
"Death Wish Flashback: 2014"

Aran Thompson vs Derecho
Dean Carrington: Ladiest and Gentlemen... the following contest is scheduled for one fall and will be contest with Underground Rules...
After finally getting his revenge that was a year in the making, Derecho was taking credit for Aran Thompson becoming a changed man. He believed that the power of his influence drove Aran Thompson mad and caused him to embrace the Underground. Derecho felt that he created this Aran Thompson and that their rematch here would serve as the creator destroying the creation.
"Onion" by ONE OK ROCK
The arena went dark and became tainted in a crimson hue. Up on the stage, the two screens which read Death on the left and Wish on the right, began to shoot flames up into the air. A circle of flames formed on the entrance stage and up from the circle rose a man clad in a black trench coat and a black skull crown. The man took off the skull crown and underneath it was Aran Thompson!
The crowd erupted as Aran just stole his opponent's Pay-Per-View entrance! Aran took off the trench coat and tossed them onto the stage as he walked down to the ring, grinning. Aran not only embraced the underground, but he used symbolism to show that he embraced the lifestyle of the king of hell himself! Aran rolled in under the bottom rope and perched himself atop a turnbuckle pad, staring back at the entrance as the arena returned to normal.
"King of Hell" by Helstar
The arena again when dark, but instead of a crimson hue, the arena simply became lit up by fire. Fire rose up from the eye sockets of the giant skull above the ring. When Derecho stepped out from the backstage area, sans his coat and crown, He looked down at the ring at Aran Thompson. He slowly walked down the ramp.. with each step, small flames lit up on the left and right of him, creating a path of fire for him to walk on. Derecho stopped at ringside and walked towards the steps. He slowly walked up and came face to face with Aran Thompson on the ring apron.
Aran was even cocky enough to hold the ropes open for Derecho and Derecho was egotistical enough to accept the invitation and step in. The arena returned to normal as Derecho and Aran came face to face as soon as Derecho stepped into the ring. The referee needed both men to back off and it was Derecho that backed down after muttering the words "Tonight.. I will unmake you"
Derecho was in no rush to start things off. Aran, however, picked up the pace, causing Derecho to quicken his to avoid getting caught. Eventually, they finally locked up. Derecho placed Aran into an arm wringer, but Aran twisted out of it into an arm wringer of his own and then he converted that into a hammer lock. Derecho reached back and snapmared Aran over his shoulder before kicking him right between the shoulder blades! Derecho took a step back and kicked Aran between the shoulder blades once again!
Derecho grabbed Aran, pulling him up to his feet and lighting up his chest with a pair of knife edge chops followed by a knee to the stomach which doubled Aran over. Derecho dropped to a knee and hit a quick jab under Aran's chin that staggered him away. Derecho stood, following Aran to the ropes where he pressed Aran against them and sent him off to the opposite side. Derecho leapt up with a leg lariat and took Aran down to the canvas. He stood over Aran and muttered the word "Pathetic" just loud enough for the cameras to pick it up and that caused the audience to boo Derecho.
Derecho reached down to pull Aran up off the canvas, but Aran fired a kick from his back and it caught Derecho in the left side of the head. Derecho staggered back, holding the side of his head in pain as Aran kipped up to his feet and gave chase where he pinned Derecho's back against the turnbuckle pads. Aran hit knee lift after knee lift, doubling Derecho over before switching to right hands to the top of the skull which brought Derecho down into a seated position. Derecho tried to shake it off, but Aran had already gained some distance and some momentum. He came back with a running knee strike to Derecho's face, dazing him even further!
With Derecho slouched in the corner, it was time for Aran to go to the outside and find something that he could use to pummel Derecho with. He lifted up the ring apron and underneath the ring, he pulled a ladder out! Aran slid the ladder into the ring and then went back to work on Derecho while still on the floor, grabbing from through the ropes and choking the life out of him! That was definitely something we weren't used to seeing Aran do and it was a testament to his new vicious nature! Aran rolled back into the ring and grabbed the ladder. He put the ladder on its side and opened it up, creating a V on the canvas. Derecho tried to pull himself back up, but Aran ran back into the corner a knee'd him right in the face once again, putting Derecho back down into a seated position, but with the ladder set up, Aran elected to stay on Derecho by grabbing a fist full of his hair and pulling him to his feet.
