"Not You Again, Just You Wait!"

Jimmy B. Martinez The camera shifted backstage where flyweight champion Jimmy B. Martinez was seen walking down the corridor to his locker room to watch the upcoming match up.Landon Stevens was seen walking down the opposite way as he was entering the Arena of Champions.

"Hey, CHAMP!!!"Stevens shouted.

Martinez looked directly in the direction of Stevens and paid him not attention as they walked closer towards each other.

"Oh, so you think you can ignore me Martinez?" Stevens questioned as he grabbed Martinez by the arm.

"You think you can ignore the future flyweight champion like that?" Stevens once again questioned.

Martinez shook himself free from Stevens grasp.

"I've said it before, get yourself some experience here first kid. You're lucky I don't knock you up side your head, for that little stunt you pulled on iNtense. I'm really fighting back the urge, so don't push my buttons Landon. I got other things, I have to be worried about and take care of." Martinez replied.

"Like, I've said Jimmy just watch and learn. Sooner or later you will have no choice but to give me a shot at that title and when you finally do it will be me that comes out as champion."

"Oh, you really think so? You've already mendled in business that was not your own and now you're going to outright say you can beat me?" Martinez quickly questioned Jolt's newest flyweight.

"I am here to make a statement and that statement is simply the fact that I am the best at what I do. I am the future flyweight champion and there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening." Stevens replied.

"I could just make it to where you don't make it to your first match." Martinez responded.

Stevens stepped right up into the face of the flyweight champion.

"Then do it champ." Stevens sternly responded.

Martinez laid the flyweight championship on the table of papers that was next to him and before he could do anything, Aran Thompson came from around the corner as both Martinez and Stevens stood face to face ready to go.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!!! Jimmy, Landon, calm down. If you got problems take it to the ring. Jimmy, I figured you would of learned that from either me or Sylo by now and Landon...."

Aran paused for a moment and looked him up and down.

"Landon, I know I trained you better than this. You might of done some great things outside of jOlt, but in jOlt you earn your place just like I earned the right to become the first ever multiple time Relentless Champion and Jimmy here earned the right to be the most dominate flyweight champion in the titles history."

Aran looked at both of them who looked a bit surprised as Aran gave them a stern talking to.

"to quote nobody famous.....go hard or go home."

Aran slapped Jimmy's chest and pointed at Landon.

"Follow my lead and destroy the goals you set for yourself."

Aran pointed at his eyes and then back at both Landon and JBM telling them both that he is watching them both. Then he walked off leaving JBM and Landon to their thoughts.

"Sooner or later Landon. you and I, will finally meet in the ring." Martinez said as he grabbed the title back from the table, and threw it over his shoulder and began to walk up the corridor to his locker room.

"Yea, I cant wait. Your days as flyweight champion are done. I'm the new face of the flyweight division." Stevens shouted too Martinez, as he ignored the new blood and continued walking.

"THE Future of jOlt"

Craig Thomas The Ego wasn’t happy tonight as he sat backstage in his very own dressing room. It paid to be rich as he sat on his throne, but it wouldn’t buy him the greatness he deemed to be, that he would have to earn. Though, it was obvious The Ego wasn’t a man bound by patience, he wanted to v line straight to the top because in his idle mind, Craig Thomas was the best in the business.

He had been catered too since the very beginning, he had obtained everything he desired without difficulty and losing last Sunday on Intense wasn’t what he’d come to expect. What he expected was to waltz into the ring and squash The Sadistic One in the second round of the Power Struggle Tournament, but we all know how that turned out.

Larue defeated The Ego fair and square and he was bounded by it.

Now, Dawn Cassidy and her crew of men were waiting outside of his dressing room. She knocked on the door gently, attempting to ease into the room without startling The Ego as she wanted to catch him at the right time, meaning in a pleasantly good mood. But, that wasn’t going to happen, not tonight.

The loss still weighed heavy on his mind and it was all that he could think about so when The Ego stomped over to the door and swung it open he looked ahead with anger, sneering at Dawn, then at the slew of men behind her holding onto all the name brand equipment bought by jOlt.


He shouted with his neck cocked forward and his shoulders slouched.

“Dawn, don’t even ask--”

Mrs. Cassidy had to lure him in, in order to get what she wanted, and she did just that by stopping him from blowing a gasket and interrupting him. With the shake of some cleavage and some lip licking action, Craig immediately that about the V.

“This will only take a minute!” she started, “A quick interview for the people, everyone wants to hear what The Ego has on his mind!”

The thought of hearing his own voice amused him enough to come to an agreement with the backstage interviewer. It was going to be another couple of weeks before he was going to see some in ring action and that was another issue weighing heavy on his mind.

“Okay--”Craig stepped to the side with his hand firmly clutching the door handle, “Come in and have a seat.”

“Oh thank you!”

Dawn was overly excited, she took pride in her work, and an Interview with The Ego would bold well on her resume, or so she thought because she deemed Craig Thomas the next big thing in jOlt. So Dawn carried her light weight body through the doorframe with her crew quick to follow. Everyone nested into their positions and The Ego power walked near Dawn, standing at her side, and folding his arms with a blunt sneer piercing the cameras.

“Let’s me start out by saying--” she posed a grin for the camera, “Craig, you came into jOlt with very little wrestling experience, correct?”

“Are you kidding, woman!?! NO--” he replied with one brow furrowed and a cocked chin, “--I have years of experience, just because you monkies haven’t witnessed the greatness I possess on national television until now doesn’t mean anything. I have years of experience right here--” he raised one arm and poked his index finger into his skull, “If you read my resume Dawn then you would know that I have been trained by former fWo legends such as KVC and Kellen Kincaid and former owner and champion of LoC, Brandon Thomas.”

Yeah, it was a quick plug for The Original Superstar and Craig grinned heavily afterwards as he taunted the camera with it and a wink.

He then looked back at Dawn and quickly inserted the angry face.

“If this is how this interview is gonna go tonight, then you might as well hit the door, because I get the feeling this is just another stab at The Ego.”

Dawn was quick to nod her head horizontally.

“No, not at all!” she touched The Ego’s arm gently, trying to release some of the tension building in his veins, “These are all questions asked by the fans. I get emails each and every week and I work hard to answer them for the fans so please don’t take it personal.” she shuffled through her note cards as The Ego released a frustrated sigh, “Last Sunday you entered the ring and faced off against one of jOlt’s fiercest newcomers, Anson Laure--”

The Ego rolled his eyes as Dawn continued releasing another large sigh.

“--who defeated you and took the lead in the Power Struggle Tournament. The people want to know how you felt after that loss. What were your emotions as you were driving home from the Arena of Champions knowing that you could have took the lead in the tournament and come one step closer to the Relentless Championship?”


There was a sudden change in the air. The Ego’s eyes squinted across the gap between he and Dawn as he tapped one foot at the concrete. That question seamlessly hit a nerve, as if he wasn’t already pissed off over the matter but the truth was obvious and Craig Thomas did lose to The Sadistic One.

It was something he would have to cope with.

The Ego continued staring at Dawn with furious eyes, probing through his mind, searching for the words he wanted to use. Even though the L on his stat sheet bothered him, he wasn’t about to let the thousands of men, women, and children watching from all over the globe see him all hot and bothersome.

Not now, he quickly realized the world was watching, and he was The Best Damn Sports Entertainer EVER!

“I let Larue beat me!”

Dawn had awe inspiring look form on her face.


Craig continued with his arms folded as he stared at the analyst/interviewer.

