
Aerial Overdose!
The arena was alive with a subtle clamoring until ‘Latin Thug’ by Cypress Hill bellowed from the PA system. The jOltvision and adjacent monitors danced with vivid images of the enhanced aerial stalwart. The vast amphitheater bled with the colors of Red, Pearl & Green that urged the proud natives to cheer the loudest as Cordova, boldly commanded the entire entrance staging area.
Engaging the fans as only he knows how, the former Flyweight Champion soon dove inside the rings and ascended the nearest turnbuckle to raise the temperature that much further. Cordova dropped down to take the microphone from the stage hand. Cheers in Spanish dialect rose in the stands, causing the esteemed luchador to give pause before addressing the masses.
“¡Hola a mi familia!” Cordova exclaimed, urging the volume of fanfare to respond warmly. “Tonight is a special occasion. A moment to remember when a former Flyweight Champion stakes his claim to what is rightfully his; ¡El campeonato de peso mosca!”
The Latin continent adamantly rallied behind their masked hero. A gathering of Spanish speaking flags and posters were brandished along the various sections abroad. This would be the boldest and passionate stance the Latin Thug has ever been know to assume in some time.
“10 years...diez años...of representing lucha libre...de hombre a hombre ... mano a mano ...I’ve grown tired of watching others take advantage of what is rightfully mine...The injuries over the years came and went yet Cordova is still standing...Standing toe to toe with superstar great and small...grandes y pequeños...From street fights to numerous matches and arenas across the globe, this is my time to represent!” Cordova exclaimed much to the approval to the crowd.
“Me encanta este deporte ... este negocio ... con todo mi corazón....I am Lucha Libre. I am one of the best luchadores today. Lucha is in my blood. ¡Es puro! The Latin Thug is done asking for opportunities in this business...I’m taking them from here on out and it starts with calling out Jimmy Martinez to the ring right here...right now!”
The Arena of Champions was set ablaze from within as the masses were ready for a Flyweight Championship match. The Guadalajara native casually began pacing inside the squared circle in wait of his challenge to be answered yet not to his nor the crowd’s liking as ‘What Comes Around’ by Ill Nino rang out from overhead to a notable chorus of boos. The tattooed bad boy sauntered out from the gorilla position armed with a mic and an arrogant smirk, etched across his lips after sucking his teeth defiantly.
“Mi hermano pequeño ... ven ahora.” Cano replied. “There’s no way can ever you think that Flyweight Championship is ever going to back around your waist without going through me, hermano.”
The Sadistic One casually strolled down the ramp way and began making his ascent up the ring steps to formally address his sibling rival.
“Sus frutos no son grandes como usted piensa que son” Cano quipped as the crowd responded with blatant challenge to Cordova’s manhood. “If there is anyone who is deserving of contending for the Flyweight Title; it’s me...ahora mismo.” The mounting tension between both brother radiated with amassed high flying scars of years past and present. The masses began instigating another war between the two to explode as both siblings stood face to face in the middle of the ring...
"The Fishing' Hole" by Earle Hagen and Herbert Spencer
A notable crowd pop was heard drawing the attention of all in attendance. The video screens beheld the return of Kayden Paulton. The cheers brought the overtly appreciative PIW alumnus to a gushing expression of appreciation. A scattered chanting of his name peppered the arena until Paulton was ready to respond.
“Wow, you guys!” Kayden replied. “I....I’m glad to be back...Back with a state of the art arena, awesome fans, cool effects to my entrance video, the color scheme for the show is outstanding...Man...I’m just excited to get back in the swing of things and have fun again.” The camera briefly shifted over to the inaudible rants from both Cano and Cordova before switching back to Paulton. “Now fellas; I think you guys would make great champions yet I think taking a shot at winning the Flyweight belt would be extremely phenomenal! What do you people think?”
Kayden was 3/4ths of the way down the ramp when he became entranced by a kid dressed like him. “Hey, little guy; you’d think that would be cool if I earned that belt and take a picture with ya?” A sympathetic response was heard as Kayden was busy adorning the child with his Pink and Black bandana...
‘The Beast from the East (Village)’ by Big Poppa Runt stormed out from the PA system, luring Devastation Incorporated from the backstage area. The masses rallied behind the tandem of Conan the Leprechaun and Big Little Italy physically making their presence known. Conan was busy rhythmically pounding his fist into his palm as the diminutive Italian luchador assessed the current landscape.
