
Collision Course

At Thieves and Honor two men will do battle in a match that is sure to be one of the highlights of the night.
iNtense 72
Screams could be heard coming from the backstage area as you saw people running all around. A crowd of techs, officials, and wrestlers stood near the loading dock door where someone was lying on the ground. The camera finally was able to see what was going on as Natalia sat on the ground holding Vince’s head as blood poured from his forehead.
“Why are you people standing around, get some help?” Natalia yelled.
The EMTs rushed through the crowd to attend to Vince Jacobs who was laid out and bloodied on the ground. Natalia still in shock as Dawn Cassidy moved her to the side as they tended to SVJ.
“Who did this to my Vince?” Natalia cried out.
Cut to Warriors 17
The crowd started to jeer as Violet started to make her way down to the ring. Everyone was trying to figure out why Violet was coming down to the ring. Jacobs and JBM did not notice her at ringside but Natalia did and she kept a close eye on her. Both JBM and Jacobs were up as both men started to trade right hands in the middle of the ring. SVJ started to get the advantage being the bigger of the two as he was able to push JBM back to the ropes. Vince grabbed Jimmy by the arm and whipped him into the ropes. SVJ went for a clothesline but JBM ducked but when he turned around both men knocked heads. JBM fell to the mat as SVJ fell out of the ring to the floor.
Suddenly Violet started to climb up on the apron. The ref raced over to her trying to get her down from the apron. The fans erupted as a large man came racing through the crowd and jumped over the guardrail.
The massive man grabbed Vince and drove him to the floor with a vicious power bomb. Natalia looked on as Extreme easily tossed Vince into the ring. Violet smiled as she jumped down from the apron and made her way back up the ramp way. JBM had no idea what just happened as he saw Vince laid out in the ring. JBM slowly crawled over to Vince and hooked his far leg for the cover.
Cut to iNtense 73
“I am tired of sitting in the back and watching all these guys bypassing someone like me, so I have decided to take matters into my own hands. Last week on iNtense I made my first statement by leaving the Icon lying flat on his back in the backstage area.”
Mike Extreme looked around with a smile on his face.
The scene quickly shifted to Vince Jacobs.
“I can proudly say that I was the one that sent Vince Jacobs to the hospital and I’d gladly do it again if that means that I get some attention around here. I sat backstage and watched how Jacobs came back to jOlt and was given another opportunity at the jOlt champio0nship. I can’t tell you how much this made me sick to my stomach. I could not sit back and watch another so-called veteran come into my home and take something away from me again. I knew it was time for me to do something about it and that’s what I did.”
Jacobs stood on the stage and looked out into the crowd as the fans erupted in cheers. The Icon and the Russian beauty stood on the stage smiling at each other. Jacobs pulled a microphone out of his pocket.
“Cut the music.” Jacobs looked down to the ring. “You may not have gotten Lee’s or Johnson’s attention but you sure as hell got mine.”
Mike looked from the ring with a smirk.
“See the problem with getting my attention is the fact that you will not want my undivided attention once you have received it. I understand that you have to make a name for yourself and what’s the best way to do this by attacking the biggest star in jOlt. But there is a flaw with your plan, Mike.”
Extreme look on with disgust. “And what would that be Jacobs?”
“There is an old saying, YOU DON’T FUCK WITH VINCE JACOBS”
“You wanted attention Mike, well you got it now and you may not enjoy the attention that I am going to give you. People think that I have fallen off because of my lost to Aran at Power Struggle. I am reminded every day that I am 0 and 3 on jOlt’s pay-per-views. I know that I am in a slump but I am ‘Superstar’ Vince Jacobs and I am still the best in the business. Mike you want to make a name for yourself at my expense I say you can try but I plan to do things to you that may be against the law in 15 different countries.”
“That’s laughable Vince. You are past your prime little man. I plan to break you in half and show Lee and Johnson why I should be the one vying for world titles. Your time is up. It’s my time and I don’t intend to let this opportunity slip from my grasp.”
Cut to Warriors 18
Jacobs dropped down and hooked Rau’s leg for the pin.
Jacobs pulled out the win as the cheers went through the arena. Mike Extreme raced down to the ring to try and jump Jacobs but Vince was ready as he met Extreme at ringside by diving over the top rope with a suicide dive that took both men down. The crowd went nuts as security came out to hold these two men apart. Jacobs smiled as Extreme was livid. The security took Jacobs up the ramp as Natalia stood behind Jacobs.
Cut to iNtense 74
Mike was not through as he looked at Violet with a sick grin. He grabbed Youngblood.
Extreme hooked Youngblood’s leg for the pin.
Extreme stood to his feet and raised his arms in victory as the crowd jeered the victor. Suddenly the PA system came to life with…
’Ring Superstar’ by Cypress Hill
The fans erupted in cheers as Natalia stood on the stage looking at the ring where Extreme motioned for her to come to the ring. You can see Extreme mouth the words, “Come on down Jacobs.”
Natalia smiled as the fans continued to cheer. Extreme continued to look toward the stage as a man raced through the crowd and slid in the ring behind Extreme. The fans were on their feet as Extreme turned around right into…
Jacobs landed the kick flush under Mike’s chin which knocked the big man back and over the top rope. Natalia smiled as she walked backstage. Violet went to aid Mike Extreme as Jacobs raised his arms while rolling out of the ring. He looked at Violet and blew her a kiss before back peddling up the ramp to the delight of the fans.
Jacobs just got his revenge on Extreme for his attack and the master of the mind games was in full swing. Violet helped a livid Extreme to his feet as he looked at Violet.
“I’m going to kill Jacobs.”
