The screen was black.. all of a sudden, a quote faded into view.
"One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now." - Paulo Coelho
The quote stayed on the screen as pictures from the Moon Landing in 1969 are shown. They then fade to the Berlin Wall being torn down. That image fades to Muhammad Ali vs Joe Frazier which fades to the Seattle Seahawks beating the Denver Broncos in the Superbowl.
The screne fades to black as a voiceover narrates.
"Throughout each era in human history... great achievements and milestones are reached. It has taught us one thing."
The Wrestlecade logo fades in with it's tagline which is read aloud.
"Nothing is impossible"
"Rise to the Top" by Adrian Bujupi As the official theme song of Wrestlecade plays, scenes from over the past year are shown. Sylo defeating Vince Jacobs for the jOlt Championship. Chris Titan and The Backbone forming, scenes from Derecho's reign as Underground Champion. The fated double title match between Derecho and Sylo. The ascenion of Ninja K as Underground Champion and Aran Thompson as World Champion to the new generation of Omega as Underground Champion and Eiji Kugasari as World Champion. The scenes then switch to highlight the wars between Charlotte and Sarah Winterton for the Starlet Champion... the matches between The Heirs of Wrestling, Hands of the Cause, The House, and the Crimson Order.
More scenes flash by faster and faster as the mid-point of the song hits and the drum roll kicks in. When the chorus of "Rise to the Top" kicks in we are taken inside the arena.
Immediately we notice four large golden columns. Two to the left side of the stage.. two to the right side of the stage. There is golden scaffolding forming a half circle at the bottom, mid-level, and top portions of the columns connecting the left ones to the right ones. Along the top half circle is a massive "WRESTLECADE" logo in black and gold. Below that resting dead center on the bottom half circle is the big jOltvision. There's a smaller jOltvision on the innermost left column attached to the middle half circle and the same on the right side as well.
Behind the columns there were glittery back drops in which three spotlights on each side shining their amber beams upwards and outwards.
On the outer columns, pyro started at the top of them and traveled downward to the floor. When it reached the floor pyro started on the outer edges of the stage and traveled inward where it met in the middle and then traveled backward toward the entrance way.
At that point pyro went up in a straight line and then split in half... half of the pyro went along a line toward the ring where there was a scaffolding structure to cover the ring incase of inclimate weather. The other half of the pyro started at the bottom of the jOltvivision, splitting left and right, riding around the exterior frame of the screen.
Simultaneously the pyro reached the top of the jOltvision and the scaffolding above the ring. At that point, pyro began to randomly fire above the ring, bouncing around while pyro started in the center of the three half circles and spread out to the left and to the right. Finally, one massive pyro explosion hit on all three half rings, a wall of pyro on the stage, the four ring posts as well as the entire rim of the stadium!!
Century Link Field was known for starting earthquakes and that last pyro explosion definitely rocked the entire stadium!!
As the theme song continued to play on loop, the camera panned around the stadium as 70,000+ fans were on their feet cheering the fireworks display. We are then sent down to the booth where it was Jack Wallace and Jeff Hartman on commentary.
Jack Wallace: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! WELCOME TO JOLT WRESTLECADE!! I am Jack Wallace and alongside me is my partner in crime, the one and only Jeff Hartman!
Jeff Hartman: All I have to say is THIS is what I came to jOlt Wrestling for.. not to be stuck in some dingy, smelly, ringrats academy wasting away by being subjected to watching the greenest talent on the planet.
Jack Wallace: What Jeff means is he loves commentating on The Hype and is thrilled to be there.. but enough about Jeff.. Tonight is jOlt's biggest event and since we have history with it, jOlt has appointed us your commentators for this evening. We're better than Michael Burhman and Nate Powers anyway so it was only the logical choice.
Jeff Hartman: For once, we agree with each other!
Jack Wallace: And to kick things off here at Wrestlecade, we invite you to look down to the ring where we will be joined in a moment by THE HOST of Wrestlecade.. The Blazer!

Blazer enters the ring and walks around it with a smirk on his face, taking in the WrestleCade crowd. Blazer is handed on a mic, gets back to the center of the ring and his music starts to die down. As he is about a to speak a very small unorganized “X-Wrestling” Chant can be heard. He just takes the moment to smile.
“I guess I should start off by saying WELCOME TO WRESTLECADE!!!!!!” The crowd again starts to enter a frenzy. As they die down a small unorganized off beat “X-Wrestling” Chant begins again.
“First, guys get yourself together. If you going to do that chant, get it together, you sound like Jeff Hartman over here.”
Hartman: How kind of Blazer to say that I sound like the voice of the people.
Wallace: I think he means that you sound like a minority who doesn't have a powerful voice.
Hartman: Like most of the women after I deep thr...
Wallace: FOR GOD'S SAKE.. even on Pay-Per-View!?
Hartman: ESPECIALLY on Pay-Per-View
“I have been asked all week by people who may not be really familiar with WrestleCade what to expect. Well I should say, you should order past WrestleCade events, not just because they are spectacular events, but because I get royalties from all X Wrestling merchandise and media. Heck I even get royalties just from the use of the word WrestleCade, so feel free….”
“What to expect from WrestleCade, it’s the impossible, it is the improbable, and it is insanity. At WrestleCade you should expect that every match will be a match of the year candidate. That you will see something you have never seen before… and that no matter how smart you are as a fan, there is going to be something you never saw coming. That you are going to leave this show as satisfied as you possible can. To put it simple….. WrestleCade is the benchmark in our industry.”
“And it is my honor to be the one to host this event to a whole new audience.”
“Now you’ll have to forgive me if this goes a little long, but I haven’t been in a ring in 9 years, and I have some things to cover. I’m here to host the greatest wrestling event you could possible attend, and obviously by how I’m dressed I’m not here to fight. I know that some people, in some unsaid events, come to get involved. I’m not rolling around in the ring in this suit. So you shouldn’t expect that.”
“However, I would not be me if I didn’t at least address some issues, and some people. As a matter of fact I have worked with and known many of the personalities here for years…. and before I forget.”
Blazer turns to the announce crew of Wallace and Hartman.
“These two guys have broadcasted every WrestleCade, and they do an amazing job. Jack its good to see you, Jeff go fuck yourself.” laughter erupts from the crowd.
“Okay so maybe it wasn’t appropriate, but it was needed. Obviously I know Derecho.” The boos rain down. “I know, I know, but lets be honest, is there anyone you have enjoyed seeing get their ass handed to him more, I mean you know why his is pissed off all the time right??? The big D on his chest, the full body suit…. come on people, He‘s a superhero and he lost his cape! I mean that would be enough to piss any of us off right?….Of course that means I know his brother Buttock. I also know my former tag team partner and my brother in arms, Ninja K.”
“There are some truly great wrestlers here in jOlt. Greg Davis, Reno Davis, I’m sure no relation, and if there is that would be an amazing family dynamic. Mike Extreme….. and yes as you saw on the last iNtense back in 03 I called him Monkey Extreme but that was over a decade ago, and I’m retired…. Oh (dismissively) and you have J-Con.”
“You have up and comers like Diamond Jewelz, Landon Stevens, and Waymoth Turnbull. And you have that monster Grendel, is it just me, or does he always look like he is in constant need of a breath mint? Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to see him with a dead chicken in each hand with feathers and all walking down a hallway…… And … I guess I should say, in a moment of full disclosure, that yes I used to date Persephone, however in my defense that was about 500 chair shots to the face ago for her….. She use to be a very pretty girl…. Oh I‘m just joking…. sort of.”
“jOlt appears, for maybe the first time in its overrated history to final be on solid stable ground. So to all of the talent in the back, I want to say. You have the talent, so put your big boy pants on and perform .”
“See being retired has given me a certain amount of perspective. But the one thing I can’t wrap my head around is wrestlers having TWITTER WARS… Yes, twitter wars, if there was one industry that you really didn‘t need to have a twitter war in, it‘s this one….. I mean really guys, this is what we’ve come to??? I mean 5 nights a week you guys are in the same building, right down the hall from each other and… your …tweeting…. messages… and threats… to each other??? ….. Tell me if this makes sense to anybody.”
Blazer walks over and stands by the turnbuckle furthest from the announce table.
“Lets do this logistically. If I have a problem with Jeff Hartman, sitting over there, do I tweet him, or just tell him. Go fuck yourself!?!” Blazer walks across the ring leans over the top rope. “No this is wrestling, I’m going to walk to Jeff Hartman apply my middle finger and say Jeff Go Fuck yourself!!!” Blazer walks back towards the middle of the ring scratching his head. “I just don’t get it. I mean I don’t want to mention any names, but….. AWWW Screw it. Derecho, Diamond Jewelz, Aran Thompson, for heaven sakes Sylo! … you used to drop people on their heads, and now you are retired from arthritic thumbs!!”
“Damn Super Beast to Super Tweet.”
“It wasn’t that long ago, that if we had a problem, we just went to them, or at least called them out to the ring. This is what we’ve come to?… Internet Thumb Wrestling!!” The crowd explodes with laughter.
“I know, I’m probably trending right now. and if I had twitter, that would be getting blown up. But only 140 characters guys, any more than that and you might not get medically cleared to really deal with your problems.”
“Believe me, I could probably rant about this, and other problems in wrestling all night. But tonight is not about me. Tonight is about WrestleCade. So since I have other hosting duties to deal with, and you have matches to watch. To quote the great boxing referee Mills Lane LETS GET IT ON!!!!”
With that Blazer takes the stairs out closest to the announce table. Goes and shakes everyone hand, except Jeff Hartman, who he just looks sideways at, and leaves the same way he came in to his theme music.

"Introducing first! From the BRITISH VIRGIN ISLES!"
"Emergency" By Mavado f/ Ace Hood began playing and the crowd popped huge as the camera quickly zoomed into the massive frame of Waymoth Turnbull wearing a sleeveless black shirt with a bull’s skull and "Turnbull" slapped across it. Waymoth looked around the Arena as he took in the audience, which was completely out of character, before turning his attention back toward the ring and he wrenched at the athletic tape that covered his wrists and hands testing their integrity against his mighty grit.
Jack Wallace: Jeff! Can you imagine a better opening match!? The winner of this match will go on to face the jOlt Champion, Eiji Kugasari, LATER TONIGHT!
Jeff Hartman: Jack, I have to agree with you but could you tone down the excitement? I mean, the ballot has been cast, Landon Stevens is a sure win. He has had Waymoth's and Aran's number for months now!
Waymoth Turnbull reached the ring apron and grabbed the middle rope pulling his massive body up and he stepped through the ropes and stopped in the middle of the ring and released a monstrous bellow that queued a blast of red pyro that burst from the ring post and the fans loved that Waymoth had added that to his entrance for such a special event.
“And coming out next from Glendale, Arizona”
The lights in the arena dimmed to darkness as “Lift Me Up” by Five Finger Death Punch echoed throughout the arena. The fans bellowed out loud boo’s as “The Rising Star” emerged from behind the entrance curtain along with the rest of Black Faction. Strobe lights began to flicker as smoke filled the entrance way.
“The Rising Star…. LANDON!!!! STEVENS!!!!”
The crowd erupted in a chant that echoed throughout the building and could easily be heard over the music.
“YOU SUCK!!!!”
“YOU SUCK!!!!”
Landon Stevens seemed unfazed as he and the twins Eli and Ezra Conway made their way down the entrance ramp. Stevens stopped at the bottom of the ramp way and looked on at the crowd before he taunted them by flaring his arms out with an evil grin draped upon his face. The Rising Star entered the ring and looked upon the crowd once more before moving to the corner. Stevens climbed up to the second rope flaring his arms out in the air. The fans continued to show their hatred for the rising Landon Stevens. They jeered him as the music faded out to silence and the lights in the arena flickered back to full brightness before the next entrant.
"...And from South Bend, INDIANA! by way of Seoul, South Korea..."
Lights Out
The fans were buzzing, lights from cellphones and cameras flashed and filled the darkness that shrouded the arena as the fans waited for his patented entrance war cry. The sound of metal reverberating quickly rushed through the loud speakers giving off the effect of a crowd of fans fading into fill the void of silence.
The lights in the arena burst brightly as the fans stood on their feet and realized that a new song was playing, not the same song Aran had come out too for the entirety of his singles career. "Onion" by One Ok Rock began playing and the up-tempo of the band kept the fans involved in the music as a plethora of red, white, and yellow lights beamed throughout the Arena at rapid and random succession. Aran walked out with the Relentless Championship strapped around his waist and the camera panned behind him to show a newly invigorated and involved Arena of Champions as they cheered for the former jOlt Champion.
Aran reached behind him and unstrapped the Relentless Championship and the word "Relentless" in Red with Yellow trim was prominently visible on the back of his white trunks. Aran slung the Relentless Championship over his shoulder with the main plate of the championship resting on the back of his head and neck and the straps draped over both his shoulders respectfully.
Aran made his way down to the ring as Landon Stevens and Waymoth Turnbull awaited him with pure disdain for the man that seemed to have won back the fans. Aran walked over to the commentator’s booth and looked at Jeff Hartman and Jack Wallace before he place the Relentless Championship in front of Wallace on the announcers table and he spun around with his arms spread apart as he took in the admiration of the fans and then he turned his attention to his opponents in the ring.
Jack Wallace: Jeff, I believe this is one hell of a way to start such a grand event!
Jeff Hartman: I finally agree with something you say! These men have had beef since they learned the cattle could get slaughtered. What better match than the number one contenders match to kick off the show.
Jack Wallace: And to top it off, we learned during Countdown that the match will not only be Anything Goes! But will also be ELIMINATION STYLE! There will be a winner here tonight! To see who faces of the jOlt Champion Eiji Kugasari, ALSO IN TONIGHTS MAIN EVENT!!
Senior Referee Simon Boulder called the bell as all three men stood solemnly in their own respective corner, each with a gaze of hatred toward one another while as well as a test to see who would be the first to gain the advantage.
The sound of the bell echoed throughout the arena as all three competitors circled the ring. Landon tried to cohourse Waymoth into working together only to be met with an uppercut that staggered him into the ropes. Turnbull immediately turned his attention to Aran. The two locked up and Waymoth easily took control as he forced Thompson into the corner. Turnbull wasted little time as he dug his shoulder into the midsection of the former champion, not once, not twice, but three times. Turnbull whipped Thompson into the opposing corner and ran at him full force before connecting with a body splash. Landon was adjusting his jaw as Turnbull came flying at him and slammed him to the mat with a clothesline. The fans in attendance were in an uproar as Turnbull was on the war path. The fans began chanting.
The momentum had swung in the favor of The West Indian Obsidian. Thompson and Stevens were slowly moving to their feet when Turnbull approached each of them and kicked them down to the canvas. The fans in a frenzy as Waymoth grabbed Stevens by the hair and pulled him to his feet. Turnbull whipped Stevens into the ropes and attempted a clothesline on the bounce back, but The Rising Star ducked under and leaped onto the second rope before spring boarding back.
The sound of Steven’s back slamming the canvas echoed throughout the building as Turnbull caught Stevens in midair and slammed him down with a powerful power slam. Turnbull quickly went for the cover.
Landon managed to get the shoulder up after a two count, but the damage had to have already been done. As Turnbull tried to get back to his feet, Thompson came out of the corner with speed and tackled Turnbull to the mat. Thompson landed a series of punches before Stevens came up from behind and connected with a kick to the back. With both his opponents lying on the mat, Stevens saw an opening.
Jack Wallace: What is Stevens doing?
The fans in attendance watch as Stevens leaped up to the top rope before flipping back for a moonsault. Both Thompson and Turnbull rolled out of the way as Stevens landed on his feet between them. Unknowingly, Turnbull and Thompson had the same idea in mind as Both competitors hit Stevens. Turnbull chop blocked him at the knees as Aran kipped up to his feet and connected with a clothesline. The Rising Star twisted up like a pretzel as Thompson went for the cover.
Steven’s once again rolled out of a pin attempt. Thompson tried to argue a slow count, but as he pleaded his case Turnbull came up from behind and slammed him to the mat with a T-bone suplex. Landon slowly moved back to his feet and Turnbull moved over towards him. Turnbull connected with a kick to the back of the knee that forced Stevens back to the canvas. Turnbull then grabbed Stevens by the hair and pulled him to his feet. Waymoth grabbed The Rising Star by the throat as Thompson moved over to get in on the action he grabbed him by the throat as well. Both Stevens and Thompson connected with kicks one right after the other almost as if they were working together. Waymoth fell to his knees and the two began to somewhat compete with how hard they could kick. They rotated around Turnbull connecting with kicks all the way around.
The Rising Star connected with one last hard kick to the back of the head that sent Turnbull face first into the canvas. Stevens began to taunt Thompson. The former student and mentor stared each other down before Stevens connected with the first blow. The two began to exchange blows as the crowd grew louder and louder with each punch thrown. Turnbull began to move back to his feet as the two former friends continued to exchange blows. Waymoth moved to his feet and quickly dropped both Stevens and Thompson with a double clothesline as the crowd went nuts.
Turnbull then cleared the ring as he tossed Stevens out before moving over to Aran and tossing him out. Turnbull began to play to the crowd as he stepped outside the ring with his two opponents. Turnbull moved out towards Aran as he was trying to get up but quickly knocked the former champion back down as he connected with a boot to the side of the head. Turnbull picked the down champion up and whipped him into the barricade. Thompson wrenched in pain as he back crashed into the barricade around the ring. The camera’s shifted over to Stevens who was moving back to his feet on the opposite side of the ring. The Rising Star then made his way around the ring as Turnbull stood over the downed Thompson pummeling him with hard shots. Stevens attacked the bigger Turnbull from behind with an axe handle. The attack proved to not faze Waymoth as he turned to Stevens and the two began to exchange blows until Turnbull blocked one and whipped Stevens into the steel steps near the ring.
The sound of the steel steps echoed throughout the arena as the crowd exploded with Turnbull keeping control of the match. The West Indian Obsidian turned his attention back to Aran.
Thompson connected with his signature kick on Turnbull. A confused crowd gave a mixed reaction as Thompson continued his attack. Thompson strategically moved around Turnbull attacking each major limb with kicks in an attempt to weaken the much bigger Turnbull. Meanwhile Stevens was returning to his feet only to stagger back a bit before regaining his balance and sliding into the ring. Thompson grabbed Turnbull by the hair and pulled him to his feet. Stevens looked on as he waited patiently for the opportune moment. Thompson went to drop Turnbull for a ddt only to have the beast maneuver his way free.
Stevens jumped through the ropes tackling both his opponents as all three crashed into the barricade surrounding the ring. The fans went nuts.
All three men laid motionless as they tried to recover from the hard fall into the barricade. Thompson was the first to make it to his feet and as his opponents tried to get up, he kicked them back down. Finally Stevens managed to get up as he blocked one of the kicks by Thompson. Stevens shoved the former jolt champion back and the two once again stared each other down.
They both looked down at Waymoth and smiled. The two former friends fighting for a shot at the jOlt championship attacked The West Indian Obsidian with kicks before grabbing him and pulling him back to his feet. The two number one contender hopefuls whipped Turnbull into the ring apron, back first before forcing him back into the ring. Stevens leaped up to the apron to enter the ring.
Thompson grabbed the leg of Stevens and pulled it out from under him forcing him to hit head first onto the ring apron. The Rising Star fell to the ringside floor as Thompson smiled before rolling back into the ring. Thompson kicked the downed Turnbull before grabbing him by the hair and pulling him to his feet. Thompson dropped him with a ddt and went for the cover.
The resilient Turnbull managed to kick out of the pin attempt at the last possible second. Mr. Relentless seemed confused and tried talking to the official about a slow count, but the official blew Thompson off as Stevens slid into the ring with blood dripping down his face.
Jack Wallace: It looks like that shot on the apron busted The Rising Star open. He is bleeding pretty badly.
The official checked on Stevens only to be pushed away. Aran caught a glimpse of the bloodied Stevens and like a shark he attacked, connecting with several kicks to the head before Stevens rolled out of the ring. Thompson turned around.
Aran was so relentless on his attack on Stevens he forgot about Turnbull and as he turned back around The West Indian Obsidian used the distraction to his advantage slamming the former champion to the canvas and hooked for the cover.
Not even a close count as Thompson kicked out of the pin. Turnbull moved back to his feet and pulled Aran to his. A slightly dazed Thompson was thrown viciously into the corner and bounced off before falling face first into the canvas. A bloodied Stevens re-emerged as he climbed up to the top rope just waiting for Turnbull to turn around.
Stevens leaped off the top rope as Turnbull turned around and connected with a drop kick that sent the big man to the canvas shaking the ring. Stevens, kneeling and holding his head putting pressure on his wound, looked around as Aran began to stir and Waymoth pushed himself to a knee with his fists against the mat. Stevens charged toward Aran and hit him with a vicious running knee that caused Aran to spin around and slam into the mat. Blood dripping down his face he took a moment to clean himself off but Waymoth had Aran's leg hooked.
Aran kicked out at the last possible second and Waymoth looked down at the former champion with a look of disgust.
Landon kicked Waymoth in the head this time and the big man tipped over to the mat and Landon stood over both Aran and Waymoth with his blood falling the canvas between them as the fans booed Landon and Aran looked up with a sadastic smile on his face before once again wiping blood from his brow.
The camera quickly panned to the commentators as Jack Wallace gave his abrassive colleague a look of befuddlement and then back to Aran pinning Landon.
Aran jumped to his feet and Landon followed through as Waymoth began to get back up and Aran grabbed Landon by the back of his head and threw him from the ring. Landon crashed to the outside on his tailbone and the look of shock on his face sent pleasure through the Arena as Aran looked over his shoulder at Waymoth who was trying to stand up.
Aran hit his springboard fluid reverse DDT signature on Waymoth Turnbull and hooked his leg and the fans counted loudly as the referees hand fell to the mat.
Aran looked shocked and the fans were going insane as Waymoth was kicking out from pure instinct at this point. Aran shook his head and grabbed Waymoth by his hair pulling the massive body of Turnbull to his feet and the fans began booing loudly. Aran looked around and saw Landon leap to the top rope and he moved out of the way as Landon flew toward Aran and Waymoth.
The fans rythmically chanted: THAT WAS AWESOME!
As Landon got back to his feet he used the nearby ropes to pull himself up and Waymoth laid lifeless on the mat.
Aran kicked Landon so hard in the back of his head that he flipped over the ropes and the fans relentless cheered as he made the cover over Waymoth Turnbull.

The fans were apthethic about what had just happened as some cheered and others booed while Aran sat up and looked around an an outside referee struggled to help Waymoth roll out of the ring. Waymoth was holding his neck and limping bad as he used the referee to help balance as he looked at the man who had eliminated him, the man that had started all of this months ago and Aran looked surprised. Aran rolled out of the ring and approached Waymoth and the fans went insane as Aran looked at Waymoth and the referee he was perched on.
"Are you okay?" Aran could be heard asking Waymoth who stared at him before shaking his head and the entire Arena went silent as it was obvious that Waymoth was hurt and even more shocked that Aran cared.
Through the silence sliced the bellowing roar of Landon Stevens.
Landon leveled Aran with Aran's retired Relentless Championship and the fans booed so loud you could barely hear the commentators. Waymoth looked on as Aran laid lifeless on the floor at ringside and then back at Landon but the referee continued to pull Waymoths frame backwards little by little.
Landon grabbed Aran by the back of his head and rolled him into the ring throwing the Relentless Championship into the ring and crawling in as well. Blood had turned his entire torso red and the fans jeered as Landon began stalking Aran who still wasn't moving. Landon laid the Relentless title in the middle of the ring and raised Aran to his feet.
At the point of impact the fans cringed as the back of Aran's neck slammed into the main plate of the retired championship title and he hooked the legs of Aran following his small package driver finisher.
The referees hand raised up.
It seemed as if everything was moving in slow motion as Landon could be seen watching the hand of the referee.
Any distaste that fans had for Aran had simply vanished as Aran kicked out of the finisher and Landon was angry. He got into the face of the referee who continued to tell Landon that it was by less than an inch before he got his hand down. Landon turned around and focused on Aran and pulled the Relentless Championship from under Aran's head before pointing at Aran and then the retired title.
The fans booed as Landon threatened Aran, and Aran grabbed a hold of Landons kick pad and Landon watched on as Aran slowly pulled himself up. Landons blood dripping down on Aran.
Landon slammed the title back into Aran's head and Aran fell to the mat and Landon put his foot on top of Aran pinning him with pure arrogance as his blood dripped down on and around Aran.
The fans went insane and Landons eyes opened wide as he looked down. The commentators, the fans, the camera men, the referee, the fans watching from the comfort of their homes and Landon Stevens all wondered how Aran was doing it. Landon brought Aran back to his feet and Aran stood there swinging wildly and missing every attempted punch at Landon.
Landon was curious as to how Aran was fighting. Aran was the man that trained him but he had never seen this level of relentlessness in an opponent before.
The fans wildly cheered Aran on but it wasn't enough as Landon caught one of Aran's wild haymakers and positioned him in a double underhook position.
Landon flung Aran up setting him up for his finisher Fall of Ideals.
Jack Wallace: Aran wiggled free!
Landon turned around to try and find Aran who took off behind Landon and when Landon finally got a fix on Aran's position Aran had used to ropes to spring back towards Landon.
The Arena exploded as Aran sinched in the armbar while mid-air and slammed Landons shoulder down to the mat and pulled back on the arm of Landon causing him to scream out in pain and the fans began clapping and cheering, praying that Landon would tap out.
The fans demanded of Landon who screamed out and Aran pulled back hard but Landon rolled with him and turned the move over. Landon pinned Aran but before the referee could make a count Aran released the pin and slammed his knee repeatedly into the collarbone of Aran.
Landon slid to the side of Aran and knelt down wiping again wiping blood from his brow and clearly winded.
Jack Wallace: I don't think Landon knows what he has to do finish this.
Jeff Hartman: Shut your flithy mouth you pandering bastard!
Landon looked around the ring trying to figure out what he could do as Aran lay there motionless. Landon used the ropes to pull himself up and he slowly made his way to the middle of the ring holding his arm and looked down at the Relentless Championship and then back at Aran whose head was just inches from the ropes.
Wallace: Wha-What does he have planned?!
Landon slid out of the ring and pulled Aran through the ropes so his head hung off the ring apron. Landon then climbed back into the ring and grabbed the Relentless Championship. He climbed to the top turnbuckle and the fans were going insane as they had no idea what Landon had planned.
Landon strapped the Relentless Championship around his thigh and looked down at Aran.
Wallace: OH MY GOD!
Hartman: HOLY SHIT!
Landon fell to the floor after hitting Aran with a guillotine leg drop with the relentless championship strapped to his leg and he slowly climbed back into the ring holding his leg and unstrapped the retired title before pulling Aran's lifeless body back into the ring and hooking his leg.

Hartman: HE DID IT!
"Lift Me Up" by Five Finger Deathpunch began playing as Landon lay on the mat unable to celebrate such an enormous victory and the referee checked on both Aran and Landon. The fans were stunned after Landon's improvised leg drop. Doctors came out and looked at both men helping them both up and Aran looked on reaching out toward Landon and he could be seen saying, "My title....my title...." The doctors helped Landon up but not before Landon grabbed the title and watched on as Aran turned from broken and injured to infuriated as the scene faded away.

"Landon, can I get a moment?" Cassidy asked as Stevens walked by.
Stevens stopped and turned back towards Cassidy. He re-entered the frame with the Relentless Championship draped over his right shoulder, blood dripping from above his left eye and a crimson mask of dried blood covering his face.
"Landon, just moments ago you pulled off the unthinkable by defeating not only Aran Thompson, but Waymoth Turnbull as well. You must be on top of the world right now."
Landon flashed a crimson grin as he looked over and Dawn.
"None of that matters now Dawn. You see, the only thing that matters now is the fact that I am just a few hours away from walking out of WrestleCade as the jOlt champion. Tonight I make all the doubters believers." Stevens paused as he motioned for a towel and wiped some of the blood off his face.
The fans could be heard booing before fading into a chant.
"You're only saying that, because you know I'm right. Nobody can hold a candle to me. I am the best in the business and tonight I prove it. You can call my confidence me being cocky or arrogant. You fail to see the truth. You fail to BELIEVE. After tonight, you will have no choice but to see the greatness I bestow upon you as I win my SECOND match of the night and walk out of here as champion." Stevens smiled as he finished.
"Now will you be considering yourself a double champion after you just stole...." Cassidy couldn't finish before Stevens snatched the microphone from her.
"Stole? Are you suggesting that I stole this belt? I didn't steal a god damn thing except THE SHOW. I pinned Aran fair and square. The Relentless championship was the last thing he had that I wanted and I EARNED IT! He's lucky I don't want his sloppy whore of a wife or I'd take her from him as well. I left Aran out there with NOTHING! I have taken everything that mattered to him away. Black Faction, the jOlt Championship, and the Relentless championship. CHECK, CHECK, AND CHECK!!!"
One of the doctors whispered into the ear of The Rising Star.
"Apparently I have to go and be evaluated before I can compete tonight. Something about losing too much blood and a possible concussion, blah blah blah, but believe me when I say. NOTHING WILL STOP ME TONIGHT!!!!"
The doctors followed Stevens as he exited the scene and stepped off the platform.

A voice bellows out, its’ source unknown.
“My nigga… I see you Shining out here.”
Out of a corner of one of the hallways, the twinkle and glisten of Diamond Jewelz’s jewelry beams into the camera. DJ, is adorned in countless articles of jewelry crafted out of diamonds and precious metals, but obviously absent is the crown jewel of all his pieces, his custom DJ chain. A huge void sits on the center of his chest, but even absent of the twinkle and glisten of the centerpiece of his jewelry exhibitioon, his grin reveals a routine gleam of diamonds and gold! Vince Jacobs turns to his left looks on with a look of intrigue and confusion as Dj approaches him!
“Yeah, “ Jacobs answers, emotionlessly, a stark contrast to Jewelz’s seeming jubilation.
“Congratulations big dog…”
Jewelz embraces Jacobs with a handshake and hug to Jacobs reluctance. Jacobs squirms out of the grasp of Jewelz. As he escapes, he dusts off his clothes, attempting regain the machismo of his strong posture, and emotionless expression.
“Hall of Famer.. I remember watching you as a kid bro…. Watching you hit that ‘Five Star’, and that “Reason There Is A Show’… RAW
“Yeah, Yeah, kid… A lot of people do.. But I gotta get going… And I’m So Damn Serious about that..” Jacobs jabs snidely at Jewelz. Jewelz laughs off Jacobs arrogance.
“You know my catchphrase… That’s hella raw….. I feel honored that a man of your stature even has a knowledge of my existence. Anyways Bro. I see your Hall Of Fame Ring.. That Shit is ballin… But for “The Reason There Is A Show.” jOlt shortchanged you my nigga… Jewelz lifts up Jacobs hand and inspects the massive ring on Jacobs finger. Let me upgrade your shit bro. These diamonds are puny… And synthetic.
Jacobs snatches his hand away and looks at his ring for himself, not giving a hint of his emotions, but then looks as if Jewelz might have enlightened him.
“Upgra…” Vince Jacobs is interrupted… “Don’t Listen to this fool…. you'd have better luck finding better bling at the bottom of a cracker jack box.”
Jonathan Conspiracy, who was in attendance for the Hall of Fame ceremony, couldn't help but overhear the sales pitch Jewelz was giving the man who brings his own spotlight and decided to speak up. He approached the two and flashed his trademark smirk. Diamond Jewelz did not approve.
Jewelz jubilant vibe transforms into one of rage and disdain. Jewelz blushes with anger, as he boils over with rage.
“Bitch ass nigga!”
SVJ who loved to watch a good fight, couldn't help himself and decide to step between the two instant rivals.
“Hey, hey, hey. As much as I'd love to watch you two go at it, I'm not willing to risk you guys ruining my suit. Now; I highly suggest the both of you walk away, and be the reason that there is a show... LATER!” Ruby joins SVJ in restraining Jewelz.
“It’s all good.. Your ass is mine in a few minutes bro… Yeah…”

