make sure she don' kill yer ass in the process. Ya hear me?" "How ya 'pose we do that?" "Well, just listen here. . .you go out there an'. . ." The camera faded out as the two Southern natives touched heads and began hashing out the details of their dastardly scheme to put Aria Murphy out of the jOlt for the foreseeable future. ![]() ![]() ![]() *** A blank and black picture fills the viewers television sets as STAR WARS font begins to scroll up the screen from the bottom. *** SAY THERE WAS A MOUNTAIN. AND SAY ON THAT MOUNTAIN, THERE WERE VARIOUS HUMANS INHABITING THAT MOUNTAIN. NOW SAY THIS MOUNTAIN, AND THESE PEOPLE, GIVEN THE LACK OF OXYGEN, WERE A BIT CRAZY. SAY... SAY THAT THEY LIKE TO FORNICATE A LOT. ALOT. NOW, AS A LIVING AND BREATHING [B]FUCK MOUNTAIN[/B], THE EU AND NATO DIDN'T WANNA KNOW. BUT THEY DID DO ONE THING... THEY INSTALLED A KING. A KING SHIT. CAN YOU GUESS WHAT HIS NAME MIGHT BE? "king shit of fuck mountain?" CORRECT! *** "What they are trying to say..." Suddenly the picture went from black to white, as the King Shit himself walked into the picture. "Never fear... Khristain Keller is here." ruh-roh ![]() ![]() G.G. Gentry vs. Aria Murphy ![]() ![]() ![]() BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! A trifecta of red pyro exploded off the jOltron, announcing the in-ring debut of jOlt's new Starlet Champion, and one of the most competent all-around grapplers inside that ring, Aria Murphy. The Starlet Championship slung over his shoulder, Aria made her way down to the ringand she did not look happy. It might have had something to do with the altercation she had with G. G. Gentry earlier in the evening. Speaking of which ... "God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash. It was time for her opponent to make his way to the ring. G.G. Gentry stepped through the curtain and took the stage, a microphone gripped firmly in his hand. "Miz Murphy ... I hope yer ready fer the beatin' of yer life, cuz I wuz just trained by the best damn wrassler in the busnis! Nash done took me under his wing the same way I took him under mine, we got a workin' relationship built on respect y'see? Not to mention I'm a man. A real man. A man's man. And I ain't 'fraid of no little girlie-girl. Let's get it on!" Gentry made a bee-line for the ring and as soon as he hit it, Aria Murphy found herself unable to move her arms and with good reason. She was being held back by two large twin cowboys, The West Texas Terrorists. Aria tried to break free but the combined strength was just too much for her to take. And there would be no reprieve from referee, Ian Nyugen, who was being distracted by a frantic Gentry complaining of a pulled hamstring. Eli Conway shot Aria with an Irish Whip directly into the corner ... and a massive Yakuza kick from his brother Ezra that folded Aria inside-out. Eli was already in waiting on the top rope in the other corner when Ezra Irish Whipped Aria back across the ring, he nearly decapitated the Starlet Champion with a diving clothesline. Combined, they called the move ... "The West Texas Death Sentence!" Thank you Nathan Powers. Suddenly, G.G. Gentry's hamstring managed to work itself out and he shot over to Aria Murphy for the cover. ONE! TWO! THREE! ![]() "Are you kidding me? How can these thugs get away with attacking a woman like that?" The fans were showing their utter disgust at what had just transpired inside the ring. But G.G. and the West Texas Terrorists could care less, Gentry was in full-on celebration mode as if he had just won the jOlt Championship. Standing over Aria Murphy triumphantly, G.G. added insult to injury by telling the Conways to both hand him the Starlet Championship and carry him around the ring on their shoulders. After Gentry's victory lap was over he tossed the Starlet Championship over Aria's body and laughed. One thing was for sure and that was that Aria Murphy was not going to take this disrespect lightly. Tonight, however, she was in no shape to fight back and as she grimaced in pain inside the ring Warriors moved to the locker rooms where her former tag team partner was nursing his own wounded ego. ![]() ![]() ![]() Donny Layne cornered a clearly irritated and hurting Adam Lazarus just outside of his locker room. "Donny, bro ... make it quick, man." "You just lost to Reno Davis..." Laz wasn't known to be a violent man outside the squared circle. In fact, he was known as somewhat of a pacifist but even a pacifist can be pushed to his limits. After hearing Donny Layne's first sentence, Laz shoved past him and opened his locker room door. Donny followed Laz inside. "How are you going to approach your second elimination match against BANE! LAZ LOOK OUT!" *CLUNK!