
A Look Back: The Heirs of Wrestling vs The House (Thieves Honor 2013)
It was now the time of the night for the jOlt Tag Team Titles. The House had fought hard against any and all challengers and had been successful in-ring since setting foot into jOlt Wrestling. The two monsters, “Oddsmaker” Derrick Huber and “The Big Bucks” Adam Roebuck came in and shook up the tag team division en route to winning the belts at the last PPV, Power Struggle.
The Heirs of Wrestling were their challengers and since earning a shot at the jOlt Tag Team Titles they’d antagonized, attacked, and publically berated the Tag Team Champions for weeks. Now that the Heirs had their second chance to get to the belts, The House have defiantly stood in their way. Will The Heirs of Wrestling finally be able to wrestle with the gold or will the champions retain against the Heirs for a second time.
“The following match is a tag team contest! This match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the jOlt TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!”
The nifty Tag Team Championship graphic appeared on the screen for all to see. The fans were ready for what was to come.
“Money” by D/R Period.
Lights began to flash rapid pulses of green as the anthem of all things cash started to play. Three figures were hidden in the shadows and stood with their backs to the fans. One large man in the middle. One short man on the left . One well-built man to the right.
Their jackets started to light up one by one and when it came time to see what was happening, the fans jumped out of their seats. The short man jumped.
A big, bright purple H was on his back. The tall man jumped next.
The O was bright and silver. Finally, the last person stepped up.
The W was gold. The lights flipped back on and the douchebags in their matching light-up jackets walked to the ring, ready for action. Behind them with a light-up Tiara was none other than the Heirs’ newest addition, the prissy “Heiress” Sarah Winterton! The foursome marched to the ring in unison.
“First, introducing team number one… being accompanied to the ring by Ryan Gallway and Sarah Winterton… they are the team of Frank Silver and Mack Brody… THE HEIRS OF WRESTLING!”
Brody and Silver tapped fists before the two bigger men of The Heirs headed into the ring. They would need everything they could hit the champions with if they wanted to win the jOlt Tag Team Championships from the dominant House.
“Turn The Page” by Metallica.
The rock music played for the fans as a set of red and green pyro exploded on the stage. The lights snapped back on and the crowd cheered for the appearance of The House! They were now with Derrick’s lovely wife, Charlotte for the second time that made this all seem kind of cheap, but Huber and Roebuck had to remember that they were hoping to put the growing nuisance of the Heirs behind them.
“And their opponents, they are the jOlt Tag Team Champions at a combined weight of 777 pounds… the team of “The Oddsmaker” Derrick Huber and “The Big Bucks” Adam Roebuck… they are THE HOUSE!”
The monster Tag Team Champions walked down to the ring while Charlotte Huber had on some sequined attire with the theme of Tank Girl. She gave a kiss to her hubby, Derrick, while Adam Roebuck climbed into the ring and looked ready to tear somebody apart.
“I’m gonna fuck them up myself,” Roebuck scowled as he looked at the Heirs inside the ring.
The Heirs were all huddled up in one corner discussing strategy while The House each talked about how bad they wanted to fuck these stupid preppy kids up. The House had been indentured to Team EGO via Charlotte’s contract owned by Craig Thomas, so they needed to do what they could to fight off the Heirs.
Referee Johnny Markson (new rookie referee) raised the belts over his head and showed off for the crowd before he handed them to the timekeeper. ‘Midas’ Mack Brody was starting things off for his team while Adam Roebuck was ready to tear shit up. The two men met up in the center of the ring and started to talk shit.
“I’m gonna break your fucking face, pretty boy,” Roebuck hissed.
“You WISH you had my pretty face, chunky fuck!”
Said pretty face had a big right hand delivered right to it courtesy of The Big Bucks! Roebuck took the fight to Mack and continued to drill the heavy of The Heirs with a volley of right hands. Brody was sent stumbling against the ropes trying to defend himself against the big Las Vegas native. He fired back with a few elbows of his own and backed him off before Brody went for the dirtiest move he could think up…
That fuckface.
