
"The Moment of Reality"
The scene opened up backstage at the jOlt Arena in Miami, FL. It was quiet... a bit too quiet. Sebastian Saje and Alyssa Corliss walked the halls of the empty arena, their footsteps echoed, breaking the silence around them. Saje was sporting some bandaids on his head after the attack he suffered last week on iNtense.
"It's hard to imagine this will be the last time we walk these halls... Good or bad... I've had a lot of memories here" said Alyssa
Saje wrapped his arm around Alyssa
"We did.. it's been a rollercoaster of a ride, but I have faith in you. I know you're not going to let all of this end. You will be able to walk another hall for another company and Raevynn won't" said Saje
The two of them stopped as Saje turned to Alyssa
"Just remember... no matter what happens... I'll be here for you." said Saje with a smile on his face
Alyssa leaned in and gave Saje a kiss.
"Thanks.. that really means a lot. You didn't have to put your entire career on the line for me, but you did. It's nice to know that if something were to happen that you're willing to sacrifice as well. It gives me strength going into this match and I'm not going to let that strength go to waste. Raevynn will be out of our lives once and for all and we can finally live in peace." said Alyssa
Alyssa gave Saje a hug.
"We have a big day tomorrow.. let's go get something to eat then turn in for the night. You, especially, will need the rest." said Saje.
Alyssa nodded. The two of them began to walk towards the camera when Alyssa stopped.
"Wait. I forgot to go grab something from my locker room. Wait here for me, please." said Alyssa
"Sure" replied Saje
Alyssa turned and quickly ran away. Saje stood there and waited for her to return. Saje put his hands in his pockets as he leaned up against the wall. Their locker room wasn't that far, but Alyssa wasn't coming back.
"She should have been back by now" muttered Saje.
Saje began to take a step forward when the lights in the hallway went out and a voice boomed.
"The lioness has become the lamb... When one loses something, they also lose their fangs..." said the voice followed by laughter, which sounded a lot like Raevynn
The lights in the arena came back on and Saje saw nothing in his way. He bolted off with the camera man desperately trying to catch up. They turned the corner and Saje opened the door to their locker room with force. Alyssa was stand there holding a black feather in her hand.
"Alyssa!? Are you okay!?" yelled Saje frantically.
"It's gone..." said Alyssa with a saddened tone in her voice.
"What's gone?" asked Saje.
"The thing I wanted to get out my locker room.. it's gone and all that was here was a black feather." said Alyssa
"Raevynn.." said Saje in an angry tone.
"She took something precious to me, Sebastian..." said Alyssa as she began to swell up in tears.
Saje held her close and comforted her.
"Hey.. we'll get it back.. what did she take from you?" asked Saje.
"I... I don't know what to say.." said Alyssa
"We've been together for a while.. we've had a long history together... you can trust me with anything. What did she take?" asked Saje.
Alyssa hesitated for a second.
"M..M... My en..engagement ring..." said Alyssa nervously.
"What?" asked Saje, kind of shocked
"I was going to surprise you tonight. Sebastian... I wanted to get married... to you.. and she took it" said Alyssa as she broke down in Saje's arms.
Saje held her even closer. The scowl on Saje's face said it all... Raevynn had finally gone too far.
"It'll be okay... this is just a mind game by Raevynn.. I'll get the ring back.. I promise... so just focus on beating her this Sunday, okay?" said Saje.
Alyssa nodded as Saje continued to hold her as the scene faded to black.
