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![]() ![]() “It sure has Nathan,” Michael Buhrman, jOlt’s play-by-play man, replied, “And don’t call me Mikey. As I was saying though the action in the Glory Grand Prix has been electric. Ninja K is currently in the lead with four points. Phoenix and Wippit Guud are close behind him, tied at two points apiece and then bringing up the rear with a big ol’ goose egg is Kenjiro Ito.” “The last Triple Crown Champion sure must wish he had more of that ol’ Jolt Wrestling magic, hey?” Powers laughed. “Uh, Nathan… we don’t really talk about those days.” Buhrman hissed at his color-man before regaining his composer on the mic, “It’s true though, Ito has had the misfortune of falling short not only against Wippit Guud, but against Ninja K as well! He has to hope he can turn it around in this week’s stage of the Glory Grand Prix… the tag team event!” “As you can see, our four Grand Prix competitors are ALREADY in the ring,” and no word of a lie, Ninja K, Phoenix, Wippit Guud, Kenjiro Ito were standing in the ring, staying VERY true to how we knew them, “Now what they’ll do next is simple. Competitors will get to choose ANYONE ELSE on the roster as their tag team partner. The only caveat is once a partner is chosen, that jOlt superstar is off the board and can’t be chosen by another Glory Grand Prix competitor!” “Sounds simple, Mikey so enough bobbling,” Powers scoffed, “Let’s have A DRAFT! Before this boondoggle of decision to put these four together again… turns into a brawl.” “Phoenix has been lucky enough to get the first pick!” Buhrman could be heard booming, as the man in white spandex with a gold phoenix insignia on both his tights and his mask, held a microphone. The crowd cheered as Phoenix took a moment to wave to the collective masses. “When I was told I was given the first pick… I didn’t have to think twice about who my tag team partner would be. When you go to war, you bring the biggest gun,” Phoenix opined from under his mask. Wippit could be seen waiting patiently beside him, as Ninja K stood perched on the turnbuckle nearest to the ramp way. Kenjiro Ito was miming a blabbing motion with his hand to soft jeers from the crowd, as he leaned against the ropes. “In fact I recently told him, let me have war, say I… and being of a man of requisite taste, the SuperBeast agreed. Of course, I choose our jOlt Champion… SYLO!” Lights Out. Cue Johnny Cash. “And I heard, as it were, the sound of thunder… One of the four beasts sang come, and I see and, I saw… And Behold! A White Horse. And his name that sat on him… Was death… And hell…followed with him.” Instead of the usual sound of a bomb going off and blinding white light the various hues of blue pryro swirled, entangled in a dance of color, as the Last Legacy Champion and Current jOlt Champion stepped out on the entrance ramp with both titles. The roof was rocking as Sylo made his way to the ring and climbed in. Phoenix already had the microphone out for Sylo as the champion took it and looked around. “Sorry, Chris, looks like Phoenix beat you to it. He’s right though, you can have guns, you can have tanks, you can have soldiers when you go to war but what you really want to have is a weapon of mass destruction on your side,” Sylo stopped to let the fans die down. “Now, in this ring I see three men and Sephiroth. It doesn’t matter to me who wins because this,” Sylo took the jOlt title off and held it up. “Is staying with me for quite some time. Now I have a lot of respect for the lot of you, except the guy that likes to stab innocent women in the back and calls a severed head “mother”...by the way, you are one SICK fuck,” The fans laughed as Sylo curled his face in disgust. “Anyway, I guess I have no choice. Tonight I’m with Phoenix.” Wippit Guud procured his microphone and eyed Sylo standing with Phoenix. His eyes darting from the man in white and gold, to the Big Blue Meany (only Wippit got to call Sylo that). “D’aaaaaw man! He was MY pick!” Guud scrunched his face, and then waved it off as the fans laughed, “Well if it’s going to be like that I guess I’m going to have to stick with an old friend of my own still. Maybe not as old a friend as YOU big guy… but a trusted teammate just the same.” Those who knew there Wippit Guud history, may know who the Canadian gymnast was talking about. “Heck! We even won a Tag Team Championship together! Course it wasn’t here, but then again jOlt is such a black hole for it’s OWN history, who would know… gone one year, back the next… GONE IN A JOLT! AHA! Where was I?” “Pick your Sylo replacement!” yelled the jOlt Champion, and that even got a laugh from Phoenix, from underneath his mask. “Right! Thanks big guy! My tag team partner for tonight? RAY CHAVEZ! Boo ya!” "Sacrifice (EQ Mix)" by Atom Smash. Ray Chavez looked a little worse for wear after dropkicking Jason Rau off a motorcycle just one week ago, an act that left both men seriously injured. Sporting a small limp The Equalizer, and his scumbag of a manager in Keith Kane, made their way to the ring. Kane did not seem too please with Wippit's decision to pick his client as his tag team partner, but Chavez looked happy to help his old friend. The two shook hands and then both men shared a look with Sylo, the jOlt Champion, and a nod. These friends would be forced to do battle later in the evening, and while they weren't pleased with the prospect they all knew that was just the name of the game in this business. Still seated atop the adjacent turnbuckle, Kenshiro could be heard clearing his throat over the microphone. The current Grand Prix points leader took a brief moment to sweep the hair free from his visage before addressing all within attendance. "Why am I not surprised?" The ninja quipped while slowly raising his head. "Every respective pick made by my opposition, excluding mine, are based solely out of sheer desperation. Both picks are but a virtually anthology of Legacy championships' past." The masses would emit a lasting roar as Ninja extended his right hand toward the direction of the current jOlt champion. "On one hand; you have the proverbial 'Fire Bird of Prey', who was the first to be rightfully extinguished by my hand, now desperately seeking to redeem himself in the selection of the self professed 'King' and sole target of my retribution..." The cheering legions were overheard as Camera Three was trained onto the hardeneing scowl etched on Sylo's face. "An individual who's championship reign, without question, is founded on borrowed time." A tandem of deuling chants beckoned for the second encounter as infamous titan nodded in anticipation. "...And on the other..." Ninja trained his focus onto the tandem of Wippit Guud and Ray Chavez. "...you have the dimunitive yet beloved promotional stalwart in Wippit Guud who's nomination of Raymond Chavez, is notable yet questionable at best..." A stoic glare and a pair of gnarling knuckles by Chavez was displayed in response to the ninja's commentary. "I defeated your draft pick years ago during my reign as Legacy champion, in spite of him virtually having the odds stacked firmly into his favor. However, I see no benefit in dwelling on the past. I stand assured in the notion that your selection presents himself as an even more formitable challenge than our last encounter." The masses rallied in hindsight as the ninja made his descent from the turnbuckle and locked eyes with the blue-hued behemoth. "Unlike that of my opposition have presented, my selection is out of sheer confidence; a walking embodiment of aerial supremacy and among the respected few for his innovative prowess...I choose Adam Lazarus." 