“As I said one week ago, I make everyone around me look like Grade A talent because I am and will prove to be The Best Damn Sports Entertainer EVER! Win or lose, the ratings skyrocket when The Ego is in the picture. Luck was on Larue’s side last Sunday, but one thing I will guarantee the people is that it won’t happen again. No one beats The Ego two consecutive times because my hard work and determination will not allow it. Believe you me, last Sunday has been weighing me down for several days, and my shot at becoming Relentless Champion has taken a backseat to Larue so now it’s time to come up with a gameplan and put it into action and that’s exactly what I will be doing over the next couple of shows as I analyze the talent in the ring, break them down, and seize the moment when mine arrives.”

“That’s right--” Dawn said, “You’ll have time to regroup, one week to be exact, and you will face the loser of tonight’s bout between Brone Haggard and Waymoth Turnbull.”

“Exactly. Why else would I be here tonight?”

“Well--” she said, dragging out the L...

“Because we all know now I’m not allowed to speak inside the ring throughout the rest of this tournament thanks to the big bastard which is only hurting jOlt might I add because to me, I don’t need to hear my own voice to feel good, but the people do!”

“BOOOO!” the jOlt fans disagreed.

“See Dawn--” The Ego started, “That’s the loudest they’ve been all night and it’s all because of ME!” the Thomas smirk was traditionally inscribed on his face, “My eyes will be watching that match tonight and yes, seeing as how The Ego lost he will have to face the loser of the match. It’s okay though because Rome wasn’t built in a day, Dawn and The Ego won’t become the best overnight. In order to be the best you have to beat the best and once I battle my way through this tournament to become Relentless Champion I will have that opportunity become the best by beating the jOlt Champion.”

The Arena of Champions was jolted by Sylo chants from all over and Craig Thomas shook his head as he heard them.

“They can chant for that big blue bastard all they want, like always, everything comes to an end and if Derechode doesn’t end Sylo, then I will once I get the Relentless Championship around my waist!”


Clap! Clap! Clap!


Clap! Clap! Clap!

“Listen to them, Dawn--” his arm flowed evenly in front of him, “--they love to hate me. Even though they chirp there devious insults at me, they still love me. Everytime my face comes into the picture, this arena explodes, whether it be in the ring, or back here with you, they still get their monies worth. Just imagine what I can do with the power of jOlt around my waist?”

“I can't imagine, why don’t you tell us?” she asked.

The Ego laughed lightly, he wasn’t going to spoil his future reign as champion, everyone would have to wait and see.

“Oh Dawn, babe, I can’t do that. That would take away from everything.” a slight paused occurred, “But--”

The Arena of Champions grew quiet.

“--i can say this! The Ego is here to put on a show for all these monkey’s and next week on Warriors, whether it be Waymoth or Brone, you can bet your monkey ass it’s gonna be one helluva a show because when I step into the squared circle, I’m gonna show the world what a true sports entertainer is suppose to look like and what the Future holds for jOlt.”

Insert the mischief expression and the Thomas smirk and the end of the scene. Dawn Cassidy nodded her head at the crew chief as she quickly concluded the interview.

“Well those certainly are some bold statements Craig, but I and the rest of jOlt Nation looks forward to the ‘Future’ in store for jOlt. You are an amazing talent and jOlt is lucky to have you in its ranks. I know, one day you will be champion. Don’t ask me why I know, I just do...”

“Because you’re a bright gal.” interrupted The Ego with a wink.

Dawn giggled.

“Thank you.” Dawn refocused on the camera, “All you jOlt fans keep sending me your questions via email, or Twitter and I promise to bring you the answers you seek. That concludes this edition of DawnCast and everyone enjoy the rest of the show.”

The famous Dawn Cassidy lowered the microphone as the audio was unplugged. The scene slowly began to fade as The Ego and Dawn chattered back and forth with smiles forming in the wind. As they continued to chatter, Warriors went elsewhere.

"Are We Fighting Hugh Laurie?"

The House On Intense 69 (tee hee), the fans of jOlt were given their first glimpse into the newest tag team to hit the scene, the group known as The House. Little was known about the group coming to jOlt other than the fact that they had a dearth of experience wrestling all around the world. And their valet, the lovely Charlotte, was really, really hot. That was important, too.

Miss Charlotte was strutting down the halls in a lovely sleeveless dress shirt, top hat, and a black puffy microskirt that barely covered anything there. Walking with a cane in her hands to complete the ensemble, her heels click-clacked down the halls. Charlotte continued to smile as the fans cheered on the bubbly valet.

“Almost showtime, better go grab the guys…”

Charlotte was just about to continue her walk when a tattooed form stopped her from walking any further.

The form of a very disgruntled Sanchez Cano. He was the brother of former Flyweight Champion Cordova and a man that was pissed that he’d been shorted his chance at capturing the gold at All or Nothing.

“Goin’ somewhere, lady?”

Sanchez sneered as he approached Charlotte.

“Ick,” she replied, repulsed by the mere presence of the perennial Flyweight contender. “Can I help you?”

“Well, sweet-ass,” Cano smirked, “You actually can help me. See, I’m on the card tonight with Bane Lonehart against your tag team… some idiots calling themselves The House, right? Don’t see what the big deal is about them, personally. Nobody’s even seen ‘em. A couple of pussies not showing their faces.”

Charlotte smirked at Sanchez. “Oh, don’t worry, Mr. Cano. You’ll find out my hubby and his friend soon enough.”

“Yer hubby?”

The other voice coming down the hall was former Backbone member Bane Lonehart. He also had a couple of rough weeks, what with getting punched out by Waymoth Turnbull and the collapse of the power stable. But a chance to turn his luck around presented itself tonight if he and Cano could come together to play spoilers.

“Lass, ye cannae be serious!” Lonehart approached Charlotte from the other end of the hallway while Sanchez tried getting a peek down her blouse. “Sweetie, me an’ Cano ‘ere ‘aven’t even teamed together before, but ye best believe we can beat the shite outta yer hubby and whoever he brings. We can beat Hugh Laurie any day of tha week!”

“Look,” Charlotte held up her cane as a weapon in case either man tried to jump. “You guys want to fight so badly, why don’t you guys just wait a few more minutes, m’kay?”

“Oh, we will, lass…” Bane laughed as he lightly slapped Cano on the shoulder. “’Ey, Cano. How ‘bout we take bets? Bet they’re a couple-a midgets just like The Half-Pint Brawlers!”

Cano let out a wicked cackle. “Oh, I bet they’re SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tough. They’re gonna be a couple of those indy pricks that think they can come up here and earn themselves a contract, I’m sure of it.”

The lovely valet of The House laughed loudly intentionally to get their attention. The prattling stopped when both Bane and Cano turned to Charlotte.

“Gentlemen, I’d like to wish you both the best of luck tonight. I think we’re all going to have fun!”

Charlotte tipped her cap to both Sanchez and Bane before turning around and walking away. Sanchez and Bane couldn’t help but look at the goods as she disappeared around the corner.

“Nice,” Sanchez whistled. “Her husband’s a lucky guy.”

“Nay,” Bane smiled. “’E isn’t, lad. Not after ‘e gets a load of us.”

Eiji Kugasari vs. Mattock
Eiji KugasariMattock

As the Power Struggle Invitational pressed on, the fans were being treated to a vicarious rematch of jOlt’s top tier talent. One on hand we had Mattock, brother of the Underground Champion Derecho.. and on the other hand we had Eiji Kugasari, a member of the clan that Ninja K headed up in Japan. Derecho and Ninja K had a war at All or Nothing and now it was time for their counterparts to showcase their abilities and perhaps even spark a rivalry of their own.

