
The Duzz and Don'ts of Trouble

Jonathan Conspiracy, the former leader of Trouble, sat alone inside a locker room. It was a long road back for "One Letter Better". He has experienced many ups and downs since Jolt re-opened. He looked up and into the camera before he finally spoke.
"I don't need them, and they don't need me."
A clip aired of Conspiracy being defeated by Nashvillian in a match for the Relentless Championship, before switching to the ending of his match against Rush for the International Championship.
The scene returned to the locker room area, but this time the screen was occupied by Trouble, comprised of Statuz Quo & Khadafi, collectively known as The Jury, a cane twirling Duzza and ofcourse the new leader of Trouble, Dallas Griffin. Collectively the quartet boasted into the camera.
"We don't need him!"
Clips aired of Trouble assisting Jonathan Conspiracy with the retention of his Relentless Championship.
The camera panned back away from a face to reveal we were now back in JCON's locker room.
"If you think for one second that Trouble got me where I am today..."
A collage of clips rolled of Conspiracy picking up victories throughout his Jolt & LoC career after leaping from the top rope with his Conspiracy Theory legdrop, or locking in his canadian crossface dubbed The Attention Grabber.
"...ya absa-loot-lee righ' youngsta, Trou-bull is betta off witout dat wanna be playa Jonatin Ca-spear-say. Dallas when ya an' Tha Jur-ray fight that bawy at Un-lim-a-ted ya have ta put a end ta heem!"
Various clips aired of the battles Trouble has had since Griffin took the reigns, the most prominent of which involving when they were on offense against the Heirs of Wrestling.
"But when I did need help where were they?!" stated Jonathan Conspiracy looking sternly into the camera, with no trace of his trademark smirk.
Clips rolled of Jonathan losing his Relentless Championship to Waymon Turnbull.
"I wish we could've beat his ass some more!" bellowed Statuz Quo.
Clips aired of Jonathan Conspiracy getting attacked by Trouble in his Thieves Honor Qualifier against Adam Lazarus, only for it to be setup, as Conspiracy was declared the winner by disqualification.
"Of all the people in the world for me to get pinned by and put my Thieves' Honor spot in jeopardy it had to be Aran Thompson, and Trouble didn't make a sound."
The clip airs of the current Jolt Champion, Aran Thompson pinning Conspiracy, which resulted in Jonathan having to wrestle in another qualifying match to requalify.
"I knew he wasn't a leader the moment he lost to that chump Aran Thompson, and poor Jonathan loses his spot," stated Dallas Griffin as he mocked his former "mentor".
"And then he couldn't get back in the match because he lost to Spike Saunders... really Spike Saunders... who is Spike Saunders! Don't make me laugh... Spike Saunders, no really I'm not joking who is Spike Saunders???"
Clips of the match aired showing that Spike Saunders is the man that prevented Jonathan Conspiracy from reclaiming his Thieves Honor match entry, when he was a mystery opponent, replacing Conspiracy's original opponent from his prior qualifier Adam Lazarus, and in one felt swoop Jonathan Conspiracy who had conned and conspired his way into contention had his dreams dashed and Spike Saunders walked into Jolt and the Arena of Champions and right into a title opportunity.
Jonathan Conspiracy shook his head in the locker room.
"I brought us together for a common goal. Jolt Champion, Jonathan Conspiracy... Tag Team Champions, The Jury... Statuz Quo and Khadafi... Relentless Champion, Dallas Griffin..."
The Brooklyn-raised, West Hampton-residing self proclaimed Franchise Wrestler would then breakout quite possibly one of the best (or worst, depending on what side of the fence you were on), parodies of...
"Da bess manijeer 'n da busy-nest Duzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
He started snoring... the camera panned closer to Conspiracy, but in actuality it was revealed that the camera man had actually moved closer to JCON as a hand started to shake him awake.
"Jonathan... Jonathan... Jonathan!"
A startled Conspiracy awoke startled.
"Huh? What? Where am I?"
He looked around the empty locker room.
"Oh right... where was I?"
The camera man's voice could be heard off-camera.
"You were talking about how successful Trouble was supposed to be."
"Right... and had if it wasn't for a very passionate love making session with my wife in Las Vegas, our Starlets Champion would be Sweet Aroma. Veronica, tell Johanna and Jonathan Jr. that daddy will be home soon, I have to go get into... BERNIE MAC VOICE... TRA-BULLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! R.I.P."
A graphic flashed across the screen with a picture of Jonathan Conspiracy, with his name and Twitter handle @jonconspiracy before the scene transitioned back to Trouble's locker room.
Dallas Griffin, who as some might not have noticed wears similar ring attire to what Conspiracy wore in LoC, stood front and center now in front of the camera.
"Who you going to get now Jonny?!"
A silence came over the room. Griffin, Duzza and Quo are turned to their silent assasin Khadafi, who was a man of few words.
LONG.......................................PAUSE!< br>
HA! HA! HA! HA! Laughter filled the room, as all four members enjoyed mocking Conspiracy.
"Jonathan Conspiracy this is nothing personal, it's... JUST... BUSINESS!" stated Griffin.
"If ya lookin' for trouble..." started Statuz Quo.
"...you found it..." continued Khadafi.
"MUTHAFUKKA!" concluded Duzza.
A graphic similar to JCON's appeared on the screen showing all 4 members of Trouble. The graphic then crashed with Jonathan's and then the match type appeared above their names in the style of the Unlimited logo.
While underneath their names the match stipluation appeared.
If Conspiracy wins, he gets Duzza one on one at iNtense 90 - If Trouble wins, Conspiracy becomes Duzza's bitch.