'Praise' by Sevendust explodes from the PA overhead with Camera Three escorting the Wading River native from the backstage area. The jOltvision bransished Adam's high flying exploits as he confidently strolled down the rampway towards the squared circle. Making his ascension up the ring steps, Laz would play to the crowd for several moment before slingshooting himself over the top rope and nodding in respect toward his team mate. Kenjiro Ito, the first ever Ambassador Champion of Jolt and the final Triple Crown Champion, was finally able to snatch up a microphone. He had zero points and now was given the FINAL pick in the Grand Prix Draft… so why did he look so damn happy. “I will make my pick for a tag team partner, don’t anyone worry, but as Jolt’s long-standing Bad Will Ambassador let me just say a few things first!” the crowd was already jeering Ito and he simply retorted, “Oh shut your mouth mutants, you give the Impact Zone a good name!” That only earned throatier booing from the Orlando crowd. “How ever could I pick a better partner?! Let’s see what I have to live up to! The stereo-typical Japanese guy just picked the stereo-typical California dude-guy!” Ito snidely motioned to the team of Ninja K and Laz. “Dude, I’m from New York.” Adam Lazarus bit back with distain in his voice for Ito. “Do I look like I care, Bowie?” Ito replied, snarling underneath his sunglasses, “The midget got himself a cripple!” Wippit Guud shook his head, he would have jumped Ito already but he had to remember that he had already defeated this man. He won this battle already in the ring, as contentious as the decision had been. “We’re going to have a rematch too, you little shit,” Ito was evidently on the same wavelength as Wippit, as they sneered at each other, “With less help from the Backbone this time.” Lazarus, Ito, and Wippit all had reasons to grumble about the Backbone. The group of jOlt originals had certainly been quick to make a name for themselves, just as they had promised, and they had also started stockpiling enemies as well. “That brings me to my old best friend,” Ito smiled at Phoenix who, with bitter memories of letting him back into the fold in the first place, took a step towards his nemesis, “And the Champion he chose for a partner.” Ito’s was MEGAsneering at Sylo, who just grinned back. “A jOlt Champion, mind you, who could only ever hope to be one-third of all the things I’ve ever accomplished in this company.” “Okay Sephiroth, when you come back to the reality where everyone knows the SuperBeast reigns supreme, you can say hello to “Mother” for me.” Sylo chuckled, and even Wippit got a good laugh out of it. Ito was less then impressed. “WHAT?!” Ito was incredulous, “Is that supposed to be some sort of video game reference? Final Fantasy? Do I look like I play video games? Do I look like some sort of Seymour Almasy fancy-boy?! No. NO!” “Get to your pick!” Phoenix growled from his side of the ring. “Fine.” Ito sneered, collecting himself, “My pick… is YOU, Phoenix.” The crowd, for the first time tonight was quiet. You could hear a pin drop as they tried to figure out what had just happened, and then Ito started chuckling so they started getting ANGRY. “Damien Lee should have been smarter with his semantics, when he set-up the rules for the draft!” Ito grinned back towards his Glory Grand Prix opponents, “He said that the only thing we COULDN’T do was pick someone who wasn’t under contract by jOlt. He didn’t say a thiiiing about choosing a fellow competitor as your partner. Which makes it two… against two… against the three of us.” Ito motioned towards both Phoenix and the massive jOlt Champion, Sylo. In motioning, however, he wasn’t looking at the SuperBeast or else he would have noticed a none-to-pleased blue bruiser coming his back. CRACK! A hard forearm from Sylo sent Ito tumbling onto his ass. Though his sunglasses had been broken, and his nose was bleeding, Kenjiro Ito was still grinning. He had out-smarted the system and even if Sylo didn’t like it, if he had any pride he would be helping Ito get the win in this next Glory Grand Prix match. Seeing Ito prone on the mat was just too sweet a spot for Wippit to let-up, and he roared towards the last Triple Crown Champion, looking to follow up Sylo’s forearm shiver with a little Shining Wizard action! He was inter-cepted by Phoenix however, to the surprise of some in the crowd. Though honestly, now that Ito was on the same team as the man in gold and white, then the Embodiment of jOlt’s Rebirth was going to watch his partners back. A hard kick to the side of Guud’s head took him for a loop. Ray jumped forward to help Wippit, and Laz reached out to stop Chavez from adding to the growing chaos in the ring… only to get back-handed for his troubles. Then things got even more chaotic from there. Bodies started flying, along with the usual assortment of fists and feet. The Arena of Champions even began to roar as Ninja K and Sylo looked to be squaring off for the first time since that infamous night so many years ago… no bombs had been thrown between the two yet, but they were now meeting face to face in the center of the ring... except they were halted, hell everyone in the ring was halted. Phoenix and Ray Chavez. Ito and Wippit Guud and Laz. Damien Lee was on the jOltVision and he was NOT happy. "ENOUGH!" Damien Lee was not known for his outbursts of anger, as they were few and far between, but the look in his eyes and the red shade his face had taken were all clear signs of his ire. "All of you ... ENOUGH! Stop it! I have had enough of this! These complete and utter breakdowns have crossed the line! You have all crossed the line! As of right now, I am calling off this match tonight! There will be no points awarded to any of you! As a matter of fact, you can all take the night off and figure out where your heads are! You have an opportunity to get a chance at that man's jOlt Championship!" Damien Lee pointed directly at Sylo. "You have a shot at being the man in this company but you're too busy behaving like a bunch of high school girls fighting over who stole who's boyfriend! It's over! Get out of the jOlt ring and get out of the Arena of Champions!" Each and every wrestler in the ring looked on dumbfounded, including the jOlt Champion himself. And as the security guards filed out to escort the men out of the Arena of Champions, Sylo accepted that this would be his fate tonight as well ... but he was wrong. "Everyone except for you, Sylo." The Superbeast stopped dead in his tracks on the ramp and stared at the enormous facade of Damien Lee on the jOltVision. "In lieu of you having to compete in the Grand Prix match tonight you will be putting your jOlt Championship on the line. I've been keeping up with our social media efforts as of late and I have noticed a little conflict brewing between yourself and the Heirs of Wrestling. I've seen the tweets back and forth between you, as I'm sure the fans have. So tonight ... you're going to face Frank Silver in the Main Event for the jOlt Championship!" Hearing the news, Sylo just smiled. This was something he wanted. He wanted to defend his title and be a fighting champion. He wanted to prove to the world that the Superbeast was very much alive and well inside of him. And to do that against Frank Silver? That was the icing on the cake. Sylo glanced down at his jOlt Championship around his waist, then to the Legacy Championship slung over his shoulder as the constant reminder of his past. Finally, he looked to the fans in attendance. Sylo unsnapped his jOlt Championship, took a belt in each of his mammoth hands, and held them up for the world to see. He was THE champion and he was ready for any and all challengers. ![]() ![]() ![]() Sam Sweet had somehow managed to find Violet and Misty Gold backstage on their way towards the Skybox. Neither looked pleased with the confrontation of jOlt's rotund playboy. "What's with the long faces, sugar mommas? Wait, you just stopped by catering, too, didn't you? All out of those delicious German sausages, I know, but I managed to sneak in a Polish one ... if you catch my drift." Violet scoffed at the inuendo, while Misty Gold looked rather amused by Sam's boldness. "You're absolutely disgusting," Violet growled. "You've got that right! And, Miss Gold, can I just say I am a huge fan of your work. I have seen every single one of your films ... many a lot more than once. As a matter of fact, I just saw Back Door Bridesmaids this morning. Well ... about, like, five minutes of it." Misty Gold winked and ran her eyes over Sam Sweet's plump bodacious body. "More like thirty-five seconds," said Violet. "Forty-five, at least," Sam proudly replied. "I can work with that," Misty said while licking her lips. "MISTY! What would Mike think?!" "C'mon, Violet, we have an open relationship." Both Violet and Sam Sweet's eyes jumped out of their sockets. "REALLY?!" "Of course." "Holy shit," Sam said and quickly sucked in his gut, "this is so awesome! So ... um ... how you doin?" Misty began stroking the carpet Sam Sweet had growing on his chest. "Can the small talk, sweetie, and c'mere." "OOOOOOOOOF!" Sam Sweet instantly dropped to his knees, gasping for air. His face was turning blue, which probably wasn't the only part of his body taking on that shade at the moment. Misty Gold stepped back, after removing her knee from Sam Sweet's groin, and both women shared a laugh at the Husky Hunk's expense. They continued down the hallway, leaving Sam Sweet wimpering in the fetal position. "Oh God ... my balls ... my balls." ![]() ![]() RingRats vs. West Texas Terrorists ![]() ![]() ![]() The RingRats were in the building! Dallas Griffin and Graham Youngblood were the 3rd pairing to use the name of the wrestling academy run by Scott Riktor, Suicide, and Ninja K (among others) as their tag team name and the name has always proven to be a good luck charm for the members. Dallas Griffin was the show off of the duo, dancing and showing off his enormous diamond covered cross on the stage, while Graham Youngblood was usually more focussed on the matter at hand ... winning their matches. Youngblood was sporting his favorite red, skull-emblazoned singlet that was given to him by the instructor that took the youngster under his wing at