*Angry Static*
A desolate forest, littered with various sizes of dead or dying foliage along the forest floor. A scant number of rotted leaves dance gracefully to the whims of the winds.
’Ultra Violence’ by Cliff Lin
V/O - For quite some time, the shadows, have granted you an audience...
*Angry Static*
{The Legion of Dairy brandishing tag team wrestling gold...Total Conquest heading towards the ring with the belts under their control...Derecho & Blazer staring at each other while holding the title belts in their grasps....Team V.I.A.G.R.A. standing atop the turnbuckles, playing to the masses as champions...The Normans playing to the masses along the ring aprons triumphant on that day...The pyrotechnical display rattling behind the formidable unit of Mike Extreme & Chris Titan standing over the broken bodies of their competition, displaying the eerie gleam across the pewter surfaces of their title belts...*static*}
V/O - The ranks of the Tag Team Division has endured the rigors of an arduous winter ...
{The Harbinger is seen leaning defiantly over the top rope, emitting a heavily distorted scream as Sven eerily flashes his tongue toward the masses...The Jury captured brawling & laying waste to several unfamiliar opponents. The tandem of Sweet, Sweet Lovin’ shucking & jiving around the ringside area....The Heirs of Wrestling en route towards the ringside area... The snippet ends with angry static...}
The scene immediately returned back to an abrupt visual disruption of the ominous figure, plodding defiantly through the agricultural graveyard. The slightly armored behemoth beheld a kendo mask to obscure his identity during his approach toward a weather beaten tree. The Kanabo, his apparent weapon of choice, angrily churning up dust & debris with each step forward before the tree obscures his massive form....
Brief Moment of Darkness
V/O - In the wake of an impending Power Struggle...
Reappearing, the monstrosity no longer adorns the elaborate Kendo mask. He is bald. Stoic. The cold vapors could be seen slowly being expelled from both nostrils. Knuckles gnarled. The mountain of muscle is accompanied by the methodical & rhythmic sounds of muted thunder with each step forward. Visual distortion frantically trades images of the silent leviathan both armed & unarmed amidst his walk before dissipating.
V/O - The answer awaits to be revealed...
In the enigmatic titan’s absence, an individual stands. Tattered Crimson hakama. Chiseled yet slender physique. Sleeveless Obsidian Gi with Crimson trim unfastened. The clan emblem set against the right breast. The man of Japanese descent is gently securing the erect khakkhara (multi ringed monk staff) with his taped hand & forearm. A tattered coolie hat with frayed ends intentionally obscures the man’s identity.
V/O - Order is to be restored with an exceedingly high price...
The music quickly ebbs out of earshot, allowing the current of wind and the fabric it is moving to be overheard for several moments.
V/O - Order will be restored yet never without adequate sacrifice nor compensation...and that Order...comes with the gratuitous spreading of Crimson...
The scene is disrupted by the masked mastodon angrily swung the massive Kanabo at the camera, which displayed its wild but shortened flight toward the earth. Immediate fits of audible & visual static reigned before darkness overwhelmed the screen.
