
The Hype: Showcase Match!
Zane Roebuck vs "Picture Perfect" Jack Dawn
Fans of jOlt’s developmental organization, The Hype, were about to get a real treat on the latest edition of Countdown. Right before Death Wish, two of The Hype’s best and brightest were chosen by Adam Lazarus in a showcase match to demonstrate exactly what the members of The Hype bring in talent every single week.
“Good Luck” Zane Roebuck was The Hype’s first second-generation wrestler. His father, “Big Bucks” Adam Roebuck was one half of The House. Zane adopted a very entitled and demanding demeanor and was looking for a big win to spotlight himself.
“Picture Perfect” Jack Dawn was a Hype mainstay who had been around for some time, but now was looking for an opportunity to break out from the pack. He had an ongoing rivalry with another Hype star, Gabriel Gold, but tonight that was on the backburner for this big opportunity.
“Picture Perfect (In Your Eyes)” by 10 Years brought out the man known as Picture Perfect! From Los Angeles, California, he was a flashy and hard-working kid looking for his big break to get onto the main roster and a win here on the Countdown special could turn a lot of heads. The photogenic Dawn paused on the top turnbuckle and held out his hands for the crowd as a number of flashbulbs and camera phones went off. He was big, good-looking, and talented. Three things any wrestling company would be happy to have. Dawn jumped off the turnbuckle and waited for his opponent.
It was now time for something a little more heavy metal and Motorhead’s “Ace of Spades” played next as out came the insolent and boastful Zane Roebuck made his way out from the back next with a microphone in his hand.
“Shut the music off!”
Zane had a shit eating grin on his face as a jeering crowd watched him walk towards the ring slowly. Jack Dawn was looking impatient and wanted to get this match going, but Zane was going to take some time to get some things off his chest.
“Now, Jackie, I know that you’re eager for me to come down to that ring and show you exactly why I am the future of jOlt Wrestling, but I’ve got a little something to say … the way that I’ve been treated so far as a second-generation star … as jOlt’s first and only second-generation superstar is a farce! I should be dominating this roster by now, but our inept General Manager, Adam Lazarus, think’s it’s pretty funny to stick in matches with that mentally unhinged Orphan and the Hype Champion Brian Williams! Now don’t get it twisted … I want that Hype Championship, but we all know I’d be off this show if it was contested under regular rules! Brian Williams couldn’t have beat me if it was a standard match instead of this Underground bullshit …”
Simply sour grapes from Zane Roebuck as Jack Dawn yelled at him to get in the ring instead of talking, but Roebuck wasn’t having it.
“But we’re not going to worry with any of that tonight … No, tonight marks the real beginning of Zane Roebuck! Tonight, what you see is a walking surplus of talent, charisma, athleticism, skill … and some luck on my side! Instead of watching my dad, Adam Roebuck, lose his forty-fifth consecutive tag team title match, you’ll get to see a Roebuck that knows how to be a winner. Tonight, Jackie Boy, you’ll find out exactly why I’ve been given the moniker of “Good Luck” …”
Zane paused to jump over the ropes in one leap and then approached Jack Dawn.
“Because that’s exactly what you need if you think you’ll beat me!”
Zane jumped on him at the bell with a tight clothesline and knocked Jack Dawn over as the match now officially began! Picture Perfect never saw it coming and now Zane took him to task with a collection of stomps to try and wear him out as quickly as he could. Zane only had a few matches under his belt on the Hype and didn’t have his father’s size, but he showed a nice blend of technical and aerial moves from any direction that he could attack you with.
Every time that Jack would try to stand up again, Zane would hit him with another punch or another forearm to keep him at bay. Eventually he relented only to push the bigger Dawn in the corner and opened up with a few more forearms. He switched up his attack and hit a few shoulders to the stomach to take the wind out of him.
Taking him by the arm, he whipped Jack Dawn across the ring, but Picture Perfect stopped that and Zane went sailing. He jumped backwards out of the corner thinking that Dawn was behind him, but Picture Perfect suckered him in and then caught him with an inverted atomic drop. Zane was left vulnerable and that allowed Jack the chance to connect with a nice flying shoulder block off the ropes. Zane tried to scramble up again and Picture Perfect floored him with a second flying shoulder block off the other side. He was then scooped up and over into a nice snap suplex and now Dawn was in control.
Good Luck kicked out.
Jack Dawn leveled Zane with a chop as he tried to stand and then worked over the arm a little bit, but Zane snapped up and clawed at his eye to make him release his grip. The referee yelled at him to keep things clean, but Zane didn’t listen at all and shoved him back into the corner. He slammed some more shoulders into his chest and then did a backflip just to show off his very impressive agility and rushed for a third running shoulder in the corner that knocked the wind out of Dawn.
Instead of trying to perhaps pin Jack Dawn like he should have, Zane did another standing backflip and landed on his feet! The crowd was not awestruck at all and started to boo the show-off.
Zane tried to pick up Jack Dawn off the mat, but he threw two big gut shots followed by a knee. This was Jack’s chance to launch another attack but when he got to Zane Roebuck, the second generation star clipped him in the side of the head with a leaping calf kick. Now Zane went to pin Jack Dawn.
Jack attempted to sit up, but a kick to the face from Zane laid him out and put him back on the mat. Good Luck jumped and dropped a knee into his chest, but he didn’t stop with just one. Zane jumped a second time and dropped another knee followed a by third one…
After the trifecta of knee drops landed, Roebuck tried another pin.
Another kickout by Jack Dawn!
Zane stood up and lightly tapped the side of Jack Dawn’s head just to taunt him some more. Roebuck shot a toothy grin at him.
“This guy? You’re gonna cheer this guy over me?”
Picture Perfect grabbed him by the leg and rolled him up quickly!