the RingRats Academy in Adam Lazarus. Laz was among the first crop of RingRats graduates, along with Phoenix Riktor and Aria Murphy. All three have gone on to successful careers, Laz and Aria were both prominently featured in jOlt and Phoenix Riktor had developed quite a large following in Japan for GlobalPro. Griffin, by comparison, was the more well-rounded wrestler of the group. He had taken instruction from Mace Williams, Larry Tact, and Scott Riktor himself. The upside on this rookie was limitless. He could be the jOlt Champion right now and he knew as much, hence the gigantic ego and flamboyance he generally displayed. Inside that ring, however, even with the showboating he could get things done. "Bloodline (Instrumental)" by Slayer. The Nashvillain's proteges, as well as his muscle, made their way down to the ring. The Conway twins were on their own tonight, no Nashvillain by their side or even G.G. Gentry. Rumor had it that those two had returned home after The Nashvillain lost the Relentless Championship to Reno Davis, no doubt to decide when the most opportune time to return and regain the gold would be. The twins entered the ring and immediately began spouting off at the mouth towards their opponents. Dallas Griffin was quick to toss the trash talk right back in their direction, while Graham Youngblood laughed it off and entered into his pre-match stretching routine. The bell rang and it looked like Ezra Conway and Graham Youngblood would be starting the match off. Ezra was a little bigger than Youngblood and he showed his power by going right after the Ringrats graduate. Ezra continued to pound on Graham in the middle of the ring as Simon Boulder tried to pull Ezra off of Graham. Ezra picked up Graham and slammed him hard to the mat. The Texan picked up Graham and threw him into his corner. Ezra went to attack Graham in the corner but Boulder cut him off. While Boulder was talking to Ezra, Eli used the tag rope to choke him. Ezra walked into the corner as Griffin yelled at Boulder for the illegal actions that was happening with his tag team partner. Ezra tagged in his brother, Eli Conway. The huge Texan nailed Graham with a big forearm shot before pulling him away from the corner. Eli whipped Graham into the ropes. He bounced off and was nailed by a big clothesline from the big man. The big Texan picked up Youngblood but the Ringrats graduate quickly rolled Eli up with an inside cradle. Boulder went down for the cover. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT Graham quickly went and tagged in Dallas. Griffin came into the ring to continue on Conway. Dallas picked up Conway but Conway was ready as he nailed Griffin with a huge right hand that sent him to the mat. Conway tagged in Ezra who came in and nailed Dallas with a huge clothesline. The smaller Conway picked up Dallas, hooked him and drove him down with a big suplex. But Ezra never let go as he rolled his hips and picked up Dallas again and drove down to the mat with another suplex. Ezra wasn't done as he swung his hips again and nailed Dallas with the third rolling vertical suplex. Ezra picked up Dallas and whipped him into the corner. He rushed into the corner with a shoulder block but Dallas moved out of the corner. Griffin crawled to his corner and tagged in Youngblood. Graham came into the ring quickly and nailed Ezra with a few elbow shots to the back of his head. The Ringrats graduate picked up Ezra and grabbed his right arm and drove it down to the mat in an arm breaker. Ezra grabbed his shoulder in pain as Graham tried to continue his assault. He smirked as he picked up Ezra. Graham whipped Ezra into the ropes. He bounced back from the ropes as Youngblood was waiting to back body drop the smaller Texan but Ezra stopped in his tracks and hooked Graham. DOUBLE UNDERHOOK DRIVER Both men were down from that move but Ezra was the one who started to move first. He moved over to Graham and draped his arm over his chest for the pin. ONE... TWO... THR--- NO!! DALLAS WITH THE SAVE Ezra pulled Graham to his corner and tagged in the monster Eli Conway. Conway picked up Youngblood and drove him down to the mat with a big body slam. He picked up Graham and threw him into his corner and started to nail him with rights and lefts that sent Youngblood slumping to the mat. Conway picked up Graham and set him on the top rope. Eli hooked Graham and drove him down with a hip toss from the top ropes. The big Texan went for the cover on Youngblood. ONE... TWO... TH --- NO!! KICKOUT BY GRAHAM The crowd got behind Graham more. YOUNGBLOOD!! YOUNGBLOOD!! YOUNGBLOOD!! YOUNGBLOOD!! Conway whipped Youngblood into the ropes as Dallas got a blind tag on Graham. He came off the ropes and was nailed by a big boot to the face. Eli went for the cover but was nailed in the back of the head with a kick from Dallas. Black Ice picked up Conway and drove him down quickly with a DDT. Dallas dropped down for the cover as Boulder went for the count. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT BY CONWAY Ezra was trying to get his partner to make the tag as Graham finally started to stand up in his corner. Dallas picked up Conway and whipped him into the ropes. Eli bounced back and was nailed with an atomic drop from Black Ice. The big Texan staggered from the pain as Dallas caught the big man with a clothesline. Dallas went for another quick cover. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT BY ELI Dallas slammed his hand on the mat in frustration. He picked up Eli Conway and kicked him in the stomach. Griffin bounced off the ropes but was met by a huge clothesline from Eli. Both men fell to the mat as the crowd tried to chant for favorites in this match, the Ringrats. RINGRATS!! RINGRATS!! RINGRATS!! RINGRATS!! Conway crawled over to his corner as Dallas got to his feet and started to crawl to his corner. Both Graham and Ezra were chomping at the bit to get in the ring. Conway got the tag in to his brother as Dallas got the tag into Graham. Both men ran into the ring as the crowd exploded to see these two men go at it tooth and nail. RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT Ezra the bigger man started to get the upper hand as he continued the onslaught on Graham pushing him back to the ropes. Conway whipped Youngblood into the ropes but he held on and nailed Graham with a short arm clothesline. Ezra quickly picked up Graham. "Fuck you, Greenhorn." BRAINBUSTER Ezra dropped down for the cover on Graham. ONE... TWO... THR--- NO!! KICKOUT BY YOUNGBLOOD! Ezra wasn't through with Youngblood just yet. He picked up Graham and hooked him from behind. His twin went to go for a release German suplex but Graham landed on his feet. Ezra turned around and Graham nailed him with a dropkick to the knee that sent him down to a knee. Youngblood raced off the ropes. SPINNING HEEL KICK Graham dropped down for the cover on Ezra as Simon went for the count. ONE... TWO... THR-- NO!! ELI CONWAY WITH THE SAVE! Dallas ran in and he and Eli battled in the corner as Boulder had lost control of the match now. Graham was in a corner waiting for Ezra to get to his feet. Eli Conway flipped Dallas over the top rope as he hit the floor hard. Ezra turned around while getting to his feet. SWINGING DDT Graham bounced to his feet and was drove to the mat quickly by a big spear from Eli Conway. Three men were down on the mat as the fans erupted from the action. Black Ice rolled back into the ring as Eli was getting to his feet and nailed him with a standing sidekick that sent Conway sprawling to the floor. Dallas saw Ezra still down as he went for the cover on him. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT!! Ezra started to come to as he used the ropes to make it to his feet. Eli grabbed Dallas's legs and dragged him out of the ring to the floor. Graham made it to his feet. He turned around and walked into Ezra. TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Ezra hooked Graham's legs and synched in the hold. Simon Boulder dropped down in front of Youngblood. "AHHHH!" "DO YOU WANT TO GIVE UP?!" "NO!" Meanwhile, at ringside, Eli Conway and Dallas Griffin were trading blows near the guard wall. Each time Griffin struck Eli with a punch he'd attempt to get into the ring, only to have Eli Conway grab his dreads, singlet, kneepads, and anything else he could grasp to keep him out. Finally, Dallas Griffin drove a boot into Eli Conway's gut and hoisted him with a double chokelift then dropped him hard to the ground with a sit-down bomb. He quickly slid into the ring … … but only just in time to see Graham Youngblood, completely red in the face and folded like an accordion, reach out to the canvas and tap. ![]() IT WAS OVER!! The West Texas Terrorists, sans The Nashvillain, picked up a big win over the RingRats to put them right into the Tag Team Championships hunt. Dallas Griffin helped his tag team partner to his feet while the Terrorists headed up the ramp to the backstage area in