The crowd booed while a grumpy Mack continued to hold Roebuck in place with the simple hold. It was clear he was doing this to piss off The Big Bucks and it was working. Roebuck tried to fight his way out but he had a tight grip around his neck with his massive arms.
“Come on, fight back!”
Adam backed up to the ropes and sent Mack Brody shooting across the ring. SuperMack came back and tried to rock him with a shoulder tackle that sent him stumbling back a step. Roebuck stood his ground in the ring and told Mack to try it again. Frank, Ryan, and Sarah all cheered Mack on as he took off across the ring and tried his luck a second time to knock the big mass of Roebuck off his feet, only to stun him briefly.
The Big Bucks shot a sly grin across his face. He egged Mack on to try his luck one more time. SuperMack ran across the ring and tried a third time when Roebuck popped him in the stomach with a low kick. Sure it might have been a dirty move, but Roebuck gave somewhere in the realm of zero to negative five fucks.
He pulled Brody into the corner and smashed his face into the turnbuckle repeatedly while the fans cheered on the big man. Roebuck held his hand out for the crowd…
FOUR HUGE BLISTERING Open Palmed Chops found their mark on the chest of Brody. He was a big man but even he felt the pain in his chest while an angry Roebuck continued to assault him. The Big Bucks fired off a series of back elbows in the corner to wear down the former jOlt Tag Team Champion. He whipped Mack across the ring and tried to follow him in with a big Body Avalanche only for Brody to sidestep and send the big man crashing into the corner.
While Roebuck was sucking up air, Mack rolled over and tagged in Frank Silver. The de facto leader of the Heirs ran into the ring and charged right at The Big Bucks with a volley of hands in the corner before putting the boots to him.
“The belts don’t belong to you, fatty!”
Frank continued to try and throw fists at him only to be stopped by Roebuck. It seemed The Baron of Ballistics had been stopped in his tracks and whipped him to the corner of the House where Charlotte was waiting.
“Go get him, hubby!” Charlotte shouted.
Huber smiled and tagged in while Roebuck whipped Frank off to the ropes. He caught him in a Sidewalk Slam and waited while The Oddsmaker ran off the ropes…
The Jumping Elbow Drop put Frank Silver down! Roebuck left the ring while Huber went for a cover.
Silver got the shoulder up after the first cover of the match. The House were dominating things early and were going to try and keep The Heirs off their game. The crowd supported Derrick Huber as he lifted Frank up off his feet. Silver caught him by the jaw and blasted him with a European IUppercut that knocked Huber off his game.
The Sovereign Superman grabbed Huber by the body and forced him into the corner where he fired off a volley of alternating chops and European Uppercuts to the head to try and wear him down. Huber tried fighting back, but the technically savvy Silver continued to fire some uppercuts to the big man.
Silver arrogantly raised a fist in the air while Derrick Huber was shaken in the corner from Frank’s assault. The leader of the Heirs headed off the ropes for something big only for Huber to EXPLODE of the corner with a nasty Thesz Press! He tackled Frank to the ground and rammed the back of Silver’s head into the mat repeatedly trying to almost bust his brains open on the canvas.
The Oddsmaker stood up and let out a roar to the crowd before he pulled Silver up by his hair. He whipped him off to the corner and now had his turn to exert some violence. He fired off a succession of headbutts to the face and body of The Baron of Ballistics. Huber was pissed off over everything the Heirs had done… even stupidly ripping off some AT&T commercials earlier while bashing them.
He grabbed Frank by the throat and BIELED him across the ring! Silver was a big guy himself (6’3” and 255 lbs to be precise) but Huber tossed him around like a small child. Frank tried to get back up again and was caught around the waist before being tossed overhead a second time with the Belly to Belly Suplex! Huber rolled over and tried going for the cover on Silver again.
