
BADASS(c) vs The Widow's Nest
For one last time tonight, here exclusively on the final edition of Countdown, The Hype Tag Team Championships were set to be defended before jOlt was set to close up shop following Death Wish. On the final edition of iNtense recently, the Hype Championship changed hands when Crucifix’s ex-tag team partner, Xtreme, came in under the guise of a Dead Cell member to win it. Tonight, BADASS were putting out an open challenge and now they were set to defend them exclusively here on Countdown!
“The following contest is a tag team match set for one fall! This will be set for the Hype Tag Team Championships!”
“In One Ear” by Cage the Elephant.
Tripp Wise exploded out from the backstage area, trying to get the crowd pumped up. They cheered for Tripp as he went back and forth on the stage from side to side, getting each portion of the jOlt Arena into it. Davis Bloome stepped out from the back nonchalantly and just watched as Tripp Wise made a fool of himself to the live audience. Tripp hopped up and clung to Davis Bloome as he pointed around the arena, but that’s when Bloome smacked Tripp upside the head and told him to get down to the ring.
Wise pouted as he walked down to the ring. Wise and Bloome rolled in under the bottom rope and they unfastened their Tag Team Championships from around their waists. Tripp was about to celebrate with his title when Bloome lowered his arm and told him to give the championship to the official. Wise sighed and did so and then Bloome handed his over. Wise audibly called Bloome a party pooper as they waited for their opponents to arrive.
Wise greeted the cheering crowd.
“You know, this sucks, this really sucks…” he began. “We won these titles – our first major titles on a grand stage – only for jOlt to have to close up shop.”
The crowd voiced their concern, but The Hype Tag Team Champions continued.
“But…” Wise said. “We have one last time to come out and show just how BAMF we are! The Natural Athletes aren’t the only Tag Team Champions that can come out here and make an open challenge! So here we go… IF YOU WANT SOME, COME GET S…”
“Copyright infringement,” Davis said dryly as the crowd had a laugh.
Tripp sighed. “Well, okay, then… how about this… SPOON, BITCHES!”
“That’s form The Tick,” Davis said. “You know that because you read The Tick right before we came out here.”
“Right, right, right…” Tripp said again. “Well… uh…I got this great punchline involving me saying so and being stone cold…”
The crowd laughed again at Tripp Wise and Davis Bloome as they waited for any opponents to come out and challenge them…
Their wish was soon answered…
“Caught In A Web” by Dream Theater!
The crowd turned their heads as the lights in the arena quickly turned blood-red! It was The Widow’s Nest! They had been scheming for the chance to win the Hype Tag Team Titles once upon a time and in fact, they were the reason they were able to win them from Crucifix! At that time, they weren’t allowed to compete for the belts as long as Crucifix had then, but BADASS put a stop to his reign! But now… it was a free country. The deadly and cunning Black Widow stood in front of her associates, the quick Araknis and the powerful Wolf-Spider.
“YOU UNGRATEFUL WRETCHES!” Black Widow hissed. “We are the reason you are even here to boast your claims of being worthy champions… you won ONLY because of us. Now… consider your little challenge accepted… we WILL not be denied any longer!”
Tripp and Davis consulted one another before Tripp turned to confront The Widow’s Nest.
“We won because we’re BADASS!” Tripp countered. “Both in name AND measure of how fucking manly we are. But that’s the past and this is now! If you want a shot at these titles, we’d be more than happy to squash some bugs tonight!”
And it appeared the challenge was accepted!
The match started with Wolfspider and Tripp Wise coming to blows with one another. Tripp was no small man standing at 6’1” and 239 pounds, but Wolfspider stood 6’3” and 265, so he was an even bigger fellow. The two locked up when Wise got pushed all the way back to the corner of the Widow’s Nest! Wolfspider took the fight quickly to Tripp with a series of hard knee strikes to the chest!
“Finish them quickly!” Black Widow shouted from ringside.
Wolfspider nodded in her direction and continued to elbow him in the chest several more times, taking the fight to the practical joker! With Tripp Wise winded in the corner, he took the chance to whip him all the way across the other side of the ring, but Tripp quickly used the momentum to push back off the corner and leap clear over the heavy for the Widow’s Nest. Wolfspider turned around.
He ate a huge kick to the stomach from Tripp and doubled the bigger man over before Tripp jumped up with a Dropkick, sending him stumbling all the way back to the corner where Davis Bloome was waiting for the tag. The tag was made to The Bad Seed and the two men whipped the larger Wolfspider across the ring. When he came back, they ran him right the hell over with stereo Running Dropkicks to the head! Wolfspider went down and Davis went for a cover.
Araknis talked some trash from his corner, so Davis Bloome got up and charged at him, BLASTING him off the ring apron with a nasty boot to the face! Tripp Wise and Davis Bloome were loved by the fans, but they had no problem taking cheap shots, especially when it suited them. Davis Bloome turned his attention back to Wolfspider and hit him with a few hard Headbutts of all things, sending him backwards to the corner before Tripp Wise got the tag!
Tripp hopped into the ring when Davis whipped Wolfspider right into a HARD Back Elbow from Tripp as he got positioned in the corner. The Bad Seed then snuck up behind Wolfspider and dropped him down with a Jumping Neckbreaker! As he hit the ground, Tripp Wise was on the second turnbuckle and started to sling himself across the second rope…
He was the only asshole in professional wrestling who would name a middle rope Diving Senton as See You Next Fall, but he did it! Davis went for a cover after the collection of double-teams from BADASS and hoped it’d be enough.
