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![]() ![]() Clan Avispa vs. Fueled By Ignorance ![]() ![]() ![]() The Clan Avispa enter the ring and play to the crowd as Fueled By Ignorance, Chris Titan and Chris Register make their way down the aisle, “The former Jolt Tag Team Champions are in the midst of a string of losses and are hoping they can come up with a victory.” Buhrman states, “They’ll definitely make up for the loss to the Ring Rats, Campeon and Guerrero have nothing for them.” Powers confidently states. Register and Titan enter the ring as the crowd shows their displeasure for the struggling tag team, looking to find their edge again. Titan and Campeon Jr. began the match for their teams; Titan was able get the quick advantage after a Toe Kick to his opponent. A few hard Forearm shots to Campeon’s back drove him to a knee, Titan followed up with two hard Right Hands that drove the bigger Avispa to the mat. Titan made the tag to Register as La Avispa Grande looked on, not too concerned at the moment, an effect of having wrestled thousands of matches in the past thirty years. Register and Titan pulled Campeon Jr up and dropped him with a Double Delayed Vertical Suplex. Register followed up by coming off the ropes and dropping a Jumping Elbow across Campeon’s chest. Register hooked the far leg and only gained a 2.1; Guerrero II was half way into the ring when Campeon Jr kicked out. Register looked annoyed, wanting to end their losing habits on TV and began choking Campeon Jr until the count of 4 which drew boos from the crowd. He pulled the second youngest Avispa to his feet before drilling him with two Right Hands to his jaw and making the tag back to Titan. “FBI is looking like the machine they once were in the early stages of this match!” Powers excitedly states. “…Looks like you spoke to soon!” Buhrman adds after a double Irish whip resulted into a missed double Clothesline which allowed Campeon Jr to hit both with a Diving Clothesline. The crowd responded with cheers at the counter! Register was the first to his feet and he ate a nice leaping Dropkick from Campeon…Titan then received the same treatment. La Avispa Grande pointed at Guerrero II, which Campeon Jr. caught out of the corner of his eye; Campeon dove across the ring and made the tag to his fresh cousin. “Clan Avispa is on fire right now the fresh Avispa Guerrero II is now the legal man!” The crowd cheered as Guerrero measured Chris Register; Guerrero shot himself onto of the ropes, springboarded off and took Register down with a Flying Forearm Smash into Register’s face getting great height. A move that he has dubbed the “Flying Shot,” the crowd was taken aback by the great athleticism shown by the Luchadore. Register rolled out of the ring, Titan surprised Guerrero with an Axe Handle to the back of his head dropping his smaller opponent, “That’s what happens when you depend on that Lucha Libre stuff, leave yourself wide open.” Powers scuffs. Titan quickly pulled Guerrero off the mat and whipped him into the ropes…Titan missed a wild Lariat attempt which left him unguarded and allowed Campeon Jr. to make the blind tag without him noticing. Guerrero II shot back with a quick Basement Dropkick to Titan’s knee. This time it was Campeon’s time to fly…he shot himself off the top rope in the direction of a just standing Chris Titan and took him down with a Front Bulldog. La Avispa Grande shouted something in Spanish to his team as Campeon Jr pointed towards his cousin who raised a finger in the air before shooting off the far ropes. Chris Register just had gotten to his feet on the outside when Guerrero II flew…”Tope Elbow Suicida right into Chris Register! The impact sent him hard into the guardrail! The Avispa Clan is flying all around the arena!” Buhrman announces. “I don’t know what’s happening here…” Powers disappointingly remarks. Inside the ring Avispa Campeon Jr makes a quickly waves his hands as to say the match is about to end. Titan has stumbled up to his feet; he turns around and received a Toe Kick to his abdomen. “The Avispa Legacy! Campeon Jr. planted Chris Titan in the center of the ring! Here’s the cover!” Campeon hooked Titan’s far leg and gained the three count. Guerrero II slid back into the ring and La Avispa Grande entered the ring with a smile on his face as the Avispa Clan had their hands raised to the delight of the crowd. ![]() They did not linger around long and quickly left the ring and made their way up the ramp in high spirits after an impressive victory over an accomplished team. Chris Register has made his way into the ring to check on a groggy Chris Titan who is on a knee holding his forehead. “Titan looks furious and I can’t blame him, they just lost to two Luchadores!” says Powers, “You’re correct Nathan. Titan is yelling at his partner, frustration is starting to show within FBI after another loss in unimpressive fashion. They were quickly overwhelmed by the speed of the Clan Avispa.” Michael Buhrman added in the intelligent analysis. Titan disgusted, throws his hands in dismissal at his partner who stands in the middle of the ring with his hands on his hips and just shakes his head before leaving the ring and staying a good ten feet behind his partner. “What has happened to the FBI?” Asks Nathan Powers, a question many at home are probably asking as well. ![]() ![]() ![]() He turned his attention to the door as it slowly opened. In walked his concealed client, Ray Chavez. He did not appear to be smiling, but, then again, how could you tell anyhow with that freakin’ mask. Keith stopped tapping. “Hey there bud. Wasn’t sure if ya were gonna show” Keith said uncertain. Ray was wearing the exact same clothing we last saw him in, yet they appeared washed. The only items still dirt-clad were his boots. He stood there; eyes squinted, as he glared at Keith. He finally took a short breath and walked over to his imbecilic manager, rubbing the back of his aching neck. To Keith’s astonishment, Ray’s voice remained calm when he spoke, “I work here, don’t I?” “That ya do champ, that ya do” Keith said with a smirk. He continued, “So uh… about that match at iNt…” It did not take much for Keith to stop talking as Ray interrupted with the level of his voice raised, “Yes, about that match. I have no idea why you’d put me against a seven foot behemoth like that. I told you I was rusty. I told you I wasn’t ready, but no… Maybe Jim Johnson’s hatred for me included hiring an idiot like you to manage me in addition to a useless contract. Maybe you’re here to end it all…” All of a sudden, Keith noticed himself getting hotter as his blood pressure shot up, a little. Ray was pretty pissed and had cause to be. Keith had never managed anybody in