
Welcome to the Don-Cast!

The Dawncast set was already used up by a few other stars on this special Countdown preview the week before jOlt Unlimited. So for right now, we’re going to use another one. The camera panned around and got a good glimpse of the inside of a fancy stretch limousine. The word “DON-CAST” was hung like a banner at a cheap party, but the inside of the limo had a nice full open bar off to the side. There was even a large stereo system that was lowly pulsating “Hard In Da Paint” by Waka Flocka Flame with pulsating lights in different variations of colors that we’re pretty sure only exist in this limo.
One of the doors on the far end opened up and in came none other than the non-Dawn Cassidy interviewer of jOlt, a fellow by the name of Donny Layne. Donny looked inside the limo and looked mighty impressed with the surroundings.
“Well…” he said to himself as he looked at his notes. “Says this is the place.”
He did a once-over of the surroundings and glanced at the full open bar; many different selections, even noting his favorite drink he liked to partake in from time to time off-duty; a little bit of Johnny Walker Blue. He glanced at the bottle for a second and then turned around to notice the Don-Cast banner. That’s what he put two-and-two together and realized his assignment who he was dealing with today.
“…oh, no.”
The front window opened up and sitting there in a limo driver’s hat was the youngest member of the Heirs of Wrestling, Ryan Gallway.
“Good day, Don-Boy!” Gallway shouted.
By now it was no secret. If you’ve EVER seen the Heirs of Wrestling and Donny Layne from… oh, pretty much every single interview they’ve ever partaken in, you would know they seemed to have a particular need for involving him in their shenanigans. The door opened up again behind Donny and behind him…
“Donny, you’re looking particularly vitamin-deficient today,” said the voice of Frank Silver. “Get some OJ… put some vodka in there. Have yourself a good time, my man!”
Donny moved over so that way Frank could enter the limo. Right behind him was the third member of the Heirs of Wrestling, Mack Brody. He nodded at Donny and held out a fist.
Donny looked at the massive balled-up fist of the Bronze Bomber before glancing at Frank who nodded right back.
“Don’t leave him hanging. He’s a sensitive guy, you know.”
“Yeah. Sniffle, sniffle.” Brody said with a dry wit.
Donny dapped the fist with the big man and all three now had a seat. The limo started to move around the town while Donny Layne took notice of the scenery.
“So… I suppose that the three of you invited me here in order to get in a word about the upcoming jOlt Unlimited Pay Per View. So I guess I’ll start, then.”
“Ask away,” Frank said.
The overhead PA in the limo buzzed to life and inside was Ryan Gallway throwing his two cents into the interview.
“Excuse me,” Frank sighed.
He reached under the seat and grabbed a box of shoes before throwing one up front.
Frank turned back to Donny. “You were saying?”
“So, I guess let’s get to the nitty-gritty of it all. You three are no strangers to making history when it comes to tag team wrestling and over the last five years you’ve been a team, you’ve done it all. ACW Tag Team Champions. The Squared Circle Tag Team Champions. Empire Pro Wrestling Tag Team Champions, SCCW’s Strength In Numbers Champions, Kyoto PRO Tag Champions… and two-time jOlt Tag Team Champions! Several of those belts, you’ve even held at the same time! And the three of you have amassed these as one of the most impressive trio of talents ever assembled anywhere.”
Mack Brody looked pretty proud of the resume.
“A Donny after our own heart!” Brody laughed as he finished mixing a little bottle of Johnny Walker Blue. He offered the glass to Donny.
“No, thank you,” he said. “On the clock, you know how it is.” Brody handed it to Frank Silver who took a swig as Donny continued. “Well, the three of you have been one of wrestling’s most dominant groups for several years now and again, you’re on the cusp of history. You and The House are both two-time jOlt Tag Team Champions and along with Hands of the Cause, you’re going to be competing for the vacant belts. What do you make of the whole Red and Ted situation with Adam Roebuck’s actions, putting them both on the injured list?”
“Couldn’t have happened to two bigger dickheads,” Silver laughed. “They thought they would come in and horn in our turf. We were the ones coming in and antagonizing The House, then they had to go and do it. We schemed those belts off them, then they had to go and do it. They were fucking pretenders and paper champions at best. Roebuck is a scary bastard –“
He looked over to Mack Brody who shook his head, recounting his loss to the big man on iNtense 89. Donny took over again.
“Now,” Donny paused, “let me get some insight into I guess what some are calling a change of heart, as it were. You three have been enjoying a much more positive reception from the crowd ever since your past battles with Red and Ted and more recently, the group called Trouble. What do you guys make of the reaction and does that affect you in the ring?”
Frank yelled to the front. “Do you want another shoe?!”
Frank turned back to Donny.
