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![]() ![]() Various monikers appeared on the jOltVision screen to describe this 'janitor'. "Ghetto Superstar" by Pras featuring Mya and ODB started to play throughout the Arena of Champions as a stream of light flickered on at the entryway and moved down the aisle towards the ring. The crowd waited in silence not knowing what to expect from this unusual occurrence. The light started to go on and off with varying degrees of brightness before finally shutting off completely. "This is awkward", stated a man's voice before the arena lights finally kicked back on. The crowd popped and laughed at the sight of the man wielding a jOlt microphone. "It is I the great SDJCON, here to ruin the show." Jonathan Conspiracy climbed into the ring decked out in an SVJ t-shirt. He examined the flashlight and nearly blinded himself before discarding the device. "Guess I won't be needing that," stated Jonathan before turning his attention back to the crowd in attendance. Conspiracy was fresh off a loss to Sylo on iNtense, one that could've changed his current status in jOlt from afterthought to main focus, had he been able to win the jOlt Championship. It just wasn't meant to be, but still he put up an effort that hadn't been seen from him since his return to the squared circle. "As I was saying, my name is 'Stupidstar' Dense Jacobcon, and I'm here to ruin the show. Over the years I have lied to you people about being the greatest thing since steroids to invade the sports entertainment world. I've paraded around in kids size replica title belts and called myself a champion. I even have a girlfriend now... I love you Nathaniel... I mean Natalie." The crowd seemed amused by JCON at this very point and time, but why is he mocking SVJ? A man that pinned him a few weeks ago in a 10-Man tag match, and was until recently the last Legacy Champion and current #1 contender to the jOlt Championship. "You see, a few days ago Jonathan Conspiracy, the great guy that he is, put up a fight against "The Superbeast", our champion Sylo but he lost, which is something I did not expect. I thought that at Glory he would show me why he's "One Letter Better" and go on to become the greatest jOlt Champion in the history of this promotion. Instead I will be bowing down and hailing the king for two pay per views in a row, sucks right? Yeah I know, but look on the bright side... it only takes one SDJCON to change a lightbulb... Damnit why did Derecho have to win me another ass whip..." The jeers would fall into hindsight with the visual eye candy, dancing across the ominous trinity of super screens. A select bevy of monikers would appear at random exploding on the Arena of Champions one after the other. After the last moniker appeared on the screen new music reverberated throughout the arena speakers. Vince Jacobs in his ring gear made it to the stage as “Villain” by Theory of a Deadman erupted throughout the arena. 'Superstar' VINCE JACOBS appeared before the eyes of the jOlt faithful... applauding??? He then took hold of the microphone he had tucked under his arm and cleared his throat. "Ahem... Ladies and gentlemen, if there are any in the Arena tonight, what we have here is an attention seeker. Did you all think that was funny?" The crowd broke out in "YES!" chants, which frustrated Vince to no end. "I don't think it was funny, not in the slightest. If anything it was a sad and sorry attempt by Jonathan Consp..." "That's Dense Jacobcon to you." "One Letter Better" had corrected Vince, and an "SDJCON" chant ensued. Displeased by the fans, Vince started to make his way down the aisle with a sly smirk on his face as he listened to the idiot fan base of jOlt. "Ladies, gentleman, boys, girls, children of all ages and household pets, please allow Vincent to continue," urged Jonathan. The crowd would quiet down as a disturbed Jacobs looked on from ringside. He would then point at JCON as he raised the microphone back up. "See you people continue to pacifier idiots like this. Mr. One Snooze-fest better is dying for his old glory and why not try to piggyback onto the only man that means something in this company and this sport in general. But you are in luck today because SVJ loves a good comedy and since every person in this company want to get to the top of the mountain by putting my name in their mouthes." BOOS! "You are lucky you lost to Sylo. Because had it been you and I fighting for the jOlt Championship, well let's just say that would never happen." "Why not?", asked a mockingly somber Conspiracy. "Because SVJ does not share his spotlight, so you can make this little comedy routine a full time gig if you want but I will not subject myself to someone so starved for attention. But since you believe that you are main event material I feel compelled to be a humanitarian tonight and give you what you desire and that's for SVJ to make you into something relevant again." Jonathan looked out into the crowd as they popped at the prospects of seeing 'Superstar' Vince Jacobs go one on one with "One Letter Better". LIGHTBULB! Wait, what??? Jonathan Conspiracy revealed a lightbulb as he responded to SVJ. "Here's a bright idea for you. How about we make this a little more interesting? How about you put your championship match against Sylo for Glory on the line tongiht?" Both men looked out into a crowd that seemed overjoyed at this potential matchup. As the crowd quieted down, SVJ gave him an answer. "Tonight JCON, you face everything you wish you could be, and when it's all said and done don't expect me to give you a shot at the title." Vince Jacobs smirked as he and Natalia left JCON and Sweet Aroma in the ring. ![]() ![]() ![]() “I get that Karen, but ya got no idea what I’m facing down here. I figured this whole thing would be a lot quicker, ya know? I mean, I’ve got the fuckin ‘Equalizer’ Ray Chavez as my client and I can’t even get the big bonus. Are ya listening to a word I’m saying!? Ray needs to beat one more guy by pinfall or submission, then he gets his old LoC contract, which puts him right back up there with the top tier guys. I explained this already. Ya need to open ya godamn ears and close that mouth of yours.” Keith rummaged through the contents on the table and pulled out a buttered croissant. He licked his lips and took an enormous bite. The bread seemed to melt on his tongue, unless he was just that hungry. With his mouth full, he continued, “So ya, Ray has no idea. I’m tellin ya, he don’t seem like the same guy I remember. This is a good thing for me though, cuz then he won’t be the wiser when I keep scraping money off the top, middle, whatever suits me! Well no it’s not EASY! Ya saw iNtense Karen! That lunatic, Jason Rau, beat me with my own belt!” Oh yeah, blood pressure was shooting up. Why not take a few more bites. “Look, the Ray I remember would have jumped into KILL MODE the moment some Australian punk stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. Ray of now, he gets a sensation, which is the fire trying to storm its way back, but he just calms himself down. I’m tellin ya, this guy ain’t got the confidence any longer. What? Fuck his slut daughter! Why would ya even bring that up, Karen? I been sending her the majority of Ray’s measly cut, but I already took the liberty of checking up on the hoe. She’s in some sorority house or some shit. She sucks a lot of dick. That’s what I think!” Keith angrily tossed the remainder of the croissant into the nearby trashcan. He opted instead of a custard-filled chocolate donut. “Money-wise we’re doing fine. Ray makes chump change, but the 75/25 split adds up. I could care less about this contract though. I want that inflated contract of old! I’m tellin ya, just thinkin about it makes me ROCK HARD, babe! Anyhow, the bad news is Ray is slated to wrestle Jason Rau next. Can you believe that shit!? Why him? The fun part is that I can’t even tell Ray that this is the single most important match of his LIFE or the deal is off the table. Huh? I don’t care if your boss is telling you to get off the phone. Tell him this is important! Don’t you… don’t you hang up… Karen… KAREN!!” Keith squeezed the donut as hard as he could, the contents pouring out all over his hand. “Stupid bitch… Great, look what I’ve gone and done. I’ve messed myself…” Keith grabbed a napkin and wiped the custard off his hand. “Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear… mate.” Keith looked up at the wall in front of him. His did his best to control his trembling knees as his heart felt like it just accelerated to 88 miles per hour. He swallowed the lump down his throat, yet could not muster up enough courage to turn around, even though he already knew who was in the room with him. “Don’t worry fat man, I’m not going to do anything to you. To be honest, I just came in here for a cup a Joe. Then I heard you talking to yourself and figured I’d just listen in to see if you had lost your mind. Wasn’t it a treat when I heard about the real reason Ray Chavez is in jOlt. So, this whole plan is just to line your own pockets?” Keith turned around and looked at Jason with pleading eyes. He shook his head side to side. “Ya can’t tell him. Ya just can’t” Jason smirked and ignored the comment. He walked over the table and poured himself a cup of coffee, taking time to mix in some cream and sugar. “The funny part is that I can. From now on you stay out of my way when I’m taking care of Chavez. I’ll figure out what to do with this information and get back to you. How’s the back holding up?” With that Jason left the room, all smiles. One other man surely was not smiling. How could he have been so stupid? As always, he lost focus when it came to his wife. She just frustrated him so bad. For the first time, Keith was actually scared of what Ray might do if he found out. Stealing money from a guy is one thing, but stealing money from a guy’s daughter, that was something different altogether. God help me. ![]() ![]() Phoenix vs. Wippit Guud ![]() ![]() ![]() RAISE A LITTLE HELL RAISE A LITTLE HELL STOMP STOMP STOMP As "Raise a Little Hell" by Trooper began, the amassed humanity stood cheering, welcoming the first competitor in this Grand Prix match. Wippit stepped out to an explosion of flashbulbs, dazzling the cruiserweight momentarily under their brilliance. The smile on his face tried to out-shine the flashes, and he ran down to the ring amidst fans reaching out to touch him. I'm putting your body on the line, for less! And didn't you know there was a choice? It's never yours but someone else's voice! As flames shot from the entrance ramp, “Machu Picchu” by The Strokes blaring on the PA system, Phoenix ran from the back in his trademark white and gold spandex. On his upper-body he wore the jOltshOp Phoenix ‘Golden O’ t-shirt that he had turned into something of a poncho. As he reached the bottom of the ramp he whipped it off and threw it into the crowd. Other then that he didn’t acknowledge the jOlt faithful, instead keeping both eyes forward on the man in front of him. Wippit Guud was the only thing standing between Phoenix and his first two points in the Glory Grand Prix. Despite possessing the aerial skills to match any entrance into the ring that the Guud Canucklehead could dream up, Phoenix opted for the simple option, hopping in between the ropes before testing out the spring of the cables by running into them as opposed to springing off of them. As the official recapped the rules, Phoenix and Wippit Guud gravitated towards the centre of the ring, drawn out from their corners toward one another. “You ready to go two in the hole?” Guud politely enquired, not so subtly hinting towards Phoenix’s lack of a win up until this point. “I am ready… for everything.” Phoenix remarked as the pair sportingly tapped fists, Phoenix’s white taped to Guud’s bare knuckles. Ding, ding, ding! Phoenix fired off a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it snap kick which thumped off Guud’s thigh, the muscle flinching on impact. A second kick followed, but Wippit brought his shin up to parry it away, then scored with a stinging snap kick of his own to the Phoenix’s thigh, leg wavering beneath the Man on Fire. Guud capitalized with a blunt forearm to Phoenix’s jaw, knocking him back a couple of steps… a couple of steps Phoenix then used to spring himself right back at Wippit with a superman punch which cracked against Guud’s chiseled jaw. With Wippit bendy-legged, Phoenix launched into a whole-hearted roundhouse kick which the Canuck narrowly ducked under to ensnare his opponent in a half-nelson. Before Guud could control the Phoenix’s wriggling body, the Man on Fire swung his