his career before, but he knew people, so he knew Chavez. There went the bobble-head motion as Keith looked up at Ray with a humongous smile. “I understand your frustration. Hell, I’d be pissed off too if I expected a Randall and got… Grendel. It will never happen again champ. See what I did right there? That’s called working through it. That’s the foundation of a successful partnership, baby! I know ya don’t quite get me yet, but I’ll grow on ya.” Keith stood up and summoned a skill from the past as he began tap dancing as best he could remember. He had not done it since he was five years old and it was safe to see he had forgotten, well… everything. “Ta Da!” he shouted, palms up and arms extended. Did this guy take his medication today, Ray thought to himself. “I thought you rolled your ankle?” Ray asked unconcerned. “That’s the magic, baby! That is what makes Keith Kane special. I had to think on my feet as that three-hundred pound goon moved in for the kill. I had to get this guy to leave, so we both could regroup and get some revenge! I FAKED IT! Guys with that much muscle are usually missing two things. One, the rest of their pecker and two, a brain,” Keith declared, roaring with laughter. Ray shook his head back and forth, “Yeah, I just ran into the ref on the way here. He said you stopped that guy from causing any more damage to me while I was out. Thanks.” Yep, Keith Kane was up there with some of the best showman in the business. Part of what made him so convincing was the humanity that lay deep within him. Had he not been so egotistical all the time, it would be obvious. “Hey, no problem champ. You’re my guy. I die with you, bud. If I had fifty bucks in my pocket, twenty-five would be yours. Ah, check this out. I got ya a gift buddy-old-boy.” Keith reached down into a black gym bag under the bench and rummaged through the contents. After a few seconds, he pulled out a Wells Fargo booklet and black box with a yellow bow. He handed both to Ray who hesitantly grabbed them. Keith explained, “The book contains all your bank account information, complete with card and check book. It already has the cut from your first check. I’m always at bat for ya, champ. Having the type of contract ya do, I made the board recognize your potential and agree to pay ya out before anyone else on the roster. How about that? Now, go ahead and open the gift. It’s just a little somethin’ I cooked up.” Ray placed the booklet into his back pocket then ripped the bow off and opened the box. He pulled out a red and yellow wrestling singlet, which looked to have a custom paint job. “New gear?” Ray asked not sure if he should be content with it. “Repacking every day, baby! This is you, well the new you. The fans loved you during that match. If ya remain in the spotlight, I might just be able to secure a merchandising deal, but that’s off in the distant future. Right now, I know you’re pretty banged up, so ya have the night off. No more funny phone signal business, I got the actual match list for iNtense 37. No more mistakes, baby. You’re booked against six foot one, two hundred and twenty four pound Greg Vincent. There is really not much for ya to know other than it’s his first match in jOlt. This should actually be a walk in the park for ya, especially when compared to Grendel.” Ray shook his head, “Walk in the park? Nothing is ever as it appears, Keith. Don’t forget that.” With that Ray turned around with his singlet in hand and exited the room. “Funny fucker, aren’t ya? You should take ya own advice, slick,” Keith said to himself, before pulling a pack of cigarettes out his coat pocket. ![]() ![]() Citizen vs. Mike Extreme ![]() ![]() ![]() As finishing the announcement of the match Brad Arnold made his way from the center of the ring to the corner where referee Simon Boulder waited for the combatants to make their entrances. “One Reason” by Fade blasted throughout the arena. “That’s not the music of either man participating in this match.” Nathan Powers blurted. “No, that is the music of the reigning Underground Champion, Derecho. He’s obviously taking more of an interest in this tournament since the ruling of the board of directors earlier in the evening.” Buhrman responded. “And who knows exactly what they were thinking when they made that decision. Yeah, we’ve got this tournament going on, but for crying out loud the fans loved seeing Derecho come out week in and week out and destroy anyone who stepped in front of him.” Powers retorted. “He can still compete weekly though if he wishes Nathan.” “It’s not the same though Michael, this man wants to be a fighting champion, but instead he is being forced to set his championship aside until we run the course of this tournament.” Powers finished and the action turned back toward the ring. The Underground Champion made his way around the ring, grabbed hold of a chair, unfolded it and sat down in front of the commentary table. Derecho pulled his championship down from his shoulder and rested it across his lap. Fade slowly came to a close and was shortly after replaced with the sounds of “Melancholy (Holy Martyr)” by Iced Earth. The crowd reaction wasn’t something that any ordinary wrestler would enjoy, but for the man known as Mike Extreme he would take it. He stepped from behind the curtains and out onto the entrance ramp followed closely by his entourage in the form of Misty Gold and Violet. The trio stood at the top of the ramp for a brief moment, sucking in the reaction from the fans and then slowly began their walk toward the ring. “Making his way to the ring first, accompanied by Misty Gold and Violent, weighing in tonight at three hundred and thirty-eight pounds and hailing from Chicago, Illinois; HE IS MIKE EXTREME!” Now at the bottom of the ramp, and near the ring apron, Extreme helped to lift by of his mangers onto the ring apron, one at a time. He then proceeded to step onto the ramp as if it were walking up a set of stairs. Gold and Violet were now waiting, and sitting on the middle rope, making an entrance for Extreme to step through. He quickly burst through the ropes and into the center of the ring, looking out at the crowd, he tilted his sunglasses down and smiled before taking them off and throwing them to Gold. Iced Earth began to fade, and the arena lights were killed leaving the fans in pitch black. A single, dull spotlight began to shine down on the entrance ramp and smoke began cover the stage. The echoing countdown type beginning of “The End is Coming” by Sevendust began to blare throughout the arena and as the guitar riff kicked in through the haze emerged the enigmatic Citizen. This wasn’t a man that the fans were all too sure of at the moment, but he was definitely someone that