
The Anthem of the Soldier
The murmur of the waiting audience fills the room, as they impatiently wait for what was to come. They were out of sight, but could be heard. The focus was not on them. It was on a large, black and white rendition of the confederate flag. It waived and the sound of "Hells Bells" by AC/DC echoed through the theater.
A hush instantly came over the crowd and all eyes turned to the large stage before them. The sound of boots hitting wooden floor could be heard approaching them. From the darkness, stepped one of the new faces of jOlt. With an American flag bandana covering his injured eye, Gunnar Van Patton took the stage.
He and his ally saluted, as the song continued on. They were like a statues, never once moving while the song reached its conclusion. GVP adjusted his bulletproof vest and gave a quick look over the crowd. Arkham stood proudly behind him, as he took a deep breath and began to speak.
"At ease. Please take yer seats."
GVP waited for everyone to take their seat before he began to pace along the edge of the stage.
"A hero of mine once said, 'No bastard ever won a war by dyin' for his country. Ya won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. Ah reckon those words are rather fittin' in this case.
At Thieves' Honor, two armies will come face to face with one another. One army wages war upon the values we hold dear and wants ya to follow a villainous, would-be dictator. The other stands for what's right. Truth, justice, and the all-important American way. With every fiber of mah bein', Ah'm an American. Now, it ain't secret that we Americans love to fight. Ah reckon there's nothin' better than the sting and slash of battle. When ya'll were kids, ya'll admired the world champions, the toughest fighters in that ring, the most death-defying daredevils to come off the top rope, and the men that could bring you to the edge of your seat with the microphone. We love a winner and won't settle for anythin' less. Number two is the first loser. We hate silver. We play to win all the time. That's why America has yet to be beaten by anyone in the field of battle. We bring it two hundred percent. Losin' is failure and the country that Ah love refuses to lose. War's the greatest competition there is. In war, the cream rises to the top and the rest is left to rot at the bottom.
This army is a goddamn team. It does everythin' together. Where ya find one, ya find them all. Save that lone hero shit for cowards who sit in their parents' basement, huddled around their laptops, writing wrestling blogs. Ya'll know the bastards who have as much ring time, as they do fuckin' a woman. And ya can bet yer ass that no army comes close to this one. What yer lookin' at is the elite fighting force in pro wrestlin' with the best talent, the biggest balls, and by god, the biggest meanstreak ya'll have ever seen in yer lives. Part of me actually feels sorry for the pieces of hog shit that dare to engage in battle with this army.
Sure, not everyone can march with this army. Some would rather be hidin' in the back, stickin' to the shadows LIKE A NINJA, tryin' to avoid the light and havin' to get their hands dirty by fightin' the villains that plague this promotion. But ya can't win a by hidin' like a yellow-bellied coward. Dispensin' justice is our job and bet yer sweet asses that we don't get paid by the hour. We're gonna send reVolt to an early grave quicker than a hiccup. The faster we hand out ass-kickin's, the sooner we move on to bigger threats. And when we get to get to the top of the ladder, Ah'm gonna take it upon myself to personally stomp the biggest mudhole in that rat bastard. Ya know who ya are and ya best believe that yer day will come, if it takes mah very last breath.
Ah've said it before and for all of ya who missed it first time round, open yer ears. There sure aren't no foxholes in this army's gameplan. We ain't got time to sit and trade shots for days with the enemy. We are a freight train straight out of the darkest bowel of hell and we won't stop for anyone. Victory for our side's inevitable, as we show the wicked just how truly terrible good can be. This is gonna go far beyond just beating them in the ring. We are going to make the vile bastards bleed and use the blood to quench our thirst on the way to the next battle. Death is the only future for those motherfuckers, as there's just no mercy left to give.
Ah'm sure some of ya are doubtin' this army's ability to get the job done. Ah know we are newcomers to jOlt, but don't ya worry yer pretty little heads about such things. After Thieves' Honor, you can sleep easy knowin' that Ah will drip dry every evil cock sucker who dares to exist in jOlt. Blood will be shed. Ah promise ya that. It ain't no big secret that war is a bloody business and for us, business is good. jOlt's devils are the enemy. Ya'll will see me leadin' the charge, as we mow them down like a hay field. Breakin' bones, tearing flesh, destroyin' vital organs... blood splatter will adorn our faces and we will wear it proudly as war paint, knowing we have done our jobs well.
There won't be any time to rest. There's no rest for the wicked and we must be the same. Attack attack attack, that's the only way to accomplish our goal. There will be none of that holdin' back. The only holdin' we'll be doin' is holding them by their throats, as they turn blue. We will find out what other colors they can turn when tighten our grip and feel the last gasp of air leave their wretched lungs. And then, we will move on to the next. Always moving forward, never stoppin'.
Oh and you can take this to the goddamn bank, folks. There will be no surrender. We will suffer injuries and losses, but no one will ever submit or surrender under my watch. Let the grim reaper himself come to stop us and he will find men that will spit a wad of tabacco right in his eye. We are willin' to die for our goal of a better world... a world without fear and in-justice. Are the evil pricks willin' to do the same? That's the question.
The war will be long, but when it's all said and done and the smoke clears, there will be one thing ya'll can say. Decades from this moment, when yer old and gray, rockin' back and forth in yer chair with yer youngins sitting around ya, ya can tell'em that ya were witness to an army that swept into jOlt like a plague sent by the almighty himself to punish the wicked and return right to the land. reVolt shall be the first to feel our rightous wrath and we will reclaim the young woman they are holding hostage. Ya'll chose the hard way. Now, suffer the consequences.
Truth, justice, and the American way.
Come hell or high water."
A salute by the undead soldier and he was quickly joined by Arkham, as the crowd erupted into applause and the camera slowly went to black, with "Hells Bells" playing in the background.