The stage had been set. At Unlimited, there was an order from Damien Lee that stated if Sanchez Cano would enter the ringside area with the intent of involving himself in the triple threat match between Mattock, Jesse Ramey, and Diamond Jewelz, that Cano and Mattock would collectively be fired.
Cano showed up, but Mattock stopped him just short of ringside, saving their jobs. This, ultimately led to Mattock getting pinned and losing the match as both Jesse Ramey and Diamond Jewelz took advantage of the confusion. The very next week on iNtense, we saw the meltdown of reVolt before our very eyes as Mattock wished for Cano to return to being just a simple lapdog, but Cano wouldn't be held down. Since then, he has made Mattock's life a living hell and he and every jOlt fan has loved it!
Now, we will see the issue settled here on the biggest stage of them all as former partners will square off. The disintegration of reVolt is upon us!
"The Northern" by Alexisonfire
Out from the back came Mattock. He stopped at the top of the exquisite Wrestlecade set and peered out into the crowd at the 70,000+ strong.. all of which were booing him. Mattock wore a soured look on his face as he gave off the impression that he didn't want to go through with this. Nevertheless, Mattock walked down the long entrance ramp, enduring the animosity from the crowd.
Mattock entered the ring and in classic fashion, went over to one of the neutral corners and leaned against the turnbuckles, folding his arms as his music faded.
"What Comes Around" by Ill Nino
Those boos turned to cheers as Sanchez Cano came out from the backstage area, looking as energetic as ever. Cano was looking for his own voice.. to stand out on his own. Tonight was all about proving he had his own voice and to stand on his own two feet in front of the world.
Cano took those thoughts and emotions with him as he ran down the entrance ramp and slid into the ring. He got up and walked right up to Mattock who continued to lean in the corner, arms folded, as if he didn't care one bit.
The referee got in between the two as Cano backed off to the middle of the ring where he warmed up and looked ready to go. The referee checked with Mattock to see if he was ready and all Mattock did was shrug. The referee then called for the bell.
At the sound of the bell, Cano immediately charged the corner and nailed a corner clothesline to Mattock before he could even move! Mattock was immediately placed into a seated position as Cano stomped away at Mattock's head and chest in the corner. Cano quickly darted to the opposite corner and charged in, nailing a seated drop kick right to Mattock's face!! Cano then dragged Mattock to the center of the ring and this one could be over just as quickly as it started!!
Mattock popped the shoulder up.
Cano quickly stood and brought Mattock to his feet. He sent Mattock to the ropes, but Mattock held on to reverse. Cano charged in, but Mattock lifted him up and over, but Cano landed on the ring apron. Mattock turned to face Cano and ate a high kick to the side of the head for his troubles. Mattock staggered back as Cano grabbed the top rope and launched himself at Mattock. Mattock turned as Cano wrapped his legs around Mattock's head, flipping him with a Springboard Headscissors!
Mattock rolled out of the ring and tried to regroup, but Cano wouldn't let him budge an inch. He charged at Mattock and flipped to the outside with a Tope Con Hilo, wiping Mattock out on the floor!! Cano quickly stood back up and let out a battle cry as the audience even broke into a chant.
Cano grabbed Mattock, lifting him up to a vertical base. He then slammed Mattock's face off the edge of the ring apron as Mattock staggered away, dropping to a single knee. The referee was up to the count of four as Cano grabbed Mattock by his silver locks and threw him back onto the ring apron. Cano then climbed up onto the apron and made his was to the top of the turnbuckle pads. Cano then leapt off...
Cano had completely owned Mattock from the start of this match. Cano, happy with his handy work, sat on the ring apron and began to count alongside the referee..
Mattock still wasn't moving.
Cano shook his head "no" and rolled into the ring and back out to break the referee's count.
"I'm not done by a longshot" said Cano into the camera
Cano grabbed Mattock and pulled him up to his feet. He placed him in a front waist lock and then drove him back first into the edge of the ring apron. Mattock fell limp in Cano's arms as he drove him once again into the apron of the ring. Cano then switched to a rear waist lock and got underneath Mattock's arm. He then lifted him up and spun him...
The sickening smack of flesh on ring mats was heard.. even in a stadium as large as Century Link Field. Cano stood and slapped his chest..
"I AM MY OWN MAN!" yelled Cano.
The fans were firmly behind him as Mattock turned to his stomach and tried to crawl away toward the announce position, but Cano ran and nailed an elbow drop right into Mattock's lower back. Cano stood and pulled Mattock to his feet. He rolled him back into the ring and then followed suit where he made the cover, hooking the leg...
Three.....? NO!
Mattock got the shoulder up and even Cano looked a little bit surprised at that.
Cano stayed on the attack as he pulled Mattock back up, but a well-placed thumb to the eye created some separation. It drew an admonishment from the referee, but Mattock didn't care. Cano turned to face Mattock, only to see Mattock running and leaping at him with a Leg Lariat that took him down to the canvas.
Mattock pulled himself back up and tried to shake off the cobwebs. He sauntered over to one of the neutral corners and tried to recollect himself. Cano got back up to his feet, but Mattock wasn't going to take anymore time to recover. He knew he had to strike and strike he did as he ran out from the corner and corkscrewed right into Cano's mid-section..
Mattock had little energy to make a cover. The two of them just laid there in the middle of the ring. This was precious time for Mattock to rest up and get some energy back.
1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9....
Mattock turned over and covered Cano, hooking the leg.
Cano kicked out.
Mattock knew he wouldn't win with that cover, but he knew that a cover would buy him a few more extra seconds of recovery time. Mattock got back to his feet as did Cano. Cano went for a punch, but Mattock blocked it and spun Cano around where he hooked him with a rear waist lock. Mattock popped his hips, going for a German Suplex, but Cano flipped out and landed on his feet. Cano backed into the ropes and charged in, looking for a headscissor, but Mattock countered it by dropping Cano across his knee with a Tilt-O-Whirl Backbreaker!
Cano laid there on the canvas, clutching his lower back in pain as Mattock stood. Mattock then hit a Standing Shooting Star Press, crashing down on Cano's chest, but elected to not go for the cover. Instead, Mattock stood and hit a second Standing Shooting Star Press, but again, decided that he wasn't going to cover Cano. Instead, Mattock stood and walked over to the ropes where he stepped out onto the ring apron. He turned and grabbed the top rope, using it as a springboard. He flipped with a third Shooting Star Press and landed with an elbow drop right into Sanchez Cano's heart!
Now Mattock went for the cover...
Shoulder up by Cano
Mattock sat Cano up and placed him into a rear chin lock. Cano fought to break free, but Mattock cinched into the move tighter and tighter the more Cano struggled. Eventually, Mattock wrestled Cano down to the canvas and on his side as the chin lock was converted into a Sleeper Hold. Mattock even wrapped his legs around Cano's body with a scissors to cut off the flow of oxygen even more. Cano tried to reach out to the ropes, but he was a long ways away from them.
Cano continued to struggle as he wriggled himself closer and closer. Inch by inch he shuffled to the ropes until he was just a fingertip's distance away from them. Mattock then pulled Cano away and rolled through to where Cano was face first on the cavnas and Mattock as on top of him. This proved to be the wrong position for Mattock as this allowed Cano to get up onto his knees.
In a show of strength, Cano stood up with Mattock on his back!! He then backstepped, picking up speed until Cano had rammed Mattock back first into the corner, but Mattock refused to let go. Cano took a step forward and slammed Mattock into the corner again. He did it a third time and Mattock finally loosened his grip. Cano then took two steps forward and twisted into the air..
Mattock slumped down into the corner and he was back in the position he was in right at the start of this match. Cano stood and hit a couple of knee strikes to the side of Mattock's head before grabbing the top rope. Cano used the ropes to propel himself straight up into the air, kicking his legs out behind him. Cano then swung his legs in and slammed feet first into Mattock's face!!
Cano landed on his back and rolled backwards up to his feet. He charged back in and nailed a Shotgun Dropkick, adding more damage to Mattock's face!! Mattock looked to be out cold, but Cano wasn't going to take any chances. He pulled Mattock up to his feet and then placed him up on top of the turnbuckles, facing the ring. Cano then ascended the buckles to the top where he looked for a Top Rope Huracanrana, but when he went to hit it, Mattock held on and Cano got trapped. Mattock hoisted Cano back up onto his shoulders and stood on the second rope. Mattock then jumped off with what looked like a Super Powerbomb, but Cano flipped him mid-move with his orignally intended Huracanrana!! The result saw Mattock flip nearly the entire diagonal distance across the ring, landing near the opposite corner!!!
"OOOH!!!!!!!" exclaimed 70,000 people!!
Cano staggered up to his feet and backed up into the corner. He was fired up as he dared Mattock to stand. Mattock did so slowly and when he got back up.. .Cano charged straight at Mattock, but Mattock quickly fell to the canvas and hit a Drop Toe Hold, sending Cano face first into the turnbuckles. Mattock quickly stood and grabbed Cano in a waist lock. He then nailed a German Suplex... rolled through it, bringing himself and Cano up to a vertical base. He then got underneath Cano and gave him a receipt from earlier in the form of the Blue Thunder Driver, completing the one-two combination..
Mattock held Cano down in the cover..
Cano kicked out with force!
Cano flipped over to his hands and knees from the force of his kick out. He got back up and started to energize himself from the cheers of the fans in attendance. Mattock stood but then ate a stiff kick to the chest from Cano.
Another kick!
A third kick!
A fourth kick..
Cano aimed high...
Swing and a miss!!
Mattock ducked and grabbed Cano in a waist lock. He went for a German Suplex, but Cano flipped over and landed on his feet. Mattock turned to stand and face Cano when...
Roundhouse to the head!
Mattock got the shoulder up!
Cano knelt there beside Mattock as a bit of frustration began to settle in, but Cano knew that Mattock was resilient and he had to move forward. Cano stood and waited as Mattock got back to his feet. Cano delivered a toe kick and grabbed Mattock in a front face lock. Cano lifted him into the air for a suplex, but Mattock floated over, landing behind Cano. Mattock spun Cano around and went for an irish whip, but Cano reversed it, sending Mattock to the ropes instead. Mattock front flipped against the ropes and came back with a twisting roundhouse, but Cano side-stepped and Mattock landed on his feet.
Cano grabbed Mattock in a waist lock, but Mattock performed a standing switch. Cano with a pair of back elbows to Mattock's head broke the grip and Cano took off to the ropes. Cano came back and Mattock leapfrogged over him. Cano hit the opposite side as Mattock went down low for a Monkey Flip, but Cano front flipped over and rolled up to his feet. Mattock stood as Cano charged in, but Mattock side stepped and slapped Cano on the back, sending him back to the ropes. Mattock then telegraphed a back body drop, but Cano kicked him in the chest!
Mattock staggered back as Cano went for a Running Bulldog, but Mattock grabbed Cano and threw him away causing him to land on his back near the ropes. Mattock charged in as Cano stood, but Cano pulled the top rope down and Mattock spilled to the outside! Cano stood and went to the ropes, looking for a Suicide Dive through the bottom and middle rope, but Mattock leapt up onto the ring apron and...
Mattock nailed a knee strike to the top of Cano's head as it was passing through the ropes! Cano just hung there across the bottom rope lifelessly with his head sticking out. Mattock then went to the corner and climbed up top. He took aim and front flipped off, landing on the ring apron with a Tumbleweed Leg Drop acorss the back of Cano's head!! Mattock hobbled off the apron and walked to over where the ring steps were. He turned and faced Cano, who was still hanging there across the bottom rope. Mattock charged in and leapted onto the ring apron with a big boot, planting it in the side of Cano's face!!
Cano flopped back into the ring as he held his head in pain. Mattock stood on the apron and then climbed the turnbuckles once again with his back to the ring. He looked back to see Cano laying there in perfect position. Mattock then twisted and flipped off with a Phoenix Splash, sticking his leg out during the final part of the rotation, driving his heel into the top of Cano's forehead...
Mattock felt that this was it as he made the cover and hooked the leg in deep..
Thre... NO!!!!
Sanchez Cano refused to die!!
Mattock stood and pulled Cano up to his feet... Mattock with a right hand.. a knife edge chop, a forearm smash and finally a discus lariat that Cano ducked at the last second! Cano reached back and grabbed Mattock by the head, driving him down to the canvas with a Hangman's Neck Breaker!! Both men were down and out as the referee began another mandatory ten count...
Both men began to stir...
Mattock up... shortly after.. Cano was up as well
Mattock threw a punch, but Cano blocked it and fired a right hand back at Mattock. Mattock stumbled back and went for another punch, but it was blocked and countered again by Cano! Cano then quickened the pace and fired more right hands into Mattock's face. He grabbed Mattock by the arm and whipped him to the ropes, but Mattock leapt to the middle rope and flipped off with an Asai Moonsault, but Cano side stepped and knelt down causing Mattock to crash across his knee! Mattock held his stomach in pain as Cano took a step back and then lunged in...
Cano then stood and pointed to the corner. The crowd rose to their feet as Cano made his way over, climbing up top. He turned and faced Mattock, pointing both of his fingers at him as if they were guns. Cano then leapt off and came crashing down on top of Mattock's chest!!
This was it! The people counted along as Cano made the cover...
THREE!!?? NO!!!!
Mattock kicked out of the Sadistic Spike!! Cano sat there with a look of shock on his face.. the people even began to boo and started a negative fecal chant!
Cano thought it was a fluke and made another cover...
Mattock kicked out again.
Another cover..
Another kick out by Mattock.
Cano stood and pointed to the corner. He was going to go for it again. Cano made his way to the corner and climbed up, but when he got on top, Mattock was to his feet already. Mattock charged the corner and knocked Cano off, crotching him up top. Mattock then climbed up and began to hit alternating knee strikes to Cano's face on the top rope! Mattock hooked Cano on the top rope for what looked like a suplex, but when he lifted him, he turned and sat out...
Mattock couldn't hold on after the impact and leaned backwards. Both men were down and out again! Mattock, however, found some energy and sat up, placing his hand on Cano's stomach for the cover...
Cano kicked out!!!
The crowd erupted as Mattock laid back down and covered his face with his hands! Mattock stood and grabbed Cano by his mohawk, pulling him up to his feet. He grasped Cano's hair tightly as he yelled into his face..
Mattock then shoved Cano down to his hands and knees.
"STAY DOWN!" yelled Mattock to Cano.
Cano shook his head no as he got back up. He turned to face Mattock who hauled off and slapped him across the face..
"DISOBEDIENT DOG" yelled Mattock.
Cano then pressed his foreheard against Mattock's and yelled back...
Cano then headbutted Mattock at point black range. Mattock didn't even stagger away. The toll of this match caught up to him and Mattock just fell straight down to his knees. Cano took a step back and grabbed Mattock by his hair. The distance between them was a full arm's length away. It was there that Cano yelled out to Mattock.
Kick to the face
Kick to the face
Kick to the face
Kick to the face
Kick to the face
Cano let go of Mattock's hair and shuffled back. He let loose with a Super Kick dead straight into Mattock's face
Mattock fell over in a heap and Cano made the cover, hooking the leg deep.

Sanchez Cano had done it! He pinned Mattock in front of 70,000 people!! Every single one of them stood and gave Cano a standing ovation! After the pin, Cano knelt there full of pride. It looked as if Cano had just won the World Title.. that's how much winning this match meant for him.
For years Sanchez Cano was on the losing end of matches... for years he was always looked down upon as a stepping stone for anyone to simply walk over. As a part of reVolt, nothing changed. Empty promises from Mattock made him nothing more than a slave to one man's whimsy, but that is not the fate of Sanchez Cano no longer.
Tonight he broke the chains... tonight he freed himself from those shackles. Tonight, Sanchez Cano found his own voice and tonight, Sanchez Cano could stand alone on his own two feet!

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Layne started, “help me in welcoming at this time, a man who is set to compete a little later in a falls count anywhere match,” This caused the fans within the arena to cheer, until Layne finished his sentence, “Jason Rau.”
This turned the bit of cheering that had begun to change over to jeering, as the confident Australian stepped into the view of the cameras. Rau smiled, hearing the jeers coming from within the arena, and nodded to Donny.
“Jason over the past few weeks the fans have all seen a sort of boiling pot that has been rising to the top and ready to spill between yourself and Jesse Ramey. Tonight, we get to see that pot boil over into this arena, and pretty much go wherever the two of you want to take it. Are you ready for this all to come to an end here tonight?”
“Mate,” Rau began as he slid his right hand across his hair, “this could have all ended a long time ago if Jesse Ramey would have only admitted his defeat the first time I gave him a beating in the center of that ring. This could have been settled on iNtense ninety if Jesse Ramey had only known how to concede to his betters.”
Rau paused for a moment, “The selfish actions of one man have brought us to this point tonight. I am going to go out to that ring tonight, drag Jesse Ramey all over this arena, and I am going to prove to all of the people inside of this arena and the millions watching this show around the world in their homes. That Jason Rau was never just a footnote on the history of Jolt Wrestling, that my legacy continues to tonight, and on to Jason Rau making his way into the main event and challenging for the Jolt Championship.”
“So,” Layne interjected, “you plan on challenging for the Jolt Championship tonight if you beat Jesse Ramey in your match?”
“Why not?” Rau questioned, “Look at the man standing before you as your Jolt Champion right now, Eiji Kugasari, does he even deserve to be in that position? A mere lackey of Ninja K, and then he was given the opportunity to go against Aaron Thompson and won the Jolt Championship. Why can’t opportunity like that be afford to someone like myself as well? After tonight, after I beat the living hell out of Jesse Ramey, I will go on to become the next Jolt Champion.”
It was at this point that another familiar face stepped into the frame of the picture, a face that turned Rau’s face of confidence into one of near rage, and actually sent the fans into a cheering frenzy. The Anti-Star, Jesse Ramey, was making his presence known.
Ramey smiled, patted Donny Layne on the back, and then cocked his head sideways looking Rau up and down with a slight nod on his head.
“So,” Ramey began casually, “you’re going to beat me tonight?”
Rau shook his head furiously, “Yes, I am going to beat your ass tonight in our match you fuckin’ wankstain.”
Ramey nodded casually, “Then you’re going to go on to challenge the winner of the main event for the Jolt Championship?”
“You’re damn right I am.” Rau said aggressively.
“Well,” Ramey continued, “I am very impressed by your optimism. I really am, and for that I applaud you Jason Rau.”
Ramey stepped back, and began a very slow golf clap for Jason Rau, something that carried over to the fans in the arena as well. The rage continued to build within the Aussie with each clap that Ramey made with his hands.
“It’s about time you found some kind of confidence in yourself,” Ramey began once again, “because all of these sneak attacks over the past few weeks have really been leaving a sour taste in my mouth. It’s time for us to settle things in that ring once and for all, and you know this all could have been settled at the very time you stated earlier. Not by me admitting that you were the better man, but if you would have just stood toe to toe with me inside of that ring and found out who could have come away with the win that night.”
“That’s what set this whole thing in motion, Rau.” Ramey stated, “That’s the reason you find yourself in a position where you have to go against me in a falls count anywhere match tonight. There will be no running, there will be no hiding, and there will be no sneak attacks, dirty tactics, which end up causing this match to be ended. Tonight, the only way one of us walks away from this match, is with our hands held high in victory, the way it should have been done to begin with.”
“Unlike you though,” Ramey continued, “I’m not going to make claims that when I beat you I’ll be gunning for the Jolt Championship though, because honestly there is no way any of us can predict that kind of stuff. The cards may or may not fall that way for us. However, I can make one promise, tonight I am going to humiliate you to the point that you never want to step foot inside of that squared circle ever again.”
Ramey smiled, and then slowly exited the scene leaving Jason Rau and Donny Layne alone. Donny looked at Rau with raised eyebrows, Rau still stewing over the things that Ramey had just said.
“Any further comments?” Donny questioned Rau.
Rau stood for a moment, and then rubbed his face, “Bugger off.”
The scene then faded to black leaving Donny Layne with a confused look on his face.

Jolt stagehands brought out ladders to set the stage for the ‘Bling On a String’ match between Jonathan Conspiracy and Diamond Jewelz in a rivarly that escalated from ‘schoolyard rivalry’ to ‘national emergency’ quickly. The beef between the two started with a simple tweet:
@eWDiamondJewelz sorry bro I don't do CZs #tOOdAmNs EriOus <---- #SeeWha tIDidThere #OneLett erBetter
— Jonathan Conspiracy (@jonconspiracy) February 5, 2014
JCON would manage to get the upper hand in the ensuing altercation, and proceeded to reduce Jewelz to the level of a Yung Berg by snatching the chain from his neck. The ultimate disrespect in the black community, even more disrespectful than stepping on one's new footwear.
Over the next few weeks, Jolt Wrestling fans would witness first hand what "A N-Word Moment" was.
Displeased with the bounty hunters efforts to collect his property from his newly minted nemesis, Jewelz took it upon himself to reclaim the chain by his lonesome… Shots were fired by Jewelz at an Orlando Nightclub but if the bullets were actually ever intended to harm JCon wans’t clear… This was to Jewelz’s advantage. After the shooting, the Orlando PD were all over Jewelz and were attempting to put attempted murder, or assault charges on him at the most, and illegal possession charges on him at the least for his actions. Jewelz wasn’t attempting to Stand His Ground according to Florida law; he was a thug attempting to bring serious harm to an enemy, and the lawmen of Florida felt like he needed to be punished for his actions. The shooting and subsequent investigation led to huge negative press for Jolt Wrestling that Damien Lee somehow managed to put a lid on, but only if these two agreed to settle their beef at Wrestlecade with Diamond's chain hanging high above the ring. Otherwise the Orlando PD was going to bring charges against Jewelz.
Diamond Jewelz, Jolt's resident jeweler, has become obsessed with recovering his signature piece from the man that was "One Letter Better" than an icon; he was going to do anything to get his chain back.. If Jewelz wouldn’t let his tag partner Jameson Lennox get away with shorting him on money for jewelry, was he going to let his enemy JCon rob him of his signature custom piece in front of everyone? Hell no… Of course he was going to stoop to the level he did to recover his property; he was going to get his chain back and make an example of JCon because in Jewelz’s greedy heart, his money rules over everything… Jewelz, was once again blinded by greed and rage, just as he was when he beat Jameson Lennox into an oblivion and while his shortsighted thinking cost him his spot in an undefeated tag team and a possible shot at gold the first time, this time, it almost cost him his freedom and his wrestling career.. Luckily for him though, Damien Lee covets Jewelz’s growing drawing power and found a way out of trouble for his budding superstar; otherwise, he'd be behind bars as the property of Orange County Corrections.
Jonathan Conspiracy; Wrestling's Gold Digger, as he was called at one time during his lengthy career, managed to procure gold of another kind during his first run in with Jewelz by stealing his chain, had to run for his life when he stared down the barrel of Jewelz gun in a failed drive by, and also at his fan interaction on day 2 of Wrestlecade Xperience when Jewelz hinted at a bombing that was to take place at the event during JCON's portion of the show. This is what beef is; its’ when your life is on the line and you’re not safe in the streets.
The stage was now set to put an end to their beef, as one man will take possession of the chain by climbing a ladder and laying claim to the bling.
The bass rifts from "Gotta Take It" by Nipsey Hussle pulse through the PA system of the Arena of Champions as Diamond Jewelz’s cursive signature logo flashes across the joltVision followed quickly by his trademark "#sOdAmnsErious" and a serious face emoticon logo. A raucous cheer erupts from the crowd. The vigilante antics of Jewelz have earned him a spot in the heart of the fans. The small busty, blond haired figure of Ruby Rocks Jewelz bursts out the curtains of the entrance leading to a heightened amount of cheers. Shortly after her entrance, the much taller Jewelz, covered in the gleam of diamonds and gold, follows behind her. His shoes are hightop tennis shoes, a combination of purple and gold; his kneepads are white, and covered in a yellow "#sOdAmNsErious" insignia, as are his elbow pads; he sports his usual purple tights with his logo on the back!!! A white form fitting Diamond Jewelz/#sOdAmNsEriOus shirt covers his tall, muscular frame, and his neck and wrists are each draped in a plethora of diamond, gold, and platinum jewelry pieces. His white shirt is stained from a mixture of baby oil and sweat; he freezes in front of the crowd, showing off the different articles of jewelry on each body part he wears piece by piece, much like a bodybuilder would show off each individual muscle group he has crafted. Unlike on previous nights without his chain, Jewelz is exuberant; the pomp and circumstance of WrestleCade has led him to forget about his troubles. As he poses, Ruby, also decked out in various articles jewelry tonight, does a complimenting pose in front of him and purple and gold pyros go off all around him; a special adaption to his entrance for Wrestlecade. As he approaches the ring, one piece of jewelry is obviously missing from his display though; his signature piece: his custom DJ chain. That hangs high above the ring. As Jewelz approaches the ring, he reveals the gleam of the purple, platinum and gold grill he wears as he mumbles words inaudible to the crowd, but obviously concerning his chain. “I got this shit”, Diamond mouths among other things, as he enters the ring with Ruby. He stares up into the lights at the chain again.
Holy Grail - Jay Z Feat. Justin Timberlake (Lyrics Video)
Conspiracy cautiously entered the ring as the ref kept Jewelz at bay, warning him that the match had yet to start. Once Conspiracy entered the ring the two got into each other’s face, with the ref doing his best to keep them separated before removing himself from the situation. Jewelz swung first as the referee exited and called for the bell. Jonathan answered in kind and the lefts and rights were flying as the "DJ" chain hung securely in silence above their heads.
Jewelz got the early advantage and immediately left the ring to get his hands on a ladder, with JCON in hot pursuit. Once Jewelz got to the ladder, Conspiracy grabbed the back of his head and rammed his face into the ladder. He took possession of the ladder and folded it up and brought it to ringside, but before he could climb into the ring, Jewelz had grabbed him and irish whipped him into the ringsteps. Conspiracy clutched at his shoulder as Jewelz put the boots to him, before he set his sights on his beloved chain.
Jewelz rolled himself into the ring and started to set the ladder up. He started to climb but was unable to retrieve his chain following a dropkick from Conspiracy that sent both men crashing down to the mat. Each man squirmed around on the mat and ended up on opposite sides of the ladder and started to pull themselves up off the canvas and eventually started to climb the ladder with Jewelz getting to the top first. Jewelz reached up for the chain, but spotted Conspiracy and started to unloaded right hands which sent Conspiracy down a couple rungs. Determined, Conspiracy collected himself and made his way back to the top of the ladder as Jewelz struggled to reclaim his property. A shot to the midsection put a stop to that, and left Jewelz open for attack. Conspiracy set Jewelz up for what looked to be a suplex off the ladder, but DJ held onto the ladder blocking the manuever before he turned the tables and suplexed Conspiracy off the ladder. Both bodies fell to the ring below with a thud.
The two writhed in pain on the mat as the chain still dangled above, being itself inanimate, totally oblivious to the great pain being suffered over its’ possession; at a contrast, the jOlt faithful roared with bloodthirsty excitement as Jewelz and Jcon destroyed each other in the ring. Jewelz having been the one to dish out the punishment, rises to his feet slowly first, nonetheless, weighed down by fatigue and damage already as JCon’s body lay broken in the ring. Jewelz picks up the ladder with both hands and stands prone and ready to lay into JCon with it. JCon attempts to get to his feet but cannot manage; Jewelz postures to strike, and the fans buzz in anticipation of the carnage. JCon crawls to the ropes, oblivious of Jewelz’s intentions and when he reaches them, Jewelz rams Jcon with the ladder in the midsection. JCon, sandwiched in between Jewelz and the ropes, is in visible pain. Jewelz grinds on JCon and then backs up and delivers another blow, this time catching JCon a bit in the head and cutting him open a bit. JCon is trapped in a den of pain to which there is no visible escape. Jewelz grins in blinging pleasure as he rears back for another shot while Jcon lays prone and helpless on the ropes
“Wham”… The thud of the ladder crushes into JCon again as he manages this time to get his arm from around the rope and fall to the outside. Jewelz throws the ladder down, and pompously raises his hands in celebration; the crowd is split 50/50 between in cheers and boos between DJ and JCon supporters, but by the “pop”, it seems that everyone in the arena has taken a side. No one is disinterested in this match. The chain is Jewelz’s for the taking because JCon is out of it, but in his preoccupation with revenge on his foe, he has forgotten all about this most opportune time to regain his property, the whole point of this matchup afterall. Ruby screams out to him “He’s down, he’s down!!! Go get your chain back baby!!”. Jewelz looks up at the chain immediately, but caught in the passions of his rage, looks to the outside of ring and decides to inflict more punishment on his nemesis and moves outside of the ring. After all the trouble JCON had put him through, he wasn’t going to get off that easy. Out of his tights, he brandishes a diamond encrusted pair of brass knuckles, and places them on his knuckles slowly, cherishing every moment of pre-sadistic punishment he’s about to unleash on Jcon. JCon is down and out and Jewelz is ready to inflict a sadomasochistic brand of retribution. Jewelz approaches slowly, massaging the brass knuckles on his fist as he inches closer…
Jewelz is down!!! Three strikes… One to the chest, and two to the back out of nowhere with a hammer he procured from under the ring while he was down, have Jewelz writing in pain on the mats outside of the ring. JCon’s game of possum was brilliant. Blood drips down his face and his fatigue is obvious, but the effectiveness of his offensive attack invigorates him. He is refueled by the punishment he has inflicted on his opponent; he’s gained a second wind. “What’s up now bitch,” JCon shouts at Jewelz amongst other things. JCon puts the boots to Jewelz, but his strikes go seemingly unnoticed by Jewelz, who is still caught in the shock of the pain of the viscous hammer strikes JCON hit him with. JCon, hammer still in hands, wields the handle and drives it into the head of Jewelz. Jewelz, oblivious to the previous attack by his preoccupation with the brutal hammer strikes, reacts immediately to the attack to his head, covering his head and screaming in pain. JCon drives the hammer into Jewelz’s midsection, and Jewelz removes one of his hands to hold his midsection; blood drips down his faec, and Ruby screams in agony; “Shut up Bitch,” Sweet Aroma responds in cold heartless anger. JCon is about to strike again with the hammer, but stops; he looks up at the chain in the ring and climbs in. Now is his time to end this thing.
There’s nothing between him and that chain, and Jewelz is seemingly incapacitated. It’s not his, but legally, in a few seconds it will be… “No, No, No…” Ruby screams “No… Get Up Baby.. He’s Gonna get the chain…” she yells and cries simultaneously. “Yep.. It’s his trick..” Sweet Aroma screams at Ruby as JCon unfolds the ladder. The crowd roars in a 50/50 split of boos and cheers. “One Letter Better” chants break out as JCon slowly begins to climb the ladder..
He’s almost at the top and Jewelz is nowhere to be found…
“No…… No…” Ruby screams full of agony.
“Yes, Baby, Yes, Aroma cheers her man on..
JCon begins to undo the chain.. The match is all but over. Jcon will brandish Jewelz’s signature piece legally and forever now… The chain clings and clangs as Jcon attempts to undo it.
That wasn’t the chain being undone… That was the sound of some object hitting JCon in the head… JCon falls off of the ladder... Awakened out of his pain by the screams of his fiance, Jewelz had managed to get a hold of the hammer JCon had beaten him with and throw it at JCon in an act of desperation. He was spot on. JCon fell off the ladder and fell down to the canvas holding his already lacerated head in agony. Ruby erupts into a raucous cheer.. Sweet Aroma is crushed… Jewelz, dawning a light crimson mask climbs into the ring, and begins his own ascent of the ladder, JCon lays writhing down on the mat in a pool of agony and blood. Jewelz is slow to climb the ladder, but as inevitable as JCon’s victory seemed a second ago, now Jewelz’s seems the same way.
Jewelz reaches the top of the ladder when his already unstable equilibrium is unbalanced by an unseen disturbance at his feet… It’s Sweet Aroma. She’s clawing and scratching at Jewelz legs. Jewelz attempts to push her away in the face, but can’t get enough leverage to get her away. Out of nowhere, Ruby rocks jumps in the ring and spears Aroma.
The jOlt faithful erupt:
“Catfight”, “Catfight”, “Catfight”
Both women roll around on the ground in a viscous scratch match as Jewelz regains his footing and begins to loosen the chain. A grin envelopes his face as he is sure now to recover his property. The chain “clings and clangs again, a chime that is music to the ears of Jewelz fans… The crowd is once again split 50/50 in boos and cheers
“Clang… Clack”
The Ladder is swept out from under Jewelz and he goes plummeting to the ground. JCon, had mustered up enough strength to tip the ladder over and prevent Jewelz from recapturing his property.
Conspiracy sets a ladder up in the corner and climbs out onto the ring apron and scales the ropes. Once on the top rope, he steps onto the ladder and sends it crashing on top of Diamond Jewelz. He then took the ladder and set it up under the chain, and it looks again that Jewelz would never get to wear his precious valuable ever again, because it was inevitably JCon’s.
As JCon climbs the ladder, all hope is lost for any miraculous comeback this time… Ruby is down, along with Aroma… Jewelz is out… The Chain is JCon’s… The JCon supporters are elated and the boos of the Jewelz fans reveal how crushed they are… JCon looks at the chaos and carnage of his surrounding and begins to climb the ladder… When he reaches midpoint though, a raucous cheer erupts in the crowd… JCon pumps his fist as he is sure the cheer is due to the fans elation with his sure victory….
Dallas Grffin from Trouble blasts JCon with a chair. Griffin, Khadafi and Status Quo have stormed the ring and put their former stable mate’s dick into the proverbial dirt. All of the men and women originally in attendance for the match lay lifeless on the ground: Jewelz, Aroma, Ruby, and JCon. Only the members of Trouble stand tall. Jewelz’s ransom idea looks genius now as his 100k bounty is paying dividends: it has saved him from the embarrassment of sure defeat.
“Wham.. Smack…” Blood from JCon’s crimson mask drips on the mat as his former mates blast him with punishment.
“Whoop his ass… Whoop his ass and get that ladder in place… As a matter of Fact.. Quo.. Get that damn chain down yourself and get it to DJ.. Watch his back Dafi” Duzza shouts as he makes his way down to ringside.
Griffin holds the ladder in place as Quo begins to climb the ladder and retrieve the chain.. All of the sudden, Khadafi storms out of the ring. Big Bryan Williamson is storming down the ramp, and Khadafi wants to stop the behemoth before he can interrupt their bounty collection attempt. Quo jumps off the ladder and Griffin exits the ring with Khadafi. Out of nowhere, Cross the Hood storms out the crowd and begins a viscous assault on Quo in the ring as the other two members of Trouble are preoccupied by Williamson. Griffin looks back and quickly goes to the aid of Quo but is quickly attacked. While it was Trouble who thwarted Williamson and Cross The Hood’s bounty ransom attempt the first time, the tides have turned; Cross the Hood and Williamson are the impediment this time. They are the vultures.
“This is some bullshit,” Duzza exclaims.
This is a Pier 6 Brawl… Williamson is downed by Khadafi on the outside finally, and he enters the ring to aid Griffin in fending off Cross the Hood.. Machida Hood and Jackson Cross went toe to toe with the "trouble" makers before the fight spilled outside. Suddenly and inexplicably Duzza decided to enter the ring and set up a ladder. He climbed the ladder and seemed to be on the way to retrieving Jewelz's chain when JCON started to come to. He noticed Duzza on the ladder and grabbed at his pants leg before he climbed the ladder behind Duzza and dropped him down to the canvas.
With Duzza down and Trouble finally out of his hair thanks to Cross the Hood and Bryan Williamson it was time for Jonathan Conspiracy to stake his claim to the chain. It was at that moment that Diamond Jewelz started to come too, and it was obvious it was going to be a battle for a chain;.
Jewelz and JCon both ascend up the ladder and reach the top, both of their faces covered in a crimson mask. They begin to exchange punches. With each punch, each man sways more violently away from losing grips on the ladder.
“Booo”… The fans cry out as Jewelz strikes…
“Yay”.. The exclaim as Jcon strikes…
“Yay”.. Jewelz takes a violent sway off of the ladder.. But maintains his balance…
“Boo”.. DJ retaliates…
“Boooo…Boooo.. Boooo”..
To the displeasure of the jOlt crowd who had grown to favor JCon in the match, the Two masked men have hit the ring and landedsuch a viscous assault, that both men are knocked from the ladder. What is this. More of Jewelz’s bounty hunters? An insurance plan for JCon; after all, the whole jOlt roster has had their eye on him in the interest of collecting on Jewelz’s bounty!! Have two of jOlts top superstars masked themselves to hide their identity and stooped to the level of bounty hunters for a big pay day?? It’s so unclear… That is until they begin to assault JCon viscously. They remove their masks. One is of Arab descent, and the other is Hype roster member Latrell Samuel. These men are Jewelz’s insurance policy. The massive Arab man tosses Jcon out of the ring and picks Jewelz up… He attempts to wake him up… but gives up… He motions for Samuel to climb up and get the chain.,. Samuel climbs up…
Click.. Clank.. Clunk….
The chain is thrown down to the mat… The large,muscular, Arab man places it around Jewelz’s neck….. The bell rings.. Legally,the Match is over… What carnage… Jewelz’s pockets will be a 100k or so lighter,but he has recovered his chain. It's sure that he was looking forward towinning gold from someone else at the organizations biggest even of the yearwhen he signed last year, but recovering his signature custom piece, and defeating a legend like JCon will do for now.

