
Trouble vs Graham Youngblood & Sweet Sweet Lovin

For weeks, the group known as Trouble had been quietly causing chaos among the roster. They were tired of not being noticed in favor of other teams, other stars, and other collections of talent so they decided that it was time to Owen Hart that shit… enough is enough and it was time for a change. The group – led by the power-hungry Duzza - have attacked various members of the jOlt roster and were starting to gain some traction as a force to be reckoned with.
In the last week, “Mr. Big Time” Dallas Griffin had exchanged wins with his former tag partner and friend, Graham Youngblood. A post-match attack on Warriors has led to this… Duzza has united his group of Statuz Quo, Khadafi, and Dallas Griffin and they would take on Graham Youngblood and the former Tag Team Champions of Sweet Sweet Lovin. Let’s kick that shit to ringside and go to ringside in this Rise to the Legends Kick off match!
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Rodney Carrington said, “the following contest is our special Rise TO The Rise of The Legends Kick-off match! This match is a six-man tag team match and is scheduled for one fall!”
“Serial Killa” by Snoop Dogg.
The familiar red-and-blue imitation police sirens went off at the entrance and the sirens started to sound loudly among the intro of the music. The Arena of Champions showed their hatred of the troublemaking trio heading out to the ring. Statuz Quo adjusted his bandanas. Next to him, Khadafi was cracking his neck and throwing a few punches to warm up. The arrogant Dallas Griffin held out his arms and rubbed chalk between his palms before he let the chalk loose into the sky! If his good friend, LeBron, could do it, he could make that shit look better!
“Introducing first, being led to the ring by Duzza… they are the team of Statuz Quo… Khadafi… and Dallas Griffin… they are the group known as TROUBLE!
“Ho-ho-ho-ho-hold the fuck up!” Duzza shouted as the music faded out quickly. The crowd was all fired up and they didn’t like the group one bit. Statuz Quo flipped the crowd the bird as Griffin held his hands out like the crowd would accept him. Khadafi was indifferent to their hatred and cracked his knuckles.
“You can call this the Kick-off, the Wank-off, the pre-show, whatever you want. But wherever Duzza and Trouble go… THIS is the new A-show right here!”
Quo and Griffin dapped fists with the announcement proudly and nodded with his proclamations while Khadafi continued to focus on the ring. The crowd continued booing while Duzza pressed on with his tirade.
“Graham Youngblood is a fucking hack! I don’t care if he had a lucky penny, a horseshoe, a rabbit’s foot and bag of four-leaf clovers lodged in his asshole… he was fucking LUCKY that he scored that little victory on Warriors. My boy D is the FUTURE of this fucking company! Ain’t nobody got hops like him and ain’t nobody gonna touch the shit in the ring he can do! Tonight, I’m welcoming all of you to the Big Time!”
“That’s right! Lap it up, motherfuckers!” Griffin proudly yelled to the masses.
“And he thinks that just because he has Sweet Sweet Lovin backing him up that he stands a chance tonight? That fat poser Sam Sweet and that Afro Thunder bitch, Lennox Love ain’t shit. Quo and Khadafi have their number! You have the A-Town Assassin and the Hawaiian Headhunter up in this bitch! Fellas… let’s handle our business.”
“Serial Killa” resumed and the group known simply as Trouble swarmed the ring one man at a time. The tall and athletic Griffin hopped the ropes while Quo and Khadafi each took a turnbuckle to pose for the crowd. Quo dropped the A-Town symbol while the Hawaiian Headhunter Khadafi had his arms folded, ready to take somebody’s head off.
“Riptide” by Sick Puppies.
The music played and the lights swirled around in shades of green for the high-octane, high-risk grappler called Graham Youngblood! He hadn’t been seen in a few weeks as he was off taking a brief tour of Japan, but now that he was back in jOlt, he was ready for a fight.
“First, making his way to the ring from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 225 pounds… this is GRAHAM YOUNGBLOOD!”
