

Omega(c) vs Derecho
The crowd had anticipated this match all night. The last time that these two met, it was a bloody war between the two. Omega, seeking to become one with the Underground Championship and his split personalities while Derecho wanted to reclaim his throne, however, Derecho failed to do so and it caused him to go off the deep end. The two were on another collision course and many wondered what they would do to try and top their last encounter. The answer to that was just a mere couple of moments away.
“King of Hell” by Helstar
The arena dimmed to black as the guitar faded in. The audience sat there in darkness as the choir chimed in with their lyrics. The arena turned to a crimson hue during this time. When the drums and the guitar hit the opening riff, a large explosion of pyro went off on stage.
After the pyro disappeared, the huge wing emblem that housed the jOltvision screen was engulfed in flames! The fiery wings was an awe-inspiring sight to see. Derecho stepped through the curtain from the backstage area and stood there in aisle way. The camera panned back for a wide shot, showing Derecho standing there clad in his trench coat and his black skull crown against a flaming wings background.
Derecho got to his knees and held out his arms. As he did that, the blades on each side of the staging area shot random fireballs out toward the center of the stage where Derecho was knelt, however, they would dissipate before reaching him.
The lyrics kicked in and Derecho stood up. He then began to walk down to the ring with the fiery wings in the background. He made it to ringside where he hopped up onto the apron and then stepped inside. He removed his skull crown and trench coat, passing them off to ringside. Derecho had self mutilated himself to teach Omega a lesson about pain over the course of the past five weeks. Tonight, Derecho was ready for anything Omega was bringing to the table.
“Redeemer” by Marilyn Manson
As the song began, the arena faded to black. The beat kicked in and the lights arena began a slow alternating pulse between deep violet and white. The crowd stood and looked to the entrance way. When the lyrics kicked in, Omega stepped out from the backstage area with the Underground Championship draped over his shoulder.
Omega raised the title up to his ear as if he were listening to it. He gave it a hug and then laughed to himself. He then raised the title high up into the air as pyro exploded outward from the blades on each side of the stage and then from all the points of the wings that housed the jOltvision screen.
Omega then walked down to the ring with a grin on his face the entire way. He made his way to ringside where the rolled in underneath the bottom rope, quickly getting up to his feet. Both Omega and Derecho looked down at the Underground Championship.
You could see it in their eyes. That was the prize they were after. Derecho wanted his throne back and Omega wanted to become one.. and a simple title.. the Underground Championship, was the key to achieving each of their goals. Derecho and Omega continued to stare at the title, then slowly, they lifted their heads and began to stare at each other as if each man knew exactly what had to be done in order to achieve their goals. One man had to be put down and they were prepared for that.
The referee, Simon Boulder, looked a bit worried. He asked for the championship and Omega handed it over. Boulder held it high into the air and then passed it off to ringside. Boulder did the one thing people have been waiting for. He called for the bell.
Derecho and Omega continued to stare at each other in the center of the ring. They stepped closer and closer to each other to the point where they were almost nose to nose. Omega cracked a grin, but Derecho’s icy blue eyes his pierced through it, unphased. Omega wanted Derecho to make the first move. He was almost begging for it, but Derecho was thinking the same thing. By not reacting, he was hoping to draw Omega into making a move. Both men wanted the advantage, but neither man would allow it to happen.
Derecho sighed in disgust and turned to walk away, but he stopped short, turned, and threw a punch. He knew Omega would block it so when Omega put up his arm to do so, Derecho pulled his arm back and quickly went behind into a waist lock, faking Omega out! Derecho kept his head low as Omega went for a back elbow, but found nothing to hit. Derecho then used some muscle to lift the 300+ pounder up, hitting a takedown. Derecho immediately dismounted Omega and stood up, taking a step back.
Many thought Derecho would allow Omega to get up, but as he stood, Derecho ran in and dropped an elbow into Omega’s lower back, dropping him back down to the canvas. Derecho then applied a side head lock, but Omega easily powered back up to his feet, looking for a Back Drop Suplex to counter, but Derecho flipped over and landed on his feet. Derecho backed into the ropes, charging at Omega, swinging with a lariat, but Omega ducked underneath it causing Derecho to stop short and turn around. Derecho quickly planted his foot into Omega’s chest, looking for a Step Up Enzugiri, but Omega ducked and Derecho fell flat on his stomach on the canvas.