Several Crimson Elite were seen holding court as an intentional show of force to opposing factions and the uninvited alike. Mamoru was seen intermingling with the female liaisons from the Far East as Heido & Takeshi were seen & heard respectfully addressing several Japanese dignitaries with their unified intentions post Wrestlecade. The enigmatic Lady Akina sauntered in from the hallway, escorted by her personal female guard, bowing respectfully to an elderly couple before verbally engaging them in hushed tones.
A new quartet would follow suit in the form of twin female ninja flanked by a muscular male ninja in tow. The identical siblings beared the hues of Onyx and Crimson Trim. Both with hair of Ebony hue ending inches past their shoulder blades were casually surveying the room as the male ninja cast a stoic glance toward the right. An individual with a Green & Black Tiger Mask was in a tailor made Black Suit, bowing to a few individuals before Mamoru was seen motioning the small group over to him. The four newcomers passed through the crowd with both Takeshi & Heido trailing Mamoru.
“Konnichiwa.” The elder statesmen opened warmly to the small party. All four would bow respectfully to their clan officers. “Your flight here was a pleasant one I trust?”
“Very pleasant, Sifu.” The man in the tiger mask replied. “I was honored to receive your personal invitation to join you and your consortium.”
“The honor is ours.” Mamoru retorted. “It was but a matter of time before we were able to ensure you a place here among us. Many opportunities are opening for us all and it was fitting to have you among us. A man of your abilities and acumen. Especially from our native land will no doubt speak volumes of the new Age of Far Eastern influence presents here in the States.”
“How was your time in Southern America?” Heido inquired.
"Time well spent. Several memorable championship endeavors. A great culture and opportunity to become trilingual in the process.” The luchador replied. “However, it has been brought to my attention that Commissioner Lee has requested to meet with me personally after this grand event.” The masked man continued. “It is most certain that I must enter this company’s developmental league in order to test the full extent of my rehabilitation process.”
“But of course.” Mamoru replied. “Soon the world will know the name of El Tigre Verde.” A wry smile formed across the luchador’s lips.
“As much as I love our native homeland, I still must pay homage to both my new family and place of residence now.” El Tigre Verde continued. “But I am looking forward to our dinner this evening as a collective to where we can all share our respective adventures and endeavors. I trust both Kenshiro & Eiji will return to us victorious.”
“Well, they do not expect your arrival.” Mamoru responded. “A pleasant surprise for both this evening.” Both men shook hands as the luchador politely excused himself from the party.
“Now, as for the young cubs to our esteemed clan.” Mamoru mentioned in standing before the remaining trinity of ninjas. “Maiko & Kimiko”
Both siblings bowed slightly.
“Lady Akina’s elite Captains of her personal guard.” Mamoru continued. “Much will be demanded by the 2 of you. Actually, I do have an opportunity for you both right now.”
“What is it that you require of us?” Maiko replied.
“I am going to need both of you to aid Lord Kenshiro this evening.” The elder statesman ordered while fishing for a fresh cigar. “Both Takeshi & Heido will ensure that are escorted to where he is preparing himself for his epic encounter. Brethren; see to it that they made aware of what all are acquired of them. Make them feel welcome among us.
“Come.” Heido ordered as Takeshi ensured the twins followed his partner’s lead before flanking them. The muscular male ninja stepped forward before Mamoru who was finished extinguishing the lit match.
“What is that you require of me, Sifu?” The ninja inquired.
“Ah yes, Shoji” Mamoru replied belting forth a large puff of cigar smoke. “Last yet certainly, not least. You are going to assume your place by my side. You are going to serve as an aid to your brethren and I. This clan.”
Mamoru placed his hand onto Shoji’s shoulder. “I am not as young as I aspire to be. This clan is as strong as its weakest link. I am not as physically imposing as you are. As skilled as I am, these gaijin outside of us, are far from honorable. They are disreputable creatures whom are hellbent upon tearing us asunder. The marshaling of enemy forces have been made evident. Even tonight. 2 of our elite will represent us and we must be prepared for any and everything. Leave nothing to chance.”
“Hai.” Shoji replied. “I must ask; shouldn’t we provide security for our brethren. The enemy, as you say, are very opportunistic. Especially our World Champion who will notoriously have a target affixed to his back.”
“Eiji & Lord Kenshiro forbade us to interfere on their behaves.” Mamoru continued. “However, we have emergency provisions in place. Besides, Lord Kenshiro can handle himself yet this will be Eiji’s test this evening. He has managed to become the youngest champion in this promotion’s history yet he must prove himself worthy to retain that billet, among other key tests. They will be fine as we are all watching.” “Understood.” Shoji replied. Mamoru removed his hand from his young protegee’s shoulder and placed his aged fingertips against the neophyte’s chest. The removal of his cigar from his lips further impressed the rising level of intensity of the clan advisor.
“Do not understand.” Mamoru muttered. Overstand.
The brawny ninja lowered his head slightly and nodded briefly. “Overstood, Sifu.”
Mamoru promptly cracked the stoic appearance with a gentle patting of his personal enforcer’s jaw. “Relax, young one. This is a time of reunion and celebration. Enjoy these rare moments. We have time to discuss matters further...”

After weeks of talking, sneak attacks, brawling, bloodying, and questioning of one another’s manhood, it was now time at last to put a budding rivalry between two of jOlt’s best and brightest to the test.
‘jOlt’s Last Real Man” Jeremy Ryan had saw fit to run down the roster for months on end, continuing his weekly tirades of questioning the manhood of everybody in the fabled organization. He didn’t care who he offended with his rants, be it a man on the low end of the jOlt totem pole all the way to the newly crowned Hall of Famers that were inducted into the new jOlt Hall of Fame this past weekend. Nobody was safe. The worst part was that Jeremy Ryan was a man who not only knew exactly how to push buttons, but knew how to back up everything he said. He was a loose cannon who lashed out at any and everything around him and nobody had yet to stop him.
Mack Brody of the Heirs of Wrestling stable had made it his goal to focus on his singles career as his best friends, Frank Silver and Ryan Gallway, focused on the tag team division. Formerly a no-goodnick in his own right, Brody had turned the corner and had quickly become one of jOlt’s more beloved stars. He wowed the crowd with a will to win and a strength that was unparalleled on the roster today. When Ryan was feuding with another beloved personality in Jon Le Bon, he tried to cripple him at Unlimited only for Mack to shut that shit down. Since then, Ryan had questioned Brody’s ability to do things on his own an even blooded the giant pretty boy on one occasion, putting twelve stitches in his head. Tonight, one person was going to get shut up for good.
CenturyLink Field was going absolutely nuts as the hard camera at ringside turned over to ring announcer Brad Arnold.
“The following is a grudge match and this will be set for one fall!” Arnold shouted.
“A Man” by Cypress Hill.
The music played and the crowd started turning their reaction in a wholly negative way. Out from the back dressed in his fighting gear was none other than the man who had made it his mission to destroy all things fun-loving in jOlt. He was the polar opposite of his opponent – he wasn’t obsesses with looks, he wasn’t flashy, he wasn’t meant to be fun – he was a vicious asshole who was looking to rule the ring by force and force alone.
“First, he hails from Bangor, Maine, weighing in at 247 pounds… this is ”JOLT’S LAST REAL MAN” JEREMY RYAN!”
He was a man who took offenses seriously and now he was ready to prove once and for all that what he was saying about Mack Brody was all true – that he was nothing more than a company poster boy who couldn’t hack it in his world, let alone in the singles ranks where he had never been in his career. Ryan approached the ring and looked ready for a fight after making a long way down the ramp. jOlt’s Last Real Man climbed into the ring and waited for his opponent to arrive. He could finally put an end to the nuisance that was “Midas” Mack Brody once and for all.
And speaking of…
The massive entrance at the top of the stage was starting to glow in shades of gold as Jeremy Ryan looked disgusted at the flashy show that his opponent was all about. The lights continued to flash until a bevy of B-E-A-UTIFUL ladies started to make their way out with very, VERY skimpy dresses that didn’t leave much to the imagination. The lights continued to shine and the crowd started popping as the music kicked in…
“What You Know” by T.I.
The row of nine dancers started keeping in tune with the music and earning themselves flurries of cheers and cat calls from the crowd in attendance! They were loving every second of this and they continued with the big dance routine until they each lined up in a row…
One by one, the girls separated until the crowd started to cheer…
A SHOWER of golden pyro erupted from the stage now as the man called SuperMack stood at the top fo the ramp with a big grin on his face and a wink towards his disgusted opponent who was standing in the ring, almost looking physically ill at the show before him. A large Superman logo with a big sparkling “M” shined brightly at the top of the ramp as Brody stood forward and took a peck on the cheek from each of the dances on his way there. He was deliberately messing with Jeremy Ryan on purpose as he waited.
“AND HIS OPPONENT… from Philidelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 312 pounds... he is being introduced to the ring by the Golden Girlz… with a Z, so we don’t get sued… though thank you for being a friend, Betty White…”
Some laughs from the crowd as Brad Arnold read Mack Brody’s hand-written intro.
Mack Brody made the long down the ramp in his “MACK BRODY… GOLD AS GOLD!” t-shirt and walked to the ring with a major purpose. SuperMack looked confident as ever, but he did rub a hand on the scar just above his left eye, courtesy of Jeremy Ryan. He hadn’t forgotten about any of that and he was going to exact some payback tonight on jOlt’s Last Real Man. Sure, he was a little bit vein, but he turned out to have a proverbialy and badly-punned heart of gold. Brody was trying to make amends for the previous douchy action of his Heirs brethren as he climbed into the ring. Referee Antonio Jones got in between the men as he called for the bell.
They had one match previously that ended in a double countout and were on opposite ends of an eight-person tag that saw The Heirs of Wrestling and Amber Ryann victorious, though Jeremy himself wasn’t involved in the decision. Neither man had yet to get a victory of any kind over the other, but now tonight was going to change that.
Ryan made the first move and tried to swing at him only for the bigger Brody to block it and fired back a big right hand to the delight of the crowd in Seattle! Midas continued to fire back with a fearsome series of right hands that backed him up into the corner. The man called SuperMack continued to bring the pain to his tormentor early and fired with a series of right elbows followed by a shocking HEADBUTT for good measure – a shot that Jeremy Ryan had felt once before a few weeks ago when he claimed Brody didn’t have the guts to do anything to ruin his good looks.
jOlt’s Last Real Man grabbed him and clawed him in the eye before turning the tables now and sending him back into the corner. The former fighter unleashed a series of hard kicks into the chest of big Brody followed up with a NASTY stiff left hand of his own. The ambidextrous Ryan continued throwing right hands and left jabs into the body of Brody befotre unleashing a big series of STIFF chops to the chest.
He swung back with another big shot only for Mack to straight-up GOOZLE him with both hands by the throat! Ryan was shocked that Mack had bounced back that quickly and LAUNCHED him into the corner with a big throw. Brody threw even MORE big right hands to the side of his head and followed up with more elbows until he picked him up. He whipped him halfway across the ring and shot him hard into the corner and when Ryan came back…
Brody shouted and the crowd cheered him in loudly as he PRESSED 247 pounds of Ryan over his head like he was a cruiserweight! He walked around the ring and continued to rep him at least four times before simply THROWING him into the turnbuckle, Snake Eyes style! Jeremy was hurt now as Brody ran off the ropes and came back to deliver a hard-hitting Running Double Sledge to the face! He caught him and went to the lateral press early!
jOlt’s Last Real Man kicked out, but Brody stayed on the attack as the fans continued to cheer. He dropped him with a big Headbutt that sent him stumbling backwards into the ropes! Brody took in the reception from the crowd before he advanced on jOlt’s Last Real Man with a big knee to the gut. He fell to the second rope and that’s when the vengeful SuperMack continued to choke him against the ropes with a big knee! Ryan had yet to get much in the way of offense against the big mack truck that was Mack Brody and things were about to get even worse as he ran off the ropes and connected with a HARD Bossman Attack against the ropes!
Ryan flinched from the pain and fell back to the mat as Brody rolled out of the ring to dap fists with a couple fans in the front row. A big series of “SUPERMACK!” chants only continued from the fans in attendance as he pulled Jeremy neck-first over the apron and dropped the hammer down with some stuff clubbing blows. He then headed to the ring apron and waved for the crowd before running and bringing down a HARD Guillotine Leg Drop across the throat! The blow was hard enough to take Ryan off the ring and out to the floor!
SuperMack was in complete control now as he once again led up Jeremy Ryan to his feet and turned him around before picking him up and RAMMING him back into the barricade! The Philly Powerhouse continued to turn him around and RAMMED him a second time into the ring apron! Things weren’t looking good at all for jOlt’s Last Real Man and they weren’t going to get any better as Brody tossed him away from the ring.
Brody climbed inside and outside the bottom rope to reset referee Antonio Brown’s count to perhaps dole out some more punishment to the man that insulted him for weeks and busted him open on one occasion. He approached the Maine native and swung again only for Brody to pop him with a straight elbow, once again going for the eye. He palmed the back of his head and stomped him down on the ring apron head first to take advantage again.
Once he had stunned Brody long enough, he climbed back into the ring and ran quickly across the ropes. It was almost never that they would see Jeremy Ryan try anything even remotely high risk as he was known for being a calculated competitor, but Brody was dominating right now and needed a big change…
The blow nearly blasted right THROUGH Mack Brody and knocked him down on the floor as Brody stood up and laughed maniacally. Jeremy stood over him and soaked in the negative response from the crowd as he laughed.
“Come on, cheer him now! Come on, let’s hear it! BRODY! BRODY! BRODY! BRODY!”
He mocked the chants and picked him up off the mat with some great effort before taking him back inside the ring. Brody’s bell had got rung right off the flying elbow smash to the face and he was victim to a series of HARD Kawada-style kicks to the head as he tried to get back up. Ryan was a vicious man full of tricks and he would need every one to compensate for Brody’s power advantage.
SuperMack was hurt in the corner now and seated as Ryan changed up the striking game and swung with a series of left jabs to the head in an effort to stun the former two-time jOlt Tag Team Champion. When Antonio ordered him to back off, jOlt’s Last Real Man swung at him and yelled for him to mind his own fucking business.
Ryan got himself a running start off the opposite corner and came back with a stiff Running Back Elbow the face! He was hurt now and Jeremy knew it as a smile crept across his face. He ran off the opposite corner a second time and charged again looking for a second one, but this time Brody was ready and he ate nothing but a knee to the back! He crumbled to his knees as Brody then headed out to the apron… uh-oh.
Brody was one of jOlt’s biggest and strongest men – perhaps its strongest for sure, but Brody was not known for much in the way of aerial skill, but perhaps he was wanting to deliver a receipt for Ryan’s earlier Elbow Suicida. He got to the very top rope…
Good GOD, he had flown right at Jeremy like a solid gold missile! He dropped him in the middle of the ring with the big move now as he hooked the far leg of jOlt’s Last Real Man!
Ryan still kicked out despite the big moves being thrown somewhat early by SuperMack! The Heirs of Wrestling member was sure that was three, but he was disappointed that he only got a two-count off the big maneuver.
Brody picked him up and wasted zero time kicking him in the gut! He was going to finish thing now and tried to hurry up with a big move… THE MIDAS TOUCH POWERBOMB… NO!
Ryan saw it coming and slipped out the back before he rolled outside of the ring and created some distance! The crowd was booing LOUDLY now as Ryan gave him the double bird on the outside, successfully breaking up any momentum that Brody could create with his offense. Brody ran over and grabbed Ryan by the head only for Ryan to quickly deliver a hard kick followed by SNAPPING his neck over the top rope! Brody was stunned and stumbled backwards which allowed for Ryan to head back into the ring, CLOBBERING him with a big Flying Knee Strike to the face!
“FUCK YOU!” Ryan shouted.
He hurried into the cover off the big shot.
Mack powered out, but a seething Ryan only climbed on top of the big man and unleashed a HARD flurry of Elbow Smashes to the face of the large pretty boy from Philly. The very smug Ryan now climbed to his feet only to drop a big Driving Elbow to the face. He then got right back up and ran off the opposite side before jumping and slamming a HARD Knee Drop back to the head again! HE was targeting the head of Brody now and went for a second cover.
Brody still had the strength to unleash a powerful kickout, but Ryan knew he was in control now and lapped up the moment as the crowd continued to cheer. jOlt’s Last Real Man looked down at the fallen Brody and then out to the crowd.
He picked up Brody by his hair only for SuperMack to fight back with a big right to the gut. The shot only stunned Ryan for a second only for him to fire back with three STIFF knee strikes to the temple, making sure that Brody stayed the fuck down. He continued to fire back and Mack even made it back to his feet to try and run off the ropes for a big move only for Ryan to clip him with a gruesome back elbow. He was out on his feet when Ryann clipped him with a knee…
A second running knee to the face from Jeremy Ryan in this match was more in the vein of a Shining Wizard and nearly cleaned out Brody’s lights for good. Ryan nudged the referee to crawl over and get the cover.
Again, Brody had still found a way to kick out of Ryan’s offense, but jOlt’s Last Real Man wasn’t going to let him get away that easily. He pulled Brody off his feet and muscled him back into the corner again and charged with a big Running Forearm Smash to the head. Brody was stunned when Ryan picked him up and over… he grunted with some effort…
It took some doing to get the 300+ over but he did it! Jolt’s Last Real Man had now SPIKED the flashy Brody into the canvas with a massive suplex! Again, Brody was down and that’s when Ryan tried for a second cover in as many minutes.
Ryan quietly scowled at Jones for thinking that was a three-count but tonight that wasn’t the case. SuperMack was in a very bad position now with the dangerous and deadly Ryan on the offensive as he drilled a series of hard Hammering Elbows to the top of the skull. He seemed hell bent on giving her a concussion. Three big left hands found their way across the face of Brody as he continued to only punish him some more.
With the big man about ready to fight back, Ryan slapped him several times just for fun. More booing came out from the crowd before he grabbed Brody the arm and pulling him into a hard Short-Arm Elbow Strike to the face! Brody was on his feet, but looked like the lights were out as a second Short-Arm Elbow Strike caught him in the side of the chin. One more time, he fought back and kicked him in the leg to bring him over followed by a run off the ropes to deliver a STIFF Low Enzui Lariat to the back of the head!
Brody only continued to feel the pain now and there was no chance for him to fight back because the crafty and dangerous Ryan hadn’t left him any openings to take advantage of. But instead of going for a pinfall, he decided to wear him down with a Grinding Chinlock that looked more like a suspect choke attempt than anything.
Ryan cranked back on the hold now on SuperMack and continued to bring the punishment. The hold was on tightly and Brody looked somewhat out of it now as the crowd continued to chant and yell along with SuperMack.
“Do you give up, Brody?” Jones asked.
“NO!” Brody yelled.
The crowd cheered in Seattle as Brody was starting to struggle in the hold while Ryan had a very tight grip on him. Ryan even switched up positions so he had a tight leg scissors around the broad body of Brody (say that shit ten times fast) but he STILL was going..
Almost to the ropes..
The Bronze Bomber had made it to the ropes! Ryan continued holding onto the ropes fort the count until he let go at the count of four. jOlt’s Last Real Man rolled away from Brody, but the damage may have been already done. Jeremy Ryan only continued to attack him with a flurry of kicks to the head as he backed him up in the ropes. He set him up carefully and tried for another choke in the ropes, this time locking in a very vicious BITE OF THE DRAGON Choke Sleeper in the ropes! Brody was hurt now, but only had until the count of five to let go of the hold.
Ryan let go of the hold and jOlt’s Last Real Man had been weakened and worn out. Brody was powerful, but Ryan had found a way to successfully negate the power advantage of the former two-time Tag Team Champion as he waited for him to get back up again. Ryan swung again and elbowed him to the back of the head, but Brody returned fire with an even BIGGER right! Jeremy viciously swung again and elbowed him three or four times, even firing off a big elbow that sent him bouncing off the ropes…
The crowd EXPLODED and Mack Brody unleashed a devastating Discus Punch counter that nearly MURDERED Jeremy Ryan! Both men were down and out now on the canvas as this hard hitting match continued. Jones waited for both men to get up but when neither man did, he counted.
Brody was up first and started to slam a fist on the mat to get a rhythm going as the crowd started to clap along with the powerhouse. The Bronze Bomber was starting to feel it now as Jeremy Ryan waited.
Ryan was up!
Brody was somewhat hurt now, but he kept on going as he ran right into Jeremy Ryan with a big shoulder block that rocked the Bangor, Maine native. He got up a second time as he ran off the ropes and charged right at Brody again, landing an even HARDER shot and knocked him back down to the canvas! Mack shouted to the crowd and they roared back with approval as CenturyLink Field’s fans looked on in approval!
When he started to stand up a third time, Brody kneed him in the gut for about five brutal shots before launching him across the ring with tremendous force into the turnbuckle. He played to the crowd and yelled out in approval as he bounced off the ropes to deliver a GRUESOME Body Avalanche in the corner! And shit was only going to get worse for jOlt’s Last Real Man as he hooked Brody around the body..
The Release Exploder Suplex THREW Ryan nearly all the way across the ring! Mack Brody ran off to the corner and pulled Ryan away from the ropes before hooking both legs of jOlt’s Last Real Man!
The crowd was shocked that Ryan kicked out of the big flurry of power moves as Brody’s head sank into a palm. The Philly powerhouse shook away the feeling of disappointment and started to stand again. He was up first and stalked Ryan as he continued to go for the big move. Jeremy turned around into the sight of both hand wrapping around his throat, looking for that Double Arm Chokeslam that he called the 24K, but Ryan went low and kicked him in the knee with a nasty shot to break it all up. He charged off of the ropes and came back..
Another explosive Suplex variation from the big man, this time in the form of the Belly to Belly Side edition! Ryan was drilled into the mat and went for the cover again on Ryan, hoping he could put away his rival for good.
The crowd bought that this was over, but sadly for Mack Brody it was not. The major problem people had with Jeremy Ryan in the ring was he was every bit as tough as he made himself to be and had only tasted one loss since he debuted in jOlt back in November of last year. Brody was shocked that he hadn’t put jOlt’s Last Real Man away, but he was about to finish things off. He stood up and shook the ropes frantically as tends of thousands cheered along with the big man.
The Philly Powerhouse didn’t wait for Ryan to recover this time as he pulled him up and crossed his arms. He was looking for the Midas Touch Powerbomb for the second time and he was ready to get him back up…
Ryan slipped out the back a second time and headed to the ropes. Brody swung with a big right hand that missed, but when Ryan bounced off the opposite ropes..
It took a bit of effort on his part, but he got the big man off his feet and DRILLED him into the canvas with a Running Spinebuster variation! The crowd was nuts as Ryan hooked both legs.
“NO! NO, DAMN IT, NO!” Ryan shouted.
They had thrown their best moves back and forth at one another and neither Ryan or Brody wanted to give the other man the satisfaction of being the loser. Ryan slashed a thumb across this throat and told the crowd what was coming up next…
He kicked the big man over onto his back and hooked the neck…
The Tazmission/Camel Clutch submission was locked in and the crowd was in a frenzy now! Ryan had won EVERY match that he was in with this very submission hold and nobody had yet to break the hold once it was fully locked in! The hold was as good as it was going to be and now he was ready to finish things off for good here now.
Indded that looked to be the case as he fought back in the submission hold! There was no way for him to get out of this hold as he was in the center of the ring and far away from the ropes. Ryan’s gameplan was perfect!
The crowd continued to shout and yell for Brody as SuperMack was now looking very vulnerable in the position he was in! Brody raised a hand and looked like he was about to tap out to Jeremy Ryan’s key submission move in his arsenal and continued to struggle.
The referee held the hand up as Brody was fading fast with what looked to be no hope of fighting back. He raised the hand of Mack and watched it fall once…
Ryan was practically frothing at the mouth as he continued to have the hold locked in. Jones raised the hand a second time and continued to wait as the hand went limp a second time.
The man called SuperMack wasn’t moving now as Ryan laughed at his opponent’s misery. The Bronze Bomber had nowhere to go as he let the had go a third time…
“THR… NO!”
Brody was STILL going to fight! Ryan was in shock as nobody had survived the submission this long, let alone get to this point of the hold! Mack fought back and started to even get to one knee as he let out LOUD roar… HE WAS UP WITH JEREMY RYAN ON HIS BACK! He frantically backed him off the corner and crushed him again and again and again and again!
As tight as he held it in, the Dead Man submission did a lot of damage to Brody and he just barely in the opposite corner, now trying to create distance himself from his adversary. A heated Ryan was INCENSED that his submission finisher had been broken out of for the very first time in jOlt and he angrily charged at Brody… MISSED!
Brody ran off ropes right behind him…
The newest move in the arsenal of Mack Brody – The vicious Running Body Block -- nearly took Jeremy Ryan out of his boots as the crowd cheered and roared at the collision! Brody screamed to the masses in the CenturyLink Field and they shouted back as The Bronze Bomber shook out the cobwebs. He was winded to all hell, but he picked up Jeremy off the mat and pointed across the ring. With some effort, he lifted him up and set him up over the shoulder…
The powerful Fire Thunder Bomb DRILLED Ryan into the canvas and Brody quickly held on in the stacking pin position!

It had been one hell of a war that involved the powerhouse Brody versus the rugged Ryan throwing bombs at one another! Mack Brody had to dig deep, but he came back with a new move in his arsenal that Jeremy Ryan didn’t see coming and for the end result, he had just defeated Jeremy Ryan!
Brody was huffing after such a gruesome battle and hadn’t been tested in his singles career with such a match, but he weathered the storm that jOlt’s Last Real Man had brought tonight and had come up with a victory here tonight on the biggest stage that jOlt had to offer!
Ryan was laid out on the mat with no idea where he was while Brody climbed up and over the ropes and did a fancy handstand to exit the ring. Despite everything that Jeremy Ryan had said about SuperMack being nothing more than a flash in the pan and a pretty boy who wouldn’t last in a real fight, the strongest man in jOlt wrestling had just proven him wrong.
All in all, a damn good night for Mack Brody!

The scene opened up to a distraught and angry Aran Thompson as the former jOlt Champion flung anything he could get his hands on across the backstage area and his wife Laurie Williams watched on with a look of shock and grimaced every time an object flew across the area.
Aran paced back and forth and walked over to a catering table, resting his hands on the outside edge of the table and gripping tightly before flinging it backwards into a wall causing refreshments and food to drip and fall free from the wall.
"Aran! Aran!"
The tantrum Aran was throwing was interrupted by Donny Layne who had a clear agenda in mind for Mr. Relentless. Aran stopped and turned his attention to Donny and growled at him as Laurie put her hand at Donny's chest warning him to keep his distance.
"WHAT?!" Aran bellowed.
"You wanna know how what my thoughts are? You want to know what I'm feeling? I'm MAD! I'm not sugar coating it, there is no other word to describe my rage." Aran screamed.
Donny's eyes widened as he noticed Aran's fist and he stammered and stuttered trying to continue on his mission that he was clearly sent on by the top brass.
"I'll give Landon his due, that punk won. Congratulations are in order. But not because he is going to face Eiji Kugasari later on tonight, but because if...if......IF that Hardy Boy wanna be manages to win the jOlt Championship tonight, he is going to be the big target. He is going to know what it feels like to be FINALLY! Isn't that what all this is about?! HE WANTS TO BE ME! He took my trust! MY FAMILY! AND NOW MY RELENTLESS CHAMPIONSHIP!"
Aran screamed a bit more and grabbed another chair and slammed it into the wall closest to him.
Aran continued to slam the chair into the wall before slamming it down at Donny Laynes feet. He stepped in and grabbed Layne by the collar of his sports jacket.
"I'm getting my Relentless Championship back.....tonight."
Aran turned his attention to Laurie.
"You should probably go home. I'm done being nice."
Aran shoved Donny away and stormed off as Donny Layne and Laurie Williams watched in awe and the scene faded away with Donny asking Laurie....
"This is him being nice?"

The crowd was still buzzing from the action that they had seen thus far into Wrestlecade, Brad Arnold, once again stood center of the ring, microphone in hand. “Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest will be one fall to a finish and will be contested under Falls Count Anywhere rules with no time limit!”
“Passive” by A Perfect Circle began to echo throughout the arena and Jason Rau stepped through the entrance curtain onto the massive Wrestlecade stage. A smug look crossed his face as the majority of the fans in the arena began throwing their hatred down on him with a massive amount of booing. Rau stood at the top of the ramp, with his hands on his hip, and with a slight chuckle at the reaction from the ground, and a shake of his head he began his walk toward the ring.
“Making his way to the ring first,” Arnold began his introduction, “weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty-five pounds and hailing from Sydney, Australia; HE IS JASON RAU!”
Rau marched up the ring steps and onto the apron, where he wiped his boots before entering the ring between the top and middle rope. His smug look continued to adorn his face as he made his way to his corner and awaited the entrance of his opponent. “Passive” slow began to fade throughout the arena, as the booing did as well, just not as quickly as the music died down.
“I’m Not Alright” by Shinedown began to blast throughout the arena and after several moments of anticipation Jesse Ramey burst through the entrance curtains onto the Wrestlecade stage. The energy that he brought storming onto the stage quickly carried over to the fans’ reaction as they began standing and cheering. Ramey stood at the top of the stage bouncing with a smile on his face before stopping, pounded his right fist against his chest over his heart, and then pointed toward the fans.
“Making his way toward the ring,” Arnold continued, “weighing in tonight at two hundred and five pounds and hailing from Harts, West Virginia; HE IS “THE ANTI-STAR” JESSE RAMEY!”
As soon as Arnold finished Ramey darted toward the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope on his right hip and popping back up into the center of the ring. Ramey quickly made his way to the corner opposite of Jason Rau, climbed to the middle turnbuckle and began lifting his hands up and down with the smile still gracing his face. Ramey was trying to pump up the crowd even more than they already were, and it was working.
The reaction quickly soured though as Jason Rau quickly rushed across the ring catching Ramey just as he was coming off of the turnbuckle with an axe handle blow to the top of his shoulder blades. Brad Arnold had just exited the ring, and referee Simon Boulder quickly signaled for the bell and the start of the match as the music faded from the arena.
Rau quickly twisted Ramey around in the corner, grabbed hold of his arm while pushing his back against the turnbuckle padding, and then whipped him across the ring toward the opposing turnbuckle. Rau quickly followed behind Ramey as he approached his destination, but Ramey planted one foot on the middle turnbuckle padding and quickly climbed to the top back flipping over the approaching Rau.
Rau stopped himself by placing his hands on the top turnbuckle, but as soon as Ramey’s feet planted to the ground he locked his arms around Rau’s waist. Ramey attempted to bring Rau up and over, but Rau was smart enough to lock his arms around the turnbuckle padding. No matter how hard Ramey struggled, he couldn’t break Rau’s grip to the ring. Rau then pulled himself all the way in, and pushed back out of the corner, forcing Ramey to release and go backward with a bit of momentum. Ramey used this to fall to the ground and back roll up to his feet.
Ramey charged back toward the corner just as Rau was turning around, and just before Ramey could make it to him Rau sidestepped out of the corner. Ramey launched himself onto the middle turnbuckle to stop his momentum, but Rau quickly turned back, grabbing Ramey by the shoulder blades and yanked him down to the canvas. Rau raised his boot looking to drop it down across the chest of Ramey, but the Anti-Star quickly rolled out of the ring landing on his feet.
Rau approached the ropes looking to exit the ring along with Ramey, but the Anti-Star reached into the ring grabbing hold of Rau’s legs causing him to fall to the mat. Ramey then quickly dragged Rau out of the ring and drove a stiff right closed fist into the side of his face. Rau was a little staggered from the move, but in turn brought his own closed fist across Ramey’s face. The two then began to trade blows as Boulder exited the ring to stay close to the two men.
Closed right fist from Ramey to Rau’s midsection.
Open handed chop to the chest by Rau.
Closed right first from Rau directed toward Ramey’s head, blocked.
Ramey then delivered a European uppercut to Rau, grabbed hold of his arm and sent him hurling toward the barricade that separated the fans from the ring. Rau hit the partition back first, and Ramey had charged in behind him catching him with a clothesline that sent him flipping backward over the barricade and into a walkway left open for the fans to get to their seating. Ramey quickly jumped over the barricade and brought Rau back to his feet, locked his head under his arm, and began walking toward the metal steps that separated the ground floor attendance form the metal bleacher elevated seating. Ramey was able to drag Rau up the first landing position, and then Rau drove a stiff shot into his ribs that caused Ramey to release his hold.
The two men once again began trading blows, until Rau brought a massive knee lift up into Ramey’s abdomen causing him to grab his midsection. Rau then grabbed hold of Ramey’s head and tossed him back down the seven or eight metal steps that Ramey had drug him up. Ramey quickly tumbled back down to the cement floor below hitting every step on his way back down. The fans groaned a little more with every hit that he took on his way down.
Rau took in a moment still on the platform above Ramey to stretch both of his arms out and smugly smile at the fans causing them to begin to boo. He then slowly made his way down the steps and placed a boot across Ramey’s chest demanding Boulder to count.
Ramey’s shoulder shot up off of the concrete just after Boulder’s hand hit concrete floor. Ramey quickly grabbed hold of the leg Rau had placed on his chest, slipped his hand up between his legs, pulling him down into a roll-up pin attempt of his own.
Rau’s cockiness had allowed Ramey to get a near fall on the Aussie, but he still had enough in the tank to get out of the pin attempt at the last second. The two men quickly made their way back to their feet, but Ramey was the first to react as he drove a boot into Rau’s midsection and then planted him face first into the ground with a DDT. Rau rolled on the concrete in severe pain after the move, while Ramey sat up and panted heavily holding at his ribs from the damage that had been done from his fall down the metal steps.
Pushing through the pain Ramey made his way back to his feet, grabbed the still writhing in pain Rau by the head, and pulled him back to his feet. Ramey once again wrapped Rau’s head under his arm and began making his way up the steel steps of the arena once again. Finally making it to a concrete landing Ramey drug Rau toward the closest exiting corridor of the arena. Ramey pulled Rau’s head up and slammed it against the corner of the giant concrete opening then continued to lead him down the corridor into a hallway of the arena.
A cameraman, referee Simon Boulder, and several fans followed quickly behind them as Ramey pulled Rau to a concession outlet. The fans in line all parted a way to the front of the line for Ramey, as he came to the worker standing in front of him Ramey slammed Rau’s face off of the counter then looked up at the worker with a smile on his face.
“He’s a little incapacitated at the moment, but he told me earlier that he wanted a bottle of water and some nachos. He really wanted a plate of kangaroo, but he didn’t figure that would be on the menu.” Ramey chuckled.
After the snide remarks, Ramey grabbed Rau by the trunks and sent him flying over the concession counter. The workers all parted way as to not be hit by the incoming Rau. Rau struggled to try and get back to his feet, grasping at the worker’s station beside of him as Ramey leapt over the counter to the other side. Ramey then helped Rau back to his feet, and behind the two was small cooling unit that housed the bottles of water and other bottled drinks for the fans, Ramey opened the door of the cooling unit, stuck Rau’s head inside and slammed hit shut.
“You forgot your bottle of water inside though! You’re definitely no Jumping Jack Flash, Rau!” Ramey shouted once again.
Ramey opened the unit one more and pulled a bottle of water out, as Rau grasped at Ramey’s trunks pulling his way back to a kneeling base. Ramey pushed Rau back from his tights and took a step back, and then smashed the plastic bottle of water across his face causing the cap to launch off blasting anyone around them with a splash of water. Rau fell backward to the ground and Ramey quickly jumped on top of his body for the pin attempt. Boulder jumped over the concession stand to make the count.
Ramey quickly made his way back to his feet, pulled Rau back to his, and launched him back over the concession counter. The fans that were standing and watching all quickly parted leaving room for Rau’s body to tumble across the concrete. Rau quickly made his way back to his hands and knees and began crawling through the massive crowd of fans that had all made their way out of the arena to see the live action.
Ramey jumped across the concession counter and slowly made his way to the crawling Rau. Ramey let Rau be for a little bit as he tried to watch where Rau was going to go. Then something caught Ramey’s eye.
“I know where you’re trying to go!” Ramey exclaimed, “You need to tinkle, don’t you Jason?”
It was at that point the cameraman turned and caught the image of the restrooms off to their right. Ramey grabbed Rau by the head and pulled him back to his feet, clinched his head under his arm once more and began dragging him inside of the restroom area. The putrid smell of piss, beer, and shit overtook the men as they entered the rest room, and the sight of the cameraman entering quickly caused those able to see it to zip their pants and exit.
“Finish your business gentlemen, no need to run.” Ramey said as men began making their way by him, “My friend here just needs to use the little girl’s room and has had way too many to drink, so I figured I’d help him in.”
Ramey then launched Rau toward the sidewall of a toilet stale. Rau’s back smashed against the side and he tumbled back down to the nasty piss and beer soaked floor. The man situated inside of that stale was so startled that he jumped from the toilet and quickly exited it barely able to get his underwear back up as he exited and then seeing the camera quickly pulled his pants back up around his waist and darted out of the scene.
Ramey smiled as he grabbed Rau and dragged him into the now vacant stale and a look of disgust crossed Ramey’s face as he looked into the toilet.
“Someone forgot to flush!” Ramey exclaimed as he laughed, “We should do the next person coming in a service and flush.” Ramey then paused and looked back at Rau, “I do believe we can add a little more shit to the pot though.”
Ramey smiled and the reaction within the arena was a mixture of laughter, groaning, and some even making sickened sounds. Ramey grabbed Rau by the back of the head, and shoved him face first into the toilet and then began flushing the toilet over and over and over. Rau struggled as the streaming of water ran all around his head, and only God knows what else.
Rau finally managed to break free as he fell backward, all of the extra flushes that Ramey had done had cleaned Rau’s face of any extra that may have been in the toilet bowl, thankfully. It was at this point that the fans were beginning to see the outcome of this match was already written, Ramey was only showing his complete and utter domination of Jason Rau to prove a point for all of the attacks he had made and the claims he had been making to rest.
Ramey turned in the stale and looked at Rau gasping for air, sliding on his ass back as far away from him as he could. Ramey launched a boot into Rau’s face causing him to fall backward his head smashing off of the floor, and then Ramey pulled Rau back to his feet and pulled him over to the sinks.
“Don’t forget to get cleaned up before you leave.” Ramey said as he smiled even more.
Ramey grabbed hold of the back of Rau’s head, smashed it against the porcelain sink, then pulled it back up and smashed it against the mirror in front of him. Blood had finally began to trickle down the skull of Rau, covering his face. Rau fell to the floor, and just like before Rau made his way to his hands and knees and tried his best to crawl away from Ramey.
Rau crawled out of the bathroom, all the while Ramey slowly trailed behind him. “Where are you going Jason? I thought you were going to beat the hell out of me tonight? That’s what you said earlier, that you were the superior athlete going into this match. Well, I’m right here, come on, FIGHT!” Ramey ended yelling at the downed Rau.
Ramey continued to follow Rau as he crawled back toward the corridor that had led them out of the arena to begin with. Ramey kicked at the side of Rau’s head, only poking the bear more, but Rau continued to gingerly crawl to the end of the corridor, now back into the arena. Rau’s arms began to quiver and suddenly he fell face first to the concrete. The cameraman turned looking down the corridor they had come from, the trail of crimson that now lead to where Rau lay face first.
It was uncertain if Rau had collapsed from lose of blood, or the beating he had been taking finally sucked the energy he had left out of him. Ramey smiled though as he grabbed Rau by the head, and lifted him back to his feet, wrapped him up and drove him back down to the concrete head first with the darkness buster brainbuster.
Ramey climbed on top of Rau’s motionless body in front of the thousands of fans watching to make the pin attempt. Simon Boulder dropped down for the pin attempt.