* Shades of iNtense 35 watching Bane Loneheart take out another man's knee from behind with a lead pipe, this time belonging to Adam Lazarus. Loneheart had been waiting in Laz's locker room ready to strike. Laz stumbled and tried for one of his patented reverse roundhouse kicks but immediately lost his balance and fell backwards. He reached down and grasped his knee. "NGHHHH! You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch!" "It's nothing personal, Laz, just the luck of the draw. You lost tonight, tough break." Bane took one more shot with the pipe to Laz's head. *CRACK!* Bane turned and looked into the camera. "Don't you dare run away from me! Record this or you're going to get it worse than Laz did! This is MY time! Nobody's going to stop me from taking what's mine! NOBODY!" Donny Layne rushed to Laz's side and shook him, but Laz didn't respond. A small puddle of blood had begun forming around his head. "GET HELP! WE NEED HELP IN HERE!" When would this chaos end? ![]() ![]() ![]() His gold and black spandex, with a strong phoenix motif, glittered in the spotlight as he spun to acknowledge all for corners of the United Center crowd. The man's energy was infectious, though the crowd barely knew anything about the man, they couldn't help but get excited, acknowledging this new Jolt superstar with a healthy round of applause. Finally as the raucus music courtesy of the Strokes died down, so did the crowd and it gave the man in black and gold a chance to introduce himself. "They call me Phoenix," the deep authority in his voice was surprising, simply because of the fact that if you couldn't see a man's face you rarely expected him to speak let alone with such... gravely intensity, "They have always called me Phoenix... because I have risen like a bright bird of myth above my competitors, since I stepped foot in this business." As the crowd hung on his every word now, this man evidently known simply as Phoenix,continued. "And just jOlt rose from the ashes with a renewed intensity, so have I!" The crowd, jOlt fans one and all erupted in cheers, more for the organization then for this new comer. Though they certainly enjoyed what he was saying. While the crowd roared around him, Phoenix something that was inaudible to most everyone, however. "Ashes ashes, they all fall down...", but then his voice once again shifted into a deep resonance as he lifted the microphone to his gold and black phoenix-emblazoned mask, "I believe a single spark can light the world aflame, and so far jOlt has had more then its share of darkness for you the fans! Johnson! Sylo! SVJ! Derecho! I may not be in the position to challenge these evil men yet, but I will say that it's fare time for a little light! The of reknewing fire that men like Brandon Blade hoped to supply! That men like Scott Riktor and [I]Alias have given the world at LARGE!" The crowd roared in approval. Phoenix pumped the mic in the air, as he jumped up onto the turnbuckle. Softly audible chants of 'Phoenix Riktor' can even heard within the crowd for the much loved younger brother of Scott Riktor. "jOlt will not be lost to darkness as long as I compete its walls, it will be lit anew from the inside and rise from the ashes of it's competitors, it will make all around it DUST and ASH... and JOLT will stand all else as a beautiful song of victory in a battle cry. And myself, I don't ask to be it's Champion... no, I ask for something MORE from you, the fans. I ask to be it's worldwide representative, jOlt's prevailing myth... boiled down to a single man." The crowd applauded this idea of hope, these beautiful words from this seemingly living superhero brought to light. "I challenge any one in the back, who might look to harm jOlt or thinks he is bigger then this grand ideal of an organization, for I am the flame that comes from the spark of lightnings strike! Meet me in this very RING at the 36th edition of Intense!" With his challenge set, the man known simply as Phoenix dove onto the nearest turnbuckle and rose his hands to the jubilant crowd as he quietly whispered to himself, amongst there hearty applause. "The price of sacrifice will be weighed in pounds of ash." ![]() ![]() Citizen vs. Jason Rau ![]() ![]() ![]() The fans within the jOlt arena were on their feet once again, the matches that had already transpired during this tournament had not failed to entertain them. The