
Terry Massimo vs Adam Roebuck
Just one week to go until The Natural Athletes had the opportunity of a lifetime set before them. Perhaps The Hype’s most talented duo taking on the jOlt’s best tag team in the four-time Tag Team Champions, The House. However, in the weeks leading up to this match, what should’ve been a build-up based on respect had grown out of control all thanks to the presence of Zane Roebuck. The Athletes and The House have been going at each other’s throats. Nate Quartermaine was defeated by Zane Roebuck two weeks ago, but The Natural Athletes got the duke in a six-man tag team match over The House and Zane Roebuck. Tonight’s Countdown-exclusive match would be a lot of force when “The Big Hitter” Terry Massimo takes on “The Big Bucks” Adam Roebuck. Could the 350-pound defensive lineman take on the 460-pound surly mountain of death that was Roebuck?
Let’s find out!
“Ladies and gentlemen!” Dean Carrington announced as the crowd cheered. “The following is your Countdown Exclusive singles contest and this will be set for one fall!”
The match had been taped following the conclusion of last week’s iNtense, but to be aired here for the first time ever!
Four pillars were near the entrance, two on each end with “THE NATURAL ATHLETES” in a yellow and red shield logo. The camera took notice of an inflatable tunnel with the same logo followed by a legion of sexy red-and-yellow clad cheerleaders on the entrance ramp…
“Unleashed” by Chris Classic feat. Nazareth.
The music played and the crowd went crazy for the arrival of three men that were turning heads by the week! The 6’ and 211-pound former LA Galaxy player Cori “Striker” Albright, the 6’4” and 341-pound former linebacker for WSU and the Seattle Seahawks, Terry Massimo and their third member, “The Fire” Nate Quartermaine and the crowd gave them a great reception!
“Introducing first, making his way to the ring being accompanied by Cori “Striker” Albright and “The Fire’ Nate Quartermaine… from Seattle, Washington, he weighs in at 354 pounds… ”THE BIG HITTER” TERRY MASSIMO!”
The crowd went crazy for the inaugural Hype Tag Team Champions as they each stood on the ramp with a massive explosion of red and yellow erupting from the stage! Massimo surveyed the crowd and pointed to a section of fans with Natural Athletes signs while Cori Albright scanned for the hottest ladies the eye could see. Quartermaine slapped hands with the fans. Albright jumped to the top rope and did a cartwheel over the ropes before landing in the ring while Massimo climbed into the squared circle. All three men posed for the crowd and Terry let out a roar on top of it before the music faded out.
"House of the Rising Sun” by Five Finger Death Punch.
The entire entrance staging area and ceiling overhead were set alight with a barrage of casino theme lighting, igniting a massive pop from the crowd. The jOltvision screens danced with the running footage of a set of hands, performing card tricks before casting a handful of cards toward the screen. The cards led to the unified wrestling exploits of the promotion’s respectable agile and mobile super heavyweight tandem before the Nevada bred four-time jOlt Tag Team Champions appeared from the backstage area, along with that snotty little sh… that lovable bundle of joy, Zane Roebuck!
“And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by “Good Luck” Zane Roebuck and one-half of the Tag Team Champions, Derrick Huber… from Sin City, weighing in at FOUR-HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN pounds! ”THE BIG BUCKS” ADAM ROEBUCK!”
Huber pulled Zane back and had some words with him on the way down the ramp while Adam Roebuck walked towards the ring with his half of the Tag Team Titles around his neck. Roebuck and Terry Massimo had certainly not seen eye to eye, but that’s what happened when you put two big alpha males together. Terry paced around the ring while Adam Roebuck threw his half of the belts in the ring and climbed through the ropes. Roebuck and Massimo came face to face in the ring while poor referee Darius Underwood needed to stand between the two before the bell rang.
“Cool your shit, kid,” Huber warned.
As Zane pouted quietly, Nate and Cori watched as the two large men for each team locked up and tried to jockey for an early advantage. Roebuck was a large man, but with some muscle as well. Terry was built like a brick shithouse, but it still surprised Roebuck when Terry was able to shove him away!
“Yeah! How do you like that shit!” Terry barked.
Roebuck didn’t any shit after that, but he did come right back at Terry Massimo with a barrage of hard right hands! Apparently, he did NOT like that shit as Terry so eloquently put it and decided to bust The Big Hitter upside his head! Terry was sent back to the ropes, but he fired back with some big shots of his own! Terry threw a Headbutt right back at Roebuck and took the fight right back to the Las Vegas Leviathan. Roebuck checked his lip for blood before he came right back with a Headbutt of his own!