A fight that had actually started out as a battle, and then slowly turned into a massacre and a statement, had finally ended as Ramey stood just outside of that entrance corridor and Simon Boulder lifted his arm into the air. Before the music could queue up though, everyone within the arena fell into a state of shock and awe as the arena plunged into a state of darkness.

“The man standing before all of you in victory,” the familiar vocalizer infused voice of Citizen began to echo throughout the entire arena, “may wish all of you believe that he is the fighting sense of morality within this company. Standing in front of challenges to try and provide a sense of redemption for the evil things that others do inside and outside of that ring.”
“A career,” Citizen paused, the fans in attendance already confused at words coming from behind the mask, “shrouded in an unseen and unknown evil to you all. I have been watching you, Jesse Ramey, always watching. I see through your soul and into the evil heart that beats behind your chest.”
“Savor your victory tonight,” Citizen paused, “because the alpha and omega of this company. The enigmatic watcher has returned to expose and destroy the most evil thing setting foot inside of that ring. You will be exposed for those evils, Jesse Ramey, and slowly I will destroy you and the image that you have given these fans to cheer for, little by little. You will be broken down physically, mentally, and spiritually, until you confess your sins to the people you make rally behind you so blindly week in and week out.”
The arena fell into silence once more as the anticipation built, and the glowing eyes on the tron slowly disappeared with Citizen leaving one final comment, “Your end is coming.”
The static hiss ended, the lights in the arena popped back on, and the camera shot back to Jesse Ramey still standing in his same position as when the lights had gone out. Ramey quickly checked his surroundings to make sure that the video that had just played on the screen wasn’t merely a ploy for an attack. Instead, something at Ramey’s feet caught his eyes; Ramey bent over and picked the item up bringing it into the view of the camera.
It was a baby doll, the eyes had been cut out of its plastic head, and a giant red X marked across his cloth and unclothed body. Ramey looked very confused with the item, and even more so how it had been placed at his feet in the darkness without any signs of anyone being there to place it. “The End is Coming” by Sevendust began to blare throughout the arena as the scene slowly shifted to the backstage area.

Here on the biggest stage that jOlt Wrestling had to offer, a young and talented Starlet by the name of “Dragonfly” Amber Ryann had the chance to make her dreams come true by becoming the next Starlet Champion. The wrestling otaku had impressed many by making her way up the ranks of The Hype and made it all the way to the roster as one of the premier stars. With some time she had made it to the main roster and she had impressed many with her outrageous high flying style that was very uncharacteristic of many female wrestlers, even earning the respect of fellow champion, the Las Vegas beauty Charlotte.
However, one person that she did not impress was that of the current and defending Starlet Champion for the evening, the self-professed Queen of the Starlets by the name of Sarah Winterton. The woman had legitimately thought of herself as royalty and had lorded her victory over the entire division. Her long-time rival and Ryann’s friend, Charlotte, had gotten injured by Sarah when the Queen had slammed her arm into a car door, possibly breaking her arm. She had held onto the belt since December’s Wired PPV and now was going strong. Ryann took offense to her friend getting injured at the hands of The Queen of the Starlets and had challenged her to a match which was accepted.
Now Winterton and her big mouth had to put up or shut up on jOlt’s biggest stage as she had to defend against a vengeful Ryann. Could the ground-based style of Winterton prevail against the high flyer or would The Dragonfly end the tyrannical Starlet Title reign and finally clutch the belt for the very first time?
Dean Carrington, sir, earn your paycheck.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall! This match will be contested for the Starlet Championship!”
"Antinotice" by AKIAKANE
The crowd waited for several seconds before the lights started to shine in various shades of rainbow colors. Ryann made her way out from the entrance and the crowd went GONZO for the girl with the rainbow-colored hair and the affinity for the lights. and hopped up onto the ring apron. She floated over the ropes, twisting and landing on the middle rope where she backflipped to the center of the ring, landing on her feet. Ryann warmed up as the music died down.
"Pageant (Instrumental)" by Moi Dix Mois
The former Heiress stepped out from the backstage area. She feels she has ascended to the Queen position.. especially since she was holding that Starlet Championship over her shoulder. Winterton had a look of disgust as she stood atop the entrance ramp and gazed down at the ring at her competition. It was no secret that Sarah thought it was unfair for her to defend her title in such a way and the look on her face backed up those claims.
Sarah walked down to the ring with a certain swagger about her. Her high society and posh attitude was displayed perfectly as she walked around ringside toward the announce position. She walked up the ringsteps and stayed in the corner. She beckoned the referee over to her to give up the Starlet Championship as if she were nothing more than a mere servant. Referee Kim Adams sighed as Dean Carrington started the in-ring introductions.
“First, in the corner to my left… she hails from Neptunia and weighs in at 110 pounds… she is the challenger and the current #1 Contender to the Starlet Title… ”DRAGONFLY” AMBER RYANN!”
Ryann did a quick kipping front flip to show off her impressive agility. There were few Starlets with the skillset that the gaming otaku had and she looked at Winterton with contempt.
“And in the corner to my right… she is the reigning and defending Starlet Champion… she hails from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 136 pounds… “THE QUEEN OF THE STARLETS” SARAH WINTERTON!”
Winterton planted a nice kiss on the belt before handing the prize over to referee Kim Adams. The Starlet referee took the title and showed it overhead to show what was on the line with one of four titles up for grabs here tonight. For the first time ever, the jOlt Starlet Title was defended on the biggest stage of them all and it made it such a prize.
The Queen of the Starlets looked at her unorthodox opponent before her and scoffed. This was not the first time that the two women had squared off. Once on Intense several months ago, the two squared off and Winterton got the duke and then blasted her with the belt. Ryann had beaten Winterton twice in tag team matches in the last few weeks and also had a victory over legendary women’s wrestler Sweet Aroma, the wife of Jonathan Conspiracy, at Wrestlecade Experience Day 2. She was riding the momentum now and had the number of the Queen. Could she knock her off and score the biggest win of her career tonight?
The two met up it the center of the ring and Winterton took the fight to her with a single leg! She went to work early grounding the high flying Starlet before she floated right over into a tight Headlock on The Dragonfly. The Queen of the Starlets kept her grounded and she laughed at her misery as she continued to press the advantage before Ryann elbowed her in the stomach to try and free herself. Winterton cut that off early before she could do anything more and brought a knee into the chest of her #1 Contender. She tossed Ryann across the ring and tried to charge at her…
She caught the former Heiress with a pair of knees to the face before she jumped to the second rope in one clear leap. When Sarah turned around, Amber jumped off the ropes and took her over with a quick headscissors that sent the champion flying across the ring! She was being taken to task quickly by the otaku high flyer!
Ryann tried to charge at Winterton, but this time she was ready for her and caught her under the chin with a nice-looking European Uppercut! Ryan collapsed to her knee when Sarah looked out to the jeering crowd and waved at them with a condescending smile. The fans in the Centurylink Field were all over The Queen as she continued her assault.
With her attention turned to the fallen Dragonfly, she picked her up by the hair. Once she got there she picked up Ryann by the body and held her up in a Powerbomb… no! She switched that up and now she had the smaller Ryann tied up with a modified Gory Special!
She was holding her around the ring and tried to break the Dragonfly in half with this deadly submission hold. The Queen of the Starlets was laughing now and continuing to hold her with the move until she shifted her weight and put her down right into a modified Backslide pin out of the Gory position…
The Dragonfly hung onto the move, but Winterton kept her down and continued to keep the pinfall intact a second time!
Winterton tried to pull her up and this time she got her back up one more time as she continued to hold on, but with some careful maneuvering The Dragonfly had managed to pull herself up! Amazingly the agile high flyer had rolled up and over on Winterton with a Sunset Flip!
She had almost pinned the Starlet Champion! Amber Ryann had done so once before in a tag team match that included Charlotte and Daryn Thompson which was the reason many felt that she had the number of the former Heiress. The crowd was loving the wrestling clinic that the two girls had been putting on by showing they were more than just somebody’s arm candy. The Dragonfly rolled up again and ran right at Sarah Winterton, catching the Queen of the Starlets right into a big Wheelbarrow rollup now!
The Queen of the Starlets shoved her way and rolled backwards back to her feet. Angrily, Winterton stood up and growled under her breath before she charged at her again only for Ryann to catch her with a Japanese variant on the Arm Drag! The Dragonfly kipped up right after the throw as the angry Winterton stumbled backwards into the nearest corner. When Winterton sat back up, she charged right at her opponent and caught her in the chest with a running Back Elbow and followed that up with a STIFF CCS Enzuigiri! The kick flattened her and The Queen of the Starlets was on the floor now!
“NO! NO!” Winterton shouted.
She crawled away and her picture-perfect complexion may have been ruined by the likes of the high flying otaku. Winterton started to stand, but took notice when the crowd was starting to murmur louder and louder. It looked like something bad was about to happen…
It was a big-time move that had the crowd cheering and roaring with delight as Ryann took a second to recover from the big dive in order to slap hands with a couple of lucky fans in the front row. She pumped a fist for the fans to see and then made her way over to Winterton before rolling the Queen back into the ring. The Starlets Championship was in jeopardy now as she tried for another cover on The Queen B of the Starlet Division.
Winterton shot the shoulder up, but Amber Ryann was coming at her like a little anime/gaming-loving hurricane and didn’t look to have an answer to her offense just yet. She picked up Sarah off the canvas and elbowed her in the face with a few good shots before grabbing her by the arm and whipping her across the ring into the corner. A groggy Winterton saw her coming and operated out of instinct, shooting her up and over the ropes. She turned around and swung am arm at Ryann to swat her off the ring apron, but Ryann ducked and caught her with a shoulder between the ropes. Winterton ducked back and she climbed the top rope to fly off…
Ryann tried for a Hurricanrana off the top rope, but Wintertons’s strength advantage allowed the Queen of the Starlets to chuck her like a lawn darn in the corner! Ryann collapsed to the ground while The Queen of the Starlets took a powder to recover from the onslaught of the match. She then leaned against the corner and waved again at the crowd.
She turned around and picked up Ryann off the canvas with a high and tight Cravate headlock hold. She kept the flyer in place now and locked up her neck. Kim Adams was checking for any sign of a submission as the ball was in Sarah’s court now trying to slow down the pace of the match to a complete stop. She brought up a burst of knees to the face and stunned the Dragonfly.
“I got you now, you little wretch!”
She held her in place as she ran off the ropes and came back, catching Ryann in the face with a big Leg Lariat! A good shot whacked her good and that’s when Winterton followed up for the cover.
Ryann got the shoulder up despite The Queen’s best efforts. She glared at Kim Adams and slapped her hand in her palm frantically.
Kim Adams rolled her eyes while Winterton went back to the head and neck of Amber Ryann with a tight Cravate again. She fired off a bigger series of knees to the top of the head and trapped her, but Ryann fought right back with a few good fists to the chest. Eventually, Winterton had no choice but to let go of the hold and that allowed Ryann to head to the ropes. Amber came back only to eat a big Kitchen Sink knee to the chest sending her crashing right back to the ground!
Sarah had a scowl on her face as she angrily picked her up and blasted her under the chin with a European Uppercut. She caught her with a second one before snapping her over with a Snapmare and landed a snap kick to the back and finished the combination with a Dropkick..
Ryann was down and now Winterton laughed to herself after stopping any chance of a comeback by cutting her right off at the pass. She blasted her with the shot and went to the cover again.
“Will you stay down?” Winterton barked.
The Queen of the Starlets slapped on a Front Facelock on The Dragonfly and picked her up off the canvas slowly. While Ryann was still down, she used a free arm and let go of another pageant wave to the jeering Seattle crowd. She then turned back to Ryann and snapped her over with a quick Snap Suplex. Winterton held onto the hold and this time changed up the hold so that way she put her in the Gutwrench position and snapped her over with the Gutwrench version of the suplex now! She turned over again and went to the cover a third time.
The Queen of the Starlets let out a loud groan of frustration as her opponent just refused to stay down no matter what move she was throwing at her. Winterton was done messing with her as she waited for The Dragonfly to stand. The crowd was still cheering for the otaku as she stood and Winterton grabbed her from behind with a Rear Waistlock. She shoved her into the corner and tried..
The Chaos Theory she employed as her finisher didn’t’ take and Ryann held onto the corner, sending Winterton rolling backwards. Sarah was already back on his feet and charged forward, landing a stiff running knee strike under the chin to stop her!
The shot had some extra venom behind it and an angry Winterton unleashed a flurry of big European Uppercuts and continued unleashing the strikes in the corner as the crowd was booing.
“You cannot have my title!” Sarah screamed into the face of Ryann.
She continued the shots and wore her down with another trifecta of Euro Uppercuts before backing off and pressing her boot down into her throat in the corner. Ryann kicked and gasped for air as Kim Adams started a count.
“Break it up, Sarah, now!”
Winterton backed off the corner and turned back to The Dragonfly, but she was STILL standing tall against her and fired back with some Elbow Smashes to the face in order to keep Winterton at bay. She nailed the Starlet Champion across the jaw and ran off the ropes before coming back only to get stopped with a simple toe kick. Winterton then launched her into the corner and sent her flying…
She headed to the second rope and did a backflip moonsault right over Winterton to head behind her and keep running. Ryann headed to the opposite corner and Sarah turned to charge at her only to eat an elbow. Winterton was stunned before she jumped to the second rope…
The crowd GROANED from the incredible shotgun-like sound the Missile Dropkick made as both competitors were down now! Ryann had eaten a lot of punishment in the last several minutes and needed to come up with something big in order to secure the title. Winterton and Ryann were both down as Kim Adams counted them both.
Ryann was up first and used the ropes to pry herself up.
Winterton was pulled up off the canvas nursing a throbbing jaw after the big Dropkick, but she still loOked all sorts of angry. She launched her off into the ropes and once again she got stopped by Sarah with a big European Uppercut under the chin. The Starlet Champion saw her opening and jumped off the second rope with a Twisting Sunset Flip attempted but Ryann rolled right through it…
Right on the button, no less! She floored Winterton with the move and hooked the leg for the cover.
Sarah Winterton had kicked out on possible instinct. She couldn’t keep blocking all these shots with her face and would need something quickly to turn the tide for herself. Ryann held up three fingers and through she had the title, but it was only a two-count there. Ryann had the chance to get the title so she waited for the Queen to stand. The arrogant Starlet Champion did so and she ran to the corner only for her to jump…
Winterton rolled out of the way and she crashed to the mat, but Winterton charged and rolled her up with the SPELLBINDING PIN!
That rollup variation used by The Queen had won her matches in the past, but not on this night! She caught her with one of her best shots but it still wasn’t enough. She picked up Ryann frantically and charged off the ropes looking for the Beauty Queen Suplex a second time! She caught her and rolled up… but Ryann rolled through into a Flying Leg Roll-up of her own!
The crowd thought it was over and Adams was about to call for the bell, but then quickly waved it off for the two count! CenturyLink field was going nuts that she had almost caught her off-guard and had twice countered one of The Queen’s ultimate weapons in her quiver. Ryann got back up and kicked her in the chest before cocking back her hands…
The Double-Palmed Strike form the Street Fighter fame stunned the Queen! With some effort, The Dragonfly managed to get Winterton up and over into the Falcon Arrow! That one-two combination had to do it!
She thought that was it, but she managed to just barely stop her at the two-count. As Ryann went to go pick up Sarah Winterton again, she was looking for her own finisher and had the chance to get it. She was looking for the Kudoh Driver called…
Winterton had felt the move at least twice before, but this time she managed to backflip her way out and land on her feet behind her. Ryan barely realized it, but Winterton had used the opening to get the hell out of the ring! She was hurt and groggy and clearly had enough of this crap as she ran over to the table and took her Starlet Championship.
She took the title and panted heavily before walking back up the aisle. Ryann wasn’t going to take any of that and gave chase after her, which was exactly what Winterton counted on. She swung with the belt, but Ryann ducked and kicked her in the gut! She pushed her back inside the ring with the championship which Kim Adams picked up and landed. The Queen managed to get back up again and when Ryann picked her up..
Like that episode of Family Guy where they parodied Star Wars… IT’S A TRAP! Winterton suckered Ryann in and the crowd was PISSED as she caught her under the chin with the knuckles! She had done this same move to win the title from the previous champion and Ryann’s own friend, Charlotte! Kim was removing the title from the ring and never saw it! The crowd was booing and yelling at this heinous act, but it may have been too late! Winterton tossed the evidence out of the ring and hooked both legs back of the Dragonfly.

Winterton didn’t even stick around to have her hand raised! She quickly kicked the brass knuckles underneath the ring to make sure the evidence of her crime was gone and she picked up her title! By hook or by crook, Sarah Winterton had continued her reign for at least a little while longer!
Ryann was out cold in the ring as Kim Adams checked on her while Sarah Winterton headed back up the ramp. Perhaps one of the greatest threats to her championship reign had been quelled tonight and one had to exactly wonder just how long this streak of luck would run for the self-proclaimed Queen of the Starlets and when it would run out.
But that was a worry for another night…

Le Bon: "First off.. thank you for allowing me to assist you. As the official Spirit of Wrestlecade, it is my job to make sure everyone's spirits are high and motivated for today's event and what better way to get your spirits high than to stuff your face with ice cream and succumb to the lifelong tribulation that is diabetes!"
The manager simply shook his head.
Manager: Well.. regardless... it's real simple. They come up to the counter.. you welcome them.. ask what size they want.. if it's a small, it's the left cone plus one scoop. If they want medium.. it's the middle cone plus two scoops.. and if they want the large, it's the right cone plus three scoops. Add the toppings they want and you're all set. It's really that easy.
Le Bon scratched his head.
Le Bon: "Hmm... nah.. it can't be that simple.. there HAS to be more to it. I heard that people went to school in order to perfect serving ice cream.. that's the whole reason why I did it."
Manager: "Wait.. you went to school... as in.. college.. just to learn how to serve ice cream?"
Le Bon: "You bet! I'm a certified Scoopologist!! I vow to treat our fragile and premium, premium ice creams and toppings with total respect and pride!! Through this, I will make increased ice cream consumption the goal of my shift and help deliver memories with every scoop!"
The manager simply stood there.. at a loss for words.
Le Bon: "Step right up! Who wants to be the first to taste my creamy memories!?"
The passers-by kind of looked at each other.. some even slowly backing away.
Le Bon: "I will pump you all full of my premium creamy treats and make lasting impressions on you all through taste, flavor, richness, and of course, taking your money!"
The manage facepalmed and then placed his hand on Le Bon's shoulder.
Manager: "I... think you should probably.. "
Le Bon: "Nope nope", said Le Bon, interrupting. "I know you're trying to coach me.. but I'm a certified scoopologist! No need to offer your wisdom... for it is I that should be enlightening you on the ways of scoopology! You have to sell the ice cream.. and in order to sell the ice cream you need to learn about the ice cream.. understand the ice cream.. bond with the ice cream... become one with the ice cream.. as well as the toppings. I've spent many nights wallowing in their creamy texture... every pore of my body has been exposed to this delicious treat... every cell of my body has learned its DNA structure."
The manager just stood there, mouth gaped wide open, in complete and utter shock.
Manager: "You're fired."
Le Bon: "But I don't understand... have I not brought enough spirit to the ice cream?"
Manager: "You are... well... overqaulified for this job! Yeah!"
Le Bon: "Ahh. I knew it was something like that. I know.. my skills are frightening.. but never you worry.. I can transfer these skills to continue to make Wrestlecade the most spirited event in jOlt history!"
Le Bon exclaimed that loud and proud.. even pointing his finger into the air... he then darted off as the manager had to apologize profusely to the crowd on hand.

They debuted in jOlt with a mission... a mission to become a dominant force and with a single solitary warning which went unheeded, The Hands of the Cause ascended to the top of the ladder. Going through two of jOlt's finest tag teams in The Heirs of Wrestling and The House, The Hands of the Cause cemented their spot here in jOlt Wrestling as THE tag team to beat, but the former two-time jOlt World Tag Team Champions say different.
Tonight, their paths cross once again and tonight, The Heirs of Wrestling look to make it a history three time reign while The Hands of the Cause seek immortalization and to prove that they are not paper champions. The war for the World Tag Team Titles begins now.
The lights dimmed low... the golden columns on the left and right sides of the stage began to faintly glow. The left jOltvision illuminated with an H along with the noise of a bass-filled boom
The main jOltvision in the center of the stage illuminated with an O along with another bass-filled boom
The right jOltvision screen illuminated with a W with a third bass-filled boom.
The letters then disappeared and then reappeared in sequential order while the chorus of a crowd chanting the letters sounded as each letter lit up in sequence..
After the third time, they all faded and this time they lit up in gold and a massive wall of pyro blew on stage.
"With Me Now" by Blacklite District
When the smoke settled there was Ryan Gallway and Frank Silver with their backs to the cameras. They both wore sparkling lavender jackets with "HOW" embroidered with gold on the back. They stood there with their heads down as the lyrics were sang.
Got no time for my game, I put it on the shelf
And this money and fame ain't gonna earn itself
I'm not wasting my time, you better recognize
The flame, the hustle, the pain, the redness in my eyes
When the pressure comes down you throw the towel in
But for me and my crew, that's where the work begins
At the end of the day we like to cut it loose
By the end of the night we're making bodies move
We're waiting, we're waiting, we're waiting
When the chrous kicked in..
I'm ready for the...
They spun around as pyro exploded to the left and right of them. A curtain of pyro rained down behind them as they energetically made their way down to the ring to 70,000+ people cheering in the stands. The long walk eventually made its end at the ring where Gallway and Silver slid in and ascended the turnbuckles, pointing out to the sea of humanity standing and cheering them on in Century Link Field.
They hopped down and gave each other a passing high five as they switched sides and climbed the turnbuckles once again! They struck a pose before hopping down and coming to the middle of the ring as their awaited their opponents.
"Hail to the King" Avenged Sevenfold.
As the guitar intro began, the lights in the arena went out. Again, the golden columns faintly illuminated in red. Down from the top of the columns fell royal drapes of red and gold. A red carpet rolled down the entrance ramp and ended at the ringside area.
The drums began to kick in as candle bearers walked out from the sides of the stage. They lined up on each side of the red carpet on each side of the stage.
The lyrics to the song kicked in and out from the backstage area stepped Frank Hendrix and Brone Haggard, both wearing red king's coats and the jOlt Wrestling World Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. Henry Dylan was absent as these two wanted to go it alone. The both of them walked down the ramp to the ring.
Haggard and Hendrix hopped up onto the apron and stepped into the ring. They unfastened their tag team championships from their waists and held them up high right in front of the Heirs of Wrestling as the lights in the arena returned to normal and the music faded. All that was left was the sound of the roaring crowd.
The referee collected the championships from the Hands as they decided that Frank Hendrix would start. Ryan Gallway said he would start and then Haggard and Silver backed out of the ring. Frank removed his coat and tossed it to ringside and the referee called for the bell.
Hendrix and Gallway slowly circled each other in the ring. They kept a close eye on each other until they finally decided it was time to lock up. They powered around the ring, but Hendrix backed Gallway into the corner and swung with a big right hand, but Gallway ducked underneath and just like that the positions were reversed. Gallway opened up with heavy right hands before charging to the opposite corner. Gallway then used all of that room for momentum, nailing a running drop kick right into the face of Frank Hendrix!!
Hendrix slumped down a bit as Gallway stood and went back to the opposite corner. He turned and charged back in, but this time, Hendrix moved and Gallway dropkicked the turnbuckles, landing hard on his back! Hendrix quickly pulled Gallway to his feet, thrusting him back first into the corner. Hendrix then hit multiple body blows before twisting Gallway's arm and whipping him to the opposite side. Hendrix charged in and it was his turn to hit a running drop kick to Gallway's face!
Gallway was the one who slumped down in the corner, but Hendrix wasn't going to take the chance and have Gallway counter him. Instead, Hendrix opted to go with knee strikes to the side of Gallway's head in an attempt to keep him grounded.
After a few strikes, Hendrix pulled Gallway back up and fired off a huge knife edge chop across his chest. Hendrix then fired another one off and then smiled into the camera as if to say he was in complete control of this match. Hendrix then whipped Gallway across the ring to the corner from whence they came. Hendrix charged in, but Gallway put his boot up and Hendrix ate all of it! Hendrix turned and staggered away as Gallway charged in and nailed a Running Bulldog right in the center of the ring! Gallway went for the first official cover of this match!
Hendrix kicked out.
Gallway stood and put the boots to Hendrix. He then walked over to his corner and made the tag to Frank Silver. Silver stepped in and walked over to Hendrix where he leaned over to pick him up, but Hendrix lifted his right leg and kicked Silver square in the face! Hendrix then quickly stood and made the to the powerhouse of the team, Brone Haggard!
Haggard came into the ring and leveled Silver with a big time lariat, turning him inside out. The momentum carried Haggard all the way to the ropes where the grabbed the top rope and grinned out to the crowd, proud of his accomplishment just now.
Haggard slowly turned his attention back toward Silver who was trying to get back to his feet. Haggard allowed him to stand only to deliver a toe kick to the mid-section, doubling Silver over. Haggard then set up Silver between his legs where he looked for a powerbomb, but Silver spun out of it and twisted Haggard's arm with an arm wrench. He then drove the point of his elbow into Haggard's shoulder, trying to injure it. Silver hit another elbow and then a third elbow which brought Haggard down to a single knee. Silver then applied more pressure to Haggard's shoulder, but Haggard refused to tap to something like this.
Haggard battled back to his feet and he broke free from Silver's grip. He then answered Silver by quickly scooping him up in a waist lock and then driving him back first into the canvas with a Sidewalk Slam! Cover from that position!
Silver kicked out.
Haggard stood back up and taunted Silver to stand. Silver slowly got back to his feet, but Haggard doubled him over with a clubbing blow to the upper back which brought Silver back down to a single knee. Haggard then pulled Silver up, scooping him up to his shoulder in the process. Haggard had something in mind, but Silver wouldn't let him have his way. Silver slipped off of Haggard's shoulders landing behind him where he applied a waist lock, looking for a German Suplex, but Haggard countered with a pair of back elbows to the head and then a standing switch into a waist lock of his own, but Silver stamped his foot against the left shin of Haggard to break free!
Silver then took off to the ropes, bouncing off only to eat a huge shoulder block from Haggard which knocked him down! Haggard took off to the ropes and went for a body splash, but Silver rolled out of the way! Silver quickly stood and swung his leg, kicking Haggard right in the side of the head!
Silver quickly grabbed Haggard in a front face lock, pulling him up to his feet. Silver hooked Haggard and showed off his power by hiting a Vertical Suplex on the powerhouse of the Hands! Silver stood and then stumbled over to his corner, making the tag back to Ryan Gallway!
Gallway immediately climbed up to the top turnbuckle pads and took aim, leaping off with a diving double knee strike that connected!
Gallway made the cover near their corner!
Haggard powered out of it and the force of the kick out caused Gallway to fall through the bottom and middle ropes to the outside!
Haggard stood and noticed Gallway getting to his feet. Haggard then stepped out to the ring apron and hopped off with a double axe handle sledge across Gallway's upper back which brought him back down to a single knee in front of the announce position. Haggard grabbed Gallway by the back of the head and slammed it into the announce table. Gallway staggered away holding his face in pain. Silver couldn't stand seeing this any longer and dove off with a Flying Cross Body Block, but Haggard caught him in mid-air!
Haggard then threw Silver right into Gallway and the two of them crashed up against the barricades!!!
"OOOOOOHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled the crowd
The referee was up to the count of seven before Haggard rolled into the ring and back out again to reset the count. Haggard grabbed a lifeless Gallway, pulling him up to a vertical base. Haggard placed Gallway into a front waist lock and then rammed him back first into the edge of the barricades. He quickly followed it up by grabbing Gallway by the arm and sending him into the ring post with an irish whip!!!
Gallway looked to be down and out and the referee was back up to the count of six. Frank Silver came back to life and nailed a lariat from behind that caused Haggard to stagger forward. Silver quickly picked up Gallway and rolled him back into the ring!
"Eight" yelled the referee
Haggard turned his attention toward the ring and tried to slide in, but Silver grabbed him by the leg!!
"Nine!" yelled the referee
Haggard turned and quickly kicked Silver off of him and then rolled under the bottom rope just a mere fraction of a second away from the referee yelling Ten.
Silver looked on as Haggard realized that Gallway was still down and out. He crawled over and made the cover.
There was a tug on Haggard's leg as Frank Silver reached into the ring and pulled Haggard off the cover!
Silver dragged Haggard back to the outside and hit a standing lariat that staggered Haggard back a few steps, but Haggard was growing really tired of Silver's interference. Haggard shook off the impact and then grabbed Silver by the neck with both hands! Haggard used his power to lift Silver off of the ground in a double choke lift. He then threw Silver back first into the steel ring post where the sickening sound of flesh on steel echoed throughout the stadium!!
"OOOOOHHHHH!!!!" the crowd yelled again!
This served as a perfect distraction as Gallway was back up to his feet. Haggard turned and faced the ring only to see Gallway charging toward the ropes. Gallway then dove feet first through the middle and top rope, drop kicking Haggard dead in the face!!! Haggard staggered back and used the announce table to brace himself. Gallway stood back up and grabbed the top rope as the crowd rose to their feet!
Gallway took aim then used the top rope as a springboard..
Ryan Gallway just smacked chest first into the edge of the announce table!!
Haggard knew his window of opportunity was closing fast. He grabbed Gallway and rolled him back into the ring. He quickly slid in after him and made the cover hooking the leg.. this match could be over right here!!
Thre.. NO!!!!
Gallway kicked out! Gallway kicked out! How in the hell!?
The crowd popped as even Brone Haggard couldn't believe it. Any normal man would have had their chest caved in from such and impact and Ryan Gallway's 190lb frame was still able to kick out after that bad landing!
Haggard stood and grabbed Gallway by the arm, dragging him over to his corner where he made the tag to Frank Silver. Silver stepped in as the two of them brought Gallway to the ropes, whipping him across to the opposite side. Gallway rebounded right into Haggard who threw Gallway up into the air with a launching flapjack. Hendrix then caught Gallway on the way down onto his shoulders and into a Death Valley Driver!!
Hendrix with the cover!
Silver in from out of nowhere to break up the count!!
Haggard was about to leave, but he turned and stomped on the lower back of Frank Silver to keep him grounded. Haggard pulled Silver to his feet, but Silver broke free and fired forearm shots into Haggard's face! Silver then backed into the ropes and charged in toward Haggard, but Haggard stepped in and decked Silver with a forearm smash of his own, but this caused Silver to stumble into the ropes where he fell against them and used them for momentum right into the Rebound Lariat...
Down goes Brone Haggard!
While Silver had knocked down Haggard, Frank Hendrix leapt up and nailed the leg lariat, knocking Silver down. Gallway then used this opportunity to try and steal one with a School Boy roll up from behind!
Thre.. NO!!
Hendrix kicked out of it after almost being pinned by surprise!
The referee's attention was drawn away as he was tyring to get Brone Haggard and Frank Silver out of the ring since the two of them got back up and began to brawl with each other. Hendrix took this opportunity to kick Ryan Gallway right between the legs!!
Hendrix then hooked Gallway for the Double Arm DDT and spiked him..
Hendrix turned Gallway over for the cover, but the referee was still trying to get Haggard and Silver out of the ring, but the two continued to brawl. Hendrix yelled out to the referee to try and get his attention, but the referee didn't turn around. Hendrix let go of the cover and spun the referee around, getting in his face. Hendrix threatened the referee with physical force while the referee threatened him with a disqualification.
Left unattended, Haggard decided to grab Silver and throw him into the referee, knocking him down!! The refereee rolled out of the ring and plopped down onto the floor. Hendrix and Haggard pulled Silver up and placed him into the corner. They both began to work on him as Haggard grabbed the ropes and used them for balance as he pressed his boot against Silver's chin. Meanwhile, Hendrix fired body blows into Silver's mid-section.
Gallway recovered and got to his feet. He charged in and nailed a flying forearm to the back of Hendrix! He then fired rapid shots to the kidney area of Hendrix until Haggard stepped in and took a swing at Gallway, but Silver exploded out of the corner and nailed a Double Leg Takedown on the big man and began raining down heavy rights into Haggard's face! Gallway and Hendrix were brawling near the ropes until Gallway clotheslined Hendrix up and over to the floor where he landed at the bottom of the entrance ramp. Gallway then got a full head of steam before flipping to the outside...
Gallway wiped out Hendrix down on the floor and got back to his feet to applause from the crowd. Gallway then hopped up onto the ring apron as Silver was still pounding away on Haggard. He told Silver to move and he did so allowing Gallway to leap off with a Shooting Star Press! Silver then went to the opposite corner and climbed up. He quickly took aim and flew off, driving the elbow right into Haggard's heart!
Haggard is down and out, but he's not the legal man, but neither is Silver, but he covers him anyway, but there's no referee! He's too busy licking his wounds on the outside of the ring. The crowd is counting...
Some even continue onto Four Five and Six, but it still doesn't matter as there isn't a referee in sight to make it official. Silver gets a bit miffed since it was Haggard who threw him into the referee to begin with. Gallway and Silver formulated a plan, but before it could be put into action, Gallway felt a tug at his legs as Hendrix tripped him up from the outside and pulled Gallway out of the ring!!
Silver immediately grabbed the top rope and launched himself over with a Vaulting Plancha, but Hendrix grabbed Gallway, pulling him into harms way, and the resulting collision saw Silver take out Gallway on accident! Hendrix then grabbed Silver and threw him head and shoulder first into the steel ring steps.. the impact separated the two halves with a thunderous crash!
Hendrix grabbed Gallway and threw him back into the ring. He then made his way around ringside and grabbed the referee, waking him up. Hendrix noticed that Haggard had rolled out of the ring and even shouted for him to snap out of it and get back up. Hendrix forced the referee back into the ring where Hendrix followed and quickly made the cover on Gallway!
Not like this!
Gallway kicked out and the fans erupted! Hendrix was pissed at the slow count and was practically throwing a tantrum in the ring. Instead, Hendrix pulled at his hair as he stood and then crouched down, daring Gallway to get back up. Gallway staggered to his feet and was met with a kick to the mid-section... Hendrix set him up once again for Euthanasia, but Gallway countered...
Thre.. NO!!
Hendrix kicked out with a look of "oh shit" on his face! That's twice he was caught off guard by Ryan Gallway in this match. Gallway looked to his corner for a much needed tag, but Frank Silver was nowhere to be found. He was still down and out at ringside after being thrown into the ring steps by Hendrix just a few short minutes ago. Gallway stood and tried to recollect himself. He grabbed Hendrix by the hair, pulling him up to his feet. Gallway tried to pick Hendrix up, but Hendrix floated up and over, landing behind Gallway where he attempted a German Suplex, but Gallway landed on his feet. Gallway shuffled back to where he was touching the ropes, but it was just enough room for him to lunge in when Hendrix turned around...
Hendrix side stepped it and grabbed Gallway in a Half Nelson...
Gallway landed right on the back of his neck and head! Hendrix then went for the cover, hooking the leg...
Silver pulled Hendrix out of the ring and leveled him with a lariat!! Silver was pissed off severely as he wasted no time bringing Hendrix back up to his feet and whipped him shoulder first into the steel ring post!! Hendrix bounced off of it and landed around the corner, but when Silver turned the corner to give chase, he forgot someone was there...
This match has been completely out of control.. the entire match has resembled an Underground Rules match, but everything done has been within the standard rules of a jOlt match!
Haggard pulled himself out of the rubble and helped Hendrix to his feet.. however...
Gallway had recovered and took out Hendrix, who fell against Haggard and the combined weight of both men caused the big man to collapse!!
"This is awesome.. " clap clap clapclapclap
"This is awesome.. " clap clap clapclapclap
"This is awesome.. " clap clap clapclapclap
"This is awesome.. " clap clap clapclapclap
"This is awesome.. " clap clap clapclapclap
Gallway staggered up to his feet and grabbed Hendrix, throwing him back into the ring. Gallway waited for Hendrix to get back up.. Hendrix did and he was haunched over. He was about to lift his head but it was too late! Gallway had charged in and leapt over Hendrix, hooking his legs under his arms with the Yoshi Tonic...
THREE!?? NO!!!!!
Hendrix kicked out of the Super Nova!!!
Gallway couldn't believe it and the crowd couldn't either as the large "Bullshit" chant started up, but Gallway wouldn't let any of that continue to phase him as he knew he had Hendrix where he wanted him. Gallway pulled Hendrix up to his feet and scoop slammed him down to the canvas. Gallway then made his way to the corner and ascended the turnbuckle pads. Meanwhile on the outside, Haggard was getting back to his feet. He looked into the ring and saw Gallway ready to fly...
Gallway off the top.. Haggard has slid into the ring...
Gallway was looking for another Falling Comet Crash, but ...
The exploside speed of Haggard brought him into the ring before Gallway had leapt off, but by the time Gallway had taken flight and committed himself, Haggard was already on his feet and running in his direction!!
Gallway was bent in half like an accordian as Hendrix got to his feet. Hendrix shoved Gallway over into a seated position and then pulled him up, hooking him by the head. Silver will still out in the rubble of the barricades when Hendrix spiked him on top of his head...
The people booed as Hendrix turned him over, hooking the leg...

