
Sounding the Trumpets of War

’Vicarious’ by Tool urged both clan supporters & detractors within The Arena of Champions to erupt in unison. Ground Level. The Inogami Clan were seen passing through the curtain near the entrance staging area. Mamoru was seen leading the charge accompanied by 4 Crimson Elite with Eiji Kugasari following suit. The reigning jOlt Underground Champion & clan general, Kenshiro Inogami sauntered forward with the belt slung over his left shoulder. A stoic expression radiated coldly as both Heido & Takeshi were trailed by 4 more Crimson Elite. The Crimson & Onyx parade eventually secured the entire ringside parameter. The subordinates assumed the position of seiza in unison as the Inogami Clan officers stood boldly behind their esteemed leader. Kenshiro raised the mic to his lips yet pulled away as the masses were verbally split by their respective alliances.
“Ever since its inception, this belt. This division bears a heavy price on all who aspire to compete within its ranks. This wrestling class has and, in some respects, has beared the brunt of many disparaging descriptions; Asinine. Barbaric. Garbage Wrestling. Every unbecoming label that can be beset on any division.” Kenshiro continued. “This belt. The heralded centerpiece of this league, also bears both unsettling origins & history. Many of this industry’s greats have either contended for or held the very championship I hold in my grasp...Turk...Rejection...Frost...Graphic Violence...”
Notable pops varied with each mention of the division’s esteemed alumni. Many roared with the mention of the original jOlt stalwart.
“...Dark Derecho...Suicide...One Eye...Alexander Jerusalem...Big Little Italy...Grendel...Adam Lazarus...Ryan Gallaway...Tyke...Kayden Paulton...
“Sigh.....even the self-professed ’God King’ that I...”
A few visual shots off the Crimson Elite’s reflective biker helmets displayed the energized numbers who despised the ninja for reasons of their own. The Crimson Order & Eiji quietly looked out into the crowd as Kenshiro paused before raising the mic back to his lips.
“...The very individual whom I defeated to firmly cement my place as the Underground’s Chief Retainer.” The Inogami Clan leader continued amidst the moderate swell of negative heat. “All of these noteworthy names. Their respective styles & perspectives have helped elevate this division into the upper echelon throughout this promotion. Even rivaling credibility as the top tier belt here & abroad...”
Kenshiro peeled the Underground Championship from his left shoulder & held it by his side.
“Many have been granted the opportunity. Others sought to openly challenge my rite as Chief Retainer. Few have come close yet ALL have inevitably fallen and in a week’s time, another challenger will meet a similar fate. Many refer to him as an insatiable mad man. An individual who’s penchant for violence is without question. A seemingly formidable opponent that will provide, quite possibly, the level of championship contention that is most befitting to my current position.” The ninja mentioned.
“Omega has sought to weaken my standing by way of psychological ploys & theatrics yet it is he & for the Unlearned to overstand that my power is absolute. However, he is but one of the many challenges that are accustomed as the ruling Retainer in this era. This belt has long been rumored to have been tainted. Cursed. And while I bear the misfortune of knowing this grave burden to be frighteningly true, not only do I expect to walk boldly into Unlimited as the reigning Underground Champion...but to defeat both this infamous ’curse’ & the ominous psychopath to retain what is rightfully mine.”
The masses were greatly divided as Kenshiro slowly raised the belt overhead. Stoic as he was reserved in his stance as champion.
“NO member of my clan shall interfere. Not one. It will be just you & I. Champion versus the No. 1 Contender to determine who shall become or remain the dominant force of this division. I shall implement every means to defend my crowd. By every means necessary. Unlike your predecessors, I am going to take great pleasure in making you bleed. What price are you willing to pay to wrest control of this belt...this division from my cold grasp? How much of your blood are you willing to be shed? The capacity to walk on and of your own free will? The ability to consume solid foods? The world has exactly 1 week. 7 days to bear witness to not just your answer alone...but to all of what I am more than willing to do to ensure that you fail... ”
A looming yet heavily mixed reaction radiated throughout the Arena of Champions as each officer responded accordingly. Heido stood erect & caught the mic that Kenshiro tossed at him before leaning over the adjacent turnbuckle. Merely raised his head slightly, retaining his stoic manner as Takeshi, nodded to himself. Popping his knuckles on each hand. Eiji was seen sweeping the red bangs from his visage before casually scanning the horizon. Kenshiro stepped out of the path of Heido who took hold of the microphone. He stood still before slowly raising the mic to his lips.