Aran hoisted Derecho up onto the turnbuckles and climbed up, hooking him for a Super Plex that was aimed right at the ladder on it's side!! This could literally shatter Derecho's spine if her were to hit this! Aran tried to lift Derecho, but Derecho held onto the top rope and blocked the Super Plex attempt. Derecho then fired a headbutt into Aran's face which dazed him. Derecho grabbed Aran in a front face lock and attempted to lift Aran for a Super Gordbuster, but this time, it was Aran that grabbed the top rope and blocked it! Aran fired right hands to the mid-section, which caused Derecho to loosen his grip. Aran then leapt up onto Derecho's shoulders, looking for a Top Rope Huracanrana, but Derecho held the ropes again and Aran landed on his knees on the canvas.
Aran staggered to his feet as Derecho leapt off the top and hit a short distanced missile drop kick, knocking Aran down into the open area of the unfolded ladder. Derecho stood and grabbed Aran, pulling him back up. Derecho grabbed Aran by the arm and whipped him to the ropes, away from the ladder. Derecho scooped up Aran off the rebound, looking for an Arn Arnderson Spinebuster onto the ladder's edge, but when Derecho picked up Aran, Aran hooked Derecho by the head and hung from him! Aran then managed to butterfly the arms as well and he had Derecho locked into a butterfly headlock submission hold! Derecho fought to get his arms freed from Aran's grasp, and eventually he was able to free one. It was enough as he wrapped that arm around Aran's waist and pivoted, driving spine-first into the edge of the unfolded ladder!!!
Crowd: OOOOHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aran wriggled around on the ground, writhing in pain. Derecho stood up with a grin over his face as he exited the ring. He made his way to the time keeper's position to collect a couple of his best friends.. two steel chairs. He tossed both chairs into the ring and then rolled back in underneath the bottom rope. Derecho bent over and picked up one of the steel chairs and laid it across the thin metal strips that held the ladder open. He ignored the other steel chair as it was probably going to be used for future nefarious deeds. Derecho grabbed Aran and pulled him off the canvas. He delivered a toe kick to the stomach, doubling Aran over. He placed Aran between his legs, looking to hit a powerbomb into the chair and metal strip of the ladder! Derecho went to lift Aran, but Aran countered with a back body drop and it sent Derecho back first into the chair, snapping the strip and breaking the ladder!!
Crowd: OOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was now Derecho that was on the canvas writhing in pain. The ladder was broken so Aran took one of the halves and broke the other metal strip, freeing up the half of the ladder. Aran took it over to the cornere where he placed it on the middle ropes, causing it to just rest in the corner. He walked back and grabbed Derecho, pulling him up to his feet. He then hoisted Derecho up onto his shoulders and charged toward the corner, but Derecho slipped off of Aran's shoulders and shoved him towards the corner with the ladder in it, but Aran grabbed the ropes and leapt onto the ladder, moonsaulting off of it! He grabbed Derecho's head and nailed the Moonsault Reverse DDT...
Aran made the first official cover of this match so far!
Derecho got the shoulder up in time.
Aran stood up and wiped some of the sweat off of his forehead. He grabbed the second half of the ladder and walked over to another corner where he leaned it up against the turnbuckles. Aran turned around to see Derecho attempting to get back up. Aran walked over and punched Derecho in the head to stun him. He then hoisted Derecho back up to his feet and whipped him toward that ramped ladder, but Derecho put the brakes on and reversed the whip, but he pulled Aran right into him where he hit a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the ramped ladder!!
Surprisingly, the ladder half didn't bend or break, but Aran did slide down just a little, but for the most part, he was still on the ladder. Derecho grabbed the second steel chair and unfolded it, placing it in front of the ramped ladder where Aran laid. Derecho went to the opposite corner and got some momentum. Derecho leapt up onto the steel chair and then jumped off, twisting his body in mid-air...