they could cheer for in favor of Mike Extreme. Citizen stood at the top of the ramp for a moment, examining the arena and the ring, and then quickly darted through the darkness toward the ring. “Introducing next, weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty-five pounds and hailing from New York City, New York; HE IS CITIZEN!” As Brad Arnold finished his announcements he quickly made his exit from the ring, and following in his path were Gold and Violet. Citizen slid into the ring on his stomach and quickly shot back to his feet, the arena lights finally cuing back up. Citizen stared across the ring at his opponent, and then proceeded to give what was becoming his trademark, the execution style throat slit to Extreme. “Extreme does not look impressed.” Buhrman commented on the expression that Extreme was giving to Citizen. “Not in the least,” Powers began to comment as well, “do you blame him though? Extreme isn’t a man you’re going to be able to psyche out by any means. This is a man who not only won his first match in this tournament, but he injured his opponent! He’s my favorite to win this entire thing, if anyone should be worried right now it would be our Underground Champion sitting here at ringside, worried of Mike Extreme!” “That’s no joke,” Buhrman continued, “Mike Extreme is as much a destructive force as Derecho is, and if I do say so myself that would be an excellent match for Divide and Conquer.” Inside the ring Boulder checked with both men, and then quickly signaled for the start of the match. DING! DING! DING! With the sounding of the bell Extreme left a trail blazing behind him as he shot across the ring toward Citizen. Mike quickly locked the smaller wrestler up in a collar and elbow tie-up, forced him into a corner, and began bashing his face in with several stiff blows. The Extreme One turned from the corner knowing that Citizen had been beaten by his sheer power, and he threw out his arms for the fans. Needless to say the booing rained down heavily. As Extreme turned back to his opponent, Citizen was staggering out of the corner. Extreme shot a quick kick in Citizen’s midsection, then wrapped him up and brought him up and over with a massive T-Bone suplex floated over into a pinfall attempt. 1… 2… Shoulder Up! Extreme could only smile, not because Citizen had kicked out of the move, but because he knew that he was getting closer to advancing to another round in this tournament. In short fashion and easily being able to put another competitor on the shelf wouldn’t hurt his feelings in the least. Mike pushed his way off of the mat, and quickly brought Citizen back to his feet by the top of his mask. Extreme grabbed hold of Citizen’s arm and whipped him across the ring. Upon returning Extreme attempted a back elbow, but Citizen ducked under the move. Mike quickly turned to find his opponent, but Citizen had an elbow in mind as well. A roaring elbow to be exact, and while the move wasn’t enough to knock Extreme off of his feet; it was enough to stagger him. “What is this guy packing in those sleeves and gloves?” Powers questioned. “This man is nearly a foot taller than him and well over a hundred pounds heavier, and it’s the same thing we saw last week. Boulder needs to get in there and check that, I’m telling you there loaded!” “Wouldn’t matter if they were Nathan, did you forget what kind of match we are watching?” Buhrman’s return question left his partner at a loss for response. While to two commentators were arguing with each other, inside the ring Citizen burst toward the ropes again, this time under his own will. As he built steam heading toward the biggest opposition he could have very well faced in his career, he sprang. Extreme was taken off of his feet for the first time during the match as Citizen connected with a rolling wheel kick. Citizen slowly made his way back to his feet after hitting the move, and attempted to pull Extreme back to his. He knew that the move he just landed wouldn’t be enough to take the monster out. It, however, wasn’t even really enough to faze him as he burst back to life and drilled Citizen in the face with a stiff right. Grabbing hold of Citizen’s arm, he once again shot him across the ring, and on the rebound wrapped him up and brought him down the mat with a swinging side slam. Extreme then proceeded to mount his opponent and drive several stiff shots into his skull. Boulder waited for Extreme to make the cover, but instead he lifted Citizen back to his feet and wrapped his hand around his throat. Mike quickly lifted Citizen into the air and dropped him back down to the mat with a massive chokeslam. “That’s all she wrote!” Power exclaimed, “Mike Extreme has just hit Citizen with his patented chokeslam, which he likes to call Screams of Pain!” “There isn’t going to be any screaming in that ring though,” Buhrman commented, “Citizen looks to be out cold Nathan.” Extreme dropped to his knees and placed both of his palms across the chest of Citizen, in a very cocky pinning attempt. 1… 2… SHOULDER UP! Everyone in the arena was stunned at the fact that Citizen was able to pull a shoulder up off of the mat at the last second. “How on Earth did he manage to kick out of that?” Powers questioned frantically. “It could have been the obvious fact that Extreme didn’t even bother to grab a leg during the attempt, Nathan.” Buhrman answered sarcastically. “These big guys just think if you hit a big move that the opposition is going to stay down for you, obviously Citizen still has a little fight left in him and Extreme should have taken full advantage of his pin attempt.” Extreme looked very frustrated with what was going on in the ring, and quickly made his way back to his feet. Mike grabbed hold of Citizen and brought him back to his feet as well, and twisted him around. Extreme looked to lock Citizen up in a dragon sleeper, but the enigmatic superstar quickly dropped to his knees and back rolled through the bigger man’s legs. As Extreme turned to find his foe, he was greeted with a stiff boot to the midsection, a forearm blow to the side of the face, and then was being wrapped up with a double underhook. “There is no way Citizen can get him up for this!” Powers exclaimed. Citizen did though, in an amazing show of strength, Extreme was lifted into the air and planted with a double underhook brainbuster. “He’s done it! By God he’s done it!” Buhrman now reciprocated Power’s enthusiasm, “Citizen has just planted Mike Extreme with his signature move, the Merciful Judgment!” Citizen did not go for the pin attempt though; instead he slowly made his way back to his feet. He knew that the move wouldn’t be enough to take out a man the size of Extreme, and it wasn’t as Extreme slowly