Cut to Warriors 19
Jacobs slowly made his way to the stage and looked out into the crowd. The fans were cheering loudly as Jacobs held both arms out soaking it in. The cheers subsided suddenly and jeers took over as Mike Extreme rushed from the back and nailed Vince in the back with a steel chair. Natalia yelled as Violet and Misty Gold came out behind Mike.
Violet yelled at Natalia. “Stay away bitch or Mike will hurt you as well.”
Mike Extreme dropped the chair on the stage and knelt down next to Jacobs. He raised Vince’s head and started to pound away on him with big massive rights. Violet enjoyed every minute as she directed the entire attack. Mike Extreme grabbed Vince and dragged him toward the other side of the stage. Jacobs drove an elbow into Mike’s stomach but Mike didn’t flinch as he drove Vince into the stage with a big DDT. Natalia looked on in shocked as the fans continued to jeer Mike. A big smile formed on Mike’s lips as he slowly picked Vince up from the stage.
Extreme pulled Vince to his feet and rammed him head first into the jOlt screen on the side of the entrance. The crowd gasped as Vince lay on the stage. With tears running down her face she tried to reach for Vince but Extreme stood in front of her. Natalia moved away knowing she couldn’t do anything right now to help her man. Mike Extreme posed for the crowd as they continued to jeer. The only person right now with a smile on their face was Mike Extreme and Violet.
Extreme reached down and slowly dragged Vince to the edge of the stage. He looked down to the floor and saw a stack of tables set up on the floor. Mike Extreme nailed Vince with another big right hand just for good measures. Mike positioned Vince as everyone in the arena knew what he was about to do. Natalia raced over and stood in front of Mike Extreme pleading for him not to do anything else to SVJ.
Violet smiled as she grabbed Natalia and pulled her back so she could witness what was about to happen. Mike Extreme yelled before picking Vince up high in the air. He drove Vince down off the stage with a huge power bomb. Jacobs was demolished through the tables.as the EMTs and jOlt officials raced to Vince’s aid. Natalia broke away from Violet and raced down to the floor to check on Vince.
Mike Extreme just made a huge impact as the cameras faded out with the EMTs helping to move Jacobs from the debris.
Cut to iNtense 75
“Do I have your attention now Lee? I told each and every one of you that I was going to make an impact. I told you, Lee that I deserve to be main eventing this company. I am going to be the new face of this company. This is only the beginning and it started with Vince Jacobs.”
Violet grabbed the microphone from Mike.
“I knew it was a matter of time before this man would do something that shocked the world. I knew I was going to take him to the top. Now it is time for Mike Extreme to have his name at the top of the cards with the likes of Sylo, Derecho, and Ninja K. At Warriors 19 Mike showed the world and the jOlt fans that he is not going to sit in the back and let some has been and wannabes take his spot in this company.
Violet handed the microphone back to Mike as Misty jumped around asking for the microphone also. Mike ignored her as he looked out into the crowd.
“All of you people doubted me. You said I had no chance against the legendary Vince Jacobs. Now look at me. I’m standing here in the middle of the ring and where is Vince Jacobs right now.
The crowd jeered the man who power bombed Vince Jacobs off the stage into two tables on the floor.
“I love the sound of this from you people. You are all sheep. You listen to Johnson or Lee tell you who should be in the spotlight when all you have to do is open your freakin’ eyes and look at this six foot ten frame. I am now in the spotlight and your Superstar is not. Matter of fact I have heard on good authority that SVJ may never wrestle again. He has a concussion and possibly a broken neck.”
Mike Extreme let out a huge laugh as the fans jeered loudly.
“Tonight I plan to celebrate my accomplishments. But before I go, hear me Damien Lee.”
Extreme moved toward the camera by the ropes.
“I believe that I opened your eyes now. So I demand that you give me main event competition or I will take out each one of your main eventers. Heed my words Lee, I’ve done it once and I can do it again.
Mike Extreme dropped the microphone in the middle of the ring before leaving to a sea of jeers from the fans.
Cut to Warriors 20
The jOltvision finally came to life with Vince Jacobs and Natalia sitting on a sofa next to a fireplace. Hey Mike, congratulations on your win against Kayden. You really showed him didn’t you. I know you thought I was going to be gone forever but that is not the case.
The fans erupted in cheers.
“I have a small announcement to make and I wanted to be sure that Mike, Violet, and Misty were the first to hear this wonderful news. Contrary to your reports on iNtense, Mike. I do not have a broken neck. I know you were concerned, so I am going to set your mind at ease.”
Vince stood up to his feet and walked to the bar in the room. Vince poured himself a drink before speaking with the camera again.
“I went to my doctor and he said that I can be back in that ring in a week.”
The fans cheered over the news that SVJ was alright. Vince took a sip of his drink and continued.
“So Nat and I got to thinking what can we do in one week. We came up with an idea that will benefit you and I Mike. I am going to make my return to the ring at Thieves and Honor in a match. I spoke to Jim Johnson yesterday and he actually granted my request. I requested that at the ppv you and I get into the ring.”
You can see Mike Extreme shaking his head “yes”.
“Just imagine this Mike, in big bright lights – Mike Extreme versus ‘Superstar’ Vince Jacobs in a ---wait for it, a Falls Count Anywhere Match.”
The Arena of Champions went ballistic. Jacobs smiled at the camera.
“I told you Extreme, YOU DON’T FUCK WITH VINCE JACOBS. I am going to hurt you in the most inhumane way. I hope you are ready because I guarantee that you will not like this side of Vince Jacobs. See ya soon Mike.”
The jOltvision went black and Mike looked on frustrated. That Vince Jacobs was not done for good.
’Superstar’ Vince Jacobs versus Mike Extreme
