
The scene opened up inside of a studio. There was an expensive-looking LED screen behind four director's chairs... one on the left which contained Dawn Cassidy, and three on the right with her guests for tonight’s show. The jOlt World Champion Jeremy Ryan, “The Fortunate Son” Frank Silver, and their manager, the self-proclaimed “jOlt’s Last Real ManAGER” Sonny Silver. Ryan looked like his usual hate-filled self, Frank Silver looked cocky as ever and Sonny had a knowing smirk on his face.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Dawn Cassidy and right here with me are two men who will be part of two of the biggest matches at next week’s Rise of the Legends. Please welcome Sonny Silver, Frank Silver, and the jOlt World Champion, “jOlt’s Last Real Man”…
“And Champion!” Sonny added. “jOlt’s Last Real CHAMPION, Dawn, don’t you forget that.”
“Yes,” Dawn repeated, “jOlt’s Last Real Champion, Jeremy Ryan. Thanks for joining our show tonight.”
“You’re welcome, Dawn,” Sonny replied. “With the three of us here, there’s no chance that little shitshow that Donny Layne passes off as broadcast journalism even has competition. You’ve got Frank Silver, one of the new fast rising stars in the singles roster of jOlt in “The Fortunate Son” Frank Silver!”
“Yo,” he replied nonchalantly.
“And last, but CERTAINLY not least, you have only THE most important man going in jOlt today. You have the jOlt World Champion and the man who will become the first to hold the World and Fearless Championships simultaneously next Sunday… Jeremy Ryan!”
Wearing his signature “Real Man” Bloody Knuckles-themed shirt, Ryan had the jOlt World Championship resting in his lap. He tapped the faceplate.
“My first question is going to be for Jeremy Ryan. Now, Jeremy, some are calling you crazy for not only wanting to take on Omega, but also take him on in a match that’s right up his alley. A Boiler Room Brawl! A rarity in today’s landscape of wrestling. Tell us why the challenge for this specific match type.”
Ryan adjusted the faceplate of the jOlt World Championship and faced it towards Dawn Cassidy.
“Do you see this championship, Dawn? Do you see this? This makes me THE best man in this fucking company, NO EXCEPTIONS. I’m better than any man in this company and I’m better than any other CHAMPION in this company. In the span of a month and I half, I beat BOTH of the jOlt World Tag Team Champions, The House, in singles match and you saw Breakdown, right? I beat The Relentless Champion Diamond Jewelz and he hasn’t been in competition since I beat him there. This belt right here means that there is NOBODY that I can’t beat.”
“Now,” Sonny added, “as for why he challenged Omega to a Boiler Room Brawl… simple. He can beat ANYONE at ANY TIME and Omega is no exception. Ryan doesn’t like these No DQ or No Fear Rules or whatever pretty little tag you want to come up with. I’m sure my client here has told you for months now that in one of his last matches in this company, Ryan defeated a legendary wrestler known for Underground rules matches. Derecho. Remember him? Only Grand Slam champion in this company? jOlt Hall of Famer? Kingpin of all things Underground. Derecho, one of the only men that could say he took that title from Omega during his first reign… and Ryan BEAT him in the middle of the ring. Ryan’s already proven his adeptness as the best pound-for-pound brawler in this company, so Ryan being locked in the same room with Omega? That’s child’s play.”
“But surely, he has a size advantage on him,” Dawn said.
“So fucking what?” Ryan took over again. “You saw what I did to “The Colossus” Spike Saunders, right? Seven foot three and over three-hundred pounds. That lumbering fuckwad put me on blast and Omega gave him a jOlt World Title shot for our Pick Your Poison series on a platter. And what did I do? I BEAT him. Everyone’s the same size when I’ve knocked them the fuck out. Omega can cut promos from whatever fucking dimly lit basement he wants, but the end result will be what I’ve called for weeks now. I’m going to PROVE to Omega that his time as Fearless Champion has been a fun novelty, but his reign was over the second he accepted my challenge for his title. A REAL wrestler is going to run shit around here and a REAL MAN is going to be walking out with the top two titles in the company!”