“Crucified” by Sevendust

Out from the back stepped Mattock. He had a loss to Brone Haggard in the previous week, but anyone who entered this had to go 0-1 while the other went 1-0. The only thing Mattock could do is try and rectify and justify that loss with a win here tonight. Mattock hopped up onto the ring apron and stepped into the ring as he looked ready for The Blood Raven himself.

“No Association” by Silverchair

Crimson/White Strobe Lighting is activated from the heavens in sequence to the music. Eiji storms out through the torrid jets of smoke covering the entrance staging curtain before stopping at the entrance staging area apex to execute a brief martial arts kata. The kata is concluded with a Leaping Double Roundhouse Kick. Eiji will swing his fist toward the grating, summoning a Red Pyrotechnical explosion that lit up the entire entrance area, the red light relfecting off the metal mask of the mysertious soldier in black. Slowly raising his head level, Eiji will ascend to his feet and begin power walking toward the ringside area.

Striding up the ring steps, Eiji will traverse the ring apron to an extent before nimbly rolling backward over the top rope, landing in an erect posture, pivoting about to stare at his opponent. Sweeping his Red bangs from his face, Eiji will wring his hands and wrists and stand prepared for battle.




Mattock and Eiji wasted no time as they charged each other in the center of the ring and locked up. Eiji with the side headlock. Mattock reached up and grabbed Eiji’s head and reversed it into a side headlock of his own. Eiji then reversed it into a hammerlock after a go behind. Mattock then switched out of it into a hammerlock of his own, but watch out!

Switchblade Romance attempt by Mattock!

Eiji saw it coming and ducked and countered that with a school boy roll up!



Mattock kicked out and the two of them got back up to a vertical base and stared each other down to a round of applause from the crowd!

Mattock and Eiji circled each other in the ring once again, but this time a bit more cautiously. They both reached out and teased the interlacing of the fingers. One hand locked up and then they teased the other hand, but Mattock stopped in mid-lock up and nailed a toe kick to the stomach of Eiji that doubled him over. Mattock then took off toward the ropes, but Eiji stood up and leapt into the air. He caught Mattock with a snap hurricanrana that flipped him over onto his back.

Mattock staggered back to his feet and charged in again where, this time, he was met with a Japanese Arm Drag by Eiji. Mattock got back up and charged in again, but this time blocked a hip toss by Eiji. Mattock then drove the knee into the stomach of Eiji and then hooked his leg over the back of Eiji’s head. Mattock then flipped out of it and landed on his feet.

Eiji then went for a spin wheel kick, but Mattock caught him by the leg. He then cradled and lifted Eiji up and dropped him with a modified Blue Thunder Driver! Mattock then held him down in the cover!



Eiji kicked out.

Mattock then brought Eiji up to a vertical base and delivered a stiff kick to the back. He delivered another stiff kick and then took off toward the ropes. He bounced back and nailed the Vision Burst… a shotgun dropkick to the back of Eiji’s skull! Mattock then put Eiji onto his back and made another cover with the leg hooked.



Eiji kicked out once again

Mattock then dared Eiji to get back to his feet. Eiji staggered up and Mattock took off toward the ropes. Mattock bounced off then twisted in the air for the corkscrew spear that he calls the Direct Damage, but Eiji spun around and flat out kicked Mattock right in the head with the Tenzo Ken! Eiji then quickly made the cover!



Mattock popped the shoulder up in time

That kick knocked Mattock for a loop. Eiji sensed it as well as Mattock staggered back to his feet. Eiji then hit a snap kick to Mattock’s thigh. As Mattock flinched in pain, Eiji spun and made Mattock eat a back elbow to the side of the head! Eiji spun the opposite direction and caught the other side of Mattock’s head with a spinning back fist.. and then he finished off the Crimson Sword Dance with an open palm strike right to Mattock’s jaw that put him onto his back once again!

Eiji then headed to the corner where he ascended the turnbuckle pads. He took aim on Mattock the flipped off with Hanzo’s Comet.. the front flip seated senton, but Mattock rolled out of the way at the last moment. Mattock staggered to his feet and pulled Eiji back to his. He grabbed Eiji in a waist lock and then hit a German Suplex, but Mattock rolled through it, possibly looking for Gemini’s Destruction.

When Mattock pulled Eiji back to his feet and hooked him for the Blue Thunder portion of the move, Eiji showed tremendous agility by countering it mid-move with a huracanrana that flipped Mattock over! Mattock staggered to his feet and then got nailed by a Rolling Koppu Kick by Eiji! Mattock hit his back and flipped over onto his stomach.

Mattock staggered up onto all fours when Eiji saw his chance to strike. He lunged in with the Blunt Force Trauma… a Shining Wizard, but Mattock dodged and used a school boy to roll up Eiji!



Eiji kicked away and immediately kicked Mattock right in the skull!

Mattock was there on one knee. Eiji saw the opportunity and lunged in with a Super Kick that damn near took Mattock’s head off! Eiji went into the cover and hooked the leg in deep!



Three….. NO!

At the last possible second, Mattock kicked out! The fans began a “This is awesome” chant!

Eiji motioned to the crowd that it was time to put Mattock away. Mattock laid there for a moment before he slowly got back up to his feet. Eiji then saw his opportunity and lunged in with the Blunt Force Trauma, but Mattock grabbed the leg and blocked it!

Mattock then used the leg to get back up to a vertical base while Eiji did everything he could to keep his balance. Mattock then swung the leg away from him and then delivered a toe kick to double Eiji over. He then lifted Eiji up onto his shoulders in a Fireman’s carry, but Eiji slipped off and landed behind Mattock. Eiji wasted no time leaping up onto Mattock’s shoulders and before Mattock could react…

The Shinobi Sunset!

The reverse snap frankensteiner connected!





Eiji Kugasari pinned Mattock in a great athletic contest and scored himself a victory in the Power Struggle Invitation as well! The crowd stood and applauded both men, but while they did so.. only one remained standing in Eiji Kugasari. Eiji hopped out of the ring and headed to the back.

Back in the ring, Mattock slowly sat up to another round of applause, but he didn’t pay them no mind with it. He, instead, pounded his fist into the canvas and then rolled out of the ring. He staggered to the back as he was obviously frustrated at the outcome.

Winner: Eiji Kugasari via Pinfall

"Don't Bodda Me"

Waymoth Turnbull As the nights festivities continue on their way, the hustle of many of the AoC’s workers can be seen going about their daily duties. On one end; coolers of cold drinks being wheeled back to the concession stand. On the other; buckets of murky water being carted out from the bathrooms by an older Haitian gentleman. The look on his wrinkled face had indicated he wasn’t exactly happy with what he just cleaned up. Inaudibly, he cursed under his breath. It is a sports arena, after all. Filled to the brim with nasty fucks that call themselves human beings. Forgetting that other human beings have to come behind them to mop whatever puke they spewed onto the floors. All because they couldn’t handle the overpriced bullshit being sold out back.

They forget what it really means to be a hard and honest worker. They brush it off by proclaiming, “It’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it.” Somehow, that alleviates them from their own responsibility. Makes them feel better.


No home training.


Amongst the immigrants working their asses off to please, seated one of jOlt’s newest faces; William Waymoth Turnbull. There he was, stationed against the wall of the hallway that would lead to the locker rooms. His duffel bag filled with his gear, was unzipped and open to the left side of his feet. On his right? A white 5 gallon bucket filled to the brim with his favorite pre-match ritual; ripe mangoes.

With one of the succulent fruits well placed in the grip of his teeth, Waymoth’s focus was at his feet. He reached into his duffel bag and pulled out his wrestling boots. Waymoth had only started to pull his aged earth keeper sandals off his foot when a gentleman in a jOlt-branded Polo Shirt approached him.

