Plugged In w/ Donny Layne
The backstage area in the northeastern section of the arena is cordoned off to accommodate Donny Layne’s personal interview session. The burnt orange backdrop was set with the Pay Per View graphics affixed onto its surface as Layne faced the camera to address the public formally.
Layne: “Ladies & Gentlemen; I’m Donny Layne and all this week, jOlt Wrestling is broadcasting Countdown; an entire week of jOlt Wrestling updates via social media, interviews and much more. All in preparation for the highly anticipated Pay Per View, Cataclysm where the fate of the jOlt Heavyweight Championship will be decided when Derecho goes head to head with the current champion, ’Mr. Relentless’, Aran Thompson in a Falls Count Anywhere Match!”
“The jOlt World Tag Team Champions, The Heirs of Wrestling collide with the upstarts from the Far East, The Crimson Order.” Former Tag Team Champion Derek Huber squares off against the egomaniacal Craig Thomas in where the loser leaves jOlt effective immediately. The Phoenix Rose Tag Team Tournament Finals will inevitably decide which team will retain the managerial services of the incomparable Phoenix Rose. The Underground Championship will be decided in a Triple Threat Match featuring the enigmatic psychopath in Omega, the ’Rising Star, Landon Stevens set to take on the reigning champion in Kenshiro Inogami! A new jOlt Starlet Champion will be crowned a week from tonight when the tournament finalists; Charlotte & Desiree face off. Live on Pay per View!”
“All this and more next Sunday..” Layne continued. “...and speaking of which, I am joined by the Heido & Takeshi, The Crimson Order and the reigning & defending jOlt Underground Championship, Kenshiro Inogami...”
The Inogami Clan enter from the left side of the screen with Ninja, standing up front with the Underground Championship slung over his left shoulder. Mamoru adjusted his lapel as Heido stoically remained hidden underneath his tattered coolie hat. The Mute Mountain in Takeshi was seen popping the bones in his neck before crossing his arms over his chest.
“Good Evening, Gentlemen.” Donny greeted warmly as the quartet of clan officers nodded in kind.
“Ninja; it seems that since every since you manage to unseat Sylo as Underground Champion in dramatic fashion, you have managed paint a sizable target on your back in defending your defiant claim as a ‘fighting champion’ especially in the grueling environment that is the Underground division. Next week, you are scheduled to defend your championship in possibly the most challenging of circumstances where you will face 2 unfamiliar opponents for the first time in a Triple Threat Match.”
“I am well aware of the challenge set before me. However, I anxiously await for the opportunity to meet both contenders in that ring in the defense as this division’s Chief Retainer.” Kenshiro mentioned. “In regards of your criticism, assuming that I am unfamiliar with their respective styles, psychologies and such, I will devote my time conducting diligent research as usual. A fighting champion must always win the war mentally above all else. I shall be prepared and I expect to walk away from this anticipated venue still this promotion’s defiant champion.”
Kenshiro stepped aside and allowed the Crimson Order to be approached by Donny Layne.
“Gentlemen; it seems that while the Phoenix Rose Invitational has been introduced, you both have managed to use that opportunity to further infuriate and challenge the reigning tag team champions, The Heirs of Wrestling, whom have had some very disparaging words for you both. Yourself included, Mr. Mamoru.” Layne continued. “In one week, you both have the opportunity to dethrone the 2 time jOlt Tag Team Champions so your own words; is jOlt ready to celebrate new Tag Team Champions?”
“We’ve heard all of the rabble made by our opposition.” Heido mentioned. “These ’Heirs of Wrestling’ boast themselves as among the elite of tag team lore. However, in spite of their wrestling acumen...their dynamic chemistry and irrefutable will to win by any means necessary, the Order will ensure that every measure is utilized to bring their reign as champions to a decisively abrupt halt.”
“We have challenged them like no other team in recent memory just as we have defeated them to earn this esteemed opportunity. Takeshi and I will not take this moment lightly for they are now set to defend their reign in sheer desperation. They understand that their unruly antics account for nothing nor are we intimidated by their professed legacy nor technical prowess.” Heido continued.
“7 days. 7 more days before we make good on this championship opportunity and bring the championship gold before our clan. Proudly and without question. I pray the Heirs do everything possible to cherish every waking moment as champions for we seek to lay claim to what is rightfully ours. Order will be restored. Rest assured in that.”
The cadre of ninjas removed themselves from view as Donny Layne was left to clear his throat.
“Ladies & Gentlemen; expect a phenomenal pay per view at Cataclysm. This coming Sunday. Live here at the Arena of Champion. I’m Donny Layne. Goodnight and I’ll see you next week!”