began to make his way to his knees. Citizen made haste to rush toward the ropes, picking up as much speed as he could, and when he approached the kneeling Extreme he leapt into the air. Extreme fell backward to the mat, in a slump, not moving the slightest bit. Citizen had planted him with the same move that knocked out Jason Rau, the running Busaiku knee attack. Simon Boulder quickly checked on Extreme, and then signaled for the bell. Brad Arnold stood to make the announcement. ![]() “Ladies and gentlemen, you’re winner of the match via knockout and continuing on in the Underground Championship Tournament, CITIZEN!” “I can’t believe what I’m seeing,” Buhrman started, “last week Rau fell to the hands of Citizen and this week another legend in this company in the form of Mike Extreme! Can no one stop this man?” “The question isn’t can anyone stop him,” Powers continued on the thought, “the real question is if anyone can inflict enough damage on him to even keep him down! This man is a beast, no matter his size, he keeps coming back for more punishment and when he’s worn down his opponents enough by letting them beat the crap out of him, he makes his move!” Citizen slowly made his way back to his feet inside the ring and Boulder quickly raised his arm in victory. This wasn’t the only thing on his mind though, as he pulled free and turned to find Derecho still sitting at ringside watching. Sevendust began to play throughout the arena again and the last image from inside the arena seen was Citizen making his cut throat motion in the direction of the Underground Champion. ![]() ![]() ![]() Rush ... or the skinny, gray-skinned, shell of a man that looked like him. He stumbled through the corridors of the Arena of Champions, bloodshot eyes slowly rolling back-and-forth in their sockets. He approached Sepiroth Du Luc, Rush's one time rival on the jOlt tag team circuit, with a huge grin and a mouth full of rotting teeth. "Long time ... n'see. D'you know where I can fin' the b'froom?" SDL took a good, long look at a man that once had a promising career inside the ring. A man now nothing more than a statistic, one of the many in the sports entertainment industry. "Cretin," was all that Sepiroth could muster out along with a sneer of disgust. "Wha? Yeah, greetin's, man! Lissen ... I nee' to talk to Lee. He owes me money for tonight, man, and that bishhhh better pay up." There was no need to go searching, Damien Lee had caught wind of Rush's arrival and the condition he was in froma few workers and had finally caught up with the man. "Jesus, Brandon! What the hell have you done to yourself?!" "Jus' the man I wanted t'see! Lissen, Lee, ... I nee' the money fer tonight up front, 'kay? If you could give it to me now that'd be great, man." Damien Lee grabbed Rush by his arm and dragged him into the nearest locker room, slamming the door behind them. "Are you kidding me right now, Brandon? Did you actually show up here high?!" Rush threw his hands up in the air, shocked he would be accused of such things. "NO!," he demanded, "You think I'd ... I'd do somefin' like that? Dis is my job, man! Dis is my life! An' you can't take that away from me jus' 'cause you heard some rumors. I read the websites, too, y'know ... and they're full a'shit!" "Brandon, listen to me very carefully." "Wha you want?" "For you to shut up and listen to me. You are not going out to that ring tonight, do you understand me? Now, if you need some help..." "I DON'T NEE' HELP! I DON'T NEE' YER PITY OR ANYBODY ELSE'S PITY NEITHER!" "Brandon, there are options...," Damien Lee didn't get a chance to finish his statement before his cell phone went off. He pulled it from his suit jacket pocket and glanced at the screen. "Damnit, I gotta take this." "HEY! That was Super Mario." "Don't go anywhere, Brandon, we need to finish this conversation. I'll just be a second." Damien Lee turned his back to Rush and jumped right into another heated conversation. "That's too much, Steven! -- Do we want you here? Yes we do, but you need to be reasonable. That asking price is way too high. -- Come down a million. -- No, I'm not the one being unreasonable now! That would make you the highest paid member of this roster, by far! I, wait ... give me one second. One Second!" Lee looked around the room to find it was completely empty and the door was wide open. He darted for the hallway and found a random production crew member. "DID YOU SEE RUSH?!" "Yes, sir, he was on his way to the ring for his match. Why?" "Shit. SHIT! We need to stop him! Is that ... is that JCON's music?" "Yes, sir, he's on his way out now." "Jesus Christ ..." Damien went back to his phone. "Steven, I'll call you back. I have an emergency. Think about my offer to come down a million." He snatched the headset right off the production guy's head, strangling him with the wire, and screamed into the microphone. "Patch me through to the truck! NOW!" ![]() ![]() Rush(c) vs. Jonathan Conspiracy ![]() ![]() ![]() “The last time you saw me I got my ass kicked but two overgrown rednecks, who for the most part had no reason being involved in that Relentless Title match… with the exception that they had every right to be in the match because of the most idiotic of stipulations a Relentless Champion could ever put into place. Then I thought to myself maybe it wasn’t so idiotic after all, considering Nashvillian doesn’t have half the wrestling ability that I have… he doesn’t have half the wrestling ability my wife has… Sweet Aroma ladies and gentlemen.” Aroma waved to the crowd and took in her cheers while Jonathan waited patiently for the admiration of his wife to quiet down before he continued. “So yeah Nashvillian you got one over on me with your stipulation, and for the first time in my life I wasn’t prepared… I took part in a ‘conspiracy’ against myself if you will… but that’s over and done with because next time I’ll be ready for you, but will you be ready for me. I hope you are ready Nashville because I wouldn’t want to have it any other way, I just hope Sylo doesn't put you in the hospit…” It was at that moment that JCON was interrupted by a familiar theme to the jolt faithful. THE ANSWERS LIE WITHIN And out from behind the curtain came Rush. However this was not the same Rush many were used to seeing. He was looking sluggish and seemed to be in an altered state of mind, body and soul. Around his waist rested the Jolt Wrestling International Championship Title belt. Alongside him there was referee Simon Boulder, who was talking to Rush as they made their way down the aisle. Rush did not appear to hear nor care about what the official had to say as he slid into the ring where almost relunctantly the ref called for the bell as the Brad