leg back through Guud’s, flying harmlessly around low-blow territory to club his heel against the small of Wippit’s back. Flinging himself backward, Phoenix cracked Guud on the forehead with an incredibly high knee. A stunned Guud stumbled back, allowing Phoenix to kip-up… but he did so with his back to Wippit, allowing Guud to run into a waist-lock, bounce Phoenix into the ropes, and pull him down into a roll-up. “ONE! T-NO!” Phoenix’s powerful legs kicked out, bursting Guud out of the blocks and into the ropes. Guud rebounded off the cables and hurdled the downed Phoenix, springing off the middle rope with a flying forearm which rocked his rising opponent. Startled, the Embodiment of jOlt’s Rebirth scrambled to his feet, neglecting his bearings so that a picture-perfect dropkick by the fan favorite Guud encountered no defenses. Wippit flung himself down across Phoenix, but before the referee could skin across to count, ‘nix snaked his lithe body out and up from under Guud. An eye-watering kick slapped across Wippit’s bare chest, followed by a more blunt impact to his spine. Guud’s shoulders hunched up as the pain shot through his nervous system, leaving him a sitting duck as Phoeix scored with a third kick in the form of a clobbering roundhouse to the temple. As Wippit flopped down flat, Phoenix’s spin ground to a halt facing away from the Canadian gymnast, his feet set, then Phoenix took to the air with a mesmerizing twisting standing 450 splash. “ONE! TW-NO!” A dazed Guud burst out of the cover and reached for the ropes, needing them to rise as he shook the cloudiness from his head. Having retreated to the corner, Guud found himself faced with an onrushing Phoenix, who hurled himself into a tumble, then burst up to again bludgeon the BFF of Sylo’s skull with a cartwheel corner knee strike. As a groggy Wippit Guud staggered away from the buckles, Phoenix kept a hold of the ropes and swung out onto the apron. Locking onto his target, he sprung spinning up onto the top cable and launched himself off onto Guud. Hooking his head, Phoenix orbited Wippit to complete the 720 degrees… but before Phoenix could spike Wippit on his head, the heavily muscled flyweight set his feet and hoisted Phoenix over with a Northern Lights suplex! “ONE! TWO! TH-NO!” Phoenix shot a shoulder up, collapsing Guud’s bridge. Laying head-to-head, both rolled to the same side, and Wippit seized Phoenix as he reared up, trapping him in a double underhook. From a crouch, Guud popped his hips and took the man who blinded One Eye at D&C over with a butterfly suplex, keeping his fingers tightly locked so that he could take Phoenix over with a second. Despite the inevitable squirming and lashing out from Phoenix, Guud kept him locked in, scoring with a third suplex, then rolling through to apply a butterfly lock. Feeling his shoulders barely staying in their sockets, Phoenix fought to tuck his legs under his seated body, allowing him to push up and relieve some of the pressure on his arms and neck. A scorpion kick flung back, snapping harmlessly a foot and a half away from Guud. Catching Phoenix off balance, Wippit yanked the Firebird up, flipped him over, then dropped Phoenix down onto his shoulders with a snap tiger bomb, swinging his legs over to pin the arms. “ONE! TWO! THRE-NO! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!” Unable to raise an arm, the Phoenix had to risk nearly being counted down to kick out and roll back onto his feet. An instinctive sweeping kick was fired off, but Guud flattened himself out to avoid it. Sneaking his feet between Phoenix’s Wippit flung his legs open, kicking the Phoenix’s stance apart so that his footing abandoned him. As those in the front row went to cover their eyes, expecting to feel the agony of the Phoenix’s torn muscles, he instead hit the canvas, smirking, in painless splits… only for Wippit to pump both his feet into Phoenix’s shoulders. Having packed a little more power than he thought was in his legs, Wippit sent the Embodiment of jOlt’s Rebirth flying out through the ropes and folding up on the mats below. Unfurling on the mats, a stunned Phoenix again tried to get to his feet before his head was ready, leaving him dizzy. Yanking back on the top cable, Wippit launched himself out of the ring, hooking Phoenix’s head with his legs and taking the ol’ Firebird down with a huricanrana. Trying to roll straight through onto his feet, Phoenix found that his senses hadn’t yet realigned, and he was sent falling on his face. Agreeing with the referee that wrestling matches belonged between the ropes, Wippit dragged Phoenix up and rolled him back in under the bottom rope… but as he climbed up onto the apron, one of Phoenix’s lethal feet fired off, catching Wippit across the jaw. Dazed, Mr. Guud collapsed over the middle rope. A stinging kick to the chest from Phoenix flung him up off the cable, only for him to catch the Canadian gymnast with an inverted lungblower, impaling his chest on his knees. Winded, Guud desperately grabbed a hold of the cables to avoid toppling off the apron… effort wasted as Phoenix flung himself up to score with a clubbing enziguri kick to the back of his skull. Limply, Guud collapsed onto his back on the apron, then bounced off onto the mats below. Damn, Phoenix thought, I should have done that when we were the last four in the Divide & Conquer Match. Despite the referee’s warnings to the contrary, a now clearer-headed Embodiment of jOlt’s Rebirth prepared for flight, gripping the top rope tightly in his taped fists. Springing to the top rope, the Phoenix perched on tip-toes atop the plastic-wrapped cable… then tombstoned off, dropping feet-first down into Guud’s midsection with a double-stomp. Guud instinctively balled up, the air expelled from his lungs forming a wheezing vacuum that contorted his body. Grinding his teeth, Phoenix favoured his right ankle ever so slightly as he rose, the restraint he’d shown in not pumping his feet through Guud’s prone torso having made his landing that more awkward. Still trying to heave air into his nearly collapsed lungs, Guud grabbed the bottom rope and pulled himself up, Phoenix taking over and bundling him back into the ring. A standing corkscrew senton then impacted off Guud’s chest before Phoenix tightly hooked the legs. “ONE! TWO! THR-NO!” While there was air in Wippit Guud, no matter how little, there was fight. “LET’S GO WIP-PIT! LET’S GO PHOE-NIX! LET’S GO WIP-PIT! LET’S GO PHOE-NIX!“ Phoenix would just have to drive that last bit of air out. Off the middle rope the Embodiment of jOlt’s Rebirth sprang, flipping back into a moonsault knee strike… only for Guud to roll out from under him. Catching sight of the evasive Impulse, Phoenix managed to stretch out and slow his rotation, putting on the brakes and enabling him to land on his feet, crouched. Out of the blocks Phoenix rushed, only for one quarter of the Grand Prix competition to hook Phoenix’s arm in a half-nelson, using it to throw him over with a suplex. As he hit the canvas, folding over so both his shoulders and toes were touching the canvas, Guud swung his own legs around to hook ‘nix’s other arm. “ONE! TWO! T-NO!” Having been folded up so sharply, as Phoenix burst out of the cover his upper body unfolded from underneath the pin, leaving him laying flat on his stomach… with Guud hopping up to pin Phoenix’s knees down with his feet. As Guud tried to hook the Masked Avenger around the chin for a Mexican Surfboard, Phoenix desperately thrust his arms into the mechanism of the hold, preventing the Crazy Canuck from synching it in. Grabbing hold of the Masked Avenger’s wrists, Wippit tried to control Phoenix’s arms and cross them around his neck in an improvised version of the hold, but once again, Phoenix squirmed and twisted, refusing to be constrained. Improvising, Ray Chavez's old tag team partner hopped up off ‘nix’s knees, tightened his criss-cross grip on the Masked Avenger, then propelled Phoenix up overhead with a bridging straightjacket suplex. “ONE! TWO! THREE? … … … NO!” Whether it was Phoenix’s last ounce of fight being burned up, or the high angle of the bridging pin collapsing under itself, Phoenix’s shoulder rolled up off the canvas just as Ninja K in the back had decided upon his you put up one hell of a fight commiseration while softly chuckling about his lead. Wippit Guud turned to the ref, not to question his count, but just to read in the official’s eyes how close he was. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!” DAMN close is what he gathered. Rolling onto his knees, Guud took a brief second to compose himself before springing up to his feet and backing away from the groggily rising Phoenix, scouting for the best angle to strike from. Oh, yes, that striking comparison earlier? Neglected one certain move in Guud’s arsenal. WIPSMA--- Or not. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!” As Wippit tumbled towards him, Phoenix’s self-preservation override kicked in and he managed to arch his body back out of Wippit’s flight path. Touching his taped hands on the canvas, Phoenix pushed himself back upright, using what momentum he could muster to fling himself forward into a koppuo kick… which caught the swiftly turning Wippit Guud square between the eyes. “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!” Caught plush by the kick, the Canadian gymnast was sent dropping back seated onto the bottom rope, before slipping out under the middle and down onto the mats. Looking out into the popping crowd, the Phoenix tried to resume control of his instincts, not entirely sure what he’d just done to forcibly eject Guud from the ring. Seeing Guud begin to emerge over the horizon of the apron, hands grabbing the back of his throbbing head, the Phoenix rose and barged past the referee. Launching herself over the top cable, the Embodiment of jOlt’s Rebirth plummeted down onto Wippit Guud. ASHES TO ASHES… TO THE OUTSIDE! The Shooting Star Press was caught in the flash bulbs as thousands trained there iPhones on a stirring backflip to the outside that SQUASHED Wippit Guud. Phoenix, only taking about half as much of the painful impact as Guud slowly got to one knee and noticed the referee was actually counting. SEVEN! EIGHT! Damn it if Phoenix didn’t want to pick Guud up and toss him into the ring to get the fall, but he knew he wasn’t in the right shape to get a fall on Wippit Guud… not with the time that was left for either of the men on the outside. NINE! Wippit still hadn’t moved, as Phoenix rolled inside and laid on the mat, his fist tightly clutched in triumph. He had gained himself two very important points. TEN! ![]() Wippit Guud and Phoenix were now all-tied up in the middle of the Grand Prix standings. The Man on Fire knew he’d get a chance at a proper fall against the Canadian gymnast, another time. Until then though, a victory was a victory. That’s the “Machu Picchu” was telling him anyway, and the raucous applause from the exhilarated Warriors 6 crowd was a good sign as well. ![]() ![]() ![]() Adam Lazarus spoke to himself while walking through the backstage hallways. "It's, like, even is enough already. I had a good start going in the Underground Tournament. I knew I was going to win that thing and then BAM! ... suspended. Screwed out of a chance at being Underground Champion." Laz shook his head in disbelief. "Then I come back and what happens? I go almost all the way in Divide & Conquer. I stay in the match longer than any other competitor, but then I get caught in the middle of someone else's fight a week later and Rau gets lucky." Stopping in front of a closed door, Laz reached out to turn the knob but then quickly pulled his hand away. "All right, you need to figure this out before you just walk in there. What are you going to say?" Time was apparently not on Laz's side, however, because the door opened on its own and standing in that doorway was Rune Winters. Laz jumped back. "Wow, last time I saw you I had dropped a soda machine on your face." "Yeah, Rune, I remember. You broke my nose." "Got you some free Coke, though." "Whatever, man, is Lee in there?" "It is his office, isn't it?" Finding a renewed sense of confidence, Laz pushed past Rune Winters and into the office. The shovel-toting sheriff cracked a snide smile, almost showing some respect for Laz fighting off his intimidation factor, and then headed down the hallway to begin his night of patrolling the backstage for random acts of violence. Laz, meanwhile, found himself standing just a few inches in front of the jOlt CEO's face. "Adam, you want to back it up a little bit?" Damien Lee politely, yet sarcastically, asked. Laz took a few steps back. "Now, what