“Sir, just so you are aware, the male locker room is just down the hall and around the corner. “

The man meant well in his direction. Waymoth however chose to ignore the statement and continued to strap on his boots.

“Sir, the locker roo--?” The young man was persistent, he kept going, only stopping when the Savage Islander’s eyes finally lifted from the floor and met with his. Waymoth cracked a smile, at least as much as he could with the mango still firmly between his teeth. Waymoth finished up by securing the strap on the boot he started with before reaching to remove the mango from his lips.

“Luk ‘ere ponna, me unna’stand that ya jus’ doin’ ya job but meh warn yuh; run long,” Waymoth kept the smile on his face the entire time but the tone behind the words he delivered made the young adult that stood in front of him a bit uneasy. A bead of sweat that formed atop his head had served as the confirmation.

“B-but sir, it’s just that wrestlers are not permitted to get dressed out here in the hall.” You have to admire the young man’s courage and willingness to do his job. Still, Waymoth’s patience was only as long as the distance that separated the two; so it wasn't much.

“Heh,” Waymoth replied, seemingly amused, “Mah boy, what yuh name be?”

“Shaun, sir," he replied nervously. And with good reason.

Waymoth stood up, reluctantly putting his mango upon the seat behind him. His 6 foot 7 inch frame towered over the young man, which only added to the intimidation factor of the whole ordeal. Waymoth reached forward and placed his heavy right hand upon the shoulder of the worker, sending the aforementioned intimidation level up a few more notches.

“Ah see. Well, Shaun, fuss’ of all, ah know where de pussy ‘ole locker room is. Ah passed it pon’ de way to de seat yuh see me sittin’ in. Second, yuh own word dem say wrass’ler ah get dress inna de lockerroom, right?”

Shaun nodded, “Right?”

“See, dat ah de problem. Dem back dere ah wrestler. I not. I man ah fighter. De man ah go out for de people anna prance around for recognition. I don’t prance. So if’a dats where dem wan’ get dressed den more power. Ah gon’ stay right here inna me seat, get dress, eat meh mango until dey call me name and say me up next.”

At this point in time, it became increasingly obviously that Shaun decided to bark up the wrong tree. Waymoth lifted his hand off the young man’s shoulder and just as easily he got up, sat right back into the metal chair behind him, grabbing his mango and returning it back to his awaiting mouth. Shaun seemed unsure of what to do next, looking back and forth between Waymoth and the rest of the world.

Waymoth sensed this as well, looking back at the young man. He paused his ritual one last time, taking the mango out and in the best “American-ised” way he could, he left the Shaun with a few last words.

“Keep up the good work!”

The lack of accent from the “Fresh off the Boat” giant, was not only awkward to hear but it threw Shaun off and snapped him back to reality in front of him.

“Um, thanks?” Shaun replied before stammering away and heading about his business. We don’t think he was worried too much about the battle he just lost. Waymoth was still a man that many would eventually want to figure out, but he would only allow them to do so when he was ready. Until then he was perfectly content with whatever confusion and/or fear he brought out of those around him.

The camera faded out as Waymoth lifted his t-shirt over his head, revealing his wrestling gear underneath and tosses it into the bag next to him. The mango he started on was whittled away to nothing but it’s hairy seed. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught glimpse of an older gentleman this time heading his direction with clipboard in hand. It was finally that time.

“Waymoth? You’re up next.”

Waymoth smiled.

“Bless my yout’”.


"Straight to the Point"

Aran Thompson The camera cut over to Dawn Cassidy standing sans Laurie Williams and a school girl grin on her face as she continued her trend of appearing absolutely smitten with Aran Thompson, who stood next to her already in his ring gear and a white t-shirt that read: "Relentless Future". Aran looked over at Dawn and she tried her best to hold off giggling but a single solitary squeak escaped.

"I'm standing here with former two time Relentless Champion, Aran Thompson. Aran, you have seemingly been forced into a war of words with Vince Jacobs lately, and on iNtense you actually challenged him to a match tonight..on Warriors." Cassidy managed to push aside her school girl crush and compose herself to ask the tough question of "Why?".

Aran shook his head a moment and looked at Dawn with what seemed like disappointment.

"You forgot something...." Aran said to her.

Dawn looked at Aran quizzically and asked him what it was that she had forgotten.

"You forgot to add that I am the first ever to hold the Relentless Championship more than one time in a career, and that is important."

Aran turned to Dawn and smiled.

"You see, Vince Jacobs thinks that I'm just some lifer on the mid-card when I'm the one of the only people in the company actually changing the game, making history, proving that I am the future of the industry..." Aran began to explain himself to Dawn who looked completely enamored by his every word.

"What has he done to change the game? He says that he is the best in the business? The reason there is a show? Well move over Vince Jacobs because there is a whole new spotlight and it's shining on Aran Thompson. But it's not just me that he needs to be worried about. It's people like Jimmy B. Martinez, Waymoth Turnbull, Sven Deadly, and a guy who thinks because his last name is Thomas it makes him special in this arena. The future of rising stars is beginning to boom and lowly veterans like himself are struggling to maintain composure."

Aran turns to the camera and brushes Dawn back much to her dismay.

"And you want to send your russian Femme Fatale to attack Laurie to send a message, all you did was show me that you're too scared to tell it to me personally. I can't disregard everything you've done for this business, you were the man! You were the reason there was a show! You were THE Superstar!'re just the hammer I use to shatter the glass ceiling."

Aran obviously talking directly to Vince Jacobs via the camera.

"If you, or Natalia think you've accomplished anything other than pissing me off on iNtense, you have another thing coming. Just remember that I've got allies in high places."

Aran turned his attention back to Dawn and nodded at her beforing turning around and walking off.

"Oh and by the way!" Aran announcing causing the camera man to shift in his direction.

"There is a reason why Laurie isn't with me right now. Can you figure it out?"

Aran snarled a bit before continuing his path away from Dawn Cassidy and her camera man.

"Seek and Destroy"

Sylo CRASH~!

Backstage workers scurried out of the way as a table flew through the air and splintered against a nearby wall. Glass, chairs, and pretty much any object that one could imagine being backstage, sans the bodies, flew around like a hurricane was coming down the halls. The description, of course, was almost accurate.

“Just get out of his way!” One backstage worker yelled at another.

One worker wasn’t so lucky. For a man that had become so beloved the SuperBeast was angrier than he’d been in a long time. Just saying that the Human Natural Disaster was angry was an understatement in itself. Sylo’s gaze leveled on the worker as he snatched him by the collar and pinned him against the wall with a thud.

“I’m only going to ask this once and your answer better be pretty fucking good or I’ll just have to take out my frustration on YOU! Where…is…Derecho?” Each word of the last sentence had a hint of venom and malice in it.

The worker gulped because honestly he hadn’t seen Derecho. It would make sense though that Sylo had decided to go hunting after what happened on iNtense when Derecho not only cost Sylo a match with JCON but almost made it possible for the Relentless title to yet again be cashed in on him. Derecho had fired the first cheap shot and Sylo had responded in kind but Derecho, of course, felt he had to extract some sort of revenge. In his mind, as fucked up as it was, Derecho probably thought he was paying Sylo back. Right now though, the 7’1” 335 lb mound of pure destructive violence planned on ending Derecho before there could even be a power struggle match.

“Sir, please, put him down.” A voice came from behind Sylo. He snapped his head to the side and snarled at whoever had the audacity to speak to him that way.

Behind Sylo stood five armed guards. All carried medium length black poles and none of them were stupid enough not to be afraid.

“Sir, I’ll ask again, please put the gentleman down. We do not want a fight but—“ Sylo quickly cut the lead guard off.

