
A Storm is Coming
Damien Lee sat with his fingers intertwined behind his desk with a worried look on his face. He was lost in thought and Lee obviously had a lot on his mind. His hair was a mess, his tie was hanging loosely from his neck, and papers were littered all over his desk. He didn’t know how he’d handle this mess. He’d handled plenty of messes since taking over in jOlt but this? He had no idea what to do. His train of thought would be broken by his door opening and the jOlt champion, Sylo, walking in.
“Sylo, thank you, uh sorry the office is a bit of a mess. I know you’re getting ready for All or Nothing so thank you for coming in but we need to talk,” Lee ran a hand through his hair. He had bags under his eyes. Obviously Lee hadn’t slept well since Warriors.
Sylo just stared at Lee hoisting both of his titles on his shoulders. He didn’t say a word, already annoyed he had been called into the office on one of his training days. Lee beckoned to a chair but Sylo just stared at him. Finally Lee put his hands up in submission.
“Look I’ll get right down to it. Titan wants you to lay down for him at All or Nothing. He says if you don’t agree all hell will break loose in jOlt,” Lee almost choked on his words. He knew what the answer was.
“Titan’s met me right or did I really drop him on his head that hard?” Sylo stared at Lee.
“I know, I said the same thing. Look you’re one of the locker room leaders, have you heard anything about a revolt or anything?” Lee stared at Sylo hoping for some idea of what Titan was planning. Sylo just stared at Lee for a long moment.
“No. Everyone’s been fine which tells me this is an outside source. No ideas on recent signings?” Sylo leaned against the wall still keeping his eyes locked on Lee.
“That’s not my department. So I have no idea. All I know is this group reached out to Titan, not the other way around.”
“Then that means either way Titan is just a puppet. They’re using him to further their own agenda. Don’t forget I have a surprise of my own. I’m sure he told you, we’ve all known it, we’ve all felt it, but there truly is a storm coming Lee. It doesn’t matter what you do, a storm is coming, and at All or Nothing it’s going to be the beginning. So no, I won’t be laying down for Titan. I plan on giving him the beating of his life,” Sylo responded turning to leave.
“Is there any way to stop this?” Lee asked disparagingly.
“No. Batten down the hatches, learn who you can trust, and get ready. Things are about to change and nothing in this company will ever be the same again,” With those cryptic words Sylo turned leaving Lee to his thoughts and the fact he’d have to tell Titan that no, Sylo wouldn’t lay down and the last man standing match would have to be won or lost on his own merits.