Haggard rolled back into the ring as the two of them were handed the jOlt World Tag Team Championships. Dean Carrington made it official..
Carrington: Ladies and gentlemen. Your winners of the match and STILL jOlt World Tag Team Champions... Brone Haggard.. Frank Hendrix... The Hands of the Cause!
The people booed as Henry Dylan ran out from the backstage area and joined them in celebration in the middle of the ring. The three of them held their arms high with the tag team championships on display.

"We meet again!" said Layne
Ryann looked up at him.
"Huh?" said Ryann
"You know.. Wrestlecade Xperience.. the coffee shop.. we talked?" said Layne
"Oh yeah.. 'sup?" asked Ryann nonchalantly.
Layne took a deep breath as he knew that this was a bit uncomfortable.
"So I was wondering if you would like to say a few words about your match tonight? I thought you put forth a great effort." said Layne.
"I didn't win" said Ryann.
"Well.... no... you didn't, but you sure turned some heads. I know people are buzzing about your match on Twitter and Facebook and you were actually the number one trend in the world during that match. That must mean something to you, right?" asked Layne, trying his hardest to turn a negative into a positive.
"But I didn't win." said Ryann as she looked back down at the floor, adusting the Dasani bottle in her hands.
Layne was at a complete loss, but he decided to try again.
"Do you think you would like to try for the championship again? I'm sure with your ability that you're more than capable of winning it."
"Maybe" said Ryann as she continued to look down at the floor.
"Yikes" thought Layne to himself as he gritted his teeth to accent how awkward this is. Layne decided to ask another question.
"Sooo.. rumor is going around that you are working on a new move, but we didn't see it in tonight's match. Did you just not have an opportunity to use it?" asked Donny.
"It isn't perfected yet" said Ryann.
"Oh I see", said Layne. "What is the name of this new move? Can you tell us anything about it?"
"It's called the Reaper of Souls" said Ryann.
"Is that from an anime, too?" asked Layne.
"No.. it's named after the latest Diablo III expansion? Duh.." said Ryann.
Layne remembered how she opened up to him before and decided to be like Alice and see how deep this rabbit hole went.
"So.. what is Diablo III like?" asked Layne.
"Well.. you get to play as five different classes.. well.. six now because the expansion just came out like a couple of weeks ago... and it's called Reaper of Souls because there's this fallen angel named Malthael who stole the Black Soulstone with Diablo's soul in it and he's using it to kill humans because he thinks they're demons.. so Tyrael summons the Nephalem to try and combat Malthael and you get to do these awesome new things with your classes.. like I'm the Demon Hunter and you get this new ability called Vengeance where you take less damage and you shred people apart for 15 seconds.. which is totally overpowered, but they balance it by giving it a 90 second cooldown.. but yeah.. you go around Westmarch and just kill reapers until you fight and kill Malthael. You can go to level 70 now and play as the Crusader and do like Adventure Mode where you can do bounties for experience, gold, and loot, but you also get rift key fragments so you can like do Nephalem Rifts which have a higher chance to drop super cool gear like legendaries and set gear and like there's a new UBERS boss and a new level 70 hellfire ring meaning you have to do the farming all over again which is a complete and total drag and the stats you roll may not even be better and crap so you may have to do it again, but you can enchant items now and re-roll a single stat and it's totally awesome.. I'm really into it so I decided to name my new move after it"
Donny just stood there as he stared at Amber who had a bright smile on her face.
"Wow.. that sounds cool. What's the move anyway?"
"I dunno.. some flippy stuff." said Ryann, going right back to her previous persona.
"Well.. good luck with the move.. I can't wait to see it and good luck on your Nefaplegm rift things.." said Layne.
"Neph-a-lem" said Ryann.. "Pfft.. and shyeah right.. I don't need luck.. I rock my demon hunter like a boss."
"Well.. okay then.." said Layne as he slowly walked away.

"Caught in a Web" by Dream Theater hit the PA system as the entire Widow’s Nest made their way to the stage. The powerhouse Wolf-Spider, Arkanis, and the unpredictable Meurte all stood side by side ready to take on this huge challenge. They parted as Black Widow herself walked out to the stage. The three men took in the jeers from the fans as they slowly made their way to the ring with their leader Black Widow leading the way. These three men could do something that has never been done in jOlt and that was for a team to win the Underground Championship from a man that has been all but unstoppable since his debut in jOlt. < br/>< br/> The Widow’s Nest made their way into the ring as Black Widow stayed on the floor looking up at her three men. The men all waited in the ring for their opponent in this title match. The arena went completely dark as the eerie lyrics of Marilyn Manson echoed throughout the arena. The Widow’s Nest stood in the ring as the lights from cellphones illuminated the arena. The cameras panned around to the stage as Omega was nowhere to be seen. The fans jeered as a lone spotlight hit the middle of the ring. A young girl’s voice was suddenly heard over the PA system.
A loud woman’s scream was heard throughout the arena as the lone spotlight disappeared. The lights slowly came back on as Omega stood in the middle of the ring with a sick grin on his face holding the Underground Championship in his left hand dragging on the mat. He handed the Underground Championship to Simon Boulder as the fans jeered the champion. Arkanis turned to look at the monstrous Underground Champion with a look of concern on his face as the entire Widow’s nest turned to see the boogeyman in the flesh in the middle of the ring. This was a handicap match for the Underground Championship. The Widow’s Nest did not have to Arkanis in and out in the match, it was essentially a three on one match.
Boulder called for the bell for the start of the match. Like a pack of wolves the Widow’s Nest quickly went on the attack of the Underground Champion. All three men went to work on the champion as Omega tried to cover up but took every single punch and kick with a smirk on his face. Omega pushed Arkanis to the mat as WS and Muerte continued the beating. Wolf-Spider picked up the champion and whipped him into the corner. WS grabbed Muerte and whipped him into the corner. The Mexican wrestler nailed Omega with a big dropkick. Arkanis was now on his feet and he raced into the corner with a spinning heel kick. Black Widow pointed to the corner as Wolf Spider raced into the corner with a big clothesline. Omega held himself in the corner as the three men looked down at Black Widow.
They got their instructions from their mistress and walked over to Omega who exploded out of the corner with a big double clothesline on Arkanis and Wolf-Spider. Muerte was the last Widow’s Nest member standing and he was looking right at the monster Omega. Muerte went for a big kick that landed on Omega’s thigh. The boogeyman smirked as he nailed Muerte with a big right hand. The champion picked up Muerte and press slammed him to the mat. Omega dropped an elbow across his throat before being taken down by a tackle from WS. Muerte rolled to the floor to try to gather himself as Black Widow walked over to one of her members.
Back inside the ring, WS started to kick away at the gargantuan Omega. He was on the offensive as the champion smiled with every kick from one of his challengers. Wolf Spider rained down some heavy boots onto the body of Omega.
And finally, one big stomp aimed right at the skull! It was a lot more methodical than Wolf Spider had been known for. Black Widow had a game plan that WS was now executing perfectly, but he was being careful and trying not to expend a whole lot of energy in the early going. Wolf Spider ran off the ropes and came back, delivering a BIG Leg Drop across the throat of The Craziest Bastard in Wrestling! He moved over and hooked the leg.
Omega kicked out right at two. No way he was going to lose his championship to a Leg Drop! Wolf Spider tried to follow up with another cover, but Omega took some time to regroup and crawled out to the floor. However Muerte was on the floor and he already had a chair in hand.
Muerte nailed the Underground champion with some vicious chair shots. Omega dropped to one knee as Arkanis stood in the ring by the ropes. He held onto the top rope and looked down at the champion. Omega started to get to his feet only to be taken down again with a big flipping senton splash from Arkanis. Wolf Spider rolled to the floor and started to look under ring. He grabbed a kendo stick and walked around to where Omega was down on the ground. Muerte grabbed the steel chair and placed it on Omega’s head. WS took the kendo stick and nailed the chair a few times as the stick shattered into pieces. Wolf Spider dropped the stick on the ground. He moved the chair from Omega’s head as Arkanis went for the cover.
Wolf Spider picked up the champion and whipped him into the steel steps but Omega reversed it sending Wolf Spider into the steps. Muerte brought a series of fists to the head of Omega and tried to strike him down, but Omega shook off the shots and pie-faced Muerte, sending him into the ring post. Muerte had barely slumped over when Omega came charging right at him with a clothesline that rocked him and sent his head back to the ring post. Muerte was caught in the grip of Omega now, who dropped him with a violent and vicious DDT! Omega was dominating now, but when he saw Wolf Spider out of the corner of his eye, he focused in on him and caught him with a boot as he tried to stand back up. Wolf Spider was booted on the ground and Omega used his leg strength to try and choke him near the guardrail. Due to the chaotic nature of the Underground division, there was no way for Omega to even get disqualified. He could choke WS until he was blue in the face!
Arkanis was up and he crawled in the ring. Omega turned to see one third of the Widow’s Nest in the ring as he rolled into the ring. Arkanis was ready as he nailed Omega with a standing dropkick to the head. Omega rolled into the ring and fell to the mat. Arkanis jumped on Omega’s chest and started to wail away with some rights and lefts. Muerte was now up and he walked over to Wolf Spider to help him to his feet. Both men slowly made their way into the ring as Arkanis continued to get the upper hand on the Underground Champion. The kicks just kept on coming when he BLASTED him again and again with some vicious kicks in the ribs!
Arkanis pulled Omega into the corner as Muerte rolled into the ring. Black Widow was directing traffic from the floor as Wolf Spider made his way into the ring as well. Muerte ran across the ring into the corner and nailed Omega with a stalling dropkick. Wolf Spider made his way to the corner and pulled the Underground champion from the corner. He hooked Omega as Muerte and Arkanis came over to their partner. WS picked up Omega as Muerte and Arkanis helped him. The three men drove Omega down to the mat with a triple power bomb. The crowd gasped as they watched Omega get driven into the mat hard.
Wolf Spider dropped down for the cover on Omega.
Muerte dropped down for the cover on Omega.
The Widow’s Nest was not done as it was Arkanis’s turn to pin Omega. He hooked Omega’s leg for the cover.
Wolf Spider reached down and picked up Omega. He whipped him into the ropes. Omega bounced off the ropes and nailed WS with a big shoulder block. Both Muerte and Arkanis charged at Omega who caught them by the throat. With one quick motion, Omega drove Muerte and Arkanis down to the mat with a double choke slam. Every single member in this match was now down on the mat. Omega and Wolf Spider was both up on their feet. The two powerhouses started to come to blows in the middle of the ring. Wolf Spider fought back against Omega with several big right hands, but he was stopped in his tracks by Omega with a knee to the face before he tossed him through the ropes! Omega crawled out after him and had some bad intentions in mind when he smacked him right into the barricade! The whole barricade moved back a few inches from the combined weight of the big men and their impact.
Omega, who now carefully measured up Wolf Spider only to LAUNCH HIM....
Wolf Spider had a very painful accident with the steel steps on the outside of the ring and crumbled violently in front of it. Wolf Spider hit his back against it and shouted out in pain from the sheer impact of Omega throwing him. The Underground Champion looked at Black Widow as he inflicted pain on one of her men. Omega continued to rain down the abyss upon the Widow’s Nest member with some serious blows to the back of his head now, keeping him pinned for the moment. Back in the ring Muerte and Arkanis was now starting to get to their feet. The never rattled Black Widow pointed to Omega as her men rolled from the ring to the floor after the boogeyman. Muerte looked at his mistress with a nod as he jumped off the ring apron and delivered a painful Flying European Uppercut to the back of the champion’s head!
Omega staggered forward as Arkanis came racing around the side of the ring and nailed Omega with a spinning heel kick. This finally took the big man down to one knee. Arkanis and Muerte stood next to the big man and in unison nailed Omega with a sabot kick, one to the face and one to the back of the head. This was the opportunity that the Widow’s Nest wanted, the champion was on the ground. Wolf Spider finally started to get to his feet as Muerte grabbed Omega by the head slowly pulling him to his knees. Muerte drove Omega to the ground with a big DDT. The fans erupted in a jOlt chant as the entire Widow’s Nest stood over top of the Underground champion.
The crowd jeered the three man group. Omega was helpless against the three man onslaught as all the men started to stomp away on the boogeyman. Black Widow loved everything she saw in the ring as she continue to bark out orders to her nest. Omega was trying to cover up from the three-man onslaught. All three men grabbed Omega and picked him up and shoved him in the ring. Arkanis climbed to the top rope as Wolf Spider and Muerte rolled into the ring. Arkanis nailed Omega with a double stomp to the stomach on the big man. Arkanis hooked Omega’s leg for the cover.
The champ was trying to get to a vertical base but the Widow’s Nest was right there. Muerte pushed Omega back to the corner. Muerte grabbed Wolf Spider and whipped him into the corner where Omega was but Wolf Spider was not expecting a big boot from Omega that sent the powerhouse staggering backward. Muerte raced into the corner and nailed Omega with some quick punches and kicks. Omega shoved Muerte backwards and before Muerte could react he was lying on his back after suffering a huge clothesline from Omega. Omega quickly grabbed WS and whipped him into the ropes. Wolf Spider bounced off the ropes only to be driven to the mat with a vicious power slam. Omega tried to go for the cover on the fallen Wolf Spider.
Arkanis connected flush to Omega's noggin and knocked him right off the body of Wolf Spider. Now, it was Arkanis's turn to go in for the kill on Omega and bring home the Underground Championship to the Widow’s Nest!
The Underground Champion kicked out. Omega was trying to get back up as Arkanis nailed him with another kick. Muerte was on his feet and went to the top rope. Muerte waited for Omega to get to his feet. Omega slowly got up and turned to see Muerte coming off the rope with a flying cross body block.
Problem one… Muerte was caught by Omega.
Problem two… He dumped to the floor by the Underground Champion. Arkanis raced across the ring but Omega caught him as well and threw him over the top rope on top of Muerte. The fans erupted again this time for the champion.
The champion was finally standing tall in the ring but there still was one more person that left to deal with. Wolf Spider grabbed the Craziest Bastard in Wrestling by his head and snapped him down with a hangman’s neck breaker. Wolf Spider picked the champion up and drove him to the mat with a belly to belly suplex before going for the cover. ONE!
Black Widow had to be wondering what her men had to do to keep this monster down on the mat for the three count. WS grabbed Omega by his locks and dragged him to the corner as the champion had a slight smirk on his face. Wolf Spider grabbed Omega’s head and moved it to the ropes facing Black Widow.
“I warned you that we did not fear you. Pain is your muse and you will continue to receive her in plenty tonight.” Wolf Spider smacked Omega before pulling him up to his feet in the corner. The challenger slowly pulled Omega out of the corner and hooked him in a front chancery. WS tried to pick up the monster of a man for a suplex but the big man was not having any of it. Omega reversed it and picked up WS in a high vertical suplex. The champion held the powerhouse in the air for a few seconds before dropping him down hard to the mat. Omega rolled under the ropes and pulled Wolf Spider out to the floor. The champion looked under the ring and found a table and pulled it from under the ring.
Omega reached down for WS and pulled him up. He hooked WS between his legs and viciously drove him through the table with a big power bomb. The fans erupted once more. HO-LY SHIT!!!
Wolf Spider looked damn near broken in two on the floor. The ever present sick smirk from Omega was now very well evident as he looked at Arkanis and Muerte. The champion grabbed a steel chair from over the guardrail and walked toward the other two members of the Widow’s Nest. Omega took the chair and drove it into Arkanis’s skull, not once but twice. He smiled before looking at Muerte and doing the exact same thing. The champion dropped the chair on the ground. He picked up Muerte and threw him into the ring. The champion picked up Arkanis and threw him in the ring as well before rolling into the ring himself.
The champion made a thumbs down gesture to the fans and Black Widow as he reached down and picked Muerte up off the mat. The champion quickly drove Muerte down on the mat.
Omega was not done as he picked up Arkanis and hoisted him in the air. The champion drove Arkanis down to the mat quickly as well.
Omega stacked Arkanis on top of Muerte and went for the cover on both men.

It was finally over as Omega did the impossible and was able to survive three men in this match. The massive Underground Champion still looks unbeatable as he continues to mow through the jOlt roster. Omega sat down in the ring staring at Black Widow with s slight smirk on his face.

"Mr. Stevens, we want to inform you that there is a very high chance that you suffered a concussion tonight and if not there is a high risk that you could endure one during your match later tonight. Our medical opinion is that you should not compete."
"Should not compete? What the hell are you quacks talking about? I feel fine. All I came in here for was to stop the damn bleeding."
"We understand Mr. Stevens, but we are just trying to take precautionary measures."
"Fuck that, I'm going out there and there is nothing any of you can do to stop me." Stevens replied as he pushed himself off the bed grabbing the Relentless Championship that laid beside him.
Just as Stevens was about to walk out Donnie entered.
"Ah shit, let me guess Damien sent you in here to tell me I have to listen to the doctors?" The Rising Star questioned Layne as he walked through the door.
"Actually, he hasn't spoken a word on it."
"Good. So what the hell you want?"
"I was hoping to get a few words with you." Layne responded only to not get a response. Stevens simply shooed his hand and the twins came up from behind Layne and grabbed him by the arms. Eli and Ezra carried Layne out the door and shut it behind them as they re-entered the room.
"Well, that was rude." The doctor expressed.
Stevens returned his attention to the doctor.
"Mr. Stevens, are you sure you won't consider our opinion." Once gain the doctor tried to reason with Stevens.
"Hell no, sign the paper and clear me so I can get the hell out of here and get ready for my match." Stevens replied sternly.
The doctor handed Stevens a piece of paper.
"Thank you."
"Good luck tonight." The doctor wished Stevens luck as The Rising Star exited the examination room.
"Can you believe those doctors?" Stevens questioned the twins.
"A bunch of quacks if you ask me." Ezra replied.
"Did they actually think I would be okay with not competing in a CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH? I mean what the hell?" Stevens continued to ramble about the doctors.
From around the corner down the hall Donnie Layne came running towards Black Faction.
"The hell? Does he not understand I don't want to talk?" The Rising Star rhetorically asked.
"Landon, I have to talk to you." Layne urged as he tried to catch his breathe.
"Here, take this to Lee and that should settle it." Stevens replied trying to hand Layne his paper from the doctor.
"No, that's not it. It's Aran. He is dead set on getting back his Relentless championship. I'd watch my back if I were you." Layne informed Stevens as he still had trouble breathing.
"Silly rabbit, that's what I got these two for." Stevens pointed back to the twins before walking off and leaving Layne hunched over still trying to catch his breathe as the scene faded out.