full celebration mode. Griffin asked Youngblood if he was okay and then followed that query up with, "What the hell happened? Why did you tap?" A little tension amongst the rookie RingRats team inside the ring as Warriors moved elsewhere. ![]() ![]() ![]() "Heyah's da deal, Lee!" "What can I do for you, Luigi?" This was what made Damien Lee incredibly popular with the boys in the back. He was pissed about the Grand Prix incident, no question about it, but he wasn't going to take that out on BIG Little Italy. It was a welcomed change from the Jim Johnsons and Black Tom Williamses of the world. "I just watched those yoots out theyah get handed theyah asses by those mooks from Texas. You got a serious problem in da tag team division, Lee!" Damien Lee squinted, as if he was trying to see the solution written on BIG Little Italy's face. But it was nowhere to be found there. The solution, as luck would have it, was in Italy's hand. "Heyah," he said handing some rolled up papers to Damien Lee, "Dis should take care of your team problem." Lee leaned down (Italy just barely reached the top of his desk after all) and took the papers from Italy's hand. He opened them up in front of him and began reading. "Luigi," he questioned, "is this a contract?" "Damn right it's a contract! You got a problem, I'm your problem solvah! Dat's how dis relationship's gonna work from here on out. Your problem is you ain't got a deep enough tag team rostah. My solution ... hire dis guy!" "Is ... is his name really Conan?" "You bet your ass it is!" "And his last name ...?" "DA LEPRECHAUN!" Pause for the enormous, ground shaking pop from the Arena of Champions crowd. "Sign da papehs and bring back da original Devastation, Inc! We'll handle da rest!" "You know what?" Damien pulled a pen out of his suit jacket pocket and, after rifling through the papers to the last page, scribbled away. "Done. I would love to see Devastation, Inc. in a jOlt ring and, if the deafening screams from outside that window are any indication, I don't think I'm alone. Tell ... Conan to hop on a plane." "Already did dat, the Irish bastehd downed a couple pints and hopped on a plane dis morning. Pleasure doin bidness with chu, Lee." The miniscule monster extended his hand and the jOlt CEO accepted it. The deal was done, Devastation, Inc. was coming to jOlt and coming for the Tag Team Championships. But they weren't the only titles on someone's radar. Warriors headed back to the ring. ![]() ![]() ![]() If not, then fuck off. Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!” ‘Warriors’ by Volbeat roared at the jOlt maniacs in the Arena of Champions, stirring up every fan in the building. They jumped out of there seats and cheered while Gregg Scott Vincent shot through the curtains in his fighting gear with a microphone in his hand. The half grin on his face showed the amount of pride he carried in his heart, as he looked ready to pound some heads, on this edition of Warriors. But before we continued, let’s recap the past couple of shows, shall we? One week ago, on Warriors, Gregg Scott Vincent Challenged the jOlt Champion, Sylo, in a MMA bout. Gregg nearly defeated Sylo with an Armbar, but the round ended before he could claim the title. Sylo retaliated in round three and quickly put The Resilient Warrior to sleep with the No Escape. A few days later, on Intense, Gregg went up against Cordova, and showed off his hard work as he crushed Cordova in an Underground Match, repaying The Latin Thug, for a shot at the Flyweight Champion one month ago. Now, here he was again, ready to go toe to toe with another top competitor of jOlt, but who would The Resilient Warrior challenge tonight? The question would go unanswered for the time being, but everyone speculated as he entered the ring. Gregg turned circles and looked into the crowd with his hazel green eyes and raised the microphone below his half cocked mouth. Nathan Powers would point out, to the live audience, that GSV did not have a cigarette hanging from his mouth. After Nathan pointed out the rare occasion, Gregg began addressing the jOlt fanatics. “WHAT’S UP JOLT NATION!” he shouted into the microphone, with his bulky chin pointed up in the air. The crowd replied with a slew of cheers, lifting the roof off of the Arena of Champions. Gregg nodded his head in approval of the fans, as he scanned the Arena of Champions. “One week ago from today, I went toe to toe with Sylo” he paused, allowing the fans to cheer for the jOlt Champion, Sylo, “AND...over the past few weeks, I’ve been calling out the biggest, baddest, sumbitches in jOlt. Shit hasn’t gone my way, but what can I say? I haven’t been performing up to jOlt’s standards and after watching tapes of all my matches, the Sylo match in particular, I realized that if I’m going to compete with the top contenders here in jOlt, then I’m gonna have to work a little harder to do it! SO...I’ve been working hard to get bigger and stronger. I’ve already gained ten pounds, added some strength, and most importantly improved my endurance. I’m not where I wanna be, but it is a damn good start.” “I believe all you jOlt alcoholic saw on Intense what I did to Cordova, yeah!?!” The fans cheered, as he continued to walk circles in the ring, and continued with his chest bowed out, with his eyes darting in every direction. “I crushed Cordova on Intense and tonight...I’M GONNA CRUSH THE RELENTLESS CHAMPION!” He pointed to the crowd. The fans cheered, because they could only imagine what Gregg Scott Vincent had in store for them tonight. It had become a Wednesday night affair for GSV, as he proposed challenges to the top superstars of jOlt each week, on Warriors. “That’s right my friends, tonight you maniacs will witness the rise of a NEW champion!” “AND IT’S ALL FOR JOLT NATION! HELL YEAH!” The Resilient Warrior stomped around the ring with the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He was cocked and ready to rumble with the Relentless Champion, Reno Davis. “That said, I will put the pressure on Reno Davis TONIGHT! And everyone will see if he is worthy of that title, because I know HE IS NOT WORTHY!” he hesitated and walked over to the turnbuckle, as he did in every in-ring promo. He stood on the middle rope and flung his left arm into the air, with his hand curled into a tight fist. “BUT, I KNOW I AM WORTHY OF THAT TITLE!” he shouted into the microphone, with his chin held high amplifying jOlt Nation to its highest peak. The fanatics could already picture it in their minds, Reno Davis versus Gregg Scott Vincent. It was gonna be someHead Pounding Action! and they absolutely knew it! Gregg jumped off the turnbuckle and walked circles again, while he addressed the fans. “The new Relentless Rules fucking ROCK! No holds barred, with a five minute time limit...you people can only imagine the head pounding action that will be displayed tonight, eh?” he grinned, “Those were some damn good stipulations for me even when I smoked, but NOW!?! Hell yeah! I’m fucking stoked!” The Resilient Warrior stopped, turned, and looked straight into the camera with his brows furrowed. A arrogant smirk aroused at the corner of his mouth, because GSV knew the odds were in his favor. “SO...RENO DAVIS! GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!” “...BECAUSE TONIGHT...I’M GONNA PUT YOU TO SLEEP...AND BECOME THE NEEEEEWWWWWW......RELENTLESS CHAMPIONNNNNN!!!” The camera zoomed out with Gregg Scott Vincent reaching into his pocket. He fiddled around inside and retrieved a cigarette, but it wasn’t your ordinary cigarette, because there was no cherry burning bright at its peak. Instead, it was battery operated and as The Resilient Warrior inhaled on the vapors, he folded his arms, and grinned at the camera while it faded to another segment. ![]() ![]() ![]() "Well," Chris Titan replied to one of the two men he brutally attacked just days ago, "you found me. I don't know what it is you think you're going to accomplish by confronting me, though, Laz?" Adam Lazarus, taped ribs and all, stepped right up in Chris Titan's face. "I'm going to accomplish this; you and me, in the ring, tonight." "I thought you might say that. Here's how this works, you ignorant prick. You don't challenge the Backbone. You don't challenge the Backbone because the Backbone doesn't deal well with being threatened. You want me to get into the ring with you. I'm assuming you want that to happen later tonight?" "It could happen right now, for all I care. Just man up and agree to fight me." Chris Titan smiled that oh-so-sinister smile. "You want a fight? Perfect." *CLUNK!