He ran full speed towards the ring and continued his sprint before stopping just short of the ring and waited for his tag partners. As much as he wanted some payback on the members of Trouble for jumping him after his victory over Graham Youngblood, he wasn’t a stupid man about to jump into a ring full of brutes.
“Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith.
When the music hit, the lights began to swirl in shades of yellow and green for the team coming out first! The portly, but fun-loving Sam Sweet and his tag team partner, the afro samurai himself, Lennox Love!
“The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 554 pounds, being accompanied by Jon Katz, Jr… Sam Sweet and Lennox Love… SWEET SWEET LOVIN!”
Former jOlt Tag Team Champions, they were. And they were looking to get a win to inch them closer to the new tag team champions in the future. Sweet and Love hit the ring and they were ready for a fight.
Graham Youngblood was going to start things off in the ring with “Mr. Big Time” Dallas Griffin himself, the two men that have been at odds in the last week. The flashy grappler from Texas walked towards Graham and laughed in the high flyer’s face as he tried to get into a defensive stance.
“You were a bitch when we beat you on Warriors, and you’re a bitch now!”
Did Youngblood have a retort? Oh, yeah.
Dallas had the tasted slapped right out of his mouth by Graham and the rainbow-haired high flyer landed seom hard thigh kicks to the bigger wrestler. He gave up half a foot to Griffin, but that didn’t stop him as he threw some hard Forearm Smashes right into the face of Griffin in the corner. He landed a couple good shots to the face and even jumped the buckles before firing down the shots.
“Talk some shit now, asshole!” he shouted at Griffin as Mr. Big Time fell to his knees after the clobbering he took from Youngblood. The Boston native continued to tee off on Mr. Big Time with some hard Forearm Smashes to the face to back him against the ropes. He tried a whip only for Dallas to reverse it. He ducked down looking for a Back Body Drop when he kicked him in the face, sending him scramling back to the ropes before he came off with a Leg Lariat to finally get the big man down!
The crowd loved them some Graham Youngblood and the never-say-die grappler picked him up and tagged into big Sam Sweet. The Candy Man jumped into the ring and connected with a big series of jabs to the face of Griffin before he threw him across the ring and connected with a Discus Punch!
Griffin was down and when Quo tried coming into the ring he was caught by Sam Sweet and taken down with a Fallaway Slam! When Khadafi tried coming to the aid of his tag team partners, Lennox Love came off the top rope with a Springboard Flying Forearm to the face!
All three men were down on the outside now and Graham and Lennox had the crowd on their feet. The two high flyers nodded at one another before they flew off the ropes…
The crowd was going nuts for the action as Lennox Love and Graham Youngblood took the fight to Trouble and took all three members out on the floor! Jon Katz Jr flashed a cheesy grin across the ring to an angry Duzza as he stomped his feet at ringside, almost ready to break his sunglasses in half.
Sam Sweet started to climb on the ring apron. He looked once to the crowd and then onced to the pile of bodies at ringside. He then shrugged as Trouble started to get up…
To all three members of Trouble! The big 332-pound Sam Sweet jumped off the ring apron and landed on all three members of the stable. Lennox and Graham helped him to his feet and the trio were given a nice pop from the crowd. Sam Sweet grabbed Dallas Griffin and tossed him back into the ring so they could finish this.
With Griffin now trapped in the corner of the good guys, he made the tag over to Lennox Love. He scooped up Mr. Big Time and dropped the athletic Texan to the ground with a Scoop Slam. He then picked up Lennox Love and Scoop Slammed him down onto Griffin! Griffin cringed in pain while Lennox went for the first cover.
Griffin kicked out at two. Mr. Big Time was being taken to task now by Lennox Love who teed off with a series of chops the bigger man. Dallas pushed him away into the ropes when Khadafi crept behind him and stunned him with a knee to the back. When Lennox was stumbling off the ropes Dallas came at him and kicked the UCK-FAY out of him with a Spin Kick!