A casual bird’s eye panning shot was offered to the audience at home for several moments before the transition was made back into the heart of the opened area. The cheering legions were proudly displaying their homemade signs while others were merely delighting in the opportunity to show their peers and loved ones they were enjoying the Wrestlecade experience live in good company...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; IT’S TIME FOR THE Xtreme Wrestling Federation DREAM MATCH!!!
Camera Seven and Fifteen were granted access to capture the amassed responses from the crowd before returning back into the ring. Carrington: “...the following contest is scheduled for 1 Fall and set under XTREME WRESTLING FEDERATION RULES!!!
The adamant drum solo abruptly snatched the attention of the masses, redirecting it toward the side of the massive entrance staging area. The percussion mastery of Survivor’s Marc Droubay gained genuine applause from the crowd as he continued banging away rhythmically. The fellow members of the band were amping up as both Walter Tolentino & Frankie Sullivan chimed in on cue. The rising platform was soon affixed to the apex of the stage as the Seattle National Color Guard was seen marching around the right side of the entrance staging area, accompanied by 2 Platoons of Army Reservists. Berets and uniforms on point which brought the masses to their feet in applause. The musical tune up was concluded as the military detail absorbed the bulk of the stadium wide applause.
The audience warmly responded as the acoustics were heard amping up the masses. The arena lighting quickly diminished, leaving the vast amphitheater bubbling over audibly amongst themselves as a robed figure was seen slowly ascending atop a rising platform before the entrance staging area. Back to the crowd, palms up with the head downcast as the platform finally stopped moving. A trinity of F-16 Fighter Jets angrily soared overhead as the figure flipped the hoodie back revealing a set of golden locks before the masses. Extending his arms outward, the man cast the robe aside before being slowly enveloped by a literal shower of White pyro. After the pyrotechnical flurry had subsided, a rolling crescendo of golden pyro would explode around the entire rim of the arena before concluding. CenturyLink Field became electric as the leading guitar solo led to the rhythmic percussion kicks that were complimented by the vivid pulses of light.
Greg Davis began nodding his head with the beat before slapping hands with both lead singers. Casting the robe off, the well traveled wrestling legend swung his fist through the air before energetically feeding off the masses. Donning the colors of Gold & Black, The Golden One caught the bottle of water tossed his way. Taking a hearty swig, Greg Davis gave himself a brief shower before chucking the bottle into the crowd.
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
So many times it happens too fast
You change your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive
It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger..
Seen extending his arms out to interact with the jOlt Wrestling fans, Greg was warmly received by the public en route to the squared circle. Walking up the ring steps and apron respectively, Davis held onto the ropes and stared out into the crowd longingly. The arena was still rocking as he passed through the ropes to climb the opposing turnbuckles to raise the crowd volume. Quickly climbing down, Greg would ensure he celebrated atop every corner post before pacing before his respective corner. The band dramatically concluded their musical introduction for Davis, leading him to stand atop the nearest turnbuckle to stir the crowd onto his favor.
Sweeping his hair from his face, The Golden One nodded in kind before turning his attention toward Senior Referee and Xtreme Wrestling officiating stalwart Michael Hunt. Inaudibly, both men would converse in private before Davis was patted on the back with an infectious smile exchanged between them. The immediate retreat of most of the arena lighting brought the masses back to audible outburst mode as the lasting lull of feedback rang throughout the massive arena for over a minute. Camera Ten was centered on the strobe lit filled ground entrance where an approaching march of Crimson Elite. Each with Crimson & Onyx brocades affixed to their backs, the reflecting helmeted ninjas slowly emptied the tunnel en route toward the ringside area. Arena & jOlt Wrestling security were used to promptly broaden the path of civilian influence en route toward the ringside area. Each ninja sentry was adorned with each respective wrestling promotional championship acquired across their respective shoulders. From the 21st Century Wrestling to the Mexican Extreme Lucha League to the jOlt Underground Championship to nearly every Xtreme Wrestling Federation belt acquired were on full display. Marching lock step slowly toward their appointed destination, the detailed stopped in unison as the gathered masses responded audibly. Several moments elapsed before the helmeted detail faced inward simultaneously before each opposing pair assumed a knee. Each head was lowered as every belt was presented forward with both hands.
The crowd responded wildly in kind briefly as the lead singer was promptly highlighted by a Pearl White spotlight from overhead.
The spotlight quickly dissipated, allotting the streaming video of disturbing cryptic images to creep along each screen during the lulling bass....
Carrington: “Introducing First , in the corner to my right...MAKING HIS RETURN TO PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING...He is a 3 time Fans Wrestling Organization Cruiserweight Champion...A former Tornado Wrestling Cruiserweight Champion...Both a national and international Cruiserweight legend in Ring Rage Wrestling & the Xtreme Wrestling Federation...Residing in MIAMI, FLORIDA...Weighting in at 262 pounds...He is ’The Golden One’...the ’Infamous EGO’...LADIES & GENTLEMEN....WELCOME HOME...GREG!!! DAVIS!!!
CenturyLink Field unleashed a heartfelt response as the well traveled legend thrust both fists toward the heavens and nodded in kind. A cascade of golden streamers were cast into the ring, prompting Davis to spread his arms outward and feast on the adoration. Another salvo of ‘Welcome Back’ chants further hyped up the returning high flying powerhouse. Clapping his hands together before him, Greg began hopping in place. Ready to deliver the performance of a lifetime. The camera panned over the ringside crew who were busy clearing the streamers from the ring to set itself onto the stoic ninja, who was quietly shifting his weight from one leg to the other in place. Rolling each shoulder and rotating his neck occasionally.
Carrington: “...And his opponent, in the corner to my right...He is the former jOlt Wrestling Underground Champion...former LoC Legacy Champion...Heavily decorated from the Superior Wrestling Federation...21st Century Wrestling...the Mexican Xtreme Wrestling League...and the Xtreme Wrestling Federation...Hailing from the Kansai Prefecture of Osaka, Japan....Weighting in at 245 pounds...He’s the ’Athletic Freak of Nature’....KENSHIRO!!!! INOGAMI!!!!
The ninja was seen popping knuckled in each hand as the crowd tossed in streamers reflective of the Inogami Clan colors. The ninja set himself deep against the corner, holding onto the ropes as the debris was being readily cleared away. A cadre of dueling chants rang out as both men stood nose to nose in the middle of the ring. The referee was steadily issuing instructions to both men flared out their fingers respectively at random. Both men slowly retreated back several paces, allowing the referee to reassess their levels of readiness before calling for the opening bell...
CenturyLink Field began to swell with a tsunami of crowd heat as both Davis & Kenshiro shifted their weight upon each foot. Fingers wringing, the opponents soon were drawn to the ongoing series of dueling chants. The Infamous Ego warmly beckoned the masses to continue on as Kenshiro slowly looked out to each side into the crowd. Renewed by the adulation, the decorated legend would readily hop in place as Ninja turned his attention back toward his opponent. Sweeping his hair from his face, the Ronin gnarled his knuckles before assuming an offensive posture. Both men again stood nose to nose. Inaudibly exchanging words between themselves with Greg raising his arms outward, flashing his infectious smile. Stepping back 2 paces, Greg extended his fist outward before the ninja. Kenshiro stood himself erect, staring at the extended appendage for several moments before tapping his fist with his opponent’s. The entire assembly cheered loudly at the gesture of sportsmanship. The 3 time fWo Cruiserweight champion playfully nodded and smiled as both men began encircling the ring’s epicenter.
The cagey Davis would extend his arm up & outward, inviting Kenshiro to engage him with a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Slowly yet surely, the cautious competitors finally interlocked fingers. The initial contact set both men on the defensive as they mutually broadened their bases yet the hungry Davis dove after the ninja’s leg. The nimble Kenshiro leapt aside, allowing Davis to somersault back to his feet. Fingers still interlocked, the Inogami Clan leader fired off with a searing Buzzsaw Kick yet the seasoned Davis displayed some spring in his step by leaping over the martial arts strike. The Ring Rage Wrestling alum landed, quickly hoisted and floored Kenshiro with a Single Takedown yet the ninja reclaimed the advantage raising both knees upward into his attacker’s chest with an immediate Reverse Somersault into a Mounted Guard. The aerial powerhouse quickly used his head as his base to promptly bridge himself upward. The ninja rose from both knees into a crouched posture before executing a Front Flip forward to his feet yet the agile Miami, Florida resident rolled to a mutual crouched posture with the ninja.
Both men cautiously shuffled about near the ring ropes with Davis firing off with a stiff Snap Kick to the Thigh. Kenshiro breifly grimaced yet shrugged it off as Davis fired off with another one. Ninja with a swift Double Leg Takedown. The ninja’s base broadened with a careful Davis shifting his weight against the canvas. Hooking his shin against his opponent’s thigh, Greg maintained his center as the ninja shifted about. Davis’s Leg Scissor Takedown was well scouted as the ninja countered and seized him into a taunt Back Mounted Rear Side Waist Lock. Ninja was digging his chin into his opponent’s right trapezius as The Ego flashed his tongue out before locking his hands onto his attacker’s wrists, beginning his gradual ascent. Kenshiro reared back for a German Suplex yet the ring savvy Davis blocked with a Heel Hook followed by a speedy Spinning Drop Toe Hold. The crowd rallied as cinched in a Rear Waist lock of his own, digging his forehead between the ninja’s shoulder blades as Ninja sought to reclaim his vertical base. Kenshiro with a Heel Hook of his own yet the Inogami Clan general drilled his opposition with a tandem of measured Back Elbows to the Head. Textbook Fireman’s Carry followed by a stiff Knee between the shoulder blades by Ninja before seen applying a Reverse Chin Lock.
Another measured Knee Strike battered Greg Davis before the lock was reapplied. Gnashing his teeth, Davis locked his grip onto his opponent’s wrists, checking the hold before being placed into a Kneeling Armbar by Ninja. Hungrily assessing his options, the X Wrestling alum checked the hold’s integrity before tumbling about to nip up to his feet. Davis successfully parried the Overhand Open Palm Punch by Ninja to deliver a stiff Headbutt to the ninja’s sternum. A picturesque Northern Lights Suplex Bridge Pin. Referee Hunt quickly dropped for the count...1! ...2! Ninja rolled his shoulder off the mat. The masses responded warmly as the tenacious Davis arced his body up & over onto a knee before dazzling the crowd with a Rolling Northern Lights Suplex Pin...1! ...2! Kenshiro with the shoulder up again. Again Davis would attempt a 3rd consecutive Northern Lights Suplex Pin yet Kenshiro grabbed Davis by the hair and delivered a trinity of Headbutts. Dazed by the impacts, Ninja took his opposition over with a Fisherman’s Suplex Pin...1! Davis shifted off the canvas, leading Ninja to arch himself to his feet and shoot toward the opposing ropes. Davis quickly slid toward the streaking ninja who was successful with the Step Over. The sprinting Kenshiro caromed against the ropes with Davis responding with a High Leapfrog!
A Snap Side Headlock Takedown by the Golden Boy yet the resilient ninja slinked his way out with an expedient Head Scissors Counter. Both men scrambled to their feet with Ninja slipping on a Rear Waist Lock. Davis quickly countered with a Snap Mare Takeover before promptly applying a Full Nelson Submission Hold. Davis broadened his base while flashing his pearly whites to the masses as Ninja willed himself back to his vertical base. Kenshiro with the hasty Drop Down before jettisoning Davis with an Inverted Monkey Flip, allowing Greg to crash & burn against the mat. Ninja with a Reverse Somersault to a crouched posture near the ropes as The Golden One rolled to his side & back to his feet. The Tornado Wrestling alum barreled after Ninja who sent him airborne with a Standing Back Body Drop over the top ropes. However, the Human Highlight Reel successfully landed along the ring apron. Kenshiro blocked the incoming Forearm Strike and knocked the spittle from Davis’s lips with a retaliatory Open Palm Punch. The former 21w Millennium Champion grabbed his opposition by the head to ram Greg’s skull into the turnbuckle post. Davis planted his boot against the post to halt the impending attack and staggered the ninja back with a stiff Forearm Shot to the Face.
The arena continued rallying as Davis quickly scrambled up the turnbuckles before soaring with a High Diving Sunset Flip Pin. Ninja with the Roll Through yet the momentum forced him to Reverse Somersault backwards to his feet, stumbling backwards wildly into the corner & lean against the ring ropes. The Golden One with a stiff Running Turnbuckle Clothesline! “WELCOME TO THE PRIME TIME, BABY!!!” Davis exclaimed before winding himself up to send the ninja toward the opposing turnbuckle with an Irish Whip. The momentum sent Kenshiro Front Flipping over onto the ring apron, leaning against the ring apron. Davis strode over with a Shoulder Ram for Ninja’s stomach yet the ninja side stepped and drilled Davis with a stiff Football Kick against the Chin! The audience groaned as Greg was left shuffling back a few paces while hunched over. Kenshiro took flight and sailed over Davis with a Slingshot Dive, somersaulting to his feet, quickly pivoted to cinch in another Rear Side Waist Lock. The Golden One with a Standing Switch while turning his head to the side briefly to spit.
Kenshiro with another Drop Down and used both feet to shove his opposition onto his back. Both Davis and Ninja nipped back up to their feet at the same time yet Greg slipped underneath the Ninja K Spinning Roundhouse Kick. The crafty veteran humbled the ninja with a tandem of Clubbing Forearms across the ninja’s back before quickly applying a Gory Special Stretch. The Inogami Clan patriarch grimaced from the pain as a proud Davis spat at the canvas again before applying more pressure. However, the ninja powered out of the stretch and countered with a nifty Roll Up Pin. Boulder was not quick enough as Davis Reverse Somersault himself to a knee. The Golden Boy missed with a searing Snap Kick by the prostrate Ninja yet spun about to lean the rising Kenshiro against the ropes with a Knife Edge Chop. Irish Whip by Davis yet Kenshiro with the immediate Reversal. The Cruiserweight Legend strode after Ninja who sailed over with a Leapfrog. The returning Davis was abruptly taken down with a Single Arm Leg Sweep followed by an immediate Lateral Press! ...1! A Rolling Front Handspring to his feet granted the ninja the opportunity to carom off the ropes once more. Kenshiro deftly ducked underneath the Davis Discus Clothesline while Greg returned the favor in Reverse Somersaulting away from the Ninja K Standing Roundhouse Kick. The entire arena celebrated as a mutual stand off was evident.
The Golden One remained kneeling, glaring back at the slowly pacing ninja slid his hand casually along the top ropes. Inaudibly, Greg Davis kept jawing at his opponent while keeping his arms extended outward. Kenshiro soon walked away from the adjacent ropes and resumed a combative stance before Davis eventually engaged him with a mutual Elbow & Collar Tie Up. Both wrestlers aggressively jockeyed for position. Even rolling along the cables into the corner before continuing rolling along the adjacent length of the ring ropes. Senior Referee Mike Hunt physically interceded, gradually prying both men apart. The ninja shot out of the corner yet was driven back with a stiff Back Elbow back into the corner. “WHOOOOO!” exclaimed the crowd as Davis delivered each Knife Edge Chop. The Arrogant One ensured that he got into the ninja’s face after each attack until Kenshiro abruptly reversed the situation...“WHOOOOO!”......“WHOOOOO!”......A stiff Snap Kick knocked the sweat off the veteran’s chest while threatening to leave him breathless...“WHOOOOO!” Kenshiro connected with another Chop before slamming Davis’s head with a stiff Forearm Strike. An Irish Whip by Ninja would slam Greg soundly into the opposing corner. Ninja with a Running Cartwheel into a Tumbling Turnbuckle Attack yet the RRW veteran evaded the attack. The former Underground Champion staggered back from the botched attack before The Golden One delivered a Dropsault between Ninja’s shoulder blades. The ninja staggered backwards from the double impact...Precision Dragon Suplex with Bridge! ...1! ...2! NO!
The Miami representative rolled over onto his side briefly before cinching in a Grounded Front Face Lock on Ninja. Greg looked around from side to side before executing 3 separate sets of Gator Rolls along the canvas for maximum damage. Satisfied with the results, Greg pulled Kenshiro back to his feet before initiating another Hammer Throw to the opposing corner post. Davis wound his arm up for a Turnbuckle Clothesline yet the Ronin countered with a stern Uranage Slam in front of the corner. Ninja remained down on a knee briefly before urging the Golden One to stagger himself back to his feet. Snap Mare by Inogami followed by a blistering Kick between the shoulder blades. Greg angrily grimaced from the impact before Ninja applied a Bridging Inverted Cravat Facelock. Davis clasped onto the ninja’s arm as the pressure mounted. Referee Hunt knelt down to assess Davis’s condition when the ninja quickly stood himself erect and blasted his opponent’s teeth with an unyielding Back Kick! Greg was left dazed & confused as Kenshiro hooked his prey’s leg deeply...1! ...2! Supporters of the Golden One clambered on Ninja briefly scanned the horizon with Greg set on both knees before humbling Kenshiro with a pair of Midsection Punches before Ninja abruptly stood Davis erect with a Snap Kick to the Chest...
The CenturyLink Field arena cranked up the volume as the aerial powerhouse instinctively caught and supported the ninja’s weight with both hands. The ninja’s eyes widened while wobbling to sustain his equilibrium as a trembling Davis pressed him upward, Ninja promptly leapt off and strode toward the ropes. Kenshiro sailed over the prone Davis with a Cartwheel to his feet and swiftly drilled Davis with a Basement Dropkick to the Rib Cage! Ninja immediately hooked the leg deeply...1! ...2! Davis with the Kickout yet Kenshiro was quick to lock in a grounded variant of the 3/4 Facelock. Davis remained on all fours briefly before steadily checking the hold. Ninja dragged his opposition up to his feet to punish him with a Cravat Suplex. The punishment dealt onto the body sent The Golden one rolling out onto the ring apron. The 4 time XWF Cruiserweight Champion used the ring ropes to add more punishment to the Heel across Greg’s throat before crushing his lungs with a Slingshot Double Foot Ring Apron Stomp! The crowd responded in kind as the nimble ninja bounced back inside the ring before shooting toward the opposing ropes. The masses made some noise as Davis crashed to the padded earth below via Ninja’s Baseball Slide Dropkick. Feet dangling off the ring apron, Kenshiro draped his upper body over the middle ropes breifly before rolling to the outside.
The Kansai prefecture native stalked after the crawling Davis before assaulting him with several MMA-style Kicks to the body. A Spinning Back Kick to the Hip banged Davis against the barricades yet urged Greg to retaliate with a Front Kick to the ninja’s Midsection. The Golden Boy grabbed Ninja by the hair and blasted him with a Knee Strike between the eyes. The clan leader staggered backward several paces before being spilled over the barricades by Greg’s Over the Barricades Clothesline. The Golden One adamantly basked in the moment while briefly resetting the count before heading back after his opposition. Camera 3 followed the recovering ninja standing himself erect when an incoming Davis sailed over the barricades with a Diving Senton Splash, both men disappearing into the crowd!
The brawling duo blazed a trail through the crowd before Kenshiro retaliated with a stern Forearm Shot to Greg’s face. Reeling back, the returning veteran managed to fire back with a 3 Punch Combo before flooring the ninja with a Crooked Arm Lariat! The buzzing masses cheered for The Ego as he gulped down one of the fan’s drinks before smashing it against Kenshiro’s head. Davis motioned for the masses to grant him some room before audibly smacking the ninja’s head against a chair with a swift Wheelbarrow Suplex! Repetitive chants of ‘Golden’ rang out as Davis briefly played to the crowd before dragging the reeling ninja to his feet and back toward the ringside area. Another Clothesline over the barricades dropped the ninja into a crumpled heap along the floor before The Ego promptly played to the masses before grabbing the kneeling Kenshiro by the hair, Davis reared back...
The ninja reeled from the impact as The Golden One briefly played to the crowd before hauling off with another one...
Davis connected with a Front Kick before leading the ninja back toward the ring apron and slamming his skull first against it with a hallowed thud. Staggering back a few paces, the dazed ninja sought to reclaim his shattered equilibrium...
Cinching the groggy Kenshiro up for a Snap Ring Apron Suplex, Davis drew the crowd’s favor with his intentions yet the Midnight Assassin spared himself with a timely Heel Hook. The 2nd attempt warranted similar results yet prompted the Catch-As-Catch-Can style specialist to retaliate with a stern Knee Strike to Greg’s face, dropping to a kneeling posture. Davis fired back with a Forearm Shiver into his rival’s abdomen. The crowd audibly rallied behind their respective champion as Kenshiro blasted the Golden One with a violent Open Palm Punch across the Jaw. A moment of grogginess was rebutted with a stiff European Uppercut by Davis. The ninja wobbled back slightly before grabbing Greg by the hair and stunning him with a deliberate Headbutt to the teeth. A tandem of Forearm Strikes were followed before a Right Hook spun his opposition about...A hallowed thud was heard in the wake of a Pump Kick between the Shoulder Blades drove the wily veteran into the ring apron! Davis knelt before the ring apron as the ninja wobbled after his opposition...
Hints of crimson began to run along the forehead of Greg Davis as he was left staring at the lights along the outside while it was Kenshiro’s time to recoup. A faint fecal chant peppered the crowd as the ninja was gradually slinging all 260+ pounds across his shoulders to roll back underneath the ropes. The Ronin took a moment to recollect himself before following suit and making the Lateral Press...1! ...2! ...2 ½! Davis shot the shoulder up, leading the scowling ninja to drag him away toward the ring’s epicenter and punishing him with a Rolling Step Over Toe Hold Throw! Left cradling the back of his head, Davis quickly fell prey to 2nd similar attack. The audience breifly groaned before urging Kenshiro with repetitive chants of ’ONE MORE TIME’!...
The former jOlt Underground Champion scanned the horizon casually before pelting his rival with 4th consecutive throw. Immediately, a muffled yell was emitted as Ninja leapt high into the air...
The raucous legions rallied at the sight of the ailing Davis, who was bundled up by an anxious Ninja...1! ...2! ...2 ½! A slight bit of annoyance was heard by Ninja’s slap against the canvas before rolling off the ring apron and storming past the Time Keeper’s table. A Hardcore pop resonated as the ninja jettisoned a Steel Chair over the top rope that banged angrily against the canvas. The Ronin climbed back through the ropes and stalked after the crawling Davis. A pair of hardened Stomps were delivered before dragging Greg to his feet and seating him atop the nearest turnbuckles. Rearming himself with the steel weapon, Ninja briefly stared out into the crowd near the opposing post before sprinting after his opposition with a Tumbling Turnbuckle Attack. A Forward Somersault left the Chair along the mat as Ninja leapt into the air yet Davis sprung into action...
CenturyLink Field created an audible spike as Davis crushed Kenshiro with a Flying Cross Body atop the prone Steel Chair! Greg bounced away from the impact, leaving Ninja angrily grimacing along his side in sheer anguish! Referee Mike Hunt knelt down to physically assess both men...
A rising fecal chant was heard as Davis staggered himself against the ring ropes, draping his forearm against his stomach while standing. The Golden One tossed the chair at the ring’s epicenter before grabbing the ninja by the hair, dragging him toward the established kill zone. A partially Crimson masked Davis looked out to each side for a few moments before crushing his opposition with a Snap Suplex! The masses were heard clambering yet Greg rotated his hips before delivering a sickening crunch from an intentional Front Suplex! The sea of humanity readily rallied behind Greg wheeling his hips once more, briefly remaining on a knee before hoisting Kenshiro with a Delayed Vertical Suplex...
A growing round of applause was granted as the faintly trembling Davis maintained his vertical base...
The ninja laid motionless as Greg gradually rolled onto his side, nodding to himself before covering him with a Lateral Press...1! ...2! ...2 ½! A moderate salvo of applause was dealt out as The Ego remained kneeling briefly before gradually making his way up the turnbuckles yet a faint hail of boos were heard as Davis watched Ninja strategically roll himself off the ring apron to the outside to recover. The aerial strategist merely readjusted his position and floored the rising ninja with a Turnbuckle Moonsault Senton! The vast amphitheater was wrought with ’Davis’ chants as both men were slow to recover with Greg granted time to stand & extend his arms outward, egging the world to bask in his greatness before snatching the ring apron upward. Another volley of hardcore heat demanding ’Tables’ was heard as Greg slowly dragged a Table from underneath the ring, satisfying the hungry masses. A delightful smile spread across his lips as he promptly created a Table Bridge before dragging a Ladder out in short order. A partially muted chuckle was heard as The Ego fed into the crowd energy while creating the Ladder Bridge next to the established bridge before turning his attention back onto Kenshiro. Draping the ninja across the table, Davis began drilling his skull with a series of measured Punches before climbing up onto the ring apron and standing along the wooden bridge. A deliberate Throat Slash gesture hyped up the crowd as Greg was ready to kill the ninja...
The maneuver was adverted by a Ninja K Heel Hook. The imbalance urged Greg to release him, stumbling back first against the ring ropes. Kenshiro charged after him with an Open Palm Punch. Davis ducked underneath and sent Ninja tumbling back inside the ring with a Discus Clothesline! The Midnight Assassin Reverse Somersaulted himself onto all fours as Greg remained leaning slightly over the top rope. Passing through the ropes, The Ego hunched down as the ninja rose to his feet. The Discus Elbow was immediately countered by the vengeful ninja...
Referee Hunt attentively checked Davis’s durability who angrily refused to concede defeat, prompting the Athletic Freak of Nature to push off his feet out the bridge and flatten his rival out into a Lateral Press...1! ...2! ...2 ½! Frustration mounted within the ninja, leading him to assault his competitor with a hail of Back Mounted Cross Face Punches before slipping on another weapon within his grappling arsenal...
The legions were adamantly willing the returning veteran onward who was seen gnashing his teeth, gritting it out as his oppressor sought to twist him into submission. Using his forehead as a reliable base, Greg gradually fought back for his equilibrium. Staggering about, the ring savvy stalwart staggered forward wildly toward the turnbuckles before forcibly setting himself free with a makeshift 2nd Turnbuckle Fallaway Slam! Supportive chants of ’Davis’ rang out as the well traveled veteran pushed off on his feet to lay back first atop the prone ninja...1! ...2! ...2.75!! The roaring audience drowned out the complaints made by Davis to the referee before he opted to drag himself back to his feet. A pair of measured Stomps on the rising ninja led Greg to lean him against the turnbuckles...
The quartet of Knife Edge Chop led to the Inogami Clan Leader to be whipped into the opposing corner. The Golden One held onto the ring ropes, stomping to crank up the crowd energy before successfully connecting with a Turnbuckle Stinger Splash! The staggering ninja entered Greg’s clutches to be hammered by a violent Gargoyle Suplex! Ninja bounced soundly against the mat with Greg dropping down to make the cover...1! ...2! 2 ½! Sitting up onto his knees, Greg started at the prone ninja before nodding to himself. Rearming himself with the Chair, the Miami resident looked out into the crowd after dropping the chair nearby before reeling the ninja to stand and be seized into a Standing Front Face Lock! Whirling his finger in the air, Greg swiftly walked up the ropes, set to deliver a Tornado DDT yet Kenshiro shrugged him off, allowing Davis to land soundly atop the Chair wit authority! Ninja dropped to a knee for a few moments to recover, watching his ailing rival staggering back to his feet within proximity of the adjacent turnbuckle. Another muffled yell was heard by the sprinting Kenshiro...
The masses groaned as Davis violently careened against the padded corner before sliding into a crumpled seated posture. The resurgent assassin pulled his opposition to his feet before draping him into a Tree of Woe position. The legions began rallying as Ninja passed through the ropes, scaled the turnbuckles and looked out into the crowd before sandwiching Davis into the canvas with a high screaming Tree of Woe Double Foot Stomp! Kenshiro remained on all 4's, waving off the referee before crawling over to the fallen Davis to begin dragging him away from the ropes before flopping atop his opposition...
NO!!! A hardened look of disbelief radiated toward the referee as the entire arena burst into a cheering frenzy.......
Kenshiro scanned the horizon while holding his lifeless opposition’s arm before dragging him back to a kneeling posture before backing against the turnbuckles. The Legacy of Champions alum nodded to the masses amidst chants of ’Old School as he nimbly manipulated Davis along the way before dropping him with a Rope Walk Elbow Strike to the Skull. Palming his forehead, Davis’s opposition dropped to both knees before hooking the leg deeply...1! ...2! ...NO! Kenshiro sat up and shook his head in sheer disappointment as Davis was left palming his forehead. Ninja stood over him to allow Greg to seat himself up onto all fours before blasting him with a stiff Football Kick to the Stomach. Crawling away, The Ego was soon rolling away from the Overhand Strike to the Jaw before a Ninja K Snap Kick to the Chest shot Davis back to his feet and against the opposing set of turnbuckles. A consistent flurry of Martial Arts Strikes buried the aerial powerhouse deep into the corner leaning him with a High Kick to the Chin! Ninja allotted himself some running room before striking his cruiserweight rival with a High Corner Knee! Ninja snatched Greg in to pummel him with a Bridging Capture Suplex Pin! ...1! ...2! ...2.75!
A stern glare at the seasoned ref led Ninja to stare out into the crowd before flashing a deliberate ’Throat Slash’ gesture while holding Davis’s arm before setting him up for the Falling Star Piledriver - A Pumphandle Tombstone Piledriver yet the former Tornado Wrestling ring general countered with a Standing Back Body Drop before locking the ninja down with a Falling Cross Arm Breaker! Instinctively, Ninja ignored the cheering masses while interlocking his fingers to desperately refute the hold. Davis clawed the ninja’s hand before punching his wrist a few times before wenching his weight back. Ninja used the momentum to roll back to a kneeling posture, reestablishing his base before gradually hoisting his opposition upward, blasting him with a Power Bomb variant atop it! Still unable to break the hold, Kenshiro girded himself for a 2nd attempt, staggered toward the Steel Chair and broke the hold with another sickening crunch! Ninja landed back first, clasping onto his Left Bicep angrily before dragging himself back to his feet. A torrid hail of Stomps battered his rival’s body to the point Mike Hunt physically interceded yet Kenshiro continued his violent assault before being physically moved away. Davis’s legs began kicking wildly, bearing the brunt of Ninja’s knee across his throat before committing to a Lateral Press...1! ...2! Davis shot the shoulder up yet Ninja pinned his shoulder back against the canvas...1! ...2!
Another Kickout led to the Midnight Assassin to drag the Golden Boy back to his feet before slamming him repeatedly with several Measured Short Armed Headbutts to the Upper Body. Greg sought to grab Ninja by the hair to stop the assault yet Kenshiro flung his arm aside. Davis retaliated with a stern Knee Lift, starting to snatch the momentum back. Ninja’s Punch was blocked and countered by a stiff Knife Edge Chop. A humbling Inverted Atomic Drop followed by an expedient Snap DDT! Panting for several moments, the man formerly ’Danny Danger’ renown as he gnarled up his fist to fire himself and the crowd up while dragging his opposition back to his feet and burying the ninja with a sudden Forward Fireman’s Carry Slam! Gnashing his teeth and nodding his head, the Cruiserweight Icon stormed over to the ring post before scaling his way upward. Using his hands to crank up the volume, the Golden Grappling God slowly stood himself erect while extending his arms outward...
The impact bounced Davis up a foot before rolling him back onto both knees. Teeth & fists gnashed while nodding slightly, this was his moment while making the Lateral Press...
The dueling chants would continue to linger as both men gradually fought to reclaim their footing before a sizable portion of the masses booed heavily when Kenshiro staggered Davis with a hard Knife Edge Chop! The people cheered when Greg recovered with a similar attack of his own...
Kenshiro abruptly countered with a hasty Small Package Pin! ...1! ...2! Both men scrambled to their feet and laid each other out with a Double KO Clothesline! The unified sound of a capacity filled arena was heard for miles as both rivals remained stirring along the canvas...
Both men gradually stood themselves erect before again engaging in another exchange of attacks. The crowd rallied obediently as Greg managed to stun Kenshiro with a Spinning Back Kick to the Stomach before shooting toward the opposing ropes yet Ninja ducked underneath the Running Yakuza Kick before flooring him with a stern Thrust Punch to the Throat! Davis crashed and tumbled his way off the canvas and stumbled backward toward the ropes before being knocked over with an Over the Top Rope Clothesline. The metal bridge remained firm as Davis bounced against its unforgiving surface with Kenshiro stepping through the ropes after him. A Short Armed Forearm soon staggered Davis onto the Table Bridge, leaving him fighting to retain his balance before staggering Kenshiro with a Forearm Shot of his own. However, his Collar & Elbow Tie Up was shattered with a High Kick to the Jaw! The audience groaned as a bloody Davis was unceremoniously crotched on the ladder before landing face first soundly against the table. Holding onto the ropes, Kenshiro nodded to himself as the crowd audibly made his intentions know. Both announce positions were openly protesting the ninja’s motives as he reentered the ring, whipped his head back before shooting toward the opposing ropes...
Both men were down as the masses continued cheering amongst themselves. Aides sought to help the ninja stand to his feet with him supporting himself along the ring apron. Meanwhile, a battered Greg Davis was helped by a trinity of stage hands before he collapsed along the floor in a bloody heap. The jOltvision screens offered several replays, garnering gradually lessened reactions to bide time for the recovering wrestling phenomenons. Shaking his head, the Inogami Clan leader shoved one of the stage hands aside to stagger after the prone Davis before struggling to pull him back to his feet. Leaning him against the ring apron, Kenshiro dropped to a knee briefly before lugging his opponent back onto the ring apron. Holding onto his lower back, the former XWF champion gradually pulled himself back inside the ring for the eventually Lateral Press. Mike Hunt was briefly arguing inaudibly with Kenshiro, who was steadily motioning for him to do his job before conceding...
The CenturyLink Field exploded as Davis keeled over to his side. Ninja remained on all fours. Head downcast for several moment while slowly heaving...
Crowd: ...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x) ...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x)...THIS IS AWESOME!!! (clap 5x) ....
A hail of Back Mounted Punches were dropped on Davis before the ninja was pried off once more by Kenshiro. Staggering back to his vertical base, an intense verbal exchange was had between the elder ring official and the seasoned wrestling alum. Hunt steadily backed away from the approaching ninja before he reset his focus back onto the outstanding matter at hand. Dragging Davis into position, Ninja eventually staggered toward and gradually scaled his way up the nearby heights before standing himself erect and taking flight in short order...
Kenshiro’s body crashed soundly and burned as Davis managed to roll away, face first along the canvas. The entire assembly remained on fire as a recovering Greg dragged himself back to his feet with help from the ropes before wobbling in place trying to pull his opponent up by the hair...
Crowd: ...DAVIS!!! ...DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAV IS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!. ..DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAVIS!!!...DAVI S!!!....
With 3/4ths of his face bloody, the cagey veteran soldiered onward as he looked out into the crowd...
Panting moderately, the bloodied Davis sat up. Eyes entrances while slowly scanning the seats before slowly rolling himself back to his feet. Gradually licking his lips, the Miami resident pulled himself back to his vertical base before holding his opponent in position to deliver the final blow. Nodding his head, the end was here...
The impact temporarily broke his hold of the ninja’s leg, leading Davis to flop over atop the ninja’s side, take a few moments to lay him out before collapsing atop of him...
The arena cheered as Davis rolled onto his back, staring toward the lights and gradually palming his face with both hands before mentally reassessing his next move. The arena remained on their feet as both men eventually drunkenly dragged themselves back to their feet. Another mutual brawling exchange governed the momentum of the crowd before Davis reclaimed dominance with a Hard Kick to the Stomach, dropping Kenshiro to his knees. A 3rd wind was made evident as Greg began belting his opponent with Measured Punches to the Skull before signaling for another Davis DDT. Cinched up, the ninja countered with another Small Package yet Davis broadened his base and stomped Kenshiro in the midsection before stumbling forward into the corner. In drunken pursuit of his rival, Davis returned with a Rebound Knee Drop to the Skull and laughed to himself on all fours before standing erect. An Irish Whip to the corner led to Davis burying his shoulder into the ninja’s abdomen before seating him atop the ring post. Climbing up after him, Davis sought to land measured Punches for good measure before sending the ninja airborne with a Avalanche Hurrincanrana!!!
The former 21w Hardcore Champion struggled to regain his footing while the masses cheered with the sight of Greg Davis nipping himself back to his feet. Holding onto the ropes, he slowly nodded to himself before staggering over and burying the ninja with a tandem of Stomps before pulling him back to his feet. An Over the Shoulder Arm Throw was the prelude to a Short Arm Scissors Submission Hold. Desperately seeking to embolden his defenses, Ninja ignored the annoying referee’s inquires to tighten his grip around his wrist, gradually will himself from the kneeling to turn his oppressor over onto his face who promptly rolled the ninja back over. However the momentum was carried, allotting the ninja to bear down and counter with a rising and abrupt variant of a Suplex, breaking the hold! Clasping onto his arm, Kenshiro measured the seated Davis before rattling his spine with a Snap Kick followed by a taunt Crucifix Arm Bar! ...1! ...2! Ninja promoted the screaming Davis by aching his own back to raise his shoulders off the mat.....1! ...2! Incensed, the Golden deity countered with an arching Bridge before executing a Reverse Somersault to a kneeling posture. Staggering himself back to a weakened base, the resurgent Davis barreled forward to ram the ninja’s body violently against the opposing turnbuckle! Unable to set himself free, Greg intentionally repeated his attack against on of the adjacent corners before pivoting and freeing himself with a Running Samoan Drop!
Pro Inogami chants began to surface as a rising Kenshiro was intercepted by Greg’s trinity of Knife Edge Chops, backing him into the corner. A Hammer Throw by Davis. Ninja with the Reversal that led Greg to hoist him upward for an Angle Slam. Kenshiro fell away and leveled The Golden Standard with a torrid Double Roundhouse Kick to the Skull! The ninja collapsed a few paces near him, causing him to drag himself about before covering him....1! ...2! ...2 ½! The masses continued roaring while Kenshiro gradually pulled his opposition to his feet and led him away with an Irish Whip to the opposing end. Barreling after his rival, Davis staggered the ninja backward with a stern Back Elbow before pivoting about and nearly decapitate him with a Burning Lariat! A surge of adrenaline swelled within the cagey veteran as he adamantly reeled the ninja back to his feet before cinching him up for another Davis DDT. However, Kenshiro quickly broadened his base, latched onto his captor before deliver a precision set of Knee Strikes to his exposed brow, leaving Davis staggering backwards. Still holding onto his rival’s arm, the ninja quickly spun him about with a Short Armed Open Palm Strike to the Jaw...
The legions cheered as both Kenshiro and Davis collapsed soundly against the canvas. The ninja remained seated upright for a few faint moments before collapsing back first atop of him, hooking the closest leg...

A sea of wrestling faithful were seen standing up as the bell had been sounded. The victorious ninja keeled over onto his side for a few moments before Referee Hunt knelt down to assist both combatants. Uniformed caked in his opponent’s blood, Ninja was left sweeping his hair back while after gradually sitting up...
Carrington: Ladies & Gentlemen....Your winner of the XTREME WRESTLING FEDERATION DREAM MATCH....by way of PINFALL! KENSHIRO!!! INOGAMI!!!
”Vicarious” by Tool began playing in the background loudly as a pair of the ringside staff entered the ring and helped the defeated Davis to his feet. The ninja remained on one knee, panting as the Crimson Elite were seen moving through the crowd en route to the ringside area. The female ninja twins led the charge as Kenshiro eventually stood himself erect and motioned for a microphone.
“I need silence from this entire assembly. “ The ninja ordered as the armored sentries had formally surrounded the ring. Davis hobbled himself into the heart of the corner as the crowd and music drew silent.
“I have spent weeks one end in preparation of this encounter” Kenshiro opened. “And I admit to all within the sound of my voice that this man is indeed a legend.” A rolling round of applause was granted to a humbled Davis as he quietly nodded to himself...
“And I...” The ninja was interrupted by a growing salvo of appreciative chants.
Kenshiro nodded and further encouraged the masses to chant louder before a round of applause was heard throughout the arena. “I believe I have thrown more than an substantial amount of offense at this man and as you can see, proudly optimized the standard of not only a fellow Xtreme Wrestling Federation alum but the quite arguably, the Cruiserweight Standard as well. It is exceedingly rare that moments like this transpire. However, on the behaves of my clan...this promotion and the industry itself...You have further galvanized our amassed respect and earned mine this evening.”
"Admittedly, I returned to this promotion with great haste in order to reclaim my Underground Championship rematch. However, once presented with this opportunity, the choice with irrefutably without question. Now, as both a promotional peer and industry competitor and being well aware of your reputation, this business between you and I, is far from over." Kenshiro mentioned. "This I readily overstand so go forward knowing that should you ever aspire to request your rematch, it is yours alone to accept."
The masses were heard clapping their hands as The Ego sighed heavily before raising his fist overhead and acknowledging the people at large. Approaching the middle of the ring, Davis was handed the microphone to respond. Another round of ’Davis’ littered the arena, leading Greg to look back into the crowd once more before clearing his throat and speaking.
”You bet your fucking ass there’ll be a rematch” Davis replied, setting the crowd ablaze. “I don’t make many mistakes but I’ll admit that I literally went to the well once time too many...but know that what you might consider ’ring rust’ showed the world that I am the Golden Standard.” Davis bellowed with massive support to his claims. “Greg Davis is back and this is what the fuck I do; I kick ass. I take no names. I bring and leave everything in this ring with little to no questions asked. Just do yourself a favor. I’ll give you credit; you are a tough sonofabitch but here’s a little something for you to chew on; Now you have some homework ahead of you because I’ll be firing on all cylinders in our next go round and I promise you and everyone here and watching at home, I will be more than prepared to even the score. You can bank on that...”
A bloodied Davis extended his hand out before Kenshiro. The stoic ninja casually stared at it and looked out into the crowd before warmly shaking Davis’s hand. The arena exploded in cheers as ”Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor rang out in short order. Kenshiro cupped his free hand over Greg’s and bowed respectfully, prompting a cascade of streamers to sail into the ring. Both men were seen patting each other on opposing shoulders before Greg’s arm was raised upward. The Crimson Elite respectfully took a knee and saluted the Golden One for his heart and efforts as tens of thousands basked within the Wrestlecade Moment forever etched within the annals of wrestling lore...

"Come one.. come all! Step right up and become infused with the Spirit of Wrestlecade!", shouted Le Bon from a soap box in the middle of the stadiums lobby.
Le Bon had a megaphone, too. There weren't many people in the halls as they were all in the stadium watching the action down in the ring, but there was a mother-daughter combination roaming the halls that just so happened to be in Le Bon's path. The mother, fairy attractive, looks to be in her mid-30s.. the daughter, just barely five or six, was fidgeting as her mother was frantically looking for something.
"Step right up! I see we have a beautiful young lady and her slightly aging mother wandering around! You look like you could use some Wrestlecade Spirit!" yelled Le Bon into the megaphone.
A bit startled at being singled out, the mother disregarded her feelings for that remark made by Le Bon and decided to ask him directly for help.
"I'm looking for the restrooms.. my daughter can't hold it much longer." said the mother.
Le Bon hopped off his soap box and kneeled before the little girl.
"Don't worry sweetie.. you know what I do when I have to go to the bathroom real bad and can't get to a toilet for a while?" asked Le Bon
The girl shook her head.
"I just go in my pants and change them later! It's so convenient and after the pee cools, it's refreshing!"
The child's face lit up with cheer and just let it go right there on the spot. The mother, completely appalled grabbed her daughter by the arm and took off running to find that restroom
"BE FILLED WITH SPIRIT!" yelled Le Bon as he waved at the two of them as they ran off.
Le Bon continued to look around to see if he could find any more patrons in order to instill the Spirit of Wrestlecade into. An elderly man just so happened to be shuffling by when Le Bon pointed the megaphone in his direction.
"HEY YOU! WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SPIRIT!?" yelled Le Bon at the man.
The man let out one of those old people mumbled yells and fell to the ground, beginning to twitch. Le Bon realized the gravity of the situation and immediately rushed over to the man, shaking him.
"Hey! HEY! Snap out of it! Just think of the Spirit of Wrestlecade and you'll be alright!" yelled Le Bon.
The man continued to twitch and even began to foam at the mouth.
"That's it! I can tell by the mouth bubbles that you're embracing the spirit!! Soon, you'll be filled to the brim with spirit!!"
"Hey!" yelled a voice from off in the distance.
A security officer ran over and knelt down next to the man.
"What happened here?" asked the guard.
"I filled this man with Wrestlecade Spirit! He's so happy, he's forming bubbles! Look.. when the light hits them just right, they produce a rainbow effect!"
"He's not filled with spirit, this man is having a seizure!" said the guard as he reached for his transmitter. "I need an ambulance at the west wing near marker 102. Elderly man, estimated to be in his 70s collapsed and seizing. Need support ASAP."
Le Bon stood up.
"Well.. my work is done here! Goodbye Mr. Rent-a-Cop... Goodbye Mr. Wrinkles... Now to spread more spirit elsewhere!"
Le Bon just took off running as the guard tended to the man. The scene faded to black.

