
Donny Layne Interviews Jeremy Ryan and Diamond Jewelz
The scene faded in on a simple set, the Wrestlecade backdrop in the background, three wooden chairs at the center of the room and a small end table separating the two. Seated in the center of the three chairs was the man who had grown to become the voice of Jolt Wrestling, Donny Layne. He looked a little bit uneasy - more so than normal - considering in the studio, things were about to get pretty tense.
A calming jazz music played in the background as the cameras adjusted properly to bring both men into the view of the camera.
“Hello, my name is Donny Layne and I’d like to welcome you all to this special Sitdown for our Breakdown main event pitting our jOlt Champion, ‘jOlt’s Last Real Man’ Jeremy Ryan defending against the #1 Contender, Relentless Champion Diamond Jewelz! Tonight with me, I’ve got… well, I’ve got a lot of security standing by…”
Several camera shots caught glimpses of a swarm of about ten security guards off-set. Now the camera was back on Donny.
“Tonight, we’ve got some combustible elements tonight. With me at this time, I have the two men who will be competing for the biggest prize that jOlt has to offer in the form of the jOlt Heavyweight Championship. Tonight, I have the #1 Contender to the championship, the jOlt Relentless Champion, Diamond Jewelz…”
“This Ain’t Even All My Jewelrrrryyyyyy”
The hook to “Jewelry” by Gucci Mane bangs through the PA system of the Fast Layne as Jewelz, covered in the gleam of diamonds and gold, chiefly his Relentless Title, bursts through the curtains. Immediately, when gets on stage, DJ sports his grill into the camera: this week, it is in money green and gOod and has the word World on top and Champion on the bottom..... Jewelz only cracks this version of his girl out for special world heavyweight title occasions, and this is just that...
“ What's good Donny, you glad to have me???" Diamond barks..... He daps up Donny and gives him a bring strong hug at the end followed by pats on the back...DJ has been more "People's Champion" than "Mr. Relentless on this lead up to his match with Ryan at Breakdown..
"Yeah I know my nigga... It's always a pleasure.." Jewelz interjects on Donny's behalf as he has him locked up in an embrace...
Jewelz pulled up a seat on the left side as Donny looked a little bit uneasy, given who was about to come out next, but he tried to maintain a professional demeanor as he gestured to the empty seat on his right.
“And his Breakdown opponent… the current jOlt World Champion, “jOlt’s Last Real Man” Jeremy Ryan.”
Walking onto the set with no pomp or circumstance to him whatsoever, Jeremy Ryan came up with black jeans and his signature “REAL MAN” Bloody knuckles hoodie. With the coveted jOlt World Championship in his possession, he placed the title down on the table and made sure to deliberately face the belt towards the #1 Contender.
“Before we start this bullshit,” Ryan snarled, “I have this here because this is as close to MY jOlt Championship as you’re going to get.”
" And why the fuck is that.... That shit mine at Breakdown hoe.. You might as well skip this motherfucking fade u bout to catch homie, and hand it.over now...” DJ shouted back.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen,” Donny chided over the tension, “Look… the goal is to get into your mindsets right before this big match, so can we keep focus. And need I remind you that for the duration of this face to face, there will be ZERO tolerance for physicality or…”
“or… WHAT, Donny?”
Ryan glared at Donny Layne.
“Or these jOlt rent-a-cops will start swinging and going after anything that moves? Please. Ask Damien Lee how well threats work on me. I shouldn’t have even been here after WrestleCade and yet…” Ryan tapped the faceplate of the belt with his name on it. “Here I am, doing what Diamond Jewelz COULDN’T do at WrestleCade and that’s win the big one.”
“Btch.... I got closer at Cade than u did.... You ain't even get no shot at Cade cause you couldn't get past this nigga with.the gOlden dick qnd balls right here, ya heard… I BEAT yo’ punkass once at WrestleCade and I’ma beat yo’ punkass again!” Jewelz snarl at Ryan's smartass comments...
Jeremy Ryan’s face turned beet-red as he wanted to get up and knock the #1 Contender the hell out, but Donny Layne sensed that and tried to keep the peace. A few security guards stepped into view until Ryan regained his composure.
“Step the fuck off,” Ryan said. “Don’t get your tampons in a wad.”
jOlt’s Last Real Man sat back down as Donny continued once everyone had a few moments to settle.
“So you both requested this time to say your final piece before your huge main event and you’ll each be given the chance to do so. Jeremy Ryan, as the jOlt Champion, you’ve requested to go first, so here’s your chance.”
