
Jack Dawn & Nate Quartermaine vs Gabriel Gold & Eli Conway
The match had been made for Breakdown where “Mister Magic” Jack Dawn would take on Gabriel Gold in what would be the rubber match between the two Hype graduates. But tonight on the Countdown exclusive match, they’d be on opposite sides of a tag team match where Jack Dawn would join forces with Nate Quartermaine to take on Gabriel Gold and one of The Conways, enlisting Eli in his crusade for vengeance against two men he had run-ins with.
“The following is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!” Dean Carrington announced.
“I Don’t Wanna Stop” by Ozzy Osbourne.
The member of The Natural Athletes arrived from the back and raised a fist to the crowd, letting out a shout before he headed towards the ring. A focused and intense-looking made his way towards the ring, slapping hands with the fans on his way down the ramp!
“Introducing first… from North Bend, Washington, weighing in at 223 pounds… this is NATE QUARTERMAINE!”
“Magic” by B.o.B. feat. Rivers Cuomo.
The lights started to flash and swirl in several shades of various colors filling the area... smoke began to fill the stage… and the crowd began to cheer! And out from the back came two lovely twin ladies, each with blonde hair, blue eyes, and sparkling blue sequined skirts. The lights continued to shine brightly and flashed again and as a box appeared on stage. Both ladies walked towards either side of the box and grabbed a door…
“And his tag team partner, being accompanied by The Lovely Assistants, Bobbi and Breezy... from Los Angeles, California, being accompanied by Bobbi and Breezy… weighing in at 244 pounds… this is “MISTER MAGIC” JACK DAWN!”
The doors both opened and a handsome and chiseled man called Jack Dawn stepped out of the box, rocking a cape and top hat as he took a bow for the audience. Dawn got a peck on the cheek from both of the girls and smirked proudly before he and The Lovely Assistants hit the ring, arm in arm. Nate Quartermaine couldn’t help but smirk at the flashy entrance. It wasn’t truly his style, but he respected Dawn’s in-ring ability as the two came up together on The Hype. They entered the ring and waited for their opponents of the evening.
“Golden Dawn” by Gospel.
The music played and the majority of the crowd that followed The Hype outright booed the wrestling purist known as Gabriel Gold. He stepped out from the back and took a kneeling stance on the stage to survey both the crowd and the ring. Behind him were the former Tag Team Champions, Eli and Ezra Conway heading towards the ring looking ready to hurt somebody. Gold had come to them to make a statement that they were being overlooked and they were going to help Gold stick it to his former Hype roster mates.
“And their opponents… first, making his way to the ring from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 213 pounds… this is GABRIEL GOLD! And being accompanied by his brother, Ezra, from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 245 pounds… ELI CONWAY!”
A golden hue washed over the crowd in waves, swirling about as he walked towards the ring. He headed towards the ring and leaped to the second turnbuckle and sneered at the crowd before simply stepping over the ropes to climb inside. Ezra waited on the outside while Gold and Eli headed inside. Referee Ian Nguyen waited as they called for the bell.
Gabriel Gold was going to face off against Nate Quartermaine first and the two men locked up, but Gold went low and attacked him at the stomach with a knee. Gold wasn’t going to go technical today and he tried to swing right at Nate, but The Fire ducked underneath a Clothesline and he surprised Gold with a rolling pin!
Gold kicked out and two and tried to get back on his feet when Quartermaine caught him in the gut with a hard kick. Quartermaine fired off a series of right hands to the head before he whipped him off to the corner. He rushed right at Gabriel, but The Elitist got his elbow up and caught him with a good shot. He stumbled backwards and when Gold came rushing at him, he was caught and took him over with a gorgeous Fisherman’s Suplex!
The Master of Dropkicks just kicked out again, but Nate stayed on him as he threw Gold into the corner. He tagged to Dawn and The Lovely Assistants cheered him on as he SPEARED Gold to the ground and dropped him with a big flurry of right hands. Eli and Ezra Conway watched as Dawn continued to go after him with more good shots to the head!
“Wrestle THIS!” Dawn screamed at him.
He picked Gold up in Suplex position before he dropped him gut-first on the top rope! Gold remained hung on the ropes and gasped in pain but what was about to happen was gonna be worse for him as Dawn ran off the ropes…
A STRAIGHT nasty Haymaker caught Gold and spun him right off the ropes, crash-landing right on the mat! Dawn looked out to the cheering fans of the jOlt Arena and yelled “PRESTO!” before throwing more stomps to the head of Gold. He picked up the Elitist and tried to whip him across the ring. Dawn came charging at him and tried for a Stinger Splash when Gold moved, making Mister Magic hit nothing but the turnbuckle! That gave him an opening to roll over to the corner and tag out to Eli Conway. The half of the former Tag Team Champions entered the ring and he went right for Dawn.
He rushed at Dawn and the Texan brawler unleashed a vicious series of right hands to him while keeping him trapped in the corner. He then threw some knees into the chest for good measure before throwing Dawn across the ring. He rushed at Mister Magic with something big in mind, possibly a Clothesline, but Dawn got both feet up, catching him in the arm with his feet! Conway stumbled backwards and gave Dawn an opening to catch him with a big Flying Leg Lariat! He scrambled over to catch Eli with a cover.
