
Dawncast: Jim Johnson
Dawn Cassidy sat in pristine condition on the set of none other than jOlt’s premiere talk show; The Dawncast. Her pearly whites gleamed under the camera lights as she welcomed everyone to the show.
“Ladies and Gentleman we are so close to Power Struggle the fans are already in frenzy and it’s always been my job to bring you the best in jOlt with the hard hitting questions on everyone’s mind. Tonight is no different! Ladies and Gentleman, tonight my guest is a man that has cause a lot of controversy over the years, a man once loved and hated, that man is none other than Jim Johnson. Mr. Johnson thank you for coming on The Dawncast. I know you’re busy with The Power Struggle Invitational tournament.”
Johnson sat with a leg propped upon another, a broad grin on his face, and slightly bowed toward Dawn.
“I’m never too busy to enjoy the company of a lady as beautiful as you, Dawn and please, by all means, call me Jim,” Johnson’s Chester Cat like grin spread as his perfect row of pearly white tombstone teeth glistened as well. Dawn blushed a bit but composed herself.
“So Jim,” Dawn blushed again being so informal with someone of power. “You can imagine we were all surprised when you showed back up after All or Nothing. What brought you back and how was the road back to jOlt?” Dawn leaned forward with a smile.
“Well I’m sure anyone that follows jOlt remembers the despicable acts I committed, which included trying to run the current jOlt champion down with a hummer,” Johnson paused to reflect. “The word sorry doesn’t begin to describe how I feel for my actions. I don’t blame the champion for throwing me from a ring through an announce table because I deserved worse,” Johnson stared at Dawn with intensity.
“I not only almost ended a man’s career but also possibly his life. As far as my injuries I had extensive neck and back damage. I went through many months of rehab and I won’t bore you with those horror stories but ultimately, after I healed, after I went through a hell I had never experienced, I saw the light and decided it was time to leave the legacy of Jim Johnson as something people speak of fondly. I begged the board and they granted me another chance. To give back to the fans my first act was The Power Struggle Invitational.” Johnson took a sip of water and looked back to Dawn.
“Which has shown off a lot of new up and coming talent. Many people can’t wait to see the grand finale at Power Struggle. You spoke of your redemption. On that note have you and Sylo spoken?”
Johnson was mid-drink and almost choked. He cleared his throat and excused himself.
“I thought it best to stay as far away from Sylo as possible. If there’s one man in all of jOlt I’ve done the most to it’s him. For over a decade he harbored a grudge against me and for good reason. But I do stand by what I said all the way back in PIW that man was and now is the future of pro wrestling. I believe, orthodox or not, he’s represented jOlt and the jOlt title like a true champion and no one can take that away,” Johnson sealed his point by slapping his palm on the arm of his chair.
“So what are your views on the title vs. title match coming up at Crystal Nightmares?” Dawn asked.
“This match could prove to be the most barbaric thing we’ve ever witnessed in the history of jOlt. Both men will step into hell and I can’t tell you who’ll walk out. All I can tell you is at Power Struggle the fans will have gotten their monies worth and then some.”
Dawn nodded.
“And what of the recent demands of this so called Terrorist group that’s threatening jOlt?”
Johnson swallowed hard. Harder than he had all night.
“Well Dawn it’s no secret the board will not rethink their position on this. I just ask this group to please stop this before it gets out of control. No one needs to get hurt. We can find a peaceful resolution if they’ll sit down at the table with us. I hope they will accept my offer and give us an answer at Power Struggle,” Johnson cleared his throat and straightened his tie.
“Well Jim, it’s been a pleasure having you on. Is there anything else you’d like to say before we go?”
“Honestly? I just want to thank the fans of jOlt for allowing me back. I’ll do everything in my power to prove to you I’m a changed man. The Jim Johnson of old is dead and all we are now in the era of the Jim Johnson that builds a legacy that the wrestlers and fans alike can be proud of. Thank you for having me tonight Dawn.” Johnson smiled and shook her hand. Music played as the two chatted in the background and this episode of Dawncast came to an end.