In 2006.. while wrestling for Legacy of Champions, Derecho made a surprise guest appearance in NBW where he wrestled Spike Saunders on his home turf. He gained a victory there that would go unanswered for three years.
In 2009.. both of them crossed paths in fWo, arguably one of the biggest promotions of our time. On that stage, Spike Saunders enacted his revenge and defeated Derehco. Their return match never happened... until now.
It's 2014. NBW is still going strong.. fWo is no more.. and with the world's eyes focused on Wrestlecade, it was only fitting that these two settle it here on a stage as big as Century Link Field. A match eight years in the making... the match to finally decide who is the better wrestler between these two.
Three Matches.
Three Promotions.
One victor.
That was the tagline going into this match as Dean Carrington took the stage.. microphone in hand.
Carrington: "Ladies and Gentlemen.. the following contest is the 30 Minute Iron Man match! The person with the most decisions at the end of 30 minutes will be declared the winner. Decisions can be made via Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification, Count Out, or Knock Out."
The lights in the arena went low..
"Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant
As the twangy guitar lead us into the vocals, a shower of pyro rained down from the top of the entrance set. Sparkler style pyro then illumnated on each side of the stage as Spike Saunders stepped out onto the stage to a thunderous ovation.
Saunders stopped in the middle of the stage as the pyro showers died out. He then thrust his fist into the air as pyro exploded randomly on the left and right sides of the stage as well as around the rim of the top of Century Link Field! The people applauded the pyrotechnics display as Saunders started his walk down to the ring as the lights slowly faded in and out in a random fashion.
Spike got to ringside and gripped the ropes, pulling himself up onto the ring apron. He then stepped over the top rope and into the ring where he looked around the arena before once again thrusting his fist into the air, causing all four corners to explode with pyro! The people continued to cheer as the arena returned to normal and his music died down.
Those chants and cheers turned to boos when the lights in the arena went completely out.
"King of Hell" by Helstar
As the guitar slowly faded in.. the top of Century Link Field.. all around the rim of the stadium began to light up in a giant ring of fire. An aerial shot of the arena showy a fiery ring from above. Back in the arena, a smaller ring of fire illuminated in the middle of the stage.
The drums kicked in and the entire Wrestlecade set became engulfed in flames. The rim of the jOltvision.. the smaller screens.. the metal scaffolding.. everything was lit on fire. Slowly, Derecho rose up from the smaller circle of flame. He was donned in his black skull mask/crown as well as his black leather trench coat, wrapped tightly around his body.
As the iconic scream revved up into the main beat of the song, The lights began to flash red all around in the arena in a random strobe pattern. Derecho stepped through the ring of fire and slowly walked down the entrance ramp. Each step he took, small fire lit up on the left and right sides of the entrance ramp as well as in the middle of the ramp behind him, created a burning path, symbolic of leaving destruction in his wake.
Derecho reached ringside. When he got there, the entire entrance ramp was lit on fire! Derecho then walked over to the ringsteps and climbed up, stepping into the ring. Once he was inside, the lights came back on and the fires died out, returning the set and the stadium to normalcy. Derecho removed his crown and trench coat and underneath revealed a skin-tight navy blue T-Shirt and Khaki pants! Derecho was in old school wrestling attire to symbolize that while he was the King of Hell.. he is still one of the world's greatest professional wrestlers!
Derecho passed his attire off to ringside. A clock on the smaller jOltvision screens lit up to display 30:00 on there. It went to 29:59 when the referee called for the bell.
Derecho and Saunders stood there for a moment staring at each other. A few words were exchanged between the two when Derecho let loose and decked Saunders in the face with a big right hand! Derecho fired another and another, rocking The Colossus back! Derecho got Saunders against the ropes, but Saunders covered up and found an opening, shoving Derecho backwards, causing Derecho to land on his back, but Derecho recovered quickly and got back to his feet... too bad Saunders exploded forward and flipped Derecho inside out with a massive lariat!!
Saunders had so much momentum behind that that by the time he stopped, he was on the opposite side of the ring! He clutched the top rope and let out a bestial roar as he turned to face Derecho, who was staggering up to his feet, wondering just what in the blue hell had hit him.
29:30 Remained
Saunders walked over to Derecho, allowing him to stand fully. Saunders dropped Derecho back down to the canvas with a heavy right hand. Derecho staggered back up and Saunders dropped him again with another right hand. As Derecho stood, Saunders whipped Derecho to the ropes and grabbed him in a side waist lock off the rebound, dropping to his side with a Sidewalk Slam! Saunders went for the cover, hooking the leg..
Derecho kicked out.
28:52 remained.
Saunders stood back up as he grabbed Derecho, pulling him to his feet. Saunders let loose with a Knife Edge Chop, whose sickening smack echoed throughout the entire stadium! Derecho grasped his chest and stumbled away. He dropped to his knees and Saunders took off to the ropes, running past Derecho. Saunders hit the ropes and nailed a running Big Boot right into the face of Derecho as he knelt there! Derecho was flat out on his back as Saunders made another cover hooking the leg.
Derecho kicked out once again
28:37 remained
Saunders went for pins quickly as he knew that getting any decision as fast as possible sets the pace for an Iron Man match and that it gives him the advantage. With this in mind, he stayed on Derecho, pulling him up to his feet. Saunders then grabbed Derecho by the arm and whipped him into the neutral corner. Saunders charged in, but Derecho countered, making Saunders eat a back elbow to the face. Derecho then hopped up onto the middle turnbuckle and leapt off, taking Saunders down with a Missile Drop Kick! Derecho quickly crawled over into a cover of his own!
Saunders powered out of it.
27:58 remained
Derecho employed a different strategy. He pulled Saunders up to a seated position and then slapped on a Sleeper Hold. He wanted to try and wear Saunders down while also chewing as much time as possible off of the clock, hoping to score just one pinfall toward the end of the match to get the win. Saunders struggled to get back up, but each time he did, Derecho positioned his weight differently and kept Saunders grounded. Derecho glanced up at the clock and saw the seconds ticking away. With each second gone, Derecho's grin widened. Perhaps he focused too much on the clock because Saunders used a burst of energy to stand and connect with a Sit-Down Jawbreaker that got Derecho to loosen his grip
Derecho staggered away as Saunders got back to his feet. He grabbed Derecho by the arm and tried the irish whip into the corner for a second time. Saunders charged in, but Derecho went for that back elbow counter. Feeling that it was coming, Saunders stopped short and blocked the elbow. He then grabbed Derecho in a side waist lock and took him over with a modified T-Bone Suplex, dumping Derecho right on the back of his neck!!!
Saunders looked to the corner and climbed up top. He cocked his fist as the people came alive.. he leapt off and drove the fist right into the top of Derecho's skull..
Saunders quickly made the cover, hooking the leg...
Derecho kicked out!
24:12 remained
It was Saunders turn to employ Derecho's strategy.Saunders quickly sat Derecho up and tried to lock in the Sleeper Hold, but Derecho felt it coming and quickly dropped to the canvas and rolled out of the ring. Derecho looked back into the ring and pointed to his head saying that he outsmarted Saunders. The referee began the mandatory ten count while Saunders stood in the ring knowing that he could take a 1-0 lead here if Derecho was counted out.
Derecho rolled into the ring and then back out to reset the count. The people in attendance booed. Derecho yelled at them to shut up.
Derecho rolled back in and back out once again. Saunders was getting agitated as Derecho was just blatantly taking time off of the clock. Derecho grinned back at Saunders as he outstretched his arms, daring Saunders to come and get him.
Saunders had had enough and power walked over to the ropes where Derecho was...
Derecho quickly hopped up onto the ring apron and went to hot shot Saunders across the top rope, but Saunders felt it was coming and grabbed Derecho on both sides of the head. Saunders shook his head "no" as he brought Derecho back into the ring the hard way!! Derecho got up and ate a running lariat from Saunders. Saunders then waited for Derecho to get back to his feet before running over him with another lariat, putting him back down! Saunders then pointed to the outside of the ring as he brought Derecho up to his feet.
"You want to stay out there so bad? Fine by me!" yelled Saunders to Derecho.
Saunders got some momentum and threw Derecho over the top rope and out to the ringside area. The referee was about to start the count, but Saunders did something that many people didn't really expect to see... Saunders was going to the top turnbuckle!!
The crowd hit their feet as the referee told Saunders to get down. Derecho staggered to his feet as Saunders took aim...
Saunders crashed right into Derecho and the collision was massive! Both hit the floor with a sickening thud, but Derecho took brunt end of it!
Saunders staggered up to his feet and received a standing ovation from the crowd.. Derecho, however.. was down and not moving from that. Saunders knew that if he got Derecho back into the ring he could easily take a 1-0 lead here! Saunders pulled Derecho up and tossed him back inside before he rolled in after him. Saunders went for that cover, hooking the leg as the crowd counted along...
Derecho kicked out and the people in the stadium booed
21:54 remained
Saunders waited for Derecho to stand as he knew that he had him right where he wanted him. Derecho staggered to his feet and Saunders delivered the toe kick to the mid-section. He set Derecho up between his legs and lifted him up for a powerbomb, but at shoulder height, Derecho slipped off Saunders' shoulders and hooked his head! He then drove Saunders face first into the canvas with a DDT!!!
Derecho rolled Saunders over and made the cover...
Saunders kicked out.
21:02 remained
Derecho stood and immediately stomped away on Saunders before he headed to the corner. Derecho climbed up to the top turnbuckle pad, but Saunders got back to his feet and charged the corner, knocking Derecho off of his perch. Saunders climbed up and hit a couple of clubbing blows to the back of Derecho, softening him up. Saunders then grabbed Derecho by the neck and placed him into a Choke Slam position. Derecho quickly countered by firing elbows into the side of Saunder's head to break the grip.
Derecho then hit a couple of headbutts that rocked Saunders enough to where Saunders stepped down from the turnbuckles and held the side of his head. Derecho then took aim and decided to give Saunders a receipt from earlier.. leaping off with a Flying Cross Body Block, but Saunders caught him in mid-air!!
Saunders hooked Derecho and then swung him around his body, planting him with a Swinging Uranage Slam!! Saunders stood and then went to the ropes.. he came back and crashed down on top of Derecho's neck and chest with a High Knee Drop! Saunders then made the cover once again, looking to go 1-0!
Derecho got the shoulder up in time!
19:48 remained
Saunders dared Derecho to stand.. once he did, he softened Derecho up with a couple of punches to the gut. He then took off to the ropes, but Derecho leapt into the air and connected with a high drop kick to the face of Saunders, putting him down! Derecho quickly grabbed Saunders, pulling him to his feet. He hooked Saunders in a front face lock.. he wasn't thinking about going for it...
Derecho used all of his might to muscle the 7'1" 317lber up into the air, nailing a Vertical Suplex!! Derecho spun over, taking Saunders with him. He pulled him to his feet and as best as Derecho could.. he hit a Snap Suplex on Saunders which looked more like a quick Vertical Suplex more than anything. Derecho was huffing and puffing from expending that kind of energy, but he turned over, bringing Saunders with him once again. He pulled Saunders up with that front face lock. Derecho let out a war cry as he lifted Saunders up partially and then dropped him face first into the canvas with a Split-Legged Gordbuster!!
Derecho was almost completely spent! He just nailed a trifecta of suplexes on a man a foot taller and a 100lbs heavier than he was! Derecho just showed good reason as to why he and Sylo were considered the two monsters of jOlt when the promotion reopened back in 2012.
Derecho slowly crawled over, flipping Saunders onto his back as he hooked the leg with a cover.
Saunders kicked out!!
17:44 remained
Derecho pulled himself over to the ropes where he leaned against them in a seated position, looking at Saunders and wondering what he has to do in order to beat him. Derecho used the ropes to pull himself up as Saunders got on all fours, trying to get up to a vertical base. Derecho saw an opening and charged in, looking to punt Saunders in the side of the head, but Saunders moved and Derecho shot right past him, almost losing his balance! Saunders quickly grabbed Derecho from behind and pulled him over with a School Boy Rollup!
Thre.. NO!!
Derecho almost got pinned from being caught off guard!
17:12 remained
Derecho and Saunders got back to their feet. They both had the same idea and went for a right hand. It was a dual exchange, but with Saunders being the bigger of the two, Derecho took more of an impact and staggered back. Saunders brushed off that punch and fired another right hand and then a third.. a fourth.. a fifth.. and kept on firing them until Derecho was backed into the neutral corner.
Saunders attempted an irish whip in which Derecho attempted a reversal, but Saunders pulled Derecho back to the corner from whence he came and slammed him chest first into the turnbuckles! Derecho staggered back as Saunders went low between Derecho's legs... DREAM KILLER ATTEMPT!!
Derecho flipped out of it, landing on his feet behind Saunders! He placed Saunders into a waist lock, looking for a German Suplex, but Saunders countered with a pair of back elbows. Saunders then charged to the corner and amazed the crowd once again! Saunders leapt up to the middle turnbuckle with his right foot, pushing off and twisting into a Crescent Kick to Derecho's face!!! The crowd couldn't believe that they had just seen someone of the size of Saunders pull that off!!
"HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" chanted the crowd for the second time in this match!
Saunders crawled over into the cover...
Shoulder up by Derecho!
15:38 remained
We were approaching the half way mark of this match and there hasn't been a single decision yet! Saunders was now wondering what he had to do to put Derecho away. Saunders stood and then bent over the pick up Derecho. Once vertical, Derecho used a cheap trick and stuck a thumb into Saunders' eye! Saunders staggered away as the referee admonished Derecho, but Derecho told the referee to quite literally fuck off.
Derecho got underneath Saunders and hit him with a Back Drop Suplex.. showing another feat of strength. Derecho stood and then made his way to the corner where he ascended to the very top. He took aim on Saunders and leapt off...
It connected, but Derecho wasn't going to go for the cover... instead he went back to the corner and climbed up to the top once again. He took aim and leapt off, connecting again..
Derecho STILL refused to go for the cover. He went back to the corner.. but this time.. it was on the opposite side of the ring. Saunders was about 3/4 of the way away from that corner and we all knew what that meant. Derecho climbed up top, holding his mid-section from hitting back to back Frog Splashes. He still took aim and then used all of his leg strength to propel himself off and fly the distance...
Derecho nailed the 3/4 Distance Top Rope Leg Drop on Saunders!! Derecho grinned as he knew that he was going to be the first to get a decision here in this match...
Thr... NO!!
Saunders kicked out and the stadium erupted in cheers!!
13:28 remained
Derecho was beside himself. He looked like he was ready to lose it.. in fact.. he did.
Derecho rolled out of the ring and grabbed the top half of the steel ring steps. He heaved them down the ringside area, luckily not into the crowd like some other people would do on a Monday Night. Derecho made his way to the Time Keeper's position and grabbed his best friend in the entire world.. the steel chair.
The referee warned Derecho not to bring that into the match. This wasn't an Underground Rules match and the referee would disqualify him if he used the chair. Derecho hopped up onto the ring apron with the chair and the referee continued to admonish him. Derecho then began to argue with the referee which caused Saunders to get back up and seize an opportunity. Derecho raised the chair, threatening to smack the referee with it.. instead, Saunders nailed a Running Forearm, knocking the chair into Derecho's face!!
Derecho then went sailing off the ring apron, crashing chest first into the edge of the announce position!!
"OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed the crowd
Derecho was down and out! Saunders hopped out of the ring and immediately grabbed Derecho. He pulled him up and tossed him back inside where Saunders quickly slid back in after him and went for a cover, hooking the leg!!
Three...?? NO!!!!!
Derecho kicked out at the last possible second and the crowd in attendance booed heavily!
11:41 remained
Time was dwindling down and we still haven't gotten a decision yet in this match. We had a feeling that it was going to come down to the final moments of this match and it looks as if it may do just that
Saunders decided that if he was going to put Derecho away, he was going to have to do something drastic. At this point.. why not? He's already defyed the stereotypes about big men twice tonight.. why not make it a hat trick?
Saunders made his way to the corner and climbed up to the top turnbuckle pads. He waited for Derecho to get back to his feet. Saunders took aim and leapt off the top rope with a huge Missile Drop Kick, but Derecho side stepped and Saunders crashed chest first into the canvas!! As Saunders was pulling himself up, Derecho had taken off to the ropes. Saunders was in a knelt position, holding his mid-section by the time Derecho had rebounded...
Derecho's knee collided with Saunders' face and Saunders was down and out!! Derecho stood and immediately grabbed Saunders, pulling him up to his feet. Derecho then grabbed Saunders by his spiked blond hair and yelled right into his face...
"I.... AM.... KING!"
He then lifted Saunders up onto his shoulder.. A FOREVER REMINDER...
Saunders slipped off of Derecho's shoulder and landed behind him. Saunders immediately ducked down and got underneath Derecho, lifting him up!!
Derecho flipped over and landed behind Saunders!! Derecho then quickly wrapped Saunders into a Half Nelson and tried to hook the leg...
Saunders elbowed Derecho's hand as it tried to hook his leg. Saunders then spun around and grabbed Derecho, placing him into a Cobra Clutch.. He then lifted him up onto his back...
Derecho also slipped off of Saunders' shoulders, landing behind him in a back to back position. Derecho hooked both of Saunders' arms and tried to pull him over into a Backslide Pin, but Saunders wouldn't budge!
Saunders then reversed the momentum, but Derecho used Saunders' back and flipped over, landing on his feet. Saunders was doubled over as Derecho had him set up in a powerbomb position! Derecho also defied logic and strength for someone his size earlier and did it once again as he lifted Saunders up into a powerbomb position and then pivoted...
"THIS IS AWESOME!!! clap clap clapclapclap
THIS IS AWESOME!!! clap clap clapclapclap
THIS IS AWESOME!!! clap clap clapclapclap
THIS IS AWESOME!!! clap clap clapclapclap
THIS IS AWESOME!!!" clap clap clapclapclap
Derecho staggered to his feet as did Saunders... Saunders charged in...
Derecho ducked and quickly turned. He then drove the tip of his boot into Saunders' mid-section, doubling him over. Derecho grabbed him in a waist lock and then again, used tremendous power to lift Saunders up onto his shoulder...
Saunders slipped off and landed behind Derecho.. immediately taking off to the ropes. Saunders bounced off the opposite end as Derecho turned with a Discus Forearm.. both men colliding with strikes in the middle of the ring and knocking each other down to the canvas!!!
The crowd simply stood and gave both men a standing ovation!!!
6:18 remained in this match after that amazing chain of counters!!
Both men were down and the referee had to start a mandatory ten count...
Both men began to stir...
Derecho and Saunders were up to a single knee.
Derecho up...
Saunders up!!
Right hand by Derecho!
Right hand by Saunders!
Right hand by Derecho!
Right hand by Saunders!
Right hand by Derecho!
Right hand by Saunders!
Right hand by Derecho!
Right hand by Saunders!
Saunders picked up the pace and continued to fire away with rapid rights into the head of Derecho. Derecho was rocked back to the ropes where Saunders shot him across the ring with an irish whip. Saunders telegraphed a back body drop, but Derecho grabbed Saunders by the head. He then jumped up and spun, looking for a Tornado DDT, but Saunders countered it mid-move and planted Derecho with a Sit-Out Powerbomb!!!
Thre... NO!!!
Derecho kicked out again!
5:22 remained
Saunders stood and he knew that time was no longer on his side. He had to do something to end this match right here right now. He bent over and grabbed Derecho by the hair, pulling him up to his feet. Saunders grasped Derecho by the neck, looking for a Choke Slam.. Derecho gripped Saunders' wrist and even used an elbow to the joint to break the grip over him. Derecho backed up into the ropes and tried to gain momentum, but Saunders grabbed Derecho by the neck a second time and in one fell swoop, lifted him high into the air, slamming him with all his might to the canvas!
Saunders didn't want to put anything to chance. He grabbed Derecho by the neck and lifted him up off the canvas. Saunders gave Derecho the death stare before lifting him up into the air and nailing it again!
Saunders STILL wasn't done! He grabbed Derecho by the neck and AGAIN lifted him up, but this time, when he went for the choke slam.. Derecho knew it was now or never. He hooked Saunders head and planted him into the canvas...
The clock was down to 4:14.. time was ticking away and both men were again.. down and out on the canvas! The drama ramped up as the referee went for the mandatory ten count...
Saunders kipped up to his feet!!!
Even the referee didn't expect that! The people went nuts as Saunders, albeit a bit wobbly, got back to his feet!! Saunders quickly grabbed Derecho to pull him up, but Derecho pulled him over with an Inside Cradle!
Saunders kicked away! He quickly got to his feet as he was running off of pure adrenaline! Derecho struggled to get back to his feet, but was still able to duck a lariat from Saunders! Saunders turned around as Derecho nailed a low drop kick to Saunders' knee which brought him down to Derecho's height. Derecho then hauled off and kicked Saunders in the side of the head, but Saunders kept his balance and didn't go down!!
Derecho gritted his teeth and kikced Saunders in the head AGAIN.. and AGAIN Saunders used his long arms to brace himself, keeping himself from falling over. Derecho then shuffled back and went for a Super Kick, but Saunders tilted to the side and grabbed Derecho by the leg, trapping it under his arm!!
Saunders got back up to his feet as Derecho tried to maintain his balance, but Derecho leapt into the air and connected with an Enzugiri.. the third blow was enough to finally put Saunders down onto the canvas! Derecho staggered over to the corner and looked back at the clock...
2:04 remained
Dercho ascended the turnbuckles taking Saunders into his sights... He then flipped off...
Saunders rolled out of the way! This was it!! This was his chance!!
Saunders got behind Derecho as Derecho staggered to his feet! With under 2 minutes remaining, Saunders got underneath Derecho and in one fell swoop...
The crowd exploded! Everyone was on their feet as Saunders crawled over into the cover...
"BULLSHIT!! BULLSHIT!! BULLSHIT!! BULLSHIT!!" chanted 70,000 strong in unison
1:08 remained
Saunders quickly stood and grabbed Derecho, pulling him up to his feet, but Derecho shocked Saunders and quickly scooped him up onto his shoulders and in one fluid motion...
Derecho couldn't move after hitting hit, though... it was a desperation move...
0:43 remained...
Derecho slowly turned over and covered Saunders, hooking the leg...
Thre... NO!!!
0:34 remained
Derecho and Saunders both staggered to their feet. Out of desperation Derecho swung wildly, connecting with lefts and rights.. combination blows.
Derecho with a clothesline..
Ducked by Saunders
Saunders with a kick to the stomach.
Saunders twisted and hooked Derecho for the Dream Killer
Flip out by Derecho
Saunders turned around..
Up onto the shoulders for A Forever Reminder...
Saunders slipped off the shoulders and backed into the ropes...
0:10 remained
Big boot ducked by Derecho.
Derecho to the ropes...
Flying cross body, but Saunders caught him!!
Saunders flipped Derecho up onto his shoulders...
Saunders may have lost track of the time.. he put Derecho down and thought he had the victory, but the referee informed him of the bad news.. as did Dean Carrington.
Carrington: The time limit for this match has expired.. the official ruling.. is a DRAW
The crowd was upset as was Spike Saunders. He asked the referee if he was sure that Derecho tapped or not.. the referee said he didn't see Derecho tap at all. Saunders looked pissed at the decision.. just as angry as the crowd was.
"FIVE MORE MINUTES" clap clap clapclapclap
"FIVE MORE MINUTES" clap clap clapclapclap
"FIVE MORE MINUTES" clap clap clapclapclap
"FIVE MORE MINUTES" clap clap clapclapclap
"FIVE MORE MINUTES" clap clap clapclapclap
The crowd didn't want it to end this way... especially not at Wrestlecade. Saunders even walked over and demanded a microphone from the time keeper.
"I don't even need five more minutes.. I just needed five more seconds and I would have made your ass tap out" said Saunders to Derecho who was back on his feet, looking exhausted.
The crowd cheered that statement as Derecho asked for the microphone. Saunders gave it to him.
"Is that... a fact?" said Derecho as he tried to catch his breath..
"You want to prove to me you only needed five more seconds?"
The crowd erupted into a "YES!" chant
"The fact.. that you need five more seconds... just proves that you're not good enough.. to beat me in 30. The answer is no..."
Derecho dropped the microphone and exited the ring, much to the boos of the crowd. Derecho then flipped off Saunders and walked to the back. Saunders walked over to the ring ropes and grabbed them, yelling at Derecho to come back and fight him, but Derecho continued his way to the backstage area, never looking back or giving Saunders a second thought.
Saunders didn't look happy at all as he stood there and stared at Derecho's back. The crowd was booing loudly as Saunders shook his head in disappointment.
"Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant struck up as Saunders exited the ring. The crowd applauded Saunders' effort as he made the long trek to the backstage area.