can I do for you?" "Well," Laz began, "how can I put this? I think ... I think you owe me, Damien. After the suspension and having to forfeit my Underground Tournament match, I think I deserve ... I dunno, man, something." Damien Lee walked around his desk and took a seat. Leaning back in his leather office chair, he tossed both feet up on his desk. "You know what? I agree with you." "What?" "I said," Lee removed his feet from the desk and leaned forward, "I agree with you, Adam. I think you do deserve something for all of that nonsense. How does a Flyweight Championship match sound?" Laz was shocked at how easily this had all gone down. Having dealt first with Black Tom Williams in LoC and, most recently, Jim Johnson, as well as having his first experience with Damien Lee being the man handing him a suspension it was uncommon for Laz to ever get what he asked for. "That sounds ... great," was all he could say. "Avispa Ultima is out of the country but he returns in time for Warriors 08. You'll get your shot then. In the meantime, Adam, I'd like to see you inside the ring more often. You're a great talent that has, for the most part, been grossly underutilized. So next week I'm going to put you in a match with the Underground #1 Contender. You'll face Citizen in an Underground Rules match." It looked as if Adam Lazarus was catching that break after all. With a huge smile on his face he reached out and shook Damien Lee's hand. "Thank you," he said, "I promise you won't regret this. The fans have no idea what they're in store for now." "I'm going to hold you to that, Adam. Good luck." That's exactly the type of luck Adam Lazarus needed. ![]() ![]() Ray Chavez vs. Jason Rau ![]() ![]() ![]() Ray just stood there, a slight bounce in his step. Keith was pretty uncomfortable with the fact that Jason knew pretty much everything about his entire con. Keith nervously chewed on his spearmint gum. “I can feel it chief. Hell yeah! This is our night to shine, ay?” Keith said, nudging Ray’s shoulder a bit. Ray looked at Keith with no amusement on his face. “I know you’re unhappy about what Rau did a few nights ago. I can assure you, there won’t be much left of him after this night is done.” Keith was a bit perplexed by that response. “Yeah, I’m pretty pissed off about all that. Just be sure to prove you’re the best and pin that son of a bitch’s shoulders to the mat! Either that or tap his ass out!” “With the way I’m feeling, I wouldn’t be surprised if I lose this one by disqualification. When I’m in there, nothing… no one, will stop me…” Ray said in a calm, collected tone. Keith’s head turned his head to Ray in disbelief. “What! No chief, fuck all that! No DQ, ya hear me! I NEED ya to win this match with a PINFALL or SUBMISSION!!” Ray looked at Keith with a frown on his face. “What’s with you and the outcome of my matches? You’ve been rambling on about pinfalls and submissions for the last couple weeks. Whatever happens, happens.” Keith slapped both of his hands together, which did not surprise Ray in the least. “Is everything a joke to ya, chief? Honestly. I’m your manager. Of course I’m concerned about the outcome of your matches! No more of this ‘I call the shots’ bullshit, k? I’m tired of ya moping around the arena like a lost puppy or something. I need the fire to burn within ya again, ya got that!? There is a whole hell of a lot riding on this match! There is just TOO much MONEY involved to just go into this match without a fuckin plan!” Keith suddenly realized what had slipped out. Oh shit. “What do you mean money involved?” Ray asked. Keith was saved by the soft whisper of… “YeahhhhhH!” “Pain, Pleasure, What’s it all about!?” “Gain, Measure, See it in your smile” “You got what’s coming to you” “We’ll break through, escape tonight” “I’ll take you higher than the Gods!” “You have to sacrifice!” ‘The Equalizer’ Ray Chavez’s theme blasted throughout the Arena of Champions! Thousands of fans immediately stood up with admiration and began cheering for one of their favorite entertainment icon and wrestling superstar. The entire arena was littered with custom made signs, such as ‘Future Hall of Famer’ and ‘One in a Million’. The sold out arena was suddenly showered with a faint Aqua blue light, followed up by alternating strobe lights, creating the full effect the fans paid to see! Out walked the ring veteran, Ray Chavez accompanied by his manager, and former LoC color commentator, Keith Kane. The majority of fans in attendance went crazy with cheers while a few others began jumping up and down in hopes they would be seen by the former actor-turned-wrestling-again. Ray stood at the top of the entrance ramp for a moment and basked in the glory of his adoring fans. Keith stood beside him and motioned for the fans to really bring it. This pumped them up even more as their volume increased. ‘The Equalizer’ raised his arm high in the air before walking down to the ring. He took a moment to slap a few hands before noticing a few children were even wearing smaller version of his trademark mask. He entered the ring via the steel steps as Keith walked to his ringside position. Ray climbed the nearest turnbuckle and raised his fist in front of him as fans took the opportunity to photograph him. He slowly nodded his head, quite happy with how things were turning out in jOlt. He hopped down and took a few steps until he was dead center in the ring. He watched the entrance ramp and waited for the chance to teach Jason Rau why it was foolish to make an enemy out of him. Keith was already sweating profusely outside the ring, but that was understandable since a lot was on his mind tonight. If Ray could pull off the victory, with a pinfall or submission, then Keith would be a much richer man. His entire plan would have come to fruition and, just maybe, he could hop a plane to Fiji or something. The referee looked down at Keith then back towards the ramp. Ray realized the cheers had switched to a louder amount of boos. He was a bit puzzled since Jason’s music had not hit yet. That was weird. He then found out the hard way why the fans attitude has changed so abruptly, as he was pulled down from behind, courtesy of Jason Rau. “Where the hell did he come from?” Buhrman asked in confusion. Nathan was quick to respond, “He must have been hiding amidst the fans.” Once Ray’s body hit the mat, chest-first, Jason pulled him outside the ring and clobbered him with a flurry of right hands to the face. Ray did his best to block the punches, but Jason was just too damn strong! Jason quickly grabbed a handful of Ray’s hair and sent him head-first into the steel post. The fans remained vocal about their dislike of Jason’s tactics. This drowned out Keith’s shouting at ringside. Jason took a moment to wink at, jOlt color commentator, Nathan Powers before he Irish whipped Ray hard into the barricade. Ray’s body hit with a THUD! ‘The Ringer’ did not hesitate for a moment as he ran at Ray with a head of steam! He launched his body into the air and clothesline Ray over the barricade and into the audience. The momentum sent Jason’s body over as well. Jason sprang up quickly and laid in a couple boots targeted at Ray’s chest region. Several fans slapped Jason on the back as jOlt security quickly intervened. They did their best to keep the fans away from both competitors. Jason lifted up Ray before hoisting him high into the air with a suplex. He managed to twist his body a bit and draped Ray over the same barricade they had just been launched over previously! Several fans gasped as Ray’s upper back connected. This twisted him in an odd way as he fell face-first onto the mat. Jason climbed over and dropped an elbow over Ray’s throbbing back. The referee was shouted for Jason to leave Ray alone and enter the ring. This was answered with a brief middle finger, courtesy of ‘The Ringer’. Jason picked up Ray off the mat and flung him into the ring. With that the referee finally called for the bell! DING, DING, DING. “Is the ref really going to allow this match to actually begin?” Nathan asked. “It looks that way.” Buhrman responded. Ray was able to get to his feet on his own. When he turned around he was kicked in the midsection which doubled him over. Jason bounced off the ropes and hit a swinging neckbreaker. Again, Jason bounced off the opposite ropes, this time he chose to drop a knee square on Ray’s face. Keith jumped up onto the ring apron where he pleaded with the ref to allow Ray to get up. Jason walked over to Keith with a puzzled expression on his face. “Really?” Jason asked. Keith took a deep breath and let out a sigh before he climbed back down. He shook his head in frustration. Jason turned around only to be taken aback by several solid back-handed shots from ‘The Equalizer’ who was up and ready for action! The fans cheered loudly, damn near blowing the roof off the place. Ray alternated between back-handed shots and regular rights, each one sending Jason backpedaling. Ray finished off the combo with a kick to the gut. Ray then turned around and ran towards the rope, bounced off and hit a… POPULAR DEMAND!! The jumping Implant DDT drilled Jason’s head into the mat, sending his legs up high in the air behind him. Jason Rau literally did not know what hit him. Keith clapped his hands. He hoped Ray had enough left to finish the job. He could not help but visualize himself rolling naked in bed on stacks of hundred dollar bills. Meanwhile, back in reality, Ray had Jason in his grip. He hurled Jason chest-first into the corner. He followed right behind him and hit him with a body splash from behind!! The fans were thrilled! Ray grabbed Jason by the hair, still from behind, and hit a reverse DDT! Keith hoped Ray would cover him, but he was let down. Ray was a bit exhausted, but still in much better shape than his first match against Grendel! He took flight and dropped a huge leg drop on Jason! Jason clutched at his throat, choking a bit. He rolled on the mat a bit and was able to propel himself up. He threw a right at Chavez, who dodged the blow and returned one of his own. Jason lunged forward with a wild haymaker, again Ray avoided the hit and returned the favor. With desperation, Jason scratched Ray in his eye. This sent Ray back a bit as he rubbed his eye. Ray was then brought down violently with a flying shoulder tackle!! Jason’s chest was heaving in and out as he stood up and ascended to the top rope. He launched himself off and connected with a diving head butt off the top!!! Jason signaled that it was over!! He waited for Ray to rise. Once up he charged in Ray’s direction only to be scooped up, spun around in the air, and dropped with a booming spine buster!! Jason slid out the ring under the bottom rope. Ray stood in the ring and waited for Jason to return. The referee started the count. 1… 2… The fans booed loudly. 3… 4… 5… Ray took a moment to lick blood from an open wound in his mouth. He spat on the mat and returned focus to Jason Rau. 6… 7… 8… Jason took a few steps backwards up the ramp. He pointed at Keith then at his own head, signifying he was ‘using his head’. 9… This time, Keith could be heard over the fans, “NOOOOOO!!!! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!” 