
cOunt 2 Three: Divide & Conquer Edition
jOlt play-by-play announcer, Michael Buhrman, sits down with Sweet Aroma and Mattock to discuss what they think the outcomes of the All or Nothing line-up will be!
Starlet Championship
Persephone[c] vs Aria Murphy
Michael Buhrman: Here we have two of the most dominant woman competitors in the game today going one-on-one for the second time. In their first meeting Persephone ousted Aria Murphy as Starlet Champion. I personally think that Aria had gone so long without a proper challenger that she'd gotten soft, and her newfound relationship with Sylo is only making her feel safer. Here's the thing, what made Aria Murphy the toughest chick in wrestling was knowing that she was always going to fight an uphill struggle in her squared circle pursuit. She won the Starlet Championship originally with that attitude and I feel if she can somehow tap back into it she can retake that title. If she can't, however, Persephone will mop the floor with her.
Sweet Aroma: I'm not sure how I feel about this match in terms of who will come out as the champion. On one hand Persephone had issues with me when Jonny was being recruited by The Backbone, and Aria took things the wrong way during that process and almost ruined our friendship. At the end of the day I think Persephone is going to be just too much for Aria. Either way it'll be a great way to get the Starlets in the spotlight and I'm looking forward to getting myself involved in the near future, because these two have been keeping the division afloat waiting for more competition.
Mattock: What I observe here are a pair of women who have quite a sebaceous cyst of a problem… in a vernacular that even the intellectually deficient can ascertain.. a problem that just won’t go away. My perception or even prophetic vision on this outcome shows that Persephone will claim victory and achieve retention.
Winner: Persephone 2-1

Flyweight Championship
Jimmy B. Martinez[c] vs Sanchez Cano vs Cordova
Michael Buhrman: What a few months for the brand new Flyweight Champion, huh? He debuts in jOlt, is taken under the jOlt Champion's wing, and winds up winning the Flyweight Championship from Avispa Ultima. Not only that, but he goes on to defend it on more than one occasion to end any fluke talk before it even started. Jimmy B. Martinez is on fire ... which is why I think he's going to lose this one. You have to consider the wave of emotion the rookie sensation is riding on right now and how easily a ring veteran, like Cordova, can take advantage of that. We've also seen a new meanstreak in the eldest Cano brother and I have to believe that and his experience will tip the scales in Cordova's favor for this match-up.
Sweet Aroma: Excluding Jonny, JBM has been head and shoulders above the other Flyweights and I see no reason for that to stop at All or Nothing. Unless the brothers actually decide to work together for once but I don't see that happening, because I don't think either brother would want to see the other as champion, which works in Jimmy B's favor. I wonder if anyone will show up in the coming weeks to challenge him and bring more competition to that division, because I think Sanchez and Cordova have gotten plenty of opportunities and in my opinion if one of them doesn't come out the winner tonight it'll be awhile before I view either as championship material.
Mattock: What we are presented here with are two forms of humanity who I severely doubt that they hold within their possession a green card nor a work visa. On the more… legal size of the coin, we have a man whose motive.. his mission if you will, is to ignite a rather embered out division. My belief is that Mr. Martinez wishes to be that Phoenix that rises from the ash of a once bright flame and stand atop of the Flyweight Division. I say that we will have a champion remain and two immigrants detained.
Winner: Jimmy B. Martinez 2-1

Relentless Championship
Jonathan Conspiracy[c] vs Aran Thompson
Michael Buhrman: Mr. Relentless versus Mr. One Letter Better, who just so happens to be the current Relentless Champion. Aran is the first, and only, man in history to hold the Relentless Championship more than once. And, keeping that in mind, it shows that he can get the job done when the title is on the line. That said, Jonathan Conspiracy is the man that took the Relentless Championship from Aran Thompson to begin with. The thing that really tips the scales in JCON's favor, though, is the Backbone. He's recently aligned himself with the stable of jOlt originals and we've all seen how they like to play the numbers game to their benefit. Even a budding friendship with Sylo won't be enough to stave off that many wild cards.
Sweet Aroma: Do I really have to make a prediction, when I already know that Jonny's going to win? He is determined to be the best, and winning the Relentless Championship is a sure fire way for him to do that. He almost pulled it off last week when he cashed in and I know when he wins the title tonight, he's going to pick his spot a little better and walk out as the jOlt or Underground Champion, and he might decide to do it tonight after Chris Titan defeats Sylo. Either way The Backbone wins!
Mattock: I view a man who believed it would be best suited for his interests to collaborate and associate himself with a group of mavericks whose sole purpose and singular wish is to restore the company back to its original state. Their re-origination project seemed to have faltered when their leader relinquished the jOlt Championship to its former champion. Now they have attracted the services of the Relentless Champion. Opposite of him is a man who is just due for recognition. A man who has bestowed upon himself, the moniker of Mr. Relentless. I believe that moniker will serve him well in their contest. Aran Thompson is the victor.
Winner: Jonathan Conspiracy 2-1

