
Dawncast: The New Breed
The scene opened up inside of a studio. There was an expensive-looking LED screen behind three director's chairs.. one on the left which contained Dawn Cassidy, and two on the right which contained Hype Champion Mike Patterson with his title.. and the former champion Brian Williams. The screen had The Dawncast logo on is as Dawn smiled and looked into the camera.
"While my colleague is dealing with The Entertainers on his pitiful excuse for a show, I, on the other hand, have the honor of talking to the two men who had the entire jOlt universe buzzing at Wrestlecade II... The Hype Champion Mike Patterson and Brian Williams! Welcome to The Dawncast!" said Cassidy
"Thank you" said Williams.
"Pleasure to be here" said Patterson.
"Now... I have to ask. Why did you two form this tag team?" asked Dawn.
"Well it's quite simple" said Patterson. "At Wrestlecade II we destroyed each other in one of the hardest hitting matches in jOlt history. In fact, it was called one of the most brutal matches that didn't have a No Fear Rules clause tacked onto it and that's something I'm proud of, but it also made me realize how tough of a competitor Brian Williams truly was and I have to be honest... if we did the match again, just like the first time, I wouldn't be able to tell you who would come out on top because I felt we were just one move away from putting each other down long enough for the three count. So when I got the call to come up to the main roster... after knowing what the two of us did to each other one on one.. can you just imagine what we would do to the entire locker room as a team. The thought intrigued me to the point where I've buried the hatchet with Brian and we're going to focus our attention on working together and yes.. we will be coming for the World Tag Team Titles sooner or later.. after all.. that is the ultimate goal of any tag team in jOlt.. or ate least, it should be."
"Sounds like you have a vision, but since you formed three weeks ago, you haven't really done much. Can you explain why that is?" asked Dawn.
"We're surveying the land" said Williams. "A lot of teams make the mistake of just jumping into the fray immediately, looking to make an immediate impact. Not us. We decided that we're going to pick the right moment.. pick the right combination of people to make that impact against. We wanted to put the locker room on notice that we are here and we have arrived. That's what we did two weeks ago when we took on Draconian in that handicap match. We showed the world just a taste of our ability... but Draconian, while impressive as he is and as tough as he is... is just a single being. He's not a tag team and that is what we are truly looking around for right now."
"Do you have anyone in mind now that you've taken the time to survey the land, as you've put it?" asked Dawn.
"Indeed we have" said Williams with a smirk on his face.
"We do have our first targets in mind, Dawn" said Patterson. "These two want to be impact players... well.. so do we. I'd like to make it clear that we have no problems whatsoever with the two that we've picked.. and at Breakdown.. we will be there to issue a challenge to them face to face. We can only hope that they would accept our challenge because if you want to make a name for yourself.. it's these two that will give us our true first test... and again, we're not making light of them.. the fact that we chose them shows how much we respect them and think that they will provide to us the best match we possibly can have."
"Any hints as to who these two indiviuals are?' asked Dawn.
Patterson and Williams looked at each other and then chuckled.
"You'll just have to wait until Breakdown to find out" said Patterson.
"Gotta leave something to the imagination, right Dawn?" said Williams
"I guess so. Well thank you for your time, you two and good luck with your challenge at Breakdown!" said Dawn.
"Thanks" said Patterson.
"Thank you, Dawn" said Williams. "I hope we brought you better ratings than Donny Layne"
Williams and Patterson kind of chuckled at that and then walked off. As the scene faded to black, Dawn was caught mumbling something to herself.
"What a scoop.. a mystery challenge.. heh.. suck on that Donny."