Omega quickly grabbed Derecho while he was on canvas and deadlifted him up to his feet. Derecho hit a pair of back elbows and broke Omega’s grip. Derecho went to take off to the ropes, but Omega grabbed Derecho by the hair and yanked him backwards into an elbow smash to the back of the head! Derecho hit the canvas hard as Omega looked at his hand and noticed a few strands of Derecho’s hair. Omega simply grinned as he let the strands fall to the canvas. Derecho turned to his back and kicked Omega in the leg. Derecho kicked at him again and Omega hobbled away, holding his knee. Derecho got back to his feet and immediately grabbed Omega in a waist lock. Omega used his strength to break Derecho’s grip and hit another back elbow… an elbow so hard that Derecho dropped to a single knee from it’s impact.
Omega then charged in and…
Derecho looked down and out as Omega rolled the challenger over and it could be over just this early!
Derecho got the shoulder up!
Omega stood and brought Derecho up to his feet. He hoisted Derecho up onto his shoulder and charged toward the corner, but Derecho slipped off and continued with Omega’s momentum, ramming him chest first into the turnbuckle pads. Derecho then hit shoulder thrust after shoulder thrust into Omega’s lower back. He turned Omega around and repeated the shoulder thrusts into Omega’s mid-section. Derecho gained some distance and charged in from the opposite corner. He drilled Omega with a clothesline in the corner, but Omega didn’t go down. Derecho went back to the opposite corner and tried again, but Omega still remained on his feet! Third time was the charm as Derecho hit the opposite corner and sprinted as fast as he could. Derecho leapt into the air to deliver a leaping clothesline into the corner, but Omega countered by wrapping his arm around Derecho’s neck and slamming as hard as he could into the canvas with an Elevated STO!!
Crowd: “OOOOOOOH!!!!”
Derecho hit the back of his neck and flipped to his stomach from the impact! Omega stepped out of the corner and let out a bestial roar before reducing it down to a cackling grin. Omega gripped at his face as he smiled at Derecho writing in pain on the canvas.
Omega bent over and pulled Derecho back up to his feet. Omega slammed his forearm into Derecho’s lower back. Omega repeated it a second time and then pivoted, delivering a discus forearm to the back of Derecho’s head!!! Derecho hit the canvas once again as Omega turned him over, hooking the leg.
Shoulder up by Derecho!
Omega knelt down on top of Derecho after flipping him to his stomach. Omega pulled Derecho’s head up by the hair and slammed his forearm into the back of it!! Omega repeated this not just once, but twice! The referee couldn’t stop it due to the nature of the match, but the level of physicality was beginning to pick up.. and to think, no weapons had been introduced yet!
Derecho laid there motionless as Omega stood up. He grabbed Derecho by the hair and brought him back up to a vertical base. Omega then delivered a headbutt to Derecho that caused him to stagger away and drop down to all fours. Derecho got back up and faced Omega only to be caught by another headbutt that knocked him onto his back. The so-called King of Hell was in trouble in the early goings of this match, but he continued to fight and pull himself up to his feet. Omega went for a third headbutt, but Derecho used a headbutt of his own and the two of them collided in the center of the ring! Neither man went down, but both men were gritting their teeth as they pressed against each other! Derecho could feel himself getting pushed back and quickly side stepped, allowing Omega’s momentum to carry him forward. Derecho quickly lifted his knee and buried it into Omega’s mid-section, doubling him over. Derecho grabbed Omega by the head and showed some power hitting the big man with a Vertical Suplex!
Derecho hung on and turned Omega over. They both got back to their feet where Derecho couldn’t quite hit a Snap Suplex, so he opted for another Vertical. Derecho continued to hold on as he pulled Omega back to his feet. He lifted Omega up and immediately dropped him face first into the canvas with a Split-Legged Gordbuster!
Derecho then rolled Omega over onto his back and went for his first pin of the match!
Omega not only kicked out, he kicked out with authority, sending Derecho flying backwards!