* By now that lead pipe had become infamous. And by now Adam Lazarus, of all people, should have known it was coming. He didn't, however, and because he didn't he was now laying face-down on the floor. One again finding himself on the receiving end of a Backbone curb-stomping. "Persephone, get the door." The Backbone's lone female member closed and locked the door to their locker room. This had become routine in the Rune Winters era of jOlt's backstage. Lock the door, keep the noise muffled, and take care of business quickly. That's exactly what they did. Bane Loneheart's lead pipe made little noise when it was clubbing flesh, so he concentrated on the wounded ribcage of Adam Lazarus. Boots don't make much noise either and so they cascaded all over Laz in rapid succession. Adam Lazarus wanted a one-on-one fight but what he got was a gang jumping. Chris Titan drove his heel into Laz's mouth and the blood began spilling, splattering the cement floor of the locker room. "The time's going to come, Laz, when you and I will have to address our little differences in the ring ... but that's going to happen on MY terms. Not yours." One final punt to the side of Laz's head knocked the unorthodox grappler instantly unconscious. "Don't worry, Laz, we'll let the EMTs know you need some assitance." The Backbone unlocked the door and strolled casually into the hallway while a warm puddle formed on the cold concrete around Adam Lazarus' face. ![]() ![]() ![]() Losses to The Nashvillian, Sylo, SVJ and the Heirs of Wrestling would break the average competitor. However, Jonathan was anything but average. He placed a scale down in the middle of the ring and stepped on. He removed a microphone from his waistline and brought it to his mouth. "201 pounds! I like the sound of that." Jonathan stepped off the scale, and continued. "What does it mean to be a champion? It means that you are the best at what you do, and putting that championship belt around your waist comes with the utmost prestige. But for whatever reason I haven't been able to display why I deserve to be a champion... but that all changes tonight. There is a man in this arena tonight by the name of Avispa Ultima that I feel needs to prove himself in order to be considered the best Flyweight in jOlt Wrestling." A mixed reaction from the crowd followed. Conspiracy took it all in stride as the Arena of Champions filled with Ultima's music, bringing cheers from the crowd. "Enter the Luchador" And so the luchador did. The lights in the Arena of Champions transitioned to an amber glow and Avispa Ultima returned to jOlt earlier than had been expected, answering the challenge to his Flyweight Championship. The charismatic luchador ran down the ramp and slid into the ring, hitting a handspring frontflip to bring himself to his feet. He stared deep into Jonathan Conspiracy's eyes and removed his black leather jacket, clad with the golden wasp logo of Clan Avispa. "Hello Avispa Ultima, I'm glad you could join me in this ring tonight. I feel that tonight you can cement yourself as one of the best Flyweights in jOlt history if you can defeat me here tonight." "Mr. Conspiracy, let me assure you of two things," Avispa Ultima replied stoically. "The first ... I am the greatest Flyweight in the history of jOlt or any other organization. And two ... I never back down from a challenge ... I will defeat you tonight." The crowd popped at the thought of Ultima defending his Flyweight Championship tonight against "One Letter Better", however some groaned at the prospect of Mr. Conspiracy getting yet another title shot. Avispa Ultima removed his title as a ref made his way down to ringside. He handed the title over to the ref, who then raised it above his head and handed it to the timekeeper and called for the bell to start the match. ![]() ![]() Avispa Ultima vs. Jonathan Conspiracy ![]() ![]() ![]() “Come on Avispa!” Ultima sprinted out of the corner but JCON sidestepped him, however when he turned around Avispa had already springboarded himself off of the middle rope and connected with a body splash into a lateral press. 1… Conspiracy kicked out. Both combatants got to their feet and it was now Avispa who gestured to “One Letter Better”. Conspiracy charged at Ultima but was taken down with a drop toe hold. The Flyweight Champion then rolled himself to JCON’s upper body and locked him into a headlock. Conspiracy got to his knees, and then planted one foot firmly on the mat and powered himself back up to a vertical base and took Ultima down with a backbody drop. He ran the ropes and leaped over Ultima but received a dropkick from Avispa on the return trip. Avispa Ultima then ran the ropes himself and connected with a senton splash and covered Conspiracy. 1… 2… Conspiracy kicked out. Ultima pounded the mat, and got a hold of JCON and brought him back to his feet. He measured “Wrestling’s Gold Digger” and took him back down with a standing dropkick. Ultima then slapped his hands on the top turnbuckle. It was time to fly. Avispa leapt onto the top turnbuckle and launched himself as Conspiracy got back to his feet. FLYING HEADSCISSORS! Jonathan Conspiracy had no idea what he got himself into, and Avispa Ultima was showing everyone in attendance why the gold is around his waist and not any of the other Flyweights. Ultima brought Conspiracy back to a vertical base and snap suplexed him back down the canvas. He ran the ropes and leapt off the middle rope with a moonsault. 1… 2… Conspiracy with a shoulder up. Avispa then brought Conspiracy back to his feet once again, and irish whipped him into the turnbuckle. Avispa backed up into the vertical corner and raced towards Conspiracy, but he sidestepped the champion and Ultima’s shoulder met the ring post. The momentum sent Ultima tumbling from the ring to the outside. Seeing his opportunity, Conspiracy ran the ropes and hit a baseball slide as Ultima used the apron to get to his feet. “One Letter Better” then whipped Ultima towards the ringsteps, however Avispa leapfrogged them and landed on the opposite side. Frustrated Conspiracy rushed towards the steps but Avispa hopped onto the ringsteps and leapfrogged Conspiracy who turned back towards Avispa but was met with a spinning headscissors and landed on his feet to the delight of the Warriors crowd inside the Arena of Champions. He rolled Conspiracy back into the ring as the ref stopped his count. Conspiracy got himself back to a vertical base as Avispa springboarded himself towards him as he looked to connected with another high risk maneuver, but was taken down by a sitdown powerbomb. Conspiracy locked Avispa’s arms with his legs as the ref started to count the pinfall. 1… 2… Avispa kicked out! Jonathan had no answers for the champion up to this point in the match, but being “One Letter Better” has its advantages. He brought Avispa to his feet and whipped him into the ropes taking him down with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He then went to lock in “The Attention Getter” crossface but Ultima fought valiantly to keep Conspiracy from locking his hands together to apply the necessary pressure. Unsatisfied Conspiracy started to bash the luchadore’s face into the canvas. He then locked in the crossface. Ian Nyugen checked on Avispa to see if he wanted to quit and watched to see if he would tap out, but Avispa did neither. Instead he inched his way towards the ropes and after what felt like an eternity to him he had gotten a firm hold of the bottom rope which forced JCON to break the hold. 1… 2… 3… 4… finally Conspiracy released the hold to some heat from the crowd. He brought Avispa back up to his feet and irish whipped him into the ropes. An attempt at a clothesline was ducked by the champion, and he returned with a Spinning Side Crescent Kick, that dropped Conspiracy to the canvas. He proceeded to bring Jonathan back to a vertical base and whipped him into the corner, which Conspiracy slammed into back first. Ultima then rushed in after Conspiracy and attempted a monkey flipped but was pushed off by Conspiracy. Conspiracy followed out of the corner with another attempt at a clothesline but it was reversed into a backslide. 1… 2… Conspiracy kicked out of the pinning predicament, and both competitors made their way to the ropes and got themselves back to a vertical base. Conspiracy and Ultima stared at each other from across the ring plotting their next moves. Conspiracy charged in but Avispa Ultima lowbridged the top rope and Conspiracy tumbled to the outside. Ian Nyugen went outside to check on the status of the former 2x International Champion but before he knew it he was the recipient of a No touch Running Tope Con Hilo. Conspiracy had pushed Nyugen into Ultima’s path and was now looking to take advantage. He shoved Avispa into the ringsteps and followed that up by rolling him into the ring. Conspiracy then grabbed the Flyweight Title from ringside and was looking to nail Avispa Ultima with it. “Is that Derecho???!!!” stated Nathan Powers, as a figure made his way down the aisle. The Underground Champion was now at ringside and grabbed a hold of the weight scale. Conspiracy noticed him and attempted to hit him with the Flyweight Title but Avispa grabbed the title, which lead to Derecho nailing Conspiracy with the scale. Derecho exited the ring and slammed the scale down as Nyugen started to steer. He reentered the ring as Avispa Ultima looked in the Avispa Clutch. Ian Nyugen started to count the pinfall. 