“I’ll go ahead and field that question. I don’t think that much has changed about us at all. We’re still every bit as good as we say we are, we show up to work and kick those asses and win those belts every night, and we have fun doing this. Now will some people like the fact that we like to fuck around and have a good time? Nope, there’s more traditionalist guys here, too. The Hands of the Cause and THe House think that just because we lack their…. Hmm, the nice way to say it would be their… uh… ‘worldly experience’ don’t mean that we don’t love doing this. You may not like us, you may want our jocks, but what hasn’t changed is that we’re the absolute damned best and nobody’s gonna tell us different.”
“Now, that having been said,” Donny interjected. “This business has seen titles get between people. We’ve seen you three have individual successes in the past. Frank, you once wrestled Sylo in main events for both your jOlt Tag Team Titles and his then-jOlt Championship. Ryan Gallway once had a shot at the Undeground Championship. In fact, your former business associate, Sarah Winterton, won the Starlet Championship and now she’s disavowed any ties to your group.”
THWACK. Another shoe.
“Yeah, that was not one of our brighter decisions,” Mack spoke. “She wanted out when she won the title, she kept trying to correct my posture… NOBODY tells SuperMack that his posture isn’t anything BUT perfect. So we gave her a healthy severance package…. One courtesy bang from Ryan or money…. And Ryan gets to tell everybody they hooked up. She… well, she chose the money. At the end of the day, though, it’s bros before royal hoes, that’s what we say… except at last call. Then it’s every dong for themselves.”
“I’ll get us back on topic,” Frank cut in, “it’s true we’ve had our share at gold and while we haven’t been wholly successful on that front, that’s going to change very soon. Most guys team up in this business only to get something and leave. But us… we’ve been together for five years, with no quirks, no cracks, and no weaknesses. We’re a group, we’re friends, we always will be. If I didn’t… God, I’ve pissed so many people off here, I’d have to be friends with Bane Loneheart. Ugggghhh.”
All three Heirs shared a collective shudder. Somewhere, Bane’s feelings were being hurt.
“Now can you elaborate on your last comment?” Donny said, catching the comment. “We all know that the Tag Titles have been your number one priority, but do any of you have singles aspirations in the near future?”
“Oh, nothing gets by you, Layne Staley,” Frank laughed. “Mack you got this one?”
“Yeah… see, my father was James Brody, Sr. He was a legend in the Philly wrestling scene about twenty years ago when it was much more prosperous. I’ve loved everything that these guys have done for me. They took a lump of shit with a little bit of potential and turned him into the fucking sexy motherfucker you see before you. Before SuperMack existed, there was just James MacArthur Brody, Junior. But now, the time has come to spread my wings and do a bunch of shit R. Kelly sang about… just to clear this up, for the record, peeing on people isn’t one of those.”
“Wait… does this mean that you’re breaking off from the Heirs of Wrestling?”
“Hell to the no!” Brody corrected. “Let me make one thing perfectly clear, I am and will ALWAYS be an Heir, but for far too long, our collective awesome has been focused on the tag titles alone when other belts are in need of our shine also. As great as we’ve all worked together… Frank and Ryan, these two are the money team. The things they do in the ring, the shit they come up with… that’s all totally tits. But for far too long, there have been too many assholes, too many monsters, too many relics coming back and messing around with shit. We LOVE jOlt and we’re tired of seeing assholes like Aran Thompson lording the jOlt Championship and weirdoes like Ninja K holding the Underground Title.”
Brody sat up a little more, having some more energy in his speech.
“I am making it clear that starting… in about the next five minutes when I go to wrestle the pre-show match against Sepiroth Du Luc… it is time for an Heir to focus on the singles division and MAKE. SOME. NOISE. Don’t get it twisted - I will always be one of the Heirs of Wrestling. I am not renouncing any group status, but it’s time for SuperMack to jump into this bitch! Where there’s a Thompson in need of a chin check, I’ll be there. Where there’s jOlt’s Last Real Man bullying people and making an ass of himself, I’ll be there. Where there’s an ugly Underground division in need of a pretty big awesome guy like me, you bet your ass I’ll be there. Now… I’m going to go get ready for my match against Du Luc and I’m sending a message to the rest of the jOlt Roster…’
Brody sat up and made a pretty awesome exit from the limo.
The Bronze Bomber left the limo and started yelling things about being awesome to nobody in particular. He was all fired up and the fans probably wanted to see him break somebody. Frank turned to Donny.
“We like to bust your balls, man, but we wanted you to hear this all first. Ryan and I, we’re coming for those jOlt Tag Team Titles and we aren’t going to stop until we fuck up The Hands of the Cause, beat the House one more time, and make ourselves the jOlt Tag Team Champions for the unprecedented third time!”