Arnold boomed out… “This match is scheduled for one fall… AND IT IS FOR THE JOLT WRESTLING INTERNATIONAL CHAMPI...!” Rush wasted no time as he attempted to get the jump on Mr. Conspiracy DING! DING! DING! No sooner did the bell ring, Rush “rushed” in… but stumbled into the clutches of Jonathan Conspiracy, who promptly locked up with him before bowling him over with a knee to the gut. He placed Rush’s head between his legs and butterflied his arms before he hoisted him into the air for what appeared to be a powerbomb… only for Conspiracy to release him and catch him falling with a picture perfect neckbreaker. Michael Buhrman gasped, “Rush lands with a thud!” at which point Nathan Powers chimed in, “A conspiratorial thud.” Jonathan Conspiracy hopped onto Rush and hooked his leg after unveiling “The Conspiratorial Landing” neckbreaker. Boulder’s count was academic… ONE… TWO… THREE! He signaled for the bell as “No Church In The Wild” played once more in The Arena of Champions. Brad Arnold would make it official while Boulder handed the title to JCON who gave it to Sweet Aroma. ![]() “YOUR WINNER AND NEW JOLT INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION… JONATHAN CONSPIRACY!” Aroma hugged her man, and went behind him to wrap the International Championship Title Belt around his waist as Boulder raced Conspiracy’s hand in victory. After failing to obtain the Relentless Championship from Nashvillian, Jonathan Jerome Leary was once again a champion, and it was a title he held dear to him considering that he too was also a former jOlt International Champion. JCON quickly went from being an afterthought, to someone many in jOlt would need to consider a threat, now that he has gold wrapped around his waist. He must also be aware that much like he challenged Nashvilliain, others will challenge him. ![]() ![]() ![]() Our airwaves are then taken up by Vince Matthews music as he comes down an interrupts Marcus before he can even say a word. The video shows a shot of Marcus shaking his head and Matthews standing with a big smirk on his face. A promotional package that shows Marcus Davis and the words, “Live From Tokyo with Dawn Cassidy” appear above the picture and below it we see, “Intense 37” the shot then goes back live to the announce table. “That’s right fans on Sunday for Intense 37; Dawn Cassidy will be live in Tokyo, Japan to interview “The Dream” Marcus Davis on his thoughts after the surprise appearance by Vince Matthews!” Michael states. “Vince saved that segment from being a complete disaster. He’s already earned a pay raise!” ![]() ![]() Reno Davis vs. One Eye ![]() ![]() ![]() “I Don’t Care” by Antidote Straight from New Brunswick, Canada, the man with eyes of aquatic hue known around the world over as Reno Davis stepped out from the backstage area. Davis looked around the arena and soaked up the animosity held toward him from tonight’s capacity crowd. Davis looked ready as he headed down toward the ring and climbed in. “Crawling” by Linkin Park The fans animosity turned to admiration as One Eye stepped out from the backstage area. One must wonder what condition One Eye must be in after Intense 36 where Phoenix found him laid out. There were assumptions as to who did it, but for the meantime, One Eye had to focus on winning this match to possibly move on and face the man that was only assumed to be the assailant. One Eye entered the ring and his music died down. The referee called for the bell as the two men circled each other. Right as they were about to lock up, the lights in the arena cut out and the entrance way glowed a crimson hue. “One Reason” by Fade Both men snapped their heads toward the entrance ramp. The Underground Champion, Derecho, stepped out from the backstage area with the championship over his shoulder. Derecho then walked down to the ring where he climbed up onto the ring apron and then stepped in!! Derecho then walked right between One Eye and Reno Davis and stopped dead center in the ring. Derecho held his championship up high. Both men readied themselves as they knew what Derecho was capable of, but it seems there was no need for as soon as Derecho posed, he draped the belt back over his shoulder and exited the ring where he sat down at ringside as an observer once again. The arena returned to normal and while One Eye looked on at Derecho, the man who was believed to be the one who assaulted him, Reno Davis took advantage and charged in with a clubbing forearm across the upper back of One Eye. Davis then applied a side head lock to One Eye, going right after his head immediately. Sensing, Davis’ strategy, One Eye backed Davis into the ropes and shoved him off to the opposite side. Davis his the ropes and when One Eye lead with his shoulder for a shoulder block, Davis quickly grabbed One Eye’s arm and flipped him with a hip toss down to the canvas. Davis quickly went back into the side head lock while he had One Eye grounded. One Eye used his height advantage and powered back up to his feet where he once again shoved Davis off to the ropes. One Eye went for a clothesline this time, but Davis countered and tried to re-lock a head lock, but One Eye lowered himself and went into a go behind and into a hammer lock. Davis started to charge forward toward the ropes, bringing One Eye with him. Davis then dropped down and the momentum caused One Eye to spill out of the ring to the outside. One Eye landed at ringside in front of the Underground Champion who leaned back in his chair and crossed his leg. The Underground Champion looked very comfortable as an observer. Meanwhile in the ring, Reno Davis built up a head of steam, but One Eye is quick to get up on the ring apron and go for a shoulder block between the ropes, but Davis saw it coming and straight up kicks him right in the head!! One Eye falls back to the outside as he holds his head in pain. Davis waits for One Eye to stagger back to his feet and then grasps the top rope. Davis pulls himself all the way to the top where he flips off with a Shooting Star to the outside. He hooks One Eye’s head during the flip and dives him head first into the floor with a Shooting Star DDT!! The crowd starts a “HOLY SHIT” chant on that move as Davis staggers back up after taking an impact from that move as well. Davis walks over to the Underground Champion and just stares at him. Derecho looks on as if he were a statue… not giving any sign of being impressed or worry. Davis cracks a grin and turns to pull One Eye up off the ground. Davis rolls One Eye back into the ring and then walks over to the time keeper and grabs a steel chair. Reno walks past Derecho once again and mutters “Look… your favorite toy” Reno rolls back into the ring as One Eye staggers back up to