1… 2… 3… ![]() Nyugen signaled for the bell as “Enter The Luchador” started to play throughout ‘the Arena’. Avispa Ultima was had retained the Flyweight Championship. Both men got back to their feet as Nyugen handed Avispa his championship belt. A disappointed Conspiracy was set to leave the ring when Ultima grabbed his arm. Conspiracy turned ready to continue the fight but Avispa extended his hand for a handshake. Despite Conspiracy showing signs of returning to his old ways, Avispa Ultima still wanted to shake his hand. Conspiracy shook his hand and raised Ultima’s arm in victory. Avispa then exited the ring, leaving “One Letter Better” pondering his next move… …putting Derecho… Underground! ![]() ![]() ![]() Rune Winters sat across from Damien Lee in his Skybox office. "Maybe it's doing both," he said, "It's only the Backbone now." "What about Sylo and SVJ?" "Personally," Rune answered, "I think you should let those two guys kill each other." "What happens if one of them can't make it to Glory?" Rune laughed. "Are you kidding? You could drop an atomic bomb on Sylo's ballsack and he'd show up to a fight. Trust me, I've come pretty damn close to doing that. That guy did a backflip off a fucking bulldozer into a grave on me ... just to prove a fucking point. And SVJ ... that guy is never going to miss an opportunity at gold. If he doesn't have that top spot, he doesn't have a purpose. Gold belts define Superstar Vince Jacobs. It's actually kinda sad when you think about it." Damian Lee rose from his office chair and walked over to the bar that Black Tom Williams used to make great use of. He took out a glass and began taking inventory of the various liquors lined up on the shelves. "You're probably right. But I still need to figure out a way to stop the Backbone." "You cut the head off the snake." "Meaning?" "You take out Chris Titan. It's tricky, though, and you can't have me do it." "Isn't that exactly what I hired you to do?" "This is different. I take out Titan and it just proves their point. You have to get one of their own to do it." "One of the Backbone?" "One of the originals, or whatever they're being called. You need one of them to take Titan down ... then the whole house of cards comes falling along with him." Deciding on vodka, Damien Lee poured himself a shot. He needed one after the night he was experiencing. He downed it quickly and turned back to Rune, "Any ideas on that one?" "As a matter of fact ... yeah." ![]() ![]() ![]() The Unwanted Angel, the Relentless Champion, pushed back his red locks onto his bandaged head. His right eye was puffy but the unmistakable blue aqua shone through and into the camera lens. The beating he had taken from the Backbone would not keep him down… no, after Grendel’s support; Reno had let the bruises he had absorbed empower him. The din of the crowd could be heard cheering through the Arena’s concrete walls, but in the mind of Reno Davis… right now… it was all him. “Worthy?” That word from GSV had really stuck with Reno, the Unwanted Angel grinned, “Greg, you’ve had a good week, so let me tell you a story. You know, the last time I fought a fellow red-head in a jOlt ring, was Eron… Eron the Relentless.” Reno’s eyes shifted, as he remembered, his taped right hand resting on the silver Championship around his waist. “He had mistaken an innocent question for a smart ass remark. Which is an honest mistake because I’m usually full of smart-assery… but it belies the fact that Eron was an arrogant asshole looking for a fight.” Reno’s eyes shock back up to the camera, “So he got it. On intense 2. Ten years ago.” Again the Relentless Champion couldn’t help but grin, “What’s the point of this story?” Reno thought for a moment and smiled, with a shrug. “Well there aren’t a lot of red-headed wrestlers. Also, maybe times HAVE changed so much that I’m now the asshole with the title just ASKING for a fight. It’s the point of the Relentless Championship after all.” The fun loving side of Reno seemed to melt away as even his posture shifted and he growled into the camera, “Or maybe it’s this: my most notable match in jOlt before defeating the Nashvillain for this belt, was against a real cunt some ten years ago. You seem to think your career high comes to you each and every week, GSV… and THAT is what gives you worth… and leaves me… wanting.” Reno unsnapped the Championship from his waist, holding it up to the camera, “Though the Relentless Championship now gives me the ability to do it… I’ve never even challenged for the jOlt Championship.” The Unwanted Angel stepped closer to the camera, and you could see the fire in his eyes. “You did that last week didn’t you? Challenge for THE Championship? How long have you been in jOlt? Two months. And you’ve had just as many crisis of conscious. Not that I blame you… you sir were a complete douchebag, and now you’re the kind of frat boy hype man that our fans in jOlt can at least get behind. I admire that turn around. In two months.” I’m not saying you didn’t earn, your jOlt Championship match.” Reno’s head tilted as he deadpanned, “Though you didn’t.” “I’m not saying you didn’t have a chance of winning against Sylo,” again Reno deadpanned, “Though you didn’t.” “I’m saying you weren’t even CLOSE to being ready,” the Relentless Champion wasn’t deadpanning anymore, he was being honest, “Which you aren’t.” “I have no doubt that you’ll one day be a Champion, Greg,” the Relentless Championship shifted on Reno’s shoulder, “That day isn’t today. You… are not… worthy.” Reno wasn’t venomous in his delivery, he had been given that too much in his career, he was more a big brother giving advice, “Here’s the difference, you are working. Working HARD to hype yourself up. Working hard to get the fans behind. To make yourself a better man. That’d admirable, but it’s not enough, not yet… ‘cause it’s a path that’s more about timing and less about want.” “You aren’t ready for this level yet, GSV. I respect you taking the shot, really I do.” Reno held a pride in his eyes that the Backbone had not dampened, “ At the end of the day, however? You need consistency, you need experience… you need to be truly Relentless for this Championship.” As an aside he decided to throw in an added bit, with a little chuckle. “Seriously though, that’s one hell of a crowd response. What, do you give them candy or money or what?” Reno shook his head with a grin; kids these days only had one gear. Tonight, that would be Gregg Scott Vincent’s downfall though it would give the Relentless Champion one hell of a fight. “Still, go another round or two. I’ve been here for the last decade, I’ll be here when you return for this title. We’ll fight again, and who knows?” those bright blue eyes burnt into the camera’s lens, speaking directly to GSV, “Maybe you’ll beat me. Then. Not today. You think you’re ready, but you aren’t. You’re ‘fucking stoked’? There isn’t a fire burning that I can see. There’s a world of difference between saying and doing, and you only seem to be working on the first part with any consistency.” With that final bon-mot, Reno Davis walked away from the Warriors backdrop and as the camera followed him up the stairs to the Gorilla Position, the Relentless Champion held up all five fingers on his taped right hand. “You’ve got five minutes, Gregg. After that, it’s up to you to put in the time.” ![]() ![]() Reno Davis vs. Gregg Scott Vincent ![]() ![]() ![]() The cheers were instantaneous when Warrior by Volbeat signaled the Resilient Warrior, forcing him through the blue, heavy curtains, and onto the platform. GSV stroked both hands in front of his waist, imitating, as if he had already accumulated the Relentless Championship Belt. Brad Arnold shouted into the microphone, the proper introduction for Gregg Scott Vincent, while he power walked down the aisle, and slid into the ring. He bounced lightly on his toes and shrugged his shoulder in rapid succession, awaiting the arrival of the Relentless Champion, Reno Davis. The crowd began to simmer down, I Don’t Care by Antidote fired up, the fans were right back on their feet, because Reno Davis was now in sight. He stood on the ramp, holding the Relentless Championship Belt by it’s tail, and displayed the title with pride. The fans roared with their approval as Reno Davis paddled his feet down the ramp, up the steel steps, and through the middle ropes. Brad Arnold announced the Relentless Champion and Mr. Relentless hand over the gold to referee Mike Hunt. Moments passed and the match was ready to began. Ding! Ding! The five minute title match was now underway and both men locked up in an collar and elbow down. Gregg was much bigger than his advisory, allowing him to force Reno back into the ropes, sending hard knee strikes in the process to help gain the advantage. But as GSV went for an Irish whip, Reno reversed it, and sent the