“You’re fucking right you don’t want this fight because there’ll be five bodies in the hospital next to Derecho.” Sylo wasn’t screaming but the rage in his eyes told the story. He was hell bent on violence as the five guards planted their feet and held their batons with a death grip. Meanwhile the worker Sylo still held on to looked to the guards, pleading with his eyes, as he was powerless to escape Sylo’s grasp.

“We’ve been ordered to let you know that you’re to remain in your locker room tonight and that neither you nor Derecho will be settling anything this evening,” The lead guard stayed stern but gulped as he finished. Sylo leveled his gaze like a boom letting go of the worker who scurried away. Sylo didn’t even notice as he turned on all five men.

“And you’re going to stop me? Under who’s authority?” Sylo snipped, crossing his arms across his massive chest.

“By order of Damien Lee. We’ve been instructed to escort you from the building using force if we must but sir, that’s only a last resort,” The lead guard spoke again. One of the guards behind him accidently hit the switch showing the batons were actually more than just batons; they were also stun batons. Sylo snarled as he saw this.

“You’ll wish you had left those from whatever shit hold you crawled from when I shove it up your ass and turn it on, fat man, so I suggest you back right the fuck off before you’re eating through a straw,” Sylo stepped closer. He wanted a fight, hell, he’d been electrocuted and right now he didn’t give two squirts of piss or a half of a shit.

“Put that away!” The lead guard commanded before turning back to Sylo. “Listen, sir, I’m also instructed to let you know that if you do this then on iNtense you’ll be allowed to air your grievances to Derecho’s face. Mr. Lee just cares about your safety as well as his Underground Champion. He’s stated that he can’t have the two of you endangering each other or anyone caught in the cross fire so I’m asking, please, just return to your locker room.” The guard stared at Sylo. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as Sylo studied him a moment.

A few seconds began to feel like a few hours until Sylo finally straightened up and smirked.

“Fine. A loaded microphone works just as well as a balled up fist. You tell Lee he has a deal but if next week I’m not satisfied not only am I sending Derecho to the hospital but I may just send him along as well. Got it?” Sylo asked, his voice stern.

“Understood. I’ll relay the message.”

Sylo turned to leave and the guards let out a collective yet silent sigh. They held their breath as Sylo stopped though and looked over his shoulder.

“Oh and tell Lee to get someone to clean up this mess. I’m grounded to my room for the night, remember?” Sylo sucked up a large ball of phlegm and spat on the mess before walking away, heading to his locker room, where there were sure to be plenty of holes for someone to patch up later as well.

Brone Haggard vs. Waymoth Turnbull
Brone HaggardWaymoth Turnbull

When Warriors went back to ringside, Percival Cartwright and his client Brone Haggard were standing inside the squared circle. The fans were anxious to begin our next match, but Cartwright had something to say first as he held the microphone in his hand. Brone stood still with a fire burning bright in his eyes as his agent sparked a mouth full of words.

“Ladies and gentlemen of jOlt!” he started, receiving a mild set of cheers from the crowd, “ Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Percival Cartwright and I am here to make sure my client--” he motioned at Brone next to him with his hand, “Is treated with fairness. Brone Haggard has been trained by some of the greatest brawlers in this sport, but all of that is irrelevant. What matters is that my partner is expected to participate against one the favorites in this Power Struggle Invitational tonight, but--”

Before Percival Cartwright could finish, ‘Emergency’ by Mavado interrupted him. The two-hundred and eighty seven pound Savage Islander barrelled through the curtains with swaying arms. He looked grumpy tonight, with a microphone gripped firmly in his left hand, and he wasn’t in the mood for talk.

“Ain’t nun deze people wanna listen to yuh ass.” Waymoth begun, while he slowly walked down the aisle with the microphone hanging below his mouth, “Action speaks more dan dem words, talk--”

A smile began to rise from the corner of his mouth, all the jOlt fanatics knew what was coming next, and they joined The Savage Islander during this glorious time.



The crowd erupted in cheers as Waymoth quickly slid into the ring and charged at Brone Haggard in the ring. Percival Cartwright was in a hurry to get out of the ring. As both brawlers began to trade punches with each other, referee Darius Underwood motioned to the timekeeper to ring the bell.




As the bell officially signaled the start of the match, Darius quickly peeled Waymoth Turnbull away from Brone Haggard, but The Savage Islander quickly charged at Haggard once again without hesitation. He lunged at Haggard, in attempt for a right haymaker, but Haggard hit the mat and rolled out of the ring before the connection was made and the fans disapproved, jeering loudly in response to Haggards quick escape.

“What’s Haggard doing!?!” Burhman asked.

“It looks like he’s having a conversation with Cartwright.” Powers watched Percival Cartwright as he began walking away from the ring, instructing his agent to do the same by motioning with his arm, “Wait a minute! There leaving the ring! They can’t do that!”

“And referee Darius Underwood is making the count now.”





Waymoth stood in the ring with outstretched arms, he wasn’t pleased by Haggards choice to leave the match. He motioned Brone to come back to the ring, but Haggard waived his finger at The Savage Islander with a smirk and back pedaled up the steel ramp, with Cartwright stumbling backwards from the fans after catching sight of the soldier in black, who was watching the pair ever closely.






“Are you kidding me!” Powers exclaimed, “What kind of shit is that!”

“It’s an easy win for Waymoth and I should add that he and Anson Larue are now tied with the lead.”

Powers was obviously upset by the situation at hand, he wanted to see action, not what he just witnessed. The crowd was in agreement with the color commentator as they too were in disagreement, jeering at Brone Haggard and Percival Cartwright as they escaped through the curtains.

“Waymoth Turnbull can’t believe it either, Powers!” Burhman called it as he saw it, “He’s asking Underwood what just happened, but just like the rest of us, Underwood doesn’t have a clue! Maybe we will get an answer tonight?”

“We better get a damn answer--” Powers bellowed still very frustrated over the situation.

Waymoth Turnbull stood in the ring as the cameras rotated around him.

Even though he was the victor, he still wasn’t happy, it left a bad taste in his mouth.

Winner: Waymoth Turnbull via Countout

"Storming the Halls" Derecho

Much like earlier in the night with Sylo, Derecho was seen storming the halls backstage. Derecho and Sylo had one goal.. and that was to rip each other apart!

Derecho poked his head into a random locker room.

“SYLO”, Derecho shouted

Unhappy with his findings, he stormed off and poked his head into what looked like the cafeteria.

“SYLO”, screamed Derecho again.

Derecho was visibly pissed and grabbed a random crew member as they made their way down the halls.

“Where is Sylo?” Derecho asked with force.

“WHERE IS HE!?” as Derecho pressed him against the wall.

The crew member couldn’t answer. Derecho grew tired of it and flung him off to the side as he stormed past. Derecho continued to walk down the hall when Damien Lee stepped out.

“Whoa Whoa! Whoa!”, stated Lee.

“Now.. I know you and Sylo have issues.. but I’m not going to let you two destroy an arena. You might hate me for this, but I really don’t care. I have Sylo isolated so he can be away from you for one night… and I want the same for you.”

Derecho looked pretty pissed at that decision, but Damien Lee was quick to get to point number two.

“BUT! On iNtense… we’re going to get all of this out in the open. You can Sylo will be in the same ring at the same time and you two can air out your grievances then. I will give you the forum if you just wait until iNtense.”

Derecho looked at Lee and knew that he couldn’t do anything. He just let out a sigh and walked away. Lee shook his head as the scene faded to black.