Gallway and Winterton were wincing on the outside over the beating that Frank was taking from the Tag Team Champions. Huber peeled Frank off the mat by his hair and threw him over to the corner. The crowd roared and yelled their full support for The House as Huber tagged in Roebuck. Huber dropped Frank on the mat with a Scoop Slam. Huber hit the ropes first and came back with a big Elbow Drop to the chest of Frank. Silver yelled out in pain but what was gonna happen next was worse because Roebuck ran across the ring and dropped his massive leg across the throat!
Mack got the boot back into the head of Roebuck to break up the cover. Roebuck and Mack continued to have words with one another (none of which could be repeated… wait. PPV.) Okay, so Roebuck said Mack was a giant queer while Mack told Roebuck that he and Charlotte had contests who see whose mouth could hold more sperm… Huber’s sperm.
After that colorful banter, Roebuck stood up and pulled Frank up with him. He went for the ropes and tagged in Huber again. Adam Roebuck pulled Frank up and held him in place so Huber could deliver a violent kick to the chest. Silver coughed up as he hit the mat holding his rib cage.
“Get him, baby!” Charlotte cheered on again.
He winked at his girl before heading over to the ropes. Sarah Winterton tried getting involved, so Huber winked at her as well. Mack was pissed and tried jumping into the ring only for referee Markson to stop him. Huber then delivered a couple of cheap shots behind the referee’s back. Hey, these kids were talking shit about his wife. I’d probably kick them too.
Once he was finished hurting him Derrick Huber ran off the ropes to capitalize on another assault…
The blow was enough to stun Huber. When Frank stood up that gave him enough time to bounce between the ropes…
The crowd winced from the Rebound Clothesline that was full of impact. Frank finally scored with something big and just like that the momentum swung the way of the challengers. Frank took a second to compose himself after all the beatings he’d taken from The House in the last few minutes before he rolled over and fired off a barrage of right hands into the face of Derrick.
“You fucking prick!” Silver screamed.
Just like his Godfather.
Frank stood to his feet again and rolled over to make the tag over to Brody. The two men came into the ring and now finally had the edge. They led Huber into the ropes before doubling him over with a double kick to the chest. Huber was brought to his knees while Frank ran off the ropes and delivered a STINGING European Uppercut to the back of the head. Huber hit the mat as Mack ran off the ropes and delivered a Jumping Splash. A nice sequence of moves put Huber on the canvas so now The Heirs had full control.
The Bronze Bombshell was pissed when Huber got his shoulder up. Mack then pulled him from the canvas and got in Huber’s grill.
“You can’t beat us, Huber!”
Huber begged to differ and fought back with a series of desperation Forearm Smashes to the face. He continued to fire him back before he ran off the ropes only for a Running Elbow from Mack to SMACK him across the jaw!
“Midas” Mack Brody was a monster in his own right and he put him down rather quickly. Once Frank had a little time to recover he tagged in Frank and the two men went to work some more. Both Frank and Mack each took and arm and launched him off into the ropes again. When he came back Mack kneeled over and delivered a punch to the stomach. He was doubled over so Frank could come off the ropes and deliver a Corkscrew Neckbreaker. Mack finished off the combination of moves with a Running Senton this time!
Two painful combinations of moves had completely turned the tide for The Heirs now while Mack left the ring. Frank kneeled over and hooked both legs of the larger Huber.
Adam Roebuck had come into the ring and dropped a big kick into Frank’s back. The giant was reprimanded by the referee and ordered to go to his corner. Mack talked some more shit from the corner so Adam gestured by slapping the crook of his right elbow with his left hand – another fancy way of saying “fuck you.”
“Tame that Neanderthal!” Sarah shouted her own words of encouragement.
Charlotte took notice on the other side of the ring. “Don’t listen to that thesaurus-reading tranny!”
Gallway pointed and yelled at Charlotte from his side of the ring.
“You do not speak to The Heiress like that! Babies die and angels lose their wings.”