his feet. Davis taps the chair on the canvas and lifts it up for a big swing. When he does, One Eye turns and continues his momentum into a spinning wheel kick that caught Davis off guard! Davis hits the canvas and drops the chair! Davis pops back up and is met with a knife edge chop by One Eye! One Eye fires off another chop, then another and another, turning Davis’ chest redder with each and every strike. One Eye rears his arm back and then nails a massive chop that echoes so loud through the arena it causes the entire crowd to cringe. Davis holds his chest in pain and staggers away to try and catch his breath. One Eye then picks up the chair off the canvas and then jams it into the stomach of Reno Davis which brought him down to a single knee. One Eye looked to the crowd for approval and they all cheered him on to hit Davis with the chair. Davis looks up from his position and saw a golden opportunity. When One Eye refocused his attention on Reno, he already back to his feet. Davis pivoted and then front flipped and hit The Flip Kick which kicked the chair straight into One Eye’s face! One Eye staggered back as he held his face once again. Davis got back to his feet and quickly unfolded the chair. He then backed One Eye into the ropes and shot him across the ring. Davis then stepped in and went for the classic drop toe hold into the chair, but as he went down, One Eye quickly dropped an elbow and put an end to that. One Eye then stood up and dropped another elbow, stood and dropped a third one onto Reno Davis! One Eye then got back to his feet but lost his balance as he held his head. It was apparent that the damage was adding up and he was still feeling the effects of the attack from iNtense. One Eye regained his composure and then pulled Davis back to his feet. One Eye then lifted Davis and hit a reverse atomic drop that caused Davis to stagger back and fall into a seated position on the chair. One Eye then signaled for the Yoko Geri which, at that height, would slam right into Davis’s face… perhaps a receipt for targeting his head the entire match so far? One Eye backed up and lunged with his foot, but Davis grabbed the leg at the last moment and dragon screwed One Eye into the chair! The chair bent from the impact and tipped over where One Eye was dumped on the back of his head. With One Eye in that position, Davis grabbed him by the legs, tied them up and turned One Eye onto his stomach into a modified Straightjacket onto of the bent chair! Davis applied as much downward pressure which drove One Eye into the mangled chair even more. With his head spinning and now a chair digging into him, he had no choice but to tap! ![]() Davis let the hold go as the referee raised his hand into the air! “I Don’t Care” by Antidote struck up in the arena once again as Davis turned his attention to Derecho. Davis motioned that he was coming after the Underground Championship. In response to this, Derecho stood up from his chair at ringside and then walked toward the ring. Derecho stepped up onto the apron and entered the ring with the title draped over his shoulder. Reno Davis smiled, but Derecho walked right past Davis and bumped him out of the way with his shoulder. Derecho then stepped out of the ring and continued his way up the ramp without even looking back. Davis just stood in the ring with a smirk on his face and then eventually exited and made his way to the back. ![]() ![]() ![]() "You really need to pull your head out of your ass." Titan looked up, his face quickly turning red. "What did you just say to me?" "I said," Reno replied, "you need to pull your head out of your ass. You're letting things get the best of you. Hell, a lot of the original guys are. This isn't the jOlt you remember. In the jOlt you remember you were a Tag Team Champion and a breakout star. Not here, bud. Here you're a novelty. A jOlt "original" that's on this roster as a publicity stunt. Let me ask you something, when this place was running under a different name did they ever give you a call to come out?" "No." "That's right, they didn't call a lot of us. Look, you want an opportunity here you need to take it for yourself. They've got no problems letting us fall to the wayside while they give all the spotlight to guys like Jacobs. He's a cash cow, just like the giant smurf is. You and I, and a lot of the other guys, we're not like JCON. We don't have catchy sayings that you can screen print onto a million t-shirts. We wrestle. Well, I wrestle. You kick ass and hit people with chairs. Start doing that and stop smacking Register around." "Stop smacking Register around, huh?" "Yeah, stop--" *SMACK!* Chris Titan took Reno Davis' advice maybe a little too literally and slapped the Unwanted Angel right across his mouth. Titan launched off the equipment box and began pummeling Reno Davis, driving lefts and rights and boots into him while he backpeddled across the room. "I kick ass, huh? You want to see me kick ass?!" He continued the beating, shoving Reno into the wall and then stomping on his chest when he hit the ground. Something caught Titan's eye and he smiled. A rack of folding chairs. He removed the first chair from the rack and lifted it high over his head. "I hit people with chairs, right?! Still want to see me do that?!" *WHACK! WHACK!* "Thanks for reminding me about what I do, Reno!" *WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!* Thanks for being such a bud!" *WHACK!* "It's all starting to come back to me now!" Chris Titan dropped to his knees, chair still in his right hand, and he slid right up to Reno Davis face. "Let me tell you who I am ... "I'm a fucking lunatic. And you were right about one thing, Reno. It's time I go out and take what's mine." Chris Titan rose to his feet and tossed the steel chair on top of Reno Davis' body. He could care less that disciplinary action may be taken against him. Chris Titan was an atomic bomb with a short fuse and jOlt was about to feel the fallout. ![]() ![]() ![]() If anyone was up getting nachos at the concession stand, though, their attention would be brought back sharply by any of the dozens of monitors in the arena, because the crap was about to hit the proverbial fan. A commotion in the crowd saw a man with a jOlt hoodie making his way towards the guardrail. Three championship belts were draped from the mystery man, one around his waist, another around his neck, and the final over his shoulder. He jumped the guardrail deftly and all but stole a microphone from ringside, rolling in the ring with his trio of titles intact. “So, this place is up and running again,” the mystery man said, shaking his head. “jOlt, emphasis on the O, Jolt Wrestling, whatever the fuck we’re calling it this time out, is