The House vs. Sanchez Cano & Bane Loneheart
The HouseEiji KugasariSanchez CanoBane Loneheart

It was match time and after jOlt cut back from commercials (hey, we all have bills to pay), “Sur Fac Ing” by Slipknot was playing and the former Backbone member Bane Lonehart was pacing around the ring. Standing next to him was Sanchez Cano doing a few stretches to prepare himself for the match ahead. The mysterious and lovely Charlotte had promised big things when The House finally made their debut tonight. Now was the time to make good on that promise, but Sanchez and Bane could easily spoil that party.

“Ladies… gentlemen, may I have your attention to the stage?”

A single spotlight shined on the lovely Charlotte as she smiled. She was still wearing her sexy little sleeveless tuxedo number and puffy microskirt as she strutted her stuff on the stage to a nice pop. She didn’t appear to be some kind of disingenuous witch, but was a bubbly gal who already had a really big, round set of… eyes. Full of personality. She also had dat ass.

“After a week of building up some nicely made anticipation, it is now time! Ladies, gentlemen, fans of jOlt! To you, the lovely audience who pay your hard-earned money to see something amazing, it’s time for you feast your eyes! For I bring to you… my lovely husband, “The Oddsmaker” Derrick Huber! I also bring to you “Big Bucks” Adam Roebuck! I’d like to welcome you, both men hail from Las Vegas, Nevada, the City of Sin…”

Bane and Sanchez still didn’t look too impressed.

“Standing in at a combined weight of seven-hundred and seventy-seven pounds…

…Okay so they looked a little bit concerned now.

“They are THE HOUSE!”

“Turn The Page” by Metallica played for the fans as a set of red and green pyro exploded on the stage. The lights came back to life and what awaited Sanchez Cano and Bane Lonehart was anything but good.

The six-foot four, three-hundred nine-pound “Oddsmaker” Derrick Huber, smiling and flexing his muscles for the crowd cheering him on. In the other spotlight was a bigger monster that was six-foot seven and weighed in at four-hundred sixty-eight pounds. “Fat guy” could be used to describe “Big Bucks” Adam Roebuck and judging by the look on his face, “killer” could as well.

Huber and Charlotte both slapped hands with fans on the way down to the ramp, not noticing the soldier in the metal mask looking like a pillar of strength, while Adam Roebuck continued to stomp around like a monster in search of his next meal. He looked like he was itching for a fight. Bane and Sanchez? Not so much.

The House entered the ring and got a nice cheer from the crowd as the monsters looked ready to start their jOlt tenure. The bell rang as Adam and Derrick started to play rock paper scissors.

Derrick with Rock.

Adam with scissors.

“Asshole,” Adam spat at his tag partner.

Derrick shrugged and smiled slyly as he approached the ring. Huber was ready for action. Sanchez Cano didn’t look too thrilled at this turn of events, but he wasn’t going to back down.

The two men locked up and just as quickly, Huber forcefully shoved him backwards. Sanchez stood up and tried it again only for Derrick to do it again. The Oddsmaker smirked while Sanchez was embarrassed. He’d been a veteran of jOlt and wasn’t about to let himself get humiliated like this.

Cano stood up again and went low on Huber with some quick kicks to the legs. He took off to the ropes to get some momentum when Derrick came running and knocked him down with a big shoulder tackle sending him flying across the ring!

The crowd was impressed with the strength of Derrick Huber as he flexed an arm to play for the fans. Charlotte blew kisses at her husband and he smiled as he faced Cano. The angry Cano stood up…

Then he walked over and tagged Bane Lonehart.

“What the…?” Bane yelled, but Sanchez was a wise man. He wasn’t going to be able to face off with the strength of Huber, so the six-foot three, two-hundred sixty-five pound Scotsman would try his luck.

Lonehart climbed into the ring and came right at Huber, finding a little more success than Sanchez Cano. He had Huber on the ropes with a couple of right hands until he tried the Irish whip. Huber reversed that and sent him to the ropes before coming back with a thesz press. He started slamming the back of his head into the canvas and kept on doing so while the fans counted along.

After he rattled around Bane’s brains, he pulled him back up and whipped him to the corner before following him in with a big clothesline in the corner. He slammed a few headbutts into the head of Lonehart before he collapsed into the seated position. He bounced off one side of the ring and charged forward into a big ass rolling senton in the corner! Bane may have been crushed underneath the weight of The Oddsmaker and he was scrambling in the corner.

Huber made the tag over to Adam Roebuck and the two big monsters picked up Bane. Bane was shot into the ropes and mowed right over with a big double shoulder block from the beasts. Bane was down now and Roebuck went for the win.



Bane kicked out. Lonehart was dragged up again and tossed in the corner where the ferocious Roebuck held out a hand to the fans and yelled “FOUR OF A KIND!” He then laid down a nasty series of open-handed chops to the chest of Bane – four, to be precise – and left the Scotsman with welts in his chest.

The tag was made again to Huber as they set up Lonehart in the corner. Roebuck launched Huber right at Bane and crushed him with a big running shoulder tackle in the corner! Lonehart was doubled over now when Huber went for his next big move. He grabbed Lonehart and lifted him up in some sort of fireman’s carry move, but Lonehart slipped out the back. He caught Huber and tossed him in the corner!

Cano found his opening and while Huber was resting in the corner, he started to choke him behind the referee’s back with the tag rope. The referee was distracted by Bane who was still winded from the ass-kicking he’d taken. Huber was being choked until Cano finally let go of the rope. Bane followed up by attacking Derrick with a series of rights to the face. He dragged Huber out of the corner and flattened him with a short arm clothesline.

Charlotte showed some concern for her husband while Cano got the tag. He jumped to the top rope and connected with a big splash across the chest of Huber. Cano went to finish the match and upset The House in their debut.



Close, but no cigar!

Cano went for a front face lock and tried to keep the much bigger man grounded. The Big Bucks was in the corner waiting for his chance to make the tag while Derrick was being grounded. Adam Roebuck was waiting for his chance to get the tag.

Huber fought his way back up, but Cano quickly took the knee out from under him with a drop kick to the knee. Sanchez then ran off to the ropes…


A big discus clothesline from Huber nearly decapitated Sanchez Cano and the fans audibly winced from the impact. Cano was doubled over and Derrick Huber had the chance to make the tag.

The tag was made to Adam Roebuck and the fans watched the big man go to work. Cano made the tag to Bane Lonehart and he walked right into the big soupbone from The Big Bucks!

He got up again only to get clocked with a running back elbow from the big rotund monster. The Las Vegas native yelled to the cheering crowd before he grabbed him and threw him across the ring with a monstrous fallaway slam.

The Big Bucks was on his feet again and waited as Bane Lonehart was running off the ropes. Charlotte pointed her cane at the corner and cheered before running towards the corner full speed ahead to crush him with a nasty body avalanche!

The former member of the Backbone stable was hurt now and he started to stumble after getting crushed by the big man. Roebuck grabbed him and looked to finish him off with a belly to belly suplex only for Cano to springboard into the ring and land a missile drop kick to the back of the head.

Roebuck was stumbling around after the kick, but he didn’t go down. Cano tried getting back into the ring only for Huber to get back in and KILL him with a fireman’s carry slam called The Spread Bet!

Lonehart got back up and clubbed Adam Roebuck in the side of the head with several big rights before he tried whipping him off the ropes. Roebuck reversed that and Lonehart went flying until both Roebuck and Huber caught him…


A vicious double powerbomb variation The House called BUST was just that. Huber cleared Cano from the ring while Huber covered him.




The House had won their debut match in jOlt Wrestling and the crowd cheered them on for their efforts. Charlotte joined her husband, Derrick, in the ring and jumped into his arms, giving him a big passionate kiss while Adam Roebuck raised his fists in the air, proud of The House’s dominant victory.