Terry went sprawling across the ropes when Roebuck pushed him into a corner. He pinned Terry Massimo to the corner and looked like he was going to draw Four of a Kind (see what I did there?), but Terry had a different plan in mind that did NOT involve getting his chest caved in by this big monster. He grabbed Roebuck’s hand and threw him away from the corner! Terry ran at him…
He fired a HUGE Clothesline, but the blow only managed to teeter Roebuck a little bit. Roebuck stood his ground and dared Terry to try his luck again.
He tried a Shoulder Tackle and while Roebuck moved, he still stayed on his feet. Terry smirked because in his whole time on the gridiron, there was nobody that as a linebacker he couldn’t knock down. Massimo sped off the ropes again and Roebuck tried to swing at him with his own Clothesline, but Terry ducked and came right back to BLAST him almost out of his boots with a Flying Shoulder Tackle! The crowd popped as Roebuck got ran the fuck over and Terry went for a cover!
Roebuck kicked out, but Terry Massimo stayed on him. He grabbed Roebuck by his thinning hair and tried to pull him up, only for Roebuck to stun him with some right hands to the chest. Roebuck then grabbed Terry by the waist and DRILLED him into the canvas with a ring-shaking Belly to Belly Suplex!
Darius Underwood even jumped from the impact a little before Roebuck yelled at him to hurry up as he made a cover.
Darius didn’t think twice and counted the fall.
Terry was down and now Adam Roebuck had the advantage on his side. Huber and Zane looked pleased while Nate and Cori were much less so. The Las Vegas Leviathan went on the offensive again and pulled Terry up by his neck before he blasted him with a solid right that sent him tumbling back to the corner. Roebuck charged in and CRUSHED the life out of him with a Body Avalanche in the corner! Terry was slumped over in the corner now when Roebuck reeled back his massive arm and landed a hard succession of back elbows to wear down The Big Hitter.
“Break it up, Roebuck!” Darius shouted.
Roebuck wasn’t a complete asshole and he backed off when the referee ordered him to, but the last several weeks showed there was no love lost between the kingpins of the Tag Team Division and the young guns trying to go for the throne. Roebuck pulled Terry out of the corner by his arm and dropped him with a big Short-Arm Clothesline followed right into a heart-stopping Running Elbow Drop off the ropes! Roebuck kneeled over and put most of his weight across the chest of Massimo.
“You got him, Big Bucks! Stay on him!” Huber shouted.
“That’s my dad kicking your boy’s backside in there!” Zane shouted.
Nate and Cori wanted to go over here and wring Zane’s neck, but right now Terry Massimo needed their support just a little more.
“Come on, Ter, stay in it!” Cori yelled.
Roebuck ran off the ropes again and this time, he connected with a massive Leg Drop that once more shook the ring! Roebuck didn’t go for a cover, but instead, the large tank-like native of Sin City hit the ropes again. It looked like a big Running Splash was on deck, but at the last second, Massimo rolled out of the way! He was younger and deceptively quick for a man that pushed three-fifty, leading to Roebuck missing his mark.
Massimo rolled away from Roebuck and made an attempt to stand, but surprisingly Roebuck was just a little quicker and he caught Terry flush in the jaw with a low-leveled, but high impact Big Boot! Terry went staggering backwards to the corner where Roebuck had him right where he wanted him. He rushed at the corner and flattened him with a Running Hip Attack.
The appropriately named move drove the wind right out of Terry Massimo and right after the fact, Roebuck pulled him out of the corner and dropped him down with a Running Bulldog of all moves! It was ugly as heck, but Roebuck didn’t tag with an innovator like Adam Roebuck without learning a few things of his own. He turned Terry over and went to try and finishing things off.
“Grrr… stay down, kid, it’s for your own good.” The Big Bucks scowled.
Cori and Nate continued to rally the fans to get them behind Terry Massimo as he tried to stand again! No matter what Roebuck threw at him, Terry was still kicking out. The Las Vegas Leviathan had some more weapons in his arsenal, but with Massimo sufficiently weakened, he was going for broke…
He tried to get him up for the High Angle Side Slam, but Terry elbowed his way free and even threw in a few Headbutts to finally stun the big Sin City monster on his feet. Terry Massimo then used all his strength and he RUSHED Adam Roebuck into the corner before going completely apeshit on him, using a series of HARD Forearm Smashes!
“You wanna chop me? CHOP DIS, BITCH!”