Wolfspider was still far too strong and kicked out! Still, that didn’t stop Davis from wanting to inflict more punishment on the Widow’s Nest! He tried to pick up Wolfspider, but he hit him with a huge Throat Thrust! Tripp was sucking in wind in the corner when Wolfspider tried to get Tripp with an Irish Whip. He sent him flying across the ring and charged in, but Tripp hung onto the ropes. Tripp gave him a pair of knees to the head for his trouble and got him back to the corner!
This match was all BADASS so far and the crowd loved it as Tripp tagged out to Davis Bloome again. The Wise Ass hooked Wolfspider and dropped him down with a DDT just as Davis came running and delivered a HARD Double Foot Stomp right to the back! The Hype Tag Team Champions were in full effect now as Bloome went for another cover on the heavy for The Widow’s Nest.
Araknis leaped into the ring and dropped an elbow into the back of Davis Bloome’s head, stunning him in the process. The series brought a smile to Black Widow’s face as she watched Wolfspider start to get back to his feet. Davis took the moment to recover before he went back to his feet and tried to pick apart Wolfspider with a series of right hands to the head. He bounced back to the ropes…
He ran off the ropes instinctually only to eat a HUGE Leaping kick off the apron! The blow stunned The Bad Seed just as Wolfspider ran off the ropes…
He completely TURNED Davis Bloome inside out after the vicious Lariat! An angry Wolfspider rolled over and now that the heavy of The Widow’s Nest had the chance to go for the win and the Hype Tag Team Titles, he did so!
The Bad Seed’s shoulder went up first and now Tripp Wise was showing concern for his tag team partner. Wolfspider picked up Davis off the canvas by the back of his head and the 265-pounder muscled him all the back to the corner. He CHOPPED the shit out of him with several vicious Knife-edge Chops and stunned him before making the tag out to Araknis!
The smaller member of the deadly duo leaped over the ropes and went to work on Davis Bloome with a violent series of kicks! He continued to kick him in the chest in order to drive the wind out of him and then pulled him out of the corner. He set up Bloome…
The NASTY Twisting Brainbuster dropped his head right into the mat in the worst way! Davis was in a very bad way now and Araknis was going to try his hand at taking the Hype Tag Team Titles while they still had one last chance here tonight!
Tripp frantically slapped one hand with the other and demanded a tag, but The Bad See wasn’t anywhere near him to get to his partner. He had to watch as The Widow’s Nest continuing to pick his partner apart as Araknis made the tag back to him. Wolfspider was tagged in again and he held up Davis in the Back Suplex position while Araknis headed to the ring apron…
Like them or hate them, the crowd were impressed with the deadly tandem combination of moves from The Widow’s Nest! Araknis rolled away from the ring and Wolfspider turned away to pick up Davis off the mat! The Hype Tag Titles were in jeopardy!
Wolfspider was angry with the official’s count and went to cover him again.
And again!
Davis’ shoulder went up a third time, but by now, Bloome needed to get to his partner. The Widow’s Nest wouldn’t let that happen and he picked him up to throw Davis Bloome in the corner. Wolfspider went at him with a charge, but Davis got a boot up! He threw a back elbow to Araknis’ face and then a kick to the chest of Wolfspider.
The crowd was completely behind BADASS as Davis Bloome fought back against both of his assailants. Wolfspider kicked him in the chest and threw him backwards to the corner. He charged in…
His Running Spear MISSED when Davis leapfrogged right over him! Wolfspider was hurt while Davis Bloome ran off the corner and went to the corner where Wise was waiting. Araknis tagged in…
The Wise Ass was in the ring! He sprinted right into action and landed a stiff right into the head of Araknis! He then rushed over and caught Wolfspider with a running Back Elbow to the face to knock the big man clear off the apron. His focus was back on Araknis as he rammed him with several more jabs… A little bit of that flip, flop and fly… BIONIC ELBOW IN THIS HIZZY!
After that Dusty tribute to Araknis, he caught him with a kick to the gut and ran back to the corner before he came rushing right at Araknis with a HUGE Shotgun-style Dropkick to the chest! The blow sent him flying right into the turnbuckle, crushing him in the corner. Tripp got back up and pointed to the corner before the rowdy crowd continued supporting them both. He clapped in the tune of “We Will Rock You” in the turnbuckle and the crowd clapped along…
He headed to the top rope and when Araknis turned around, he took flight and caught him in the chest with another Dropkick, this time from the top rope! He then pushed him back to the corner again and got the crowd going some more, raising his hand to get a chant going as Davis joined in the fun for once. Both men ran off opposite ends of the ring with Araknis in the corner…
Araknis ate two Facewash kicks from both men and now Tripp Wise went for the cover!
He rushed into the ring and broke up the cover, but Davis Bloome was already there to cut the bigger man off at the pass…
A Leaping Side Kick caught him in the face and knocked Wolfspider off his feet, sending him packing from the ring. Meanwhile, Tripp Wise waited for Araknis to get back to his feet... He scurried off the ropes…
The Sick Kick BLASTED him right in his face and flipped Araknis over onto his stomach! Davis joined him in the ring and they both picked Tripp up…
The Flapjack/DDT combination DRILLED him into the mat and now Araknis was one squashed bug! Tripp Wise went for the cover.

And with that, the fans got to witness a hell of a match one last time for The Hype Tag Team Titles and they would end with BADASS as the last fighting champions! The moment actually brought what looked like a tear to Davis Bloome’s face…
“You okay, dude?” Tripp asked.
“Onions… cutting… shut up…” Davis snapped.
The referee raised the hands of both men as the disappointed Widow’s Nest moved away from the ring. BADASS had one more moment in the sun here on Countdown as Tripp Wise stood on the second turnbuckle now, blowing kisses like a goofy-ass and Davis MAY have cracked a smile in the occasion.
But if you’d asked, he’d tell you to go fuck yourself.
Winner: BADASS via Pinfall (STILL Hype Tag Team Champions)
