
DawnCast: Phoenix
With only moments to go until the Glory supershow, we meet up with Dawn Cassidy who is standing in front of a wall emblazoned with jOlt logos and the emblem for the Glory supershow. In this edition of the DawnCast she is joined by none other then one of the most hated men in jOlt, at the moment, none other then Phoenix.
Dawn Cassidy: Welcome everyone to this, the second DawnCast of the Countdown to Glo—
It was at that moment, that the man in black and gold (also adorned in a sleeveless HEAT t-shirt) snatched the microphone away from his interviewer.
Phoenix: That’s quite enough. You’ll speak when I’m ready for you to speak, Miss Cassidy, understood.
Dawn was not at all happy.
Cassidy: Now listen here, I have fought to be a respected interviewer ever since I started doing the job for Legacy of Champions—
Phoenix: Which was your first mistake. Following the Legacy children here to begin with. Now do your job, or we’re through here.
Cassidy: … You’ve been a controversial figure as of late, at first befriending the jOlt Champion and then becoming openly combative towards him, seemingly ending Wippit Guud’s career in the process. Along with Kenjiro Ito you even stole the Glory Grand Prix. Why?
Phoenix: Because I can. Next question.
Cassidy: Um, right. You must have heard the news on Kenjiro Ito’s injuries. Due to the damage sustained in his fight against Sylo on Warriors, he’ll be out of your scheduled match against Ninja K… possibly even gone until the next supershow. What are your thoughts?
Phoenix: That Sylo is once again showing just how harmful he is to Jolt. Men like Broken show, with respect for the man who broke his back, what the rest of this organization and the fans within it are feeling… classic Stockholm Syndrome. It’s disheartening that he now holds the four iterations of Jolt’s top prize… because he clearly prizes his bastard Legacy the most. So it’s ironic that in removing Ito was the equation, giving in to his and the fan’s blood lust… that he assisted the last man that he truly defeated for that Legacy, Ninja K.
Cassidy: You aren't worried about facing Ninja K alone?
Phoenix: Worried? haha, I welcome it. I will never run from a fight, I will only offer misdirection. Retreating won't be an act of cowardice. It will be another example of outmaneuvering my opponent. Just as I did with One Eye, with Wippit Guud… and with Ninja K once already.
Phoenix centered himself in the frame, pushing Dawn further to the side of the frame.
Phoenix: But at Glory against Ninja K? I won't run. He'll be lucky to SURVIVE me, let alone win. You see, everything I've done has been part of a larger plan. The war I have been bringing to jOlt since I first set foot inside these walls are nothing but a form of rebirth. I say the word, and the word spreads like a cancer across this organization that thinks of itself as thunder and lighting but is nothing but a retarded legacy.
Cassidy: You keep saying legacy…
Phoenix: Because they won’t let you forget it. They won’t let you be free. The Legacy of Champions was a failed experiment. It was a horse beaten to death until there was nothing left but horseshit and glue. The problem being is that glue is currently holding jOlt together at the seams, and it reeks of horseshit. The Flyweight Championship with its dead division? It never had a place in jOlt, which is why it’s champion and his family need to be freed from jOlt! At least the jOlt Tag Team titles hold within themselves some integrity and respect, and have within it a division derived from jOlt’s past and holding within it a new FUTURE for jOlt, unhindered of any past Legacy. The Relentless and Underground Champions, however? Bastardized versions of an old homes bad ideas. What do you get from the Crown of the Underground? Unneccessary pain and mental deress. It’s what brought down the Asylum! What do you get from the Relentless’s Sword of legend? Assinine fools fighting over something that they have no idea the power and potential of because it was NEVER USED CORRECTLY IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Cassidy: You even spoke to current Relentless Champion Reno Davis however about…
Phoenix: I know what I told him. Kill Sylo. Will he? No. He’s too busy with the Backbone. A group of men who at least have the right idea. They just aren’t going far enough with it. You know why I hate the Arena of Champions so much. Ask me.
Cassidy: Why do you hate the Arena of Champions so much?
Phoenix: It isn’t freedom, it’s a place of the dead filled with old ghosts. A graveyard. A monument of failure that simply houses a different logo, but holds within it the same old talent save for the select few such as myself. The Sylos with there old adornments, the Derechos with there lost souls and perceived power, and the Ninja Ks hoping to return home to a world that was never theirs to begin with… but they make these MUTANTS in the crowd think they are, because jOlt foolishly went to Orlando, Florida as opposed to finding FREEDOM of its OWN.
Cassidy: We’re running out of time.
Phoenix: No matter, I’ll be seeing Ninja K shortly… and then he will be free because of me. Soon enough, they will ALL be FREE because of ME. No longer conforming to the same old ideas, no longer enemies of growth! 