
Dawncast - A Special Flyweight Edition
Camera five came into picture as we see Dawn Cassidy sitting on the set of her show Dawncast. Getting prepared to introduce her next two guest.
"Now at power struggle these two superstars will go at it, for none other than the flyweight championship. These two have had bad blood between each other from the beginning. One is the self-proclaimed savior of the flyweight division. The other say's he is the new face of the division and plans on taking over. I would like to introduce first the jOlt flyweight champion; Jimmy B. Martinez." Dawn said as she smiled, and stood up from her seat to greet the champ.
Martinez slowly emerged from behind the curtains wearing a black and red Armani suit, as the flyweight championship lay draped over his right shoulder. He slowly walked up to Dawn, kissed her on her cheek. She chuckled as they both sat back down. Martinez took the title from his shoulder and laid it on the counter, as the camera slowly zoomed on to the prestige title, both men were fighting for.
"Welcome Jimmy, thank you for coming on the show today." Dawn said as she welcomed the flyweight champion.
"Thank you, for having me." He said, as he smiled at Dawn.
"Well let’s get straight, to the juicy stuff. We are here to talk about you and Landon Stevens." She explained, as Martinez facial expression changed just by hearing his name.
"What about Stevens?!" He said.
"You two have been going at it, ever since he stepped foot into jOlt. Is there a reason for this?" She asked the champ.
"Well the answer to that is simple. You come into jOlt demanding respect, claiming to be better than me. Then you have the nerve to threaten me and say you're after what I love the most. MY flyweight championship, so yeah... of course im going to feel some type of way towards you." Martinez explained as she nodded.
"How do you feel to know that Stevens was trained by your longtime friend Aran Thompson?" She asked.
"How should I feel?" He asked Dawn.
"I just thought you would have some mixed feelings, too knowing he was trained by Thompson." She explained.
"Aran Thompson is my friend; he knows this is straight business. I have nothing against him, nor have any problems with him. I do have a problem with Stevens." He explained to Dawn as she continued to listen on.
"I have no respect for him, and I will never have any respect for him. So at power struggle, we will put it all on the line and hopefully bury the hatchet." He said in a serious tone, letting Dawn know he was more than serious.
"Now Stevens was trained by Aran Thompson, our former relentless champion. But... YOU Mr. Martinez was trained by the blue beast himself Sylo. Do you think you have the upper hand in this battle?" She asked Martinez.
Martinez laughed to himself, before he answered the question.
"Of course I mean everything he knows; he passed down and taught me. I mean from in ring, to real life. I look at him as a big brother, who took me under his wing. I always followed his career, when I was younger. It is a pleasure to be trained by one of the best in the business." Martinez explained as he looked at the flyweight championship, which rested on the table beside him.
"How do you feel, when people say. You would be nothing without Sylo or say you wouldn’t be champion, if it wasn’t for your mentor Sylo." She asked as she looked Martinez dead in his eyes.
Martinez raised his eyebrow and coughed, as the question may have gotten a little under his skin.
"I do admit if it wasn’t for Sylo, I wouldn’t be champion. I mean he did basically, served Phoenix to me on a silver platter. NOW as for me being nothing or a nobody, I have to disagree with you there. If I wasn’t champ, I would continue doin what I have been doing. That's busting my ass week in and week out to be the best, the best that I can be." He explained as he stared into Dawn's eyes.
"Well I would like to wish you luck at power struggle in you championship match between Stevens."
"Thank you." Martinez answered back.
"Well right now, I would like to introduce my second guest on the show. The same man you will be going up against at the ppv for your precious championship. I would like to introduce Landon Stevens!" She shouted.
Martinez let out a low scoff, as he shook his head from side to side.
Landon Stevens emerged at the top of the ramp way dressed in torn up jeans and an Atreyu band tee. The challenger made his way towards Dawn and gave her a hug before taking a seat on the opposite side of her.
“Welcome Landon and thank you for joining us.” Dawn said as she sat back down in her seat.
“Thank you for having me.” Stevens responded as he stared over at Martinez.
“Landon, you came into Jolt gunning after the flyweight champion. Why is this?” Cassidy asked as Martinez sat up waiting to hear what his challenger has to say.
“To answer your question, I came to Jolt to prove I am the best at what I do. I came here to make an impact. I believe I have done so. I came in here and gunned after the protégé of The Super Beast. Who does that?”
“I would say someone who doesn’t know what’s good for them.” Martinez spoke up.
“Oh, I don’t know what’s good for me? I think you’re highly mistaken. I know exactly what I am doing my friend. At Power Struggle it will be you leaving with your head hung low as I walk out with that belt draped over my shoulder. I will be damn sure to make a lasting impression. After Power Struggle, no one will ever look at me the same. Right now, you all think I am some punk kid coming in just trying to push some buttons and get a title shot on a big stage. Well you all have another thing coming. I will take this stage and shine the spotlight right on me.“
“Let’s be civil boys, we don’t want any kind of trouble.” Cassidy spoke up as the conversation seemed to get heated.
“Now Stevens, let’s stay focused. You have a history with Aran Thompson, a longtime friend of Jimmy’s. Did this have anything to do with why you came here to jOlt?”
“To be honest Dawn, it had a lot to do with why I chose Jolt. I could have simply returned to ACW but I kept hearing Aran talk about this kid Martinez on twitter. He just kept talking him up. I was trained by Aran and I never got that kind of treatment. The best I ever got was being called Maggot and a slap on the back of the head. I came here to prove to Aran and the rest of the boys in the locker room that I am the future… I am The Rising Star. "
“Martinez has been called the Rising Star himself…” Before Dawn could even get the rest of her sentence out Stevens chimed in.
“Martinez…? The Rising Star? He is more like the falling star. Come Power Struggle we will see who gets the last laugh. We will see who the best flyweight in this company truly is. I came to prove a point and that is exactly what I will do. I have battled the likes of Alias back in my ACW days and I took that son of a bitch to the edge. I made a statement and I intend to do the same here in Jolt. There is no one that will stand in my way. If you want something, you take it. That’s just the way life is and that’s just the way this business is. Jimmy boy, I hope there are no hard feelings, but this is just…. Business. ”
Stevens rose up from his chair and stepped in front of Dawn staring down at the flyweight champion. Martinez then rose to his feet and stood in front of Stevens. The two superstars stared each other down eye to eye.
“I hope you’re ready for a war you can’t win Jimmy. There is no backing down. This is what the Super Beast has trained you for. The question is… Can you rise to the challenge? I hope for your sake you don’t fail your master. ” Stevens held back nothing as he spoke from the mind of a true veteran.
“Tune into Power Struggle to see who comes out in this epic flyweight battle. This could definitely be one for the history books.” Cassidy spoke softly as the camera faded out to Stevens and Martinez standing face to face.