After Frank shook off the kick from Roebuck, The Knight of Sunday Nights turned his attack back to Derrick Huber. He jumped in the air and landed a Double Foot Stomp across the chest to knock the wind out of the big man before he casually strolled around the ring. Frank then walked over and he did it… the son of a bitch did it…
The royal pinky.
And with that…
The Flash Elbow dropped on his head and the crowd gave Frank Silver hell for his cocky maneuver. The Baron of Ballistics stood back to his feet and kicked Huber in the head lightly several times, talking trash the entire time.
“You suck and your wife pleasured me last night!” Frank laughed.
Charlotte looked like she threw up in her mouth a little while Roebuck desperately wanted to get into the ring and smack the stupid fuckers around. Mack Brody continued to watch from the corner of the ring while Frank went back to the attack.
Silver snatched him back off his feet only for Huber to fight back and drive more fists into the chest. He continued to fight back and clubbed him backwards until he backed Frank into the corner with his latest flurry. The Oddsmaker came charging at him until Silver caught him and DROVE him face-first into the turnbuckle with a Reverse STO!
The big man slumped over in the corner while Frank celebrated his latest counter like they’d won the jOlt Tag Team Titles. Frank rolled over to the corner while Huber was downed and made the tag over to Mack to bring the heavy of the Heirs into the fold. Brody stepped into the ring and the two men went over to the corner to pound away on Huber.
“Baby, get out! Come on!”
Charlotte slapped on the ring apron and the crowd clapped along with her while Huber tried to get away from the two Heirs. They whipped him into the cross-corner to set him up for whatever move was coming up next. Mack set up Frank and whipped him across the ring to hit some sort of move only for Frank to get hit with a big elbow to the face.
The malfunction at the junction – as one could say – was Huber’s chance to get away. Mack took a chance charging when Huber moved and sent the big man crashing into the corner. Huber took off to the ropes and came back…
The Cannonball Senton in the corner crushed Mack under the weight of Huber! The Heirs were finally making a mistake and the veteran Huber capitalized on it. The Oddsmaker rolled away from them and tried making his way to the corner while he had the chance.
Ryan and Sarah were sweating bullets while Charlotte was willing her husband over to the corner of the champions. Adam Roebuck was stomping his hand on the ring apron trying his best to get the crowd going. He was ready for a tag and he was ready to get in there and kick some ass. Huber was almost there…
Little more…
The House needed this win badly if they wanted to keep the belts and keep Craig Thomas happy. Mack Brody had made the tag over to Frank who was back in the corner. Frank rolled into the ring and charged right at the monster which turned to be a mistake. He clubbed Silver in the face and knocked him right over. When Frank stood up a second time Roebuck was waiting and he clubbed him with a back elbow to the face. A third time was just as unsuccessful for Frank Silver when he kicked him in the face with a good shot.
He grabbed Frank and sent the leader of the Heirs flying into the ropes. When he came back, he ducked under another Clothesline from the big man. Frank came back looking for a Crossbody only for Roebuck to catch him…
Frank Silver was sent flying across the ring courtesy of The Big Bucks! Roebuck stood up and saw Mack coming out of the corner of his eye when he caught the big man with a kick to the chest and sent him flying off to the corner. He charged at Mack and pancaked him in the corner with a Body Avalanche!
On the other side of the ring, Frank was starting to get back up and used the corner to pry himself up but this turned out to be a big mistake. Roebuck was in his line of vision and SPLATTERED him in the corner with another Body Avalanche of his own. He grabbed Frank by the waist as he staggered out of the corner only to FLATTEN him with a Belly to Belly Suplex!
Mack broke up the fall by getting past Huber and dropping a big leg across the chest of Roebuck. Derrick Huber came back into the fray and tried to stop Mack only for The Bronze Bombshell to blast him with a knee and toss him outside the ring for the moment to get rid of him.