“Yous guys betta lissen up and lissen good; da Flyweight title is going nowheres with any of you mooks, ya git me? “ BLI barked in sheer defiance. Conan nodded in conformation alongside him. “If any of yous got a problem with dat, no sense in wastin time yappin about it...Let da ass kickin begin...”
The stout duo lumbered forward, casting a stern glare at the respectful Paulton before rounding the corner towards the ring steps when ‘Praise’ by Sevendust injected the crowd with a seismic burst of energy. Adam Lazarus graced the masses with open arms and his trademark disarming personality. The Wading River, New York native basked in the waves of crowd heat as he set himself atop the staging area apex.
“Dudes...” Adam uttered before being slightly distracted by the moderate chants of ‘Laz’, rolling in hindsight. “I know it’s a serious stretch for you guys but as the ‘voice of reason’ in this case, let’s get a few things straight on this.” The camera views panned out enough to gauge the reactions of his peers in the fullest details. “First off, Dova’; dude you were champion before and looking to take it back again. We get that yet you know how the game works, lil’ dude. Cano; you got skills, dude but...you’re a skied haired poser who couldn't carry my jock strap on any given day, dude.”
The camera viewed Sanchez Cano could be seen muttering obscenities in Spanish under his breath while the crowd delighted in him being insulted.
“Kayden; you’re cool but no offense, you being champion is not in the cards especially with me in the mix, bro.” Paulton respectfully shrugged his shoulders as Adam rounded the squared circle and rested against the lead broadcast table. “You are a awesome wrestler, Lil’ Italy but again, you got me putting my bid in just like of the rest of you. Now I know you all are wondering as to what makes my bid any special? Well, let’s shoot straight from the hip here then; Ryan Billows. Ninja K. Derecho. Rune Winters. Frost. All of those dudes and many more, especially most of you, have something in common. Some more than most; all have been pushed to the limit in this ring by me, dudes.”
The Arena of Champions responded in kind with the irrefutable evidence made on his behalf.
“I know what everyone is thinking; How does some blond dread locked stoner from Wading River, New York think he’s got the stones to leapfrog over me? For real, out of everybody, I didn't need that major pep talk from the head man of the company to step my game up...I’m all about this life, dude. Always have been. Always will be, bro. Never needed backstage politics, favors or backdoor deals in this game...Just a shot. No nuts, no glory, fellas. And I could waste more jerking these people around with what I could do as champion but now’s a good time as any to show any and everybody a preview how the Adam Lazarus Experience is guaranteed to punch my ticket to that big dance with JBM for that Flyweight title.
Sanchez Cano, Big Little Italy and Conan the Leprechaun were the main ones to exception to this challenge, prompting Adam to cast aside his microphone. “We can go right now, bro.” Lazarus could be heard amidst the ongoing crowd noise and the distance from the nearest microphone...
‘If It All Ended Tomorrow’ by John Felix Anthony snatched the focus set on the upstart Adam Lazarus away and towards the entrance staging area as the reigning jOlt Flyweight Champion, sauntered confidently out before the masses. The Bronx native had the prized belt slung over his shoulder with a microphone in the opposing hand. Jimmy Benjamin Martinez. The promotional prodigy quietly scanned the entire landscape as his would be challengers were seen either beckoning the champion to literally swim with the sharks or anxiously assessing the situation unfolding before them. A growing ‘JBM’ chant further stirred the already bubbling cauldron of contempt, brewing within the arena before speaking.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?” JBM inquired. “I sit in the back and listen to you guys, bicker back and forth about who deserves a title shot. To be honest, I don't think any of you guys deserve to be in the same ring with me. 'Mr. Infamous'! He said as pointed down the ramp towards the two brothers. "Me standing here, with the flyweight championship slung over my shoulder, proves only one thing; It proves that I’M the alpha dog of this pack. Im'a tell you what I'm going to do...I believe in first come, first served so Cano and Cordova; You guy's want another shot? You got it tonight, in a TLC match!
The Arena of champions erupted in cheers at the champion’s suggestion while JBM chants began to get louder. Meanwhile, a number of disgruntled contenders inaudibly made their respective protests heard.