Eli kicked out, but Dawn seemed ready to finish things quickly. He waited for Eli to get back up and tried to catch him with his finisher… but Gold snuck in and pulled the leg out, helping Eli escape! The referee ordered Gold to back to the corner and Dawn rushed at him to attack, but Gabriel just barely escaped. However…
A NASTY Elbow Smash to the back of the head from Eli Conway dropped Mister Magic when he wasn’t looking! Ezra Conway cheered on his brother from the outside as he turned Dawn over and went for a quick cover.
Dawn’s shoulder went up, but Eli quickly went back on the offensive and picked up Dawn by his hair. He kicked him in the gut and snapped him over with a big Vertical Suplex! He rolled over seeming like he was going for the cover, but instead, he just buried a volley of right hands into the head of the Californian before the referee ordered him to break it up. Ian Nguyen reprimanded him.
“Back it off, Eli, now!” he screamed.
“Go fuck yerself!” Eli fired back.
Dawn was hurt for the moment while a concerned Quartermaine watched the match. Eli reached over and placed Dawn on the ropes before pressing down a knee on the back of his head, trying to choke him! He held him in place while Ian Nguyen once again got in the Texan’s face. As the two argued, Gold took a cheap shot and landed a HARD Dropkick right to the face of Jack Dawn, knocking him back down!
But Gold didn’t give two shits what the fans thought. He reached over and Eli tagged him in, finally giving Gabriel Gold the chance to lay a beating on his rival. Eli Conway lifted Dawn up for him and threw him upside down, so he was in the Tree of Woe position. The Master of Dropkicks ran about midway back from the ring and BLASTED Jack Dawn in the face with another Running Dropkick! He pulled him down off the ropes and picked up Dawn before lifting him up and over with a Half-Hatch Suplex with a bridge!
Dawn kicked out again and the seething Gold dropped him with another shot. He grabbed the arm and dropped it into the mat with a quick Double Knee Armbreaker! Dawn thrashed around in pain as he clutched his left arm. Quartermaine and The Lovely Assistants Bobbi and Breezy were cheering him on, but Dawn was trapped dead-center in the ring. Gold switched up his attack and locked him in a tight Buffalo-style Sleeper.
“TAP OUT, YOU MORON!” he yelled.
Gold had the Buffalo Sleeper with the Armlock tied on, but Dawn was trying to fight his way out. He managed to stand and tried getting back to his feet when Gold twisted the arm around again when he kicked him in the gut. He threw Dawn towards the corner…
Dawn jumped all the way to the top rope in one smooth leap and flew right back at Gold with a big Leaping Clothesline! Both men were down now and Dawn needed to get to the corner. Gold rolled over and tagged Eli, and he rushed right at Dawn, trying to get him back away from the ring. Dawn stopped him with a kick to the side of the head before he tagged Nate Quartermaine!
The Fire headed into the ring and rushed right at Conway with a Running Clothesline that knocked him down. He scrambled back up again only for he ran off there the corner with a Back Elbow Smash this time that took him down a second time! Quartermaine picked him up by the arm and whipped him into the corner before he set up Eli. He rushed all the way across the ring and caught him with another Back Elbow to the head! When he pulled him out of the corner, he turned him around…
The Spin-out Powerbomb held him in place and Quartermaine was going for the win!
Gabriel Gold dropped an elbow into the side of Nate’s head, but Jack Dawn was already back in the ring and he kicked Gold right in the face! He rushed at him and threw him outside the ring, clearing up a path for Nate Quartermaine to finish the job he’d started. He picked up Eli Conway and set him up on the ropes, trying to set him up for the suspended Stunner that he called Drawn and Quartered, but Ezra Conway ran on the apron to break it up. Quartermaine got rid of him with a Dropkick that knocked him off, but the groggy Eli recovered and caught him with a HUGE Spinebuster!
Quartermaine kicked out! Eli was furious with the referee for what he thought was a slow count, but he wasn’t finished. Eli threw off his elbow pad and was signaling for his Lariat From Hell that he liked to call Southern Justice! He bounced off the ropes and swung, but the rising Quartermaine ducked and ran off the ropes, allowing Dawn to tag himself in! He caught Eli off the return with an Enzuigiri kick just as Dawn entered the ring. He scooped up Eli…
The Sitout Fireman’s Carry Facebuster dropped Eli! Gabriel Gold tried to stand again and rushed in the ring, but Dawn and Quartermaine were both in the ring, daring him to make a move. Dawn hooked the legs of the prone Eli while Gold quickly scurried out of the ring and headed back up the ramp.
Gold’s plan to enlist the Conways to help him out tonight backfired and now he was leaving the scene, scowling at Dawn.
“Here are your winners of the match… NATE QUARTERMAINE AND “MISTER MAGIC” JACK DAWN!”
Dawn didn’t take his eyes off the departing Gold, but he, Quartermaine, and The Lovely Assistants all jumped in the ring and celebrated! Nate and Jack dapped fists before Bobbi and Breezy both planted kisses on Jack Dawn. The man called Mister Magic stared up at Gold, who was at the top of the ramp, seething that his last-second bid for momentum backfired.
the two men would be able to settle their issue once and for all next week. Gold’s pure wrestling against Dawn’s… well, brand of entertainment, I guess… at Breakdown!
Winner: Jack Dawn & Nate Quartermaine via Pinfall