That impact caused the ladder half to snap and break as both men crashed down into the canvas! That was the first time we'd ever seen Derecho hit the Frog Splash in that kind of scenario! Derecho held his stomach as he got a bit of that impact as well, but he had enough in him to grab Aran by the arm and drag him to the center of the ring where he made a cover, hooking the leg.
This time it was Aran that popped the shoulder up!
Derecho stood and grabbed Aran by the head. He pulled him up and yelled into his face,
Derecho then hoisted Aran up onto his shoulder, looking for the A Forever Reminder, but Aran still had the strength to slip off and land behind Derecho! Aran then leapt up onto Derecho's shoulders, looking for the Icarus Switch, but Derecho wrapped his arm around Aran's head and tilted to the side, hitting a modified Death Valley Driver!! Derecho then made another cover..
Aran kicked out again!
This time, Derecho was getting a little bit annoying that Aran had that much energy left. He grabbed Aran and tossed him over the top rope and down to the floor. Derecho then hopped out of the ring as Aran tried to pull himself up. He opened up with a stiff right hand that knocked Aran backwards against the barricades. Derecho bent Aran's back over the barricades before hammering away with rapid fire rights! Derecho walked away and taunted Aran, telling him to bring it as Derecho hung on to the top of the barricade to keep himself vertical Derecho grabbed Aran by the arm and tried to whip him toward the ring post, but Aran reversed it and sent Derecho's skull of the ring post instead!!!
Derecho hit the floor, grasping at the top of his head in pain as Aran leapt up onto the ring apron. Derecho slowly pulled hismelf up to his feet. Aran then ran along the ring apron and flipped over the corner and into Derecho with a Tope Con Hilo.. crashing down into Derecho and wiping him out!
Aran got up, but staggered backwards, using the announce table to prop himself up. He grinned as Derecho was laid out, motionless on the floor.
"Unmake me!?" yelled Aran "I'm still in one piece!"
Aran walked over and grabbed Derecho, pulling him up. He walked him over to the announce table where he bounced his head off of it. Derecho staggered away towards the barricades when Aran caught him and spun him around, decking him with a right hand to the jaw. Derecho stumbled away and Aran gave chase, looking for a running bulldog from behind, but Derecho grabbed Aran and tossed him away, causing Aran to slam back first into the steel ringsteps!! The edges of the ring steps even lacerated Aran's back as he made contact with them!!!
That move brought out the second fecal chant of the evening. Although Derecho countered, he fell to a single knee as it took some of his energy to do that. Aran flopped over onto the floor as he tried to recollect himself. Derecho stood back up and walked over to the steel ring steps where he took the top half off and tossed them aside. He pulled the bottom half away from the ring post and grabbed Aran, pulling him up onto the steps with him. Derecho then hoisted Aran up onto his shoulder, but Aran was able to free himself and land on the floor behind Derecho. Aran then used a simple double leg trip from behind and swept Derecho's legs out from under him, causing him to go face first into the bottom half of the steps!! Derecho's nose was busted open as a result!
Aran got up on the ring apron as Derecho lifted his head and looking at the blood that was dripping off of his nose. Aran saw his opportunity and ran along the ring apron. He leapt off and...
Derecho was driven back into the ring steps face first!!! Aran fell to the floor and then got on his hands and knees as he crawled over to Derecho who wasn't moving. Aran grabbed Derecho by the hair and lifted him off the steps to reveal that his forehead had been busted open as well!
"The creation will destroy the creator!", said Aran right in Derecho's face!
Aran stood up and pulled Derecho up off the steps. He walked Derecho around ringside to the bottom of the entrance ramp. Aran then kicked Derecho in the stomach and placed him between his legs. Aran lifted Derecho up to shoulder height, pivoted, and powerbombed him into the edge of the ring apron!!! Derecho dropped to his knees, then to all fours!! Aran then followed that up with a stiff kick right to Derecho's face followed by a front chancery and then a snap suplex onto the bottom of the entrance ramp!! Aran smirked as he stood up and looked down at the beaten and bloodied Derecho. The man which dominated him last time at Thieves Honor was now reduced to this!