double elimination rule also gave them the hope of seeing every man get a chance to give them something new as well. If their plans the first time around didn’t work, then they would be afforded the opportunity to learn from that mistake and make good on the second chance. The sounds of “It’s been a While” by Staind hit the airwaves with its mellow tune, and a song that the fans within the arena were familiar with. Jason Rau emerged onto the entrance ramp to a rather mixed reaction from the fans in attendance. Since the return of the company he hadn’t fared as well as he may have wanted, and this turned the fans off a bit, but the fact that he was a jOlt original made them want to hang on to hope. “Making his way to the ring first, weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty-five pounds and hailing from Sydney, Australia; HE IS JASON RAU!” As Brad Arnold finished with the announcement Rau had made his way to the ringside area. Jason jumped onto the ring apron landing on his knee, quickly stood, and ducked inside of the ring. He stood looking out at the fans for a brief moment, and then made his way to his corner. Staind came to a close, and the lights in the arena went pitch black. The lighting on the entrance ramp dropped to an eerie low, and white smoke engulfed the entire stage. It was at this point that the opening sounds of “The End is Coming” by Sevendust began to echo throughout the arena. The sound was almost like a countdown had begun to resound throughout the building. As the guitar riff finally kicked in the cloaked enigma burst onto the stage. The fans gave an equally mixed reaction to the man known as Citizen, but this was the least of his worries as he looked toward the ring, brought his thumb to his throat and made a slashing motion before continuing his walk through the haze. “And his opponent, weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty-five pounds and hailing from New York City, New York; HE IS CITIZEN!” With his announcements finished Arnold made his exit from the ring as cautiously as he could as the arena lighting was still at a very low. Citizen slid into the ring under the bottom rope, and quickly made haste to get rid of his entrance cloak, revealing his full body black outfit and the trademark mask. If it didn’t strike fear into the man looking into it, then that man was either fearless or a fool. As soon as the lights cued back up referee Darius Underwood signaled for the bell and the start of the match. DING! DING! DING! There was no hesitation from either man as they shot toward each other with great speed. Jason Rau was the first to strike with a right, only to one from Citizen follow. They both stood toe to toe for nearly a minute trading shots back and forth, with Rau eventually gaining the upper hand. One swift shot caused Citizen to stagger backward and Rau stepped back as well, planting his feet to the mat heavily before lunging toward him with a short arm clothesline. Being the smaller, and obviously much quicker, of the two the Watcher ducked under the attempted move and darted toward the ropes. As Rau turned to find his opponent, he was greeted with by a set of arms wrapping around his neck. Citizen had launched himself off of the middle rope, sprang back, and caught the former zTw Steel Champion with a massive springboard tornado DDT. With his face now obliterated into the canvas Rau lay face first in pain. Citizen quickly jumped back to his feet and shot toward the ropes once more, this time coming back through attempting running elbow drop to the back of his opponent. Jason, however, was quick enough this time to be the one to roll out of the way of the move. Rau did his best to get back to his feet, and so did the Enigma. As Citizen turned to find Rau, he was greeted with a stiff boot to the midsection followed by a very fluid swinging neck breaker that took both men back down to the mat. Citizen was dropped in a very vicious way, while Rau was finally getting the momentum that he needed. With his opponent now laying on the mat Rau rolled out of the ring, and lifted the apron. He began searching for the first thing he could get his hands on, and out from under the ring he produced a chair. Was it the most creative weapon? No, but it would do the job and Jason knew this full well as he slipped back into the ring. Citizen was finally making his way back to his feet, and when he turned to the side of the ring that Rau was waiting he was caught over the top of the head with the seat of the chair. THWAP! The Omega