“It is most unfortunate that Takeshi & myself are not slated to compete in this upcoming event” The Kansai Crippler continued. “We have ourselves to blame yet our recent defeats by the West Texas Terrorists notwithstanding, we will be watching. Waiting. Preparing ourselves to compete & earn our championship opportunities. Regardless as to who walks away as champions next week, every team shall be set on notice. It is imperative that we set our mark as both contenders & inevitably, as champions. Be it the Heirs of Wrestling...The House...ANY team set before us. In this ring must expect a fight. A fight like no other. Both allies & enemies alike have rarely encountered a wrestling tandem such as The Crimson Order.”
Heido paced over toward The Mute Mountain Splitter.
“We fight not for the sole purpose of obtaining those belts. Much further that the behalf of our illustrious clan. We fight to stand atop & defend our divine place among the elite in our division. We epitomize Team Chemistry. The symmetry of unified precision & brutality. Strength. Speed & Endurance. Our fighting spirit is without question. Once we nullify our tendencies to stand in our own way, our ambitions will come to fruition much sooner than later. A new era is upon us...The Crimson Order are hell-bent upon seizing our birth rite as champions and the new face of this promotion’s new standard of tag team supremacy...”
The Kansai Crippler was soon relieved by The Blood Raven who commandeered the microphone. Briefly taking a moment to ingest the crowd reaction as Heido resumed his place next to Takeshi. Mamoru warmly smirked as Kenshiro slung the Underground Championship over his left shoulder.”
“It wasn’t long ago that this company’s ‘Golden Child’ was set to be given the very opportunity that I have rightfully earned.” Eiji opened. “And where is ‘he’ now? Like a ungrateful & spoiled child, he quit. I pray he is watching as I, Eiji Kugasari; the Blood Raven...The Prince of Puroresu...your new Heavyweight Champion...will succeed where ‘he’ couldn’t...”
Kugasari weathered the mild chants for his long departed rival before interjecting.
“Yes. Chant his name. Remind ‘him’ that the lack of testicular fortitude is what I sought to expose to the disillusioned for their very eyes to see. I shall be The One. The One to teach my opponent the true definition of Relentless. Your ‘champion’ is the ‘King of the Spineless’. He seeks solace behind his army of dim-witted puppets yet speaks brashly tucked under the safety of his woman’s skirt...”
The Arena of Champions audibly responded to the slew of insults.
“For you see, I too, will stand without the protection of my clan.” Eiji continued. “Under the stern influence & tutelage of Lord Kenshiro, you no longer have the advantage of my once unchecked ego to aid you. You have used every underhanded means to cling desperately to that symbol of power yet these people. Your minions. Your mangy bitch...” Another brief outburst from the masses. “...Even yourself know that your reign is at an end. I am younger. I am your technical superior. I am much faster and my hunger to lay claim to that championship without question frightens you. “I know that you are watching...Aran Thompson.” Eiji implied. “I strongly encourage you to cherish every fleeting moment as champion for my time is at hand. At Unlimited, by night’s end, Eiji Kugasari will earn a new moniker just as my clan will embrace a new addition among its ranks; jOlt. Heavyweight. Champion.”
The Arena of Champions roared in response to the young gun’s proclamation as Eiji threw down the mic & looked toward Kenshiro, who slowly nodded in sheer confidence. Heido & Takeshi stood with their arms folded yet receptive to the claims of power given. ’Dawn Awaits’ by Cliff Lin cued up and angrily rattled from above as the clan of ninjas assumed dominance within the squared circle. Eiji perched himself atop the turnbuckles as The Crimson Order respectively scanned the horizon on opposing ends of the ring. Kenshiro & Mamoru were seen standing in the ring’s epicenter, faintly conversing before the elder statesman ignited his cigar & looked into the crowd. The clan general was last seen raising his focus toward the heavens briefly before pulling the belt off his shoulders, popping the bones in his neck and motivating his troops for the coming battles ahead...