If this was the destruction that The House were more than capable of, that could mean bad things for the rest of the tag team division.

Winner: The House via Pinfall

"Incarceration" Turk


The blunt point of the baton struck him solid in the kidney, and he winced in pain, but wouldn’t let the officer know it; “Fuck you, Porky.”

The rotund cop replied with a swift swing of the same baton across his lower back, forcing the prisoner to his knees. He smiled at the concrete floor as he gathered his feet back under him. He was ushered into a large room, full of other faces that looked like they had received the same treatment along their way. Then, forced into a seat, “Sit the fuck down.” The cop mumbled. The sequence of events that lead here were some of the most entertaining he’d ever imagined. Hijacking an eighteen-wheeler full of television production equipment and driving it northward into the New England night was pretty exciting. He never dreamt it’d end here though. Even in his fractured brain the consequences of such actions seemed foreign, and maybe that was the problem.

“Tyler Reed” a speaker in the corner of the room blurted. Then, a small man three seats away stood and shuffled to the podium in front of a television screen. Once there, the speaker crackled again; “Mister Reed, Tyler Reed, aka Ty Reed, you’re charged with breaking and entering, assault, and evasion. How do you plead?”

“N-Not guilty.” he replied.

“Reprimanded to the jail custody, bail is set at fifty-thousand. Mister Reed, you will be allowed to contact a bail bondsman, or attorney to post your bond.” The speaker went quiet and a cop stepped forward and lead the urchin away.

“Derrick Moore” the speaker scratched again. Another shackled man stepped forward and the scene played out again. “Mister Moore, Derrick Moore, aka Dee Low...”

The thoughts and attention shifted away. He was back in that truck, thinking about the money he was promised for getting the equipment he was hauling, and how he’d reign over the criminal network he’d somehow infiltrated. They’d promised him ten percent of the betting winnings he drew in from the affluent audience they attracted to broken down warehouses in various cities. Ten percent was huge in comparison to the five-hundred dollars he’d get per fight...if he won. Stealing from his old employer was worth it all anyway. The way they’d turned on him. The way he supported their whole organization, made it viable - and then they just let him go. The anger bubbled inside him.

“Mitchell Burgess” another man stepped to the podium, distracting him from his own thoughts, “Mister Burgess, Mitchell Burgess, aka Mitch Burgess, you’re charged with public intoxication...”

His attention drifted away again. Focusing on the smile on his boss’ face when he parked that truck. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment he’d stolen from Legacy of Champions. And delivered it, just as promised, to the Asylum.

“Ryan Dunston” he looked at his shackles, and the name came crackled across the speaker again; “Ryan Dunston”

“Oh, yeah, that’s me...” he thought to himself. He rose and did the same shuffle to the little podium as everyone else.

“Mister Dunston, Ryan Dunston, aka Turk, you’re charged with...”

“Call me Turk.” he interrupted.

“Excuse me?”

“Call. Me. Turk.” he said flatly.

“Mister Dunston, this is a court proceeding, you’ll be referred to by your proper name...”

“Exactly, my name is Turk.” he raised his chin proudly.

The judge shook his head on the screen in front of the Psycho. “Officer, gag Mister Dunston. I don’t have time for this.”

In a flurry of head butts and grunts eventually three officers had Turk gagged and his face pressed against the podium. He tasted his own blood, and behind him he heard what must have been doctors attending to the cop that took the first blow to the nose from his forehead. Turk was now gagged, pressed firmly against the podium, and finally the judge continued; “Now, Mister Dunston, you’re charged with grand theft, interstate transport of stolen merchandise, possession of stolen merchandise, grand theft auto, assault, assault on a peace officer, resisting arrest, and we’ll add assault on a court officer, and disruption of a public hearing. How do you plead?”

Turk grunted and struggled.

“I’ll take that as ‘Not Guilty’. Mister Dunston, you would be well to remember the court system and law enforcement are not your enemies unless you choose to continue this path of destruction, in which case, we will break you.” The judge closed the file in front of him; “Bail is set at one million dollars, cash, no bond. Remove the prisoner.”

The fat cop grabbed Turk by the hair and dragged him from the room with the help of two others.

Blood oozed from a cut above his eye, and dripped from his nose. Turk just chuckled.

"Superstar" Vince Jacobs vs. Aran Thompson
Superstar Vince JacobsAran Thompson

The Arena of champions was electric with the anticipation of the main event. "Mr. Relentless" Aran Thompson had challenged "Superstar" Vince Jacobs to a match and Aran was out to prove himself more than what Jacobs referred to him as a, "mid-carder for life".

"Ladies and Gentlemen, for the nights main EVENT! Introducing first, the challenger..."

The lights throughout the arena of champions went out and the crowd stirred as cameras flashed trying to catch a glimpse of anything or anyone that may be inside the ring or at the entrance ramp.


The Arena of Champions exploded as the lights suddenly came to and pyro blast from the stage as Aran Thompson and Laurie Williams came walking out from behind the entrance ramp. Laurie clapped and praised her companion as Aran took charge and pushed down the ramp and headed to the ring.

"Sounds like he doesn't need a typical introduction Nathan, can't deny that he has a very strong fan base." Michael Buhrman said to his colleague.

"Yeah, but he ain't no Vince Jacobs." Powers shot back.

Aran entered the ring and looked around as the fans continued to cheer for him and he raised his fist in the air defiant to accusations that have been made by Vince Jacobs and then his attention shot back to the entrance ramp.

"I didn't have to come to the jOlt to become a superstar...I brought my spotlight with me"

The jeers would fall into hindsight with the visual eye candy, dancing across the ominous trinity of super screens. A select bevy of monikers would appear at random exploding on the Arena of Champions one after the other.

Pro Wrestling's Phenomenon - The Icon - The Living Legend – The Ratings Grabber- The Reason there is a show

After the last moniker appeared on the screen new music reverberated throughout the arena speakers. Vince Jacobs in his ring gear made it to the stage as “Villain” by Theory of a Deadman erupted throughout the Arena of Champions.

He was back, the Icon was back in jOlt and he was looking to quickly get to the top of the mountain.

The Icon stood on the stage peering out into the crowd as the lovely Natalia stood by his side clapping for her champion. The fans continued to jeer loudly as Jacobs held both arms out soaking it all in. He slowly walked down the ramp and made his way around the ringside area as a few fans were yelling at the Icon. Natalia made her way on to the apron waiting for Vince who slowly walked up the steps.

Natalia sat on the second rope while pushing the top rope open for SVJ. He paused for just a moment, as he was sure he saw the spectre-like soldier in black that haunted him last Intense. Knowing it had to be an optical illusion, Jacobs made his way through the ropes into the ring where he stood center stage as the fans gave him an earful. He smirked as he looked at Aran and Laurie in the corner. SVJ slowly walked back to his corner as Aran bounced around in the ring ready for the match.

Both Natalia and Laurie climbed out of the ring as Jacobs and Aran was ready for battle. Aran wanted this match badly as he lobbied Jim Johnson at iNtense 69.

“This shows how stupid Aran is. They have an old saying, be careful what you wish for.” Powers said.

“Aran is trying to prove himself.” Buhrman commented.

“Well he will be proving himself in the hospital after SVJ is done with him.” Powers said.

Mike Hunt was about to call for the bell as both men circled each other in the ring. Then suddenly...

A lone blinking underscore bar captured the attention of the masses before a message in computer font was gradually typed along the screen’s epicenter.





An expedient uploading bar streams from red to green, blinking briefly as it reached 100% before immediately extending its parameters to match to dimensions of the jOltvision screen...