“So I suggest you put it all on the line, because you won't be seeing another title shot in a while. I'm tired of you two and tonight we will put an end to this." The flyweight champion explained to the luchador siblings as they looked at each other. The camera followed the brazen champion down the ramp way as JBM centered himself several yards from the ring apron.
"Now onto Adam Lazarus, Kayden and Lil Italy; I'm happy to see that you guys finally decided, to step up to the plate. I couldn't do this all by myself. Well, I could. It just wouldn't be any fun. You guy's been here longer than I have, and still haven't accomplished what I have. I came in as the new blood and in less than three months, I became the flyweight champion. Who can say they did that? Well besides Avispa Ultima, becoming the champion in his debut." said the cocky champion.
Lazarus, Kayden and Lil Italy look at each other furious as to what the champion had to say. Lazarus picks up the microphone to his lips and addressed the flyweight champion.
"Dude.. You can't...."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa...” Martinez interjected. “You had your chance to speak and didn't say much. You guys wanted me here, here I am. You guy's should know me, by now. I am not one to ever back down from a challenge. I’m a fighting champion so once I’m done with these two asses, you guys are next..."
Audible feedback was heard as the mic bounced off the steep ramp. The Flyweight championship was flung from Martinez’s grip as Eiji Kugasari leapt off the guardrails and blind sided him. Anarchy ruled the yard as Cano & Cordova began brawling with Devastation Inc. Kayden Paulton threw his hands up before Adam Lazarus, who assumed a fighting posture while Eiji snatched Martinez back to his feet and shoved him underneath the ropes. The Blood Raven followed suit and began assaulting the champion in the nearest turnbuckle as Big Little Italy floored Sanchez Cano with a Springboard Dropkick!
Cordova and Conan were busy trading blows as Adam Lazarus ripped Kugasari off Martinez and began pummeling him with a succession of Forearm Strikes to the Face. An Irish Whip by Laz was reversed by Eiji, who ducked underneath, allowing JBM to level Adam with a stiff Clothesline. Jimmy repelled an incoming Conan with a Right Hook as Big Little Italy clung to his left leg. JBM sought to fight him off when Cano knocked him backwards with a Flying Leg Wheel. Eiji quickly knocked Conan off the ring apron with a Running Yakuza Kick to the face.
JBM rolled backwards to his feet drunkenly with Cordova seated on his neck, badgering him with Punches the Head. Meanwhile, Conan angrily speared Kayden Paulton along the outside. Adam Lazarus sent Cano tumbling over the top rope with a Running Clothesline but Big Little Italy hit him with the Eat The Feet maneuver, leaving Adam hunched over the middle ropes.
JBM finally reached upward and spiked Cordova into the mat. Big Little Italy seized his moment with a Vaulting Rope Attack but the champion blasted him out of the air with his panted Bull’s Eye Super Kick, much to the crowd’s delight. Meanwhile, Cano and Conan were along the outside trading blows. The Italian Luchador fell off the ring apron as Eiji leap frogged streaking Latin Thug, allowing Kayden Paulton to send him flying with a Standing OTR Back Body Drop, landing atop of Devastation Inc.! The momentum was short lived as Adam flattened Paulton with a Spinning Roundhouse Hook Kick! Lazarus quickly hoisted the champion over with a textbook Relapse German Suplex yet manage to nimbly land on his feet. Eiji rolled sideways off his back and blasting Lazarus with a Rolling Koppou Kick!
The Blood Raven spun about in time for an incensed Jimmy Martinez to drape him across his broad shoulders, igniting the masses with a adrenaline induced scream - ready to deliver the IKO! Frantically moving about, the Japanese upstart created a chorus of boos as his quickly high-tailed it out of the ring and hurdled over the nearest barricades. Along the outside, the assorted Flyweight division contenders were respectively recollecting themselves as a few were gradually retreating to the backstage area.
Meanwhile, a stagehand handed the fighting champion his prized possession, who proudly held the belt toward the heavens with one hand while beckoning the opposition to bring the fight back to the ring. Eiji seethed angrily while pacing backwards in the crowd as JBM stood atop the turnbuckles, aiming his resentment toward him. ‘If It All Ended Tomorrow’ by John Felix Anthony stormed out from the overhead PA system as the vigilant champion commanded the crowd with another display of championship bravado.