Resilient Warrior bouncing off the ropes, instead. With twenty seconds off the clock, Reno sent a spinning heel kick to Gregg’s jaw. GSV hit the mat and quickly bounced back up, but Reno was right there with a punch rush, pushing Gregg back into the ropes. Gregg bobbed and weaved, dodging the flurry of punches, as he was accustomed to doing. He slid under a right hand, with his arms wrapped tightly around Reno’s waist. He flipped him over with a German Suplex, throwing him on his head. Reno winced in pain, but the Champion shrugged it off while GSV picked him up, sending some hard elbow shots to GSV’s midsection, until the Resilient Warrior had lost control of the situation. Reno quickly regained the momentum, sending Vincent into the corner turnbuckle. As Gregg repelled off of it, Reno hit the Flip Kick on Gregg Scott Vincent, jarring his head backwards, and forcing him back into the turnbuckle. The crowd was ecstatic, as they witness the Champion prove his was worthy of his title. The look in Reno’s eyes, was that of a predator, ready to devour his prey. And as Vincent quickly regain his vision, Reno was right there to greet him with a knee clip to the face, followed by some overhand punches, and then another Irish whip across the ring, into the opposing turnbuckle with two minutes and thirty seconds left to go in the match. Mr. Relentless darted across the ring, following up with a cross body splash, almost center-ring. Reno quickly covered The Resilient Warrior in this fast paced match up. ONE!!! KICKOUT!!! GSV showed why he was the Resilient Warrior with a quick kick out. Reno had been dictating the match since the beginning, but Vincent somehow managed to still kick out at one. Reno slapped the palm of his hand down on the mat, before he stood up. Gregg was standing in front of him when he did and attempted a strike, but Reno dunked under a right haymaker, and spun around. Gregg turned around and was taken down by an arm drag takeover. There was one minute left in the match and both men were still battling it out. Reno forced his right fist into Gregg’s mouth, as he stood up, and Gregg forced his left fist into Reno’s mouth in retaliation. It was now a full fledge brawl, with both men throwing lefts and rights RELENTLESSLY. The clock was draining by the second with thirty five seconds left to go in this Relentless title match. Yet, neither man had the advantage on the other. The fans looked to set a record with their unremitting cheers. THIRTY SECONDS!!! Reno was taken back with a ferocious right hook, dodging another one with a spear takedown. That was the perfect setup for Gregg Scott Vincent, the moment he had been waiting for all along. The GSV CHOKE! The guillotine choke was nearly at full force, all GSV had to do was get under Reno’s tucked chin. But Mr. Relentless was not giving Vincent the position to end the match. The clock was now at ten seconds… Ten! Nine! Eight! GSV forced his forearms under Reno’s chin, now all he had to do was apply the pressure. Seven! Six! Five! Reno could slowly feel the his consciousness slip away. Four! Three! Two! One! ![]() DING! DING! DING! Referee Mike Hunt peeled GSV off Reno Davis and he was still the Relentless Champion. Gregg cursed under his breath, knowing he let another opportunity bite the dust. But being the respectable character that he was, he helped Reno Davis to his feet, and patted him on the back, before Mike Hunt stood in between the two figures, raising Reno Davis’ hand while Brad Arnold announced Reno Davis the winner and STILL the Relentless Champion of jOlt. ![]() ![]() ![]() That's exactly who Persephone happened to run into in the Starlet locker room. What an amazing coincidence, considering ... "Just the girl I've been looking for." Aria had found a quiet spot to herself in the locker room where she could enjoy watching Sylo defend his jOlt Championship, but that was apparently not going to be the case on this evening. The sole Starlet member of the Backbone was going to make sure of it. "What do you want?" "Your championship. Easy enough, right? I am the most dominant woman in this company. I deserve to be Starlet Champion, you and I both know it." Aria stood up from her chair and reached out for her pink title belt, but Persephone snagged it first. "Not so fast." "Give me my belt." "Fine." Persephone handed the belt back to Aria Murphy, but then decided not to relent her grip on it. "Let go." "Not until you agree to defend your championship against me." "Whatever, bitch, I'm not afraid of you. If you want a match all you had to do was ask for one." "It's not that simple," Persephone stated matter-of-factly, "you go to Damien Lee and you get him to book the match. Because if you don't ... we'll make sure your boyfriend doesn't make it to Glory." Aria glanced back at the television screen where the preperations for the Main Event were being made. She cared about Sylo. A lot. It had been years since she felt that way about anyone. Not since Phoenix Riktor, her high school sweetheart, but that wasn't meant to be. She would do anything to protect Sylo, not that he needed it. Something she quickly reminded Persephone of. "He'd destroy you." "All of you think he's invincible don't you? You all think the almighty Superbeast will stop anything that gets put in his path." Persephone paused for a moment. "Maybe you're right. Maybe he is unstoppable in a ring. Thing is, I never said anything about a ring ... did I?" "What are you trying to say, Persephone?" "There's more than one way to skin a Superbeast, my dear. And the Backbone knows quite a few of them. Everyone has secrets, you know? Some more devastating than others. Some, like your man's, could completely expose and ruin someone. Like I said, I never said we'd take this to the ring. Oh no, if you don't run your little hot pants up to Damien Lee's office right now and get him to agree to our match ... I'm going to go up there myself and I'm going to tell Lee everything that we happen to have found out about your little boy toy." There was pain on Aria's face. Not because Persephone was threatening her with revealing secrets about Sylo, but because she had no idea what those secrets were. What she did know was she could tell Persephone was telling the truth. And for that reason alone, she wanted to murder the woman with her bare hands. But that wouldn't protect Sylo. "You keep your mouth shut. And you can tell the little weasels in your crew to do the same. I'll get you your match." Aria stormed right past Persephone, making sure to drive her shoulder right into the Backbone members own on her way by. "Don't worry, Aria, we'll keep up our end. Sylo's secret is safe ... for now." ![]() ![]() Sylo vs. Frank Silver ![]() ![]() ![]() If that wasn’t bad enough, there was no one allowed at ringside for this match either! “Forever (Travis Barker Remix)” by Drake The people in the arena booed as Frank Silver stepped out from the backstage area with one of the jOlt Tag Team Championship titles around his waist. Silver didn’t look all that worried, but he knew that he had no choice but to face the Superbeast one on one. Silver headed down to the ring and climbed up to the apron. He stepped in and then unfastened the Tag Team Championship from around his waist and posed on a turnbuckle with it, complete with a cocky grin on his face. Silver looked right into the camera. “You’re looking at who will be the first ever double champion here in jOlt and by God does he look sexy!” The fans closest to Silver heard the comment and booed him even louder. Silver passed his championship off to ringside and then… Lights...out. Johnny Cash would follow. “And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts sang come and see and I saw. And behold! A white horse. And his name that sat on him... Was death. And hell...followed with him. ” “Miracle (Pale horse remix)” - Nonpoint. A blinding white explosion, a symbol of mass destruction that had become synonymous with The Perfect Predator, The SuperBeast, Sylo, rocked the entire Arena of Champions to its base. Through the blast and smoke stepped the 7’1”, 335 lb, and FIRST jOlt Champion since its resurrection as well as the LAST Legacy Champion. The man that had been dubbed jOlt’s reckoning wore the Legacy Championship around his waist and held the jOlt title over his shoulder with just as much respect as he scanned the arena. Sylo moved to the right of the stage, shouting something almost inaudible, that only increased the volume. He repeated this motion to the other side and the Arena of Champions was beginning to burst at the seams. Finally, The Harbinger of Destruction, moved to the dead center of the stage, crouching down, studying, strategizing, before jumping to his feet. Sylo made his way to the ring and leapt up on the apron before entering. Sylo passed both championships to the referee who held up the jOlt Championship to the capacity crowd here tonight! Sylo warmed up as did Frank Silver. In