Derecho got back to his feet quickly and charged in, kneeing Omega in the side of the skull! Derecho then grabbed Omega by the head and began hitting alternating knee strikes to the top of his head! Derecho quickly stood Omega up and hoisted the big man onto his shoulders, but Omega wriggled free and landed behind Derecho. Omega then lifted Derecho up into an Inverted Fireman’s Carry, looking to sneak in The End, but Derecho, too, wriggled free and landed behind Omega
Omega turned around and was met with a toe kick by Derecho. Derecho scooped Omega up onto his shoulder, looking for A Forever Reminder, but Omega escaped from that as well! Omega then slammed his forearm into Derecho’s back before getting underneath him and going for a Back Drop Suplex, but Derecho kicked and wiggled until he reversed the momentum and converted it into a bulldog! Omega lifted his head up off the canvas and that’s when Derecho lunged in…
Derecho opted not to go for the pin. Instead, he opted to head to the outside and grab his best friend in the entire world…. the steel chair! Derecho got back up on the ring apron as Omega was coming to. Derecho looked ready to strike with the chair when Omega balled up his fist and when Derecho swung the chair, Omega punched it, knocking it out of the ring and into the front row where some fans had to move out of the way!!
Omega then swung with a clothesline, but Derecho ducked underneath. Derecho stopped and tried to whip Omega to the ropes, but Omega reversed it and sent Derecho to the ropes by the announce position. Omega turned and charged at Derecho, chasing him into the ropes. Derecho didn’t expect that and got clotheslined up and over the top rope and down to the floor! Omega showed that Derecho wasn’t the only one who could use sneaky tactics to gain an upper hand.
Omega grinned as he stepped out of the ring and pulled Derecho to his feet. Omega let loose with body blows to Derecho’s mid-section before wrapping him in a front waist lock and ramming him back first into the edge of the announce table. Derecho held his back as Omega gripped him again and rammed him into the announce table for a second time. Omega grabbed Derecho once more, but this time he hit a Belly to Belly Overhead Release Suplex and Derecho’s lower back slammed into the edge of the ring apron and he fell right on the back of his neck!!!
We’re only a couple of minutes into this match and we got our first fecal chant! Derecho already looked to be dead after taking that hit and Omega may pull off a shocking early win here if he could get him back into the ring! At least, that’s what any normal man would do and as we know, Omega is not any normal man.
Omega grabbed Derecho and pulled him back up. He gripped Derecho in a front waist lock again, but this time he positioned him differently. The crowd stood up as Omega hit another Belly to Belly Overhead Release Suplex.. this time, Derecho’s back slammed into the edges of the steel ring steps!!!
The crowd couldn’t believe how Derecho was just being destroyed this early on! Derecho flipped to his stomach and you could see blood on his back. The ring steps had lacerated his flesh! Omega knelt down next to Derecho and grabbed a fist full of his hair. He pulled his head up off the floor and said to him…
“You spoke of pain.. you spoke of suicide.. Omega is happy to deliver both unto you!”
Omega then slammed Derecho’s face into the floor before standing back up. Omega lifted the ring apron and pulled out a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. Omega placed it at the top of Derecho’s back and then raked it down to his lower back. Derecho yelled out in pain and you could see the streak marks from where the barbs dug into Derecho’s skin. Derecho’s back was beginning to look like a bloody mess in the early goings in this match. Derecho cringed as he rolled onto his back. Omega raised the 2x4 high above his head.. he wanted to crush Derecho’s face with it! He swung, but Derecho put his arms up and blocked the shot!
Derecho pulled himself back up to his feet and grinned.
“MORE! GIVE ME MORE!” yelled Derecho at Omega
Derecho even took the 2x4 and scraped it across his forehead…lacerating it.. all while smiling right in Omega’s face.
“I AM PAIN INCARNATE!” yelled Derecho.
He then hit a headbutt to Omega, stunning him. Derecho then pulled the 2x4 out of Omega’s hands. Omega turned to face Derecho when Derecho grabbed the 2x4 and slammed into Omega’s forehead, busting him open! Derecho then knelt down on top of Omega and pressed the barbed 2x4 against Omega’s throat as he began to choke him with it, but Omega reached up and dug his nails into Derecho’s lacerated forehead and then raked Derecho’s face. Derecho yelled out in pain as he got up and stumbled away.