Donny reached out to shake Frank’s hand.
“Well… I guess I’d like to say thank you for the breaking news. Thank you all for your time and I wish you the best of luck with your respective matches.”
When he was about to leave, Frank stopped him and handed him the box of Johnny Walker Blue.
“On us, Don Corleone. Enjoy.”
Donny smiled before he left. It seemed whatever beef the Heirs had with Donny Layne had been all in good fun all this time. Silver smiled when the PA cracked again.
A smile crept across Frank’s face.
“Nope. Funnier this way.”

Mack Brody vs Sephiroth Du Luc
…Well, as you just saw a couple of minutes ago at Countdown we would get to see an exclusive match here tonight! Mack Brody had made it known right here exclusively on the Dawncast… no, sorry, the Don-Cast with Donny Layne that he was now embarking on his own singles career. He was always going to officially be a member of the Heirs, but now it was time for him to embark solo. His opposition would be a first true test – a returning former Tag Team Champion in his own right by the name of Sepiroth Du Luc. He was a big, bad dude from Germany and one half of Total Conquest with the Starlet Persephone and now, it was time to see which of these two big men could start off their careers on the right foot!
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall!” announced Brad Arnold. “This match is the official kick-off for Unlimited pre-show match!”
“South Texas Deathride” by The Union Underground.
The music played and the lights started to swirl in shades of sanguine which heralded the arrival of the man called Sepiroth Du Luc. Flanked by his long-time associate and tag team partner, former Starlets and Tag Team Champion Persephone, the two came out to the ring looking ready to hurt somebody.
“First, making his way to the ring being accompanied by Persephone… from Berlin, Germany, weighing in at 280 pounds…. This is Total Conquest member SEPIROTH DU LUC!”
The crowd responded to the big man with a series of jeers. He was out with an injury for several months thanks to the violent and deranged Omega, but he was now back and ready to get back into action with a win. He and Persephone shared a silent nod before he walked over the top rope and headed inside. He raised a single fist in the air and let out a small smirk. He was back and ready to hurt somebody.
“What You Know” by TI.
The crowd’s reaction became much more positive for the arrival of this man! The arena was bathed in a pure golden hue and the arrival of a man in a big golden cape made the crowd roar. He walked up and threw the hood back…
The pyro exploded on the entrance ramp! The man called Mack Brody was on his way to the ring now and took in the positive reception from the crowd. The big ladies man headed to the ring with a confident smile on his face.
“And his opponent… from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 311 pounds… this is the man called SUPERMACK… MACK BRODY!”
Mack Brody slapped hands with the crowd in the front row and headed into the ring. He was wearing a new shirt he had made up just for him with “Mack Brody… GOOD AS GOLD” on the back. He took out a silver pen and autographed the shirt before tossing it out into the audience. SuperMack jumped into the ring and looked to his opponent. He was ready for a fight.
Brody and Du Luc circled around the center of the ring looking for the first sign of a chance to lock up. The two big men locked up to look for the early advantage and it was Mack Brody with the strength advantage pushing the 280-pounder back into the corner. He locked him up and referee Ian Nguyen ordered him to back off. HE counted to five and Mack happily backed off, looking proud of his muscles as he ever did. He flexed and even got some cat calls and loud cheers from the female portion of the audience.
“Break him, Seph!” Peresphone barked.
Du Luc nodded and the two men locked up a second time and once again it was the stronger Brody getting the better of Du Luc with a big go-behind. Sepiroth quickly grabbed and arm and twisted it around before he opted for the much simpler headbutt. He stunned Brody and backed him up into the corner before firing off a big flurry of right hands upside his head.
“You will not best me!” Du Luc shouted in his face.
He tried to Irish whip Mack Brody, but SuperMack held onto the ropes and THREW him clear over the ropes, sending him crashing hard into the ground on the floor!
Du Luc tried to turn the tide in his favor, but Mack Brody was standing tall for the moment as he stood proudly egging on the former Tag Team Champion to get back in the ring. Brody was a former two-time champion himself and was itching for a chance to prove himself in the singles division. Du Luc climbed back into the ring and now Du Luc unleashed another barrage of fists to the temple to get Brody down to a knee now. Du Luc stood proudly over him and ran off the ropes looking for a Big Boot, but Brody ducked the shot. He came back…
A NASTY Running Shoulder Tackle to the chest knocked the German Giant right over and now Brody was ready to go back on the assault after a great show of agility. He lifted him up off the canvas now and he lifted him up… he had Du Luc up on his feet holding him in the Delayed Vertical Suplex position…
Five seconds…
Ten seconds…
He let go of one hand! ONE HAND on the 280-pounder while he egged the crowd on for more cheers…
The crowd cheered for Brody now and SuperMack’s show of strength won over a few more fans as he rolled over and went for a cover.