the meantime, the referee passed the title off to ringside and called for the bell. DING DING DING Sylo had already wrestled a match earlier in the evening. In fact, his hair still looked like it was stained with sweat. That didn’t stop him as he began to encircle Silver at a quickened pace as Silver did the same. They both stopped and locked up in the dead center of the ring. Sylo showed his power as he shoved Silver onto his back. Silver looked up at The Superbeast who stood there and gave a cocky grin. Silver stood back up and cracked his neck from side to side then cracked a grin of his own. He charged toward Sylo for another lock up, but when Sylo went to lock up, Silver drove a knee right into the stomach of Sylo! Frank then opened up with big right hands to the side of Sylo’s head. When Silver had Sylo staggered enough, he backed him into the ropes and shot him across the ring. Sylo bounced off and went for a ferocious clothesline, but Silver ducked underneath. Silver turned around and hooked Sylo from behind. From there, Silver lifted Sylo up off the canvas and dropped him with a Back Drop Suplex! Silver then placed the boot right into the mid-section of Sylo and then leapt into the air where he came crashing down over Sylo’s face with another stomp! Silver connected with The Bootlicker and quickly went for the cover! One… Two… Sylo popped the shoulder up and then continued to hold his face in pain from that stomp. Silver brought Sylo back up to his feet and laid into his chest with knife edge chops. The more Silver chopped Sylo, the more “awake” Sylo became! The crowd began to rally behind Sylo as he stood there and began taking Silver’s chops without even flinching. Sylo answered with a big headbutt that knocked Silver down! Silver got back to his feet as Sylo backpeddled into the ropes. He charged in and went for a running knee strike, but Silver side stepped and hit a drop toe hold that caused Sylo to fall into the ropes! While Sylo was draped across the ropes, Silver began to ram his knee into the side of Sylo. The referee stepped in and warned Silver to back off of him, but Silver was relentless and continued to put the knees to the right rib cage of Sylo! Eventually the referee had to count Silver toward a disqualification. 1…. 2……. 3……….4………. Right before the referee reached five, Silver backed off and the referee warned him. As soon as the referee finished admonishing Silver, Silver looked at the referee and said. “Oh, you thought I was done!?” Silver went right back to Sylo and drove repeated knee strikes into that same rib cage which Sylo started to feel the effects of. 1… 2…. 3… 4…… The referee’s count was a bit faster as Silver backed off. The referee warned Silver that he would disqualify him if he did that again. Sylo got back to his feet and held the right side of his abdomen in pain. Silver saw this and told the referee to shut up and shoved him aside. Silver darted over to Sylo where he punched him in the injured rib cage. Silver then followed it up with a knee strike to the right side of Sylo’s ribs which doubled him over. Silver then hooked the head of Sylo and used all of his 255lb frame to lift the Superbeast up and over with a Vertical Suplex which caused more pain to shoot through the ribs of Sylo! Silver felt that he had this match won and went for the cover! One…. Two… With force, Sylo threw Silver off of him! Silver had a look of worry on his face as Sylo sat up. The fans began to rally behind Sylo and even began a chant! “SUPERBEAST!” “SUPERBEAST!” “SUPERBEAST!” Silver told the crowd to be quiet as Sylo stood back up. Sylo advanced toward Silver who told Sylo to take it easy. Silver then extended the hand to Sylo, but Sylo immediately slapped it away! Sylo then grabbed Silver by the neck and went to lift him for a choke slam, but Silver kneed Sylo in the ribs as he lifted him and Sylo dropped Silver!! Silver hit a quick kick to the side of Sylo which caused him to turn away and stagger. Silver then stepped out to the ring apron and grabbed the top rope. When Sylo turned around, Silver leapt to the top rope and springboarded off with a shoulder block that took Sylo off of his feet!! The crowd continued to boo Silver heavily as he made another cover! One… Two… Sylo popped the shoulder up! The crowd couldn’t believe that Frank Silver had been in control of this match from the beginning! Many feared that Silver would pull off the second biggest upset in jOlt’s current run and become a double champion here tonight! Sylo began to get back to his feet and Silver knew he had to keep Sylo on check. Frank stepped over to Sylo and placed him in a Cravate headlock! Sylo wouldn’t have that and he elbowed Silver in the stomach. He hit another elbow and another and broke free. Sylo then grabbed Silver and whipped him to the ropes. Silver came back and ducked another attempt at a clothesline from Sylo, but Sylo turned around just in the nick of time to catch a leg from Silver that was aimed right at his ribs. Sylo caught the leg and shook his head in a “no” fashion. Sylo then shoved Silver backward, but Silver fell into the ropes and rebounded off! Off With Your Head…. COUNTERED! Silver rebounded right into a big boot by Sylo! The crowd popped as Sylo dared Silver to get back up. When Silver got to his feet Sylo grabbed him by the arm and pulled him right into his chest. He then picked Silver up.. spun.. then planted him.. SPINE BUSTER! Sylo stood up and held his ribs, but he felt the energy coming back! Silver gasped for air and then staggered back up to his feet. Sylo remained ready to strike and when Silver stood, Sylo exploded from out of the corner and drilled Silver with a vicious clothesline that almost took his damn head off! Sylo then made the cover and hooked the leg! One…. Two…. Silver popped the shoulder up much to the distaste from the crowd. Sylo brought Silver back to his feet. Sylo then grabbed Silver and placed him in the front chancery. He lifted Silver up for a vertical suplex, but Silver floated up and over and landed behind Sylo! Silver then rolled Sylo up with a schoolboy, but he also grabbed a handful of Sylo’s tights!! One… Two… Thr… NO! Almost did Frank Silver pin the jOlt champion. The referee never saw Silver grab the tights, but it was Sylo’s sheer power that allowed him to kick out! The crowd booed Silver heavily as Sylo got back to his feet. Silver lit up Sylo’s chest with another knife edge chop, but Sylo countered with a knee to the stomach. He then grabbed Silver in a front waist lock and lifted him up for another spine buster, but Silver hooked the head and Sylo planted Silver… DDT ON SYLO! Sylo’s head smacked off the canvas and flopped over near the ropes. Silver made the cover and then placed his feet on the middle ropes! One… Two… The referee saw Silver’s feet on the ropes and stopped the count. Silver then quickly went into a new cover with both legs hooked One…. Two… Right at two, Silver placed his feet on the ropes again!!! Thre…. NO! Sylo kicked out and the crowd went from heavy boos to a huge pop! Silver stood up and began to kick Sylo right in the injured ribs! After Silver got in a few shots, Silver stuck his pinky up in the air and drew massive heat from the crowd. Silver took off toward the ropes, perhaps going for Ye Olde Royale Elbow, but Sylo popped up and drilled Silver with a shoulder block! Silver staggered back up and Sylo hit him with another shoulder block that put him back down. He then pulled Silver back to his feet and hooked him in a front waist lock. Sylo popped the hips and took Frank Silver over with a belly to belly overhead release suplex! Silver hit the canvas and staggered back to his feet. Sylo then charged in and drilled Silver with another vicious clothesline that twisted Silver inside out! Sylo felt the time was right and backed away from Silver as he crouched while he held onto his ribs. Sylo was ready for The Slaughter . Silver staggered back to his feet and Sylo lunged in and almost cut Silver in half! THE SLAUGHTER! Sylo stood up and signaled for the end. The people rose to their feet as Sylo hoisted Silver onto his shoulders. Sylo grimaced in pain from having his ribs worked over, but he gritted his teeth and flipped Silver over into the DDT. SYSTEMATIC SHUTDOWN! Sylo rolled over and made the cover with the leg hooked. One… Two… Three!! ![]() As the third slap hit the mat, Sylo threw Silver's leg down with force and yelled out... "TWEET THAT, BITCH!" The crowd popped as Sylo took everything Frank Silver gave him and came back to successfully defend his jOlt Championship! One small mistake from Frank Silver and Sylo attacked like a shark that smelled blood in the water. “Miracle (Pale horse remix)” - Nonpoint. Sylo was handed the jOlt championship as he held it high in the air to the roar of the crowd. Sylo posed with the championship for the crowd and then exited the ring. ![]() ![]() |
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