alive and well, and you don’t even have the decency to put out a call to this place’s last GODDAMNED CHAMPION?” For some, that was enough to indicate who the man was. The shock of dyed blonde hair and proud Asian face that emerged from beneath the hoodie is enough for more. But it was probably the man’s mouth that made the biggest impression. “For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kenjiro Ito! I was the first ever Ambassador Champion Jolt ever had, and its final Triple Crown Champion. I took these three belts with me when Damian Lee folded this place…fuck, I don’t even KNOW how long ago it was anymore! But that’s not important. Here’s what’s important.” Security seemed confused at first, asking themselves the eternal question of professional wrestling: planned or not? Is Ito allowed to be here? He’d have to be, right? “What’s important is that I will CONTINUE to come out here, each and every show this company puts on until the cocksuckers in charge sign me to a contract! I will interrupt every single goddamned event and wave these three titles in the face of EVERYONE until I get what I want, because until I do? These three belts prove that Brandon Blade’s a fraud. Sylo, Vince Jacobs, any of this company’s other so-called top contenders? NOTHING they do means jack-all until they take on the man who should be recognized by this place as its champion. And that man? IT’S ME.” One guard’s walkie-talkie squawked at him, loudly and angrily. He swallows hard, and turns to his fellows, nodding once. That’s all they needed to make their way to the ring, hopping up on the apron on all sides, to cut off any possible escape. If Ito saw them, he apparently doesn’t care that his night’s about to end with a trip in the paddy wagon. “The Bringer of the Ice Age!” Security entered the ring, but Ito is still ranting out the list of his nicknames. “The Bad Will Ambassador!” One guard tried to reason with Ito, to get him to put the microphone down, but Kenjiro just kept on keeping on. “The Future of Wrestling!” As jOlt security finally swarmed Ito, one took the microphone from his hand, prompting a “I wasn’t finished, asshole!” from the Japanese star. That little gem got one of his hands yanked forceably behind his back, and caused the Triple Crown Champion to allow himself to be cuffed otherwise peacefully. What wasn’t peaceful, though, was what he continued to scream, as he was rolled free of the squared circle and escorted up the aisle, presumably to spend the rest of the night in the slammer. “NO CONTRACT, NO PEACE! AND THOSE BELTS ARE MY PERSONAL PROPERTY, FUCKSTICKS, IF LEE TAKES THEM I’LL SUE HIM FOR EVERY DIME HE HAS, AND THEN RENAME THIS PLACE AFTER ME!” Moments later, Kenjiro Ito was safely escorted backstage, allowing for Warriors 02 to wind its way towards its inevitable conclusion, chock-full of Underground goodness. But as jOlt fans began to fact check the Bringer of the Ice Age on their Androids and iPhones, they all came to the same conclusion that an extremely flustered Damian Lee was coming to grips with backstage somewhere. Every factual assertion that Kenjiro Ito said was entirely true. And that meant his opinions, about Brandon Blade’s championship, about all of Jolt’s top stars? Well, they were colorable, to say the very least. Hell of a thing to have to deal with your fourth show back, huh? ![]() ![]() ![]() “One Reason” by Fade Their excitement, however, is stained with disdain when the guitar riffs of the LoC Underground Champion, Derecho, fill the arena. Derecho walks out in his wrestling gear with the LoC Underground Championship over his shoulder. He walked down to the ring with a microphone in hand. When he approached ringside, he knelt up onto the apron and then used the ropes to pull himself up. Derecho stepped into the ring as he took a look around the arena. The music died down as a sadistic smirk came across his face. “There’s good news… and bad news, I’m afraid”, stated Derecho After a luke warm reaction Derecho smirked and asked the audience a question. “Which would you all like to hear first?” Derecho pointed the microphone toward the crowd as a “SHUT THE FUCK UP” chant started up in the arena. “You wanted me to shed blood… you wanted me to abide by the rules of the Underground. You shamed me for retaining the pure style that is professional wrestling. I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU ASKED FOR… and this?” Derecho buried his face into the palm of his hand and chuckled to himself. “This is how you react? You want me silenced? After everything I have given to you… you want me silenced?” The crowd cheered the thought of Derecho shutting up. “Well, I’m sorry… but I must add a second piece of bad news. That’s not going to happen” The crowd heavily booed. “If that was the second piece… you all must be wondering what the first piece of bad news is. Well… it has been decided that between now and Divide & Conquer… I will NOT be defending the Underground Championship here in the middle of this ring.” The crowd cheered at the thought of not seeing Derecho on their televisions. “Oooh… don’t get too excited. That’s not going to keep me from continuing to give each and every one of you what you asked for because you see… I may not be defending the Underground Championship, but I will give people an opportunity.” Derecho paused for a brief moment “That brings me to the good news. You see… if you happen to get eliminated from the tournament, I’d bet money on the fact that in the back of your mind you wished you had one more chance. If you just had that one extra second.. if you had just done something different, you could have walked out the winner and moved on to face me at Divide and Conquer. Well, I am here to tell you that each and every one of you, who gets eliminated, will have that golden opportunity. All you have to do is march down to this ring and defeat me in a non-title match… Underground rules, of course. If you succeed, then perhaps you could take a shortcut to your ultimate goal.” Derecho grinned. “Trust me, however. Life isn’t about taking shortcuts… and if you take this one.. the road to the championship will be MUCH more punishing than the one that those will take in the tournament. In case you haven’t noticed… I live to serve my many legions of fans who practically begged me to embrace the Undergound style… if you choose the path I have laid forth for you… be prepared to pay the toll with your own blood because remember…” Derecho looked around the arena with a smile. “Every single one of them wanted this.” ![]() ![]() Derecho vs. Jason Rau ![]() ![]() ![]() “Derecho”, stated Rau. “I’m so glad you decided to make such an offer. I usually do things the hard way so I’ll