The 6’7” was a real blue chipper and show it with impressive moves just like that. Duzza was proud to have him on his side. Duzza clapped and cheered for his boy before tagging in Statuz Quo. The arrogant A-Towner headed into the ring while Lennox started to rise only to dance around him with a series of jabs to the face.
“Come on, queer, get up!”
Three more jabs caught Lennox flush in the face before Quo hit the ropes and blasted him with a Running Back Elbow off the rebound. Quo didn’t go for the cover but instead he flashed the A-Town symbol to the angry Floridians and laughed. Back to Lennox and The Love Machine ate a knee before he was thrown into the corner where Khadafi tagged in. The two men whipped him to the ropes when Quo buried a kneeling punch to his gut. Khadafi came off the other side of the ring and CLOBBERED him with a Stiff Running Knee Lift! Love was down when Khadafi went for the cover again.
Khadafi said nothing like his more talkative counterparts of Trouble. He kneeled over the chest of Lennox Love and instead let fly a barrage of Headbutts aimed at the face and chest of The Love Machine. Referee Simon Boulder ordered him to stop but he did no such thing until he was ready to do it.
The Hawaiian Headhunter forced Lennox to his feet when the former Tag Team Champion caught him with a couple rights to try and fight back. Khadafi blocked a punch and FLOORED him with another surprise Stiff Headbutt to the temple that brought him down to a knee. Another tag was made to Dallas Griffin as he jumped over the ropes in a single leap. Khadafi whipped him to the corner and landed a vicious Corner Clothesline. Love slumped over and fell into the waiting arms of Dallas Griffin who came at him with a series of Turnbuckle Shoulder Thrusts.
“Get him! Show jOlt what Big Time really is!” Duzza screamed boisterously.
Griffin nodded and picked up Love before he powered him up for a Delayed Vertical Suplex… he held it… held it… held it… yep, he held it some more… CRASH! Love hit the mat again with a violent crash while Dallas showed off his agility by kipping to his feet! Mr. Big Time rubbed his hands through his dreads and grinned at the booing crowd. Graham and Sam each watched on as Dallas rolled over and kicked Love near the ropes. Mr. Big Time grabbed the ropes for leverage and jumped over, landing a perfect Slingshot Leg Drop! An amazing move from the big man as he went for the lateral press.
Perhaps a little too much showing off from Mr. Big Time, but he didn’t care. He was finally starting to show a lot of that potential that a lot of critics had expected of him with some good wins recently.
He grabbed two handfuls of Lennox’s afro before chucking him backwards into the corner. Another tag to Quo and the members of Trouble showed some more teamwork. Lennox and Quo whipped The Love Machine across the ring and he was caught with a double Jumping Shoulder Tackle!
The crowd booed Trouble as Quo and Dallas tapped fists together again before Dallas left the ring. Quo rolled Lennox over and headed off the ropes…
The Jumping Double Foot Stomp aimed at the face! Lennox shouted in pain and rolled across the canvas while Statuz leaned over the second rope and flipped the crowd the double deuces. Another cover followed.
Youngblood and Sweet were getting restless now as they tried desperately to get at Lennox for the tag, but Trouble were working very well as a unit and cutting the ring in half. Statuz tagged Khadafi again and he quickly picked Lennox up again. Love caught him unaware with a Seated Jawbreaker, stunning him. With what might have been his last gas, Khadafi held his chin while Love tried getting to his partners… the crowd almost cheered when Quo raced out of nowhere to land a cheap shot on Graham!
“Get the hell out of the ring now or I’ll DQ your ass!” Simon Boulder commanded. Quo had overstepped his bounds but he did it to save his team.
Trouble was running things and Duzza couldn’t have been more proud. Khadafi headed back to Lennox in the skirmish and dropped a hard elbow into the back of his head. When Love tried to stand, a sick Back Kick from Khadafi caught him in the stomach and brought him back to a knee. He followed that up with a DEVASTATING Running Big Boot that nearly turned him inside out! Khadafi was all fired up and the Hawaiian Headhunter tried to put an end to things.