10!!! ![]() “I can’t believe it!” Buhrman shouted. “I have no idea what the point of that was.” Powers said. The ring announcer did his job, “Your winner of the match as a result of a count out, ‘The Equalizer’ Ray Chavez!!” Keith was visibly irate at ringside. Even though he had won the match, that was not what Ray wanted to hear. He jumped out of the ring. Jason immediately turned around and ran towards the backstage. Ray was in hot pursuit!! ![]() ![]() ![]() In the process, Ray kicked over a few tables and tossed a steel chair out of his way. Ray realized he may have been too late. There was only one place Jason could have gotten to that quick. Ray made his way to the parking garage in the Arena of Champions. He looked around for any signs of Rau. He was startled by the sudden ignition of a Harley Davidson off in the distance. Ray was standing in front of the only exits in the building. The rider throttled the bike, revving it over and over in several attempts to intimidate Chavez. Ray finally made out the rider. And yes, it was Jason Rau. Ray pointed in Jason’s direction, “Come on you piece of shit! Fight me like a man!!” More revving. The Equalizer was not about to move. For whatever reason, Ray had no fear of injury or death at this very moment. Jason finally floored it as the bike screeched in Ray’s direction. Most men would have dived out of harm’s way, but not Ray. Not today. The bike was going faster and faster. If Jason could not beat him, then he would end his career, or his life, all the same to him. Ray was being driven by instinct and anger. The lights were on, but he was not home. A few more seconds and he would be road kill… Jason was just close enough now for Ray to see his smile, that’s all it took. Ray ran towards the bike!! What the hell!! You DO NOT play chicken with a Harley!!! Ray leaped in the air as high as he could. OOOOF!!! In a moment that fans would surely never forget, ‘The Equalizer’ dropkicked Jason Rau off of his Harley Davidson!!!! The bike skidded on the concrete and wrecked into a nearby Honda Accord with an ear-piercing… CRASH!! Ray’s body rolled a few feet away from Jason’s, tearing pieces of skin off his arms and legs in the process. Jason got the worst of the move as his head had collided with the pavement. Both men were knocked out, or possibly dead!! Keith Kane stumbled out a minute too late and saw both men down in pools of blood. He turned around in the direction he came from and screamed out, “I need some medical attention!! We have two injured wrestlers out here!! Hurry the fuck up!!” The sound of tires screeching and wreckage had already alerted several of the jOlt security and personnel. Believe it or not, the EMTs were the first to respond! The call had already been placed by Arena security, who had watched the events transpire on their surveillance equipment. The EMTs hunched over both men and began checking for vitals. The loud siren could be heard off in the distance as a collective circle had formed around the carnage. Keith was the one most shocked of all. How had this happened? The ambulance backed up into the garage where paramedics exited the vehicle and opened the back. The stretcher was out as another ambulance pulled right beside the first. There were a mess of paramedics out now as they each stretched in both men. Once secure they hoisted them into the ambulances, each one now being administered with an IV and a neck brace. Keith looked on in horror. He had to be pushed by Dawn Cassidy to move his legs. He ran up to the ambulance carrying Ray and was let in. Both ambulances sped off with their respective sirens blaring. ![]() ![]() ![]() The drums slowly paced with rhythm and the guitar rifts would now captivate all jOlt maniacs as they cheered and roared for Gregg Scott Vincent to step through the curtains. However, they would have to wait a little longer. The fireworks turned the arena lights back on and GSV quickly parted the curtains. He stood on the ramp and looked into the sea of fans as they cheered him on. His mindset only knows how to win… The Ultimate Fighter will break you into… You will feel all his power… GSV was focused as he walked to the ring, slapping hands with the fans on both sides of the ramp as he passed by them. You will feel the floor again, unleashing his hell… You will not even hear the bell… Maybe your strong, but you DON‘T STAND A CHANCE… FEEL THE POWER OF A WARRIOR! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! The Resilient Warrior rolled into the ring and quickly hopped to his feet, as he retrieved a microphone from Brad Arnold in the ring. He nodded his head at Brad, showing his appreciation, before he spun around and grinned at the jOlt fanatics. He was overwhelmed with excitement, because tonight he went head to head with the jOlt Champion, Sylo who had been running over opponents the past couple of weeks. Gregg put the microphone below his mouth and addressed the crowd. “WHAT IS UP, JOLT MANIACS!?!” They replied with cheers and allowed GSV to continue. “Tonight, it’s not about Mike Extreme because you all know that I go up against the best damn competitor jOlt has ever seen, SLYO!” he paused and allotted the fans to cheer for their champion, “Oh but I want more!” “How could Gregg Scott Vincent possibly want more? He already has a shot at the champ, what more could he ask for!?!” Nathan asked as he and Michael stared at The Resilient Warrior standing in the ring with a promising grin plastered on his face. “I don’t know, but you could hear a pin drop right now. The fans are silent as they anxiously wait for GSV to continue. Michael finished while he twirled his thumbs and waited. Gregg paced around the ring a couple of times allowing the fans to build-up more anxiety and when the time was right, he would unleash his words, and you could guarantee the fans would explode when they heard what came next. “Tonight, I WANT SYLO IN AN MMA BOUT!” he shouted into the microphone, before he jumped up on the turnbuckle, “WHO WANT’S TO SEE THAT!?!” “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” roared the jOlt maniacs. Lights Out. Cue Johnny Cash. “And I heard, as it were, the sound of thunder… One of the four beasts sang come, and I see and, I saw… And Behold! A White Horse. And his name that sat on him… Was death… And hell…followed with him. A blinding white explosion, that was a symbol of The Superbeast, would rock the arena entire Arena of Champions to its core. In the midst of the smoke, from the blast, was the jOlt Champion and monster, Sylo. The smoke began to spread thin, revealing the Legacy title around the enormous waist of the Superbeast as well as the massive jOlt title draped over his shoulder.. Sylo smirked at GSV as he rubbed the palm of his hand on the gold, before he slowly walked to the ring with his eyes glued on The Resilient Warrior, Gregg Scott Vincent. GSV did not fear the seven foot one monster as he stepped into the ring. In fact, he motioned Sylo to step further into the ring with a hand signal. Sylo would oblige, as expected, and looked down at GSV, as he stepped into the center of the ring. Gregg would put the microphone back to his mouth, while the crowd lowered their tone, and began speaking. “So what do you think big guy, should we give these jOlt maniacs the best damn fight of their life?” he asked, handing the microphone to Sylo. Sylo stared at GSV in silence, as the crowd slowly began to form another chant. “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” they demanded. Sylo ripped of the title and palmed it with one hand while holding the jOlt title up with the other.. He turned circles in the ring and held the titles up for everyone to see. “Greg, you’ve said some things, but I’m sure that was management. What you need to realize is I have the reach, I have the size, and I have the professional record. Now, if you agree to this, I can’t be held responsible for what happens but, yes, I’m willing to fight you, not wrestle, but FIGHT you!.” The fans roared in approval. “Just remember, friend or foe makes no difference, when the bell sounds I’ll unleash hell,” Sylo nodded and with that, flipped out of the ring as “Miracle (PaleHorse Remix)” by NonPoint started up. The Superbeast powered walked up the aisle, while GSV glared at both titles in Sylo’s possession. The cameras faded backstage. ![]() ![]() ![]() "Typical," Chris Titan's thoughts spilled aloud to the rest of the grou. "We come together and make a statement and what does Damien Lee do? He leaves us completely off the card." Sepiroth Du Luc snarled. "Cretin." "Exactly," Bane Loneheart said from across the room. "We still dinnae get the respect we deserve!" "It's the reason for this group, Bane," Persephone interjected, "we've came together because they don't respect us. And because they don't respect us we need to make them respect us." Chris Titan nodded. "But it doesn't stop there. We show our strength and we gather more to our cause. There are others out there like us. We need to rally them to our side." Suddenly, the door to the locker room opened. An unwitting BIG Little Italy walked in to the locker room. "Speak of the devil," said Titan. "Yeyah, um ... dis ain't where I parked my cah." "Luigi." "Chris. Da hell you lookin' at me like dat for?" "I have a business proposition for you." Titan swiped a chair out from under Bane Loneheart's feet, nearly knocking the man backwards by removing his footrest. He spun the chair around for Italy to take a seat on, which after inspecting the foot prints Bane had left he declined. "Suit yourself," Titan said, "but I want to talk to you about the fact that you have had a total of one match in jOlt besides the Divide & Conquer match everyone was involved in. One match ... and they put you in there with a psychotic Derecho." "Yeyah. Whataya sayin? I coulda given dat bastard his money's worth if I wasn't caught off-guard, you know?" "I do know. And that's what I want to propose to you. If you joined our cause you would never be caught off-guard again." "Youse guys want me ta join ...," BIG Little Italy paused to read one of the skeletal t-shirts each member was sporting, "Da Backbone?" "That's right, you're a jOlt original ... just like us. And just like us you have been disrespected in jOlt. Join our cause, help us take jOlt back." "Take jOlt back?" "Yeah!" Bane Loneheart answered the non-question. "Take jOlt back from Damien Lee and his bullshit favoritism!" "Da hell? Where are we takin' it back to? Da grave? Cause dat's where it was before Lee & company resurrected it. You buncha stunads! I had a job before dis place came back. It don't matta what you call da place, BIG Little Italy don't get disrespected! I earn my respect by being da biggest and baddest man in dat ring!" "Are ye serious?!" Bane Loneheart, along with SDL and Persephone, broke out into laughter. Titan, however, remained stoic. "A man of pride ... just like myself. Luigi, I think you should consider my offer. I will only make it once." "Den let me make dis very clear to youse. I roll with one group and one group alone ... "Devastation, Inc.! So you can take your offa and you can shove it where da sun--!" They pounced on BIG Little Italy like a pack of hungry wolves. The Backbone showing no loyalty to another jOlt original, making it very clear that if you weren't with them you were against them. The miniscule grappler rolled into a ball and suffered a barrage of stomps from every member of the group, save Chris Titan. Locking the door, the de facto leader of the Backbone simply looked on and smiled. This was only the beginning. ![]() ![]() Superstar Vince Jacobs vs. Jonathan Conspiracy ![]() ![]() ![]() The jeers would fall into hindsight with the visual eye candy, dancing across the ominous trinity of super screens. A select bevy of monikers would appear at random exploding on the Arena of Champions one after the other. After the last moniker appeared on the screen new music reverberated throughout the arena speakers. Vince Jacobs in his ring gear made it to the stage as “Villain” by Theory of a Deadman erupted throughout the United Center. The Icon stood on the stage peering out into the crowd as the lovely Natalia stood by his side clapping for the number one contender to the jOlt championship. The fans continued to jeer loudly as Jacobs held both arms out soaking it all in. He walked down the ramp in his wrestling gear. Natalia was right beside her man in a long Vera Wang evening gown with a huge diamond necklace adorning the red dress. Vince who slowly walked up the steps, pointing to the fans at ringside as Natalia looked at JCON and Sweet Aroma with a smirk. Jacobs rolled into the ring as he stared at JCON. Natalia stayed to the outside of the ring watching Sweet Aroma give her man some adding advice before exiting the ring as well. Jacobs stood in the ring as the bell sounded. Both men started to circle each other as the fans erupted. Jacobs went toward JCON but backed off showing Mr. One Letter Better that he was toying with him. JCON decided not to wait as he rushed the Icon. JCON took the Icon down to the mat as he was trying to get some leverage but SVJ rolled out of the ring quickly. Vince whispered something to Natalia as JCON stood ready and waiting in the ring. Natalia made her way toward the apron trying to get JCON's attention as SVJ slid into the ring, but Conspiracy was smarter than that as he caught Jacobs with a right hand. The former PIW champion took Vince down with a quick short arm clothesline. JCON knew he had to stay on top of the multi-time world champion. Vince tried to roll to the floor but JCON was there pulling him back in. JCON grabbed Vince by the hair and nailed him with a vicious uppercut. Conspiracy grabbed Vince and whipped him into the corner. JCON rushed into the corner and nailed the former Legacy champion with a big clothesline. He grabbed the Icon by the head and ran out of the corner with a running bulldog. Jacobs face was driven into the mat very hard. JCON rolled SVJ over and went for the pin. