
A Compromising Solution
We were backstage at the Honda Center, the sight of the Breakdown Pay-Per-View next sunday. We see the former Rebellion members Seraph and Michael Donavan standing around outside of Damien Lee's office.
"It's been a while" said Donavan.
Seraph stood there and remained silent. With that, Shiloh walked up behind him and placed her arm around Seraph's shoulder.
"Vance doesn't have anything to say to the likes of you.. someone who pledged their loyalty to Jon Le Bon instead of doing the right thing by walking away from The Rebellion" said Shiloh.
"Jon Le Bon was a great man. He sacrificed so much so we could get here to the main roster. You were the reason why Seraph left us.. you can't understand the things Seraph had with The Rebellion.. but you wanted him all to yourself." said Donavan.
"I merely wanted to save Seraph from an ill-fated future. The fact that you're standing here outside Damien Lee's office for a reason I'm sure that we share, just proves that I was right in taking Seraph away from The Rebellion." said Shiloh.
"Yeah.. we might be here for the same reason, but don't think I'm here to play favorites with the likes of you two..." said Donavan.
With that, Damien Lee's door opened and Lee stood there in the doorway.
"Mind telling me what all of this is about? I'm trying to get things ready for a big Pay-Per-View event next week. I have paperwork to fill out for the California State Athletic Commission, I have phone calls to make to set up our sponsors for the event. I have talent to contact, hotels to make arrangements with... it's not easy being the CEO of a wrestling promotion.. so the last thing I need to deal with is a couple of squabblers outside of my door. So I assume since the two of you are out here, you need something from me... so go on.. state your case and do it quick."
"I want Draconian at Breakdown"
"Vance wants Draconian at Breakdown
Michael Donavan and Shiloh stated their cases at the same time and then looked at each other with glaring eyes.
"Look.. I barely understood that since you guys can't even set your prides aside long enough to speak one at a time... I head Draconian's name and I can only assume that the two of you are upset that he came down to the ring and got in the middle of your match back on iNtense. Fair enough. You don't even have to say it.. in fact.. please don't say anything. We have extra room on this card so I'll give you both what you want and then some."
Damien paused for a moment.
"At Breakdown... it will be Seraph versus Michael Donavan versus Draconian. So go on... destroy Draconian.. destroy each other.. or get destroyed... I don't really care.. just take your squabbling somewhere else."
At that moment, Damien's phone rang.
"Goddamit... them, AGAIN!? How many times do I have to deal with this.... ugh.. I've got to do."
Damien turned and slammed the door in their faces. Donavan and Seraph came face to face.
"It's settled then... " said Donavan.
Seraph inched closed and Shiloh put her arm between them.
"Not now, Vance.. we got what we wanted.. let's just hold off for now." said Shiloh.
"Better listen to her... Vance" said Donavan sarcastically. "But at Breakdown you won't have the chance to hide behind your woman."
Seraph became enraged at that comment and stepped back in.
"Vance... VANCE!! Not now.." said Shiloh.
Before Seraph could back off, we heard a voice behind the door.
Seraph and Donavan stared at each other and then turned and walked away in opposite directions. The scene then faded to black