Ryan ignored Donny Layne and glanced right at Diamond Jewelz. Jewelz hit him with an obnoxious blinging grin back...
“Look at you, you overrated sack of SHIT… you come in here with your jewelry, your flash, your stupid fucking diamond and gold in your teeth, and all of your sophomoric bullshit, thinking that’s what makes you a champion. You look like a little fruit trying to overcompensating for the very little masculinity you have left. Face facts, Jewelz… YOU. AIN’T. SHIT.”
Jewelz nodded, not agreeing with Ryan, but simply.patronizing him until it was his time to snap back...
The jOlt Champion patted the belt again and smirked.
“Yeah, you’ve won a couple big matches here and there, but for me to get to the top, I didn’t NEED any of that. I got the training I needed when I walked right out of Sonny Silver’s Silver Lining Academy and set myself loose on the world. I worked my ass off, I earned my opportunity on the Hype, shit-kicking ANYBODY that tried to step to me. I bent The Hype over, I made it my bitch and then I made it to the main roster WITHOUT the big jOlt Machine. I’m not like you where this company fed into your extracurricular activities outside the ring and turned you into a watchable publicity stunt to get viewers in… in fact, this company has been against me since day fucking one and look where I am now and look where YOU are.”
Diamond Jewelz continued to listen intently while Jeremy Ryan continued his tirade. Jewelz used the free time to exhibit his massive DJ chain into the camera...
“That’s ALL you are, Diamond Jewelz. You aren’t a wrestler… you’re a fucking ghetto piece of shit that has the hands of the company up your ass like a puppet just so they can tick a couple of Nielsen boxes upwards. NOTHING you do is because you and your group of fucking little parasites are any good at wrestling… your “Goons” are basically idiots that swing their fists like gorillas with Down Syndrome. And you’re famous because you make a few fucking people laugh with your quote-unquote sparkling wit and your shitty vanity title that YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE ANYMORE. You’re a publicity stunt, plain and simple, but I’ve got some news for you right now, Jewelz…”
Ryan shuffled in his seat. Meanwhile, Jewelz looks unflustered in the middle of the heat and sports a big blinging grin, and his Relentless Title Belt in a shameless bit of self promotion...
“At Breakdown, the little stunt show is over. When you cross me at Breakdown, I will continue to prove that I am jOlt’s Last Real Man, I am its ONLY Real Champion and I WILL drop you on your head and break your neck. You got anything funny to say about THAT?”
"What???!!!! The stunt is over?????" Jewelz exclaims standing up and beginning to exhibit his various articles of jewelry, mainly his gOld chain, and Relentless Title...
"My nigga the stunt ain't even begun... I been stunting since I got in this motherfucker.... Wearing and selling the most boss shit.... The most boss chain, the most boss bracelets, the most boss ringsss...
Jewelz points at Ryan's belt...
"You right my nigga... Of all the lies you done told, "being better than me, being a real man, being a legit champ and not a fucking oppurtunist..." Jewelz counts each point off on his ring filled hands.
YOU told the truth about at least one thing.. I am all about self promotion.. This wrestling shit is all about pushing my jewelry business and nothing more.. But when I get a hold of that motherfucker right there... This self promotion shit is going to a whole new level... This stunting shit about to jump off for real.You feel me.... The whole world not only is gonna know who is at the top of the heavyweight division in this motherfucker... They gonna know who the world's finest jeweler is.. And that shit is way more important...... These titles ain't nothing but about self promotion, and Sunday, I get yet another opportunity to take hold of another canvas for my artistry... Another world title belt...
Jewelz holds his Relentless Title up...
"I been the greatest spectacle up in this motherfucker since my debut, and now its' time for some validition on that point there... This shit ain't enough no more... I want what u got Ryan.... And when I get it, I'mma do some shit so fucking ballin with that motherfucker..." Jewelz clenches his teeth in excitement and balls his fists up...
"Wooooo.. Watch what I do... Project: Stuntingest shit ever, coming soon to a screen near u... I ain't gotta bitch and moan like this hoe right here... That's all I gotta say... That bitch mine at Breakdown..."
Jeremy Ryan stood up from his seat and raised the jOlt World Championship.
“Take your best fucking shot.”
Donny Layne stood up from his seat and once more, security moved in before something bad could unfold in the studio.
“Ladies, gentlemen, thanks so much for joining us on Countdown! We’ll see you in one week’s time at Breakdown!”
One more staredown between champion and challenger, raising their respective championships before the scene faded out.