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT!! JCON knew he had to do a little more to keep someone like Vince Jacobs down for the three count. Conspiracy quickly went to the corner and climbed the top rope as Vince started to get to his feet. JCON jumped off the top rope and nailed Vince with a spinning heel kick that sent the Icon to the floor. Natalia raced over to check on Vince who was now pissed that JCON was making him look bad. Natalia helped Vince get to his feet as the Icon was a little woozy from the spinning kick. Vince slowly made his way up to the apron. JCON walked over to Vince who grabbed his opponent and drapped him throat first across the top rope. Vince finally was able to get into the ring as JCON staggered backwards. Vince looked to catch JCON with a clothesline but the former PIW champion ducked and caught Vince from behind with a falling neck breaker. JCON went for the cover on Vince. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT AGAIN!! JCON sat up looking disgusted that Vince kicked out. Conspiracy looked down at Vince before making his way to the top again. JCON wanted to fly and he waited on the top for SVJ to get to his feet. Vince slowly started to make his way to his feet. JCON positioned himself and dove off the top rope but Jacobs quickly turned around and nailed JCON with a dropkick in mid air. Both men fell to the mat as the fans started to get behind JCON. LETS GO J-CON!! LETS GO J-CON!! LETS GO J-CON!! LETS GO J-CON!! LETS GO J-CON!! Both men slowly get to their feet. Jacobs nailed JCON with a right hand and JCON followed with a right of his own. The two men started to trade blows in the middle of the ring. Jacobs startd to get the upper hand on JCON being the bigger of the two men. Vince shoved JCON back to the ropes. He grabbed JCON by the arm and whipped him into the ropes. JCON bounced off the ropes and was dropped to the mat again with a big back body drop. Jacobs was not done as he dropped a leg across JCON's throat before going for the cover. ONE... TWO... TH-- KICKOUT!! Jacobs picked up JCON and hooked him in the middle of the ring for a suplex but JCON slipped out of the back and drove Vince to the mat with a back cracker. He quickly went for the cover. ONE... TWO... THRE--- NOOO!!! JCON and Sweet Aroma both thought this match was over and that JCON would go to Glory to face Sylo for the jOlt championship. But as he has done in is career, Jacobs was still in the match. JCON did not know what to do next. He stood to his feet because he knew he had Jacobs on the ropes. JCON picked Vince up and whipped him into the ropes but Jacobs reversed the move but JCON stopped his momentum. JCON still holding onto Vince went for a short arm clothesline from the reversal but Jacobs ducked it. Vince set his feet and nailed JCON. SUPERSTAR KICK!! The move that has won Jacobs many world titles connected to JCON's jaw from out of no where. Vince fell on top of JCON for the pin. ONE... TWO... THREE!! ![]() It was finally over as JCON gave Vince everything and more but the #1 contender prevailed once again. Jacobs rolled out of the ring as Natalia greeted him with a smile before the two made their way up the ramp, looking back at Sweet Aroma and JCON in the middle of the ring with a sly smirk from the power couple. ![]() ![]() ![]() "Could have gone better. Where the hell have you been, by the way? Lunch breaks?" "Oh, you mean why have I never stepped in to save your weak ass? It's possible that someone made it in my best interest to sorta … look the other way on that deal," Rune shrugged. Sylo reached in his pocket and pulled out a pen and paper. "Write a number," he told Rune as he handed over the paper. Rune cracked a crooked smile, wrote something down, and handed it back. "That's...a lot of zeroes." Sylo remarked. "Wait .. I may have spelled that wrong. Let me see it again." Rune scanned the paper a second and handed it back. "Nope, looks good on my end. I sounded it out." Sylo sighed again. "You better be worth the money, howdy doody. Cash, I'm assuming?" "Does this shovel look like it takes credit?" Sylo dug in his pocket, grabbed another scrap of paper, and wrote something on it. "You've been in the game long enough to know how this works. Read it, memorize it, and destroy it. It'll be there. I better get my money's worth and seriously, Vince paid you THAT much?" Sylo asked. "Nope, not even close. He paid way less than that." Rune leaned casually against the wall reading the paper. "Next time don't ask me to write down a number." Sylo snarled, annoyed with being taken advantage of but also knowing that not having Rune Winters after him would be in his best interest. He turned to head down the hallway to get ready for his match later on but stopped turning back to Rune. "Listen," Sylo said through gritted teeth, "We may not like each other but I'll add a little extra...for your daughter...just don't blow it on divorce lawyers this time," Sylo turned again. "Thanks, Home Depot's been killing me on the price of shovels lately," Rune remarked. Sylo just threw a hand up. "Yeah yeah, just get the job done Rune or I'll take my money back in blood." "One last thing, SuperSmurf." "What?" "You talk about my daughter again and no amount of money will keep me from you." Sylo just smiled. "What's to say that once I put SVJ down for good I don't come after you myself?" ![]() ![]() Kenjiro Ito vs. Ninja K ![]() ![]() ![]() Introducing First; Making his way to the ring...Weighting in at 245 pounds and hailing from the Kansai Prefecture of Osaka, Japan -- KENSHIRO! INOGAMI!! Camera One would follow The Athletic Freak of Nature up the ring steps and along the ring apron. Taking a moment to visually ingest his surroundings, Ninja would enter the ring via a Backward Ring Rope Flip. A grazing sweep of his hand removed the greyish-white bangs from his face as the ninja began physically preparing himself for battle. Michael Buhrman and Nathan Powers were overheard disputing the probable outcomes and Grand Prix point tallies pending respectively as the musical introduction subsided... I AM THE WAY INTO ETERNAL GRIEF, I AM THE WAY TO A FORSAKEN RACE JUSTICE IT WAS THAT MOVED MY GREAT CREATOR; DIVINE OMNIPOTENCE CREATED ME, AND HIGHEST WISDOM JOINED WITH PRIMAL LOVE. BEFORE ME NOTHING BUT ETERNAL THINGS WERE MADE, AND I SHALL LAST ETERNALLY. I AM KENJIRO ITO. "Run This Town" by Jay Z immediately ignited the jOltvision with a visual collage of technical mastery & heelish antics, urging the ominous shower of rebuke from the crowd. The vivid hues of Arctic Blue & Pearl perfectly matched the attire of the infamous Bringer of the Ice Age. Polar vapor would seep heavily along the entire entrance staging area as camera flashes danced adamantly off blonde-haired Japanese prodigy’s reflective Aviator shades... ”...And his opponent; He hails from Osaka, Japan - Weighing in at 248 pounds...He is ’The Bad Will Ambassador’ & jOlt 1st & only Triple Crown Champion...KENJIRO! ITO!!! Camera Two briefly captured the look of silent animosity emanating from Ninja before allowing Camera Three to follow the overbearing Osakan export. A growing exchange of visual daggers were caught by Camera One as Ito wiped his feet and holding firm along the ring apron. Kenshiro would stand stoically at the ring’s epicenter as Ito passed through the ropes to stand nose to nose with Ninja, barking angrily. Kenshiro would snatch away Ito’s sunglasses as referee Simon Boulder physically intervened. Grinding Ito’s glasses in his hand sent the Cocky Asian into a frenzy, shoving the ring official aside to forcibly face push the ninja. The Ronin would immediately shoved the CEO of Awesome unto the mat. The opening bell rung as Ito reverse somersaulted to his feet and made a B-Line towards his opposition. Kenshiro evaded the charge via a Leapfrog. Kenjiro stopped short, pivoted and cinched his target up for a Half Nelson Suplex. The Resident Anti Hero countered with a swift Japanese Arm Drag. The Strong Style Phenom quickly retaliated with a Single Hand Leg Sweep yet his Quick Elbow Drop ate nothing but canvas. Reestablishing his vertical base with great haste, Ninja sent his rival countryman towards the ropes with a stern Irish Whip. Ito returned to floor the ninja with a Shoulder Block. A 2nd Elbow Drop missed the mark. Ninja swiveled about and blasted Ito with a sound Shoot Kick to the Thigh. A wincing Kenjiro emitted a war cry before unleashing a Strong Style Kick of his own. The masses rallied both rival amidst the kicking exchange until The Ronin regained the advantage with another Irish Whip. Ito reverses and entraps the former Legacy champion with a Single Hammer Lock Northern Lights Suplex! Referee Boulder’s count is broken at 2 as Ninja angrily arched his body upward and about to stand erect. The Bad Will Ambassador’s Short Arm Clothesline was upended by a Flying Crucifix Cradle! Simon Boulder with the count...1...2...Ito displayed his strength and agility by gradually hoisting the ninja overhead into an Airplane Spin. The nimble assassin landed and conducted a Standing Rear Waist Lock on Kenjiro. The Hokkaido Wrestle Factory graduate swung back with a Spinning Back Elbow. The defensive minded ninja countered by trapping Ito with Reverse STO... (The Koji Clutch Submission) The adept Osakan grappler kept the hold from being cinched in completely and forcibly leveraged himself to a knee wedging his assailant’s shoulder against the canvas...1...2...As the ninja rolled onto his stomach, Ito whirled about and cinched in a Rear Naked Choke. Kenshiro strained to fight his way out before arching his weight to pin Kenjiro’s shoulders into the mat. A brief tussle ensued before the Tokyo born flung Ninja over with a Karelin Lift before converting back to another Rear Waist Lock. Kenshiro promptly blocked the German Suplex attempt with a Single Leg Hook and stunning Ito with 2 Reverse Headbutts to the Face - allotting him room to send Kenjiro tumbling through the ropes via a Backflip Kick to the Skull! Angrily gnashing his teeth, Ito slapped the ring apron and began pissing off the audience while regaining his composure. The Ronin knelt in front of the nearest corner to regain his bearings. Head Referee Boulder’s count reached 7 before Ito set himself along the ring apron and carefully re entered through the ropes. The action shifted back into 1st gear with a mutually aggressive Arm & Collar Tie Up. Abruptly, The Bringer of the Ice Age humbled the ninja with a pair of precision Knee Strikes before bludgeoning Kenshiro with a series of Clubbing Forearm Strikes. The Arrogant Asian quickly drove the Midnight Assassin into the mat with a Textbook Gutwrench Suplex! Cover! ...1...2...Kickout! Ito kept the pressure on with a hasty Grounded Side Headlock. The heavily decorated ninja would begrudgingly work himself back to a kneeling posture before laying a measured salvo of Open Palm Strikes into Ito’s midsection. The limber Kenshiro began his surge with a quartet of grimacing Buzzsaw Kicks across the Chest. Ninja’s Forearm Strike was wildly upended with a Back Body Drop over the top rope, sending him crashing against the padded floor below. The egocentric Kenjiro dropped to a knee and taunted the masses, teasing about his wrestling acumen and brilliance by tapping his head. Flashing his pearly whites, Ito rolled off the apron and waited for the ninja to stand to his feet... The patrons in the front row groaned loudly in the aftermath of Kenshiro being leveled by Ito. An audible barrage of English & Japanese slurs were cast onto the LoC Legend as Kenjiro peeled his prey off the floor by the hair to his feet. An Irish Whip by Ito angrily bounced the Resident Anti Hero off of the ring steps, dropping the ninja down to a knee. Ito would revel in the moment before laying to his newfound rival with a torrid hail of Back Mounted Punches followed by a unnecessary Eye Rake for good measure. The head referee’s count of 9 prompted Ito to roll onto the apron to break the plane of the bottom ropes, resetting the count. The volley of heel heat make Kenjiro smile as stalked after the crawling ninja, who was busy using the barricade to regain his footing. Playfully marking his target, Kenjiro would gain a running start... Ninja was jettisoned wildly over the padded rails, falling out of view. Kenjiro began laughing soundly at the ninja’s apparent demise while scaling the ring steps enroute back inside the ring. Basking in the amassed wave of crowd venom, the self-professed Future of Wrestling laid along the canvas, folded his arms behind his head to await for the easy countout victory. The audible shift from the stands piqued Ito’s interests. Camera Three followed the dazed ninja just clearing the railings, began stumbling notably toward the ring to