Du Luc kicked out but now Mack Brody was in full control. He rolled over and grabbed Sepiroth by the head with one arm before raising another big fist in the air. He’d been using this series of forearms as of late and it looked like it was ready to claim another victim as the crowd counted along.
And a flex of the arm because he just liked to show off…
The wind was knocked out of Du Luc in the corner now and Brody ran off to the other side to perhaps set up some sort of charging splash. He was ready to jump when Persephone grabbed him by the leg. She tried to keep him from doing whatever he was doing next when Brody simply dragged her into the ring with him! She dragged her into the ring where she looked afraid…
The distraction was all that Du Luc needed to catch Mack Brody from behind as the crowd started to boo for Sepiroth’s dirty deed. Persephone rolled out of the ring and had a sinister smile across his face as the German Giant now picked Mack up and sent him sailing into the corner. He followed up with a hard Corner Clothesline and continued to kick and punch him in the corner until he was down. Du Luc rolled him away from the ropes so he could jump off the second rope with a Corner Leg Drop across the throat! Big air from the big man.
Brody kicked out and the crowd was still booing the former Tag Team Champion Du Luc as he pushed him back up to his feet only to push him back against the ropes. He pressed his boot right into Mack’s throat and held it there, trying to choke the life out of SuperMack. Du Luc shoved Ian Nguyen away before he could count so he could follow it all up with a series of Nash-like back elbows to the face. When he backed off from the corner…
The ring shook from the impact of the move and now Du Luc was ready to go for the win. Could he spoil Mack’s chances of a singles career in jOlt?
Brody powered out which only made Du Luc angrier. Persephone couldn’t believe that didn’t get the win and shouted for her tag team partner to stay on the Bronze Bomber. Sepiroth heard and sat on top of Brody, unleashing another flurry of headbutts trying to ruin his complexion. After he got tired of wailing on him, he dragged Mack Brody with a little bit of effort over to the corner and pressed a knee down on his throat, trying to choke the life out of him! Brody gagged and coughed as Ian Nguyen once again started a count.
Du Luc backed off after four and watched as Brody fell to the ground. The crowd was lending their support to the big man with chants of “BRODY! BRODY! BRODY!” but Du Luc wasn?t impressed by any of his showmanship or his brute strength. He had the advantage now.
Sepiroth Du Luc forced Mack back to his feet again and buried a few knees into his chest before yelling in his face. Du Luc then ran off the ropes intent on finishing of Brody with some sort of running move again only to eat a BIG Discus Lariat from the big man!
Brody cleaned his clock and stumbled towards the ropes from the impact as the crowd in Orlando was hot for SuperMack to make a big comeback. The Bronze Bomber waited for him to get back to his feet and whipped him to the corner before landing a big Corner Splash that crushed him good! Brody wasn’t finished as he grabbed Du Luc and whipped him off the opposite side and connected with a second Splash on the other end! He was just about done for when he grabbed him…
The big time Release Exploder Suplex sent him flying across the ring with a hard impact! Brody pumped a fist before he crawled over and tried his hand at finishing the match.
SuperMack was almost close to getting the win but Du Luc was a tough giant himself. The monstrous Du Luc was on the ropes now and Big Mack was ready to finish this match. He waited for Sepiroth to stand on his own two feet before kicking him in the gut. He was setting him up for a Double-handle Chokebomb called the 24K only for Du Luc to break free by elbowing his way out. He then goozled Brody and tried to go for his Sit-out Chokeslam finisher called The Impression only for Brody to also counter via elbows to the back of the head. He ran off the ropes now…
The crowd groaned from the sickening impact of the Vader-esque Running Body Block from Brody but he clobbered Du Luc and ran him over like the truck he shared a name with. Brody beat on his chest like a gorilla while Persephone started to freak out, knowing that SDL was on the ropes now. He pulled him back to his feet and set him up one more time for the powerbomb…
The Thunder Fire Powerbomb DRILLED him into the canvas with a nasty impact and the crowd counted along with Mack Brody!
Mack Brody with the win tonight! The Bronze Bomber had scored the win tonight and had his arm raised by Ian Nguyen. Sepiroth Du Luc proved to be a true test as he always was for anybody facing him, but on tonight’s occasion, SuperMack was the better man.
The dominant man of gold pumped his arms for the crowd again and got the cheer from the crowd before he headed back up the ramp, celebrating with some fans on his way out of the arena. It was a good night to be SuperMack and if this was a sign of things to come, the singles career of Mack Brody could be very bright.
Winner: Mack Brody via Pinfall