be more than glad to take you up on your offer.” The crowd cheered. “As a matter of fact, I’ll take you up on that offer… right NOW” Rau dropped the microphone and hit the ring with speed. Derecho barely had time to pass off the Underground Championship. Rau hit the ring and started to pummel Derecho with forearm shots to the back. A referee ran down from the back and slid into the ring. He immediately called for the bell and we have an impromptu non-title match set with Underground rules! Rau continued to pound away on Derecho until he felt he had him softened up enough. Rau then grabbed Derecho by the arm and whipped him into the ropes. Derecho sprung back off and ate a shoulder block that sent him down. Rau taunted Derecho to get up as Rau took off toward the ropes. Derecho got back to his feet where Rau ran him over with a flying forearm shot to the face. Rau then quickly rolled out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair from ringside. The fans cheered on Jason Rau as he slid back into the ring with the chair in hand. Derecho had just gotten back up to his feet when Rau drove the chair into the stomach of Derecho and then cracked it across his back! THWACK! Derecho dropped to a single knee as Rau wound the chair up again THWACK! Derecho felt the impact shiver through his spine, but he stood up! Derecho stretched his arms out, as if he invited Rau, to hit him again. Rau did and slammed the chair into Derecho’s back. Derecho staggered forward a couple of steps, then turned and looked at Rau with a menacing glare. Rau then lowered the chair and took a step back as Derecho approached him. Rau took a shot and swung for Derecho’s head, but Derecho ducked the chair. When the two of them turned around, Derecho planted a toe kick to the stomach of Jason Rau. Derecho then grasped his hand around Jason Rau’s neck so tight that he was squirming for air and fighting for his life. A close up clearly showed Derecho’s fingers digging into his neck deep. Jason eventually dropped the chair in order to use both hands to loosen Derecho’s grip, but Derecho maintaining it, lifted and planted Jason Rau with a Choke Slam right on top of the steel chair he dropped! As Rau fought for air on the canvas, Derecho rolled out of the ring. He lifted up the ring apron and pulled out a six foot ladder from underneath. Derecho slid the ladder into the ring and then followed suit. Derecho laid the ladder down and then opened it. He then grabbed Rau and dragged him over to the ladder where he placed him face down across it. Derecho then grabbed the steel chair and took aim as the people held their breath. SMACK!!!!!!!!!! Derecho slammed the chair into the back of Jason Rau’s head which drove him face first into the ladder that he head had been resting upon! The crowd became silent after that vicious shot. Derecho then closed the ladder on top of Rau’s head and then ascended the turnbuckle pads with the chair in hand. The referee told Derecho to get down and even threatened to stop the match, but Derecho swung the chair at the referee who backed off quickly. Derecho perched himself up top and took aim and then… SLAM!!!!!!!!! Derecho drove the chair side slam style into the ladder which sandwhiched Rau’s head between the two halves. The referee quickly went over to check on Rau… when he saw that he wasn’t responding to anything, the referee called for the bell! ![]() DING DING DING Derecho grabbed the referee and shoved him aside. He then pulled Jason Rau out from the ladder and stood him up. Derecho looked at Rau and just smiled. Derecho even patted Rau on the shoulder as if to say he did a good job standing up to him. At that moment, Derecho hoisted Rau on top of his shoulder and then... SLAM!!!! A Forever Reminder on top of the ladder!!! Derecho rolled out of the ring and grabbed his Underground Championship from ringside. As Derecho walked back around to the ramp, he asked the fans “Did you get what you wanted?” Derecho backpeddled up the ramp as trainers and a stretcher zipped past him. Derecho had nothing but a smile on his face as he headed to the back. In the ring, they carefully loaded Jason Rau onto the stretcher as he got a round of applause from the crowd. After seeing this… would anyone even dare to take up Derecho’s challenge? ![]() ![]() ![]() One Eye listened to the man who had defended him after an attack on Intense 36, and yet he couldn’t help but take his mind off of his loss to Reno Davis tonight in the Underground Contenders Tournament. Though it had not ended his chances at the Underground title completely, it certainly had proven how much the attack at the most recent taping of Intense. “Phoenix-san… this direction of thought… unhealthy.” “No King, it’s prudent. You know the difference. The difference is rebirth or a quick death and it doesn’t take a slight concussion and one eye to see that.” Phoenix, still pacing in front of One Eye, was stopped in his tracks when the Masked Enigma shot to his feet. “You disrespect me.” “Only something I’ve more then once before, King… but I’m sorry you took it to heart.” Phoenix held up his hands, and sat down on the bench where One Eye was seated moments before, and as a matter of politeness the Masked Enigma joined him. “Ashes, ashes, they all fall down…” Growled the man in the golden Phoenix mask quietly, to which One Eye, head cocked to one side couldn’t help but question. “Par’din Phoenix-san?” Phoenix shook his head, snapping himself out of whatever state he was in, “Tournament or not… we can’t take any of this in stride… we can’t wait for it to happen again and again and AGAIN. We fight these men. Men who deem it there business to spit on our home because it isn’t the same throne that burnt to ash along with there three crowns… … Or men like Derecho. I will join you into the HEAT of battle against this villain, and once you reach the finals of the tournament to face him, I will stand by your side with honor as you seek the retribution you deserve from his attacks. For yourself, for Jason Rau, for BIG Little Italy!” The crowd applauded Phoenix’s rousing speech, and once again through the concrete a soft chant could be heard for… ‘Riktor’. “Yes, even for Ruin Winter.” Phoenix took a moment to bow towards One Eye. “I must talk with Damien Lee before the night is done, King. We shall speak again.” As Phoenix left, One Eye couldn’t help but keep his eye on him, a look of honest worry for his friend, if Phoenix was wrong he didn’t want him to get hurt. More hurt then this business was worse. Not like others had. “Only prob’rem with Derecho-san, he not fight any battle any way but head first. He crazy, but he no coward.” ![]() ![]() |
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