beat the count. Incensed, Kenjiro quickly slid to the outside, rounded the ring post and intercepted the rising ninja with a Savate Kick to the Face. A resounding groan was overheard on impact. Several remarks by the fans summoned a middle finger to be extended by Ito before playfully agitating Kenshiro with a series of hard Paintbrush Slaps to the back of head. Ito’s Irish Whip was quickly reversed, followed by a stiff Enziguri Kick to the skull, slamming the Cocky Asian’s shoulder against the unforgiving steel pole. The bloodthirsty legions cheered as the pissed off ninja ignored his rival’s screams, extended his arm outward and connected with a volatile Buzzsaw Kick square onto the Shoulder. The Arrogant Asshole howled in anguish as in similar fashion, Kenshiro broke the plane of the bottom ropes to extend the referee’s count. Shaking the cobwebs from his head, Ninja zeroed in on his target... Kenjiro was sent crashing into the seated timekeeper, both spilling along the padded floor. Seizing his tormentor by the hair, Ninja began pummeling Ito with several precision Forearm Strikes to the Face before hurling Kenshiro back inside the ring via a Irish Whip. Following suit, The Ronin began his ascension from the ring apron and up the turnbuckle form the outside yet the battered Bringer of the Ice Age stumbled forward and fell onto the top rope to break the ninja’s balance. Seizing the opportunity, Ito rattled his rival with a trinity of Shotei Strikes to the Head. Left literally dazed and confused, Ninja soon was ripped from the heavens and spiked into the canvas via Ito’s Iconoclasm Slam. Left leaning against the turnbuckle and beaming with an evil smile, Ito nodded at the fallen ninja’s carcass before hoisting him upward with a Delayed Vertical Suplex... The quartet of Rolling Vertical Suplexes left Kenshiro sprawled out along the mat as Ito sat up, grimaced heavily while favoring his shoulder yet seemingly proud of himself before leaning back and hooking the leg for the cover...1...2..Kickout! Kenjiro began screaming at the in ring official in complete disgust. Visibly annoyed by the ninja’s defiance, Ito would audibly pat his leg, signalling the coming of his patented tribute to fWo’s Sonny Silver - The Corona. Ito’s dreaded Roundhouse Kick sailed overhead, allowing the ninja to counter with a Full Nelson Butt Slam. The limber assassin quickly front flip himself over into a Bridge, cinching in the Iron Maiden Submission Lock. A screaming Ito would gnash his teeth given the pressure set upon his shoulder was tearing it asunder yet adamantly refused to concede. Referee Boulder shifted about to better assess Ito’s condition when Kenshiro nimbly flipped himself back over and quickly ensnared Ito into the Imploding Star Submission. The Cocky Asian was outright livid, shaking his head wildly before the instinct of self preservation took over. The masses cheered happily as Referee Boulder called for the bell. ![]() Left clutching his ailing shoulder, Ito was faintly overheard cursing his fellow countryman. The victorious ninja gradually stood over his rival as Vicarious by Tool bellowed overhead. Simon Boulder physically impeaded the ninja’s path, petitioning on Ito’s behalf to leave him be. Moments would elapse before the ninja passed through the ropes and began walking backwards up the rampway, burning holes into Ito’s skull before making his egress to the backstage area. ![]() ![]() ![]() He was a Champion, what was making him worry so much about this? Maybe it was because of that very fact. To many, Reno wasn’t supposed to have beaten The Nashvillain, and now this unheralded #1 contender to the jOlt Championship (by default of the belt he now held) was worried about his position in the company… because of what he couldn’t control. The Backbone. It wasn’t because any single man in that group worried Reno either, save for maybe Chris Titan who had already shit-kicked him during the early weeks of jOlt’s rebirth, it was the group itself. The power in numbers. Knowing that they wanted to make Reno part of the fold, him and his Relentless Championship. They wouldn’t take no for an answer. Maybe giving the Relentless Championship up while he had the chance, was the answer. Win or lose, if he challenged Sylo as soon as intense 41, following suit with the current string of challengers, Reno wouldn’t have to worry about being Relentless Champion. He just had to worry about being Reno Davis. Which was a fight most of the time, in and of itself. “Heavy is the hand that holds the sword.” Reno hurriedly pocketed the note, as he looked up and saw the man who those poetic words belonged to. Phoenix, the man in the white spandex with gold accents, hadn’t talked to him ever before now… so Reno wondered why one fourth of the Glory Grand Prix had now chosen to speak to him. Oh right, Reno thought, as he looked at the silver Championship that lay beside him. Speaking of which though… “Don’t you mean something along the lines of a crown on the head?” A smirk slipped along Reno’s mouth, as far as he knew with the Masked Avenger… this was one of the good guys. “Sylo wears the crown, Reno.” Phoenix replied, as his head shifted to the Relentless title, “And that sword you have is best used to take his head, and his thrown if you’re able.” The graphic imagery that Phoenix used took the Relentless Champion aback, but Reno couldn’t help but reply with something that was on his mind, “That battlefield seems pretty crowded though these days…” “Not just with the Glory Grand Prix.” “No, that’s the thing.” Reno replied to Phoenix, who had crossed his arms against his chest, “I can respect you four guys for earning that shot. For fighting for it. I certainly didn’t make it that far in the Divide & Conquer Match so I had to find another way at the top spot in jOlt…” Reno picked up the Relentless Championship, “… with this.” “He’s a fighting champion, Sylo.” Phoenix could only imagine how he’d make his approach against the jOlt Champion, when he had the shot. “Against paper challengers,” you could hear the distain in Reno’s voice, “Men with the thinnest of reasons for there shot at the jOlt Championship. I decided to bide my time and do better for MY Championship, because I felt the need to, while the loudest and most antagonistic get there shots at the top prize. I’ve already proven myself better then Jonathan Conspiracy after that International Championship run that he was given, and the Relentless Championship shots that he loss. And Greg Scott Vincent…” “Men such as him are there own worst enemy.” Phoenix thought of the arrogant upstart, who had flaunted his smoking habit and cursed like a sailor, “Believe me, I know.” Reno nodded at this, but then his current situation donned on him. He was having a serious discussion with Phoenix, a man who he had never met and knew nothing about. Sure, even though Reno was a student of the game he wasn’t the most academic… but still. He needed to watch his mouth around a probable future opponent if the two men continued down the same road. “Why am I even talking to you about this. I should be trying to figure out how to beat you to the punch.” “War makes strange allies of us all.” Phoenix replied, and it almost sounded like he was smiling as he continued, “It’s not about simply taking the first shot you get. Usually those who run into battle at the frontline are the first to fall. Sometimes it’s about steeling yourself away, and waiting until the moment is right. Then you strike when you are free to make the most damage.” “For a slightly creepy masked man, you aren’t half bad, Phoenix.” Phoenix didn’t say a word back to Reno, and instead continued to stare at him while tilting his head ever so slightly. “See, that’s exactly what I mean!” Reno chuckled in response but his mind, which had been distracted by this discussion of ideals between potential heirs to the jOlt Championship, returned to the note that was still burning a hole in his pocket. “Look, I’m enjoying the chat but…” “The Backbone, I understand.” Phoenix nodded. “Yeah…” Reno was taken aback, how did this masked dude know that? “Do what you think is best,” was all Phoenix replied, as he left Reno to sit alone to try and figure out just how he’d handle the lit bomb he was left to deal with. “Best… best for who?” Reno looked in the middle distance, before shaking his head. It was time for a different approach to the jOlt Championship title match, as GSV and Sylo were set to square off in MMA action... RIGHT NOW! ![]() ![]() Sylo© vs. Gregg Scott Vincent ![]() ![]() ![]() “We get to see two warriors go toe to toe in an MMA bout! It will be Gregg Scott Vincent against the jOlt Champion, SYLO! This is gonna be one heck of a fight, Michael!” Nathan grinned and looked at Michael. “GSV and Sylo want to put on a show for these jOlt Fans and what a show it will be! Both men excel in mixed martial arts, so it’s going to be exciting!” Michael finished, as the cameras began to focus on the ring. It then circled the arena, catching a glimpse of the fans as they anxiously waited for some action to occur. They didn’t have to wait long because ‘Warriors’ by Volbeat cued up and the lights began to flick from dark, to light in rapid succession, electrifying the crowd as they waited for the arrival of Gregg Scott Vincent. The drums slowly paced with rhythm and the guitar rifts would now captivate all the jOlt maniacs as they cheered and roared for Gregg Scott Vincent to step through the curtains, but they would have to just a second longer. Red fireworks shot into the air, rocking the Arena of Champions through the roof. The lights paused, crowding the arena with darkness. A red spotlighted beamed down at Gregg Scott Vincent while he stood on the ramp and looked into the sea of jOlt maniacs. His mindset only knows how to win… The Ultimate Fighter will break you into… You will feel all his power… The red light above highlighted GSV while he raised his arms, while he furrowed his brows, and cocked a half grin grin on his face. You will feel the floor again, unleashing his hell… You will not even hear the bell… Maybe your strong, but you DON‘T STAND A CHANCE… FEEL THE POWER OF A WARRIOR! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! The Resilient Warrior climbed the steel steps and stepped through the middle rope, as his face transformed into its indomitable form. Lights Out. Cue Johnny Cash. “And I heard, as it were, the sound of thunder… One of the four beasts sang come, and I see and, I saw… And Behold! A White Horse. And his name that sat on him… Was death… And hell…followed with him. A blinding white explosion, that was a symbol of The Superbeast, would rock the arena entire Arena of Champions to its core. In the midst of the smoke, from the blast, was the jOlt Champion and monster, Sylo. The smoke began to spread thin, revealing the Legacy Belt around his enormous waist and the jOlt Championship Belt over his broad shoulder. Sylo smirked at GSV, as he tapped the jOlt title with his hand, before he slowly walked to the ring with his eyes glued on The Resilient Warrior, Gregg Scott Vincent. Sylo entered the ring and removed the belt from his waist. He handed it to head referee Mike Hunt and he held it above his head for everyone to see. Mike handed the belt to one of the ringside attendance and then called for both competitors to meet center-ring. Brad Arnold held the microphone in front of Mike as he would now announce the rules for tonight’s main event. Mike looked at Gregg, “Gregg...” he then looked at Sylo, “Sylo...” his eyes now darted back and forth as he defined the rules, “There will be three, five minute rounds. The only way to win is by Knockout, or Submission, and you both must obey my commands at all times. Any questions?” The head referee looked at both men, but they were occupied with cold stares glaring at one another. Mike nodded his head and commanded both men to retreat to their corners. The jOlt maniacs roared with cheers, anxiously waiting for the match to begin. When the bell rang three times, they exploded as the Champ and GSV meet center ring. “HERE WE GO! THE JOLT CHAMPIONSHIP IS ON THE LINE!” Michael informed the live audience at home. Gregg had his chin tucked tight and stood in an orthodox stance. Sylo was in the same position as he stepped towards GSV. Gregg circled around Sylo, because the gameplan was to stick and move, avoiding any takedowns that Sylo would try to attempt. “And what a way to defend the title. Three, Five minutes rounds with jOlts very own Mixed Martial Arts rules. This is BRILLIANT!” Nathan shouted as the hair on his back stuck up, excited as he anxiously waited for the first punch to be thrown. Ten