Terry continued bringing the punishment to Adam Roebuck in the corner! It wasn’t every day that somebody was actually able to bully perhaps pound-for-pound one of the toughest men in jOlt, but he was doing it! He then pulled Roebuck out of the corner and actually POWERED him up before drilling him down with a sloppy, but effective Throwing Scoop Powerslam!
The Big Hitter let out a roar to the crowd as Adam Roebuck was trying to figure out what exactly hit him. Terry ran off the ropes and delivered a hard Running Kick right to the head of the Las Vegas Leviathan! Roebuck was groggy, but hadn’t stayed down so Terry Massimo headed to the second rope. It looked like he was about to go airborne and when he did, he flew out of the corner and BLASTED Roebuck with a Flying Shoulder Tackle! It hit with not very much grace, but a hell of an impact! Terry rolled over and tried to pin one-half of the Tag Team Champions!
Massimo and the other Natural Athletes couldn’t believe it, but Huber and Zane continued to cheer on their own friend. The Natural Athletes had a huge win on iNtense in a six-man tag and if Terry Massimo could follow up on that, they’d no doubt head into the Tag Team Title match with all the momentum on their side.
Massimo tried to pull Terry up again, but a hard Open-Handed Chop to the chest kept Massimo from doing anything. Roebuck turned him around and elbowed him several times in the back of the head before he tried to hoist him up for a big Back Suplex, but Terry came back with elbows of his own and stunned The Las Vegas Leviathan. Terry managed to Irish Whip The Big Bucks and crushed him with a Body Avalanche of his own! Terry then pulled Roebuck out of the corner…
Terry’s former football background made all the difference and now Roebuck was on his back again! Terry Massimo then called for it as the energized crowd knew what was coming next. Like many football players going for the touchdown, he was gonna go
Zane tried to make a swipe at his leg and The Big Hitter stopped in his tracks.
“Mothafucka, I’m gettin’ real tired of you!” Terry yelled.
He tried to kick Zane, but he moved when Huber got in the way.
“What the hell are you doing, Zane?” Huber scolded. “I saw that!”
“See this!”
That came from Cori Albright and he rushed right at Derrick Huber, shoving him back. That may have been a stupid move given Huber was a fucking gorilla of a man who shoved Cori right back! It seemed the two teams almost could not go one week without breaking out into a full-on fight and now it was happening again as Nate jumped into help Cori tackle Huber!
Massimo turned back to Adam Roebuck who was about to stand. He kicked Roebuck in his large gut and tried to set him up for his Jackhammer slam he called The Fourth and Long when Roebuck elbowed his way free. Terry clocked him in retaliation with a pair of rights and fell back to the ropes when Zane came back and jabbed a thumb right into Terry’s eye! Darius hadn’t seen the interference thanks to the skirmish outside and Roebuck was reeling from the punches, so he didn’t seem to see it. Nevertheless, Terry was fazed…
Roebuck nearly DRILLED him through the mat with the High Angled Side Slam! Roebuck kneeled over and hooked the far leg of Massimo!

Adam Roebuck eventually hopped back to his feet and Darius Underwood raised his arm in victory. Roebuck was surprised by the mixed response he was getting, but he brushed it off and was joined by his son. Zane patted his dad’s arm while Cori and Nate stopped their fight when they heard the announcement…
Cori and Nate both protested with Darius Underwood about the match’s result, but he hadn’t seen the interference. Derrick Huber did, though, and he joined the Roebuck family in the ring before he shoved Zane.
“The fuck is the matter with you!” Huber yelled. “You jabbed him in the eye! If we’re gonna beat him, we’re gonna beat them the RIGHT WAY!”
Adam turned to his son.
“That true?”
Zane looked at the large Tag Team Champions and threw his hands in the air.
“I did it for you, Dad! What does it matter what I did? You won!”
Zane got in the last word and he stormed off while Cori Albright and Nate Quartermaine tended to Terry Massimo, who looked like his pride was hurt more than anything. Despite The Natural Athletes getting the better of The House and Zane Roebuck last week on iNtense, it was The House that would go into Rise of the Legends with the final bit of momentum on their side. Could this be a sample of things to come? Were The House going to mow through The Natural Athletes like they had just about every other tag team or could The Hype’s greatest tag team prove that they were more than simply that – Hype?
And of course, would Zane Roebuck try and play a part like he did here?
All this and more on Rise of the Legends!
…Go order that shit, son.
Winner: Adam Roebuck via Pinfall