Sweet saved his tag partner by breaking up the cover when Simon ordered him out of the ring. Khadafi slashed a thumb across his neck to tell the crowd what he was going for next . He hooked him by the neck and was intent on ending things with his Inverted Overdrive finisher he called Break Ya Neck. He set up him, but Lennox started to valiantly fight his way out with some elbows to the leg. Khadafi flinched…
The Spinning Roundhouse Kick caught Khadafi flush in the face and he fell to the canvas in a heap! It was a great move on Love’s part, but now The Love Machine needed to get to the corner. He rolled over to his corner and slowly tried to get to his friends. Youngblood was back on the apron and was ready to settle things. On the other side of the ring the groggy Khadafi was over… TAG TO QUO!
The Boston native jumped over the ropes and ducked an oncoming Clothesline to come back of the ropes with a Flying Clothesline of his own! When Quo tried to stand up again, Graham came back and landed a big time Spinning Lariat that floored the A-Town Assassin!
Youngblood was working on some new moves in his arsenal by the week and kept the hits coming with another big move. The second that Quo tried to stand up again, Youngblood stopped him in his tracks with an Inverted Atomic Drop. With Statuz stunned he hit the ropes and caught him with a lightning fast Jumping Neckbreaker!
The crowd was loving the lightning-fast Boston native and the rainbow-haired grappler was ready to finish things. He waited for the shaky Quo to get to his knee when he headed to the ropes for some momentum…
No clever name for it, really, but Youngblood had fired off one of his signature moves! He stayed on top of Statuz Quo and hooked both legs.
Mr. Big Time saved things for his team with an elbow to the back of his former partnerr’s head! Sam Sweet had seen enough and came into the ring to charged at Dallas Griffin. He clobbered the young gun with several big rights to stun him against the ropes. Sweet returned to the corner where Graham made the tag to the big man.
Sam Sweet hit the ring and positioned the crowd while Quo remained on the ground. He picked up Quo and splashed him into the corner with a big Corner Clothesline! Quo was still stunned when he was whipped cross-corner followed up with Body Splash by Sweet called the SWEET AND SOUR!
Quo was very much out on his feet when Sam Sweet started to get ready for something big. He set Quo up on the ropes. On the outside, Graham saw Dallas Griffin trying to get into the ring. He jumped over the ropes looking for a Plancha, but Dallas moved and sent him crashing into the mat outside!
Sweet was setting up a Superplex when Khadafi headed into the ring to save his cohort. Sam elbowed the Hawaiian Headhunter for his troubles when Khadafi went to the eyes and clawed away at them! Sweet was hurt now when Quo steadily jumped back into the ring. Quo and Khadafi each took a position…
A Legsweep by Khadafi punctuated with a Running Clothesline by Quo caught Sam Sweet flushed and knocked him off the ring apron! Statuz Quo was still hurt from the beatdown so he rolled over into the corner and Dallas Griffin was ready to finish things. He started to ascend the top rope while Sam Sweet was down. With an arrogant grin on his face he balanced himself on the top rope…
Incredible height of a picture-perfect Top Rope Elbow Drop from Dallas Griffin! He hooked the leg of Sam Sweet and hooked the leg.

The crowd booed! Trouble had pulled out an amazing victory here tonight and haven’t looked as good as they do now! The Rise to the Rise of the Legends match ended with Trouble having their collective arms raised!
“Here are your winners… Statuz Quo, Khadafi, and Dallas Griffin… TROUBLE!”
Griffin, Quo, and Khadafi were joined by Duzza in the ring and the evil foursome raised one another’s arms in victory. Jon Katz Jr shook his head with disappointment as Sweet Sweet Lovin and Graham Youngblood left to lick their wounds. A paramount victory tonight for Trouble would most definitely lead to bigger and better things for this group.
We hope you enjoyed The Rise TO the Rise of The Legends!
Order this show now, a-holes!
Winner: Trouble via Pinfall
