
Enter the Mind if you Dare - Part IV

The camera slowly focused in on the same padded room from the hospital that housed the mad man Omega. The big man was sitting on the floor with Barbara is nurse playing cards. The straight jacket that he had been wearing for more than a month had been unfastened so he could use his arms normally. He was enjoying his time with the only woman that meant anything to him in his life. There was a semblance of serenity when Omega was with Barbara that he could not get with anyone else.
“Royal Flush. I win again Kevin.
“We can never beat you. We guess poker is not our game.” Omega said with a sly smirk.
“What did they say about my request?”
“They denied the request even with my recommendation. The committee does not believe you are ready.”
“We were put in here by a man that could not handle a fight with us. He believed we targeted him because he was someone else. He and everyone else did not realize that we a reason for doing what we did. We have a purpose for everything that we do. It’s in our main plan.”
“Well you will not be able to go back to jOlt until you can be released from here.”
Barbara looked at Omega and placed her hand on his shoulder. “I have seen you grow into the man that I thought you would be. You have purpose and a goal. I will do whatever I can to get you out of here and be able to live a normal life like you are supposed to.“
“We let something cloud our mind and we know now how to fight that so called curse. We were taken advantage of and we need to rectify what happened. They have laid the path to what Omega has to do and we will follow until the goal is accomplished.”
Barbara smiled. “You know what has to be done in order to fulfill your destiny and become a fixture in this society. You are there and you are ready to leave.”
Omega smiled. “We are ready.”
“I will speak to the committee in a day or two and give them more evidence. Hopefully I can persuade them to let you go back to your life.”
“We will await your return.”
The camera faded out again.