The Big Bucks came swinging at Mack and the two monsters went toe-to-toe in the ring reminiscent out of some shit you’d see out of Pacific Rim. Roebuck tried stopping him with a Headbutt to the face! Roebuck saw Frank starting to stir in the opposite corner and ran at him…
Frank moved and Roebuck hit nothing but the corner. However, Mack didn’t miss when he charged at Roebuck with a Running Shoulder Tackle in the corner! Even Roebuck was stunned after a big move like that and Mack lifted him. The fans were amazed…
Mack had enough strength to SUPLEX the big man overhead with an Exploder Suplex. It wasn’t the most pretty looking move in the world, but it did its job and the crowd was amazed with the strength of Brody. Frank was waiting on the second rope and drove off with a Flying Elbow! That double-team sequence from The Heirs could net them the titles!
Huber grabbed Frank by the leg and pulled him off his tag team partner! Derrick pulled him out of the ring and slammed him into the barricade! The action was getting frantic between everybody involved now and The Heirs were doing their best to keep up with the two monster Tag Team Champions.
Mack came out to the ringside are to help his tag team partner by attacking Huber. Brody and Huber continued swinging on the outside while back on the inside of the ring; Frank was trying to capitalize on Roebuck being down. He kicked him in the chest and looked like he was going to go for the Cradled Styles Clash called the Stay of Execution… But Huber was almost twice his mass!
Silver tried, but Huber was too big and Back Body Dropped him right over to the cheers of the crowd. Frank was kicked in the chest by the big man and lifted over his shoulders. The Bad Hand was coming…
“NO, DON’T!”
Sarah jumped into the ring and pleaded with Roebuck to show mercy. Roebuck gave no fucks about such a thing after all that The Heirs had done. Charlotte ran into the ring and KICKED Sarah Winterton flush in the face! The Heiress was down and The Heirs gave chase!
The referee tried to break up the skirmish between them while Ryan ran into the ring and dropkicked the knee of Roebuck, making him drop Frank in the process! Ryan was a capable athlete in his own right, but Roebuck dwarfed him in size. Adam simply PUSHED him outside the ring…
Frank took the opportunity to grab of the belts and bash Roebuck in the face! The crowd started to boo as Roebuck was stunned from the shot. Roebuck was brought down to a knee while Silver dropped the belt in all the chaos…
Frank rolled him over and slid the belt out of the ring to dispose of the evidence. The referee turned his back and finally saw Frank…
Huber tried getting back into the ring when he saw what was happening…
…But Mack stopped him by holding onto the legs…

Frank rolled off of Adam Roebuck’s body and headed outside the ring! They had done it! Through the advantage of their number and the chaos at ringside, The Heirs took full advantage and they had won the jOlt Tag Team Titles for the second time!
Frank grabbed Ryan and the two Heirs took the jOlt Tag Team Titles from ringside! Through cheating and chaos, they had managed to hand The House their first pinfall loss in jOlt and in the process swipe the belts right from their fingertips.
Huber sunk his heads in his hands and looked absolutely stunned. The jOlt Tag Team Titles were supposed to be theirs as payment for Charlotte’s freedom from Team EGO. But now that The Heirs had won the belts, they had nothing.
The Heirs grabbed Sarah Winterton and pulled her up the ramp while holding the belts! The snobby dickheads had made good on their promise to bring gold back to their camp. inside the ring, Charlotte joined her husband and their fallen friend. Huber looked down at the barely conscious Adam Roebuck, who was pissed at himself for what happened.
Meanwhile at the top of the ramp, The Heirs of Wrestling were rejoicing at what they’d accomplished. They were one of only two teams to have held the jOlt Tag Titles more than once and for sure they would rub this victory into the faces of whoever they could. Mack and Frank raised the belts over their heads and basked in the jeers. The cocky bastards would probably celebrate tonight.
While Charlotte and the referee were checking on a frustrated Adam Roebuck, Derrick Huber didn’t take his eyes off the Heirs as they disappeared behind the curtain. They’d pay for this.
They would fucking pay.
Winner: The Heirs of Wrestling via Pinfall