Omega got back to his feet and charged in at Derecho, but Derecho quickly hit a Drop Toe Hold and sent Omega’s face into the top of the steel ring steps! Derecho climbed up onto the apron and then up to the top turnbuckle pad, directly above Omega. Omega lifted his head slightly as the audience held its breath. They hoped Derecho wouldn’t… but he did… he leapt off…
Derecho landed the curb stomp and immediately fell off of the ring steps and down to the floor. Omega looked to be out cold from that move! Derecho used the barricades to pull himself up. He laughed maniacally as he stumbled over to Omega. He grabbed him by the head and pulled him to his feet. He rolled Omega into the ring and slid in after him. It was all but over as Derecho covered Omega and hooked the leg.
Omega kicked out!
Derecho gritted his teeth and then rolled out of the ring to the outside by the bottom of the aisle way. He lifted up the ring apron and pulled out a table from underneath the ring. He set it up at ringside and then rolled back inside. He walked over and pulled Omega to his feet. He walked Omega over to the ropes where Derecho stepped back out onto the apron. He then hooked Omega for what looked like an inside to outside suplex through the table, but Omega began to punch away at Derecho’s mid-section through the ropes! Omega then grabbed Derecho by the head and hot shotted him across the to rope.
Derecho hung onto the top rope so he wouldn’t fall through the table. Derecho struggled to keep himself from falling and that is when Omega had an idea. Omega got a full head of steam and hit the opposite ropes. He came charging in and when Derecho turned around…
Omega speared Derecho through the ropes and both men crashed through the table Derecho had set up! Both men were down as the referee exited the ring and checked on both men. Both said they could continue, but neither man was moving. All of this in the early goings of the match proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is what the Underground Championship meant to them. There was no slow build up to the violence. They went at it from the time the bell rang. They wanted to end each other as quickly and as brutally as possible and what we’ve seen so far has been the result of their desires.
Omega was the first to show signs of life. He pulled himself to his feet and grabbed Derecho by the head, pulling him up out of the rubble. Omega then hoisted Derecho up onto his shoulders and began to walk him down the aisle toward the entrance area. When they got about half way, Derecho wriggled free and landed behind Omega. Derecho placed Omega in a waist lock and turned him. He then drove Omega stomach first into the guard rails! Omega hunched over the rails, but Derecho took a step back. Derecho then drove his shoulder into Omega’s lower back not once, not twice, but three times. Omega arched his back and stumbled away in pain. Omega turned toward Derecho who leapt up onto the top of the rails and pivoted, hitting a Leaping Leg Lariat to Omega’s neck and chest, taking him down in the middle of the aisle!
Derecho landed hard as well as it’s not padded out there. Derecho laid there on his back, clutching his hip and thigh in pain from the landing. Derecho hobbled back to his feet as Omega turned on all fours and tried to get up. Derecho taunted Omega to stand as he gingerly took a couple of steps backwards. Omega got to his feet as Derecho charged in, looking for a Running Bulldog on the aisle, but Omega grabbed Derecho as he leapt up to hook his head and he simply threw Derecho off of him! You could hear the sickening thud as Derecho landed flat on his back on the hard floor! Omega walked over and grabbed Derecho, pulling him up. He, once again, placed Derecho into a Fireman’s Carry and walked him the rest of the way to the entrance set. Omega then lifted Derecho up into a military press and threw him into the bottom of the structure that held up the jOltvision. Derecho hit it and flopped a few feet down to the floor, landing on his stomach!!
Derecho coughed and gasped for air as he tried to crawl backstage. Omega grabbed Derecho by hit tights, however, and flung him through the curtain. A camera on the other side saw Derecho fly through the black curtain and down a few steps and into the gorilla position! Random workers were caught off guard as they scattered. Omega stepped through and walked down the stairs to where Derecho was broken and bloodied, laying on the cold, concrete floor.
Omega pulled Derecho back up and he rammed him back first into some equipment cases! Derecho fell to his knees as Omega took a few steps back. Omega went for a Running Yakuza Kick to crush Derecho’s skull, but Derecho moved out of the way and Omega ended up kicking the equipment case!! The case didn’t budge as it was up against a concrete wall. The shock from the kick caused a twinge in Omega’s leg. He held it as Derecho scrambled to his feet and hit a Chop Block from behind putting Omega onto his back.
