
What is Real?

“Let me ask you a question… are you a man or are you a monster?”
A shaky view from handheld camera panned upwards to the face of the #1 Contender to the Underground Championship, Jeremy Ryan. From an undisclosed location filmed somewhere in the Arena of Champion after the events of iNtense 109, jOlt’s Last Real Man had a smile on his face.
“Pietro Geist… to just about everybody else that you’ve run across, you’re this unstoppable monster. An uncaring, unfeeling, unmoving, unstoppable engine of destruction that cuts through everything in his path. Your path to where you’ve been now is nothing short of impressive. You won the Hype Championship, took on all comers and rode that momentum to the Underground Title. To me, you’re far more of a man than most of the fakes and pretenders that I’ve run across on this roster…”
Ryan then shook his head in a disapproving manner.
“… Well, until tonight, that is.”
The #1 Contender let out a sigh.
“You may have had everybody else fooled with this bullshit tough guy German routine, but tonight, I exposed you for the fraud that you are. I tore down the wall, Geist… I tore it down and I broke that aura you had built up all these months. I told you that for you interfering in my business with Jesse Ramey that you were going to pay the price, but you kept on acting tough and ignoring my threats like you’re untouchable… but you learned a very valuable lesson, Geist. Nobody is untouchable, not even you.”
Taking a second to gather his thoughts, the man referring himself to jOlt’s Last Real Man continued.
“You were a monster until that very moment that you rushed down to the ring to help your little girlfriend, Lorelei. I dropped her on her head not because she slapped me across the face… though I will say that she hits harder than you. I dropped her on her head with a Piledriver because I knew that you had a weakness. Underneath that ice-cold German efficiency or whatever it is you think you have, I proved that you… ugh… you CARE. You FEEL. You ran to your girl’s aid because she was in danger and it is for that reason I have PROVEN you like everybody else in jOlt… you’re a fraud.”
Ryan tilted his head.
“Death Wish will be the first main event that I have had since I’ve been in this company and you and I are going to make something special, Pietro. We’re going to usher in a new wave of violence that will never be paralleled. I know that you want to destroy me…. That you want to take me out for what you did to Lorelai. But knowing what I know now about you… I will prove that I’m the only thing left in jOlt that is real any more.”