seconds ticked off the clock and Gregg stuck a sharp jab to Sylo nose and quickly combined it with a side kick to the back of his knee, but of course the Superbeast wasn’t affected by the strikes. He grinned and countered with a powerful right hook that forced GSV a few feet back. Sylo quickly followed up with a mixture of jabs, hooks, and kicks that forced Gregg into a defensive position with his back against the ropes. The Resilient Warrior used his arms and legs to block Sylo’s crushing blows, blows that would cripple the average person, but Gregg Scott Vincent stayed positive, shrugging off each shot Sylo attempted. He waited for the right opportunity to strike and finally, he knocked down a left hook from Sylo with his right hand and sidestepped him, and sent a hard right fist into his ribcage area. Sylo felt the stinging shot, as his midsection bowed to the side from the dynamic blow delivered by GSV. “LISTEN TO THESE FANS! THEY ARE LOVING THIS!” Michael Buhrman explained, as jOlt Nation witnessed GSV follow up with a elbow uppercut, forcing Sylo’s head to snap backwards. The fans shouted even louder when Sylo head centered and replied with a lunging front push kick, sending GSV to the mat, back first. Sylo charged in while Gregg quickly rolled backwards and regained his stance. If he was going to become the NEW jOlt Champion, he was going to have to stay off the mat. Time Remaining in Round One, Two Minutes. Sylo however, anticipated GSV’s every move, and sent running knee strike to Gregg’s chin. GSV’s legs buckled for a quick second, before he fell down. He stumbled backwards as Sylo charged in again. Gregg used the ropes to repel off of and duck under a right hook. Sylo turned around. The GSV KICK! The thrusting jump kick hurled Sylo back a few steps. Only Sylo could withstand such a blow and countered with a flurry of fist. GSV bobbed and weaved, in and out, as both men picked their shots on one another. Gregg worked the body of Sylo, as he dunked under several shots, countering with more hard blows to the ribs. Sylo was a massive man, much taller than GSV, so if he was going to defeat the Superbeast, he would have to wear him down with body shots that would setup a brilliant submission move in the later rounds and he was doing just that! Tink! Tink! Tink! Time Remaining in Round, One Minute! Sylo knocked down one of GSV’s shots and wrapped his massive paws around GSV’s neck, hooking with with a Muay Thai clinch. Gregg was defenseless as Sylo overpowered him in the clinch. Forty five seconds remained and Sylo would punish The Resilient Warrior every step of the way. Sylo forced his knees into Gregg’s face. The fans cheered louder and louder. This was the loudest they had been all night. They watched Sylo continuously send knees into Gregg Scott Vincent’s face as the time now hit the twenty second mark on the jOltvision. Mike Hunt watched Gregg with caution, as he was close to calling the fight, but Gregg withstood each blow. “IS HE GONNA MAKE IT! ONLY TEN SECONDS LEFT, I THINK HE CAN!” Michael yelled. Mike stepped closer to the action as the clock hit five seconds, four seconds, three seconds, four seconds, and...DING! DING! Sylo released GSV before Mike Hunt demanded him too and immediately walked to his corner and sat down, grinning at GSV as he stumbled to his chair. Gregg sat down with his palms on his thighs and panted heavily. The trainers patched up his face and stopped the bleeding that had occurred from the knee shots. “How did Gregg Scott Vincent even make it to the bell! That was forty five seconds of knee strikes to the face! AMAZING!” Michael asked in awe. “Sylo is just looking at GSV! It looks like he ready for round two!” said Nathan. “Now GSV is up and ready! How the hell does he do it!?!” Michael said as Round two began. As soon as the bell signaled the start of round two, Sylo charged at GSV with a quick power walk and initiated the first combination of moves. Gregg would stepped away and get some space in between him and The Superbeast. Sylo lunged forward and Gregg bounced backwards. He circled around Sylo and waited for the right time to strike. Sylo kicked at GSV’s shin, Gregg countered with a straight right, followed by an uppercut. Sylo attempted a right hook, but Gregg dodged it, and spun around hitting Sylo with a spinning elbow shot. Sylo’s knees buckled for a split second, because the elbow shot connected with a nerve next to his chin and so,GSV moved in for the kill and possibly become jOlt next Champion. “WOW! That elbow shot was brutal! Sylo is fighting off a flurry of rights and left from the Warrior, GSV!. Who would have expected this!” Michael stated, as Sylo slowly began to rise from his knee. “GSV is pounding Sylo with HARD rights, but Sylo is still getting up! NOW THAT’S WHAT WE EXPECTED!” Nathan announced out of sheer excitement. Time Remaining in Round Two, Three Minutes. Gregg lunged at Sylo with a right hook, but Sylo caught his arm with his left hand, and smashed his right fist into GSV’s nose. Blood splattered on every head referee Mike Hunt and GSV fell back into the turnbuckle. Sylo quickly followed up forcing some straight jabs through GSV’s guard. Gregg kept his chin tucked and focused on parrying some of Sylo’s attacks, but all it took was one massive uppercut and GSV was seeing stars now. “GSV IS HURT!” Nathan shouted, as Gregg fell into Sylo with his guard still up. He quickly sent a sharp jab under Sylo’s chin, showing signs of life. “WOW! This man is going toe to toe with Sylo! WHO COULD’VE IMAGINED THIS!?!” Michael exclaimed while Gregg continued with combinations of precision uppercuts and left hooks to the body. Sylo however, wrapped his monstrous arms around GSV, and catapulted him into the air, slamming him down with a belly to belly suplex. Sylo now had side control and he want take advantage of the situation by striking GSV with rapid elbow shows. Though, Gregg slipped his legs around Sylo’s waist, and now Sylo had a half mount in place. Sylo picked his shots and drilled GSV with his iron fist. TICK! TICK! TICK! Time Remaining in Round Two, One Minute. GSV was showing much determination as he dodged several strikes, but it was only a matter of time before Sylo connected with a hard shot. When he did, Gregg’s vision began to blur, and he knew one more shot would end it. Time Remaining in Round Two, Thirty Seconds. Sylo reared back and thrusted his shoulder, as it directed his fist into GSV’s face, but the unexpected happened. Awe echoed in the arena, as the fans couldn’t believe their eyes. The GSV ARMBAR! Somehow, someway, don’t ask me the fuck how, Gregg Scott Vincent snatched Sylo’s arm and thrusted his legs around Sylo’s neck implementing a standing armbar. Sylo roared as he fought the pain in his arm. He lifted Gregg off the ground and slammed his back into the mat a couple of times, but GSV had it locked in and he wasn’t letting go. He screamed with all his strength as the crowd counted down from ten. Ten! Nine! Eight! Sylo slammed him down again, but Gregg screamed even louder than before. Seven! Six! Five! Sylo fell to one knee as he grimaced in pain. Four! Three! Two! One! DING! DING! DING! Mike Hunt stepped in to stop the action. GSV released the hold and rolled over on his stomach with his right cheek to the mat. Blood stained the mat, as he gasped for air. “GSV is done! That was his last shot at a championship! Look at HIM! He’s gasping for air on the mat, Mike Hunt should call it now!” Nathan said to Michael. Michael replied, “If he could have been worse, he could have locked that in sooner, and he would have been the new jOlt Champion right now!” The trainers quickly patched up GSV to the best of their ability, as Sylo stretched out his arm on the opposite side of the ring. Mike hunt hurried both corners because round three was ready to begin. The bell rang and both men hurried center-ring. Gregg tried to feint a side left kick and hope Sylo would bite as he threw a jumping right that could take anyone's head off, even Sylo’s but what Gregg wasn’t expecting was Sylo ducking. The kick barely missed its mark but before Gregg could reposition he saw Sylo fly in with a Superman Punch. Gregg was rocked as Sylo clinched him again, this time falling back into a full guard. As soon as Sylo’s back hit the mat he locked Gregg’s arm and pulled a leg up, locking it with another arm. He had him in one of the most deadly submission moves possible, a Triangle-Choke, which Sylo referred to as: NO ESCAPE! Sylo had GSV in a death grip with the triangle-choke. Gregg, as resilient and tough as he was, just didn’t seem to have enough left in the tank. He could feel the life draining from his body, as he began to pass out. Mike Hunt encouraged GSV to tap, but GSV would not, instead he would collapse and Mike Hunt would have to call the match. ![]() “Sylo WINS!” Nathan yelled. “Gregg Scott Vincent is unconscious. Mike Hunt and the trainers are trying to revive him!” Michael explained as, GSV aroused, after two minutes of downtime. Gregg pushed the trainers to the side, as he slowly made it to his feet. He stood up and Sylo was right there looking down at him. The Superbeast nodded his head and extended his hand. Gregg obliged and shook Sylo’s hand. Mike Hunt stepped in between them and clinched their wrist, while Brad Arnold announced the winner of the match. “Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner by referee stoppage with two minutes and eighty one seconds left in the third round and STILL JOLT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, SYLOOOOOO!” Brad announced to the thousands watching from across the world. The trainers handed Sylo both the jOlt title and strapped the Legacy title around his waist. Sylo, in a show of respect, raised GSV’s hand and the scene faded with Gregg Scott Vincent and Sylo showing respect to each other, after a hard fought battle. ![]() ![]() ![]() He knocked on the door, and it was immediately swung open by Bane Loneheart. “Where ya been, boyo?” Reno Davis saw that there was blood on the locker room floor, some five feet away from the door. “What’s… that?” “That was BIG Little Italy.” Du Luc, the behemoth of Total Conquest replied, stone-faced, as Persepothe stroked his chest. “Oh… sh*t.” Reno quietly grunted to himself, as his legs locked in place. Which was good if they tried to pull him in to do the same to him, but bad if the Relentless Champion decided to run and fight anotherday. “He’ll walk again, even if he didn’t walk away.” Chris Titan chuckled, and Bane Loneheart actually snorted. “Come in.” Titan gestured to the Relentless Champion with his massive, scarred paw. “I’ll stay right here, thank you.” Reno replied, determination in his eyes. He wasn’t about to flink in front of these men. “Suit yourself, Champ.” Titan replied with a gruff shrug, as the rest of the Backbone took seats within the locker room and waited for Titan’s next move, “Have you given any thoughts about what I said to you after you won that piece of silver.” “You mean my sword?” Reno said with a smile, as he looked at the Relentless title on his shoulder. “Sorry?” Titan grunted. “Nothing.” Reno replied, as Bane nudged SDL and made a comment at the kind of f*ckin’ weirdo Reno was, “No, I was too busy thinking about the inspiration I had given you to become the Backbone.” “Excuse me?” Chris Titan replied, as he edged up on Reno. Davis proudly held his ground. “You seemed pretty adamant about quoting me before you unveiled this clubs name, along with the new threads. Nice touch by the way, the color coding.” Reno nodded at the Backbone t-shirts." “See, it’s because of the inspiration that feeling your flesh against these bone knuckles gave me,” Titan’s mind was more on the beating he gave Reno directly after their words, “That we landed on this… yeah, I admit it. Kicking your scrawny *ss really did bring me back to where I started. What I did best. Hurting people. So thanks for that…” “Don’t mention it,” Reno scowled pro-actively so as not to sigh. “Your title win was an inspiration too. It proved that any Original was just as good as the fresh meet they brought in from God knows what back water promotion and gave whatever kinda six-figure deal. See, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had inspired Rau’s run at Chavez or Bane here,” Titan motioned at Loneheart, “To take a run at that Demon of Dublin.” “The feck you talkin’ about…” Bane began to talk back at Titan, but his Irish brogue was cut-off with a growl from Titan. The Titan turned back to Reno. “So join us, Reno Davis. Inspire the untold army that will be standing by your side.” Titan growled, his arms stretching out in a show of