Derecho then stood and grabbed the equipment case. He raised it high above his head and slammed it down on top of Omega’s chest!! Derecho then grabbed one of the computer monitors from the gorilla position and began to slam that down on top of Omega’s chest repeatedly. Derecho tossed it aside as he pulled Omega back to a vertical base. Derecho walked Omega out of the gorilla position and down a hallway where he whipped him back first into the concrete wall! Derecho got a running start and hit a drop kick to Omega’s face, causing him to fall into a seated position! Derecho then decided to take a chance… he got a running start and went for a Knee Strike when Omega moved!!
Derecho hit the ground and was yelling and cringing in pain! He could have shattered his knee right then and there! That was a critical turning point for this match as Omega was like a shark that just smelled blood in the water! Omega pulled himself up and found a rack of steel chairs a little bit down the hallway. He grabbed one from off the rack and walked back over to Derecho who was still groaning in pain on the floor. Omega lifted the chair up and..
Five times Omega slammed the chair over Derecho’s knee! Omega tossed the chair aside and pulled Derecho up to his feet. Derecho hopped up and down on one leg as he couldn’t stand to put pressure on the other. Omega pulled Derecho over to the rack of chairs and slammed him face first into the top of the rack. Derecho hunched over the rack as Omega walked back over and grabbed the chair he tossed aside. He walked back over and…
Three thunderous chair shots across Derecho’s upper back!
Derecho said he was The King of Hell.. he said that he was Pain Incarnate. He sung about Suicide being painless… but Derecho was completely destroyed at this point. Omega knew he had to get him to the ring.. he if did, the match would be over.
Omega, however, wanted to make sure. After their first match together, Derecho proved to be beyond resilient. Omega wanted to put the exclamation point on this match and do so right here right now. As Derecho laid there, hunched over the rack, Omega got under Derecho’s arm and pulled him back a step or two. He then lifted Derecho up for a back drop suplex, but Omega pivoted 180 degrees and…
Derecho’s lacerated upper back slammed against the chair rack! He landed on his feet, but his leg buckled! Derecho collapsed to the ground and laid there, twitching in pain… his eyes closed tight.. his teeth gritted. Derecho was in a world of back as Omega leaned against the chair rack and simply laughed at Derecho.
Derecho’s lifeless body was taken up by Omega. He hoisted Derecho onto his shoulders and walked down the hall, turning right to a set of doors. He opened the doors and it was one of the side aisles in the arena. The fans cheered the sight of the Underground Champion carrying a dead, lifeless challenger on his shoulders. Omega walked down the aisle as fans patted him on the back. Omega picked up a little speed and tossed Derecho over the barricades to the ringside area!
Derecho made no attempts to get back to his feet as Omega stepped over the rails. Omega pulled Derecho back up and threw him under the bottom rope. Omega lifted the ring apron and pulled out another steel chair from underneath…. As if Derecho didn’t experience enough pain from a steel chair in this match already. Omega slid into the ring and placed the chair on top of Derecho’s face. Omega took off to the ropes and came back, looking to return the favor from earlier by stomping the chair, but Derecho rolled out of the way back to the outside, causing Omega to miss!
Derecho hobbled on one leg as he used the barricades to brace himself. Derecho had grabbed the chair, bringing it with him to the outside. Omega exited the ring, but Derecho jammed the chair into Omega’s mid-section. Derecho did it a second time, doubling Omega over. Derecho then pulled an old trick out of the book and swung upward, slamming the chair right into Omega’s face!! Omega staggered back and the only thing keeping him on his feet was the ring apron. Omega checked his face and noticed that his nose was bleeding after that chair shot! This added to the blood that already dried and caked on his face from taking a barbed 2x4 earlier in the match.
Derecho stepped in and jammed the chair into Omega’s stomach once again, doubling him over. Derecho decided to go for another upward swing, but Omega anticipated it and put his hands up, blocking and grabbing the chair! Omega ripped the chair out of Derecho’s hands and went for an overhead swing to the top of Derecho’s head, but Derecho side stepped and immediately kicked the chair, sending it back into Omega’s face! Omega hit the floor as did Derecho as his knee was still in too much pain to keep his balance!
Derecho, however, used the rails to pull himself up as Omega continued to hold his face in pain. Derecho hobbled over and picked up the steel chair, tossing it back into the ring. Derecho winced in pain as he bent over and pulled Omega up to his feet. Derecho rolled Omega under the bottom rope and then he rolled in after him.