Aran grabbed Derecho, pulling him up. He threw Derecho back underneath the bottom rope and then climbed up onto the ring apron. He made a slashing motion across this throat as he grabbed the top rope. Aran then flipped over into the God Killer leg drop, but Derecho rolled out of the way and Aran crashed on the canvas! Derecho was slow to get up, but from all fours, he turned his head toward Aran and glared a hole right through him. Derecho gritted his teeth as he pounded his fists into the canvas, pulling himself up. Aran got up as well and Derecho hobbled over, going for a right hand, but Aran blocked it and swung with a right of his own, but Derecho ducked that and they switched positions. Derecho delivered a toe kick to Aran and placed him in a gutwrench position. Derecho spied the steel chair that he unfolded for his leaping Frog Splash earlier and turned Aran in that direction.
Derecho lifted Aran up onto his shoulder and then walked over to the chair. Aran kicked and tried to get free, but Derecho's grip was just too tight. Derecho then front flipped Aran over and spiked his head!
Aran face bounced off the seat of the chair and the whiplash effect put him onto his back. Derecho stood and wiped the blood out of his eyes as he grabbed that chair and folded it back up. He then placed the chair on top of Aran's chest and headed for the corner. He climbed up to the top turnbuckle pad and took aim on the former three-time Relentless Champion. Derecho leapt off and connected...
Derecho took the brunt of that impact as well, holding his mid-section in absolute pain. Derecho managed to crawl over and drape an arm across Aran's chest, looking to put this match away!
Thr.. NO!!
Aran kicked out and Derecho became wide-eyed as he gritted his teeth in anger!
Derecho used the ropes to pull himself up. He grabbed Aran and dragged him towards the center of the ring with the chair still on him. Derecho picked up the chair and slammed it down across Aran's chest! Derecho then picked up the chair and placed it on Aran's face before heading to the corner. Derecho climbed up to the top turnbuckle and took aim.. he leapt off...
The 3/4 Distance Leg Drop connected and it drove the chair into Aran's face! Aran turned to his side, holding his face in pain, kicking his feet into the canvas! Derecho placed Aran onto his back and made the cover...
Aran kicked out only after a one count! The pain kind of woke Aran up and he was still flinching from being hit with that move. With someone fidgeting that much, it would be near impossible to pin them unless they were knocked out from that impact.
Derecho stood and made a slashing motion across his throat. He walked over to the corner where the ladder half was setup as a platform earlier and retrieved it. He laid the ladder half down in the ring and walked back over to Aran Thompson, picking him up off the canvas. Derecho had tried to go for the A Forever Reminder several times in this match so he switched it up by going behind Aran and placing him in the half nelson. He hooked the leg, looking for the Legends Get Forgotten, but Derecho wasn't able to hit that either since Aran used his free arm and fired back elbows into the side of Derecho's head. Aran was quick on his feet and hit a Pele Kick, but he wasn't able to get up after landing that blow. Aran tied to get up, but he flopped over onto his back. He scooted over to the corner where he propped himself up in a seated position as Derecho struggled to get back up to a vertical base.
Aran used the ropes to pull himself up. Derecho got up at the same time and charged the corner, but Aran put the boot up and kicked Derecho in the face, sending him away. Aran turned toward the corner and leapt onto the middle turnbuckle, twisting off with a flying cross body, but Derecho knelt down and drove Aran stomach first into his knee! Aran got up and hobbled back to the corner. Derecho charged in and hit a corner clothesline on Aran, dropping him back down to a seated position. Derecho then grabbed a chair and walked back over, wedging it in front of Aran's face. Derecho gained some distance, but Aran grabbed the chair and threw it at Derecho! It bounced right off Derecho's skull and Derecho fought to stay on his feet.
Aran pulled himself up and and charged in. With the last ounce of his strength, he got up on Derecho's shoulders.. he was in prime position, too..
Derecho's neck bounced off the ladder on the canvas!!! Aran rolled Derecho onto his back and made the cover, hooking the leg deep! The entire crowd stood up and counted along with the referee...
Three..... !?
Aran got back to his feet. He went to scoop up Derecho, but Derecho shocked Aran by hoisting him onto his shoulder, but Aran slipped off and behind!! Aran leapt onto Derecho's shoulders and for the second time...