theatrics and of threat, as his frame shadowed that of the Unwanted Angel’s. “I—“ Reno started to speak, but was cut off by Titan almost immediately. “This is the last time we ask you, Reno. Then you fall in with the sorry side of jOlt.” Titan growled, his threat clear as crystal. The Relentless Champion eyed Titan, and then after a few moments he even allowed himself a look at SDL, Persephone, Bane Loneheart. They all stared at Reno Davis, awaiting his reply. “I’ll think about.” Chris Titan’s eyes narrowed, but then he grinned. “Think fast, Champ. Clocks ticking.” Then Titan stepped back from Reno Davis, and slammed the locker room door in his face. Reno blinked and turned away from the door, his hand on his Relentless Championship… over his heart. The fuse had been lit, and the bomb felt as if it lay in Reno Davis’s chest. ![]() ![]() Citizen vs. Derecho ![]() ![]() ![]() “The End is Coming” by Sevendust As the lights in the arena dimmed, the fans rose to their feet and cheered as the man known as Citizen stepped out from the backstage area. His mask kept his face hidden, but you knew that there had to be a look of determination underneath it. Citizen knew that his was his one shot at possibly attaining “Glory” and he had to take it. Citizen made his way to the ring where he stepped between the ropes and made his way to the center of the ring. The lights in the arena returned to normal then faded out to black and then a crimson hue. As they did, Citizen turned his attention to the entrance ramp. “One Reason” by Fade The anthem of the King of the Underground… the Underground Champion struck up over the PA system. Derecho stepped out from the back and it appeared that one week didn’t give him too much of an opportunity to heal. Derecho stood there clad in bandages once again, but he still sported the Underground Championship around his waist. Derecho made his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos. Many wondered what shape Derecho was in. After he went through hell at Divide & Conquer, he had been beaten within an inch of his life at the hands of Sylo a couple of weeks back. All of that had to have taken its toll. As Derecho stepped into the ring, he came face to mask with Citizen. He unsnapped the Underground Championship from around his waist and threw it to ringside like a child tossing an unwanted toy. The referee stepped in between them and got them to get some distance away from each other. Once the referee was satisfied with the space between Derecho and Citizen, he called for the bell. DING DING DING Derecho immediately exploded at Citizen and pummeled him with rapid fire right hands! Citizen ducked and covered his head as Derecho relentlessly hammered away at the back of the head and neck of Citizen. Derecho then switch up his game and grabbed Citizen by the head and begun to hit knee strike after knee strike to the head of Citizen! Derecho then had hit one huge knee strike that sent Citizen stumbling backward where he ended up against the ropes. Derecho charged in with a clothesline and drilled Citizen with it. Citizen flipped over the top rope and fell to ringside! Derecho wasted no time and stepped between the ropes and onto the ring apron. Citizen staggered to his feet and Derecho leapt off with a double axe handle, but Citizen punched Derecho right in the mid-section! Derecho collapsed to his knees as he held his mid-section in pain, but being the monster that he was, Derecho clenched his teeth and fought back to his feet. When he turned around, he was met with a stiff right hand by Citizen! Citizen hit another right that staggered Derecho toward the steel ring steps. Derecho turned around and was met with a thrust kick to the injured mid-section! Derecho dropped to a knee as he held his stomach in pain. Citizen pulled Derecho up to his feet and then drove him back first into the edge of the ring apron! Citizen then placed Derecho in a waist lock and powered him forward. The end result saw Derecho rammed stomach first into the announce table! While Derecho laid there draped over the announce table, Citizen walked over to the time keeper and stole his steel chair! Many knew that in Derecho’s matches, he was the one who would always go after the chair. It seemed that now Citizen was going to turn the tables on Derecho! Citizen readied the chair as Derecho pushed himself off the announce table. Derecho turned toward Citizen and was met with the steel chair as Citizen jammed it into the stomach of Derecho! Citizen then held the chair under Derecho’s face as Derecho was bent over and used his foot to kick the chair straight into Derecho’s face!!! A loud “OOOH” came from the crowd as the impact could have broken Derecho’s nose as blood began to flow out of his nostrils! Derecho staggered over to the ring steps and grabbed them to brace himself, otherwise, he would have went down. Citizen saw his opportunity and readied the chair! Derecho turned around to face Citizen once again. Citizen swung the chair for a home run, but Derecho ducked out of the way and the chair only found the steel ring post! Derecho shuffled back and lunged in with a super kick that slammed into the side of the head of Citizen! Citizen turned and fell against the ring apron where he also dropped the chair on the floor. Derecho staggered over and gritted his teeth as he bent over to pick up the steel chair. Derecho then jammed the chair into the lower back of Citizen. “HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT YOU ASSHOLE”, screamed Derecho Derecho then jammed the chair right into the back of Citizen once again. Derecho then took a step back and wiped the blood from his nose. With the blood on his hand, he slapped the upper back of Citizen which caused it to splatter on his ring attire. Derecho then lifted the chair…. THWACK! A massive chair shot across the back where he slapped him and left a bloody smear… almost as if he marked his spot before he inflicted pain and punishment. Derecho slid the chair into the ring and then rolled Citizen back in. Derecho thought about going up top, but he remembered that at Divide & Conquer, he tried that and the tape and bandages around his waist was the result. Derecho chose to simply roll back in the ring. When Derecho got back to his feet, he picked up the chair and unfolded it in the middle of the ring. He then brought Citizen back up to his feet and signaled for the end. He grabbed Citizen by the mask and screamed at him.. “I AM KING!” Derecho hoisted Citizen up onto his shoulder, but Citizen began to punch away at Derecho’s mid-section! The pain shot through Derecho’s entire torso and it caused him to drop Citizen! The fans in attendance began to rally behind Citizen as he fired a couple of rights into the face of Derecho! As Citizen went to fire another one, Derecho blocked and fired a right hand of his own back at Citizen which staggered him near the unfolded chair. Derecho then went for a toe kick, but Citizen grabbed the leg of Derecho and used a Dragon Screw Leg Whip that twisted Derecho into the chair in a seated position! Citizen then shuffled back and nailed a super kick of his own to Derecho as he sat in the chair! Derecho and the chair toppled over from the impact! Citizen immediately went over and dragged Derecho away from the chair and made the cover! One! Two! No! Derecho kicked out! Citizen pounded his fists on the canvas as he pulled Derecho back up to his feet. Citizen tried to hook Derecho for The Answer… his Snap T-Bone Suplex, but Derecho fired elbows into the side of Citizen’s head as the Underground Champion still had life left in him! Derecho then nailed a knee to the stomach of Citizen and grasped him in a front chancery. Derecho lifted Citizen and dropped him with a vertical suplex! Derecho held on and turned Citizen over. He pulled Citizen back to his feet where he re-hooked him and nailed a Snap Suplex. Derecho started to feel the pain in his mid-section, but he continued to hold on and stood back up, pulling Citizen with him. Derecho hooked him for the third part of the F3 Combination, but when he lifted Citizen up, his Mid-Section twinged with pain and he dropped Citizen. Citizen took advantage and punched Derecho in the stomach… he then hooked Derecho and lifted him high into the air for a vertical suplex, but instead, Citizen turned and dropped down with a front falling Gordbuster! CRASH!!! Derecho fell stomach first across the unfolded chair that had toppled over onto its back! Derecho bounced off the chair and screamed out in tremendous pain! Derecho kicked his boots into the canvas and the fans erupted!! They knew this was it! Citizen headed to the turnbuckles and ascended to the top!!! Off leapt Citizen!! FROG SPLASH!!!!! COVER!!!!!!! ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DERECHO KICKED OUT!!!!!!!!!! At the last possible moment, Derecho somehow… some way kicked out!! Even though Derecho had kicked out, the damage had been done. Derecho continued to lay there on his side on the canvas. Derecho held his stomach in pain as the groans of agony escaped from his mouth. Perhaps it was instinct that allowed Derecho to kick out from that pin. Citizen smelled victory… he pulled Derecho back to his feet and then hooked him under his arm with a front chancery. He then butterflied the arms. The fans rose to their feet as Citizen lifted Derecho high into the air for the Merciful Judgment.. the double underhook brainbuster, but at the apex of the lift, Derecho drove his knee into the head of Citizen!! Citizen dropped Derecho and then charged in with a clothesline, but Derecho ducked underneath and rolled Citizen up with a school boy! One!!! Two!!! Derecho was elevated enough where Citizen could reach up and pull Derecho over into a small package! One!!! Two!! THREE!!!??? ![]() Derecho kicked away… DING DING DING! He kicked away too late!!!! CITIZEN JUST USED A FLASH PIN AND PINNED THE UNDERGROUND CHAMPION!!!!! The crowd erupted!!! Citizen proved it could be done! The, once again, number one contender just pinned the champion!!!! Derecho held his mid-section in pain and watched on as the referee held Citizen’s hand up high! The crowd went insane! “The End is Coming” by Sevendust! Citizen’s theme played over the speakers as he ascended the turnbuckle and raised his fist high into the air! He then looked back at Derecho and motioned that he will be the next Underground Champion! The look on Derecho’s face was that of extreme confusion, yet, anger. Citizen hopped off the turnbuckle and exited the ring. ![]() ![]() ![]() He just sat there. Derecho then took in one deep breath and exhaled as he leaned to the side and rolled out of the ring. The time keeper approached Derecho and handed him his Underground Championship. He continued to offer it to Derecho, but Derecho just stood there and stared down at the Championship. Eventually, Derecho reached out and softly grabbed the championship from the hands of the time keeper. Derecho didn’t even hold it up to look at it… it just fell to his side as Derecho loosely grasped the medallion of it. Then, in a sudden blinding strike… WHAM!!! Derecho slammed the Championship straight into the face of the time keeper!!! Derecho threw the belt down on the canvas and grabbed the top of the announce table! He threw the top off to the side and grabbed one of the embedded monitors and ripped it out. He then hurled it at the steel ring steps where it slammed against them and shorted out! Derecho grabbed the other monitor and did the same thing! It, too, slammed against the ring steps and shorted out! Derecho then picked up the time keeper and threw him over the dismantled announce table! By this time, security ran down from the back and tried to get a hold of Derecho. Derecho elbowed one in the face then punched another! Derecho picked up the championship and slammed it into the face of another security guard! Only one remained and he hesitated as Derecho held up the championship ready to strike. Derecho turned his back and the guard saw his chance, but Derecho turned around immediately and slammed the title into the head of the security guard! Derecho then slid back into the ring as more security and officials ran down to the ring. Derecho then collapsed to his knees in the center of the ring and clutched the Underground Championship close to his chest. Officials and security surrounded him. They were cautious to approach him, but Derecho just knelt there with the title clutched in his hands and against his body. Blood from his nose dripped on the canvas as he knelt there. It was the final scene as Warriors went off the air. ![]() ![]() |
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