Tag Team Championships
Sweet Sweet Lovin’[c] vs Heirs of Wrestling vs The Reckoning
Michael Buhrman: The jOlt fans are currently enamored with Sweet, Sweet Lovin' but I think the sun is about to set on the fan favorites' Tag Team Championship run. The duo of the deceptively quick big man, Sam Sweet, and his high flying partner Lennox Love have held their own thus far but the stakes are just too great come All or Nothing. They're taking on perenniel champions, the Heirs of Wrestling, as well as the red hot Reckoning. Sweet, Sweet Lovin' are backed into a corner here and their only salvation will be in hoping the other two teams ignore them long enough to pull out a quick pinfall. For the record, however, my money is on the Heirs regaining the titles.
Sweet Aroma: I don't like the Heirs... don't get me wrong they started off great and made a name for themselves but lately they just haven't had it. Sweet Sweet Lovin' defeated them for the title and their names say it all... hmmm, Sweet Sweet Sweet Lovin'... joking. Anyway I'm afraid of The Reckoning. They have been dismantling their opponents and have opened alot of eyes, I'm not sure if The champs and former champs are ready for an onslaught from those two. New champions, and they will be the premier team in jOlt for months and possibly years to come.
Mattock: A trifecta of triangular tension. The former champions whose reign had been vanquished due to the unlikely duo that resembles that of cheap pornographic actors and a green as they can be team who are looking to cause a little ripple in a rather massive body of liquid comprising of two parts hydrogen and two parts oxygen. The greenhorns have no chance and neither do Jon Katz’ misfits of misfortune… the Heirs will regain what is rightfully theirs.
Winner: Heirs of Wrestling 2-1

Underground Championship
Derecho[c] vs Ninja K
Michael Buhrman: This is my call for match of the night. Derecho has run rampant on the Underground Division since jOlt returned and he shows absolutely no signs of stopping. Putting that kind of grit, determination, and sheer fury up against a hall of famer like Ninja K and you have a recipe that screams "Match of the Year" candidate. As for a winner? This is a tough one to call but I'm going to go with the Ronin pulling this one off.
Sweet Aroma: This is going to be the second best match of the night. Jonny has history with these two, and Derecho and Ninja K have a history that stretches way beyond that. These two HATE each other. When it's all said and done though I think Derecho retains the title, and Ninja K will need to do some soul searching, because losing to his rivalis sure to put a halt to any momentum that he has gained while in pursuit of the Underground Champion and his title.
Mattock: I am sorrowfully afraid that my opinion on this matter will be a bit biased seeing how Derecho is, indeed, blood related, despite his various claims. His opposition, however, is a man I had many a chance to compete against and I can assure you of one thing… Kenshiro Inogami is a enthusiastically and athletically gifted individual who can persuade you with his mind and silence you with his technique. I know Derecho and Kenshiro have gone to battle many times in the past, but this is one my brother will lose. Kenshiro will dethrone the tyrant and lay claim to the wasteland known as the Underground.
Winner: Ninja K 2-1

jOlt Championship
Sylo[c] vs Chris Titan
Michael Buhrman: I know this goes against popular opinion but I am of the belief that the Superbeast's title reign is making it's swan song at All or Nothing. The thing that keeps coming up in conversation is how unstoppable Sylo is. Well, let me remind you that there is a man in jOlt that holds a jOlt Championship victory over Sylo ... and that man is Chris Titan. Now, you may not like how he went about gaining that win but what you can't deny is that he is a lot more calculating than he's given credit for. Titan will find a way to gain an advantage over Sylo and he'll use that advantage to bring the jOlt Championship back to the Backbone.
Sweet Aroma: Sylo is a big meanie, He didn't have to do what he did to Jonny. If The Backbone is going to succeed Chris Titan needs to win this match. It will go a long way to proving to myself and Jonny that his cause is worth fighting for. This is going to be a big night for The Backbone but only if Titan is victorious. He is at the forefront of the jOlt originals movement to reclaim the company, and if he isn't successful tonight I don't know where that movement goes from here.
Mattock: Titan only accomplished victory because Vince Jacobs was a sore loser. Even with The Backbone’s spiritual support, it will do him no good here against a true Titan like Sylo. I think he will activate SYLO SMASH mode and unfortunately, Mr. Titan’s chances will have then been reduced from slim to absolute zero. If this match isn’t one sided, I would be astounded into a state of mental shock. Superbeast retains.
Winner: Chris Titan 2-1