Aran covered again.

The crowd erupted! Aran Thompson had pinned Derecho! The creation was not destroyed! The people were going nuts in the arena as Aran had to be helped up to his feet by the referee. Even though Aran had just won the match and had gone through hell, he wanted a microphone. The referee walked over and granted Aran one.
"Don't think that you're getting off the hook that easy." said Aran between taking deep breaths. "For far too long, I've watched you decimate opponents after matches. When it should have ended, it continued for you. I know this because you did it to me at Thieves Honor.. well now it's my turn you son of a bitch!"
Aran dropped the microphone and grabbed Derecho. He walked Derecho over to the ropes and threw him over the top to the outside on the entrance ramp side of the ring. Aran gingerly hopped out of the ring and grabbed Derecho, bringing him up the entrance ramp. Derecho was hit with back to back Icarus Switches on top of a ladder and wasn't going anywhere as a result. Aran was a bit slow, but he dragged Derecho to on top of the entrance way. Aran stood Derecho up straight and got behind him...
Derecho was out and wasn't moving at all! Aran told the crowd to wait a minute as he got up and walked behind the curtain. A few moments later, Aran walked back out from behind the curtain with a table in hand. He set up the table on the stage and then bent over and picked Derecho up off of the cold steel. Aran then laid Derecho out on the table and then looked up at the skull.
He wasn't going to...
Aran was...
Aran walked behind the curtain and a few moments had passed. The crowd was beginning to wonder where he went, but then it became apparent when Aran appeared on one of the platforms on the Death Wish set! Aran climbed over onto a higher platform that put him at the top of the skull above the entrance way!! It was at least twenty feet, if not more, in the air!! Aran looked down at Derecho, laying on the table below.
Referees and officials came out and tried to talk Aran out of it, but Aran was far too gone to listen to any of them. Then it happened..
Aran lunged himself over..
When Aran hit, he immediately clutched his leg and screamed out in pain like never before. He even slammed his arm into the stage and even began muttering some profanities. The referee checked on Aran and it didn't even take a second for him to throw up the X sign!
This wasn't looking good.
The officials asked if Aran could stand, but he violently shook his head "no". Meanwhile, he was still moaning in intense pain as they quickly brought a stretcher out from the back. The cameras, out of respect, quickly cut away to Burhman and Powers.
Burhman: Folks, we don't know what happened, but apparently when Aran Thompson came off the top of the set with the leg drop, he may have landed wrong. All we know is the referees asked him if he could stand and Aran said no, he couldn't. It could be a broken leg, a torn quadricep muscle, torn ligaments, anything. We don't have an official word as of yet, but the aftermath of that stunt is definitely not part of this evening's entertainment.
Powers: Yeah, from our vantage points, we couldn't see much because it happened on the other side of the arena. We had an overhead camera shot on our monitors, but if you looked at it straight on, it appeared that when Aran landed, instead of landing flush like one would with a normal leg drop, he landed on the side of his leg. It could even be a fractured or broken hip judging by the landing, too. As Michael said, it's all speculation..we have no official word. We will give you an update as soon as we know the extent of it.
Burhman: Right now, they have loaded Aran Thompson onto the stretcher. Even from back here, when they moved him, we could hear him scream out in pain. Something is definitely terribly wrong here. He's obviously going to be rushed to a nearby medical facility, but all I can say is just from watching that.. it doesn't look like we're going to be seeing Aran Thompson in jOlt Wrestling anytime soon and for that we only wish him the best and pray for something that isn't serious and for him to make a speedy recovery.
Crowd: ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapClap...... ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapCla.......ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapClap...... ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapClap...... ARAN THOMPSON! Clap Clap ClapClapClap......
Powers: Indeed. These fans are fully behind Aran Thompson in this situation. All I can say is thank you Aran Thompson. Heal up and rest well, buddy.
After they took Aran away on the stretcher, Derecho got up out of the rubble of what once was the table. Despite being hated, for that stunt alone, Derecho received a standing ovation from the crowd. Derecho simply hobbled back to the backstage area.
Winner: Aran Thompson via Pinfall
