
Static engulfed the television screen and when it came to an abrupt halt, there was nothing but darkness. The sound of heels clicking along the floor accompanied a beautiful female form stepping out of the darkness. A pair of deep blue eyes peered into the camera and the beautiful face of Lorelei Albrecht came into view. She crossed her arms behind her back before speaking.
"Please pardon zhe interruption. I vill only take a few moments of shour time."
She took a deep breath and continued.
"It appears zhat every competitor in jOlt loves to hear zhe sound of zheir own voice. Shou hand zhem a microphone und zhey go on und on about zheir favorite topic... zhemselves. Now, I could stand here und seduce shour ears vith zhe sultry sound of my voice, as I sing zhe praises of zhe Underground Champion, Pietro Geist. However, mein Pietro prefers zhat his actions speak for him und rightfully so."
The blonde adjusted the collar of her jacket. She had to cool off as thinking of the Todesengel at work often got her excited.
"On this occassion, I vill take zhis opportunity to discuss zhe challenger to Pietro's Underground Championship, Providence. Ah Providence... or as I prefer to call him, jOlt's self-appointed Purveyor of Truth. Like so many others, he takes it upon himself to stand in zhe middle of zhe ring und spew opinions zhat he tries to pass off as truths. It is easy to stand before everyone und cast judgement upon others. Providence holds himself in such high regard, but let us discuss zhe truth he loves so much und see, if he trutly has zhe right to look down on anyone."
A serious look came over the young woman's face.
"How about ve discuss zhe most glaring truth? Providence's waist is barren. Zhere is no bronze... no silver... no gold... no platinum, not even tin around his mid-section. He speaks about vorthy champions und shet, he has not proven his vorth on zhe field of battle. Vords do not vin vars. Blood, sweat, und tears do. Like my mentor always says, take my vords as if zhey are handed to shou on a stone tablet from zhe almighty himself. At zhe upcoming var at Zhieves Honor, Providence vill not obtain a belt made of a precious metal by dethroning Pietro. Zhat is another truth for shou all. However, do not fret. He vill not go home empty-handed. He vill obtain knowledge... zhe knowledge of vhat it takes to be victorious no matter vhat opponent stands before shou. Through pain und suffering, Providence vill learn. Only zhen, Providence vill be able to stand in zhe middle of zhe ring and speak the truth. Pietro Geist is zhe only champion vorthy of his title. He is and vill forever remain zhe Underground Champion."
Lorelei smiled into the camera and gave a slight nod.
"Danke for shour time."
With that, she turned and disappeared back into the darkness.