Zane kicked out!
He almost had him, but before Jack Dawn could even follow up on his opening Zane leapt into the air and kicked him in the back of the head with an enziguri kick. Dawn fell to his knees and almost had his lights turned out by the agile Roebuck. He took Jack Dawn and threw him into the corner before he backed off and reared back an arm. He charged full speed ahead and landed a hard running elbow to the face.
Once was not enough for Good Luck so he ran all the way to the other side of the ring only to come back with a second running elbow. He ran across the ring a third with Dawn seated in the corner and the crowd jeered…
The move was a cannonball senton in the corner that Zane clearly learned from his father’s tag partner and a man he considered an uncle, Derrick Huber. However, Zane took the move as his own. The crowd booed the use of a move that didn’t belong to him, but if it could get Zane a win he didn’t care.
Dawn kicked out again!
Zane was starting to get a little bit flustered now as that flurry should have ended it, but he was still alive. He started to slow down the action as Jack Dawn got back to his feet, he ran off the ropes and went right into a sliding headlock to jerk the neck a bit and wear him down some more.
Roebuck pulled back on the neck and twisted it around, but Jack Dawn wasn’t going to take this for much longer. The crowd was supporting Dawn by virtue of him not being a little mouthy douchebag and cheered when he fought his way up, elbowing Zane in the chest. Jack Dawn tried to run to the ropes when Zane caught him by the head and simply threw him down on the mat. Nothing fancy about that one, but it was a dirty tactic Zane used well.
Roebuck signaled for the end with a slash of his thumb across the throat and looked to go airborne. Zane slowly climbed to the top rope as Picture Perfect started to stand. Zane jumped…
But there was no water in the pool~!
He tried to go for a missile dropkick, but Dawn rolled out of the way quickly and Zane Roebuck crashed and burned in the worst way! This was finally Jack Dawn’s chance to strike again now as he got back up from the corner and looked to take him out.
Roebuck rolled around on the ground in pain when Dawn picked him up and whipped him to the corner by his chest. Roebuck faltered backwards as Dawn rushed off the adjacent rope and dimmed his lights with a hard clothesline of his own.
The second-generation star was in a lot of trouble now as Dawn landed a standard atomic drop to stun him followed by him running off the ropes to hit two-handed bulldog to faceplant Zane into the canvas. Jack Dawn slapped both hands on the mat quickly and the fans clapped along with him.
Picture Perfect was on his feet now and he picked up Zane again trying to get him with a whip, but Roebuck spun around and shot him to the ropes. That turned out to be a very costly mistake because Jack Dawn had come off the ropes…
Close, but no cigar!
It was a close one, but Zane Roebuck still fought. Both of these men were working hard for the big victory here tonight and had to pull out all of the stops. Jack snatched Zane up again and laid into him with more chops against the ropes. He propped Zane up into a seated position on the top rope and hit him with an upper cut before taking him by the arms. Jack Dawn turned around with arms crossed and ran forward, planting Zane hard with a sit-out cross-armed iconoclasm!
Still wasn’t enough to beat Zane!
The shoulder kicked up again despite the very unique maneuver and Picture Perfect was starting to get frazzled. Roebuck was holding onto his back in agony when Jack pummeled him with more kicks to the chest. Zane hit him with a right, so Jack returned with one of his own.
The two gladiators continued to throw punches at each other with neither one backing down. They both wanted this victory more than anything on an important stage such as the Countdown show. Jack fired back with more shots and overwhelmed the second generation star with more rights before trying for a kick. Zane caught the knee and threw it downward while throwing an upward knee to the chin of Dawn, nearly dropping him to his feet.
Picture Perfect was hurt and fell to his knees as Zane grabbed Dawn in a headlock. He ran over to the corner and ran up the ropes before leaping out of the corner …
Zane used a nice corner springboard bulldog to take Jack Dawn out of the corner and now all that was left to do was pin him.
Jack Dawn kicked out again! He was proving to be able to back up all of that talent that people knew he had, but was just waiting to finally realize. Good Luck didn’t have the same appreciate for his opponent’s tenacity as the crowd seemed to share. Zane tried to scoop him up for some sort of fireman’s carry move when Jack slipped out. Zane turned around and clipped him with an elbow to the jaw and then headed to the ropes…
A nasty discus lariat from Picture Perfect sent Jack Dawn sailing head over heels before he crashed into the mat and now he wanted the win!
He almost had that three count, but a resilient Zane Roebuck started to show he had his father’s toughness behind all of that hubris. Jack Dawn knew he still had a chance so he grabbed him in the uranage position and and tried to land his seated uranage bomb called the Perfect Ending, but Jack grabbed the referee by the shirt. The referee backed him off, but Zane found an opening a landed a hard shot between the legs.
The referee admonished Roebuck for his shirt grabbing, but didn’t see the low blow coming so Zane had him up in the fireman’s carry position again and this time landed a rolling fireman’s carry slam near the corner. That move was going to set up Zane’s next move as he hopped quickly from the second to the third rope and hit
Zane hit a triple jump moonsault that was aptly named the SOL. The crowd was all over Zane’s case for the cheating they’d seen, but the referee didn’t catch it and that was all that mattered. He landed the move and laid across the chest of Jack Dawn nonchalantly, but the sequence of moves had done the damage.

These were not tactics that Adam Roebuck and Derrick Huber taught young Zane, but the end result spelled success as he got to his knees. Showing off more of that crazy athletic prowess, he kipped up from his knees and landed on his feet after a tuck jump and now took a bow.
Roebuck had his arm raised and looked down at the prone Jack Dawn before he took his leave from the ring. Tonight he showed that he could truly be a force to be reckoned with on The Hype if he could keep his damn focus for more than a few seconds.
Winner: Zane Roebuck via Pinfall