Derecho used the ropes to stand as he limped over and grabbed the steel chain, unfolding it in the center of the ring. Derecho made a slashing motion across his throat as he bent over and pulled Omega up. Derecho scooped Omega up onto his shoulder, but his knee gave way and Derecho fell to the canvas with Omega crashing down on top of him. Omega rolled off of Derecho and Derecho clutched his knee, groaning in pain.
Omega knew it was merely academic from here. He stood and grabbed Derecho. He placed him in an Inverted Fireman’s Carry… looking for The End on top of the unfolded steel chair, but Derecho wriggled free and did his best to land on his good leg. Derecho turned around and grabbed Omega. He then pulled him backwards…
The chair collapsed under Omega’s weight as Derecho turned to his stomach and slowly got back up. Derecho then looked to the corner and even in that state, he wanted to go high risk. Derecho hobbled to the turnbuckles and turned his back to them. He hopped up to a seated position on the top turnbuckle and then slowly got himself positioned to a standing position on top. Derecho took a bit of time, but he took aim, nevertheless. Many felt Omega was going to move, but much to people’s shock.. he didn’t!
Derecho crashed down on top of Omega, but immediately bounced off him and grasped his knee. Derecho tried to shut the pain out of his mind as he turned and crawled into the cover!
Shoulder up by Omega and the people came alive!
Crowd: O-ME-GA! O-ME-GA! O-ME-GA!
Omega sat back up as Derecho applied a sleeper hold. Yes… a sleeper hold. After everything they’ve done in this match, Derecho went to a basic submission hold and the crowd booed and gave him hell for it, but he didn’t care. Derecho needed to keep Omega from getting up and if a sleeper hold was going to do the trick, then he was going to use it. Derecho pulled all of his weight down to the canvas, bringing Omega with him. Derecho then locked in a body scissors in addition to the sleeper to try and drive as much air as possible out of Omega’s body, but Derecho’s mistake was that his bad knee was the one on top of Omega.
Omega simply grabbed Derecho’s leg and twisted it at the knee and that was enough for Derecho to let go of the submission hold. Derecho tried as hard as he could to get back to his feet, but Omega got up before him. Omega doubled Derecho over with a kick to the stomach. He set up Derecho between his left and butterflied the arms. He lifted Derecho up and nailed it…
The Double Underhook sit out powerbomb connected! Omega had Derecho down in a pinning position. The crowd rose to their feet as they believed this could be it!
Thr.. NO!!!
Derecho kicked out!
Many thought Omega would have been surprised by this, but again, after their last match, he knew about Derecho’s resilience and his toughness and Derecho showed it right there. Omega quickly stood and brought Derecho to his feet. He went to whip Derecho to the ropes, but Derecho’s knee gave out again and Derecho simply fell to the canvas. How could a man in this kind of shape continue on? It was almost a hopeless situation. Omega was about one good move away from retaining the championship at this point.
Derecho rolled to his back and gripped his knee. Omega came over to pick him up, but Derecho used his good leg to kick away at Omega, but Omega grabbed Derecho’s good leg and pulled him forward. Omega grabbed Derecho’s other leg and got a good grip. He used his might to lift Derecho up off the canvas.. He then just let him go…
Omega immediately with the cover!!
Derecho kicked out!!!
“THIS IS AWESOME! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
THIS IS AWESOME! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
THIS IS AWESOME! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
THIS IS AWESOME! Clap Clap ClapClapClap
THIS IS AWESOME! Clap Clap ClapClapClap”
Omega rolled out of the ring and walked around ringside. His face bloodied.. his nose bloodied. The battle scars were definitely being shown here, but Derecho was the one that looked like he went through a meat grinder. His forehead lacerated… his entire back looked like a bear just clawed at it.. a bum knee. All of which took its toll on both champion and challenger.
Omega grabbed not one, not two, not three, but FOUR steel chairs and threw each one into the ring. This was similar to what we saw last month at Breakdown. All that was missing was the ladder, but Omega opted not to get it. Instead, he rolled back into the ring and grabbed one steel chair and unfolded it. He grabbed another steel chair and unfolded it, placing the seats toward each other. He then grabbed the other two chairs and laid them down on top of each other on top of the two unfolded chairs, making a thick bridge. Omega then took the damaged chair that he went through and slid it under the bridge between the two unfolded chairs.
