A Thin Line
”Vicarious” by Tool siphoned the amassed lighting away while injecting the masses with a sense of renewed vigor. The barrage of strobe lighting pierced through the creeping overcast, emitted from Exit 117 H. The acoustic up tick slowly urged the lighting to gradually ascend to their full luminescence as jOlt’s reigning Underground Champion stood brazen before an adamant republic. A light scowl amidst scanning the horizon was given before Kenshiro Inogami made his descent toward the squared circle. Bearing the hues of predominantly Pearl, Obsidian & Gold, the ninja cleared the barricades and stood at the apex of the ring steps to casually stare out into the stands. The Inogami Clan leader would pass through the ropes before taking the microphone handed to him. Holding the championship in his left hand and mic in his right, Ninja popped the bones in his neck on each side before addressing the masses.
“In one week, I await the arrival of my opponent.” Kenshiro mentioned. “A man warmly adored by the masses. The incomparable winner of the Open Season contest and esteemed leader of this Softcore Saints movement...The very individual that I am calling forward to personally address inside this ring...”
’Less Talk More Rokk’ (Kayden P. Remix) by Freezepop
The musical build up further amped up the masses as Kayden Paulton proudly appeared before the masses. Staring out from each end of the entrance staging area, Paulton would eventually make his way down to the squared circle. Warmly interacting with fans, the Alabama native rounded the ring with the champion patiently holding firm. Several moments passed as Paulton thanks the sound guy for the microphone before passing through the ropes. The ninja raised his index finger upward to mute out the challenger. In hindsight, Kenshiro gave pause as the legions boldly chanted the Number One Contender’s name. Cameras Nine and Eighteen traded perspectives of the cheering sections of pro-Paulton crowd, donning Majestic Purple or Cotton Candy Pink & Black The champion slowly surveyed the stands and faintly nodded in response before clearing his throat.
“Without question, Kayden you have rightfully earned the opportunity to contend for this belt. His humility is admirable as his wrestling acumen will make him an welcomed challenge when we meet. However, I strongly question your rational and full understanding as what you are committing yourself to.”
An unfavorable response began to resonate within the stands in response. Paulton rested his hands on his hips to listen further.
“My concern is not of hyour movement for that is the bold reflection of your beliefs. Your ambition and vision. The public’s commitment and support of you and what you stand for are both refreshing as they are needed. However, I find myself slightly annoyed as to what must come in the defense of this very prize. For quite some time, there have been longstanding rumors. Myths and fears cast to both challengers and champions of this very belt and I stand before you, Kayden...all in hopes that you heed everything that I have to say in this public address; Kayden...I strongly suggest you rescind your challenge...”
The Arena of Champions angrily flooded the air with heel heat. The ninja whipped his head back to move the hair from his face before slinging the belt over his shoulder & slowly raising his hand to gradually silence the crowd.
“With all due respect to your incumbent ‘Champion of Choice’, I adamantly beseech the challenge of my opponent in hopes of sparing him the dire consequences that await him should he remain hard pressed to unseat me as the Underground’s Chief Retainer. Kayden Paulton is a valued ally. A trusted confidant and has undoubtedly, earned my respect. He is a devout humanitarian whom has championed causes greater in demand and that of himself. Kayden Paulton is athletically gifted beyond measure and a worthy opponent.”
Kenshiro slowly turned his attention back to Kayden.
“However, regardless of my outright resentment of this position, I will be forthcoming with you. Kayden; If you refute my warning...If you wish to challenge me for full possession of both this belt and the burdens this belt weights upon its bearer, I will hold no qualms. No reservations in doing any and anything, within my power, to ensure I retain this championship. I would you suggest you strongly consider.”
Kayden stood looking at the canvas briefly before looking out into the crowd. The masses openly began cheering on Kayden with waved of chants before he began to speak.
“You know, Ninja.” Kayden started. “I respect you. There are a lot of mean things people say about you but I am here to tell them and you that I know better. You’re a locker room leader. You love what you do. You challenge a lot of us to be better wrestlers. Better representatives. Better people. Now I know you are not a fan of somebody ‘lettering the cat out of the bag’ because that’s who you are yet you are great man. You come up with all those cool moves and you have an awesome tailor. I am proud to say it, in front of all of these people, RIGHT HERE IN ORLANDO, FLORIDA...!!!”
The entire arena took the bait for free cheap pop. Kenshiro stoically popped the bones in his neck while keeping the belt slung over his shoulder.
“...That you are a great friend. It’s okay that you never seem to make over to play Plants versus Zombies on X-Box. I don’t too peeved about you having such a tight schedule so we could do what real friends do...but let me tell you why I am NOT going to walk away...”
The Arena of Champions went ape shit. Ninja furrowed his brow.