was dropped to his knees, but Rau was not finished as he drew back the chair like a Louisville slugger and caught Citizen across the side of his head. THUD! That wasn’t only the sound the chair made as it connected with flesh and skull, but the sound Citizen’s head made as it bounced off of the canvas. Rau seized his opportunity and dropped on top of Citizen for the pin attempt. One… Two… … SHOULDER UP! When that shoulder popped up off of the mat, the look of confidence that graced Jason Rau’s face changed to that of complete frustration. Shots like that should have rendered any normal man unconscious, but apparently this wasn’t any normal man. This was the Alpha and the Omega. Rau aggressively grabbed Citizen by the mask and lifted him back to his feet, then quickly lifted his body and twisted him into a tombstone piledriver position. Jason was setting the Watch up for the Australian Tornado, and if he were to hit it, the match would be over. It was at this point though that Citizen drove two flush knees into the skull of Rau that caused him to drop him back down to the mat. The continued frustration began to mount more on the face of the Aussie as he yanked Citizen back to his feet once more, only to be met with a jab to the side of the head, a kick to the gut, and then being lifted into the air with a double underhook and quickly dropped down into a brainbuster. Merciful Judgment! Citizen had planted Rau to the mat with his finisher, but even he knew it wouldn’t be enough to put Jason away. Not when he had done so little to him throughout the match, and especially not in his weakened condition. Instead he backed into a corner, and waited as Rau slowly began to make his way back to his feet. The move wasn’t something to snuff your nose at, and even in the state that it was delivered had left Rau groggy. As he made his way to his feet, he slowly turned in the direction of the Watcher, who was already rushing at him with all of the force he had. Citizen leapt into the air and caught Rau in the skull with a beautiful Busaiku knee attack. The fans in attendance were in shock as Rau’s limp body bounced off of the canvas. Underwood rushed to the side of Jason, and raised his arm in the air. It fell to the mat just as hard as he had after the move had been hit, and the call was made. ![]() “Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match via way of knock out; CITIZEN!” Sevendust blasted throughout the arena once again as Underwood made his way over to raise the hand of the Watcher. With his arm now lifted in victory, Citizen looked over the crowd, the first acknowledgment he had made for the evening. Was it really the crowd he was looking at though, as he once again placed his thumb to his throat and made the cutting motion. Citizen had made his intentions for jOlt clear on the last show, tonight he backed up what he had said. If the Underground Champion wasn’t on notice yet, then Citizen was going to have to work harder to get that point across in the coming weeks. ![]() ![]() ![]() "Dis is da biggest break I had in yeas, Lenny. We can't afford ta mess dis ting up tonight, okay?" The only answer Italy got was chirping and squawking. "Will ya turn dat damn ting off for two friggen seconds heyah?!" Lenny dropped Italy's cellphone on the ground in a panic. "Are ya kiddin me? Did ya break my friggen phone, ya moron?" Lenny snatched the phone up off the ground with his massive hand and checked the screen. He looked back up at Italy, eyes bulging from their sockets. "Yeah, sorry." "Yeah, sorry?! Dis is exactly what I'm talkin about, Lenny! You gotta figure out a friggen way to keep it the frig togetha when I need you out theyah!" "Sorry." "Wouldja stop apologizin?! It ain't helpin anyting heyah! Lissen, Lenny, I know youse mean well but you gotta get it tru your friggen head ... you gotta stop screwin up out theyah. I got a shot at the Underground Championship tonight, Lenny, and I'm gonna need you to help me out heyah. Dat Derecho is a crazy bastard and if he tries to take me out for good, I need to know youse can handle him ... if you know what I mean." Lenny just nodded. "Awright, so no more accidents out theyah. No more missin the mark. You and me ... we're gonna be Underground Champs come tomorrow mornin, but we gotta get past that friggen psycho tonight! You wit me?! "Yeah." "Den let's show dese mooks what Devastation, Inc. can friggen do! Break dat friggen door down and let's head to da ring!" *CRUNCH!