It was another diabolical structure that could only come from Omega’s mind. Omega walked over, but when he went to grab Derecho…
Derecho was desperate! He hit a low blow that brought Omega to his knees. Derecho stood and backed into the ropes. He sucked up the pain in his knee to lunge in and hit…
Derecho hit the Wizard with his good leg and Omega looked to be out. Derecho got up and hobbled around the ring, taking a full lap… trying to warm up the knee and get at least some feeling back into it. Derecho knew that it wasn’t broken… it was probably a deep bruise at best, but the pain was enough to the point where it might as well have been broken. The more Derecho walked, the more he was able to tolerate the pain.
When he circled back to Omega, He looked at the structure he set up and shook his head “no”. Derecho walked over and began to dismantle the structure, much to the audience’s chagrin. Derecho tossed aside the two chairs that were bridged and he kicked the wrecked chair out of the way. He then brought he two unfolded chairs together so that their seats were touching. He then walked over and pulled Omega up to his feet. He walked him in front of the steel chairs where he took a deep breath because he knew this was going to hurt like hell.
Derecho hoisted Omega up onto his shoulder. The weight of 338 pounds on your shoulder, put pressure on Derecho’s body, including his knee. Derecho wanted to collapse, but Derecho yelled out in pain and sucked it up. He couldn’t take anymore.. he knew it was now or never so he disregarded his knee and went for it..
The crowd stood up on their feet as Derecho didn’t even bother holding his knee. He knew there was no time for that. He needed to cover Omega and he needed to do it now! Derecho fought through it all and draped his arm across Omega’s chest…
The biggest look of shock fell over Derecho’s face! The crowd was stunned as well! Omega.. the Underground Champion.. just took Derecho’s best shot and kicked out!!! What could Derecho do now!? The Show Stealer was gone.. no way he could get the distance with his knee. Legends Get Forgotten could be possible, but Derecho used all of his knee strength to hit A Forever Reminder. The Vortex Powerbomb and DDT isn’t possible due to the strength needed in both arms and legs… Derecho had nothing left in his arsenal that he could hit and he wasn’t in the shape to do it. He had to think and do it fast so Omega couldn’t have time to recover.
Derecho pulled himself up and grabbed one of the other steel chairs, unfolding it. He placed it on the canvas and then grabbed Omega by the head, placing him face first onto the chair. Derecho then grabbed the other steel chair and laid it across the back of Omega’s head. Derecho took a few steps back and shook some feeling back into his leg. It wasn’t the best, but it was good enough to get a hobbling running start. We don’t know what Derecho was going for as Omega got up and exploded into a massive lariat, twisting Derecho inside out!!!
Omega, however, couldn’t follow up. Both men were down and out on the canvas! It was Omega’s desperation move to try and get some separation between the two of them. The referee couldn’t count either man down due to the Underground Rules. All he could do was stand there and wait for the two of them to recover.
Omega got to his feet first as Derecho slowly began to stand. Once vertical, Omega took a shot with a right hand, but it was blocked by Derecho and countered with a Knife Edge Chop. Omega then fired another right hand, but Derecho blocked and countered with another Knife Edge Chop. Derecho picked up the speed and chopped Omega’s chest over and over and over again. Derecho then went for a whip, but Omega put the brakes on. He pulled Derecho right back into a front waist lock, but Derecho countered the suplex attempt with a headbutt to Omega’s bloodied forehead. Derecho hit another headbutt that caused Omega to break his grip. Derecho then quickly wrapped his arm around Omega’s neck, looking for a T-Bone Suplex, but Omega hit a pair of elbows to the side of Derecho’s head and caused him to break the grip. Omega then grabbed Derecho by the neck and positioned him in front of the unfolded chair. Omega lifted Derecho up with the Choke Slam, but Derecho floated behind Omega, landing on his good leg first.
Derecho grabbed Omega with a waist lock, looking for a German Suplex, but Derecho couldn’t lift Omega. Omega broke Derecho’s grip and performed a standing switch into a waist lock of his own. Omega tried to lift Derecho for a German, but Derecho hooked his legs under Omega’s arms and countered with a Victory Roll!
