
A Bolt of Knowledge
» The Relentless Championship was introduced to the Legacy of Champions in 2005 by Black Tom Williams. A tournament was immediately held that saw Ray Chavez become the first person to hold the title by beating out Ryan Billows, Max Hopper, and five other competitors.
» Ray Chavez's Relentless Stipulation was that every time he defended the championship it would be with the aid of Penance in a handicap match. Other Relentless Stipulations have included: representatives, challenger's choice, the "free bird" rule, and Max Hopper's infamous Softcore Rules.
» The Relentless Championship has had eight different holders, six during it's time in LoC and now two in jOlt with The Nashvillain and Reno Davis.
» Derecho holds the record for shortest title reign, having cashed in his Relentless title shot the very same night he won the belt. He is also the only man in the history of the Relentless Championship to cash in the guaranteed shot and successfully win a major title, taking the Underground Championship from Suicide on LoC's final show before the transition to jOlt.
» Out of the eight Relentless Champions, only three have ever cashed in the Relentless title shot before their reign as champion was over.
»Now that the Relentless Championship is property of jOlt, the Relentless title shot has changed slightly. Should a campion use his or her title shot they also forfeit the Relentless Championship in the process, regardless of the outcome of the match.

Quotes of the Month
"I’m wishing you luck, because whether Derecho wins tonight or not, there’s already going to be another #1 contender in place in just a few minutes. In tonight’s opening match it will be Kenjiro Ito versus Ninja K versus Phoenix versus Wippit Guud... with the first fall to the finish deciding who truly walked away from Divide & Conquer as the #1 contender to the jOlt Championship!" - iNtense 60: Damien Lee.
"We've been telling this place from the beginning that when you want to make tag team wrestling at its best, you get us! Jolt reached out to us and just like always, we delivered! And it doesn't matter who you set against us, you've seen the results. Fueled by Ignorance – former jOlt Tag Team Champions, might I add – thought they could beat us and we sent them into a spiral of biting, and fighting not seen since Itchy and Scratchy. The RingRats were good and have a little bit of talent, but at the end of the day, you don't send Little Leaguers to try and outshine Babe Ruth. Sweet Sweet Lovin... please. And Team VIAGRA... funny that you still call yourselves that because your careers have been limp for YEARS. Not even you guys and everything you did in tag team wrestling... what, twenty years ago? None of that compares to what we've done and who we are now!" - iNtense 60: Frank Silver.
"I told you all that come Divide and Conquer that I would beat Derecho, and while it may not have been a win that would go down in the record book; it was a win in the grander scheme of things to come. I did not want that Underground Championship, I wanted to prove a point, the point that the self-proclaimed King of the Underground has been lying to you all from day one." - Warriors 05: Citizen.
"You’re a man, Nashvillain, who has held a shot to the jOlt Championship that you’ve never used, and a shot at the Underground Championship that you never fought for" - Warriors 05: Reno Davis.
"Starting tonight, and continuing for the next three weeks the four finalist of Divide & Conquer will all be competing in a series of matches against one another, ending with something special at GLORY. " - iNtense 61: Damien Lee.
"Even now, I suspect that the self-professed ‘King’ of this promotion is listening very intently to what I have to say. I’ve spent five years away from the very craft I hold dear in preparation for my return...However, in all respects, I no longer possess that impetuous spirit that proved costly in years past. What I have to express to him, I shall take the liberty of delivering myself - personally." - iNtense 61: Ninja K.
"Don’t worry fat man, I’m not going to do anything to you. To be honest, I just came in here for a cup a Joe. Then I heard you talking to yourself and figured I’d just listen in to see if you had lost your mind. Wasn’t it a treat when I heard about the real reason Ray Chavez is in jOlt. So, this whole plan is just to line your own pockets?" - Warriors 06: Jason Rau to Keith Kane.
"Nope, not even close. He paid way less than that. Next time don't ask me to write down a number." - Warriors 06: Rune Winters to Sylo.
"How can I put this? I think ... I think you owe me, Damien. After the suspension and having to forfeit my Underground Tournament match, I think I deserve ... I dunno, man, something." - Warriors 06: Adam Lazarus.
"If I'm here distracting you ... what do you think everyone else is doing?" - iNtense 62: Chris Titan to Rune Winters.
"Eaten alive. My father was eaten alive by a fat man in a lobster hat, obviously mocking the thousands upon thousands of mollusks who gave their lives in the Great Lobster War of 1834. And for what purpose? To be digested in the hideous bowels of a sadist. And possibly pooped out. However, I have made my peace with the human race. It was because of these tragedies that shaped me into the clam-like athlete that I am today. Just after my father's death, I worked out harder, ate plenty of protein shakes, and grew to be the biggest shellfish in the world." - iNtense 62: Mussel Muscles.
"All of you ... ENOUGH! Stop it! I have had enough of this! These complete and utter breakdowns have crossed the line! You have all crossed the line! As of right now, I am calling off this match tonight! There will be no points awarded to any of you! As a matter of fact, you can all take the night off and figure out where your heads are! You have an opportunity to get a chance at that man's jOlt Championship!" - Warriors 07: Damien Lee.
"This is different. I take out Titan and it just proves their point. You have to get one of their own to do it." - Warriors 07: Rune Winters.
"TWEET THAT, BITCH!" - Warriors 07: Sylo to Frank Silver.
"Why would we attack Wippit Guud? Oh no, Lee, that's not us. That's just someone who tipped us off on where to find Rune Winters back here. You know, kinda like how Register tipped this mean bastard on where to find me so many weeks ago? I assure you, Lee, the Backbone has nothing to do with Wippit Guud's attack. I can tell you, though, that the promised to put him on the shelf for a very long time. So you might want to try and find him before he winds up a cripple." - iNtense 63: Chris Titan.
"I knew you hated the idea… but didn’t it pay off? Didn’t the look on the faces of THESE PEOPLE make it all worth while?! Your blood made my crowd-surfing possible! I could hardly believe it myself, how much you fools have been eating out of my hand since my arrival so… you worked with me perfectly." - iNtense 63: Phoenix.
"You might’ve gone up against your fair share of opponents that have taken you from pillar to pillar and came out the victor on several different occasions in your career. But I can promise you this, you haven’t ever had to deal with a man so damned motivated to achieve a goal that he was named after the championship that literally rewards the motivated." - Warriors 08: Aran Thompson.
"At Glory I will put my mask on the line in our match. If you beat me, then you can have my mask, and you can see what lies beneath it. If I win though, the mask stays with me and your Underground championship comes along with it as well." - Warriors 08: Citizen.
"“Fine. I know you’re just trying to save face but know this, eventually I’ll get them, the whole group, I’ll get Phoenix, I’ll get SVJ, and I sure as fuck will get the Backbone and break them." - Warriors 08: Sylo.

Tweet of the Month
Vince Jacobs
Its a dog eat dog world and the bitch had on milk bone granny panties. Oh and trust me Sylo you fucked with the wrong man.