* "Holy shit, Lenny, I was jokin! I bet I'm gonna haveta pay for a new friggen door now ... and a new friggen cellphone. Dat's comin outta your cut, ya mamaluke!" ![]() ![]() ![]() Avispa Ultima(c) vs. Sanchez Cano vs. Cordova ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sanchez Cano’s music hits and he makes his way towards the ring receiving mild boos from the crowd, he completely ignored them as his entire focus is on becoming the next LoC Flyweight Champion, especially with the rumors floating around of Jolts future of their Junior division. He knows this could be a huge opportunity to gain gold and one up his brother. Speaking of which, his brother Cordova, whose first name is not of public record came from the back. “Cordova is a former LoC Flyweight Champion and is looking to become the first multi time winner of that belt.” Michael chimed in as Cordova climbed into the ring and starred at his brother through his mask who smirked back towards him. Finally, the LoC Flyweight Champion; Avispa Ultima was announced..the crowd awaited his appearance and are very receptive as Ultima appears from the back with the LoC Flyweight Championship around his waist, wearing the black leather jacket known through the second generation of the Avispa family. The masked luchadore made his way to the ring, slapping hands on either side of the entry way. As he approached the ring he looked at both of his challengers as he slowly walks his way up the steel steps and volts over the top rope. He hands his jacket to the ring attendant and the title to the referee. The bell rings and the three circle each other for a moment…surprisingly the brothers converge on the Flyweight Champion, Ultima and drive a few Toe Kicks each into him. “Ha! Perhaps Cordova has smarted up. He should work with his brother.” Cordova and Cano shoot Ultima into the ropes, Ultima returns nailing both with a Front Dropkick causing the brothers to tumble outside…Just where the champion wants them. “There Goes Ultima! What a move!” To be more precise Ultima flew over the top rope with a No touch Running Tope Con Hilo taking down both Cano and Cordova. Causing the crowd to explode! The camera cuts to the back to show the rest of the Clan Avispa stand around a monitor in their locker room and applaud their family members show of athleticism. Back to the ring Ultima tosses Cano back in after playing to the crowd. Ultima drops a Standing Moonsault on Cano and stays on top for the two count. Ultima pulls Cano back to his feet and shoots him to the far ropes…no! Cano reverses…Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker! But..Cano has no time to celebrate. “Cordova with a Springboard Missile Dropkick to his brother! Great timing by the former Flyweight Champion!” Michael Buhrman exploded after the display from Cordova which drew a good reaction from the crowd. Cordova instantly turned his attention to Ultima who was just getting to his feet. Cordova explodes towards the champion and takes him down with a spectacular Head Scissors into a DDT which rocks the champion. Cordova immediately hooks Ultima’s leg, but the champion was able to kick out at two, but is feeling the effects of Cordova’s offense. Sanchez Cano, does not allow his brother any momentum as he clubs into his back with a forearm as he got to his feet. Cano quickly follows with a Snap Suplex before firing off the ropes and drilling a Snap Leg Drop across his brothers throat. Cordova rolls away allowing Cano to turn his attention to Ultima who is leaning in the corner, Cano charges him and receives to boots to his face for his troubles. Ultima sprints out of the corner and takes Cano down with a Spinning Head Scissors, he uses his athletic ability to land on his feet. Cano quickly gets to his feet and charges Ultima, who takes him down with an Arm Drag. Cano gets to his feet again, Ultima grabs his hand..runs off the ropes and takes him down with a Frankensteiner and takes him down to approval from the crowd. Ultima gets to his feet and turns straight into a Knife Edge Chop from Cordova who made it back to his feet. Cordova hits Ultima with another that backs the champion up. After a Toe Kick Cordova sends Ultima into the ropes…Ultima reverses! Cordova gets blasted with a Spinning Side Crescent Kick that knocks him to the outside after a large “SMACK” echoes through the arena. Again Cano is up to his feet, he picks the surprised Ultima up in a Fireman’s Carry…Ultima falls behind him and quickly locks him up and rolls him up with the Avispa Clutch. Ultima gets the three count and the quick victory! ![]() “Avispa Ultima retains! Very high paced match!” Buhrman said as Cordova gets to his knees with his hands on his hips and Cano looks shocked and argues about the three count. Ultima takes his Flyweight Championship and heads up the ramp after the successful defense. ![]() ![]() ![]() 2... 