Camera Fifteen was gracious with a casual pan of the vastly expansive wrestling landscape deep within the home of the 2014 Superbowl Champions Seattle Seahawks. The air was crisp with the city lights glowing in proximity of the arena. The atmosphere was rich with intensity as it was officially time for the Wrestlecade Main Event. Camera Twelve casually panned along the elaborate entrance staging area with a trinity of massive jOlt vision screens tactfully connected to each other. Several Golden & Black pillars stood erect to bind the screens together with an elongated descending rampway leading toward the squared circle. The ring posts were black with golden turnbuckle padding with Pearl Ropes. The ring apron brandished to promotional event logo with predominantly Black, Gold, Silver & Pearl.
Carrington: “Ladies and Gentlemen; the following contest is scheduled for 1 Fall...and it is for the jOLT WRESTLING WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!
The camera casually panned away from both Referee Ian Nguyen and the esteemed ring announcer were seen inaudibly conversing among themselves as Camera Fifteen panned away toward the entrance staging area. The jOltvision screens quickly led to the backstage area with the No. 1 contender seen shoving one of the medical staff members to the floor while power walking his way through the depths of the vast arena. With the Relentless Championship in hand, The Rising Star wore a hardened yet bloody scowl as he passed by one of the cameras. Briefly, the backstage camera would trail after him before he flung a set of black curtains apart and fell out of view. Several moments would elapse with the masses already starting to generate genuine heat for the former ACW Scorpion Champion...
An overwhelming chorus of venom swelled throughout the entire arena as the ominous jOltvision screens were inundated with edited footage, wrought with arrogance amidst aerial & technical supremacy for legions to bear witness. Several moments would elapse before the backstage curtains were violently cast aside by the ’Rising Star’ himself. A bandage wrapped around his head, covering his left eye, the new Number One Contender for the jOlt Heavyweight Championship stood before the turbulent sea of detractors. Embittered. Defiant yet determined to wrest the promotion’s top prize from its reigning bearer’s clutches. Caked blood further solidified his rugged image while scanning the horizon slowly with his gnashed canines showing...
Carrington: “Introducing 1st; he hails from Glendale, Arizona...Representing the BLACK FACTION!! Weighting in at 218 pounds and is the Number One Contender for the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship! He’s The Rising Star’....LANDON!!! STEVENS!!!
Rhythmically flaring his fingers out, Stevens casually stepped back a few paces before standing himself in place. Head downcast, he began heaving his upper body before extending his fists apart overhead. An angry crescendo of pyrotechnics assaulted the heavens and the entire staging area as the Relentless Championship beared the hardened blood of its previous owner. His Left Fist would beat against the opposing breast followed by an intense flaring of fingers before beginning his elongated trek toward the squared circle. The Arizonan Assassin beared the scars of a previous war yet scowled menacingly ahead, ignoring the spiteful masses that rallied against him. The new Black Faction patriarch soon closed in on the ring before rounding the northeastern ring post. Leaping onto the ring apron, the ACW alum hooked his left arm over the top rope to stare out into the crowd briefly before casually passing through the ring ropes. The wrestling product of Brian Dorowitz’s tutelage began his trek toward the opposing ring post and welcoming the turbulent waves of hate. Extending his arms outward, the Relentless title was presented once more to garner further rebuke toward Stevens.
Inaudibly barking back at the angry masses, the man renown as ’Danger Red’ was seen unabashedly airing his grievances toward his detractors as his musical introduction notably subsided. CenturyLink Field was the epicenter of an audible vortex with the Number 1 Contender continued running his mouth, professing his greatness. A mocking elevation of crowd heat arose as rolls of toilet paper sailed over the top rope. The respective announce teams were overheard commentating about the ongoing downpour of humiliation. The embittered Arizonian caught one of the sailing rolls and beaned one of the random ringside personnel against the left ear with it before stepping down.
Detractors: “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5) “FUCK YOU, LANDON!!!” (clap x5)
Stevens was seen standing all in Nguyen’s face breifly, handing the stolen belt over into his possession before a pair of balled up pair of dirty socks managed to bounce off his right shoulder. Landon quickly snatched the pair up and held them in his hand briefly before staring back out at the spiteful masses before throwing the socks at Dean Carrington’s face. A pair of extended middle fingers were back toward the masses before Stevens snatched the head dressing from his head and threw it against the mat. A partial yet hardened crimson mask was seen flaking off his visage. The referee reached up to inspect the wound yet Stevens warded him off physically before seating himself deep against the opposing corner padding. Forearms resting on both knees, the look of hardened clarity shone from the wrestling anomaly’s face...
The intentional yet sporadic fleeting of arena lighting urged an anxious roar from the crowd while immersed in sheer darkness. The star lit sky and various sources of incandescent lighting further accentuated the overall mood throughout the massive amphitheater. The stillness of the dark lingered until red lighting pulsed on & off similar to a heartbeat throughout different sections of the arena. Darkness ensured for several moments before the entire entrance staging area became awashed with Crimson, displaying a welcomed silhouette that was standing erect. Palms out. Head downcast. Several inches away from each waist with both legs together before the darkness abruptly returned. A lulling outburst was heard as the darkness lingered with the silhouette laminated by hints of luminescent strips sewn into the customized full body spandex suit. The brief yet brilliant glow returned to reveal the arms are slowly being raised, bringing back the pearl hued lighting to reveal a dozen replicas of himself. Some kneeling as others assuming defensive martial arts stances around him. The public roared as the darkness returned and the doppelgangers brandished their respective clan centric hues that glowed from their attire...
The jOltvision screens began their rudimentary visual display of edited footage of the reigning champion as the faint flashes of light accentuated the rhythmic martial arts katas performed in stereo before the acoustic summit was readily breached. The angry strumming of guitars was heard, bringing forth the arcing stands of electricity dancing up the assigned pillars toward the sky. The arena lighting slowly began its ascent as the Inogami Clan lieutenant casually peeled his championship off the grating and slowly scanned the horizon before him as the clones turned about face in unison and began walking toward the backstage area...
Carrington: “...And his opponent; weighting in at 195 pounds...He hails from the Okayama Prefecture of Ibara, Japan...He is the current...reigning and defending jOLT WRESTLING HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION of the WORLD!!! He’s the ’Blood Raven’!! EIJI!!! KUGASARI!!!
The sinewy ninja halted his march forward to sweep his hair back. Nodding at the amorous response, Eiji continued his advancement toward the ring before walking up the ring steps. Camera Four briefly was seen staring back at his opposition before the attention was snatched back to the ninja, walking along the ring apron casually. Belt in hand, he walked up the ring post and slowly raised the belt up toward the heavens. A Diving Senton led to the ninja rolling to his feet and led him toward the opposing turnbuckle to continue paying homage to the crowd and his championship prize before making his descent. The Black Faction patriarch remained nestled within his corner in a seated posture as Kugasari breifly stared at the championship before entrusting it with the Korean-American ring official. The scowl lighted from Landon’s face as he pulled himself to his feet and approached the ring’s epicenter. Both champion and challenger were immersed in an intense mutual stare down as the referee began displaying the championship belt before the masses. The sustained volley of cheers simmered throughout the arena as both men were steadily wringing the tension free from their hands, wrists and extremities. The in ring official inaudibly ran the instructions to both champion and contender before they mutually stepped back several paces...
An inaudible verbal exchange was had between both notable hot heads yet the masses groaned audibly as Landon disrespectfully spat at the ninja’s face. Knuckles slowly drawing taunt, the nubile champion trembled with rising anger as his opposition continued mocking & berating him. The Blood Raven lashed out with a swift Right Hook which Stevens quickly ducked underneath yet his retaliatory Left Hook was parried and countered by a hard Open Handed Slap across the Jaw! Dean Carrington and Ian stepped out of the way as the blow sent Stevens reeling back several paces with Eiji in hot pursuit...
The Rising Star drunkenly stumbled away to breifly drop to a knee before landing against the ropes. However, the pissed off champion grabbed his rival by the throat and forcibly slammed him against the padded corner to unleash a hail of Forearm Strikes and Martial Arts Kicks upon his person. The crowd rallied for violence yet angrily booed as the sinewy Nguyen intervened yet the crowd cheered wildly as the champion swivled about & blasted Stevens with a Running Turnbuckle Koppou Kick on the ailing anarchist before grabbing Landon by the hair back to his feet and hurling him soundly into the opposing corner. Following in hot pursuit, Eiji crushed the Number 1 Contender for the jOlt Championship with a Turnbuckle Senton Attack yet the momentum allowed the ninja to flip up & over onto the ring apron. A High Kick to the back of Steven’s head sent him staggering forward away from the corner. The Blood Raven took flight and jettisoned his Arizonan rival away with a Slingshot Flying Head Scissors Takedown! The All-Star Championship Wrestling alum Forward Somersaulted to his feet before tumbling through the ropes and spilling to the outside!
The incensed clan lieutenant slid underneath the bottom ropes after the dazed Black Family patriarch and leaned him against the barricades with a Leaping Forearm Strike. Steven’s guard was sustained, allotting him to forcibly shove his attacker back several paces yet Eiji charged in after him, ducked underneath the Running Clothesline to pivot and bounced Stevens back first against the ring apron! The fleet-footed ninja continued his momentum by physically prying the ring steps apart, hoisting the upper portion upward before hurling at the incoming Stevens. The versatile air/ground specialist deftly sidestepped the sailing projectile and floored the ninja with a Running Knee Lift to the midsection. The steps careened angrily against the barricades, sending fans retreating back several paces as Landon send Eiji staggering away with a hard Overhand Hook to the Jaw. A Short Pump Kick slammed the ninja spine first against the barricades before a measured flurry of MMA-styled Strikes battered the recovering ninja. Grabbing his opposition by the hair, Stevens ran and slammed Eiji shoulder first against the opposing rails...
The blow summing a resound howl from the stands yet Eiji blocked the incoming Punch, grabbed his enemy by the hair and quickly slammed him against the rails...
This time Landon snatched back the momentum with a Knee Lift to the Stomach, executing a Standing Switch...
Holding onto Eiji’s Right Arm, Landon inaudibly began jawing breifly at him while pulling him away from the barricades, prepping him for a Short Armed Clothesline. However, the Prince of Puroresu evaded the attack and connected with a swift Leaping Enzuigiri, sending Steven crashing hard jaw first into the barricades once more! An ailing Landon staggered backward and dropped to a knee before his rival seized him and slammed him chest first against the ring apron hard. A muffled crack was heard as Eiji smacked his kneeling rival’s skull with a Switchblade Kick, paying homage to the indy stalwart Low Ki! Left on both knees, the challenger cradled the back of head yet the ninja peeled him off the padded earth, shoved him back inside the ring before following suit...
...1! ...2! Landon wildly jerked his shoulder off the mat, sending Eiji stumbling forward briefly to quickly pivot and abruptly stood the Rising Star erect the hard with a Running Knee Lift to the Face! Arms flailing, Stevens bounced against the turnbuckle post before the Blood Raven pounced on him once more with a ravenous barrage of Forearm Strikes. Again, the masses angrily as the in ring official physically dragged the fired up champion away from his reeling challenger who promptly slithered away to the outside to recoup...
Inaudibly arguing with the jOlt Wrestling official, Kugasari swatted Boulder’s arm away and slid after his opposition. Seeing the approaching ninja, Stevens quickly broke camp. Rounding the ring post, Landon dove back inside the ring, pivoted to intercept the incoming ninja yet was blocked and stunned with another Forearm Strike to the Jaw. Violently backed into the opposing corner, the young champion garnered a Ric Flair tribute with a consecutive trinity of Turnbuckle Knife Edge Chops! A menacing Ear Box shattered the Arizonian upstart’s equilibrium before careening against the canvas via a Kugasari Double Underhook Suplex! Cover! ...1! ...2! Again, the Dorowitz export shot the shoulder up and pushed away with his feet to gain some distance yet the ninja quickly reclaimed control with a Grounded Front Face Lock. Referee Nguyen dropped down to assess the recovering striker’s condition. After checking the hold intently, Stevens gradually worked his way up vertically. The Blood Raven sought to pelt his opposition with a Clenched Knee Strike yet the Black Faction leader’s instincts kicked in, catching his rival’s knee and staggering him with 2 consecutive Forearm Strikes before ripping him down soundly with a Dragon Leg Screw! The ailing ninja reeled from the attack as the infamous Boo Birds greeted the relentless daredevil stalking after his prey. Kugasari pushed himself off the mat only to be driven back down hard via a Hard Left Hook to the Head! Grabbing his enemy’s legs, Stevens drove his heel deep into Eiji’s midsection. The ninja sought to roll away yet the cerebral striker cut off his escape route and blasted his chest with a stern Soccer Kick! A Heavy Stomp to the Head was arrogantly followed by Landon back pedaling to the ropes to deliver a sick Knee Drop to the exposed Ear! Stevens quickly hooked the leg deeply....1! ...2! Kickout!
The reeling champion sought to push himself up to present an effective defense yet the Blue-Eyed Brawler weakened his equilibrium with a short Running Knee Lift to the Rib Cage. A hard Over the Shoulder Throw against the canvas set Eiji up to endure the rigors of an Textbook Keylock Armbar. Stevens sought to add further insult to injury by bracing his Knee against Eiji’s skull before the referee counted to 4 before arrogantly wedging his knee atop the ninja’s head once more. The mouthy challenger soon irritated the ninja enough to will himself upward only for the relentless renegade to blast him again with another Knee Strike to the Ribs. An Irish Whip by Stevens yet Eiji hit the breaks with a Reversal. An Overhead Trapping Belly to Belly Salto Suplex was the catalyst to allow Kugasari to leap into the air screaming before crushing Stevens with a Double Knee Strike to the Chest! Jaws left agape, the man renown as ’Danger Red’ rolled over onto his side, wrought with pain. At the same token, Eiji played to the crowd from the kneeling while bracing his Left Forearm against his ribs while rasing his Right Arm outward drawing the energy from the fans...
The champion with the Lateral Press...1! ...2! 2 ½! Stevens was seen grimacing from the lingering damage as the ninja held onto the ropes, briefly scanned the crowd before laying in a pair of methodical Stomps onto the bandaged wrap covering Landon’s skull! A set of lingering groans were heard as the groggy challenger immediately rolled off the ring apron, careened against the barricades before dropping to a knee. The hot-headed champion & Simon Boulder openly exchanged words between themselves aggressively as ringside security sought to keep the angry civilian populous from taking free shots at the ailing Stevens. Granted to moment to shake the cobwebs free, the Rising Star began stumbling forward around the ring post, heading towards the entrance rampway with the masses beginning to boo his assumed exit. Promptly, Eiji quickly slid to the outside after him before running him down with a Running Clothesline from behind! Breifly resting on all fours, the challenger was subject to absorb several Punches from behind before being violently flung against the barricades with an Irish Whip. The 2nd Hammer Throw against the adjacent rails was immediate, leaving Stevens to stagger forward a few paces before dropping back down to all fours. The Prince of Puroresu briefly siphoned the adoration from the crowd while holding his battered challenger’s arm before hurling him forward with an Irish Whip toward the ring apron. Out of pure instinct, Landon raised his foot up to advert certain disaster with picturesque Tiger Wall Flip over the incoming ninja yet struggled to stick the landing, stumbling backwards. The champion hit the breaks, pivoted yet crowd groaned audibly as Eiji hit the floor soundly via Landon’s High Standing Back Body Drop! Stevens dropped to both knees for several moments before reclaiming his bearings. Grabbing the ninja by the hair, Landon angrily cursed his opposition before belting him with a hard Knee to the Face. With the champions arms flailing back from the attack, ’Danger Red’ gnashed his teeth while snatching the ninja back to his feet...
The swirling masses emitted a ravenous response as the ACW alum gradually sat up and afforded his detractors a sickening smile. A bevy of hardcore chants rose throughout the stands as Eiji was left writhing along the padded earth. Mockingly, Landon encouraged the masses to feed him more before peeling himself off the floor. Still favoring his wounded ribs, the challenger staggered after his ailing adversary to pulling him back along the floor by his hair. Several methodical Stomps and Kicks berated the champion before Stevens knowingly reset the referee’s count. Back on the outside, the smug challenger stood over his rival with the masses booing him in the process. “FUCK YOU, LANDON!” was heard by one of the more vocal detractors who managed to draw his attention as the camera focused on an obese fan, wearing a Black & Red DEFIANCE Wrestling Fist T-shirt. The Black Faction leader snatched his Large Drink from his hand and crushed it, forcibly spraying its contents in the fan’s face! ”HOW’S IT TASTE, YOU FAT MOTHERFUCKER!!” exclaimed the Rising Star to a brief round of crowd heat before returning his focus on kneeling Eiji and sending him reeling with a Snap Kick across the Chest. The barricades angrily shifted as Kugasari careened against them via an intentional Atomic Whip!
The portly fan was seen wrestling with arena security as Landon violently sandwiched the ninja’s head with a Running Hip Attack into the rails. As the champion remained slumped over, Landon reveled in the sense of control, defiantly pissing off the crowd with his passionate rants before standing the rising ninja up with a hard Kick to the Chest. A Backhand Uppercut spun the ninja would to drape over the barricades before Stevens wildly spilled him over the rails with a Running Lariat. Breifly standing atop the barricades, he further angered the crowd as he again restarted the count before hunting after the partially masked champion. The masses began cheering as Eiji blocked a Punch from Landon and retaliated with another Ear Box! The dazed militant tried to shuffle away yet was soon battered with several consistent rapid Fire Martial Arts Strikes. Again, Stevens halted the barrage with an unexpected Knee Lift before leading the ninja away with an Irish Whip. Kugasari with the Reversal...A stiff Rolling Koppou Kick to the Head humbled the red-haired menace, leaning him against the railed before sending him barreling over with a Running Clothesline of his own! CenturyLink Field opened up as the grounded clan lieutenant to allow Stevens to gradually regained his footing before wrapping his arms into the barricades to repeatedly abuse him with a series of Clubbing Forearms across the Chest! Borrowing an unfolded Chair from an grateful fan, the champion stood atop of it. With a handful, of the groggy Landon’s hair, the ninja openly played to the crowd briefly...
Kugasari rolled to his feet and warmly basked in the moment by fanning his arms outward. Chest out and head reared back briefly, the ninja would stand over the crawling Stevens were prominent seepage was seen dripping onto the floor padding. The audience began groaning at the increased running of crimson on the injured side of Landon’s head as he was rolled back inside the ring....1! ...2! NO! The ninja briefly cast some stern words at the referee before Eiji locked the challenger into a Grounded Arm Bar. Desperately latching onto the ninja’s thigh, Landon gradually worked his way in position utilize 3 Back Elbows to grant him separation yet the crowd groaned audibly as Eiji immediately floored the Rising Star with a High Kick to the Ear! The Prince of Puroresu bundled up Stevens into an Oklahoma Roll Pin! ...1! ...2! The wounded militant kicked out with authority before being peeled off the canvas and sought to slam Landon skull first against the nearby turnbuckle padding. However, ’Danger Red’ planted his boot against the pads to deter the attack & spun the ninja about with a stiff Back Elbow. The Blood Raven sought to run Stevens down with a Short Armed Clothesline...A punishing Cobra Clutch Suplex by Landon spiked the ninja into the canvas yet the Black Family patriarch was hurt.
Resting his weight on his forearms briefly, Stevens slithered to the outside. Staggering forward, the miscreant dropped to a knee twice before the medical doctor caught him and inspected his injuries. Both men continued arguing inaudibly with each other unto the aide came to the doctor’s side. Landon garnered a hail of heel heat as he floored the medical expert with a unforgiving Right Hand before lurching over his assistant, ordering her to give him the gauze and alcohol. Splashing the bottle’s contents, Stevens grimaced angrily before promptly applying a fresh dressing over his wound. As the nurse tried to scurry away to higher ground, a panting Stevens inadvertently ripped her blouse off before screaming wildly around the ring posts and streaking toward the backstage area. Numerous catcalls were heard as Landon briefly used her shirt to pat his face dry before crawling back inside the ring. A Hard Stomp atop the ninja’s Head was heard before snatching him up into a Side Head Lock yet the ninja landed a quartet of measured Elbows to the Ribs. However, his challenger halted the comeback with another volley of Clubbing Forearms to the Back, followed by a Knee Lift and an abrupt Short Armed Clothesline. Taunting his prey from all fours, the Rising Star would snatch the champion up and drill him with a Falling Neck Breaker!
Still reeling from the impact, Landon pulled himself together to pass through the ropes and scale the nearest turnbuckle. Urging his enemy to crawl onward, Landon took flight and drilled the back of Eiji’s neck with a Flying Elbow Drop! The audience groaned as a chuckling Stevens rolled onto his side before making the Lateral Press...1! ...2! 2 ½! The annoyed challenger began talking to himself and nodding before applying a taunt Leg Scissors Lock on Eiji. The insulting dialogue would continue with the occasional slapping of his own thigh to apply more pressure. Referee Nguyen continued assessing the champion’s condition while constantly being warded off...
Absorbing the energy from the fans, the ninja gradually rolled himself onto all fours before executing a prompt Head Stand. Quickly pushing himself back to his feet, Eiji nearly decapitated his foe with a searing Buzzsaw Kick to the Jaw! The crowd roared as the challenger’s body stiffened while keeling over to his side. Eiji dropped down to a knee breifly before placing his rival into a Lotus Lock. The referee was on hand to question Landon’s ability to compete as he endured being stretched out. Shaking his head in rebuke, the Arizonian yelled back occasionally at the in ring official while flaring both fists at random....
The resilient challenger began to dig deep and flex his arms together toward breaking the hold yet the ninja methodically removed one foot and slammed his heel sternly against his rival’s skull. The audience groaned with each blow before Eiji made the transition into a Romero Surfboard Submission. Looking out into the crowd, Kugasari began to roll with the hold 3 times, applying pressure to Stevens’s extremities before suspending the screaming Landon in the air with a Textbook Surfboard Submission! The referee knelt beside the pair in order to address Stevens’s condition when Eiji grabbed his rival’s hair and snatched him into an Inverted Facelock variant of the Surfboard Submission! Arms flailing, the Arizonian desperately sought to ward off the urge to submit. Embittered by his challenger’s endurance, Eiji held onto his rival’s hair and began angrily clubbing Stevens across the chest & head with a hail of Clubbing Forearms before Landon was released. The strong style enthusiasts applauded both wrestlers as Landon landed with a thud face first and remained prostrate along the mat. Meanwhile, Eiji remained seated on his hind quarters with a hardened scowl in sheer frustration.
The reigning jOlt Champion swept his hair back before standing himself facing the nearby turnbuckle, holding onto the ropes for a few moments before stealing a glance back and leaping onto the top turnbuckles. Poised to make his move, Eiji waited for his opposition to drag himself back to a vertical base...
Embittered, Stevens reeled back harder as the referee threatened him with a 5 counts. Ignoring the referee’s warning, Ian Nguyen forcibly peeled him off the ninja. Stumbling away, Landon returned and got into the young referee’s face. Jawing angrily at him, Stevens garnered some major heel heat as he literally shoved the referee on his ass. However, the pissed off ref scrambled back to his feet and defiantly shoved the Heavyweight Championship challenger back several paces, garnering massive support from the crowd. A look of shock radiated from the Black Faction leader’s face who feigned surrender to the pissed off official while walking around him. Grabbing Eiji by the hair, the cerebral striker began battering his prey with measured Kicks & Strikes at his leisure. The ailing champion was stood up by a rising Kick to the Chest, leaning him back first against the turnbuckles before being draped onto them with a Turnbuckle Front Suplex! The audience vented their rebuke as Landon arrogantly taunted his rival with both hands full of Eiji’s hair before driving a sick Knee Strike to the ninja’s head!
The Arizonian allowed the motionless ninja to dangle lifelessly while slowly walking backwards with both palms held upward. The amassed rebuke poured on him unceasingly leading him to arrogantly extend both middle fingers to the masses. Walking back toward the dangling ninja, Stevens rested both hands on each knee and playfully mocked his opposition inaudibly before pulling the ninja’s head back up by the hair. Crimson began seeping freely from the ninja’s brow, urging Landon to smear it across his chest like makeshift ’war paint’ before slamming his head hard into the padding. Again he would walk backward to the opposing corner with his palms set upward and nodding before sprinting forward and driving both knees into the ninja’s exposed back! The Blood Raven’s body collapsed into a lifeless heap as a hyped Black Faction figurehead breifly slammed both fists into the canvas before standing erect and drawing a deliberate ’throat slashing’ gesture to mock both his opposition and detractors. Dragging the ninja to both knees, Landon began inaudibly mocking his rival before setting him in position...
Again, Stevens began openly protesting the referee’s count for several moments before angrily waving him off. Dragging the ninja up to both knees, the Rising Star had both hands of the ninja’s hair, adamantly screaming at him. The madness was radiating from him before the hail of Hard Punches battered the rocking champion. The Forearm Smashed were great in number and force before Stevens flattened the ninja with a Step Back Pump Kick to the Forehead. The pissed of challenger hooked the leg deeply...1! ...2! ...3!? The Blood Raven survived by shooting his shoulder off the mat. “GODDAMNIT!!!” exclaimed the ravenous Number 1 Contender who was angrily beating his fists into the mat before using a hardened Stomp to stand himself erect before hitting Eiji with a swift Scoop Slam. Seen scaling the nearest turnbuckles, the aerialist within came in full display as he carefully navigated the ring ropes with a Rope Walk toward the middle of the ropes. A quick glance was shot before extending both middle fingers to the crowd and soaring with a Phoenixrana for the kill...
Eiji shot both knees up, allowing his enemy to bounce violently off and collapse soundly nearby in a crumpled heap! Stevens was heard screaming in anguish was the ninja remain still, staring at the arena lights. Panting....
The Blood Raven was seen staggering back to his feet before collapsing along the ring ropes first as Landon was still lurched over on one knee. Teeth gnashing from the impact when Eiji stalked after the stumbling opposition...
A 2nd Rolling Step Over Toe Hold Throw made Landon woozy yet the vengeful ninja opened up with another salvo of Hard Punches to the Rising Star’s skull...
A 3rd similar attack left Stevens reeling as the ninja stood over his now crawling adversary. Eiji inaudibly screamed a brief rant in Japanese before adding further insult to injury on the crimson masked Landon...
A growing round of applause was heard as Eiji forcefully drove Landon’s face into the canvas with a calloused Curb Stomp! Resting both arms along the top tope, the ninja nodded to himself for a brief moment before dragging the nearly motionless Stevens away from the ropes and locking in one of his patented submission holds...
Both adrenaline and pain shot through the championship contender as he was screaming angrily while pawing his rival’s hands. A bleeding Eiji was driven mad while yelling at both the referee and his enemy as Nguyen adamantly conversed with Landon. The ailing Arizonian screamed and cursed both men while desperately dragging himself and Eiji closer toward the ropes, to much of the crowd’s delight. The urge to continue began to fade briefly before Eiji wrenched back to bring about a 2nd blood rush within Landon. Using both elbows, he would drag himself inches away from the ropes before earning the ring to be set free. However, consumed with rage, Eiji refused to let go before being pulled away by the referee. The audience booed the ref for doing his job when Kugasari sought to violently make a statement...
Another Curb Stomp only using the ropes for added leverage and punishment left Stevens prostrate along the canvas with a smeared trail of blood in his wake. The ninja set his hands on each hip briefly before grabbing Stevens by the tights and dumping him through the ropes to the outside to reformulate a winning strategy. Panting in place, Eiji partitioned with the masses to decide his rival’s fate. Signaling that the Blood Raven was ready to take flight, Eiji took another brief moment to play to the crowd before shooting toward the opposing ropes...
The entire stadium applauded as the impact left Eiji resting on all fours while a bloody landon remained sprawled out along the padded earth. Repetitive chants for the promotion led the ninja to reclaim his vertical base and blast his raising opposition with a stiff Kick across the Shoulder Blades! Landon stumbled and collapsed against the barricades before being slammed spine first against the ring apron with an Irish Whip! Landon gasped in sheer anguish as he collapsed along the floor with hubris beginning to set within the resurgent ninja. Snatching a drink from a willing fan’s hand, Eiji looked at his rival briefly before slamming it against his rising enemy’s forehead, humiliating him in the process. The ninja pointed longingly toward the ring post while holding his enemy’s arm before hurling him away with an Irish Whip. Stevens with a Reversal...
Camera Two witnessed the ninja careening against the floor head first after Landon’s Exploder Suplex slammed Eiji against the unforgiving Black Steel Pole!
The Arizonian antagonist patiently reset the ref’s count. Landon mockingly laughed at the referee who began a fresh count before centering his focus on watching Eiji struggle to reclaim his vertical base several times. Half of his face is covered with fresh crimson as he remained on all fours and slowly raised his head toward his enemy’s eyes. Another Hard Kick stood the ninja up to prop the leaning ninja against the erect post. Mocking measuring him up, the militant striker sandwiched the champion’s skull against it with a Hard High Kick to the Skull!!! Eij’s body collapsed into a seated posture. Head downcast with notable seepage running down his face...
A heaving Stevens lurched over his virtually comatose and profusely bleeding adversary and inaudibly and quietly taunting him. Holding his head back, he again extended his arms outward. Basking warmly within the swirling cauldron of heel heat. “YOU GOD DAMN RIGHT!” The Rising Star yelled back before dragging the motionless ninja along the ground and draping him along the ring apron. Seen walking up the ring steps, Landon panted to himself while casually walking along the ring apron A measured Ring Apron Elbow Drop only further raised the burning flames of heel heat as Landon briefly remained on all fours before dragging himself back to his feet, crawling back inside the ring before struggling to drag the motionless ninja a few paces in front of the turnbuckles of his choice. Extending his arms outward to taunt the masses, Stevens laughed to himself before scaling the turnbuckles. Scanning the horizon, Landon slowly stood himself erect before sailing into the air...
PHOENIX SPLASH by Landon Stevens!! Cover!!
Again, Landon overstepped his bounds by shoving Nguyen to the canvas. The rage could not be contained any further before the young referee scrambled back to his feet, in pursuit of retaliation. A hard Shove to the floor further garnered favor by the masses for the referee’s behalf as he continued yelling back at Stevens. Raising his hands to promote him seeing reason against his unwarranted actions, Landon began to plead his case to the ref before doubling him over with a hard Savate Kick to the Stomach. Taunting the ailing official who was desperately seeking to reclaim his footing, Stevens soon hoisted Ian Nguyen upward for all detractors to see...
Hovered over his prey, the insanity flowed readily as Landon soon grabbed the knocked out official and dumped him along the outside before noticing Referee Darius Underwood sprinting from the back. Stevens mockingly clapped his hands as the new referee slid inside the ring before arrogantly returning his focus onto the crawling champion. Stevens knelt down with a handful of the Blood Raven’s hair, instructing the referee to do his job before setting the ninja up to experience Nguyen’s similar fate...
NO! The ninja countered with a Sunset Flip Pin! ...1! ...2! NO! Stevens rolled to a backwards retreat against the nearby ropes and leveling Kugasari with a Seated Lariat! Cover! ...1! ...2! Kickout! The frustration increased within the Rising Star as he cast a cold stare at the referee before hurling Eiji away to the opposing corner with an Irish Whip & blasting him with a Running Turnbuckle Clothesline...
Landon rested his opposing Forearm against the ninja’s chest briefly....
This time, Stevens grabbed the champion’s hair and hauled off with a Right Hand to the Head...
A stern Forearm Shot to the Face....
The confident Stevens executed a slow Standing Arm Wringer before hurling him away with a Hammer Throw to the opposing turnbuckle yet Eiji fell into a seated posture, allowing Landon’s intentional High Knee to slam violently against the turnbuckle padding! Using the ropes, Kugasari quickly pulled himself back to his feet after the hobbling challenger before whipping him chest first into the corner. Landon staggered away backwards yet the ninja seized him, walked back into the corner before slamming him skull first with a Turnbuckle Reverse STO! The impact left Landon staggering backwards drunkenly as Eiji scrambled as fast as he could...
The recovering yet blood laden champion rested on his hands and knees for several moments before crawling after his enemy who was heading over toward the ring apron. Kugasari sought to head along the ring apron en route to the turnbuckles when Landon seized him by the hair. Eiji hauled off with a Right Hand. Stevens returned fire with e Right of his own and the legions responded in kind with each blow. The jeers rang out when Landon smashed the ninja across the brow when a retaliatory strike by the champion summoned deafening cheers before the Rising Star slammed his shoulder into the ninja’s midsection, knocking him airborne onto the ground below before the pair of announce tables. Working his way back to his feet, Stevens rested both hands on his knees while watching Eiji’s movements before shooting toward the opposing ropes. However, Landon’s Tope was violently cancelled out by the ninja’s desperation Leaping Bicycle Kick to the Skull!!! The masses cheered as the Black Family patriarch dangled lifelessly atop the middle ropes. Head resting against the ring apron as Eiji slowly recollected himself and drunkenly reentered the squared circle. Blood was beginning to pool around Landon’s brow...
Staggering wildly, the ninja dropped to a knee trying to make a sharp turn before reclaiming his footing. The masses clambered on as the ninja climbed onto the middle ropes and began inching his way closer to his battered rival. The jOlt Champion grabbed the bleeding Stevens by the hair, resting the back of his neck against the ropes. Straddling the back of his head along the top ropes, the crimson-faced ninja steadied himself before scissoring Stevens’s neck...
An inverted variant of the illegal maneuver left the challenger pawing the air as Eiji reared back for added pressure. Darius Underwood readily made his mandatory count until he was forced to tug and pry the ninja off of his rival. The champion landed chest first against the mat with Underwood giving him an earful when Stevens’s bloody body collapsed into a crumpled heap near the ropes. The Blood Raven seethed at the referee yet accidently knocked him down with a Back Elbow! The groggy ref was left holding his head as Eiji balled up his fists, cursed himself before taking a moment to recollecting himself in order to regain his footing and slowly walking back a few paces before reeling his bleeding challenger to groggily reclaim his footing. The audience cheered the pending conclusion of the match as Stevens dropped blood along the canvas staggering about before getting kicked in the abdomen. Eiji was heard grunting while hoisting Stevens up and spiking him into the mat with a Crossed Arm Power Bomb Pin! Eiji was adamantly yelling at Darius to crawl over in order to make the count...
The hail of stomps continued before the ninja fell backwards along the canvas. Darius Underwood was being aided by the ninja when the entire assembly was overheard booing angrily. The cameras focused on the arrival of the West Texas Terrorists making their way from the back and en route to the ring. Eiji ensured the referee was able to continue before returning his focus back onto Landon, quickly hooking the leg deeply....1! ...2! ...2 ½! The champion shot glances at each opposing ends of te ring where both Eli & Ezra were seen stalking along the outside of the ring. Fans were embittered by their arrival, tainting sacred grounds with their unwelcomed presence. Both siblings in civilian attire, Landon’s muscle would tease interference yet the champion began battering their leader with a barrage of Clubbing Forearms as Darius was staggering back to his feet. An Inverted Suplex by Eiji was a prelude to an violent Turnbuckle Assisted Falling Neck Breaker! Kugasari dragged Landon away from the ropes before hooking the legs deeply again...1! ...2! ....Ezra grabs the referee’s leg, saving Landon from defeat yet the referee is up and fighting with Ezra to keep him out of the ring. Eli slips inside the ring and rips the ninja off Stevens. Eiji Reverse Somersaults to his feet...
The reigning champion was literally turned inside out, collapsing chest first along the canvas while the crafty twin slid off the ring apron. The entire stadium maintained a massive tsunami of heel heat for the Black Faction as Eli was on the other side feigning innocense. Both men were arguing as the twin ordered the ref to do his job. Adorning a hardening crimson mask, Landon walked along on both hands and knees toward the fallen champion before draping his body over Eiji’s...
The Arizonian used the ring ropes to reclaim his footing before seizing and hoisting the ninja upward and drilling him against the opposing turnbuckle with a Running Release Turnbuckle Power Bomb! The impact left Eiji hanging upright via his Right Arm over the top ropes as the Rising Star slowly rose from all fours. Staggering backward, the challenger managed to lumber forward and deliver a High Knee to the champion’s head before casting him aside onto the canvas, slumping over the top turnbuckle to grant himself time to recover. Both twins continued offering their genuine support as the Blood Raven began clawing his way forward away from the corner. Having caught his breath, Landon dragged the ninja upward by his arm before hurling him away to the opposing corner with an Irish Whip. The Texas Twins were heard praising their leader as the groggy Stevens weakly slammed his fist against the canvas before he began reeling the champion in.
Eiji was seen hanging onto the ropes before stumbling forward with Landon running forward to deliver a Superman Punch....The Blood Raven countered out of nowhere with a Snap Standing Arm Drag, spiking the challenger soundly against the canvas! The impact prompted the groggy challenger to roll to his weakened base, leaning back first against the corner. A Running High Knee by Kugasari led the ninja to pull Stevens from the corner by his arm and belting him with a Spinning Back Hand! The blow bounced Landon chest first against the turnbuckle before staggering backward toward Eiji. Kugasari expediently spiked Landon into the mat with a Half Nelson Suplex! Both champion and challenger remained laying along the mat Along the outside, Eli was seen sprinting over toward the timekeeper’s table as Ezra again kept the referee preoccupied. Snatching the belt from the table, the twin hurdled the barricades dove into the ring and remained at the ready to crown the rising ninja with the Relentless Championship. Eiji leaned back while holding the ropes to stand himself erect, turned around yet ducked underneath the attack...Leaping Back Kick by the reigning jOlt Champion sent the twin staggering against the opposing corner! The masses cheered as the Relentless Championship bounced along the mat as Eli sought to regain his footing, The ninja vaulted off the each adjacent set of ropes...
Century Link Field erupted as the twin bounced skull first against the canvas soundly. Ezra scrambled over to his brother’s aid and dragged Eli’s lifeless body off the ring apron to the outside. Angrily cursing the ninja who was using the ropes to reclaim his footing. Anger set in as he sought to scramble back inside the ring when Kugasari blasted him with a Buzzsaw Kick across the Ear! The Twin tumbled off the ring apron yet this interference allowed Landon Stevens to blast the champion from behind with a Running Forearm, knocking the ninja onto the ring apron! The boo birds were back in full force as the opportunistic challenger grabbed the ninja lieutenant by the hair and began laying measured punches to his head. However, the champion began parrying attacks, wrestling control back into his favor. A loud Ear Box staggered the Black Faction leader backwards before dropping to a knee, left cradling his head. Meanwhile, the Blood Raven draped both arms over the top ropes to reclaim his bearings when Ezra returned and attempted a Single Armed Leg Sweep. However, Eiji held onto the top rope and executed an acrobatic Rope Flip back onto the ring apron. The maneuver wowed the crowd as Eiji managed to eventually kick his rival away onto the floor! Landon Stevens sought to capitalize with a Shoulder Block yet Eiji side stepped and blasted Stevens with a stiff Football Kick! A groggy Stevens was seized by the hair and fell prey to a Ring Rope Neck Snap!
The crowd were going nuts as Ezra grabbed Eiji by the arm, spun him about yet ate a Back Kick to the Head! The energized champion staggered waited for both twins to regain their footing before taking flight and flooring both men with a Vaulting Corkscrew Senton!!!
The reigning champion stumbled to regain his footing , leaning against the ring apron before pulling himself upward yet Landon Stevens’s blasted the ninja’s skull with a Running Punt Kick as he tried to pass through the ropes! The attack literally sucked the wind from the crowd’s sails as Landon grabbed the dangling ninja’s head again and drove a succession of Knees to the champion’s head before staggering backwards toward the adjacent ropes. Ignoring the smoldering heat brimming from the stands, the Black Faction leader climbed up the nearby turnbuckles to carefully sustain his balance as Eiji collapsed onto the canvas. Meticulously waiting for Eiji to try to regain his bearings before executing a brief Rope Walk forward....
The landing led Stevens to tumble over the fallen champion’s body as a fresh stain of crimson remained splattered along the impact area. The Blood Raven remained motionless as Landon was angrily clutching his ankle. The legions were emitting another fecal chant as many detractors were angrily clambering at the crafty opportunist who pushed himself in position to hook the leg deeply...

Darius Underwood was seen calling for the bell as a number of pro-Black Family supporters were heard cheering in certain sections of the crowd. The Rising Star released the ninja’s leg and remained back-first atop of his opposition as Ezra staggered back to his feet, adamantly shaking his twin before heading over to the time keepers position. Sliding back into the ring, Ezra happily presented the crown jewel of the promotion to its new bearer. Jaw agape, Landon hungrily snatched the belt away and cradled it with both arms......
Dean Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen....your winner of this contest, by way of pinfall, and.....NEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! JOLT WRESTLING HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION....OF THE WORLLLLDDDD!!!! He’s the ’RISING STAR’......LANDON!!!!! STEVENS!!!!!
The legions openly shared their rebuke of the unsettling ending as both Texans were openly cheerleading the acquisition of power within their faction’s grasp. Darius Underwood reluctantly reached out to raise the new champion’s arm when Stevens arrogantly shrugged his arm away and reached for the Relentless Championship, scaled the nearest turnbuckle and raised both belts outward to send the masses into an embittered frenzy. The inaudibly ranting and bravado were muted out by the ongoing crescendo of Red & Pearl pyrotechnics battering the Seattle Washington skies. A tattered mask of crimson was proudly adorned by the new King of jOlt Wrestling who was given the royal treatment of being hoisted on both twins shoulders to be paraded around the ring as angry spires of confetti led to an unwanted downpour upon the angry masses. A few rolls of toilet paper were cast over the top ropes to spite the new champion as Eiji was being attended to by Darius Underwood.
Landon made it a point to look over his shoulder and order the twins to put him down before all 3 were standing, staring at both Darius and Eiji. The referee noted the trio inching their way closer as the music abruptly stopped. Ordering the Black Faction to keep themselves at bay, the referee was unceremoniously seized and dumped through the ropes to the outside. The sore winner in Landon Stevens garnered a massive wave of heel heat as he ordered the Twins to start laying the boots on the dethroned ninja lieutenant...
Resting both hands on his knees, Stevens verbally mocked the battered ninja who was held up by both twins. Bleeding from his brow and groggy to no end. Landon cast both belt aside before snatching the ninja’s hair with both hands, taunting him mercilessly before crucifying him before an venomous mob beyond the barricades...

Landon Stevens continued to receive hatred from the crowd as he became the NEW jOlt World Heavyweight Champion. He was adding insult to injury after defeating Eiji Kugasari when…
The lights in the arena went out..
A purple hue fell over the ring.. Landon, Eli, and Ezra looked around as Eiji was still laid out in the middle of the ring.
Black feathers began to float down from the structure above the ring. The three of them looked around the stadium as the feathers rained down around them... sadly, they were going to need more than three as from all corners of the stadium.. they made their way down to the ring...
Jackson Cross
Machida Hood
Nate Quartermaine
Michael Donavan
Hype Champion, Sebastian Saje
They were the ones who banded together on the last episode of The Hype to deal with Shayne Anderson's assembled group of lackies.. but what were they doing here at Wrestlecade? Also, what was Michael Donavan doing there? Last we saw him, he left The Hype after losing to Sebastian Saje twice in the row, failing to capture the Hype Championship.
The nine of them hopped the railings and surrounded the ring. Raevynn went to the bottom of the entrance ramp and stood side by side with The Hype Champion, Sebastian Saje. All of them looked at Saje as he stood there staring into the ring at The Black Faction. The people were cheering them on as it looks as if they came to save Eiji Kugasari from the Faction.
Saje gave the nod
One by one they all climbed up onto the ring apron, surrounding the ring.. two on each side. They stepped into the ring as Landon, Eli, and Ezra split up and backed themselves into the corners. As soon as these eight men entered the ring, Landon, Eli and Ezra quickly slipped through the ropes and hit the ringside area.
Landon grabbed his newly won jOlt World Championship and hopped the railing, exiting through the crowd to boos. The eight men just stood there and then turned their attention to the fallen Eiji Kugasari.
Nate Quartermaine was the first to approach Eiji. He pulled him up to his feet and asked him if he was okay. Eiji nodded and patted Quartermaine on the chest.
"You sure you're okay?" asked Quartermaine.
Eiji nodded yes.
"Good.. we can fix that" said Quartermaine.
Eiji looked at him odd, but then...
Quartermaine with a massive lariat that turned Eiji inside out!!!!
Nate pulled him up to his feet and threw him toward Michael Donavan who doubled him over with a toe kick... He butterflied the arms and lifted Eiji up 3/4 of the way for a tiger bomb, but then snapped him back down to the canvas, spiking him on his head...
Donavan pulled Eiji up to his feet.. he was out cold it seemed. Donavan then whipped Eiji right into Seraph who grabbed him by the neck. He lifted Eiji up high into the air and sat out with the choke slam...
Seraph pulled a lifeless Eiji up to his feet. Sayber simply place Eiji into a front face lock and Seraph stepped back. Sayber lifted Eiji up for a vertical suplex, but then twisted and nailed a sideswipe brainbuster!!
Sayber pulled Eiji up who couldn't even stand.. he simply leaned against Sayber as Sebastian Saje entered the ring. The remaining seven parted as Saje walked right up to Eiji who was still leaning on Sayber. Saje nodded to Sayber and Sayber shoved Eiji right into Saje's direction. Saje leapt up and placed both of his knees right into Eiji's face, falling back and causing Eiji's face to free fall and smack into his knees...
Raevynn then entered the ring as Saje and Raevynn each placed a foot on Eiji and then kissed in the middle of the ring. Saje then looked at the other seven members of this group and gave them the nod once again.
Seraph hopped out of the ring and began to rip apart the American announce table. Sayber did the same to the Spanish announce table. Machida Hood and Jackson Cross grabbed some sections of the barricades with the jOlt Wrestlecade logo on them and started tossing them around the ringside area. Nate Quartermaine dismantled the ring steps, tossing them aside as well.
They then took their attention to the ring itself. They ripped the ring skirting off and even ripped a few turnbuckle pads off. The entire ringside area was being dismantled as Saje and Raevynn just stood there with their feet on Eiji, smiling the entire time.
Once the destruction of the ring and ringside area was complete, the seven of them gather at the bottom of the entrance ramp. Saje demanded one of the microphones. When one was handed to him at ringside, Saje demanded that the stagehand bring it into the ring and not make him walk over to get it. The stagehand slowly climbed in and brought the microphone to Saje who snagged it out of his hand. The stagehand then booked it as Saje grinned.
"Like the feathers that fall like rain, career will molt and new ones will take their place. Tonight, we will no longer be passed over… TONIGHT.. WE WILL NO LONGER BE HELD DOWN."
"Tonight... The Rebellion begins."
Saje dropped the microphone on the canvas. He and Raevynn leave the ring just as the crowd begins to cheer!
Ninja K!
The Inogami Clan has come down to avenge the fallen Eiji Kugasari! A massive clash hits at the bottom of the entrance ramp. It's three on nine, but they aren't letting those numbers deter them!
Thompson charges down into the huge brawl at the bottom, but plows through them rather than stopping to fight! Aran runs around the ringside area because he realized something during the destruction... Landon Stevens forgot to grab the Relentless Championship!!
Aran grabbed his Relentless title, reclaiming it! He then hopped the guard rail and took off with it through the crowd.
Meanwhile, at the bottom of the entrance ramp, The Inogami Clan is brawling with The Rebellion, but the numbers are starting to catch up to them, but then...
Mike Extreme!
Bane Loneheart!
Sepiroth Du Luc!
Scenes from the past.. scenes of The Backbone.. come running down and bring the numbers closer to even! The brawl spills around to the destroyed ringside area! It's seven on nine now! The numbers seem a bit better now!
Heido and Seraph battle near the bottom of the ramp, but Serpah drove Heido's back into the corner of the barricades where it makes a 90 degree turn. While Heido is stunned Seraph grabbed him by the neck and in a massive display of power...
Seraph stood and then pulled Mike Extreme off of Sayber which allowed Sayber to swiftly kick Extreme between the legs, doubling him over. Seraph then threw Mike Extreme into Heido, but then REno Davis broke away from Sebastian Saje and hit a lariat on Sayber from behind, causing him to fall face first into the floor!!
Seraph then grabbed Reno by the neck, but Reno kicked Serpah in the shin, breaking the hold. Reno Davis turned around and...
Saje dropped Reno right there at the base of the ramp. In the ring, Bane Loneheart was brawling Michael Donavan. Donavan whipped Loneheart to the ropes, but Loneheart ducked a clothesline and then continued the momentum leaping to the outside...
Loneheart took out Saje and Seraph!! Donavan was about to step out of the ring, but he felt a tug on his leg...
He was doing his best to try and prevent Donavan from exiting the ring, but Donavan knew that Eiji was in no condition to do anything, but he was going to make sure of it once and for all. He grabbed Eiji and pulled him up to his feet, but he didn't see Ninja K climb up on the ring apron and grab the top rope...
Donavan goes down and rolls out of the ring. Ninja K helped Eiji to his feet and checked on him, but then Jackson Cross and Machida Hood slid into the ring. Ninja K turned and immediately brawled with Jackson Cross. Eiji, still badly damaged, tried to battle with Machida Hood, but it wasn't just going to happen as Eiji went down with one punch. Ninja K turned and went for a Super Kick on Hood, but Cross grabbed Ninja K by the shoulder and spun him around before he could get the kick off.
Ninja K went down, but he fought and got back to his feet. Cross shoved Ninja K forward as Hood charged in and nailed the STO across his knee...
Takeshi was being double teamed on the outside by Nate Quartermaine and Sayber who regained his composure. Sephiroth Du Luc then jumped in and joined in, but Raevynn leapt onto Du Luc's back.. but that was enough to bring her out...
The other half of Total Conquest came running out. She ran right up to Raevynn and pulled her off of Du Luc's back and then bitch slapped her across the face!! Raevynn screamed and then turned and slapped Persephone back. She then quickly grabbed Persephone and sent her shoulder first right into the ring post where she collapsed in a heap. Du Luc went to grab Raevynn, but Sebastian Saje leapt onto the ring steps and flew at Du Luc, taking him down with a flying forearm shot, saving Raevynn!
Heido and Titan tried to make it back to their feet, but Cross and Hood slid out of the ring and made sure they stayed down. Meanwhile Sayber, Saje, and Quartermaine triple teamed Takeshi and threw him into the rubble of the Spanish Announce Table.
Many came out, but even when it was even numbers, The Rebellion survived. The nine of them assembled at the bottom of the entrance ramp and surveyed the damage..
Nine jolt superstars.. Reno Davis, Takeshi, Heido, Eiji Kugasari, Ninja K, Persephone, Sephiroth Du Luc, Mike Extreme, Bane Loneheart... all fell before this new force.
As The Rebellion stood tall at the bottom of the entrance ramp, the final scene of Wrestlecade was a panoramic shot of a destroyed ring and ringside area and bodies everywhere.
The Rebellion had arrived.
They sought attention.
Mission accomplished as all eyes were now on them.
Fade to black.