
Dawncast: Ninja K
The scene is set within Dawn Cassidy’s elaborate office setting; a heavy Lavender tarp remains draped over a sturdy metal obstruction with the show logo, suspended several inches before it. The masses respond warmly to the alluring frame and trademark smile of the segment’s host as she crossed her leg over her left knee and set her free hand atop the arm rest. Dressed in a Black Dress Suit with a Purple undershirt, Dawn adjusted herself before speaking.
Dawn: Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of the DawnCast. I am your host Dawn Cassidy and I am here with former LoC Champion and the current Number One Contender for the jOlt Underground Championship; Ninja K...
The crowd responded favorably as the camera set itself on the enigmatic stalwart. Clad with the predominant Crimson hue with Black Trim, the unmasked assassin sat erect with one hand atop the other while rested on both arm rests. The trademark expression of stoicism remained etched across his face.
Dawn: Good evening, Kenshiro.
Kenshiro: Good Evening.
Dawn: Thank you in advance for your time here on the Dawn Cast show.
Kenshiro: It is both an honor and a pleasure, Miss Cassidy.
Dawn: Well, the first of many questions I have this evening, is in regards to the preparations made for your first jOlt title opportunity.
Kenshiro: (clearing his throat) The preparations made for this have been intentionally strenuous and intense; 2 hour Tire Workouts for durability. Extensive cardio regiments for endurance. However, this will and always remain a matter of psychological warfare. 5 continents. Hundreds of countries. Countless arenas. Derecho and myself have remained entrenched in this rivalry sporadically for over a decade. The adage ‘Familiarity breeds Contempt’ is a grand understatement between my rival and myself respectively.
Dawn: So with that being said, what creates this environment of resentment between you and the Underground Champion?
Kenshiro: The Xtreme Wrestling Federation was the first of many American promotions that granted me the opportunity to showcase my abilities. However, there were numerous political conflicts of interests that were waged openly behind the scenes and covertly within the public eye; My affiliations with his long standing rival, The Blazer. The forced adaptation of both wrestling styles and character representation. My departure as XWF champion stood among the leading wedges between the company figurehead then leading to the feuding combatant I shall face this Sunday.
Dawn: So this is mainly a war of backstage politics?
Kenshiro: Legitimately, that reason and season has long elapsed. Throughout the years, a highly begrudging ‘respect’ has been cultivated via respective variations to technical innovation, a mutual affinity for violent initiatives and competitive spirit. The notion that neither one of us has manage to sustain a measure of dominance over the other throughout the years further heightens the stakes between us.
Dawn: So what would a victory over Derecho and becoming the new Underground Champion mean to you?
Kenshiro: To become the new retainer of the Underground Championship and division would deal a major blow to my rival. The psychological scars set upon him alone would stand among the most rewarding benefits aside from taking the opportunity to lead that wrestling class with my respective vision. Physical scars no longer possess that appeal for Derecho and I possess both self inflicted and intentional injuries and ailments throughout the years. I expect to leave him with something he will have to live with just as we have set upon each other in instances such as these.
Dawn: Now let’s move onto the new arrivals that you’re been rumored to be affiliated with. Who are they and what are your intentions?
Kenshiro: (faintly scoffs) Family.
Dawn: Family?
Kenshiro: Yes....
Dawn: Alright. Let’s discuss your thoughts concerning the Backbone.
Kenshiro: Do you wish truth or honest truth?
Dawn: There’s a difference?
Kenshiro: Of course. The ‘truth’ is the sugar-coated of what is what persons like yourself would love to hear. The ‘honest truth’ is what ones like yourself need to hear. Unedited and unsweetened.
Dawn: Let’s try the honest truth.
Kenshiro: Honest Truth; The Backbone are but a collection of dated scavengers, desperately clinging to any measure of wrestling relevance by excessive force and other forms of brutality. Jackals in human form. It is believed that it is their purpose to cleanse this organization from those whom are not of promotional pure blood. Now as amusing as this cause is in my personal opinion, their outright refusal to adapt to their environment and the times respectively, indeed presents them to be and remain as a looming cancer that demands to be eventually eradicated.
Dawn: I understand that you have a number of rivals, both longstanding and potential, here in jOlt and we are going to call them out by name and you are more than welcome to respond with a brief description.
Kenshiro: Word Association of sorts, if I am correct?
Dawn: Yes. Yes. Let’s start with the current jOlt World Champion, Sylo?
Kenshiro: Another cerebral opponent. Powerful yet not impervious. Destined to clash again.
Dawn: ‘Superstar’ Vince Jacobs.
Kenshiro: Anal Retentive personified. Cunning beyond measure yet crippled by amassed weight of his ego. Among the infamous of opportunists. Over ambitions gold digger. Attention whore.
Dawn: Persephone.
Kenshiro: Baptized by the fire of the Asylum, she is immensely durable. Strong willed. A highly volatile bitch. Beautiful tragedy.
Dawn: Aran Thompson.
Kenshiro: Athletically gifted. Tainted with shades of arrogance. One of many prodigies. Technically creative.
Dawn: Rune Winters.
Kenshiro: Internally wounded warrior. Intentional malcontent. An example of genetic backwash. The Picasso of Anarchy. Underrated as a Calculating Madman.
Dawn: Adam Lazarus.
Kenshiro: An aerial threat to always consider. Excellent work rate and flexibility. Greatly underrated. Even tempered. Entertaining. Worthy opposition.
Dawn: Jonathan Conspiracy.
Kenshiro: Excessively cocky. Outright Gregarious or a devout Asshole depending upon his preference. Technically brutal and with precision. All the more intrigued about the opportunity to test the ‘One Letter Better’ theory firsthand.
Dawn: Alright. One last question: What lies in store for Kenshiro in the 2013 here in jOlt?
Kenshiro: Honestly, I am not at liberty to say. However, I believe and anticipate many interesting things to transpire. More milestones to be surpassed and reestablished. Regardless of what may come, I expect to adapt in a timely manner. As far as I am concerned, every retainer of their respective championships, are officially on notice.
Dawn: Well, I want to really thank you for your time, as greatly rare it is that you invest into interviews and it was a pleasure having you here. Good luck this Sunday.
Kenshiro: Thank you and I appreciate the opportunity to be here.