1... The camera operator pointed at Dawn Cassidy who was standing behind a large Warriors backdrop with the jOlt logo embroidered in the corner. Dawn wore professional attire; blouse and skirt. Her hair and makeup had been perfectly done and not a thing was out of order as she gave her biggest smile. “Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce my guest at this time, Sylo!” There was a pop from the fans as the camera panned back. Sylo stepped next to Dawn looking through those long strands of black hair, those predator-esque eyes flaring behind, and his face set in stone. He wore street attire of jeans, boots, the new “Pale Horse” Superbeast shirt (which, by the way, can only be found in the jOlt shop. Product placement pop!), and his signature “WAR” dog tags. “Sylo, the buzz this past week has been about how yo-” Sylo put a hand softly on Dawn’s hand lowering the microphone. He let go and opened his hand in which she quickly complied by handing him the microphone. It wasn’t personal, in fact, Sylo actually didn’t mind Dawn but Sylo was strictly business and so far, business, for him, had been booming. Sylo took the microphone and turned back toward the camera flipping the hair out of his face and finally exposed his eerie, almost glowing, blue eyes. “So do I have anyones attention yet?” The fans roared again. He definitely had gotten their attention on the premiere of iNtense. “Twitter, Facebook, and every other social media outlet has went crazy after iNtense premiered. I’ve heard everything from people saying it was the most dominate showing in a single show they’d ever seen, I’ve heard it was the revival of The Superbeast, and I’ve even heard some of you smarks groan about the fact that I’m here. Honestly none of that matters.” Sylo stayed perfectly calm, it seemed more intimidating than when he was roaring and stomping around somehow. “In one night I ended ten years. Ten long years of some self-entitled, moronic, false prophet, God complex having, self-serving, pile of shit trying to take credit for things he had nothing to do with. I told Jim Johnson one day it’d be just him and me and on that day I was going to hurt him. I did what I said I was going to do. Jim Johnson is gone.” Sylo had to stop due to the even louder pop for the fact Jim Johnson was gone. “Ten years I dreamed of that moment. Ten years and I sometimes didn’t know if I’d ever get that moment and then it happened. You wanted a monster? You wanted a beast? You got THE Beast. I can’t change what transpired but I hope every last Legacy fan, worker, and supporter is listening because I want you to know what I did to Jim Johnson was for me but more so it was for each and every single one of you. It was for the Legacy of Champions!” cheers followed even from the jOlt faithful, who had followed LoC or who just respected the place. Sylo rolled his neck, the intensity rising, and went to speak but before he could a deafening chant had started throughout the arena. L-O-C! L-O-C! L-O-C! L-O-C! Sylo made no attempt to interrupt until the chant finally died down. The intensity of the beast had only risen, though. He raised the mic once more as he became more passionate. “I stood in front of Jim Johnson and I said to him we will not go quietly into the night! We will not simply go away! WE.WON’T.DIE! The best part? I said it in the form of using him as a fucking projectile right through an announce table. Now, Jacobs, I know you’re listening so listen very very close to what I’m saying. You might sneak into a ring and kick a man in the face, that’s just your style, but I prefer to settle things face to face. You would have had Blade gone and left AJ in place to use as a pawn but you didn’t expect him to run his mouth, you didn’t expect him to provoke me, and now you’re alone. So now, in ninety days you have the prospect of Blade kicking you in the fucking jaw. AJ? IF he ever wrestles again it won’t be in Jolt, and your whole plan just became FUBAR.” “Jacobs, you and I have a score to settle if you’ve forgotten. You’ve seen first hand what happens when I have a score to settle. Broken was just a stepping stone to my ultimate goal. “The Man of War”, the one everyone had feared only second to me, decided he’d run his mouth but I didn’t