“That day when the news broke out that Derecho was ‘dead’, I felt a lot of things. I felt horrible. I cried. I even started to feel angry but you know what I really felt? I felt that I needed to answer some serious questions. I need to look into the mirror and do what I was actually afraid to do for the longest time; face myself. Everybody believes I smile because I have no worries. Like I don’t have a care in the world but you know what? I pride myself on being honest and there are quite a few times that behind this smile, there are a lot of things that really hurt and sometimes, that is helps me keep from falling apart. I love life. I love people. Even those who don’t like me. I love them anyway before it was YOU who told me that ‘it takes a great deal of courage to smile...even if your world is crumbling right before your very eyes.’ That was my friend talking. That was my mentor inspiring me to stand up and be proud. Proud of who I am and what I do.”
Kayden slowly made his way toward the ninja before standing within the kill radius. Kenshiro gnarled his knuckles.
“But as your friend, I can’t walk away. I won’t walk away from this. These people believe in me when most didn’t. I have been waiting a long time for this and I won’t let anything stand in the way of being the NEW UNDERGROUND CHAMPION!
The legions exploded as the Inogami Clan leader drew his eyes shut for several moments while shifting his jaw.
“I got to win for the kids who’s been told they can’t do anything. I will win for the people who were told they couldn’t make the impossible possible. I know what you can do to people. I also know that in spite of being a good friend, you seem to like hurting people. Especially those who stand in your way or against what you desire to have. Friend or no friend, you and me are going to fight. In this ring. In this arena and for the Underground Championship! This is one of the hardest things I had to accept because this goes against basically everything that I stood for but if there is anything that I learned for Derecho and you is that you have to learn to get your hands dirty in order to protect what you love. Defend what you believe in and be willing to pay the price with no regrets. I am going to prove to you. These people and myself that I can still face the so called impossible odds again....and WIN!
Kenshiro opened his eyes and weathered the audible storm before clearing his throat, turning his head briefly to the side before addressing his challenger. A heavy sigh was heard filtered through his mask.
“And it is in that, I must accept the reality of what is destined before us. Your naivete is among the most charming elements of your overall appeal...Not to mention, will prove to be the most fatal.” The ninja replied.
“I see now that I have failed you miserably in hopes of ‘protecting you from an unsettling fate’...” Kenshiro uttered while pulling the championship from his shoulder and holding the belt by its strap by his side. “As your friend, Kayden, I humbly apologize for not being able to convince you to choose otherwise. It is in that I am I will not be held accountable for whatever must and will transpire in the defense of this championship.”
Kenshiro slowly paced his way toward Kayden.
“Since I cannot spare you from the collateral damage that will arise from your decision to face me, I see that I no other alternative but to use implement extreme force to clarify my points you so boldly dismissed. These people should support you. These people believe in you yet I am going to be very forthcoming with you.”
Both champion and challenger stood inches apart from each other. Kayden rested his hands against his hips while sticking his chest out, expecting any form of retaliation.
“When that bell rings this Sunday, you will not be challenging your friend. I will have little to no issue in absolving myself of that distraction in defending not only this championship but implementing every viable means of violent initiatives to spare you the consequences of your profane ignorance. You have NO idea as to what you are blindly asking for in challenging me. FOR THIS. No idea. You are incapable of shouldering the weight this billet carries. You are unfit to endure what comes with this. I cannot allow your pride to destroy the very heart of your movement yet you honestly believe that this is just merely a platform of self empowerment....”
Kenshiro slowly turned his attention toward his left flank, looking into the audience.
“I need for you people to give all of your allegiance...your faith...your confidence to this man. He is a proficient wrestler who has placed the responsibility of crushing his championship ambitions to dust. Outside of my support of his ‘SoftCore Saints’, I see that I must be the one to publically sever the head of a positive and albeit a popular movement. I suggest you look deep within yourself, Kayden. I trust you shall be so inclined to use countless footage to formulate an effective strategy. However, there shall be a unsettling revelation, among many, that shall be uncovered in your pursuit of this.”
Kenshiro leaned forward slightly.
“You’ve never faced an opponent of neither my caliber nor arcane mastery in this field. You will be beaten. You will bleed. You will suffer. All in the name of your cause and I encourage it. I will keep you in prayer for I know while I despise the circumstances that you and I must meet, I promise you that I will save you. In the only way I know how. Even if I must destroy you...”
Kenshiro slowly back pedaled away from his friend as Kayden radiated concern from the calloused delivery of his opposition’s words. Kenshiro stood along the ring apron and stared longingly back at his future opponent.
“Seven days, Kayden.” The champion warned. “You have seven days of peace. Preparation and allotted mobility at your disposal. I strongly encourage that you use them wisely.”
’Vicarious by Tool’ returned through the PA system as the Underground Champion dropped off the ring apron and stared back at his comrade. His challenger and future target. Paulton stared back and filtered out hints of nervousness out with each breath. The ninja began his egress by clearing the barricades and using the security escort to pass through the clambering legions. The parting shot was with Paulton, leaning against the turnbuckle ropes and watching his friend gradually fall out of view...