“Strong words!” Dawn said. “And now we turn to Frank Silver and his match at Rise of the Legends where you take on your former tag team partner of SEVEN years, Ryan Gallway.”
“You mean my albatross, but go on,” Frank corrected.
“Ryan Gallway was somebody that you have been very close with for seven years, but that all changed at Breakdown. The Heirs of Wrestling had just lost to The Natural Athletes when you spiked him on his head and ended the relationship. You left Mack Brody to get attacked by The Dead Cell and he’s found himself wrapped up in their business. And now after trying to publically cast him aside, repeated attacks by Ryan Gallway have resulted in this match being made. Loser Leaves jOlt. You versus Ryan Gallway.”
“Is there a question in there or you just looking to drum up some shit, Dawn?” Sonny asked, annoyed.
“Yes, I am getting to that,” Dawn answered, “how do you justify doing what you did and are you possibly regretting this decision knowing that there’s a chance your singles career could be over before it truly begins?”
Sonny was about to address her…
“Nah, nah, nah, God-pop,” Frank said. “I got this one. Dawn… NO. BIG. FUCKING. NO. I am not regretting this decision one single, solitary bit. That deluded little choad could’ve only put MY career on the line, but he chose to do it for whoever loses this match. I’m not sorry one bit when I say that all he did was sign his own death warrant. Believe you me, the fact that he was allowed to attack me three consecutive weeks in a row without any sort of a punishment my Damien Lee will be something that gets answered soon enough, but I’m going to handle this Gallway shit first.”
Frank perked up in his chair a little, the irritation in his voice more noticeable.
“He fucked up and he fucked up big when he chose to heed my advice. I only dropped him on his head once as a warning – we were through and that I wanted nothing more to do with him, but he wanted to press the issue. So I have no sympathy for what happens at Rise of the Legends. They might as well rename this shit Gallway Leaves jOlt because he’s the biggest fucking loser I’ve ever known. I wanted him to be part of this and whether or not anybody believes it, I wanted him to be. Sonny and I gave him more than once chance to show ruthlessness and show how fucking awesome he is. Instead, he wanted to pander to the mindless fucktards that make up jOlt’s audience. He got soft like the shriveled up little dick that he is and because of that, his career is going to end at my hands. I’m going to uppercut that little bastard into oblivion, I’m going to dump him right on his head and end his career.”
Dawn nodded. “Thank you both for this interview and best of luck to you in your respective matches. My last question is directly for Sonny Silver.”
“Yes, you can have my hotel key,” Sonny smirked.
“Eww… no, I wanted to talk about rumors I heard. When Gabriel Gold faced off with Ryan Gallway last week, the talk was that you would take him into his new group that you’ve assigned her with Jeremy Ryan and Frank Silver. My question to you is are you looking to expand on your roster?”
“Dawn, a good manager… especially jOlt’s Last Real ManAGER… knows that you are ALWAYS looking out for prime talent. Jeremy Ryan is the man with brain AND brawn. Frank Silver is becoming one of the more cunning wrestlers on this roster with no signs of slowing down. There’s tag teams, there’s Starlets, there’s a whole sea of talent out there. Maybe I’m looking for somebody on the roster… perhaps The Hype… perhaps people outside this organization. A man of my pedigree and BAMF wrestling skill has made many contacts over the years… I WILL tell you that feelers have been sent out. As for who and when? Well, you’ll have to wait and see. Come on, boys, let’s go kick some ass.”
Sonny patted Jeremy and Frank on the back as both men stood up from their chairs and left… but not before Frank kicked over a chair. Dawn looked at him with an incredulous look, but he scoffed.
“Pfft. I’m The Fortunate Son! I can do whatever I want around here. Eat it, Dawn.”
Dawn Cassidy shook her head as The Silvers and the jOlt World Champion walked off set.