sneak into a ring, I didn’t kick him in the face when he wasn’t expecting it. No, I went to the ring, I let him look in my eyes, and I showed once and for all the immovable object can’t stand up to the unstoppable force.” The fans sounded off with approval. “For far too long the King has let the fools sit on the throne but all you’ve done is keep it warm. I suggest you listen and listen closely, because I think I proved that I don’t make idle threats or promises. I follow through. I am the one who rides upon the pale horse. I am the walking embodiment of death! I am the one that for years, when the music hit and the dust settled, hell followed with me!” Sylo snarled again, pearly whites flashing, extended animal-like canines sharp, and stared with that same burning malic behind those cold predatory eyes. “So Vinny, I’ll be seeing you real soon. You can count on that. Oh and when it’s just you and I standing in a ring you won’t be sneaking in and kicking me in the jaw. You won’t be standing tall with a smile on your face. You’ll simply be another victim in the long line of bodies I’m leaving in my wake but I’m not you Jacobs, I won’t play games, I’ll make you suffer for your crimes and when I’ve left you a broken and twisted mess I’ll snuff you out. I’ll tell them to keep a hospital bed warm right next to Johnson, AJ, and Levant.”
“It’s a new day but for all times sake...May God have mercy on your soul, I won’t, because I...am...THE GOD DAMN SUPERBEAST!”
Sylo snarled and dropped the mic before he walked away as Warriors rolled on.
![]() ![]() Derecho(c) vs. BIG Little Italy ![]() ![]() ![]() “Small World” by Nas Lenny the Leprechaun stepped out from the backstage area with the 3’9” wonder known as BIG Little Italy on his shoulders. The tandem of them walked down to the ring. When they got to ringside, BIG Little Italy jumped off of Lenny’s shoulders and flipped over the top rope with a Hilo where he landed in the ring and rolled up to his feet. The fans cheered him on when the arena lights went out completely. “One Reason” by Fade As soon as the chords hit, the entire arena glowed in crimson red. Out from the back emerged the LoC Underground Champion, Derecho, with the championship firmly around his waist. The crowd relentlessly booed him as he made his way down to the ring. We saw what Derecho was capable of on the debut edition of iNtense and because of that attack, jOlt may not see Rune Winters around for a while, or ever again. BIG Little Italy could only hope that Derecho’s frame of mind wasn’t the same as Derecho stepped into the ring. Derecho unfastened the Underground Championship and as the referee was about to take it away from him, Derecho turned and slammed the championship into the face of the referee!!?? The referee went down with a gigantic thud, leaving people wondering why did Derecho do what he his did. No matter, Italy saw his opening and drop kicked Derecho in the leg. Derecho, caught off guard and not thinking Italy would have done that, dropped to a knee. Derecho then felt the sting of another well-placed dropkick to his knee as Italy hit another one. Derecho then got back to his feet, but Italy kicked at the back of Derecho’s leg to try and soften up that knee some more. The stings from the kicks caused Derecho to drop the Underground Championship on the canvas. Italy picked the title up and then slammed it into the front of Derecho’s right knee when he turned around. This dropped Derecho to the canvas and caused him to clutch at that knee. Italy then took the title and “elbow dropped” it across the face of Derecho! Italy then draped the championship over the stomach of Derecho and then ascended to the top of the turnbuckle pads. Italy leapt off with a flying splash and came crashing down on top of the championship and onto Derecho. Italy clutched at his own stomach from the impact as Derecho doubled over in pain on the canvas. All the while, the referee was still knocked and nobody knows exactly why Derecho knocked him out still, but all we know is that with Derecho’s attention focused on the referee, BIG Little Italy took advantage of it and has been in firm control of this match since the very beginning. Italy then tells Lenny to grab a table out from underneath the ring. Lenny does just that and slides it into the ring. Lenny then enters the ring and helps Italy set up the table. Lenny then grabs Derecho and kicks him in the stomach and then places him between his legs. Lenny lifts and then drives Derecho down to the canvas with a massive powerbomb! The