Omega nearly got pinned after a surprise counter, but Omega kicked out!
Derecho got back up to his feet, still favoring his leg. Omega got back up and was met with a toe kick to the stomach. Derecho tried to hoist Omega back onto his shoulder, but Omega landed behind Derecho with a waist lock. Derecho hit a pair of back elbows and then took off as best as he could to the ropes. Derecho bounced off, but Omega caught him with a powerslam!!
Omega grabbed the unfolded chair and positioned it dead center in the middle of the ring. He took the other folded chair and unfolded it causing the seats to touch each other. Omega grabbed Derecho and hoisted him onto his shoulder! Omega was looking to give Derecho’s own finisher to him in the same manner that Derecho hit it earlier, but Derecho slipped off and landed behind Omega. Omega turned around and Derecho went for the irish whip, but Omega pulled Derecho back into him and popped the hips…
Derecho arched his back in pain as Omega turned and made the cover!!
Derecho kicked out AGAIN!
Omega stood and rolled Derecho out of the way. Omega grabbed all of the other broken chairs and created a huge twisted metal pile in the center of the ring. Omega pulled Derecho to his feet and went to lift him for The End, but Derecho landed behind Omega, turned, and shoved Omega away. Omega turned and immediately charged in, but Derecho used Omega’s momentum. He lifted Omega, pivoted on his good leg and..
Derecho popped up. He grabbed one of the broken chairs from the pile and began to slam it down on to of Omega over and over again. With each swing, Derecho’s eyes widened. Blood dripped from his forehead and a sick, sadistic grin fell over his face!
Over and over again, Derecho slammed the chair on top of Omega. He must have hit him at least ten times already before Derecho simply couldn’t swing his arms anymore. Derecho dropped the chair back down next to the pile and grabbed Omega by the head, pulling him up to his feet. Derecho stared into Omega’s glossed over eyes as he grabbed him by the hair and yelled in his face…
Derecho quickly got behind Omega and placed him in a Half Nelson. He hooked Omega’s leg as he gritted his teeth as he knew that this was going hurt like hell..
This was it…
His final shot..
The Regalplex connected!! Omega landed on the back of his neck into the pile of twisted steel. Derecho clutched his knee as he pushed himself toward Omega with his good leg. Derecho… blooded… beaten… and broken… collapsed on top of Omega…

The crowd couldn’t believe it!
Carrington: Here is your winner… and NEEEEEW Underground Champion…. “The King of Hell”…. DERECHO!!!!!
The match was shorter than their first encounter… but the level of violence was greater. They went after each other hard from the opening bell. Each man, trying to kill the other to erase them permanently and cement themselves as the ruling force in the Underground. Omega couldn’t become one… however, Derecho took back his throne!
The last time Derecho was Underground Champion, he held the championship for over a year. No one could take him down.. and after seeing how far he was willing to sacrifice himself here tonight.. whoever was going to challenge for this title would have to pry it from his cold dead hands because that’s the only way Derecho would let this championship go!
Derecho sat up in the middle of the ring. The referee helped him up to his feet where he handed the Underground Championship to Derecho. Derecho looked at the title and held it high. Despite being hated, the audience gave him a standing ovation for his performance here tonight. Many men would give up to live and fight another day, but Derecho pushed through the blood.. he pushed through the pain.. and he came out on top. For that, the fans gave Derecho their respect, but we all know that Derecho couldn’t care less about any of that.
Derecho hobbled out of the ring with the championship over his shoulder. He gingerly exited off the ring apron and limped to the backstage area, not even taking the time to look back at his fallen opponent. In Derecho’s mind, he was done with him. It was time to heal up and get ready for the next challenger because if being Underground Champion for a year has taught Derecho anything, is that the path of carnage has begun again and there would be many waiting to knock him off his throne. Derecho took that knowledge with him as he disappeared backstage.
Omega then came to in the middle of the ring. The referee helped clear the chairs out from under him and helped him to his feet, but Omega shoved the referee away. Omega gripped his face and laughed as he rolled out of the ring.
Omega laughed to himself all the way to the backstage area where he disappeared behind the curtain. This certainly wasn’t good…
Winner: Derecho via Pinfall