The jOltvision remained blackened for several moments before an ominous electronic device with a multicolored array of wiring and lights become the focus of the screen. END.GAME.GOV was affixed above a digital display...


The lighting adorning the electronic device began dancing as the foreboding countdown had been initiated...



....Angry Static...

The arena lighting returned.

Jacobs and Thompson looked up at the screen for a moment. They didn't know what to make of it and neither did the crowd. Jacobs, however saw an opportunity and charged right at Aran, but Aran wouldn't caught off guard and met Jacobs as they locked in the middle of the ring in a collar and elbow tie up.




Jacobs being the bigger of the two men was able to pull Aran into a side headlock. Mike Hunt started to check the neck to make sure it was not a choke hold that SVJ had on Aran. Laurie pounded the mat to get her man to break the hold. Jacobs applied more pressure as Aran tried to move around and break the hold that Vince had on him but Vince continued to keep a tight grip on him.

Aran drilled Vince with a big forearm shot to Vince’s side but the Icon did not break the hold. Mr. Relentless nailed Vince with another shot that loosened his grip a little. Aran pushed the Icon into the ropes. Jacobs bounced off the ropes and nailed Aran with a big shoulder block. SVJ raced off the ropes as Aran dropped down. Jacobs leapt over Aran and bounced off the opposite side ropes where Aran was waiting for him with a big hiptoss.

Laurie applauded her man as Aran stayed on the attack. He nailed Vince with a quick elbow drop. He got to his feet and picked up Vince in the process. Thompson whipped Vince in the corner with force that sent Vince to the mat after he nailed the turnbuckles. Aran smirked as he walked over to Vince, reaching down grabbing the Icon’s hair.

“Aran is now in control.” Buhrman commented.

“It won’t last long; he’s in that ring with a living legend.” Powers said.

Aran pulled Vince to his feet and drove a shoulder into the multi time champion’s midsection. Mr. Relentless looked at Laurie before driving his shoulder into the midsection again. Aran pulled SVJ from the corner to the middle of the ring. He hooked Vince and drove him to the mat with a big vertical suplex. Mr. Relentless picked up SVJ and quickly drove him to the mat with a DDT. Aran with a combination of moves as the fans started to get behind Thompson.

Aran dropped down for the cover on Vince.




Aran looked around but he knew that he had to do more to keep Vince Jacobs down. The former relentless champion grabbed Vince and pulled him to his feet. Natalia pounded the mat to get Jacobs back into the match. Aran nailed Vince with a uppercut that rocked the Icon’s head backwards. Aran was not done as he grabbed Vince and whipped him into the ropes. Jacobs bounced off the ropes and was nailed by a beautiful dropkick from Aran. The full force of the impact sent SVJ to the floor. Natalia raced around to help Vince to his feet. Jacobs was a little wobbly as Laurie told Aran to stay on Vince. Aran obliged as he rolled to the floor as Natalia stood between he and Vince. Laurie noticed this and raced around the ring and shoved Natalia to the ground. The fans went wild as Natalia looked at Laurie in shock. Aran grabbed Vince by the hair and rolled him into the ring. Laurie continued to yell at Natalia as Hunt tried to get Laurie to go back to the other side of the ring.

Aran climbed between the ropes but was caught as Vince kicked the middle rope as Hunt’s back was turned toward Laurie.

“What a cheap shot by Jacobs.” Buhrman commented.

“That is why he is a veteran in this business.” Powers said.

Aran held his lower area as he fell in the ring. Jacobs sat in the corner as Mike Hunt questioned the Icon. SVJ stood to his feet as he was hearing jeers from the fans. Vince made his way to his feet and slowly stalked Aran near the ropes. Jacobs grabbed Aran and drove him back to the mat with a T-bone suplex. Jacobs stood in the middle of the ring and played to the crowd as Natalia started to applaud. SVJ slowly grabbed Aran and slapped him in the face before Aran seemed to awaken and punch Vince in the jaw. SVJ staggered to the ropes as Aran pulled Vince by the arm.

Aran whipped Vince into the ropes, but this time SVJ held on to the ropes. Mr. Relentless noticed Vince and raced toward the Icon. Jacobs was waiting for Aran and back body dropped him over the top rope but instead of hitting the floor, Aran landed on the apron standing behind Vince. Jacobs was unaware of this until Aran clotheslined Jacobs to the mat. Aran quickly sprung into the ring with a perfect slingshot body press. Aran quickly hooked the leg.





Aran was in shock, Laurie was in shock and the fans were in shock. A small chant started on the other side of the ring that actually took Aran by surprised.


“That was so close by Aran.” Buhrman commented.

“I don’t like seeing this. Vince may have too much ring rust on him.” Powers said.

Aran couldn’t believe it that Vince kicked out so he hooked the leg again.





Aran sat up in frustration as he was looking to put SVJ down once and for all. Aran looked at Laurie who pointed to the top rope. She wanted her man to fly and Aran was happy to oblige. He looked down at Vince and looked in his eyes.

“Still think I’m a mid-carder, so called ‘Superstar’.” Aran said as he pointed to the top ropes.

The fans erupted in cheers as he knew his time to break that glass ceiling was fast approaching in this match. Aran started his ascend to the top rope as he turned to check on Vince’s position with each climb of the ropes. The fans erupted as Natalia started to climb onto the apron. Laurie started to yell as Natalia continued to talk to Laurie. Natalia started to get Hunt’s attention and pointed to Laurie who was climbing onto the apron to get Natalia down. Hunt raced over to get Laurie off of the apron as Natalia raced into the ring and swept Aran’s leg from the top rope which made Mr. Relentless fall to the mat. Laurie was mad as she started to give chase to Natalia who rolled out of the ring.

Natalia saw Laurie and started to run up the ramp toward the backstage area. Laurie did not stop as she wanted to get her hands on The Russian Bombshell as both disappeared backstage.

“Natalia is running for her life. She better not stop or Laurie will put a Williams’s size beating on her.” Buhrman commented.

“Natalia can handle herself. Laurie should be the one watching out.” Powers said.

In the ring both Jacobs and Thompson was down on the mat and this could be the opening that Jacobs needed in this match. Jacobs slowly made it to his feet with the help of the ropes. Aran made it to his feet as well. Vince grabbed Aran and drove him to the mat with a quick DDT. The fans were still in the match as SVJ picked up Aran again and hooked the former Relentless champion in a front chancery. SVJ hoisted Aran in the air and drove him to the mat with the Starburst

. Vince quickly went for the cover.




“Now I am going to show you how it’s done kid.” Jacobs vehemently told Aran

Jacobs stood to his feet as he moved back to the ropes. He was waiting for Thompson to get to his feet. However SVJ did not wait for Aran to get to his feet. Aran made it to his knees as Vince came off the ropes with a running Shining Star. Jacobs hooked Aran’s leg again.





Jacobs smirked as he pulled Aran to his feet again. Vince whipped Aran into the corner. Jacobs raced into the corner and was met by a boot to the face. Aran suddenly bolted out of the corner with a big clothesline. Jacobs was down to one knee as Aran watched Jacobs trying to get to his feet. Aran raced to the ropes and was looking to springboard off the ropes.


Jacobs caught Aran as he sprung off the ropes looking for a high flying move. Vince hooked Aran’s leg for the cover. Hunt dropped down for the count. ONE…



“The experience of the veteran showed in this match.” Buhrman commented.

“That’s why he’s the greatest of all-time.” Powers said.

Vince rolled out of the ring with a sly smirk on his face as Aran sat up in the ring wondering what happened.

Winner: via Pinfall