Underground Champion was in serious trouble as Lenny pulled Derecho back up to his feet and placed him onto the table. Lenny then hoisted BIG Little Italy up onto his shoulders with a fireman’s carry and then headed for the corner. Lenny climbed up to the middle turnbuckle pad and then Italy stood up on top of Lenny’s shoulders. Italy then hunched over and held on as Lenny took one more step up to the very top turnbuckle pad. With Lenny standing on top, the entire crowd held their breath as Italy balanced himself and stood atop the shoulders of Lenny! Italy then leapt off with a flying splash, but Derecho rolled off of the table! CRASH!!!! Italy hit the table and it shattered into pieces! Derecho then immediately fell into the ropes which caused Lenny to get crotched up on the top turnbuckle pad. Derecho then reached down and grabbed a fragmented piece of table and then shattered it over Lenny’s head! Lenny lost his balance and fell off the top turnbuckle pad all the way to the floor! Derecho then turned to BIG Little Italy with a sadist’s gleam in his eye. Italy was staggering back to his feet when Derecho hobbled over and grabbed him by the neck. Derecho then, with one arm, lifted Italy high up into the air and choke slammed him HARD to the canvas to the point where Italy bounced and flipped to his stomach! Derecho then slid out of the ring and grabbed a steal chair. He slid back into the ring with it and unfolded it dead center in the middle of the ring. Derecho then grabbed Italy and dead lifted him from the canvas right up onto his shoulder. Derecho got him in position and then looked at the chair and stopped. With Italy still on his shoulder, Derecho picked up the chair and moved it closer to the corner. Derecho then ascended the turnbuckle pads with Italy on his shoulder. The crowd didn’t want to know what was about to happen. Derecho balanced himself up on the top turnbuckle pad and leapt off... CRASH!!!!!!!!!! A FOREVER REMINDER OFF THE TOP THROUGH THE STEEL CHAIR!!!! Derecho held his knee in pain, but despite the pain, it looked as if Derecho was actually laughing! As Derecho went for the cover, he just laid on top of Italy, laughing. The referee was still down and a second referee came down from the back and slid into the ring. He counted. One…. Two…. Right when he was about to count three, Derecho got off of Italy and looked at the referee. Derecho then grabbed the second referee by the collar and then lifted him up onto his shoulder. A FOREVER REMINDER TO THE SECOND REFEREE! What in the hell was Derecho thinking!? Derecho then looked back at BIG Little Italy who was still down. Derecho then rolled out of the ring and picked up another steel chair. He slid back into the ring with the chair and then unfolded it in the middle of the ring. He then pulled Italy up and hoisted him onto his shoulder once again. A third referee ran down to the ring as fast as he could and stepped in front of Derecho. The referee quickly tapped BIG Little Italy on the face and saw he was out cold. The referee then immediately called for the bell! DING! ![]() The referee was trying to tell Derecho that he was the winner via Knockout, but Derecho wasn’t too happy that the referee stopped the match. Derecho then put Italy down and grabbed the referee by the collar. He then lifted the referee up and slammed him through the chair with a spinebuster!!! At this time, Lenny reached into the ring and pulled Italy out of it. Derecho looked around at the carnage he left in the ring, but he was upset that his “prey” got away. Derecho then asked for a microphone as Lenny carried Italy to the back. Derecho grabbed the microphone and brought it to his lips. “Just remember… you all wanted this” “And no authority will ever tell me when to stop giving the fans what they asked for” “Only I will decide when enough is enough” Derecho let the microphone fall from his hand as he cracked a grin. Derecho picked up his Underground Championship from the canvas and exited the ring. Apparently Derecho knocked out the referee at the start because he feels that only he will decide when the punishment will end.. but is it really punishment? In LoC the fans wanted Derecho to rebel against Team Johnson but Derecho refused. Until, finally, he snapped. Now that LoC has morphed into jOlt wrestling, a new locker room has been put on notice, but is it really about putting a locker room on notice? According to Derecho, he’s only giving the fans what they wanted. ![]() ![]() |
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